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American College of Radiology ACR Appropriateness Criteria

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Date of origin: 1995

Last review date: 2013

American College of Radiology

ACR Appropriateness Criteria
Clinical Condition:

Renal Failure

Variant 1:

Acute kidney injury (AKI), unspecified.

Radiologic Procedure


Assess renal size and echogenicity.
Exclude bilateral obstruction in high-risk
groups. Doppler may be used to assess
renal perfusion.
Especially useful in acute inflammatory
conditions such as nephritis. Perform a
follow-up after US examination, if needed.
This procedure may be useful if the
creatinine level is high. Perform a followup after US examination, if needed.
This procedure has a potential role in
searching for sonographically unclear
causes of ureteral obstruction. A
nonenhanced MRI may be helpful in
selected cases.
Because the eGFR and creatinine values
are unreliable in the setting of AKI,
caution should be used when
administering intravenous gadolinium
Gadolinium-enhanced studies are very
effective for renal artery evaluation. See
statement regarding contrast in text under
Anticipated Exceptions.
This procedure can access renal arterial or
venous patency in rare instances when
vascular stenosis or thrombosis may
account for AKI.
Potentially helpful in trauma evaluation
for renal artery occlusion. Consider using
aortography with CO2 to avoid
nephrotoxicity of the iodinated contrast.
Potentially helpful in trauma evaluation.
Noncontrast helical CT is more sensitive
than KUB for calculi. Evaluation of
ureteral obstruction due to retroperitoneal
diseases, masses, and tumors
(hydronephrosis on US but an
undetectable cause).


US kidneys and bladder

Percutaneous US-guided renal biopsy

Tc-99m MAG3 scan kidney

MRI abdomen without contrast

MRA abdomen without and with contrast

MRA abdomen without contrast

Arteriography kidney

CT abdomen without contrast

CTA abdomen with contrast

CT abdomen with contrast

CT abdomen without and with contrast

X-ray abdomen and pelvis (KUB)

X-ray voiding cystourethrography

MRI abdomen without and with contrast

To assess for calculi; however, it is

insensitive for 30% of calculi.
A VCUG may be indicated if a
vesicoureteral reflux is suspected as a
contributing factor in AKI.
Potential role in search of sonographically
unclear causes of ureteral obstruction.

Rating Scale: 1,2,3 Usually not appropriate; 4,5,6 May be appropriate; 7,8,9 Usually appropriate

ACR Appropriateness Criteria

Radiation Level

Renal Failure

Clinical Condition:

Renal Failure

Variant 2:

Chronic kidney disease (CKD).

Radiologic Procedure


US kidneys and bladder

MRI abdomen without contrast

Percutaneous US-guided renal biopsy

CT abdomen without contrast

MRA abdomen without and with contrast

MRA abdomen without contrast

CTA abdomen with contrast

X-ray voiding cystourethrography

CT abdomen with contrast

CT abdomen without and with contrast

MRI abdomen without and with contrast

Tc-99m MAG3 scan kidney

X-ray abdomen and pelvis (KUB)

Arteriography kidney

Some authors have shown duplex Doppler
to be successful in assessing RAS.
The potential role of this procedure is to
search for sonographically unclear causes
of ureteral obstruction. An unenhanced
MRI may be helpful in selected cases.
Perform a follow-up after US
examination, if needed.
This procedure is especially useful for
distinguishing the different causes of
proteinuria. Perform a follow-up after US
examination, if needed.
This procedure is potentially helpful in
trauma for detecting calculi or to search
for retroperitoneal mass/adenopathy as the
cause of the obstruction. Perform a followup after US examination, if needed.
Newer techniques with gadolinium are
very effective for renal artery evaluation.
Perform a follow-up after US
examination, if needed. See statement
regarding contrast in text under
Anticipated Exceptions.
If renal function is compromised, a
nonenhanced MRA can be performed with
good results. Perform a follow-up after US
examination, if needed.
This procedure is effective in detecting
RAS if nephrotoxicity is not a concern.
Perform a follow-up after US
examination, if needed.
Use this procedure if reflux is suspected. It
is particularly appropriate for use in

The potential role of this procedure is to

search for sonographically unclear causes
of ureteral obstruction.
Use this procedure to assess global and
differential renal function and as a
prognosis for recovery.
To assess for calculi; however, it is
insensitive for 30% of calculi.
There is a problem of contrast
nephrotoxicity with this procedure. CO2
aortography is an option. Newer MRA
techniques are preferred.

Rating Scale: 1,2,3 Usually not appropriate; 4,5,6 May be appropriate; 7,8,9 Usually appropriate

ACR Appropriateness Criteria


Radiation Level

Renal Failure

Expert Panel on Urologic Imaging: Erick M. Remer, MD1; Nicholas Papanicolaou, MD2;
David D. Casalino, MD3; Jay T. Bishoff, MD4; M. Donald Blaufox, MD, PhD5; Courtney A. Coursey, MD6;
Manjiri Dighe, MD7; Steven C. Eberhardt, MD8; Stanley Goldfarb, MD9; Howard J. Harvin, MD10;
Marta E. Heilbrun, MD11; John R. Leyendecker, MD12; Paul Nikolaidis, MD13; Aytekin Oto, MD14;
Glenn M. Preminger, MD15; Steven S. Raman, MD16; Sheila Sheth, MD17; Raghunandan Vikram, MD18;
Robert M. Weinfeld, MD.19

Summary of Literature Review

Renal failure is defined as the inability of the kidney to maintain homeostasis leading to azotemia or the
accumulation of nitrogenous wastes; however, exact biochemical or clinical criteria for this diagnosis are not
clearly defined. Classically, renal failure is distinguished from renal insufficiency when renal function is
abnormal but capable of sustaining essential bodily functions [1]. Renal failure is defined as anuric when the urine
volume is <50 mL for 24 hours, oliguric when the volume is <500 mL for 24 hours; and nonoliguric when the
volume is from 500 to 6,000 mL for 24 hours. Urine output above 6,000 mL is designated as polyuric [2]. Acute
kidney injury (AKI) is the internationally preferred term to replace the term acute renal failure (ARF) [3]. The
distinction between AKI and chronic renal failure (CRF), now termed chronic kidney disease (CKD), can often be
made clinically [4]. End-stage renal disease (ESRD) implies CKD to a degree that life cannot be sustained longterm without dialysis.
Many patients are first seen with markedly elevated serum creatinine of unknown duration, so that classification
as AKI or CKD is not possible. The causes of kidney injury are separated into three categories: prerenal,
intrarenal, and postrenal. Hypoperfusion is the cause of prerenal failure (including fluid loss, fluid sequestration,
low cardiac output, and renal artery stenosis [RAS]). The causes of intrarenal failure include acute tubular
necrosis (ATN) and interstitial, glomerular, or small-vessel disease. Obstruction (as well as distal renal tubular
obstruction) is the usual postrenal cause of failure.
Renal function is often quantified by assessing serum creatinine. However, significant limitations of serum
creatinine as an accurate measure of renal function include decreased muscle mass and poor nutritional status [5].
Glomerular filtration rate (GFR) is usually accepted as the best overall measure of renal function [6]. Creatinine
clearance measures the ability of the glomerulus to filter creatinine from the plasma and approximates the GFR. In
AKI, the creatinine clearance is usually <25 mL/min. The National Kidney Foundation and American Society of
Nephrology recommend estimating GFR from serum creatinine. Two commonly used equations are the
Modification of Diet in Renal Disease Study equation and the Cockcroft-Gault equation [7,8]. Both use serum
creatinine in combination with age, sex, weight, and race data to estimate GFR. These equations are limited by the
use of serum creatinine as a filtration marker, decreased accuracy at higher levels of estimated GFR, and non
steady-state conditions for the filtration marker when GFR is changing.
Acute Kidney Injury
AKI can be broadly defined as a sudden decrease in renal function resulting in azotemia. The definition of AKI is
still under some debate. A recent consensus considers an abrupt (within 48 h) reduction in kidney function,
currently defined as an absolute increase in serum creatinine >0.3 mg/dL (>25 M/L), and a 50% increase or
reduction in urine output (documented oliguria <0.5 mL/kg/h for >6 h) to constitute AKI (see Appendix 1 for

Principal Author and Panel Chair, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, Ohio. 2Co-Author, Hospital of University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Panel Vice-chair, Northwestern University, Chicago, Illinois. 4Intermountain Urological Institute, Murray, Utah, American Urological Association. 5Albert
Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, New York, Society of Nuclear Medicine. 6Emory University Hospital, Atlanta, Georgia. 7University of Washington
Medical Center, Seattle, Washington. 8University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, New Mexico. 9University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine,
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, American Society of Nephrology. 10Scottsdale Medical Imaging, Scottsdale, Arizona. 11University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah.
Wake Forest University School of Medicine, Winston Salem, North Carolina. 13Northwestern University, Chicago, Illinois. 14The University of Chicago,
Chicago, Illinois. 15Duke University Medical Center, Durham, North Carolina, American Urological Association. 16Universty of California Los Angeles
Medical Center, Los Angeles, California. 17Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, Maryland. 18University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston,
Texas. 19Oakland University William Beaumont School of Medicine, Troy, Michigan.
The American College of Radiology seeks and encourages collaboration with other organizations on the development of the ACR Appropriateness
Criteria through society representation on expert panels. Participation by representatives from collaborating societies on the expert panel does not necessarily
imply individual or society endorsement of the final document.
Reprint requests to: Department of Quality & Safety, American College of Radiology, 1891 Preston White Drive, Reston, VA 20191-4397.

ACR Appropriateness Criteria

Renal Failure

criteria and stages of AKI) [9]. It can develop in the setting of pre-existing renal insufficiency or can develop in a
patient with previously normal kidneys [10].
Over 75% of patients with AKI will have either prerenal azotemia (PRA) or ATN (a parenchymal, intrarenal
process) as the cause [4]. Prerenal causes of AKI relate to hypoperfusion or hypovolemia. A clinical suspicion of
AKI usually leads to a fluid challenge with central monitoring and correction of the hypovolemic state, which
corrects the renal failure. A common exception to this approach is the patient with heart failure or liver failure. A
high ratio of blood urea nitrogen to creatinine has long been considered a marker of PRA. In addition, a
characteristic laboratory finding in PRA is avid sodium retention, with a urine sodium concentration <20 mEq/L
[11]. A meta-analysis of various laboratory studies in an attempt to differentiate PRA from ATN revealed that
most determinations (urine/plasma creatinine index, urine/plasma urea, or urinary sodium) are often nonspecific
or unreliable [10]. Still, most experienced clinicians find that when urine output is <500 mL for 24 hours, a
determination of urinary fractional excretion of sodium is helpful.
In a patient with previously undiagnosed renal failure, the most helpful initial diagnostic test is to evaluate renal
size using grayscale ultrasonography (US). If the kidneys are small and echogenic, the process is long-standing
and unlikely to improve. Renal size is commonly determined from a measurement of renal length. Renal volume
calculated by US provides a better measure of functioning renal parenchyma [12]; however, it is an imperfect
measure because it includes the renal central sinus fat. In patients with CRF, the renal cortical thickness measured
by US appears to be more closely related to the estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) than renal length [13].
Sometimes, evaluation by US helps to identify a correctable cause of renal failure, such as obstruction, which is a
postrenal cause of AKI. However, a number of studies have evaluated the use of US in the setting of acute renal
insufficiency and have found it is generally unnecessary to exclude an obstruction unless 1) there is a clinical
history that strongly supports an obstruction [14], such as flank pain, urolithiasis, or pelvic mass [15]; 2) the
patient is deemed at high risk for obstruction [16]; or 3) if specific clinical factors stratify the patient into a highrisk group [17]. This applies irrespective of whether the patient requires treatment in an intensive care setting
[18]. If hydronephrosis is present, retrograde or antegrade relief of the obstruction is usually performed. If there is
no hydronephrosis and the patient does not have hypertension or other history to suggest RAS, then further
workup of the small, echogenic kidneys is not warranted.
Obstruction may occur in the oncologic patient, the trauma patient, or the patient with a solitary kidney [19,20].
Bilateral, obstructing ureteral calculi are rare. More often in the older male patient, a bilateral ureteral obstruction
may occur in a chronic bladder outlet obstruction by an enlarged prostate. In such cases, the patient may appear to
be suffering from new onset renal failure; however, the deterioration in renal function has been ongoing but has
remained clinically occult. Grayscale US is the most effective way to exclude a subacute or chronic obstruction.
Regular grayscale US is not accurate in the minimally dilated obstructive situation, such as with retroperitoneal
metastatic tumor or idiopathic retroperitoneal fibrosis, in which the ureter encasement interferes with peristalsis;
in 1 series, 4%5% of patients with an obstruction showed minimal or no upper-tract dilation [21]. Color Doppler
US of the bladder can assist in detecting a urinary obstruction. Ureteral jets are streams of urine entering the
bladder that can be detected with color Doppler US. The unilateral absence of a renal jet after 10 minutes of
observation has an approximately 90% positive predictive value for a complete obstruction [22]. The bilateral
absence of ureteral jets, however, is a normal finding. Also, in a partial obstruction, the ureteral jets can still be
seen; a continuous low-level jet on the partially obstructed side is common [22].
The patient with an obstructed renal transplant can present with acute failure. Platt et al [23] found an elevated
resistive index (RI) in 85% of transplanted kidneys with obstruction; a normal RI should argue strongly against an
obstruction, unless a ureteral leak is also present. In addition to obstruction, an elevated RI can also be found in
rejection and ATN; therefore, RI measurements are not reliable in the differential diagnosis of these entities. If US
cannot determine the cause of the obstruction, MRI or nonenhanced CT can be obtained (retroperitoneal mass,
lymphadenopathy, fibrosis, calculi, etc.).
RAS and thrombosis are prerenal causes of AKI, but they are uncommon. The multicenter Program to Improve
Care in Acute Renal Disease Study found that renal artery thrombosis, stenosis, or trauma accounted for 1% of
the causes of AKI in 618 critically ill patients [24]. US can provide a measure of renal perfusion. Some have
suggested that duplex Doppler US can supplant radionuclide scintigraphy, magnetic resonance angiography
(MRA), or contrast angiography in evaluating the renal arteries; however, these results have not been reproduced
in many centers. Newer MRA techniques offer improved images of the main and segmental renal arteries [25].
ACR Appropriateness Criteria

Renal Failure

MRI can also provide direct assessment of renal blood flow [26]. Patients with normal or mildly decreased renal
function may undergo contrast-enhanced MRA. However, if there is a risk for nephrogenic systemic fibrosis
(NSF) among patients with reduced renal reserves, effective nonenhanced MRA techniques for evaluating the
renal arteries are also available (eg, steady-state free precession using inflow inversion recovery or 3-D phase
contrast) [27]. One caveat for patients with AKI is that eGFR or creatinine levels are unreliable when nonsteadystate conditions exist. An MRI with contrast should be pursued with caution in any patient with AKI until it is
clear that the kidney function is stable. Bilateral renal vein thrombosis is another vascular cause of AKI that can
be diagnosed using Doppler US or MRI with vascular imaging techniques. However, it, too, is an uncommon
cause of AKI; no cases were found in 748 AKI episodes in a prospective, multicenter epidemiological study from
Spain [28]. Trauma presents a unique constellation of possible causes of AKI, such as renal artery occlusion,
severe kidney trauma, and renal vein thrombosis occurring bilaterally or in a solitary kidney. Renal trauma is
more fully addressed as a separate topic. (See the ACR Appropriateness Criteria topic on Renal Trauma.)
If the kidneys are of normal size on the initial US examination, with or without increased echogenicity, this may
represent reversible renal failure, most often AKI. A number of publications from the late 1980s and early 1990s
suggested the potential of Doppler US to improve the assessment of renal intrinsic dysfunction [29]. Changes in
intrarenal arterial waveforms were shown to be associated with urinary obstruction, several intrinsic renal
disorders, and renal vascular disease. One example is the use of Doppler imaging to distinguish acute prerenal
failure from ATN (intrarenal failure). Unlike traditional grayscale US, which shows normal kidneys in most
patients with ATN, duplex Doppler US shows an elevated RI ([peak systolic velocity end diastolic
velocity]/peak systolic velocity], abnormal >0.7) in 96% of patients with ATN. However, false-negative
examinations can occur with nephrotoxic drug-induced ATN [20]. Also, ATN has a higher RI than prerenal ARF,
but there is some overlap as 20% of patients with prerenal ARF had resistive indexes >0.75. These inconsistent
findings and discouraging clinical experiences prompted most radiologists to abandon the RI [29], and renal
biopsy remains important for evaluating intrinsic renal dysfunction.
Nephrotoxic drugs and ATN following prolonged shock, with the precipitation of hemoglobin and/or myoglobin
in the tubules, are other causes of AKI that may lead to abnormal CT findings [2].
If prerenal and postrenal causes of AKI have been excluded, then an intrarenal cause is likely. Radionuclide
scintigraphy with technetium-labeled mercaptoacetyltriglycine (MAG-3) has been studied in this setting, but it is
currently not commonly performed. A progressive parenchymal accumulation without significant excretion is
suggestive of ATN. An absent uptake suggests more serious conditions, such as acute cortical necrosis and acute
glomerulonephritis. In AKI, GFR is more affected than renal blood flow; hence, Tc-99m diethylene-triaminepenta-acetic acid (DTPA) accumulation is decreased, and this agent is less able to distinguish acute from chronic
renal disease. However, quantitative studies with the renal tubular agents, such as Tc-99m MAG-3, can be used
[30,31]. These methods assess the effective renal plasma flow (ERPF) and the degree of renal function, and they
also have prognostic significance. Patients with an ERPF >125 mL/min and good uptake usually recover
completely or improve markedly. ATN, hepatorenal syndrome, and acute interstitial nephritis belong in the
category of good prognosis. Patients with low uptake have a poor prognosis and eventually require dialysis or
CT is used to evaluate the trauma patient and supplement technically unsatisfactory or equivocal US findings.
Excretory urography has no role in investigating AKI.
Chronic Kidney Disease
CKD often presents insidiously and is characterized by a steady decrease in GFR. The most common causes of
CKD are diabetic nephropathy and hypertensive nephropathy. The causes of CKD that lead to ESRD and result in
transplantation are (in order of decreasing frequency): chronic glomerulonephritis, diabetic nephropathy,
hypertensive nephropathy, polycystic renal disease, chronic pyelonephritis, and renal calculi [27]. Hypertensive
nephropathy in one study accounted for 25% of all patients with ESRD [32].The most common causes of CKD in
children are chronic glomerulonephritis and pyelonephritis [33]. US best differentiates between obstruction and
intrinsic parenchymal disease. In children with small-scarred kidneys, voiding cystourethrography (VCUG) is
performed to exclude vesicoureteral reflux. For adults with ESRD and urinary tract infection or calculi, evaluation
with VCUG, urodynamics, and retrograde pyelography is also advised [27,34]. The National Kidney Foundation
has defined the five stages of CKD based on GFR calculations [35].

ACR Appropriateness Criteria

Renal Failure

Patients with CRF, especially those on dialysis, frequently develop multiple cysts. If a patient develops 4 cysts
in each kidney, a diagnosis of acquired cystic renal disease is made. The duration and severity of CKD is a major
risk factor in cyst development, as is the length of time a patient has received dialysis. A complication of acquired
cystic renal disease is the development of renal cell carcinoma (RCC). RCC in this population is estimated to be
30 times more common than in the general population. The timing of screening for RCC and the modality used
are somewhat controversial, as the rate of death related to RCC in CKD patients is low. Initial screening is
recommended after patients are on dialysis 35 years [36]. One strategy is to first evaluate for cysts using US; if
cysts are encountered, then CT can be performed yearly. Early enhanced CT (40-second [s] scan delay) is
recommended rather than a later delay (120 s) to better detect tumors [37]. Alternatively, MRI and US can be
used. Patients with CKD on temporary dialysis should not be given intravascular iodinated contrast media. The
administration of gadolinium-based MR intravascular agents in patients with CKD is also restricted (see
Anticipated Exceptions).
In one study [38], atherosclerotic renal artery stenosis (RAS) presenting as CKD occurred in 14% of patients >50
years old. Reports on the ability of duplex Doppler US to detect RAS vary widely; some reports have shown it to
be as high as 90%, whereas others have shown poor results [20,38-40]. Over one-third of patients evaluated with
earlier Doppler methodology had an unsatisfactory examination [41]. With use of a posterior or posterolateral
translumbar approach and analysis of intrarenal vessel waveforms, duplex Doppler US has been reported to detect
significant (>70%) RAS as a cause of renal failure, with a sensitivity of 95% and specificity of 97% [42-44].
Examinations were almost always technically feasible and accomplished within 30 minutes [43]. The study by
Kliewer et al [45] found it effective in evaluating RAS, but only when the RAS was 80%. Usually, high-grade
stenoses are associated with renal failure. A subsequent study was not able to reproduce results adequately to
support the use of duplex Doppler US as a screening test for RAS [46]. Duplex Doppler US for diagnosis of RAS
is very operator-dependent [47].
Renal scintigraphy with Tc-99m DTPA and an angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor (ACEI) has high
sensitivity and specificity in detecting RAS in patients with normal or near-normal renal function. Its use is also
reported in patients with renal insufficiency [48,49]. However, it becomes less accurate in patients with CKD,
because DTPA is a pure glomerular agent and there is a variable response to ACEI in patients with low baseline
renal function (eg, GFR <15 mL/min) [50]. It is of value to only a subset of all potential renovascular patients and
is of limited value in patients with significant azotemia, bilateral RAS, or RAS to a single, functioning kidney.
Therefore, it is no longer recommended by the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association
guidelines [51].
MRA is able to demonstrate, with high sensitivity and specificity, atherosclerotic narrowing of the orifice and
proximal renal artery [52-54]. Aortic or proximal renal artery disease is the usual culprit when atherosclerosis
causes renal failure, making MRA a helpful imaging modality [55]. Newer, ultrafast MRA techniques using
intravenous gadolinium agents during breath-held imaging provide excellent images of the entire renal artery and
often the segmental branches [25,56,57]. Gadolinium agents have less nephrotoxicity than conventional iodinated
contrast media and, therefore, may be used in cases of mild renal insufficiency when contrast-enhanced imaging is
necessary [58,59]. Furthermore, several nonenhanced MRA techniques are available and can be used to evaluate
the renal arteries in patients with severe renal insufficiency without the risk of NSF [60].
Following recent advances in multidetector CT (MDCT) technology, CT angiography (CTA) has emerged as an
effective alternative to MRA and duplex US for evaluating RAS, if the intravascular administration of contrast
media is not contraindicated [61,62]. Both MRA and CTA, although not as sensitive as digital subtraction
angiography (DSA), have been shown to be better than duplex US and radionuclide captopril renography.
Currently, CTA has better spatial resolution and shorter examination times than MRA. It can also determine the
extent of calcified atheromatous plaques that are not seen on MRA. The disadvantages of CTA include the
radiation exposure and risk for renal damage in patients with compromised renal function [63-66].
Conventional angiography with iodinated contrast material and DSA technique should be carefully considered
because of the risk of contrast nephrotoxicity. Some institutions use carbon dioxide as the contrast agent, and
thereby avoid nephrotoxicity. If intra-arterial contrast is used judiciously, the ability to treat any encountered
stenosis with balloon angioplasty or renal artery stent placement at the time of diagnosis makes angiography an
option in patients with a high clinical suspicion for RAS. However, this approach may be appropriate in a limited
number of patients, as revascularization was found to impart substantial risks but no worthwhile clinical benefit in
ACR Appropriateness Criteria

Renal Failure

806 patients [67]; in 140 patients randomized to medication only or medication with stenting, there was no
statistically significant difference in the progression of renal failure over 2 years [68].
Urinary obstruction as a cause of CKD is best evaluated by US. If azotemia is secondary to obstructive uropathy,
hydronephrosis will almost always be demonstrable. US has sensitivity approaching 100% in moderate to severe
hydronephrosis. There may be a false-positive rate 26%, caused by such entities as vesicoureteral reflux, full
bladder, renal sinus cysts, and normal vessels in the renal sinus; however, vascular structures causing confusion
can be resolved with duplex Doppler US or color Doppler US [69]. When the kidneys fail secondary to a chronic
obstruction, resistive indexes may return to normal [21].
Newer and future techniques for detecting renal function in patients with renal failure include determining the
clearance of small doses (10 mL) of low osmolar contrast media and dynamic MRI with gadolinium DTPA
The nephrology literature contains several reports stressing the importance of preserving residual renal function
(RRF) in patients on peritoneal dialysis or hemodialysis, who may require intravascular administration of contrast
media for diagnostic purposes. The preservation of RRF, even after initiating dialysis, has been shown to result in
better survival, electrolyte and fluid balance, nutritional status, and quality of life and has shown a decrease in
morbidity and the need for fewer dialysis sessions (fewer or shorter dialysis sessions are cost effective). The
recommendation is to continue to protect the RRF in patients on peritoneal dialysis or hemodialysis by balancing
the risks versus benefits derived from using intravascular contrast media [76-78]. It should be emphasized that if a
patient is on temporary (on demand) dialysis, the use of such contrast media is usually withheld. The standard of
practice is to administer intravascular contrast media to patients on permanent dialysis only when indicated. This
is supported by evidence that no accelerated loss of RRF was observed after the administration of intravascular
contrast media in peritoneal dialysis patients undergoing diagnostic studies [79,80].
Renal Biopsy
A percutaneous renal biopsy is used to diagnose renal dysfunction when pre- and postrenal causes have been
excluded. It is essential in the diagnosis of glomerular, vascular, and tubulointerstitial diseases of the kidney [81].
Indications for native renal biopsy include further evaluation of proteinuria, microscopic hematuria, renal
manifestations of systemic disease, and unexplained renal failure [82]. Biopsies are performed using real-time US
guidance and a 16- or 18-gauge automated biopsy device. Specimens are obtained from the lower pole of the
kidney with the biopsy device directed to traverse the renal cortex. Perinephric hemorrhage is the most common
complication and is typically self-limited and subclinical. Gross hematuria has been reported to be as common as
5%7% [83], but in a series of 8,573 renal biopsies in adults it occurred in only 1.9% of patients [84]. Other
complications include pseudoaneurysm and arteriovenous fistula. Patients with increased serum creatinine are at
an increased risk for bleeding complications [85]. It has also been reported that an age >60 years, systolic blood
pressure >160 mm Hg, and ARF can increase complication rates [84].
US is the first imaging study for evaluating the patient with previously undiagnosed renal failure. It helps the
clinician separate chronic ESRD from potentially reversible kidney injury by defining renal size,
echogenicity, the presence or absence of hydronephrosis, and presence of cystic renal disease. US with duplex
Doppler can be used by experienced laboratory personnel to screen for RAS.
Radionuclide scintigraphy provides an assessment of global and differential renal function and potential
reversibility of renal failure, but it is not believed to be generally useful in clinical decision making.
CT is of value for ruling out stone disease, surveying the retroperitoneum for masses in patients with
suspected postrenal causes of dysfunction, and the periodic evaluation of native kidneys in patients with
ESRD who are at risk of developing renal cell carcinoma. Although DSA continues to be the gold standard in
detecting RAS, MDCT CTA can be an alternative, noninvasive, effective diagnostic tool in patients who can
receive intravascular iodinated contrast media.
In hypertensive patients or in those with extensive peripheral atherosclerotic vascular disease, MRA with or
without gadolinium contrast (depending on the GFR level), is useful for detecting RAS when duplex Doppler
US is negative or nondiagnostic. MRI may also be useful in screening native kidneys with cystic changes of
ERSD to detect suspected renal cell carcinomas.

ACR Appropriateness Criteria

Renal Failure

A percutaneous US-guided renal biopsy yields tissue for pathological examination in patients with intrinsic
renal dysfunction, such as glomerular, vascular, or tubulointersitial diseases.

Anticipated Exceptions
Nephrogenic systemic fibrosis (NSF) is a disorder with a scleroderma-like presentation and a spectrum of
manifestations that can range from limited clinical sequelae to fatality. It appears to be related to both underlying
severe renal dysfunction and the administration of gadolinium-based contrast agents. It has occurred primarily in
patients on dialysis, rarely in patients with very limited glomerular filtration rate (GFR) (ie, <30 mL/min/1.73m2),
and almost never in other patients. There is growing literature regarding NSF. Although some controversy and
lack of clarity remain, there is a consensus that it is advisable to avoid all gadolinium-based contrast agents in
dialysis-dependent patients unless the possible benefits clearly outweigh the risk, and to limit the type and amount
in patients with estimated GFR rates <30 mL/min/1.73m2. For more information, please see the ACR Manual on
Contrast Media [86].
Relative Radiation Level Information
Potential adverse health effects associated with radiation exposure are an important factor to consider when
selecting the appropriate imaging procedure. Because there is a wide range of radiation exposures associated with
different diagnostic procedures, a relative radiation level (RRL) indication has been included for each imaging
examination. The RRLs are based on effective dose, which is a radiation dose quantity that is used to estimate
population total radiation risk associated with an imaging procedure. Patients in the pediatric age group are at
inherently higher risk from exposure, both because of organ sensitivity and longer life expectancy (relevant to the
long latency that appears to accompany radiation exposure). For these reasons, the RRL dose estimate ranges for
pediatric examinations are lower as compared to those specified for adults (see Table below). Additional
information regarding radiation dose assessment for imaging examinations can be found in the ACR
Appropriateness Criteria Radiation Dose Assessment Introduction document.
Relative Radiation Level Designations
Adult Effective
Dose Estimate
Effective Dose
Estimate Range
0 mSv
0 mSv
<0.1 mSv
<0.03 mSv

0.1-1 mSv

0.03-0.3 mSv

1-10 mSv

0.3-3 mSv

10-30 mSv

3-10 mSv

30-100 mSv
10-30 mSv

*RRL assignments for some of the examinations

cannot be made, because the actual patient doses in
these procedures vary as a function of a number of
factors (eg, region of the body exposed to ionizing
radiation, the imaging guidance that is used). The
RRLs for these examinations are designated as

Supporting Documents
ACR Appropriateness Criteria Overview
Procedure Information
Evidence Table

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31. Taylor A, Jr., Manatunga A, Morton K, et al. Multicenter trial validation of a camera-based method to
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44. Stavros AT, Parker SH, Yakes WF, et al. Segmental stenosis of the renal artery: pattern recognition of tardus
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46. Kliewer MA, Tupler RH, Hertzberg BS, et al. Doppler evaluation of renal artery stenosis: interobserver
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Society for Cardiovascular Angiography and Interventions, Society for Vascular Medicine and Biology,
Society of Interventional Radiology, and the ACC/AHA Task Force on Practice Guidelines (Writing
Committee to Develop Guidelines for the Management of Patients With Peripheral Arterial Disease) endorsed
by the American Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation; National Heart, Lung, and
Blood Institute; Society for Vascular Nursing; TransAtlantic Inter-Society Consensus; and Vascular Disease
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52. Debatin JF, Spritzer CE, Grist TM, et al. Imaging of the renal arteries: value of MR angiography. AJR Am J
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54. Zuccala A, Zucchelli P. Ischemic nephropathy: diagnosis and treatment. J Nephrol. 1998;11(6):318-324.
ACR Appropriateness Criteria


Renal Failure

55. Myers DI, Poole LJ, Imam K, Scheel PJ, Eustace JA. Renal artery stenosis by three-dimensional magnetic
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63. Glockner JF, Vrtiska TJ. Renal MR and CT angiography: current concepts. Abdom Imaging. 2007;32(3):407420.
64. Leiner T, de Haan MW, Nelemans PJ, van Engelshoven JM, Vasbinder GB. Contemporary imaging
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65. van Helvoort-Postulart D, Dirksen CD, Nelemans PJ, et al. Renal artery stenosis: cost-effectiveness of
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66. Vasbinder GB, Nelemans PJ, Kessels AG, et al. Accuracy of computed tomographic angiography and
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ACR Appropriateness Criteria


Renal Failure

80. Weisbord SD, Bernardini J, Mor MK, et al. The effect of coronary angiography on residual renal function in
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81. Whittier WL, Korbet SM. Renal biopsy: update. Curr Opin Nephrol Hypertens. 2004;13(6):661-665.
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86. American
The ACR Committee on Appropriateness Criteria and its expert panels have developed criteria for determining appropriate imaging examinations for
diagnosis and treatment of specified medical condition(s). These criteria are intended to guide radiologists, radiation oncologists and referring physicians
in making decisions regarding radiologic imaging and treatment. Generally, the complexity and severity of a patients clinical condition should dictate the
selection of appropriate imaging procedures or treatments. Only those examinations generally used for evaluation of the patients condition are ranked.
Other imaging studies necessary to evaluate other co-existent diseases or other medical consequences of this condition are not considered in this
document. The availability of equipment or personnel may influence the selection of appropriate imaging procedures or treatments. Imaging techniques
classified as investigational by the FDA have not been considered in developing these criteria; however, study of new equipment and applications should
be encouraged. The ultimate decision regarding the appropriateness of any specific radiologic examination or treatment must be made by the referring
physician and radiologist in light of all the circumstances presented in an individual examination.

Appendix 1: Classification/Staging System for AKI [9]


Creatinine Criteria
Serum Creatinine of >0.3 mg/dl or increase to
150% - 200% from baseline
Increase serum creatinine to >200%-300% from
Increase serum creatinine to >300% from baseline
(or serum creatinine 4.0mg/dl with an acute rise of
at least 0.5 mg/dl)

ACR Appropriateness Criteria


Urine Output Criteria

<0.5ml/kg/hr for > 6 hrs
<0.5ml/kg/hr for >12 hrs
<0.3ml/kg/hr x 24 hrs or anuria x 12 hr

Renal Failure

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