Sigma XT: Extinguishant Control Panel
Sigma XT: Extinguishant Control Panel
Sigma XT: Extinguishant Control Panel
KM 96761
Configurable extinguishant duration up to 5 The panel contains a large LED display to enable easy
minutes in 5 second steps configuration and control which also displays the time
Countdown timer shows time remaining until remaining until extinguishant release for added user safety.
The countdown timer is duplicated on up to seven remote status
Supports up to seven, four wire status indicators units to provide local indication of the extinguishant system
Built in Extract Fan control status.
Access Level 3
Sounder Delay
Coincidence Detection
Disable Panel Features
Zone Alarm Delays (Detectors)
Zone Alarm Delay (Call Points)
Configure Zone for I.S Barrier Use
Zone Short Circuit Alarm
Zone Non Latching
Zone Inputs Delay
Extinguishant Release Time Delay
Extinguishant Release Duration Timer
Extinguishant Reset Delay Timer