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Havey Quarry, Trenton Quarry, Square Pit, and Alice Staples Quarry

Town: Topsham, Sagadahoc County

Base map: Brunswick 7.5 quadrangle
Contour interval: 10 feet

Havey Quarry
Type of deposit: Granite pegmatite.
Collecting status: Open for non-commercial mineral collecting. Permission is generally not required, though persons
visiting these quarries must assume full responsibility for their
own safety. Owner: Richard Carrier, Rte. 2, Box 2106,
Brunswick, ME 04011.

Minerals observed: almandine (garnet), autunite, beryl, biotite, grayite, microcline (feldspar), monazite-(Ce), muscovite,
quartz, thorianite, thorogummite (yellow crystals to 2 mm, perhaps the worlds best), xenotime-(Y), zircon (rare intergrowths
with xenotime-(Y).

Directions: Driving: From jct. of U. S. Rte. 201 and Rte. 24 in

Topsham, drive east, then northeast, on Rte. 24 for 2.60 miles.
Turn left onto Cathance Road and proceed north 2.55 miles.
Turn left onto School Crossing Road and drive west about 0.3
mile (keeping to left). The recently excavated dumps of the
Havey Quarry will be seen on the right.

Trenton Quarry (G. D. Willes Quarry, Consolidated No. 4 Quarry)

Type of deposit: Granite pegmatite.
Collecting status: Note that some quarries in this area are
now closed, including the Fisher and Willes Quarries that appeared in earlier editions of this guide. All quarries must be ac-

cessed from the north, as shown on the map. The Trenton

Quarry, Square Pit, and Alice Staples Quarry are owned by John
Whitney (Chester, Maine) and his partners or family. Call Mr.
Whitney for updated conditions and to ask about permission to
visit these lo cal i ties: (207) 794-8627. E-mail: Debbie@RocksToGems.com.
Minerals observed: albite, almandine (garnet), beryl, biotite, columbite, elbaite (tourmaline: green), microcline, muscovite, quartz (milky, smoky).
Comments: This large feldspar quarry was opened in the
1800s. The Consolidated Feldspar Corp. worked the north end
in 1933-34, and David Ponziana mined quartz and feldspar here
in 1945 (Shainin, 1948). Cavities in the northern part of the
quarry produced smoky quartz crystals, superb aquamarine and
golden beryl crystals, and green tourmalines (Bastin, 1911). The
quarry is now primarily of historical interest, and visitors should
stay away from the high cliffs. Many other small quarries and
test pits occur nearby. Interstate Route 95 cuts through the western part of this quarry complex.
Directions: Driving: From jct. of U. S. Rte. 201 and Rte. 24 in
Topsham, drive east, then northeast, on Rte. 24 for 2.60 miles.
Turn left onto Cathance Road and proceed north 2.55 miles.
Turn left onto School Crossing Road. Small groups of vehicles
may park here, across from farm produce stand (check with
owner). Individual vehicles may be able to park at next jct. (see

Whitney for updated conditions and to ask about permission to

visit these lo cal i ties: (207) 794-8627. E-mail: Debbie@RocksToGems.com.
Minerals observed: albite, almandine (garnet), beryl (aquamarine, golden), biotite, chalcopyrite, elbaite (tourmaline)(?),
fluorapatite, microcline, molybdenite, muscovite, phenakite,
quartz (milky, smoky), schorl (tourmaline), torbernite, zircon.
Comments: This collecting site replaces the nearby Fisher
Quarry, which is closed. Well-formed almandine garnet crystals
occur here, though they are brittle and difficult to collect intact.
Much of the dump was recently excavated, exposing a lot of
fresh material. Beware of water-filled pit! The long hike to this
quarry is not recommended for persons in poor physical
Directions: Driving: same as for Trenton Quarry (see above).
Do not use the old access route from Cathance Rd., because of
recent home construction in this area.
Walking: Follow woods road to jct. southeast of Trenton
Quarry. Continue southeast, crossing power line, for about
2,010 ft (670 paces) to next major road. Take sharp right turn
onto this road and walk southwest about 2,800 ft to the Square
Pit, which is first major quarry and dump on right.

Alice Staples Quarry

Walking: Walk or drive 0.30 mi to woods road on left (opposite

Havey Quarry dump on right). Park here, on left side of School
Crossing Rd., just before entrance to woods road. Do not block
local driveways! Walk southwest on woods road for about 3,300
ft., keeping to left (on principal road) along the way, until reaching major jct. with another quarry road. Take sharp right turn
onto this road and walk west 480 ft. (160 paces) to another jct.
(Route I-95 is straight ahead). Turn right (north) and walk across
clearing a short distance to quarry.

Type of deposit: Granite pegmatite.

Square Pit

Minerals observed: albite, almandine (garnet), beryl, biotite, columbite, microcline, muscovite, and probably other minerals.

Type of deposit: Granite pegmatite.

Collecting status: Note that some quarries in this area are
now closed, including the Fisher and Willes Quarries that appeared in earlier editions of this guide. All quarries must be accessed from the north, as shown on the map. The Trenton
Quarry, Square Pit, and Alice Staples Quarry are owned by John
Whitney (Chester, Maine) and his partners or family. Call Mr.

Collecting Status: Note that some quarries in this area are

now closed, including the Fisher and Willes Quarries that appeared in earlier editions of this guide. All quarries must be accessed from the north, as shown on the map. The Trenton
Quarry, Square Pit, and Alice Staples Quarry are owned by John
Whitney (Chester, Maine) and his partners or family. Call Mr.
Whitney for updated conditions and to ask about permission to
visit these lo cal i ties: (207) 794-8627. E-mail: Debbie@RocksToGems.com.

Directions: Driving: same as for Trenton Quarry (see above).

Walking: Follow above directions to the Square Pit. Continue
south on mine road for about 400 ft to a fork. Keep left (on principal road) and go another 400 ft to the Alice Staples Quarry on
the east side.

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