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Conri Chukum Pithecellobium Albicans1

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Boletn Latinoamericano y del Caribe de

Plantas Medicinales y Aromticas

ISSN: 0717-7917
Universidad de Santiago de Chile

Enterolobium cyclocarpum (Jacq.) Griseb.: The biotechnological profile of a tropical tree
Boletn Latinoamericano y del Caribe de Plantas Medicinales y Aromticas, vol. 11, nm. 5,
septiembre, 2012, pp. 385-399
Universidad de Santiago de Chile
Santiago, Chile

Available in: http://www.redalyc.org/articulo.oa?id=85624131001

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Network of Scientific Journals from Latin America, the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal
Non-profit academic project, developed under the open access initiative

2012 Boletn Latinoamericano y del Caribe de Plantas Medicinales y Aromticas 11 (5): 385 - 399
ISSN 0717 7917

Revisin | Review

Enterolobium cyclocarpum (Jacq.) Griseb.:

The biotechnological profile of a tropical tree
[Enterolobium cyclocarpum (Jacq.) Griseb.: El perfil biotecnolgico de un rbol tropical]


Instituto de Investigaciones Qumico Biolgicas

Facultad de Ingeniera en Tecnologa de la Madera. Universidad Michoacana de San Nicols de Hidalgo. Morelia Michocn, Mxico.
Contactos | Contacts: Mauro Manuel MARTINEZ PACHECO - E-mail address: mpacheco@umchi.mx

Enterolobium cyclocarpum is a tropical tree that has played a fundamental part in the development of rural man living from southern Mexico to the middle
part of the South American subcontinent. The purpose of this review is to describe the relevant biotechnological aspects of this benefactor and generous
comrade in life, the taxonomic classification and geographical distribution and introduction to other continents, the basic aspects of their biology and ecology,
the importance in the traditional agroforestry systems. Also, its role as material in the construction and manufacture of wooden utensils, in food and
pharmaceutical biotechnology, in traditional medicine, in culinary regional folklore and its symbolic social importance.
Keywords: Enterolobium cyclocarpum, phytochemistry, biotechnology
Enterolobium cyclocarpum es un rbol tropical que ha sido fundamental en el desarrollo del hombre rural que habita desde el sur de Mxico hasta la parte
media de subcontinente Sudamericano. El propsito de esta revisin es describir los aspectos biotecnolgicos relevantes de este rbol benefactor y generoso
compaero de vida, la clasificacin taxonmica y distribucin geogrfica e introduccin a otros continentes, los aspectos bsicos de su biologa y ecologa, la
importancia en el sistema agroforestal. Tambin, su rol como material de construccin y de utensilios, en la biotecnologa de alimentos y farmacutica, en la
medicina tradicional, el folklore culinario regional y su importancia emblemtica.
Palabras Clave: Enterolobium cyclocarpum, fitoqumica, biotecnologa

Recibido | Received: February 9, 2012.

Aceptado en versin corregida | Accepted in revised form: May 1, 2012.
Publicado en lnea | Published online: September 30, 2012.
Declaracin de intereses | Declaration of interests: This work was funded by UMSNH.
Este artculo puede ser citado como / This article must be cited as: Mauro Manuel Martnez Pacheco, Rosa E. Del Ro, Alberto Flores Garca, Rosa E. Martnez Muoz, Oscar
A. Ron Echeverra, David Raya Gonzlez. 2012 Enterolobium cyclocarpum (Jacq.) Griseb.: The biotechnological profile of a tropical tree. Bol Latinoam Caribe Plant Med
Aromat 11(5): 385 399.


Martnez Pacheco et al.

Enterolobium cyclocarpum (Jacq.) Griseb.: the biotechnological profile of a tropical tree

Successful drugs are a support of economic power in
the international pharmaceutical market and obviously
in the clinical treatment of health problems. Many of
them have their origin in plants and they have been
obtained through drug exploration in traditional
medicine. Ethnobotanical surveys within local
communities have revealed the use of some native
plant and their economic potential. It is estimated that
there are 250,000 to 500,000 species of terrestrial
plants on the planet, of which 1,650 have been used as
food by native groups in the American continent, and
2,564 have been used in traditional medicine (Klink,
1997). Only 6 % of the plants have known biological
activity and 15 % of them have been evaluated for
their phytochemistry (Miller, 2011). It is true that few
countries possess a vast biodiversity and Mexico is
one of them, having a terrestrial flora of 20,000 to
30,000 species and for this fact it globally ranks fourth
place in floristic diversity; it is estimated that 52 to
65% of species are endemic plants (Rzedowski, 1978,
1991; Toledo, 1988). Today as always, the plants are a
fundamental basis in the development and comfort of
the man. Some aspects of its fundamental biology of
the plants are known and less about their secondary
metabolites that are an apparently inexhaustible source
of active ingredients and drugs.
Some plants are important in traditional use,
for their physical, mechanical, and culinary properties
and as traditional medicine. However, efforts have
been extended to search beyond of the limited number
of medicinal plant. All of them require phytochemical
studies detailed in the search for its active ingredients.
With the purpose of use some plants as alternatives for
the production of novel or know active ingredients, or
to validate their bio-active properties, or to accept or to
rule out their traditional use.
A relatively small number of plants have
closely accompanied the evolution, development and
splendor of the human race, for example species from
Asia, Europe and North Africa, such as condiments,
ornamental and fruit trees. However, even fewer plants
that have accompanied to man in its local development
and of which we do not know much of their biology,
ecology and phytochemistry, such is the case of
Enterolobium cyclocarpum (Jacq.) Griseb. an
important tree in pre-Columbian and modern, Central
American cultures that have lived in the American
isthmus. However, recently the social and biological
importance of this tree has transcended beyond of the

American continent. The Enterolobium genus, E.

cyclocarpum is the best-known species mainly due to
the versatility of applications in various fields of
human activity. This is an update to the knowledge of
this species.
distribution of E. cyclocarpum
This tree was first described in 1809 and 1887 in New
Spain; it became known with the name of Mimosa
cyclocarpa. Then, the British Jacq and Griseb
classified it as Enterolobium cyclocarpum (Jacq.)
Griseb. (Standley, 1924). E. cyclocarpum belongs to
Phylum Magnoliophyta; Class Magnoliopsida (Dic).
Order Fabales. Family Leguminosae (Mimosaceae).
Synonyms: Albizia longipes Britton and Killip;
Feuilleea cyclocarpa (Jacq.) Kuntze; Inga cyclocarpa
(Jacq.) Willd; Mimosa cyclocarpa, (Jacq); Mimosa
parota Sesse and Moc; Pithecellobium cyclocarpum
(Jacq) Mart; Prosopis dubia Kunth.
In an initial approximation to know the
number of species of the Enterolobium genus, De
Lima Mesquita (1990), considered that in the tropical
America are distributed up to 22 species: E. barinense,
E. barnebianum, E. benebianum, E. blanchetii, E.
contortisiliqua, E. cyclocarpum, E. contortisiliquum,
E. ellipticum, E. glaucescens, E. guaraniticum, E.
gumiferum, E. glaziovii, E. jamboril, E. maximum, E.
monjollo, E. mongollo, E. oldemannii, E.
schomburgkii var. schomburgkii, E. schomburgkii var.
glaziovii, E. tamboril, E. timbouva var. canescen and
E. timbouva f. minor. While Barneby and Grimes
(1996) reported 12 members of this genus: E.
barinense (Crdenas and Rodrguez), E. barnebianum
(Mesquita and MF Silva), E. contortisiliquum (Vell)
Morong, E. cyclocarpum (Jacq.) Griseb., E. ellipticum
(Benth), E. glauziovii (Benth) Mesquita, E.
gumminferum (Mart) J.F. Macbr, E. maximum
(Ducke), E. monjollo (Bent), E. oldemanii (Barneby &
J.W. Grimes), E. schomburgkii (Benth) Benth and E.
timbauva (Mart), establishing an apparent controversy
in the number of species present in the American
continent, where to interpret taxonomic keys may
cause confusion to determinate the species of this
genus. As well, e.g. E. mangense was recently relocated in the Chloroleucon genus as C. mangense var.
mangense (Barneby and Grime, 1996). Although
interestingly work has been started to understand their
phylogeny and molecular taxonomic classification

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Enterolobium cyclocarpum (Jacq.) Griseb.: the biotechnological profile of a tropical tree

with descriptions of five proteins; maturase, PsbA,

phytochrome A-type protein, phytochrome E, and
phytochrome A and the analysis of the gene sequence
of the chloroplast genes; trnK, matK, psbA-trnH,
trnL/trnF and the intergenic spacer regions trnL-trnf
and trnL genes (Lavin et al., 1998; Luckow et al.,
2000; Miller et al., 2003; Wojciechowski et al., 2004).
Also, it has been shown that this species is
polymorphic and variable in the number of alleles by
locus in the range of 5 to 15, where isolated micro
satellite loci with which in the future of this species
may be improvement (Peters et al., 2008).
Enterolobium genus are E. contortisiliquum and E.
cyclocarpum, of which we begin to know their biology
and ecology, also the phytochemistry, the biocidal and
Such is the importance of this species in the
life of pre-Columbian and modern societies that it
inhabits the land bridge connecting North and South
America, which can be observed by the names given
to this tree in different native languages (Pennington
and Sarukhan, 2005; Corral Lpez, 1985).
The significance of this tree in the social life
of the natives is reflected in the fact that it has been
given its vernacular name to the towns and provinces
along of the continental bridge. In some places it has
come to be regarded as the emblematic national tree,
such is the case of Costa Rica in which it is known by
the common names of guanacastle and chorejas. Also,
in this Central American country in the 20th century
(1975), coins were minted with the logo of the tree E.
cyclocarpum (Vargas Zamora and Gmez Laurito,
Currently three species present in Mexican
territory have been reported: E. mangese, E.
schomburgkii and E. cyclocarpum distributed in the
States of the Mexican southeast (Schery, 1950;
Cowan, 1983; Sousa and Cabrera, 1983; Ce Bar et
al., 2006). In Mexico, E. cyclocarpum is widely
distributed on the slope of the Gulf of Mexico, from
the South of Tamaulipas State to the Yucatan
Peninsula, while on the slope of the Pacific it is found
from Sinaloa State to Chiapas State and from the south
border of Mexico to the North of Brazil (Peninngton
and Sarukhan, 2005). The index value of importance
(IVI) of E. cyclocarpum in the Mexican Southeast
varies in the range from 5.9 to 17.5%, this value
indicates that the natural abundance is from 1 to 32
trees per hectare. It was among the 16 Mexican trees

that have a value in the range of 5 to 16%. E.

cyclocarpum is a species with a real existence per
hectare considered to be low, so the annual utilization
is low, according to the forestry system inventory of
Mexican geographic information (SIG: Mexican
acronym) (Torres Rivera and Burgos Herrera, 2008).
Today, E. cyclocarpum inhabits other latitudes. The
history of introduction of this tree in other tropical
places remains poorly documented and it is unclear
how widely is distributed this species in the world. A
possible explanation is given by early work about
plant diversity from American continent done by
biologists from European powers of last centuries, e.g.
British biologists made botanic gardens and seed
collections from American tropical plant species
where E. cyclocarpum was included. This species was
introduced to Africa and other continents through the
far-flung outputs of those European powers.
Then, at middle XX century a deteriorating
food situation happened in many African countries and
other developing areas caused by the overpopulation,
climatic change, increasing spread ecological
degradation and energetic crisis. At this time, E.
cyclocarpum and other multipurpose trees were
reassessment for the Food and Agricultural
Organization (FAO) of United Nations (UN). Several
global economic agencies between them the FAO
established development policies and approaches
concern to cover the basic needs of the poorest of the
poor, especially to the rural poverty. Agroforestry
policies that included the introduction and culture of
exotic multipurpose trees were applied in several West
African countries and since this tree has been included
in the local culture.
Interaction of E. cyclocarpum with native human
Timber industry
Wood presents differences in color between the
sapwood and the heartwood, the sapwood is white
with chesnut-brown streak and furrows. The
heartwood is light brown in color, pronounced
veining, medium brightness, coarse texture,
interlocked and growth ring defined only when there
are marginal parenchyma bands and it has a spicy taste
and strong characteristic odor.
The pores are visible to the naked eye, with
scarce and diffuse distribution and groups of 3-5 pores
with tangential medium diameter. Vessel elements are
short in length, its walls alternate bordered with
coalescent apertures and plate perforated simple pits,

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Enterolobium cyclocarpum (Jacq.) Griseb.: the biotechnological profile of a tropical tree

some sealed with rubbers. Axial parenchyma is visible

to the naked eye, axial parenchyma is of vessel centric
and confluent bands types. It presents tiny crystals of
rhomboidal type, in the oil-like specialized cells. The
spokes are only visible with magnifying glass the
cross-sections and simple view in the radial faces, are
homogeneous series 1 to 3 with rubber bands of brown
color, being most abundant in 2; uniseriate rays are 217 cells in length and 7 cells are more abundant.
The fibers are of two types: libriforms and
fiber tracheids, chambered in length and average
diameter and thin walls. The wood is light, hard and
with low resistance to static bending, compression
parallel and perpendicular to grain; their total
volumetric contraction is very low, the tangential
contraction is average and the radio is low, it is dried
in a span of 7 days with a content of initial humidity of
100% up to a moisture content of 10 to 12%. The

wood is of rough texture with an intertwined fiber; the

sapwood of E. cyclocarpum is hard, it is susceptible to
decay and insect attack but the heartwood is resistant
to decomposition and dry wood termite attack
(Chudnoff, 1984; Raya Gonzlez et al., 2007).
By the physical and mechanical properties
wood from the heartwood is easy to work it. It is used
to retrieve tables and beams for rural buildings, for the
production of kitchen utensils for domestic use; it was
formerly used for the construction of canoes and cart
wheels (see table 1). The wood is used for the
manufacture of staves, wood furring, veneer, and
wooden decks. It is used for the production of
handmade miscellaneous items such as: furniture in
various styles and forms, works of art by hand carved
doors, railings of stairs, protective bars, screens,
musical instruments, packaging, construction and
decoration of houses.

Table 1
Mechanical and physical properties of heartwood from E. cyclocarpum.
Density (weigh anhydrous/volume green)
Dimensional stability
Radial contraction (r)
Tangential contraction (t)
Volumetric total contraction (y)
Modulate of Elasticity (MOE)
Modulate of Resistance (MOR)
Resistance to the compression parallel to Grain
Resistance to the compression perpendicular to Grain
Maximum Resistance to the Compression (MCS)
Hardness Janka wings (green)
Hardness Janka ends (green)
Hardness Janka wings (dry)
Hardness Janka ends (dry)
Pulp and papermaking characteristics along with total
biomass yield of a fast growing tree species such as E.
cyclocarpum have been evaluated. The fiber length of
1 mm and low lignin content of 20% accompanied by
other normal characteristics have been highlighted for
its favorable use as hardwood in pulp and
papermaking. Pulping by chemical sulfate process
requires 15% of active alkali with an unbleached pulp
yield of 50.5%. Bleaching by CEH sequence shows
pulp yield of 43.4% and brightness of 81.2%. The

0.34 - 0.56 g/cm3
71,000 - 100,000 kg/cm2
401 - 1350 kg/cm2
301 - 450 kg/cm2
343 kg/cm2
159 kg
172 kg
235.9 kg
strength properties are discussed vis-a-vis quality of
paper (Brahmam et al., 1993).
The wood from E. cyclocarpum has anatomical
structure and physical properties and chemical that
makes it an interesting constructive component with
possibility of to competes with other materials. Wood
E. cyclocarpum exhibits technical challenges such as
the manufacture of articles and furniture with curved
pieces to produce innovative designs, e.g. the
heartwood has an average density value of 450 kg/m3,
while curved pieces of wood have a density value

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Enterolobium cyclocarpum (Jacq.) Griseb.: the biotechnological profile of a tropical tree

equal or greater than 600 kg/m3 (Corral Lpez 1985;

Hwang et al., 2002; Makinaga et al., 2007). Also, their
incorporation in the manufacture of instruments and
acoustic structures is other challenge. Therefore, of the
wood E. cyclocarpum is necessary to know and to
integrate factors such as the plasticity in the presence
of an aqueous ingredient, temperature and moisture
content in relation to the thickness of the piece, the
radius of curvature and orientation of growth ring.

herbaceous productivity than the response of a

plantation. Storage systems below ground systems
contained more than 40% of the total number of
sampled biomass (Potvin et al., 2004).
Although the fodder derived from E.
cyclocarpum is nutritionally good, it also favors a
moderate methane production by microbial
fermentation in the rumen and has a ruminal antiprotozoaric effect, possibly due to the content of
saponins (Bobayemi, 2006; Soliva et al., 2008;
Rodrguez et al., 2009). The presence of antinutrient
Agro-forestry use of E. cyclocarpum
The traditional knowledge of alternative uses of trees
factors especially in the seeds of E. cyclocarpum could
on this land bridge allows a broad view of the
be a major constraint in their use as food for poultry.
usefulness of this natural resource. For example in
However, the food properties of different parts of E.
Michoacn a Mexican state, its major use is as
cyclocarpum are useful as ruminant nutrient (Iyayi et
firewood 28.3%, poles for fences 25.2%, medical
al., 2006).
human 15.2%, development tools of 14.6%, human
Concern to use of this tree, the agroforestry
consumption 13.5% and medicinal 3.3% (Gonzlez
practices are doing in natural wild, disturbed
Gmez et al., 2006).
environmental and anthropogenic areas. In Mexican
It is a tree very appreciated and perhaps in
territory is notable that gathering is the common
some places is protected by man and has several uses
practice. It was observed that some time at some
such as a shade tree in livestock or agricultural lands.
places gathering include actions such as selection of
For the forest, agricultural crops and animal
desirable phenotypes, changing the order in which
production, ancestral techniques of use and
gathering areas are used in order to allow a higher
management of soils have been combined and they
availability of products and restricting harvesting in
have been successfully applied (Mahecha, 2002).
the event of a decrease in number of individuals of the
Traditional knowledge in rural societies about the use
species. However, it is necessary for E. cyclocarpum
of fodder trees is broad and shows the multiple
to design and to implement forms of management such
functions of cultural, economic and service orders.
as, tolerance, protection, promotion and ex situ
This tree is essential in the integrated production
It is advisable to know the best
systems, which are used deliberately with perennial
management forms to this tree into each area.
woody species (trees, shrubs, palms, etc.). For
At Africa the agroforestry stage is different,
example 80 trees are used as forage in the Michoacn
here, it has been designed and implemented
region, which includes the species E. cyclocarpum
management forms of exotic multipurpose tress such
using the seeds and leaves as a nutritional supplement
as E. cyclocarpum, e.g. alley cropping is a promissory
for animals and whose bromatological analysis
agroforestry technology for not only the humid
showed that it has a good food value; the seeds of this
lowlands but also the subhumid to semiarid zones.
tree contain approximately 36% protein. The crude
Alley farming involves growing perennial trees in
protein (CP) content ranged from 112 to 266 g/kg dry
systematic rows, and the production of arable crops
matter (DM). The neutral detergent fiber (NDF)
between these rows. They implemented exotic
content ranged from 283 to 515 g/kg DM and from
growing trees and food crops on the same farmland.
166 to 402 g/kg DM, (see table 2) (Monforte Briceo
Depending on the tree species, such practices has help
et al., 2005). This practice has been observed in
to improve soil fertility, hold soil particles together
several Mexican states where cattle production is of
and prevent erosion, and produce shade, browse for
dual purpose and dominated by extensive and semilivestock, poles, fuel wood, and other forest products.
extensive management systems (Gmez Castro et al.,
E. cyclocarpum is a good fixative of carbon measured
by the seasonal variation of the values of 13C stable
This tree quickly generates great amount of
isotope, with a differential behavior in the setting of
fodder and hence carbon pools in the soil that support
the isotope that depended on the position of the leaves
the growth of other plants used as pasture for cattle
on the tree (Holtum and Winter, 2005). The
feed. Pasture response to seasonal change was more
distribution of carbon storage in the form of starch was
pronounced, in terms of the flow of CO2 and
in the axial inner fibers, parenchyma, and in the living
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Enterolobium cyclocarpum (Jacq.) Griseb.: the biotechnological profile of a tropical tree

xylem fibers associated with enzyme activity of

extensive and semi-extensive management with low
phosphatase in the xylem of E. cyclocarpum. The
productivity systems, it is advisable to promote the
content of starch diminished at morning and later
cultivation of this species for its incorporation to
increased. The new increase of free starch in the xylem
existing agroforestry systems. This includes tree
was held up for a long period of time. In parenchyma
fodder, fruit, and timber in livestock systems to help to
cells, especially at the tips to the vessels there is a
reforestation and restoration of degraded areas. Mulch
great activity of acid phosphatase (AP). The activity of
and pruning from E. cyclocarpum no release
AP indicates the secretion of sugars into the vessels.
phytotoxic compounds this it allowing the
This can cause an osmotic pressure in the stem, which
establishment and growth of other plant species
could prompt the transport of water during the period
(Kamara et al., 2000). In Mexico a group of 14 trees
of reduction of perspiration due to the high humidity
that including to E. cyclocarpum has been proposed
of air (Fink, 1982).
for reforesting perturbed areas. It has a natural
The seeds of E. cyclocarpum are extensively
frequency of 59.7%, it can grow in wide altitude
collected and consumed for the nutritional content rich
intervals (0 - 942 m), temperature (22.3 - 26.9 C)
in amino acids, carbohydrates, minerals and proteins,
and precipitation (860 - 2600 mm) and is adapted to
by the animals of the forest and man, therefore a
diverse soils (Gmez Castro et al., 2006).
shortage of seeds should be presented in the field for
The importance of this species in the
the generation of new individuals. The survival of the
restoration of soils depends on the survival of the seed.
seeds depends on the abortion of the seed in the fruit
Recently, the importance of the predation of seeds by
of E. cyclocarpum related to the position within of the
animals in the distribution and density of mangrove
fruit; there is a marginal difference in the rate of
species has been established by several studies. A
abortion among these sections and also among trees. In
correlation was observed between the density of the
general, the distal section has the highest rate of
predator and the removal and mortality of germinated
abortion in relation to the other sections. This pattern
seeds. Predation of the seeds and plants and the
of abortion may be caused by competition for food
secondary covered canopy are also important factors
resources within the pod and not by genetic
that affect the establishment of this tree (Lindquist and
differences between them (Villalobos and Bianchi,
Carrol, 2004).
2000). The seeds of E. cyclocarpum are characterized
The pattern and rates of gene movement across
by a hard covers that make them impermeable to water
the field are key factors in the development of genetic
and probably to gases. Inhibition of the abortion
structures under natural condition as well as those
process could be speeded up, trying to seed with
modified by man. It seems clear that pollination is not
concentrated sulfuric acid or by mechanical
panmitic, but is quite extensive in E. cyclocarpum.
processing. The seed under mechanical processing
Also, it is expected that pollinating consistency year
showed an increase in fresh weight of the embryo and
after year for a parental seed has an average annual
a decrease in dry weight of cotyledons that was
crossing with small pollen pool values. Parental seeds
parallel to an increase of the dry weight of the prewith a high number of pollen donors have been found.
implantation axis. A starch content decrease was
If is considered that the pollen flows at considerable
observed in the cotyledons, which was followed by an
distances through the countryside (Smouse et al.,
increase in the reducing sugars. In the same way the
total N decreased, it was accompanied by an increase
E. cyclocarpum interacts with bacteria such as
in the content of soluble N. The total P in cotyledons
Bradyrhizobium and fixes nitrogen in association with
content declined as germination proceeded. Changes in
these cells; large amount of ureids compounds
the content of starch were confirmed with anatomical
associated with globular nodules was found (Van
studies. The vessels of the xylem in pre-implantation
Kessel et al., 1983; Goi et al., 1984). E. cyclocarpum
axis appeared perfectly differentiated at 72 h after
in association with endomycorrhizae and growing in
germination (Hernndez Gil and Garca, 1980).
de-mineralized and poor soils is able to absorb
This tree is found in zones of vegetation
phosphorus and other nutrients (Kang et al., 1995). It
apparently disturbed of high perennial forest and
was noted that this microbe-tree association gives a
medium sub perennial forest in primary associations,
favorable response for the enrichment of phosphorus
but it is difficult to relate to this species with some
in poor soils (Habte and Musoko, 1994). Not all
kind of primary vegetation. In areas of cattle
microbial associations that this tree establishes are
production with double purpose and dominated by
beneficial, recently the presence of the fungus
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Enterolobium cyclocarpum (Jacq.) Griseb.: the biotechnological profile of a tropical tree

Acremonium sp. (Cephalosporium) was reported in

tumors in E. cyclocarpum and this fungus was
associated with the xylophage insect Nasutitermes
rippertii (Isoptera:Termitidae) (Prez Miranda et al.,
2009). Other negative association of E. cyclocarpum
with insects was observed. It was reported that the tree
presented a severe infestation with Maconellicoccus
hirsutus (Green), pink hibiscus mealybug (Gonzlez
Gaona et al., 2010).

micronutrients. The result of the change in dietary

habits was to encourage the emergence of the
epidemic of metabolic diseases related to human
lifestyle. Also, it is important to establish government
measures at the economic, cultural and health levels
for the control of micronutrient malnutrition in the
population of developing countries; it is an investment
that will bring social benefits.

Pharmacological activities observed with the use of

Traditional use of by-products obtained from E.
derivatives of E. cyclocarpum
Components extracted from hardwood were assessed
The rubbery exudates are of great economic
in the protection of other woods against
importance in rural areas, due to its use in industries
biodegradation by fungi, using the method described
such as: food, pharmaceutical, textile, cosmetics, and
in standard ASTM D2017-71 (Anonymous, 1971).
wine (Klose and Glickman, 1975; Whistler and
Tropical woods have a natural resistance to fungi and
BeMiller, 1993). Average rubber yields seen in E.
insects, e.g., heartwood from E. cyclocarpum was
cyclocarpum are 36.10 g/specimen/week, solubility is
extracted with acetone, ethanol, hexane or water.
4 g/100 mL and its intrinsic viscosity is 100 mL/g, this
Wood susceptible to biodegradation was treated with
parameters were determined at 25 C (Rincn et al.,
every type of extract and then exposed to fungal
cultures. The aqueous extract of E. cyclocarpum had a
polysaccharides, and acids are excreted by species that
reasonably good inhibitory activity of fungal growth.
grow in tropical and subtropical areas in response to a
Extracts can be used for wood protection during
wound at the level of the stem, removal of branches, or
storage and transportation to minimize losses in
by the presence of insects, bacteria and fungi. The bark
timber, pulp and paper industries (Bravo Garca and
contains tannins and is used in the tannery to treat fur.
Amador Ramrez, 1992; Raya Gonzlez et al., 2012b).
The green fruit contains saponins and is used locally as
This tree is used in the Mexican states, Mexico,
a substitute for soap to wash clothes (Niembro Rocas,
Sonora and Veracruz for the treatment of respiratory
ailments such as colds and bronchitis. The remedies
The seeds of E. cyclocarpum are part of the
are prepared with various parts of the tree such as the
diet of rural people and it is a typical food in the
fruit, gum and the bark (in syrup) as well as the extract
Mexican States: Morelos, Guerrero and Michoacan.
of the plant. Another uses are for skin asepsis and to
Where, seeds are consumed as roasted seeds or ground
heal the grains and pimples of the skin, they baths with
or mixed with different meats in chili sauces and the
the extract of the bark. Also, it is use for glucose
immature fruits are used in the preparation of soups
decrease in blood, diarrhea, purifying, and for good
(Gonzlez, 1984; Gmez Pompa, 1985). Additionally,
digestion. It use of E. cyclocarpum to cure
it was reported that E. cyclocarpum contains low
hemorrhoids has transcended beyond the American
values of thermolabile antinutrient factors, which do
continent (Gonzlez, 1942; Mendieta and Del Amor,
not constitute a risk to consuming seeds boiled in
1984; Brook, 2000; Lawal et al., 2010). Although
water (Serratos Arvalo et al., 2008).
recently reported an infusion from heartwood was
This is a reason for analyzing the relationship
innocuous for the dimorphic fungus and pathogen C.
between man and native foods of plant origin as the
albicans and other organisms of different trophic
source of micronutrients is that today there are many
levels (Raya Gonzlez et al., 2008). This apparent
people with hidden hunger, whose characteristics is
discrepancy may be due to natural variability that is
micronutrient deficiency. From the second decade of
present each individual.
the twentieth century came a change in eating habits of
Products derived from E. cyclocarpum had
the world population mainly in countries in process of
other pharmacological effects such as: a reduction in
development. A cheap way of to satisfy the bodys
the population of ruminal protozoans and increased the
caloric demand, man increased his food consumption
presence of fungi in cattle fed with its leaves (Rosales
based on refined grains and tubers poor in
et al., 1989; Navas Camacho et al., 1993). Saponins of
micronutrients such as minerals and vitamins. At same
this tree have shown hemolytic and spermaticide
time, man divested the expensive native foods rich in
activity when applied to the vaginal mucosa of rats
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Enterolobium cyclocarpum (Jacq.) Griseb.: the biotechnological profile of a tropical tree

(Abd Elbary and Nour, 1979). Extracts from E.

cyclocarpum heartwood obtained with acetone or with
a mixture of acetone:hexane:water (55:44:2 v/v) had
insecticidal activity against subterranean termite
Coptotermes formasanus Shiraki (Carter et al., 1975).
Also, it was found that the aqueous extract of E.
cyclocarpum has components that inhibit the activity
of the Dihydrofolate reductase, a central enzyme in the
metabolism of folates from fungi and other organisms
(Damin Badillo et al., 2008).

mucosa and/or sublingual mucosa (Pinhasi and

Gomberg, 2006).
Our group reported that an aqueous heartwood
extract form E. cyclocarpum protected perishable
woods from Pinus spp and Quercus spp against
deterioration caused by the drywood termite
Incisitermes marginipennis (Latreille) (Raya Gonzlez
et al., 2012b). The polar nature of the extract and
potential industrial use led to determine possible acute
toxicity to man, it was noted that the aqueous extract
of heartwood of E. cyclocarpum is harmless to humans
(Raya Gonzlez et al., 2008; Martinez Muoz et al.,

Biotechnology use of E. cyclocarpum

Gum from E. cyclocarpum has interesting chemical
and structural properties; it is soluble in water,
exhibiting a high viscosity (100 mL/g). The
Phytochemistry of E. cyclocarpum
polysaccharide that has been isolated from this rubber
The heartwood from E. cyclocarpum is one specimen
is made up of monomers such as; galactose, arabinose,
with richness in polar extractive substances containing
rhamnose, glucuronic acid and their 4-O-methyl
32.4%. Sequential extractions with different solvents
derivatives. The main chain corresponds to a -D-(1-3)
indicated the following yield percentages: 14.88
galactan (Len de Pinto et al., 2000). E. cyclocarpum
acetone; 0.64 ethanol-water; 4.6 methanol and 1.98
gum has been used as an additive, partial substitute for
water. E. cyclocarpum is a species that has been
Arabic gum, also, it has been used in the preparation
studied intermittently from the chemical point of view,
of ice cream, semi-decream liquid yogurt, and nectars
from which several metabolites (see table 2) and for
of peach [Prunus persica (L) Batsch], which provides
some of them the biological activities have been
a viscosity better than mixtures of commercial gums,
described. Betulinic acid inhibits growth of colon
improved the stability of emulsions and prevented the
cancer cells and tumors and downregulates Sp
formation of ice crystals of objectionable size, optimal
transcription factors through activation of proteasomecapacity to produce foam and intensity of the color,
dependent (SW480 cells) and proteasome-independent
best body and texture; all these features are of
pathways (RKO cell) (Yogeeswari and Sriram, 2005;
economic importance in food technology (Abu-Lehia
Chintharlapalli et al., 2011). Machaerinic acid lactone
et al., 1989; Townsend and Nakai, 1983; Rincn et al.,
and derivates exhibit several pharmacologic effects
2005, 2006; Del Monte et al., 2006).
such as, hypoglycemic, antinociceptive and analgesic
The rubbery exudates are complex polymers
effects (Yosikawa et al., 2001; Huo et al., 2006). By
that plants excrete in adverse conditions of
hydrolysis of this saponin was obtained the veracruzol
temperature and humidity. These natural products are
(24-norolean-5-en-3-ol) (Domnguez et al., 1979).
composed of a set of monosaccharides which can be
Albizziine was isolated from the seeds of E.
exploited to the growth of fungi. Due to these
cyclocarpum yielded on acid hydrolysis to L-(+)-2,3characteristics a mixture of rubbery exudates of Acacia
diaminopropionic acid (Gmelin et al., 1959).
glomerosa and E. cyclocarpum had been used as
Albizziine is a non-proteinogenic aminoacid and
culture medium for the identification of the fungal
glutamine analog occurring in higher plants. It acts as
species such as; Sincephalastrum racemosum,
a competitive inhibitor of asparagines synthetase with
Monoascus ruber and Trichophyton mentagrophytes
respect to glutamine, glutamate synthase and
(Mesa et al., 2000). These results corroborate the
glutamine metabolism in mammalian cells,
virtues of the culture media based in exudates of
ectomycorrhizal fungal and other microbes,
rubbery plants, for studies of isolation and
respectively. However albizziine does not compete
identification of fungi.
with glutamine for the active site of glutaminyl-tRNA
Recently, it the E. cyclocarpum gum patented,
synthetase (Schroeder et al., 1969; Andrulis et al.,
the invention relates to a solid compound for intra-oral
1985; Dura et al., 2002). Also, it has insecticidal and
delivery of insulin, comprising insulin, a hydrophilic
herbicidal properties (Navon and Bernays, 1978;
polymer matrix, providing insulin bioavailability of at
Williams and Hoagland, 2007).
least 5%. The compound is suitable for oral
Recently, our group described that this tree
transmucosal delivery via buccal, gingival, lingual
produces D-(+)-pinitol (Raya Gonzlez et al., 2008). It
Boletin Latinoamericano y del Caribe de Plantas Medicinales y Aromticas/392

Martnez Pacheco et al.

Enterolobium cyclocarpum (Jacq.) Griseb.: the biotechnological profile of a tropical tree

is a cyclitol compound that exhibit the ability to

attenuate o suppress oxidative stress and the
inflammatory process e.g. it is used as a nutritional
supplement in patients with type II diabetes mellitus. It
exhibits a hepatoprotective, immunosupresor and
cardiovascular disease-preventing effects in Swiss
albino mice and Wistar rats (Greenwood et al., 2001;

Kim et al., 2005: Zhou et al., 2008; Chauhan et al.

Pinitol also, has been linked with insect
larvicidal, oviposition stimulant in insect and antiviral
activities (Papaj et al., 1992; Chaubal et al., 2005;
Zhan et al., 2006).

Table 2
Phytochemical analysis and some biological effect of E. cyclocarpum.
Plant extract/metabolite
Viscous and agglutinant liquid

Green pod

2,3-diamine propionic acid,

Triterpene saponin, veracruzol


Galactose, arabinose, glucose,

rhamnose, glucuronic acid
Trypsin inhibitors, cianogenic
glycosides, saponins
Threonine, lysine, leucine, valine,
asparagine, glutamine, serine,
histidine, glycine, arginine, alanine,
tyrosine, methionine, valine,
phenylalanine, isoleucine, luecine,
Lionoleic, oleic, palmitic, linolenic
Iron, Calcium, Phosphorus, ascorbic
Albumins, globulins, prolamins,
Protoantocianidins, phenolic
compounds, procianidins and
Pentanic extract
Hexanic extract
Essential oils, phenolic compounds,
terpenes, acetophenones

Biological effect
Agglutinant and

Espejel and Martnez, 1979
Gmelin et al., 1959

Pulp and shell

Trunk gum

Ichthyotoxic and

Seeds and foliage



Positive feeding


Positive feeding
Positive feeding
Positive feeding
Not determinated

Ezeagu et al., 1998

Antifeeding and

Carter et al., 1975

Rutiaga et al., 1995
Raya Gonzlez et al., 2012b.

Mature pod


Domnguez et al., 1979

Len de Pinto and de
Corredor, 1986, Len de Pinto
et al., 1994
Sotelo et al., 1980;
Aguilar and Zolla, 1982
Giral and Echegoyen, 1949;
Massiu et al., 1950

Espejel and Martnez, 1979

Serratos Arvalo et al., 2008.

Raya Gonzlez et al., 2008.

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Enterolobium cyclocarpum (Jacq.) Griseb.: the biotechnological profile of a tropical tree

As well as, some essential oils in the wood of

heartwood (Raya Gonzalez et al., 2012a) among them
the major components are the D-limonene that exhibits
several benign effects such as anti-inflammatory, antitumorigenic of experimental skin tumor and antihyperlipidemic (Yoon et al., 2010; Chaudhary et al.,
2012). The p-cymene exhibits an antifungal activity
(Masotii et al., 2003). The butyrate hydroxytoluene is
a well-know antioxidant compound. p-cymene-8-ol is
a compound defense of the soldier Curvitermes
strictinasum Mathews (Baker et al., 1981) and both it
as -terpineol are used as flavor and fragrance agents.
In the volatile and non-volatile components secondary
metabolites were found that can potentially be
responsible for the protection of the dry wood of Pinus
E. cyclocarpum exhibit a remarkably wide
range of chemical diversity and a multiplicity of
biological properties. By centuries, it has been in use
for combating several human ailments. It contains
small molecules with stereochemistry complex that
have a significant pharmacological role in e.g. cancer
and diabetes therapies. These features make to the
natural products very specific for particular targets.
Plants used in traditional medicine to treat diseases
including cancer and diabetes, indicating that there
might still be valuable the ethnopharmacology
approach to drug discovery. The screening of plant
extracts is still an active area of research throughout
the world, and it is entirely possible that novel
pharmacologic agents, including those amenable to a
semi-synthetic approach will be discovered in the
future from E. cyclocarpum.
From E. cyclocarpum continued us learning the
principles of their basic biology, as well as the use that
has been given in traditional medicine, in agroforestry,
in typical food given by the nutritional content of its
leaves and seeds, biotechnological properties of gum
that exudes and of the secondary metabolites as
antiseptic, food, pharmacological and insecticides.
Also, we have not understood the chemical basis of the
great natural durability and resistance to the
biodeterioration and biodegration showed for the
heartwood of this species, whose knowledge could
help us find new antiseptics and novel molecules.

E. cyclocarpum is a valuable natural resource

which is involved in important areas of the human
predatory character: (1) the tree has a restorative effect
on degraded land and for controlling the erosion,
fixing nitrogen, as ornamental specie it is preference
for their huge glasses and beautiful foliage is used as
forage. (2) It is a timber species of great craft value for
its hardness and resistance of the heartwood to damage
by fungi and termites so it is logged and extracted
from the forest to transform in various articles. These
circumstances have led to intensifying the
investigation of the aspects of its basic biology,
phytochemistry, ecology and agroforestry production,
aiming at the rational exploitation of this natural
resource of tropical and subtropical forests of the
This work was funded by UMSNH. To Mr. Martin
Calderon Raya Bs. for the revision of the English
language. The authors are in grateful with the
anonymous referees that supervised this manuscript.
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