Moor Means Dead
Moor Means Dead
Moor Means Dead
The term in ancient Kamit (Egypt) written MR in the metutu (hieroglyphs) has been identified as a cognate
for the term moor found in english as a noun and a verb. The term in Kamit is typically pronounced in the
Coptic dialect (Late Kamit dialect which came into use c2000 years ago) as MER or MAR/BAR. Note that
in the language of Kamit the m and b sounds can interchange. This interchange also exists in the Akan
language of Ghana and Ivory Coast, West Afuraka/Afuraitkait (Africa). For example, the word for blood
mogya is also written and pronounced bogya in Akan. The term MR in Kamit:
Many egyptologists arbitrarily place an e between consonants of words from Kamit when they are unsure of the ancient
pronunciation. Sometimes this placement is accurate and sometimes it is not. The means by which we can find out the proper
pronunciations of words spelled in the metutu (hieroglyphs) such as MR is to look at the languages of Afuraka/Afuraitkait
(Africa) which are directly descendent of the language of Khanit (Nubia) and Kamit. This includes languages such as the
Akan, Yoruba, Ewe, Igbo, Bakongo and many more. We can also find the proper vowel placements for different dialects of the
ancient language in the Coptic dialect (Late Kamit dialect coming into use about 2,000 years ago). For example, we see above
that the term MR written in the metutu is written mer by the egyptologist. In the Coptic dialect the term is written MHRE
that the term MR written in the metutu is written mer by the egyptologist. In the Coptic dialect the term is written MHRE
In this instance, the placement of an e sound in between MR to facilitate the pronunciation MER
(MHRE in Coptic) is a valid placement.
As we can see the term mr (mer) has the definition: collection of water, pool, flood; swampy land. It can also mean
desert land, waste, wilderness.
What kind of water? There is a relationship between the flood (water overrunning the land) causing destruction,
displacement, death: swampy land (marsh, morass); wasteland (infertile/dead land), wilderness. We thus have the term
mr also meaning death and related to death: fatality, the dead, the damned:
As we can see above the term mr also means a funerary coffer or chest a reference to death. Also: sickness, illness,
pain, sorrow, fatal disease; to die, dead, death. The mru and mrti are the dead, the damned. A title of the Ntoro (Deity)
Set is Mr meaning the damned one.
The term mr is also the term for pyramid which is a structure dedicated to the dead. The dead were often buried in
the mr (pyramid). Finally, we have a name of Kamit being Ta Mra. The term Ta means land. Ta Mra thus
references the land of Mra or Mra-land.
This references the dead land with mr referencing dead, death, flood, swamp, etc. Why is this so? It is rooted in
the cosmology of ancient Kamit. First however, let us look at the etymology of the term moor as propounded
by the whites and their offspring. From (online etymology dictionary):
moor (n.)
"waste ground," O.E. mor "morass, swamp," from P.Gmc. *mora- (cf. O.S., M.Du.
Du. meer "swamp," O.H.G. muor "swamp," also "sea," Ger. Moor "moor,"
O.N. mrr "moorland,"marr "sea"), perhaps related to mere (n.), or from root *mer- "to die,"
hence "dead land." The basic sense in place names is 'marsh', a kind of low-lying wetland
possibly regarded as less fertile than mersc 'marsh.' The development of the senses 'dry
heathland, barren upland' is not fully accounted for but may be due to the idea of infertility.
[Cambridge Dictionary of English Place-Names]
As we can see, the whites and their offspring trace the term moor only back to proto-germanic and protoindo-european roots. They list the following definitions:
1. waste ground
2. morass, swamp
3. sea
4. perhaps related to mere or from root mer to die dead land
These four definitions are stolen directly from our Ancestral language of Kamit as shown in the metutu:
The language of Kamit is an Afurakani/Afuraitkaitnit (African~Black) language that predates any european
or asian language by thousands of years. These four definitions found in the metutu prove conclusively that
the term mr (moor and mere) originated with Afurakanu/Afuraitkaitnut (Africans) thousands of years before
the whites invaded ancient Kamit and learned of the term.
The Akan have a proverbial saying, Love is death. This is more than the notion that being in love with
someone is often painful or makes someone want to die. There is a cosmological meaning. First, the
concept can be found in the term mr in Kamit:
As we can see the term mr also means love, desire, to crave for. One who is beloved is thus called mri. The
beloved are called mriti. Ones beloved (masculine) is mri while ones beloved (feminine) is mrit. The t
feminizes nouns in Kamit. [This is where the ette in english as a feminizer originates Paul, Paulette;
Anton, Antonette; the diminutive: cigar, cigarette, etc.]
We see above that the term written MR in the metutu is written mer by the egyptologist. In the Coptic
dialect the term is written with the e and thus spelled ME:
The term for lover, beloved is written
MRIT and translated by the egyptologist as merit. In Coptic the term is spelled MERIT:
The Coptic dialect has given us a proper dialectical variant of the word with an e vowel
placement (as opposed to placing a u or o between MR). Further confirmation comes from the Akan
language. The Akan term for love in the sense of desire is ope or pe. A term for lover has the forms mpra,
mpena. The Coptic version of Mer is ME. The R is dropped. This features in many
Afurakani/Afuraitkaitnit (African) speech patterns where we drop the R at regular conversation speed when
it occurs at the end of a word. Afurakanu/Afuraitkaitnut (Africans) in america have continued this practice
when pronouncing words such as: her (pronounced huh) or there (pronounced by some as theh as in see theh
[see there]). This features prominently in the Akan language as well. This is how MER in ancient Kamit
becomes ME (meh) in ancient Coptic and PE (OPE - from MPE, MME, ME - Coptic) in Akan. This is
how Meri (lover) in Kamit becomes Mpera (Mmera Mpena, Mpra) in Akan.
The R is pronounced as a rolling R in Afurakani/Afuraitkaitnit (African) languages (tongue tapping the roof of the mouth
once). This is why the rolling R and the N interchange in various words. They sound identical when speaking at regular
conversation speed because the pronunciation of the N sound also requires that the tongue taps the roof of the mouth once.
The Akan have the ebe (proverb) which says Love is death. In Kamit, the word for love (desire) mr is also the
word for death, mr. This is a manifestation of cultural and cosmological continuity, for the Akan are one of
many Afurakanu/Afuraitkaitnut (Africans) in West Afuraka/Afuraitkait (Africa) who migrated from ancient
Khanit (Nubia/Sudan) and Kamit in ancient times.
Moreover, just as the term mr (mer) was corrupted into moor (mohr) by the whites meaning swamp land,
water, sea, wasteland, marshland, death, so was the term mr (mer) meaning love, corrupted by the whites into mour
(mohr) as in amour (love) and mi amour (my love):
amour (n.)
c.1300, "love," from Old French amour, from Latin amorem (nom. amor) "love, affection, strong friendly feeling" (it could
be used of sons or brothers, but especially of sexual love), from amare "to love" (see Amy). The accent shifted 15c.-17c. to
the first syllable as the word became nativized, then shifted back as the naughty or intriguing sense became primary and
the word was felt to be a euphemism.
A common ME word for love, later accented mour (cf. enamour). Now with suggestion of intrigue and treated as a
F[rench] word. [Weekley]
In both instances the term spelled with an e in the Coptic dialect was changed to an o by the whites and
their offspring: Mer (mehre) meaning swampland becomes moor. Mer (me) and the variation amer, meaning
love becomes amour.
These facts once again prove the Afurakani/Afuraitkaitnit (African) origin of the term popularly rendered
moor. The five definitions (wasteland, swamp, sea, death, love) found in eurasian languages are identical to the
same five definitions found in the earlier metutu because this is their origin.
We also have the term mr meaning boats, shipping in port. This is key to the cosmological understanding of mr
meaning love, death, water, wasteland, swamp, etc.
As shown above, the term mn (men) means pool, lake. The term mna or mni means to tie up a boat in port
to moor a boat. Notice in the Coptic dialect it is spelled MOONE.
As stated above, in the language of Kamit as well as Akan and other Afurakani/Afuraitkaitnit (African)
languages, the letter R is pronounced as a rolling R meaning the tongue taps the roof of the mouth once.
This is why the N and R interchange. If you pronounce Mera Mena Mera Mena out loud and roll the R
you would not be able to tell the difference between the two words. This is why mera (water, lake, pool) is also
written mena (water, lake). This is also why in Akan the name Bena is also written Bera or Bra and Bono is
also written Boron. There are numerous examples of this in the languages of Kamit and Akan. The term
mna pronounced moone [mooh-neh] in Coptic sounds like moore (mooh-reh) with a rolling R. The term
moone (moo-reh) became moor in english, as in to moor a boat:
moor (v.)
"to fasten (a vessel) by a cable," late 15c., probably related to
O.E. mrels "mooring rope," via unrecorded *mrian "to moor," or possibly
borrowed from M.L.G. moren or M.Du.maren "to moor," from
W.Gmc. *mairojan. Related: Moored, mooring. French amarrer is from Dutch.
As we can see, the whites and their offspring have stolen a term and attributed it to themselves. The term
mni and the Coptic moone (moorey) is the exact same term as moor for the language of Kamit holds the
etymological root. Related terms:
The term mna or mni (mra or mri) means to arrive in port, to die; boats, shipping in port. The term mnat means
the dead. The term mnat also means mooring post. Ancient Kamit was a riverine culture. We quote at length
from our article: The Origin of the Term Nsamanfo in Kamit for the cosmological context:
Pages 1-3:
.Ancient Kamit (Egypt) and parts of Khanit (Nubia/Sudan) were/are riverine cultures. Our Nsamanfo
(n-sah-mahn-foh), our Afurakani/Afuraitkaitnit (African) Ancestresses and Ancestors, thus had/have an
understanding of the value of water and images and concepts related to water are found throughout the texts,
symbolism and culture of Kamit and Khanit. The sky for example is seen to be comprised largely of a mass
of water. Thus, as the Aten (Sun) moves through the sky it is depicted as sailing through the sky in a boat. The
Aten rises in Its boat in the abtet (east), sails across the sky and sets in Its boat in the ament (west):
Ra, Hawk-headed, sitting inside the disk of the Aten (Sun) which is inside of the boat of the Aten (Sun) as it sails across the sky
When the Aten sets in the ament (west), it sinks down below the horizon. Here, the Aten is said to enter the
hidden (ament) land (ta), the underworld, the spirit world the Ancestral realm. The Aten has died or moved
through the gate of Death to now bring light to the spirit world for the 12 hours of the night. The Aten
subsequently reemerges in the abtet (east) at sunrise and appears above the horizon. The Aten has thus been
born or resurrected from the dead. The Afurakani/Afuraitkaitnit (African) human is recognized to go
through the same process, not only in the context of rising in the morning (sunrise) and going to sleep at
night (sunset), but through our life-times. Our sunrise is our appearance in the world at birth, while our
transition to the spirit world through the gate of Death is our sunset.
mnau to die
mn dead one
The term mn or mna meaning to die or dead one, the dead and death as shown above is also the term for: to arrive
in port. Three versions of the term mn or mna meaning to arrive in port, to die are below:
The first version of the term is comprised of the metutu (hieroglyphs) for the mn combination
, for
the letter n
, for the letter a and for the letter u
. The final metut (symbol) is a determinative
metut. This is a symbol that is not pronounced but is an indicator or determiner of what is being spoken of in the
word. The determinative metut in this instance is the boat:
In the second version of the word we have the metutu for the word mna, however the determinative is not a
boat. It is the mummified body a dead person:
mummified body/dead person is used alone and encompasses the word and the idea in total:
mn. It is a
common practice in the written language of Kamit to spell out the entire word and use a determinative metut
or to simply use the determinative metut alone to signify the word and concept.
Once the boat has arrived in port, it is mni - moored or tied to a mooring post. [See the Coptic version of the term:
MOONE (Mooh-reh):
from which the english moor is derived. The rolling r sound (tongue tapping the
roof of the mouth once) and the n sound are identical and interchange in Afurakani/Afuraitkaitnit (African) languages.
moone (moo-neh) thus sounds identical to moore (moo-reh).]
The key here is the relationship between mn meaning to arrive in port, to die and mr meaning death, the dead but
also boats, shipping in port:
A moored boat is one that has arrived in port (mni, mri) and is fastened. Like a person reaching their final
destination (death) and the body is placed in the ground (port) and tied to Asaase Afua (Earth Mother), so
is the boat which reaches its final destination fastened after its arrival/death. It will not be sailing anymore its
journey has come to an end. There is no longer freedom of movement. When the boat arrives in port and is moored,
the inhabitants disembark - leave the boat. When the individual arrives in port, dies, and his/her body is
moored, fastened to Asaase Afua (buried in Earth), the inhabitant (spirit) of the body leaves for the body is
dead. There is no longer freedom of movement for the body. The spirit therefore disembarks, leaves the physical vessel.
The notion of death, lack of freedom, being moored/tied, submerged (flood water, buried) and more is the basis for a
class of people who are referred to as mr or mru (plural, also written mrw), meaning not only the dead and
the damned but also servants, slaves, bondsmen/women, serfs, vassals, dependents, etc. They are the socially dead - tied,
fastened, lacking of freedom, weak, wretched, etc:
We also have the english term mourn which is also directly tied to the term moor with its etymological roots
in mer and mni death:
Mnt or Mnut (Mrt or Mrnut) meaning suffering, mourning, etc. is the root of the term mourn. We also have:
As we can see above, we have the term agb meaning to mourn, grieve and the same term agb meaning flood,
primordial waters, inundation. Some have identified the term egp.t (Egypt - the land of the inundation) being derived
from agb, the inundation. The notion of a descriptive title of the country being defined through flooding,
inundation and mourning, death in the term agb is identical to the notion of mer (death, mourning) and mer
(inundation, flood) being used as a descriptive title of the country Ta mri. It should be noted that the swelling
of the river during the inundation is said to be caused by a tear-drop falling from the star Sapadet (Sopdet
also called Sirius or Sothis by the whites). This star has the title Eye of Ra (Creator). The crying or mourning
(agb or mn/mr) from this Divine tear-drop thus causes the inundation (agb or mn/mr). These terms and
definitions are all united through the cosmology of Kamit.
Merit Shema
Merit Meht
Merit is the name of the Ntorot (Ntrt/Netert term for Goddess) of the inundation of the river in Kamit. There
are Two Female Nile river Ntorotu (Goddesses), Merit Shema and Merit Meht meaning Merit of the
Southern Branch of the river and country and Merit of the Northern Branch of the river and country. These Two
Ntorotu are often shown to be the Wives of the Male Ntorou (Ntru plural term for Gods) of the Nile Hapi:
Above are the Twin Ntorou (Gods) Hap Meht (Hapi of the North) and Hap Reset (Hapi of the South).
The Nile River is often referred to simply as the Hapi river. However, when speaking of the inundation (flood)
of the river we are focused on the Female Ntorotu, the Meriti (dual Merit) Who are the Female Spirit-Forces
behind the flood.
[The term for water in Kamit is mu. Mu Hap Meht means waters (mu) of the Northern Nile Deity Hap Meht.
MuHapMeht was corrupted into muhammed by the whites and their offspring and applied to a fictional character/prophet
of the false religion of islam who in fact never existed at all. See our KUKUU-TUNTUM The Ancestral
Jurisdiction for details.]
In ancient Kamit, it very rarely rained. However, every year the river would flood creating a tremendous lake,
hundreds of miles long and 10-12 miles wide in certain regions. Kamit was situated along the river which is
the longest river in the world. When the river would flood once a year, it was a time of ritual invocation of the
Ntorou/Ntorotu (Gods/Goddesses) to ensure a promising future crop-yield. The flooding of the river would
bring black silt and deposit that black silt along the river banks. Months later when the water would recede,
there would be fertile land wherein the people would plant their seeds. The Kamau (people of Kamit Egyptians) were totally dependent upon the flood of the river every year for their sustenance.
When the river would flood, Merit Shema and Merit Meht were the Spirit-Forces Who presided over the
swelling or pregnancy of the river [Note: in Akan the term menem [merem] means to swell as in the swelling of a
river]. To the dwellers along the riverbanks, it appeared that the entire country had been inundated. It appeared
as it was in what is called the Sep Tepi or First Time The beginning of Creation. In our cosmology, we
recognized that at the beginning of the Creation of the world there was no land, only water. While today
approximately 71% of the Earth is covered by water, in the beginning the entire Earth was covered by water.
Ra and Rait (Creator and Creatress of the Universe), operating as a Spirit-Force through the solar energy/fire of
the Aten (Sun), activated the fire in the Earths core thereby activating the Earth Mother. This resulted in
earthquakes on the ocean floor and volcanic eruptions which ultimately caused a primordial hill to surge up
from underneath the surface of the water. This raised land would become the first landmass of Earth Afuraka/Afuraitkait (Africa).
Every year during the inundation, the Kamau were reminded of the cosmology. When Merit Meht and
Merit Shema presided over the pregnancy/swelling of the body of the river, a large portion of the land was
buried or submerged under water. This was a form of death. The plant life was submerged. The land animals
living along the banks retreated. The land was buried/submerged for a period. However, when the new season
came it was time for a re-emergence, a rebirth. The land emerged from its submergence/burial/death, the
plant life was resurrected. This recalled the story of Ausar, the Ntoro (Deity) who was killed, buried and
resurrected. Ritually, this recalled the notion of initiation being a process of someone going under, dying to the
old self and resurrecting as a new individual with new responsibilities (priesthood/priestesshood) and much
more. It also recalled the fact that when men and women were in conflict with regard to their loverelationships, the desire (mr) for their significant other manifested as the flood of the rivers of blood in the body to
the heart. Ones heart would then be submerged, flooded, become heavy with anxiety, would pain them and he or
she would feel like a death (mr) has occurred love is death (mr is mr) the heart would freeze or stop.
There may even be a flood or inundation of tears crying. Resolution of conflict however would bring an
end to the heavy (dead) heart. A rebirth or restoration of balance would occur as the heart would begin to
palpitate at its normal rhythm again. The tears would cease. The flood waters would recede.
It is important to note that in Afurakani/Afuraitkaitnit (African) culture, Death in and of Itself is not seen as
evil or as a curse. Death also is not the opposite of life. One is born into the world, we live in the physical
world, then go through the gate of Death and live in the Ancestral world. In our culture, we recognize Death to
be the opposite of Birth life is continuous in the physical realm (after birth) and the spirit-realm (after death).
Ancient Kamit was distinguished in many ways. The mru (pyramids) are magnificent structures which define
an aspect of Kamit. The yearly inundation governed the entire economy and social life of the people. This is
why Kamit would be referred to as Ta Merit, the land of the inundation. This name is also related to Mer
meaning the land of the Mer or pyramids. However, in both instances we are referring to death (mr), submergence,
burial, inundation, shrines for the dead (meru), etc. This is why those who died were referred to as those who
arrived in port (mni or mri) like a boat docking and being moored (mni, mri).
This is not without precedent. The land south of Kamit, contemporary Sudan and Ethiopia, was called Ta
Aakhu meaning Land of the Ancestresses and Ancestors (Aakhu) Land of the Venerable Deceased Spirits/Dead:
The people of Kamit and Khanit paid great attention to those who lived honorable lives and continued to
support us as Ancestresses and Ancestors (Aakhu/Aakhutu) from the Ancestral realm. They were/are our
beloved (mri, mriti) deceased. We therefore built our beloved (mr) dead (mr) shrines/pyramids (mr). This practice
was only for those who lived in harmony with Divine Order while on Earth.
However, societally, those who were engaged in self-destructive lifestyles were referred to as being dead
meru (mru). Those who were slaves, servants (prisoners of war or convicted felons for example) were tied (mr) to
their lot in life and thus to those whom they served. In contemporary culture we often refer to those who are
tied/addicted to drugs as dead or those who are engaged in self-destructive behavior as mentally or spiritually
dead. The same is true of the culture of ancient Kamit:
As for the fool does not hear, he can do nothing at all. He looks at ignorance and sees knowledge. He looks at harmfulness
and sees usefulness. He does everything that one detests and is blamed for it every day. He lives on the things by which one dies.
His food is evil speech. His sort is known to the officials who say, There goes a living death every day. One ignores
the things that he does because of his many daily troubles [Instructions of Ptah Hetep - c4400 years ago]
When the whites and their offspring invaded Kamit, they learned of these terms from our language and
continued to use them. We have proven conclusively that this is the case, for the varied definitions of the
term moor (waste land, sea, swamp, death, love, fastening a boat) have been shown to have their roots in the
language of Kamit. The whites and their offspring continue to use the terms to this day with the exact same
six meanings although they lack cosmological understanding. The same is true of the whites and their offspring
designating Black people as Moors:
Moor (n.)
"North African, Berber," late 14c., from O.Fr. More, from M.L. Morus, from
L. Maurus "inhabitant of Mauritania" (northwest Africa, a region now corresponding to northern
Algeria and Morocco), from Gk. Mauros, perhaps a native name, or else cognate
with mauros "black" (but this adjective only appears in late Greek and may as well be from the
people's name as the reverse). Being a dark people in relation to Europeans, their name in the
Middle Ages was a synonym for "Negro;" later (16c.-17c.) used indiscriminately of Muslims
(Persians, Arabs, etc.) but especially those in India.
The terms moor and blackamoor were used by europeans as a descriptive of Black people who were muslims
and Black people in general over time. The term was also used to identify anyone who was darker that the
western european such as white arabs and hindus, although white arabs and white hindus are not
Afurakanu/Afuraitkaitnut (Africans~Black People). [The original people of these areas were Black. However, just
as in egypt today, the white invaders are in control of these regions. The white invaders in arab-controlled regions of the world, in
india and elsewhere are not Black.] Just as the term mer (love) was corrupted into amour (ah-mohr) meaning
love in european languages, so was the term mer (singular) or meru (plural) referring to dead people; the
damned; slaves, servants, vassals etc. corrupted into moor (mohr) and moors in european languages.
In Kamit, to be labeled a mer or a dead, damned person or a slave was a pejorative. This carried
over into the european usage of the term. The only difference being that all Black people were labeled
moors as a pejorative by the whites. The europeans understood that the color Black was associated with
Divine Power, Ancestrally vested power in Kamit. It was therefore associated with death. Because the whites and
their offspring improperly associated death with evil, they sought to associate being Black with death in a
pejorative sense, and therefore with evil. This is how mr (dead, damned, slave, servant) was connected with Ta
Merit land of the Dead (submergence/inundation/wasteland - see mere the dead land) and because Ta Mert (land
of the pyramids) was also Kam-t (Kam - Black; Kam-t - Black land/Land of the Blacks) then Black was improperly
associated by the whites with death, slave, servant, etc. We must also recall that it is the Merit Ntorotu,
the Goddesses of the inundation/flood/submergence/death, who bring the black silt from the south to
deposit on the banks of the river. The merit-water (flood-water as opposed to the water during the remainder of
the year) was thus the black-water. The black silt comprised the Kam-t or Black land. The black silt is sacred to
Ausar. It is His shrine on Earth. He thus has the title Kam-Ur, the Great (Ur) Black One (Kam):
Ausar also called Kam-Ur. Ausar is the Sovereign of the Ancestral Realm The Realm of the Dead
Above are four different versions of the name Ta Mri or Ta Mra. Note that in the first version the
determinative metut is that of the notched palm branch
Ta Mri is thus the land which returns, via inundation, to a dead-land (mere), the land which is buried for a
season, then resurrected/reborn. It is important to recall that in Kamit, the Ntoro (Deity) Set is the Ntoro of
the desert/dead land. Set is also called Mr the damned one meaning one who works with deceased spirits:
[Set or Seti was corrupted by the whites into Setin or Satan the spirit who rules the dead, the damned, in the
underworld/hell. ]
The term mru (mrw, meru) meaning the damned is indicated by the determinative metut of a man on one
knee driving an axe through the middle of his forehead:
He is engaged in self-destructive, suicidal activity.
The axe through the head shows that he is not only mentally dead but spiritually and physically dead. Selfdestructive behavior, inclusive of suicide is taboo, Divinely prohibited, in Afurakani/Afuraitkaitnit (African)
culture. This dead person is thus a damned person. In Akan culture the term akyiwade is the word for taboo. It
describes that which is kyi - hated by Nyamewaa-Nyame (the Supreme Being). Just as in all of
Afuraka/Afuraitkait (Africa), taboos are Divinely prohibited/Divinely hated deeds, entities, objects, etc. If we
violate an akyiwade, a Divine prohibition or restriction, we damn ourselves because we place ourselves out of
harmony with Divine Order. The term mru meaning serfs, servants, vassals is also spelled with the notched palm
Ta Mra
In the second and third versions of Ta Mri above, the notched palm branch is the determinative metut along
with the metut for country, territory . Ta Mri is thus a descriptive of the country in the context of the
time/season of the merit inundation (submergence, death). This is why we have the term Ta mrau with the same
determinative symbols referencing the time of the inundation death, submergence when referring to a group of people:
. Note that the ancient name of the country most often used is
Kamit and the people Kammau:
The name Ta Mra or Ta Mrit is not attested until the 11th dynasty thousands of years after the civilization
was founded. The name Kamit is used from the early dynasties. In the last version of the term Ta mri
above, the determinative is the metut for a mass of water
and the metut for country or territory the
land/country of the great merit inundation (submergence, death). These facts collectively show that Ta mert is
defined specifically as the land of the inundation, death, submergence and not the beloved land.
Notice the metut of the man driving the axe through his head is found in both the terms mna, mni (mra, mri) - to arrive in port, to die
and in mer the dead, the damned
Again, the whites and their offspring took a term that was a pejorative when referring to a class of people in
Kamau society (mr or mru) and used that pejorative term to apply to all Black people. Instead of simply referring
to us all as Kamau (Black People/Blacks Black being Divine) as we referred to ourselves - they decided to use
the term mr (corrupted into moor) - specifically because it was/is pejorative.
Ancient Black people of Kamit and those outside of Kamit never referred to themselves as Moors
Again, some Black people colloquially refer to drug addicts in america as the walking dead. A white foreigner
could enter a Black community in america, learn of the label that Black people use - walking dead - and
begin to refer to all Black People (including all those not addicted to any drugs) as the walking dead. This is a
pejorative used by a community for a certain segment of the population who are self-destructive being taken by a
foreigner and used as a label of identity for the entire community. This is a deliberate attempt to insult and
redefine the people. [In fact, many whites in america do refer to all Black people in america in these terms today.]
The whites and their offspring, after invading Afurakani/Afuraitkaitnit (African) civilizations and losing
numerous wars to Afurakanu/Afuraitkaitnut (Africans), decided to work on destroying our Ancestral Religion
and Culture. This was a means by which they believed that they could disrupt the society, exploit divisions
and ultimately divide and conquer. Part of the process was to demonize Black people. This is why all throughout
white pseudo-religion black is defined as evil, of the devil, demonic, etc. Black is associated with death in a negative
fashion. This goes directly back to ancient Kamit where Merit (death of the crops, flooding of the land, end of
a cycle/season) was associated with Mer (pyramids/shrines for the dead) and mer (the dead, those who arrived in
port and were mer-ed or moored and also the class of the dead who were damned) [see the related terms: morose,
morbid, mortuary, moron, etc. meaning melancholy, psychologically unhealthy associated with death, sanctuary of the dead,
ignorant mentally dead, etc. all of which have the same roots in mr and later moor and are pejoratives]. Yet, the
association with a social class (slaves, servants socially dead/bound/moored/fastened to their labor and service) and a
spiritual designation for a certain class of the deceased (the damned) was artificially expanded by the whites as
a definition of all Black people.
Those Afurakanu/Afuraitkaitnut (Africans~Black People) who have embraced the idiocy of
moorish culture and identity and refer to themselves as moors, muurs, etc. are perpetuating the
perverse agenda of the whites and their offspring. They are identifying themselves as dead people.
Many of these individuals perpetuate as well the false notion that the term Black means death. They
therefore do not call themselves Black nor do they understand the proper etymology of the term
Afurakani/Afuraitkaitnit (African). They therefore do not recognize nor embrace the reality that they are
Afurakani/Afuraitkaitnit (African).
Black does not mean death Moor means death
Such individuals have been given false and foolish definitions directly from the whites and their offspring
and have accepted these false definitions because of a deeply seeded and deeply seated self-hatred. The
whites and their offspring have spent centuries attempting to convince us that Black and African mean
inferior, ugly, ignorant, slave, etc. This began before the enslavement era and continues today. Misguided
individuals who identify themselves as moors, muurs, etc. have internalized this false doctrine and thus
have a psychological need to believe that they are something anything other than Black or
Afurakani/Afuraitkaitnit (African). Many of them detest the mention of the word African. Yet, deep inside they
know that is exactly who and what they are. They know this from genealogy, trustory, archaeology,
genetics/DNA and common sense. However they hate this reality and therefore seek any measure to distort
it. This is a manifestation of their ingrained conditioning to accept Black inferiority and the insane notion of
white supremacy. This ingrained conditioning is also made manifest in their maniacal search of the
entirety of the ancient world for words with the consonantal structure MR in order to make them
mean moor in order to retro-fit a false assumed identity.
There are also those Black people who are agents of the whites who know the truth but continue to
serve their white masters by miseducating as many Blacks as possible about our identity. All of the
founders of these moorish as well as Black muslim and hebrew movements fit into this category.
We have published an extensive analysis of the term Africa and have shown that his term was created and
used by Afurakanu/Afuraitkaitnut (Africans) thousands of years before any other group existed on Earth:
In the publications we show that the Creator and Creatress of the Universe are called Ra and Rait in Kamit.
They operate through the Aten (Sun). When Ra and Rait, the Great Spirit/Divine Living Energy in Creation, move
within matter, they take on the titles Afu Ra and Afu Rait. The term afu means house or flesh. On an
individual level, your flesh/body is the house or place of residence for your spirit. When the Spirit of Ra and Rait
moved within the primordial Earth to activate It and give It life (like sunlight penetrating Earth and
stimulating the Earths core), They were/are referred to as Afu Ra and Afu Rait. When Their movements
caused earthquakes on the ocean floor, ultimately resulting in volcanic eruptions and a portion of the ocean
floor surging upward above the surface of the water which covered Earth, this first raised land or hill
became the first landmass of Earth. The male/female terms for hill or raised land in Kamit are Ka and
Kait. The Ka of Afu Ra is Afuraka. The Kait of Afu Rait is Afuraitkait. Afuraka/Afuraitkait is the land of the
Creator and Creatress. This information is detailed in the above referenced article-series.
Because Ra and Rait operate through the Aten (Sun), They are often erroneously referred to the as the Sun
God and Sun Goddess. In reality, Ra and Rait use the Aten (Sun) and other stars as physical transmitters of Their
Spiritual Energy. This is how They manifest through the fire of the Aten (Sun).
The term black is erroneously traced back to eurasian languages by the whites and their offspring:
black (adj.)
Old English blc "dark," from P.Gmc. *blakaz "burned" (cf. Old Norse blakkr "dark," Old High
German blah "black," Swedish blck "ink," Dutch blaken "to burn"), from PIE*bhleg- "to burn,
gleam, shine, flash" (cf. Greek phlegein "to burn, scorch," Latin flagrare "to blaze, glow, burn"),
from root *bhel- (1) "to shine, flash, burn;" see bleach (v.).
The same root produced Old English blac "bright, shining, glittering, pale;" the connecting
notions being, perhaps, "fire" (bright) and "burned" (dark). The usual Old English word for
"black" was sweart (see swart). According to OED: "In ME. it is often doubtful whether blac,
blak, blake, means 'black, dark,' or 'pale, colourless, wan, livid.' " Used of dark-skinned people in
Old English.
bleach (v.)
Old English blcan "bleach, whiten," from P.Gmc. *blaikjan "to make white" (cf. Old Saxon blek, Old
Norse bleikr, Dutch bleek, Old High German bleih, German bleich "pale;" Old Norse bleikja, Dutch bleken,
German bleichen "to bleach"), from PIE root *bhel- (1) "to shine, flash, burn" (cf. Sanskrit bhrajate
"shines;" Greek phlegein "to burn;" Latin flamma "flame," fulmen "lightning," fulgere "to shine, flash,"
flagrare "to burn;" Old Church Slavonic belu "white;" Lithuanian balnas "pale"). The same root probably
produced black; perhaps because both black and white are colorless, or because both are associated with
burning. Related: Bleached; bleaching.
As we can see, the term black is traced to the proto-indo-european root bhleg and the root bhel meaning to
shine, flash, burn. The greek and latin related terms are phlegein and flagrare. Note that flagrare is the root
of the english term flagrant. We can also see that the term bleach is traced to the same root. The reason why
bleach and black are related is because bleach burns and something that has been on fire or has burned becomes
black. The whiteness associated with bleach and black (both related to burning) has to do with the fact that
the fire of the Aten (Sun) and fire in general shines/burns white and burns things black. These terms also have
their roots in ancient Kamit.
This is because the roots of these terms are Afu Ra and Afu Rait. Ra and Rait, the Creator and Creatress
operating through the Aten (Sun), the Great white shining, burning fire, caused the water of the primordial
Earth to boil and create vapor. It is Their Divine Energy which activates our abatumm, melanin, and causes us
to become black. Some of the descendants of the Northern Afurakanu/Afuraitkaitnut (Africans), now called
Berbers (the Black Berbers as opposed to the white invaders who now erroneously call themselves Berbers)
are called Fula (Fulani). The name Fula is directly derived from Afura (Afri people).
[In ancient Kamit there was no letter L. The metut (hieroglyph) used to translate foreign words that included the L sound is
the metut for the letter R. This is because the rolling R and the L interchange linguistically. The greek title Ptolemis is
translated in the metutu as Ptuaremis for example. The same is true in the Akan language. There is no letter L. If an Akan
speaker pronounces a foreign word that includes an L sound, he or she will pronounce it with a rolling R. The foreign term
mulatto is pronounced by Akan speakers as murato-ni for example. This is why Fula and Fura are identical.]
The Fula or Fulani can be found across the continent of Afuraka/Afuraitkait (Africa), from East
Afuraka/Afuraitkait (Africa) [in Sudan/Khanit] through Central, North and West Afuraka/Afuraitkait
(Africa) all the way to the regions of Senegal and Gambia.
There are variations in the way that the Fula pronounce their name. In Afurakani/Afuraitkaitnit (African)
languages the P and F often interchange. This is why some Fula people pronounce and spell their name
Peul or Pel. Thus, a branch of the ancient Aourigha or Afarak, Afurak, Afri the Furak or Fula, also call
themselves the Peul. This is a manifestation of the ancient roots of the relationship between bhleg and bhel - Fula
(Furak, Afarak) and Peul. The B, P and F in european languages interchange because this feature was taken
from Afurakani/Afuraitkaitnit (African) languages. This is how bhleg becomes phlegein and flagrare. This is how
the name of the ancient region of Kamit called Paaraka (Pilak in Coptic R and L interchanging)
becomes Philae in greek. The P becomes an F (PH) sound. Another example is a title of the Creator, Ra.
A major title of Ra in Kamit is Pa Ra. The term Pa is the definite article. Pa Ra means The Ra Thee God.
In Coptic, Pa Ra or Pra becomes Phre (Fra or Freh)
Moreover, the B and F (Ph) sound interchange in Kamit. The term brg (barg) in ancient Kamit becomes
pharg in Coptic
Fula Women
The Aourigha or Afaraka, Afuraka, Afurak, Afura, Fula people were/are black people because black refers
directly to our skin color, our abatumm (melanin) and the solar fire moving through our afu (flesh). When the
white, shining, fire of Ra/Rait moves inside of the physical matter of the body (afu) we have Blackness as a
result. This is the connection between the english corruptions black and bleach. The titles Afura and Afurait
are also the origin of the english term fire (Fura). This also accounts for the notion of the adjective pale
(Peul, Fula) being associated with black and bleach. It references the radiant light (pale/white), light of the fire of
Fura - Afura and Afurait. Moreover, the terms phlegien, flagrare are rooted in Afarak(n) and Afuraka.
The first landmass, called Ka/Kait, to rise up from the primordial ocean in the Sep Tepi (First Time) was a
primordial, Black, landmass. The terms Ka/Kait and their variations Kaka/Kakait (Kk, Kkt often written
Kek and Kekut) references Divine Blackness Deities of the Divine Black Substance of Space. The Black
Substance of Space (see Dark matter and Dark energy in astronomy) within which all of the planets, Suns, stars,
dwell is that plasma from which the bodies of the planets and stars (see Black Bodies in astronomy) were
formed. This is why the original Earths first landmass was recognized to be a Ka/Kait a primordial Black
hill or raised land. The terms Ka and Kait are also the masculine and feminine terms for Soul in Kamit.
The term Black as a designation for Afurakani/Afuraitkaitnit (African) people has always been a
sacred designation referencing our skin color as well as our identity as children of Afu Ra and Afu
Rait. Afu (flesh) Ra (Spirit) Ka (Soul and melanin-body), Afu (flesh) Rait (Spirit) Kait (Soul and
melanin-body) Afurakanu/Afuraitkaitnut (Africans~Black People).
In Akan culture the term for law is mmara. The m and b interchange in Akan as well as ancient Kamit.
This is why mmara law, has as its singular form bara. As a verb, bara often contracted to bra means to forbid.
The noun and plural form becomes mbara or mmara law. Those who uphold the law are called barafo
(mmarafo) pluralized as abrafo. The suffix fo means people as in a group. The abrafo or abarafo are that
group of people fo who uphold the law bara (mmara). They are the bara (law) fo (people). In common english,
this group of people are referred to as the police officers [In american parlance, police are often called lawmen or the law]. They oversee the proper functioning of various aspects of the nation on a continuous basis.
This title and function have their roots in Kamit:
A designation for the Two Divine Eyes, Sun and Moon is Mrt (Mart). The egyptologist translated the term as
Mert. However, notice that in the Coptic dialect the term is pronounced BAR:
The term Mr
meaning overseer, chief officer, director, etc. written Bar in Coptic is the same title Bara (Barafo, Mmarafo) in
Akan. The obara-fo is the bara or mmara person the law person the police officer. This is the individual
who in-spects all activity in the nation in order to determine where imbalance exists so that he/she may
exercise his/her authority to uphold law by enforcing order. This is the association of the Divine Eye (MAR or
BAR) with the one who in-spects (looks within), the over-seer, the chief officer (BARA-fo).
Mr-ti (Bar-ti) the two (ti) Eyes (mar/bar) from the coffin of Hetep Nebi
The two Divine Eyes, the Sun and Moon, are often referred to as the Right and Left Eyes of Heru. Heru Ur is
depicted as a Hawk the highest flying bird in the sky in Kamit with the keenest vision. He is the great OverSeer. He is also, as Heru Behudet (Behdety), the Enforcer of Divine Order. He is called Bena in Akan culture.
Bena is often contracted to Bera and Bra. He is the Obrafo Kesee, the Great Obrafo, Divine Executioner,
created at the beginning of the world to Enforce Divine Order in Akan cosmology. There are many titles in
Kamit referencing overseer, inspector beginning with Mr which are rooted in this cosmological reality.
The term mr (mar) in Kamit meaning overseer, chief, head as well as brave man was corrupted into mir and emir
in arabic meaning commander. The arabic language is not an ancient language nor is it
Afurakani/Afuraitkaitnit (African). It includes numerous words with roots in ancient Kamit (just as english,
latin, greek, sanskrit, etc. do also) because of the invasions of the whites and their offspring and their
cooptation and perversion of our language and culture. There is a relationship between mr (bar) meaning
overseer, inspector and mer meaning death, for in Akan culture the abrafo (bara-fo) are also adumfo meaning
executioners. When someone is convicted of a crime and sentenced to death (mr) the mr (bara-fo) carries out
the execution. The term mr as mar/bar however is not the origin of moor.
The term mr (mar) is also found in ancient Sumer (later called Babylon). Sumer was an ancient
Afurakani/Afuraitkaitnit (African) civilization founded by migrants from Afuraka/Afuraitkait (Africa) over
6,000 years ago. The migrants from Khanit and Kamit who established what would later be called Sumer of
course brought their language, culture and cosmology with them. This is why the term Mar.tu also written
Mar.ta means west. This is the same term from Kamit - amn.t or amn.ta meaning west. The general term
amn (amen) in Kamit means hidden or concealed. When the Aten (Sun) sets in the west and sinks below the
horizon it becomes the hidden Aten (Sun). The west was thus called the hidden land amnt (ament). The
Ancestral Realm was also called the hidden land (amnt.t).
As quoted above, the Aten rises from the mountain range called Bakhau in the east (abtet) and sets in the
mountain range called Manu in the west (ament). The term for the western mountain range, the region
where the Aten dies (mn), sets (mn), arrives in port (mn) is called Manu and has the same roots as the term mn
- dead, hidden (amn). The name Manu or Mnu related to Amnt becomes Mar.tu or Mar.ta in Sumerian
meaning west. A description of the people called Mar.tu, later referred to as Amurru or Amorites can be
found in Sumerian texts:
The MAR.TU who know no grain... The MAR.TU who know no house nor town, the boors of the mountains... The
MAR.TU who digs up truffles... who does not bend his knees (to cultivate the land), who eats raw meat, who has no house
during his lifetime, who is not buried after death...
[E. Chiera, Sumerian Epics and Myths, Chicago, 1934, Nos.58 and 112]
They have prepared wheat and g-nunuz (grain) as a confection, but an Amorite will eat it without even recognizing what it
[E. Chiera, Sumerian Texts of Varied Contents, Chicago, 1934, No.3]
Again, we have the ancient association of those who are considered socially dead called mar.tu (manu, mnu,
mrtu the rolling R and N interchange). They are called the boors of the mountains - Manu the western
(martu) mountain range (manu) where the Aten dies mn. The english word boor chosen by the translator
means uncivilized, unrefined. They are uncivilized and are not buried after death (mn). The unburied are the
perpetually dead.
The term mar.tu of Sumer is descendent of the term mru (mrt) socially dead of ancient Kamit.
This is a cosmological concept that the ancient Khanitu and Kamau (Nubians and Egyptians)
carried with them as they migrated from Khanit and Kamit to the Near East thousands of years ago.
As we can see in the excerpt addressing the character of those referred to as mar.tu, the description fits the
character of the whites and their offspring. The Mar.tu were later caller Amurru which translates in english
to Amorites. In Kamit, these people were called Aamu. [Note that Amurru means west and is a version of
amnu (amenut/amanu). Aamu also means west and right.]. The original inhabitants of the region of
what is now called palestine, israel, lebanon and syria were Afurakanu/Afuraitkaitnut (Africans) who migrated
from Khanit and Kamit. Some of these people migrated further east to establish Sumer. However, these areas
were invaded by the whites and their offspring. The mru (mar.tu) designation meaning uncivilized, socially
dead was naturally given to the white invaders as a group of uncivilized criminals. This is why the Aamu
(Amurru, Mar.tu, Amorites) in the murals of ancient Kamit were typically depicted as non-Black:
This excerpt from Civilization or Barbarism by Cheik Anta Diop shows an artists rendition of a mural
inside of the tomb of Ramessu III. [See the KV11 tomb for actual images]. The first figure, Rtu is a Kamau.
The second figure, Aamu, is an amorite. The third figure, Nehesu, is one of the people of Khanit (Nubia)
and the fourth figure Tmhu, is one of the white invaders of North Afuraka/Afuraitkait (Africa), East
Afuraka/Afuraitkait (Africa) and arabia which includes the arab-type [The Arabian peninsula was originally
populated by Afurakanu/Afuraitkaitnut (Africans). The whites invaded thousands of years later. They also corrupted the
traditional religion which was the same as that of Kamit and manufactured the false god allah, the fictional character
muhammad and the false religion of islam]. The Aamu figure (called Mar.tu, Amurru in Sumer) is one of the
whites and their offspring. These invaders of the Black civilizations of the ancient Near East had the
characteristics of barbarians as shown in the quoted text. They were uncivilized, spiritually and mentally dead
individuals. Those who would attempt to trace the term moor back to the mar.tu are tracing the term back
to white, uncivilized, barbaric invaders. They also reinforce the reality that the term defines the dead/damned.
Moreover, the name mar.tu is related to the name Mari which was a city-state to the west of central Sumer
and situated on west bank of what is now called the euphrates river. Mari flourished about 5,000 years ago. The
original inhabitants of this area were Afurakanu/Afuraitkaitnut (Africans) who had migrated north from
ancient Khanit and Kamit. The name Mari, directly related to the later Mar.tu also references the west. The
names Mari, Mar.tu, Amurru have their etymological roots in Mni, Mrt, Mnu and Mru. They reference the
west as a geographical region, but most importantly the aspect of our cosmology wherein the nature of the
inhabitants of the west are defined as the dead. The ancient designation mni, mri meaning the dead land was
carried by Afurakanu/Afuraitkaitnut (Africans) from Kamit wherever we migrated. This is why the later
kingdom of Maure (Mari) geographically to the extreme west of Kamit, bears this title. It was the greeks and
romans who began to use the term maure (mauri) to refer not only to the people of the Numidian kingdom
of that time (Mauritania - c2200-2300 years ago) but to Black people in general. The greeks, romans and later
arabs were familiar with the root of the name maure being the term mru the dead, damned, etc. - and its
origins in Kamit for they had invaded Kamit, occupied Kamit for centuries and learned of the language
including this term. The greek and roman invaders of Kamit not only began to imitate the dress, statecraft
and ritual practices of the Kamau, but also misused the language. As stated previously, the white invaders
took the term mru that was a pejorative designation for a certain class of society in Kamit and over time
labeled the entirety of the Black race with the term wherever they came into contact with us in the world.
Just as the whites and their offspring did in the past, so do they continue today. The whites and their
offspring including arabs, turks and others utilized the derogatory term mru, corrupted into moor, to apply
to Black people in general. They then use Black moors to brainwash other Black people to accept the
insanity of white supremacy and Black inferiority which includes the false religion of islam and the pseudoesotericism of masonry.
This is the origin of such individuals as Timothy Drew/Noble Drew Ali, Elijah Muhammad and
Abdul Hamied Sulaiman all of whom were worshippers of the white arab or turk as divine or god
dedicating their lives to brainwashing Black people with white worship. The Canaanite Temple,
Moorish Science Temple of america, Nation of islam, all other forms of islam, Nuwaubianism, all
forms of hebrewism including Moorish hebrewism and others continue to perpetuate the agenda of
the white slavemaster from eastern eurasia, just as Black christians continue to perpetuate the
agenda of the white slavemaster from western eurasia and america.
These individuals all taught Afurakanu/Afuraitkaitnut (Africans~Black People) to hate ourselves reject the
reality that we are Afurakani/Afuraitkaitnit (African) and to embrace a pseudo-asian identity. They taught us to
denigrate and reject Afurakani/Afuraitkaitnit (African) Ancestral Religion and Culture and to worship the
white arabs, turks and hindus as god or as having a divine position as custodians of the true religion. This
is the contemporary origin of Black people foolishly referring to themselves with the derogatory
name moors. The title moor is an insult to the intelligence of all Afurakanu/Afuraitkaitnut
(Africans) and all of our Ancestresses and Ancestors. It is the equivalent of calling ourselves nigger.
[Notwithstanding the false etymologies now being circulated regarding nigger by the uninformed].
The ancient origin of this self-denigrating behavior is rooted in the greek, roman and arab invasions of
ancient Kamit and the advent of what is referred to as the arab slave trade, indian ocean slave trade, asian
enslavement of Afurakanu/Afuraitkaitnut (Tang dynasty in china) and the atlantic slave trade. [It must be
understood that Afurakanu/Afuraitkaitnut (Africans) were not slaves we were captured as prisoners of war and forced into
enslavement]. The whites and their offspring continue to promote the false moorish, islamic, christian and
hebrew identities among Afurakanu/Afuraitkaitnut (Africans) in Afuraka/Afuraitkait (Africa) and outside of
Afuraka/Afuraitkait (Africa) today through their Black agents. They will continue until we eradicate them.
After having endured enslavement as Afurakanu/Afuraitkaitnut (Africans) in the western hemisphere, many
Afurakanu/Afuraitkaitnut (Africans) embraced the perversity of Black self-hatred promoted by the whites
and their offspring [Externally manifested through hair-straightening, skin-lightening, etc. Internally manifested through the
acceptance of the insanity of white-worship]. This is why it has been relatively easy for white christians, muslims,
hebrews, hindus, buddhists, vedantins, pseudo-new age spiritualists, pseudo-native american spiritualists,
pseudo-esotericists, pseudo-metaphysicians, extraterrestrialists, lost-land-ists [those who promote the idiocy of our
origins being in the mythological lost lands of atlantis and mu. Note: mu/mut in Kamit means mass of water and also
death] and others to lure us away from Afuraka/Afuraitkait (Africa) and our actual direct
Afurakani/Afuraitkaitnit (African) Ancestresses and Ancestors. The same is true of the relative ease with
which the Black agents of these white criminals can lure our people into an organized system of self-hatred
their promoted pseudo-spiritualities for we were already pre-programmed with a disdain for
Afuraka/Afuraitkait (Africa) and anything Afurakani/Afuraitkaitnit (African) as a result of enslavement.
However, that ability to perpetuate these false identities amongst Afurakanu/Afuraitkaitnut (Africans~Black
People) has come to an end. We have returned to our Nananom Nsamanfo (Akan term for
Honored/Spiritually Cultivated Afurakani/Afuraitkaitnit Ancestresses and Ancestors), Who have given us
our true cultural and spiritual identity which is rooted in our connection to Nyamewaa-Nyame
(Amenet-Amen, the Supreme Being) the Abosom (Deities) and our reincarnation through specific
Afurakani/Afuraitkaitnit (African) blood-circles blood-circles which have not been broken for
thousands of years predating the existence of the whites and their offspring on Asaase Afua (Earth Mother).
Akan, Ewe, Yoruba, Igbo, Bakongo, Bambara, Dogon, Minianka, Goromantche, Nguni, Afar,
Batswana, Fon, Ovimbundu, Bassa, Fula, Fang, Azande, Gikuyu, Maasai, Galla, Chokwe, Mende,
Lobi, Kru, all other Afurakanu/Afuraitkaitnut (Africans) on the continent of Afuraka/Afuraitkait
(Africa) and wherever we find ourselves in the world as a result of migration or forced-migration, are
not, never were and never will be moors, hebrews (a fictional people), atlanteans or children of mu
(fictional groups) or any other foolish and degenerate designations.
We are Afurakanu/Afuraitkaitnut - the Ka/Kait bodies and souls of Afu Ra and Afu Rait.
Odwirafo Kwesi Ra Nehem Ptah Akhan
Aakhuamuman Amaruka Atifi Mu
Copyright, 13013 (2013). 13014 (2014). All rights reserved.
Select References
Let the Ancestors Speak: Removing the Veil of Mysticism from the Medu Netcher, by Ankh Mi Ra.
Twi-English/English-Twi Concise Dictionary by Paul Kotey Afurakani/Afuraitkaitnit (African) online language resource (online Akan, Ewe, Yoruba dictionaries)
Etymonline Online Etymology Dictionary
Pyramid Texts Online Includes links to various funerary texts, stelae, papyri, sarcophagi and coffin texts and Hieroglyphic
KUKUU-TUNTUM - The Ancestral Jurisdiction, by Kwesi Ra Nehem Ptah Akhan -
AKANFO NANASOM - Ancient Authentic Akan Ancestral Religion:
NHWEHWEMU - Research Articles:
The Akan people of Ghana and Ivory Coast West Afuraka/Afuraitkait (Africa) are directly descendant of
ancient Khanit (Nubia) and Kamit. The language, culture and religious practices including the names of the
Deities from ancient Khanit and Kamit are thus found intact within Akan culture today. [See our publication:
Akan The People of Khanit (Akan Land Ancient Nubia/Sudan): ]
Naturally, we find that the term mr (mer, merew, mere) continues to be used in the Akan language today:
[A Dictionary of the Asante and Fante Language Called Tshi (Chwee, Twi). J.G. Christaller]
As we can see above, in the Akan (Twi) language the sounds m and b interchange. We thus have mmerew
and berew. The same is true for the term law written in the Akwamu Twi dialect mbra, while written in the
Asante Twi dialect mmara (ma-ra, maa(t) in Kamit). The the suffix fo denotes plurality as in a group of
people, while ni denotes individuality. Thus Akanfo means Akan people (fo), while Akanni means an Akan
individual (ni). The term mmerew when describing an individual means: weak, feeble, infirm, sickly. The
mmerew-fo are those people (fo) who are weak, feeble, infirm, sickly. The mmerew-ni is an individual who is weak,
feeble, infirm or sickly. This is directly derived from mer and the variation merua meaning weak, wretched in
Kamit. Note that the synonym in Twi for mmerew is omanehunufo. This term means a sufferer, one who labors
in affliction; trouble, wretchedness, torments, misery:
[Note the variation maar (mer) meaning oppressed, bound, miserable; afflicted, wretchedness]
The term bere-fo also written and pronounced in some Akan dialects as mberefo, mmerefo are the group of
people (fo) who are needy, indigent, poor, destitute, afflicted. The Akan term bere (mbere, mmere) is derived from
mer (mere) in Kamit referencing the indigent, destitute, needy, servants, slaves, etc. This is what it means to be a
moor. It has always been a pejorative term. It was therefore used by the whites and their offspring to falsely
identify our people as a race of weak, wretched, indigent, afflicted people. Just as it is an insult today in Akan
culture to label someone as mmerew or bere (mbere, mere) mr (moor) weak, wretched, sickly, infirm, when they
are truly not that, so was it an insult in ancient Kamit to label someone a mr (moor), slave socially dead,
spiritually dead/damned, afflicted, wretched, etc. when they truly were not that. This is precisely why the whites and
their offspring decided to label all Black people mr (mer, moor). Only the ignorant amongst us can accept
such a designation.
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AFURAKA/AFURAITKAIT The Origin of the term Africa Parts 1-4
MMARA NE KYI Divine Law/Love and Divine Hate Parts 1-5
KUKUU-TUNTUM - The Ancestral Jurisdiction
UBEN-HYENG - The Ancestral Summons
UAB-ODWIRA - Pa Nsaman Atemmu
MATE MASIE The Ancestorhood of Nana Yao (Dr. Bobby E. Wright)
OBARIMA Afurakani Manhood
AKAN - The People of Khanit (Akan Land - Ancient Nubia/Sudan)
The Origin of the Term Abosom in Kamit
The Origin of the Term Nsamanfo in Kamit
Origin of the Name Aakhuamu (Akwamu) in Kamit
NKOMMERE Ancestral Shrine Communication
NSAMANKOMMERE Ancestral Shrines in Kamit
NSAMANKOM and the Seven Senses
AKRADINBOSOM - The Abosom [Deities] of the Okra/Okraa and the Akan 7-Day Week
AKANFO NANASOM Ancient Authentic Akan Ancestral Religion
ADEBISA Akan Divination in America
Note on the Origin of the Name Nyame in Ancient Khanit and Kamit
Akan Origin of the Term Hoodoo
Asuo Gyebi, Akonnedi Abena, Adade Kofi and Tegare are Not Abosom
Abosom Do Not Ask For Money
AMANEHUNU - Overcoming Transcarnational Suffering
ANKH The Origin of the term Yoga
KARA-KASA The Origin and Nature of the Chakra
ANKHUT Original Terms from Kamit
Note on the Term Ngg Wr (Negg Ur) or Ngng Wr (Nganga Ur) in Kamit - Ngg Ur is Not 'nigga'
The Origin of the Term 'God' - Ngg Ur is not 'nigga' - Part 2
NEHESU - NEGUS NKOSO - Negus is Not 'nigga'
Instruction 35 of Ptah Hetep - Proper Translation of Pre-Pubescent Sexual Taboo
Divine Prohibition Against dissexuality/homosexuality in Ancient Kamit
Note on Ni Ankh Khnum and Khnum Hotep - Identical Twins - Not dissexual/homosexual
SET and ANAT: The Dating of 'The Contendings of Heru and Set'- dissexuality/homosexuality was Never
Accepted in Kamit
UR, EL and JEZREEL Israel Does Not Exist Upon the Mer en Ptah Stele
KAM UR KAMIT URT Ausar, Auset and the Enslavement and Restoration of the
Afurakani/Afuraitkaitnit (African) in Amenti The West