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Financial Accounting Global Settings

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Financial Accounting Global Settings

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Table of content

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Table of content
1 Financial Accounting Global Settings
2 Company Code
2.1 Enter Global Parameters
2.2 VAT Registration Numbers (VAT Reg.No.)
2.2.1 Define Domestic VAT Registration Numbers
2.2.2 Define Foreign VAT Registration Numbers
1 Activate Extended Withholding Tax
2 Cost of Sales Accounting
2.1 Define Functional Area
2.2 Activate Cost of Sales Accounting for Preparation
2.3 Enter Functional Area
2.3.1 Enter Functional Area in G/L Account Master Data
2.3.2 Enter Functional Area in Cost Element Master Data
2.3.3 Enter Functional Area in Cost Center Categories
2.3.4 Enter Functional Area in Request Type
1 Set Up Substitution for Cost of Sales Accounting
1.1 Define Substitution
1.2 Activate Substitution
1 Set Up Ledger for Cost of Sales Accounting
2 Activate Cost of Sales Accounting
3 Multiple Currencies
3.1 Define Additional Local Currencies
3.2 Define Additional Local Currencies for Ledgers
1 Activate Accounts Receivable Pledging Procedure per Company Code
2 Set Company Code to Productive
3 Business Area
3.1 Enable Business Area Balance Sheet
3.2 Check Display Authorization for Business Area
1 Fiscal Year
1.1 Maintain Fiscal Year Variant (Maintain Shortened Fisc. Year)
1.2 Assign Company Code to a Fiscal Year Variant
1 Document
1.1 Posting Periods
1.1.1 Define Variants for Open Posting Periods
1.1.2 Open and Close Posting Periods
1.1.3 Assign Variants to Company Code
1 Document Number Ranges
1.1 Define Document Number Ranges
1.2 Copy to Company Code
1.3 Copy to Fiscal Year
1 Document Header
1.1 Define Document Types
1.2 Indicate Currency Differences for Partial Payments
1.3 Check Assignment of Document Class to Document Type
1.4 Check Display Authorization for Document Type
1.5 Validation in Accounting Documents
1.6 Substitution in Accounting Documents
1.7 Define Text IDs for Documents
1.8 Document Change Rules, Document Header
1.9 Specify Control Paramters for Bar Code Entry
1.10 Maintain Document Types for Bar Code Entry
1.11 Maximum Exchange Rate Difference
1.11.1 Define Maximum Exchange Rate Difference per Company Code
1.11.2 Define Maximum Exchange Rate Difference per Foreign Currency
1 Line Item
1.1 Controls
1.1.1 Define Posting Keys
1.1.2 Maintain Field Status Variants
1.1.3 Assign Company Code to Field Status Variants
1.1.4 Screen Variants for Document Entry

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1.1.5 Maintain Subscreens for Coding Blocks

1 Define Tolerance Groups for Employees
2 Assign User/Tolerance Groups
3 Define Validations for Posting
4 Define Substitution in Accounting Documents
5 Define Texts for Line Items
6 Define Line Layout for Document Posting Overview
7 Define Line Layout for Document Change/Display
8 Select Standard Line Layout for Document Change/Display
9 Document Change Rules, Line Item
10 Maintain Fast Entry Screens for G/L Account Items
11 Default Values for Document Processing
11.1 Default Values
11.2 Enable Fiscal Year Default
11.3 Default Value Date
11.4 Change Message Control for Document Processing
1 Recurring Entries
1.1 Account Assignment Models: Define Entry Screen Templates
1.2 Define Run Schedules
1.3 Enter Run Dates
1 Changes Display
1.1 Define Field Groups for Documents
1.2 Group Document Fields
1 Accounting Document Archiving
1.1 Archiving, Account Type Life
1.2 Archiving, Document Type Life
1.3 Develop Enhancements for Archiving
1 Document Parking
1.1 Change Posting Date for Parking Documents
1.2 Define Entry Screens for Parking Documents
1.3 Create Workflow Variant for Parking Documents
1.4 Assign Co.Code to a Workflow Variant for Parking Documents
1.5 Define Release Approval Groups for Parking Documents
1.6 Define Release Approval Paths for Parking Documents
1.7 Assign Release Approval Paths for Parking Documents
1.8 Assign Release Approval Procedure for Parking Documents
1.9 Define Users with Release Authorization for Parking Docs
1.10 Reset Release Approval (Customers)
1.11 Reset Release Approval (Vendors)
1.12 Reset Release Approval (G/L Accounts)
1.13 Reset Release Approval (Asset Accounts)
1.14 Develop Enhancements for Parking Documents
1 Tax on Sales/Purchases
1.1 Basic Settings
1.1.1 Check Calculation Procedure
1.1.2 Assign Country to Calculation Procedure
1.1.3 Check and Change Settings for Tax Processing
1.1.4 Specify Structure for Tax Jurisdiction Code
1.1.5 Define Tax Jurisdictions
1.1.6 Change Message Control for Taxes
1.1.7 Change Field Control for Tax Base Amount
1.1.8 Switch Off Tax Translation between Local and Document Currency
1.1.9 External Tax Calculation Define Number Ranges for External Tax Returns Define Physical Destination Define Logical Destination Activate External Tax Calculation Activate External Updating Develop Enhancements for External Tax Calculation
1 Fiscal Regional Codes
1.1 Define Fiscal Regional Codes for Italy/Spain
1.2 Define Fiscal Regional Codes for Other Countries

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1 Plants Abroad
1.1 Activate Plants Abroad
1.2 Enter VAT Registration Number for Plants Abroad
1 Settings for Tax on Sales/Purchases in Brazil
1.1 Tax Situations for IPI
1.2 Tax Laws for IPI
1.3 Tax Laws for ICMS
1.4 Tax Regions
1.5 Tax Regions for Foreign Customers/Vendors
1.6 Customer Groups for Substituio Tributria Calculation
1 Settings for Tax on Sales/Purchases in Argentina
1.1 Tax Categories
1.1.1 Maintain Tax Categories
1.1.2 Maintain Company Code Tax Categories for Accounts Receivable
1.1.3 Maintain Company Code Tax Categories for Accounts Payable
1 Maintain Minimum Amounts per Processing Key
2 Maintain Tax Classification
3 Settings for Tax on Sales/Purchases in South Korea
3.1 Define Business Place
3.2 Assign Business Place
1 Settings for Tax on Sales/Purchases in Italy
1.1 Maintain Settings for Retail Value-Added Tax
1 Calculation
1.1 Define Tax Codes for Sales and Purchases
1.2 Assign Company Code to Document Date for Tax Determination
1.3 Specify Base Amount
1.4 Change Foreign Currency Translation
1.5 Settings for Tax Calculation in Brazil

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Financial Accounting Global Settings

In the following activities, you will make the global settings for the central objects in Financial Accounting (i.e. company code, fiscal year document etc.).

Company Code
You have already defined the company codes you require in the Enterprise Structure Implementation Guide. For information on this, refer to
Define, Copy,
Delete, Check 2 Company Code . You must now create other structures and master records and make control specifications for each company code in
Financial Accounting.

If you need more than one company code in your company, you should decide how you want to make the company code-dependent specifications. You have the
following options:
You maintain the company code-specific parameters for all company codes manually.
This makes sense, for example, if the company is organized decentrally and the individual company codes are arranged differently.
You maintain the specifications for one company code and copy those specifications that are also required in other company codes into the other company
codes. You maintain the specifications that are not the same in the other company codes manually.
This makes sense in the case of a centrally organized company where the individual company codes do not differ that much in the way they are organized. This
also makes sense if partial tasks are carried out centrally, such as payment transactions or customer credit control.
Decide on a procedure. The SAP System supports the procedures mentioned by means of a program for copying company codes. This program can be
executed from the "Enterprise structure" IMG via the activity

Define, Copy, Delete, Check Company Code .

Enter Global Parameters

In this activity, you can make various global specifications for the company code. In addition, you can look at the most important specifications of the company
code at any time in the overview. This includes, among other things, the chart of accounts and the fiscal year variant.

You have created the organizational unit "Company code" in the "Enterprise Structure" section of the Implementation Guide. For further information see
company code".


Standard settings
For the standard company code 0001, the global parameters for Germany have already been set, such as, for example, the payment methods, the tax
calculation procedures and the chart of accounts most frequently used in Germany.
If you need a company code for a different country and the corresponding legal requirements, you must first of all run the country installation program in client 001.
The country which you need is then entered as the country of company code 0001 and all the country-specific parameters associated with it are also converted to
this country. Read the chapter "Set up client" within your Customizing project.

You can look at the most important specifications. You make these specifications later from other activities.

VAT Registration Numbers (VAT Reg.No.)

For every company code which has its headquarters in an EU country and carries out business transactions with other EU member states, you specify the VAT
registration numbers (VAT reg.no.) in the following activities. A VAT reg.no. is to be specified on invoices and purchase orders for tax-exempt goods and services
to other EU member states. The VAT reg.no. is required for the control procedure which replaces the former border controls within the EU (EC sales list).
You can have a VAT reg.no. assigned in the country of your company code and in all other countries of the EU member states. The VAT reg.no. of other EU
member states is used in purchase orders for which the delivery of goods is made to this country and taxed there.

In the company code country Germany, you order goods which are to be delivered directly to your plant in France. In the purchase order, you specify the VAT
reg.no. from France. The goods are listed in the EC sales list for France.

You can only specify a VAT reg.no. for the company codes that you specified as being an

EU country. Check whether the company code country is marked

Define Domestic VAT Registration Numbers

In this step, you store the VAT registration number for every company code which has its headquarters in an EC country and maintains business transactions with
other EC member states. The VAT registration number applies to the company code country.

Specify the VAT registration number for the required company codes which was granted in the country of the company code.

Define Foreign VAT Registration Numbers

In this activity, you define the VAT registration number which you received in another EC member state for every company code which has its headquarters in an
EC country and maintains business transactions with other EC member states.

Specify the VAT registration number for the required company codes which were issued in other EC member states for your company codes.

Activate Extended Withholding Tax

In this activity you activate extended withholding tax.
The SAP R/3 System provides you with two procedures for processing withholding tax:
"Standard" and extended withholding tax.
"Standard" withholding tax is the procedure that has always been supported by the system. It offers you the following features:

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Withholding tax for accounts payable

Withholding tax calculation during payment
Withholding tax code per vendor line item
Extended withholding tax provides the following additional features:
Multiple withholding taxes per customer or vendor line item
Withholding tax calculation for partial payments
Enhancements in withholding tax calculation
Withholding tax calculation during invoice entry and during payment

1. Migrate your master data and transaction data.
2. Activate extended withholding tax.
3. Carry out Customizing in Financial Accounting Global Settings under Withholding Tax -> Extended Withholding Tax.

Further Notes
Once you decide to use extended withholding tax and activate it, you have to migrate you master data and transaction data. It is then impossible to revert back to
using ordinary withholding tax.

Cost of Sales Accounting

The settings for activating cost of sales accounting are available in this section.
Cost of sales accounting is a way to create a profit and loss statement (P&L) for a company by comparing the revenues to the costs or expenses occured to
obtain these revenues.
The expenses are mainly divided by functional area such as:
Research and Development
This functional breakdown shows how the costs in a company were incurred. It represents the business reason for the expense.

Further Notes
You can find additional information on cost of sales accounting in the SAP System in the SAP Library under Financials -> Financial Accounting -> G/L
Accounting -> Cost of Sales Accounting.

To activate cost of sales accounting, you must complete the activities in the order specified.
1. Defining functional areas. To do this, choose
Define Functional Area.
2. As preparation, activate cost of sales accounting. Afterwards, the functional area can be entered in the master data for G/L accounts, cost elements, and some
CO account assignment objects. To do this, choose Activate 2 Cost of Sales Accounting for Preparation .
3. Enter the functional area in the master data of the individual objects. The activities are found under Enter Functional Area.
4. You can define a substitution for deriving the functional area. You should only complete this step if your needs for deriving the functional area are not covered
by the option of entering the functional area in the master data of several account assignment objects. These activities are found under Set Up Substitution for Cost
of Sales Accounting .
1. Set up a ledger for cost of sales accounting. The characteristic functional area is in this ledger, but not in the general ledger. To do this, choose Set Up Ledger
for Cost of Sales Accounting .
2. Activate cost of sales accounting for your company code. To do this, choose Activate Cost of Sales Accounting.

Define Functional Area

In this activity you create your functional areas.

Typical functional areas are Sales, Production, Marketing, Administration and Research & Development.

Create the functional areas you require.

Activate Cost of Sales Accounting for Preparation

In this activity, you activate cost of sales accounting for your company codes as part of the preparations.
This makes the Functional area field available for entry in the master data of G/L accounts, cost elements, and some CO account assignment objects, allowing
you to enter the functional area.
For postings in these company codes, no functional area will as of yet be derived and updated.

1. For the company codes in which you want to activate cost of sales accounting, choose the entry Preparations .
2. Save your entries.

Additional Procedure
Enter the functional area in the master data. To do this choose the activities under Assign Functional Area.

Enter Functional Area

You can enter the
functional area in the master data of the objects listed below.

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Here, you only find the settings for entering the functional area in the master records of the objects found in Controlling and Financial Accounting. All other functions
are found elsewhere as listed.
G/L accounts
Cost elements
Cost center types
Order types
Internal orders
To go to the setting, from the SAP Easy Access menu choose Financial accounting -> Controlling -> Internal orders -> Master data -> Order ->
Create or Change. For more information, see Entering the Functional Area in Internal Order Master Data.
Product cost collector
You can find the setting in the Controlling menu under Product Cost Controlling -> Cost Object Controlling -> Product Cost by Period> Product Cost
Collectors >

Check Order Types.

Product cost collector hierarchy

You can find the setting in the SAP Easy Access menu under Accounting -> Controlling -> Product Cost Controlling -> Cost Object Controlling ->
Product Cost by Period -> Master Data -> Product Cost Collector -> Edit.
Project profile
You can find the setting in Project System Customizing under Structures -> Operative Structures -> Work Breakdown Structure ->
Profile .

Create Project

Network type
You can find the setting in Project System Customizing under Structures -> Operative Structures -> Network -> Settings for Networks ->
Network Types .


If you have activated cost of sales accounting and postings are in the system, you can no longer change the functional area in the master data of the objects.

In order to specify the functional area in the master data, you must have first activated cost of sales accounting for preparation. The functional area field is then
ready for input in the master data. To do so, choose the activity Activate Cost of Sales Accounting for Preparation .

Further Notes
For information on how the functional area is derived from the master data of objects, see the SAP Library under Financials -> Financial Accounting -> G/L
Accounting -> Cost of Sales Accounting.

Enter Functional Area in G/L Account Master Data

In this activity, you enter the functional area in the master records of G/L accounts.
You can make changes to master records of multiple G/L accounts in one step.
You can only make entries in the functional area field for master records of P&L accounts.
You can find more information of the specifics of the functional area field in master records in Functional Area in G/L Account and Cost Element Master Records.

In order to specify the functional area in the master data, you must have first activated cost of sales accounting for preparation. The functional area field is then
ready for input in the master data. To do so, choose the activity Activate Cost of Sales Accounting for Preparation .

1. Enter the desired functional areas in the master records of your G/L accounts.
2. Save your entries.

Further Notes
You can find information on collective processing of G/L account master records in the Financial Accounting Implementation Guide under G/L Accounting ->
G/L Account -> Master Records -> G/L Account Creation -> Change G/L Accounts Using Collective Processing ->

Change Chart of Accounts

Enter Functional Area in Cost Element Master Data

In this activity, you enter the functional area in the master records of cost elements.
You can only use this function with cost elements that have already been created. If you want to create a new cost element, you have to do this from the Controlling
application menu. You can also make an entry in the functional area field.
For specific information on the functional area field in cost element master records, see Functional area in G/L account and cost element master records.
Entering functional areas for secondary cost elements may cause reconciliation problems between Controlling and G/L Accounting. For information on this, read
Reconciliation problems between Controlling and G/L Accounting.

In order to specify the functional area in the master data, you must have first activated cost of sales accounting for preparation. The functional area field is then
ready for input in the master data. To do so, choose the activity Activate Cost of Sales Accounting for Preparation .

1. Enter the desired functional area in the master record of your cost element.
2. Save your entry.

Enter Functional Area in Cost Center Categories

In this activity, you can enter the functional area in the master records of cost center categories.

In order to specify the functional area in the master data, you must have first activated cost of sales accounting for preparation. The functional area field is then
ready for input in the master data. To do so, choose the activity Activate Cost of Sales Accounting for Preparation .


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1. Enter the required functional areas in the master records of your cost center categories.
2. Save your entries.

Enter Functional Area in Request Type

In this activity, you enter functional areas in the order types for internal orders.

In order to specify the functional area in the master data, you must have first activated cost of sales accounting for preparation. The functional area field is then
ready for input in the master data. To do so, choose the activity Activate Cost of Sales Accounting for Preparation .

1. Enter the desired functional areas in the master records of your assignment types.
2. Save your entries.

Further Notes
For additional information of directly entering functional areas in the master records of internal orders, see Entering functional areas in internal order master records.

Set Up Substitution for Cost of Sales Accounting

In this activity, you find the settings with which you define a substitution for the cost of sales accounting procedure and then activate it.
The account assignment characteristic that is needed for cost of sales accounting is derived during posting by predefined rules. In the activity Enter Functional
Area , you can enter the functional area in the master data of G/L accounts or cost elements, and in several CO objects. You then have to define a substitution if
your needs for determining the functional area are not covered by this option.

Further Notes
To obtain detailed information on the rules, with which the system determines the functional area, read Rules for deriving the functional area for posting.
You can find additional information on substitutions in the SAP Library under AC - Accounting -> FI Financial Accounting -> Special Purpose Ledger ->

Define Substitution
In this activity, you define a substitution for deriving the functional area from the account assignment characteristics.
You have to define your substitution for the application component FI, callup point 0005.
When formulating the prerequisite, you have the following information sources available for deriving the functional area:
Fields of structures ACCIT and ACCHD
Master records of the assigned CO objects
In order for your substitution to function during posting, you have to activate it. You do this with the activity Activate Substitution.

Define your substitution.

Further Notes
You can find detailed information on defining substitutions in the SAP Library under AC-Accounting -> FI-Financial Accounting -> Special Purpose
Ledger -> Substitution -> Create Substitution.

Activate Substitution
In this activity, you activate your substitution for cost-of-sales accounting.
Your substitution will then be run when posting takes place, and the account assignment feature, functional area, derived according to your specifications.

You have defined your substitution for the application component FI, event 0005, in the activity Define Substitution

To activate your substitution, proceed as follows:
1. Choose New entries.
2. Enter the company code, the event 0005, and your substitution.
3. Set your substitution to active.
4. Save your entries.

Set Up Ledger for Cost of Sales Accounting

In this activity, you set up a ledger for cost of sales accounting.
The characteristic
functional area is available in this ledger but not in the general ledger.

If you implement the application component Special Purpose Ledger, you do not need to carry out this activity.
Check to see if you have assigned the activity RFRK. If so, you must make certain that only non-transferred document lines are transferred to the cost of sales
accounting ledger via RFRK, and not line items that have already been transferred to it from Controlling via a different activity.

Standard Settings
The following settings for cost of sales accounting are included with the standard system:
Cost of sales accounting ledger 0F is pre-configured, and the characteristic functional area already contains the field movement

To set up a cost of sales accounting ledger, proceed as follows:

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1. Select the cost of sales accounting ledger 0F.

The ledger master data screen appears. You can copy the default values.
Ensure that the Ledger posting allowed indicator is set.
2. Assign your company codes and desired activities to the cost of sales accounting ledger.
If you want to use the same activities for all company codes, proceed as follows:
a) Choose Assign activity.
b) Choose Activities as general ledger.
By doing this, you only assign G/L activities to your cost of sales accounting ledger. At the same time you exclude data from CO internal calculations, in which the
functional area figures may be changed, from being transferred to the cost of sales accounting ledger. In order to transfer such data, you have to activate the
reconciliation ledger for reconciliation postings between Controlling and Financial Accounting. The CO internal calculations are recorded in this ledger and are
transferred to the cost of sales accounting ledger via a reconciliation posting at the end of the period. In this case, assign activity RFRK to your cost of sales
accounting ledger.
c) Enter 0F00 as the field movement.
d) Save your entries and return to the ledger master data screen.
e) Choose Assignment CoCd/GCo and assign the company codes to the cost of sales accounting ledger. The posting data from all assigned company codes
for all transactions you selected is transferred to the cost of sales accounting ledger.
If you want to assign various activities for your individual company codes, proceed as follows:
a) Choose Assignment CoCd/GCo and assign the desired company codes to your cost of sales accounting ledger.
b) Save your entries.
c) Choose Assign activity for each company code and assign the desired activities per company code. Enter 0F00 as the field movement.
3. Save your entries.

Further Notes
You can find additional information on setting up your ledger in the Implementation Guide for Accounting under Special Purpose Ledger -> Master Data ->
Maintain Ledgers.

Activate Cost of Sales Accounting

In this activity, you activate cost of sales accounting for your company codes.
By doing this, you allow functional areas to be derived and updated in these company codes.

To activate cost of sales accounting, you must make the following settings:
You have to
enter the functional area in the master records of the account assignment objects
You can make the settings in the activity Enter Functional Area.
have defined and activated a substitution
You make these setting in the activity
Set Up Substitution for Cost of Sales Accounting.

1. Activate cost of sales accounting for the company codes that use this type of accounting by setting it to active.
2. Save your entries.

Multiple Currencies
The following two sections explain how to:
Define one or two other currencies in addition to the local currency for the company code
Set additional currencies per ledger

Define Additional Local Currencies

In this activity you can define additional currencies per company code which you would like to manage parallel to the local currency. In this case, you can choose
Group currency
Group currency is the currency which is specified in the client table or which is to be entered there.
Hard currency
Hard currency is a country-specific second currency which is used in countries with high inflation.
Index-based currency
Index-based currency is a country-specific fictitious currency which is required in some countries with high inflation for external reporting (for example, tax
Global company currency
Global company currency is the currency which is used for an internal trading partner.
For the additional currencies, define the following data:
Currency type
The currency type specifies the role of the additional currency. An example of this would be the group currency.
Exchange rate type for translation
The exchange rate type determines which exchange rate stored in the system is used for calculating the additional amount fields. As with the local currency, you
can use the exchange rate type M (average exchange rate) or any other exchange rate type.
Base currency for translation
The amounts in the additional currencies can be calculated based on the document currency or on the local currency.
Date for translation
For translating amounts, the exchange rate can be determined according to the translation date, the document date or the posting date.

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You may not change the currency type once company codes are productive.

1. First define one or two currency entries in addition to the first local currency.
2. The group currency must be stored in the client.
You must store the global company currency in the internal trading partners to which the currency is to apply. To do this, branch to the detail screen of the relevant
3. If you want to use the country-specific currencies "Hard currency" or "Index-based currency" as additional currencies, you must enter the currency in the
countries to which the currency is to apply. To do this, branch to the detail screen of the country in question.
4. You can define a line layout variant for the line item display of the amounts in the additional currencies. For more information on line layout variants, see Define
Display Format

If you manage additional currencies, you can change the default settings in the "Automatic posting" activity. In this activity, you define the numbers of the accounts
to which exchange rate differences are automatically posted for the valuation of open items and foreign currency valuations. The account determination when
valuating the open items and when posting exchange rate differences can be set here depending on the currency type. You can thus distinguish the accounts by
currency type. Gains and losses from exchange rate fluctuations are then posted to separate accounts for the individual currency types, for example, local
currency or group currency.
In the default settings, the specification of the currency type is missing for all entries. If you want to vary the account determination depending on the currency
type, replace the entries for which no currency type exists with entries specifying the currency type.
For more information, see
Prepare Automatic Postings for Foreign Currency Valuation

Additional information
The amounts in the additional currencies are stored in the documents and updated in the General Ledger. The group currency, like the document currency and
local currency, is updated in the predefined ledger "00".
If you manage additional currencies other than the group currency, you must specify in which ledgers the currency amounts are to be updated. The corresponding
default settings are to be made in the Special Purpose Ledger. For more information, see the relevant Implementation Guide.

Define Additional Local Currencies for Ledgers

In this activity, you define additional legers in which to store other currencies. You can find information regarding the currency types which you can define in the
activity Define additional local currencies

You manage ledger 00 with a local currency and a group currency. You also want to manage an index-based currency and a hard currency. You therefore need to
define another ledger with the required currencies in addition to the existing ledger.

1. Select an existing ledger by doubleclicking on it.
2. Choose Ledger -> Create
3. Enter a two-character key for the new ledger.
The general specifications of the existing ledger are copied for the new ledger.
4. Choose Define currencies and select the currencies from the list which you wish to add.
5. Now save your entries.

Average balance ledger by value date (for banks only)

In this activity, you can also define an additional ledger to be able to manage average balances by value date or posting date (in parallel to the main ledger.)
Banks require this for creating internal analyses and to be able to fulfill legal reporting requirements.

1. Select the main ledger by doubleclicking on it.
2. Continue with Extras -> Aver.bal.ledger.
Here you create the average balance ledger.
Exit: G01=Posting date (if left blank, G01 is defaulted)
Exit: G02=Value date (if no value date exists, posting date)
You can find out how to maintain special purpose ledgers in the activity

Maintain Ledgersof the Special Purpose Ledger Implementation Guide.

Activate Accounts Receivable Pledging Procedure per Company Code

In order to display accounts receivable factoring, you have to activate the factoring procedure for the company code.

1. Set the activation indicator for the required company codes.
2. Define the accounts receivable factoring indicator.
You can do this in Customizing as follows: Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable -> Customer Accounts -> Master Records -> Preparations
for Creating Customer Master Records ->
Define Accounts Receivable Factoring Indicator .
3. Check whether the field Accounts receivable factoring indicator is set as an optional or required entry field in the customer account group and the
company code (customers) screen layout.
You can do this in Customizing as follows: Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable -> Customer Accounts -> Master Records -> Preparations
for Creating Customer Master Records ->
Define Account Groups with Screen Layout (Customers).
1. Check whether the field Accounts receivable factoring indicator has been set as an optional or required entry field in the company code (customers)
screen layout.
You do this in Customizing: Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable -> Customer Accounts -> Master Records -> Preparations for Creating
Customer Master Records ->
Define Screen Layout per Company Code (Customers) .
2. Adapt a line layout variant for the customer line item display. Alternatively, you can create your own line layout variant for the accounts receivable factoring
procedure. You can do this in Customizing: Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable -> Line Items -> Customer Line Item Display ->

Define Line

Set Company Code to Productive

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In this activity, you set the productive indicator for the company codes for which the test phase has been completed. The productive indicator prevents data within
the company code from being deleted by the programs for deleting test data.

Set the productive indicator for the required company codes.

Business Area
You already created the required business areas in the "Enterprise Structure" IMG. For more information, read the chapter titled

"Create business area".

In the following activity, you set the requirements governing the generation of balance sheets and profit and loss statements for business areas.

Enable Business Area Balance Sheet

To be able to create a balance sheet and a profit and loss statement for business areas , the field for the business area in the line item must be ready for input. In
this activity you have the option of setting the indicator for the Business area field for each company code. If you set the indicator, the Business area field is
always ready for input when you post documents, independent of the field control of the posting keys and of the accounts.

You should only set the indicator for the Business area field if you work with all the financial statements, that is you do not only work with the business area
in a few areas (for example, P+L).
If you only work with business areas in a few financial statement areas, you should not set the indicator.
You should then make the Business area field ready for input for the business area-relevant accounts using the field control of the accounts. You can find
more information on this in the chapter "Define field status definition groups" .

You must have defined business areas using the "Enterprise structure" Implementation Guide. You can find more information on this in the
areas" chapter.

"Create business

Set the indicator for the company codes for which you want to create the balance sheet and P+L per business area.

Check Display Authorization for Business Area

In this activity you can set the option to have the system check an accounting clerk's display authorization per business area.
The system checks authorization for the following functions:
Document display
Line item display
Balance display (only for G/L accounts)
An accounting clerk can only display the balances of G/L accounts in those business areas for which he or she has display authorization. For customer and
vendor accounts, you can only display the balances at company code level, not at business area level.
The system also checks display authorization in reporting. Accounting clerks can retrieve only information for which they have display authorization.

Activate display authorization for the business area.

Further Notes
You maintain authorizations in the Implementation Guide under Financial Accounting Global Settings -> Maintain Authorizations.

Fiscal Year
A fiscal year consists of several posting periods and if necessary, special periods that can be posted to after a temporary year-end closing.
You define how your fiscal year is set up in the SAP System by creating a fiscal year variant at client level. Each company code is assigned a fiscal year
variant. Several company codes can use the same fiscal year variant.

Additional information
For more information on fiscal year variants, see the "FI Closing and Reporting" documentation.

Maintain Fiscal Year Variant (Maintain Shortened Fisc. Year)

You can define the following characteristics for a fiscal year variant:
how many posting periods a fiscal year has
how many special periods you need
how the system is to determine the posting periods when posting
When defining your fiscal year, you have the following options:
Your fiscal year is the calendar year
In this case, you must only select the Calendar year field.
Your fiscal year is not the same as the calendar year and is not year-dependent
In this case, you first enter the number of your posting periods in the Number posting per. field. To define your posting periods, select your fiscal year variant
and select Periods on the navigation screen. On this screen, enter the month and the day of the period end and the period in each case.
Your fiscal year is not the same as the calendar year and is year-dependent
Enter the number of your posting periods in the field Number posting periods and select the field Year-dependent. To define your posting periods, select your
fiscal year variant and select Periods on the navigation screen. The system asks for which calendar year your year-dependent fiscal year variant is valid. You
then enter the month and day of the period end for each of your periods, and the periods themselves.
It is also possible to determine names for the periods of a non-year-specific fiscal year variant. To do so, select your fiscal year variant and choose Period texts
on the navigation screen. You can specify a three-character abbreviation (Jan, Feb, Mar...) and a 20-character long text (January, February, March).

Standard settings

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The following fiscal year variants have been created in the standard system:
Variants in which the fiscal year is the same as the calendar and has up to four special periods
Variants for shortened fiscal years. For more information on shortened fiscal years, see "Defining shortened fiscal years".
Variants for non-calendar fiscal years:
April to March with four special periods
July to June with four special periods
October to September with four special periods
Variants that are set up on a weekly basis. These variants can only be used in the Special Purpose Ledger application.

1. Check the standard fiscal year variants.
2. Change the existing variants, if necessary, or create your own variants.
Defining shortened fiscal year
A shortened fiscal year is a fiscal year having less than twelve months, but for which year-end closing must be carried out. The definition of a shortened fiscal
year is always year-dependent, since it represents a year-related exception. You must always define an entire calendar year when defining a fiscal year variant.
The year-related fiscal year variant therefore contains not only the periods from the shortened fiscal year, but also other periods from the previous or subsequent
fiscal year.
There are two ways to define a shortened fiscal year:
If you use Financial Accounting without Asset Accounting, you can begin a fiscal year with any period.
If your shortened year goes from January to September, you can assign periods 004 to 012 . Assign periods 001 to 003 of the new fiscal year to the months
Specify the number of periods for the fiscal year variant (12 in the example above).
Keep in mind that the last period of a fiscal year must correspond to the number of periods in that year. This means that if you want to define 12 periods, the last
period in that year must be number 12.
If you implement the Asset Accounting component, each fiscal year must begin with period number 001 , to allow asset depreciation calculations to be
carried out accurately.
For a fiscal year variant, specify the periods and the number of periods the shortened fiscal year has. This way, each fiscal year of the variant can begin with
period 001.
If you define a fiscal year with twelve periods, it can contain a shortened year with nine periods (from 001 to 009). The remaining calendar year contains the first
three periods of the new fiscal year (periods 001 to 003).
For more information about implementing the Asset Accounting component, see the Asset Accounting documentation.

You define your shortened year and the following normal fiscal years under the same fiscal year variant. Bear in mind that you generally need to ensure that it is
possible to post to previous fiscal years.
You need to keep the year-dependent fiscal year variant for as long as you are posting in or prior to a shortened fiscal year, or if you are transferring old data from
this period. You cannot define year- independent fiscal year variants until the shortened fiscal year has been closed (from the accounting perspective), with no
further adjustment postings expected.
Year-dependent definitions will be deleted as soon as you convert the fiscal year variants from year-dependent to year-independent.

Standard settings
Two shortened fiscal year variants are provided with the standard system: variant R1 for a Financial Accounting shortened year, and variant AM for shortened
years when Asset Accounting is in use.

1. If you need to define a shortened fiscal year, first determine which of the two options above will be used.
2. Define the shortened fiscal year.
To define the shortened year for Asset Accounting, select Navigation -> Shortened fisc.yr.

Assign Company Code to a Fiscal Year Variant

For every company code, you must specify which fiscal year variant is to be used.

You have defined the relevant fiscal year variant. The variant does not contain more than 16 periods. For more information, see Maintain Fiscal Year Variant.

Standard settings
The standard company code is assigned to the fiscal year variant that corresponds to the calendar year and uses four additional special periods.

Assign a fiscal year variant to each company code.

1 Document
In the following you make the relevant settings for documents.

Posting Periods
It is possible to specify which company codes are open independent of a company code. Thus, as many company codes as required can use the same variants
for open company codes.
In the following activities, you make the necessary settings to be able to manage identical posting periods in several company codes.

Define Variants for Open Posting Periods

In this activity, you can define variants for open posting periods.

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Standard Settings
In the standard setting, a separate variant for posting periods is defined for every company code. The name of this variant is identical to the company code name.
Every company code is allocated to this variant with the same name. Thus nothing has changed in the system yet: Every company code has its own variant. If
you want to and can continue working on this basis (for example, if you manage with only a few company codes), you do not have to make any changes in the
If however, you want to use identical variants in several company codes, you must change the default settings as described in the "Activities" section.

1. Change the name in one of the variants.
2. Allocate all company codes, for which you want to use identical variants for open posting periods, to this variant.
Detailed information on this can be found in the chapter "Allocate company code to variant".
3. Delete the variants no longer required.

Open and Close Posting Periods

In this activity you specify for each variant which posting periods are open for posting. Two intervals are available for doing this (period 1 and period 2). For every
interval, enter a lower period limit, an upper period limit and the fiscal year.
You close periods by selecting the period specifications so that the periods to be closed are no longer contained.
You can also assign authorization groups for permitted posting periods. This means that, for example, some posting periods can only be opened for particular
users within monthly or annual closing. You can only assign the authorization group at document header level and it only affects period 1. The authorization object
is called F_BKPF_BUP (Accounting document: Authorizations for posting periods). Read the corresponding chapter on "User maintenance" in the "Assigning
authorizations" topic.

You specify G/L account numbers for your specifications. You determine the posting periods allowed for the subledger accounts via the corresponding
reconciliation accounts. To do this, you specify the subledger account type, such as D or K, and the corresponding reconciliation account.

There must be at least one entry for each variant. This entry must have + in column A ; the columns "From acct" and "To account" may not be filled. In the
columns for the posting periods, you specify the periods which are to be opened for the variant. Via further entries, you determine more specifically which periods
are to be opened for which accounts.

1. Specify the periods allowed for posting.
2. First, for all variants (minimum entry), enter the periods to which postings can be made.
3. Then, add entries for account types or account areas if the periods are to be limited to certain accounts.
4. Enter an authorization group for each period 1 via which you want to create an authorization protection.

Assign Variants to Company Code

In this activity, you make the specification that is necessary to be able to work in several company codes with the same variant for open posting periods. For this
reason, you assign the same variant key to the company codes you want to group together.

Assign the same variant to the corresponding company codes.

Document Number Ranges

A number range must be assigned to each document type in the SAP System. Via the document types, you distinguish the postings according to the different
business transactions, for example customer payment, vendor credit memo, and so on. To store documents separately according to document types, you must
assign a separate number range to each document type, for example to invoices or to credit memos.
In the following activities:
You define your document number ranges.
You can determine which intervals of document number ranges are to be copied from one company code into another.
You can determine which intervals of document number ranges are to be copied from one fiscal year into another.

Define Document Number Ranges

In this activity you create number ranges for documents. For each number range you specify (among other things):
a number interval from which document numbers are selected
the type of number assignment (internal or external)
You assign one or more document types to each number range. The number range becomes effective via the document type specified in document entry and
You can use one number range for several document types. This means you can differentiate documents by document type but combine them again for filing the
original documents, provided you store your original documents under the EDP document number.

The type of number assignment is of special importance. For each document type you should check whether a separate number range must be used and which
type of number assignment is most appropriate.
One example of a case where external number assignment would be suitable is when you transfer documents into your SAP system from a non-SAP system.
The numbers must be unique. The number range is not displayed with external numbers. You must therefore ensure that you do not skip any numbers when
entering numbers manually (for organizational reasons).
You should use internal number assignment if the original documents do not have a unique document number. This is the case, for example, with vendor invoices.
Number ranges for documents are company code-dependent. You must therefore create your number ranges for each company code in which the document type
is used, namely with the same number range key.
The number intervals must not overlap. If you use year-dependent number ranges, you can specify the same interval with the same key several times for different
"to- fiscal years" (the limit up to which a number range is still valid). If you want to define number ranges which are independent of the to-fiscal year, enter 9999 in

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the to- fiscal year field.

For sample documents, use a number range with key X2, for recurring entry documents with key X1 . These keys may not be used for other number ranges.

Store your original documents (paper documents) under the EDP number of the SAP System. You should write the EDP document number on the original
document. In this way, the original document for a business transaction can be found at any time.

1. Determine how document filing is to be carried out in your company codes.
2. Define your number ranges accordingly.
3. Make sure that the number ranges are assigned to the corresponding document types.

Notes on transporting
You transport number range objects as follows:
In the initial screen, choose Interval -> Transport.
Note that all intervals for the selected number range object are deleted in the target system first. After the import, only the intervals you export are present. The
number statuses are imported with their values at the time of export.
Dependent tables are not transported or converted.

Copy to Company Code

In this activity, you can copy intervals of document number ranges from one company code to other company codes. To do this, you have to store the following
Intervals which are copied
To fiscal year(s) (validity limit up until which the number range is valid)
Company code from which you copy (source company code)
Company code(s) into which you copy (target company code(s))

Make all necessary specifications for copying the number ranges.

The number ranges are only copied into a target company code if no number ranges exist there within the selected "To fiscal year" interval.

Notes on transporting
The documentation for the step
"Define document number ranges" describes how to transport document number ranges.

Copy to Fiscal Year

In this activity, you can determine which intervals of document number ranges are to be copied from one fiscal year into another per company code. To do this,
you have to define the following information:
Company code(s) within which you copy
Number range number(s) which are copied
Fiscal year from which you copy (source fiscal year)
Fiscal year into which you copy (target fiscal year)

Make all necessary specifications for copying the fiscal years.

The number ranges are only copied per company code into the target fiscal year if no intervals exist there for this fiscal year.

Notes on transporting
The documentation for the step
"Define document number ranges" describes how to transport document number ranges.

Document Header
In the following you make the settings for the document header.

Define Document Types

In this activity you create document types for customer, vendor and general ledger business transactions in Financial Accounting. Document types differentiate
business transactions and control document filing.
You specify a number range for each document type. Document numbers are chosen from this number range. You can use one number range for several
document types.
Document types are valid for all clients. You specify a number range key for each document type. You create the desired number range intervals for each
number range key based on the company code. This means that you can specify intervals of different sizes for the same number range.

You defined a document type for incoming invoices. In company code 0001 there are a lot of invoices to be posted. Thus you create a large number interval for the
number range in this company code. In another company code there are only a few incoming invoices that need to be posted. For this company code you can
define a small number interval for the same number range.
If a document type is not used in a company code, do not store a number interval for that company code.

To use the net method of posting documents, you need a net document type (for example, KN). In this document type, you have to set the "Net document type"

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indicator found under the "Control" area. You can define a common document type (for example, AB) and a common number range for clearing open items in
accounts receivable, payable and G/L acccounts.
For automatic posting transactions (for example, transfer postings with clearing), you have to define a clearing document type (for example, AB). If you do not want
to use the standard setting AB for the clearing document type, you can delete it and define your own. Under the document type properties, you can assign an
individual reverse document type to each document type. For document types with external number ranges, you have to define an individual reverse document
type because the system can make automatic reverse entries only in document types that have internal number assignment.

Standard settings
The preset document types cover business transactions
in Financial Accounting for:
General ledger accounting
Accounts receivable
Accounts payable
Asset accounting
in Materials Management and Sales and Distribution for:
Goods receipt and issue
Incoming and outgoing invoices
Physical inventory (stocktaking)

1. Find out whether you can use the standard settings.
2. Change or extend the default settings, if necessary.
3. Check the specified document number ranges via the "Define document number ranges" activity if you use the standard document types.
These number ranges must be created for your company codes and contain the number intervals you require.

Indicate Currency Differences for Partial Payments

In this activity, you indicate a document type that will enable you to calculate period-related currency differences for partial payments. The indicator activates the
calculation of period-related currency differences.
Once you have set the indicator for the required document type, the following steps are taken:
1. When a partial payment in foreign currency is posted, the original exchange rate from the invoice posting date is compared with the current exchange rate. Any
exchange gains or losses are calculated and posted immediately in the document.
2. When the remaining balance is paid, any exchange gain or loss on that amount is calculated and posted in the same way.

You have defined at least one document type for partial payments.

Set the indicator for the required document type.

Check Assignment of Document Class to Document Type

This customizing point links the SAP document types to the document class. You also define some properties for the SAP document types regarding Argentine
document numbering, like
Argentine document numbering required
date/Argentine document number checked
document type issued by company

The document class must be defined.

Please customize all SAP document types relevant for Argentine document numbering or Argentine reporting.

Check Display Authorization for Document Type

In this activity you can set the option to have the system check a user's display authorization for the document type.
The system checks authorization for the following functions:
Document display
Line item display
Balance display
It also checks display authorization in reporting. Accounting clerks can retrieve only information for which they have display authorization.

Activate display authorization for the document type.

Further Notes
To maintain authorizations, choose Maintain authorizations.

Validation in Accounting Documents

In this activity, you define additional checks for accounting documents in the form of validations for each of your company codes. You can assign a validation for
the document header and one for the line items to each company code. The assigned validations are valid both for manual entry of documents as well as for the
automatic creation of documents (for example, payment program).

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For every company code to which you want to assign a validation, you store the following information:
Validation callup point
Here you enter key "1" for "Check document header" and key "2" for "Check line item".
Here there are the names of validations which already exist which you can display or change. A new validation must firstly be created by you. Afterwards the
name appears in the overview.
Description of the validation
Activation level
Here you enter key "0" for inactive, key "1" for active and key "2" for active except for batch input.

For example, you can use the validation for the following situation: You want to make sure that postings to the expense account "Telephone costs" can only be
posted to the services cost center "Telephone". You can carry out the checks needed for this by using the validation.

If you want to define new validations, go through the following activities:
1. Place the cursor on a line in which company code and callup point are entered (you can enter company code and validation callup point via Edit -> New
2. Afterwards select Environment -> Validation. You reach the first screen for maintaining a validation.
3. Select Validation -> Create. Enter the required name. After pressing ENTER, you come to an overview screen of the validation activities belonging to the
4. Select Insert entry. On the next screen you can describe a new validation activity. You describe the check requirements and the actual check for this. The
syntax to be used for this is described in the online help (F1 help) for the input fields for Requirements and Check. You can also define a message (warning or
error message) which is sent if the check is not successful.
If you want to change validations which already exist, proceed as follows:
1. Place the cursor on an already existing entry and select Goto -> Validation.
2. On the next screen select Validation -> Display or Validation -> Change . After pressing ENTER, you get to the overview screen of the validation activities
belonging to the validation. If you select Insert entry, you can carry out changes if necessary.

Substitution in Accounting Documents

In this activity, you define possible changes regarding your accounting documents in the form of substitutions of individual fields for your company codes. You can
make changes both in the document header and in the line item. The substitutions are valid for both the manual entry of documents and for the automatic creation
of documents (for example, payment program).
For each company code to which you want to assign a substitution, define the following information:
Time of substitution
Here you enter the key "1" for substitution within the document header, the key "2" for substitution within the line item and the key "3" for the whole document.
Here you can change or display the names of substitutions which already exist. You have to create a new substitution. The name then appears in the overview
Name for the substitution
Activation level
Here you enter the key "0" for inactive, the key "1" for active and the key "2" for active (except for in batch).

If you want to define new substitutions, proceed as follows:
1. Position the cursor on a line in which the company code and the time have been entered (you can enter the company code and the time via Edit -> New
entries ).
2. Then select Environment -> Substitution . You reach the first screen for maintaining a substitution.
3. Select Substitution -> Create . Enter the required name. After pressing ENTER, you reach the overview screen with the substitution activities belonging to
4. Select Insert entry . You can describe a new substitution activity on the next screen. You describe the substitution requirements and the actual substitution for
this. The syntax to be used for this is explained in the F1 help for the input fields Requirements and Substitution .
If you want to change substitutions which already exist, proceed as follows:
1. Position the cursor on an existing entry and select Goto -> Substitution .
2. On the next screen, select Substitution -> Display or Substitution -> Change . After pressing ENTER, you reach the overview screen with the substitution
activities belonging to substitution. If you select Insert entry , you can make the required changes.

Define Text IDs for Documents

In this activity you define text IDs for long texts at document header level. When entering a document, you can enter texts for every text ID. This means that you
can store information on the document that affects the whole document.

You create text IDs accross the system, i.e. for all clients.

SAP standard settings

The system is delivered with the text IDs Note, Correspondence, and Payment advice info as standard settings.

1. Define the required text IDs.
2. Select the Relevant text field in the clients in which the text IDs are to be used.

Document Change Rules, Document Header

In this activity, you determine under which circumstances fields within posted documents can be changed.

For a number of fields, the system itself determines that they can no longer be changed after posting. This includes all fields which are central to the principles of

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orderly accounting, for example, the amount posted and the account.
The system also prevents the update objects from being changed in documents which have already been posted, independent of the document change rules.
Update objects are elements in the system for which transaction figures or line items are updated, for example, business area or cost centers (if cost center
accounting is used in the SAP system). Update objects are entered as additional account assignments during posting.
If you are using the Special Purpose Ledger application, you should ensure that fields which are updated there are protected against changes in the document.
Document changes do not affect updating in the special purpose ledger.

1. Check the default settings.
2. Change the specifications if necessary.

Specify Control Paramters for Bar Code Entry

In this activity you make the specifications to archive documents using bar codes . You need to enter the bar code details for object type "BKPF" and your
document type . You can enter them for all users or individual users. You must select the "Bar code act." option so that the additional popup for entering the bar
code is displayed when a document is posted.
The standard document type FIIINVOICE is used for all document types for which you do not make any specifications. If you want to use bar code entry for
document type "XY" only, for example, you would have to create a new document type and select the "Bar code act." option for it. If you, however, want to use bar
code entry for all document types apart from document typ "XY", you would have to create a new document type, select the "Bar code inact." option for it, and
select the "Bar code act." option for the standard document type FIIINVOICE. This means that you can make settings so that only the exceptions to your normal
situation are made in the customizing table. To create new document types, select archive link monitor by choosing from the main menu of the R/3 System Tools > Administration -> Management -> Process technology -> Optical archive -> Document types -> Global doc. types.
In this activity you define what document types can be archived using bar codes. The following fields are used to do this:
Object type
You use the Object type field to specify what document types can be archived using bar codes.
The object type in the non coded information documents has been defined for each document type. Only those document types which are assigned to the object
type can be archived using bar code.
Document type
In this field, you can limit the number of document types selected with the object type.
User name
By specifying the user name you can limit the users whose original documents can be archived using bar codes with a certain document type.
Bar code type
In the Bar code type field, you can specify what types of bar code are permitted for archiving documents using bar codes.
In addition, there are two checkboxes, Bar code act. and Bar code check , that you can select to determine whether your entry is activated for bar code entry
and whether a bar code check should be made.

1. Check the standard SAP entries.
2. If necessary, limit these entries by defining new ones.

Maintain Document Types for Bar Code Entry

In this activity you determine the document type for bar code entry using the company code and document type. Depending on the company code and document
type, you can thus control whether the popup window for entering the bar code is displayed when entering a document.
You access the customizing table at several levels by
Completely specifying the company code and document type
Specifying the company code without a document type
Specifying the document type but no company code
Specifying neither the company code nor document type
The first entry found determines the document type. You make the bar code settings for the object type "BKPF" and your document type in the activity "Specify
control parameters for bar code entry". You can do this for all or individual users. You have to select the "Bar code active" setting so that the dialog window to enter
bar codes is displayed during document entry.

Set the document types for which you want to use bar code entry.

Maximum Exchange Rate Difference

In the following activities, you define the maximum difference between exchange rates for postings in foreign currency.
With the maximum difference between exchange rates, you specify, per company code, how much the exchange rate entered manually in the document header
may differ in terms of percent from the one stored in the system. If required, you can also specify a maximum difference between exchange rates per foreign

Define Maximum Exchange Rate Difference per Company Code

In this activity, you define, per company code, a maximum difference between exchange rates for postings in foreign currency. To do this, you specify how much
the exchange rate entered manually in the document header may differ in terms of percent from the one stored in the system.
If an exchange rate or the local and the foreign currency amount were entered manually during document entry, then a comparison is made with the exchange
rates stored in the system. If a deviation does occur and it exceeds the percentage rate specified here, then a warning appears.

The specifications are company code-dependent.

Standard settings
For the standard company code 0001, the maximum difference between exchange rates is defined in the system.


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Check the entries for the difference between exchange rates and, if necessary, add an entry for your company code.

Define Maximum Exchange Rate Difference per Foreign Currency

In this activity, you can specify a maximum difference between exchange rates for the foreign currency/local currency exchange rate in terms of percent.

You can set this function if you need a differentiated difference between exchange rates per foreign currency in addition to the company code. This is, for example,
the case if the foreign currency/local currency difference between exchange rates deviates too much from the one stored for the company code.

Define a maximum difference between exchange rates for all foreign currency/local currency combinations for which it is necessary.

Line Item
In the following you make the settings for line items.

1.1 Controls
In the following activities you make the settings necessary for entering line items.

Define Posting Keys

In this activity you define posting keys. Users specify a posting key before entering a line item. The posting key controls how the line item is entered and
For each posting key, you define among other things:
which side of an account can be posted to,
which type of account can be posted to, and
which fields the system displays on the entry screens and whether an entry must be made (field status).

The system also uses the field status group you specify in a G/L account to determine the status of fields in document entry. Field status groups are defined within
a field status variant.

Use the posting keys delivered with the standard system.

1. Check the standard settings.
2. Modify them if necessary.
In particular, you may need to make changes to customer and vendor posting keys if a different field status is required.

Maintain Field Status Variants

In this activity you can define and edit field status variants and groups. You group several field status groups together in one field status variant. You assign the
field status variants to a company code in the activity Assign Company Code to Field Status Variants . This allows you to work with the same field status groups in
any number of company codes.
You can also define and process field status groups. You must define a field status group in the company code-specific area of each G/L account. The field status
group determines which fields are ready for input, which are required entry fields, and which are hidden during document entry. Bear in mind that additional
account assignments (i.e. cost centers or orders) are only possible if data can be entered in the corresponding fields.

Standard settings
Field status variant 0001 is entered for company code 0001 in the standard SAP software. Field status groups are already defined for this variant.

You cannot attach a field status to some fields, such as those in the document header. You can, however, switch between required and optional entry field
designations in the document type for some of these header fields.
The field status group you enter in the reconciliation accounts affects postings to the related customer or vendor accounts. You cannot enter a field status group in
the customer or vendor accounts. Field status groups are determined for customer and vendor accounts from their respective reconciliation accounts, via the G/L
account number in their master records.
There are other factors, besides the field status group itself, which have an influence on the field status. Among these are:
the field status defined for the posting key.
The status "optional entry field" was assigned to posting keys 40 and 50 in the standard system. These are the standard posting keys for G/L account postings.
The "optional entry field" status has no effect on the field status.
Specifications for the document type .
You can specify here that a reference number and document header text must always be entered, for example.

Designate field status via the field status groups in the G/L accounts. This allows you a more account-specific screen layout. You cannot differentiate by posting
key, since there are only two such keys for postings to G/L accounts.
The situation with reconciliation accounts is different. You do not make any differentiated field status definition via the master record for these special G/L accounts.
You use the debit and credit posting keys instead.

1. Create new field status variants using Edit -> New entries . You can also use the copy function to create new field status variants. To do this, select Edit ->
Copy as . When copying field status variants, the accompanying field status groups are also copied.
2. Look at the standard field status groups.
3. Find out which fields on the entry screens should be
ready for input
required entry fields

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hidden for the G/L accounts in your company.

You do not make this definition for each account, but rather for groups of accounts. This is why you may want to adapt the field status groups included in the
standard system.
4. If necessary, change the standard field status groups, or define your own for each field status variant.
5. You can delete field status variants that are no longer required via Edit -> Delete . The accompanying field status groups will also be deleted.

Assign Company Code to Field Status Variants

In this activity, you assign the company codes in which you want to use identical field status groups, to the same field status variant.

Standard settings
A field status variant with an identical name has already been assigned to company code 0001 in the standard system.

Assign the affected company codes to the same field status variant.

Additional information
You define your field status groups for every field status variant. Refer to the chapter Define status definition groups for more information.

Screen Variants for Document Entry

The screen variant which you specify for each company code addresses special screens for documents for several specific functions. You determine the screen
variant dependent on the company code.

In an Italian company code, for example, a screen with fields for withholding tax is required when entering a vendor item. You therefore have to select a special
screen variant for Italian company codes.

Standard settings
A corresponding variant was selected for the standard company codes.

Check whether the required variants have been selected for your company codes.

Maintain Subscreens for Coding Blocks

In account assignment transactions, the system displays objects which are to be assigned to an account on a "subscreen". This subscreen is determined based
on the system configuration. You can define your own subscreens if you find that there are none which contain the fields you require.

For more information on how to define your own subscreens, refer to the "Define subscreens for coding blocks" activity.

Specify your subscreens.

Define Tolerance Groups for Employees

In this activity, you predefine various amount limits for your employees with which you determine:
the maximum document amount the employee is authorized to post
the maximum amount the employee can enter as a line item in a customer or vendor account
the maximum cash discount percentage the employee can grant in a line item
the maximum acceptable tolerance for payment differences for the employee.
Payment differences are posted automatically within certain tolerance groups. This way the system can post the difference by correcting the cash discount or by
posting to a separate expense or revenue account.
In this respect you define:
the amounts or percentage rates up to which the system is to automatically post to a separate expense or revenue account if it is not possible to correct the
cash discount or
up to which difference amounts the system is to correct the cash discount. In this case the cash discount is automatically increased or decreased by the
difference. using tolerance groups.
You can also additionally differentiate these settings by company code. Since the same rules usually apply to a group of employees, enter the values for
employee groups. You can then enter amount limits and tolerances per employee group and company code.

You can also define tolerances without specifying a tolerance group. Leave the field Grp empty in this case. The stored tolerances are then valid for all employees
who are not allocated to a group. There must be at least one entry for every company code.
You can also specify tolerances for clearing procedures depending on your
and employee group are taken in each case during clearing.

customers or

vendors. The lower limits from the customer/vendor specifications

Standard settings
In the system, sample tolerances are defined for the standard company codes.

1. For every company code, find out which tolerances are to be determined and whether a differentiation according to employee group is necessary. If you want to
define different tolerances for your employees, specify the amount limits for each of the groups. If the tolerance limits are to apply to all employees, leave the
"group" field empty.
2. Define the tolerances correspondingly.
3. If you have defined differing tolerance groups, you then have to assign your employees to a certain tolerance group. To do this, select the activity "Assign users
to tolerance groups" . This is where you enter your employees under the relevant groups.

Assign User/Tolerance Groups

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In this activity, you assign Financial Accounting employees to whom you wish to give special tolerances to a group. Tolerances are defined for a group for posting
and clearing documents or line items.

For employees that you do not assign to a group, you must define tolerance values for which you leave the Group field blank and only specify the company code.
For more information on this, see Define Tolerances (Vendors)

Enter your employees under the required group.

Define Validations for Posting

In this activity you define additional checks for accounting documents in the form of validations for each of your company codes. You can assign a validation for the
document header and one for the line items to each company code. The assigned validations are valid both for manual entry of documents as well as for the
automatic creation of documents (for example, payment program).
For every company code to which you want to assign a validation, you store the following information:
Validation callup point
Here you enter key "1" for "Check document header" and key "2" for "Check line item".
Here there are the names of validations which already exist which you can display or change. A new validation must firstly be created by you. Afterwards the
name appears in the overview.
Description of the validation
Activation level
Here you enter key "0" for inactive, key "1" for active and key "2" for active except for batch input.

For example, you can use the validation for the following situation: You want to make sure that postings to the expense account "Telephone costs" can only be
posted to the services cost center "Telephone". You can carry out the checks needed for this by using the validation.

If you want to define new validations, go through the following steps:
1. Place the cursor on a line in which company code and callup point are entered (you can enter company code and validation callup point via Edit -> New
2. Afterwards select Environment -> Validation. You reach the first screen for maintaining a validation.
3. Select Validation -> Create. Enter the required name. After pressing ENTER, you come to an overview screen of the validation steps belonging to the
4. Select Insert entry. On the next screen you can describe a new validation step. You describe the check requirements and the actual check for this. The
syntax to be used for this is described in the online help (F1 help) for the input fields for Requirements and Check. You can also define a message (warning or
error message) which is sent if the check is not successful.
If you want to change validations which already exist, proceed as follows:
1. Place the cursor on an already existing entry and select Goto -> Validation.
2. On the next screen select Validation -> Display or Validation -> Change . After pressing ENTER, you get to the overview screen of the validation steps
belonging to the validation. If you select Insert entry, you can carry out changes if necessary.

Define Substitution in Accounting Documents

In this activity you define the changes that you may want to make in accounting documents for your company codes by using substitutions of individual fields. You
can make changes in both the document header and the line item. Substitutions can be used in manual document entry as well as automatic document creation,
for example, by the payment program.
Define the following information for each company code you want to assign a substitution to.
Callup point
To define a substitution in the document header, specify callup point "0001". To define one in the line item, specify "0002". For the entire document specify
Here you enter a unique name for the substitution you want to create. You can also change the names of existing substitutions.
Description of the substitution
Activation level
Here you enter "0" for inactive, "1" for active or "2" for active except for batch input.

To define new substitutions, proceed as follows:
1. Position the cursor on a line in which the company code and the callup point have been entered (you can enter the company code and the time via Edit ->
New entries ).
2. Then select Environment -> Substitution . You reach the first screen for maintaining a substitution.
3. Select Substitution -> Create . Enter the required name. After pressing ENTER, you reach the overview screen with the substitution steps belonging to that
4. Select Insert entry. You can describe a new substitution step on the next screen. This description includes the prerequisites and the actual substitutions. The
syntax to be used for this is explained in the F1 help for the input fields Prerequisite and Substitution.
To change substitutions which already exist, proceed as follows:
1. Position the cursor on an existing entry and select Goto -> Substitution.
2. On the next screen select Substitution -> Display or Substitution -> Change . After pressing ENTER, you reach the overview screen with the substitution
steps belonging to that substitution. If you select Insert entry, you can make the required changes.

Define Texts for Line Items

In this activity, you can store texts under keys which can be transferred to the line item. When entering a document, the key is entered in the text field.


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If you wish, the texts can be transferred to the customers in payment notices.

1. Find out which texts are to be stored.
2. Enter these texts into the system under a key.

Define Line Layout for Document Posting Overview

In this activity, you define the line layout variants for document posting by specifying which information you want to have available onscreen (i.e., document
number, account number, company code). You can also assign a display format to each field.

1. Check the extent to which you can use the standard settings. Change or enhance the settings, if necessary.
2. If you want to assign a line layout variant to a user, enter the value as a parameter in the user's master record.

Define Line Layout for Document Change/Display

In this activity, you define line layout variants by specifying which information you want to have available onscreen when executing a "Change document" or
"Display document" function.

1. Check the extent to which you can use the standard settings. Change or enhance the settings, if necessary.
2. If you want to assign a line layout variant to a user, enter the value as a parameter in the user's master record.

Select Standard Line Layout for Document Change/Display

In this activity, you select standard line layout default values for displaying or changing documennts.
These variants are used when the display or change functions are first called up, if you do not select any other variant.

Choose a corresponding line layout variant.

Document Change Rules, Line Item

In this activity, you determine under which circumstances fields within posted documents can be changed.

For a number of fields, the system itself determines that they can no longer be changed after posting. This includes all fields which are central to the principles of
orderly accounting, for example, the amount posted and the account.
The system also prevents the update objects from being changed in documents which have already been posted, independent of the document change rules.
Update objects are elements in the system for which transaction figures or line items are updated, for example, business area or cost centers (if cost center
accounting is used in the SAP system). Update objects are entered as additional account assignments during posting.
If you are using the Special Purpose Ledger application, you should ensure that fields which are updated there are protected against changes in the document.
Document changes do not affect updating in the special purpose ledger.

1. Check the default settings.
2. Change the specifications if necessary.

Maintain Fast Entry Screens for G/L Account Items

In this activity you define screen templates for the fast entry of G/L account items when posting documents. You can generate screen templates with the fields
account, amount and company code, for example.

1. Check to what extent you can use the standard settings. If necessary, change or enhance the definitions.
2. If you want to assign a screen template to a user, enter the value as a parameter in the user master record.

Default Values for Document Processing

In the following activities, you make specifications for default values relevant when posting and processing business transactions.

Default Values
In this activity, you define default values for document types and posting keys which otherwise must be entered by the user when processing business
transactions. Your specifications depend on the function code.

When posting outgoing invoices, you use the document type "DR" and posting key "01". You can store these specifications in the system. They are proposed by
the system when you call up the corresponding transaction.

Define the required default values.

Enable Fiscal Year Default

In this activity, you determine that a fiscal year is proposed during document display and for document change functions. The system uses the year which was
last used by the user in the work session. the work session.

This option is only useful for company codes working with year-dependent document number ranges.

Select this option for the company codes using a year-dependent document number range.

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Default Value Date

When entering line items, you may need to enter a value date. In this activity you can determine, per company code, whether the CPU date is defaulted as the
value date.

Specify the company codes for which you want the CPU date to be defaulted.

Change Message Control for Document Processing

In this activity you can set system messages to appear as you require them.
You can
determine whether a message is issued as a note in the dialog box or in the footer
change warnings into error messages
switch off warnings and error messages
Different specifications are possible for the online mode and for the batch input sessions processed in the background.
You can make the corresponding specifications for a client or, if required, also for the individual user.

1. Select the application area.
2. Select Edit -> New entries.
3. Enter the following data:
Message number
By selecting the F4 key on the MsgNo field you can find out which messages are available.
User name
If you enter a name here then the specifications only apply to this particular user. If you enter "blank", then the settings apply to all users within the client.
Message type
You can find out the permitted message type by selecting F4 on the Online or BatchI fields.
Save your entries. The accompanying message text is inserted automatically.

Recurring Entries
In the following you make the settings for reference documents (account assignment models and recurring documents).

Account Assignment Models: Define Entry Screen Templates

In this activity you define your own screen temnplates for line-by-line document entry via acccount assignment model, similar to the fast entry of G/L account
To do this, you select the fields you require for your screen template by double-clicking on them from a list of available fields.

1. Check to what extent you can use the standard settings. If necessary, change or enhannce these definitions.
2. If you want to assign a screen template to a user, enter the value as a parameter in their user master record.

Define Run Schedules

Postings which recur time and time again can be made using the recurring entry program. To do this, you enter a recurring entry document, and then execute the
recurring entry program at certain intervals or schedule it for execution.
You can specify when an accounting document is created from a recurring entry document as follows (choose from the alternatives below):
You enter the interval in the recurring entry document by specifying a date for the first run and a date for the last run. You also enter the run intervals in
months. By specifying a calendar day, you can determine the day on which the program is executed. This is useful if the postings are to be made at
monthly intervals (calendar months).
You can define a run schedule in the system, and specify in the recurring entry document which schedule the system uses for the document. This
procedure is useful if the postings cannot be made at monthly intervals. Postings that are to be carried out in 13 periods or every other week, for example,
can only be made by scheduling the run.
In this activity, you define the run schedules by specifying a key and a description. In a second activity, you enter the required dates for each schedule.

Define the run schedules.

Enter Run Dates

In this activity, you specify the required run dates for the run schedules.

Specify the run dates.

Changes Display
In the following activities make specifications which affect the display of change documents. To do this, you first have to define field groups. These groups have
the function of selecting certain fields in the program which displays change documents. Finally, you combine the fields to be evaluated into field groups.

Define Field Groups for Documents

In this activity, you define the field groups for the program for the change display of documents.
For this you define the following information:

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Document type
By pressing F4, you receive a selection of the available document types.
Key (one-digit to two-digit, numeric) for the field group
Name for the field group

Define your field groups.

Further Notes
For more information on the cross-documents display of changes for the documents, refer to the program documentation (program RFBABL00).

Group Document Fields

After you defined the field groups here, you allocate the required document fields to the field groups. You specify the complete field name from the ABAP/4
Dictionary and a field description for each field.

You group together, for example, the document fields BKPF-BKTXT (document header text) and BKPF-BLDAT (document date) under the field group 1.

1. Allocate the fields to the groups.
2. Then enter the corresponding field groups into the program RFBABL00.

Accounting Document Archiving

You can delete and archive documents from the system which you no longer require in the online system. In the following activities, you specify the minimum
number of days that an accounting document and the respective secondary indexes must be in the system before they can be archived. You can make this
specification dependent on document type and account type.

To be able to delete and archive the account master data from the system, you must set the deletion indicator in the master record. Otherwise it is not necessary
to make a Customizing setting for this.

Archiving, Account Type Life

In this activity you specify a minimum life for accounts in days. When archiving documents, the system checks whether this minimum life is adhered to.
You can also define index lives. The system contains the following indexes for Financial Accounting: secondary indexes and archiving indexes.
Information on the document is held in parallel to the actual document data in the secondary indexes of G/L accounts, customer accounts, and vendor accounts.
By means of the secondary index life, you can now determine how many days a secondary index for a document is to remain in the system related to the clearing
date and archiving key date. This means that the secondary indexes are no longer deleted immediately after archiving but not until after the period which you have
You can start the deletion program automatically after the archiving run or else separately as a post-processing program or index reduction program.
The archiving indexes are reduced in the same way as the secondary indexes but contain much less information. You can find the essential information for an
account-oriented direct access to the document in the archive.

The archiving key date is 04/01/1996 and the secondary index life is 60 days. The posting date is 03/15/1996 for document A and 01/15/1997 for document B.
The secondary index for document A is not deleted at the time of archiving while it is deleted for B.

To define the account life, you specify account number intervals. In this case, these are G/L accounts. For the account types D (customer) and K (vendor), you
must therefore enter the numbers of the reconciliation accounts.
The system always uses the most exact entry for an account. This means that entries with an "*" are not exact and specialization decreases with the length of the
respective G/L account interval.
A special role takes into consideraton the situation where, for one account, an entry exists with company code "*" and a particular account type (such as D for
customer account) as well as an entry with account type "*" and a particular company code (such as 0001). Since it is not possible to say which of the two
options is more exact in this situation, the system takes the entry with the maximum number of days. Before this, the system searches for the shortest relevant
G/L account interval in both company code/account type combinations.
The index lives must always be after or the same as the account life.

Determine the account lives and the index lives which you require.

Archiving, Document Type Life

In this activity you specify a minimum life in days depending on the document type. When archiving documents, the system checks whether this minimum life is
adhered to.
You can also determine the archiving index life for document types. The archiving indexes represent the link between the Financial Accounting data and the
archives. As long as the system knows these document-oriented archiving indexes it is possible, for example, to display documents from the archive. This
function also applies to displaying line items from the document archive.
The system always uses the most exact entry for a document type. The system sees entries with an "*" as not being exact or specific.
A special role takes into consideraton the situation where, for one document type, an entry exists with company code "*" and a particular document type (such as
SA) as well as an entry with document type "*" and a particular company code (such as 0001). In this case the system takes the entry with the maximum
number of days.

Determine the minimum life per document type.

If you use the subsequent settlement function, the residence time specified there works as logically "and-linked" with the residence time of the document type

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maintained here.

Develop Enhancements for Archiving

The following SAP enhancements are availabble for the "Archiving" area:
FARC0001 for FI Archiving programs

1. Create your enhancement. To do this, either create a new project or use an existing one.
Modify the source code for a transaction delivered by SAP by adding the elements you need. SAP provides you with the necessary function modules with short
text, interface, and documentation to be able to do this. A sample source code created by SAP may exist for user exits which can be copied (and changed) if
2. Activate the project.
This allows the ABAP source code to run. Enhancements will not have any effect beforehand.

Further Notes
In contrast to modifications, enhancements can generally be transferred between Releases since they are carried out within a name range reserved for the
customer rather than in the SAP original.
For more information about creating enhancements, see the SAP Library BC - Changing the SAP Standard.
Every enhancement is documented. To call up the documentation, choose Utilities -> Display req.docu from the project management screen for SAP

Document Parking
In the following activities, you make the settings for posting documents (preliminary posting).
With preliminary posting you can enter and store (park) incomplete documents in the SAP system without extensive entry checks. Parked documents can be
added to, checked and posted at a later date and possibly also by another user.
The following settings essentially refer to the release of parked documents. You determine whether documents have to be released and from whom the documents
are to be released. The document release uses the SAP Business Workflow component.
You can find more information on Workflow in the documentation under cross-application functions in the SAP Business Workflow document. You can find more
information on posting documents in the R/3 Library under Financial Accounting in the Accounts Payable document.

Change Posting Date for Parking Documents

In this activity you determine for each company code how the posting date is set when posting parked documents.
You can have the system either keep the posting date as it is or change it to the system date.

1. Enter the desired procedure for setting the posting date.

Define Entry Screens for Parking Documents

In the following activity, you define fast entry screen templates for parked documents.
You can define several entry screens from a list of possible fields for this.

1. Check to what extent you can use the standard templates. Define your own screen templates if necessary.

Create Workflow Variant for Parking Documents

Create a workflow variant. You allocate a workflow template for the account assignment approval to this variant. You also specify whether the document release is
active and from which amount this is necessary. You can read about how to copy workflow templates within the workflow settings for posting documents and

Define your workflow variant.

Further Notes
You can find out which workflow templates are delivered with the standard system by reading the documentation under Financial Accounting in the Accounts
Payable document. You can find more information on workflow under cross-application functions in the SAP Business Workflow document.

Assign Co.Code to a Workflow Variant for Parking Documents

Company codes can be assigned to the workflow variants. If a company code is not assigned to a workflow variant, then a document release is not carried out.
The currency of the workflow variant and of the corresponding company codes must be the same.

Assign workflow variants to the company codes for which you want to release parked documents.

Define Release Approval Groups for Parking Documents

In this activity, you define release approval groups. You then enter these in the master records of your customers and vendors.
You require release aproval groups in the later activities Assign release approval paths and Assign release approval procedures . On the basis of the release
approval path and a certain amount, the system determines which subworkflow is triggered by the payment release and who is to release the payment. If a
release approval group is not defined, the system subsequently accesses the data with the initial release approval group.

1. Define your release approval groups.
2. Then enter the groups in the customer or vendor master record.

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Define Release Approval Paths for Parking Documents

In this activity you define your release approval paths. You need these for the steps "Allocating release approval paths" and "Allocating release approval
procedures" .

Define your release approval paths.

Assign Release Approval Paths for Parking Documents

In this activity you assign a release approval path to a combination of workflow variants, document types and release approval groups. You need to make this
assignment before you can carry out the activity "Assign release approval procedures".

Prior to this activity you must have defined release approval groups and release approval paths. For information on this, refer to Define release approval groups
and Define release approval paths.

Make the necessary assignments.

Assign Release Approval Procedure for Parking Documents

Per workflow variant and release approval path, you determine as from which amount which release approval procedure is triggered and carried out. These
procedures are referred to as "subworkflows" in workflow terms.

Standard Settings
The standard system comes with subworkflows predefined as workflow templates for use as a reference for your own subworkflows. The first of these contains a
single-level release, the second, a two-level release and the third, a three-level release. The single-level requires just one person to release the document. The
two-level version supports dual control, whilst the three-level procedure allows for triple control of payment releases. Each subworkflow is triggered the first time
parked documents are entered.

Assign the release approval procedure (subworkflow) that you require.

Define Users with Release Authorization for Parking Docs

In this activity, you allocate the persons with release authorization to the amount release in the form of an organizational object (position, organization unit, job). If a
release is to be carried out, this organizational object is allocated to the release approval activity whereby document data (for example, vendor and therefore
release approval group) is considered.
To allocate an organizational object to an entry (workflow variant, release approval path, release approval level, amount), select an entry and choose Goto ->
Detail (OrgObject). The organizational objects defined for the amount release within Financial Accounting customizing are automatically allocated to the amount
release standard task in the background.

Define the persons with release authorization by means of organizational objects.

Reset Release Approval (Customers)

If changes are made within certain fields of the "Customer" account type, the document release is cancelled and restarted. In this activity, you include the fields to
be checked in case of changes to the document. If you included, for example, the amount field here and the amount is then changed in the customer item, the
document release is cancelled and must be restarted.

Include the fields for which the release is to be cancelled if they are changed. All fields that can be entered in the document are displayed for entry.

Reset Release Approval (Vendors)

If changes are made within certain fields of the "Vendor" account type, the document release is cancelled and restarted. In this activity, you include the fields to be
checked in case of changes to the document. If you included, for example, the amount field here and the amount is then changed in the vendor item, the document
release is cancelled and must be restarted.

Include the fields for which the release is to be cancelled if they are changed. All fields that can be entered in the document are displayed for entry.

Reset Release Approval (G/L Accounts)

If changes are made within certain fields of the "G/L account" account type, the document release is cancelled and restarted. In this activity, you include the fields
to be checked in case of changes to the document. If you included, for example, the amount field here and the amount is then changed in the G/L account item,
the release is cancelled and the document release must be restarted.

Include the fields for which the release is to be cancelled if they are changed. All fields that can be entered in the document are displayed for entry.

Reset Release Approval (Asset Accounts)

If changes are made within certain fields of the "Fixed asset" account type, the document release is cancelled and restarted. In this activity, you include the fields
to be checked in case of changes to the document. If you included, for example, the amount field here and the amount is then changed in the fixed asset item, the
release is cancelled and the document release must be restarted.

Include the fields for which the release is to be cancelled if they are changed. All fields that can be entered in the document are displayed for entry.

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Develop Enhancements for Parking Documents

The following SAP enhancements are available for the "Document release
workflow" area:
SAPLF040 for the "Document release" workflow

1. Create your enhancement. To do this, either create a new project or use an existing one.
Modify the source code for a transaction delivered by SAP by adding the elements you need. SAP provides you with the necessary function modules with short
text, interface, and documentation to be able to do this. A sample source code created by SAP may exist for user exits which can be copied (and changed) if
2. Activate the project.
This allows the ABAP source code to run. Enhancements will not have any effect beforehand.

Further Notes
In contrast to modifications, enhancements can generally be transferred between Releases since they are carried out within a name range reserved for the
customer rather than in the SAP original.
For more information about creating enhancements, see the SAP Library BC - Changing the SAP Standard.
Every enhancement is documented. To call up the documentation, choose Utilities -> Display req.docu from the project management screen for SAP

Tax on Sales/Purchases
The taxes on sales/purchases include input tax , output tax, acquisition tax and additional taxes.
In addition to tax codes, percentage rates and tax accounts, you have to specify whether the cash discount amount reduces the tax base amount, depending on
the company code. This reduction is, for example, possible in Belgium but not in Germany.
The following sections describe the specifications you must make for calculating taxes on sales/purchases.

Basic Settings
In the following activities, you make the global settings for the taxes on sales/purchases.

Check Calculation Procedure

In this activity, you can check and, if necessary, change existing procedures for tax calculation.

Standard settings
procedures containing the necessary specifications for the calculation and posting of taxes on sales/purchases have already been defined in the standard SAP
system for certain countries. Every calculation procedure groups several tax types together into a condition type (for example, output tax or input tax) in the
calculation procedure, and determines calculation rules for it.
The calculation procedure determines for which amount the individual condition types are to be calculated. This can be the base amount (total of the expense
items and the revenue items) or a subtotal. The entry in column FrmLvl , determines for which amount tax is calculated.

In this activity, the condition types for the check and the possible change provided in the standard system are also displayed. Here, for example, the condition
calculation rule, or for which base amount the tax is calculated is determined (= condition type).

If possible, do not change the condition types and calculation procedures provided in the standard system. Only check the standard condition types and
calculation procedures regarding whether you can use them for your requirements. If necessary, make changes.

If you cannot use the standard settings, change the condition types and calculation procedures delivered to meet your requirements.

Assign Country to Calculation Procedure

In this activity, you enter the key for the calculation procedure which determines the conditions which are allowed per document and which defines the sequence of
the conditions in the document for each country.

Each calculation procedure which you enter must contain the necessary specifications for calculating and posting the taxes on sales/purchases. For more
information on this, read the chapter "Create calculation procedure".

1. Assign a procedure for tax calculation to every country with which your company has business dealings.
2. Make sure that the corresponding data for calculating taxes is stored for each calculation procedure which you enter here.

Check and Change Settings for Tax Processing

In this activity you make the necessary specifications for posting taxes. In doing this you specify under a process key the following indicators:
Tax type
Output tax, input tax, additional taxes, or "not tax-relevant" can be specified as the tax type.
Nondeductibility of tax amounts
For this, tax amounts are marked as not deductible.
Posting indicator
Here you specify whether the tax amount is posted separately or distributed to expense or revenue items.
Tax not relevant to cash discount (Not discount relevant)
This indicator is set only for Canada. If you select it, the system does not take into account the corresponding tax amount when determining the tax base.

Standard settings

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Process keys with the most important characteristics for tax amounts have already been set in the standard SAP system.

Do not change the standard settings. Check whether you can use these process keys for your company, making changes only if necessary.

If you cannot use the standard settings, use new process keys and enter them in your calculation procedure. Do not change the standard SAP process keys.

You must make enhancements to the standard settings if you want to specify a new account key in the "Create calculation procedure" activity. You must create
and maintain this key beforehand in the "Settings for tax processing" activity.

Specify Structure for Tax Jurisdiction Code

In this activity, you determine the structure of the tax jurisdiction code. This code is used for calculating taxes which are defined below the federal level (for
example, US taxes, Canadian taxes). The tax jurisdiction code can be subdivided into a maximum of four levels (for example, state/county/city/district). This way
the tax rate is defined per level and the tax value is calculated individually per level.
If an entry exists for a calculation procedure, then tax processing for this calculation procedure is switched over automatically to the tax jurisdiction code method.
In this activity you can also set whether taxes should be calculated at the line item or the "tax code/tax jurisdiction code" level.

1. Enter the name of a calculation procedure for which you need a tax jurisdiction code.
You can call up the names of all the available procedures via the possible entries key. A calculation procedure is defined for every country in the SAP standard
2. Define the structure and the length of the structure elements of the tax jurisdiction codes in the fields defined for this purpose.
3. If taxes are to be calculated at line item level, select the line-by-line taxes indicator.

Define Tax Jurisdictions

In this activity, you specify the tax jurisdiction code per tax calculation procedure.
The tax jurisdiction code consists of up to four parts depending on the tax jurisdiction code structure for the relevant calculation procedure: the state code, the
county code, the city code, and a local code component. The system uses these component parts to determine the tax rate for each tax authority.

You must have already determined the allowed length of the tax jurisdiction code. See the activity

Specify Structure for Tax Jurisdiction Code for more

1. Enter the name of the calculation procedure which requires a tax jurisdiction code. Press the F4 key to display a list of all the procedures defined in the
standard system.
2. Enter the tax jurisdiction code for state, county, city and local code component.
3. Set the indicators for determining the tax base and cash discount base for the country code.

Additional information
If tax is calculated using an external tax system, then an entry is only to be included at the upper level to determine the tax base or cash discount base at the
"State" level.
If such an entry does not exist for a state, the company code setting for the tax base/cash discount base is used.

Change Message Control for Taxes

In this activity you can set system messages to appear as you require them.
You can
determine whether a message is issued as a note in the dialog box or in the footer
change warnings into error messages
switch off warnings and error messages
Different specifications are possible for the online mode and for the batch input sessions processed in the background.
You can make the corresponding specifications for a client or, if required, also for the individual user.
The relevant work areas for tax on sales/purchases are "FS" and "FF".

1. Select the application area.
2. Select Edit -> New entries.
3. Enter the following data:
Message number
By selecting the F4 key on the MsgNo field you can find out which messages are available.
User name
If you enter a name here then the specifications only apply to this particular user. If you enter "blank", then the settings apply to all users within the client.
Message type
You can find out the permitted message type by selecting F4 on the Online or BatchI fields.
Save your entries. The accompanying message text is inserted automatically.

Change Field Control for Tax Base Amount

In this activity you change the field control for the tax base amount.
When you enter a document, you can set the field control for the tax amount so that it is possible to change manually the tax base amount that is automatically
determined by the system.

Check whether you really need to implement this function in your organization.

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Note that the changed tax base amount is also changed automatically in the document; the original base amount cannot be reconstructed.

Further Notes
Valid in Italy, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, and Argentina.

Switch Off Tax Translation between Local and Document Currency

In this activity you can switch off the automatic translation of manually entered tax from local to document currency, and vice versa.

In the Czech Republic, it is a legal requirement that all tax amounts to be reported are rounded off.
A document is entered in a foreign currency and translated into the local currency (Czech Koruna). If you were then to round off the tax amount in local currency,
the document currency amount would also be adjusted accordingly automatically.
To avoid this scenario, you can switch off the automatic converison here.

Further Notes
Valid for the Czech Republic and Slovakia.

External Tax Calculation

In addition to the internal SAP tax calculation procedures, you have the option to calculate taxes in an external system (via the SALESTAX interface).
The interface includes the following functions
Determining the tax jurisdiction code in the master record elements:
Cost center
Each element's address data determines its tax jurisdiction code. This function is also carried out for "Ship to" partner address changes and/or one-time account
customers in SD orders.
Calculating taxes for the following transactions:
document entry in Financial Accounting (G/L accounting, Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable)
Orders and invoicing in sales & distribution
Ordering annd invoice verification in materials management
Updating the external system

Define Number Ranges for External Tax Returns

In this step you define number ranges for external tax documents.

Standard Settings
The number range interval "01" should be defined here.

It is recommended to take a wide range, for example, an interval between '000000000001' and '999999999999'.

Define number range interval "01".

Define Physical Destination

In this activity, you define the physical destination for external tax software.

The external tax system must already be installed, configured and ready to run. You must also know the server program path (supplied by the supplier of the
external tax system) on the target computer. As a user of the SAP work process, you will require write authorization for the external tax system files.

Use "TAXWARE" or "VERTEX" as the physical destination for Taxware or Vertex external tax systems.

1. Select the "TCP/IP connections" node.
2. Select Edit -> Create and specify the connection name under "RFC destination".
3. Enter "T" for the connection type.
4. Next, enter the program name and the path for the server program on the target computer.
5. Finally, carry out a test of the connection.

Notes on transporting
No transport is necessary for this activity.

Define Logical Destination

In this activity you define a logical destination for the external tax system.
You define the logical destination for the American external tax systems, Taxware and Vertex, in the activity Activate External Tax Calculation.

You must maintain the physical destination for the external tax system.

Standard Settings
The standard SAP software already includes the required entries for Brazil.

If you cannot use the standard settings, change the standard specifications for the logical destination.

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Activate External Tax Calculation

In this activity, you activate the access to the external tax system depending on the tax calculation procedure.

1. Enter the following IDs for the external systems:
"A" for Taxware
"V" for Vertex
2. Enter "TAXDOC00" under Tax Interface Version.
3. Enter the RFC destination that you defined in the activity Define Physical Destination.

Activate External Updating

In this activity, you activate the updating facility for the external tax system.

The data is sent to the external system when the relevant items are posted to Financial Accounting.
You can use program RFYTXDISPLAY to display the current data.

Set the indicator for activation, if necessary.

Develop Enhancements for External Tax Calculation

The following SAP ehancements are available for external tax calculation:
FYTX0002 Function Module Exit for Tax Interface for External Systems

1. Create your enhancement. To do this, either create a new project or use an existing one.
Modify the source code for a transaction delivered by SAP by adding the elements you need. SAP provides you with the necessary function modules with short
text, interface, and documentation to be able to do this. A sample source code created by SAP may exist for user exits which can be copied (and changed) if
2. Activate the project.
This allows the ABAP source code to run. Enhancements will not have any effect beforehand.

Further Notes
In contrast to modifications, enhancements can generally be transferred between Releases since they are carried out within a name range reserved for the
customer rather than in the SAP original.
For more information about creating enhancements, see the SAP Library BC - Changing the SAP Standard.
Every enhancement is documented. To call up the documentation, choose Utilities -> Display req.docu from the project management screen for SAP

Fiscal Regional Codes

In some countries, a regional code or a fiscal regional code is contained in the tax number. In other countries (such as Spain), the fiscal regional code is used for
processing withholding tax.
You store the regional code, per country and region, for these countries in the following activities. Your entry is used to check the tax number.
You can enter the code in two ways:
If several regional codes are needed for each region, enter them in the activity Define fiscal regional codes for Italy/Spain.
If only one regional code is needed for each region, enter this code in the activity Define fiscal regional codes for several countries.

Define Fiscal Regional Codes for Italy/Spain

In this step, you define the fiscal regional codes if several fiscal regional codes are used in one region. This is the case in Italy, for example.

You have defined the


Define the fiscal regional codes for the required countries and regions.

Define Fiscal Regional Codes for Other Countries

In this step, you define the fiscal regional codes if only one fiscal regional code is used in a region.

You have already defined the

regions .

Define the fiscal regional codes for the required countries and regions.

Plants Abroad
In the following activities you can activate the Plants abroad function and make the subsequent changes to the tax settings.

Activate Plants Abroad

This function lets you do your tax returns for plants in foreign countries without having to create a separate company code for these plants.


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If you activate this function, you will have to make various tax settings again and may have to make a number of changes to the old settings.

Plants abroad cannot be actual plant locations in foreign countries.

1. Activate the Plants abroad function by selecting Plants abroad active .
Some new fields become activated once you set this function. You enter them in the following activities:
1. In the

Define Countries activity in the Global Settings IMG, you have to enter:

Country currency for the tax return

Exchange rate type (usually "M")
Indicators for the tax base and cash discount base
2. In the
Define Tax Codes for Sales and Purchases activity, you have to enter the Reporting country for the tax codes by choosing Properties.
3. You make the remaining settings in the Define VAT Registration Numbers for Plants Abroad activity.

For more information, see the "FI General Topics" documentation in the SAP Library.

Enter VAT Registration Number for Plants Abroad

In this activity you maintain the additional data for countries that are not the company code country after activating the Plants abroad function:
VAT registration number
Company name and address
Registration entries
For Austria: Tax office number, tax number, and data processing register number.

Settings for Tax on Sales/Purchases in Brazil

In the following activities, you make the settings for taxes on sales/purchases in Brazil.

Tax Situations for IPI

In this step, you can define tax situations for the IPI tax laws.

Tax Laws for IPI

In this step, you can create tax laws for the IPI processing. Each tax law consists of a tax situation code, a description and a four line text which is printed on the
Nota Fiscal.

Tax Laws for ICMS

In this step, you can create tax laws for the ICMS processing. Each tax law consists of a tax situation code, a description and a four line text which is printed on
the Nota Fiscal.

Tax Regions
In this step, you can maintain tax regions/jurisdiction codes. For each tax region, the assignment to a geographical region can be done. This assignment is used
for the automatic determination of tax regions in the master file maintenance of brazilian customers, vendors, or plants.
A geographical region can be assigned to more than one tax region. If so, the master file maintenance offers a list of possible tax regions and the user has to
select the appropriate tax region manually.
For the processing of foreign customers/vendors the tax region is not stored in the respective master data. To allow different tax regions for customers/vendors from
different countries the tax region is assigned dynamically. The maintenance of this assignment is done using the customizing function
Tax regions for foreign customers/vendors
Note: For the use with foreign customers/vendors it is recommended to define tax regions without assignment of a geographical region.

Tax Regions for Foreign Customers/Vendors

In this step, you can maintain the assignment between countries which are NOT Brazil and the tax region which is used as ship-from (vendor) or ship-to
(customer) in the tax rate determination.
The tax region assigned here is not stored in the master files. It is dynamically determined during the tax calculation.
It is possible to assign the same tax region code to several countries. In such a case the same ICMS rates are used for all these countries.
Note: For the use with foreign customers/vendors it is recommended to define tax regions without assignment of a geographical region.
The definition of tax regions is done using the customizing function
Tax regions

Customer Groups for Substituio Tributria Calculation

You group customers according to what rules that they use for calculating the substituio tributria. You maintain customer groups in the customer master

Settings for Tax on Sales/Purchases in Argentina

In the following activities, you make the settings for taxes on sales/purchases in Argentina.

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Tax Categories
Maintain Tax Categories
Tax categories are defined to reflect different tax types and situations.
Tax categories are used in FI and MM to help the user in selecting the correc tax code when entering documents. Whenever possible the F4 help (possible
values) will display only the tax codes that are in accordance with the relevant tax category information of the business partner and the company code. You have
to assign a condition type to each tax category if you want to use this extended help during the online posting transaction.
In SD tax categories can be used in pricing to calculate taxes. You have to assign a condition type to each tax category to enable this functionality.

Maintain Company Code Tax Categories for Accounts Receivable

Here, you maintain the tax category data for accounts receivable.

Please maintain the data for all relevant company codes.

Maintain Company Code Tax Categories for Accounts Payable

Here, you maintain the tax category data for accounts payable.

Please maintain the data for all relevant company codes.

Maintain Minimum Amounts per Processing Key

You can define tax minimum amounts per tax processing keys. This minimum amounts are used during the online posting transaction to check if the correct tax
code has been selected by the user.

Standard Settings
An example is delivered for Argentina: VAT perception minimum

Maintain Tax Classification

This customizing point allows you to define tax relevant classificationsThese classifications can be used in the tax determination via the condition technique.

The tax relevant classifications can be used for Gross Income Tax perceptions determination.

Please define tax relevant classifications as needed.

Settings for Tax on Sales/Purchases in South Korea

In the following activities, you make the settings for tax on sales/purchases in South Korea.

Define Business Place

In this activity, you define the business places that are covered by your enterprise.

If you want to specify a tax office , it must already be defined.

Enter the required information, for example, type of industry or tax codes.

Assign Business Place

In this activity, you can assign a business place to a plant. The business place is recorded for each posting.

The plants must already be assigned to a company code.

For every plant that needs one, enter a business place.

Settings for Tax on Sales/Purchases in Italy

In the following activities, you make the settings for tax on sales/purchases in Italy.

Maintain Settings for Retail Value-Added Tax

In order for the system to be able to calculate retail value-added tax (VAT) (ventilazione), you have to group the input tax codes. The totals of these groups are
used to calculate the retail VAT. Assign the tax codes used for calculating the percentages to the retail VAT code.

1 Calculation
In the following activities you make the settings for calculating the taxes on sales/purchases.

Define Tax Codes for Sales and Purchases

You have to define a separate tax on sales/purchases code for each country in which one of your company codes is located.

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Each code contains one or more tax rates for the different tax types.
If you have to report tax-exempt or non-taxable sales to the tax authorities, you need to define a tax rate with the value 0.

Do not delete or change any taxes on sales/purchases codes and their definitions as long as items with these codes exist in the system.
Otherwise, the R/3 System displays the tax amounts with incorrect tax rates in the corresponding reports and determines incorrect amounts during a tax
adjustment for payment transactions.

Standard settings
SAP supplies a tax calculation procedure for each country. The procedure comprises a list of all common tax types with rules for tax calculation. In addition,
example tax codes are defined for some countries.

1. Check the standard tax codes for your country. Add further tax codes, if necessary.
2. Ensure that tax accounts are defined for the automatic posting of taxes.

Notes on transporting tax codes

When tax codes are transported, only the tax rates of the tax codes are transported.
The transport of tax codes between systems or clients is carried out in two steps:
1. step:
Export of tax codes from the source system or source client
2. step:
Import of tax codes into the target system or target client

1. In Customizing for Financial Accounting Global Settings in the source system or client, select Tax on Sales/Purchases -> Calculation -> 1.1 Define Tax
Codes for Sales and Purchases .
1. Select Tax code -> Transport -> Export.
2. Assign the export to the corresponding transport order, and note the order number.
3. Select and save the tax codes to be transported.
4. Make sure that the tax codes selected are marked with the transport number in table T007V.
To check the table, from the R/3 initial screen, select Tools -> ABAP Workbench -> Overview -> Data Browser .
Enter the table name. The tax codes are in field MWSKZ and the tax jurisdiction codes are in fields TXJCD.
5. Carry out the transport into the target system.
To do this, from the R/3 initial screen, select Tools -> ABAP Workbench -> Overview -> Workbench Organizer -> Environment -> Customizing

1. Make sure that the tax codes to be transported are selected in table T007V in the target system or target client.
2. In Customizing for Financial Accounting Global Setting in the source system or client, select Tax on Sales/Purchases -> Calculation -> Define Tax Codes
for Sales and Purchases .
1. Create the tax codes that do not already exist in the target system.
Create them complete, but without tax percentage rates.
If you set internal systems in company codes in the USA or Canada, the corresponding tax jurisdiction codes should also exist. You can make the settings for
these in Customizing for Financial Accounting Global Settings under Tax on Sales/Purchases -> Basic Settings -> Define Tax Jurisdiction Codes.
2. Select Tax code -> Transport -> Import.
3. Check the proposed values for the transport order and country.
4. Carry out the import.

Assign Company Code to Document Date for Tax Determination

In this activity you specify per company code the following data necessary for processing taxes with jurisdiction codes: whether the baseline date for determining
the tax percentages should be the posting date (default date) or the document date.
The system usually takes the posting date for this purpose. However, if you want the system to determine tax percentages on the basis of the document date, you
must configure the system accordingly at this point.

Standard Settings
This specification is country-dependent in the standard company code.

Determine for each company code whether the tax percentage should be calculated based on the document date.

Specify Base Amount

In this activity you determine whether cash discounts are deducted from the base amount used for calculating tax on sales/purchases for each company code.

Standard settings
The setting made for the standard company code depended on the respective country.

The rules for determining the base amount to calculate taxes on sales/purchases depend on the respective national laws. Base amount determination is controlled
by using either the company code table or the jurisdiction code table. Taxes in the US, for example, are calculated using jurisdiction codes.

If the cash discount amount should not be included in the base amount for tax calculation, select the TaxBaseNet indicator (tax basis is net value).

Change Foreign Currency Translation

The system usually translates tax amounts using the exchange rate resulting from the tax base amounts. For more information, see Specify base amount in the
"Financial Accounting Global Settings" Implementation Guide. If you want to enter or have the system default an alternative exchange rate for currency translation
during document entry, you can select this option here.
In this activity you determine per company code whether a separate exchange rate can be entered for the translation of tax amounts when postings are made in
foreign currency.

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You can select the following settings:

Enter tax rate manually
Exchange rate determined using posting date
Exchange rate determined using document date
If you do not make any kind of setting here, the system translates the tax amounts using the exchange rate that results from the document and local currency base
amounts belonging to the tax code.

Make the preparations per company code so that you can enter a separate exchange rate for the tax translation.

Further Notes
If the exchange rate specified for the tax translation is different from the one in the document header, a difference might occur in local currency. You must therefore
define an account for the exchange rate difference posting. For more information, see "Define account for exchange rate difference posting".

Settings for Tax Calculation in Brazil

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