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Level 1 Workbook-Electronic Edition

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The workbook covers techniques for energy healing including learning to channel energy, sensing the energy field, the chakra system, and giving complete healing treatments.

The main topics covered include introduction to the role of the energy healer, learning to channel energy, beginning to sense the energy field, introduction to the chakra system, and putting it all together to give complete healing treatments.

The suggested steps for studying each chapter section are to read the section, complete the review questions, and if needed re-study the section. Repeated practice of the techniques is also emphasized.


Energy Healing
Study Workbook
with Review Questions and Exercises on Techniques
Version 1.5

Level I

Chios Energy Healing Study Workbook Level One

How to Use This Study Workbook ...................................................................................................... i

How to Use This Electronic Edition of the Workbook......................................................................... ii
Introduction: The Role of the Energy Healer ...................................................................................... 1
Learning to Channel the Energy .......................................................................................................... 3
Beginning to Sense the Energy Field ................................................................................................... 9
Introduction to the Chakra System .................................................................................................... 13
Putting It All Together: Giving Complete Healing Treatments .......................................................... 15

Copyright Notice: 2002-2013 Stephen H. Barrett. All Rights Reserved. No portion of this material may be transcribed, photocopied,
reproduced or transmitted in any form, either mechanical or electronic - including recording or placing into any information storage system,
computer network or on the Internet - without prior written permission from the author. The material herein has been registered with the
U.S. Copyright Office and is protected under Federal Law.

Chios Energy Healing

Study Workbook Level One

How to Use This Study Workbook

Learning energy healing can be one of the most joyful, interesting and rewarding activities a human being can
undertake. It is both an experience of learning to help others and also a powerful path of personal growth. It does
not have to be difficult, but with the right approach can be a pleasant step-by-step process and a journey of
Like anything else worth learning, however, what you get out of your study of energy healing will be just what you
put into it. Careful study of the basic concepts of this form of healing is required, and even more important is the
accurate learning and repeated practice of the essential techniques used to treat patients. To practice all your new
skills and abilities, through the giving of complete energy healing treatments, is the most important part of all. An
investment of time and energy is therefore required to learn energy healing work, but the rewards make it well
worth the effort. To get the most out of your study of this level of Chios Energy Healing, it is suggested that you:
1. Study Chapter One of the Chios book (Chios Energy Healing: Powerful New Techniques for Healing the Human
Energy Field) section-by-sectionone chapter section at a time. You will notice that one chapter section usually
covers one particular technique.
2. After reading each section of the chapter, complete the Questions to Test Your Understanding for that section in
the corresponding section of this workbook. These questions will be a combination of multiple choice,
true/false and short answer. It is best if you first attempt the questions closed book, without going back to the
corresponding section of the chapter. If after working on them a little you feel you need to go back and re-study
the section it is fine to do so.
3. Then complete the Essay Questions for Further Reflection, if included in the workbook section you are studying.
Your answers can be short or long. Space in this workbook is provided. There is no absolute right answer to
the essay questions, but you should show your knowledge of the meaning of the concept, and also explore it
using your own understanding, personal viewpoint and personal experience.
4. Now attempt the Suggested Exercises and Activities, if included in the section you are studying. Here is where
you will perform actual exercises for the purpose of learning the techniques. You should provide written
answers and descriptions of what you experience, as you learn and practice them. Be sure to record your results
carefully, as this reinforces your practice and validates the results for you. Your teacher will also be able to read
about your experiences and will assist you with any questions or issues you have with the Chios techniques, as
you learn them.
5. When you have completed all sections of this workbook, return a copy of the workbook to your teacher for
grading. If you did not achieve an overall grade of 80% correct on the Questions to Test Your
Understanding, your teacher will give you a list of missed questions for you to re-study, and resubmit answers.
If your teacher feels you need to provide more complete explanations for any of the Essay Questions or the
Suggested Exercises and Activities, he or she will likewise request you do further work on those item(s) that
require it. You can then re-read sections of the chapter that apply, spend additional time studying and practicing
the techniques, and then amend your answers as needed.
Enjoy your study of Chios Energy Healing. Remember - it is supposed to be a learning experience, and fun and full
of wonder, too!

Chios Energy Healing

Study Workbook Level One


How to Use This Electronic Edition of the Workbook

This electronic edition of your study workbook makes completing this Chios Energy Healing level very convenient. You
can work on it entirely on your computer, and when you have finished it you can then email it (with all your answers) to
your teacher for grading. To get the most out of this electronic edition of your workbook, just follow these simple
1. You will need the latest edition of Adobe Acrobat Reader, to use all the features of this workbook. Even if you
already have a copy of it on your computer you should consider downloading the most recent edition. You can
download the most recent edition for free from the Adobe website by clicking this link: http://get/adobe.com/reader
Follow the instructions, to download your copy.
2. When you complete Questions to Test Your Understanding, you can answer multiple choice or true/false questions
by simply moving your mouse over the box adjacent to the answer you wish to give and clicking the mouse button.
You will then see a mark, in the box, corresponding to your answer. You should indicate only one answer, for these
questions. For short answer questions in this section, simply click with your mouse inside the text box right after the
question and then type your response. The text box will always give you enough spaces, for the correct answer.
3. When you complete Essay Questions for Further Reflection, again click with your mouse inside the large text box
right after the question and then type your response. You will find that the text box will usually give you enough
space for your answer. If you type an answer with more words than would normally fit in the text box, you will
notice that the font size of your answer will shrink, so that your entire answer will be accommodated inside the box.
It is usually best not to include answers that are extremely long, however, so most of your essay answers should fit
inside the text box without the font size needing to be reduced.
4. When you complete the Suggested Exercises and Activities, you will often be giving essay-type answers, and you
should follow the instructions given in #3 above. There are exercises in Chios Levels II and III, however, that also
require you to complete drawings to illustrate your perceptions of phenomena in the aura and chakras. This
electronic workbook, when you use it with recent editions of Acrobat Reader, provides for the ability to use
Commenting Tools like Annotations and Drawing Markups. These features allow you to draw diagrams directly
into your workbook and even include extra notes anywhere on the pages (adjacent to your drawings, for example).
These tools usually do not appear by default, when you open Acrobat Reader, but can be opened by clicking on
the Comment task pane button near the top right corner of your Acrobat Reader window. You will then see the
Annotations and Drawing Markups panels appear, with the icons you will click on to use the various tools offered in
each. On the Annotations panel, you can add a sticky note, highlight text, insert or replace text, strikethrough text,
underline or add a note to the text. On the Drawing Markups panel, you can add a text box, draw lines, draw arrows,
draw ovals, draw rectangles, draw clouds, draw polygons and of course either draw or erase free form. Experiment
with these toolsthey are very versatile.
When completing a drawing in your workbook that requires you to indicate phenomena you have seen in the
aura, for example, you should use the most appropriate Drawing Markups tool or tools to draw what you have seen.
You can then right-click on what you have drawn, and select Properties from the pull-down menu, to change its
style or make it any color you wish. You could then select the Text Comment tool, from the Annotations panel, to
label and explain what you have drawn. You can customize these tools by right-clicking on any tool in the
Annotations and Drawing Markups panels, to change its default properties. Experiment with all these features,
because they will allow you to draw in and annotate your workbook in almost any way you desire. When you are
done using the Annotations and Drawing Markups tools, double click on the Tools task pane button near the top
right corner of your Acrobat Reader window and then continue with the rest of your workbook.
5. You do not need to complete this entire workbook in one session, of course. You can save your progress after each
session by clicking on the File drop down menu, in Adobe Reader, and selecting Save. After you have completed
the entire workbook, Save it one final time and send the pdf file to your teacher as an attachment to email.

Chios Energy Healing

Study Workbook Level One

Introduction: The Role of the Energy Healer

Questions to Test Your Understanding:
1. It is the invisible energy field around each living thing that supports every aspect of its life process - body, emotions,
mind and spirit.
(a) true
(b) false

2. The energy in the energy field is not lifeless and inert, it is


3. When the energy field of a person becomes affected by energy defects (becomes weak, impure, unbalanced or blocked, in
particular ways):
(a) the energy defects will usually just affect one aspect of the being (body, emotions, mind or spirit)
(b) the energy defects prevent a complete connection to the field of pure consciousness, which is the ultimate
source of life and health
(c) the effects of the specific energy defects are usually predictable in advance, because all people will be affected in
similar ways
(d) all of the above

4. Diseases or afflictions of mind or body can be the result of:

(a) energy defects in the human energy field
(b) invasion of unhealthy energies
(c) past traumatic experiences
(d) all of the above

5. In an energy healing treatment, a healer does all of the things below, EXCEPT:
(a) conducts extra energy into the patient
(b) expands his or her awareness to get information on energetic defects
(c) corrects energetic defects by using specific techniques
(d) heals from a specific, focused state of mind

6. The most important part of learning to be a good energy healer is:

(a) reading as many books on the subject as possible
(b) learning as many techniques as possible
(c) studying the Chios book carefully
(d) practicing healing with your whole being, from a state of openness and oneness

Chios Energy Healing

Study Workbook Level One

Essay Questions For Further Reflection:

The text in this subsection of the book says, As afflictions of body, mind and spirit begin in the wider realm of consciousness the whole being - so do you heal from that level.
What does the phrase whole being mean to you?

Why might disease ultimately begin in the whole being?

Why does the healer have to heal from that level (in a state of complete openness), to treat it?

Chios Energy Healing

Study Workbook Level One

Learning to Channel the Energy

Questions to Test Your Understanding:
1. The way you call in the energy is to:
(a) request that it begin to flow into you from all around
(b) visualize the energy coming into your body
(c) visualize the energy moving through your body, to the shoulders, down the arms and filling the hands
(d) all of the above

2. To prepare for a hands-on healing treatment, it is necessary for you to:

(a) remove all your rings, watches and other jewelry from your hands
(b) ask your patient to remove all jewelry
(c) take off your shoes
(d) all of the above

3. While performing a healing treatment, you should be concerned with:

(a) thinking about whether or not you are conducting the energy correctly
(b) intellectually analyzing whatever sensations you get regarding how much energy is being conducted into your
(c) being concerned about exactly where the energy is going, in your patients body, to make sure it is going to
the right place(s)
(d) all the above
(e) none of the above - in fact, you should avoid all the above concerns

4. When placing your hands on your patients body to channel the energy, the energy is transferred into your patient most
effectively when:
(a) your hands are held very slightly above the body surface
(b) your hands are placed on the body surface and are pressed firmly on the body so that the patient knows he or
she is receiving energy
(c) your hands are placed on the body surface, but with zero pressure (no pressure)
(d) all of the above are equally effective

5. The degree to which you sense the flow of energy into your patients body:
(a) will vary from day to day and from patient to patient
(b) should be carefully analyzed
(c) is an indicator of how much your patient needs energy healing treatment
(d) all of the above
6. As you get more experience in energy channeling, you:
(a) will sense a freedom from your own body and mind, and instead a simple awareness (a witnessing) of acting
as a channel for the energy
(b) will become transparent
(c) will become one with your patient
(d) all of the above

Chios Energy Healing

Study Workbook Level One

Essay Questions For Further Reflection:

What does it mean for you to become one with your patient?

How does this differ from the approach used in traditional medicine?

What advantages do you think this gives you the energy healer - what information or abilities might be available to you as a
result of this different approach?

Chios Energy Healing

Study Workbook Level One

Suggested Exercises and Activities:

After receiving the first Chios attunement (if youve elected to receive it), practice Exercise 1A: Calling in the Energy. After
doing this exercise on the first day, a minimum of 3 times that day, write down below your feelings and sensations, as you call
in the energy.
How does it feel?

What did you experience?

Do you feel you are able to free yourself from doubt and release yourself to the energy, when you practice calling in the energy?

After doing the Calling in the Energy exercise for a second day, a minimum of 3 additional times that day, perform a brief
meditation and intuitive reading, for your own benefit:

Chios Energy Healing

Study Workbook Level One

Sit quietly and meditate for a few minutes, to quiet your mind. Then, when you feel your mind is clear, ask yourself the
following questions, in succession, writing down the intuitive guidance you receive under each question below:
What is my greatest asset (strength) in calling in the energy?

What is my greatest weakness, in calling in the energy?

What should I do to develop a good relationship with the energy, right from the beginning (how could I change my approach,
my thinking, my beliefs, to call the energy in most effectively)?

After receiving the results of the meditation and intuitive reading you have performed, now practice Exercise 1B: Energy
Channeling. Select a friend, acquaintance, or fellow healing student and ask them to lie on your table. Call in the energy and
then channel the energy into one or a few of the chakras of your patient. Write down below your feelings and sensations, as
you now channel the energy.

Chios Energy Healing

Study Workbook Level One

How does it feel?

What did you experience?

Do you feel you are able to free yourself from doubt and release yourself to the energy, when you practice channeling it into a

If you wish, you can repeat the quiet meditation and the three questions given above, now for energy channeling:

Chios Energy Healing

Study Workbook Level One

What is my greatest asset (strength) in channeling the energy?

What is my greatest weakness, in channeling in the energy?

What else can I do to develop a good relationship with the energy, right from the beginning (how could I change my
approach, my thinking, my beliefs, to channel the energy most effectively)?

Do not underestimate the importance of learning to release yourself and call in and channel the energy effortlessly and
completely - it is the foundation for all that will follow!

Chios Energy Healing

Study Workbook Level One

Beginning to Sense the Energy Field

Questions to Test Your Understanding:
1. Learning to sense the condition of your patients energy field is one of the core skills of you the energy healer. You must
have the ability to sense where and how the energy field has acquired defects, for the purpose of
2. When learning to sense the energy field with the passing of hands, you should pass your hands slowly over your patients
body, at a distance of:
(a) about an inch above the body surface
(b) 2 to 3 inches above the body surface
(c) 4 to 5 inches above the body surface
(d) none of the above
3. The subtle sensations you may experience in your palms, while passing your hands slowly over your patients body to sense
the condition of the energy field, may be:
(a) a subtle sensation of a bump or dip.
(b) a subtle sensation of heat or coldness
(c) other sensations
(d) all the above
4. When passing your hands slowly over your patients body to sense the condition of the energy field, you should:
(a) concentrate carefully on your hand
(b) constantly be concerned about whether or not you are performing the technique correctly
(c) keep your thinking mind active
(d) all of the above
(e) none of the above - in fact, you should avoid all the above when performing this technique

Essay Questions For Further Reflection:

The text in the book refers to the technique of sensing the energy field of your patient by passing the hands over your patients
body as a very grounded technique.
What do you think this means?

Chios Energy Healing

Study Workbook Level One


Why might this technique be important for all healers to use - even advanced ones?

Suggested Exercises and Activities:

Practice Exercise 1C: Fingertip Sweep Exercise. Can you sense the energy sweeping across your palms?

After gaining some results with this exercise, proceed to Exercise 1D: The Passing of Hands, to practicing the passing of hands
to sense the energy field of a live patient. Select a friend, acquaintance, or fellow healing student and ask them to lie on your
treatment table. Call in the energy and then practice sensing the energy field all over your patients body, especially the
abdomen and all the chakras, using the procedure given in the exercise. After scanning the entire energy field of your patient,
and allowing impressions to form in your mind at each location over the patients body where you sense something, briefly
write your results below:
Patient #1:

Chios Energy Healing

Study Workbook Level One

Patient #2:

Patient #3:

Are you sensing progress in your ability to forget yourself and open yourself to the subtle sensations in your hands?


Chios Energy Healing

Study Workbook Level One


Are you sensing progress in your ability to allow intuitive impressions to form effortlessly in your awareness, as your hands
pass over certain areas?

Practice the technique, using all the considerations given, until you gain a little confidence in your ability to read your
patients energy field. Remember - do not doubt your first impressions!

The text in the book also refers to the necessity of simply relaxing and allowing impressions to form in your entire being,
when this technique is performed. Why is it so important to do that?

How could focusing on your hand, failing to suspend your thinking process or worrying about whether or not you are
performing the technique correctly interfere?

Chios Energy Healing

Study Workbook Level One


Introduction to the Chakra System

Questions to Test Your Understanding:
1. The seven chakras in the human energy field are:
(a) energy junctions and energy processing centers
(b) our energetic connection to the field of pure consciousness (spirit)
(c) spiritual entities, each with its own character and unique nature
(d) all of the above
(e) none of the above are really accurate statements about the chakras

2. For each of the seven chakras, write a few words or brief sentence which describes the character or nature of that chakra
(note that the chakras are listed with the lowest on the bottom, as they appear on the body):

7th chakra:
6th chakra:
5th chakra:
4th chakra:
3rd chakra:
2nd chakra:
1st chakra:
3. Each of the seven chakras has a true color associated with it. The true colors of the chakras are:

7th chakra:
6th chakra:
5th chakra:
4th chakra:
3rd chakra:
2nd chakra:
1st chakra:
4. When you call in the energy and channel it into your patient, you receive energy:
(a) through your 1st and 7th chakras
(b) from the earth
(c) through all seven of your chakras, especially after some practice
(d) all the above are true

5. An intellectual understanding of the chakra system is one of the most important requirements to be able do useful energy
healing work.
(a) true
(b) false

Chios Energy Healing

Study Workbook Level One


Essay Questions For Further Reflection:

What do you think the book means when it says that the true energy healer learns to expand his or her awareness and
experience each of the chakras as a realm of being. Each chakra is a realm with its own nature and consciousness?

Why is it important to conceive of the chakras as realms of being and consciousness, instead of merely as objects?

How does an energy healer benefit by conceiving of and experiencing the chakras in this way?

Chios Energy Healing

Study Workbook Level One


Putting it all Together: Giving Complete Healing Treatments

Questions to Test Your Understanding:
(NOTE: You may wish to complete the following review questions after practicing giving a complete healing treatment that
includes the normal sequence of treatment hand positions, as discussed/pictured in the book.)
1. When giving a simple energy healing treatment, the correct overall sequence of steps you perform during the treatment is:
(a) passing the hands to sense the energy field of your patient, then calling in the energy, then the normal
sequence of treatment hand positions (on the chakras)
(b) calling in the energy, then passing the hands to sense the energy field of your patient, then the normal
sequence of treatment hand positions (on the chakras)
(c) calling in the energy, then normal sequence of treatment hand positions (on the chakras), then passing the
hands to sense the energy field of your patient
(d) it does not matter which sequence a healer uses

2. The correct sequence you should use during normal sequence of treatment hand positions, when treating the chakras
during most treatments is:
(a) begin at the 2nd chakra on the front of your patient, then move up chakra-by-chakra to the 7th , then treat the
back of your patient
(b) begin at the 7th chakra, then move down the front of your patient chakra-by-chakra to the 2nd, then treat the
back of your patient from the 2nd chakra upwards
( c) (a) if a healer is right-handed, and (b) if a healer is left-handed
(d) none of the above is correct

3. The correct hand placement nearly all energy healers should use, when treating the chakras on the front abdomen of the
patient (2nd through 4th), is:
(a) left and right hands placed directly on top of each other, over the center of the chakra
(b) left and right hands placed side-by-side, with the chakra in between
(c) right hand placed with its palm centered over the chakra, with the left hand gently overlapping
(d) left hand placed with its palm centered over the chakra, with the right hand gently overlapping

4. The correct hand placement for treating the 7th chakra is:
(a) both hands placed on the top (crown) of the head, right over the center of the chakra
(b) right hand placed with its palm centered over the chakra, with the left hand gently overlapping
(c) the two hands placed not directly on the top of the head but side-by-side on the top sides of the head, a few
inches apart, with the chakra in-between
(d) all the above are equally effective

5. The correct hand placement for treating the 6th chakra is:
(a) right hand placed with its palm over the chakra, left hand gently overlapping
(b) right hand placed with its palm over the front of the chakra, left hand on the back of the head and neck
(c) left and right hands placed side-by-side, with the chakra in-between
(d) either (a) or (b) can be used

Chios Energy Healing

Study Workbook Level One


6. The correct hand placement for treating the 5th chakra is:
(a) the same as for the abdominal chakras: the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th chakras
(b) left hand placed with its palm centered over the chakra, with the right hand gently overlapping
(c) right hand placed with its palm centered over the front of the chakra, left hand underneath the patient directly
below the right hand (at the base of the neck)
(d) none of the above

7. The correct hand placement for treating the rear component of the 2nd, 3rd and 4th chakras (with your patient lying on his
or her stomach) is the same hands overlapping hand position as for the front component of those chakras.
(a) true
(b) false

8. The correct amount of time for you to treat each chakra with the energy is:
(a) between 1 and 2 minutes
(b) between 2 and 3 minutes
(c) until your patient says that he or she has received enough energy
(d) until the energy flow diminishes and you get a sense of completeness

9. The reason the 1st chakra is never directly treated with the hands on the body, during healing treatments, is because it is a
simple chakra that almost never needs treatment.
(a) true
(b) false

Suggested Exercises and Activities:

As the climax of your study of Chios healing Level I, practice giving three complete healing treatments on three different
patients - friends, acquaintances or fellow healing students. During each of the treatments, follow all the correct treatment steps
as given in this subsection of the Chios book.
In each treatment, make special note of the following items. Use the grid on the next page to enter your treatment information,
entering the requested information for each patient as you treat that patient, moving from top to bottom in the appropriate
column. For each patient, make note of:
Results of the Passing of Hands:
Which areas on your patient did you feel subtle sensations in your palms, during the passing of hands, and what impressions
did you receive? What did you sense over the patients chakras, using the passing of hands?
Overall Intuitive Impressions:
What things did you sense or feel about the patient, overall, during treatment - did you receive any general intuitive
impressions or information on the patients condition?
Results Treating the Chakras:
Did you sense anything special (receive any particular intuitive impressions) while treating any of the patients chakras during
the treatment hand positions? Which ones - and what did you sense? Did certain chakras seem to want more energy than
others, or did you sense anything in particular about the quality of the energy you were channeling into them?
Patient Experiences:
Did each patient feel anything in particular, during the treatment? Did he or she have any experiences while receiving the

Patient Experiences

Results of Treating the Chakras

Overall Intuitive Impressions

Results of the Passing of Hands

Chios Energy Healing

Patient #1

Study Workbook Level One

Patient #2
Patient #3


Chios Energy Healing

Study Workbook Level One


Note: The section of the course manual Precautions and Special Situations is a reference section for you to use as you
encounter specific situations in your healing work. It is not included in this workbook but should be referred to as needed.

You have completed Chios Healing Level I
Proceed to Chios Healing Level II

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