Poppy Bush
Poppy Bush
Poppy Bush
During the Reagan years, Bush was given a much-publicized assignment as head of the South
Florida Task Force and related efforts that were billed as part of a "war on drugs." In 1975,
President Ford had ordered the CIA to collect intelligence on narcotics trafficking overseas, and
also to "covertly influence" foreign offocials to help US anti-drug activities. How well did Bush
carry out this critical part of his responsibilities?
Poorly, according to a Justice Department "Report on Inquiry into CIA-Related Electronic
Surveillance Activities," which was compiled in 1976, but which has only partly come into the
public domain. What emerges is a systematic pattern of coverup that recalls Lapham's spurious
arguments in the Leletier case. Using the notorious stonewall that the first responsibility of the
CIA was to shield its own "methods and sources" from being exposed, the agency expressed fear
"that the confidentiality of CIA's overseas collection methods and sources would be in jeopardy
should discovery proceedings require disclosure of the CIA's electronic surveillance activities."
[fn 52] This caused "several narcotics invesitgations and'or prosecutions...to be terminated."
It was during 1976 that Bush met the Panamanian leader Manuel Antonio Noriega. According to
Don Gregg, this meeting took place on the edges of a luncheon conference with several other
visiting Panamanian officials.
Secretary of War Stimson made a famous speech in June 1942, to Poppy Bush and the other
graduating Andover boys. Stimson told them the war would be long, and they, the elite,
should go on to college.
But George Bush had some very complicated problems. The decision had already been made
that he would join the service and get quite far away from where he had been. For reasons of
family (which will be discussed in Chapter 7), there was a very special niche waiting for him
in naval aviation. There was one serious hitch in this plan. It was illegal. Though he would be 18
years old on June 12, he would not have the two years of college the Navy required for its
Well, if you had an urgent problem, perhaps the law could be simply set aside, for you and you
alone, ahead of all the five million poor slobs who had to go in the mud with the infantry or swab
some stinking deck--especially if your private school's president was currently Secretary of War
(Henry Stimson), if your father's banking partner was currently Assistant Secretary of War for Air
(Robert Lovett), and if your father had launched the career of the current Assistant Navy
Secretary for Air (Artemus Gates).
And it was done.
As a Bush-authorized version puts it, `` One wonders why the Navy relaxed its two years of
college requirement for flight training in George Bush's case. He had built an outstanding record
at school as a scholar [sic], athlete and campus leader, but so had countless thousands of other
``Yet it was George Bush who appeared to be the only beneficiary of this rule-waiving, and thus
he eventually emerged as the youngest pilot in the Navy--a fact that he can still boast about and
because of which he enjoyed a certain celebrity during the war. ''
It Is Who Ya Know!
The hierarchical top banana of the A.U.V. in George's class was Godfrey Anderson (`` Rocky '')
Rockefeller. In the yearbook just above the A.U.V. roster is a photograph of `` Rocky Rockefeller
'' and `` Lem [Lehman F.] Beardsley ''; Rockefeller stands imperiously without a shirt, Beardsley
scowls from behind sunglasses. Certainly the real monarch of George Bush's Andover secret
society, and George's sponsor, was this Rocky's father, Godfrey S. Rockefeller.
There has been a dangerous, but very interesting shell game going on in the opuium fields of
[tag]Afghanistan[/tag] that is primarily dictated by the policies of the [tag]Bush Administration[/tag] and
carried out by the United States Marines.
In Afghanistan, the Marines of Bravo Company’s 1st Platoon sleep beside a grove of poppies in the world’s
largest opium poppy-growing region
surrounded by green fields of the
illegal plants that produce the main
ingredient of heroin.
Just before the United States invaded Afghanistan, the Taliban, a fundamentalist Muslim group that has
controlled much of Afghanistan from 1995 until U.S. military intervention in 2001, outlawed the
production and use of opium. This had positive rippling effect on the world’s drug trade including the
slowing of heroin imports to the United States.
Well here comes the Bush Crime Family, using their now perfected "pretzel logic" to save the world from
itself and eradicate the evil Al Qaeda. So we, (the U.S. military) invade Afghaistan thereby putting an end
to the reign of the Taliban.
And what happens? That’s right! The Afghanis begin producing opium in unprecedented quantities raising
exportation to records levels which lowers the price of heroin in the U.S. so that every "boy and girl can
afford it using their lunch or allowance money!
An expert on Afghanistan’s drug trade, Barnett Rubin, complained that the Marines are being
put in such a situation by a "one-dimensional" military policy that fails to integrate political and economic
considerations into long-range planning."
DID YOU CATCH THAT? No wonder things are so screwed up with our relationships with the rest of the
We spend billions to fight a war against drugs with the primary focus on the poor schmucks from the
recreational user to the more serious full-time addicts while our Marines sleep beside groves of poppies.