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Traits & Drawbacks - Eberron Pathfinder

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Traits & Drawbacks

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Eberron Overview
Conversion Info

1 Trait Recommendations
2 Drawback Recommendations
3 New Drawbacks

Character Conversion
Channeling Feats
Combat Feats
Dragonmark Feats
General Feats
Item Creation Feats
Luck Feats
Metamagic Feats

Pathfinder introduced the idea of Traits, which are about half

as powerful as feats in the APG, pg. 326. This was followed by
more Traits and Drawbacks from UCam, pg. 64. While 3.5 did
not have either Traits or Drawbacks as a mechanic, there are
plenty of clear sources of inspiration for them in the books.
Detailed below is a list of traits and the source material for their

Mythic Feats
Psionic Feats

Trait Recommendations

Racial Feats
Changeling Feats

Traits relating to life in Khorvaire (PGoE, pg. 7-13).

Shifter Feats
Warforged Feats

Chronicler: Consider the Self-Taught Scholar or the


Skeptic Traits (UCam, pg. 58).

Traits & Drawbacks

Equipment & Services

Devotee of the Sovereign Host: Consider the Beacon

Magical Items

House Renegade: Consider the Ambitious Trait (UCam,


pg. 59) or the Ordinary Trait (UCam, pg. 61).

Removed Material
The Epic Campaign
The Story So Far...
Important Items & Places
The Opposition
Credits & Links

of Faith or Child of the Temple Traits (UCam, pg. 54).

House Scion: Consider the Imposing Scion

Trait (UCam, pg. 60) or the Rich Parents Trait (UCam,
pg. 61).
Innocent Victim: Consider the Surprise Weapon
Trait (UCam, pg. 54) or the Dangerously Curious Trait
(UCam, pg. 56).
Inquisitive: Consider the Suspicious or Truth's Agent
Traits (UCam, pg. 61).
Outlander: Consider the Weathered Emissary
Trait (UCam, pg. 61) or any Regional Trait (UCam, pg.

Community Use / OGL


d20 Pathfinder SRD

Restless Wanderer: Consider the Friend in Every Town

Pathfinder Forums

Trait (UCam, pg. 60).

Scholar-Adventurer: Consider the Classically Schooled
Trait (UCam, pg. 56) or the Self-Taught Scholar Trait
(UCam, pg. 58).
Streetwise Scoundrel: Consider the Child of the
Streets Trait (UCam, pg. 59), Criminal Trait (UCam, pg.
60) or the Vagabound Child Trait (UCam, pg. 63).
War-Torn Hero: Consider the Battlefield Disciple
Trait (UCam, pg. 51) or the Knowing the Enemy
Trait (UCam, pg. 60).
Traits relating to the Last War (FoW, pg. 103-107).
Deserter: Consider the Grief-Filled Trait (UCam, pg. 60).
Enlisted Soldier: Consider the Militia Veteran Trait
(UCam, pg. 63).
Foreign Infiltrator: Consider the Ordinary or Veiled
Disciple Traits (UCam, pg. 61).
Material Supplier: Consider the Merchant Trait (UCam,
pg. 60).
Mercenary: Consider the Mercenary Trait (UCam, pg.
Ranking Officer: Consider the Oathbound Trait or
Principled Trait (UCam, pg. 55).
Refugee: Consider the Orphaned Trait (UCam, pg. 61).
Special Operative: Consider the Tactician Trait (UCam,
pg. 54) or the Principled Trait (UCam, pg. 55).
Survivalist: Consider the Courageous Trait (UCam, pg.

Drawback Recommendations
Drawbacks related to the Last War (FoW, pg. 108-111).
Bigotry / Prejudice: Consider the Provincial or
Xenophobic Drawbacks (UCam, pg. 65).
Depression: Consider the Dependent or Doubt
Drawbacks (UCam, pg. 65).
Obsessive Compulsion: Consider the Headstrong or
Meticulous Drawmbacks (UCam, pg. 65).
Paranoia: Consider the Paranoid Drawback (UCam, pg.
Weapon Fetishes: Consider the Attached
Drawback (UCam, pg. 64), focusing on a weapon.
Zealotry and Extremism: Consider either the Provincial
or Zealous Drawbacks (UCam, pg. 65).

New Drawbacks

A collection of new drawbacks, inspired from the Last War

(FoW, pg. 108-111). The Missing Limb option has been
removed as that is a lot more than a Drawback.
Addiction: You start off the game with moderate
addiction to a drug of your choice. If you manage to cure
yourself of the addiction, you must replace this drawback
with another one or remove of your traits to compensate.
Battle Scars: You have one or more horrid scars. This is
not a cool or impressive scar but something that makes
people cringe and it really can't be hidden easily without
magic. You are a a -2 to Diplomacy checks for the first
encounter that someone sees the scar.
Blood-Thirst: You have lost any ability to control
yourself in the heat of combat. You have become rage
incarnate. You are incapable of using any Intelligencebased skills, Bluff, Diplomacy or Sense Motive during
combat, being defined as the time from the first hostile
action you witness or initiate to 3 rounds after the last
hostile action you witness or initiate.
Cold: You have lost all feeling, all compassion. You are
a tool, a weapon and nothing more. Any morale bonus
you would get is reduced by -1 to a minimum of +0.
Cowardice: You are generally afraid of everything. You
suffer a -1 to all fear related saving throws.
Flashbacks: Anytime that you suffer a traumatic event
(loss of half your hit points, going unconscious, powerful
emotional trauma, etc), you suffer a flashback to a
horrible event in your past. This flashback lasts for 2d4
rounds, during which you are helpless. You cannot suffer
a flashback more than once per day.
Limp: You have a bad leg or a bum knee. If you take
damage during a round (regardless of how much or how
often), your natural movement rates are reduced by 5
feet until the beginning of your next turn.
Mood Swings: Your emotions rule over your life in ways
that are just not healthy for anyone. You suffer a -1 to all
emotion related saving throws. Fear is not considered an
emotion for this drawback.
Mournland Scars: You have a scar that has somehow
mutated or is vividly discolored. You are at a -2 to
Stealth checks to remain unnoticed in a crowd. Attempts
to find you, magically or otherwise, are at a +2
circumstance bonus. This bonus does not apply to
Perception rolls if you are not in line of sight.
Phobias: You are generally brave, but there is one type
of situation that you have no mental defense against.
Choose one type of frightening situation (fire, drowning,
the rotting dead, ghosts, etc). Any Will save to resist fear

in relation to that situation automatically fails, even if you

are immune to fear. This phobia can learned by reading
your mind are through careful study of your habits.
Recklessness: You have lost any fear of death or injury.
So much so that you either have a death wish or believe
you are invincible. You cannot use the withdrawal action
and the Acrobatics DC to avoid provoking an attack of
opportunity is the opponent's CMD plus 5, regardless of
whether you go through their occupied squares or
merely their threatened squares.
Tics and Twitches: You have a constant set of nervous
twitches and unnerve people. You are at a -2 penalty to
Stealth checks and you are not capable of delivering
secret messages through the Bluff skill. You can still
receive them, however.

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