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Aknowledgements: Test Sessions

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We would like to thank Dr Siti for giving us trust and chance to do this
research. This great research is very meaningful to us as through this
research we are be able to work together in creating a syllabus for Year Four
primary school students both in Sabah and Sarawak.
To all our colleagues both in our respective schools and University Malaysia
Sabah, thank you for your sharing and thoughts in helping us to complete
this task.
Last but not least, special thanks to our kids for their co-operations during
the YOPP test sessions.
Thank you and May God bless you.

In our Malaysian Primary School English Syllabus both
Kurikulum Bersepadu Sekolah Rendah (KBSR) and the new
Kurikulum Standard Sekolah Rendah (KSSR), there are four
major skills to be taught in the classroom. Those skills are
listening and speaking, reading and writing. The four skills are
integrated and linked to each other in our daily teaching and
learning process. In Level One, pupils are taught how to
recognize and pronounce letters as well as words through various
approaches, methods and techniques yet based on LINUS 2.0
(Literacy and Numeracy Screening Programme) reported by
our Malaysian Ministry of Education which was first implemented
in January 2013, there are many children could not pass LINUS
2.0. It shows there is some problems occur among the young
children in order to achieve English competency.
This project is to find and create a syllabus that may suit to our
kids based on our readings and group discussions.

English Language is a Second Language in our country. 21st century learning
styles encourages students to be more creative, think critically and
creatively of what they have learned. Based on English UPSR results in the
past, English Subject is considered as a killer subject. The percentage of the
pupils scored passing grades is very low. In this group project, our group will
analyze other points of view in anticipating children to be more actively
involved in English subject. As we know, every pupil has a different way of
learning. As mentioned by Garner, everyone studies orlearns based on the
Multiple Intelligence Skills she or he feels comfortable and enjoy the most.
a) The learner Age: 10 years old Number of pupils: 20- 25 (each school of our
Linguistic level: Moderate/Average
Language needs: Speaking and writing skills
b)The lesson Number of lessons per week: 10 periods (300 minutes).An
individual lesson:240 minutes (based on the periods of the week);60 minutes
allocated is for the teacher to guide the pupils what to do.

Our group will focus on speaking and reading skills. The syllabus created is to
adjust and modify the skills below:
i. 1.1.4 Able to talk about related topics with guidance
ii.1.2.2 Able to listen to, follow and give instructions
iii.3.1.1 Able to create simple texts using a variety of media with guidance
b) Discussing the approach(es) to be followed Task- based. Task-based
language learning. The focus of the teaching is on the completion of a task
which in itself is interesting to the learners. Learners use the language they
already have to complete the task and there is little correction of errors.
The 21st century teaching techniques, methods and approaches and
employing them in our classroom will definitely make a difference in our
teaching practices. They are such as;

1-Inquiry-Based Learning
This is a learning process that is based on inquiry or asking questions.
Through asking challenging questions our students will get intrinsically
motivated to start delving deeper to find answers for these questions and in
doing so they are exploring new avenues of knowledge and insight.
2- Problem-based learning
In a problem-based learning (PBL) model, students engage complex,
challenging problems and collaboratively work toward their resolution. PBL is
about students connecting disciplinary knowledge to real-world problems
the motivation to solve a problem becomes the motivation to learn.
3. Cooperative Learning
Several definitions of cooperative learning have been formulated. The one
most widely used in higher
education is probably that of David and Roger Johnson of the University of
Minnesota. According to the Johnson & Johnson model, cooperative learning
is instruction that involves students working in teams to accomplish a
common goal, under conditions that include the following elements :
1. Positive interdependence.
2. Individual accountability.
3. Face-to-face promotive interaction.
4. Appropriate use of collaborative skills.
5. Group processing.
Task - based learning is very appropriate because pupils will be supplied with
the proper instructions on how to complete the task given. Room for errors
will be minimized since the activity to be done will focus on the task itself.
Task-based learning is one of the possible approach to execute such writing
lesson. Pupils need to be informed of the task which they need to accomplish
by the end of the week. The task could be in the form of writing a summary,
creating a poster or brochure of a tourism spot. Task-based learning ignites
the pupils' creativity to write an informative and enjoyable text. Creative
writing will take place when the pupils are collaborative sharing and
exchanging their ideas.
Besides that, task based language learning. Students are more potential to
develop intrinsic motivation in a task-based approach. Moreover, task-based

learning offers the opportunity for natural learning inside the classroom.
The tasks can be easily related to students real-life language needs.

The assessment upon both focus skills. This can be done through switching
the mastered skills of the pupils in a group. For example, pupils with good
speaking skill will need to do the writing part, pupils with good writing skill
will do the speaking part. For me this will trigger pupils to help each other to
produce the perfect writing piece.
We can assess the pupils ability in speaking by interviewing them so that we
can plan a proper task for them to improve their speaking skills as well as to
motivate them to learn the language
The criteria should include:

linguistic accuracy;


presentation style;

content; and

collaboration with others.


This step defines the projects outcome and the steps required to achieve
that outcome. Poorly defined goals and objectives, or goals without
objectives, pushes a project into unsuccessful situation. Goals and objectives
must be clear statements of purpose. Each with its own purpose that drives
the end result of the project. Goals and objectives must be measurable. First
we can make need analysis to identify what learners need and then state the
needs of the students in terms of realiable goals for the program. Then state
context-suitable and precise objectives which are measureable.
This project is to make the pupils able to speak fluently and confidently in
public so task based approach is suitable to achieve the objectives of this

The main concern of this group project is to help the pupils to master the
Speaking and Writing skills. These learning skills are crucial and should be
equally mastered, for they need both skill to excel in their future studies or to
perform in their work place. Nowadays, graduates from colleges and
universities are performing badly in their writing. They acquired the average
fluency of the spoken language, yet their written works do not show much
acquisition of the language.
Form groups with pupils of mixed level of language proficiency. The rationale
is to allow pupils with different learning skills to complement each other
towards the accomplishment of a task.
1. You Post, I Read, We Write. (Combination of shared-writing and information
Steps: 1. Teacher post two to three sets of information (such as 'The most
occupations', 'My dream vacation' and etc.)
2. Gallery walk. Each group needs to walk around and read the posted
information. Then, they go back to their separate group to discuss
on which
topic that favours the most.
3. Decide on a topic to write. Pupils gather the needed information,
brainstorm for additional ideas.
4. Write their first draft, they check among themselves. Then, hand-in
the draft
to be checked by the teacher.
5. Everyone rewrites the final draft corrected by the teacher in their

6. Each group assigns a group member to present their written work.

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