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Technical Specification: IEC TS 62257-2

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TS 62257-2
First edition

Recommendations for small renewable energy

and hybrid systems for rural electrification
Part 2:
From requirements to a range of
electrification systems

IEC 2004 Copyright - all rights reserved

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International Electrotechnical Commission, 3, rue de Varemb, PO Box 131, CH-1211 Geneva 20, Switzerland
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Com mission Electrotechnique Internationale

International Electrotechnical Com m ission



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TS 62257-2 IEC:2004(E)

INTRODUCTION .....................................................................................................................7

Scope ...............................................................................................................................8

Normative references........................................................................................................8

Terms and definitions .......................................................................................................9

Methodology for non technical preliminary studies ........................................................... 10


Place and role of preliminary studies in a decentralized rural electrification

project ................................................................................................................... 10
4.2 Specifications of the preliminary study ................................................................... 10
4.3 The stages of a socio-economic study.................................................................... 15
Classification of electrification systems ........................................................................... 15

5.1 Introduction to a range of systems ......................................................................... 15

5.2 Users requirements ............................................................................................... 16
5.3 Typology of qualitative requirements ...................................................................... 16
5.4 Typology of quantitative requirements .................................................................... 17
5.5 Classification for electricity services provided........................................................ 18
5.6 Assisted selection of production subsystem ........................................................... 18
5.7 Typology of decentralized electrification systems ................................................... 18
Electrification systems architecture ................................................................................. 21

General ................................................................................................................. 21
General presentation of isolated electrification systems.......................................... 21
Combining subsystems .......................................................................................... 22
Functional diagrams .............................................................................................. 24
Related references ................................................................................................ 25
Limits between production, distribution and demand/application subsystems .......... 25
Summary of the different electrification system types ............................................. 25

Annex A (informative) Stages of a socio-economic study (see Clause 4) ................................ 26

A.1 General .......................................................................................................................... 26
A.2 Preparation phase .......................................................................................................... 26
A.3 Drawing up of the questionnaires, choice of surveyors and choice of sample ................... 27
A.4 Conducting the survey - Analysis of the results................................................................ 27
A.5 Extrapolation of the results ............................................................................................. 27
Annex B (informative) Analysis of the type of receivers installed versus types of use and
demonstrating seasonable variability (where applicable) (see Clause 5) ................................. 28
B.1 Domestic use.................................................................................................................. 28
B.2 Analysis of the type of receivers versus usage types ....................................................... 30
Annex C (informative) Supply quality indicators for isolated electrification systems (see
Clause 5) .............................................................................................................................. 32

TS 62257-2 IEC:2004(E)

Annex D (informative) Assisted selection of production subsystem (see Clause 5) ................. 34

D.1 Characteristics of possible production subsystems .......................................................... 34
D.2 Assisted selection of a decentralized production system suited to the requirement........... 34
Annex E (informative) Functional diagrams (See Clause 6) .................................................... 36
E.1 Glossary of symbols........................................................................................................ 36
E.2 Architectures of systems ................................................................................................. 37
Figure 1 Example of the content of a non technical preliminary study .................................. 11
Figure 2 Systems architecture and dispatchable energy ...................................................... 19
Figure 3 General configuration of an electrification system.................................................. 23
Figure A.1 Flowchart of the stages of a socio economic study............................................. 26
Figure D.1 Better adequacy of production subsystems solutions with supply
availability and daily duration of service ................................................................................. 35
Figure E.1 Type T 1 I-a system ............................................................................................. 38
Figure E.2 Type T 1 I-b system ............................................................................................. 39
Figure E.3 Type T 1 I-c system ............................................................................................. 40
Figure E.4 Type T 1 I-d system ............................................................................................. 41
Figure E.5 Type T 2 I system ................................................................................................ 43
Figure E.6 Type T 3 I-a system ............................................................................................. 45
Figure E.7 Type T 3 I-b system ............................................................................................. 46
Figure E.8 Type T 4 I system ................................................................................................ 48
Figure E.9 Type T 5 I system ................................................................................................ 49
Figure E.10 Type T 6 I system .............................................................................................. 50
Figure E.11 General architecture of a micropower plant supplying a microgrid .................... 52
Figure E.12 Type T 2 C system ............................................................................................. 53
Figure E.13 Type T 3 C-a system .......................................................................................... 55
Figure E.14 Type T 3 C-b system .......................................................................................... 56
Figure E.15 Type T 4 C-a system .......................................................................................... 58
Figure E.16 Type T 4 C-b system .......................................................................................... 59
Figure E.17 Type T 5 C system ............................................................................................. 61
Figure E.18 Type T 6 C system ............................................................................................. 63
Table 1 Application types and types of uses........................................................................ 16
Table 2 Expected quality of the supply ................................................................................ 17
Table 3 Synthesis of quantitative requirements/category (examples of type of user
and use) ............................................................................................................................... 17
Table 4 Typology of decentralized electrification systems.................................................... 18
Table 5 Preliminary range of relevant (as a minimum) decentralized electrification
systems ................................................................................................................................ 20
Table 6 Recapitulation of characteristics of different types of isolated electrification
systems ................................................................................................................................ 25
Table C.1 Combined categorization .................................................................................... 32
Table C.2 Service specification (example) .......................................................................... 33

TS 62257-2 IEC:2004(E)

Table D.1 Principles and characteristics of production subsystems ..................................... 34

Table E.1 Glossary of symbols ........................................................................................... 36
Table E.2 List of cases, type T 1 I ......................................................................................... 37
Table E.3 List of cases, type T 3 I ......................................................................................... 44
Table E.4 List of cases, type T 3 C ....................................................................................... 54
Table E.5 List of cases, type T 4 C ....................................................................................... 57

TS 62257-2 IEC:2004(E)


Part 2: From requirements to a range of electrification systems
1) The International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) is a worldwide organization for standardization comprising
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2) The formal decisions or agreements of IEC on technical matters express, as nearly as possible, an international
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3) IEC Publications have the form of recommendations for international use and are accepted by IEC National
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The main task of IEC technical committees is to prepare International Standards. In

exceptional circumstances, a technical committee may propose the publication of a technical
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the required support cannot be obtained for the publication of an International Standard,
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the subject is still under technical development or where, for any other reason, there is the
future but no immediate possibility of an agreement on an International Standard.

Technical specifications are subject to review within three years of publication to decide
whether they can be transformed into International Standards.
IEC 62257-2, which is a technical specification, has been prepared by IEC technical committee
82: Solar photovoltaic energy systems.
This technical specification is to be used in conjunction with IEC 62257 series.

TS 62257-2 IEC:2004(E)

The text of this technical specification is based on the following documents:

Enquiry draft

Report on voting



Full information on the voting for the approval of this technical specification can be found in the
report on voting indicated in the above table.
This publication has been drafted in accordance with the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2. It was
developed in cooperation with other IEC technical committees and subcommittees dealing with
renewable energies and related matters, namely technical committee 21 ("Secondary cells and
batteries"), subcommittee 21A ("Secondary cells and batteries containing alkaline or other nonacid electrolytes"), technical committee 64 ("Electrical installations and protection against
electric shock"), technical committee 88 ("Wind turbines"), and others.
This document is based on IEC/PAS 62111(1999); it cancels and replaces the relevant parts of
IEC/PAS 62111.
The committee has decided that the contents of this publication will remain unchanged until
2007. At this date, the publication will be

replaced by a revised edition, or

A bilingual version of this publication may be issued at a later date.

TS 62257-2 IEC:2004(E)

The IEC 62257 series intends to provide to different players involved in rural electrification
projects (such as project implementers, project contractors, project supervisors, installers, etc.)
documents for the setting up of renewable energy and hybrid systems with AC voltage below
500 V, DC voltage below 50 V and power below 50 kVA.
These documents are recommendations:
a) to choose the right system for the right place,
b) to design the system,
c) to operate and maintain the system.
These documents are focused only on rural electrification concentrating on but not specific to
developing countries. They shall not be considered as all inclusive to rural electrification. The
documents try to promote the use of renewable energies in rural electrification; they do not
deal with clean mechanisms development at this time (CO 2 emission, carbon credit, etc.).
Further developments in this field could be introduced in future steps.
This consistent set of documents is best considered as a whole with different parts
corresponding to items for safety, sustainability of systems and at the lowest life cycle cost as
possible. One of the main objectives is to provide the minimum sufficient requirements,
relevant to the field of application that is: small renewable energy and hybrid off-grid systems.
The purpose of this part of the IEC 62257 series is to propose a range of renewable energy
based electrification systems able to meet the requirements of customers identified in the field
of decentralized rural electrification projects.

TS 62257-2 IEC:2004(E)


Part 2: From requirements to a range of electrification systems

1 Scope
The scope of this part of the IEC 62257 series is to propose a methodological approach for the
setting up and carrying out of socio-economic studies as part of the framework of decentralized
rural electrification projects. It is addressed to project teams and in particular to experts in
charge of socio-economic studies in international projects.
The amount of detail gathered and the requisite number of experts needed would depend on
the scale of the proposed project. For large projects involving many households, a detailed
study would be required, for a project which involves a single or few households, the study
could be truncated.
The information coming from such preliminary studies could be used for several purposes,
such as more complete economic and financial studies of the electrification project.
This part of IEC 62257 also provides some structures as technical solutions that could be
recommended, depending on the qualitative and quantitative energy demands, consistent with
the needs and financial situation of the customers.
Then, in relation with each model of the proposed range of systems, electrical architectures are
proposed to technical project managers to assist in designing the systems.

2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For
dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of
the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
IEC 60617 (all parts)[DB] 1, Graphical symbols for diagrams
IEC 62257-1, Recommendations for small renewable energy and hybrid systems for rural
electrification Part 1: General introduction to rural electrification
IEC 62257-3, Recommendations for small renewable energy and hybrid systems for rural
electrification Part 3: Project development and management 2
IEC 62257-4, Recommendations for small renewable energy and hybrid systems for rural
electrification Part 4: System selection and design 2
IEC 62257-5, Recommendations for small renewable energy and hybrid systems for rural
electrification Part 5: Safety rules 2
1 DB refers to the IEC on-line database.
2 Under consideration.

TS 62257-2 IEC:2004(E)

IEC 62257-6, Recommendations for small renewable energy and hybrid systems for rural
electrification Part 6: Acceptance, operation, maintenance and replacement 2
IEC 62257-7, Recommendations for small renewable energy and hybrid systems for rural
electrification Part 7: Technical specifications: generators 2
IEC 62257-8, Recommendations for small renewable energy and hybrid systems for rural
electrification Part 8: Technical specifications: batteries and converters 2
IEC 62257-9, Recommendations for small renewable energy and hybrid systems for rural
electrification Part 9: Technical specifications: integrated systems 2
IEC 62257-10, Recommendations for small renewable energy and hybrid systems for rural
electrification Part 10: Technical specifications: energy manager 2
IEC 62257-11, Recommendations for small renewable energy and hybrid systems for rural
electrification Part 11: Technical specifications: considerations for grid connection 2
IEC 62257-12, Recommendations for small renewable energy and hybrid systems for rural
electrification Part 12: Other topics 2

3 Terms and definitions

For the purposes of this part of the IEC 62257 series, the following terms and definitions apply.
renewable energy
hybrid system
multi-sources system with at least two kinds of technologies
dispatchable power system
source, generator, system is dispatchable if delivered power is available at any specified time
(for example, a genset is a dispatchable system, REN generator is usually a non dispatchable
power system)
non dispatchable power system
a non dispatchable system is resource dependent; power might not be available at a specified
storage of energy produced by one of the generators of the system and which can be
reconverted through the system to electricity
micropower plant
power plant that produces less than 50 kVA through the use of a single resource or hybrid

Under consideration.

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