LP 3 - Sa
LP 3 - Sa
LP 3 - Sa
Date: 4/30/2015
X 2nd observation
X Emerging
X Proficient
Planning (conceptualization/diagnosis/coordination)
Reflection Questions:
Using your knowledge of students background knowledge, learning
styles, skills, and abilities justify the educational decision making you
engaged in for this lesson.
The students have been working on a research project about Wisconsin. This
is a big project that they have been working on for more than a month. The
project started out with the students watching a slide show of pictures to
enlist questions about Wisconsin past or present to research. The students
then started to do research. As I worked with some students who were
having a difficulty finding answers to their questions we discussed what
sources they used to find answers. As I explored their research I discovered
that their questions were in fact answered but students had a hard time
comprehending some of their research because of key words in the text they
did not know and did not attempt to figure out. Students need to practice
using strategies to identify words they do not know and how they can figure
out what the words mean.
I have been thinking really hard about the idea of incorporating the right
learning styles for your students. This is an area that I would I like to
improve and practice. Through my time in the field I have been able to pick
up on some students learning styles by engaging with the students as they
worked on different assignments but I dont necessarily feel confident saying
I could address all of my students learning styles. My lesson was
particularly designed to benefit the students who are audible learners and
independent learners. I know that those strategies are beneficial to many of
the students but I dont think I accurately engaged all of students in this
Inviting (communication/integrative interaction)
Reflection Questions:
Explain what you did to create a positive, inviting, brain-compatible
learning environment.
Final remarks: I would like to develop more skills in deciding how I am going to teach a lesson. I also want to practice using different assess
how my students are learning and what they are taking away from a lesson.
Scoring Rubric
Level One
The reflection is vague
and lacks details; there is
little or no elaboration.
Level Two
Level Three
The reflection is
moderately detailed and
elaborated. Contains
examples to explain the
candidates thinking about
the lesson and justify the
educational decisions
made for this lesson.
Reflection demonstrates
suggests revisions that
need to be made to
improve this or other
Level Four
Level Five
The reflection is very
detailed and well
elaborated. Clearly,
contains examples
sufficient to explain the
candidates thinking about
the lesson and justify the
educational decisions
made for this lesson.
Reflection demonstrates
revisions that need to be
made to improve this or
other lessons.