Sumptuous Desire
Sumptuous Desire
Sumptuous Desire
still probes the life-long dilemma: A Pit - but Heaven over it -/ And Heaven
beside, and Heaven abroad; / And yet a Pit -/ With Heaven over it. (P1712)
Dickinsons cultural heritage - especially the paradoxical nature of Puritan
selfhood along with the Transcendentalist emphasis on Self-Reliance radicalized the problem for her, and she was forced to look for new tactics in
her effort to reconstruct a viable New-England self.
As we may gather from the poems and letters alike, a fundamental lack or
want pervades much of Dickinsons oeuvre: I have an aching void in my
heart, she complains, which I am convinced the world can never fill (L11).
In many ways, her poetry is an expression of this void along with a bold
effort to fill it. One could indeed argue that Dickinson attempts nothing less
than to analyze and - if possible - to heal and reunify an alienated, a wounded
and fundamentally flawed self. Hence, the central importance of the notion of
desire in her work. Richard Wilburs brilliant article Sumptuous Destitution
approaches her poetry through the Romantic credo in the superiority of the
imagination over the limitations of reality. [O]nce an object has been
magnified by desire, Wilbur (echoing Blake) points out, it cannot be wholly
possessed by appetite. Desire is of course a signal feature of Romantic
literature, best instanced by A.W. Schlegels famous definition of romantic
literature as a literature of desire; in Goethes Mignon it has found one of its
most memorable incarnations. And yet, it is a New England writer that has
explored the selfs capacity for desire more deeply than any other nineteenthcentury writer, and on a level of reflection nowhere paralleled in European
and American Romanticism.
Using Wilburs notion of desire as a starting point, I propose to offer a
revision and a sharpening of this concept. By closely analyzing the structure of
desire in Dickinsons poetry, I hope to throw additional light (1) on the nature
of the lyrical selfs lack, (2) on the poets strategies in trying to fill this lack,
and (3) on the reasons why Dickinsons attempt can only succeed in the realm
of the fictive. My principal interest, throughout this paper, centers on desire
as the driving force behind the poets oeuvre.
What I cannot investigate in my essay is the exact place of Dickinsons use of
desire within the larger development of this notion whose history ranges from
Plato and Aristotle via Cicero, St. Augustin, Dante, the scholastic desiderium
naturale and Nicolas of Cues to the concept of desire as treated in the works
divine is called Eros. Eros driving force is poverty: want is the very cause
that sets the daimon on its quest for beauty. To St. Augustine and the Christian
tradition following him, it is the souls unrest (resulting from mans fallen
condition) that urges it toward God. However, the soul cannot not possibly
find God, if God does not call it through an act of grace. The motif of being
called, reinforced by the mood of religious revivalism in Dickinsons time,
plays a vital role in her poetry.
The Song of Solomon offers an additional hint: I sought him, but I found him
not. After vainly asking other people, the spouse quite unexpectedly exults: I
found him whom my soul loveth. As suggested in Platos Symposium, it is the
souls loving desire that sets the direction. In her poem Why do I love You,
Sir? (P480), Dickinson gives the irrefutable answer: The Sunrise - Sir compelleth Me / Because Hes Sunrise - and I see -. For Dickinson, as for
Plotinus and his Neoplatonic heirs, the finite selfs desire for the divine Other
is in the nature of things. The poets search for the Other thus turns out to be
the selfs search for its lacking alter ego. Whereas Kierkegaard found the
Other in the saviour figure of the Biblical God, Dickinson, at odds with
religious orthodoxy, was thrown back on the evidence of the souls desire for
the missing Other.
At this point, the sense in which I am going to use the concept of the Other
requires some clarification. Lacking space to explore the full range of alterity,
I shall have to disregard the Other in terms of Nature (the [negative] sublime),
of other people, and of the unconscious - a disturbing and upsetting Other
for Dickinson. Nor can I elaborate on the Other in the guise of death, let alone
the concomitant problem of its poetic representation (aspects I have tried to
tackle in my monograph on Emily Dickinson). After this disclaimer, I now
want to define the term more specifically. Without using the concept in a
strictly psychoanalytical way, let us agree to distinguish between an
externalized Other (that Lacan would spell with a small o), and an
internalized Other. The externalized Other is the result of a projection in that
the self looks for the Other outside itself. The internalized Other, by contrast,
is grasped as an intrinsic constituent of selfhood. In this way, the Other
assumes the twofold meaning of lack and expected fulfilment. Hence, the
curiously unstable form of the Other as absence prsente, present as the telos
of desire, but absent in reality: Within its reach, though yet ungrasped /
Desires perfect Goal - (P1430). It is the intensely self-reflexive (hence
paradoxical) quality ofhaving not having that provokes the selfs continuous
As Dickinson was to discover, the method of externalizing what ought to fill
the selfs lack is bound to shipwreck. To search outside the self for a remedy
will but deepen the selfs plight. The only alternative, then, is to look for the
Other as an integral part of the self: To fill a Gap / Insert the Thing that
caused it - (P546). Yet, how can one distinguish between self and Other, if
the Other is firmly situated within the self, if it is in *a sense the selfs own
creation? As a result, confusion is almost inevitable, and it is only to be
expected that the voices of self and Other tend to get mixed up (an aspect I
shall come back to). Although, as noted before, the Other may assume
hideously frightening guises, it is at the same time the hoped-for realization of
the lyrical selfs desire. Heaven, the endpoint of the poets wishes, is as Vast
- as our Capacity -/ As fair as our idea -/ To Him of adequate desire / No
further tis, than Here - (P370). Desire, then, or rather what desire implies,
the desired Other, is Dickinsons Flood Subject.
3. The Structure of Desire
Let us now inspect the structure of desire more closely. In its movement
toward the Other the creative self houses an inexhaustible source of riches; yet
in recognizing its own finitude, its mortality, the self suffers a sense of abject
poverty. If the poets focus is on this lack, the Other appears within a cluster
of motifs centering on death. However, the same lack also opens a space for
the selfs creative desire. As such, the Other appears as Eros, variously
manifesting itself as God, Lord, or King. Eros and Thanatos - as readers of
Dickinson well know - are the two fundamental poles of her work. If one of
them prevails, the lyrical self either achieves a moment of ecstasy or else falls
into a mood of profound despair. Jointly, they produce the characteristic
paradox of sumptuous - Despair (P505). In its double quality of lack and
desired fulfilment, the selfs want functions as Dickinsons uttermost
provocation. The poets White Sustenance - Despair - (P640) is at once the
source of her creative energy (Sustenance) and the cause of her hopeless
wish, doomed as it is to a restless search for the absent object. Pursuing the
Other in its transitions (P1602) remains an unfinished quest. For that reason
(and as I have argued elsewhere), Dickinsons poetics, like Hlderlins, is a
poetics of process.
entries rather than genuine letters, these texts form part of a nineteenthcentury genre that is not at all rare among educated women that - frustrated in
their ambitions - reject the subject positions constructed for them by a
patriarchal society.
4. Strategies of Selfhealing
After sketching the paradoxical form of the selfs lack along with the double
structure of desire, I now intend to examine Dickinsons tactics in filling this
lack. Passing over the multiple variations and permutations, and neglecting the
complex interplay within and among poems, we note that she basically
employs two methods in her effort to recover a complete self. The first may
be described as a method of self-totalization, the second attempts to gain the
same end through a totalization of the Other. Two alternative choices seem to
be available to the poet. In trying to assure itself of the Other, the lyrical self
either sets out to possess and absorb the Other, or else it wants to be possessed
and subsumed by the Other. Both strategies, though antithetical in direction,
aim at empowering the lyrical I so as to remedy its flawed selfhood. Hegels
phenomenology of the subject (further developed by Friedrich Schlegel): The
stoic I, the skeptical I, the split I of what he calls unhappy double
consciousness (that of the Romantics), and the modern conflictual I (a
disrupted or torn I) might offer an interesting model with which to approach
Dickinsons work. Further help could also be obtained from Bakhtins three
voices, namely, the lyrical self (the first voice), the internal Other or alter
ego (the second voice), and the external Other (or third voice). Attractive
though they are, I shall forego these options in my essay.
For reasons that we shall examine later on, both methods - self-totalization and
the totalization of the Other - run into problems, a fact of which Dickinson is
acutely aware. To achieve a viable self, the poet therefore develops a third
strategy. Avoiding the pitfall of projection (by relying exclusively on either
self or Other), she attempts a dialectical synthesis in which self and Other are
to be linked in a relationship of dynamic interdependence. The generative
principle bringing about this vital union is called love. The state of fulfilled
selfhood - variously named Heaven, Eden, Paradise, or Home - is a
state of Grace, fusing the religious, the erotic, and the aesthetic. As I
propose to show, it is only attainable in the fictive sphere of the poets
this poem is the selfs desire to own the Other unstintedly. That this move is
ultimately self-defeating, the verse reluctantly admits.
The method founders because the totalized self, an arrogant and all-powerful
self playing God, tends to eliminate the Other. Without the Other, however,
the effort for a complete and fulfilled self must collapse. Dickinson was fully
aware of the risks she incurred: I could not care - to gain / A lesser than the
Whole -/ For did not this include themself -/ As Seams - include the Ball?
The question mark underlines the poets dilemma. In its very act of
appropriating the desired Other, the self is bound to lose it. But if the Other is
lost, all is lost: Without this - there is nought - (P655).
Despite its grandiose ambitions, the self is eventually forced to acknowledge
its finitude, usually in the form of a shattering experience. I never hear that
one is dead (P1323) is an instance among many. In this verse the lyrical I is
made conscious of its own mortality on hearing the news that somebody else
has died. To face The yawning Consciousness without vail (sic) or slant
would totally undermine human sanity. In a defensive gesture, the Daily
Mind tries to ignore lifes abyss. How dismally the self fails in its effort is
ironically proved by the poems unrelieved mood of anxiety.
4.2 The Overpowering Other
So far, we have examined Dickinsons attempt to heal the lyrical selfs lack by
trying to subsume the Other. The poets second strategy, reversing the terms,
consists in the selfs desire to be absorbed by the Other. If the former, as we
could observe, employs a process of incremental appropriation, the latter tries
to achieve its end through an act of surrender. The first is liable to dissolve
the Other, the second courts the danger of self-annihilation.
It is only natural, therefore, that the selfs longing for a union with the Other
is usually accompanied by the fear of self-loss. The Drop, that wrestles in the
Sea (P284) illustrates the point. Despite the imminent danger, the lyrical I
wishes to be one with the infinite sea: The Ocean - smiles - at her Conceit -/
But she, forgetting Amphitrite -/ Pleads Me? Amphitrite, we remember,
was raped by Poseidon, the Greek God of the sea (and became his wife). A
different tactics of self-effacement is used in Till Death - is narrow Loving -
(P907), a poem in which the lyrical I attempts a self-denying identification
through imitation (in the manner of Thomas Kempis). As the final lines
imply, the selfs effort to reach the Other through Resemblance perfect,
through an act of self-abdication, does not quite succeed.
The theme of the seductive and insistent Other - as tempting, visiting, alluring
and, at its most intense, as overpowering Other - plays a crucial part in
Dickinsons poetry. He put the Belt around my life - (P273) and Tie the
Strings to my Life, My Lord (P279) are notable examples that demonstrate
the selfs yearning for surrender to the Others imperious and autocratic
power. Dickinsons Master letters also belong with this category. A thematic
variant is found in the selfs hopeless adoration of an unreachable and
indifferent Other. In Ah, Teneriffe! (P666) the lyrical self remains kneeling
before the mountain of eternity - a posture reminiscent of the lovers
unavailing desire in medieval minstrelsy.
A number of poems, delightfully documented by I started Early - Took my
Dog (P520), enact the Others seductive silver Call (P398), followed by an
attempt to move and overpower the self. The cluster of related motifs is, of
course, part of the Christian meditative tradition and, in particular, of what
mystics have described as the souls ravishment by God. The theme of
seduction, of Edens innuendo (P1518), climaxing in the souls being taken
by force, that last Onset -/ When the King be witnessed - in the Room
(P465), is a vital feature of Dickinsons work, supported as it is by the model
of the Puritan conversion experience as well as by the sensuous style of the
Song of Solomon, probably the most popular Biblical narrative in early New
England. Most of the poems centering on the spouse or bride depend on this
subtext and its allegorical significance. The critical view (as set forth by
Donald Thackrey and Louise Bogan, and recently buttressed by Dorothy Huff
Oberhaus) that Dickinsons oeuvre displays a profoundly religious quality,
anchored in the Western meditative and mystical tradition, finds ample
support in these poems. The mystical quality is prominent, for example, in
Dickinsons motif of the precious and sweet wound, reminiscent of Saint
Theresas Suavidad - este grandisimo dolor. Since the poets home - as she
herself claims - is to be found in language (L438), it remains to that extent a
qualified, a poetic mysticism, but this aspect is nonetheless emphatically
present in her work.
One of the most memorable instances rendering the foreplay of the divine
rape is offered by the metapoetic verse He fumbles at your Soul (P315). The
sense of fear and pain is intolerably intense in that the divine Other - in
purifying and testing the self - threatens to vanquish it: He stuns you by
degrees -/ Prepares your brittle Nature / For the Ethereal Blow. In
scalp[ing] the victims naked soul the Other triumphs by annihilating the
lyrical self. The surreal montage of music, hammering, thunder and (Indian)
scalping creates - compositely - a mind-shattering experience that ends in
The sound of hammering, a frequent motif in Dickinsons work, echoes yet
another poem in this vein: Dare you see a Soul at the White Heat? (P365).
In this verse, the experience of purification, a major step in the souls mystical
ascent to God, results in sheer whiteness, The Designated Light, with the
adjective hinting at the fact that the self is chosen for its role, but not yet
installed. The challenge to the reader: Dare you see dramatizes the awesome
quality of the souls situation. In some poems, Doubt
Me! My Dim Companion! (P275) being a choice example, the excessive
demand for total surrender, the Life -/ Poured Thee - without a stint,
arouses the selfs anger and frustration. Although accepting and even inviting
the Others utmost testing: Sift her, from Brow to Barefoot! / Strain till your
last Surmise -, the self eventually retaliates: but hallow just the snow / Intact
. . . Oh, Caviler, for you! The final lines can only be fully appreciated if the
reader is aware that the Caviler is itself part of the lyrical I. The Soul, as
another poem affirms, may well be its own best friend, but it is also its most
relentless spy and critic (P683).
Dickinson realized that the exclusive dominance of the Other was no solution.
Her (surprisingly modern) attempt to look nothingness in the eye and thus
reach a state of comparative peace and liberty without loss of selfhood is one
way in which she tries to cope with the problem. The verse Tis so appalling
- it exhilarates - (P281) exemplifies the poets tactic to perfection. By dying
in full consciousness, without paying the price of self-loss, the lyrical I
achieves a liberation of sorts, but the result remains unsatisfactory. What the
self has gained is a Ghastly, Holiday, a ghostly kind of freedom, in fact.
Having experienced frost or total stasis, the self now knows what to expect
and is henceforth ready for it. Suspense is indeed conquered, but the desire
and the hope for a positive outcome are also gone. The poem falls into a
segment of Dickinsons work that struggles with the unbearable part of human
Other are co-present here in perfect unison, each including, but not
subsuming, its counterpart. Instead of exclusive possession, there is inclusive
reciprocity. Self and Other - like rower and boat - are correlative notions:
Love thou art deep / I cannot cross thee / But were there two / Instead of one
/ Rower and Yacht some sovereign summer / Who knows but wed reach the
sun. (P453) Apart, the two prove useless and idle, but in concert they can
fulfil their roles in consummate fashion. The boat - Romantic image par
excellence - alludes to the souls being carried away, but it also hints at
poetic language as the carrier and medium for the Other.
No wind, no outward help is needed. The selfs driving force is its own desire,
love its own rescue and reward (L552). Having reached the port and being
now securely at anchor, the lyrical I has finally found home. Yet there is no
stasis. Rowing on the infinite sea of Eternity is nothing if not desire in
(erotic) motion. This state resembles Plotinuss transcendent vision where the
soul comes into its own; or Yeatss union of dancer and dance; but most nearly
perhaps it anticipates Eliots still point (Burnt Norton), a state [w]here past
and future are gatheredand where there is neither arrest nor movement.
And do not call it fixity. The lyrical self can only say: there we have been:
but [it] cannot say where.
Let us note that the encounter between self and Other takes place in the form
of an event presented in the optative mode. In writing the poem Dickinson has,
in a sense, enjoyed the experience, a veritable (Barthian) jouissance du texte.
Let us further note that the poets principal scene is not the Romantic
Willkommen und Abschied (emphasis mine), it is rather the curiously
liminal and inherently paradoxical moment of meeting as departure. A
visitor about to arrive or leave, or just having left - these are the situations
which characterize many of Dickinsons most memorable poems. One may
well wonder whether Higginson, asking for a picture of his partially cracked
poetess, could ever guess what Dickinson implied in her unforgettable selfdescription: My hair is bold like the chestnut burr, and my eyes like the
sherry in the glass that the guest leaves (L268).
The use of semantic and grammatic indeterminacy underscores the fact that
such moments of fulfilled presence can only be grasped in fictive form. The
one tense normally excluded from Dickinsons grammatical arsenal to render
these moments is the present indicative. What the poet prefers to use instead is
Content (P751) - interiorized, and in her poetry resuscitated, what must have
appeared to her as the grotesquely reductive Jesus (P646) of Calvinist
orthodoxy. Like Blake and other writers before her, she rejected the avatars
of the dominant father, the merciless banker and the legalistic judge, as false
impersonations of the Godhead - no doubt, a shrewdly subversive gesture.
5. Fuzzy Boundaries
The poem Me from Myself - to banish -/ Had I Art - (642) dramatizes the
fact that all consciousness is inherently self-reflexive: Were mutual
Monarch. The same dialectical principle that obtains for the reciprocal bond
between Me (the self as concrete, thinking subject) and Myself (the self
as mentally reflected object in the mind) holds for the relationship between
self and Other. It is hardly surprising, therefore, that boundaries tend to get
fuzzy. The verse In lands I never saw (P124) is an early illustration how the
self comes to doubt its own identity: Which Sir are you and which am I?
(P124). The lyrical self in I make His Crescent fill or lack - seems at first in
a position of limitless power but is finally forced to give up its claim to
autonomy. Self and Other hold a mutual Disk, and neither party knows
Which is the Despot . . . / Nor Whose the Tyranny - (P909). In the late
poem He was my host, he was my guest (P1721) the lyrical I still feels
puzzled: I never to this day / If I invited him could tell / Or he invited me /
So infinite our intercourse. The process is sometimes inverted. Instead of
getting confused, the lyrical selfs unstable components threaten to split apart;
madness beckons, and meaning collapses: Sequence ravelled out of Sound /
Like Balls - upon a Floor (P937).
Usually, Dickinson manages to maintain a relation of dialectical balance
between self and Other. Like Eyes that looked on Wastes - (P458) makes the
point in a paradigmatic manner: Neither would be a Queen / Without the
Other - Therefore -/ We perish - tho We reign - (P458). The following
(early) verse is a striking, if somewhat clumsy, instance: He was weak, and I
was strong - then -/ . . . / I was weak, and He was strong then - (P190).
Rendering the Other weak, a tactics used in the poem I bring an
unaccustomed Wine (P132), gives the self an opportunity to savor its own
strength by offering help; it is a tactics that Dickinson also employs in her
letters. All too often, however, death arrives first, and the disappointed self,
losing the race, tries in vain to save the Other. In view of the Others
indeterminate status (and potential weakness), the lyrical I feels called upon to
appropriate its place. Should the Other succumb, the lyrical I must take the
purple wheel / To show the sun the way. In her Poetic Covenant with the
Other (cf. P1005), Dickinson exhibits Jobs firmness: Though he slay me, yet
will I trust in him. No wonder, the selfs faith becomes all-important: How
dare I therefore stint a faith / On which so vast depends / Lest firmament
should fail for me / The rivet in the bands (P766). The risk is immense. If
the self fails, the Other is lost in turn, and the cosmos breaks asunder. The
conclusion seems inevitable that the stabilizing pole in Dickinsons poetry is
increasingly shifted from the Other to the lyrical self. This shift is probably
the most conspicuous single marker signaling the poets turn toward
Gudrun Grabher has persuasively argued that the loosening of semantic
boundaries, a hallmark of Dickinsons work, is the result of the poets Kantian
revolution. With this writer, the traditionally fixed realms of truth and
reality begin to wobble. Her innovative use of the biform (including
paradox) defeats all attempts to distinguish clearly between oppositional
concepts like truth/fiction, life/art, earth/heaven, reality/dream,
waking/sleeping. Clearly, thinking in oppositions is being replaced by
dialectical reasoning. How complicated the relation between the various
spheres has become may be studied in poems such as Make me a picture of
the sun - (P188), Doom is the House without the Door - (P475), or in the
vexing piece We dream - it is good we are dreaming - (P531). Dream,
desire, and fiction form a cluster of motifs that would deserve a separate
Sweet Skepticism of the Heart -/ That knows - and does not know - perfectly
encapsulates Dickinsons epistemological stance. Uncertainty is usually
accompanied by a transport thrilled with Fear -(P1413), by a sense of
numinous suspense in the
presence of which the Certainty of facts drops into insignificance. Whereas
the term Skepticism reflects Dickinsons modernist stance, the adjective
Sweet as well as the romantic Heart evince her resistance to the nihilistic
strain of Modernism which began to make itself felt in Victorian America at
least since the middle of the nineteenth century - with the old dispensation
shaken and the new order not yet established. Allen Tate was right in claiming
that Dickinsons historical time was the perfect literary situation. It ought to
cannot be filled, and that the selfs longing for the Other (le sujet suppos
savoir) in the hope of making up for its lack is vain and illusory. Meaning, it
is claimed, peters out in an endless chain of metonymic substitutions, and all
we are left with is a free-floating signifier. Mean something! one of
Becketts characters sneers, Ah thats a good one.
In Dickinsons eyes, we are all permanent temporarily. Our brief existence
is but the Hyphen in-between. Like Pascal. she defines man as the hiatus
between nothingness and eternity, as Finite infinity (P1695). For Edward
Taylor, writing a century and a half before Dickinson, Infinity and Finity
Conjoind (Meditation One) is the central Christian paradox that sets forth
Christs double nature. Dickinson would have felt unable to accept Taylors
dogmatic assumptions, but in their love and desire for the Other both writers
engage in a common quest. Its my desire, Taylor exclaims, Thou shouldst
be glorified (First Series, Meditation 22). And again: Oh! that thy love
might overflow my Heart! / To fire the same with Love: for Love I would.
In the terminology of contemporary criticism, the literary subjects of Taylor
and Dickinson are both desiring subjects.
Whereas the Puritan Taylor firmly expected to encounter a transcendent
reality after death, Dickinson never tired of pursuing the Other in her poetry,
enacting the transcendence of limited selfhood in the here and now through the
souls movement of desire. This (she wrote in a letter) was her way of
praying. Unlike Taylor she could never decide whether Desire, or Grant Be wholly beautiful - (P801). In the end, it was desire, not grant, that turned
Destitution and Despair for Dickinson into sumptuousness: How sweet I
shall not lack in Vain -/ But gain - thro loss -/ Through Grief - obtain -/ The
Beauty that reward Him best -/ The Beauty of Demand - at Rest - (P968). At
rest? Yes, in the house of language (L438), and in deaths White Exploit
(P922) - possibly.
Delays and digressions, as in a successful narrative plot, or in love, are
necessary to the suspense that augments, by deferring, the pleasures of the end.
But if the hoped-for end is never reached at all, then, the souls innate desire,
as several poems complain, would be unmasked as a cynical joke, and the quest
for the Other as a mocking mirage. The nagging suspicion that she might be
trapped by consciousness within a self-enclosed fictive realm never stops
troubling Dickinson, much as it continues to worry Hawthorne, Melville and
Sewall, Richard, B. The Life of Emily Dickinson. 2 vols. (New York, 1974).
Tate, Allen. Emily Dickinson. Emily Dickinson: A Collection of Critical
Ed. Richard B. Sewall (Englewood Cliffs, N.J., 1963). 16-27.
Taylor, Edward. The Poetical Works of Edward Taylor, ed. Thoms H. Johnson
Princeton UP, 1971).
Thackrey, Donald. Emily Dickinsons Approach to Poetry (Lincoln, 1954).
Wilbur, Richard. Sumptuous Destitution. Emily Dickinson: A Collection of
Essays. Ed. Richard B. Sewall (Englewood Cliffs, N.J., 1963).
Wolff, Cynthia Griffin. Emily Dickinson (New York, 1986).
For an excellent introduction to the concept of desire, see Elizabeth Wright,
Feminism and Psychoanalysis: A Critical Dictionary (Oxford, 1992), vide
This essay has greatly benefited from the stimulating criticism of my
students. In particular, I wish to express my thanks to Gudrun Dreher,
M.A., to Marietta Memer, M.A., and to Dr. Josef Raab.