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Lab #1

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Laboratory Report

ECET-329 Lab #1
Title: DC Circuit Analysis

Author: Ryan Shea

Laboratory Partners: Brian Reva and Chris Ryan
Date(s) Performed: 9/15/14,9/22/14
Date Submitted: 10/4/14

Numbers in brackets, e.g. [1], represent point values for each step
Attach a copy of this title page to wiring diagrams, sketches or plots submitted in paper form as part of your report


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DC Circuit Analysis
& Thevenins Equivalent Circuit
In this experiment, you will become familiar with:
1. The standard method of indicating ohmic values and tolerances of resistor elements
using the color code.

Calculating and measuring the value of circuit elements, voltage drops,

currents and tolerance ranges in: series circuits, parallel circuits, and multiple loop
DC circuits, with and without multiple supply sources.

3. Thevenins equivalent circuit by determining its principal values by different methods.

Instruments and Materials:


On Bench: Hewlett-Packard (Agilent) E3631A Power Supply or similar (Bench#:P3)

From Stockroom: 2 pairs of Banana-Plug-to-Clip cables,
2 pairs of Banana-Plug-to-Banana-Plug cables, VOM (ID# M-16 )
From Instructor: ProtoBoard, jumper wires, resistors: 1k, 1.5k, 2.2k, 3.3k, 4.7k, 10k, 15k
(If you have additional resistors in your kit, or more than one of each of the above resistors,
select just one of each of the above to use in this experiment and set the rest aside)
Instructor will also provide AC Power Supply (transformer) for Lab Section 8

Note your bench #, VOM ID, and kit # in the blanks above. This helps experiment repeatability.
Begin by testing the VOM to ensure that its internal fuse is not blown. To test, set the meter to
read resistance, as described in Appendix 2. Touch the leads together and the meter needle
should swing to the right. If it does not, the meter fuse may be blown. Report that immediately
to the instructor to obtain a new meter.
Blowing the fuse occurs most commonly when the meter is overloaded by incorrectly measuring
current. Review Appendices 2, 3 and especially 4, and the class slides, for correct procedures.
From the assortment of resistors provided, identify the seven resistors listed in the table below
using the chart in Appendix 1, and put them to one side for use in this lab. For each resistor, note
in the table below:
a) Nominal value in ohms or kilohms (given in table)
b) Color code for value, which you determined (e.g., Brown-Black-Red for 1k)
c) Nominal Tolerance based on your resistors Color Band (e.g., Gold = 5%)
d) Actual (measured) value (e.g., 990)
e) Actual Tolerance, calculated as |(a) (d)| / (a) (e.g., |1000 990| / 1000 = 0.01 = 1%)


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1 k



Actual Value
400 ohms


1.5 k



1.6k ohms


2.2 k
3.3 k
4.7 k



2.2k ohms
3.5k ohms
4.5k ohms


10 k
15 k



10k ohms
16 ohms


1. Series Network
1.0) PreLab:
Draw a Protoboard wiring
diagram for Figure 1. Include a
jumper between points c and d.

1.1) PreLab:
For the circuit shown in Figure 1,
calculate the value of total current
IT , and calculate Vab , Vbc , Vcd,
and Vcg1. Put them in the Calculated column of Table 1a, below:
Table 1a



% Difference


1.27 V
2.79 V
0 V
5.97 V

1.3 mA
1.2 V
2.9 V
5.9 V



Calculate % Difference as:

| Calculated Measured |
(* 100 to get percentage)

For this section of the lab, indicate below who is primarily responsible:
i. Circuit Wiring2 performed by __Brian_____________

ii. Wiring checked by _Ryan and

Note: Vab is the voltage between point a and point b. Since it represents the voltage drop
across 1k resistor R1, it may also be written as VR1 or V1k . When points are labeled as they
are in Figure 1, terminology Vab is preferred. VR1 is next best, because V1k may not be unique
if there is more than one 1k resistor in the circuit.

I advise against all team members working together on the wiring because that leaves no fresh
set of eyes for circuit checking; if you do this, ask a member of another team to check your work
and put their name in (ii).


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iii. Measurements taken by _____Ryan___________


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iv. Data recorded by

v. Chosen protoboard wiring diagram was provided by this team member

1.2) In the Lab: Connect the circuit shown in Fig. 1. Measure the values of total current IT ,
Vab , Vbc , Vcg . Record them in the Measured column of Table 1a, above. See Appendix 3
for a refresher on measuring voltage using the VOM. Remember that when measuring current,
the circuit must be opened and the meter placed IN SERIES, as described in Appendix 4. If you
try to measure IT by placing the meter in parallel instead of in series, you will blow the meters
fuse and lose 10 lab points.
1.3) PostLab: Determine the % Difference between the Calculated and Measured values of
Table 1a using the formula given next to the Table. Record your results in the last column of
Table 1a, and explain likely reasons for any significant3 differences here:

1.4) PostLab: If the power supply were delivering exactly 10 volts and your three resistors,
R1, R2, R3, each had 5% tolerances, how different could the measured value of IT be from the
nominal value you calculated in the PreLab? That is, could the 5% tolerances add to result in a
measured IT up to 15% different from its nominal calculated value? Hint: assume each resistor is
5% above its nominal value and calculate the resultant RT and IT . Calculate RT and IT again
assuming each resistor is 5% below its nominal value. Show your results and conclusion about
whether the 5% tolerances could add to a total tolerance of 15%.

1.5) PostLab: Using your measured values in Table 1a, calculate the power delivered by V1,
and calculate the power dissipated by each resistor: R1, R2, and R3. You can calculate power
using any of these formulas, which apply to each component of the circuit: P=V*I, P=V2/R,
P=I2*R. Include the correct units (watts, milliwatts) when showing your results:
PV1 = _____________12.7 watts_________

PR1 = _______1.61 m

PR2 = ____3.5 m watts__________________

PR3 = 21.1 m watts How does
the sum of PR1+PR2+PR3 compare to PV1? Is this what you would expect, and why? [1] The sums
of these values should equal Pv1 because it is a series circuit and the powers should add up.
Throughout this lab, consider significant differences to be 10% or greater. If differences are
less than 10%, no explanation is needed.


Laboratory Experiment No. 1

1.6) PreLab: Open the circuit

between points c and d of Figure 1
and calculate the values of IT , Vab ,
Vbc , Vcd , Vcg . Put them in the
Calculated column of Table 1b,

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0 mA
10 V
10 V

0 mA
10 V
10 V


1.7) In the Lab: Open the circuit between points c and d of Figure 1. Measure the values of
total current IT , Vab , Vbc , Vcd , Vcg and record them in Table 1b, above. Measure IT by
opening the circuit at either point a or point b, and inserting the VOM in series.
1.8) PostLab: Calculate the % Difference between the Calculated and Measured values of
Table 1b and explain likely reasons for any significant differences here:

1.9) PostLab: Suppose the jumper between points C and D were a fuse. In going from Table
1a to Table 1b, what happened to the fuse, and what happened to the voltage measured across the
fuse (between points C and D)?


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The fuse would be taking the current and the voltage between C and D would have a voltage.


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2. Parallel Network
2.0) PreLab:
Draw a Protoboard wiring diagram
for Figure 2.
2.1) PreLab:
For the circuit shown in Figure 2,
calculate the values of total current
IT , the current in each branch: I2
and I3, and the voltage drop across each resistor: VR2 and VR4 . Also, calculate the total
equivalent resistance across the source, which we will call RT . Put them in the Calculated
column of Table 2a, below.





7.74 mA
3.19 mA
4.55 mA
15 V
15 V
1.94k ohms

8 mA
3 mA
5 mA
15 V
15 V
2k ohms

-10 %

2.2) In the Lab: Connect the circuit shown in Fig. 2. Measure the values of total current IT ,
the current in each branch: I2 and I3, and the voltage drop across each resistor: VR2 and VR4 .
Measure the total equivalent resistance, RT by disconnecting the power supply and measuring
resistance between point A1 and ground. Record all measurements in Table 2a, above.
For this section of the lab, indicate below which team member is primarily responsible:
i. Circuit Wiring performed by ____Brian___________
__________Ryan And Chris______
iii. Measurements taken by ___Ryan_____________

ii. Wiring checked by

iv. Data recorded by

v. Chosen protoboard wiring diagram was provided by this team member

2.3) PostLab: Determine the % Difference between the Calculated and Measured values of
Table 2a and explain likely reasons for any significant differences here:


Laboratory Experiment No. 1

2.4) PreLab: Open the circuit

between points A1 and A2 of
Figure 2 and again calculate the
values of IT , I2 , I3, VR2 , VR4 ,
and RT . Put them in the
Calculated column of Table 2b,

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3.19 mA
3.13 mA
0 mA
15 V
4.7 k ohms

3.5 mA
3.5 mA
0 mA
15 V
4.6k ohms


2.5) In the Lab: Open the circuit between points A1 and A2 of Figure 2. Measure the
values of total current IT , I2 , I3, VR2 , VR4 , and RT . Record them in Table 2b, above.
Measure I3 by opening the circuit between R4 and ground and inserting the VOM in series.
2.6) PostLab: Calculate the % Difference between the Calculated and Measured values of
Table 2b and explain likely reasons for any significant differences here:

2.7) PostLab: One might think that removing resistance from a circuit would result in an
increase of current flow. Compare the measured value of total circuit current, IT , in Table 2b to
that of Table 2a. When resistance was removed from the circuit (Table 2b), did the total circuit
current, IT , increase or decrease. How do you explain this?


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3. Voltage Divider
3.1) PreLab: For the voltage divider in Figure 3,
calculate the Output Voltage, Vo , and record here:
_______7.2 V_______

3.2) In the Lab:

Measure Vo and record here: ____6.5 V__________
3.3) PostLab: Calculate the % Difference
between the Calculated and Measured values of Vo
and record here: ___9.7%__________ . Explain the
reasons for any significant difference below:

3.4) PostLab: Using the measured values of Vo and R8, use I=V/R
To calculate the current being delivered by the 12V supply:
A__________ [1]
3.5) PreLab: Suppose a 1k load resistor were placed across the Vo terminals of
Figure 3, in parallel with R8. Calculate the new value of Vo and record here: __1.03
V_________ [1]
3.6) In the Lab: Insert a 1k load resistor across the Vo terminals of Figure 3,
in parallel with R8. Measure the new value of Vo and record here:
3.7) PostLab: Using the measured values of Vo, R8, and the 1k load
resistor, calculate the current now being delivered by the 12V supply:
mA___________ [1]
3.8) PostLab: Comparing the results of Steps 3.4 and 3.7, what can you observe about the
effect on total circuit current when additional resistance is added to a circuit, in parallel to a
series circuit component? Does total circuit current increase or decrease, and why?
The current does decrease when you add a resistance because its in a parallel circuit.

3.9) PostLab: Explain how and why the Output Voltage, Vo , is dependent on the load
resistance. For example, if you were using the circuit of Figure 3 in your car to reduce your 12
volt battery voltage to a lower value to power 6 volt electronic equipment, would you care
whether the electronic equipments apparent load resistance is 1k or 100k? Why?


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The load resistance should matter either 1k or 100k resistance because it can make a device more
usable with a 100k resistance compared to 1k resistance.


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4. Complex Multi-source Circuit

4.0) PreLab:
Draw a Protoboard
wiring diagram for
Figure 4.
4.1) PreLab:
For the circuit shown
in Figure 4, calculate
the currents I1 and I2
and the voltage drop
across each resistor:
VAF , VFB and VFC .
Show them in the
Calculated column
of Table 4, below. [1]






5.57 mA
0.71 mA
5.57 V
9.43 V
1.57 V

6 mA
1 mA
5.54 V
9.26 V
1.33 V

-40.8 %
.53 %
1.8 %

4.2) In the Lab: Connect the circuit shown in Fig. 4.

Observe carefully the connection to the power sources and their polarity!
Measure the values of currents I1 and I2 and the voltage drop across each resistor: VAF , VFB and
VFC . Record all measurements in Table 4, above.
For this section of the lab, indicate below which team member is primarily responsible:
i. Circuit Wiring performed by ____Brian___________
and Chris___________
iii. Measurements taken by ___Ryan_____________

ii. Wiring checked by _____Ryan

iv. Data recorded by

v. Chosen protoboard wiring diagram was provided by this team member

4.3) PostLab: Determine the % Difference between the Calculated and Measured values of
Table 4 and explain likely reasons for any significant differences here:


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5. Series-Parallel Circuit
5.0) PreLab: Draw a Protoboard wiring diagram for Fig 5.

5.1) PreLab:
For the circuit shown in
Figure 5, calculate the
2.43 mA
2.5 mA
currents IT , I1 and I2 , and
1.79 mA
1.7 mA
the voltage drop across
each resistor: VR2 , VR6
.635 mA
.6 mA
and VRL. Note that Vo is
3.44 V
3.95 V
the same as VRL. Vo is
.95 V
.95 V
called the Output Voltage
2.99 V
and RL is called a Load
Resistor. Show the values in the Calculated column of Table 5.




5.2) In the Lab: Connect the circuit shown in Fig. 5. Measure the values of IT , I1 , I2 ,VR2 ,
VR6 and VRL . Remember to open the circuit and place the meter in series when measuring all
currents, especially IT. Record your measurements in Table 5, above. You may use the Digital
Multimeter on the bench instead of the Analog meter for this section and the remaining sections
of this lab.
For this section of the lab, indicate below which team member is primarily responsible:
i. Circuit Wiring performed by _______________
iii. Measurements taken by ________________

ii. Wiring checked by ________________

iv. Data recorded by ____________________

v. Chosen protoboard wiring diagram was provided by this team member _________________


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5.3) PostLab: Determine the % Difference between the Calculated and Measured values of
Table 5 and explain likely reasons for any significant differences here:

5.5) PostLab: Using your measured values in Table 5, calculate the power delivered by V1,
and calculate the power dissipated by each resistor: R2, R4, R6, and RL. You can calculate
power using any of these formulas, which apply to each component of the circuit: P=V*I,
P=V2/R, P=I2*R. Include the correct units (watts, milliwatts) when showing your results:
PV1 = ___7.26___watts________________
PR2 = ____2.1 m watts__________________
PR6 = 4.6 watts

PR4 = 4.5

PRL = ______7.1 m watts________________

How does the sum of PR2 + PR4 + PR6 + PRL compare to PV1? Is this what you would expect, and
The sums should be equal because its a series=parallel circuit and the powers should add up to


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6. Thevenins Theorem
In this section, we will explore Thevenins theorem. The Thevenin circuit simplifies complex
networks to a simple two-element circuit. The elements are (1) a voltage source and (2) an
equivalent series resistance. We will label these Veq and Req , respectively.
Consider the circuit of Fig. 5, again. We will obtain the equivalent circuit that the load
resistance, RL , sees as it is looking back into terminals BG. We will obtain the equivalent
circuit for Fig. 5 by two different methods.
Thevenin Method 1 Known Circuit
6.1) PreLab: See Fig 6a. Determine the Thevenin voltage source: Remove RL from the
circuit, then calculate the voltage across the terminals BG. Call it Veq and record it here:

6.2) In the Lab: Using the circuit from Figure 5, remove the load resistor RL as shown in
Figure 6a, and measure the voltage across terminals BG.
Record Veq here: ___4.75 V_________
6.3) PreLab: See Fig 6b. Determine the Thevenin equivalent resistance: Disconnect the
source and replace it with its equivalent resistance (it is essentially zero, a short circuit).
Looking into terminals BG, calculate the resistance seen. Call it Req and record it here:
____2.88 k
6.4) In the Lab: See Fig. 6b. With RL still removed from the circuit, disconnect the source
and replace it in the circuit with a jumper between the left side of R4 and ground. DO NOT
SHORT THE POWER SUPPLY make sure it is disconnected from the circuit.


Laboratory Experiment No. 1

Measure the resistance between points B and G. Record Req here:


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___2.28 k

6.5) PostLab: Explain any significant differences between the results of Steps 6.1 and 6.2,
and between the results of Steps 6.3 and 6.4:

6.6) PostLab: You now have the two elements of the Thevenin Equivalent circuit. Using
your calculated values from Steps 6.1 and 6.3, sketch the Thevenin Equivalent circuit on a
separate page, and indicate on it the values you have determined. Upload your sketch separately
when your report is submitted, or bring it to the following class for hand-in.
6.7) In the Lab: Lets check the results for Steps 6.2 and 6.4 by building the Thevenin
Equivalent circuit of Step 6.6. Adjusting the variable power supply to the Veq value measured in
Step 6.2. Place it in series with the Req resistance measured in 6.4. (Can you see how to obtain
that resistance? Hint: Think about how you calculated Req in Step 6.3. Place two resistors in
parallel and one in series to create Req.) Finally, connect RL as a
resistor to your Thevenin circuit and measure the current through RL: ___2.2 k
Is this measured current equal to the current I2 measured in Step 5.2? If not, why not?
Yes it is equal to I2

6.8) PostLab: Explain your results for Section 6: what did you conclude?



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I conclude the results are close to each other and the results should be close to what I found


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7. Thevenins Theorem Black Box

Thevenin Method 2
The method used above is appropriate when you know what is in the network you are replacing.
When you don't know the circuit, i.e., you have a "black box" with only two terminals, you
would proceed differently. Lets build a Black Box circuit to test.
7.1) In the Lab: Adjust the DC power supply to any voltage that you choose between 5 and
20 volts, and connect it to two rows on your protoboard: one power, one ground. Temporarily,
turn off the power supply output. Select 3 to 5 resistors from among the ones you have used thus
far in this lab, but do not choose exactly the same combination of resistors used in Part 6.
Arrange the resistors in any series-parallel configuration that you choose, with the single DC
voltage supply feeding them. Identify the two terminals, A and B, of the circuit where an
additional load resistor would be attached, but do not attach a load resistor yet. You have now
built your black box for testing.
7.2) On a separate page, draw a schematic of the circuit you created, showing all resistor values,
the power supply value, and identify terminals A and B. Upload your sketch separately when
your report is submitted, or bring it to the following class for hand-in.
7.3) With your power supply connected, turned on, and set to the DC voltage
you selected, measure the voltage across terminals A and B. This is VOC : ___4.37
7.4) Select another resistor from your kit as RTEST. Measure and record its value:___14.7 k
7.5) Attach RTEST to terminals A and B of your circuit, and measure the voltage
across terminals A and B (same as the voltage across RTEST). This is VAB: ____3.5 V_________
7.6) PostLab: Using the values from Steps 7.3, 7.4 and 7.5, calculate Req using:
Req = (VOC/VAB - 1) * RTEST
ohms___________ [1]

Record your calculated value of Req here: _25.7k

7.7) PostLab: Analyzing the schematic you drew in Step 7.2, calculate its Thevenin
Equivalent voltage source and series resistance, using the techniques discussed in class. Record
your calculated VOC (also called Veq) and Req here:
VOC = ____4.4 V______________

Req = _________24.5 k ohms____________

7.8) PostLab: Compare the results of Step 7.7 with those of Steps 7.3 and 7.6. Are they the
same? If not, why not?


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8. AC Voltage Divider
8.0) Finally, lets perform a brief experiment with
an AC voltage source, to see if the DC voltage
divider formula applies to AC as well.
8.1) In the Lab: Rebuild the voltage divider
circuit from Figure 3, repeated here, but instead of
using the DC Power Supply of 12V for V1, use an
AC Power Supply (transformer) provided by the
instructor. The AC Power Supply may not be 12V.



8.2) With the AC Power Supply connected to the

circuit as shown, measure the AC voltage being
supplied by the AC Power Supply. Remember to set
your meter to read AC voltage.
Record this new value for V1: ____4.9 V__________


8.3) Note that this voltage measurement may differ from the reading you would get if you
measured the AC Power Supply voltage when it is disconnected from the circuit. This is because
the loading of the circuit may affect these imperfect power supplies. They sometimes output a
higher voltage with no load attached. To test this, temporarily disconnect the power supply from
the circuit and re-measure the AC power supply voltage.
Record that open-circuit voltage here:
__.386 mV_____________
8.4) Reconnect the power supply to the circuit and measure the new value for Vo as an AC
Record it here: _____11.8 V_________
8.5) PostLab: Explain your result for Vo measured in Step 8.4, given your value for V1
measured in Step 8.2, by showing your voltage divider calculation. Does the voltage divider
formula work the same for AC as for DC?
The voltage divider rule shouldnt work for V0 because its a AC circuit not DC circuit.


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Summary and Conclusion:


On this page:
A. Explain what you learned from the experiment and how it related to your textbook reading and
classroom work.
B. Describe what went wrong during the experiment, how you discovered the cause, and how you
addressed it. If nothing went wrong, explain what you think you did to avoid problems.
C. Identify experiment steps that were unclear, misleading, or extraneous, and state precisely how
they could be improved.
Convince me that you really understood the meaning of what you did in the lab.

(The Summary and Conclusion should be at least 400 words. Students often lose points here
because their conclusion is too brief, or they have spelling or grammar errors.)

Review the Laboratory Report Grading Sheet attached to the end of this Lab description.
Upload this report using the Lab 1 Report Upload link in Moodle. To reduce size, you may
delete the Appendices from the report that you submit.
Remember to scan and upload, or submit in class, your sketches from Steps 6.6 and 7.2. They
are worth 1 point each.
Also, remember to answer the Lab 1 Report Questions in Moodle. Six questions are each worth
2 points.


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Appendix 1

First, find the tolerance band, it will typically be gold (5%) and sometimes silver (10%).
Starting from the other end, identify the first band - write down the number associated with that
color; in this case, Red is 2.
Now read the next color; here it is Violet, so write down a 7 next to the 2. (You should have 27
so far.)
Now read the third or 'multiplier' band and write down that number of zeros. If it is Black, do
not write any zeros. In this example, it is Orange, meaning 3, so we write 3 zeros to get 27000
or 27k.
If the 'multiplier' band is Gold, move the decimal point one to the left. If the 'multiplier' band is
Silver, move the decimal point two places to the left. These are used for very small resistance
values, which we wont be using in our lab.



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Laboratory Report Grading

(Grammar, spelling, punctuation & neatness will affect values assigned)
(Points shown indicate the scores for each part of the report, summing to 60)
1. Cover Sheet (1 point)
Authors name, partners full names (learn to spell your partners names!), dates performed.
2. Identify Lab Equipment used (1 point)
Station Number and identification of equipment obtained from stock room (except cables)
4. Pre-Lab Research and Calculation Results (7 points)
Pre-Lab research and calculation results are due in advance of lab and are graded on
completeness, not correctness. Show labels and units. Correct Pre-Lab results for the final lab
report. Points are deducted from final lab report if Pre-Labs are not submitted when due.
5. Report on requested work (23 points)
Describe and explain the reasons for your observed results. Compare your results to your PreLab calculations or what you would expect, based on your textbook reading and classroom
lectures. Explain logically WHY you obtained the results that you observed; dont just recite
the data blindly.
If time or equipment problems prevent completion
Explain what happened and what results you would have expected in each of the incomplete
sections. (You can usually determine this from class work or from the textbook.)
Report malfunctioning equipment to instructor and, if appropriate, to stockroom attendant.

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