Induction Loops Formed in A PV Installation
Induction Loops Formed in A PV Installation
Induction Loops Formed in A PV Installation
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All content following this page was uploaded by Vassiliki T. Kontargyri on 15 September 2015.
Abstract: Photovoltaic (PV) systems, due to their installation position, are exposed to
lightning discharges, which can damage their equipment (PV modules, inverters, etc.),
resulting malfunctions on the entire system, high repair costs and financial losses. The
severity of the lightning consequences depends on the characteristics of the lightning
current waveform, the geometry of the installation, the selection of the lightning protection
system and the hit position. The steepness of the lightning current and the dimensions of
the formed loop (i.e. line routing, length of circuit, distance between protective earth
conductors and active wires) determine the level of the induced overvoltage. For this
reason, large surface loops must be avoided, by designing appropriately the configuration
of the system. In the current work, a PV installation of 100KWp is examined, in order to
calculate the developed overvoltages, considering two possible geometric structures.
This work has been supported by ΙΚΥ fellowships
of excellence for postgraduate studies in Greece –
SIEMENS Program.
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