ProntoScript Installers Guide PDF
ProntoScript Installers Guide PDF
ProntoScript Installers Guide PDF
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If youre familiar with Pronto, you know this is something that can not be achieved with the traditional
Pronto tools like page jumps theres something more here and its called: ProntoScript
So what is ProntoScript?
ProntoScript is a powerful, flexible programming tool to realize
two-way modules on the Pronto platform.
What matters most to the custom install professional is the last part: ready-made two-way modules to
be plugged into any new or existing automation project.
Before we continue to explain step by step how to add, configure and deploy a two-way module to a
Pronto project, lets try some examples in the same Tutorial that actually retrieve information from the
outside world (the two in two-way )
You need a wireless access point connected to the internet (without proxy server)
In System PropertiesWireless Settings, configure the Pronto to connect to this access point
(see the Editors Help: Basic ActionsHow Can I? Configure the Communication Method of the Control Panel)
Here you see the Time and Data as they are fetched from the google site.
Another more in depth example is the TCP Connect 2.
Press Connect, a green server status indicates a successful connection (to
Press Get Page: a small html page is retrieved and displayed as ASCII text
If you feel like experimenting more, try to get the data from other URLs, but expect to see much bigger
pages being displayed.
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systems this means, adding a button to the home page that represents the twocontrol lights) and adding in its actions, a jump to module.
The standard punch through of the Home button takes care of complete, closed loop navigation.
Projects based on the Pronto Basic Configuration template work this way.
(see Editors Help: Creating Jobs starting from a Philips xcf the 6 steps for customizing the basic configuration file)
More complex systems, e.g. those based on the Pronto Multi Room template will require some more
work: access from one or more zone pages, quick access from other activities.
Regarding quick access from within other activities you should consider whether the two-way module
activity is a helper-activity (e.g. tweak lights, temperature, two-way zone-volume etc.). In this case you
typically want to browse back to the main activity (Watch TV, DVD etc.). You dont want to reexecute the complete activity. This can be achieved by adding the browse backward action instead of
explicit page jumps or navigating via Home.
The Pronto team proposes to the module developers and installers to use the left firmkey as the default
location to add this Back navigation.
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The extender as it can also be defined at Device/Activity level, e.g. for Power Sense commands,
are not being used by ProntoScript: Therefore it is required as a mandatory parameter in the
2. The same goes for the Extender serial port number: it has to be an explicit parameter. Please
note that on the Extender, the ports are numbered from 1 to 4 where as a (JavaScript)
programming convention, they are numbered as 0 to 3 in ProntoScript. Read the
[INSTRUCTIONS] page to check which convention the module maker has chosen. If in doubt,
set the parameter to 1 and see which extender serial LEDs blink when testing. It can be port 1
or port 2, depending.
This brings us to testing the module.
We propose the following approach:
After configuring the essential parameters, give it a quick round of testing: if your module comes
to life, youve made a big step and you can iteratively maximize the functionality. It gives a boost
of confidence to see these signs of life when trying something new J
If after some attempts, you have no success, i.e. you see no sign of life, it may be best to take step
back before getting frustrated have a look at the following checklist
1. Do I have basic connectivity?
1. Is my panel connected to the router? (check on device settings)
2. Am I seeing the extender? (see on device diagnostics or editor discovery)
3. Does it receive basic IR commands? Check LEDs on front of extender.
2. Do I have the right serial cable?
Straight, Cross, 3 wire, with some control signals pulled up or down or looped back Check
manufacturers specification!
3. Is the baud rate correct?
Apart from 9600 there is hardly any standard in baud rate: check module instructions and
manufacturers specifications.
The other serial port settings (1 stop bits, no parity and 8 bits) are pretty much standard, i.e.
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If you get a reply, you can access the device via the IP network. In case of a connectivity issue,
you get a Request timed out.
This is an example of a [PARMETERS] page. All the parameters that the module makers want to expose
to the custom installer for configuration are clearly indicated with a yellow background. All other
elements of a 2-way module should in principle be treated as read-only1: you will not need to change
any of those to achieve a successful 2-way integration.
In our custom installer oriented philosophy we have opted not to make the module read-only in the literal sense. If for a
reason we cannot foresee you should need to make changes to the module, we dont want to prevent you from doing so.
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