Cable Ampacity Calculations: A Comparison of Methods
Cable Ampacity Calculations: A Comparison of Methods
Cable Ampacity Calculations: A Comparison of Methods
Abstract—When designing electrical power systems, it is of- with cable loading [1]. This paper compares the difference in
ten necessary to determine underground cable ampacity. Various results obtained when using various methods, including one
methods are in use today, including computer simulation, ampac- recently proposed [1], to include the effects of soil thermal
ity tables, and a method that has recently been suggested that
includes the effects of moisture migration through soil. Each of instability. These methods will include cable ampacities calcu-
these methods can yield substantially different ampacity results lated using the Neher–McGrath method, IEEE Cable Ampacity
for the same installation. Regardless of the method, using the cor- tables, and a commercially available computer program.
rect value of soil thermal resistivity is critical and using the wrong Each of these methods requires some values that must be
value can result in cables that are incorrectly sized. This paper collected at the location where the cable will be installed. These
examines several commonly used methods and their underlying
assumptions. Examples are provided to illustrate the differences include the soil thermal resistivity, also known as “rho” and
in the results obtained from various methods and the consequences measured in Kcm/W (◦ C∗ cm/W), and the maximum expected
of using incorrect assumptions. It is hoped that these examples will ambient temperature, at the depth of the hottest cable. The
provide guidance on the implementation of each method. soil thermal resistivity, while critical, may not be as readily
Index Terms—Cable ampacity, power cable installation, power available as the ambient temperature. IEEE Std. 835 states:
distribution, soil thermal resistivity, soil thermal stability, solar “In the past, when the thermal resistivity of the earth was not
power generation, underground power distribution lines, under- known a rho of 90 was recommended for rating the cable.
ground power transmission lines, wind power generation. However, the ratings for buried cables are significantly
affected by the earth’s portion of the thermal circuit and
I. I NTRODUCTION therefore correct knowledge of the effective soil thermal
resistivity and soil thermal stability is paramount in estab-
U SING accurate cable ampacities is critical to electrical
power system design. An optimally sized cable results in
minimum cost and high reliability. Wind and solar power plants,
lishing the correct rating for a buried cable system [2].”
Measuring the in situ thermal resistivity is not a difficult
in particular, strive to optimize cable design by using ampacities process, as described in [5], but it is frequently not performed.
that closely match maximum generation. It is likely that a cable size will be selected that is either smaller
Cable ampacities have been estimated over the years based or larger than the optimal, if this step is skipped.
on engineering assumptions and site conditions. Various
configurations require different parameters and assumptions.
Cables placed underground require information about the am-
bient earth temperature, cable separation distance, soil thermal A. Black Books
resistivity, etc. If these values are inaccurately estimated, the
The “Black Books,” entitled AIEE-IPCEA Power Cable
resulting cable size will be inaccurate. This may lead to cable
Ampacities [3], were the first tabulated ampacities using the
overheating, if the cable is undersized, or increased cable cost,
Neher–McGrath method and were published in 1962. This
if the cable is oversized.
allowed an engineer to look up the appropriate cable size
Underground cable ampacity is difficult to estimate because
based on current rather than calculating the cable size using
a primary factor determining ampacity, i.e., soil thermal resis-
Neher–McGrath calculations [4]. Considering the number
tivity, varies from moist to dry conditions, which in turn varies
of calculations needed to determine ampacity using the
Neher–McGrath method, it is obvious why engineers would
Manuscript received December 21, 2014; accepted August 6, 2015. Date
of publication August 31, 2015; date of current version January 18, 2016. prefer using this simplified tabular method. These same tables
Paper 2014-REPC-0990, presented at the 2015 IEEE Rural Electric Power are still used by some engineers today as their primary method
Conference, Asheville, NC, USA, April 19–21, and approved for publication of sizing underground cables.
Electric Power Committee of the IEEE Industry Applications Society. It is important to understand the assumptions used to create
C. Bates is with NEI Electric Power Engineering, Inc., Arvada, CO 80001 these tables. For example, one assumption used in the tables
USA (e-mail: is that the ambient temperature of the earth is 20 ◦ C. Many
K. Malmedal and D. Cain are with NEI Electric Power Engineering, Inc.,
Arvada, CO 80001 USA, and also with the University of Colorado at Denver, locations in the Southwest USA experience the maximum
Denver, CO 80204 USA (e-mail:; dcain@ underground soil temperature of 25 ◦ C–30 ◦ C, which reduces the ampacity by 5%–8% below the tabulated values. The tabular
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
at values must be adjusted using methods included in the introduc-
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TIA.2015.2475244 tory pages.
0093-9994 © 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See for more information.
Fig. 2. Maximum soil temperature and minimum moisture content per year.
Std. 442 [5] and ASTM D4643 [6]. For this example, the in situ Fig. 3. Soil temperature and moisture content over one year.
soil thermal resistivity has been measured at 90 Kcm/W, at an
in situ moisture content of 8%. It is important to measure soil
resistivity at the minimum soil moisture content occurring at
the site since moisture content has a large effect on resistivity.
In addition, moisture content and resistivity should be measured
at the depth that the cables will be installed.
Determining the minimum moisture content is often difficult
because it may occur at any time during the year and, for
most projects, it is impractical to measure the moisture content
throughout the year. In addition, the minimum moisture content
will vary from year to year, and the year when the soil resistivity
was measured for the design may be abnormally high. This
would result in a low soil resistivity and a cable size that is
too small during a drought.
A practical method to determine the approximate minimum Fig. 4. Soil dry out curve.
soil moisture content involves using the data provided by
the Soil Climate Analysis Network (SCAN) operated by the
National Water and Climate Center [7]. This publicly available the minimum moisture content and maximum temperature that
data provide soil moisture content and soil temperature for result in the minimum ampacity may occur in September com-
various soil depths up to 40 in at locations across the United pared with the maximum temperature occurring in July with
States. From this data, the minimum soil moisture content the minimum moisture content in December. This is obviously
and maximum soil temperature can be found over a period more time consuming than using the minimum annual moisture
of several years. A plot of the minimum soil moisture and content and maximum temperature, which will result in a more
maximum soil temperature over a given year at a depth of 40 in conservative design.
below grade for the soil used in this example is show in Fig. 2. Another piece of information that is needed for the method
The maximum soil temperature and the minimum soil mois- proposed in [1] is the soil dry out curve. This curve is derived
ture content are the conditions that result in the lowest cable from laboratory tests rather than in situ. The laboratory test of
ampacity. Using these extremes will result in a design adequate the soil in this example is shown in Fig. 4.
for all expected environmental conditions. In the case of Fig. 2, This curve provides information on the soil thermal resistiv-
the lowest moisture content is 8%, and the highest soil tem- ity over a range of moisture contents. It should not be used to
perature is 25 ◦ C. Of course, the lowest moisture content may replace the in situ moisture content and thermal resistivity mea-
not occur concurrently with the highest soil temperature. A plot surements, and the in situ soil resistivity at the in situ moisture
of the soil moisture content and the soil temperature over one content may not match that measured in the laboratory. This
year is shown in Fig. 3. This shows the maximum temperature curve is used for determining the dry soil resistivity and the
occurring four months before the minimum moisture content. resistivity at moisture contents other than the one measured in
The designer may choose to use the moisture content and the field. Before it can be used, the curve must be calibrated to
temperature that occur simultaneously rather than the yearly match the in situ measured data. One calibration method is to
minimum moisture content and yearly maximum temperature. use a calibration factor, as suggested in [8], which calibrates the
This would require the examination of multiple combinations of curve found in the laboratory using a comparison between the
moisture content and temperature. The combination that results resistivity found in situ and that shown on the laboratory curve.
in the lowest ampacity would be the one used in the design. Laboratory tests allow for complete dehydration of the soil
The designer must determine the in situ thermal resistivity for but do not permit the ingress of moisture from the surrounding
each moisture content level that is evaluated for determining soil that would normally be experienced in situ. Furthermore,
the ampacity. For example, after examining multiple cases, a reconstituted laboratory sample is unlikely to match the soil
The NHR for the cable diameter using the NHR measured Dprobe (q̇NHR,cable − q̇c,cable )
Dcable = . (7)
with a test probe can be derived by beginning with (19) in [1], q̇NHR,probe − q̇c,probe
[6] Standard Test Method for Determination of Water (Moisture) Content of Keith Malmedal (SM’12) received the B.S.E.E.T.
Soil by Microwave Oven Heating, ASTM Std. D4643-08, 2008. degree from the Metropolitan State College of
[7] Soil Climate Analysis Network (SCAN), National Water and Climate Denver, Denver, CO, USA, the M.S.E.E. degree in
Center, Portland, OR, USA, 2014. [Online]. Available: http://www.wcc. power and the M.S.C.E. degree in structures from the University of Colorado at Denver, Denver, CO, and
[8] Standard Test Method for Determination of Thermal Conductivity of the Ph.D. degree from the Colorado School of Mines,
Soil and Soft Rock by Thermal Needle Probe Procedure, ASTM D5334, Golden, CO.
2014. He has over 20 years of combined experience
[9] National Electrical Code, 2008, Section 300.5. in electrical power system design and system study,
[10] T. P. Arnold and C. D. Mercier, Southwire Power Cable Manual, 3rd ed. teaching, and research, and he is currently a Principal
Carrollton, GA, USA: Southwire Company, 2005. Engineer and the President of NEI Electric Power
Engineering, Inc., Arvada, CO, specializing in power system design. He is also
an Adjunct Faculty Member with the University of Colorado at Denver.
Carson Bates (M’09) received the B.Sc. degree Dr. Malmedal is a Registered Professional Engineer in 25 U.S. States and
in engineering with an electrical specialty (magna the Provinces of Alberta and British Columbia, Canada.
cum laude) and the M.Sc. degree in electrical en-
gineering in 2013 both from the Colorado School
of Mines, Golden, CO, USA, where he was an David Cain received the Associate of Applied Sci-
intern while working toward the B.Sc. degree with ence degree with two Certificates of Completion
the National Renewable Energy Laboratory in the from the Community College of Aurora, Aurora,
Advanced Power Electronics for Vehicles Group in- CO, USA, concurrent with his graduation from high
vestigating heat transfer through an insulated-gate school, in 2011. He is currently working toward
bipolar transistor package. the B.S.E.E. degree in electrical engineering at the
Since 2011, he has been a Full-Time Engineer University of Colorado at Denver, Denver, CO.
with NEI Electric Power Engineering, Inc., Arvada, CO, where he has had He is a Registered Electrical Apprentice, with
the opportunity to design multiple substations and industrial electrical power three years of field experience: one year of industrial,
systems. He has also spent significant time commissioning substations and one year of commercial, and one year of residential.
electrical installations. He is also with NEI Electric Power Engineering, Inc.,
Mr. Bates is a Registered Professional Engineer in multiple states. Arvada, CO.