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Magneto Compass Workout

Enron Scandal
Main Law Related to Corporate Environment
Author: Pedro Quintero Igeo
Internship company: Airbus Helicopters Espaa

This document develops the answers to the questions about Main Law Related to Corporate
Environment which were proposed as work for the Magneto Compass Module.

Pedro Quintero Igeo

1. After selecting and studying the case, answer the following questions:
The case I will study during this workout is the Enron Scandal
1.1 What was the role of the director in the scandal?
Three members of the Executive Committee orchestrated the operations which led to the
bankruptcy of Enron. These people were convicted by the Court of Houston:

Kenneth L. Lay: President and CEO of Enron from 1985 till 2001.

Jeff Skilling: CEO from February-August 2001.

Andrew Faslow: Financial Director of Enron at the time this scandal took place.

These three people designed and built a complex network of more than 3000 frontcompanies. They used this structure in order to take illegal actions for artificially
increasing the value of Enron, which led to unpayable debts and the bankruptcy of the
Also, by the time they were selling their stocks (which the consequent profits for
theirselves) they encouraged their workers to buy stocks.
1.2 Which duties have been breached by either the Director or the board? Why?
The three mentioned people tried to increase their own profits independently of
the real financial state of the company: they acted on behalf of their own profit
instead of acting on behalf of the interests of the company, which was their duty
as former of the Executive Committee.
They also lied about the situation of the company: They built a complex illegal
accounting structure with the aim of hiding the debts of Enron and remark the
profits. Because of this they were breached the duty of disclosure.
The duty of care was also broken because of their unfair acts while performing
their duties.

Pedro Quintero Igeo

1.3 How have the shareholders been affected by the fraud? Which position has
been adopted by the shareholders? Which shareholders rights have been
The stocks shares lost their value. The consequence of this was shareholders lost a lot of
money (billions of dollars) because of this fraud (we have to remember that, prior to the
revealing of this scandal the shareholders thought they were investing on a wealthy
The right to vote was also broken because they were completely uninformed of the real
situation of the company.
Moreover, not only shareholders were harmed. More than 20000 people lost their jobs
because of this fraud.

1.4 Do you think this scandal has had a good resolution? Why?
No, this scandal had not a good resolution. Although the main responsible of the fraud
were jailed, the shareholders losses were not compensated.
These people were demanded for $40 billion and they finally only paid $7.2 billion (less
than a 20%).
1.5 Draw a conclusion about the case based on the knowledge that you have
acquired in the iBook.
This case can make us to think that the cases about corruption are not only a fact of
nowadays. The current world situation is the result of the actions which were taken by
this kind of people for many years. The Enron Scandal is not an isolated case of
financial engineering and accounts make up.
In conclusion, in order to avoid this cases on the future, I think national and
international laws should be stricter and public controls should be taken in order to
predict when a case like this could take place.

Pedro Quintero Igeo

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