Money and Banking Syllabus
Money and Banking Syllabus
Money and Banking Syllabus
Fall 2014
Perry Mehrling
Lehman 2
ECO V3265
Fall 2014
Perry Mehrling
Lehman 2
Problem Sets: There will three problem sets, graded check (minus/plus), to help you get on top
of the more technical aspects of the course. These may be done and submitted in groups of no
more than 4.
Book Review: A five-page paper, due on the last day of class, that uses the concepts of the class
to engage the argument of a book selected by you from the appended list.
Prerequisites: Intermediate Macroeconomics (BC3033 or W3213) and Intermediate
Microeconomics (BC3035 or W3211).
Grading: Work will be assessed by means of two exams with the following weights
Problem Sets
Book Review
TA: The teaching assistants for this course will be holding weekly discussion sessions. Before
the mid-term the focus of these sessions will be on the analytical dimensions of the course. After
the mid-term the focus will be on the various book review themes, following student interest.
Andreas Kalker
Elham Saeidinezhad
Ding Yuan
ECO V3265
Fall 2014
Perry Mehrling
Lehman 2
Lecture Schedule
1. The Four Prices of Money
2. The Natural Hierarchy of Money
9/10 3. Money and the State: US Monetary History
9/15 4. The Money View, Micro and Macro
9/17 History of Monetary Thought
Banking as a Clearing System
9/22 5. The Central Bank as a Clearinghouse
9/24 6. Federal Funds: Final Settlement
9/29 7. Repos: Postponing Settlement
10/1 8. Eurodollars: Parallel Settlement
Banking as Market Making
10/6 9. The World That Bagehot Knew
10/8 10. Dealers: Liquid Security Markets
10/13 11. Banks: The Market for Liquidity
10/15 12. Lender/Dealer of the Last Resort
PS1 Balance Sheets due
PS2 Repo Math due
PS3 Dealer Econ due
10/20 Review
10/27 Diamond and Dybvig, Holmstrom and Tirole
International Money and Banking
10/29 13. Chartalism, Metallism, and Key Currencies
11/3 Election Day Holiday
11/5 14. Money and the State: International Monetary History
11/10 15. Banks: Global Liquidity
11/12 16. Foreign Exchange
Banking as Advance Clearing
11/17 17. Direct and Indirect Finance
11/19 18. Forwards and Futures
11/24 19. Interest Rate Swaps
11/26 Thanksgiving
12/1 20. Credit Derivatives
Banking and the Real World
12/3 21. Shadow Banking, Central Banking, and Global Finance
12/8 22. Touching the Elephant: Three Views
FINAL EXAM (December 15, 7:10-10)
ECO V3265
Fall 2014
Perry Mehrling
Lehman 2
Supplemental Readings:
Bagehot = Bagehot, Walter (1873) Lombard Street, A Description of the Money Market.
Dunbar = Dunbar, Charles F. The Check System, Ch. 4 in Chapters on the Theory and History
of Banking (1891).
FOMC = Report of the Ad Hoc Subcommittee on the Government Securities Market (1952).
Reprinted in U.S. House Committee on Banking and Currency, The Federal Reserve after
Fifty Years, vol. 3. 88th Congress, 2nd session. (US GPO, 1964).
Gurley/Shaw = Gurley, John G. and Edward S. Shaw (1960) Money in a Theory of Finance
Hicks = Hicks, John. The Nature of Money, The Market Makes its Money, and Banks and
Bank Money. Chapters 5-7 in A Market Theory of Money (Oxford 1989): 41-63.
Kindleberger = Despres, Emile, Charles P. Kindleberger, and Walter S. Salant. The Dollar and
World Liquidity: a Minority View, The Economist 1966.
Mehrling = The Art of the Swap and What Do Dealers Do? Chapters 4-5 in The New
Lombard Street, How the Fed became the Dealer of Last Resort (Princeton 2011): 71112.
Minsky = Mehrling, Perry. The Vision of Hyman Minsky. Journal of Economic Behavior and
Organization 39 No. 2 (June 1999): 129-158.
Mundell = Mundell, Robert. A Reconsideration of the Twentieth Century. American
Economic Review (June 2000): 327-340.
Treynor = Treynor, Jack L. Economics of the Dealer Function. Financial Analysts Journal 43
No. 6 (November/December 1987): 27-34.
Young = Chaps. 31-34 in Commerce: The Marketplace of the World, 1924. Reprinted as pp.
265-321 in Mehrling and Sandilands, ed. Money and Growth, Routledge 1999.
ECO V3265
Fall 2014
Perry Mehrling
Lehman 2
Book Review: Choose one book from among the following. Other titles are acceptable with
prior permission.
Reform proposals
Admati, Anat and Martin Hellwig, The Bankers New Clothes: Whats Wrong with Banking and
What to Do About It (Princeton 2014)
Jackson, Andrew and Ben Dyson, Modernizing Money: Why Our Monetary System is Broken
and How it Can be fixed (Positive Money 2013)
Mian, Atif and Amir Sufi, House of Debt: How They (and you) Caused the Great Recession,
and How We Can Prevent it from happening again (Univ Chicago Press 2014)
Calomiris, Charles and Stephen Haber, Fragile by Design: The Political Origins of Banking
Crises and Scarce Credit (Princeton 2014)
Gorton, Gary. Misunderstanding Financial Crises: Why we dont see them coming (Oxford
Money view and macroeconomics
Godley, Wynne and Marc Lavoie, Monetary Economics: An Integrated Approach to Credit,
Money, Income, Production and Wealth (Palgrave Macmillan 2012)
Pettis, Michael. The Great Rebalancing: Trade, Conflict, and the Perilous Road Ahead for the
World Economy (Princeton 2013)
Gali, Jordi. Monetary Policy, Inflation and the business cycle: an introduction to the New
Keynesian Framework. (Princeton 2008)
Allen, Franklin and Douglas Gale. Understanding Financial Crises. (Oxford 2009)
Teulings, Coen and Richard Baldwin, eds. Secular Stagnation: Facts, causes, and cures.
(VoxEu 2014). Downloadable at
Money view versus heterodoxies of the right and left
Rothbard, Murray N. The Mystery of Banking (Ludwig von Mises Institute 2008)
Wray, Randall. Modern Money Theory: A Primer on Macroeconomics for Sovereign Monetary
Systems (Palgrave Macmillan 2012)
Lietaer, Bernard and Jacqui Dunne. Rethinking Money: How New Currencies Turn Scarcity
into Prosperity (Berrett Koehler 2013)
Werner, Richard. New Paradigm in Macroeconomics: Solving the Riddle of Japanese
Macroeconomic Performance (Palgrave Macmillan 2005)
International Money
Prasad, Eswar. The Dollar Trap: How the US tightened its grip on Global Finance (Princeton
McKinnon, Ronald. The Unloved Dollar Standard: From Bretton Woods to the Rise of China
(Oxford 2012)
ECO V3265
Fall 2014
Perry Mehrling
Lehman 2
Martin, Felix. Money the Unauthorized Biography (Knopf 2014)
McCraw, Thomas. Prophet of Innovation: Joseph Schumpeter and Creative Destruction
(Belknap 2010)