C# Chapter 6
C# Chapter 6
C# Chapter 6
Multiple files
A C# program can be spread over multiple files. So far all our code has been written in one large
file. Lets us create 2 .cs files a.cs and b.cs as follows
class zzz
Earlier our code did not spawn multiple files. C# does not care whether the code is in one file or
spread over multiple files. We have only to make a small change while we compile the program.
These files are called source files and it is a good idea to give them a file extension of .cs. If you
rename b.cs to b.xxx as we did and rerun csc as
This will create a.exe as usual. File extensions matter to the programmer not to the compiler.
class zzz
Computers in a way are pretty dumb. They do not understand letters of the alphabet. All that they
can store in memory are numbers. But then, how does a computer understand or display
alphabets? The WriteLine function displays 65 as 65, but the output is A. In the () brackets we
have placed a data type called char. We call a ( ) a cast. It means, for the moment convert
whatever follows into a char. Thus the number 65 gets converted into a char which is displayed
as a 'A'. The 66 gets displayed as a 'B'. Someone, somewhere in the world invented a rule which
specified that the number 65 represents a capital A, etc. This rule is given a name and is called
ASCII. All that ASCII says is that the numbers form 0 to 255 can also represent small and capital
letters, punctuation etc. Whenever you write A, rest assured somewhere in memory, a 65 was
stored. A file on disk can also contain numbers form 0 to 255 only and the same rule as spelt
above apply.
class zzz
char i = 'a';
class zzz
public static void Main()
int i;
The above program displays the entire Ascii table. The problem with Ascii is that it is sufficient
for a language like English, which does not have to many symbols to represent. However, when
it comes to visual languages like Japanese, they have more symbols to represent than English.
Ascii can represent a max of 256 unique symbols. The industry thus invented Unicode which
uses 2 bytes for every character unlike Ascii's one. All the languages of the world can be
represented by Unicode. C# understands Unicode and thus the char data type store characters
internally as Unicode and not Ascii.
class zzz
int int;
Compiler Error
class zzz
int @int;
Compiler Warning
a.cs(5,5): warning CS0168: The variable 'int' is declared but never used
The warning does not name the variable @int but int.
class zzz
int @int;
@int = 10;
We have millions of names to choose for a variable, then why insist on an int. There will be
times when another language declares a name as a reserved name and in those cases we would
use the @ sign. It is advisable not to use the @ sign very often.
When we run the C# compiler on our program, it does 2 things. One, it reads our code and
converts it into things/tokens it understands. This is called a Lexical analysis. Then it does a
Syntactic analysis which gives us an executable output.
Comments are a form of documentation. They are lines of code written for our benefit (the
community of programmers) and not for C#'s. In spite of this, programmers in general are lazy in
writing comments. Comments are ignored by the compiler.
// hi this is comment
class zzz
A comment over
two lines
A regular comment starts with a /* and ends with a */. They can be spread over multiple lines
and can be placed anywhere in your code. Any line beginning with a // is a one line comment and
as the name suggests, cannot span multiple lines. A single line comment does not have to be at
the beginning of a line.
Escape Sequences and Strings
class zzz
System.Console.WriteLine("hi \nBye\tNo");
Bye No
An escape sequence is anything that starts with a \. A \n means start printing from a new line and
a \t means a tab. Two backslashes convert into a single backslash.
class zzz
System.Console.WriteLine(@"hi \nBye\tNo");
hi \nBye\tNo
A string is anything in double quotes. A verbatim string starts with a @ sign and all the escape
sequences are ignored by the C# compiler and displayed verbatim.
class zzz
Compiler Error
class zzz
Placing an @ in front of the string lets it spawn multiple lines and the spaces shown in the
output. If you want the \ to lose its special meaning in a string, preface that string with a @ sign.
class zzz
string a = "bye";
string b = "bye";
System.Console.WriteLine(a == b);
The above example displays true, even though the two strings may be stored in different areas of
memory. The two strings contain the same characters and hence are similar.
The Preprocessor
Before the C# compiler can start, a small part of it called the pre-processor first activates itself. It
is called the preprocessor as the same concept existed in the programming language 'C'. All that
the preprocessor does is that it looks at those lines beginning with a # symbol.
#define vijay
class zzz
The first preprocessor directive we are learning is called define. This lets us create a
word/variable or even better, an identifier called vijay. The identifier vijay has no value other
than true.
class zzz
#define vijay
Compiler Error
a.cs(5,2): error CS1032: Cannot define/undefine preprocessor symbols after first token in file
We cannot use the #define, after valid C# code has been written. They have to come at the
beginning of the file.
#define vijay
class zzz
#if vijay
As a #define creates a variable, its value can be checked by the if or more precisely the #if which
works in the same way as the if of C# does. Thus the #if is true and all code up to the #endif gets
added to the code.
class zzz
#if vijay
The same rules as before for an else. Here as we have not created an identifier called vijay, it
gets a value of false and therefore the #if is false. Imagine a preprocessor identifier as a boolean
Run the C# compiler as follows on the above program and observe the change in output.
The output displays 1 as the /D compiler option lets you create identifiers at the time of
compiling the program. This cannot be done with a normal variable. We can add/subtract lots of
code form our program, at the time of compilation.
#undef vijay
class zzz
#if vijay
As we are allowed to create an identifier vijay by the define, the undef does the reverse. It sets it
to false which is the default in any case. As the value of vijay is false, the else gets activated.
However we run the above as csc /D:vijay a.cs, we are first creating an identifier vijay at the
command line prompt, then undefining it at the first line in the program and the output will show
2 as before. You cannot use the define or undefine after real code.
#define vijay
#undef vijay
#undef vijay
class zzz
#if vijay
People are allowed to nag you as many times as they like. Repetition has been part of human
history since ancient times. You are allowed to undef as many times as you like even though it
makes no logical sense.
#define vijay
#define mukhi
class zzz
#if vijay
#if mukhi
You can have as many #if's within #if's. We call them nested if's. If the #if is true, then the text
up to the #endif is included.
#define vijay
class zzz
#if vijay
int int;
We get no error at all in spite of the fact that we are not allowed to create a variable called int. Is
C# sleeping at the wheel? It is not as the preprocessor realized that the identifier vijay is true, it
removed all the code from the #else to the #endif. C# did not flag an error at all, as it was not
allowed to see the offending code by the preprocessor.
class zzz
#if vijay
int int;
Compiler Error
Now we see the error as the identifier vijay is false. Remember what the C# compiler sees is
what the preprocessor allows it to. You write code and what the compiler sees may be very very
class zzz
Compiler Warning
Whenever we want a warning message to be displayed at the time of compiling our code we use
class zzz
Compiler Warning
a.cs(3,10): warning CS1030: #warning: 'We have a code red'
Unlike the #define, the #warning can be used anywhere in our program. It enables us to add to
the messages of the compiler. Also the line number changes from 1 to 3 telling us where the
warning occurred.
class zzz
Compiler Error
Wherever we have warnings, errors cannot be far behind. The difference is that an error unlike a
warning, stops everything in its tracks and does not let the compiler proceed ahead. No exe file is
created. Normally an error or warning would be placed in an if statement as follows.
#define vijay
#define mukhi
class zzz
public static void Main()
Compiler Error
The && means and. The if is true if both sides of the && is true. They are in this case. Remove
one of the above #defines and the if will be false.
class zzz
Compiler Warning
The line directive does two things. One it changes the line number from 1 which is what is
should be at the beginning to 100. Thus the warning appears on line 102 now and not 2. Also the
file name changes from a.cs to vijay. You have total control over the line number and file name
int int;
char char;
Compiler Error
Line does not only work with the #error or #warning. It affects also the compiler's error line
number and file name. You are allowed to have as many #lines as you prefer.