Death Squads The Killing Never Stops
Death Squads The Killing Never Stops
Death Squads The Killing Never Stops
A death squad is an armed squad that kills civilians, terrorists or guerillas. These groups
tend to commit extrajudicial assassinations / extra-judicial killings and forced
disappearances of persons. These killings are often conducted in ways meant to ensure
the secrecy of the killers' identities, so as to avoid accountability and ensure
Death squads are often, but not exclusively, associated with the violent political
repression under dictatorships, totalitarian states and similar regimes. They typically have
the tacit or express support of the state, as a whole or in part (see state terrorism). Death
squads may comprise a secret police force, paramilitary group or official government
units with members drawn from the military or the police. They may also be organized as
vigilante groups.
Death squads differ from terrorist groups in that their violent actions are often used to
maintain the power of a local or national elite, rather than intending to disrupt their
existing authority per se. Foreign powers may aid states where death squads are active,
usually without the international criticism that would be involved when supporting states
that support terrorism. Some death squads, including those with links with corrupt elites,
have been classified as terrorist organizations.
Death squads can kill or commit premeditated attacks against political opponents, alleged
rebel sympathizers and any other people deemed "dangerous" or simply "undesirable" by
authorities or local groups (e.g. homeless and squatters). They may also act to remove
ethnic or political groups whose existence does not serve the purposes of the ruling elite
(ethnic cleansing, politicide). (for more information)
Death Squad Leader ‘Was Top CIA Agent’; Facing War Crimes
Charges at the International Criminal Court at The Hague
Hersh spoke with great confidence about these findings from his current reporting, which
he hasn’t written about yet.
In an email exchange afterward, Hersh said that his statements were “an honest response
to a question” from the event’s moderator, U of M Political Scientist Larry Jacobs and
“not something I wanted to dwell about in public.”
Hersh didn’t take back the statements, which he said arise from reporting he is doing for
a book, but that it might be a year or two before he has what he needs on the topic to be
“effective...that is, empirical, for even the most skeptical.”
The evening of great conversation, featuring Walter Mondale and Hersh, moderated by
Jacobs and titled “America’s Constitutional Crisis,” looked to be a mostly historical
review of events that have tested our Constitution, by a journalist and a high government
official who had experience with many of the crises.
And it was mostly historical, and a great conversation, in which Hersh and Mondale
talked about the patterns by which presidents seem to get intoxicated by executive power,
frustrated by the limitations on that power from Congress and the public, drawn into
improper covert actions that exceed their constitutional powers, in the belief that they can
get results and will never be found out. Despite a few references to the Founding Fathers,
the history was mostly recent, starting with the Vietnam War with much of it arising from
the George W. Bush administration, which both men roundly denounced.
At the end of one answer by Hersh about how these things tend to happen, Jacobs asked:
“And do they continue to happen to this day?”
Replied Hersh:
“Yuh. After 9/11, I haven’t written about this yet, but the Central Intelligence Agency
was very deeply involved in domestic activities against people they thought to be
enemies of the state. Without any legal authority for it. They haven’t been called on it
yet. That does happen.
"Right now, today, there was a story in the New York Times that if you read it carefully
mentioned something known as the Joint Special Operations Command -- JSOC it’s
called. It is a special wing of our special operations community that is set up
independently. They do not report to anybody, except in the Bush-Cheney days, they
reported directly to the Cheney office. They did not report to the chairman of the joint
chiefs of staff or to Mr. [Robert] Gates, the secretary of defense. They reported directly to
him. ...
"Congress has no oversight of it. It’s an executive assassination ring essentially, and
it’s been going on and on and on. Just today in the Times there was a story that its
leaders, a three star admiral named [William H.] McRaven, ordered a stop to it because
there were so many collateral deaths.
"Under President Bush’s authority, they’ve been going into countries, not talking to
the ambassador or the CIA station chief, and finding people on a list and executing
them and leaving. That’s been going on, in the name of all of us.
"It’s complicated because the guys doing it are not murderers, and yet they are
committing what we would normally call murder. It’s a very complicated issue. Because
they are young men that went into the Special Forces. The Delta Forces you’ve heard
about. Navy Seal teams. Highly specialized.
"In many cases, they were the best and the brightest. Really, no exaggerations. Really
fine guys that went in to do the kind of necessary jobs that they think you need to do to
protect America. And then they find themselves torturing people.
"I’ve had people say to me -- five years ago, I had one say: ‘What do you call it when you
interrogate somebody and you leave them bleeding and they don’t get any medical
committee and two days later he dies. Is that murder? What happens if I get before a
Hersh, the best-known investigative reporter of his generation, writes about these kinds of
issues for The New Yorker. He has written often about JSOC, including, last July that:
(“Finding” refers to a special document that a president must issue, although not make
public, to authorize covert CIA actions.)
Here is a tape of the full Mondale-Hersh-Jacobs colloquy, a little over an hour, without
the audience Q and A. If you want to look for the Hersh statement quoted above, it’s
about at the 7:30 mark.
The rest of the evening was, as expected, full of worry and wisdom and quite a bit of
Jacobs walked the two elder statesmen through their experiences of:
• The My Lai massacre, which Hersh first revealed publicly and which he last
night called “the end of innocence about us and war.”
• The Pentagon Papers case, which Mondale called the best example of the
“government’s potential for vast public deception.”
• Henry Kissinger’s secret dealings, mostly relating to the Vietnam War. (Hersh,
who has written volumes about Kissinger, said that he will always believe that
whereas ordinary people count sheep to fall asleep, Kissinger “has to count
burned and maimed Cambodian babies.”)
• The Church Committee investigation of CIA and FBI abuses, in which
Mondale played a major role. (He talked about the fact that FBI director J. Edgar
Hoover not only spied on Martin Luther King but literally tried to drive him to
• The Iran Contra scandal. (Hersh said the Reagan administration came to office
with a clear goal of finding a way to finance covert actions, such as the funding of
the Nicaraguan Contras, without appropriations so that Congress wouldn't know
about them. Mondale noted that Reagan had signed a law barring further aid to
the Contras, then participated in a scheme to keep the aid flowing. Hersh said that
two key veterans of Iran-Contra, Dick Cheney and national security official Elliot
Abrams, were reunited in the George W. Bush White House and decided that the
key lesson from Iran-Contra was that too many people in the administration knew
about it.)
• And the Bush-Cheney years. (Said Hersh: “The contempt for Congress in the
Bush-Cheney White House was extaordinary.” Said Mondale of his successor,
Cheney, and his inner circle: “they ran a government within the government.”
Hersh added: “Eight or nine neoconservatives took over our country.” Mondale
said that the precedents of abuse of vice presidential power by Cheney would
remain "like a loaded pistol that you leave on the dining room table.")
Jacobs pressed both men on the question of whether the frequent abuses of power show
that the Constitution fails, because these things keep happening, or whether it works,
because these things keep coming to light.
Mondale stuck with the happy answer. “The system has come through again and again,”
he said. Presidents always think they will get away with it, but eventually reporters like
Hersh bring things to light, the public “starts smelling this stuff,” the courts and the
Congress get involved. Presidents “always, in the long run, find out that the system is
stronger than they are.”
Hersh seemed more troubled by the repetitions of the pattern. The “beautiful thing about
our system” is that eventually we get new leaders, he said. “The evil twosome, Cheney
and Bush, left,” Hersh said. But he also said “it’s really amazing to me that we manage to
get such bad leadership, so consistently.”
And he added that both the press and the public let down their guard in the aftermath of
“The major newspapers joined the [Bush] team,” Hersh said. Top editors passed the
message to investigative reporters not to “pick holes” in what Bush was doing. Violations
of the Bill of Rights happened in the plain sight of the public. It was not only tolerated,
but Bush was re-elected.
And even Mondale admitted that one of his greatest successes, laws reforming the FBI
and CIA in the aftermath of the Church Committee, were supposed to fix the problem so
that “we would never have these problems again in the lifetime of anyone alive at the
time, but of course we did.”
In case you're out of context, I wrote yesterday about comments famed investigative
reporter Seymour Hersh made Tuesday night at the U of M, which included a description
of a story he is working on that he said would show that "the Central Intelligence Agency
was very deeply involved in domestic activities against people they thought to be
enemies of the state. Without any legal authority for it. They haven’t been called on it
yet. That does happen."
"I saw your story on Seymour Hersh’s recent allegations regarding CIA activities since
9/11. If you wish, you can attribute the quoted portion that follows to me, in name, as a
CIA spokesman:
'This is utter nonsense.'"
I spoke to Little to clarify whether he was aware of the basis for Hersh's statement (which
I am not, only that it's based on his reporting) or whether he was categorically stating that
nothing the CIA has done post-9/11 could be reasonably characterized as domestic
activities against people they thought to be enemies of the state. He said it was a
categorical denial. He doesn't know what Hersh claims, but any claim that the CIA has
engaged in domestic spying is "complete and utter nonsense," saith Little on behalf of the
In 1963, the U.S. government sent 10 Special Forces personnel to El Salvador to help
General Jose Alberto Medrano set up the Organizacion Democratica Nacionalista
(ORDEN)-the first paramilitary death squad in that country. These Green Berets assisted
in the organization and indoctrination of rural "civic" squads which gathered intelligence
and carried out political assassinations in coordination with the Salvadoran military.
Now, there is compelling evidence to show that for over 30 years, members of the U.S.
military and the CIA have helped organize, train, and fund death squad activity in El
In the last eight years, six Salvadoran military deserters have publicly acknowledged their
participation in the death squads. Their stories are notable because they not only confirm
suspicions that the death squads are made up of members of the Salvadoran military, but
also because each one implicates U.S. personnel in death squad activity.
The term "death squad" while appropriately vivid, can be misleading because it obscures
their fundamental identity. Evidence shows that "death squads" are primarily military or
paramilitary units carrying out political assassinations and intimidation as part of the
Salvadoran government's counterinsurgency strategy. Civilian death squads do exist but
have often been comprised of off-duty soldiers financed by wealthy Salvadoran
It is important to point out that the use of death squads has been a strategy of U.S.
counterinsurgency doctrine. For example, the CIA's "Phoenix Program" was responsible
for the "neutralization" of over 40,000 Vietnamese suspected of working with the
National Liberation Front.
Part of the U.S. counterinsurgency program was run from the Office of Public Safety
(OPS). OPS was part of U.S. AID, and worked with the Defense Department and the CIA
to modernize and centralize the repressive capabilities of client state police forces,
including those in El Salvador. In 1974 Congress ordered the discontinuation of OPS.
In spite of the official suspension of police assistance between 1974 and 1985, CIA and
other U.S . officials worked with Salvadoran security forces throughout the restricted
period to centralize and modernize surveillance, to continue training, and to fund key
players in the death squad network.
Even though the U.S. government's police training program had been thoroughly
discredited, the Reagan administration found other channels through which to reinstate
police assistance for El Salvador and Honduras. Attached to this assistance is the
requirement that the president certify that aid recipients do not engage in torture, political
persecution, or assassination. Even so, certain members of Congress showed concern
over the reinstatement of police aid to repressive regimes. In a Senate Foreign Relations
Committee hearing, Senator Claiborne Pell (Dem.-Rhode Island) asked, "I was talking
about cattle prods specifically. Would they be included or not?"
Undersecretary of State for Latin American Affair Elliott Abrams replied, "Well, I would
say that in my view if the police of Costa Rica, with their democratic tradition, say that
for crowd control purposes they would like to have 50 shot [sic] batons, as they are called
in a nonagricultural context, I would personally want to give it to them. I think that
government has earned enough trust, as I think we have earned enough trust, not to be
questioned, frankly, about exporting torture equipment. But I would certainly be in favor
of giving it to them if they want it."
Cesar Vielman Joya Martinez, a soldier in the First Infantry Brigade's Department 2
(Intelligence), is the most recent Salvadoran to admit his involvement in death squad
activity. At a November 1, 1989 press conference Joya Martinez stated that certain
military units in Department 2 carried out "heavy interrogation" (a euphemism for
torture) after which the victims were killed. The job of his unit was to execute people by
strangulation, slitting their throats, or injecting them with poison. He admitted killing
eight people and participating in many more executions. He stated that the Brigade
Commander had sent written orders to carry out the killings and that the use of bullets
was forbidden because they might be traced to the military.
Joya Martinez also claims that one of the U.S. advisers working with the First Brigade sat
at a desk next to his and received "all the reports from our agents on clandestine captures,
interrogations...but we did not provide them with reports on the executions. They did not
want to hear of the actual killings." U.S. advisers authorized expenses for such extras as
black glass on squad vans to allow executions to take place unobserved; provided $4,000
for the monthly budget; and conducted classes in recruiting informants and conducting
intelligence reconnaissance.
Another Salvadoran soldier, Ricardo Castro, is the first officer to come forward with
information about death squad activity. Castro graduated from West Point in 1973 and
was a company commander in the Salvadoran Army. He translated for several U.S.
advisers who taught, among other subjects, interrogation techniques. Castro claims that
one U.S. instructor worked out of the Sheraton Hotel (taken over briefly during the
November 1989 FMLN offensive) and emphasized psychological techniques. Castro
recalled a class where Salvadoran soldiers asked the adviser about an impasse in their
torture sessions:
He was obviously against torture a lot of the time. He favored selective torture.... When
they learned some thing in class, they might go back to their fort that night and practice....
I remember very distinctly some students talking about the fact that people were conking
out on they were administering electric shock. 'We keep giving him the electric
shock, and he just doesn't respond. What can we do?'.... The American gave a broad smile
and said, 'You've got to surprise him. We know this from experience. Give him a jolt. Do
something that will just completely amaze him, and that should bring him out of it."
Castro revealed that he held monthly briefings with then deputy CIA chief of station in El
Salvador Frederic Brugger who had recruited him for intelligence work after meeting at
an interrogation class. Castro also claimed to have knowledge of the perpetration of large
massacres of civilians by Army Department 5.
In December 1981, he met in Morazan Province with one of the officers that the U.S.
instructor had advised. "They had two towns of about 300 people each, and they were
interrogating them to see what they knew. Since I...knew something about interrogations,
he said he might want me to help. The Major told me that after the interrogation, they
were going to kill them all." Castro was, however, reassigned and did not participate.
Later, his pro-government mother told him, "You know, son, these guerrillas, they invent
the wildest lies. They say that in December, 600 civilians were killed in Morazan." "Oh,
shit, I was hoping I'd been dreaming it," he thought. "I later found out, they did go in and
kill them after all."
Rene Hurtado worked as intelligence agent for the Treasury Police, one of the three
Salvadoran paramilitary forces. After a falling out with an officer, he fled to Minnesota,
took refuge with a Presbyterian Church congregation, and began describing routine
torture methods used by paramilitary forces. These included beatings, electric shock,
suffocation, and mutilation. He described techniques such as tearing the skin from "
interrogation" subjects, sticking needles into them, or beating them in such a manner that
lasting internal injuries but no telltale external marks would be sustained. According to
Hurtado, CIA employees and Green Berets taught some of these torture techniques to the
Treasury Police in Army staff headquarters.
General John Vessey, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, was particularly disturbed by
the implication of the Green Berets and initiated an investigation. The investigator from
the Army Criminal Investigation Division stated, "My job was to clear the Army's name
and I was going to do whatever [was] necessary to do that." Hurtado refused to cooperate
with the investigator on the advice of a member of Congress whom the church
parishioners had called upon. When the investigator was told this by the minister, he
responded, "Tell Mr. Hurtado that the Congressman has given him very costly advice.
When I went to El Salvador to investigate his allegations, at the advice of the U.S.
Ambassador, I did not talk to members of the Salvadoran military. If I go again and talk
to the military, we don't know who will be hurt, do we?''
Following revelations of U.S. involvement in death squad activities, the House and
Senate Intelligence Committees reported on allegations of U.S. complicity in death squad
activity. The Republican-dominated Senate panel confirmed that Salvadoran officials
were involved, but denied any direct U.S. role, keeping certain portions of its report
classified. The House Committee stated that, "U.S. intelligence agencies have not
conducted any of their activities in such a way as to directly encourage or support death-
squad activities." Rep. James Shannon (Dem.-Mass.), who requested the inquiry,
commented that the report was "certainly not as conclusive as the committee makes it
Former Colonel Roberto Santivanez claimed that the then chief of the Salvadoran
Treasury Police, Nicolas Carranza, was the officer most active with the death squads.
Colonel Carranza is also alleged to have received $90,000 annually from the CIA.
Carranza has confirmed the close working relationship of the paramilitary forces with
U.S. intelligence. "[They] have collaborated with us in a certain technical manner,
providing us with advice. They receive information from everywhere in the world, and
they have sophisticated equipment that enables them to better inform or at least confirm
the information we have. It's very helpful.''
Carlos Antonio Gomez Montano was a paratrooper stationed at Ilopango Air Force Base.
He claimed to have seen eight Green Beret advisers watching two "torture classes" during
which a 17-year-old boy and a 13-year-old girl were tortured. Montano claimed that his
unit and the Green Berets were joined by Salvadoran Air Force Commander Rafael
Bustillo and other Salvadoran officers during these two sessions in January 1981. A
Salvadoran officer told the assembled soldiers, "[watching] will make you feel more like
a man.''
Above are the accounts of the death squad deserters. Non military sources have also
reported the participation of U.S. personnel. For example, another (highly placed
anonymous civilian) source maintained that Armed Forces General Staff Departments 2
and 5 (organized with help from U.S. Army Colonel David Rodriguez, a Cuban-
American) used tortures such as beating, burning and electric shock. U.S. involvement
has also been asserted in sworn accounts by some victims of torture. Jose Ruben Carrillo
Cubas, a student, gave testimony that during his detention by the Long Distance
Reconnaissance Patrol (PRAL) in 1986, a U.S. Army Major tortured him by applying
electric shocks to his back and ears.
Various sources have reported the use of U.S.-manufactured torture equipment. Rene
Hurtado, for example, explained, "There re some very sophisticated methods...of
torture..[like the machine] that looks like a radio, like a transformer; it s about 15
centimeters across, with connecting wires. It says General Electric on it...."
Many other documented accounts of brutality by U.S. trained and advised military units
exist. Indeed, the elite Atlacatl Battalion has been implicated in several massacres over
the past ten years and members of the battalion have been indicted for the November
slayings of the six Jesuit priests and two women.
It is widely accepted, in the mainstream media and among human rights organizations,
that the Salvadoran government is responsible for most of the 70,000 deaths which are
the result of ten years of civil war. The debate, however, has dwelled on whether the
death squads are strictly renegade military factions or a part of the larger apparatus. The
evidence indicates that the death squads are simply components of the Salvadoran
military. And that their activities are not only common knowledge to U.S. agencies, but
that U.S. personnel have been integral in organizing these units and continue to support
their dally functioning.
David Kirsh is author of the booklet, "Central America Without Crying Uncle." It is
available from Primer Project, 107 Mosswood Court, Chapel Hill, NC 27516.
From: Ralph McGehee by Ralph McGehee posted on RemarQ
Topic: CIA - Death Squads
Message: 1 of 1
Sent: Sat, 09 Oct 1999 10:22:37 -0400
CIA Support of Death Squads
The information below is from CIABASE files on Death Squads supported by the CIA.
Also given below are details on Watch Lists prepared by the CIA to facilitate the actions
of Death Squads.
Ralph McGehee
Death Squads: Miscellaneous
CIA set up Ansesal and other networks of terror in El Salvador, Guatemala (Ansegat) and
pre-Sandinista Nicaragua (Ansenic). The CIA created, structured and trained secret police
in South Korea, Iran, Chile and Uruguay, and elsewhere - organizations responsible for
untold thousands of tortures, disappearances, and deaths. Spark, 4/1985, pp. 2-4
1953-94 Sponsorship by CIA of death squad activity covered in summary form. Notes
that in Haiti CIA admitted Lt. General Raoul Cedras and other high-ranking officials
"were" on its payroll and are helping organize violent repression in Haiti. Luis Moreno,
an employee of State Department, has bragged he helped Colombian army create a
database of subversives, terrorists and drug dealers." His superior in overseeing INS for
Southeastern U.S., is Gunther Wagner, former Nazi soldier and a key member of now-
defunct Office of Public Safety (OPS), an AID project which helped train
counterinsurgents and terrorism in dozens of countries. Wagner worked in Vietnam as
part of Operation Phoenix and in Nicaragua where he helped train National Guard.
Article also details massacres in Indonesia. Haiti Information, 4/23/1994, pp. 3,4
CIA personnel requested transfers 1960-7 in protest of CIA officer Nestor Sanchez's
working so closely with death squads. Marshall, J., Scott P.D., and Hunter, J. (1987). The
Iran-Contra Connection, p. 294
CIA. 1994. Mary McGrory op-ed, "Clinton's CIA Chance." Excoriates CIA over Aldrich
Ames, support for right-wing killers in El Salvador, Nicaraguan Contras and Haiti's
FRAPH and Cedras. Washington Post, 10/16/1994, C1,2
Angola: Death Squads
Angola, 1988. Amnesty International reported that UNITA, backed by the U.S., engaged
in extra-judicial executions of high-ranking political rivals and ill-treatment of prisoners.
Washington Post, 3/14/1989, A20
Bolivia: Death Squads
Bolivia. Between October 1966-68 Amnesty International reported between 3,000 and
8,000 people killed by death squads. Blum, W. (1986). The CIA A Forgotten History, p.
Bolivia, 1991. A group known as "Black Hand" shot twelve people on 24 November
1991. Killings were part of group's aim to eliminate "undesirable" elements from society.
Victims included police officers, prostitutes and homosexuals." Washington Post
11/25/1991, A2
Bolivia: Watch List
Bolivia, 1975. CIA hatched plot with interior ministry to harass progressive bishops, and
to arrest and expel foreign priests and nuns. CIA was particularly helpful in supplying
names of U.S. and other foreign missionaries. The Nation, 5/22/1976, p. 624
Bolivia, 1975. CIA provided government data on priests who progressive. Blum, W.
(1986). The CIA A Forgotten History, p. 259
Brazil: Watch List
Brazil, 1962-64. Institute of Research and Social Studies (IPES) with assistance from
U.S. sources published booklets and pamphlets and distributed hundreds of articles to
newspapers. In 1963 alone it distributed 182,144 books. It underwrote lectures, financed
students' trips to the U.S., sponsored leadership training programs for 2,600 businessmen,
students, and workers, and subsidized organizations of women, students, and workers. In
late 1962 IPES member Siekman in Sao Paulo organized vigilante cells to counter
leftists. The vigilantes armed themselves, made hand-grenades. IPES hired retired
military to exert influence on those in active service. From 1962-64 IPES, by its own
estimate, spent between $200,000 and $300,000 on an intelligence net of retired military.
The "research group" of retired military circulated a chart that identified communist
groups and leaders. Black, J.K. (1977). United States Penetration of Brazil, p. 85
Brazil: Death Squads
Brazil, circa 1965. Death squads formed to bolster Brazil's national intelligence service
and counterinsurgency efforts. Many death squad members were merely off-duty police
officers. U.S. AID (and presumably the CIA) knew of and supported police participation
in death squad activity. Counterspy 5/6 1979, p. 10
Brazil. Death squads began appear after 1964 coup. Langguth, A.J. (1978). Hidden
Terrors, p. 121
Brazilian and Uruguayan death squads closely linked and have shared training. CIA on at
least two occasions co-ordinated meetings between countries' death squads. Counterspy
5/6 1979, p. 11
Brazil, torture. After CIA-backed coup, military used death squads and torture. Blum, W.
(1986). The CIA A Forgotten History, p. 190
Cambodia: Watch List
Cambodia, 1970. Aided by CIA, Cambodian secret police fed blacklists of targeted
Vietnamese to Khmer Serai and Khmer Kampuchea Krom. Mass killings of Vietnamese.
Valentine, D. (1990). The Phoenix Program, p. 328
Cambodia: Death Squads
Cambodia, 1980-90. U.S. indirect support for Khmer Rouge-- U.S. comforting mass
murderers. Washington Post, 5/7/1990, A10 editorial
Central America: Death Squads
Central America, circa 1979-87. According to Americas Watch, civilian non combatant
deaths attributable to government forces in Nicaragua might reach 300, most Miskito
Indians in comparison 40-50,000 Salvadoran citizens killed by death squads and
government forces during same years, along with similar number during last year of
Somoza and still higher numbers in Guatemala. Chomsky, N. (1988). The Culture of
Terrorism, p. 101
Central America, 1981-87. Death toll under Reagan in El Salvador passed 50,000 and in
Guatemala it may approach 100,000. In Nicaragua 11,000 civilians killed by 1968. Death
toll in region 150,000 or more. Chomsky, N. (1988). The Culture of Terrorism, p. 29
Central America. See debate carried in Harpers "Why Are We in Central America? On
Dominoes, Death Squads, and Democracy. Can We Live With Latin Revolution? The
Dilemmas of National Security." Harpers, 6/1984, p35
Central America, 1982-84. Admiral Bobby Inman, former head of NSA, had deep
distaste for covert operations. Inman complained that the CIA was hiring murderers to
conduct operations in Central America and the Middle East - eventually Inman resigned.
Toohey, B., and Pinwill, W. (1990). Oyster: the Story of the Australian Secret
Intelligence Service, pp. 215-6
Chile: Watch List
Chile, 1970-73. By late 1971 the CIA in near daily contact with military. The station
collecting the kind of information that would be essential for a military dictatorship after
a coup: lists of civilians to be arrested, those to be protected and government installations
occupied at once. Atlantic, 12/1982, p. 58
Chile, 1970-73. CIA compiled lists of persons who would have to be arrested and a roster
of civilian and government installations that would need protection in case of military
coup against government. Corn, D. (1994). Blond Ghost: Ted Shackley and the CIA's
Crusades, p. 251
Chile, 1972-73. Drew up lists those to be arrested immediately, or protected after a coup
by military. Sergeyev, F.F. (1981). Chile, CIA Big Business, p. 163
Chile late 1971-72. CIA adopted more active stance re military penetration program
including effort to subsidize anti-government news pamphlet directed at armed services,
compilation arrest lists and its deception operation. CIA received intelligence reports on
coup planning throughout July, August and September 73. U.S. Congress, Church
Committee Report. (1976) v 7, p. 39
Chile. Chilean graduates of AIFLD, as well as CIA-created unions, organized CIA-
financed strikes which participated in Allende's overthrow. In 1973 AIFLD graduates
provided DINA, Chile's secret police, with thousands of names of fellow unionists who
were subsequently imprisoned and tortured and executed. Counterspy 4/1981, p. 13
Chile. Blum, W. (1986). The CIA A Forgotten History, 240
Chile, 1973-74. After 1973 coup, U.S. Embassy intelligence types gave their files on the
Chilean and foreign left to the junta's military intelligence service (SIM). NACLA
(magazine re Latin America) 8/74, p. 28.
Chile, 1973. The military prepared lists of nearly 20,000 middle-level leaders of people's
organizations, scheduled to be assassinated from the morning of the coup on. The list of
some 3,000 high-level directors to be arrested. Lists detailed: name, address, age,
profession, marital status, and closest personal friends. It alleged U.S. military mission
and the CIA involved in their preparation. Moa 186. From late June on plotters began to
finalize lists of extremists, political leaders, Marxist journalists, agents of international
communism, and any and all persons participating with any vigor in neighborhood,
communal, union, or national organization. The Pentagon had been asked to get the CIA
to give the Chilean army lists of Chileans linked to socialist countries. Names sorted into
two groups: persons not publicly known but who important in leftist organizations; and,
well-known people in important positions. 20,000 in first group and 3,000 in second.
Second group to be jailed, the first to be killed. Sandford, R.R. (1975). The Murder of
Allende, pp. 195-6
CIA provided intelligence on "subversives" regularly compiled by CIA for use in such
circumstances. Blum, W. (1986). The CIA A Forgotten History, p. 194
Columbia: Watch List
Colombia. Luis Moreno, an employee of State Department, bragged he helped
Colombian army create a database of subversives, terrorists and drug dealers. Haiti
Information, 4/23/94, pp. 3,4
Columbia: Death Squads
Colombia. MAS (Muerte A Secuestradores): "Death to Kidnappers," Colombian
antiguerrilla death squad founded in December 1981 by members of Medellin cartel, Cali
cartel, and Colombian military. Scott, P. and Marshall, J. (1991). Cocaine Politics, p. 261.
Colombia, 1993-94. Amnesty International called Colombia one of worst "killing fields."
U.S. is an accomplice. William F. Schultz, human rights group's newly appointed
Executive Director for the U.S., told a news conference that using fight against drugs as a
pretext - Colombian government doesn't reign in [its forces]. About 20,000 people killed
since 1986 in one of Latin America's most "stable democracies." only 2% political
killings related to drug trafficking and 70% by paramilitary or military. U.S. probably a
collaborator and much of U.S. aid for counternarcotics diverted to "killing fields." AI
report said human meat is sold on black market and politicians gunned down along with
children, homosexuals, and drug addicts. U.S. support because of Colombia's strategic
position. No one is safe, people killed for body parts. Washington Times, 3/16/1994, p.
Costa Rica: Watch List
Costa Rica, 1955. Ambassador Woodward reported the government should be urged to
maintain closer surveillance over communists and prosecute them more vigorously, and
the government should be influenced to amend the constitution to limit the travel of
communists, increase penalties for subversive activities and enact proposed legislation
eliminating communists from union leadership. Meanwhile USIA aka USIS programs "to
continue to condition the public to the communist menace" should be maintained. Z
Magazine, 11/1988, p. 20
Cuba: Watch List
Cuba, 1955-57. Allen Dulles pressed Batista to establish with CIA help, a bureau for the
repression of communist activities. Grose, P. (1994). Gentleman Spy: the Life of Allen
Dulles, p. 412
Cuba: Death Squads
Cuba, 1956-95 CIA's war against Cuba and Cuba's response. In 1956, CIA established in
Cuba the infamous Bureau for the Repression of Communist Activities, BRAC -- secret
police that became well known for torture and assassination of Batista's political
opponents. Unclassified W/1994-1995 16-17
Dominican Republic: Watch List
Dominican Republic, 1965. CIA composed list of 55 communist ringleaders of projected
takeover of government. Crozier, b. (1993). Free Agent, p. 58
Dominican Republic: Death Squads
Dominican Republic, cover, 1965. 18 public safety program advisers, 6 of whom CIA.
Police organized La Banda, a death squad. Lernoux, P. (1982). Cry of the People, p. 187
Eastern Europe: Watch List
East Europe, USSR, 1952-93. Radio Free Europe researchers have hundreds of thousands
of file cards on prominent east bloc citizens and a staff of 160 researchers. Washington
Post, 4/4/1993, p. A19
East Timor: Death Squads
East Timor, 1975-76. Role of U.S. Government, CIA/NSA, and their Australian
collaborators in East Timor is another example of support for genocide which joins a long
list of similar cases. Carter and Ford administrations have been accomplices in the
massacre of anywhere between one-in-ten (Indonesian foreign minister Mochtar's latest
figure) and one-in-two Timorese. Counterspy, Spring 1980, p. 19
Ecuador: Watch List
Ecuador, 1962. Subversive control watch list. With agent from Social Christian party
CIA will form five squads composed of five men for investigative work on subversive
control watch list. Agee, P. (1975). Inside the Company: CIA Diary, pp. 240, 247
Ecuador, 1963. The CIA maintained what was called the lynx list, aka the subversive
control watch list. This a file that might have 50 to 500 names. People on the list were
supposed to be the most important left-wing activists whose arrest we might effect
through the local government. Would include place and date of birth, wife's name, where
they worked, and biological data on the whole family, including schools the children
attended, etc. In Ecuador the CIA paid teams to collect and maintain this type
information. Agee, (1981). White Paper Whitewash, p. 55
Egypt: Watch List
Egypt, Pakistan, 1993. 4/16/1993 2 teams from CIA and FBI to Peshawar to check
information given them by Egyptian intelligence services. Egyptians reported terrorist
groups based in Peshawar belong to "Arab Afghans" with ties to fundamentalist Muslims
in U.S. CIA specialists met with officers of Mukhabarat Al-Amat who had list of 300
Egyptians believed to be hard inner core of Jihad led by Mohammed Sahwky Islambuli.
Names of various terrorists. On request by CIA and others, 100 expulsions on 4/10.
Intelligence Newsletter, 4/29/1993, pp. 1,5
El Salvador: Watch List
El Salvador, 1980-89. On TV D'Aubuisson, using military intelligence files, denounced
teachers, labor leaders, union organizers and politicians. Within days their mutilated
bodies found. Washington had identified most leaders of death squads as members
Salvadoran security forces with ties to D'Aubuisson. Washington Post op-ed by Douglas
Farah, 2/23/1992, p. C4
El Salvador, 1982-84. Significant political violence associated with Salvadoran security
services including National police, National Guard, and Treasury Police. U.S.
Government agencies maintained official relationships with Salvadoran security
establishment appearing to acquiesce in these activities. No evidence U.S. personnel
participated in forcible interrogations. U.S. Did pass "tactical" information to alert
services of action by insurgent forces. Information on persons passed only in highly
unusual cases. Senate Intelligence Committee, October 5, 1984, pp. 11-13
El Salvador: Death Squads
El Salvador, 1961-79. Vigilante organization called Democratic National Organization
(Orden) created early 1960s to further control countryside. Created in 1961 but abolished
in 1979. But quickly regained and even surpassed former vicious role. Today its members
form the core of civil defense corps. White, R.A. (1984). The Morass, p. 133
El Salvador, 1961-84. During the Kennedy administration, agents of the U.S. government
set up 2 security organizations that killed thousands of peasants and suspected leftists
over the next 15 years. Guided by Americans, these organizations into the paramilitary
units that were the death squads: in 1984 the CIA, in violation U.S. law, continued to
provide training, support, and intelligence to security forces involved in death squads.
Over the years the CIA and U.S. military organized Orden, the rural paramilitary and
intelligence net designed to use terror. Mano Blanco grew out of Orden, which a U.S.
ambassador called the "birth of the death squads;" conceived and organized Ansesal, the
elite presidential intelligence service that gathered files on Salvadoran dissidents and
gave that information to the death squads; recruited General Medrano, the founder of
Orden and Ansesal as a CIA agent; supplied Ansesal, the security forces, and the General
Staff with electronic, photographic, and personal surveillance of individuals who later
assassinated by death squads; and, trained security forces in the use of investigative
techniques, weapons, explosives, and interrogation with "instruction in methods of
physical and psychological torture. The Progressive, 5/1984, pp. 20-29
El Salvador, 1963. U.S. government sent 10 special forces personnel to El Salvador to
help General Jose Alberto Medrano set up Organizacion Democratica Nacionalist
(Orden)--first paramilitary death squad in that country. These green berets assisted in
organization and indoctrination of rural "civic" squads which gathered intelligence and
carried out political assassinations in coordination with Salvadoran military. Now there is
compelling evidence to show that for over 30 years, members of U.S. military and CIA
have helped organize, train, and fund death squad activity in El Salvador. Covert Action
Information Bulletin (Quarterly), Summer 1990, p. 51
El Salvador, 1963. National Democratic Organization (Orden) formed as pro-government
organization with assistance from CIA, U.S. military advisers, AID's police training
program. Orden supervised by Salvadoran national security agency, intelligence
organization of military. CIA chose "right hand man," Jose Medrano, to direct Orden.
Orden served as base for death squad operations and sanctioned in 1970-79 all "above
ground" unions. Barry, T., and Preusch, D. (1986). AIFLD in Central America, p. 33
El Salvador, 1965-85. For a report of CIA supporting death squad activities in El
Salvador see "Spark," 4/1985, pp. 2-4
El Salvador, 1966. Developed death squads with help of green berets. Campaign used
vigilantes to employ terror. Later called civil defense corps. White, R.A. (1984). The
Morass, pp. 101-3
El Salvador, 1968. AIFLD creates Salvadoran Communal Union (UCS) which
emphasized self help for rural farmers and not peasant organizing. Initially, UCS had
support military government. By 1973 UCS seen as too progressive and AIFLD officially
expelled. U.S. funding UCS continued through training programs and private
foundations. UCS charged with ties to Orden, organization which carried out death squad
activity. With failing pro-government union efforts, AIFLD called back to control UCS in
1979. Barry, T., and Preusch, D. (1986). AIFLD in Central America, p. 34
El Salvador, 1976-85. Attended conferences of World Anti-Communist League: Roberto
D'Aubuisson, El Salvador. Former major in military intelligence; charged with being
responsible for coordinating nation's rightist death squads. Established Arena political
party with assistance of U.S. new right leaders. Anderson, J. L.. and Anderson, S. (1986).
Inside the League
El Salvador, 1979-84. House Intelligence Committee investigation of U.S. intelligence
connections with death squad activities concluded U.S. intelligence agencies "have not
conducted any of their activities in such a way as to directly encourage or support death
squad acts." House Intelligence Committee, annual report, 1/2/1985, pp. 16-19
El Salvador, 1979-88. Death squads recruited under cover of boy scouts. Boys operated
as a death squad known as Regalados Armed Forces (FAR). They murdered union
officials, student leaders and teachers accused of being guerrilla sympathizers. Herman
Torres, a death squad member, learned that the scouts part of nationwide net based on the
paramilitary organization known as Orden and coordinated from the main military
intelligence unit known as Ansesal run by D'Aubuisson. After coup of 1979, Orden and
Ansesal officially disbanded. In 1982, when Arena won control of the constituent
assembly, the top legislative body was turned into a center for death squads. Another
death squad called the secret anti-communist army (ESA). Bush and North in 12/11/1983
were sent to make it clear U.S. would not tolerate death squads. Perez Linares boasted he
killed Archbishop Romero on 3/24/1980. Catholic Church's human rights office reports
1991 death squad and government killings in first half of 1988 double the number of
1987. Mother Jones, 1/1989, pp. 10-16
El Salvador, 1980-84. Colonel Roberto Santivanez, former chief of the Salvadoran
Army's special military intelligence unit, testified before U.S. Senators and Congressmen.
He charged that Roberto D'Aubuisson was the principal organizer of the death squads,
along with Colonel Nicolas Carranza, the head of the country's Treasury Police. He said
Carranza also serves as a paid CIA informer. Other reports said Carranza received
$90,000 a year for providing intelligence to the CIA. Washington Post, 4/1/1984
El Salvador, 1980-84. Former U.S. Ambassador to El Salvador, Robert White, said the
Reagan administration covered up information that Salvadoran rightist Roberto
D'Aubuisson ordered the killing of Archbishop Romero. Washington Post, 2/3/1984,
El Salvador, 1980. Former U.S. Ambassador Robert White, said D'Aubuisson presided
over a lottery to select which Salvadoran military officer would assassinate Archbishop
Romero, gunned down on 3/24/1980. White said the U.S. Embassy received an
eyewitness account of the 3/22 meeting that plotted Romero's murder. Washington Post
from Associated Press, 3/1984
El Salvador, 1981-83. Colonel Carranza, leader of Salvador's infamous Treasury Police,
oversaw the government reign of terror in which 800 people were killed each month.
Carranza received $90,000 a year from the CIA from 1979-84 Reportedly living in
Kentucky. The Nation, 6/5/1988, p. 780
El Salvador, 1981-84. House Intelligence Committee concluded "CIA did not directly
encourage or support death squad killings. Report added that "some intelligence
relationships with individuals connected with death squads" may have given the
impression that the CIA condoned, because it was aware of, some death squad killings."
Washington Post, 1/14/1985, A20
El Salvador, 1981-84. Senate Intelligence Committee reported several Salvadoran
security and military officials have engaged in death squads acts. Large numbers of low-
level personnel also involved. Death squads have originated from the Treasury Police and
the National Guard and police. Washington Post, 10/12/1984
El Salvador, 1981-84. The CIA and military advisers have helped organize, trained,
financed and advised Salvadoran army and intelligence units engaged in death squad
activities and torture. Information from two well-informed sources in Salvadoran
government. Christian Science Monitor, 5/8/1984, p. 1
El Salvador, 1981-88. Discussion of the use of death squads in El Salvador (No
indication of direct CIA participation). The Nation, 5/8/1989, p. 625
El Salvador, 1986. Despite extensive government labor clamp down (including National
Guard raid of hospital workers strike), Irving Brown, known CIA and head AFL-CIO's
Department of International Affairs, issues report claiming "a shift away from violent
repression and an improvement in human rights." Statement incredible in light of death
squad attacks on unionists. Barry, T., and Preusch, D. (1986). AIFLD in Central America,
p. 35
El Salvador, 1987. Central American death squads reported operating in the Los Angeles
area. NACLA (magazine re Latin America), 6/1987, pp. 4-5
El Salvador, 1988. Americas Watch in September said the military killed 52 civilians in
first 6 months, compared with 72 in all of 1987. In 1988 the Salvadoran rebels have
stepped up the war. Washington Post, 11/26/1988, A1&18
El Salvador. AID public safety advisors created the national police intelligence archive
and helped organize Ansesal, an elite presidential intelligence service. Dossiers these
agencies collected on anti-government activity, compiled with CIA surveillance reports,
provided targets for death squads. Many of 50,000 Salvadorans killed in 1981-85
Attributable to death squad activity. National Reporter, Winter 1986, p. 19
El Salvador. Covert Action Information Bulletin (Quarterly) 12:14-15;12:5-13.
El Salvador. Medrano "the father of the death squads, the chief assassin of them all,"
according to Jose N. Duarte. On 23 March 1985, Medrano was assassinated. Medrano in
1984 admitted he had worked for the CIA in 1960-69. The Progressive, 6/1985, p. 11
El Salvador. Administration sources said at height of rightist death squad activity, Reagan
administration depended on commanders of right wing death squads. The U.S. shared
some intelligence with them. U.S. intelligence officers developed close ties to chief death
squad suspects while death squads killed several hundred a month and totaling tens of
thousands. Washington Post, 10/6/1988, A 39 and 43
El Salvador. Article contrasting results of Senate Committee 1984 news accounts of
official cooperation between CIA and Salvadoran security officers said to be involved in
death squad activities. First Principles, 12/1984, pp. 2-4
El Salvador. CIA supplied surveillance information to security agencies for death squads.
Blum, W. (1986). The CIA A Forgotten History, pp. 321, 327
El Salvador. Falange mysterious death squad comprising both active and retired members
security forces. Conducts death squad activities. Covert Action Information Bulletin
(Quarterly), 4/1981, p. 14
El Salvador. Formation of Organisation Democratica Nacionalista Orden Formed in 1968
by Medrano. Forces between 50,000 and 100,000. From 1968-79, Orden official branch
of government. First junta attempted to abolish, but group reorganized as National
Democratic Front. Example of Orden death squad acts. Covert Action Information
Bulletin (Quarterly), 4/1981, p. 14
El Salvador. See Dickey article re slaughter in El Salvador in New Republic, 12/13/1983,
entitled "The Truth Behind the Death Squads." fn Dickey, C. (1985). With the Contras, p.
El Salvador. The CIA and U.S. Armed forces conceived and organized Orden, the rural
paramilitary and spy net designed to use terror against government opponents. Conceived
and organized Ansesal, the presidential intelligence service that gathered dossiers on
dissidents which then passed on to death squads. Kept key security officers with known
links to death squads on the CIA payroll. Instructed Salvadoran intelligence operatives
"in methods of physical and psychological torture." Briarpatch, 8/1984 p. 30 from the
5/1984 Progressive
El Salvador. UGB (Union Guerrilla Blanca) (white warriors union). Headed by
D'Aubuisson, who trained at International Police Academy. D'Aubuisson claims close
ties CIA. Former ambassador White called D'Aubuisson a "psychopathic killer." Covert
Action Information Bulletin (Quarterly), 4/1981, p. 14
El Salvador, 1979-88. See "Confessions of an Assassin," article. Herman Torres Cortez is
the assassin who was interviewed and tells of death squad operations in El Salvador.
Mother Jones, 1/1989, p. 10
El Salvador, 1983. Vice President Bush delivered an ultimatum to Salvadoran military to
stop death squad murders. Mother Jones, 8/1986, p. 64
El Salvador, 1987. Assassins, certainly sponsored by and probably members of
Salvadoran security forces, murder Herbert Ernesto Anaya, head of Salvadoran civil
rights commission and last survivor of commission's eight founders. Prior harassment of
Anaya solicited neither protest nor protection from Duarte or U.S. administration.
Contrary to popular opinion, death squad activity has not waned. "Selective killings of
community leaders, labor organizers, human rights workers, rural activists and others
have replaced wholesale massacres" since signing of Arias plan. Los Angeles
organization "El Rescate" has compiled chronology of human rights abuses. The Nation,
11/14/1987, p. 546
El Salvador. CIA took more than two years 1980-83 begin seriously analyzing papers
captured from D'Aubuisson. ICC 242. Papers said reveal death squad supporters,
atrocities. Marshall, J., Scott P.D., and Hunter, J. (1987). The Iran-Contra Connection, p.
El Salvador, 1988. Death squad activity surged in El Salvador in 1988 after a period of
relative decline. Amnesty International report "El Salvador: Death Squads -- A
Government Strategy," noted in NACLA (magazine re Latin America) 3/1989, p. 11
El Salvador, 1989. Although human rights monitors consistently link death squad acts to
the Salvadoran government, many U.S. media report on death squads as if they an
independent or uncontrollable force. Extra, Summer, 1989, p. 28
El Salvador, 1989 Member of Salvadoran army said first brigade intelligence unit army
troops routinely kill and torture suspected leftists. First brigade day-to-day army
operations carried out with knowledge of U.S. military advisers. CIA routinely pays
expenses for intelligence operations in the brigades. U.S. has about 55 advisers in
Salvador. Washington Post, 10/27/1989, A1,26
El Salvador, circa 1982-84. Ricardo Castro, a 35 year old Salvadoran army officer, a
West Point graduate, said he worked for the CIA and served as translator for a U.S.
official who advised the military on torture techniques and overseas assassinations.
Castro personally led death squad operations. The Progressive, 3/1986, pp. 26-30
El Salvador, domestic, 1986-87. Article "The Death Squads Hit Home." For decades they
terrorized civilians in El Salvador, now they are terrorizing civilians in the U.S. The FBI
shared intelligence about Salvadoran activists in the U.S. with Salvador's notorious
security services. The Progressive, 10/1987, pp. 15-19
El Salvador. Office of Public Safety graduate Colonel Roberto Mauricio Staben was,
according to journalist Charles Dickey "responsible for patrolling--if not contributing to--
the famous death squad dumping ground at El Payton a few miles from its headquarters."
also, Alberto Medrano, founder of El Salvador's counterinsurgency force Orden, was an
operations graduate. Finally, Jose Castillo, who was trained in 1969 at the U.S.
International Police School, later became head of National Guard's section of special
investigations which helped organize the death squads. The Nation, 6/7/1986, p. 793
El Salvador. Former death squad member Joya Martinez admitted death squad operations
carried out with knowledge and approval 2 U.S. military advisers. LA Weekly, 1/25/1990
El Salvador. DCI report to House Intelligence Committee re CIA connections with death
squads. National security archives listing.
El Salvador. FBI's contacts with the Salvadoran National Guard. Information in Senate
Intelligence Committee Report, 7/1989, pp. 104-5
El Salvador. Former San Francisco police officer accused of illegal spying said he
worked for CIA and will expose CIA's support of death squads if he prosecuted. Tom
Gerard said he began working for CIA in 1982 and quit in 1985 because he could not
tolerate what he saw. He and Roy Bullock are suspected of gathering information from
police and government files on thousands of individuals and groups. Information
probably ended up with B'nai B'rith and ADL. CIA refused to confirm Gerard's claim.
Gerard said there is proof CIA directly involved in training and support of torture and
death squads in El Salvador, Honduras, and Guatemala during mid 1980s. Proof in his
briefcase San Francisco police seized. Gerard said several photos seized by police show
CIA agents attending interrogations, or posing with death squad members. Washington
Times, 4/28/1993, A 6
El Salvador, 1963-90. In 1963 U.S. sent 10 Special Forces to help General Madrano set
up Organizacion Democratica Nacionalista (Orden), a death squad. Evidence this sort
activity going on for 30 years. Martinez, a soldier in First infantry brigade's department 2,
admitted death squad acts. Said he worked with two U.S. Advisers. Castro, another
soldier, talks about death squads and U.S. contacts. Rene Hurtado, former agent with
Treasury Police, gives his story. Covert Action Information Bulletin (Quarterly) Summer
1990, pp. 51-53
El Salvador, 1973-89. El Salvador's ruling party, Arena, closed off fifth floor of National
Assembly building to serve as HQ for national network of death squads following
Arena's 20 March 1988 electoral victory. Hernan Torres Cortez, a former Arena security
guard and death squad member, said he was trained and recruited by Dr. Antonio
Regalado under orders of Roberto D'Abuisson intelligence service, Ansesal, in 1973.
Official network was broken up in 1984 following Vice President Bush's visit, but was
reinstated in 1988. Intelligence Newsletter, 1/18/1991, p. 5
El Salvador, 1979-90. A detailed discussion of Salvador's death squads. Schwarz, B.
(1991). American Counterinsurgency Doctrine and El Salvador, pp. 41-3
El Salvador, 1980-84. Expatriate Salvadorans in U.S. have provided funds for political
violence and have been directly involved in assisting and directing their operations.
Senate Intelligence Committee, October 5, 1984, p. 15
El Salvador, 1980-84. Numerous Salvadoran officials involved in death squad activities -
most done by security services - especially the Treasury Police and National Guard.
Some military death squad activity. Senate Intelligence Committee, October 5, 1984, 15
El Salvador, 1980-89. D'Aubuisson kept U.S. on its guard. Hundreds of released
declassified documents re relationship. Washington Post, 1/4/1994, A1,13
El Salvador, 1980-89. Declassified documents re 32 cases investigated by United Nations
appointed Truth Commission on El Salvador reveal U.S. officials were fully aware of
Salvadoran military and political leaders' complicity in crimes ranging from massacre of
more than 700 peasants at El Mozote in 1981 to murder of 6 Jesuit priests in 1989, and
thousands of atrocities in between. Lies of our Time 3/1994, pp. 6-9
El Salvador, 1980-89. President Reagan and Vice President Bush instituted polices re
fighting communists rather than human rights concerns. From 11/1980 through 1/1991 a
large number of assassinations - 11/27, 5 respected politicians; 12/4, rape and murder of 3
American nuns and a lay workers; 2 American land reform advisers on 1/4/1981.
Archbishop Romero killed 3/1980. There clear evidence D'Aubuisson's involvement but
Reagan administration ignored. On TV, D'Aubuisson, using military intelligence files,
denounced teachers, labor leaders, union organizers and politicians. Within days their
mutilated bodies found. Washington had identified most leaders of death squads as
members Salvadoran security forces with ties to D'Aubuisson. With U.S. outrage at
bloodshed, U.S., via Bush, advised government slaughter must stop. Article discusses
torture techniques used by security forces. Washington Post op-ed by Douglas Farah,
2/23/1992, C4
El Salvador, 1980-90. COL Nicolas Carranza, head of Treasury Police, on CIA payroll.
Minnick, W. (1992). Spies and Provocateurs, p. 32
El Salvador, 1980-90. State panel found that mistakes by U.S. diplomats, particularly in
probing 1981 massacre of civilians at El Mozote, undercut policy during Salvador's civil
war. Findings in 67-page study ordered by Secretary of State Christopher. Sen. Leahy
said report "glosses over...the lies, half-truths and evasions that we came to expect from
the State Department during that period." Sen. Dodd said "report is sloppy, anemic and
basically a whitewash..." Washington Times, 7/16/1993, A12 and Washington Post,
7/16/1993, A16
El Salvador, 1980-91. Truth Commission report says 19 of 27 Salvadoran officers
implicated in 6 Jesuit murders were graduates of U.S. Army's School of Americas in Fort
Benning, Ga. Almost three quarters of Salvadoran officers accused in 7 other massacres
were trained at Fort Benning. It called school for dictators. Since 46 it has trained more
than 56,000 Latin soldiers. Graduates include some of region's most despicable military
strongmen. Now, when U.S. wants to build democracy, school an obstacle. Newsweek
investigation turned up hundreds of less than honorable grads. At least 6 Peruvian
officers linked to a military death squad that killed 9 students and a professor were
graduates. Four of five senior Honduran officers accused in Americas Watch report of
organizing a death squad, Battalion 316, were trained there. A coalition charged 246
Colombian officers with human rights violations; 105 were school alumni. Honored
graduates include General Suarez, a brutal dictator of Bolivia; General Callejas Ycallejas,
chief of Guatemalan intelligence in late 1970s and early 1980s, when thousands political
opponents were assassinated; and Honduran General Garcia, a corrupt person; and,
Hernandez, armed forces chief of Colombia suspected of aiding Colombian drug
traffickers. Newsweek, 8/9/1993, pp. 36-7
El Salvador, 1980-92. "Secret of the Skeletons: Uncovering America's Hidden Role in El
Salvador." Pathologists uncovered 38 small skeletons in El Mozote. In 1981 soldiers of
ACRE, immediate reaction infantry battalion created by U.S., herded children into
basement and blew up building. U.S. officials denied any massacre had taken place and
kept on denying for years. About 800 residents killed. Armed service leaders said they
conducted war on part of Reagan and Bush administrations with bi-partisan support
Congress since 1984; received daily assistance from State Department, DOD and CIA.
Truth Commission investigating via U.S. Government interagency committee. State and
CIA not cooperating with commission. CIA not giving one document on formation of
death squads, prepared in 1983 for congressional intelligence committees. Kidnap-for-
profit ring against Salvadoran business community. With U.S. Encouragement,
Salvadoran government arrested several members of ring. One was a death squad
assassin, Rudolfo Isidro Lopez Sibrian, who implicated in deaths of 2 American labor
advisers. Washington Post, 11/15/1992, C1,2
El Salvador, 1980-93. 11/5/1993 release of thousands pages of intelligence reports shows
every U.S. diplomat, military officer, and intelligence operative who worked with El
Salvador's military and political leaders in 1980s knew most of those involved in
organizing death squads. State Department officials lied to Congress. Intelligence reports
detailed precise information on murder, kidnapping, and coup plots, and death squad
funding, involving people like VP Francisco Merino and current Arena candidate
Armando Calderon Sol. At least 63,000 Salvadoran civilians - equivalent of 3 million
Americans were killed - most by government supported by U.S. The Nation, 11/29/1993,
p. 645
El Salvador, 1980-93. Approximately 50-page article on the massacres at El Mozote.
Article by Mark Danner. New Yorker, 12/6/1993
El Salvador, 1980-93. Article by Jared Toller, "Death Squads Past, Present & Future."
discusses recent cases of FMLN members being murdered by resurgent death squads.
Only left is calling for full implementation of UN Truth Commission's recommendations
- purging armed forces, full investigation into death squads, etc. Truth Commission had
recommended U.S. make it files available. U.S. Had refused to turn over 1983 FBI report
on death squads organization in Miami. Salvadoran government is the death squads.
Member of a death squad now imprisoned and seeking amnesty, Lopez Sibrian, explained
participation of Arena luminaries in kidnappings, bombings and attacks on National
University. He implicated the mayor of San Salvador in various acts. Link between phone
service, Antel, and national intelligence police. Antel records calls of left and passes them
to police. (The secret anti-communist Army, a former death squad, were regulars of now-
disbanded Treasury Police). Upcoming elections may have generated increase in death
squad activity. Z magazine, 1/1994, pp. 14-5
El Salvador, 1980-93. Colman McCarthy comments of UN's Truth Commission report
and the Reagan-Abrams "fabulous achievement." Washington Post, 4/6/1993, D22
El Salvador, 1980-93. Letter to editor by Thomas Buergenthal of law school at George
Washington U., who was a member of the Truth Commission for El Salvador. He denies
news story that there was a chapter in the report that dealt with the structure and finances
of the groups was withheld. He bemoans the ability of the commission to thoroughly
investigate all aspects. Washington Post, 11/30/1993, A24
El Salvador, 1980-93. Report of UN's Truth Commission re enormous crime of a
government that killed upwards of 70,000 civilians between 1980-92. Report refutes
official statements made by Reagan and Bush administrations - when officials denied
leaders of Salvadoran armed forces were using execution, rape and torture to sustain their
power - reports says they were. We need a truth report on our own government per Rep.
Moakley. Truth report adds growing body evidence U.S. Government officials may have
participated in perpetuation of atrocities in El Salvador. In 1960s, CIA advisers helped
create a nationwide informant net. In 1981, team of military advisers led by Brig. Gen.
Frederick Woener sent to determine "rightist terrorism and institutional violence."
Salvadorans generally dismissed notion that terror was a bad idea. One of Colonels,
Oscar Edgardo Casanova Vejar, was one covering up rape and murder of four
churchwomen. Woener recommended U.S. proceed and give $300-400 million aid. U.S.
officials claimed churchwomen had run a roadblock and there was no massacre at El
Mozote. Neil Livingstone, a consultant who worked with Oliver North at NSC
concluded, "death squads are an extremely effective tool, however odious, in combating
terrorism and revolutionary challenges." op-ed by Jefferson Morley, an Outlook editor.
Washington Post, 3/28/1993, C1,5
El Salvador, 1980-93. Salvador's ruling party moved to declare amnesty for those named
in United Nations.-sponsored Truth Commission. Investigators said 85% of complaints
laid to government death squads. Discusses D'Aubuisson's implication in Archbishop
Romero's assassination. Washington Post 3/17/1993 a25
El Salvador, 1980. Ten former death squad members were ordered killed in Santiago de
Maria on 27 December 1980 by Hector Antonio Regalado, who felt they knew too much.
Intelligence Newsletter, 10/4/1988, p. 6
El Salvador, 1981-84. There are two versions of first page of a CIA report, "El Salvador:
Dealing With Death Squads," 1/20/1984. CIA released first version in 1987, among
congressional debate over aid to El Salvador. Second version, which contradicts first,
declassified by CIA in 11/1993. As recently as 10/1992, CIA continued to release
censored version in response to FOIA requests. Redacted version implies death squad
problem overcome - non censored version show this is not true. New York Times,
12/17/1993, A19
El Salvador, 1981-89. Salvadoran atrocity posed agonizing choice for U.S. COL Rene
Ponce, chief of staff of Salvador's armed forces, has been accused of ordering murder of
six Jesuit priests, their housekeeper and her daughter at Central American University.
Newly available U.S. documents show U.S. knowingly and repeatedly aligned
themselves with unsavory characters during 1980s while defending them to U.S. Public.
Diplomatic cables found among more than 10,000 recently declassified State, Pentagon
and CIA documents, reveal extent U.S. policy makers chose to overlook Ponce's
brutality. U.S. officials long labeled Ponce a right-wing extremist tied to death squads.
But documents make clear U.S. played down unsavory side of Ponce. Details from
correspondence between Ambassador Walker and Baker. In 10/1983, CIA prepared a
"briefing paper on right-wing terrorism in El Salvador" that described Ponce as a
supporter of death squads. Impact Bush's visit in 1984 to push for human rights was
minimal. By 7/1989, CIA reported that Ponce "espouses moderate political views." Ponce
refused repeated requests to pursue those responsible for deaths of Jesuits. Washington
Post, 4/5/1994, A13
El Salvador, 1981-90. Government operation at El Mozote consisted of Army, National
Guard and the Treasury Police in operation rescue. By early 1992, U.S. spent more than 4
billion in civil war lasting 12 years and that left 75,000 dead. New Yorker, 12/6/1993, p.
El Salvador, 1981-90. In 1981 over 10,000 political murders committed by Salvadoran
military and its death squads. In 1990 there were 108 such murders. Schwarz, B. (1991).
American Counterinsurgency Doctrine and El Salvador, p. 23
El Salvador, 1981-92. Article "Death-Squad Refugees," discusses case of Cesar Vielman
Joya Martinez, extradited by Bush to El Salvador to face murder charges for being part of
a death squad that he claims operated with knowledge of defense minister Ponce and
other top officials. FOIA documents show U.S. helping prepare extradition request for
Salvadoran government. Truth Commission's report vindicates Joya. Texas Observer
(magazine), 3/26/1993, pp. 9-10
El Salvador, 1981-92. Some U.S. special operations soldiers in El Salvador during civil
war want Pentagon to admit they more than advisers. They say they also fought. Army
memo given Newsweek says, "most personnel serving in an advisory capacity were
directly engaged in hostile action." Newsweek, 4/5/1993
El Salvador, 1981-92. Truth Commission report implicates top Salvadoran officials in
ordering or covering up murders of four U.S. churchwomen and six Jesuit priests; and
Salvadoran troops massacred many hundreds at El Mozote. Four Dutch journalists killed
3/17/1982 were deliberately ambushed by Salvadoran army. Denials by then top U.S.
government officials now exposed. U.S. government supported war with $6 billion. The
Nation, 4/12/1993, p. 475
El Salvador, 1981-93. 12 years of tortured truth on El Salvador - U.S. declarations
undercut by United Nations. Commission report. For 12 years, opponents of U.S. policy
in Central America accused Reagan and Bush administrations of ignoring widespread
human rights abuses by the Salvadoran government and of systematically deceiving or
even lying to Congress and people about the nature of an ally that would receive $6
billion in economic and military aid. A three-man United Nations.-sponsored Truth
Commission released a long-awaited report on 12 years of murder, torture and
disappearance in El Salvador's civil war. Commission examined 22,000 complaints of
atrocities and attributed 85 percent of a representative group of them to Salvadoran
security forces or right-wing death squads. It blamed remainder on guerrilla Farabundo
Marti National Liberation front (FMLN). In May 1980, for instance, when Carter was
still President, security forces seized documents implicating rightist leader D'Aubuisson
in the murder of Archbishop Oscar Romero. In Fall of 1981, Army Brig. Gen. Fred
Woerner supervised preparation of a joint U.S.-Salvadoran internal military "Report of
the El Salvador Military Strategy Assistance Team," which noted that "the (Salvadoran)
armed forces are reluctant to implement vigorous corrective actions for abuses in the use
of force." One reason so many people found it hard to believe U.S. officials could not
have known more about rights abuses and acted more aggressively to curb them is that
the U.S. was deeply involved in running the war, from intelligence gathering to strategy
planning to training of everyone from officers to foot soldiers. By 1982, U.S.. military
advisers were assigned to each of the six Salvadoran brigades, as well as each of 10
smaller detachments. The U.S. put tens of millions of dollars into developing the ultra-
modern national intelligence directorate to coordinate intelligence gathering and
dissemination. U.S. military and CIA officials participated in almost every important
meeting. Most brigades had a U.S. intelligence officer assigned to them, as well as a U.S.
liaison officer. U.S. advisers regularly doled out small amounts of money, usually less
than $1,000 at a time, for intelligence work. The U.S. was not informed of arrests or
captures Unless they specifically asked. "They never asked unless there was a specific
request because someone in Washington was getting telegrams." El Mozote, the report
said, was work of U.S.-trained Atlacatl battalion, part of a days-long search-and-destroy
sweep known as "Operation Rescue." In fact, the report said, the soldiers massacred more
than 500 people in six villages. In El Mozote, where the identified victims exceeded 200,
"the men were tortured and executed, then women were executed and finally, the
children" Washington Post, 3/21/1993
El Salvador, 1981-93. A discussion of the media's treatment of the El Mozote massacres
and the U.S. media's treatment of that story. Lies of our Time, 6/1993, pp. 3-4
El Salvador, 1981-93. Thomas Enders, former Assistant Secretary of State for Inter-
American Affairs from 1981-83, writes op-ed defending U.S. officials' testimony re
massacre at El Mozote as now confirmed by UN's Truth Commission report. Washington
Post, op-ed 3/29/1993, A19
El Salvador, 1981-93. United Nations. Commission on Truth to release report on crimes
committed against civilians in Salvador's 12-year civil war. Defense Minister Ponce
already resigned. Washington Post Outlook, 3/14/1993, C1,2
El Salvador, 1981-94. Armando Calderon Sol considered shoo-in to win Presidency in
impending elections. Calderon began his political career as a member of a seven-man,
neo-fascist group under D'Aubuisson's guidance that supported death squad operations.
Calderon has all worst elements of D'Abuisson without any redeeming qualities. When
D'Abuisson running death squads out of his office, Calderon was his private secretary
and a loyal soldier in a terrorist cell - Salvadoran National Movement (MNS). In 1981,
D'Abuisson unified MNS into Arena party. Washington Post, Outlook, 4/17/1994, C1,3
El Salvador, 1981. Detailed article on "The Truth of El Mozote," by Mark Danner. New
Yorker, 12/6/1993, pages 51 and ending on page 103
El Salvador, 1981. Skeletons verify killing of Salvadoran children of El Mozote, El
Salvador. Washington Times, 10/21/1992, A9 and Washington Post, 10/22/1992, A18
El Salvador, 1982-84. Significant political violence associated with Salvadoran security
services including National police, National Guard, and Treasury Police. U.S.
government agencies maintained official relationships with Salvadoran security
establishment appearing to acquiesce in these activities. No evidence U.S. personnel
participated in forcible interrogations. U.S. did pass "tactical" information to alert
services of action by insurgent forces. Information on persons passed only in highly
unusual cases. Senate Intelligence Committee, October 5, 1984, pp. 11-13.
El Salvador, 1982-84. "Recent Political Violence in El Salvador," Report of Senate
Intelligence Committee. Committee found ample evidence that U.S. policy was to oppose
political violence. U.S. government accorded high priority to gathering intelligence on
political violence. President Bush and his demarche in 1983. P8. U.S. government
Relationship with Robert D'Aubuisson - bio on him. U.S. Government contact with him
limited. Roberto Santivanez, director of Ansesal 1978-79. He claimed he himself had
engaged in death squad activity and had a relationship with U.S. through CIA and that
COL Carranza had ties to CIA. Colonel Nicolas Carranza had extensive ties to Arena and
National Conciliation (PCN) parties. He involved in various activities of interest to U.S.
in various positions. Senate Intelligence Committee, October 5, 1984, pp. 1-11
El Salvador, 1983-90. Former Salvadoran army intelligence agent who applied for
political asylum in U.S. convicted in court of entering country illegally. Joya-Martinez's
request for political asylum still pending. Washington Post, 9/19/1990, A5
El Salvador, 1985. In 2/1985, CIA reported that behind Arena's legitimate exterior lies a
terrorist network led by D'Aubuisson using both active-duty and retired military
personnel..." main death squad was "the Secret Anti-communist Army," described by
CIA as the paramilitary organization of Arena - from the National Police and other
security organizations. These were funded directly from Washington. Death squads
became more active as 1994, election approached. Columbia, possibly leading terrorist
state in Latin America, has become leading recipient of U.S. military aid. Since 1986,
more than 20,000 people have been killed for political reasons, most by Colombian
authorities. More than 1,500 leaders, members and supporters of the Labor Party (UP)
have been assassinated since party established in 1985. Pretext for terror operations is
war against guerrillas and narcotraffickers. Former a partial truth, latter a myth concocted
to replace the "communist threat." Pmers works hand-in-hand with drug lords, organized
crime, and landlords. National Police took over as leading official killers while U.S. aid
shifted to them. Targets include community leaders, human rights and health workers,
union activists, students, members of religious youth organizations, and young people in
shanty towns. Sale of human organs. Case of Guatemala. Shift of 1962, under Kennedy
administration from hemispheric defense to "internal security:" war against the internal
enemy. Doctrines expounded in counterinsurgency manuals. Internal enemy extends to
labor organizations, popular movements, indigenous organizations, opposition political
parties, peasant movements, intellectual sectors, religious currents, youth and student
groups, neighborhood organizations, etc. From 1984 through 1992, 6,844 Colombian
soldiers trained under U.S. International Military Education and Training Program
(MET). Z Magazine, 5/1994, 14 pages
El Salvador, 1986-87. See article "Death Squad Update, Investigating L.A.'s Salvadoran
Connection." Los Angeles Weekly, 8/7/1987
El Salvador, 1986-89. Joya Martinez, former death squad member, who said two U.S.
advisers attached to his unit and gave funds of 9500 month. Article names other
Salvadoran death squad members. Unclassified, 7/1990
El Salvador, 1986. In 1986, Salvadoran authorities, with help of FBI, cracked a kidnap-
for-hire ring in which death squads posing as leftist rebels kidnapped some of nation's
wealthiest businessmen. Schwarz, B. (1991). American Counterinsurgency Doctrine and
El Salvador, p. 28
El Salvador, 1987-89. Jesuit labeled ardent communist two years before by Salvadoran,
U.S. officials. Religious News Service, 5/9/1990, p. 1
El Salvador, 1987-89. Salvadoran woman defecting to U.S. said she worked for death
squad and provided information on six people who killed. Her claims back up those of
her supervisor, Cesar Joya Martinez, who linked death squad acts to U.S. funding. Boston
Globe, 3/16/1990, in First Principles, 4/1990, p. 10
El Salvador, 1988-89. Joya Martinez, former member intelligence department 1st army
Brigade of Salvador's army. Said U.S. advisers funded their activity, but unaware of
death squad. Washington Post, 11/19/1989, F2
El Salvador, 1988. Amnesty International report of 26 October 1988 noted "black list"
are supplied to Salvadoran media by Salvadoran intelligence services. During first six
months of 1988, number of murders by death squads tripled over same period of previous
year. Most prominent victim was Judge Jorge Alberto Serrano Panameno who was shot
in May 1988. Increase reflects rise to power of 1966 class from national military school.
Class members include Colonel Rene Emilio Ponce, new chief of staff of armed forces as
well as director of Treasury Police. They command five of country's six brigades, five of
seven military detachments, three security forces as well as intelligence, personnel and
operations posts in high command. Intelligence Newsletter, 11/16/1988, pp. 5,6
El Salvador, 1989-91. According to confidential Salvadoran military sources, decision to
murder six Jesuit priests was made at a 15 November 1989 meeting of senior
commanders (CO) at the Salvadoran military school. Those allegedly present were:
Colonel Benavides, CO of the school; General Juan Rafael Bustillo, then CO of
Salvadoran Air Force - in 1991 assigned to embassy in Israel; General Emilio Ponce, then
chief of staff - in 1991 minister of defense; and Colonel Elena Fuentes, CO of 1st
brigade. Initiative for murders came from Colonel Bustillo. For a listing of direct and
circumstantial evidence supporting allegation, see statement of Rep. Joe Moakley, Task
Force on El Salvador, 11/18/1991
El Salvador, 1989. CIA officer visited bodies of dead priests. Officer was senior liaison
with (DNI) the national intelligence directorate. U.S. probably knew Salvadoran military
behind assassinations but did not say anything for seven weeks. State Department panel
did not review actions of CIA or DOD. Washington Post, 7/18/1993, C1,4
El Salvador, 1989. Congressman criticized a 11/ 1987 report in which Latin American
and U.S. military leaders accused Rev. Ignacio Ellacuria and several other theologians of
supporting objectives of communist revolution. Father Ellacuria, Rector of Jesuit
university in San Salvador, was murdered on 11/16/ 1989. Religious News Service,
5/11/1990, p. 1
El Salvador, 1989. Joya Martinez and Jesuit murders. Martinez says his unit which
played major role in 12/1989 murder of Jesuit priests had U.S. government advisors. INS
trying to deport Martinez. Unclassified, 9/1990, p. 6
El Salvador, 1989. Salvadoran Archbishop Rivera accused U.S. officials of subjecting a
witness to the slaying of 6 Jesuit intellectuals to brainwashing and psychological torment.
Washington Post, 12/11/1989, A23,24
El Salvador, 1989. U.S. military adviser Benavides told FBI, later recanted, that
Salvadoran army chief of staff and others knew of plan to kill six Jesuit priests.
Washington Post, 10/29/1990, A17,21
El Salvador, 1990. Amnesty International reported a significant surge in number of
killings by army-supported death squads this year. 45 people killed between January and
August this year, compared with 40 reported in 1989. Washington Post, 10/24/1990, A14
El Salvador, 1990. Cesar Vielman Joya-Martinez, former member Salvadoran First
brigade death squad, sentenced to 6 months in jail for illegally reentering U.S. 6 years
after he deported. Washington Post, 12/8/1990, A22
El Salvador, 1991. Salvadoran minister of defense and other top generals attended 1989
meeting where decision was made to murder six Jesuit priests, according to confidential
sources. Allegation was made by an attorney working for Rep. Moakley (D-MA), whose
task force released a six page statement directly linking Salvadoran high command to
slayings. Washington Times, 11/18/1991, A2
El Salvador, 1991. Summary executions continued in El Salvador despite the presence of
Onusal, the UN observer mission monitoring human rights violations. In a 1991 report,
Onusal noted government made few attempts to investigate slayings. Report also accused
FMLN for recruiting fifteen-year-olds. Washington Times, 12/3/1991, A8
El Salvador, 1992. Cesar Vielman Joya Martinez, former Salvadoran death squad
member, to be deported. Washington Post editorial, 10/23/1992, A20
El Salvador, 1993. Right-wing death squads undermining fragile peace per UN chief in
campaign for March 1994 elections. Washington Times, 11/25/1993, A15
El Salvador, Central America, 1981-1993. Salvadoran death squads set up as a
consequence of Kennedy administration decisions. Killers were Treasury Police and the
military who were trained in intelligence and torture by U.S. U.S. personnel staffed
military and intelligence apparatus. Generals selected and trained by U.S. were most
notorious killers. 1984 FBI report on death squads never released. For savage expose of
School of Americas' killers, see Father Roy Bourgeois's School of the Americas Watch,
Box 3330, Columbus Ga. 31903; (706) 682-5369. The Nation, 12/27/1993, p. 791
El Salvador, 1989-1990. Joya Martinez testified role played by U.S. officials in death
squad killings carried out by U.S. trained first infantry Brigade's intelligence unit. Two
U.S. military advisers controlled intelligence department and paid for unit's operating
expenses. His unit performed 74 executions between April and July 1989. Washington
Post confirmed U.S. advisers work in liaison with First brigade and CIA pays expenses
for intelligence operations in the brigades. Martinez said his first brigade unit attached to
U.S.-trained Atlacatl battalion, which slaughtered the Jesuit priests. Member of his unit,
Oscar Mariano Amaya Grimaldi has confessed to slayings. In These Times, 8/14/1990, p.
Europe: Watch List
Europe, 1945-92. Operation Gladio. First scandal was discovery of assassination teams in
1952 linked to Bundes Deutscher Judged - a right-wing political organization in Hesse,
Germany. They prepared list of German politicians who [might cooperate with Soviets].
BBC (1992). Gladio - Timewatch (Transcript of 3 part program), pp. 19-20
Georgia: Watch List
Georgia, 1993. Woodruff worked for 2 months as CIA's Tbilisi station chief posing as a
State Department regional-affairs officer. He to help Guguladze upgrade Georgian
intelligence service and to monitor factional struggle. Newsweek 8/23/1993, p. 18
Germany: Watch List
Germany, 1950-54. In about 1950 pacifist ideas to be eradicated. U.S. formed German
youth league (Bund Deutscher Jurgend (BDJ)) in Frankfurt. Psychological indoctrination
given by Paul Luth. BDJ was a militant organization, a counterweight to communist-run
free German youth (FDJ) run from East Berlin to infiltrate w. German youth. BDJ passed
letters and brochures through Iron Curtain and pasted slogans on walls. Chancellor
Adenauer wanted cold war and wanted to use the BDJ. Otto John told by State official
Zinn that it had uncovered neo-Nazi unit BDJ run by Peters, that was organizing secret
firing exercises and training for partisan warfare in the Odelwald. BDJ had drawn up a
blacklist of left-wing socialists who were to be arrested or even murdered in event of
attack from east. [early version of Gladio political and staybehind operation]. John, O.
(1969). Twice Through the Lines: the Autobiography of Otto John, pp. 210-15
Germany, 1950-90. Bonn officials said government to disband secret resistance net
Operation Gladio. Section consisted of former Nazi SS and Waffen-SS officers as well as
members of an extreme right-wing youth group that drew up plans to assassinate leading
members of Socialist Democratic Party in event of USSR-invasion. "Statewatch"
compilation filed June 1994, p. 11
Germany, 1952-91. CIA's stay-behind program caused scandal in 1952 when West
German police discovered CIA working with a 2,000-member fascist youth group led by
former Nazis. Group had a black list of people to be liquidated in case of conflict with the
USSR. Makeup of lists. Lembke case. The Nation, 4/6/1992, p. 446
Germany, 1953. (Stay-behind operation Gladio?). In 1953 mass arrests of neo-Nazi
militant organization within ranks of German youth fellowship (BDJ) discovered. Group
held secret night maneuvers in Odenwald with CIA instructors. They preparing for war
with East Germany and prepared lists of communists, left-wing sympathizers and
pacifists who were to be arrested in case of emergency. Members encouraged to infiltrate
East German youth league (FDJ). Operation exposed in press and scores of youths
arrested in East Germany as spies, propagandists or provocateurs, and sentenced to terms
of up to nine years of hard labor. Hagan, l. (1969). The Secret War for Europe, p. 78
Germany, 1953. U.S. Intelligence officer told Otto John, head of BFV, one of its agents
in East Germany to defect with a list of East German agents in West. 35 Communist spies
arrested after Easter. Later it found many of those arrested were innocent. Arrests
followed with apologies. Disaster caused by over-zealous U.S. intelligence officer. West
German businessmen as consequence afraid to do business with east. This a goal of U.S.
Policy - was this a deliberate "mistake?" Hagan, l. (1969). The Secret War for Europe, p.
Greece: Watch List
Greece, 1967. After CIA-backed coup, the army and police seized almost 10,000
prisoners, mostly left-wing militants, though political leaders of all shades taken
including prime minister Kanelopoulos and members of his Cabinet, trade union
members, journalists, writers, etc. The lists had been provided by the sympathizers in the
police and the secret service. Final lists kept up to date by COL George Ladas. Details of
fate of the arrestees. Tompkins, P. (Unpublished manuscript). Strategy of Terror, pp. 13-8
Guatemala: Watch List
Guatemala, 1954. Death squads and target lists. Schlesinger, S., & Kinzer, S. (1983).
Bitter Fruit 197, pp. 207-8, 221
Guatemala, 1954. Goal of CIA was apprehension of suspected communists and
sympathizers. At CIA behest, Castillo Armas created committee and issued decree that
established death penalty for crimes including labor union activities. Committee given
authority declare anyone communist with no right of defense or appeal. By 11/21/1954
committee had some 72,000 persons on file and aiming to list 200,000. Schlesinger, S., &
Kinzer, S. (1983). Bitter Fruit, p. 221
Guatemala, 1954. The U.S. Ambassador, after overthrow of Arbenz government, gave
lists of radical opponents to be eliminated to Armas's government. NACLA 2/1983, p 4.
The military continued up to at least 1979 to use a list of 72,000 proscribed opponents,
drawn up first in 1954. NACLA (magazine re Latin America) 2/1983, p. 13
Guatemala, 1954. After Armas made president, labor code forgotten and worker
organizers began disappearing from united fruit plantations. Hersh, B. (1992). The Old
Boys, p. 353
Guatemala, 1954. Department of State Secretary Dulles told Ambassador Peurifoy to
have the government scour the countryside for communists and to slap them with
criminal charges. A few months later the government began to persecute hundreds for
vague communist crimes. The Nation, 10/28/1978, p. 444
Guatemala, 1954 U.S. Ambassador Peurifoy, after Arbenz resigned, gave Guatemalan
army's chief of staff a list of "communists" to be shot. The chief of staff declined. The
Nation 6/5/1995, pp. 792-5
Guatemala, 1981-89. Israeli Knesset member General Peled said in Central America
Israel is 'dirty work' contractor for U.S. Helped Guatemala regime when Congress
blocked Reagan administration. Israeli firm Tadiran (then partly U.S.-owned) supplied
Guatemalan military with computerized intelligence system to track potential
subversives. Those on computer list had an excellent chance of being "disappeared." It
was "an archive and computer file on journalists, students, leaders, leftists, politicians and
so on." Computer system making up death lists. Cockburn, A. & Cockburn, L. (1991).
Dangerous Liaison, p. 219
Guatemala, 1985-93. CIA collected intelligence re ties between Guatemalan insurgents
and Cuba. CIA passed the information to U.S. military, which was assisting Guatemalan
army extinguish opposition. Washington Post, 3/30/1995, A1,10
Guatemala, 1988-91. CIA station chief in Guatemala from 1988 to 1991 was a Cuban
American. He had about 20 officers with a budget of about $5 million a year and an equal
or greater sum for "liaison" with Guatemalan military. His job included placing and
keeping senior Guatemalan officers on his payroll. Among them was Alpirez, who
recruited for CIA. Alpirez's intelligence unit spied on Guatemalans and is accused by
human rights groups of assassinations. CIA also gave Guatemalan army information on
guerrillas. New York Times, 4/2/1995, A11
Guatemala: Death Squads
Guatemala, 1953-84. For 30 years the CIA has been bankrolling a man reported to be
behind right-wing terror in Central America. The CIA's protégé, Mario Sandoval
Alarcon, former Vice President Of Guatemala, now heads the National Liberation
Movement (NLM) founded in 1953 by CIA as a paramilitary force to overthrow Arbenz.
By mid-1960s Sandoval emerged as head of the organization. The White Hand or La
Mano Blanco with close ties to the NLM was responsible for as many as 8000 deaths in
the 1960s plus more in the 1970s. Sandoval a pillar of the World Anti-communist
League. The CIA still funds Sandoval. Jack Anderson, Washington Post, 1/30/1984
Guatemala, 1954-76. Effect of CIA coup organized labor all but wiped out. Union
membership dropped 100,000 to 27,000 immediately and continued decline thereafter, in
part due to death squad activity. Barry, T., and Preusch, D. (1986). AIFLD in Central
America, p. 21
Guatemala. Police trained by AID public safety program murdered or disappeared 15,000
people. Lernoux, P. (1982). Cry of the People, p. 186
Guatemala, 1954-84. See Jack Anderson column "Links Reported Among Latin Death
Squads." Washington Post, 1/12/1984, N. VA., p. 15
Guatemala, 1970-72. Under Arana presidency, with Mario Sandoval Alarcon and others
involved in right-wing terrorism, Arana unleashed one of the most gruesome slaughters
in recent Latin American history (only in Chile, following the coup against Allende was
the degree of violence greater). The New York Times reported in June 1971 that at least
2000 Guatemalans were assassinated between 11/1970 and 5/1971; most corpses showed
signs of torture. Most of killing attributed to the officially supported terrorist
organizations Ojo Por Ojo (an eye for an eye) and Mano Blanca. Jones, S., and Tobis, D.
(Eds.). (1974). Guatemala, pp. 202-3
Guatemala, 1970-87. Violence by security forces organized by CIA, trained in torture by
advisors from Argentina, Chile. Supported by weapon, computer experts from Israel.
Marshall, J., Scott P.D., and Hunter, J. (1987). The Iran-Contra Connection, p. 133
Guatemala. 1960-82. Trained military death squads who used "terror tactics" from killing
to indiscriminate napalming of villages. Special Forces almost certainly participated in
operations despite Congressional prohibition. Marshall, J., Scott P.D., and Hunter, J.
(1987). The Iran-Contra Connection, p. 193
Guatemala, 1954. The U.S. ambassador, after overthrow of Arbenz government, gave
lists to Armas of radical opponents to be eliminated. NACLA (magazine re Latin
America) 2/1983, p. 4
Guatemala, 1985. The World Anti-communist League's point man, Mario Sandoval
Alarcon, remains a League member even after exposed as a death squad patriarch who
was on the CIA payroll. Jack Anderson, Washington Post, 8/9/1986
Guatemala, 1989. Climate of terror grips Guatemala. Killers, bombers said to target
civilian rule. Washington Post, 9/29/1989, A 45
Guatemala, circa 1968-70. U.S. counterinsurgency program turned area into bloody war
zone taking the lives of thousands of peasants. Formed Mano Blanca or White Hand. Plan
used through out country in 1970. NACLA (magazine re Latin America), 3/74, p. 19
Guatemala. Article by Gary Bass and Babette Grunow on the Guatemalan
counterinsurgency forces. Lies of our Time, 6/1993, pp. 11-13
Guatemala. At least three of recent G-2 chiefs were paid by CIA. Crimes are merely
examples of a vast, systematic pattern; [the guilty] are only cogs in a large U.S.
government apparatus. Colonel Hooker, former DIA chief for Guatemala, says, "it would
be an embarrassing situation if you ever had a roll call of everybody in Guatemalan army
who ever collected a CIA paycheck." Hooker says CIA payroll is so large that it
encompasses most of Army's top decision-makers. Top commanders paid by CIA include
General Roberto Matta Galvez, former army chief of staff, head of presidential General
Staff and commander of massacres in El Quiche department; and General Gramajo,
defense minister during the armed forces' abduction, rape and torture of Dianna Ortiz, an
American nun. Hooker says he once brought Gramajo on a tour of U.S. Three recent
Guatemalan heads of state confirm CIA works closely with G-2. Gen. Oscar Humberto
Mejia Victores (military dictator from 1983 to 1986) how death squads had originated, he
said they started "in the 1960s by CIA." General Efrain Rios Montt (dictator from 1982 to
1983 and the current congress president), who ordered main high-land massacres (662
villages destroyed, by army's own count), said CIA had agents in the G-2. CIA death
squads by Allan Nairn. The Nation, 4/17/1995
Guatemala. CIA works inside a Guatemalan army unit that maintains a network of torture
centers and has killed thousands of Guatemalan civilians. G-2, since at least 60s, has been
advised, trained, armed and equipped by U.S. undercover agents. One of American
agents who works with G-2, is Randy Capister. He has been involved in similar
operations with army of neighboring El Salvador. A weapons expert known as Joe
Jacarino, has operated through out Caribbean, and has accompanied G-2 units on
missions into rural zones. Jacarino [possibly a CIA officer]. Celerino Castillo, a former
agent of DEA who dealt with G-2 and CIA in Guatemala, says he worked with Capister
as well as with Jacarino. Colonel Alpirez at La Aurora base in Guatemala Denied
involvement in deaths of Bamaca and Devine. He said CIA advises and helps run G-2.
He praised CIA for "professionalism" and close rapport with Guatemalan officers. He
said that agency operatives often come to Guatemala on temporary duty, and train G-2.
CIA gives sessions at G-2 bases on "contra-subversion" tactics and "how to manage
factors of power" to "fortify democracy." During mid-1980s G-2 officers were paid by
Jack McCavitt, then CIA station chief. CIA "technical assistance" includes
communications gear, computers and special firearms, as well as collaborative use of
CIA-owned helicopters that are flown out of piper hangar at La Aurora civilian airport
and from a separate U.S. Air facility. Guatemalan army has, since 1978, killed more than
110,000 civilians. G-2 and a smaller, affiliated unit called Archivo have long been openly
known in Guatemala as the brain of the terror state. With a contingent of more than 2,000
agents and with sub-units in local army bases, G-2 coordinates torture, assassination and
disappearance of dissidents. CIA Death Squads by Allan Nairn. The Nation, 4/17/1995
Guatemala, 1954-95. For at least five years, Colonel Alpirez was also a well-paid agent
for CIA and a murderer, a U.S. Congressman says. Alpirez has been linked to the murder
of Michael Devine, an American innkeeper who lived and worked in the Guatemalan
jungle, and the torture and killing of Efrain Bamaca Velasquez, a leftist guerrilla who was
the husband of Jennifer Harbury. CIA ties began in 1954, when Alpirez was about five
years old. The CIA engineered a coup in Guatemala that overthrew a leftist president and
installed a right-wing military regime. CIA's station in Guatemala began recruiting young
and promising military officers who would provide information on the left-wing
guerrillas, the internal workings of Guatemala's intertwined military and political
leadership, union members, opposition politicians and others. Alpirez was sent in 1970 to
School of the Americas (SOA), an elite and recently much-criticized U.S. Army academy
at Fort Benning, Ga. Human-rights groups and members of congress point out that SOA's
graduates include Roberto D'Aubuisson, leader of death squads in El Salvador; 19
Salvadoran soldiers named in the 1989 assassination of six Jesuit priests and three
soldiers accused of the 1980 rape and murder of four U.S. church workers; Lt. Gen.
Raoul Cedars and other leaders of the military junta that ran Haiti from 1991 to 1994;
General Hugo Banzer, dictator of Bolivia from 1971 to 1978, and General Manuel
Antonio Noriega of Panama, now imprisoned in U.S. In 1970s Alpirez was an officer in a
counterinsurgency unit known as Kaibiles. Kaibiles became notorious in the early 1980s,
known as scorched earth years, when tens of thousands of Indians were killed as military
swept across rural Guatemala, systematically destroying villages. Guatemalan
government's own count, campaign left 40,000 widows and 150,000 orphans. In late
1980s, Alpirez served as a senior official of an intelligence unit hidden within the general
staff and became a paid agent of CIA who paid him tens of thousands of dollars a year.
Intelligence unit, known as "Archivo," or archives, stands accused of assassination,
infiltration of civilian agencies and spying on Guatemalans in violation of the nation's
Constitution. Archivo works like the CIA. "It was also working as a death squad." New
York Times, 3/25/1995
Guatemala, 1954-95. U.S. Undercover agents have worked for decades inside a
Guatemalan army unit that has tortured and killed thousands of Guatemalan citizens, per
the Nation weekly magazine. "working out of the U.S. Embassy and living in safe houses
and hotels, agents work through an elite group of Guatemalan officers who are secretly
paid by CIA and implicated personally in numerous political crimes and assassinations
''unit known as G-2 and its secret collaboration with CIA were described by U.S. and
Guatemalan operatives and confirmed by three former Guatemalan heads of state.
Colonel Julio Roberto Alpirez, Guatemalan officer implicated in murders of guerrilla
leader Efrain Bamaca Velasquez -- husband of an American lawyer -- and rancher
Michael Devine discussed in an interview how intelligence agency advises and helps run
G-2. He said agents came to Central American country often to train G-2 men and he
described attending CIA sessions at G-2 bases on "contra-subversion'' tactics and "how to
manage factors of power'' to "fortify democracy'' the Nation quoted U.S. and Guatemalan
intelligence sources as saying at least three recent G-2 chiefs have been on CIA payroll --
General Edgar Godoy Gatan, Colonel Otto Perez Molina and General Francisco Ortega
Menaldo. `It would be embarrassing if you ever had a roll call of everybody in
Guatemalan army who ever collected a CIA paycheck,'' report quoted Colonel George
Hooker, U.S. DIA chief in Guatemala from 1985 to 1989, as saying. Human rights group
Amnesty International has said Guatemalan army killed more than 110,000 civilians
since 1978 with G-2 and another unit called Archivo known as main death squads.
Reuters, 3/30/1995
Guatemala, 1960-90. Human rights groups say at least 40,000 Guatemalans
"disappeared" in last 3 decades. Most were poor Indians. Anthropologists, led by Clyde
snow, dug away at a village site. Maria Lopez had a husband and a son in one grave. She
said on morning of valentine's day 1982, members of anti-guerrilla militia took her
husband and others. They had refused to join militias known as civil self-defense patrols
and were killed. Six unknown clandestine graves in San Jose Pacho. Human rights groups
blame most disappearances on army-run civil self-defense patrols set up under
presidencies of General Lucas Garcia and brig. Gen. Rios Montt. There are hundreds of
clandestine graves filled with victims of the militias, right-wing death squads and brutal
counterinsurgency campaigns. Washington Times, 8/5/1992, p. A9
Guatemala, 1970-95. Jennifer Harbury's story. Time, 4/3/1995, p. 48
Guatemala, 1981-95. DIA reports re MLN particularly disturbing, as they raise grave
questions about extent of U.S. knowledge of MLN activities in earlier years when MLN
leader Mario Sandoval Alarcon was tied to Reagan Administration's efforts to support
Contras. Having come to power in 1954 with the CIA-backed overthrow of Colonel
Jacobo Arbenze, MLN leader Sandoval was accused in 1980 by Elias Barahona, former
press secretary to the Guatemalan Interior Minister, of having worked for CIA. Head of
National Congress from 1970 to 1974, at which time he was made vice president, a
position he kept until his term expired in 1978, Sandoval is widely regarded as father of
Latin America's "death squads." In 1970's, he had a close relationship with Roberto
D'Aubuisson, deputy chief of El Salvador's national security agency (Anseal).
D'Aubuisson reportedly was behind El Salvador's death squads. Sandoval was so close to
Reagan administration that he was one of only two Guatemalans invited to attend
Reagan's inauguration. Intelligence - a computerized intelligence newsletter published in
France, 4/24/1995, p. 1
Guatemala, 1984-95. Article, "Murder as Policy." Washington was supporting
Guatemalan army in a number of ways: green berets trained Kaibul massacre force, the
army's self-proclaimed "messengers of death." U.S. openly sold weapons to Guatemala -
used in massacre in Santiago Atitlan. Hundreds of U.S. troops (mostly National Guard)
helped civic action and road building in massacre zones. The Nation, 4/24/1995, pp. 547-
Guatemala, 1985-93. CIA collected intelligence re ties between Guatemalan insurgents
and Cuba - CIA passed the information to U.S. military, which was assisting Guatemalan
army extinguish opposition. Washington Post, 3/30/1995, A1,10
Guatemala, 1985-95. Bombings against military-reformist Christian Democratic Party
(DCG) of then President Vinicio Cerezo to topple Cerezo, who perceived as being too
soft on rebels. A 10/1988 DIA intelligence report alerted American authorities that MLN,
which was involved in "plotting a coup against Cerezo in the past," is "now apparently
prepared to use violent tactics to undermine DCG government." MLN "is reportedly
planning a bombing campaign directed against members of ruling DCG. MLN intends to
use recently obtained explosives to target personal vehicles of DCG Congressional
representatives in order to frighten them. After assessing their impact, MLN will consider
initiating a second stage of its anti-DCG campaign that will include killing of various
individuals. MLN has selected potential targets in Guatemala city. U.S. Army and DIA,
getting regular, high-level intelligence from senior Guatemalan army officers and other
sources about crimes, notably murder, being committed by Guatemalan army personnel.
Source and depth of intelligence raises questions about what U.S. Government actually
knew about Guatemalan army complicity in civilian murders in that country throughout
the 1980s, including alleged involvement of Guatemalan Colonel Julio Roberto Alpirez,
then a CIA agent, in 1990 and 1992 murders of American innkeeper Michael Devine and
guerrilla fighter Efrain Bamaco Velazquez, husband of an American, Jennifer Harbury.
Intelligence - a computerized intelligence newsletter published in France, 4/24/1995, p. 1
Guatemala, 1988-91. CIA station chief in Guatemala from 1988 to 1991 was a Cuban
American. He had about 20 officers with a budget of about $5 million a year and an equal
or greater sum for "liaison" with Guatemalan military. His job included placing and
keeping senior Guatemalan officers on his payroll. Among them was Alpirez, who
recruited others for CIA. Alpirez's intelligence unit spied on Guatemalans and is accused
by human rights groups of assassinations. CIA also gave Guatemalan army information
on the guerrillas. New York Times, 4/2/1995, A11
Guatemala, 1989. 25 students in two years killed by squads. Entire university student
association has been silenced. U.S. backed governments in virtual genocide have more
than 150,000 victims. AI called this genocide a "government program of political
murder." The Nation, 3/5/1990, cover, p. 308
Guatemala, 1990-95. Member of House Intelligence Committee, Robert G. Torricelli (D-
NJ.) said, in letter to President Clinton, that a Guatemalan military officer who ordered
killings of an American citizen and a guerrilla leader married to a North American lawyer
was a paid agent of CIA. CIA knew of killings, but concealed its knowledge for years.
Another member of House Intelligence Committee confirmed Torricelli's claims.
Torricelli wrote in letter to President that the "Direct involvement of CIA in the murder
of these individuals leads me to the extraordinary conclusion that the agency is simply
out of control and that it contains what can only be labeled a criminal element." Colonel
Julio Roberto Alpirez, Bamaca, and Michael Devine. Tim Weiner, New York Times,
Guatemala, 1990-95. Article, El Buki's Tale - Murder of Michael Devine. Covert Action
Information Bulletin (Quarterly), Summer 1995, pp. 32-37
Guatemala, 1990-95. Article, The Agency, Off Target. Two Deaths, a Rogue CIA
Informant and a Big Pot of Trouble. Re deaths of Michael Devine and Efrain Bamaca
Velasquez - Harbury's husband. CIA paid Colonel Alpirez $43,000 after it learned of
cover up of deaths. U.S. News & World Report, 4/10/1995, p. 46
Guatemala, 1990-95. Assassin of Michael Devine and of the husband of Jennifer
Harbury, Colonel Julio Roberto Alpirez, was on CIA's payroll and had attended School of
Americas (SOA) on two separate occasions. In January 1995 when State and NSC pieced
together what CIA knew, the ambassador demanded removal of CIA's station chief. CIA
fought to stop disclosure of its relationship with the Colonel. Administration officials
began to mistrust what CIA was saying about the case. The Colonel first came to U.S. In
1970 as an army cadet at SOA. He returned to SOA in 1989, to take year long Command
and General Staff course when he was already on CIA payroll. In 1990, Michael Devine,
who ran a hotel, apparently stumbled on a smuggling operation involving Guatemalan
military. He was killed. New York Times, 3/24/1995, A3
Guatemala, 1990-95. CIA last month removed its station chief in Guatemala for failing to
report promptly information linking a paid CIA informer to the slaying of a Guatemalan
guerrilla fighter married to Jennifer Harbury. Guatemalan army Colonel Julio Roberto
Alpirez, was paid $44,000 by CIA in 1992 for secretly supplying intelligence on the civil
war. At time of payment CIA had evidence linking him to the slaying of U.S. citizen
Michael Devine (after he found about a military smuggling operation or because he had a
weapon). Washington Post, 3/25/1995, A1,20
Guatemala, 1990-95. Clinton has threatened to fire anyone in CIA who withheld
information from him about activities of its informant in Guatemala, Colonel Julio
Roberto Alpirez. What is more likely to be agency's undoing is its failure to tell congress
that only six months after he graduated from command-level courses at School of
Americas Colonel Alpirez, a member of military intelligence on agency's payroll, ordered
murder of a U.S. citizen, William Devine, and then torture-murder of husband of an
American woman. White House officials, and President Clinton in particular, were very
angry about Guatemalan affair but NSC Anthony lake was arguing that there is no
evidence that CIA tried to deceive president. Los Angeles Times reported that late last
year State Department found information about Devine murder in its files that appeared
to have originated with CIA and had not been passed on to White House. This discovery
prompted State Department and White House to ask CIA for more information. State
initially asked CIA for information on rebel Commandante Efrain Bamaca Velasquez and
received a few modest files. Several weeks later, State again asked CIA for information
but this time on "Commandante Everardo," which was Commandante Bamaca's well-
known nom de guerre. Only then did CIA produced incriminating data that it held solely
under that name. CIA has tried to ease situation with a rare "leak" about itself to press.
On 3/24, Los Angeles Times quoted "CIA sources" as saying Agency was only told after
the fact that its Guatemalan informant, Colonel Alpirez, was present at killing in 1990 of
Devine, a U.S. citizen who ran a popular tourist resort in Guatemala. CIA insisted to the
paper that it cut ties with Colonel at that point, but, significantly, sources did not put a
date on rupture. That gave it "wiggle room" to say it didn't find out about Colonel's
involvement in March 1992 torture-murder of Bamaca until early this year. CIA gave
Colonel Alpirez a "final payment" of $44,000 at about time of Bamaca's murder. Per
National public radio commentator Daniel Schorr, CIA station chief in Guatemala has
been fired for failing to relay information. But New York Times says he was reassigned
to Langley in January, after U.S. Ambassador to Guatemala accused him of withholding
information. CIA has assigned its inspector General, Fred Hitz, to investigate. CIA
station chief in Switzerland, who held a top position at Department of Operations (DO)
Latin American Division from 1990 to 1992, is now being questioned, as is Jack Devine,
who headed division from January 1983 until last October. He was appointed Associate
Deputy Director of Operations in October after John MacGaffin was removed from that
post for secretly giving an award to a senior operative who had just been disciplined in
Ames case. Devine's successor is a woman, first to direct a DO division. She is in her
50s, was previously station chief in El Salvador, and is said by officials outside CIA to be
very forthcoming about case. Intelligence - a computerized intelligence newsletter
published in France, 3/27/1995, p. 30
Guatemala, 1990-95. Guatemalan soldiers killed Michael Devine under orders from
Colonel Mario Garcia Catalan, per convicted soldier, Solbal. He killed as the army
convinced he had bought a stolen rifle. They tortured him before killing him. Solbal says
Colonel Alpirez gave food and shelter to the killers. Washington Times, 5/15/1995, A13
Guatemala, 1990-95. Letter from Congressman Torricelli to President Clinton about
involvement of CIA in two murders in Guatemala. 3/22/1995
Guatemala, 1990-95. Rep. Robert Torricelli, D-NJ., who is on the HPSCI, has requested
an investigation from the Justice Department on role of the CIA in the murder of Michael
Devine and Efrain Bamaca Velasquez. Request was made in a letter to President Clinton.
Guatemalan intelligence officer who ordered the murders, Colonel Julio Roberto Alpirez,
was a paid agent of the CIA. Torricelli claims that the NSA, CIA, State Department., and
NSC covered up the involvement of a paid agent in the murders. Devine, who was killed
in 1990, was an American citizen and Velasquez, who was killed in 1992, was married to
an U.S. Citizen. CNN Headline News, 3/23/1995 and AP, 3/23/1995
Guatemala, 1990-95. Revelations about a CIA informer linked to two murders (Devine
and Bamaca) in Guatemala helped exhume embarrassing relationship between U.S.
military and intelligence personnel and a Central American regime notorious for human
rights violations. Washington Post, 4/2/1995, A29
Guatemala, 1990-95. Tim Weiner article "A Guatemalan Officer and the CIA." Colonel is
recalled as a "good soldier" and a murdering spy. New York Times, 3/26/1995
Guatemala, 1990-95. Two colonels suspended in Guatemala for covering up 1990 killing
of Michael Devine. One was a paid CIA informant at time of killing. Colonel Mario
Garcia Catalan also suspended. Washington Post, 4/27/1995, A29
Guatemala, 1990-95. Wife of Michael Devine discusses slaying of her husband. New
York Times, 3/28/1995, A1,6
Guatemala, 1991-94. State Department reported in 1991, that "military, civil patrols and
police continued to commit a majority of major human rights abuses, including
extrajuridicial killings torture and disappearances." Guatemalan counterinsurgency
campaign devised by U.S. counterinsurgency experts Caesar Sereseres and Colonel
George Minas. Former served as a consultant to RAND Corporation and State
Department's Office of Policy Planning. Minas served as military attache in Guatemala in
early 1980s. Both encouraged population control such as Vietnam-style military-
controlled strategic hamlets and civilian defense patrols. Today Guatemala is largest
warehouse for cocaine transshipments to U.S. Drug trade run by military which tries to
blame the leftists. Covert Action Information Bulletin (Quarterly), Spring 1994, pp. 28-
Guatemala, 1991-95. U.S. Had information in 10/1991 linking a paid CIA informer in
slaying of a U.S. citizen. Colonel Roberto Alpirez was dropped from CIA's payroll but
remained a contact through 7/1992 -- when he allegedly ordered another killing of Efrain
Bamaca Velasquez - husband of Jennifer Harbury. Washington Post, 3/24/1995, A1,27
Guatemala, 1992. Rights abuses in Guatemala continue, paramilitary civilian patrols -
self defense patrols - accused of campaign of terror, control rural areas. Patrols answer to
military. Washington Post, 10/4/1992, A35
Guatemala, 1995. President Clinton said he would dismiss any CIA official who withheld
information on death of Jennifer Harbury's husband. Rep Torricelli said CIA withheld
information for years. Washington Times, 3/25/1995, A3
Guatemala, 1970-95. Discussion of Torricelli, Harbury, Devine, Bamaco, etc. The death
of husband of Harbury not a rogue operation. This was standard operating procedure in
El Salvador and Guatemala and elsewhere around the globe. CIA organized death squads,
financed them, equipped them, trained them, etc. That's what the CIA does. Once in a
decade the U.S. public hears about this. CIA should be abolished. The CIA mislead
Congress about the Devine case. Getting rid of CIA is not enough - the CIA did not act
alone. The National Security Agency and the Army may have been involved in
Guatemala. The Progressive, 5/1995, pp. 8,9
Haiti: Watch List
Haiti, 1986-93. In 1986 the CIA funded the national intelligence service (SIN) under
guise of fighting narcotics - but SIN never produced drug intelligence and used CIA
money for political operations. Sin involved in spying on so-called subversive
groups...they doing nothing but political repression...they targeted people who were for
change. CIA used distorted data to discredit Aristide. NACLA (Magazine re Latin
America), 2/1994, p. 35
Haiti, 1990-94. Emannuel Constant, leader of Haiti's FRAPH hit squad, worked for CIA
and U.S. intelligence helped launch FRAPH. Haiti's dreaded attaches paid for by a U.S.
Government-funded project that maintains sensitive files on Haiti's poor. The Nation,
10/24/1994, 458
Haiti, 1990-94. U.S. officials involved in refugee policy have backgrounds suggestive of
Phoenix-like program activities. Luis Moreno, State Department, has background in
counterterrorism. Gunther Wagner, senior intelligence officer at INS's southwest regional
office, assigned to investigate repression against repatriated refugees. Wagner had served
as public safety adviser to Vietnamese National Special Branch for 5 years and later
advised Somoza's National Guard. INS database on all asylum interviews at Guantanamo.
INS, on demand, gave State Department unrestricted access to all interview files. U.S.
Officers hand Haitian authorities computer print-outs of names of all Haitians being
repatriated. CIA funded service intelligence nacionale (SIN), who's de facto primary
function was a war against popular movement - including torture and assassination - a
fact admitted by a CIA officer to an official in Aristide's government. U.S. shares "anti-
narcotics intelligence" with Haitian military. The Progressive, 4/1994, p. 21
Haiti, 1991-94. Asylum-promoting project gets family information that fed into a
computer project that could be used to target for repression. The Progressive, 9/1994, pp.
Haiti, 1991-94. Seven chief attaches arranged killings and brought victims to houses.
Four of the seven worked for Centers for Development and Health (CDS), funded by
U.S. AID. One was Gros Sergo, and other was Fritz Joseph who chief FRAPH recruiter
in Cite Soleil. Two others are Marc Arthur and Gors Fanfan. CDS files track every family
in Cite Soleil. The Nation, 10/24/1994, p. 461
Haiti, 1994. AID programs for Haitian popular groups; Immigration and Naturalization
service, with computerized files on 58,000 political-asylum applicants and army
intelligence S-2 section of 96th Civil Affairs Battalion assigned to monitor refugees at
Guantanamo Bay. Per Capt. James Vick, unit develops networks of informants and works
with marine corps counterintelligence in "identifying ringleaders of unrest and in
weeding out troublemakers." 96th's files enter military intelligence system. Gunther
Wagner, a former Nazi, served with U.S. In Phoenix operation in Vietnam, and in
Nicaragua - now heads State Department's Cuba-Haiti task force. Pentagon's Atlantic
command commissioned Booz, Allen, Hamilton, to devise a computer model of Haitian
society. Results of study given. Priority of study to build an "organized information
bank...." no change expected in ruling clique of Haiti. Article by Allan Nairn. The Nation,
10/3/1994, pp. 344-48
Haiti: Death Squads
Haiti. CIA officer assigned 1973-75 Coordination with Ton-Ton Macoute, "Baby Doc"
Duvalier's private death squad. Covert Action Information Bulletin (Quarterly), 9/1980,
p. 16
Haiti, 1985-93. CIA created an intelligence service in Haiti: National Intelligence
Service, (SIN) from its initials in French, to fight cocaine trade, but unit became
instrument of political terror whose officers engaged in drug traffic, killings and torture.
Unit produced little drug intelligence. U.S. cut ties to group after 1991 military coup.
New York Times, 11/14/1993 pp. 1,12
Haiti, 1986-93 INS database on all asylum interviews at Guantanamo. INS, on demand,
gave State Department unrestricted access to all interview files. U.S. officers hand
Haitian authorities computer print-outs of names of all Haitians being repatriated. CIA
funded service intelligence nacionale (SIN), who's de facto primary function was a war
against popular movement - including torture and assassination - a fact admitted by a CIA
officer to an official in Aristide's government. U.S. shares "anti-narcotics intelligence"
with Haitian military. The Progressive, 4/1994, p. 21
Haiti, 1990-94. Clinton administration denied report CIA helped set up Haiti's pro-army
Militia - FRAPH. Officials refused to comment whether FRAPH leader Emmanuel
Constant was a paid CIA informant. "Nation" article said Constant worked for both the
CIA and the DIA. Colonel Collins of DIA and Donald Terry of CIA were his contacts.
Collins urged Constant to set up FRAPH. Mr. Constant, per Washington Times, was a
paid U.S. Informant on Haitian political activities and assisting anti-drug efforts.
Relationship broken off early this year. FRAPH has been linked to murders, public
beatings and arson. CIA officers in past worked with Haiti's national intelligence service.
Washington Times, 10/7/1994, A16
Haiti, 1990-94. Emannuel Constant, leader of Haiti's FRAPH hit squad, worked for CIA
and U.S. Intelligence helped launch FRAPH. Haiti's dreaded attaches paid for by a U.S.
Government-funded project that maintains sensitive files on Haiti's poor. In 10/3/1994,
issue of Nation carried Nairn's article "The Eagle is Landing," he quoted a U.S. official
praising Constant as a young republican that U.S. Intelligence had encouraged to form
FRAPH. Constant confirmed that account. He first said his handler was Colonel Patrick
Collins, DIA attache in Haiti, and later claimed another U. S. official urged him to form
FRAPH. Collins first approached Constant while he taught a course at HQs of CIA-run
national intelligence service (SIN) and built up a computer data base at Bureau of
Information and Coordination. FRAPH originally was called Haitian Resistance League.
Constant was working for the CIA at SIN while it attacked the poor. The Nation,
10/24/1994, p. 458
Haiti, 1991-94. Emmanuel Constant (son of a Duvalier general), who had been on the
CIA payroll since the mid-'1980s. With U.S. intelligence advice, formed FRAPH, a
political front and paramilitary death squad offshoot of the Haitian army, that began to
systematically target democratic militants and hold the country hostage with several
armed strikes. On 10/11/1993, day U.S.S. Harlan County and U.S. and Canadian soldiers
were to land, even though CIA had been tipped off, FRAPH organized a dockside
demonstration of several dozen armed thugs. Ship turned around. U.S. asylum processing
program hand-picked and exported almost 2,000 grassroots leaders. In three years after
coup, 7,000-man army and its paramilitary assistants killed at least 3,000 and probably
over 4,000 people, tortured thousands, and created tens of thousands of refugees and
300,000 internally displaced people. Covert Action Information Bulletin (Quarterly),
Winter 1994/1995, pp. 7-13
Haiti, 1991-94. Haitian paramilitary chief spied for CIA. Emmanuel "Toto" Constant,
head of Haiti's notorious FRAPH, secretly provided information to U.S. intelligence
while his group killed people. Constant paid by CIA for giving intelligence officers
information about Aristide beginning shortly after Aristide ousted in 9/1991 coup. CIA
dropped him last Spring. Constant's organization blamed for killing hundreds of
supporters of Aristide - and organizing demonstration that drove off U.S. troop-carrying
Harlan County last October. In "Nation" article, U.S. Defense Attache, Colonel Patrick
Collins, had encouraged Constant to form FRAPH. U.S. intelligence agencies had
extensive penetration of Haitian military and paramilitary groups. Using Constant as
source may explain why CIA's reporting on Aristide was skewed. FRAPH not formed
until 8/1993, 9 months after Collins left Haiti. Washington Post, 10/9/1994, A1,30
Haiti, 1993. Young men kidnapped by armed thugs seldom reappear. Under de facto
government, as many as 3000 may have been killed. Aristide negotiating his return with
UN. The Nation, 5/3/1993, p. 580
Haiti, 1995. Interview with Allan Nairn, April 1995 "Criminal Habits." Z Magazine
6/1995, pp. 22-9
Honduras: Death Squads
Honduras, 1981-87. Florencio Caballero, who served as a torturer and a member of a
death squad, said he was trained in Texas by the CIA. He said he was responsible for the
torture and slaying of 120 Honduran and other Latin American citizens. The CIA taught
him and 24 other people in a army intelligence unit for 6 months in interrogation.
psychological methods -- to study fears and weaknesses of a prisoner, make him stand up,
don't let him sleep, keep him naked and isolated, put rats and cockroaches in his cell, give
him bad food, throw cold water on him, change the temperature. Washington Post,
6/8/1988, B3
Honduras, circa 1982-87. Army Battalion 3/16, a special counterinsurgency force which
many considered a kind of death squad, was formed in 1980. Florencio Caballero, a
former battalion member, described a clandestine paramilitary structure for repressing
leftists. Caballero, who studied interrogation techniques in Houston, said the CIA was
extensively involved in training squad members. NACLA 2/1988, p. 15, from New York
Times, 5/2/1987
Honduras, March 1986. Apart from CIA training of a battalion implicated in death squad
activities and torture, Honduran army defector said CIA arranged a fabricated forced
"confession" by kidnapped prisoner that he headed a guerrilla front and had planned
attacks against U.S. installations. This in operation truth. Chomsky, N. (1988). The
Culture of Terrorism, p. 239
Honduras. General G. Alvarez Martinez, CIA-Contra point man in Honduras, had death
squad operation run by Ricardo Lau. Alvarez godfather to new CIA Chief of Station's
daughter. Marshall, J., Scott P.D., and Hunter, J. (1987). The Iran-Contra Connection, pp.
Honduras, 1982-86. Zuniga told congressional staffers about the 316 Battalion
established with the knowledge and assistance of the U.S. Embassy. By 1984 more than
200 Honduran teachers, students, labor leaders, and opposition politicians had been
murdered. The CIA had knowledge of the killings. Zuniga killed in 9/1985. Mother
Jones, 4/1987, p. 48
Honduras. Capt. Alexander Hernandez, a graduate of U.S. International Police services
training program, has played a central role in Honduran death squad activities and the
war in Nicaragua. Early 1986 New York Times reports that CIA was providing "training
and advice in intelligence collection" to Hernandez' unit "as part of a program to cut off
arms shipments from Nicaragua to leftist rebels in Honduras and El Salvador." New York
Times also says that CIA knew of the assassinations but "looked the other way." The
Nation, 6/7/1986, p. 793
Honduras, circa 1981-84. Honduran government established a secret unit that seized,
interrogated, tortured, and murdered more than 130 people between 1981-84. Unit named
Battalion 316. Unit operated with CIA supervision and training and received U.S.
instruction in interrogation, surveillance and hostage rescue. Commander of unit in first
years was a graduate of International Police Academy. NA, 2/20/1988, pp. 224-5 The
clandestine houses and command post of 316 were visited by CIA agents. NA, 1/23/1988,
p. 85
Honduras, Nicaragua, 1982. A Contra commander with the FDN admitted he helped
organize a death squad in Honduras with the approval and cooperation of the CIA.
Honduran government agreed to host the death squad and provide it with cover, since the
group would kill Honduran dissidents at the government's request. The commander
admitted he participated in assassinations. CIA "Colonel Raymond" congratulated the
squad. The Progressive, 8/1986, p. 25
Honduras, Nicaragua, 1984-85. Honduran army investigators report that Contras have
been involved in death-squad killings in Honduras. At least 18 Hondurans and an
unknown number of Salvadorans and Nicaraguans have been killed by the Contras.
Washington Post, 1/15/1985, A12
Honduras, 1980-83. Agents of Battalion 316, a Honduran death squad, received
interrogation training in Texas from CIA in 1980. CIA agents maintained contact with
unit in early 1980's, visiting detention centers during interrogation and obtaining
intelligence gleaned from torture victims. See Americas Watch "Human Rights in
Honduras" (May 1987). Dillon, S. (1991). Commandos, p. 101
Honduras, 1980-83. Gustavo Alvarez, formerly head of police, in 1981 a general running
entire armed forces. Worked closely with U.S. on Contras. Alvarez had organized
military intelligence Battalion 316 - first Honduran death squad. Argentines sent 15-20
officers to work with Alvarez on Contras. Senior officer Osvaldo Riveiro. Garvin, G.
(1992). Everybody Has His Own Gringo, p. 41
Honduras, 1980-89. CIA and State Department worked with a Honduran military unit
called Battalion 316 during the 1980s. Unit was responsible for cracking down on
dissidents. AP, 6/12/1995. Honduran special prosecutor for human rights asking the U.S.
to turn over classified information on Ambassadors John Negroponte and Chris Arcos
and several CIA agents connected to the disappearance of dissidents in the 1980s. AP,
Honduras, 1980-89. Colonel Gustavo Alvarez Martinez shot to death in 1989. Alvarez
spent years networking with fascists and ultra right terrorists who in World Anti-
communist League and its sister organization, the Latin American Anti-communist
Confederation, or CAL. He most famous for streamlining Honduras's death squads and
uniting them under his control. Alvarez gathered together the National Front for the
Defense of Democracy, the Honduran Anti-communist Movement (MACHO), and the
Anti-communist Combat Army --death squads all-- and combined them with several
governmental forces, including the Fuerzas de Seguridad Publica (FUSEP), Departmento
Nacional de Investigaciones (DIN), and Tropas Especiales Para Selva y Nocturnas
(TESON). With Director of Central Intelligence Casey, Alvarez and Negroponte turned
Honduras into a staging ground for Contra incursions into Nicaragua. Honduran Congress
issued Decree 33, which declared terrorist anyone who distributed political literature,
associated with foreigners, joined groups deemed subversive by the government,
damaged property, or destroyed documents. Alvarez's forces murdered upwards of 500
people. He ousted as Honduras's dictator in 1984 and became special consultant to
RAND Corporation. Lies of our Time, 3/1994, pp. 3-5
Honduras, 1980-89. Eleven senior officers who are believed to have been involved with
Battalion 316 have been convicted on charges of kidnapping, torturing and attempting to
murder six students in 1982. Officers include one general, nine colonels, and one captain.
AP, 7/25/1995
Honduras, 1980-89. See entry in Liaison from Baltimore Sun, 6/11-18/1995
Honduras, 1980-93. CIA-trained death squad issue in presidential campaign. In early
1980s, Battalion 3-16, of Honduran military whose members instructed by and worked
with CIA "disappeared" scores of activists. Both candidates accusing other of
connections to Battalion 3-16. In 1980 25-Honduran officers to U.S. for training per
sworn testimony in International Court by Honduran intelligence officer who participated
- Florencio Caballero. Group trained in interrogation by a team from FBI and CIA.
Training continued in Honduras. U.S. Trainers joined by instructors from Argentina and
Chile - sessions focused on surveillance and rescuing kidnap victims. Battalion 3-16
engaged in a program of systematic disappearances and murder from 1981 to 1984. By
March 1984, 100-150 students, teachers, unionists and travelers picked up and secretly
executed. Squads, according to Inter-American Court of Human Rights, belonged to 3-
16. Squads modus operandi included weeks of surveillance of suspects followed by
capture by disguised agents using vehicles with stolen license plates, interrogation,
torture in secret jails followed by execution and secret burial. CIA's connection to 3-16
confirmed by General Alvarez, who created and commanded squad from 1980 through
1984. He later became chief of police and then head of the armed forces. Alvarez said
CIA "gave good training, lie detectors, phone-tapping devices and electronic equipment
to analyze intelligence." CIA men informed when 3-16 abducted suspected leftists. When
bodies found, 3-16 put out story they killed by guerrillas. CIA looked other way.
Ambassador Negroponte in 1982 denied existence of death squads. State Department was
attacking as communist, anti-democratic and a terrorist group, Committee for Defense of
Human Rights in Honduras that was exposing 3-16. In a barracks coup, Alvarez forced
into exile in Miami and became paid consultant to Pentagon writing study on low-
intensity conflict. Members of 3-16 still in positions of power in government.
Congressional intelligence committee in 1988 looked into CIA's role with 3-16, but
findings never published. Op-ed by Anne Manuel. Washington Post, 11/28/1993, C5
Honduras, 1982-83. Ex-guard Benito "Mack" Bravo reportedly killed dozens of Contra
recruits at his La Ladosa training base near El Paraiso. Mack suspected many were
Sandinista infiltrators. In one case, FDN ordered four ex-guardsmen executed for
insubordination and allegedly selling arms to El Salvador's FMLN. They also had been
accused of killing recruits. Honduran military participated in the execution. Dillon, S.
(1991). Commandos, pp. 118-124
Honduras, 1988. Director human rights commission in Honduras and associate killed by
assassins. The Progressive, 2/1990, p. 46
Honduras, 1988. Honduran human rights leader Ramon Custodio Lopez accused
Battalion 3-16 of murdering a politician and a teacher on 14 January 1988. Custodio
relied on testimony by former battalion member sergeant Fausto Caballero. In
11/30/1988. Honduras was condemned by Inter-American Court of Human Rights in
1988 for disappearance of Angel Manfredo Velazquez. Battalion 3-16, along with DNI
(Directorate of National Intelligence), and FUSEP (National Police) were implicated, all
of which have received training from CIA. Intelligence Parapolitics, 9/1988, p. 8
Honduras, 1988. Jose Isaias Vilorio, an intelligence officer and former death squad
member, was shot dead on 1 January 1988. Isaias was to testify before Inter-American
Court on Human Rights (New York Times, 20 January 1988). Human rights leader and
legislator Miguel Pavon was killed on 14 January 1988 after testifying before Inter-
American Court. Also killed was Moises Landaverde, a teacher who was riding in
Pavon's car at the time of attack. Intelligence Parapolitics, 3/1988, p. 12
Honduras, Argentina, 1980-89. A survivor tells her story: treatment for a leftist - kicks
and freezing water and electric shocks. In between, a visitor from CIA. CIA worked
closely with the Honduran military while the military tortured and killed dissidents
during the 1980s, human rights groups said. A government official also said Argentine
military advisers, with U.S. support, were brought in to help monitor leftist activism. "At
least nine Argentine military (officers), supported by the CIA, trained many Honduran
officers to prevent communism from entering Honduras," said Leo Valladares of the
government's human rights commission. Bertha Oliva, head of committee of relatives of
the disappeared, claimed CIA knew of disappearances by Honduran security forces and
that "the U.S. Embassy had absolute power in this country." in the first of a series of four
articles, the Baltimore Sun reported Sunday that CIA and the State Department
collaborated with a secret Honduran military unit known as Battalion 316 in the 1980s in
cracking down on Honduras dissidents. Following a 14-month investigation. In order to
keep up public support for Reagan administration's war efforts in Central America, U.S.
officials misled congress and the public about Honduran military abuses. Collaboration
was revealed in classified documents and in interviews with U.S. and Honduran
participants. Among those interviewed by the Sun were three former Battalion 316
torturers who acknowledged their crimes and detailed the battalion's close relationship
with CIA. Ramon Custodio, president of non-government human rights commission, said
a former member of Battalion 316, Florencio Caballero, disclosed that CIA in early
1980s took 24 soldiers to the U.S. for training in anti-subversive techniques. At the time,
Custodio said, "Honduras' policy was oriented to detaining and summarily executing
those who did not please the government or the military." Battalion 316 was created in
1984 and its first commander was General Luis Alonso Discua, current armed forces
chief. A government report subsequently blamed it in the cases of 184 missing people.
Baltimore Sun, 6/15/1995
Honduras, Israel. During Contra war Honduran military intelligence officers on double
salary from CIA and Colombian drug cartels, who saw advantage of using Honduran
airstrips for transiting cocaine under cover of war effort. Israelis also trained Honduran
death squads. Cockburn, A. and Cockburn, L. (1991). Dangerous Liaison, p. 225
Honduras, Assassinations, 1980-84. CIA and Contras accused of running Honduran death
squads, killing over 200. CIA officials "looked the other way" when people disappeared.
Violence tapered off after ouster of CIA backed military commander Alvarez. Ricardo
Lau running Contra intelligence, also death squads. Accused arranging assassination
Archbishop Romero in El Salvador. Marshall, J., Scott P.D., and Hunter, J. (1987). The
Iran-Contra Connection, pp. 132-3
Indonesia: Watch List
Indonesia, 1963-65. U.S. trained unionist spies laid groundwork for post 1965 coup
gestapu massacre of leftists by gathering intelligence on leftist unionists. Counterspy,
Winter 1979, p. 27
Indonesia, 1965-66. "U.S. officials' lists aided Indonesian blood bath in '60s." U.S.
officials supplied the names of thousands of members of Indonesian Communist Party
(PKI) to the army that was hunting them down and killing them in a crackdown branded
as one of the century's worst massacres, former U.S. Diplomats and CIA officials say.
Robert J. Martens, Former member of embassy's political section said, "it really was a big
help to the army.... They probably killed a lot of people..." Martens said. He headed an
embassy group of state Department and CIA officials that spent two years compiling the
lists. He said he delivered them to an army intermediary. The lists were a detailed who's
who of the leadership of the PKI that included names of provincial, city and other local
PKI members and leaders of mass organizations. Ambassador Marshall Green, his deputy
Jack Lydman, and political section chief Edward Masters admitted approving the release
of the names. Army intermediary was an aide to Adam Malik. The aide, Tirta Kentjana
Adhyatman, confirmed that he had met with Martens and received lists of thousands of
names...given to Sukarno's HQs. Information on who captured and killed came to
Americans from Suharto's HQs, according to former CIA deputy chief of station Joseph
Lazarsky. Lazarsky said "we were getting a good account in Jakarta of who was being
picked up,"..."the army had a 'shooting list' of about 4,000 to 5,000 people." Lazarsky
said the check-off work was also carried out at CIA's intelligence directorate in D.C. By
end of January 1966, "the checked off names were so numerous the CIA analysts in
Washington concluded the PKI leadership had been destroyed." Washington Post,
5/21/1990, A5
Indonesia, 1965-66. In response to Kathy Kadane's May 21 article in Washington Post,
Robert J. Martens responds "it is true I passed names of PKI leaders and senior cadre
system to non-communist forces during the six months of chaos between the so-called
coup and the ultimate downfall of Sukarno. The names I gave were based entirely on
Indonesian communist press and were available to everyone. This was senior cadre
system of the PKI few thousand at most out of the 3.5 millions claimed party members. I
categorically deny that I headed an embassy group that spent two years compiling the
lists." Washington Post, 6/2/1990, A18
Indonesia, 1985. Indonesia: years of living dangerously. CIA's role in bloody coup in
Indonesia in 1965. Utne Reader. 2/1991, p. 38, two pages
Indonesia: Death Squads
Indonesia, 1965-66 Indonesian generals approached U.S. for equipment "to arm Moslem
and nationalist youths for use in central Java against the PKI." Washington responded by
supplying covert aid, dispatched as "medicines." Washington Post, 6/13/1990, A 22
Indonesia, 1965-66. Kathy Kadane's story for States News Service disclosed part played
by CIA and State Department officials in 1965-66 blood bath in Indonesia. Kadane
reported that U.S. officials in Jakarta furnished names of about 5,000 communist activists
to the Indonesian army and then checked off the names as the army reported the
individuals had been killed or captured. The Nation, 7/9/1990, p. 43
Indonesia, 1965. CIA and State Department officials provided name lists to Indonesian
army that killed 250,000. The Progressive, 7/10/1990, p. 9
Indonesia, 1965. Ex-agents say CIA compiled death lists for Indonesians. San Francisco
Examiner, 5/20/1990
Indonesia, 1965-66. Article by Michael Vatikiotis and Mike Fonte; Rustle of Ghosts.
(1965 Indonesian coup). Far Eastern Economic Review, 8/2/1990, 2 pages
Indonesia, 1965-85. Death squads roam at will, killing subversives, suspected criminals
by thousands. Blum, W. (1986). The CIA A Forgotten History, p. 221
Iran: Watch List
Iran, 1953-54. CIA gave Shah intelligence on Tudeh party facilitate anti-Tudeh
Campaign. Gasiorowski, M.J. (1990). "Security Relations Between the United States and
Iran, 1953-1978," p. 150
Iran, 1953-64. CIA station chiefs in regular contact with Shah and working level liaison
relationship with SAVAK established by 5-man training team and smaller unit in
SAVAK HQs for several years after training team left. CIA and SAVAK exchanged
intelligence including information on Tudeh party. Gasiorowski, M.J. (1990). "Security
relations between the United States and Iran, 1953-1978," pp. 255-56
Iran, 1953. CIA prepared an arrest list for the overthrow operation. Copeland, M. (1989).
The Game Player, p. 190
Iran, 1953. U.S. Army colonel working for CIA under cover of military attache worked to
organize and train intelligence organization for Shah. Trained on domestic security,
interrogation. Primary purpose of (Bakhtiar's intelligence unit later to become SAVAK)
to eliminate threats to Shah. Gasiorowski, M.J. (1990). "Security Relations Between the
United States and Iran, 1953-1978" p. 150
Iran, 1954. Year after coup American cryptographic experts and CIA agent played
important part in rooting out conspiracy army officers linked to Tudeh Party. Kwitny, J.
(1984). Endless Enemies, p. 165
Iran. During Shah's reign, thousands people killed. Many killed at Shah's directive.
Rafizadeh, M. (1987). Witness, p. 134
Iran, 1983. CIA identifies to Iranian government 200 leftists who were then executed.
The Nation, 12/13/1986, p. 660
Iran, 1983. In 1983, when the Tudeh party was closed down, the CIA gave the Khomeni
government a list of USSR KGB agents operating in Iran. Two hundred suspects were
executed, 18 USSR diplomats expelled and Tudeh party leaders imprisoned. Washington
Post, 1/13/1987, A1,8
Iran, 1983. To curry favor with Khomeni, the CIA gave his government a list of USSR
KGB agents and collaborators operating in Iran. The Khomeni regime then executed 200
suspects and closed down the communist Tudeh party. Khomeni then expelled 18 USSR
diplomats, and imprisoned the Tudeh leaders. Washington Post, 11/19/1986, A28
Iraq: Watch List
Iraq, 1963. CIA supplied lists of communists to Baath party group that led coup so that
communists could be rounded up and eliminated. Cockburn, A. and Cockburn, L. (1991).
Dangerous Liaison, p. 130
Israel: Death Squads
Israel. Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir headed a special hit squad during his ten years in
Mossad. Shamir headed the assassination unit from 1955-64 that carried out attacks on
perceived enemies and suspected Nazi war criminals. Shamir recruited former members
of the Stern Gang. Washington Times, 7/4/1992, A8
Israel, 1992. Article, "How Israeli Commandos Are Waging an Undercover War In
Occupied Territories." In January 1992, Israeli army launched all-out offensive to end
"Red Intifadeh." Undercover units "Arabized" produced a rash of deaths under
controversial circumstances leading to claims commando units are death squads. Since
Intifadeh began in 1987, 775 Palestinians killed; 680 more slain by their brethren mostly
for collaboration. Human-rights organizations contend Sayarot shoot first and ask
questions later. Time 8/31/1992, pp. 49-50
Israel, 1992. Israel's assassination squad, Duvdevan or Cherry has killed one of its own
by mistake. Intelligence Newsletter, 7/23/1992, p. 5
Israel, 1992. Israeli army had discharged commander of undercover unit for issuing
orders to shoot at Palestine activists. Unit code-named Samson has had three
commanders fired or placed on trial within three years. More than 30 Palestinians killed
this year by undercover troops, who usually dress as Arabs. Washington Post, 8/26/1992,
Israel, Honduras, 1981-89. In 1981 Leo Gleser, "co-owner" of International Security and
Defense Systems (ISDS) -- a leading Israeli "security" firm (Israeli Foreign Affairs
2/1987, 5/1987, /1987, 2/1988, 3/1989) identified repeatedly as an Israeli entity -- began
building Battalion 316, a unit of Honduran military intelligence which disappeared,
tortured, then killed its victims. Honduran General Walter Lopez Reyes who C-I-C
Honduran armed forces 1984-86, said "we had Israeli advisers in Special Forces. They
seconded to Special Forces by Israeli mod, although they came officially as "non-
governmental." Their front they training security groups but [they really] special
operations courses on how take over bldgs, planes, hostages...Contras also taking
courses...there coordination between them and CIA. Israeli Foreign Affairs, 4/1989, p.
Israel, South Africa, 1986-91. Israel trained members of Inkatha hit squads aimed at
African National Congress, a disillusioned former leader of Zulu organization has
revealed. Israeli Foreign Affairs, 2/20/1992, p. 3
Israel. Ranks as fifth largest exporter of arms in world, according CIA estimates, and has
become essential element global counterinsurgency business. "Hit lists" used by death
squads in Guatemala have been computerized with Israeli assistance and Uzi machine
guns the standard weapon of death squads. Covert Action Information Bulletin
(Quarterly), Summer 1988, p. 5
Italy: Watch List
Italy, 1950-59. All Italian "SIFAR" counterespionage officers collected biographies on
every deputy and senator. List increased to include Ecclesiastics: 45,000 dossiers on them
alone, 157,000 altogether, 30,000 dealing with Italians in world of business and industry.
Drop copies went to CIA. De Lorenzo's outfit to become a tool for CIA. Tompkins, P.
(Unpublished manuscript). Strategy of Terror, pp. 8-12
Italy, 1959-67. Carabinieri drew up plan Piano Solo - for paramilitary to intervene in
order to restore public order. Secret services had massive program of surveillance of
Italian political and business figures. This partly intended to identify left-wing suspects
who would be rounded up and imprisoned in concentration camps on Sardinia.
Investigation revealed creation of personal intelligence dossiers began in 1959 and
157,000 files amassed. SIFAR (military intelligence) dossiers emphasized unfavorable
significance. SIFAR dossiers routinely deposited at CIA HQs. SIFAR planed
microphones in Papal apartments and President's Rome residence. Operation ordered by
de Lorenzo at request of CIA station chief Colby. Some years earlier Rome CIA station
chief Thomas Karamessines had asked General de Lorenzo, then head of SIFAR, for
dossiers on [left-leaning] politicians and in particular for Moro's circle of collaborators.
Willan, P. (1991). Puppetmasters, pp. 35-7
Italy, 1960-70. General de Lorenzo, whose SIFAR became SID, implemented new
Gladio project to neutralize subversive elements. Known as parallel SID, it reached into
nearly every institution. Group set up at request of Americans and NATO. Knights of
Malta, as well as freemasonry, and its most notorious lodge - Propaganda Due, or P-2, far
more influential. Licio Gelli, a knight. Joined U.S. Army's CIC. To ferret out dissidents,
they prepared watch lists on thousands. 157,000 files found in Ministry of Interior. CIA
obtained duplicates. Covert Action Information Bulletin (Quarterly), Summer 1994, p. 24
Italy, 1960-70. Operation Solo - a planned coup against a leftist government did not occur
- but it was based on Operation Gladio. Giovanni de Lorenzo, as chief of secret services,
compiled dossiers, including tapes and photos, on some 150,000 people - priests,
politicians and unionists. He drew up plan to arrest many politicians, take over radio and
TV, seize offices and newspapers of left-wing parties. De Lorenzo was organizing a
duplicate of Operation Gladio in case left gained too much power. "Statewatch"
compilation, filed June 1994
Latin America: Death Squads
Latin America, labor. AIFLD collected detailed information about Latin American labor
leaders under pretext surveys necessary for AID-financed worker's housing projects.
AIFLD able obtain personal and political history union members, with address and
photos. Given CIA role in Chile, Uruguay and Brazil coups, among others, it probable
this information passed to military regimes and their secret police. DL p. 238 from
Lernoux, P. (1982). Cry of the People. pp. 212, 220
Liaison, 1960. Target lists maintained by all Western Hemisphere division stations.
Maintain in case local government asks for assistance in preventive detention of
dangerous persons. Agee, P. (1975). Inside the Company: CIA Diary, p. 114
Latin America. CIA organizes right wing terrorist organizations that attack and
assassinate leftist politicians and others without implicating foreign governments. Groups
include "La Mano Blanco" and "Ojo Por Ojo" (Guatemala), "La Banda" (Dominican
republic), and "Death Squad" (Brazil). Counterspy, 3/1973, p. 4
Latin America. CIA trained assassination groups such as Halcones in Mexico, the Mano
Blanca in Guatemala, and the Escuadron de la Muerte in Brazil. NACLA (magazine re
Latin America) 8/1974, p. 11
Latin America, 1953-84. The activities of the death squads, formed under CIA
sponsorship in 1954 Are loosely controlled by an international organization known as La
Mano Blanco (the White Hand). The front group is the CAL, Latin American Anti-
communist Federation, the Latin American affiliate of the World Anti-communist
League. Jack Anderson, Washington Post, 1/13/1984
Latin America. Terrorist groups created in most countries. Groups such as "La Mano
Blanco" attack and assassinate leftist politicians and others feared by military
governments, doing so without implicating police or military. CIA implicated in attempts
to organize the right into terrorist organizations. Counterspy, __/1973, p. 4
Latin America, 1960-95. Colonel Alpirez accused killer of American innkeeper and
guerrilla leader, graduated from School of Americas in 1989. Other notable alumni
include: Manuel Noriega and Omar Torrijos, former Panamanian strongmen; Roberto
D'Aubuisson, leader of Salvadoran death squads; Roberto Viola and Leopoldo Galtieri,
leaders of argentine dirty war; Michael Francois, former Haitian police chief; 19 of 27
Salvadoran officers cited for murder of six Jesuit priests; 10 of 12 Salvadoran officers
involved in El Mozote massacre; 105 of 247 Colombian officers cited for human rights
violations in 1992; and, former dictators of Bolivia, Ecuador, and Peru. Time. 4/10/1995,
p. 20
Latin America, 1976. An Argentinean told Scherrer, legal attache (FBI) Santiago, that
Operation Condor, a nascent program among military intelligence services of some Latin
American countries designed to locate and eliminate one another's fugitive terrorists and
exiled dissidents. Ambitious leader of Chilean DINA trying to institutionalize process.
Branch, T. and Proper, E. (1983). Labyrinth, p. 123
Latin America, Operation Condor, Paraguay, 1970-92. 12/1992 a Paraguayan judge in a
police station found documentary history of decades of repression and U.S. intelligence
cooperation with Paraguay and other regional dictatorships. Archives detail fates of
hundreds, possibly thousands, of Latin Americans secretly kidnapped by right-wing
regimes of the 1970s. Paper trail revealing elusive conspiracy among security services of
Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Paraguay and Uruguay to eliminate foes without regard
to borders. Sketchy outlines of Operation Condor, can be partially filled in. Some of
documents already disappeared. Finders had unearthed jumbled mountain of papers
outlining police and military intelligence activities during recently overthrown Stroessner
regime. HQs of Paraguayan technical police revealed more documents. 4 tons records.
Data confirmed arrest and killing of politicians and exchange of prisoners with
Argentina, Chile and Uruguay. Discovered documents a bombshell that led to arrest of
some of Stroessner's old regime. Southern Cone repression killed 50,000, disappeared
30,000 - the majority in Argentina and 400,000 imprisoned. U.S. gave inspiration,
financing and technical assistance for repression. CIA's technical services division
(TSD), provided electrical torture equipment. Covert Action Information Bulletin
(Quarterly), Fall 1994, pp. 7-13
Lain America, 1993. James Carroll wrote editorial about U.S. Army's School of
Americas in Fort Benning. It is "the U.S. school that teaches militaries how to torture."
Among renowned alumni are various Latin American strongmen, including dictators in
Bolivia, Argentina, El Salvador and Panama. In Peru 6 of army officers charged with
recent murders of 9 students were School of Americas alumni. In Honduras, 4 of the
high-ranking officers who helped create "Battalion 316" death squad graduated from the
school. In Columbia, the list of officers designated by human rights organizations as
worst offenders reads like an honor roll from Fort Benning. In El Salvador, 2 of 3 officers
cited for the assassination of Archbishop Romero, 3 of 5 convicted of killing 3 Maryknoll
nuns and their lay associate, and 19 of the 26 officers implicated by United Nations.
"Truth Commission" investigation of murder of Jesuits, were graduates. "For decades
alumni of the School of Americas have helped fill morgues and mass graves of an entire
continent." Colonel Louis Michel Francois has been most closely linked to Haiti death
squads, and he is an alumni of the school just as is General Raoul Cedars one of those
CIA agents. Z Magazine, 2/1994, p. 24
Mexico: Death Squads
Mexico, 1957-89. The Mexican DFS (Federal Security Directorate) like many Western-
hemisphere intelligence organizations was creation of CIA. DFS has state of the art
computer and records systems. Through DFS CIA able to keep tabs on all embassies in
Mexico City. DFS works closely with U.S. In the suppression of leftists and political
parties. In early 1970s, Nazar created the Brigada Blanca, a right-wing death squad that
killed hundreds, probably thousands of Mexican students and political activists. Zacaris
Osorio Cruz, a member of death squad, testified in Canada that, between 1977-82, he part
of team that killed between 60-150 people. Penthouse, 12/1989
Mexico, 1977-89. U.S. looked the other way when Nazar, head of DFS used his infallible
(interrogation) techniques on behalf American agencies while he carried out hundreds,
perhaps thousands of political executions of Mexican leftists and political dissidents. DFS
(Federal Security Directorate) administering drug traffic. Penthouse, 12/1989
Nicaragua: Watch List
Joseph Adams, a former Marine intelligence officer, who served as chief of security for
Aldolfo Calero, helped maintain a list of civilians marked for assassination when Contra
forces entered Nicaragua. The Progressive, 3/1987, p. 24
Nicaragua: Death Squads
Nicaragua, 1983-89. Enrique Bermudez, a Contra leader, said in Contra raids on
economic targets in northern Nicaragua, particularly coffee plantations and farming
cooperatives, any resistance brought brutal retribution. Commandantes in field authorized
to select those to die. Bermudez ordered prisoners to have throats cut rather than waste
bullets. Terrell, J., and Martz, R. (1992). Disposable Patriot, p. 149
Nicaragua, 1985-89. "Death squad" reports re Sandinistas first circulated by the CIA-
funded Puebla Institute in 1991 as coming from the UN and OAS. When checked out,
this proved to be not true. Unclassified, 9/1992, p. 14
Nicaragua, circa 1940-79. Under name Anti-Communist League Nicaragua. Conservative
estimates say 30,000 died four decades prior 1978-79 civil war. Lernoux, P. (1982). Cry
of the People. pp. 81, 94
Norway: Watch List
Norway, 1947-90. Operation Gladio, formed in 1947, kept track of communists and
became part of intelligence service in 1948. Norwegian branch exposed in 1978, when an
arms cache discovered. "Statewatch" compilation filed June 1994, p. 12
Panama: Watch List
Panama, 1989-90. U.S. says 90 prisoners now held in Panama. Most of those detained
had been picked up by U.S. Forces based on wanted lists compiled by U.S. and
Panamanian authorities. Washington Post, 1/19/1990, A16
Panama, 1989. Several hundred people on list Endarra government seeks to detain. They
arrested by U.S. troops. Most political activists and labor leaders were wanted. The
Nation, 1/29/1990, p. 115
Paraguay: Watch List
Paraguay, 1972-83. The Paraguayan government expelled an author and released a
document supplied by the U.S. Embassy. The document, marked secret, includes the
author among a list of Paraguayans said to have visited the USSR bloc. Washington Post
2/5/1983, A1,21
Philippines: Death Squads
Philippines. Article "Death Squads in the Philippines," by Doug Cunningham. Covert
Action Information Bulletin (Quarterly), Winter 1988 pp. 22-3
Philippines. Military used hunter killer unit called scout rangers to find enemy and either
attack or report back to battalion combat teams. Blaufarb, D.S. (1977). The
Counterinsurgency Era, p. 28
Philippines. Probable U.S. support for vigilante death squads in the Philippines. Used in
coordination with other programs making up a total low intensity conflict profile.
National Reporter, Fall 1987, pp. 24-30
Philippines, 1950-54. Military man who helped Lansdale was Charles Bohannan and
Lansdale's chief Filipino associate was Colonel Napoleon Valeriano whose "skull
squadrons" beheaded suspected Huks. Karnow, S. (1989). In Our Image, p. 350
Philippines, 1969-83. Marcos' land reform failed and he approved creation of "Monkees"
a group used to intimidate and even murder Marcos' rivals. Karnow, S. (1989). In Our
Image. p.378
Philippines, 1973-83. In Philippines 1,166 persons were killed from 1972-83. Human
rights groups say most of victims were opponents of President Marcos. Washington Post,
4/12/1984, A21
Philippines, 1986-87. "Vigilante Terror" a report of CIA-inspired death squads in the
Philippines. National Reporter, Fall 1987, pp. 24-31
Philippines, 1986. See chapter "Direct U.S. Role in Counterinsurgency." includes psywar
operations, vigilante and death squads. USIA anti-communist campaign of distributing
films and written materials. Film "Amerika" shown. Use of Asian-American Free Labor
Institute Operations. In 1985, AAFLI spent up to $4 million on organizational efforts, the
money coming from the National Endowment for Democracy (NED). Bello, W. (1987).
U.S. Sponsored Low Intensity Conflict in the Philippines
Philippines, March 1986. Reagan signs finding increasing CIA involvement in Philippine
counterinsurgency operations. New Aquino government is allegedly perpetrating a purge
of opposition, carried out by more than 50 death squads. Ramsey Clark, who investigated
death squad activity in 1987, wrote in June that "the victims of vigilante violence are
overwhelmingly poor farmers, workers, slum dwellers, and others who are pushing for
significant land reform, wage increases and protection workers' rights, as well as those
who oppose U.S. military bases." Upsurge in death squad activities are coincident with
increased CIA aid and was preceded by visit to Philippines by Maj. Gen. John Singlaub.
The Nation, 9/19/1987, pp. 259-60
Puerto Rico: Watch List
Puerto Rico. FBI has institutionalized repression. It created "subversive" lists with names
of more than 150,000 "independentistas" who often find themselves thrown out of work.
FBI agents organized and trained death squads within the Puerto Rican police department
NACLA (magazine re Latin America), 8/1990, p. 5
Puerto Rico: Death Squads
Puerto Rico, 1978. "Puerto Rico's Death Squad Requiem on Cerro Maravilla: the Police
Murders in Puerto Rico and the U.S. Government Cover-up." A book by Manuel Suarez
reviewed in the Progressive, 12/1988, pp. 40-42
Russia: Watch List
Russia, 1994. FBI to open Moscow office with an eye on nuclear trafficking. FBI has
about 20 posts abroad at U.S. Embassies with its agents serving as legal attaches. They
range in size from one agent to as many as eight, plus support staff. FBI director Freeh
said the FBI working to set up joint police/intelligence data base with authorities in
Russia and Germany. Washington Times, 5/26/1994, A3
South Africa: Watch List
South Africa, 1962. A tip from a paid CIA informant led to 1962 arrest of Nelson
Mandela leader of the African National Congress. A CIA officer claimed "we have
turned Mandela over to the South African security branch." Washington Post, 6/11/1990,
South Africa: Death Squads
South Africa. Article, "South African Death Squad Plot: A Missing Piece to a Puzzle the
Media Won't Solve," by Jane Hunter. Extra, 11/1992, p. 26 South Africa. See article
"South African Death Squads." Covert Action Information bulletin (Quarterly) Summer
1990, pp. 63-66
South Africa, 1980-89. Details of South Africa's death squads by a former police Captain
Dirk Coetzee. Group tracked and killed ANC activists in Swaziland, Botswana and
Lesotho. Newsweek, 11/27/1989, p. 56
South Africa, 1980-90. Apartheid's fiercest warriors in 1980s were South Africa's army
special forces, police force known as Koevoet (crowbar), and Portuguese-speaking
"buffalo" battalion who ran a campaign of assassination and sabotage against the African
National Congress. Newsweek, 9/14/1992, p. 45
South Africa, 1991-92. 75 COSATU (labor union) members killed during past two years
by security forces. Many other attacks. Briarpatch magazine (Canada), 10/1992, pp. 55-6
South Africa, 1992. Slaughter in South Africa. Newsweek 9/21/1992, p. 57
South America: Watch List
South America, 1970-79. U.S. Legal attache Buenos Aires, FBI agent Robert Scherrer,
sent cable to D.C. Describing operation. Operation Condor the code-name for collection,
exchange and storage intelligence re leftists, communists and Marxists. Established
between cooperating intelligence services in South America to eliminate Marxist
activities. Operation provided for joint operation against targets in member
countries...third and secret phase of operation involves formation of special teams from
member countries who travel anywhere in world to carry out sanctions up to
assassination against terrorists from member countries. Special team from Operation
Condor could be sent to locate and surveil target. When located, a second team would be
sent to carry out sanction. 1979 Senate Report, based on CIA files, says "such a phase
three operation planned in 1974 and planned on killing 3 European leftists" - one Carlos.
Plot foiled when CIA discovered it and warned host countries - France and Portugal. U.S.
military officers sent under auspices of AID oversaw formation of technical police. One
folder of archives has correspondence between Paraguayan ministers and U.S. Army
Colonel Robert Thierry, who was serving as "public administration adviser," who
supervised formation of the technical police. Letters from FBI agent Scherrer advising
Paraguayan police re targets. CIA also worked with Paraguayans. Deputy DCI, Vernon
Walters, visited country in 1976 who apparently approved abortive effort to get false
passports for 2 Chilean DINA agents - Armando Fernandez and Michael Townley - who
en route to U.S. To assassinate Orlando Letelier. The case of Eugenio Berios. Covert
Action Information Bulletin (Quarterly) 12, 57, 8, 9
South America: Death Squads
South America, 1976. Letelier killed by right wing Cuban exiles called "Gusanos" who
are paid and trained by CIA and "Chilean Gestapo" DINA. Gusanos regularly engage in
terrorism against Cuba and Latin American and Caribbean countries. Tactics include
blowing up airplanes, embassies, fishing boats, and kidnappings. Gusanos connected with
police of other right wing governments such as Venezuela. Certain gusano operations
directed by CIA; Other unilateral operations of DINA. Counterspy, 12/1976, p. 10
Syria: Watch List
Syria, 1949. Following CIA coup of March 1949 CIA officer reported over "400
Commies" arrested. Middle East Journal 57
Syria, 1949. The Husni Za'im coup of 30 March result of guarantee CIA that once firmly
in power, the U.S. would give de facto recognition with de jure to follow in a few days
and pointed out targets to be seized. Gave him a list of all politicians who might be able
to rally resistance. Copeland, M. (1989). The Game Player, p. 94
Thailand: Death Squads
Thailand, 1965. Death squads. Lobe, T. (1977). United States national security policy and
aid to the Thailand police 67-70
Thailand, 1973-76. General Saiyut Koedphon, deputy head of CSOC and close ally of
CIA, admitted that CIA was collaborating with a variety of Thai security agencies,
including CSOC. Similarly, deputy director of police, Withun Yasawat, said he was
receiving CIA advice and reports as late as 1974. American indoctrination of CSOC and
border patrol police during 1960's produced U.S. desired objectives. "Nawaophon"
created ISOC officers who in turn has close contacts with CIA, employed covert tactics
to search out "subversive elements" within the Thai population. Counterspy, Summer
1980, p. 14
Thailand, 1973-76. The Krathin Daeng (Red Guars), were groups of rightist students with
police support that had over 100,000 members including government employees,
soldiers, policemen, etc. Group received support and assistance from the internal security
command (where CIA had a presence) and the Thai Santiban aka Special Branch. The
Red Guars implicated in numerous bombings, killings, shooting and harassment of labor
leaders, peasant leaders, etc. Indochina Resource Center Study, 1/1977
Thailand, 1976. A high-ranking official of Seni Pramoj government told a foreign visitor
few weeks before October 6 coup, both Nawapon and the Red Gaurs were being financed
by CIA. Counterspy, 12/1976, p. 52
Thailand, 1976. Over 10,000 students, professors, political figures, labor and farm leaders
arrested since coup. U.S. military aid increased. New junta used CIA-trained forces to
crush student demonstrators during coup. 2 right-wing terrorist squads suspected for
assassinations tied directly to CIA operations. Bulletin of Concerned Asian Scholars, v9
#3, 9/1977, p. 2
Thailand, 1976. Red Gaurs, an organization of the extreme right, staged provocations
against progressive students and assassinations of activists of farmers' federation of
Thailand. The number of assassinations by right wingers soared in April 1976 during
parliamentary elections. Defense minister Pramarn Adireksan, leader of right wing Thai
National party, openly proclaimed the slogan "the right kill the left." Syrokonski. (1983).
International Terrorism and the CIA, p. 117-118
Thailand, 1976. Thai border police, element of police most involved in counterinsurgency
and which CIA concentrated most of its efforts, carried out an assault by fire against
essentially unarmed students, killing at least 100. Counterspy, 12/1976, p. 52
Turkey: Watch List
Turkey, 1971. Coup carried out by counter-guerrilla, the CIA, the Turkey military and
Turkish military intelligence (MIT). CIA solely interested in protecting American
interests. CIA assisted MIT in 1960-69 in drafting plans for mass arrests of opposition
figures similar to the pattern followed in Thailand, Indonesia and Greece. In single night
generals ordered 4000 professors, students, teachers and retired officers arrested. They
tortured. Counterspy, 4/1982, p. 25
Uruguay: Watch List
Uruguay. CIA agent associated with death squads. Every CIA station maintained
subversive control watch list of most important left wing activists. Gave names families
and friends. Frankovich, A. (1980). On Company Business. TV transcript, 5/9/1980, pp.
Uruguay, liaison, 1964. Biographical data and photos. Uruguay has national voter
registration that effective identity card system. From liaison service CIA station gets full
name, date and place of birth, parents names, address, place of work, etc. and id photos.
Information invaluable for surveillance operations, for subversive control watch list and
for a variety of other purposes. CID-361
Uruguay: Death Squads
Uruguay, 1970-72. CIA operations officer used cover of AID public safety advisor to
help set up Department of Information and Intelligence (DII). DII served as a cover for
death squad. Counterspy, 5/1979, p. 10
USSR: Watch List
USSR, 1990 KGB Chairman Vladimir Kryuchkov said KGB to protect against anti-
Communist forces. Said western intelligence exploiting current instability in USSR.
"Certain radical movements being masterminded by foreign support. Certain groups had
written "blacklists" of people who must be neutralized. Washington Post, 12/12/1990,
USSR, 1990. KGB's Kryuchkov accuses CIA and other western intelligence agencies of
gathering information on workers' movements. Washington Post, 12/23/1990, A1,22
USSR, East Germany, 1949-57. League of Free Jurists (UFJ) kept a blacklist of offenders
against justice - particularly lawyers and police - and published their activities. Named
were marked men, whether they came to West as refugees or as accredited
representatives of East Germans. Hagan, L. (1969). The Secret War for Europe, p. 200
USSR, Iran, 1982. Vladimir Kuzichkin, a senior KGB officer in Tehran, defected to the
British. CIA had a sharing agreement with MI6 and became privy to contents of two
trunks full of documents. From those documents CIA prepared name lists of more than
one hundred people, mostly Iranians, working as secret agents in Iran for the USSR.
Casey allowed this list be handed to the Iranians - who executed them. Persico, J. (1991).
Casey, p. 301
Vietnam: Watch List
Vietnam, 1965-68. U.S./Government of Vietnam create list of active NLF for
assassination. After 1968 Tet offensive, names centralized to Phoenix coordinators.
Collect names of tens of thousands NLF suspects. Military operations such as My Lai use
Phoenix intelligence. By 1973, Phoenix generates 300,000 political prisoners in South
Vietnam. Counterspy, May 1973, p. 22
Vietnam, 1965-70. Details re Vietnam. From 1965-68 U.S. and Saigon intelligence
services maintained an active list of Viet Cong cadre marked for assassination. Phoenix
program for 1969 called for "neutralizing" 1800 a month. About one third of Viet Cong
targeted for arrest had been summarily killed. Security committees established in
provincial interrogation centers to determine fate of Viet Cong suspects, outside of
judicial controls. Green Berets and Navy Seals most common recruits for Phoenix
program. Green Beret Detachment B-57 provided administrative cover for other
intelligence units. One was Project Cherry, tasked to assassinate Cambodian officials
suspected of collaborating with North Vietnamese, KGB. Another was Project Oak
targeted against South Vietnamese suspected collaborators. They controlled by Special
Assistant for Counterinsurgency and Special Activities, which worked with CIA outside
of General Abrams's control. Stein. J. (1992). A Murder In Wartime, pp. 360-1
Vietnam, 1967-73 CIA developed Phoenix program in 1967 to neutralize: kill, capture or
make defect Viet Cong infrastructure. Viet Cong infrastructure means civilians suspected
of supporting Communists. Targeted civilians not soldiers. Phoenix also called Phung
Hoang by Vietnamese. Due process totally nonexistent. South Vietnamese who appeared
on black lists could be tortured, detained for 2 years without trial or killed. Valentine, D.
(1990). The Phoenix Program, p. 13
Vietnam, 1967-73 District Intelligence Operations Coordination Center (DIOCC). Dien
Ban center a model for all of Phoenix. Bldg 10' x 40'. Manned by two U.S. Soldiers, 2
Census Grievance, one Rural Development cadre, and one Special Branch. DIOCC
intelligence clearinghouse to review, collate, and disseminate information. Immediate
local reaction. Americans kept files of sources, Viet Cong infrastructure and order of
battle. Reaction forces 100 police, 1 PRU unit, guides from census grievance. Marines
screened civilian detainees using informants and DIOCC's blacklist. Valentine, D.
(1990). The Phoenix Program, p.126
Vietnam, 1968-69. Until late 1968, Saigon had run a program under which 500,000 ID
cards were issued. Viet Cong made fake ones and many stolen. Viet Cong during Tet
assigned teams to go door-to-door to collect them. Saigon reissued cards in 10/1968. By 1
May 1969, number of cards issued was 1.5 million. Adams, S. (1994). War of Numbers,
p. 181
Vietnam, 1968. Phoenix program quota of 1800 neutralizations per month. Viet Cong
Infrastructure System (VCIS) fed 3000 names Viet Cong infrastructure into computer at
Combined Intelligence Center political order of battle section. Beginning of
computerized blacklist. In Saigon DIA, FBI and CIA used computers. Until 1970
computerized blacklist a unilateral American operation. Valentine, D. (1990). The
Phoenix Program, 259
Vietnam, 1968. U.S. advisors worked with Government of Vietnam counterparts to
establish a list of those who were active with the NLF and who were vulnerable to
assassination. Counterspy, 5/1973, p. 21
Vietnam: Death Squads
Vietnam. Counterterror teams aka Provincial Reconnaissance Units (PRU). Six or dozen
men carried out carefully planned forays, capturing or killing identified communists.
Blaufarb, D.S. (1977). The Counterinsurgency Era, pp. 210-11
Vietnam, 1960-93. Montagnards recruited in early 1960s by Special Forces to fight Viet
Cong. Did not surrender until 1992, when they yielded weapons to UN forces in
Cambodia and brought to U.S. About 600 live in North Carolina. Paul Campbell, former
SF who first American to recruit them. Kay Reibold head of Vietnam highlands
assistance project. Montagnards live in small apartments around Raleigh with low-paying
jobs. In 10/1961 Campbell, then a SF Sergeant, sent by CIA to recruit Montagnards. They
to form village security, but soon being used for long-range reconnaissance and in highly
mobile strike forces that hunted Viet Cong for weeks at a time. "We killed many
Vietnamese." Article by W. Booth. Washington Post, 12/27/1993
Vietnam, 1965. CIA station helped create census grievance units. CIA funded, trained
and guided counter terror teams who per Chief of Station de Silva, were "to bring danger
and death to Viet Cong functionaries." Corn, D. (1994). Blond Ghost: Ted Shackley and
the CIA's Crusades, p. 175
Vietnam, 1966-71. Phoenix operation designed to help U.S. military reach crossover
point, where dead and wounded exceeded Viet Cong's ability to field replacements. In
April 1967, President Johnson announced formation of Civil Operations and
Revolutionary Development Support (CORDS) for pacification. Robert Komer as deputy
commander of MACV-CORDS. CORDS budget about $4 billion from 1968-71. CORDS
the management structure for pacification programs. Personnel both military and civilian.
By 1971, 3000 servicemen, advisers to ARVN, placed under CORDS. 1200 civilians by
1971. U.S. AID responsible for material aid. State and USIA also provided personnel.
But CIA played the crucial role. CORDS reinstated civic action teams under name
Revolutionary Development cadre. RD program formed teams of 59 South Vietnamese,
divided into 3 11-man security squads and 25 civic action cadres. Teams to spend 6
months in a village to fulfill "Eleven criteria and 98 works for pacification." 1.
Annihilation of ...cadre; 2. Annihilation of wicked village dignitaries; etc. System placed
40,000 two-way radios in villages. Land reform failed. (Photos of Phoenix propaganda
material). Teams helped create Regional and Popular Forces (RF/PFs). Ruff-puffs,
suffered high casualties. They represented half of South Vietnamese government forces,
they had 55-66% of casualties. They inflicted 30% of Communist casualties.
Underground paramilitary effort called Phoenix, which included a "census grievance,"
stay-behind. He actually a spy. All information fed into intelligence coordination and
exploitation program. Vietnamese at Komer's request set up staff that, with CIA, was
responsible for coordinating intelligence reports on Viet Cong Infrastructure. Information
from census grievance, military, police reports. paramilitary units, including CIA's
Provincial Reconnaissance Units and ruff-puffs. Arrestees - those not killed when
captured - taken to Provincial Interrogation Centers (PIC). Also regional prisons and a
national center. All financed by CIA. Problems of coordination and jealousy. Numerical
quotas created saying how many VCI to be eliminated each month. Torture used in
questioning. Manning, R., (ed), (1988). War in the Shadows: the Vietnam Experience, pp.
Vietnam, 1966. In 1966 recycled counter terrorists called Provincial Reconnaissance
Units (PRU) and managed by CIA officer in CORDS RDC/O Office. Valentine, D.
(1990). The Phoenix Program, p. 117
Vietnam, 1968. CIA issued two handbooks in June 1968. One "the Viet Cong Key
Organization From Central Level Down to Village and Hamlet Levels." Second a manual
of procedures from Saigon to DIOCCs. One report said "as DIOCCs and PIOCCs have
refined data bases, gained experience, and mounted more operations against targeted
individuals, the neutralization rate... over 1000 per month for last 4 months." Gia Dinh
"has more than quadrupled monthly rate of killed, captured and rallied." Valentine, D.
(1990). The Phoenix Program, p. 190
Vietnam, 1971. William E. Colby on July 19, 1971, before Senate Subcommittee testified
that CIA's Operation Phoenix had killed 21,587 Vietnamese citizens between January
1968 and May 1971. Counterspy, December 1978, p. 6
Are both your parents Jews?
Karl Wolff
Wolff continued:
After the shooting was over, Himmler gathered the shooting squad
in a semi-circle around him and, standing up in his car, so that he
would be a little higher and be able to see the whole unit, he made a
He had seen for himself how hard the task which they had to fulfil
for Germany in the occupied areas was, but however terrible it all
might be, even for him as a mere spectator, and how much worse it
must be for them, the people who had to carry it out, he could not
see any way round it.
They must be hard and stand firm. He could not relieve them of this Journal of police
duty, he could not spare them. battalion 322 - The
Viennese police
In the interests of the Reich, in this hopefully Thousand Year Reich, battalion was
in its first decisive great war after the take-over of power, they must involved in the
do their duty however hard it may seem. arrest and shooting
of 916 Jews in the
He appealed to their sense of patriotism and their readiness to Minsk ghetto
make sacrifices.
Then he drove off and he left this police unit to sort out the future for themselves, to see
if and how far they could come to terms with this – within themselves, because for some
it was shock which lasted their whole lives.
After the speech Himmler, Nebe, von dem Bach and Wolff
inspected an insane asylum at Novinki. Himmler ordered
Nebe to end the suffering of these people as soon as possible
At the same time Himmler asked Nebe “to turn over in his
mind” various other killing methods more humane than
shooting. Nebe asked permission to try out dynamite on the
Von dem Bach-Zelewski mentally ill people.
Von dem Bach and Wolff protested that the sick people were not guinea pigs, but
Himmler decided in favour of the attempt. Much later Nebe confided to von dem Bach
that the dynamite had been tried on the inmates with woeful results.
The Field Men by French L. MacLean, published by Schiffer Military History Atglen PA
The Final Solution by G. Reitlinger – Vallentine Mitchell &Co Ltd 1953.
The Holocaust – The Jewish Tragedy by Sir Martin Gilbert published by Collins London
The Destruction of the European Jews by Raul Hilberg, published by Holmes and Meier,
New York 1985.
Wiener Library, London
On June 6, 2006 the US national archives released some 27,000 pages of secret records
documenting the CIA’s Cold War relations with former German Nazi Party members and
The files reveal numerous cases of German Nazis, some clearly guilty of war crimes,
receiving funds, weapons and employment from the CIA. They also demonstrate that US
intelligence agencies deliberately refrained from disclosing information about the
whereabouts of Adolf Eichmann in order to protect Washington’s allies in the post-war
West German government headed by Christian Democratic leader Konrad Adenauer.
Eichmann, who had sent millions to their deaths while coordinating the Nazis’ “final
solution” campaign to exterminate European Jewry, went into hiding in Buenos Aires
after the fall of the Third Reich. Utilizing friendly contacts in the Catholic Church and the
Peron government in Argentina, Eichmann was able to reside in the South American
country for 10 years under the alias of Ricardo Klement. He was abducted in 1960 by
Mossad, Israel’s foreign intelligence agency, put on trial in Israel and executed in 1962.
The documents show that the CIA was in possession of Eichmann’s pseudonym two
years before the Mossad raid. The CIA received this information in 1958 from the West
German government, which learned of Eichmann’s alias in 1952. Both the CIA and the
Bonn government chose not to disclose this information to Israel because they were
concerned that Eichmann might reveal the identities of Nazi war criminals holding high
office in the West German government, particularly Adenauer’s national security adviser
Hans Globke.
When Eichmann was finally brought to trial, the US government used all available means
to protect its West German allies from what he might reveal. According to the
declassified documents, the CIA pressured Life magazine into deleting references to
Globke in portions of Eichmann’s memoirs that it chose to publish.
In addition to the revelations regarding Eichmann, the documents chronicle the CIA’s
creation of “stay-behind” intelligence networks in southwestern Germany and Berlin,
labeled “Kibitz” and “Pastime,” respectively. The Kibitz ring involved several former SS
members. In the early 1950s, the CIA provided these groups with money,
communications equipment and ammunition so that they could serve as intelligence
assets in the event of a Soviet invasion of West Germany.
The CIA documents were reviewed by Timothy Naftali, a historian with the National
Archives Interagency Working Group, the government body that oversaw their
declassification and release.According to an article published by Naftali,the stay-behind
program was dissolved “in the wake of public concerns in West Germany about the
resurgence of Neo-Nazi Groups.” Specifically, the Kibitz-15 group, led by an
“unreconstructed Nazi,” became a potential source of public embarrassment for the US,
as its members were broadly involved in Neo-Nazi activity. [1]
The CIA terminated the program by 1955 and arranged for many of its contacts to be
resettled in Canada and Australia. According to the documents, Australia provided funds
for relocation while the CIA provided its ex-assets with a “resettlement bonus.”
The CIA employed Gustav Hilger, a former adviser to Nazi Foreign Minister Joachim
von Ribbentrop. As an employee of the German foreign office, Hilger was present at the
negotiation of the Stalin-Hitler pact in 1939. The CIA deemed his experience with the
USSR sufficiently valuable to free him from incarceration at Fort Meade in Maryland and
employ him as an intelligence evaluator in West Germany.
In 1948, Hilger moved to the United States and obtained a position at the CIA’s K Street
building in Washington as a researcher and expert on the USSR. Hilger eventually left
the CIA to work for the West German foreign office.
According to a paper analyzing the CIA documents published by Robert Wolfe, a former
senior archivist at the US National Archives, “it is beyond dispute that Hilger criminally
assisted in the genocide of Italy’s Jews.... During the roundup of Italian Jews in late 1943,
a note signed ‘Hilger’ recorded Ribbentrop’s concurrence that the Italians be asked to
intern the Jews in concentration camps in Northern Italy, in lieu of immediate
deportation. The SS intended thereby that the Italian Jews and their potential Italian
protectors should believe that internment in Italy was the final destination, rather than
eventual deportation to the murder mills in Poland to be immediately murdered or
gradually worked to death. The stated purpose of this ruse was to minimize the number of
Italian Jews who would go into hiding to avoid deportation to Poland” [2]
In another instance, the CIA employed Tscherim Soobzokov, a former Nazi gendarme
and Waffen SS lieutenant, who, according to a paper published by Interagency Working
Group Director of Historical Research Richard Breitman, “participated in an execution
commando [combat group detailed to executing Jews and Communists en masse] and had
searched North Caucasian villages for Jews.”
Soobzokov was employed by the CIA for seven years. Over this period, he repeatedly
used his intelligence contacts to avoid investigation by the FBI and the US Immigration
and Naturalization Service (INS) in regard to his complicity in war crimes.
According to Breitman’s paper, CIA examiners noted that Soobzokov was an
“incorrigible fabricator” who repeatedly lied about his past in order to conceal his
participation in criminal activity. Nevertheless, the CIA shielded him against
investigation, at one point sending the INS a document asserting that Soobzokov had
never worked for the Nazis. [3]
Prior to the outbreak of war, a significant section of the American ruling elite had favored
cooperation with the Nazis as a European hedge against the spread of Bolshevism. Henry
Ford was notorious for his anti-Semitism and his political affinity for German Fascism,
and a number of major American companies retained their business ties with the Third
Reich. Notably, IBM sold Germany the punch cards that were used to catalog the “final
solution.” (See: “How IBM helped the Nazis IBM and the Holocaust”)
However, as one European nation after another fell before Hitler’s onslaught, the threat
of German imperialist dominance in Europe spurred the American ruling class to enter
the European theater.
US imperialism mobilized popular support in its war against the Nazi regime by
appealing to the democratic and anti-fascist sentiments of the American people. After the
defeat of Germany, it organized, together with its World War II allies—Britain, the
Soviet Union and France—the Nuremburg trials to prosecute top Nazi officials for their
complicity in war crimes.
However, with the start of the Cold War, the United States reversed its policy of
identifying, trying and executing prominent Nazi war criminals. As is starkly
demonstrated in the case of Eichmann, the knowledge possessed by many of these
individuals made trying them inconvenient.
Regardless of its limited prosecution of upper-echelon Nazis, the United States had no
qualms about recruiting Nazi Party members and war criminals into its military research
apparatus. Prominent German military developers such as Werner Von Braun and
Bernhard Tessmann were assimilated into the US rocketry program, while Kurt Blome, a
Nazi scientist who experimented on concentration camp prisoners, was employed by the
US to develop chemical weapons.
Likewise, the early stages of the Cold War saw high-level Nazi cadres drafted into the US
intelligence machine and deployed in Europe, the Middle East and the Americas.
According to the Department of Justice Office of Special Investigations (OSI), the bureau
assigned to investigate German war criminals living within the US, at least 10,000 Nazis
entered the US between 1948 and 1952.Of the thousands of German Nazis who fled—or
were brought—to the United States, only some 100 have been prosecuted by the OSI.
2. Robert Wolfe, “Gustav Hilger: From Hitler’s Foreign Office to CIA Consultant”
Gen. Reinhard Gehlen persuaded the U.S. Army and then the CIA to sponsor his
intelligence network even though he employed numerous former Nazis and known war
1. Douglas Jehl, "CIA Said to Rebuff Congress on Nazi Files," New York Times, January
30, 2005.
2. Richard Breitman, Norman Goda, Timothy Naftali, and Robert Wolfe, U.S.
Intelligence and the Nazis, (Washington, DC: National Archive Trust Fund Board, 2004),
3.Ibid, 8-9.
4. Ibid, 406.
5. Ibid, 8.
Left: Mahmoud Abbas. Right: Fatah troops giving the Nazi salute at a rally
The US government is consistent. After assisting the birth pangs of Al Fatah with CIA-
sponsored Nazi training, and then mobilizing an entire diplomatic process known as the
Oslo process to get Al Fatah inside the Jewish state [see 1991 section], in recent times it
brazenly took upon itself to give Al Fatah direct CIA training [see 1994 section], and now
it is pushing with all its superpower might for the final stage of the Oslo process to be
concluded: a fully fledged Fatah terrorist state on Israel’s flank, carved out of the Jewish
Footnotes and Further Reading
[1] Sachar, H. 1982. A history of Israel: From the rise of Zionism to our time. New York:
Knopf. (p.333)
[1a] Never mind that it was barely three years since the Jews had finished suffering the
Nazi Final Solution; the British aid to the Arabs included sending captured German Nazi
officers to lead the Arab armies that had openly pledged themselves to wipe out the
Israeli Jews. This was demonstrated in a detailed article, which quoted official British
documents at length, and which appeared in The Nation in 1948:
[1b] Uncle Sam's Nazi's, The Washington Post, April 24, 1988, Sunday, Final Edition,
BOOK WORLD; PAGE X11, 905 words, Peter Grose, REVIEW
[2] “Policy concerning clandestine use of former Nazi collaborators during the early cold
war years was shaped by a series of National Security Council directives and intelligence
projects sponsored by the Policy Planning Staff of the State Department, then under the
leadership of George F. Kennan, according to records discovered recently in the US State
Department archives. Kennan was at the time assigned the task of internal policy
oversight of all US clandestine operations abroad. His initiatives -- along with those of
Allen Dulles, Frank Wisner, and a number of other latter-day CIA executives -- helped
convince Truman’s NSC to approve a comprehensive program of covert operations that
were explicitly modeled on the Vlasov Army, an anti-Communist émigré campaign
created by the SS and the Nazi Foreign Office during World War II. Scholars and
propagandists who had once collaborated in formulating the Nazis’ political warfare
program were brought into the United States to provide the brains for the new operation.
Wisner, the dynamic director of the CIA’s clandestine operations directorate, gradually
gathered many of the threads of earlier Nazi utilization efforts into agency hands. Wisner
believed in the tremendous espionage potential of the Eastern European émigré [i.e. Nazi
collaborationist] organizations, their value as propagandists and agents of influence, and
the unique advantages of using soldiers who had no provable ties to the US government
for certain particularly sensitive missions, including assassinations…
Wisner’s clandestine campaigns were originally aimed at the USSR and its satellites.
Before the decade was out, however, the American people also became an important
target for CIA propaganda programs. …over the winter of 1951-52…, according to
National Security Council records, Wisner began large-scale programs designed to bring
thousands of anti-Communist [read: pro-Nazi] exiles to the United States as a means of
rewarding them for secret operations overseas and to train others in guerrilla warfare
against East Bloc countries. The CIA secretly subsidized the work of right-wing refugee
relief organizations aiding such immigrants, including some groups with clear ties to
extreme nationalist and Fascist organizations in Europe. The agency simultaneously
funded millions of dollars into advertising and staged media events inside the United
States during the same period, with support for these overseas ‘refugee liberation’
projects as a primary theme.
Tens of thousands of Eastern European refugees emigrated to the United States
throughout the late 1940s and 1950s. …just as any large group of humans contains some
criminals, so, too, did this emigration. The difference this time was that of the criminals
who did come, many were experienced right-wing political activists who were highly
organized and blessed with the patronage of the CIA.”
SOURCE: Simpson, C. 1988. Blowback: America's recruitment of Nazis and its effects
on the Cold War. New York: Weidenfeld & Nicholson. (pp.8-9).
[3] Blowback (p.249)
[4] Blowback (p.40)
[5] Blowback (p.44)
[6] Blowback (p.45)
[7] Naftali, T. 2005. "Reinhard Gehlen and the United States," in US Intelligence and the
Nazis. Edited by R. Breitman, N. J. W. Goda, T. Naftali, and R. Wolfe, pp. 375-418.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (p.377)
[8] Blowback (pp.249-51)
[9] Naftali, "Reinhard Gehlen and the United States," (pp.404-05)
[10] Blowback (pp.115-16)
[11] Naftali, "Reinhard Gehlen and the United States," (p.375)
According to the released US government documents, “Working immediately after the
war with Army Intelligence, the Gehlen Organization became the responsibility of the
CIA, which continued the relationship until 1956.”(a) What happened in 1956? “Gehlen’s
organization became the Bundesnachrichtendienst (BND), West Germany’s foreign
intelligence agency,” when the CIA handed over the Gehlen Organization to the West
(a) “CIA Intends to Release Records on Cold War Spymaster”; Interagency Working
Group (IWG); The National Archives; October 5, 2000
(b) “April, 2001 Historical Analysis of 20 Name Files from CIA Records”; Interagency
Working Group (IWG); The National Archives ;By Dr. Richard Breitman, Professor of
History, American University, IWG Director of Historical Research.
[12] Naftali, T. 2005. "The CIA and Eichmann's Associates," in US Intelligence and the
Nazis. Edited by R. Breitman, N. J. W. Goda, T. Naftali, and R. Wolfe, pp. 337-374.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (p.342)
[13] Naftali, "Reinhard Gehlen and the United States," (p.404)
[14] Blowback (p.251)
[15] Blowback (pp.248-49)
[16] “How did the ‘Palestinian movement’ emerge? The British sponsored it. Then the
MOVEMENT; An HIR Series, in four parts; Historical and Investigative Research; 13
June 2006; by Francisco Gil-White
[17] Naftali, "The CIA and Eichmann's Associates," (p.338)
HOLOCAUST: Has the US ruling elite been pushing a pro-Nazi policy?; Historical and
Investigative Research; 8 June 2006; by Francisco Gil-White.
[19] Naftali, "The CIA and Eichmann's Associates," (p.342)
[20] Sachar, H. 1982. A history of Israel: From the rise of Zionism to our time. New
York: Knopf. (pp.619, 698)
[21] Al-Quds (Palestinian daily newspaper) Aug, 2, 2002; Translation: Palestinian Media
[22] Washington Times; August 9, 2002; "Yasser Arafat: Nazi trained", by David N.
[22a] For the manner in which the British government, over the objections of the House
of Commons, protected Hajj Amin al Husseini from prosecution by declaring him not a
war criminal, see:
Pearlman, M. 1947. Mufti of Jerusalem: The story of Haj Amin el Husseini. London: V
Gollancz. (78-82)
For the manner in which the French allowed Husseini to escape, read on:
“On 8th June, 1946, Mr. Duff Cooper held a Victory Day Garden Party at the British
Embassy in Paris. M. Bidault, French Foreign Minister at the time, was one of the guests.
He arrived late, bringing with him the interesting news that Hajj Amin al Husseini,
former Mufti of Jerusalem, had fled from his villa in the fashionable Paris subub of
Rambouillet, where he had been under surveillance since the end of the war.
...He had been in France since May, 1945, having been captured by French forces near
the Swiss border after his unsuccessful attempt to find refuge in Switzerland with
Germany's collapse. He had been brought to Rambouillet and kept under surveillance.
M. Bidault revealed that, some months before his flight, the French Government had
received the Mufti's assurance that he would not seek to escape. Since November, 1945,
surveillance had been relaxed, and Hajj Amin had been permitted to visit Paris. He had
taken the opportunity of visiting the Legations of the Arab States at will, and had secured
a passport from one of these Legations.
Now he had fled.”
SOURCE: Pearlman, M. 1947. Mufti of Jerusalem: The story of Haj Amin el Husseini.
London: V Gollancz. (p.7)
growing within the PLO over Yasser Arafat and the Israeli peace process, The Guardian
(London), November 12, 1993, THE GUARDIAN FEATURES PAGE; Pg. 24, 1204
A picture taken in 1943 of the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin al-Husseini,
reviewing Bosnian Muslim Fundamentalist troops - a unit of the "Handzar
[Scimitar] Division" of the Nazi's Waffen SS which he personally recruited for
See Ex-Mufti, Criminal Ally: Arafat's Nazi Uncle
The Führer's Mufti: After World War I, the Great Powers of Europe jockeyed for
influence in the Middle East's oil fields and trade routes, with France and Britain holding
mandates throughout most of the region. In the 1930s, the fascist regimes that arose in
Italy and Germany sought greater stakes in the area, and began courting Arab leaders to
revolt against their British and French custodians. Among their many willing accomplices
was Jerusalem Mufti Haj Amin el-Husseini, who fled Palestine after agitating against the
British during the Arab Revolt of 1936-39. He found refuge in Iraq – another of Her
Majesty's mandates – where he again topped the British most wanted list after helping
pull the strings behind the Iraqi coup of 1941. The revolt in Baghdad was orchestrated by
Hitler as part of a strategy to squeeze the region between the pincers of Rommel's troops
in North Africa, German forces in the Caucuses and pro-Nazi forces in Iraq. However, in
June 1941 British troops put down the rebellion and the Mufti escaped via Tehran to Italy
and eventually to Berlin.
Once in Berlin, the Mufti received an enthusiastic reception by the "Islamische
Zentralinstitut" and the whole Islamic community of Germany, which welcomed him as
the "Führer of the Arabic world." In an introductory speech, he called the Jews the "most
fierce enemies of the Muslims" and an "ever corruptive element" in the world. Husseini
soon became an honored guest of the Nazi leadership and met on several occasions with
Hitler. He personally lobbied the Führer against the plan to let Jews leave Hungary,
fearing they would immigrate to Palestine. He also strongly intervened when Adolf
Eichman tried to cut a deal with the British government to exchange German POWs for
5000 Jewish children who also could have fled to Palestine. The Mufti's protests with the
SS were successful, as the children were sent to death camps in Poland instead. One
German officer noted in his journals that the Mufti would liked to have seen the Jews
"preferably all killed." On a visit to Auschwitz, he reportedly admonished the guards
running the gas chambers to work more diligently. Throughout the war, he appeared
regularly on German radio broadcasts to the Middle East, preaching his pro-Nazi, anti-
Semitic message to the Arab masses back home.
To show gratitude towards his hosts, in 1943 the Mufti travelled several times to Bosnia,
where on orders of the SS he recruited the notorious "Hanjar troopers," a special Bosnian
Waffen SS company which slaugh-tered 90% of Bosnia's Jews and burned countless
Serbian churches and villages. These Bosnian Muslim recruits rapidly found favor with
SS chief Heinrich Himmler, who established a special Mullah Military school in Dresden.
The only condition the Mufti set for his help was that after Hitler won the war, the entire
Jewish population in Palestine should be liquidated. After the war, Husseini fled to
Switzerland and from there escaped via France to Cairo, were he was warmly received.
The Mufti used funds received earlier from the Hilter regime to finance the Nazi-inspired
Arab Liberation Army that terrorized Jews in Palestine.
The Arab Embrace of Nazism: Husseini represents the prevalent pro-Nazi posture
among the Arab/Muslim world before, during and even after the Holocaust. The Nazi-
Arab connection existed even when Adolf Hitler first seized power in Germany in 1933.
News of the Nazi takeover was welcomed by the Arab masses with great enthusiasm, as
the first congratulatory telegrams Hitler received upon being appointed Chancellor came
from the German Consul in Jerusalem, followed by those from several Arab capitals.
Soon afterwards, parties that imitated the National Socialists were founded in many Arab
lands, like the "Hisb-el-qaumi-el-suri" (PPS) or Social Nationalist Party in Syria. Its
leader, Anton Sa'ada, styled himself the Führer of the Syrian nation, and Hitler became
known as "Abu Ali" (In Egypt his name was "Muhammed Haidar"). The banner of the
PPS displayed the swastika on a black-white background. Later, a Lebanese branch of the
PPS – which still receives its orders from Damascus – was involved in the assassination
of Lebanese President Pierre Gemayel.
The most influential party that emulated the Nazis was "Young Egypt," which was
founded in October 1933. They had storm troopers, torch processions, and literal
translations of Nazi slogans – like "One folk, One party, One leader." Nazi anti-Semitism
was replicated, with calls to boycott Jewish businesses and physical attacks on Jews.
Britain had a bitter experience with this pro-German mood in Egypt, when the official
Egyptian government failed to declare war on the Wehrmacht as German troops were
about to conquer Alexandria.
After the war, a member of Young Egypt named Gamal Abdul Nasser was among the
officers who led the July 1952 revolution in Egypt. Their first act – following in Hitler's
footsteps – was to outlaw all other parties. Nasser's Egypt became a safe haven for Nazi
war criminals, among them the SS General in charge of the murder of Ukrainian Jewry;
he became Nasser's bodyguard and close comrade. Alois Brunner, another senior Nazi
war criminal, found shelter in Damascus, where he served for many years as senior
adviser to the Syrian general staff and still resides today.
Sami al-Joundi, one of the founders of the ruling Syrian Ba'ath Party, recalls: "We were
racists. We admired the Nazis. We were immersed in reading Nazi literature and books...
We were the first who thought of a translation of Mein Kampf. Anyone who lived in
Damascus at that time was witness to the Arab inclination toward Nazism."
These leanings never completely ceased. Hitler's Mein Kampf
currently ranks sixth on the best-seller list among Palestinian
Arabs. Luis Al-Haj, translator of the Arabic edition, writes
glowingly in the preface about how Hitler's "ideology" and his
"theories of nationalism, dictatorship and race… are advancing
especially within our Arabic States." When Palestinian police
first greeted Arafat in the self-rule areas, they offered the
infamous Nazi salute - the right arm raised straight and upward.
The PLO and notably Arafat himself do not make a secret of their source of inspiration.
The Grand Mufti el-Husseini is venerated as a hero by the PLO. It should be noted, that
the PLO's top figure in east Jerusalem today, Faisal Husseini, is the grandson to the
Führer's Mufti. Arafat also considers the Grand Mufti a respected educator and leader,
and in 1985 declared it an honor to follow in his footsteps. Little wonder. In 1951, a close
relative of the Mufti named Rahman Abdul Rauf el-Qudwa el-Husseini matriculated to
the University of Cairo. The student decided to conceal his true identity and enlisted as
"Yasser Arafat."
Writers: Paul Longgrear, Raymond McNemar
*This is a reply to the insistent request of the Multi for an Axis declaration to the Arabs.
Source: The Arab Higher Committee .... The Documentary Record.
Now the dots can be connected. They create an undeniably Nazi nexus between iconic
American corporations and the greatest crime of the twentieth century: the Holocaust.
Henry Ford acting directly through the Ford Motor Company virtually invented political
anti-Semitism when he published worldwide the fake Protocols of the Elders of Zion.
Ford’s book quickly became the bible of German anti-Semites and early incarnations of
the Nazi party. Nazis shipped the work throughout the country “by the carload.” Among
the many Germans massively influenced by the book was Adolf Hitler. Der Führer read
the work at least two years before Mein Kampf was written. In Mein Kampf, Hitler
wrote, “The whole existence of this people is based on a continuous lie [as] shown
incomparably by the Protocols of the Elders of Zion…”
While in prison, Hitler closely studied American eugenics. He proudly told his comrades,
“I have studied with great interest the laws of several American states concerning
prevention of reproduction by people whose progeny would, in all probability, be of no
value or be injurious to the racial stock.” Hitler was so steeped in American race science
that he even wrote a fan letter to American eugenic leader Madison Grant, called his
writing “my bible.” Der Führer merely exchanged the American term “Nordic” for the
Nazi term “Aryan" and then medicalized his pre-existing virulent anti-Semitism and
fascist nationalism to formulate the concept of the blond, blue-eyed Master Race he
deified in Mein Kampf. As Hitler’s deputy Rudolf Hess insisted, “National Socialism is
nothing but applied biology.”
The Rockefeller Foundation, the philanthropic incarnation of Standard Oil, acted as a full
partner with Carnegie in establishing eugenics in Germany. In the quest to perfect the
master race, millions of Depression-era dollars were transmitted by Rockefeller to
Hitler’s most anti-Jewish doctors. In this quest, one specimen was desired above all:
twins. Rockefeller funded Hitler’s chief raceologist Otmar Verschuer and his insatiable
twin experimentation programs. Twins, it was thought, held the secret to industrially
multiplying the Aryan racial type, and quickly subtracting biological undesirables.
Verschuer had an assistant, Josef Mengele. Rockefeller funding stopped during WWII.
But by that time, Mengele had transferred into Auschwitz to continue twin research in a
monstrous fashion. Ever the eugenicist, he sent precise clinical reports weekly to
From the first weeks of the Third Reich, General Motors president Alfred Sloan
committed the company and its German division Opel to motorizing a substantially
horse-drawn Germany, preparing it for war. Prior to this, Germany had been a nation
devoted to legendary automotive engineering but only one vehicle at a time, built by
craftsman. GM brought mass production to the Reich, converting it from a horse-drawn
threat to a motorized powerhouse. Sloan and GM knowingly prepared the Wehrmacht to
wage war in Europe. GM built the Blitz truck for the Blitzkrieg. Detroit even secretly
moved massive stores of spare Blitz parts to the Polish border in the days just before the
September 1, 1939 invasion to facilitate the Blitzkrieg. Using a charade of interlocking
boards and executive committees, Sloan kept GM’s role secret as long as possible.
Internal Business Machines, inventor of the Hollerith punch card, precursor to the
modern computer, custom-designed and co-planned the Nazi solutions to Jewish
existence. IBM enjoyed a monopoly on information technology. Under the
micromanagement of its president Thomas Watson, while advertising itself as “a
solutions company,” IBM in 1933 reached out to the new Hitler regime. It offered to
organize and systemize any solution the Reich desired, including solutions to the Jewish
With IBM as a partner, the Hitler regime was able to substantially automate and
accelerate all six phases of the twelve-year Holocaust: identification, exclusion,
confiscation, ghettoization, deportation, and even extermination. As it did with any other
customer, IBM simply asked the Hitler regime what result was desired. Then company
engineers devised custom-tailored punch card systems to deliver those results. There was
an IBM customer site in every concentration camp. Machines were serviced monthly
sometimes weekly by IBM on site—whether that site was Auschwitz or downtown
Had it not been for the continued conscious involvement of iconic American corporations
in Hitler’s war against the Jews, the speed, shape and statistics of the Holocaust as we
know it would have been dramatically different. No one knows how different, but the
astronomical dimensions could have never been achieved. For their part, American
corporate collaborators have long tried to obscure or hide the details of their collusion
using the well-known tools of corporate misinformation, financial contributions, and
bought and paid for historian reviews. But in era when people no longer believe big
corporations, the dots can be fully connected to unveil the outlines of an indispensible
Nazi nexus. The words “never again” must resound not just among the victims, but
within boardrooms of corporate perpetrators.
Edwin Black is the New York Times best selling investigative author of IBM and the
Holocaust, and his just released book, Nazi Nexus: America's Corporate Connections to
Hitler's Holocaust (Dialog Press). He can be reached at
Radical haredim: Zionists aided Nazis
Extremist ultra-Orthodox wing publishes leaflet for children explaining why not to
take part in elections, claiming Zionists obstructed rescue of Jews during Holocaust
to promote state's foundation
A leaflet for children recently distributed as propaganda material by an anti-Zionist wing
in the ultra-Orthodox public uses the Holocaust to explain why voting in the elections is
forbidden, by claiming Zionists obstructed the rescue of Jews in the Shoah in order to
promote the foundation of the Jewish state.
Sources in the ultra-Orthodox street attribute the leaflet to "the haredi congregation," a
faction that does not believe in the state and the Zionist entity.
The booklet itself contains a children's story depicting a conversation between little
Yankel and his grandfather. When Yankel asks for an explanation about the elections, his
grandpa describes to him the history of the State of Israel.
From the leaflet: Jews being led to Auschwitz while Zionists stand aside and smile
"Over a 100 years ago, some assimilationist Jews who acted and thought like goyim
looked at the problems of the people of Israel.. and decided it is the result of the nation
not having a state of its own.. they did not understand that this 'solution,' that is good for
the gentiles, is not at all right for the people of Israel."
The grandfather then continues to explain about World War II, which he describes as "an
opportunity" for the Zionists, "knowing that at the end of the war in which six million
Jews were murdered, they can demand an independent state from the nations of the
"This is why," the grandfather says, "the Zionists turned a blind eye and even obstructed
actions to save Jews during the Holocaust."
Throughout the leaflet, the Zionists are described as an evil and satanic force that abused
haredi children before and after the establishment of Israel.
'Olmert a reformist'
The pamphlet has already stirred a row in the ultra-Orthodox public, and Rabbi Eliezer
Berland, who is considered the most influential spiritual leader of the Breslov Hassidism,
slammed the publication and called on hassidim to take part in the elections.
"We don not call them elections," he stated, "we do not elect a government, we call it
'war.' Once we used to fight with arrows, in this generation we fight with ballots," he
However, Rabbi Berland stressed that the injustices of the Zionists must not be forgotten
or forgiven. He attacked Kadima's candidate Ehud Olmert and said that while ailing
Prime Minister Ariel Sharon had an affinity to Judaism, Olmert is "a complete reformist.",7340,L-3232686,00.html
Lenni Brenner
Unconcerned with religion, he even proposed that an atheist, the then world-famous
author, Max Nordau, should succeed him as the WZO’s President. Again, the disciple
was less liberal than the master. Nordau was married to a Christian, and was afraid that
his wife would be resented by the Orthodox among the ranks. [2] He was already married
when he converted to Zionism and, despite his own Gentile wife, he soon became a
confirmed Jewish racist. On 21 December 1903 he gave an interview to Eduard
Drumont’s rabid anti-Semitic newspaper, La Libre Parole, in which he said that Zionism
wasn’t a question of religion, but exclusively of race, and “there is no one with whom I
am in greater agreement on this point than M. Drumont”. [3]
Although only one national branch of the WZO (the Dutch Federation in 1913) ever went
to the trouble of trying formally to exclude Jews living in mixed marriages, cosmopolitan
Zionism died an early death with Herzl in 1904. [4] The WZO as such never had to take a
position against mixed marriage; those who believed in it rarely thought to join the
obviously unsympathetic Zionists. The movement in Eastern Europe, its mass base,
shared the spontaneous folk-religious prejudices of the Orthodox communities around
them. Although the ancient Jews had seen proselytising and marriages to Gentiles as
adding to their strength, latter pressure from the Catholic Church caused the rabbis to
begin to see converts as a “troublesome itch” and they abandoned proselytising. With the
centuries, self-segregation became the hallmark of the Jews. In time the masses came to
see mixed marriage as treason to Orthodoxy. Although in the West some Jews modified
the religion and formed “Reform” sects and others abandoned the God of their
forefathers, the traffic was essentially away from Judaism. Few joined the Jewish world
either by conversion or marriage. If Western Zionism developed in a more secular
atmosphere than that of Eastern Europe, the bulk of its members still saw mixed marriage
as leading Jews away from the community rather than bringing new additions to it.
The German university graduates, who took over the Zionist movement after Herzl’s
death, developed the modernist-racist ideology of Jewish separatism. They had been
powerfully influenced by their pan-Germanic fellow students of the Wandervögel
(wandering birds or free spirits) who dominated the German campuses before 1914.
These chauvinists rejected the Jews as not being of Germanic Blut; therefore they could
never be part of the German Volk and were thoroughly alien to the Teutonic Boden or
soil. All Jewish students were compelled to grapple with these concepts which
surrounded them. A few moved left and joined the Social Democrats. To them this was
just more bourgeois nationalism and was to be fought as such. Most remained
conventionally Kaiser-treu, stout nationalists who insisted that a thousand years on the
German Boden had made them into “Germans of the Mosaic persuasion”. But a portion
of the Jewish students adopted the wandervogel ideology whole and simply translated it
into Zionist terminology. They agreed with the anti-Semites on several key points: the
Jews were not part of the German Volk and, of course, Jews and Germans should not mix
sexually, not for the traditional religious reasons, but for the sake of their own unique
Blut. Not being of Teutonic Blut, they perforce had to have their own Boden: Palestine.
At first glance it would appear strange that middle-class Jewish students should be so
influenced by anti-Semitic thought, especially as at the same time, socialism, with its
assimilationist attitudes towards the Jews, was gaining considerable support in the society
around them. However, socialism appealed primarily to the workers, not to the middle
class. In their environment chauvinism predominated; although intellectually they
repudiated their connection with the German people, in fact they never emancipated
themselves from the German capitalist class, and throughout the First World War the
German Zionists passionately supported their own government. For all their grandiose
intellectual pretensions, their völkisch Zionism was simply an imitation of German
nationalist ideology. Thus the young philosopher Martin Buber was able to combine
Zionism with ardent German patriotism during the First World War. In his book Drei
Reden ueber das Judentum, published in 1911, Buber spoke of a youth who:
senses in this immortality of the generations a community of blood, which he feels to be
the antecedents of his I, its perseverance in the infinite past. To that is added the
discovery, promoted by this awareness, that blood is a deep rooted nurturing force within
individual man; that the deepest layers of our being are determined by blood; that our
innermost thinking and our will are colored by it. Now he finds that the world around him
is the world of imprints and influences, whereas blood is the realm of a substance capable
of being imprinted and influenced, a substance absorbing and assimilating all into its own
form Whoever, faced with the choice between environment and substance, decides for
substance will henceforth have to be a Jew truly from within, to live as a Jew with all the
contradiction, all the tragedy, and all the future promise of his blood. [5]
The Jews had been in Europe for millenniums, far longer than, say, the Magyars. No one
would dream of referring to the Hungarians as Asiatics, yet, to Buber, the Jews of Europe
were still Asians and presumably always would be. You could get the Jew out of
Palestine, but you could never get Palestine out of the Jew. In 1916 he wrote that the Jew:
was driven out of his land and dispersed throughout the lands of the Occident yet, despite
all this, he has remained an Oriental One can detect all this in the most assimilated Jew, if
one knows how to gain access to his soul ... the immortal Jewish unitary drive – this will
come into being only after the continuity of life in Palestine ... Once it comes into contact
with its maternal soil, it will once more become creative. [6]
However, Buber’s völkisch Zionism, with its assorted strands of mystical enthusiasm,
was too spiritual to appeal to a wide following. What was needed was a popular Zionist
version of the social-Darwinism which had swept the bourgeois intellectual world in the
wake of Europe’s imperial conquests in Africa and the East. The Zionist version of this
notion was developed by the Austrian anthropologist Ignatz Zollschan. To him the secret
value of Judaism was that it had, albeit inadvertently, worked to produce a wonder of
Even Albert Einstein subscribed to the Zionist race conceptions and in so doing he
reinforced racism, lending it the prestige of his reputation. His own contributions to the
discussion sound suitably profound, but they are based on the same nonsense.
Nations with a racial difference appear to have instincts which work against their fusion.
The assimilation of the Jews to the European nations ... could not eradicate the feeling of
lack of kinship between them and those among whom they lived. In the last resort, the
instinctive feeling of lack of kinship is referable to the law of the conservation of energy.
For this reason it cannot be eradicated by any amount of well meant pressure. [8]
Buber, Zollschan and Einstein were but three among the classic Zionists who pontificated
learnedly on race purity. But for sheer fanaticism few could match the American Maurice
Samuel. A well-known writer in his day – later, in the 1940s, he was to work with
Weizmann on the latter’s autobiography – Samuel addressed the American public in 1927
in his I, the Jew. He denounced with horror a town which he readily conceded that he
only knew by repute – and that the evidence would make us think was the free-living
artists’ colony at Taos, New Mexico:
there came together into this small place, representatives of the African Negro, the
American and Chinese Mongol, the Semite and the Aryan ... free intermarriage had set in
... Why does this picture, part actual, part fanciful, fill me with a strange loathing, suggest
the obscene, the obscurely beastly? ... Why then does that village which my fancy
conjures up call to mind a heap of reptiles breeding uglily in a bucket? [9]
Similarly, in 1935 an American, Ben Frommer, a writer for the ultraright Zionist-
Revisionists, could declare of no less than 16 million of his fellow Jews that:
The fact is undeniable that the Jews collectively are unhealthy and neurotic. Those
professional Jews who, wounded to the quick, indignantly deny this truth are the greatest
enemies of their race, for they thereby lead them to search for false solutions, or at most
palliatives. [11]
This style of Jewish self-hatred permeated a great deal of Zionist writing. In 1934
Yehezkel Kaufman, then famous as a scholar of biblical history at Jerusalem’s Hebrew
University and himself a Zionist, though an opponent of the bizarre theory of the
Negation of the Diaspora, aroused furious controversy by culling the Hebrew literature
for yet worse examples. In Hebrew the ranters could really attack their fellow Jews
without fear of being accused of providing ammunition for the Jew-haters. Kaufman’s
Hurban Hanefesh (Holocaust of the Soul) cited three of the classic Zionist thinkers. For
Micah Yosef Berdichevsky the Jews were “not a nation, not a people, not human”. To
Yosef Chaim Brenner they were nothing more than “Gypsies, filthy dogs, inhuman,
wounded, dogs”. To A.D. Gordon his people were no better than “parasites, people
fundamentally useless”. [12]
Naturally Maurice Samuel had to apply his fine hand to concocting libels against his
fellow Jews. In 1924, in his work You Gentiles, he fabricated a Jewry driven by its own
sinister demiurge to oppose the Christian social order:
We Jews, we the destroyers, will remain the destroyers forever. Nothing that you will do
will meet our needs and demands. We will forever destroy because we need a world of
our own, a God-world, which is not your nature to build ... those of us who fail to
understand that truth will always be found in alliance with your rebellious factions, until
disillusionment comes, the wretched fate which scattered us through your midst has
thrust this unwelcome role upon us. [13]
Labour Zionism produced its own unique brand of Jewish self-hatred. In spite of its name
and pretensions, Labour Zionism was never able to win over any significant section of
the Jewish working class in any country cf the Diaspora. Its members had a self-defeating
argument: they claimed that the Jewish workers were in “marginal” industries, such as
the needle trades, which were unessential to the economy of the “host”, nations, and
therefore the Jewish workers would always be marginal to the working-class movement
in the countries of their abode. Jewish workers, it was claimed, could only wage a
“healthy” class struggle in their own land. Naturally poor Jews showed little interest in a
so-called labour movement that did not tell them to put their all into fighting in the
immediate present for better conditions, but rather to concern themselves about far-off
Palestine. Paradoxically, Labour Zionism’s primary appeal was to those young middle-
class Jews who sought to break with their class origins, but were not prepared to go over
to the workers of the country of their habitation. Labour Zionism became a kind of
counter-culture sect, denouncing Jewish Marxists for their internationalism, and the
Jewish middle class as parasitic exploiters of the “host”, nations. In effect they translated
traditional anti-Semitism into Yiddish: the Jews were in the wrong countries in the wrong
occupations and had the wrong politics. It took the Holocaust to bring these Jeremiahs to
their senses. Only then did they appreciate the common voice in their own message and
the Nazis’ anti-Jewish propaganda. In March 1942 Chaim Greenberg, then the editor of
New York’s Labour Zionist organ, Jewish Frontier, painfully admitted that, indeed,
there had been:
a time when it used to be fashionable for Zionist speakers (including the writer) to
declare from the platform that “To be a good Zionist one must be somewhat of an anti-
Semite”. To this day Labor Zionist circles are under the influence of the idea that the
Return to Zion involved a process of purification from our economic uncleanliness.
Whosoever doesn’t engage in so-called “productive” manual labor is believed to be a
sinner against Israel and against mankind. [14]
1. Marvin Lowenthal (ed.), The Diaries of Theodor Herzl, p.78.
4. The WZO is structured by national states, and elections are held on a national basis for
the World Zionist Congress; the various ideological tendencies which are world-wide in
their structure, run in the various national elections for delegates.
5. Martin Buber, On Judaism, pp.15-19.
6. Ibid., pp.75-7.
11. Ben Frommer, The Significance of a Jewish State, Jewish Call (Shanghai, May
1935), p.10.
14. Chaim Greenberg, The Myth of Jewish Parasitism, Jewish Frontiers (March 1942),
The Nazi Bush Regime
By Ted Lang
I believe it was Dr. Albert Einstein who offered that doing the same thing over and over
and expecting different results was a sign of insanity. A minority segment of the
Internet's new Alternative Media [AM] is desperately trying to awaken the American
people to the dangerous Nazi regime that now controls America and threatens it and the
rest of the world. The independent and Bush-challenging AM frequently make reference
to the warnings articulated in the sobering fiction offered by such writers as George
Orwell and Aldous Huxley.
The blow-by-blow methodical laundry listing of actual political events leading a nation to
Nazification was never more thoroughly documented than by the efforts of William L.
Shirer in his Rise and Fall of the Third Reich. Journalist Shirer explains how the fun-
loving German people were quickly taken over by the Nazis: "they were unarmed and
Shirer completely missed the most important of the three "U" descriptives:
"uninformed." Hitler's first financial commitment to Nazism was his purchase of a
newspaper made possible by the donations of his early backers. Nazism, fascism,
communism and any form of government tyranny require all three qualities to facilitate
the subjugation of a people: ignorance, lack of organized opposition and lack of the
means to exact corrective force.
Might it have been that Hitler's ascendancy to power and the launching of Nazism in
1930s Germany was so successful because of the journalistic support and propaganda he
controlled? Might this have been too much for journalist Shirer to admit to, or did Shirer
merely overlook that connection? I believe that it was the same degree of analytical
selectivity whereby he wrote off Hitler's hatred for the Jews as just a unique kind of
insanity. Hitler was simply "nuts" and communism had absolutely nothing to do with
Nazi notables, Dr. Joseph Goebbels and Herman Goering, collaborated in describing the
relative ease a tyrannical regime has in totally subjugating a once-free people. Goebbels
offered, "If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to
believe it." And Goering observed, "The people can always be brought to the bidding of
the leaders...tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the peacemakers for lack of
patriotism and exposing the country to danger."
Clearly, in order to fool all the people all the time and to set US up for that most
profitable of all political rackets, namely war, control and domination of the press, as
well as all elements of the American media, is absolutely vital in a nation that once was
characterized as being so abundantly wealthy in individual freedom. Such a nation would
quickly recognize tyranny and be readily critical of any and all threats to its freedoms.
Just as the first Nazi regime initially launched itself by securing a vital propaganda tool,
think of the smashing advantage and experience the current Nazi regime has over the first
via the total power of the Zionist media.
As a writer and long-time fan has frequently pointed out, the Hitler regime was just a dry
run for the real thing: the unending Nazi regime headed by members of the Bush and
Clinton crime families. Grandpa Bush, Prescott, was Hitler's chief financier. He
siphoned off the remaining Nazi Union Banking funds to launch the Bush family wealth.
And yet more Nazi funding and assets were used and transferred to create the "American"
CIA. Nazi intelligence agency operatives transferred under Grandpa Bush to the CIA
launched many covert operations in South America with the intent of giving the Reich a
new start in this hemisphere.
And as the CIA has been closely and irrevocably linked to Israeli intelligence, the
Mossad, evidence continues to surface linking clandestine international crisis creation
and management to this unholy partnership of the CIA and Mossad. They have been
linked to both JFK assassinations, the more recent one disguised as pilot's "spatial
disorientation" on the part of JFK Jr. This, in spite of the fact that bits and pieces of his
plane were found over a wide area of Martha's Vineyard indicating an onboard explosion,
was written off by the plutocratic Zionist media as a simple "pilot error" accident.
The Nazi regime of George W. Bush has huge advantages over that of Adolf Hitler's;
namely, virtual control over all the American media. Where Hitler's actions were
undertaken largely for the benefit of Germany, the Nazi administration of George W.
Bush serves only the nation of Israel. Israel's fantastic wealth originating from American
taxpayers and generous donations from hoodwinked, honest and wealthy Jews, as well as
a supportive Zionist media, has allowed the Israeli purchase of the United States
Congress through the second most powerful lobby in Washington: the American Israel
Public Affairs Committee, or AIPAC. As those who frequent the independent AM know,
this agency of a foreign government controls virtually all U.S. policy overseas and enjoys
tax exempt status as well! This clearly violates the IRS code. AIPAC's power in
Washington is second only to the lobbying power of the American Association of Retired
Persons [AARP].
And just as the conversion of "Judaism" to a nation state is the manifestation of Zionism,
it was anti-Jewish "Jewish" Zionists who collaborated with Adolf Hitler and sacrificed
their own to secure the world sympathy needed to legitimize the "Jewish State" that is
modern Israel. Modern Israel's establishment as a nation was launched by the
Rothschild-Rockefeller-inspired and controlled Council on Foreign Relations, which
established itself in 1945. Through their efforts and that of the United Nations, modern
Israel came into being in 1948. Israel was the creation of the United States and Great
Britain and validated via the UN.
Almost immediately after its creation, Israel launched endless campaigns of terror and
mass murder against the Palestinians, the latter having originally welcomed the Jewish
Zionists to their part of the world and intending only peace. It was Israel that initiated
terrorism first in the Middle East, and continues to do so. Its power has always been the
undaunted support of the governments of the United States and Great Britain.
The outrageous and humongous billions in American foreign aid to Israel, as well as the
illegal transfer of trillions of dollars in military assets by such as former Pentagon
Comptroller Dov Zacheim, an Israeli citizen, have empowered Israel to where it is now
the most dangerous and powerful nation in the world. It ranks 106th
in the world's population, coming in at slightly over six million. It has somewhere
between 200 and 400 nuclear warheads/devices, putting it at around fourth in ranking as a
world nuclear power. Yet all its imperial gains come by way of the sacrifice of young
Americans in our military who are fighting and dying in wars waged by American
politicians on behalf of Israel. Iran is next on the Israel-American imperialistic agenda.
In spite of its formal creation by the United Nations, Israel is among those few member
nations that lead the rest in terms of violations of UN resolutions. Most of the technology
for nuclear armaments that Israel obtained was either stolen from the United States, or
was acquired via spying operations directed against the US via such "Jewish"
organizations as AIPAC, the Israeli Embassy, the ADL, and through military alliances
and shared secrets. And of course, it is always Israel that sets itself up as both judge and
jury deciding which nations shall be allowed nuclear capability, and which shall not.
Needless to say, Israel is among those very few nations with nuclear capability that has
consistently refused to join the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty [NPT].
In 1967, our "ally" Israel, the non-NPT participating and greatest violator of UN
resolutions, and the nation that stole our nuclear secrets, attacked an unarmed United
States Navy signal/intelligence ship, the USS Liberty. Our "ally" Israel obviously
attempted to kill all our Navy personnel aboard and sink the ship. The reason? To blame
it all on the Egyptians with whom they were at war at the time in order to ignite the anger
of both the American military and the American people! But Israel botched this "false
flag" operation, killing only 34 of our Navy personnel and wounding 173. They ran like
hell when they thought armed US reinforcements were on their way to help the
defenseless ship. President Lyndon Johnson and Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara
knew of the act of war against America, but covered it up with the help of the Zionist
"American" press to protect America-Israeli "interests."
In 1981, when Saddam Hussein and the U.S. were in the process of oil pipeline
negotiations, Israel saw its role with the United States as being greatly diminished and
threatened. It appeared that the U.S. and Iraq were beginning to make great strides in
assuming mutually beneficial roles as regards the petroleum trade. Israel seized the
opportunity to attack Saddam's nuclear power-generating plant, the latter a peaceful
project, citing it as a potential "nuclear threat." Israel had learned of the location of the
power plant from information and maps provided by the CIA.
That same "nuclear threat" nonsense is being pitched today by Israel and its America-
based propaganda organizations: AIPAC, the ADL, the B'nai B'rith, the MSM, and the
pro-Israeli/pro-Bush-dependent AM. The propaganda is to incite yet another illegal
invasion and attack upon peaceful Iran. Dispensationalist Christian Fundamentalist Joe
Farah, on both his website WorldNetDaily and monthly magazine, vociferously and
continually pontificate that it is Iran that is the most dangerous nation in the world,
hoping to propagandize the need to sacrifice yet more lives and the limbs of our
American military for Israeli and New World Order imperialism. Anyone that challenges
Israel on this is immediately smeared as being "anti-Semitic" by these defaming
organizations putting Israel first and America last.
Israel, via "campaign donations" and political action funding, has basically bribed the
entire United States Congress. The Bush crime family's connections to Zionism, the
Rockefeller-Rothschild international bankers, the Nazi-originated CIA, and the CIA's
connection to the Mossad, are all part of the critical mass that establishes and protects the
horrendous domestic and international criminal activities of the Nazi Bush regime and its
allies. They have become "untouchable." It used to be the "good guys" in America who
were supposed to be untouchable now, it's the bad guys!
The MSM's talk radio, network and cable televised news and entertainment, Hollywood
movies, newspapers and magazines, and their controlling "Jewish" Zionist families, will
never do anything to attack the criminal Nazi Bush Regime. That's why G. Bush is
always smirking. He knows all the evil that is done in his name, even if he himself is not
clever enough to perpetrate it! Condescending essays, articles and columns written
purportedly attacking Bush, but exuding pity because he's a "bit short" on either
intellectual skills or in the common sense department, offer no positive service at all to
America or Americans. The independent Alternative Media must focus on continually
hammering this criminal Nazi Bush regime, and must start to make the "Nazi" label
stick! Any other political label, "liberal" or "conservative" or "Democrat" or
"Republican" are of absolutely no significance and totally unimportant.
H.L. Mencken was the first journalist, at least to my knowledge, who put the blame of
bad government squarely on the people. He figured Americans for "boobs" and coined
such terms as "boobus Americanus" and the American "booboisie." Mencken was not
only extremely observant of the astonishing political stupidity of the booboisie led by
"poltroons," "idiots," "half-wits" and "morons" during his time, but could see such idiotic
leaders eventually occupying the White House as is currently the case: "On some great
and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last and the
White House will be adorned by a downright moron." Enter G. Bush from stage right, er
left, ugh, maybe center, well, maybe
And taking advantage of stupid and uninformed America are the new Bush propagandists
of the Nazi Bush regime-supporting "alternate media." In fact, there isn't a damned thing
at all "alternate" about them. They have become a worse threat than the dangerous label
of "neoconservative."
As WorldNetDaily and Joe Farah cry and moan about the horrible things being done to
the Christian religion via the Zionist ACLU, he applauds the Zionist and Christian
Fundamentalist rebuke of the Presbyterian Church when it announced it was no longer
supporting Israel via its $7 billion investment portfolio. Here's Farah's vision after
calling Presbyterians "prostitutes": "The PCUSA is the first and only church in America
to vote to divest from Israel equating the Jewish state with the apartheid state of South
Africa. U.S. Jews are understandably upset, given lingering tensions over persecution in
the past. They are also concerned about another policy adopted by the church at its
annual meeting refusing to cut off funding of evangelism of Jews. Let me attempt to put
to rest any concerns about the Presbyterians evangelizing Jews. Have no fear, my Jewish
friends, of evangelism by these Presbyterians. They have demonstrated their woeful
inability to evangelize anyone in the last 20 years. All you have to do is look at the
denomination's dwindling numbers."
Farah continues: "But the PCUSA does command a $7 billion investment portfolio. And,
therefore, it is of concern that its decision to divest from Israel might set off a chain
reaction among other liberal mainline denominations. The problem with these people is
not that they don't understand the Middle East. It is simply that they are no longer able to
tell right from wrong. They are no longer able to distinguish between good and evil.
They are no longer able to see the difference between freedom and tyranny. They are no
longer able to judge between criminal and victim. They have, in short, completely lost
their moral bearings."
See? Only Joe Farah is qualified to see good from evil, even if he is unable to distinguish
between modern man-made Israel and the real nation of Israel described in the Old
Testament. This is the "complexity" of Israel and the Middle East he repeatedly cites.
And only Joe Farah and Bill O'Reilly are qualified to separate good Zionists like Ariel
Sharon from the bad Zionists of the Christmas-bashing ACLU! But truth be known, the
"Z-word" is undoubtedly not even in their respective vocabularies. David Letterman had
it almost right when putting O'Reilly down on his Late Show on Tuesday, January 3rd
offering, "60 percent of what you [O'Reilly] say is crap!" The truth is that 100% of what
O'Reilly, Hannity, Farah, Limbaugh and the rest of these Bush media propagandists offer
is a mountain of steaming bovine dung!
And then there's Christopher Ruddy's NewsMax, another vast Bush wasteland! As I
couldn't bring myself to actually read the specifics of their latest pro-Bush obnoxious
offering, the topic's headline said it all: "Poll Shows 80% of Americans Support Bush
Spying." Eighty percent, huh?! They offer that 150,000 of their loyal dimwits and boobs
provided these astonishing results. Eighty percent, huh?! Can there be any doubt what
the next polls from NewsMax will be?
How about: "Ninety Percent of Americans Support Bush Torture of Themselves, Their
Families, Friends, Neighbors and Fellow Workers?!" Or, "Americans Overwhelmingly
Support Having Their Eyes Gouged Out With Red Hot Irons by Bush Torturers." Or
maybe, "Almost 100% of Americans Eagerly Await the 'Midnight Knock!'" My
apologies for the warped attempt at humor considering the seriousness of this subject and
my feeble shock and awe approach calling for common sense; but if 150,000 of my loyal
fans, obviously the upper crust of boobUS AmericanUS, would have responded to such
an idiotic poll, I believe I would have had enough sense not to even bother publishing it.
But even more unbelievable, was when one of WorldNetDaily's premier writers lashed
out at the Drudge Report for not loyally following the journalistic creed and reporting the
truth to the American people. And of course, the writer never identifies Zionism as the
reason why the MSM and pro-Bush AM protects the Bush regime To be sure, as I have
pointed out so often, if any of these pro-Bush alternative media websites only told the
truth, the American booboisie would react as though hit in the face with a bucket of ice
The terrific protection of the criminal Bush regime provided by both the Zionist MSM
and the AM's heavily trafficked pro-Bush websites, have rendered the truly independent
AM virtually voiceless. Yet even the minority voice that is the independent AM has now
attracted the State Department's attention, and you can be sure that a laundry list of
alphabet federal government snoop agencies are carefully monitoring the few
"dangerous" AM websites who are committing the federal offense of telling the truth.
It is the phony "American" media, both MSM and AM, which is covering for the horrific
crimes of the criminal Nazi Bush regime. And those crimes all started with the carefully
planned and somewhat successful "terrorist" acts seemingly perpetrated against the
United States by agents and elements of foreign states; but increasing evidence points to
the CIA, the Israeli Mossad and the Israeli citizens who controlled the Pentagon on
September 11, 2001.
Simply using reverse logic, or for that matter, any logic, and you will quickly come to
realize that the United States of America, with the greatest wealth of any nation in the
world, with the greatest and most powerful military of any nation in the world, and with
the greatest radar and air defense systems in the entire world, could never have been so
unprepared as we supposedly were on Tuesday, September 11, 2001. The terrorist acts
we nickname "9-11" were all perpetrated by the highest elements within the criminal
Nazi Bush regime, with the only possible exception as regards both knowledge and
complicity being the "downright moron" and Resident of the United States: G. Bush!
You can just bet Cheney, Sharon, Rumsfeld, Rove and the Pentagon Zionists knew of the
9-11 false flag operation so desperately needed to Nazify America! And the Towers did
come down by controlled demolition, as even the huge amounts of white kerosene jet fuel
could never generate enough heat to melt the structural steel originally designed to take a
direct hit from a Boeing 707. And collapse from explosives was so perfectly engineered
so as to cause them to collapse perfectly into their own foundations' footprint. The
world's leading explosives and terrorist demolitions experts are the agents of the Mossad,
five of whom were captured by the Bergen County, New Jersey Police that day with
traces of explosives in their van. They were allowed to return to Israel!
It is ancient history to those getting their news and facts from the independent AM that
the signatories and participants in the Project for the New American Century strongly
interconnected plans for America and Israel calling for another "Pearl Harbor of the 21st
Century." American President Franklin Delano Roosevelt and his fellow communist
enabler, Winston Churchill, collaborated resulting in the planned inevitability of the
December 21, 1941 "sneak attack" of the Pearl Harbor of the 20th
Century. American intelligence broke the Japanese code, and learned two things from
intercepted messages between Tokyo and their embassy in Berlin; first, the
administration of FDR and the Navy learned that the Japanese fleet was underway to
attack Pearl; but secondly, they learned that Ribbentrop and Hitler signed a mutual
defense pact with the Japanese. That was the real intelligence FDR was looking for; it
ensured that after the "sneak attack" on Pearl, Roosevelt and Churchill could wage war on
Nazi Germany thereby making the world safe for communism.
Zionism is in tune with any form of government tyranny. But Zionism qualifies tyranny
and sees it only in an unfavorable light if such tyranny rejects a global agenda and
overrides this objective with a preference for its own national sovereignty. Zionism
demands that a global focus be imposed over the interests of a subjugated people. Hitler
did not do that. He opposed the "Jewish" intellectualism of global communism. Zionist
support of Hitler generated world sympathy for persecuted Jews that allowed the creation
of the modern man-made state of Israel. And Israel and Zionism are the means to
achieve global domination for the New World Order. And Zionism and Bush are on the
same page. Iran is next!