Havey Quarry
Type of deposit: Granite pegmatite.
Collecting status: Open for non-commercial mineral collecting. Permission is generally not required, though persons
visiting these quarries must assume full responsibility for their
own safety. Owner: Richard Carrier, Rte. 2, Box 2106,
Brunswick, ME 04011.
Minerals observed: almandine (garnet), autunite, beryl, biotite, grayite, microcline (feldspar), monazite-(Ce), muscovite,
quartz, thorianite, thorogummite (yellow crystals to 2 mm, perhaps the worlds best), xenotime-(Y), zircon (rare intergrowths
with xenotime-(Y).
Square Pit
Minerals observed: albite, almandine (garnet), beryl, biotite, columbite, microcline, muscovite, and probably other minerals.