Terra Morehead
Terra Morehead
Terra Morehead
Guy N 8/23/07
Formal Complaint
August 24, 2007
We have reason to believe that the Justice Department Prosecutors Marietta Parker and Terra
Morehead under the direction of Eric Melgrens office have knowingly conspired with each other
to maliciously prosecute Guy and Carrie Neighbors without due process of law and adequate
probable cause.
This decision to prosecute has been made with documented false information, illegal search
warrants and cover-up by the Lawrence Police Department. These illegal actions have been
known by the prosecution and have been intentionally covered up, and ignored in an attempt to
further the case and bring more charges upon the Neighbors.
The illegal actions of the Lawrence Police officers in this investigation include but are not
limited to the following incidents.
Lawrence Police provided the following false information to the Justice dept. starting in Dec.
The False Public allegation that The Yellow House Store was the Largest most sophisticated
Fencing organization in the history of Lawrence. Illegally using Ebay to traffic stolen property,
and defraud the public, without any thieves arrested, no stolen property identified and no proof
that Guy and Carrie Neighbors were knowingly in possession of stolen property.
An accusation that the owners of the Yellow House Store Guy and Carrie Neighbors provided
free cars and lists to crack heads in a conspiracy to steal for them. This allegation resulted in
Lawrence Police officers harassing Annette Miller, a single mother with two children that was
provided with a free car through the Yellow House Store. This harassment was done maliciously
and without probable cause and resulted in a lawsuit settlement of $250,000.00 between Annette
and the City of Lawrence.
The property list of "receipt for same" that was left at the Neighbors Dec. 2005 was later
falsified. This has been verified and a formal complaint has been filed. The copy left at the house
did not match the copy that was subsequently picked up 6 months later from Attorney Sarah
Swains office. The copy defense attorneys Jim George and Bruce Kipps had did not match the
falsified copy the Neighbors picked up from Sarah Swains office. The copies defense attorney's
Alex McCauley had, and Phil Gibson and Dionne Scherff currently have does not match the
copy Jim George and Bruce Kipps had before the original charges were dropped. Therefore the
prosecution would have had to conspire together to switch the lists before attorney's Phil and
Dionne received the master files and took over the case. This allegation insinuates a breach of
Oath, prosecutorial misconduct, and falsified evidence provided by the prosecution.
The prosecutor Terra Morehead has violated the Neighbors right of due process and delayed the
right to a speedy trial by dropping the charges with just 7 days left. Then refilled the exact same
charges with no new incidents and no failed drug tests and conspired with defense attorney Alex
McCauley to file a motion of extension (using the excuse the prosecution did not get the
paperwork to the attorneys in a timely manner). This extension gave up the right of due process
to a speedy trial (within the remaining 7 days) and was done without the knowledge or
permission of the defendant Guy Neighbors.
The prosecutor has continued to threaten prosecution of the case even after it was acknowledged
that Lawrence police officers investigating the case violated under the color of the law, Federal
laws, by conducting a two month long surveillance operation upon the Yellow House Store,
without a court order from the Judge, from the Fire Station on Massachusetts street. A formal
complaint has been submitted by Guy and Carrie Neighbors, and the Lawrence Kansas Fire
Chief, and an investigation by the FBI has been requested.
The prosecution has maliciously continued to prosecute without any investigations into the
formal complaints of police misconduct by the Neighbors. This includes but is not limited to the
fact the search warrants were obtained with falsified written statements and an altered video
taped sting operation that was viewed during a pre-indictment hearing at the Justice Department.
We also believe the prosecutors were behind the documented illegal room by room search done
without a search warrant upon the Neighbors residence by IRS Rob Jackson during the June
2007 arrest.
In an effort to prejudice the public against the Neighbors and further injure their reputation. In
June 2007, The Prosecution released a false press release stating that the Neighbors had been
indicted for two counts of drug distribution. And that they had been committing crimes since
2002, and were under investigation for trafficking drugs from their business The Yellow House
We would like to respectfully request a full investigation into these allegations of malicious
prosecution practices commenced by an impartial governmental body.