Student M.A.P.
Student M.A.P.
Student M.A.P.
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Student is interested in the Christian faith or has made a decision for Jesus as Savior.
John 1:28-29
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Student has been baptized and is now in a small group, being discipled by an adult.
Mark 1:16-20
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Student is developing healthy spiritual H.A.B.I.T.S. and serving the church.
Mark 3:13-14
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Student is actively sharing their faith, making disciples and is a leader in the church.
John 15:7-8
Place the date next to where the student is currently. When you update the MAP, add-on a new date in the spaces provided.
1. Pray for this student as they grow relationally with God and others. Luke 2:52
2. Be the example by growing deeper in your relationship with God. Titus 2:2-8
3. Set the pace as you share wide the Gospel with the world. Romans 1:16
4. Lead your own family in growing deep with God and wide with the Gospel. Proverbs 22:6
5. Invest your time and resources into ministries and people that mobilize the cause for Jesus. Matthew 6:19-21
As the spiritual mentor in the life of this student, I agree to hold to the high standards set before me. I agree to encourage the
development of the student disciple on a regular basis. I agree to adhere to and respect the direction of Prescott and the student
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Ministry Action Plan by Month
One of the goals of the MAP is to gauge how each student is progressing in their spiritual journey. In order to gauge success, we
need to have specific, measurable and attainable goals set before us. For each month below, write down every “ah-hah” moment
each student has that you are aware of, a new or growing spiritual habit; how they are growing within their small group or how
they are sharing their faith with their friends, family and spheres of influence. Refer back to the Discipleship Process for Prescott
as the four main areas we are moving students through. In addition to the monthly moments of spiritual growth, he is a list of
spiritual growth markers you can use to begin to asses the student’s own spiritual growth. Place a check next to each marker
when you know the student has achieved it.