An Introduction To Scan Test For Test Engineers: Part 1 of 2
An Introduction To Scan Test For Test Engineers: Part 1 of 2
An Introduction To Scan Test For Test Engineers: Part 1 of 2
Part 1 of 2
Markus Seuring
For any modern chip design with a considerably large portion of logic, design for test (DFT) and
in particular implementing scan test are mandatory parts of the design process that helps to
reduce the complexity of testing sequential circuits. The basic concept of a scan test is to
connect memory elements like flipflops or latches forming chains, so that shifting through scan
chains allows to control and observe the states of the DUT.
Since scan vectors are based on regular and uniform structures, basic knowledge about scan
designs, scan test modes and targeted fault models helps to interpret scan vectors. Therefore, in
this paper a basic introduction to scan test is given, so that a test engineer who debugs scan
test on an ATE can be more efficient in a first level of fault analysis - beyond just being able to
do logging of failing pins and cycles.
Key Words scan test, scan cells, scan patterns, ATPG, AC scan, DC scan, scan debug
1. Introduction
Scan patterns are widely used to efficiently test the logic of DUTs. While additional functional
tests might be necessary to fill some test gaps, a well prepared scan test allows detecting of a
very high percentage of manufacturing failures, requiring a drastically smaller amount of test
data and test time compared to functional tests.
To enable a scan test for a chip design, additional test logic must be inserted; this is called scan
insertion. Scan insertion consists of two steps:
1. Replace plain memory cells like flipflops or latches by scan cells.
2. Connect these together forming one or more chains.
Scan cells can be operated in two modes, the functional/mission mode used during normal
operation and the scan mode that allows shifting through the scan chains.
Figure 1 shows a small example circuit without scan that implements a 4bit counter with just
three inputs: a clock input clock, an input incrmnt to increment the counters value and a
reset signal reset to set the counter back to 0. The outputs count allow to read the
counters value. Finally, output overflow is a flag which is set if the counter exceeds its
counting range.
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An Introduction to Scan Test for Test Engineers (Part 1 of 2)
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Figure 2 shows the same circuit after scan insertion, with scan cells forming a chain with input
scan_in and output scan_out. The input scan_en has been added in order to control the
mode of the scan cells.
combinatorical logic
combinatorical logic
0 D
0 D
0 D
0 D
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wait cycle
capture cycle
wait cycle
Figure 3 shows an example of a scan pattern for the 4bit counter introduced above. When data
is shifted into the scan chain, i.e. the scan chain is loaded in scan mode, the required time
depends on the size of the longest scan chain and the underlying frequency, called shift
frequency or scan frequency. Typically, scan chains consist of hundreds or thousands of scan
cells and the shift frequency is lower than frequencies used for functional test. In Figure 3, the
shift cycles for loading the scan chain are four cycles, cycles 2-5, according to the number of
scan cells in the design shown in Figure 2. The shift cycles can be easily identified, because
scan_en is high and the clock is toggling.
After the scan load sequence and optionally additional wait cycles, one or a few clock cycles are
applied in functional/mission mode to launch certain events in the DUT and to capture DUTs
response. These cycles are often called launch cycles and/or capture cycles and might run
with a different frequency compared to the normal operation of the device. In Figure 3 cycles 6
and 8 are wait cycles that have been inserted because of the transitions of scan_en to low and
then back again to high in order to give enough time to propagate the transitions to the scan
cells. There is only one capture cycle 7 (and no dedicated launch cycle), running with the same
clock as for shifting, but the scan cells operate in functional/mission mode (scan_en is low).
Furthermore, in this cycle the output overflow is compared to high.
Finally, the captured response is shifted out of the scan chains and compared to expected
values; this is also called chain unload. In Figure 3, chain unload is performed in cycles 9-12.
The whole sequence of chain load, launch/capture cycles and chain unload is called in the
following a scan pattern. Usually a scan test consists of hundreds or thousands of scan patterns.
scan in data
scan out data
cycles 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Figure 3: Example of a Scan Pattern
Obviously, while the response data of a scan pattern is shifted out of a scan chain, the scan
chain can be simultaneously loaded with the scan input data of the following pattern. This can be
any data, so this is the reason, why in Figure 3 the next scan in data is not shown explicitly.
Furthermore, the required test time for a scan test depends mostly on the number of scan
patterns, the size of the largest scan chain and the shift frequency, but less on the frequency
during launch/capture.
The efficiency of a scan test compared to a functional test can be easily explained with the small
example of a 4bit counter given above: Of course, a test for the overflow flag would be
mandatory. Using a functional test, this can be done only by resetting the counter and
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An Introduction to Scan Test for Test Engineers (Part 1 of 2)
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increment the value for 2^4=16 clock cycles. On the other side, if a scan test is implemented,
for testing the overflow flag it is enough to shift into the scan chain the 1111 pattern and then
increment the counter once in normal operation mode and check the overflow flag. Shifting out
data can be used to check, if the counters value was correctly set back to 0000, essentially
requiring only 9 cycles. Figure 3 shows the corresponding pattern and because of some padding
four cycles are added. In cycle 7 the value of the output overflow is compared to high.
Additionally, in this cycle the test could also check if 0000 is the value of the outputs
count[3:0] (not shown in Figure 3).
While the difference between 16 clock cycles for a functional test and 9 or 13 clock cycles for
scan test is rather small in this case, obviously it will become a huge difference if instead of a
4bit counter a 64bit counter has to be tested.
data (D)
scan_in (SI)
0 D
func_out (Q)
scan_out (SO)
scan_en (SE)
clock (CLK)
Figure 4: Example of a Mux-D Flipflop
Mux-D Flipflops are widely used, since this gate produces only a small area overhead. Only one
additional signal, the selector signal, has to be routed to each flipflop. Generally, there are no or
very relaxed timing constraints on this signal. However, if the scan test should cover delay faults
by launching transitions with the last shift cycle, then the selector must be routed like a clock
For scan chains based on Mux-D Flipflops it is harder to fix hold-time issues, because reducing
the scan shift frequency does not help and therefore a re-design is required.
The additional multiplexer at the input is in the functional data path and therefore increases
delay for the data path, i.e. it might reduce the maximum frequency for functional operation.
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Increasing the projected scan frequencies during a design process in order to reduce the scan
test execution time, requires additional effort and might have a very negative effect on power
consumption, since there is only one clock tree shared between the functional mode and the
scan shift mode.
LSSD scan cells consist of level-sensitive latches and there is no selector signal. Instead, the
operation of the scan cell is controlled by three clocks as follows: Depending on what clock is
toggling, the cell stores functional data, or it stores scan data or it propagates scan data to a
dedicated scan output. Figure 5 shows an example of an LSSD cell that consists of two Dlatches. The latch that stores data has two input ports, one for functional data and one for scan
data (D)
func_clock (FCLK)
scan_in (SI)
scan_clock_A (CLKA)
scan_clock_B (CLKB)
func_out (Q)
scan_out (SO)
LSSD is not so common, for example high performance designs might be based on this scan
architecture. There are several pros and cons:
No additional delay in data paths
No hold time issues
Separate clock trees, easier to constrain timing in design
Larger area overhead
Two additional clock trees must be routed
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cheap area for test logic in order to save expensive test time and tester memory. However,
as mentioned above, performance might be still a reason for implementing partial scan.
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according to the user setting. The most common formats are the Standard Tester Interface
Language (STIL) format and the Waveform Generation Language (WGL) format.
A precondition for a passing scan test on a DUT is that the tests basic functionality is working,
i.e. the scan chains are well connected and scan shifting can be performed correctly. Thus,
usually scan patterns start with a scan integrity test, that shifts a sequence of 0s and 1s
through scan chains until this sequence is observable at the scan outputs. Various names exist
for this test type, for example chain check, scan integrity test or chain test.
6. Scan Compression
As designs become larger, including hundreds of thousands or even millions of scan cells, the
size of plain scan test patterns, the ATE memory required to store these patterns and the scan
test time increases as well. Thus for many years the industry has been looking for methods to
reduce scan test data and test time.
The most common solution to address this issue is the approach of scan compression which is
included in various flavors in modern ATPG tools. Scan compression is based on the fact that
scan tests consist of two major types of scan patterns:
- Patterns covering the easy-to-detect faults almost every bit of the unloaded chains
helps to cover a fault or a set of faults.
- Patterns covering the hard-to-detect faults only a small number of faults are detected
by the whole pattern that has a much narrowed focus and therefore, most bits of the
loaded and unloaded chains do not contribute to the fault coverage and can be changed
without any impact on the fault coverage.
The first type of scan patterns is often a set of just hundred or a few hundreds patterns, while
there are thousands of patterns of the second type. By setting the non-contributing bits in the
right way, these can be used to generate patterns that can be easily compressed with an
appropriately chosen compression scheme. Re-simulation of these new patterns shows, that
these patterns make detectable a lot of the easy-to-detect faults, so that patterns of the first
type might become obsolete.
Commercial scan compression solutions consist of two parts:
- Test logic that must be additionally implemented in the DUT to decompress scan-in data
(load), to compress scan-out data (unload) and some control logic to dynamically modify
the compression settings.
- An enhanced ATPG algorithm that is aware of the additional test logic and the
compression scheme, so that compressed patterns are generated, taking benefit from the
observation described above.
Finally, the output of the ATPG tool are vectors with the compressed scan-in and scan out data,
reducing scan data size and scan test time
The scan compression is implemented in such a way that the number of scan input/output pads
is much lower than the number of scan chains. That means, for the plain scan setup a single
scan input/output pair covers always only one chain, with scan compression it may cover 10 to
100 or even more smaller scan chains, depending on the user-defined scan compression ratio.
Thus a scan design with compression consists of many basic scan chains of a rather small size,
reducing the test time spent on loading/unloading scan chains.
Scan patterns for a design with scan compression are not fundamentally different from patterns
for the plain scan architecture. During the loading scan data is shifted into the scan chains, then
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the launch/capture cycles require a switch to functional/mission mode and finally, unload
happens and data is shifted out. The only difference is, that scan data is compressed
nevertheless, it is still a sequence of 0s and 1s. Therefore, scan compression has no effect
on the representation of scan patterns in the test vectors.
However, it may have some side-effects: Using STIL and some additional features on V93000,
one can easily conclude from the fails in a scan chain, what scan cell caused the fail. With scan
compression, this mapping might be ambiguous, because now the test response bits of a single
scan output is related to various bits of several short basic chains.
The second part will cover fault models targeted by scan tests, scan
pattern preparation for ATEs and debugging of scan test on ATEs.
The author likes to thank Phil Burlison, Jane Downing, Ajay Khoche, and Stefan Walther for their
contributions to this paper.
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An Introduction to Scan Test for Test Engineers (Part 1 of 2)
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