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ANSYS AIM Documentation

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ANSYS AIM Documentation

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Release 16.2
April 2015

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ISO 9001:2008

Table of Contents

Table of Contents
1. Overview.................................................................................................................................1
1.1. Simulation Templates..........................................................................................................2
1.1.1. Structural Template................................................................................................2
1.1.2. Fluid Flow Template................................................................................................3
1.1.3. Thermal Template..................................................................................................3
1.1.4. Electric Conduction Template..................................................................................4
1.1.5. Fluid-Structure Interaction Template........................................................................5
1.1.6. Fluid-Solid Heat Transfer Template..........................................................................6
1.1.7. User Defined Template............................................................................................6
1.1.8. ACT Custom Template............................................................................................7
1.2. Project File Management.....................................................................................................7
1.2.1. Project Unlocking...................................................................................................7
1.2.2. Project Recovery....................................................................................................7
1.2.3. User_Files Folder....................................................................................................8
1.2.4. Imported Files........................................................................................................8
1.2.5. Sharing or Archiving Projects..................................................................................8
1.3. Workspace Overview...........................................................................................................9
1.4. Choosing a Display Mode...................................................................................................10
1.5. Defining Locations.............................................................................................................12
1.6. Defining Selection Sets......................................................................................................12
1.7. Stopping an Update...........................................................................................................13
2. Geometry..............................................................................................................................15
2.1. Import..............................................................................................................................15
2.1.1. Usage Notes for Import Tasks................................................................................15
2.1.2. Geometry Import Source.......................................................................................15 Specifying a Geometry Import Source by Browsing....................................16 Specifying a Geometry Import Source by Active CAD Attach.......................16 Geometry Preferences..............................................................................16 Geometry Dimensions..............................................................................17
2.2. Configuration....................................................................................................................17
2.2.1. Usage Notes for Configuration Task.......................................................................17
2.2.2. Suppress Controls.................................................................................................18 Creating a Suppress Control.....................................................................18
2.2.3. Move/Rotate Controls...........................................................................................18 Creating a Move/Rotate Control................................................................18
2.3. Construction Geometry......................................................................................................19
2.3.1. Reference Frames.................................................................................................19 Creating Reference Frames.......................................................................19 Coordinate Systems.................................................................................20
2.3.2. Points..................................................................................................................21
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Table of Contents Specifying a Point by Entry.......................................................................21 Specifying a Point by Selection..................................................................22
2.3.3. Planes.................................................................................................................22 Creating Planes.......................................................................................22
2.3.4. Box.....................................................................................................................23 Creating a Box.........................................................................................23
2.3.5. Capping Surfaces..................................................................................................24 Creating Capping Surfaces........................................................................24
3. Meshing................................................................................................................................25
3.1. Overview of Meshing.........................................................................................................25
3.1.1. Extracted Volume Workflow...................................................................................26
3.1.2. Geometry Simplification Workflow..........................................................................27
3.1.3. Flow Volume Meshing Workflow.............................................................................27
3.1.4. Part-based Meshing Workflow................................................................................28
3.2. Best Practices...................................................................................................................29
3.2.1. Structural Meshing Best Practices..........................................................................29
3.2.2. Fluid Flow Meshing Best Practices..........................................................................29
3.3. Mesh Size and Distribution.................................................................................................31
3.3.1. Proximity Size Function.........................................................................................33
3.3.2. Curvature Size Function........................................................................................34
3.3.3. Fixed Size Function...............................................................................................34
3.3.4. Adaptive Size Function..........................................................................................35
3.3.5. Reuse of Computed Size Functions........................................................................35
3.4. Volume Creation................................................................................................................35
3.4.1. Volume Creation Limitations..................................................................................36
3.4.2. Setting Defaults for Volume Creation......................................................................37 Setting Optional Defaults for Volume Creation............................................37 Setting Mesh Resolution...........................................................................45
3.4.3. Global Sizing for Volume Creation..........................................................................45 Global Sizing for Volume Creation with the Curvature and Proximity Size
Function Method.............................................................................................46 Global Sizing for Volume Creation with the Curvature Size Function
Method...........................................................................................................50 Global Sizing for Volume Creation with the Proximity Size Function
Method...........................................................................................................51 Global Sizing for Volume Creation with the Fixed Size Function Method........55
3.4.4. Additional Settings for Volume Creation..................................................................55
3.4.5. Troubleshooting Volume Creation Problems............................................................56
3.5. Flow Volume Meshing........................................................................................................60
3.5.1. Common Inflation Settings for Flow Volume Meshing..............................................60 Optional Inflation Settings for Flow Volume Meshing..................................62
3.6. Part-based Meshing...........................................................................................................65
3.6.1. Usage Notes for Part-based Meshing......................................................................65
3.6.2. Setting Defaults for Part-based Meshing.................................................................65
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Table of Contents
3.6.3. Parallel Part Meshing Best Practices.......................................................................66
3.6.4. Global Sizing for Part-based Meshing.....................................................................67 Global Sizing for Part-based Meshing with the Curvature and Proximity Size
Function Method.............................................................................................67 Global Sizing for Part-based Meshing with the Curvature Size Function
Method...........................................................................................................72 Global Sizing for Part-based Meshing with the Proximity Size Function
Method...........................................................................................................73 Global Sizing for Part-based Meshing with the Fixed Size Function
Method...........................................................................................................77 Global Sizing for Part-based Meshing with the Adaptive Size Function
3.6.5. Common Inflation Settings for Part-based Meshing.................................................79 Optional Inflation Settings for Part-based Meshing.....................................81
3.6.6. Additional Settings for Part-based Meshing.............................................................84
3.6.7. Troubleshooting Part-based Meshing Problems........................................................88
3.7. Local Mesh Sizing..............................................................................................................88
3.7.1. Defining Sizing on a Body......................................................................................89
3.7.2. Defining Sizing on a Face......................................................................................90
3.7.3. Defining Sizing on an Edge....................................................................................91
3.7.4. Local Mesh Sizing Control Options..........................................................................91 Local Element Size and the Size Function...................................................93 Behavior of Soft and Hard Settings............................................................93
3.8. Volume Definitions............................................................................................................94
3.8.1. Defining a Volume - Extracted Volume...................................................................94
3.8.2. Defining a Volume - Geometry Simplification..........................................................95
3.8.3. Extracted Volume Properties..................................................................................95
3.8.4. Geometry Simplification Properties.........................................................................96
3.9. Local Inflation...................................................................................................................97
3.9.1. Defining Inflation Boundaries................................................................................97
3.9.2. Local Inflation Control Options..............................................................................98
3.10. Protected Topologies in a Mesh.......................................................................................102
3.10.1. Creating a Selection Set to Preserve Topologies in the Mesh................................102
3.10.2. Protected Topologies and Mesh State.................................................................102
3.11. Element Shape..............................................................................................................103
3.11.1. Defining the Element Shape of a Mesh...............................................................103
3.11.2. Element Shape Settings.....................................................................................104 Optional Element Shape Settings...........................................................105
3.12. Evaluating Mesh Quality.................................................................................................105
3.12.1. Viewing Mesh Diagnostics..................................................................................105
3.12.2. Element Quality................................................................................................106
3.12.3. Aspect Ratio Calculation for Triangles.................................................................106
3.12.4. Aspect Ratio Calculation for Quadrilaterals..........................................................107
3.12.5. Jacobian Ratio..................................................................................................108
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Table of Contents
3.12.6. Warping Factor.................................................................................................109
3.12.7. Parallel Deviation..............................................................................................111
3.12.8. Maximum Corner Angle.....................................................................................112
3.12.9. Skewness.........................................................................................................112
3.12.10. Orthogonal Quality..........................................................................................114
3.12.11. Size Change....................................................................................................116
4. Physics Solution.................................................................................................................117
4.1. Physics Regions...............................................................................................................117
4.1.1. Structural Physics Regions...................................................................................117
4.1.2. Fluid Flow Physics Regions..................................................................................118 Compressible Fluid Flows........................................................................118
4.1.3. Thermal Physics Regions.....................................................................................119
4.1.4. Electric Conduction Physics Regions.....................................................................119
4.1.5. Multiple Physics Regions......................................................................................120 Adding Physics Regions..........................................................................120 Physics Regions and Associations............................................................120
4.1.6. Summary of Objects and Compatible Physics Region and Calculation Types............120
4.2. Material Assignment........................................................................................................121
4.2.1. Assigning Materials.............................................................................................121 Zero-Thermal-Strain Reference Temperature............................................122 Ideal Gas Law........................................................................................122
4.2.2. Creating Materials...............................................................................................123
4.2.3. Exporting Materials.............................................................................................123
4.2.4. Adding a Library.................................................................................................123
4.2.5. Defining Material Properties.................................................................................124 Alternating Stress..................................................................................124 Density.................................................................................................124 Isotropic Elasticity..................................................................................125 Isotropic Resistivity................................................................................125 Isotropic Seebeck Coefficient..................................................................125 Molar Mass............................................................................................125 Specific Heat Capacity............................................................................125 Tensile Ultimate Strength........................................................................125 Tensile Yield Strength.............................................................................126 Thermal Conductivity............................................................................126 Thermal Expansion...............................................................................126 Viscosity..............................................................................................126
4.2.6. Defining Material Properties using Tabular Data....................................................126 Tabular Data in Expressions....................................................................127
4.3. Physics Options...............................................................................................................128
4.3.1. Flow Physics Options..........................................................................................128 Viscous vs. Inviscid Flows.......................................................................128 Setting Operating Conditions..................................................................128 Buoyancy-Driven Flows..........................................................................129
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Table of Contents
4.3.2. Turbulence Physics Options.................................................................................131 Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) Turbulence Models....................131 Turbulence Model Options......................................................................133
4.3.3. Solid Physics Options..........................................................................................135 Setting Solid Physics Options..................................................................136
4.4. Boundary Conditions........................................................................................................136
4.4.1. Fluid Boundary Conditions...................................................................................136 Inlets....................................................................................................137 Outlets..................................................................................................140 Openings...............................................................................................143 Walls.....................................................................................................145 Symmetry..............................................................................................148 Turbulence Specification Methods............................................................148
4.4.2. Structural Boundary Conditions............................................................................149 Displacement.........................................................................................149 Inertia Load...........................................................................................150 Force....................................................................................................151 Moment................................................................................................152 Pressure................................................................................................152 Support.................................................................................................153 Temperature Condition...........................................................................153
4.4.3. Thermal Boundary Conditions..............................................................................153 Convection............................................................................................154 Heat Flow..............................................................................................155 Heat Flux..............................................................................................155 Heat Generation.....................................................................................155 Radiation...............................................................................................156 Temperature..........................................................................................156 Insulated...............................................................................................157
4.4.4. Steady-State Electric Conduction Boundary Conditions..........................................157 Current.................................................................................................157 Equipotential.........................................................................................157 Temperature Condition...........................................................................158 Voltage..................................................................................................158
4.5. Initial Conditions for Fluid Flow Simulations.......................................................................158
4.6. Interface Conditions........................................................................................................159
4.6.1. Specifying Contacts.............................................................................................160 Automatically Generating Contacts..........................................................160 Manually Setting Up a Contact................................................................161 Defining Contact Behavior Properties.......................................................162
4.6.2. Setting Up a Joint...............................................................................................173 Specifying Joint Behaviors......................................................................173
4.6.3. Region Interface Conditions.................................................................................178 Adding Region Interface Conditions ........................................................179
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Table of Contents Region Interface Statistics .....................................................................180
4.6.4. Physics Coupling Interface...................................................................................181 Transfer Force Data using the Physics Coupling Interface..........................181 Transfer Temperature Data using the Physics Coupling Interface...............182 Physics Coupling Transcript.....................................................................183 Mapping................................................................................................185
4.7. Solver and Solution Settings.............................................................................................188
4.7.1. Fluids Solver Options...........................................................................................188 Launching the Solver on Multiple Processes..............................................189 Choosing a Gradient Method...................................................................189 Choosing an Advection Scheme...............................................................189 Choosing a Pressure Scheme..................................................................190 Choosing a Pressure-Velocity Coupling Scheme........................................190 Controlling Advancement........................................................................191 Setting Explicit Relaxation Factors............................................................193 Applying High Order Term Relaxation.......................................................193 Using the Linear Solver...........................................................................193 Setting Solution Limits..........................................................................195 Controlling Residuals............................................................................195 Solving the Physics...............................................................................196 Monitoring Solution Quality...................................................................197 Judging Convergence............................................................................199
4.7.2. Static Structural Solver Options............................................................................204 Configuring the Solver for Static Structural...............................................205 Setting Solver Launch Options for Static Structural...................................207 Controlling Output Data for Static Structural.............................................208 Solution Progression for Nonlinear Controls in a Static Structural
4.7.3. Modal Structural Solver Options...........................................................................211 Configuring the Solver for Modal Structural..............................................212 Setting Solver Launch Options for Modal Structural...................................213 Controlling Output Data for Modal Structural............................................214 Eigenvalues for a Modal Solution.............................................................215
4.7.4. Steady-State Thermal Solver Settings...................................................................215 Configuring the Solver for Steady-State Thermal......................................215 Setting Solver Launch Options for Steady-State Thermal...........................216 Controlling Output Data for Steady-State Thermal....................................217 Solution Progression for Nonlinear Controls in a Steady-State Thermal
4.7.5. Steady-State Electric Conduction Solver Options....................................................221 Configuring the Solver for Steady-State Electric Conduction.......................222 Setting Solver Launch Options for Electric Conduction...............................222 Controlling Output Data for Steady-State Electric Conduction....................223

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Table of Contents Solution Progression for Nonlinear Controls in a Steady-State Electric
Conduction Simulation...................................................................................224
4.7.6. User Commands for the MAPDL Solver.................................................................227 Specifying User Commands Options.........................................................227 User Commands Settings........................................................................228
5. Results................................................................................................................................229
5.1. Contours.........................................................................................................................229
5.1.1. Specifying a Contour...........................................................................................230
5.1.2. Adding a New Contour........................................................................................231
5.1.3. Contact Results..................................................................................................232
5.2. Vectors...........................................................................................................................233
5.2.1. Specifying a Vector.............................................................................................233
5.2.2. Adding a New Vector..........................................................................................234
5.2.3. Choosing a Vector Distribution Type.....................................................................235
5.3. Isosurface.......................................................................................................................236
5.3.1. Specifying an Isosurface.....................................................................................237
5.3.2. Adding a New Isosurface.....................................................................................238
5.3.3. Choosing an Isovalue Specification.......................................................................238
5.4. Streamlines.....................................................................................................................239
5.4.1. Specifying a Streamline.......................................................................................239
5.4.2. Adding a New Streamline....................................................................................240
5.4.3. Choosing a Streamline Distribution Type...............................................................241
5.5. Calculated Value..............................................................................................................242
5.5.1. Specifying a Calculated Value..............................................................................242
5.5.2. Adding a New Calculated Value............................................................................243
5.5.3. Choosing a Calculated Value Method....................................................................244
5.6. Appearance.....................................................................................................................244
5.6.1. Specifying a Variable Range.................................................................................244
5.6.2. Specifying a Color Distribution.............................................................................245
5.7. Graphics Control..............................................................................................................246
5.7.1. Specifying Deformation Scaling............................................................................246
5.7.2. Specifying a Surface Mesh...................................................................................246
5.8. Summary........................................................................................................................247
5.9. Fatigue Analysis..............................................................................................................248
5.9.1. Computing Fatigue Results Using a Template........................................................248
5.9.2. Defining S-N Curve Values on Materials................................................................249
5.9.3. Defining S-N Curve Values for All Materials...........................................................251
5.9.4. Fatigue Settings..................................................................................................252
5.9.5. Fatigue Variables for Contour Results...................................................................253
6. Parameters and Design Points...........................................................................................255
6.1. Parameters.....................................................................................................................255
6.1.1. Defining Parameters...........................................................................................255
6.2. Design Points..................................................................................................................256
7. Expressions and Other Operations.....................................................................................257
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Table of Contents
7.1. Expressions.....................................................................................................................257
7.1.1. Basic Expressions................................................................................................257
7.1.2. Constants...........................................................................................................258
7.1.3. Variables............................................................................................................258 Variable Tensor Types.............................................................................258
7.1.4. Units..................................................................................................................259
7.1.5. Single-Valued Expressions and Variables...............................................................263
7.1.6. Quantity Functions..............................................................................................264
7.1.7. Location References............................................................................................264 Referencing Locations of Objects.............................................................264 Using Selection Sets as Location References.............................................265 About Location Functions........................................................................265
7.1.8. Expression Composition.......................................................................................270
7.1.9. Reuse of Expressions and Values..........................................................................271 Named Expressions and Values...............................................................272 Navigation to Named Expressions and Named Values ..............................273 Creation of Named Expressions and Named Values ..................................273 Editing a Named Expression Object.........................................................275 Copying a Named Expression or its Value.................................................275 Duplication of Named Expressions...........................................................275 Deleting a Named Expression or Named Value..........................................276 Named Expressions and Named Values in the Construction of New
7.1.10. Mathematical Constants.....................................................................................276
7.1.11. Mathematical Operators and Functions...............................................................276
7.1.12. Quantity Functions............................................................................................279
7.1.13. Object Retrieval Functions.................................................................................281
7.1.14. Fluid Variables..................................................................................................281
7.1.15. Structural Variables...........................................................................................285
7.1.16. Electric Conduction Variables.............................................................................289
7.1.17. Thermal Variables..............................................................................................291
7.2. ANSYS AIM Journaling and Scripting Overview...................................................................292

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1: Overview

Numerical simulations of real-world multiphysics engineering problems are often comprised of distinct, but
connected, steps that cover everything required for a complete investigation: from importing data, to defining
physical models, to analyzing the results. A simulation process is a collection of these connected steps that
define a complete, end-to-end physics simulation.
ANSYS AIM provides a convenient workspace called a "study" for creating and defining one or more simulation
processes. Many of the steps in a simulation process correspond to a "task" in ANSYS AIM. Each task is a
container for everything involved within the step. Once a task is completed and up-to-date, the task generates
data that is transferred to the next task in the process. The following figure shows an example of a simulation
process with four tasks:

The following table illustrates the general steps in a simulation and the corresponding task in an ANSYS AIM
General Steps for a Simulation

Tasks in an ANSYS AIM Study

1. Importing the geometry data.

The Data Import task (displayed as Geometry by

default) is where you import geometric data. In
addition, the Model Configuration task (displayed as
Configuration by default) is where you configure
various aspects of your geometric model.

2. Creating a mesh.

The Meshing task (displayed as Mesh by default) is

where you define a computational domain for your
simulation process. In addition, the Volume Creation
task (displayed as Volu...tion by default) is where
you define a flow volume for a fluid flow simulation

3. Setting up the physical constraints, and generating The Physics Solution task (displayed as Physics by
a solution.
default) is where you define such things as the
material properties, boundary conditions, and solution
4. Examining and saving the results.

The Results Evaluation task (displayed as Results

Evaluation by default) is where you analyze the
results of your solution.

5. Considering revisions to the physics solution setup, Re-evaluate and edit your simulation process settings
if necessary.
to refine your results.
Get started by using templates for common engineering physics simulations, such as structural or fluid flow
simulation processes. Your work within the ANSYS AIM workspace is preserved in a project for future use.
There are several common operations used throughout ANSYS AIM, including setting locations, and setting
selection sets.
Before you begin working in ANSYS AIM, carefully consider your goals, such as obtaining a rough initial
solution, obtaining a refined solution, or exploring design alternatives. Reviewing your goals will contribute
significantly to the success of your simulation.
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1.1. Simulation Templates

Templates, accessible in the Study panel within ANSYS AIM when you start a new simulation process, enable
you to quickly and easily set up a simulation process for common engineering physics simulations. Each
template provides a simulation process with typical default settings for geometry, mesh, physics, and results.
There are advantages to using a template as a base for your simulation study.
A template, with its default values, can provide a baseline simulation so that you arrive at a result faster.
You can then modify tasks and values within the study to more accurately reflect your simulation.
A template is a good way to familiarize yourself with efficiently and effectively defining simulations within
The available templates include:

Fluid flow
Electric conduction
Fluid-structure interaction (FSI)
Fluid-Solid Heat Transfer
User Defined

1.1.1. Structural Template

The Structural template defines a basic structural simulation process that can be used to simulate and
evaluate structural displacements, stresses, strains, and forces.
Before you create the simulation process, the options in this template are:
Select Structural only when you want to determine the displacements, stresses, strains, and forces in
structures or components caused by loads that do not induce significant inertia and damping effects.
Select Structural and thermal when you want to model situations where the temperature field introduces
thermal strains in the structural field, which, in turn result in thermal expansion and stresses.
Select Structural and electric conduction when your simulation requires structural and electric
conduction loads on a system or component.
Select Structural, thermal, and electric conduction when you need to model situations where
electric effects create thermal effects, and where thermal effects cause structural strains and deformation.
Calculation type:
Select Static when your structural simulation requires steady loads.
Select Modal when your structural simulation requires vibration characteristics, such as natural frequencies
and mode shapes.
Select Detect contact automatically when your simulation requires automatic detection of structural
Select Compute fatigue results if you want to automatically calculate fatigue results based on the S-n
curve values defined for the default materials.
Select Allow configuration when your simulation requires geometric transformation or suppression of
parts (rotation, translation, or suppression of portions of the geometry, for example).
When you select Create Simulation Process, you will be prompted to import the geometry file.
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Static Structural Physics Overview

Modal Structural Physics Overview

1.1.2. Fluid Flow Template

The Fluid Flow template defines a basic fluid flow simulation process that can be used to simulate fluid
motion and, optionally, heat transfer in and around structures or components.
Before you create the simulation process, the options in this template are:
Select Represents the flow volume when the geometry you will import already corresponds to a
fluid region. For example, a geometry that represents the interior of a pipe, but not the pipe itself.
Select Requires the flow volume to be extracted when the geometry you will import still requires
changes in order to define a fluid region. For example, a geometry that represents a pipe, rather than
the fluid contained by the pipe.
Flow physics:
Select Incompressible flow when you want to ignore the effects of density in the flow field.
Select Compressible flow (ideal gas) when you want to account for the effects of gas flow density
in the flow field.
Select Include thermal effects when you want to simulate temperatures, thermal gradients, heat flow
rates, and heat fluxes in the flow.
Select Allow configuration when your simulation requires geometric transformation (rotation or
translation) or suppression of portions of the geometry. Available when Represents the flow volume
is selected.
Select Allow configuration / bounding box for external flow when your simulation requires
geometric transformation (rotation or translation), suppression of portions of the geometry, or the creation
of an exterior bounding region for an external fluid flow simulation. Available when Requires the flow
volume to be extracted is selected.
When you select Create Simulation Process, you will be prompted to import the geometry file.

Fluid Flow Physics Overview

1.1.3. Thermal Template

The Thermal template defines a basic steady-state thermal simulation process that can be used to simulate
the effects of steady thermal loads on a system or component.
Before you create the simulation process, the options in this template are:
Select Thermal only when you want to simulate temperatures, thermal gradients, heat flow rates, and
heat fluxes in an object that are caused by thermal loads that do not vary over time.
Select Thermal and structural when you want to model situations where the temperature field
introduces thermal strains in the structural field which results in thermal expansion and stresses.
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Select Thermal and electric conduction when you want to model joule heating for resistive materials
and contact electric conductance as well as Seebeck, Peltier, and Thomson effects for thermoelectricity.
Select Thermal, electric conduction, and structural when you need to model situations where
electric effects create thermal effects, and, in turn, thermal effects cause structural strains and
Select Thermal and flow when you want to simulate temperatures, thermal gradients, heat flow rates,
and heat fluxes in the flow.
Geometry, when Thermal and flow is selected:
Select Represents the flow volume(s) when the geometry you will import already corresponds to a
fluid region. For example, a geometry that represents the interior of a pipe, but not the pipe itself.
Select Requires the flow volume(s) to be extracted when the geometry you will import still requires
changes in order to define a fluid region. For example, a geometry that represents a pipe, but not the
interior flow region.
Flow physics, when Thermal and flow is selected:
Select Incompressible flow when you want to ignore the effects of density in the flow field.
Select Compressible flow (ideal gas) when you want to account for the effects of gas flow density
in the flow field.
Select Detect contact automatically when your simulation requires automatic detection of structural
Select Allow configuration when your simulation requires geometric transformation (such as rotation
or translation) or suppression of portions of the geometry. Available when Thermal and flow and when
Represents the flow volume(s) are selected.
Select Allow configuration / bounding box for external flow when your simulation requires
geometric transformation (such as rotation or translation), suppression of portions of the geometry, or
the creation of an exterior bounding region for an external fluid flow simulation. Available when Thermal
and flow and when Requires the flow volume(s) to be extracted are selected.
When you select Create Simulation Process, you will be prompted to import the geometry file.

Steady-State Thermal Physics Overview

Steady-State Electric Conduction Thermal Physics Overview

1.1.4. Electric Conduction Template

The Electric Conduction template defines a basic steady-state electric conduction simulation process that
can be used to determine the electric potential in a conducting body created by the external application of
voltage or current loads. Measurements such as conduction currents, electric field, and joule heating can be
computed from the solution.
Before you create the simulation process, the options in this template are:
Select Electric conduction only when you want to determine the electric potential in a conducting
Select Electric conduction and thermal when you want to model joule heating for resistive materials
and contact electric conductance as well as Seebeck, Peltier, and Thomson effects for thermoelectricity.
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Select Electric conduction and structural when your simulation requires electric conduction and
structural loads.
Select Electric conduction, thermal, and structural when you need to model situations where electric
effects create thermal effects, and where thermal effects cause structural strains and deformations.
Select Detect contact automatically when your simulation requires automatic detection of structural
Select Allow configuration when your simulation requires geometric transformation (rotation or
translation) or suppression of portions of the geometry.
When you select Create Simulation Process, you will be prompted to import the geometry file.

Steady-State Electric Conduction Thermal Physics Overview

1.1.5. Fluid-Structure Interaction Template

The Fluid-Structure Interaction template defines two simulation processes that solve the fluid flow region
and the structural region separately. Fluid force data is transferred from the solved fluid simulation into the
structural simulation using the physics coupling interface.
Before you create the simulation process, the options in this template are:
Select Represents the structure and the flow volume(s) when the geometry you will import already
represents a solid region and a fluid flow region. For example, a geometry that represents a pipe and
its interior flow region.
Select Represents the structure; requires the flow volume(s) to be extracted when the geometry
you will import needs an internal fluid flow region created. For example, a geometry that represents a
pipe, but not the interior flow region.
Flow physics:
Select Incompressible flow when you want to ignore the effects of density in the flow field.
Select Compressible flow (ideal gas) when you want to account for the effects of gas flow density
in the flow field.
Select Detect contact automatically when your simulation requires automatic detection of structural
Select Allow configuration when your simulation requires geometric transformation (rotation or
translation) or suppression of parts of the geometry.
Select Allow configuration / bounding box for external flow when your simulation requires
geometric transformation, (rotation or translation), suppression of parts of the geometry, or the creation
of an exterior bounding region for an external fluid flow simulation. Available when Represents the
structure; requires the flow volume(s) to be extracted is selected.
When you select Create Simulation Process, you will be prompted to import the geometry file.

Fluid-Structure Interaction Overview

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1.1.6. Fluid-Solid Heat Transfer Template

The Fluid-Solid Heat Transfer template defines basic simulation processes that solve conjugate heat
transfer (CHT) where you can simulate fluid motion and heat transfer effects in and around structures or
components. Physics coupling allows you to transfer force or thermal data into a separate structural simulation.
Before you create the simulation process, the options in this template are:
Select Represents the structure and the flow volume(s) when the geometry you will import already
represents a solid region and a fluid flow region. For example, a geometry that represents a pipe and
its interior flow region.
Select Represents the structure; requires the flow volume(s) to be extracted when the geometry
you will import needs an internal fluid flow region created. For example, a geometry that represents a
pipe, but not the interior flow region.
Flow physics:
Select Incompressible flow when you want to ignore the effects of density in the flow field.
Select Compressible flow (ideal gas) when you want to account for the effects of gas flow density
in the flow field.
Physics coupling:
Select Solid thermal to structural when you want to transfer temperature data into bodies in a separate
structural simulation.
Select Fluid force to structural when you want to transfer fluid force data onto surfaces in a separate
structural simulation.
Select Detect contact automatically when your simulation requires automatic detection of structural
contacts. Available when Solid thermal to structural or Fluid force to structural is selected.
Select Allow configuration when your simulation requires geometric transformation (rotation or
translation) or suppression of parts of the geometry.
Select Allow configuration / bounding box for external flow when your simulation requires
geometric transformation, (rotation or translation), suppression of parts of the geometry, or the creation
of an exterior bounding region for an external fluid flow simulation. Available when Represents the
structure; requires the flow volume(s) to be extracted is selected.
When you select Create Simulation Process, you will be prompted to import the geometry file.

1.1.7. User Defined Template

The User Defined template creates a simulation process based on an imported, previously pre-recorded
('journaled") simulation process. The recorded simulation process is also known as a "journal file" and can
contain any number of commands used to set up and solve a simulation process. When selected, you are
prompted to choose a pre-existing journal file (.wbjn) that is then loaded into ANSYS AIM where you can
continue your analysis.
Journals are recorded and saved by default along with your ANSYS AIM project. To create a journal containing
a set of specific commands, use the File > Scripting > Record journal command.
To run a journal file in ANSYS AIM, use the User Defined template, or use the File > Scripting > Run a
script file command.
See ANSYS AIM Journaling and Scripting Overview on page 292 for more information about the format of
journal files and how to manually edit journal files.

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1.1.8. ACT Custom Template

An ACT custom template is a custom guided processextension created with ANSYS ACT and based on
AIMs journaling and scripting capabilities. Using an ACT guided process, you create a custom workflow and
define a custom data panel with custom properties to drive your simulation.
The Extensions > Manage Extensions menu option loads one or more installed custom templates to
your Study. Once loaded, the new custom template appears under Simulation Process Templates.
To run a guided process in AIM, launch the custom template like any other simulation process template; the
new workflow is created when you click the Create Simulation Process button. With the newly created
custom workflow in place, you can work through your simulation as usual.
For more information on creating and using custom templates in AIM, see in the ANSYS ACT Developer's

1.2. Project File Management

The ANSYS AIM file system comprises a project file and corresponding folder. If you want to archive or share
your project, then you need to include both the file and the folder. The File > Archive menu option allows
you to combine these into a single compressed file for easy sharing and archiving; see Sharing or Archiving
Projects on page 8 for details.
The project files are protected by ANSYS AIM, and with the exception of the user_files folder, the contents
shouldnt be modified; doing so may cause a project to become corrupted. If an abnormality is detected in
your project, you will be presented with options related to Project Unlocking on page 7 or Project Recovery
on page 7.
In addition to these protection mechanisms provided by ANSYS AIM, there is a session_files folder that
contains a journal of the input that was used to create the study. This journal may be replayed using the
User Defined simulation process template, or File > Scripting > Run a script file.
The files in the project can be viewed using the ANSYS file manager. This also allows some interaction, such
as opening the appropriate folder, and so on.
If your project name contains characters that are not native to your local operating system the project
may fail to save, and if it fails, may corrupt the data.
You should not use a percent sign (%) as a character in your project name. The project may fail to save.

1.2.1. Project Unlocking

ANSYS AIM implements an automatic project locking mechanism in order to help prevent the project from
being concurrently accessed by multiple instances of Workbench, which could cause the project to become
It is possible for the project to be improperly locked; for example, when the project files and folders are
copied while it is open, or other exceptional circumstances, such as power or network failure. In these cases,
when subsequently opening the project youll be asked if you wish to unlock the project. It is safe to do so,
as long as youre sure no other workbench instance currently has the same project open.

1.2.2. Project Recovery

While working with a project, if the project has been previously saved with the same name, ANSYS AIM
keeps a backup copy of the project to allow you to recover it.

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Therefore, if an exceptional circumstance occurs (for example, a power outage) that prevents you from
saving the current project but leaves some project files in a modified state, youll be presented with the
following options regarding recovering a backup version when you next open ANSYS AIM:
Revert to the last saved project.
Make a copy of the last saved project before continuing with the partially saved project. The project will
be copied into a new location that you specify.
Exit ANSYS AIM and decide later. Use this option if you wish to handle the save failure manually. As a
result, the backup folder will not be cleared so that you can manually recover files from that folder later.
Continue with the partially saved project, discarding the last saved project (not recommended). This option
results in the backup folder being cleared. Use this option with caution, as it could result in corrupt project

1.2.3. User_Files Folder

Within the project folder there is a user_files folder. This folder contains any files (such as input files,
referenced files, etc.) that you supply to a project or any output (images, charts, movie clips, etc.) generated
by ANSYS AIM that you wish to have associated with the project. In most cases, you are responsible for
placing required files into this folder. In other cases, such as the export of design point update data from a
design exploration system to a CSV log file, data is written directly to a file created in this folder. For more
information on design point data being exported to a CSV file, see .
ANSYS AIM also protects this folder and ensures that it is managed and archived appropriately with the rest
of the project; therefore, you can safely store additional files (such as PowerPoint or Excel files, or other
files from separate applications that are associated with this project) here without the risk of losing data.

1.2.4. Imported Files

When you import an external file, ANSYS AIM adds it to the user_files folder.
If the external file refers to other files (for example, when a CAD assembly is linked to the CAD parts), the
system is not able to place all of the necessary referenced files in the user_files folder. In order to make
the referenced files part of the archive, you must copy them manually into the user_files folder.

1.2.5. Sharing or Archiving Projects

If you want to send a project to a colleague or to ANSYS Technical Support, or need to package all of
the files for archiving or other purposes, do the following:
1. Choose File > Archive.
2. In the Save Archive dialog box, navigate to the folder where you want to save the file and select the
archive type: Workbench Project Archive ( .wbpz ) or a Zip ( .zip / .tar.gz ) file. Click Save.
The Project Management tab of the ANSYS AIM Options dialog allows you to specify the compression
level for .wbpz archives. For more information, see .
3. Specify which optional items you want to archive, such as result/solution items, imported files, and
items in the user_files folder. Click Archive.
When you import an external file, ANSYS AIM archives it by adding it to the user_files folder.
However, if the external file refers to other files (for example, as when a CAD assembly is linked to
the CAD parts), the system is not able to place all of the necessary referenced files in the user_files
folder. In order to make the referenced files part of the archive, you must copy them manually into
the user_files folder.
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To restore an archived file, select File > Restore Archive . You will be prompted for a project path to a
folder where the archive will be extracted, and then that project will be opened.

1.3. Workspace Overview

The ANSYS AIM workspace has a rich and powerful set of tools for creating and managing simple and complex

Quick Tour

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1.4. Choosing a Display Mode

The Choose display mode icon (
) in the Graphics Toolbar enables you to choose between the Standard
, Translucent, and Enhanced display modes.
Standard display
The default display mode.

Translucent display
This mode enables you to see the interior of a model, which can be very useful for picking interior locations.
In the model below, picking the interior coil would be easier with translucency enabled.

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Enhanced display
This mode applies more realistic lighting and shadows, providing more emphasis to surface shapes, especially
when viewing the model or Results. It can also be useful to produce renderings for reports and presentations.
For best results, hide edges when using the Enhanced display mode.

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1.5. Defining Locations

Throughout ANSYS AIM, you will need to assign a location to various objects in order to properly set up,
solve, and analyze the results of your study.

Defining Locations

1.6. Defining Selection Sets

Selection sets enable you to collect and combine objects, such as faces or bodies, in the graphics display
so that you can use them more efficiently later in your study.

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Defining Selection Sets

Note that in the some tasks within ANSYS AIM (such as the Model Configuration task), you have the
ability to hide or suppress objects in the graphics view. If a selection set has objects that belong to a
body that is suppressed, the selection set will still be available elsewhere in the simulation process. If you
use the selection set, references to any suppressed objects will be ignored
So, if the selection set has objects that belong to both body A and body B, and body A is suppressed, if
you use the selection set later, it will ignore objects in body A and use the objects in body B. If A and B
are both suppressed, you can use the selection later, but an error will appear because the selection set
does not contain any usable objects

1.7. Stopping an Update

If you started updating a task and need to interrupt it prior to completion, the Stop button in the progress
bar will interrupt the update process at the next good stopping point. For Physics Tasks, by waiting for
ANSYS AIM to find a good stopping point, you may be able to review and use the output from the point
the solution stopped. When you have output available from an interrupted update, the task will be identified
as partially generated.
For some tasks, you may be able to force stop the update. A force stop will immediately halt the update
and it is unlikely that you will subsequently be able to review and use output from where it was stopped

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2: Geometry

A simulation process typically requires a geometry that represents a physical object that you want to apply
to your engineering simulation. ANSYS AIM enables you to import various geometric and CAD file types. The
geometry you provide will be used as the basis for the subsequent assignment of mesh generation, physics,
and results properties and tasks.



You can import one or more geometry files into your study, or configure various aspects of the simulation
ahead of time.
For instance, you can import a single geometry that represents both a fluid and structural region, or you can
import more than one geometry file: one that represents a fluid flow region, and the other that represents
a structural region.

2.1. Import
Import tasks are used to import one or more geometric or CAD file types for use in downstream Meshing,
Volume Creation, or Configuration tasks.

2.1.1. Usage Notes for Import Tasks

The Import task allows the selection and import of geometry files through the addition of one or more defined
Geometry Import Source objects. Each Geometry Import Source object represents a single geometry source
including its location and preferences.
Additional Geometry Import Sources can be added through the following actions:
Choose Files: Allows multiple file selection through a file browser dialog. A Geometry Import Source is
created for each selected file.
Geometry Import Source: Creates an empty Geometry Import Source object that requires the file path
to be set to an on-disk file location through use of a file browser dialog.
Active CAD Attach: Creates an empty Geometry Import Source object that requires the import source
location to be selected from the list of Active CAD Attach document sources.
Updating the Geometry Import Task executes the import for any Geometry Import Sources that have not
previously been imported by the Task. Any previously imported Geometry Import Sources that are not
up-to-date are updated.

2.1.2. Geometry Import Source

The Geometry Import Source object represents a single geometry source including its location and specific
preferences. Once a valid import source has been selected, the Import Type property displays the import
source's type.
Source Selection is controlled through the following options defined by the Source Selection Type property:
Browse Source: Assigns the source Location property to an on-disk file location through the use of a
file browser dialog.
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Active CAD Attach: Assigns the source Location property to an Active CAD Attach document source
selected from the list of the Active CAD Attach document sources.
The Geometry Import Source can be Imported, Updated, and Synchronized according to its status.
Import: Available prior to executing the source Import for the first time.
Update: Available once the source Import has been executed and a dependent property invalidates the
source's status. Executing this action pushes any changed Dimensions to the source's originating
application/CAD System.
Synchronize: Available once the source Import has been executed and the import source's status is
up-to-date. Executing this action pulls all geometry and Dimension changes from the source's originating
application/CAD System to the Import task. Specifying a Geometry Import Source by Browsing
To specify a Geometry Import Source by browsing for the source:

For Import Sources, select Next Step > Geometry Import Source
Under Source Selection Type the option will be set to Browse Source
Select the "..." file browse button for the Location property to launch the file browser dialog
Select the supported geometry file from the provided file filter types
Update the Geometry Import Source object or Import task object to complete the import and generate
the Model graphics Specifying a Geometry Import Source by Active CAD Attach

To specify a Geometry Import Source by Active CAD Attach:

For Import Sources, select Next Step > Active CAD Attach
Under Source Selection Type the option will be set to Active CAD Attach
Select an active/running CAD document from the Location property
Update the Geometry Import Source object or Import task object to complete the import and generate
the Model graphics Geometry Preferences

Each Geometry Import Source provides a set of import preferences that control how the originating applications
data is processed during import into ANSYS AIM.
Changing a Geometry Preference will invalidate the Geometry Import Source and require an Update of either
the source or the Import task. The changed preferences are applied to the originating applications data when
the update is processed.
Import Solid Bodies: Enables the import of solid bodies. The default is Yes.
Import Surface Bodies: Enables the import of surface bodies. The default is Yes.
Mixed Import Resolution: Allows parts of mixed dimension to be imported as components of assemblies
which have parts of different dimensions. The default is None. The following options control what is
imported when there are bodies of mixed dimension in a multi-body part:

None: Nothing is imported

Solid: Only solids are imported
Sheet: Only surfaces are imported
Solid and Sheet: Only solids and surfaces are imported

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Import Dimensions: Enables Dimension processing. Dimension processing can slow down overall import
performance. The default is Yes.
Dimension Option : Allows the specification of a key that is used to filter processed CAD System
Parameters during import. The key must be present at the beginning or the end of a CAD Parameter's
name to be valid for import. The Dimension Key supports multiple prefixes/suffixes with each value separated
by a semicolon. If the value is empty, all Dimensions are imported. The default key is "DS".
Import Selection Sets: Enables processing of CAD System Named Selections that result in the creation
of Selection Sets. The default is No.
Selection Set Option: Allows the specification of a key that is used to filter processed CAD System
Named Selections during import. The key must be present at the beginning or end of a CAD Named
Selection's name to be valid for import. The Selection Set Key supports multiple prefixes/suffixes with each
value separated by a semicolon. If the value is empty, all Selection Sets are imported. The default key is
Import Coordinate Systems: Specifies whether coordinate systems created in the CAD System are
imported as Reference Frame objects. The default is No.
Process Associativity: Indicates if action should be taken to allow associativity. Associativity processing
can have a negative impact on import performance. The default is Yes.
Import Using Instances: Recognizes a geometry import's part instances during processing to produce
faster import times and allow smaller database sizes. The default is Yes.
Reader Mode Saves Updated Files: Enables saving of the internal part files generated from the
geometry import during the import/update action. The default is No.
Enclosure and Symmetry Processing: Enables the processing of enclosure and symmetry CAD System
Named Selections. The default is Yes.
Decompose Disjoint Faces: Enables the decomposition of disjoint faces into separate face entities. The
default is No. Geometry Dimensions
Any CAD System Parameters imported as ANSYS AIM Dimensions using the Import Dimensions and
Dimension Key Geometry Preferences are shown from the Geometry Import Source object. The imported
Dimensions can be found in a separate Dimensions group along-side all other Geometry Import Source
Note: Geometry parameters containing a period in their names will not be imported into ANSYS AIM. Only
parameters with unique names formed of alphanumerical and the underscore characters are permitted. The
parameters in the geometry file must be renamed and then they can be re-imported.
Modification of an imported Dimension will invalidate the Geometry Input Source and require an Update of
either the source or the Import task. The changed dimension values are pushed to the geometry import's
originating application, modifying the geometry. The Geometry Import Source's model is then updated with
the modified data.
For fluid flow simulations, independent points can be used to identify flow volumes within a geometry that
need to be extracted.

2.2. Configuration
Configuration tasks allow the modification of input Part components to produce a new output configuration.
The output configuration can be used in downstream Meshing or Volume Creation.

2.2.1. Usage Notes for Configuration Task

The Configuration task allows the modification of input Part components through the addition of defined
Configure Control objects. Each Configure Control object represents a single modification applied to the input
Part components.
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Configure Controls available for addition:
Suppress Controls
Move/Rotate Controls

2.2.2. Suppress Controls

The Suppress Control object allows the suppression of Part components from the output configuration. A
Part component contains only bodies.
Part selections are obtained from traversing the topological hierarchy of each selected entity until their parent
Part is encountered. In cases where a part has multiple bodies, the selection of an entity in one body will
result in all bodies in the part being suppressed. To view which bodies are grouped into parts, use the Output
dropdown in the CDV panel.
Updating the Configuration task results in the suppression of each selected Part component in the output
Note: The selected location will respect a parent Part's suppression state and also suppress any child
topological entities in the selection set. Creating a Suppress Control
To create a Suppress Control:

For Configure Controls, select Next Step > Suppress Control

Assign the topological components to be suppressed
Update the Suppress Control by Updating the Configuration task
Parent Parts for the selected topology are suppressed from the output configuration

2.2.3. Move/Rotate Controls

The Move/Rotate Control object allows the translation and rotation of a Part component's origin within the
output configuration. The translation and rotation transformation components are obtained from the control's
Reference Frame property.
Part selections are obtained from traversing the topological hierarchy of each selected entity until their parent
Part is encountered.
Updating the Configuration task results in the replacement of each Part component's origin transformation
with the Reference Frame's transformation within the output configuration. Creating a Move/Rotate Control
To create a Move/Rotate Control:
1. For Configure Controls, select Next Step > Move/Rotate Control
2. Assign the topological components to be moved/rotated
3. Assign or create a Reference Frame specifying the replacement origin transformation for the selected
4. Update the Move/Rotate Control by Updating the Configuration task
5. Parent Parts for the selected topology have their origin transformations replaced with the provided
Reference Frame transformation within the output configuration

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2.3. Construction Geometry

ANSYS AIM supports the creation of basic construction geometries useful for defining various aspects of your
simulation processes.

2.3.1. Reference Frames

A reference frame (frame) provides a location and orientation relative to which spatially varying quantities
are defined or measured. The frame's origin provides the reference location, while the frame's axes define
the orientation. All of ANSYS AIM's available coordinate systems may be used to define coordinates and
vectors within a given frame.
All studies include a single internal frame, the global reference frame, that provides a stationary, absolute
location and orientation and cannot be modified. If alternative frames of reference are more convenient, you
can create any number of additional reference frames relative to the global reference frame or any existing,
independent reference frame.

Creating Reference Frames in AIM Creating Reference Frames
To specify an independent reference frame:
1. For Construction Geometry, select Next Step > Reference Frame.
A reference frame is automatically created. You need to specify additional details of its position,
orientation, and any appropriate transformations according to your requirements.
2. For Reference frame, leave the default setting, select a pre-existing reference frame, or create a
new reference frame.
3. Under Preferred coordinate type, choose from the following:
4. Under Definition method, indicate how you want to define the reference frame. A Reference Frames
location and orientation is defined first by its Definition Method (relative to the Parent Frame), then
by defining one or more (stacked) transformations. If the Define graphically option is enabled, the
Reference Frame can be moved and oriented using mouse click-and-drag movements. Clicking on an
axis and dragging will translate the Reference Frames location (using stacked transforms). Clicking
on one of the rings around the axes will rotate the Reference Frame about that axis (using stacked
transforms). After releasing the mouse, the stacked transform properties can be modified manually if
desired. Multiple, sequential translations along the same axis or rotations about the same axis are
combined into one stacked transform when possible. For example, dragging along the X axis, releasing
the mouse, and then dragging along the X axis again will combine the two movements into a single
Translate transform.
5. Under Transformations, choose from the following:
Translate - translates the Reference Frame origin by an offset vector. The offset vector can be
defined relative to the Reference Frames current position (i.e. Local) (default), or relative to the
Parent Frame. The transform alters only the Reference Frames location, not its orientation.
Rotate - rotates the Reference Frame about a point and axis of rotation by a rotation angle. The
frame of reference for the point and axis of rotation can be relative to the Reference Frames current
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position (i.e. Local) (default), or relative to the Parent Frame. The rotation direction is such that,
from the perspective of the Reference Frames origin looking in the direction of the rotation axis,
the frame will rotate clockwise. Rotating about the local origin means the Reference Frames location
will not change, only its orientation.
Rotating about the Parents origin means the Reference Frame will rotate as if the origins were
connected by a straight rod, so the origin changes as well as the orientation. If the Reference Frames
origin is coincident with the Parent, the origin will not change.
Reverse about X - rotate the frame 180 degrees about the X axis
Reverse about Y - rotate the frame 180 degrees about the Y axis
Reverse about Z - rotate the frame 180 degrees about the Z axis
One or more transforms can be added (stacked) onto the Reference Frame to alter the location and
orientation. After the definition method has been applied, the stacked transforms are applied in order.
There is no limit to the number of stacked transforms. By default, one stacked transform is provided
with the type set to None, meaning it has no effect on the Reference Frames location and orientation.
If the type of the last transform is changed from None to anything else, another transform set to None
is added at the end. A stacked transform can also be suppressed so that it has no effect on the
Reference Frames location and orientation, but the information is preserved so that the operation can
be easily undone.
You have now defined a reference frame. Reference frames can be used elsewhere in your simulation
process, such as when coordinates are defined with respect to another frame of reference (e.g., points,
vectors, etc.). Coordinate Systems
A reference frame is essentially a local Cartesian coordinate system. However, in addition to the standard
Cartesian coordinates ANSYS AIM also provides you with cylindrical and spherical coordinate systems in every
frame. The additional cylindrical and spherical coordinate systems are related to the Cartesian coordinates
in accordance with ISO 8000-2.
Coordinate systems are illustrated below with the definition of a position vector and its differential.

Figure Element

These are the axes of the underlying reference frame, relative to which coordinates
are defined in the Cartesian, spherical and cylindrical coordinate systems.

Position vector. From the origin of a reference frame, the position vector defines the
location of a point relative to the reference frame's origin.

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x, y, z

Distance (magnitude) from the origin measured parallel to the X, Y, and Z axis,
respectively of the reference frame. Alternatively, can be viewed as the distance
measured perpendicular to the YZ, ZX, and XY planes respectively.

(rho) Distance from the z axis (or the radius of a cylinder about which the z axis the
point lies.

(phi) Angular distance in the xy plane, starting from the positive x axis towards the
positive y axis

(theta) Angular distance from the z axis

Distance from the origin. This is the magnitude of the position vector,
Direction vectors. These are unit vectors (for example, dimensionless) indicating the
direction of greatest increase (for example, gradient) of each coordinate variable.
Cartesian direction vectors are not position dependent; they are parallel throughout
a reference frame. However, direction vectors in cylindrical and spherical coordinate
systems are position dependent.
Unit direction vectors parallel to the +ve x, y, and z axes, respectively. These may
also be viewed as the directions normal or perpendicular to the yz, zx, and xy planes.
Unit vector directed towards the point starting from the nearest point on the z axis or
normal to the surface of a cylinder about the z axis.
Unit vector directed about the z axis, perpendicular to the


Unit vector directed about the origin and parallel to the -z axis. This can also be viewed
as being normal to a cone created by revolving the position vector about the Z axis,
with the +ve direction of the normal pointing away from the Z axis.
Unit vector pointing from the origin to the point, or normal to the surface of a sphere
about the origin.

2.3.2. Points
Points provide a method of abstraction between a model and a point in space that is external to the geometry
or mesh in your simulation process.
For fluid flow simulations, independent points can be used to identify flow volumes within a geometry that
need to be extracted. Specifying a Point by Entry
To specify a point through entry:
1. For Construction Geometry, select Next Step > Point.
2. For Relative To, leave the default Global Reference Frame, or click to select or define a coordinate
3. Under Local coordinates, for Coordinate type, select the type of coordinate system you want to
use to define the point.
4. Specify the coordinates of the point.
For the Cartesian Coordinate type, specify the coordinates in X, Y, and Z.
For the Cylindrical Coordinate type, specify the coordinates in Radius, Azimuth angle, and Height.
For the Spherical Coordinate type, specify the coordinates in Radius, Azimuth angle, and Polar angle.

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You have now defined a point. Points can be used in structural simulations as part of remote application
of boundary conditions. Points can also be used in fluid flow simulations as part of flow volume
identification. Specifying a Point by Selection
To specify a point by selection:
1. For Construction Geometry, select Next Step > Point.
2. For Define by, select Location based.
The Location field is activated.
3. Select a topology and then click Add selected entities or Replace with selected entities.
4. For Calculation method, leave the default method of Centroid, or click to select the Hit Point
method by which the point is calculated.
You have now defined a point. Points can be used in structural simulations as part of remote application
of boundary conditions. Points can also be used in fluid flow simulations as part of flow volume
Note: A geometry selection with a logical center point, such as a circular edge or cylindrical face, will
use the center point of the geometry even if the geometry is not complete (for example, a circular arc).

2.3.3. Planes
Planes are abstract geometry constructs, separate from an imported geometry or mesh, that can be created
and used at various points of a simulation process. For example, a plane can be constructed and used to
visualize the results of a simulation. Creating Planes
To specify an independent plane:
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1. For Construction Geometry, select Next Step > Plane. A plane is automatically created in the
x-y plane. You need to specify additional details of its position and orientation according to your
2. For Scoped bodies, leave the default: AllBodies(), or select specific bodies.
3. Under Construction method, choose from the following:
Origin and orientation exposes additional controls to specify the origin and orientation of the
From Plane exposes additional controls to specify new or existing planes to apply to your plane.
From Reference Frame exposes additional controls to specify new or existing planes from other
defined reference frames.
4. Under Transformation, offset and rotational transformations can also be applied to the plane.
You have now defined a plane. Planes can be used elsewhere in any type of simulation process. For
example, planes can be used to display the results of your simulation.

2.3.4. Box
Boxes are employed to enclose an imported geometry or part of it. They are required for extracting a flow
volume for fluid flow simulation processes. Creating a Box
To construct a new box:
1. For Construction Geometry, select Next Step > Box
2. For Selection Method, choose from By Entity Selection or By Coordinates
3. Create Selection Sets is enabled by default; this option is necessary to properly scope physics
conditions in downstream tasks. Creating a Box by Entity Selection
Single or multiple entities can be directly enclosed within a box with provided cushion values.
1. Under Location, select the entities to be enclosed within a box with provided cushion values
2. For Type, choose from Uniform or Non-Uniform to set the respective cushion values
3. Create Selection Sets is enabled by default; this option is necessary to properly scope physics
conditions in downstream tasks Creating a Box by Coordinates
Boxes can be created by specifying Point1 & Point2 as its diagonal coordinates.
1. Under Define by choose from Entry or Location based to specify Point1 or Point2
2. For Entry:
For Relative To, leave the default Global Reference Frame, or click to select or define a reference
Under Local coordinates, for Coordinate Type, select the type of coordinate system you want
to use to define the point
For the Cartesian Coordinate type, specify the coordinates in X, Y, and Z
For the Cylindrical Coordinate type, specify the coordinates in Radius, Azimuth angle, and Height
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For the Spherical Coordinate type, specify the coordinates in Radius, Azimuth angle, and Polar angle
3. Under Define by for Location based, the location field is activated.
Select a topology and then click Add selected entities or Replace with selected entities
For Calculation method, leave the default method of Centroid or click to select the method by
which the point is calculated
4. Create Selection Sets is enabled by default; this option is necessary to properly scope physics
conditions in downstream tasks.

2.3.5. Capping Surfaces

Capping surfaces are an artificial geometric construct, separate from the imported geometry or mesh, that
you can apply to the geometry in order to close off one or more openings. Capping surfaces are often required
for extracting a flow volume for fluid flow simulation processes. Creating Capping Surfaces
To specify an independent capping surface:
1. For Construction Geometry, select Next Step > Capping Surface.
2. Under Selection method, choose from Faces , Edges, or Edge loops or Vertices to expose
additional controls to specify details for the selection technique. A construction algorithm exposes
various algorithms available for constructing a capping surface which are usually hidden by a filter.
Note that the order of the vertex selection can affect how the Capping Surface is generated. The
vertices should be selected in order to define the outer boundary of the surface. For each method,
specify the construction algorithm:

Delaunay: constructs capping surface using delaunay triangulation

Fill Hole: constructs capping surface using hole filling algorithms
Convex Hull: constructs capping surface using convex envelope generated from selected loops
Automatic: software chooses the construction algorithm

3. After selecting a construction algorithm (or keeping the default: Automatic), add/replace any particular
Faces, Edges, or Edge Loop or Vertices selections.
To cap multiple openings in a geometry, you can create a single capping surface by selecting multiple
Faces, Edges, or Edge Loops. Each opening is patched with a unique surface.
4. Create Selection Set is enabled by default; this option is necessary to properly scope physics
conditions in downstream tasks. In case of multiple openings in a geometry, in addition to creation of
Selection Sets scoped to all openings, a separate Selection Set for each opening is created.
You have now defined a capping surface. Capping surfaces are required for flow volume extraction with
fluid flow simulations.

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3: Meshing

ANSYS AIM provides meshing capabilities for various geometric models.

When the imported geometry represents a structural region (or solid part), or when the imported geometry
represents a fluid region (or fluid flow volume), use part-based meshing to create a mesh. You can also use
part-based meshing to create separate meshes for fluid regions and structural regions when you import
multiple geometry files.



Physics Solution

When the imported geometry represents solid parts and a flow volume needs to be extracted, use a volume
creation task, along with flow volume meshing, to create a mesh. In this case, meshing the flow volume
involves identifying the location of the flow volume, generating a surface wrap mesh for the extracted volume,
and then meshing the volume itself. When the imported geometry represents multiple solid parts that you
want to unite to create a single flow region, or if you want to simplify a body with many surface patches,
use a volume creation task to simplify the geometry and generate the surface mesh, and then use flow
volume meshing to create the volume mesh.


Volume Creation


Physics Solution

3.1. Overview of Meshing

ANSYS AIM enables you to mesh structural and fluids models. The primary tools for meshing are Meshing
tasks and Volume Creation tasks.
To begin your study, you can set up a simulation process by launching a template that provides pre-set tasks
and values for a given physics type, or you can start a simulation process manually by importing and/or
configuring geometry and then adding the desired tasks. Consider this information about which tasks to add
if you are defining the simulation process manually:
For structural, thermal, or electric conduction simulations, or for fluid flow or fluid-solid heat transfer
simulations where the flow volume has already been defined, add a Meshing task to mesh the output of
the import or configuration task.
ANSYS AIM uses part-based meshing to mesh the entire part or assembly of parts in parallel. By default,
it attempts to mesh sweepable bodies with hexahedrons and provides a tetrahedral mesh on bodies that
are not sweepable or if the quality of the hexahedral mesh is poor. The mesh includes prism elements if
inflation layers are generated.
For other fluid flow simulations, add a Volume Creation task to:
Define ("extract") a flow volume
Group bodies into a single flow volume
Simplify a body that has many surface patches
Generating the mesh for a Volume Creation task results in a well-connected (watertight) surface mesh,
or wrap mesh. The quality and robustness of the wrap mesh is directly related to the quality of the facets
used in display, and the sizing controls used for feature capturing. After generating the wrap, add a
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Meshing task to create a flow volume mesh for the wrapped geometry. The generated flow volume mesh
consists of tetrahedral and prism elements.

3.1.1. Extracted Volume Workflow

You can extract a flow volume if your model does not contain a body to represent the flow region that you
want to mesh. After you have imported your model, follow this workflow:
This workflow assumes you started your simulation process manually using Import Geometry. An alternative
is to set up a simulation process by launching a template.

Video: Workflow for Volume Creation and Volume Meshing

1. Add a Volume Creation task (Connected Tasks > Add > Volume Creation).
2. On the Volume Creation panel, add a volume definition to represent the flow volume (Objects >
Volume Definitions > Add > Extracted Volume).
3. Use the Extracted Volume panel to define the flow volume. For more information, refer to Extracted
Volume Properties on page 95. You will need to create a point inside the flow region, and also create
capping surfaces if they do not already exist in your model:
The point identifies the flow volume. One way to create the point is to select bodies, and then click
Create new on the Extracted Volume panel, which places the point in the appropriate location inside
the flow region automatically. You can also create a point from the Volume Creation panel (Objects >
Construction Geometry > Add > Point) or by clicking the Add point icon
on the graphics
Capping surfaces close openings such as inlets and outlets, thereby ensuring the volume is watertight.
On the Volume Creation panel, select Objects > Construction Geometry > Add > Capping
Surface. You can also create them by clicking the Add capping surface icon

on the graphics

4. On the Volume Creation panel, enable Use predefined settings to automatically set the fineness of
the mesh and optionally adjust the Mesh resolution, or disable Use predefined settings to set
individual Global Sizing properties manually. In either case, set the Global Sizing > Size function
method according to your preference. All of these controls affect how the mesh size will be distributed
on the surface mesh when the wrap mesh is generated, as well as mesh size distribution within the volume
when the flow volume mesh is generated. For more information, refer to Global Sizing for Volume Creation
on page 45.
On the Volume Creation panel, specify
Additional Settings to control the wrap mesh generation.
For more information, refer to Additional Settings for Volume Creation on page 55.
6. To define the mesh size at specified locations, add local mesh sizing controls (Objects > Size Controls >
Add, and then choose face or edge sizing). For more information, refer to Local Mesh Sizing on page 88.
7. To preserve topologies in the mesh, add Selection Sets to create groupings of entities that will be protected
by the mesher (Objects > Selection Sets > Add > Selection Set).
8. Click Create Volumes.
Generating the mesh results in a well-connected surface mesh, which you can use as input to a Meshing
task for meshing the flow volume.
After meshing, you can evaluate the mesh quality (Output > Metrics > Add > Mesh Diagnostics).

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3.1.2. Geometry Simplification Workflow

You can unite multiple solids to create a single flow region, or simplify a body with many surface patches.
After you have imported your model, follow this workflow:
This workflow assumes you started your simulation process manually using Import Geometry. An alternative
is to set up a simulation process by launching a template.
1. Add a Volume Creation task (Connected Tasks > Add > Volume Creation).
2. On the Volume Creation panel, add a volume definition for the bodies that you want to group (Objects >
Volume Definitions > Add > Geometry Simplification).
3. Use the Geometry Simplification panel to define the bodies to simplify or unite. For more information,
refer to Geometry Simplification Properties on page 96.
4. On the Volume Creation panel, enable Use predefined settings to automatically set the fineness of
the mesh and optionally adjust the Mesh resolution, or disable Use predefined settings to set
individual Global Sizing properties manually. In either case, set the Global Sizing > Size function
method according to your preference. All of these controls affect how the mesh size will be distributed
on the surface mesh when the wrap mesh is generated, as well as mesh size distribution within the volume
when the flow volume mesh is generated. For more information, refer to Global Sizing for Volume Creation
on page 45.
On the Volume Creation panel, specify
Additional Settings to control the wrap mesh generation.
For more information, refer to Additional Settings for Volume Creation on page 55.
6. To define the mesh size at specified locations, add local mesh sizing controls (Objects > Size Controls >
Add, and then choose body, face, or edge sizing). For more information, refer to Local Mesh Sizing on
page 88.
7. To preserve topologies in the mesh, add Selection Sets to create groupings of entities that will be protected
by the mesher (Objects > Selection Sets > Add > Selection Set).
8. Click Create Volumes.
Generating the mesh results in a surface mesh, which you can use as input to a Meshing task for meshing
the flow volume.
After meshing, you can evaluate the mesh quality (Output > Metrics > Add > Mesh Diagnostics).

3.1.3. Flow Volume Meshing Workflow

You can use the surface mesh that resulted from a Volume Creation task to generate a flow volume mesh
for a model. After creating the volume, follow this workflow to mesh the wrapped geometry:
This workflow assumes you started your simulation process manually using Import Geometry. An alternative
is to set up a simulation process by launching a template.

Video: Workflow for Volume Creation and Volume Meshing

1. Add a Meshing task (Connected Tasks > Add > Meshing).
2. On the Mesh panel, specify Common Inflation Settings if your simulation process will involve inflation.
These settings provide global control over all inflation boundaries. For more information, refer to Common
Inflation Settings for Flow Volume Meshing on page 60.
3. To identify inflation boundaries, add local inflation controls (Objects > Mesh Controls > Add >
Inflation). Enable Automatically defined to apply a control to all faces except those that are used in
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Selection Sets, or disable it and use the Location field to select the desired faces manually. For more
information, refer to Local Inflation Control Options on page 98.
4. On the Mesh panel, click Generate Mesh.
After meshing, you can evaluate the mesh quality (Output > Metrics > Add > Mesh Diagnostics).

3.1.4. Part-based Meshing Workflow

You can use the output of an import or configuration task to mesh entire parts or assemblies of parts in
parallel. Use this workflow for structural, thermal, or electric conduction simulations, or for fluid flow or
fluid-solid heat transfer simulations where you have an existing flow volume. After you have imported or
configured your model, follow this workflow:
This workflow assumes you started your simulation process manually. An alternative is to set up a simulation
process by launching a template.
1. Add a Meshing task (Connected Tasks > Add > Meshing).
2. On the Mesh panel, set the Engineering intent control according to the type of physics you plan to
simulate. This setting provides intelligent defaults based on your physics preference.
You must set the Engineering intent before you can generate the mesh for the Meshing task.
3. On the Mesh panel, enable Use predefined settings to automatically set the fineness of the mesh and
optionally adjust the Mesh resolution, or disable Use predefined settings to set individual Global
Sizing properties manually. In either case, set the Global Sizing > Size function method according
to your preference. All of these controls affect how the mesh size will be distributed. For more information,
refer to Global Sizing for Part-based Meshing on page 67.
4. On the Mesh panel, if Use predefined settings is enabled, you can also enable Retry on mesh
failures to instruct the mesher to retry mesh generation automatically if a failure occurs due to poor
mesh quality.
On the Mesh panel, specify
Additional Settings to control the mesh generation. For more
information, refer to Additional Settings for Part-based Meshing on page 84.
6. On the Mesh panel, specify Common Inflation Settings if you plan to define inflation boundaries.
These settings provide global control over all inflation boundaries. For more information, refer to Common
Inflation Settings for Part-based Meshing on page 79.
7. To specify whether a tetrahedral or hexahedral mesh is generated on a body, add local element shape
controls (Objects > Mesh Controls > Add > Element Shape). Use the Location field of each control
to select the desired bodies. For more information, refer to Element Shape Settings on page 104.
8. To identify inflation boundaries, add local inflation controls (Objects > Mesh Controls > Add >
Inflation). Enable Automatically defined to apply a control to all faces except those that are used in
Selection Sets, or disable it and use the Location field to select the desired faces manually. For more
information, refer to Local Inflation Control Options on page 98.
9. To define the mesh size at specified locations, add local mesh sizing controls (Objects > Size Controls >
Add, and then choose body, face, or edge sizing). For more information, refer to Local Mesh Sizing on
page 88.
10. Click Generate Mesh.
ANSYS AIM meshes all the parts in parallel.
Refer to Usage Notes for Part-based Meshing on page 65 for more information.
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After meshing, you can evaluate the mesh quality (Output > Metrics > Add > Mesh Diagnostics).

3.2. Best Practices

Best practices include methods and techniques for effective use of the meshing tools in ANSYS AIM:
Structural Meshing Best Practices on page 29
Fluid Flow Meshing Best Practices on page 29

3.2.1. Structural Meshing Best Practices

Best practices for structural meshing include:
Part-based Meshing's Automatic Approach
By default, part-based meshing uses an automatic meshing approach; it meshes sweepable bodies with a
hexahedral mesh and other bodies with a tetrahedral mesh. Alternatively, you can specify element shape to
generate a tetrahedral or hexahedral mesh per body.

3.2.2. Fluid Flow Meshing Best Practices

Best practices for fluid flow meshing include:
Choosing the Appropriate Workflow
If you set up a simulation process by launching a flow template, pre-set tasks and values for a fluid flow
simulation are provided. If you start a simulation process manually, you need to decide between using a
Volume Creation task followed by a Meshing task, or using a Meshing task only. See Overview of Meshing
on page 25.
Using Automatically Defined Inflation Boundaries
To automate Location specification when you are defining inflation controls, enable Automatically defined.
When Automatically defined is enabled, ANSYS AIM associates the inflation control to the DefaultInflation()
function, which returns all faces except those that are used in Selection Sets.
Also see Location References on page 264.
Ensuring Topology Is Preserved in a Wrap Mesh
This example uses the geometric model shown below, along with Selection Sets, to illustrate the effects of
topology protection during the wrap generation that occurs when a Volume Creation task is processed.
By adding Selection Sets directly to the Volume Creation task before initial generation of the task, you can
create named groupings of entities that will be protected by the mesher. (For related information, see Setting
Optional Defaults for Volume Creation on page 37.) Defining Selection Sets is just one method you can use
to ensure topology is preserved in a mesh.

Figure Isometric and Front Views of the Geometric Model

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An alternative to defining Selection Sets is to use the value of the Edge extraction angle option. When no
Selection Sets are defined, the value of the Edge extraction angle option determines which CAD features
are captured in the mesh. An important distinction between the use of Selection Sets and the use of the
Edge extraction angle option is that Selection Sets provide greater control over which specific topology
is preserved, whereas the Edge extraction angle option has a global effect; any CAD features in the model
that meet its criteria are captured in the mesh. The smaller the angle, the higher the number of features
that are captured. In the figure below, the default Edge extraction angle of 40 degrees is retained for the
mesh on the left, but it is set to 10 to obtain the mesh on the right. Because the angle between surfaces is
approximately 16 degrees, the setting of 10 captures the edges in the mesh.

Figure Edge Extraction Angle Settings of 40 and 10 Degrees Respectively

The remainder of this example illustrates the effects of defining the three Selection Sets shown below.

Figure Three Selection Sets Are Defined

With the Selection Sets defined, the entities within them are protected and captured in the mesh as shown
below even though the Edge extraction angle is still set to 40.

Figure Edge Extraction Angle of 40 with Selection Sets

The presence of the Selection Sets also affects the selectable faces in the wrap mesh. When topology is
protected, wrap generation separates out that topology. The value of Edge extraction angle does not
affect this separation behavior. In the figure below, the Edge extraction angle is set to 10, but the wrap
mesh results in only one selectable face because no Selection Sets are defined.

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Figure No Selection Sets Results in One Selectable Face

With the Selection Sets defined, the wrap mesh results in four selectable facesone for each Selection Set
and a fourth for the remaining surface. These faces will be available for selection in the next connected task.
For example, if you add a Meshing task, you can select one or more of these faces to add inflation controls
to specific boundaries.

Figure Selection Sets Result in Four Selectable Faces

3.3. Mesh Size and Distribution

An important aspect of meshing in ANSYS AIM is the size function, which controls how the mesh size is
distributed on a face or within a body.
You can enable the Settings > Use predefined settings control to automatically set the fineness of the
mesh, or disable it to set individual Global Sizing properties manually. In either case, you can set the
Global Sizing > Size function method control according to your preference for mesh size distribution
calculations. You determine which refinement mechanisms are activated by selecting Curvature and
proximity, Proximity, Curvature, Fixed, or Adaptive. Depending on the selected Size function method,
you can also set:
The angles between normals for adjacent mesh elements (curvature size function methods)
The number of mesh elements employed in the gaps between two geometric entities (proximity size function
The gradation between minimum and maximum sizes based on a specified growth rate (all size function
How the Mesher Computes the Size Function
The size function is computed when meshing begins. When the Adaptive size function method is used, the
mesher uses the value of the Element seed size property to determine a starting point for the mesh size.
The value of the Element seed size property can be user-defined, or it can be automatically computed by
the mesher (defaulted based on the bounding box). When meshing begins, edges are meshed with this size
initially, and then they are refined for curvature and 2D proximity. Next, mesh-based defeaturing occurs.
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The final edge mesh is then passed into a least-squares fit size function, which guides face and volume
For all other size function methods, the mesher examines the size sources and, based on the smallest size
obtained at the location of the sources, the distance to each source, and the growth rate, the smallest size
at each point is selected and stored in a background grid. The mesher uses the sizes from the background
grid to generate a mesh. The background grid is refined automatically to provide size distribution to the
The following factors contribute to the final mesh distribution:
The size source, which can be any of the following:
Edge and face curvature, based on the normal angle variation between adjacent mesh elements in 2D
(edge) or 3D (face)
Edge and face proximity, based on the number of element layers created in a gap between edges in 2D
or between faces in 3D
Local element sizing on selected edges, faces, or bodies
Influence of a swept body
The values of size function options, including Minimum size/Proximity minimum size, Maximum
size, Growth rate, and Maximum face size (part-based meshing only)
The Minimum size/Proximity minimum size and Maximum size specifications represent, respectively,
the global minimum and global maximum allowable element size. The Maximum face size specification
represents the global maximum allowable size of the elements created by the free surface meshers when
generating a part-based mesh. The Growth rate represents the increase in element edge length with each
succeeding layer of elements from the edge or face. For example, a growth rate of 1.2 results in a 20%
increase in element edge length with each succeeding layer of elements.
The influences of scoped local element sizing and existing meshes are always active, but you have explicit
control over whether to activate the influences of curvature, proximity, both, or neither (fixed).
ANSYS AIM saves the computed size functions to a size field file for reuse in certain meshing tasks.
For part-based meshing, the size function works within parts, but not across parts. For volume creation
and flow volume meshing, the size function takes the entire assembly into account.

Setting Mesh Sizes to Optimize Performance

One of the most important values related to the size function is minimum size (Minimum size and Proximity
minimum size controls):
Setting a value for minimum size that is too large may mean that important features are not captured in
the mesh.
Setting a value for minimum size that is too small may lead to an unnecessarily fine mesh and longer
meshing and solution time.
Setting a minimum size that is smaller than the geometry tolerances or defeaturing tolerances may cause
the mesher to refine the mesh smaller than holes/gaps in the geometry, thereby making it difficult for
meshing to be successful.
Although minimum size is set to a certain value, a smaller sized mesh may be obtained locally if a Hard
scoped size (on an edge, face, or body) has been assigned that is smaller than the minimum size. In such

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cases, the size function will automatically reduce the minimum size locally to ensure that the size transition
between the scoped entity and the surrounding mesh follows the prescribed size function Growth rate.
However, there are times in which the size function will not reduce the minimum size locally:
If a case involves a geometric feature (edge, face) that is smaller than the minimum size, you must either
remove the small features or assign scoped sizes to them to ensure a smooth size transition.
If a case involves a swept mesh in a multibody part where the boundary of the swept mesh is smaller than
the minimum size due to a reduction of cross-sectional size in the swept region, you must add additional
sizing controls to ensure a smooth size transition between swept regions.
Similarly, you can scope a Hard size that is larger than the values that are specified by the size functions
Maximum face size and Maximum size options, as long as the size function produces a smooth size
transition away from the scoped entity.
For all size function methods except Adaptive, Hard edge size information is injected into the background
grid during the meshing process. Transitions may be abrupt between Hard edges (or any edge to which
Bias type/Bias growth rate has been applied) and adjacent edges and face meshes. Edges with Hard
edge sizing or bias will also override the Maximum face size and Maximum size properties.

3.3.1. Proximity Size Function

The proximity size function enables you to specify the minimum number of element layers created in regions
that constitute gaps in the model. For the purposes of specifying a proximity size function, a gap is defined
in one of two ways:
The internal volumetric region between two faces
The area between two opposing boundary edges of a face
The following properties define the proximity size function:
Proximity size function sources
Minimum size
Proximity minimum size
Maximum face size (part-based meshing only)
Maximum size
Growth rate
Number of cells across gap
The Number of cells across gap is the number of layers of elements to be generated in the gaps. Proximity
size function sources determines which regions of proximity are considered in calculations. Proximity
minimum size provides greater control over the size function, as it enables you to specify a minimum size
for proximity size function calculations in addition to the minimum size that is specified for Minimum size.
Note: The proximity size function does not recognize the proximity between certain entities in cases involving
voids in a model. For example, the proximity between a vertex and an edge on a face in 2D (below left) is
ignored if the triangle is a void in the rectangle. Similarly, the proximity between a vertex or edge and a face
in 3D (below right) is ignored if the prism and the block are voids in a larger domain. The two-headed arrows
in the figure indicate the areas where proximity is ignored.

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For more information, refer to the appropriate topic:




Volume Creation with the Curvature and Proximity Size Function Method on page 46
Volume Creation with the Proximity Size Function Method on page 51
Part-based Meshing with the Curvature and Proximity Size Function Method on page 67
Part-based Meshing with the Proximity Size Function Method on page 73

3.3.2. Curvature Size Function

The curvature size function examines curvature on edges and faces and computes element sizes on these
entities such that the size does not violate the maximum size or the curvature normal angle, which are either
computed automatically by the mesher or user-defined. The following properties define the curvature size
Minimum size
Maximum face size (part-based meshing only)
Maximum size
Growth rate
Curvature normal angle
The Curvature normal angle is the maximum allowable angle that one element edge is allowed to span.
For more information, refer to the appropriate topic:




Volume Creation with the Curvature and Proximity Size Function Method on page 46
Volume Creation with the Curvature Size Function Method on page 50
Part-based Meshing with the Curvature and Proximity Size Function Method on page 67
Part-based Meshing with the Curvature Size Function Method on page 72

3.3.3. Fixed Size Function

The fixed size function does not refine the mesh based on curvature or proximity. Rather, you specify minimum
and maximum sizes and gradation is provided between sizes based on the specified growth rate. The following
properties define the fixed size function:
Minimum size
Maximum face size (part-based meshing only)
Maximum size
Growth rate

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With the fixed size function, you must use size controls to mesh sizes locally, as opposed to the curvature
and proximity size functions, which refine the sizes locally based on curvature and proximity of features in
the geometry. Even if the specified local sizes are Soft sizes, they may override the global sizes when the
fixed size function is used.
For more information, refer to the appropriate topic:
Global Sizing for Volume Creation with the Fixed Size Function Method on page 55
Global Sizing for Part-based Meshing with the Fixed Size Function Method on page 77

3.3.4. Adaptive Size Function

The adaptive size function is intended for meshes bound for structural solvers. The adaptive size function
uses the value of the Element seed size property to determine a starting point for the mesh size. The
value of the Element seed size property can be user-defined, or it can be automatically computed by the
mesher (defaulted based on the bounding box). When meshing begins, edges are meshed with this size
initially, and then they are refined for curvature and 2D proximity. Next, mesh-based defeaturing occurs.
The final edge mesh is then passed into a least-squares fit size function, which guides face and volume
meshing. When the adaptive size function is used, the mesh may be much coarser with smaller node and
element counts.
The following properties define the adaptive size function:
Element seed size
Growth rate
Adaptive resolution
For more information, refer to Global Sizing for Part-based Meshing with the Adaptive Size Function Method
on page 78.

3.3.5. Reuse of Computed Size Functions

ANSYS AIM saves the size field from volume creation so it can reuse it in volume meshing.
When your workflow includes a Volume Creation task followed by a Meshing task, the volume creation
process identifies the connected Meshing task that will inherit the sizing and updates the size values in that
connected task.

3.4. Volume Creation

You can use a Volume Creation task to:
Extract a flow volume if your model does not contain a body to represent the flow region that you want
to mesh; for example, to model fluid flowing within a pipe. This type of volume creation is called Extracted
Group one or more bodies into a single flow volume or simplify a body with many surface patches. This
type of volume creation is called Geometry Simplification.
When ANSYS AIM processes a Volume Creation task, it uses the shrink wrap method. This method uses
specialized boundary wrapping to extract a well-connected surface mesh and is useful for cases involving
defeaturing or when you need to walk over features. To create a well-connected wrap object, the shrink
wrap method:
1. Overlays a Cartesian grid on each geometry object and creates contiguous regions.
2. Refines the Cartesian grid based on size functions to better represent the geometry object.

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Note: Shrink wrap approximates the geometry using a stairstep-like Cartesian grid. It requires finer cells
to resolve thin gaps. In cases where a gap area is not curved and not aligned to the Cartesian axes, you
may need to refine 3-4 times finer than the gap thickness. Take this into account when setting global
and local minimum size values and the number of cells to be generated across gaps for the proximity size
3. Extracts the interface on the boundary of the non-intersecting Cartesian volume region. When you create
an extracted volume, this region encloses the point that identifies the flow region.
4. Projects the extracted interface onto the geometry.
5. Deletes degenerate and island regions, and intersects and remeshes them appropriately.
6. Imprints edges of the wrapped boundary region (which is a closed domain) and preserves the faces in
the Selection Sets based on the original geometry.
7. Remeshes surfaces based on the size functions/size field.
By default, the model that results from generating the Volume Creation task contains faces that reflect
the bodies from the input model, but not the individual faces of those bodies. Adding Selection Sets to the
Volume Creation task protects topology and obtains more topology granularity. For an example of
protected topology and volume creation, see Fluid Flow Meshing Best Practices on page 29.
For both types of volume creation, you need to define the volume that you want to extract or the bodies
that you want to group, as appropriate. For related information, see Extracted Volume Workflow on page
26 and Geometry Simplification Workflow on page 27.

Figure 3.4.1. Volume Creation

3.4.1. Volume Creation Limitations

The shrink wrap method, which is used in Volume Creation tasks, has the following limitations:
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It does not support zero-thickness baffles. We recommend that you add thickness to any baffles in your
model before attempting to wrap.
It does not resolve acute interior angles (such as sharp corners) well. It usually skips the imprinting onto
the edges at angles of less than 30 degrees. This imprinting is controlled by an internal relative imprinting
threshold parameter. The parameter's value defaults to 2, which means it tries to imprint onto edges that
are closer than two times the local size.

3.4.2. Setting Defaults for Volume Creation

The Settings menu for Volume Creation enables you to set the Use predefined settings control, which
provides defaults for Global Sizing controls.
Use Predefined Settings
If you enable Use predefined settings, you can use the Mesh resolution slider to set the fineness of
the mesh for the model. You can set the slider toward lower resolution (Low) or higher resolution (High).
A higher resolution provides more accuracy but uses more elements, more time, and more system resources.
The Mesh resolution automatically sets all the Global Sizing controls except Size function method.
Therefore, when Use predefined settings is enabled, the Global Sizing controls become read-only and
cannot be set as parameters. If you subsequently disable Use predefined settings, the settings are initially
preserved but can be changed. Setting Optional Defaults for Volume Creation
These settings are available for controlling Volume Creation if you turn Filtering off.
Reassociate Reference IDs to Current Output Model
Reassociate reference IDs to current output model enables you to control whether reference IDs that
ANSYS AIM uses to keep track of entities are deleted and regenerated, or retained and reassociated when
a Volume Creation task is updated and the input model has not been updated.
A task receives data (input) from the previous connected task. When a task is completed and up-to-date, it
generates data (output) that is transferred to the next connected task in the simulation process. ANSYS AIM
associates entities (such as faces) to reference IDs internally, and uses the associations to map the entities
in the input model to the corresponding entities in the output model. These associations affect the handling
of settings you assign directly to topological selections (such as inflation boundaries and physics settings
assigned to faces). The associations that exist when a Volume Creation task is updated affect all tasks
that follow it in the simulation process.
The Reassociate reference IDs to current output model control is exposed after initial generation of
the Volume Creation task. Its state (enabled or disabled) determines whether ANSYS AIM retains the
existing association when you update the Volume Creation task subsequently (for example, after you
change a setting on the Volume Creation panel and update the task).
When Reassociate reference IDs to current output model is enabled (the default), the behavior that
occurs when you update the Volume Creation task depends on whether the input model was updated:
If the input model was updated, Reassociate reference IDs to current output model is disabled
automatically and cannot be enabled. No reassociation occurs. New reference IDs are generated and
associated to the model.
If the input model was not updated, ANSYS AIM retains the reference IDs that were associated to the
model when you generated the Volume Creation task the first time (that is, it reassociates the existing
reference IDs to the current output model).

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When Reassociate reference IDs to current output model is disabled, no reassociation occurs. New
reference IDs are generated and associated to the model each time you update the Volume Creation
Reassociation Limitations
Reassociation has the following limitations:
In some cases, considerable complexity in geometry and large variation in sizing controls or other settings
between subsequent updates may cause inconsistency or inconstancy of reference IDs, which may lead
to generation of new reference IDs. For example, a single face representing a topology in the previous
output model may be broken down into multiple faces representing the same topology in the current output
model or vice versa (n-to-1 or 1-to-n association).
To ensure controls (such as inflation controls or boundary conditions assigned to faces) remain persistent
and valid throughout task updates, we strongly recommend you define Selection Sets for entities to which
you want to apply controls before initial generation of the Volume Creation task. Then when assigning
a control to a Location, select a Selection Set rather than selecting topological entities directly. This
practice protects the topological entities and keeps the entities and their reference IDs consistent throughout
the simulation. For related information, see Ensuring Topology Is Preserved in a Wrap Mesh on page 29.
Reference IDs of bodies that represent the output of Volume Creation and Meshing tasks may also be
affected by updates. For example, if you directly selected a body as the Location for a physics region or
results contour, you may need to redefine the Location after an update.
Reassociation Example
The following example uses this geometric model of a T-junction with a bent pipe to illustrate reassociation.

Figure T-junction with Bent Pipe

A Volume Creation task for flow volume extraction is generated, and Show mesh is clicked.

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Figure Surface Mesh for Extracted Volume

A connected Meshing task is added, and an Inflation control is added to the Meshing task with four faces
selected as inflation boundaries.

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Figure Four Faces Are Selected as Inflation Boundaries

To check the reference IDs associated to the four faces, the Location field is clicked. As shown below, the
IDs are FACE125, FACE126, FACE124, and FACE127.

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Figure Reference IDs Are Checked

The Meshing task is generated.

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Figure Volume Mesh

After returning to the Volume Creation panel, the Mesh resolution slider is moved toward the Low end
to obtain a coarser mesh.
The Volume Creation task is now out-of-date and needs to be updated. The Reassociate reference IDs
to current output model control is enabled by default. The Volume Creation task is updated, and Show
mesh is clicked.

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Figure Coarser Surface Mesh for the Extracted Volume

The Meshing task is also out-of-date. A return to the Inflation control indicates that it is still valid. Clicking
in the Location field confirms the reference IDs (FACE125, FACE126, FACE124, and FACE127) have been
retained and reassociated to the faces.

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Figure Existing Reference IDs Are Reassociated to the Inflation Boundaries
The Meshing task is updated.

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Figure Coarser Volume Mesh Setting Mesh Resolution
Volume Creation > Settings
Mesh > Settings
To control the fineness of the mesh for a model automatically, you must set the Mesh resolution by
performing these steps.
1. Enable Use predefined settings.
2. Move the Mesh resolution slider to the left for lower resolution (Low) or to the right for higher
resolution (High). A higher resolution setting provides more accuracy but may use more elements,
more time, and more system resources.

3.4.3. Global Sizing for Volume Creation

The size function controls how the mesh size is distributed on the surface mesh when the wrap mesh is
generated. These controls will also affect mesh size distribution within the volume when the flow volume
mesh is generated. You can enable the Settings > Use predefined settings control to automatically set
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the fineness of the mesh, or disable it to set individual Global Sizing properties manually. In either case,
you can set the Global Sizing > Size function method control according to your preference for mesh
size distribution calculations. You determine which refinement mechanisms are activated by selecting
Curvature and proximity, Proximity, Curvature, or Fixed.
The Size function method for Volume Creation tasks is set to Curvature and proximity by default.
We recommend that you retain this setting because it works best for preserving protected topologies.
For details about the properties you can set for each size function method, refer to the appropriate topic:








Curvature and Proximity Size Function Method on page 46

Curvature Size Function Method on page 50
Proximity Size Function Method on page 51
Fixed Size Function Method on page 55 Global Sizing for Volume Creation with the Curvature and Proximity Size Function
The size function controls how the mesh size is distributed on a surface or within a volume. The properties
described here provide more precise control over mesh size distribution during Volume Creation tasks
when Size function method is set to Curvature and proximity, which is the default. We recommend
that you retain this setting because it works best for preserving protected topologies.
For information about overriding size function sizes, refer to Setting Mesh Sizes to Optimize Performance on
page 32.
Proximity Size Function Sources
Proximity size function sources determines whether regions of proximity between faces and/or edges
are considered when proximity size function calculations are performed. Choose one of the following:
Edges Considers edge-edge proximity. Face-face and face-edge proximity are not considered.
Faces This is the default. Considers face-face proximity between faces. Face-edge and edge-edge
proximity are not considered (that is, the trailing edge of fluid around wings will not be captured with this
Faces and edges Considers face-face and edge-edge proximity. Face-edge proximity is not considered.
In cases involving face-face proximity, the face normal orientation is ignored during the proximity calculation.
In cases involving edge-edge proximity, edges across voids in a model are refined by wrapping because
the volume exists at the time the refinement occurs.
For many models, the Edges setting may be sufficient to resolve all proximity situations. For large complex
models, using either the Faces and edges or Faces setting may result in longer computation time.
The figures below illustrate the effect of each Proximity size function sources setting.

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Figure Proximity Size Function Sources = Edges

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Figure Proximity Size Function Sources = Faces

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Figure Proximity Size Function Sources = Faces and Edges

Minimum Size
Minimum size is the minimum size that the size function returns to the mesher. Some element sizes may
be smaller than this based on local feature sizes or other geometric anomalies. Specify a value greater than
0 or accept the default.
Proximity Minimum Size
Use Proximity minimum size to specify the global minimum size to be used in proximity size function
calculations. This is in addition to your specification of a global Minimum size, which is used in curvature
size function calculations. Some element sizes may be smaller than this based on local feature sizes or other
geometric anomalies. By default, Proximity minimum size is set equal to the default of Minimum size.
You can accept the default or specify a value greater than 0.
Any feature that operates based on minimum element size will be based on the smaller of the two minimum
size values; for example, the Tessellation refinement option that is used in Volume Creation tasks.

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Maximum Size
Maximum size is the maximum size that the size function returns to the mesher. Specify a value greater
than 0 or accept the default.
Growth Rate
Growth rate represents the increase in element edge length with each succeeding layer of elements. For
example, a growth rate of 1.2 results in a 20% increase in element edge length with each succeeding layer
of elements. Specify a value from 1.0 to 5.0 or accept the default. The default is 1.2.
Curvature Normal Angle
Curvature normal angle is the maximum allowable angle that one element edge is allowed to span. Enter
a positive value of up to 180 degrees or 3.14 radians, or accept the default. The default is 18 degrees or
0.3142 radians.
Number of Cells Across Gap
Number of cells across gap is the minimum number of layers of elements to be generated in the gaps.
You can specify a value from 1 to 100 or accept the default. The default is 3.
The value of Number of cells across gap is an approximation:
If you specify 3 cells per gap on a narrow face, the final mesh may contain from 24 cells across the gap,
depending on the orientation in relation to the global X, Y, Z axis.
You must define minimum size such that it allows the specified Number of cells across gap to be
achieved. For example, if you have a gap of 1 mm, the minimum size is 0.5 mm, and the value of Number
of cells across gap is 3, only 2 cells can be generated in the gap. Global Sizing for Volume Creation with the Curvature Size Function Method
The size function controls how the mesh size is distributed on a surface or within a volume. The properties
described here provide more precise control over mesh size distribution during Volume Creation tasks
when Size function method is set to Curvature.
For information about overriding size function sizes, refer to Setting Mesh Sizes to Optimize Performance on
page 32.
Minimum Size
Minimum size is the minimum size that the size function returns to the mesher. Some element sizes may
be smaller than this based on local feature sizes or other geometric anomalies. Specify a value greater than
0 or accept the default.
Maximum Size
Maximum size is the maximum size that the size function returns to the mesher. Specify a value greater
than 0 or accept the default.
Growth Rate
Growth rate represents the increase in element edge length with each succeeding layer of elements. For
example, a growth rate of 1.2 results in a 20% increase in element edge length with each succeeding layer
of elements. Specify a value from 1.0 to 5.0 or accept the default. The default is 1.2.

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Curvature Normal Angle
Curvature normal angle is the maximum allowable angle that one element edge is allowed to span. Enter
a positive value of up to 180 degrees or 3.14 radians, or accept the default. The default is 18 degrees or
0.3142 radians. Global Sizing for Volume Creation with the Proximity Size Function Method
The size function controls how the mesh size is distributed on a surface or within a volume. The properties
described here provide more precise control over mesh size distribution during Volume Creation tasks
when Size function method is set to Proximity.
For information about overriding size function sizes, refer to Setting Mesh Sizes to Optimize Performance on
page 32.
Proximity Size Function Sources
Proximity size function sources determines whether regions of proximity between faces and/or edges
are considered when proximity size function calculations are performed. Choose one of the following:
Edges Considers edge-edge proximity. Face-face and face-edge proximity are not considered.
Faces This is the default. Considers face-face proximity between faces. Face-edge and edge-edge
proximity are not considered (that is, the trailing edge of fluid around wings will not be captured with this
Faces and edges Considers face-face and edge-edge proximity. Face-edge proximity is not considered.
In cases involving face-face proximity, the face normal orientation is ignored during the proximity calculation.
In cases involving edge-edge proximity, edges across voids in a model are refined by wrapping because
the volume exists at the time the refinement occurs.
For many models, the Edges setting may be sufficient to resolve all proximity situations. For large complex
models, using either the Faces and edges or Faces setting may result in longer computation time.
The figures below illustrate the effect of each Proximity size function sources setting.

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Figure Proximity Size Function Sources = Edges

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Figure Proximity Size Function Sources = Faces

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Figure Proximity Size Function Sources = Faces and Edges

Proximity Minimum Size
Use Proximity minimum size to specify the global minimum size to be used in proximity size function
calculations. Some element sizes may be smaller than this based on local feature sizes or other geometric
anomalies. You can accept the default or specify a value greater than 0.
Maximum Size
Maximum size is the maximum size that the size function returns to the mesher. Specify a value greater
than 0 or accept the default.
Growth Rate
Growth rate represents the increase in element edge length with each succeeding layer of elements. For
example, a growth rate of 1.2 results in a 20% increase in element edge length with each succeeding layer
of elements. Specify a value from 1.0 to 5.0 or accept the default. The default is 1.2.

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Number of Cells Across Gap
Number of cells across gap is the minimum number of layers of elements to be generated in the gaps.
You can specify a value from 1 to 100 or accept the default. The default is 3.
The value of Number of cells across gap is an approximation:
If you specify 3 cells per gap on a narrow face, the final mesh may contain from 24 cells across the gap,
depending on the orientation in relation to the global X, Y, Z axis.
You must define minimum size such that it allows the specified Number of cells across gap to be
achieved. For example, if you have a gap of 1 mm, the minimum size is 0.5 mm, and the value of Number
of cells across gap is 3, only 2 cells can be generated in the gap. Global Sizing for Volume Creation with the Fixed Size Function Method
The size function controls how the mesh size is distributed on a surface or within a volume. The properties
described here provide more precise control over mesh size distribution during Volume Creation tasks
when Size function method is set to Fixed.
For information about overriding size function sizes, refer to Setting Mesh Sizes to Optimize Performance on
page 32.
Minimum Size
Minimum size is the minimum size that the size function returns to the mesher. Some element sizes may
be smaller than this based on local feature sizes or other geometric anomalies. Specify a value greater than
0 or accept the default.
Maximum Size
Maximum size is the maximum size that the size function returns to the mesher. Specify a value greater
than 0 or accept the default.
Growth Rate
Growth rate represents the increase in element edge length with each succeeding layer of elements. For
example, a growth rate of 1.2 results in a 20% increase in element edge length with each succeeding layer
of elements. Specify a value from 1.0 to 5.0 or accept the default. The default is 1.2.

3.4.4. Additional Settings for Volume Creation

These settings are available for Volume Creation tasks if you turn Filtering off.



Determines whether tessellation refinement occurs and to what extent. Tessellation

refinement refines the display facets to try to get a better approximation of the true
geometry. Choose one of the following:
Automatically determined - This is the default. Sets tessellation refinement to 10%
of the value of Minimum size/Proximity minimum size (whichever is smaller). This
is the recommended value for most cases. The value is recomputed automatically if
you change the Size function method, Minimum size, or Proximity minimum
size value.
User defined - Enables you to specify a numerical Refinement tolerance value. The
recommended range is between 5 and 10% of the value of Minimum size/Proximity
minimum size (whichever is smaller). A value on the lower end of the range may work
better if you have problems with gaps.
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Off - Uses the geometry tessellation, which may not accurately capture curved areas.
This is the fastest option because no tessellation processing occurs.


Determines which CAD features are captured. Specify a value from 0 to 90 degrees or
accept the default. The smaller the angle, the higher the number of features that are
captured. If you specify a value greater than 90, an edge extraction angle of 90 is used.
Setting the value to 0 captures all features, while removing any value reinitializes the
default. The default is 40, such that if the shared faces on an edge form an angle smaller
than (180 - 40) degrees, the edge is selected for meshing.

edges for

Determines whether the intersection between faces is computed in cases where two
parts/bodies overlap in space. When activated (set to Yes), computes additional feature
edges to be respected during the snapping that occurs within wrapping. Activating this
feature is very useful for avoiding zigzag boundaries at an intersection, because it ensures
that the "real" intersection lines are respected. However, this operation can be
computationally expensive, so you should deactivate it if you have many non-intersecting
bodies in the model.

3.4.5. Troubleshooting Volume Creation Problems

This information provides tips and strategies for avoiding and handling problems that may occur when using
Volume Creation tasks.
Adjusting Tessellation Refinement
If you receive a warning about missing tessellations, it may help to lower the tessellation refinement
tolerance by 50%.
In some cases, small defects in the faceting may lead to bad quality meshes. In many of these cases, a
minor modification of the tessellation refinement tolerance can rectify the problem.
Capturing Features and Resolving Gaps
The shrink wrap method employed by Volume Creation tasks uses a Cartesian grid. As detailed in Volume
Creation on page 35, the method extracts the interface on the boundary of the non-intersecting Cartesian
volume region and projects the extracted interface onto the geometry. For this region to be considered
proper, it must cover all the required thin sections so that it can recover accurately those sections in the
mesh. If the current size function settings would generate fewer than three elements across a thin section,
then all of those elements may be intersected by the geometry surfaces and may be ignored, resulting in
the thin section being ignored.
The figure below shows a model to be wrapped.

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Figure Model to Be Wrapped

The figure below shows a grid for which coarse sizing is specified, where the purple elements comprise the
inner region, the gray elements comprise the intersected region, and the red elements comprise the outer
region. Because there are fewer than three elements across the thin section, the thin section is ignored.

Figure Coarse Grid and Wrapping

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Finer sizing is specified for the grid in the figure below. There are three elements across the thin section,
which in this case is preserved.
Figure Finer Grid and Wrapping

After the shrink wrap method refines the background Cartesian grid based on the size function, it scales the
grid according to the value of the Feature resolution option, which is set to 0.75 by default. You can set
a smaller value for Feature resolution to adjust the background grid to preserve the thin sections. Use
caution though, as a smaller value will generate more elements and impact memory. For example, changing
the value from its default of 0.75 to 0.5 generates four times as many elements.
Repairing Leaks
When the mesh for a Volume Creation task is generated, holes or gaps in surfaces or between bodies may
result in leaks to the outside of a flow volume, such that the extracted flow volume would not be watertight.
When a leak is present, the Volume Creation task may fail to extract the flow volume region for the specified
Point inside flow region.
Leak tracing occurs from the bounding box to the Point inside flow region. When ANSYS AIM detects a
leak, it displays the leak path in the graphics view, an error message is issued, and the mesh is considered
invalid. The leak path should indicate the leaks location.
Note: If a message indicates there is a leak but the leak path does not appear in the graphics view, you
may need to click View task input to see the leak path.
You must repair the leak before you can generate the mesh successfully. Common causes of leaks and
recommended actions to repair them include:
A capping surface is missing. Use Objects > Construction Geometry > Add > Capping Surface to
add a capping face.
There is a gap between bodies or faces. Return the model to the ANSYS DesignModeler application or your
CAD package to close the gap (for example, by moving a body or adding a face).
Low facet quality introduces a higher probability for leaking. Increasing facet quality may help reduce
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Leak paths are displayed graphically as line bodies, as illustrated by the figure below.

Figure Leak Path

Understanding Volume Creation and Mesh State
When your simulation contains Volume Creation tasks, making certain changes causes the mesh state of
the entire configuration to become underdefined and require a remesh (assuming the configuration was
meshed prior to the change). Changes that affect mesh state include:
Changes to Volume Creation task properties
Creation or deletion of a Selection Set in a Volume Creation task
Changes to volume definition properties (either Extracted Volume or Geometry Simplification)
Changes to a Point inside flow region that is used by an Extracted Volume
Changes to an inflation control applied to a connected Meshing task
Changes to topology scoped to a local mesh sizing, local inflation, or volume definition, including suppressing
or unsuppressing topology
Changes to size controls
Changes to capping surface location
Deletions of capping surfaces
Additions or deletions of mesh controls
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Deletion, suppression, or unsuppression of a body or part that is a member of a Selection Set
Updates to geometry from source
A warning message is issued if a geometry change results in invalid scope.

3.5. Flow Volume Meshing

To generate a flow volume mesh based on the surface mesh that was output from a Volume Creation
task, add a Meshing task for meshing the wrapped geometry. ANSYS AIM generates a volume mesh
consisting of tetrahedral and prism elements.
The Meshing task inherits a size field file from the previous connected task. The size field file contains
computed size functions for size properties (such as Minimum size, Maximum size, and Growth rate).
You cannot further refine the sizing in the Meshing task.

Figure 3.5.1. Flow Volume Mesh with Inflation

3.5.1. Common Inflation Settings for Flow Volume Meshing

For a Meshing task that is being used to mesh the output of a Volume Creation task, these options provide
global control over all inflation boundaries.
Collision Avoidance
The Collision avoidance control determines the approach that is to be taken in areas of proximity to avoid
collisions that may occur from marching inflated surface meshes from opposite sides into each other.
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The option that you choose for Collision avoidance is used only in areas of proximity. In areas of proximity,
if the option is set to Layer compression, layer compression is performed; if it is set to Stair stepping,
stair stepping is performed; if it is set to None, no collision checking is performed. However, in all other
problematic scenarios (for example, invalid normals, quality failure, bad surface mesh, and so on), local stair
stepping is performed regardless of which option you choose.
When Collision avoidance is set to Layer compression and local stair stepping occurs after compression,
poor quality pyramids may be introduced into the mesh. Because of this possibility, a warning message will
appear whenever stair stepping occurs after compression.
Choose one of the following:
None The None option does not check for layer collisions. Selecting this option speeds up inflation layer
computation time; however, it can result in an invalid mesh and mesh failures. For these reasons, this
option is not recommended.
Layer compression The Layer compression option compresses inflation layers in areas of collision.
In these areas, the defined heights and ratios are reduced to ensure the same number of layers throughout
the entire inflation region. Generally, this option is best for avoiding the creation of pyramids in the mesh.
Stair stepping This is the default. Rather than compressing the prism layers, with Stair stepping the
prism layers are stair stepped in the proximity region to avoid collision and to maintain the gap defined
by the Gap factor control. The Stair stepping approach to inflation growth locally reduces inflation layers
to avoid collisions, as well as bad quality elements in sharp or tight corners. The term stair stepping
refers to the steps created between one layer and the next. Using this approach, special logic is used to
fill the steps with pyramid and tetrahedron elements for prism steps, or prism, pyramid, and tetrahedron
elements for hex steps. This special logic helps the mesher obtain a high-quality transition to the tetrahedral
The graphics below illustrate how Layer compression and Stair stepping differ.

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Figure Layer Compression vs. Stair Stepping (View of Entire Mesh)

Figure Layer Compression vs. Stair Stepping (View of Details in Mesh) Optional Inflation Settings for Flow Volume Meshing
These settings are available if you turn Filtering off. For a Meshing task that is being used to mesh
the output of a Volume Creation task, these settings provide greater control over all inflation boundaries.
Fix First Layer
The Fix first layer control determines whether the heights or ratios of the first inflation layer will be modified
to avoid collision. Valid values are Yes and No. The default is No. This option will not allow the value that
is set for the First layer height control to be changed.
The Fix first layer control is applicable only when Collision avoidance is set to Layer compression.

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Gap Factor
The Gap factor control enables maintenance of the gap between intersecting prisms. Valid values are from
0 to 2. The default is 0.5. A value of 1 means a gap equal to the ideal tet cell height based on base face
size in proximity to each other is maintained.
The Gap factor control is applicable only when Collision avoidance is set to Layer compression or
Stair stepping.
Maximum Height Over Base
The Maximum height over base control sets the maximum allowable prism aspect ratio (that is, the ratio
of height over base of the base triangle). When the prism aspect ratio reaches this value, the height of the
prisms stops growing. That is, new prisms continue to form, but the heights of the prisms will not increase.
Valid values are from 0.1 to 5. The default is 1.
Growth Rate Type
The Growth rate type control determines the height of the inflation layers given the initial height and
height ratio. Choose one of the following:
Geometric This is the default. With this option, the prism height of a particular layer is defined by
, where h = initial height, r = height ratio, and n = layer number. The total height at layer n is:
h(1-r )/(1-r).

Exponential With this option, the prism height of a particular layer is defined by h*e
initial height, p = exponent, and n = layer number.

, where h =

Linear With this option, the prism height of a particular layer is defined by h(1+(n-1)(r-1)), where h =
initial height, r = height ratio, and n = layer number. The total height at layer n is nh((n-1)(r-1)+2)/2.
Maximum Angle
The Maximum angle control determines prism layer growth around angles and when prisms will adhere
(project) to adjacent surfaces/walls. If the inflated mesh involves extruding from one surface and not its
neighbor, and the angle between the two surfaces is less than the specified value, the prisms (sides) will
adhere (project) to the adjacent wall. Valid values are from 90 to 180 (degrees). Typically, a value between
120 and 180 is desirable. The default is 140 degrees or 2.44 radian. Refer to the figures below for examples
of maximum angle.
In the figure below, the angle between the planes is 158.2 (21.8) degrees. Since the maximum angle is less
than the angle between the walls, the prism layers are capped with pyramids.

Figure Maximum Angle = 140

In the figure below, the maximum angle exceeds the separation angle between the surfaces, so the prism
remains attached to the adjacent surface.

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Figure Maximum Angle = 180

Fillet Ratio
The Fillet ratio control determines whether a fillet proportional to the total height of a prism element will
be created when a prism element is generated in the corner region of a tetrahedral mesh. Creating a fillet
proportional to the total height of the prism makes it possible to control the smoothness of the prism layer.
Valid values are from 0 to 1 (decimal values are allowed). A value of 0 means no fillets. The default is 1.
Refer to the figures below for examples of fillet ratio.
For meshing corners with angles less than 60 degrees, there may not be space for a fillet.

Figure Fillet Ratio = 0.0

In the figure below, the radius of the inner prism fillet is 0.5 times the height of the total prism thickness.

Figure Fillet Ratio = 0.5

Figure Fillet Ratio = 1.0

Use Post Smoothing
The Use post smoothing control determines whether post-inflation smoothing will be performed. Smoothing
attempts to improve element quality by moving the locations of nodes with respect to surrounding nodes
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and elements. Valid values are Yes and No. The default is Yes. When this control is set to Yes, the Number
of iterations control appears.
Number of Iterations
The Number of iterations control determines the number of post-inflation smoothing iterations that will
be performed to improve the mesh. Valid values are from 1 to 20. The default is 5.
Number of iterations appears only when Use post smoothing is set to Yes.

3.6. Part-based Meshing

Use part-based meshing for structural, thermal, or electric conduction simulations, or for fluid flow or fluid-solid
heat transfer simulations where you have an existing flow volume. To generate the part-based mesh, connect
a Meshing task to an import or configuration task. Within the Meshing task, you have access to all the
properties and controls you need to define the mesh. When you generate the mesh, ANSYS AIM meshes all
the parts in parallel.
By default, ANSYS AIM attempts to mesh sweepable bodies with hexahedrons and provides a tetrahedral
mesh on bodies that are not sweepable or if the quality of the hexahedral mesh is poor. Alternatively, you
can specify element shape to generate a tetrahedral or hexahedral mesh per body. The mesh includes prism
elements if inflation layers are generated.

3.6.1. Usage Notes for Part-based Meshing

ANSYS AIM calculates default sizing control values, such as those related to size function methods.
After this calculation occurs, changing the Input model to a Meshing task does not cause ANSYS AIM to
recalculate these values. Furthermore, any user-defined values are retained for use with the new Input
Similarly, default sizing values are not recalculated upon a geometry refresh. If you refresh geometry, all
global and local mesh sizing controls in the Meshing task are retained. If you suppress a body or part
and then refresh, any controls associated with the suppressed topology are invalidated.
To see the effect of specifying multiple sizing controls of the same type on the same entity, use separate
Meshing tasks. For example, if you want to compare the mesh you will obtain if you specify an Element
size of 4 on BODY1 to the mesh you will obtain if you specify an Element size of 5 on BODY1, use two
Meshing tasks.
If you generate the mesh and then change the Input model, the Meshing task, which includes any
associated mesh controls, becomes underdefined.

3.6.2. Setting Defaults for Part-based Meshing

The Settings menu for Mesh enables you to set
Use predefined settings, which provides defaults for Global Sizing controls.
Engineering intent, which provides intelligent defaults for the Shape checking, Midside nodes, and
Size function method controls based on your physics preference.
Retry on mesh failures, which determines whether the mesher tries to remesh automatically after a
meshing failure.

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Use Predefined Settings
If you enable Use predefined settings, you can use the Mesh resolution slider to set the fineness of
the mesh for the model. You can set the slider toward lower resolution (Low) or higher resolution (High).
A higher resolution provides more accuracy but uses more elements, more time, and more system resources.
The Mesh resolution automatically sets all the Global Sizing controls except Size function method.
Therefore, when Use predefined settings is enabled, the Global Sizing controls become read-only and
cannot be set as parameters. If you subsequently disable Use predefined settings, the settings are initially
preserved but can be changed.
Engineering Intent
You must set the Engineering intent before you can generate the mesh for the Meshing task.
The Structural and Flow templates for simulation processes are populated with physics and solver settings
appropriate for the simulation type. If you start your Simulation Process by selecting one of these templates,
the Shape checking, Midside nodes, and Size function methods controls for your Meshing task are
set accordingly.
Choose one of the following:
Structural, thermal or electric conduction
Defaults are optimized for a structural, thermal, or electric conduction simulation. The default for Shape
checking is Standard mechanical, the default for Midside nodes is Kept, and the default for Size
function method is Adaptive.
Fluid flow or fluid-solid heat transfer
Defaults are optimized for a fluid flow or fluid-solid heat transfer simulation. The default for Shape checking
is Fluid flow, the default for Midside nodes is Dropped, and the default for Size function method
is Curvature.
Retry on Mesh Failures
If Use predefined settings is enabled, you can also enable Retry on mesh failures to instruct the mesher
to retry mesh generation automatically if there is a failure due to poor mesh quality. With each retry, the
mesher increases the fineness of the mesh in an effort to obtain a good mesh.

3.6.3. Parallel Part Meshing Best Practices

For part-based meshing, you can control parallel processing operations through the Additional Settings
> Use all processors option. See Additional Settings for Part-based Meshing on page 84 for more information.
For the most efficient use of machine resources, it is important that the running processes do not oversaturate
the processing cores or the available memory. You must allocate processing cores to each of these mechanisms
in a way that provides the most benefit for your workflow. When parallel part meshing is invoked with the
default number of CPUs, it automatically uses the cores of all available CPUs with the inherent limitation of
2 gigabytes per CPU core.
Best practices include:
Know how many physical processing cores are available.
For Design Point updates, meshing is done serially by default.
For parallel part meshing we recommend turning off hyper-threading as this may lead to degradation of
parallel performance.

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3.6.4. Global Sizing for Part-based Meshing

The size function controls how the mesh size is distributed when a mesh is generated. You can enable the
Settings > Use predefined settings control to automatically set the fineness of the mesh, or disable it
to set individual Global Sizing properties manually. In either case, you can set the Global Sizing > Size
function method control according to your preference for mesh size distribution calculations. You determine
which refinement mechanisms are activated by selecting Curvature and proximity, Proximity, Curvature,
Fixed, or Adaptive. For details about the properties you can set for each size function method, refer to the
appropriate topic:

Setting Defaults for Part-based Meshing on page 65

Global Sizing for Part-based Meshing with the Curvature and Proximity Size Function Method on page 67
Global Sizing for Part-based Meshing with the Curvature Size Function Method on page 72
Global Sizing for Part-based Meshing with the Proximity Size Function Method on page 73
Global Sizing for Part-based Meshing with the Fixed Size Function Method on page 77
Global Sizing for Part-based Meshing with the Adaptive Size Function Method on page 78 Global Sizing for Part-based Meshing with the Curvature and Proximity Size Function
The size function controls how the mesh size is distributed on a surface or within a volume. When you mesh
the output of an import or configuration task, the default Size function method is based on the value of
the Engineering intent control. These properties provide more precise control over mesh size distribution
during Meshing tasks when Size function method is set to Curvature and proximity.
For information about overriding size function sizes, refer to Setting Mesh Sizes to Optimize Performance on
page 32.
Proximity Size Function Sources
Proximity size function sources determines whether regions of proximity between faces and/or edges
are considered when proximity size function calculations are performed. Choose one of the following:
Edges Considers edge-edge proximity. Face-face and face-edge proximity are not considered.
Faces This is the default. Considers face-face proximity between faces. Face-edge and edge-edge
proximity are not considered (that is, the trailing edge of fluid around wings will not be captured with this
Faces and edges Considers face-face and edge-edge proximity. Face-edge proximity is not considered.
In cases involving face-face proximity, the face normal orientation is ignored during the proximity calculation.
In cases involving edge-edge proximity, edges across voids in a model are not refined by part-based
For many models, the Edges setting may be sufficient to resolve all proximity situations. For large complex
models, using either the Faces and edges or Faces setting may result in longer computation time.
The figures below illustrate the effect of each Proximity size function sources setting.

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Figure Proximity Size Function Sources = Edges

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Figure Proximity Size Function Sources = Faces

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Figure Proximity Size Function Sources = Faces and Edges

Minimum Size
Minimum size is the minimum size that the size function returns to the mesher. Some element sizes may
be smaller than this based on local feature sizes or other geometric anomalies. Specify a value greater than
0 or accept the default.
Proximity Minimum Size
Use Proximity minimum size to specify the global minimum size to be used in proximity size function
calculations. This is in addition to your specification of a global Minimum size, which is used in curvature
size function calculations. Some element sizes may be smaller than this based on local feature sizes or other
geometric anomalies. By default, Proximity minimum size is set equal to the default of Minimum size.
You can accept the default or specify a value greater than 0.
Any feature that operates based on minimum element size will be based on the smaller of the two minimum
size values; for example, the Defeaturing tolerance option that is used in part-based meshing.

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Maximum Face Size
Maximum face size is the maximum size that the size function will return to the surface mesher. Element
faces may be larger than this size based on hard edge sizes or floating point arithmetic. Specify a value
greater than 0 or accept the default.
If you parameterize the Maximum size or Maximum face size control and then change the Size function
method from Adaptive to any other method (or vice versa), the parameterization of one control will have
no effect on the other. However, if you have modified the default size value, your user-defined value will be
copied to the other control.
Maximum Size
Maximum size is the maximum size that the size function returns to the mesher. Specify a value greater
than 0 or accept the default.
Growth Rate
Growth rate represents the increase in element edge length with each succeeding layer of elements. For
example, a growth rate of 1.2 results in a 20% increase in element edge length with each succeeding layer
of elements. Specify a value from 1.0 to 5.0 or accept the default. The default is 1.2.
Curvature Normal Angle
Curvature normal angle is the maximum allowable angle that one element edge is allowed to span. Enter
a positive value of up to 180 degrees or 3.14 radians, or accept the default. The default is 18 degrees or
0.3142 radians.
Number of Cells Across Gap
Number of cells across gap is the minimum number of layers of elements to be generated in the gaps.
You can specify a value from 1 to 100 or accept the default. The default is 3.
The value of Number of cells across gap is an approximation:
The value may not be satisfied exactly in every gap. When sweeping, interval assignment may change the
number of divisions (that is, elements or cells) in a gap.
You must define minimum size such that it allows the specified Number of cells across gap to be
achieved. For example, if you have a gap of 1 mm, the minimum size is 0.5 mm, and the value of Number
of cells across gap is 3, only 2 cells can be generated in the gap.
In cases involving patch conforming tetra meshing and swept meshing, the proximity size function drives
the surface mesh size distribution as follows. The value of Number of cells across gap is applicable to
both 3D proximity (that is, the number of 3D elements/cells between two faces in a body) and 2D proximity
(that is, the number of 2D elements/cells between two edges on a face), and the global Growth rate value
is taken into account in the gap automatically. However, the 3D proximity size function affects only the
surface mesh in the gap, and assumes the volume mesh will use the global settings. Hence, if you define
local mesh sizing on a body and specify local Element size or local Growth rate settings that differ
drastically from the global size function settings (or if inflation is specified in conjunction with patch conforming
tetra meshing), the final number of cells across a 3D gap may deviate from the specified Number of cells
across gap value.

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Smoothing attempts to improve element quality by moving locations of nodes with respect to surrounding
nodes and elements. The Low, Medium, or High option controls the number of smoothing iterations along
with the threshold metric where the mesher will start smoothing. The default is Medium. Global Sizing for Part-based Meshing with the Curvature Size Function Method
The size function controls how the mesh size is distributed on a surface or within a volume. When you mesh
the output of an import or configuration task, the default Size function method is based on the value of
the Engineering intent control. The properties described here provide more precise control over mesh size
distribution during Meshing tasks when Size function method is set to Curvature.
For information about overriding size function sizes, refer to Setting Mesh Sizes to Optimize Performance on
page 32.
Minimum Size
Minimum size is the minimum size that the size function returns to the mesher. Some element sizes may
be smaller than this based on local feature sizes or other geometric anomalies. Specify a value greater than
0 or accept the default.
Maximum Face Size
Maximum face size is the maximum size that the size function will return to the surface mesher. Element
faces may be larger than this size based on hard edge sizes or floating point arithmetic. Specify a value
greater than 0 or accept the default.
If you parameterize the Maximum size or Maximum face size control and then change the Size function
method from Adaptive to any other method (or vice versa), the parameterization of one control will have
no effect on the other. However, if you have modified the default size value, your user-defined value will be
copied to the other control.
Maximum Size
Maximum size is the maximum size that the size function returns to the mesher. Specify a value greater
than 0 or accept the default.
Growth Rate
Growth rate represents the increase in element edge length with each succeeding layer of elements. For
example, a growth rate of 1.2 results in a 20% increase in element edge length with each succeeding layer
of elements. Specify a value from 1.0 to 5.0 or accept the default. The default is 1.2.
Curvature Normal Angle
Curvature normal angle is the maximum allowable angle that one element edge is allowed to span. Enter
a positive value of up to 180 degrees or 3.14 radians, or accept the default. The default is 18 degrees or
0.3142 radians.
Smoothing attempts to improve element quality by moving locations of nodes with respect to surrounding
nodes and elements. The Low, Medium, or High option controls the number of smoothing iterations along
with the threshold metric where the mesher will start smoothing. The default is Medium.

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Meshing Global Sizing for Part-based Meshing with the Proximity Size Function Method
The size function controls how the mesh size is distributed on a surface or within a volume. When you mesh
the output of an import or configuration task, the default Size function method is based on the value of
the Engineering intent control. The properties described here provide more precise control over mesh size
distribution during Meshing tasks when Size function method is set to Proximity.
For information about overriding size function sizes, refer to Setting Mesh Sizes to Optimize Performance on
page 32.
Proximity Size Function Sources
Proximity size function sources determines whether regions of proximity between faces and/or edges
are considered when proximity size function calculations are performed. Choose one of the following:
Edges Considers edge-edge proximity. Face-face and face-edge proximity are not considered.
Faces This is the default. Considers face-face proximity between faces. Face-edge and edge-edge
proximity are not considered (that is, the trailing edge of fluid around wings will not be captured with this
Faces and edges Considers face-face and edge-edge proximity. Face-edge proximity is not considered.
In cases involving face-face proximity, the face normal orientation is ignored during the proximity calculation.
In cases involving edge-edge proximity, edges across voids in a model are not refined by part-based
For many models, the Edges setting may be sufficient to resolve all proximity situations. For large complex
models, using either the Faces and edges or Faces setting may result in longer computation time.
The figures below illustrate the effect of each Proximity size function sources setting.

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Figure Proximity Size Function Sources = Edges

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Figure Proximity Size Function Sources = Faces

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Figure Proximity Size Function Sources = Faces and Edges

Proximity Minimum Size
Use Proximity minimum size to specify the global minimum size to be used in proximity size function
calculations. Some element sizes may be smaller than this based on local feature sizes or other geometric
anomalies. You can accept the default or specify a value greater than 0.
Maximum Face Size
Maximum face size is the maximum size that the size function will return to the surface mesher. Element
faces may be larger than this size based on hard edge sizes or floating point arithmetic. Specify a value
greater than 0 or accept the default.
If you parameterize the Maximum size or Maximum face size control and then change the Size function
method from Adaptive to any other method (or vice versa), the parameterization of one control will have
no effect on the other. However, if you have modified the default size value, your user-defined value will be
copied to the other control.

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Maximum Size
Maximum size is the maximum size that the size function returns to the mesher. Specify a value greater
than 0 or accept the default.
Growth Rate
Growth rate represents the increase in element edge length with each succeeding layer of elements. For
example, a growth rate of 1.2 results in a 20% increase in element edge length with each succeeding layer
of elements. Specify a value from 1.0 to 5.0 or accept the default. The default is 1.2.
Number of Cells Across Gap
Number of cells across gap is the minimum number of layers of elements to be generated in the gaps.
You can specify a value from 1 to 100 or accept the default. The default is 3.
The value of Number of cells across gap is an approximation:
The value may not be satisfied exactly in every gap. When sweeping, interval assignment may change the
number of divisions (that is, elements or cells) in a gap.
You must define minimum size such that it allows the specified Number of cells across gap to be
achieved. For example, if you have a gap of 1 mm, the minimum size is 0.5 mm, and the value of Number
of cells across gap is 3, only 2 cells can be generated in the gap.
In cases involving patch conforming tetra meshing and swept meshing, the proximity size function drives
the surface mesh size distribution as follows. The value of Number of cells across gap is applicable to
both 3D proximity (that is, the number of 3D elements/cells between two faces in a body) and 2D proximity
(that is, the number of 2D elements/cells between two edges on a face), and the global Growth rate value
is taken into account in the gap automatically. However, the 3D proximity size function affects only the
surface mesh in the gap, and assumes the volume mesh will use the global settings. Hence, if you define
local mesh sizing on a body and specify local Element size or local Growth rate settings that differ
drastically from the global size function settings (or if inflation is specified in conjunction with patch conforming
tetra meshing), the final number of cells across a 3D gap may deviate from the specified Number of cells
across gap value.
Smoothing attempts to improve element quality by moving locations of nodes with respect to surrounding
nodes and elements. The Low, Medium, or High option controls the number of smoothing iterations along
with the threshold metric where the mesher will start smoothing. The default is Medium. Global Sizing for Part-based Meshing with the Fixed Size Function Method
The size function controls how the mesh size is distributed on a surface or within a volume. When you mesh
the output of an import or configuration task, the default Size function method is based on the value of
the Engineering intent control. The properties described here provide more precise control over mesh size
distribution during Meshing tasks when Size function method is set to Fixed.
For information about overriding size function sizes, refer to Setting Mesh Sizes to Optimize Performance on
page 32.
Minimum Size
Minimum size is the minimum size that the size function returns to the mesher. Some element sizes may
be smaller than this based on local feature sizes or other geometric anomalies. Specify a value greater than
0 or accept the default.
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Maximum Face Size
Maximum face size is the maximum size that the size function will return to the surface mesher. Element
faces may be larger than this size based on hard edge sizes or floating point arithmetic. Specify a value
greater than 0 or accept the default.
If you parameterize the Maximum size or Maximum face size control and then change the Size function
method from Adaptive to any other method (or vice versa), the parameterization of one control will have
no effect on the other. However, if you have modified the default size value, your user-defined value will be
copied to the other control.
Maximum Size
Maximum size is the maximum size that the size function returns to the mesher. Specify a value greater
than 0 or accept the default.
Growth Rate
Growth rate represents the increase in element edge length with each succeeding layer of elements. For
example, a growth rate of 1.2 results in a 20% increase in element edge length with each succeeding layer
of elements. Specify a value from 1.0 to 5.0 or accept the default. The default is 1.2.
Smoothing attempts to improve element quality by moving locations of nodes with respect to surrounding
nodes and elements. The Low, Medium, or High option controls the number of smoothing iterations along
with the threshold metric where the mesher will start smoothing. The default is Medium. Global Sizing for Part-based Meshing with the Adaptive Size Function Method
The size function controls how the mesh size is distributed on a surface or within a volume. When you mesh
the output of an import or configuration task, the default Size function method is based on the value of
the Engineering intent control. The properties described here provide more precise control over mesh size
distribution during Meshing tasks when Size function method is set to Adaptive.
For information about overriding size function sizes, refer to Setting Mesh Sizes to Optimize Performance on
page 32.
Element Seed Size
Element seed size determines the starting point of the mesh size. Specify a value greater than 0 or accept
the default.
Growth Rate
Growth rate represents the increase in element edge length with each succeeding layer of elements. For
example, a growth rate of 1.2 results in a 20% increase in element edge length with each succeeding layer
of elements. Specify a value from 1.0 to 5.0 or accept the default. The default is 1.5.
Adaptive Resolution
The Adaptive resolution is a scaling value for various functions defined in the adaptive size function
method. Specify a value from 0.0 to 2.0 or accept the default. The default is 1.0.

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3.6.5. Common Inflation Settings for Part-based Meshing

For a Meshing task that is being used to mesh the output of an import or configuration task, these options
provide global control over all inflation boundaries.
Collision Avoidance
The Collision avoidance control determines the approach that is to be taken in areas of proximity to avoid
collisions that may occur from marching inflated surface meshes from opposite sides into each other.
The option that you choose for Collision avoidance is used only in areas of proximity. In areas of proximity,
if the option is set to Layer compression, layer compression is performed; if it is set to Stair stepping,
stair stepping is performed; if it is set to None, no collision checking is performed. However, in all other
problematic scenarios (for example, invalid normals, quality failure, bad surface mesh, and so on), local stair
stepping is performed regardless of which option you choose.
When Collision avoidance is set to Layer compression and local stair stepping occurs after compression,
poor quality pyramids may be introduced into the mesh. Because of this possibility, a warning message will
appear whenever stair stepping occurs after compression.
Choose one of the following:
None The None option does not check for layer collisions. Selecting this option speeds up inflation layer
computation time; however, it can result in an invalid mesh and mesh failures. For these reasons, this
option is not recommended.
Layer compression The Layer compression option compresses inflation layers in areas of collision.
In these areas, the defined heights and ratios are reduced to ensure the same number of layers throughout
the entire inflation region. Generally, this option is best for avoiding the creation of pyramids in the mesh.
Stair stepping This is the default. Rather than compressing the prism layers, with Stair stepping the
prism layers are stair stepped in the proximity region to avoid collision and to maintain the gap defined
by the Gap factor control. The Stair stepping approach to inflation growth locally reduces inflation layers
to avoid collisions, as well as bad quality elements in sharp or tight corners. The term stair stepping
refers to the steps created between one layer and the next. Using this approach, special logic is used to
fill the steps with pyramid and tetrahedron elements for prism steps, or prism, pyramid, and tetrahedron
elements for hex steps. This special logic helps the mesher obtain a high-quality transition to the tetrahedral
The graphics below illustrate how Layer compression and Stair stepping differ.

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Figure Layer Compression vs. Stair Stepping (View of Entire Mesh)

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Figure Layer Compression vs. Stair Stepping (View of Details in Mesh) Optional Inflation Settings for Part-based Meshing
These settings are available if you turn Filtering off. For a Meshing task that is being used to mesh
the output of an import or configuration task, these settings provide greater control over all inflation
Fix First Layer
The Fix first layer control determines whether the heights or ratios of the first inflation layer will be modified
to avoid collision. Valid values are Yes and No. The default is No. This option will not allow the value that
is set for the First layer height control to be changed.
The Fix first layer control is applicable only when Collision avoidance is set to Layer compression.

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Gap Factor
The Gap factor control enables maintenance of the gap between intersecting prisms. Valid values are from
0 to 2. The default is 0.5. A value of 1 means a gap equal to the ideal tet cell height based on base face
size in proximity to each other is maintained.
The Gap factor control is applicable only when Collision avoidance is set to Layer compression or
Stair stepping.
Maximum Height Over Base
The Maximum height over base control sets the maximum allowable prism aspect ratio (that is, the ratio
of height over base of the base triangle). When the prism aspect ratio reaches this value, the height of the
prisms stops growing. That is, new prisms continue to form, but the heights of the prisms will not increase.
Valid values are from 0.1 to 5. The default is 1.
Growth Rate Type
The Growth rate type control determines the height of the inflation layers given the initial height and
height ratio. Choose one of the following:
Geometric This is the default. With this option, the prism height of a particular layer is defined by
, where h = initial height, r = height ratio, and n = layer number. The total height at layer n is:
h(1-r )/(1-r).

Exponential With this option, the prism height of a particular layer is defined by h*e
initial height, p = exponent, and n = layer number.

, where h =

Linear With this option, the prism height of a particular layer is defined by h(1+(n-1)(r-1)), where h =
initial height, r = height ratio, and n = layer number. The total height at layer n is nh((n-1)(r-1)+2)/2.
Maximum Angle
The Maximum angle control determines prism layer growth around angles and when prisms will adhere
(project) to adjacent surfaces/walls. If the inflated mesh involves extruding from one surface and not its
neighbor, and the angle between the two surfaces is less than the specified value, the prisms (sides) will
adhere (project) to the adjacent wall. Valid values are from 90 to 180 (degrees). Typically, a value between
120 and 180 is desirable. The default is 140 degrees or 2.44 radian. Refer to the figures below for examples
of maximum angle.
In the figure below, the angle between the planes is 158.2 (21.8) degrees. Since the maximum angle is less
than the angle between the walls, the prism layers are capped with pyramids.

Figure Maximum Angle = 140

In the figure below, the maximum angle exceeds the separation angle between the surfaces, so the prism
remains attached to the adjacent surface.

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Figure Maximum Angle = 180

Fillet Ratio
The Fillet ratio control determines whether a fillet proportional to the total height of a prism element will
be created when a prism element is generated in the corner region of a tetrahedral mesh. Creating a fillet
proportional to the total height of the prism makes it possible to control the smoothness of the prism layer.
Valid values are from 0 to 1 (decimal values are allowed). A value of 0 means no fillets. The default is 1.
Refer to the figures below for examples of fillet ratio.
For meshing corners with angles less than 60 degrees, there may not be space for a fillet.

Figure Fillet Ratio = 0.0

In the figure below, the radius of the inner prism fillet is 0.5 times the height of the total prism thickness.

Figure Fillet Ratio = 0.5

Figure Fillet Ratio = 1.0

Use Post Smoothing
The Use post smoothing control determines whether post-inflation smoothing will be performed. Smoothing
attempts to improve element quality by moving the locations of nodes with respect to surrounding nodes
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and elements. Valid values are Yes and No. The default is Yes. When this control is set to Yes, the Number
of iterations control appears.
Number of Iterations
The Number of iterations control determines the number of post-inflation smoothing iterations that will
be performed to improve the mesh. Valid values are from 1 to 20. The default is 5.
Number of iterations appears only when Use post smoothing is set to Yes.

3.6.6. Additional Settings for Part-based Meshing

These settings are available if you turn Filtering off. You can use them to set preferences for a Meshing
task that is being used to mesh the output of an import or configuration task.
Shape Checking
The global Shape checking control enables you to set the level of shape checking that ANSYS AIM performs
in generating the mesh. Some shape checks have a stricter set of criterion than others. Choose one of the
Use engineering intent This is the default. The mesher determines the shape checking criterion based
on the value of the Engineering intent control.
Standard mechanical Uses the default ANSYS Workbench shape checking criterion. This criterion has
proven to be effective for linear, modal, stress, and thermal problems. A unitless metric is used comparing
volume to edge for solid elements and area to edge length for shell elements. Jacobian ratio is computed
at integration points.
Aggressive mechanical Uses a shape checking criterion based on Jacobian ratio at nodes with a tighter
limit on both Jacobian ratio and ANSYS Workbench metric. This option is much more restrictive than the
ANSYS Workbench criterion used for the Standard mechanical option. If the Jacobian ratio is less than
0 or greater than the limit, then the metric is -1.0 and will cause shape failure. Aggressive mechanical
will usually produce more elements, longer meshing times, and possibly mesh failures. This option is
recommended if the mesh is intended for large deformation or material nonlinear analysis.
Fluid flow Uses a shape checking criterion based on element volume. This option is recommended for
all fluid flow simulations.
None Turns off most shape checking. Minimal shape checking still occurs so there is no guarantee that
a mesh will be returned. This option is intended for troubleshooting; use it with caution as it could lead to
solver failures or incorrect solution results.
For automatic meshing, shape checking ensures a quality mesh based on specific error limits. The following
table presents the shape checking limit criterion for each option. If the results of any test are outside of the
limits shown, the mesh fails. For example, a Jacobian ratio greater than 40 computed at element nodal points
will cause a mesh failure when using the Aggressive mechanical option.

Standard mechanical

Aggressive mechanical Fluid flow

Aspect Ratio

Quality metric not used

Quality metric not used

Quality metric not used

Element Volume



< 10 ; a warning is

Face Angle

Quality metric not used

Quality metric not used

Quality metric not used

Face Warping

Quality metric not used

Quality metric not used

Quality metric not used

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Standard mechanical

Aggressive mechanical Fluid flow

Jacobian Ratio

> 40 for 3D and > 10 for > 40 for both 3D and 2D; Quality metric not used
2D; computed at element computed at element
integration points
nodal points

Orthogonal Quality

Quality metric not used

Quality metric not used

Quality metric not used

ANSYS Workbench Shape < 0.75 for

< 0.85 for
Quality metric not used
one-dimensional elements one-dimensional elements
< 0.01 for
< 0.02 for
two-dimensional elements two-dimensional elements

< 10 for

< 0.01 for


Midside Nodes
The global Midside nodes control determines whether meshes are created with midside nodes (quadratic
elements) or without midside nodes (linear elements). Reducing the number of midside nodes reduces the
number of degrees of freedom. Choose one of the following:
Use engineering intent This is the default. The mesher determines whether to create quadratic or
linear elements based on the value of the Engineering intent control.
Dropped No elements have midside nodes.
Kept All elements have midside nodes.
The figures below illustrate the difference between the Dropped and Kept options. These examples are
for a solid body. The heavy vertical line in each figure represents the body boundary.

Figure Midside Nodes = Dropped

Figure Midside Nodes = Kept

Both linear and quadratic elements are supported for 2D axisymmetric models. This includes support for 2D
linear and quadratic inflation layers on axisymmetric parts. You must set Midside nodes to Dropped to
obtain linear elements in such cases.
Force Straight Edge Sides
If you want elements to be meshed with straight edges, set the Force straight edge sides control to Yes.
You must set the control to Yes for electromagnetic simulations.
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Patch Conforming Triangular Surface Mesher
The Patch conforming triangular surface mesher control determines which triangle surface meshing
strategy is used by patch conforming meshers. In general, the advancing front algorithm provides a smoother
size variation and better results for skewness and orthogonal quality. Choose one of the following:
Automatically determined This is the default. The mesher determines whether to use the Delaunay
or advancing front algorithm based on a variety of factors such as surface type, face topology, and
defeatured boundaries.
Advancing front The mesher uses advancing front as its primary algorithm, but switches to the Delaunay
algorithm if problems occur.
Note: If the mesher switches to Delaunay, the edge mesh from the advancing front algorithm may still
be used and in some rare cases may lead to meshing failures. Changing your setting to Automatically
determined may result in a successful mesh because the initial edge mesh may be better.
The figures below illustrate the difference between the Automatically determined and Advancing front

Figure Patch Conforming Triangular Surface Mesher = Automatically Determined

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Figure Patch Conforming Triangular Surface Mesher = Advancing Front

Mesh Based Defeaturing
ANSYS AIM defeatures small features and imperfections in the geometry (dirty geometry) automatically
according to criteria you specify. When Mesh based defeaturing is enabled, features smaller than or equal
to the Defeaturing tolerance value are removed automatically. Choose one of the following:
Automatically determined This is the default. The defeaturing tolerance is calculated as described
User defined You must specify a Defeaturing tolerance value greater than 0 before you can generate
the mesh.
Off No automatic defeaturing occurs.
Note: If your model contains a feature that you definitely want to capture in the mesh, make sure that the
Defeaturing tolerance value is smaller than the size of that feature.
For the Adaptive size function method, the default Defeaturing tolerance is based on the mesher (for
example, swept vs. patch conforming tetrahedron).
For all size function methods other than Adaptive, the default Defeaturing tolerance is set to 50% of
the value of Minimum size/Proximity minimum size (whichever is smaller).
Remember these points:
If you let the Defeaturing tolerance default and you modify the mesh size by applying local sizing
controls (for example, local face or edge sizing), the tolerance may be modified automatically. In such
cases, a warning message is issued to notify you that the global defeaturing tolerance has been modified.
To prevent this behavior, manually specify a value for Defeaturing tolerance.
If you let the Defeaturing tolerance default and you modify the Minimum size, a check is performed
to determine whether the current Defeaturing tolerance >= the product of factor * new_min_size,
where factor is 0.5. If yes, then the Defeaturing tolerance is recalculated. If no, then the Defeaturing
tolerance remains unchanged.

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When specifying a value for Defeaturing tolerance, do not specify a value greater than the value of
Minimum size.
If you add a hard size that is smaller than the Minimum size, you must further reduce the Defeaturing
tolerance with respect to the specified hard size (essentially, the hard size becomes the new Minimum
Use All Processors
When set to Yes (the default), all available processors will be used for parallel part meshing. Using multiple
processors enhances meshing performance. When set to No, the Processor limit option appears, where
you can specify a number of processors to use. The Use all processors option is applicable to shared
memory parallel (SMP) meshing (not distributed memory parallel). For related information, refer to Parallel
Part Meshing Best Practices on page 66.
Processor Limit
Available only when Use all processors is set to No. Specify a value from 1 to 256 (the default).

3.6.7. Troubleshooting Part-based Meshing Problems

This information provides tips and strategies for avoiding and handling problems that may occur when
meshing the output of an import or configuration task.
Understanding Part-based Meshing and Mesh State
When you use a Meshing task to mesh the output of an import or configuration task, the mesh state is an
aggregate state of all bodies and parts in the configuration. Making certain changes causes the mesh state
of the entire configuration to become underdefined and require a remesh. Changes that affect mesh state
Changes to a mesh setting, such as Midside nodes
Addition or deletion of a mesh control
Changes to mesh control properties
Changes to topology scoped to a mesh control, including suppressing or unsuppressing topology
Creation or deletion of a Selection Set
Deletion, suppression, or unsuppression of a body or part that is a member of a Selection Set
Refreshing geometry

3.7. Local Mesh Sizing

Local mesh sizing controls define sizing that is to be applied at a specified Location. You use local mesh
sizing to control
the element size for a selected body, face, or edge.
the number of divisions along an edge.
the minimum mesh sizing used for a selected body, face, or edge. This setting overrides the default global
You can define multiple mesh sizing controls for topologies of different dimensions. For example, you may
define a body sizing control scoped to one body, a second body sizing control scoped to another body, a
face sizing control scoped to two faces, and an edge sizing control scoped to four edges. The geometry
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available for selection is filtered appropriately (that is, you can only scope a body sizing control to bodies,
you can only scope a face sizing control to faces, and so on).
The following figures illustrate a sizing control applied to a face. For the first figure, the element size
was set to 0.5 on one face; for the second figure, the default element size was retained.

Figure 3.7.1. Element Size = 0.5

Figure 3.7.2. Element Size = Default

Usage Notes
When multiple sizing controls are scoped to the same entity, the smallest size that is specified for that
entity is respected. For example:
Sizing Control 1 specifies a size of 10 mm on Body A, Body B, and Body C.
Sizing Control 2 specifies a size of 5 mm on Body B, Body D, and Body E.
In this case, bodies A and C are assigned a size of 10 mm, and bodies B, D, and E are assigned a size of
5 mm.
An exception to this rule involves edge sizing controls. In cases where one edge sizing control specifies
Element size for an edge and another specifies Edge divisions for the same edge, the specified Edge
divisions value is respected.
If multiple sizing controls are scoped to the same entity and the specified element size is the same for all
of them, the last control that was created is respected. If a sizing control is placed on an edge and then
another is placed on a face or body that contains that edge, the edge sizing takes precedence.
For all size function methods other than Adaptive, any local size applied to an entity is also applied to all
lower topology entities.
Faces adjacent to a face that has a scoped size control applied to it respect the source as part of the size
function. Meshes on the adjacent faces will transition smoothly to the size on the scoped face. When size
controls that have differing sizes are on adjacent entities, the adjacent topology receives the smallest size.
When applying sizes to edges, if possible, the meshing algorithm places the requested number of divisions
on the specified edge. Otherwise, the algorithm adjusts the number to allow a successful mesh generation.
Regardless of the value for the sizing control you set, other factors such as edge and face curvature and
the proximity of small features may override the effect of the sizing control.
Local minimum size is not respected for proximity size functions. It also might not be respected by
sweepable bodies due to the interval assignment used to generate structured meshes.

3.7.1. Defining Sizing on a Body

Volume Creation > Objects > Size Controls > Add > Body Sizing
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Mesh > Objects > Size Controls > Add > Body Sizing
To define mesh sizing on a body, you must create a body sizing control by performing these steps. For
descriptions of the options mentioned below, refer to Local Mesh Sizing Control Options on page 91.
Note: When you define an Extracted Volume interactively, the Body Sizing option is unavailable
from the Volume Creation panel. In addition, any Body Sizing control that is previously defined will
have no effect on the mesh generated for a volume extraction. For example, if you define a Body Sizing
control for a Geometry Simplification, you cannot reuse that control for an Extracted Volume; the
control will have no effect on the Extracted Volume mesh. Similarly, a Body Sizing control in a journal
file will have no effect on a volume extraction.
1. Select the Location (bodies) in your geometry for which you want to define the body sizing.
2. Specify the Element size.
3. Additionally, in the Body Sizing panel, you can make modifications to the following settings:
Choose the


Specify the
Curvature normal angle. Curvature normal angle appears only if Behavior
is set to Soft and Size function method is set to either Curvature and proximity or Curvature.
Specify the
Growth rate. Growth rate appears only if Behavior is set to Soft and Size
function method is not Adaptive.
Specify the
Local minimum size. Local minimum size appears only if Behavior is set
to Soft and Size function method is not Adaptive.

3.7.2. Defining Sizing on a Face

Volume Creation > Objects > Size Controls > Add > Face Sizing
Mesh > Objects > Size Controls > Add > Face Sizing
To define mesh sizing on a face, you must create a face sizing control by performing these steps. For
descriptions of the options mentioned below, refer to Local Mesh Sizing Control Options on page 91.
1. Select the Location (faces) in your geometry for which you want to define the face sizing.
2. Specify the Element size.
3. Additionally, in the Face Sizing panel, you can make modifications to the following settings:
Choose the


Specify the
Curvature normal angle. Curvature normal angle appears only if Behavior
is set to Soft and Size function method is set to either Curvature and proximity or Curvature.
Specify the
Growth rate. Growth rate appears only if Behavior is set to Soft and Size
function method is not Adaptive.

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Specify the
Local minimum size. Local minimum size appears only if Behavior is set
to Soft and Size function method is not Adaptive.

3.7.3. Defining Sizing on an Edge

Volume Creation > Objects > Size Controls > Add > Edge Sizing
Mesh > Objects > Size Controls > Add > Edge Sizing
To define mesh sizing on an edge, you must create an edge sizing control by performing these steps. For
descriptions of the options mentioned below, refer to Local Mesh Sizing Control Options on page 91.

Select the Location (edges) in your geometry for which you want to define the edge sizing.
Choose the Edge sizing method (Element size or Edge divisions).
Depending on the Edge sizing method , specify the Element size or the number of Edge divisions.
Additionally, in the Edge Sizing panel, you can make modifications to the following settings:
Choose the


Specify the
Curvature normal angle. Curvature normal angle appears only if Behavior
is set to Soft and Size function method is set to either Curvature and proximity or Curvature.
Specify the
Growth rate. Growth rate appears only if Behavior is set to Soft and Size
function method is not Adaptive.
Specify the
Local minimum size. Local minimum size appears only if Behavior is set
to Soft and Size function method is not Adaptive.
5. Additionally, for part-based meshing, continue with the remaining steps. Otherwise, you are done with
the Edge Sizing panel:
Bias option is always set to Smooth transition.
Choose a

Bias type.

If you set Bias type to anything other than Constant, specify a
accept the default of 1.2.

Bias growth rate or

3.7.4. Local Mesh Sizing Control Options

Use these options to further define mesh sizing on bodies, faces, or edges. The options that are available
depend on the selected topology.

Available for Definition




Specify the bodies, faces, or edges to which the sizing is to be applied.

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Available for Definition


Edge sizing


Choose Element size (default) or Edge divisions. Choose Edge divisions

if you want the mesh to be sized according to a discrete number of divisions
along an edge.

Element size Body


Enter a positive value, or enter 0 for the value to be determined

automatically. Smaller values generate more divisions.



Specify the number of divisions that should occur along the edge.


Choose Soft (default) or Hard. The Hard setting places more constraints
on the mesher.


This is the maximum allowable angle that one element edge is allowed to
span. Enter a positive value of up to 180 degrees or 3.14 radians to override
the global setting. If you enter 0, the global setting is used. Appears only
if Behavior is Soft and Size function method is set to either Curvature
and proximity or Curvature.


This represents the increase in element edge length with each succeeding
layer of elements. For example, a growth rate of 1.2 results in a 20%
increase in element edge length with each succeeding layer of elements.
Enter a value from 1 to 5 or accept the default. If you enter 0, the global
setting is used. This local Growth rate is similar to the global Growth
rate. However, the value you specify for Growth rate on a local sizing
control must always be smaller than or equal to the specified global Growth
rate. Specifying a growth rate for a face or body affects the growth on the
face or on the boundary of the body, and its effect continues outside of
the selected entity as well. Appears only if Behavior is Soft and Size
function method is not Adaptive.


Use Local minimum size to override the global Minimum size on local
entities. If you enter 0, the mesher uses either the global Minimum size
or the local Element size, whichever is smaller. This setting is useful where
you want a different local mesh control than the global setting. For example,
you can set a larger global minimum/maximum size, then use a smaller
Local minimum size to obtain a finer mesh on some of the smaller parts.
Appears only if Behavior is Soft and Size function method is not
Adaptive. Hard sizes (Behavior = Hard) essentially mean an edge has
a fixed size function. Thus, in cases where an edge is hard, the Local
minimum size is hidden because its use does not make sense.


normal angle

Growth rate


Refer to Local Element Size and the Size Function on page 93.

Refer to Behavior of Soft and Hard Settings on page 93.

Local minimum size may not be respected in swept meshes due to the
interval assignment used to generate structured meshes.

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Available for Definition


Bias option is always set to Smooth transition. When Bias type is set
to the default setting of Constant, the value of Smooth transition is
1.2. If the Bias type is anything other than Constant, the prescribed
growth rate = Bias growth rate^(1/n-1)) where n is the number of Edge


Use Bias type to adjust the spacing ratio of nodes on an edge. Bias type
is useful for any engineering problem where nodes need to be clustered
on an edge or group of edges, or if there is a need to bias the mapped
mesh of a face towards a specific direction with respect to the edges of
the face. Choose Constant (the default), Right, Left, Center In, or
Center Out.


The ratio of the largest edge to the smallest edge. If you set Bias type to
anything other than Constant, specify a Bias growth rate or accept the
default of 1.2.

Bias option

Bias type

Bias growth
rate Local Element Size and the Size Function

For all size function methods other than Adaptive, the behavior of the local Element size is as follows:
For an edge, Element size is the maximum size on the edge. It overrides Maximum face size.
For a face, Element size is the maximum size on the face, which is then propagated to the edges. The
value of Element size overrides Maximum face size.
For a body, Element size is not only the maximum size on the body, but also the maximum sizes on the
faces and edges of the body. If the body size setting is Hard, the value of Element size overrides
Maximum face size and Maximum size. For a Soft body size, if Element size is smaller than Maximum
face size or Maximum size, it overrides Maximum face size or Maximum size as applicable; otherwise,
Element size is equal to Maximum face size or Maximum size (that is, the smallest size is the maximum
size on the body). Behavior of Soft and Hard Settings
The Soft and Hard settings for Behavior, combined with size function settings, affect mesh generation.
All Size Function Methods
Choosing the Hard option for edges means that the size or number of divisions is fixed on the edge and
cannot be changed by the meshing algorithm. The likelihood of a mesh failure increases in this scenario.
Choosing the Soft option for edges, faces, and bodies means the size control will be affected by proximity,
curvature, and local remeshing during the meshing process.
With respect to interval assignment, choosing Soft on a face or body means the edges are only seeded
with this information; no additional constraints are placed on the mesher. A soft constraint in interval
assignment places a higher weight in the interval solver to meet that number of divisions on the edge.
When hard size constraints are placed on faces or bodies that are swept, the edges of those faces/bodies
receive soft edge sizes to guide the interval solver.
All Size Function Methods Other than Adaptive
If a soft size is specified on an entity, the specified Growth rate is used.
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If a hard size is specified on an entity, the Growth rate is not respected; the mesher will try to maintain
a uniform size on the entity. If two entities with hard sizes of different values are adjacent to one another,
no growth occurs and there will be an abrupt size change between them. However, growth will occur on
all entities without hard size constraints that are adjacent to a hard size entity, even if the hard size applied
is smaller than Minimum size/Proximity minimum size.
Avoid applying local hard size controls on faces and bodies if the specified local size falls between the
values of the size function's minimum size (Minimum size) and maximum size (Maximum face size or
Maximum size, as applicable) options. In such cases use soft size controls instead, and the soft controls
will act like a maximum size.
If an entity has a local soft size defined on it, the local control is used in place of the global Maximum
size. However, the global Minimum size is still used. If instead the entity has a local hard size defined
on it, the global Minimum size is ignored and the whole entity would be meshed at the size of the local
The smallest size that the last size control specifies for the entity overrides all other size controls. In this
way, the smallest size will be the maximum size on the entity. This is true unless a hard size control is
used. When size controls are applied to entities of differing dimensions (for example, a face and an edge),
a hard size control will override all others and the sizing will propagate from the hard size outward.
Adaptive Size Function Method
Choosing Hard on a face or body means curvature pre-refinement is not performed on the edges of the
face or body, but an edge can be split by the mesher.
Additional Usage Notes
If multiple sizing controls are scoped to the same entity and the specified element size is the same for all
of them, the last sizing control that was created is respected.
For a slender body, specifying hard local mesh sizing on the body might result in a mesh containing elements
that are much larger than the specified size. To work around this, either use soft local mesh sizing on the
body instead of hard sizing, or apply hard local mesh sizing to the faces of the body.

3.8. Volume Definitions

Volume definitions guide the mesher in the creation of a new engineering topology.
From your volume definitions, ANSYS AIM creates objects that it uses in the Volume Creation process.
Specifically, you can use volume definitions to:
Define a flow region for meshing in cases where a model does not contain a body to represent the flow
region that you want to mesh (Extracted Volume). Objects used for this purpose are composed of solid
bodies, surface bodies (that is, capping surfaces), and a point. When you scope the Bodies bounding
flow region for an Extracted Volume, the capping faces that are associated with the selected bodies
are collected automatically for meshing. You do not need to select them manually.
Identify solid bodies that should be united for meshing (Geometry Simplification). The bodies to unite
must have the same material property and have no gaps between them. The mesher treats the united
bodies as one part.
Faces in Selection Sets, as well as those to which boundary conditions, inflation controls, and so on have
been applied, are preserved in the resultant topology. Refer to Protected Topologies in a Mesh on page 102.

3.8.1. Defining a Volume - Extracted Volume

Volume Creation > Objects > Volume Definitions > Add > Extracted Volume

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To extract a volume for a Volume Creation task, you must define the volume by performing these steps.
For descriptions of the options mentioned below, refer to Extracted Volume Properties on page 95. Also
see Extracted Volume Workflow on page 26.
1. For Bodies bounding flow region, select the bodies that bound the volume to be extracted.
2. For Point inside flow region, select or create a point to identify the wetted region that will make
up the flow volume.

Feature resolution, specify the sampling size to be used by the wrapper.

3.8.2. Defining a Volume - Geometry Simplification

Volume Creation > Objects > Volume Definitions > Add > Geometry Simplification
To simplify geometry for a Volume Creation task, you must define a volume by performing these steps.
For descriptions of the options mentioned below, refer to Geometry Simplification Properties on page 96.
Also see Geometry Simplification Workflow on page 27.
1. For Bodies to simplify, select the solid bodies that you want to unite.
2. If more than one body is selected for Bodies to simplify and the selected bodies are in different
parts, enable or disable

Merge bodies.


Feature resolution, specify the sampling size to be used by the wrapper.

3.8.3. Extracted Volume Properties

The properties described here define how a volume definition that is being used to extract a volume is
processed when the mesh for a Volume Creation task is generated.


Scope the Bodies bounding flow region to the solid bodies that bound the volume to
bounding flow be extracted.
The capping faces that are associated with the selected bodies are collected automatically
for meshing. You do not need to select them.
There are several scenarios involving Extracted Volume in which you can scope the
same topological entity to multiple volume definitions, but a software check may determine
the setup is invalid and require you to make adjustments. These scenarios include:
You may scope an internal volume definition (Extracted Volume) and an external
volume definition (Geometry Simplification) to the same topological entity within a
single Volume Creation task.
You may scope two volume definitions that are being used for Extracted Volume to
the same topological entity within a single Volume Creation task as long as the volume
definitions specify different points. Do not define multiple volumes that are scoped to
the same topological entity and the same point.
You may scope two volume definitions (regardless of whether they are being used for
Extracted Volume or Geometry Simplification) to the same topological entity in
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different (that is, parallel) Volume Creation tasks that are connected to the same
import task.
When you generate the mesh for the Volume Creation task in these cases, the software
checks your setup to determine whether it is valid and reports any issues it finds.

Point inside
flow region

Select a Point inside flow region to identify the wetted region that will make up the
flow volume.

Specify the sampling size to be used by the wrapper. A value greater than 1 indicates
(Optional) that the sampling size is coarser while a value less than 1 indicates that the sampling size
is finer than the sizes for remeshing. All Cartesian meshes are scaled by this factor. For
example, if you set Feature resolution to 0.5, this factor reduces the mesh sizes
throughout the domain by half. If you set Feature resolution to 2.0, the mesh sizes
are doubled, which is useful if you want the mesher to ignore some features. Specify a
value from 0.5 to 2.0; the default is 0.75.

3.8.4. Geometry Simplification Properties

The properties described here define how a volume definition that is being used to simplify geometry is
processed when the mesh for a Volume Creation task is generated.


Bodies to

For Bodies to simplify, select the solid bodies that you want to unite.
There are several scenarios involving Geometry Simplification in which you can scope
the same topological entity to multiple volume definitions, but a software check may
determine the setup is invalid and require you to make adjustments. These scenarios
You may scope an internal volume definition (Extracted Volume) and an external
volume definition (Geometry Simplification) to the same topological entity within a
single Volume Creation task.
You may scope two volume definitions (regardless of whether they are being used for
Extracted Volume or Geometry Simplification) to the same topological entity in
different (that is, parallel) Volume Creation tasks that are connected to the same
import task.
When you generate the mesh for the Volume Creation task in these cases, the software
checks your setup to determine whether it is valid and reports any issues it finds.

If more than one body is selected for Bodies to simplify and the selected bodies are in
(Optional) different parts, choose one of these options:
Merge bodies To simplify the geometry by unifying multiple solid surfaces into one and ignoring any
interior voids and faces, enable Merge bodies.
To create a conformal, well-connected surface mesh for each of the selected bodies,
disable Merge bodies.
If the bodies selected for Bodies to simplify are members of the same multibody part,
all selected bodies are merged regardless of the Merge bodies setting.

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Specify the sampling size to be used by the wrapper. A value greater than 1 indicates
(Optional) that the sampling size is coarser while a value less than 1 indicates that the sampling size
is finer than the sizes for remeshing. All Cartesian meshes are scaled by this factor. For
example, if you set Feature resolution to 0.5, this factor reduces the mesh sizes
throughout the domain by half. If you set Feature resolution to 2.0, the mesh sizes
are doubled, which is useful if you want the mesher to ignore some features. Specify a
value from 0.5 to 2.0; the default is 0.75.

3.9. Local Inflation

Inflation is useful for resolving boundary layers in fluid flow simulations or high stress concentrations in
structural simulations. Inflation is available for Meshing tasks only. When defining these tasks, you can
specify Common Inflation Settings, which will be applicable to all of the boundaries scoped to any local
inflation controls defined for the task. To apply inflation to specific boundaries, you can add local inflation
controls to identify those boundaries. Only 3D inflation is supported; that is, only faces can be inflation
If you set up your simulation by launching a Flow template or FSI template, ANSYS AIM adds an inflation
control to the Meshing task automatically.

3.9.1. Defining Inflation Boundaries

Mesh > Objects > Mesh Controls > Add > Inflation
To identify and define inflation boundaries, you apply an inflation control to a single face or multiple faces.
Only faces can act as inflation boundaries. Local inflation controls are supported for Meshing tasks only.
If you set up your simulation by launching a Flow template or FSI template, ANSYS AIM adds an inflation
control to the Meshing task automatically. Navigate to the control to specify its settings. You can also
define additional inflation controls.
1. When Automatically defined is disabled on the Inflation panel, use the Location field to select the
desired faces manually, or enable Automatically defined to apply the control to all faces except
those that are used in Selection Sets.
2. Specify the Maximum layers.
The Maximum layers control is applicable only when Inflation option is Smooth transition, First
layer thickness, First aspect ratio, or Last aspect ratio.
3. Choose an Inflation option.
4. Specify the First layer height.
The First layer height control is applicable only when Inflation option is First layer thickness
or Last aspect ratio.
5. Specify the First aspect ratio.
The First aspect ratio control is applicable only when Inflation option is First aspect ratio.

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6. Specify the Transition ratio.
The Transition ratio control is applicable only when Inflation option is Smooth transition.
7. Specify the Number of layers.
The Number of layers control is applicable only when Inflation option is Total thickness.
8. Specify the Growth rate.
The Growth rate control is applicable only when Inflation option is Smooth transition, First
layer thickness, Total thickness, or First aspect ratio.
9. Specify the Aspect ratio (base/height).
The Aspect ratio (base/height) control is applicable only when Inflation option is Last aspect
10. Specify the Maximum thickness.
The Maximum thickness control is applicable only when Inflation option is Total thickness.
For detailed descriptions of the local inflation controls, refer to Local Inflation Control Options on page

3.9.2. Local Inflation Control Options

For a Meshing task, use these options to apply inflation to the specific boundaries (faces) that are applied
to an inflation control.
Automatically Defined
To allow ANSYS AIM to determine inflation boundaries automatically, enable Automatically defined. ANSYS
AIM associates the control to the DefaultInflation() function, which returns all faces except those that are
used in Selection Sets. This setting may not be appropriate for your simulation.
To manually specify the faces to which the inflation is to be applied, disable Automatically defined and
use Location to select the desired faces.
Location and Inflation Layer Growth in Part-based Meshing
When a selected face is shared topology, inflation layers are generated differently depending on which face
picking tool you use:

To generate inflation layers in both directions, use Face selection

only. Inflation layers grow into
both bodies that share the face.
To generate inflation layers in one direction only, use the disambiguate face sides feature of the topology
selector to select the body on which you want the inflation layers to grow. The disambiguate face sides

feature is available when you see arrows in the topology selector

into the body adjacent to the disambiguated face side only.

. Inflation layers grow

If a selected face is not shared, the disambiguate face sides feature is unavailable and inflation layers are
generated in one direction only.
Location and Inflation Layer Growth in Flow Volume Meshing
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The figure below shows a model of fluid flow in a pipe. Geometry simplification was used to create a volume
for the solid pipe, and volume extraction was used to create a volume for the fluid flowing inside it. In each
volume, there is a distinct face in the overlapping region; it is not a shared face. If you select FACE14 as the
Location, inflation layers are generated into the simplified volume only. If you select FACE22, inflation layers
are generated into the extracted volume only. To generate inflation layers in both directions, define a Selection
Set on the face during the Volume Creation task, and select that Selection Set as the Location of the
inflation control in the Meshing task.

Inflation Option
The Inflation option determines the heights of the inflation layers. Choose one of the following:
Smooth Transition This is the default. The Smooth transition option uses the local tetrahedral
element size to compute each local initial height and total height so that the rate of volume change is
smooth. Each triangle that is being inflated will have an initial height that is computed with respect to its
area, averaged at the nodes. This means that for a uniform mesh, the initial heights will be roughly the
same, while for a varying mesh, the initial heights will vary.
The computations used for prism growth are as follows:
The following value is computed at each node on the prism base:
Height of last prism (H) = Transition ratio * average_edge_length
The height of the first layer (h) is computed using the following formula, where g = Growth rate and
n = Number of layers:
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H = h * (g ^ (n-1))
Increasing the value of Growth rate reduces the total height of the inflation layer. The total height
approaches an asymptotic value with respect to the number of inflation layers.
For details about the additional controls that appear when Smooth transition is selected, refer to the
descriptions of the Transition ratio, Maximum layers, and Growth rate controls.
Total Thickness The Total thickness option creates constant inflation layers using the values of the
Number of layers and Growth rate controls to obtain a total thickness as defined by the value of the
Maximum thickness control. Unlike inflation with the Smooth transition option, with the Total
thickness option the thickness of the first inflation layer and each following layer is constant.
For details about the additional controls that appear when Total thickness is selected, refer to the
descriptions of the Number of layers, Growth rate, and Maximum thickness controls.
First Layer Thickness The First layer thickness option creates constant inflation layers using the
values of the First layer height, Maximum layers, and Growth rate controls to generate the inflation
mesh. Unlike inflation with the Smooth transition option, with the First layer thickness option the
thickness of the first inflation layer and each following layer is constant.
For details about the additional controls that appear when First layer thickness is selected, refer to the
descriptions of the First layer height, Maximum layers, and Growth rate controls.
First Aspect Ratio The First aspect ratio option creates inflation layers using the values of the First
aspect ratio, Maximum layers, and Growth rate controls to generate the inflation mesh.
For details about the additional controls that appear when First aspect ratio is selected, refer to the
descriptions of the First aspect ratio, Maximum layers, and Growth rate controls.
Last Aspect Ratio The Last aspect ratio option creates inflation layers using the values of the First
layer height, Maximum layers, and Aspect ratio (base/height) controls to generate the inflation
The figure below illustrates this option. Using the First layer height control, you can specify the height
of the first inflation layer. Local base mesh size is used to find the offset height for the last layer. For
example, if you specify 20 for Aspect ratio (base/height), the offset height of the last layer will be 0.2
times the local base mesh size. Local growth rate is used to calculate the other intermediate offset heights

For details about the additional controls that appear when Last aspect ratio is selected, refer to the
descriptions of the First layer height, Maximum layers, and Aspect ratio (base/height) controls.
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First Layer Height
The First layer height control determines the height of the first inflation layer. This first inflation layer
consists of a single layer of prism elements that is formed against the faces of the inflation boundary. You
must enter a value for this control, and it must be greater than 0.
The First layer height control is applicable only when Inflation option is First layer thickness or Last
aspect ratio.
First Aspect Ratio
By choosing the First aspect ratio option for the Inflation option control, you can control the heights of
the inflation layers by defining the aspect ratio of the inflations that are extruded from the inflation base.
The aspect ratio is defined as the ratio of the local inflation base size to the inflation layer height. Use the
First aspect ratio control to specify the first aspect ratio to be used. Enter a value greater than 0. The
default is 5.
The First aspect ratio control is applicable only when Inflation option is First aspect ratio.
Transition Ratio
In basic terms, the Transition ratio control determines the rate at which adjacent elements grow. It is the
volume-based size change between the last layer of elements in the inflation layer and the first elements in
the tetrahedron region. The value of Transition ratio is an ideal value and should produce accurate size
change for inflation from a planar boundary. However, be aware that areas of strong curvature will introduce
an inaccuracy into the size change. If a proximity-based size function is being used, elements in proximity
and elements with prism aspect ratios meeting the value defined by the Maximum height over base
control will ignore this transition ratio.
The Transition ratio control is applicable only when Inflation option is Smooth transition. Valid values
for Transition ratio are from 0 to 1. The default is 0.272.
Number of Layers
The Number of layers control determines the actual number of inflation layers in the mesh, except in
places where layers are removed locally for reasons of improving mesh quality (for example, in areas where
inflation layers would otherwise collide with each other). Valid values are from 1 to 1000. The default is 3.
The Number of layers control is applicable only when Inflation option is Total thickness.
Maximum Layers
The Maximum layers control determines the maximum number of inflation layers to be created in the
mesh. Enter a positive integer. The default is 3.
The Maximum layers control is applicable only when Inflation option is Smooth transition, First layer
thickness, First aspect ratio, or Last aspect ratio.
Growth Rate
The Growth rate control determines the relative thickness of adjacent inflation layers. As you move away
from the face to which the inflation control is applied, each successive layer is approximately one growth
rate factor thicker than the previous one. Valid values are from 1.0 to 5.0. The default is 1.2.
The Growth rate control is applicable only when Inflation option is Smooth transition, First layer
thickness, Total thickness, or First aspect ratio.

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Aspect Ratio (Base/Height)
By choosing the Last aspect ratio option for the Inflation option control, you can control the heights of
the inflation layers by defining the aspect ratio of the inflations that are extruded from the inflation base.
The aspect ratio is defined as the ratio of the local inflation base size to the inflation layer height. Use the
Aspect ratio (base/height) control to specify the aspect ratio to be used. Enter a value between 0.5 and
20. The default is 3.
The Aspect ratio (base/height) control is applicable only when Inflation option is Last aspect ratio.
Maximum Thickness
The Maximum thickness control determines the desired thickness of the inflation layer. You must enter
a value for this control, and it must be greater than 0.
The Maximum thickness control is applicable only when Inflation option is Total thickness.

3.10. Protected Topologies in a Mesh

When a mesh is generated, protected topologies are identified and protected by the mesher. Protected
topologies are created for any topologies that are scoped to boundary conditions, loads, interfaces, inflation
controls, Selection Sets, and so on, at the time of meshing, so it is important to define them prior to mesh
generation. The mesher respects the boundaries of the protected topologies and does not cross them. A
Topology Protections list, which appears for Volume Creation tasks only, is populated with all protected
topologies associated with the current task and any connected Meshing tasks.
Selection Sets are the only type of protected topology that you can add to Volume Creation tasks. Refer
to Fluid Flow Meshing Best Practices on page 29 for an example of protected topology and volume creation.

3.10.1. Creating a Selection Set to Preserve Topologies in the Mesh

Volume Creation > Objects > Selection Sets > Add > Selection Set
You can add a Selection Set directly to a Volume Creation task to create a named grouping of entities
that will be protected by the mesher.
For an example of protected topology and volume creation, refer to Fluid Flow Meshing Best Practices on
page 29.
1. Rename the Selection Set panel with a meaningful title (for example, Bolt faces).
2. For Location, select the entities that you want to group.

3.10.2. Protected Topologies and Mesh State

Updates to previous connected tasks and changes to protected topologies may affect the mesh state, which
in turn affects updates of the Topology Protections list:
When you update any previous connected task, the mesh state becomes underdefined. If the update
involved changes to protected topologies, the Topology Protections list is updated automatically and
the task requires a remesh.
Changes to protected topologies in the current task cause the mesh state of the task to become
underdefined. The Topology Protections list is updated automatically and the task requires a remesh.

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Changes to protected topologies in any next connected task do not affect the mesh state of the task. As
long as the mesh is up-to-date, the Topology Protections list is not updated. Once the mesh state
becomes underdefined, the list is updated automatically and the task requires a remesh.

3.11. Element Shape

The Element Shape determines whether the mesher generates a tetrahedral or hexahedral mesh for a
selected body. If you do not specify element shape, the mesher attempts to mesh sweepable bodies with
hexahedrons and provides a tetrahedral mesh on bodies that are not sweepable or if the quality of the
hexahedral mesh is poor.
In some cases, the best mesh is a hexahedral mesh, while in others it is a tetrahedral mesh. The model
being simulated and the meshing constraints often dictate the best element shape to use. A hybrid mesh
that contains hexahedrons in anisotropic or critical areas and tetrahedrons in other areas is often ideal.

3.11.1. Defining the Element Shape of a Mesh

Mesh > Objects > Mesh Controls > Add > Element Shape
The Element Shape determines whether the mesher generates a tetrahedral or hexahedral mesh for
the selected body.
For more details about these settings, refer to Element Shape Settings on page 104.
1. Select the Location (body) in your geometry for which you want to define the element shape.
2. Choose a Shape.
Automatic - This is the default. The mesher attempts to mesh sweepable bodies with hexahedrons
and provides a tetrahedral mesh on bodies that are not sweepable or if the quality of the hexahedral
mesh is poor.
Tetrahedrons - The mesher generates a tetrahedral mesh.
Hexahedrons - The mesher generates a hexahedral mesh.
The mesh includes prism elements if inflation layers are generated.
3. Choose how to handle Midside nodes.
Use engineering intent - This is the default. The mesher determines whether to create quadratic
or linear elements for the body based on the value of the Engineering intent control.
Dropped - No elements in the body have midside nodes. Overrides the setting of the Engineering
intent control.
Kept - All elements in the body have midside nodes. Overrides the setting of the Engineering
intent control.
If you chose Hexahedrons and you want to select
faces in the graphics view.

Source face(s) manually, select the source

If Source face(s) is left blank, ANSYS AIM determines the source faces automatically.

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If the model contains multiple bodies and mesh generation fails on some bodies, the mesher returns as
much mesh as it can. In such cases, the graphics view shows the mesh for the bodies where mesh
generation was successful but shows no mesh for any failed bodies.

3.11.2. Element Shape Settings

Use these settings to specify Element Shape on a body.
Select the body in your geometry for which you want to specify the element shape.
Choose one of the following:




The mesher attempts to mesh

Default; nothing to set up
sweepable bodies with
hexahedrons and provides a
tetrahedral mesh on bodies that
are not sweepable or if the quality
of the hexahedral mesh is poor.


The mesher generates a

tetrahedral mesh.

Preferred when geometry is not

suitable for sweeping
Easier to mesh more complex
Mesh quality is often easier to
Better mesh transitioning


The mesher generates a

hexahedral mesh.

Preferred when geometry is

suitable for sweeping
Fewer elements
Faster solution time
Better accuracy
Mesh transitioning can be

The mesh includes prism elements if inflation layers are generated.
Midside Nodes
The Element Shape feature includes support for mixed order meshing. When you specify an element shape
on a body in a multibody part, you can set the Midside nodes option to Kept for some bodies (resulting
in higher order elements) and to Dropped for other bodies (resulting in lower order elements).
The order in which bodies are meshed is determined internally. Midside node handling on the body that is
meshed first affects elements at the interface between bodies. This means that if you specify Kept on one
body and Dropped on the adjacent body and the higher order body is meshed first, one layer of higher
order elements is generated at the interface, with mixed order elements transitioning away from the interface
on the second body.
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Choose one of the following:
Use engineering intent - This is the default. The mesher determines whether to create quadratic or
linear elements for the body based on the value of the Engineering intent control.
Dropped - No elements in the body have midside nodes. Overrides the setting of the Engineering intent
Kept - All elements in the body have midside nodes. Overrides the setting of the Engineering intent
control. Optional Element Shape Settings
These settings are available for specifying Element Shape on a body if you turn Filtering off.
Source Face(s)
If you set Shape to Hexahedrons and you want to scope Source face(s) manually, select the source
faces in the graphics view.
If Source face(s) is left blank, ANSYS AIM determines the source faces automatically.

3.12. Evaluating Mesh Quality

Mesh diagnostics help you evaluate mesh quality. For Volume Creation tasks and for Meshing tasks used
to mesh the output of a Volume Creation task, you can review mesh diagnostics for the entire model. For
Meshing tasks used to mesh the output of an import or configuration task, you can review mesh diagnostics
for the entire model, an individual part, or an individual body.
Mesh diagnostics include the number of nodes in the mesh; number of elements in the mesh; and the
minimum, maximum, average, and standard deviation values for these metric types:

Element quality
Aspect ratio calculation for triangles
Aspect ratio calculation for quadrilaterals
Jacobian ratio
Warping factor
Parallel deviation
Maximum corner angle
Orthogonal quality

3.12.1. Viewing Mesh Diagnostics

Volume Creation > Output > Metrics > Add > Mesh Diagnostics
Mesh > Output > Metrics > Add > Mesh Diagnostics
By default, the numbers of nodes and elements for the entire model are reported on the Mesh
Diagnostics panel after you generate the mesh. You can view mesh metric information also. Follow
these steps.

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1. If your Meshing task was used to mesh the output of an import or configuration task, you may scope
the Location on the Mesh Diagnostics panel to an individual body or part whose diagnostics you
want to view. If you are working in a Volume Creation task or a Meshing task that was used to
mesh the output of a Volume Creation task, you cannot scope a Location.
2. On the Mesh Diagnostics panel, choose the metric of interest from the Mesh metric drop-down
The available metrics depend on which type of task you are working in.
The minimum, maximum, average, and standard deviation values are reported for the selected metric
type. If you select a different metric type (or change the scope for a Meshing task), the data is
updated automatically.

3.12.2. Element Quality

The Element quality option provides a composite quality metric that ranges between 0 and 1. This metric
is based on the ratio of the volume to the sum of the square of the edge lengths for 2D quad/tri elements,
or the square root of the cube of the sum of the square of the edge lengths for 3D elements. A value of 1
indicates a perfect cube or square while a value of 0 indicates that the element has a zero or negative volume.
This can also be expressed as follows:
For two-dimensional quad/tri elements:

Note: If Shape checking is set to Aggressive mechanical and the Jacobian ratio is less than zero,
an error occurs.
For three-dimensional brick elements:
The following table lists the value of C for each type of element:

Value of C













3.12.3. Aspect Ratio Calculation for Triangles

The aspect ratio for a triangle is computed in the following manner, using only the corner nodes of the

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Figure Triangle Aspect Ratio Calculation

1. A line is constructed from one node of the element to the midpoint of the opposite edge, and another
through the midpoints of the other two edges. In general, these lines are not perpendicular to each other
or to any of the element edges.
2. Rectangles are constructed centered about each of these two lines, with edges passing through the
element edge midpoints and the triangle apex.
3. These constructions are repeated using each of the other two corners as the apex.
4. The aspect ratio of the triangle is the ratio of the longer side to the shorter side of whichever of the six
rectangles is most stretched, divided by the square root of 3.
The best possible aspect ratio, for an equilateral triangle, is 1. A triangle having an aspect ratio of 20 is
shown in the figure below.

Figure Aspect Ratio for Triangles

3.12.4. Aspect Ratio Calculation for Quadrilaterals

The aspect ratio for a quadrilateral is computed by the following steps, using only the corner nodes of the

Figure Quadrilateral Aspect Ratio Calculation

1. If the element is not flat, the nodes are projected onto a plane passing through the average of the corner
locations and perpendicular to the average of the corner normals. The remaining steps are performed on
these projected locations.
2. Two lines are constructed that bisect the opposing pairs of element edges and which meet at the element
center. In general, these lines are not perpendicular to each other or to any of the element edges.

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3. Rectangles are constructed centered about each of the two lines, with edges passing through the element
edge midpoints. The aspect ratio of the quadrilateral is the ratio of a longer side to a shorter side of
whichever rectangle is most stretched.
The best possible aspect ratio, for a square, is 1. A quadrilateral having an aspect ratio of 20 is shown in the
figure below.

Figure Aspect Ratio for Quadrilaterals

3.12.5. Jacobian Ratio

Jacobian ratio is computed and tested for all elements except triangles and tetrahedra that (a) are linear
(have no midside nodes) or (b) have perfectly centered midside nodes. A high ratio indicates that the mapping
between element space and real space is becoming computationally unreliable.
Jacobian Ratio Calculation
An element's Jacobian ratio is computed by the following steps, using the full set of nodes for the element:
1. At each sampling location listed in the table below, the determinant of the Jacobian matrix is computed
and called RJ.
RJ at a given point represents the magnitude of the mapping function between element natural coordinates
and real space. In an ideally-shaped element, RJ is relatively constant over the element, and does not
change sign.
Element Shape

RJ Sampling Locations

10-node tetrahedra

corner nodes

5-node or 13-node pyramids

base corner nodes and near apex node (apex RJ factored so

that a pyramid having all edges the same length will produce
a Jacobian ratio of 1)

8-node quadrilaterals

corner nodes and centroid

20-node bricks

all nodes and centroid

all other elements

corner nodes

2. The Jacobian ratio of the element is the ratio of the maximum to the minimum sampled value of RJ. If
the maximum and minimum have opposite signs, the Jacobian ratio is arbitrarily assigned to be -100 (and
the element is clearly unacceptable).
3. If the element is a midside-node tetrahedron, an additional RJ is computed for a fictitious straight-sided
tetrahedron connected to the four corner nodes. If that RJ differs in sign from any nodal RJ (an extremely
rare occurrence), the Jacobian ratio is arbitrarily assigned to be -100.
4. If the element is a line element having a midside node, the Jacobian matrix is not square (because the
mapping is from one natural coordinate to 2D or 3D space) and has no determinant. For this case, a
vector calculation is used to compute a number which behaves like a Jacobian ratio. This calculation has
the effect of limiting the arc spanned by a single element to about 106.

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A triangle or tetrahedron has a Jacobian ratio of 1 if each midside node, if any, is positioned at the average
of the corresponding corner node locations. This is true no matter how otherwise distorted the element may
be. Hence, this calculation is skipped entirely for such elements. Moving a midside node away from the edge
midpoint position will increase the Jacobian ratio. Eventually, even very slight further movement will break
the element. Refer to the figure below. We describe this as breaking the element because it suddenly
changes from acceptable to unacceptable (that is, broken).

Figure Jacobian Ratios for Triangles

Any rectangle or rectangular parallelepiped having no midside nodes, or having midside nodes at the midpoints
of its edges, has a Jacobian ratio of 1. Moving midside nodes toward or away from each other can increase
the Jacobian ratio. Eventually, even very slight further movement will break the element. Refer to the figure

Figure Jacobian Ratios for Rectangles

A quadrilateral or brick has a Jacobian ratio of 1 if (a) its opposing faces are all parallel to each other, and
(b) each midside node, if any, is positioned at the average of the corresponding corner node locations. As
a corner node moves near the center, the Jacobian ratio climbs. Eventually, any further movement will break
the element. Refer to the figure below.

Figure Jacobian Ratios for Quadrilaterals

3.12.6. Warping Factor

Warping factor is computed and tested for some quadrilateral shell elements, and the quadrilateral faces of
bricks, wedges, and pyramids. A high factor may indicate a condition the underlying element formulation
cannot handle well, or may simply hint at a mesh generation flaw.
Warping Factor Calculation for Quadrilateral Shell Elements
A quadrilateral element's warping factor is computed from its corner node positions and other available data
by the following steps:
When computing the warping factor for a quadrilateral shell element, ANSYS AIM assumes 0 thickness for
the shell. In contrast, the defined shell thickness is included when the FE Modeler application computes the
warping factor. Because of this difference in computation, the warping factor value reported by the mesh
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diagnostics in ANSYS AIM and the warping factor value reported by the FE Modeler Mesh Metrics tool will
1. An average element normal is computed as the vector (cross) product of the two diagonals.

Figure Shell Average Normal Calculation

2. The projected area of the element is computed on a plane through the average normal (the dotted outline
in the figure below).
3. The difference in height of the ends of an element edge is computed, parallel to the average normal. In
the figure below, this distance is 2h. Because of the way the average normal is constructed, h is the same
at all four corners. For a flat quadrilateral, the distance is zero.

Figure Shell Element Projected onto a Plane

4. The area warping factor ( ) for the element is computed as the edge height difference divided by the
square root of the projected area.
5. For all shells except those in the membrane stiffness only group, if the thickness is available, the
thickness warping factor is computed as the edge height difference divided by the average element
thickness. This could be substantially higher than the area warping factor computed in 4 (above).
6. The warping factor tested against warning and error limits (and reported in warning and error messages)
is the larger of the area factor and, if available, the thickness factor.
7. The best possible quadrilateral warping factor, for a flat quadrilateral, is zero.
The figure below shows a warped element plotted on top of a flat one. Only the right-hand node of the
upper element is moved. The element is a unit square, with a real constant thickness of 0.1.
When the upper element is warped by a factor of 0.01, it cannot be visibly distinguished from the underlying
flat one.
When the upper element is warped by a factor of 0.04, it just begins to visibly separate from the flat one.

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Figure Quadrilateral Shell Having Warping Factor

Warping of 0.1 is visible given the flat reference, but seems trivial; however, it is well beyond the error limit
for a membrane shell. Warping of 1.0 is visually unappealing. This is the error limit for most shells.
Warping beyond 1.0 would appear to be obviously unacceptable; however, SHELL181 permits even this much
distortion. Furthermore, the warping factor calculation seems to peak at about 7.0. Moving the node further
off the original plane, even by much larger distances than shown here, does not further increase the warping
factor for this geometry. Users are cautioned that manually increasing the error limit beyond its default of
5.0 for these elements could mean no real limit on element distortion.
Warping Factor Calculation for 3D Solid Elements
The warping factor for a 3D solid element face is computed as though the four nodes make up a quadrilateral
shell element with no real constant thickness available, using the square root of the projected area of the
face as described in 4 (above).
The warping factor for the element is the largest of the warping factors computed for the six quadrilateral
faces of a brick, three quadrilateral faces of a wedge, or one quadrilateral face of a pyramid. Any brick
element having all flat faces has a warping factor of zero. Refer to the figure below.

Figure Warping Factor for Bricks

Twisting the top face of a unit cube by 22.5 and 45 relative to the base produces warping factors of about
0.2 and 0.4, respectively.

3.12.7. Parallel Deviation

Parallel deviation is computed using the following steps:
1. Ignoring midside nodes, unit vectors are constructed in 3D space along each element edge, adjusted for
consistent direction, as demonstrated in the figure below.

Figure Parallel Deviation Unit Vectors

2. For each pair of opposite edges, the dot product of the unit vectors is computed, then the angle (in
degrees) whose cosine is that dot product. The parallel deviation is the larger of these two angles. (In
the illustration above, the dot product of the two horizontal unit vectors is 1, and acos (1) = 0. The dot
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product of the two vertical vectors is 0.342, and acos (0.342) = 70. Therefore, this elements parallel
deviation is 70.)
3. The best possible deviation, for a flat rectangle, is 0. The figure below shows quadrilaterals having
deviations of 0, 70, 100, 150, and 170.




Figure Parallel Deviations for Quadrilaterals

3.12.8. Maximum Corner Angle

The maximum corner angle is computed as follows.
The maximum angle between adjacent edges is computed using corner node positions in 3D space. (Midside
nodes, if any, are ignored.) The best possible triangle maximum angle, for an equilateral triangle, is 60.
The figure below shows triangles having maximum corner angles of 60 and 165.

Figure Maximum Corner Angles for Triangles

The best possible quadrilateral maximum angle, for a flat rectangle, is 90. The figure below shows
quadrilaterals having maximum corner angles of 90, 140, and 180.

Figure Maximum Corner Angles for Quadrilaterals

3.12.9. Skewness
Skewness is one of the primary quality measures for a mesh. Skewness determines how close to ideal (that
is, equilateral or equiangular) a face or cell is.

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Figure Ideal and Skewed Triangles and Quadrilaterals

The following table lists the range of skewness values and the corresponding cell quality.
Value of Skewness

Cell Quality


0.9 < 1

bad (sliver)

0.75 0.9


0.5 0.75


0.25 0.5


> 0 0.25



According to the definition of skewness, a value of 0 indicates an equilateral cell (best) and a value of 1
indicates a completely degenerate cell (worst). Degenerate cells (slivers) are characterized by nodes that
are nearly coplanar (collinear in 2D).
Highly skewed faces and cells are unacceptable because the equations being solved assume that the cells
are relatively equilateral/equiangular.
Two methods for measuring skewness are:
Based on the equilateral volume (applies only to triangles and tetrahedra).
Based on the deviation from a normalized equilateral angle. This method applies to all cell and face shapes,
for example, pyramids and prisms.
Equilateral-Volume-Based Skewness
In the equilateral volume deviation method, skewness is defined as

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where, the optimal cell size is the size of an equilateral cell with the same circumradius.
Quality meshes have a skewness value of approximately 0.1 for 2D and 0.4 for 3D. The table above provides
a general guide to the relationship between cell skewness and quality.
In 2D, all cells should be good or better. The presence of cells that are fair or worse indicates poor boundary
node placement. You should try to improve your boundary mesh as much as possible, because the quality
of the overall mesh can be no better than that of the boundary mesh.
In 3D, most cells should be good or better, but a small percentage will generally be in the fair range and
there are usually even a few poor cells.
The Equilateral-Volume-Based Skewness quality metric applies to any mesh element that includes a triangular
face. For triangular and tetrahedral elements, all faces of which are strictly triangular, the
Equilateral-Volume-Based Skewness metric applies directly. For wedge or pyramidal elements, which include
combinations of triangular and quadrilateral faces, the software computes both Equilateral-Volume-Based
Skewness metrics (for the triangular faces) and Normalized Equiangular Skewness metrics (for the quadrilateral
faces and 3D element, itself) and reports the maximum computed metric as the element skewness. As a
result, Equilateral-Volume-Based Skewness metrics reported for meshes that contain wedge and/or pyramidal
elements may include skewness values attributable to Normalized Equiangular Skewness computations.
Normalized Equiangular Skewness
In the normalized angle deviation method, skewness is defined (in general) as

max = largest angle in the face or cell
min = smallest angle in the face or cell
e = angle for an equiangular face/cell (for example, 60 for a triangle, 90 for a square)
For a pyramid, the cell skewness will be the maximum skewness computed for any face. An ideal pyramid
(skewness = 0) is one in which the four triangular faces are equilateral (and equiangular) and the quadrilateral
base face is a square. The guidelines in the table above apply to the normalized equiangular skewness as

3.12.10. Orthogonal Quality

The range for orthogonal quality is 0-1, where a value of 0 is worst and a value of 1 is best.
The orthogonal quality for cells is computed using the face normal vector, the vector from the cell centroid
to the centroid of each of the adjacent cells, and the vector from the cell centroid to each of the faces. The
figure below illustrates the vectors used to determine the orthogonal quality for a cell.

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Figure Vectors Used to Compute Orthogonal Quality for a Cell

The orthogonal quality for a cell is computed as the minimum of the following quantities computed for each
face i:


is the face normal vector and

is a vector from the centroid of the cell to the centroid of that face.


is the face normal vector and
adjacent cell that shares the face.

is a vector from the centroid of the cell to the centroid of the

Note the following:

When the cell is located on the boundary, the vector

quality computation.

across the boundary face is ignored during the

When the cell is separated from the adjacent cell by and internal wall (for example, a baffle), the vector
across the internal boundary face is ignored during the quality computation.

When the adjacent cells share a parent-child relationship, the vector

to the centroid of the child face while the vector
the adjacent child cell sharing the child face.

is the vector from the cell centroid

is the vector from the cell centroid to the centroid of

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The orthogonal quality for faces is computed using the edge normal vector and the vector from the face
centroid to the centroid of each edge. The figure below illustrates the vectors used to determine the orthogonal
quality for a face.

Figure Vectors Used to Compute Orthogonal Quality for a Face

The orthogonal quality for a face is computed as the minimum of the following quantity computed for each
edge i:


is the edge normal vector and

is a vector from the centroid of the face to the centroid of the

Orthogonal quality in ANSYS AIM (and ANSYS Fluent) is equivalent to orthoskew in ANSYS Fluent Meshing,
except that the scale is reversed:
Orthoskew = 1 - Orthogonal Quality
The orthoskew values may not correspond exactly with the orthogonal quality values as the computation
depends on boundary conditions on internal surfaces (WALL vs. INTERIOR/FAN/RADIATOR/POROUS-JUMP).
ANSYS Fluent may return different results which reflect the modified mesh topology on which fluid flow
simulations are performed.

3.12.11. Size Change

Size change is the ratio of the area (or volume) of a face (or cell) in the geometry to the area (or volume)
of each neighboring face (or cell). This ratio is calculated for every face (or cell) in the domain.

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4: Physics Solution
Physics Solution

Define your physics and solution settings of your simulation, including setting:

Physics Regions
Material Assignments
Physics Options
Boundary Conditions
Initial Conditions (for fluid flow simulations)
Interface Conditions (for structural simulations)
Solver Options


Physics Solution

Results Evaluation

Physics Regions

Material Assignment

Physics Options

Boundary Conditions

Interface/Initial Conditions

Solver Options

4.1. Physics Regions

Physics regions are used to select high level physical modeling options for specified three dimensional volumes
or bodies. The properties of a physics region apply only to the internal behavior of its constituent bodies.
The properties define what is happening inside each element or control volume. From a physics perspective,
this is the physical behavior that is to be modeled and/or transported, whereas boundary conditions and
constraints provide the specific conditions to model. From a numerical perspective, the physics regions
properties define numerical modeling options.
The Physics Solution task can only be updated and a solution achieved when the region's physics type and
all of the corresponding physics objects are compatible. A region's physics type determines which physics
objects are compatible with the Physics Solution task. If you change the region's physics type, and if you
have objects that no longer match your region's new physics type, then you will have to manually remove
the incompatible physics objects from the Physics Solution task. This table provides a summary.

Structural Physics Regions on page 117

Fluid Flow Physics Regions on page 118
Thermal Physics Regions on page 119
Electric Conduction Physics Regions on page 119
Multiple Physics Regions on page 120

4.1.1. Structural Physics Regions

Structural physics regions may comprise one or more bodies representing solid objects. Each body defines
the undeformed, stress-free state of a fixed solid mass. Unique materials may be assigned to individual

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Physics Solution
bodies of a structural physics region. The structural physics options model the deformation (strain) and forces
(stress) of a body subjected to external displacements and forces.
When combined with thermal physics, the solution includes both structural mechanics and heat transfer, and
includes the thermal strains in the structural mechanics simulation.
When combined with electric conduction physics, the solution includes both structural mechanics and electric
conduction independently.
When combined with thermal and electric conduction physics, the solution includes structural, thermal, and
electric conduction degrees of freedom such as translations and temperatures. This coupled field solution
models situations where electric effects create thermal effects, and, in turn, thermal effects cause structural
strains and deformations.

4.1.2. Fluid Flow Physics Regions

A fluid flow physics region may comprise one or more volume bodies representing a space around and
between solid objects that is filled with a fluid material and through which the fluid may flow. All bodies of
a single fluid flow region must share one common material assignment. Motion of the fluid material is
constrained to the region by walls representing the bounding solid bodies, and may enter or exit the region
through inlets, outlets, and openings, which represent conditions outside of the modeled region.
When combined with thermal physics, the solution includes both fluid flow and heat transfer, and includes
the thermal energy in the fluid flow simulation. Compressible Fluid Flows
Compressible flow occurs when the fluid density depends on pressure. Compressible flows can be characterized
by the Mach number
, where is the flow velocity and
derivative of density with respect to pressure at constant entropy:

is the speed of sound, related to the


, compressibility effects are typically unimportant and it is acceptable to model the fluid
using a constant density assumption.
The Mach number also allows us to characterize the flow regime as follows:

flow has


flow has regions with both


flow has


Transonic and supersonic flows may contain structures such as shocks, rarefaction waves, and contact
discontinuities. In ANSYS AIM you can model subsonic, transonic, and supersonic flows, although for supersonic
flows, the presence of strong shocks may introduce stability problems during the calculation. Modeling Compressible Gas Flows
To set up a compressible gas flow:
1. In the Fluid Flow Template on page 3, under Flow physics, select Compressible flow (ideal
This will inturn enable the energy equation and default to the ideal gas law material model in the
Material Assignments panel.
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Physics Solution
2. In the Physics Options panel, under Flow Model > Operating Conditions, Set the Operating
All gauge pressure inputs (such as those defined for boundary conditions and initial conditions) are
with respect to this operating pressure. The gauge pressure is the absolute pressure minus the operating
Under Energy Model, Viscous heating is enabled by default for compressible gases. This includes
the viscous work term in the energy equation, which is often important for high speed flows.
3. Set appropriate boundary conditions.
Due to the nature of the physics of compressible flow, additional options are available compared with
incompressible flow. In some situations, such as a converging-diverging nozzle with supersonic flow,
multiple solutions are possible, and it is important to set boundary conditions appropriately for the
solver to find the correct solution. Select the flow Regime to be Subsonic, Supersonic, or Mixed
depending on whether you expect the boundary flow to be predominantly subsonic, supersonic, or
At pressure inlets, velocity inlets, and mass flow inlets, if the flow Regime is set to Subsonic, the
required inputs are the same as for incompressible flow. If the Regime is Mixed or Supersonic, the
Gauge static pressure must be also be specified. If the Regime is Mixed, the solver will use the
specified value only for those boundary faces which are locally supersonic.
At outlets, if the Regime is set to Subsonic, the required inputs are the same as for incompressible
flow. If the Regime is Mixed, the solver will use the specified gauge static pressure only for those
boundary faces which are locally subsonic.
At supersonic outlets, no boundary inputs are required. Be aware, however, that this setting is very
weak, and may not find the supersonic solution if multiple solutions exist (e.g., subsonic and supersonic
exit flow in a converging-diverging nozzle), and the initial guess has subsonic flow. In this situation,
it may be better to choose a Mixed regime with a pressure outlet and specify a gauge static pressure
which forces the flow into the supersonic regime.

4.1.3. Thermal Physics Regions

Thermal physics regions may comprise one or more bodies representing fluids or solids. The thermal physics
options enable the transport of heat energy throughout a body. When applied exclusively to a physics region,
the thermal physics options model the temperature distribution within an undeformed solid body or stagnant
fluid subject to internal heat sources and external heat sources and temperature conditions.
When combined with fluid flow physics, the solution includes both heat transfer and fluid flow, and includes
the thermal energy in the fluid flow simulation.
When combined with structural physics, the solution includes both heat transfer and structural mechanics,
and includes the thermal strains in the structural mechanics simulation.

4.1.4. Electric Conduction Physics Regions

Electric conduction physics regions may comprise one or more bodies representing solid objects. Unique
materials may be assigned to individual bodies of a electric conduction physics region. The electric conduction
physics options enable you to determine the electric potential in a conducting body created by the external
application of voltage or current loads.
When combined with thermal physics, the solution includes both electric conduction and thermal fields. This
coupled-field capability models joule heating for resistive materials and contact electric conductance as well
as Seebeck, Peltier, and Thomson effects for thermoelectricity.
When combined with thermal physics and structural physics, the solution includes structural, thermal, and
electric conduction degrees of freedom such as translations and temperatures. This coupled field solution
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models situations where electric effects create thermal effects, and, in turn, thermal effects cause structural
strains and deformations.

4.1.5. Multiple Physics Regions

A physics region represents a part of the model that exhibits fundamentally different physics from other
parts of the model.
Depending on the specific nature of the problem you are trying to simulate, you may need to represent your
model using distinct physics regions within the same Physics task. In some cases, you may simply choose
to use multiple regions to segregate your problem in the way that makes more sense for you. Typically, if
parts of a model do not interact, then they would be modeled as separate physics regions.
You can add a physics region to your Physics task, and associate the new physics region with other objects
in your Study. Adding Physics Regions
Physics > Physics Regions > Add > Physics Region
You can create additional physics regions within a single Physics task in order to model different regions
that exhibit distinct physical phenomenon.
To add a new physics region, from your Physics task:.
1. Click the Add button next to the Physics Regions object and select Physics Region.
2. Once you add a physics region to your Physics task, use the Next Step button to associate the new
physics region with other objects in your Study, such as material assignments, boundary conditions,
and solution settings that are now specific to the new physics region. Physics Regions and Associations
When you create an object within a task, you are associating that object with that specific task. In addition,
some objects are associated with other objects rather than tasks. This is particularly important for fluid flow
simulations, where the content of an object is heavily dependent on the physical effects being modeled in
that physics region.
Objects such as Physics Options, Numerical Controls, Initial Conditions, and Boundary Conditions
are all associated with a physics region (and listed under Related Objects and Tasks). So, a simulation
with different physics regions can have different physics options, numerical controls, boundary conditions,
etc. There also may be occasions when these associated objects are shared between physics regions.

4.1.6. Summary of Objects and Compatible Physics Region and Calculation Types

Physics Region Type

Fluid flow



Calculation Type






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Physics Region Type

Calculation Type



Inertia Load







Heat Flux

Heat Flow









4.2. Material Assignment

In this step, you assign materials to your model. You can also
Create materials
Export materials for use in other simulation processes
Edit Defining Material Properties on page 124

4.2.1. Assigning Materials

Physics > Material Assignment
To assign a material to one or more bodies:
1. Select a region in your simulation to which you want to assign a material.
2. Select Material Assignment > Add and then select one of the following options:
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Material Assignment Material Assignment allows you to select a material and assign properties.
New using

New using allows you to quickly assign material data from a list of:

Favorite materials (

Recently used materials (

Materials that already exist in the Study (

If your desired material does not appear in the list, you can search (
the available libraries.
Duplicate of

Duplicate of allows you to assign a material by duplicating an existing

material assignment. The Duplicate of option is only available after a
material assignment has been created.

You can also add additional libraries (

) in order to have more materials available.

3. Select Material and choose from a list of possible materials.

If the material you need is not available, you can create a material.
4. Optionally, modify or add material properties.
5. If inside a structural physics solution, optionally edit the Zero Thermal Strain Temperature for the
physics region.
6. If inside a fluid flow physics solution, set the Material model:
For properties that do not vary as a function of temperature or pressure, select Constant Properties.
For compressible flows where the density will vary as a function of temperature, select Ideal gas. Zero-Thermal-Strain Reference Temperature
The Zero-Thermal-Strain Reference Temperature is used to calculate the amount of thermal expansion or
contraction in a material. It is the temperature at which the structural member has zero strain. As the member
heats up or cools down over the course of the simulation, it will expand or contract and if fixed will cause
stress in the member.
An application to demonstrate this feature's use is the shrink-fitting of a bushing into its housing. In this
process a bushing may be cooled to -50C before being inserted into its housing, then allowed to return to
ambient temperature with the correspondering thermal expansion achieving an interference fit. To model
this case, you would need to have two Material Assignments: one for the bushing with a
Zero-Thermal-Strain Reference Temperature of -50C and one for the housing with a
Zero-Thermal-Strain Reference Temperature at ambient conditions. Ideal Gas Law

Compressible flows are described by the standard continuity and momentum equations and the treatment
of density as detailed below.

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The compressible form of the gas law (the ideal gas law) is written in the following form:

is the absolute pressure,
is the local temperature.

is the universal gas constant,

is the molecular weight, and

4.2.2. Creating Materials

Physics > Material Assignment
To create a new material:
1. Create a new material assignment.
2. In the Material Assignment panel, enter the name for the new material in the Material field, and then
select Create New.
3. Define the material properties.

4.2.3. Exporting Materials

Physics > Material Assignment
You can export a material for use in another project. Exporting materials is only supported for HDF5 (.h5)
files. Follow the procedure below:
1. In the Material Assignment panel, click the link to the material.
Click the library icon (
) to show the source information of the material which includes the library
name, material name, and library location.
3. Click Export this material to a library.
4. Aside from exporting the material to an already loaded library, you have two options:
If you want to ...

then choose ...

Export the material to an existing library not

loaded inside ANSYS AIM.

Existing Library

Export the material to a new library.

New Library

The default location is your Engineering Data Library, which stores the material in your local application
data folder.
5. Click OK.

4.2.4. Adding a Library

Physics > Material Assignment
To add a material library to your Study:

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Click Add Library (

2. Choose a valid material library. The following file formats are supported:
MatML 3.1 schema (.xml)
HDF5 (.h5)

You can now use the search function (

physics region as needed.

) to find the newly imported materials and assign them to your

4.2.5. Defining Material Properties

ANSYS AIM provides a collection of material properties that can be used in fluid flow, thermal, structural,
or electric simulations. Material properties appropriate for your project are dependent on the type of
simulation performed. The material properties will be displayed on a material or can be added to the
material (see Creating Materials on page 123 for details).
To define the material properties:
1. After assigning a material to a region, select the material name to view the material.

2. Modify the material properties as desired. Some material properties can be defined using tabular data.
Click Add Material Data to choose a new property from favorites, recent or search items. You can
use the search field for quicker access to a particular property. Alternating Stress
Alternating Stress is defined as the amount of stress that deviates from the mean. It is also called stress
Under this property, you can define the S-N curve as tabular data, where S is the Alternating Stress and N
is the Fatigue Life (the number of cycles to failure). The units of Alternating Stress is defined as [stress], for
example [Pa]. The units of Fatigue Life is in Cycles. Currently, only Log-Log interpolation is supported for
the S-N curve. Density
The density of a material is the mass per unit volume. You can define Density () as a constant or as an
expression. The units are entered as [mass length^-3], for example "8750 [kg m^-3]".

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Isotropic elasticity is used to model a material behavior where the stress versus strain relationship is linear
and the loading is kept within the elastic range. The molecular structure of the material is homogeneous so
that a load in any direction will exhibit the same stress versus strain relationship. The model follows Hooke's
law and so assumes that the stretch or compression remains in the elastic range of the material and the
model will return to its original shape. Hooke's law requires two terms to be input for computation, these
inputs can be chosen with the Derive from field. Each of the inputs can be defined as a constant or an
Young's Modulus (E), base units are entered as [force length^-2], for example "7.1E10 [N m^-2]"
Poissons Ratio (v), base unit is unitless, for example "0.33"
Bulk Modulus (K), base units are entered as [force length^-2], for example "6.96E10 [N m^-2]"
Shear Modulus (G), base units are entered as [force length^-2], for example "2.67E10 [N m^-2]" Isotropic Resistivity
Isotropic resistivity is used to model how strongly a material opposes the flow of electric current in all
directions. A low resistivity indicates a material that readily allows the movement of electrical charge. You
can define isotropic resistivity as a constant, as an expression, or in the form of tabular data. For details on
how tabular data can be defined, see Defining Material Properties using Tabular Data on page 126 for
information. The units are entered as [electrical resistance length], for example "1.65x10^-8[ohm meter]." Isotropic Seebeck Coefficient
The isotropic Seebeck coefficient of a material is a measure of the magnitude of an induced voltage in
response to a change in temperature across that material. This value is independent of the direction of the
applied temperature gradient.
The isotropic Seebeck coefficient can be defined as a constant or an expression, or in the form of tabular
data. For details on how tabular data can be defined, see Defining Material Properties using Tabular Data
on page 126 for information. The base units are entered as [voltage temperature^-1], for example "6.5 [V
C^-1]". Molar Mass
Molar mass is the average mass of a substance per mole of molecules. It can be defined as a constant or
as an expression.
The base units are entered as [mass mole^-1], for example "28.965 [kg kmol^-1]". Specific Heat Capacity
The specific heat capacity of a material is the heat required to raise the unit mass of a substance by one
degree of temperature.
The specific heat at constant pressure (cp) can be defined as a constant or as an expression. The base units
are entered as [energy mass^-1 temperature^-1], for example "875 [J kg^-1 C^-1]". Tensile Ultimate Strength
Tensile ultimate strength is defined as the highest point on the Stress-Strain curve obtained from a tensile
You can define Tensile ultimate strength (Sut) as a constant or as an expression. The units are entered as
[stress]. For example "460000000 [Pa]".

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Tensile yield strength is defined as the point on the Stress-Strain curve where the material starts to deform
You can define Tensile yield strength (Syt) as a constant or as an expression. The units are entered as [stress],
for example "250000000 [Pa]". Thermal Conductivity
The thermal conductivity of a material is the ability of the material to conduct heat. Thermal conductivity is
assumed to be isotropic in behavior which conducts heat equally in all directions.
The thermal conductivity (k) can be defined as a constant, as an expression, or in the form of tabular data.
For details on how tabular data can be defined, see Defining Material Properties using Tabular Data on page
126 for information. The base units are entered as [power length^-1 temperature^-1], for example "148.6[W
m^-1 C^-1]". Thermal Expansion
The thermal expansion of a material is the volumetric response of the material to a change in temperature.
Thermal expansion is assumed to be isotropic in behavior and so expands or contracts equally in all directions.
The thermal expansion ( ) can be defined as a constant or an expression. The base units are entered as
[temperature^-1], for example "2.3e-05 [C^-1]". Viscosity
The viscosity is the dynamic viscosity of a material and is the resistance to flow. The dynamic viscosity must
be defined when modeling fluid flow.
The viscosity () can be defined as a constant or an expression. The base units are entered as [mass length^-1
time^-1], for example "1.1376E-03 [kg m^-1 s^-1]".

4.2.6. Defining Material Properties using Tabular Data

Physics > Material Assignment
You can create a table to define certain material properties. This is useful if you have material property
data that is dependent on a field variable (e.g. Temperature).

Click the

to the right of the material property.

Select Create tabular data (
). A table will appear.
3. Fill out the rows of the table. You can add rows by filling in the empty bottom row of the table. You
can also delete rows by selecting the checkbox to the left of the row and clicking
the table.

at the top of

You can modify the units in each column using the dropdown box to the right of the column header.
Any existing data in the table will automatically display in the chosen unit. The underlaying data is not
affected, only its display in the table.

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As you enter data into the table, the chart below displays the resulting plot.

The chart is in project units, which may differ from the selected unit in the table.
By default, the chart axes are Linear, except for Alternating Stress, which as shown as Logarithmic.
Click the button in the chart header bar to maximize it.
4. Click the

at the top right of the window to close the table.

Once tabular data has been created for a material property, you can edit the table by clicking the Edit
tabular data (

) button to the right of the material property.

Using tabular data in an expression to define material properties is shown in Tabular Data in Expressions
on page 127 Tabular Data in Expressions
You can use tabular data in an expression to define material properties as shown in following example.
Given the following tabular data:
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Temperature [C]

Thermal Conductivity [W m^-1 C^-1]





You can use this table in an expression to define the material property in two ways:



This expression resolves to a constant value,

interpolated from the table you have associated with
the property. From the example, this will result in a
value of 129 [W m^-1 C^-1].


Assuming Temperature is a valid feild variable for this

material property, this expression defines a
non-constant material property (temperature
dependent, in this case). The result will be evaluated
during the solution based on the Temperature in the
Physics Region.

4.3. Physics Options

ANSYS AIM provides simulation options based on your physics choices. For instance, for fluid flow physics,
you have flow, turbulence, and in some cases energy modeling options; for structural physics, you have solid
modeling options.

4.3.1. Flow Physics Options

The Flow model physics options enable you to model flow viscosity and set the operating conditions for
your simulation. Viscous vs. Inviscid Flows
A Viscous analysis involves a solution of the full Navier-Stokes equations whereas an Inviscid analysis
ignores all viscous effects. While all wall bounded flows include viscous effects at the wall (shear due to the
no-slip condition), it can be useful to ignore these effects in some cases and perform an Inviscid analysis
to quickly obtain approximate solutions. You can choose which type of analysis to perform using the
Stress-strain model option.
When the ratio of inertial forces to viscous forces, the Reynolds Number, is large, viscous effects may play
a smaller role. One example of this situation is an aerodynamic analysis of a high-speed projectile. In a case
like this, where the pressure forces on the body dominate the viscous forces, you can use an Inviscid
analysis to get a quick estimate of the primary forces acting on the body. After the body shape has been
modified to maximize the lift forces and minimize the profile drag forces, you can perform a Viscous analysis
to include the effects of the fluid viscosity and turbulent viscosity on the lift and drag forces. Setting Operating Conditions
Physics > Physics Options > Flow model > Operating conditions
1. Expand the Operating pressure options.
2. Optionally modify the default value.
The Operating pressure should approximate the mean absolute pressure of the flow region.
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3. Select the Reference pressure location (This property is available when the Show all properties

is active.)

If you know the absolute pressure at a specific location in the flow region, choose Cartesian
Coordinates. For this option, you need to specify the x, y, and z coordinates ([1], [2], and [3],
respectively) of the Reference pressure location.
If you don't know the absolute pressure at a specific location, select Automatic. Operating Pressure
All calculations use gauge pressure, instead of absolute pressure, to avoid significant round-off errors.
Operating pressure relates gauge pressure to absolute pressure by:
When the material density definition does not depend on pressure, the solution is independent of the
Operating pressure. In this case, the solution depends only on the relative pressures in the analysis. Reference Pressure Location
This property is available when the Show all properties icon is active.
For incompressible flows that do not involve any pressure boundaries, the pressure level is defined by holding
pressure constant at the Reference pressure location. This location will have an absolute pressure equal
to the Operating pressure you specify, and therefore a gauge pressure of zero. If pressure boundaries
are involved, the adjustment is not needed and the Reference pressure location is ignored.
The reference pressure location is, by default, the cell center at or closest to (0,0,0). There may be cases in
which you might want to move the Reference pressure location, perhaps locating it at a point where the
absolute static pressure is known (for example, if you are planning to compare your results with experimental
data). Buoyancy-Driven Flows
Fluid flow for which gravity has an important effect is called buoyant flow. Because the force of gravity is
proportional to fluid density, buoyant flow can arise whenever the fluid density varies for any reason.
The most common buoyant flow situation is natural (or free) convection, where the fluid density varies with
temperature. An important dimensionless number for natural convection flows is the Grashof number

is the magnitude of the gravity vector,

the kinematic viscosity, and

is the temperature range,

is the length scale,


is the thermal expansion coefficient


The Grashof number represents the ratio of buoyancy force to viscous force, and therefore plays the same
role as the Reynolds number ( ) for forced convection flows. A related dimensionless number is the Rayleigh

is the Prandtl number. A natural convection flow is typically laminar if

and turbulent if

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Mixed convection flow refers to flow in which both natural and forced convection processes are important.
The relative importance of natural and forced convection effects is characterized by the ratio
this ratio is significantly less than unity, natural convection effects can safely be neglected.

. If Solving Buoyancy-Driven Flows

The procedure for including buoyancy forces in the simulation of mixed or natural convection flows is
described below.
To ensure heat transfer is included in the calculation, make sure you have enabled Include thermal
effects in the Fluid Flow template, or selected the Physics type to be Thermal in the Physics Region
In the Physics Options panel:
1. Under Buoyancy, select On to enable buoyancy modeling.
2. For the Gravity definition, select Create New and enter the X, Y, and Z components of the
gravitational acceleration in the Gravity Definition panel. You can enter them as constant values or
use an expression that evaluates to a constant value.
To modify a previously created gravity definition, expand Related Objects and Tasks > Related
Objects > Behaviors and click the Gravity Definition link to open the panel where you can make
changes to the X, Y, and Z components.
3. Select the Buoyancy model and specify the model details. Note that the Boussinesq model will be
applied to flows of constant density and the Density difference model will be applied to flows with
varying density.
4. The Buoyancy reference location is used in the calculation of the absolute pressure, as explained
in Buoyancy and Pressure on page 131. The default Automatic location is (0,0,0), but the User
defined option allows you to change this.
5. If you are modeling turbulence, under Turbulence Model > RANS Model specify how you would
like Buoyancy effects to play a role in the turbulence production terms.
6. Define the boundary conditions. The boundary pressures that you specify at pressure inlet and outlet
boundaries are the modified pressures as explained in Buoyancy and Pressure on page 131. Buoyancy Modeling

Buoyancy leads to an additional source term in the momentum equation. Depending on the material properties,
there are two models available for this source term:
Density difference model: This is available when the material assignment for the flow region has a
variable density, and uses a source term
where is the gravity vector. The Operating density
fluid density.

should be selected to be close to the average

Boussinesq model: This model assumes that the fluid density variations can be neglected for all terms
in the equation except for the buoyancy source term. It is available when the material assignment for the

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flow region has a constant density and the simulation includes thermal effects, and uses the Boussinesq
approximation for the source term
The Operating temperature

should be selected to be close to the average fluid temperature.

The Thermal expansion coefficient depends on the material, and is typically a function of temperature.
For ideal gases that are modeled with a constant density approximation, select the thermal expansivity as
. In other situations, the expansion coefficient value should be obtained from a reference. Buoyancy and Pressure

It is important to note that the solver does not directly compute the absolute pressure
modified pressure
which excludes both the operating pressure
the buoyancy reference conditions:

, but rather a

and the hydrostatic pressure due to


is either the operating density (if using the Density Difference model) or the constant fluid density
(if using the Boussinesq model), is the local position coordinate, and
is the buoyancy reference location.
Any gauge pressure inputs (boundary conditions and initial conditions), as well as the pressure field displayed
during post-processing, refer to this modified pressure field. Most notably, this means that the gauge pressure
which is specified at a vertical pressure boundary should change if the operating temperature/density change.
It is for this reason that choosing the operating temperature/density to be close to the average values is
beneficial - it typically allows you to choose this specified pressure as a uniform value rather than a
position-dependent expression.
Note also that the solver includes the hydrostatic pressure in the absolute pressure field. This field is available
for post-processing and also used to compute any property which depends on pressure (such as fluid density
for a compressible fluid).

4.3.2. Turbulence Physics Options

A vast majority of industrial flows are turbulent. While conditions at boundaries may be steady, shear action
near walls and other velocity profiles lead to transient pressure and velocity fluctuations transported by and
affecting the mean path of the fluid. These "turbulent" fluctuations span a wide range of length and timescales.
As a result, computational demands for exact solutions of industrial turbulent flows far exceed available
computing resources.
Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) models provide an economic approach to solving these complex,
turbulent flows by modeling turbulence as fluctuations within a steady, average velocity field. These models
are not exact, but have been tuned to provide reasonable accuracy on appropriately scaled meshes.
The default turbulence model selection is appropriate for most cases and need not be modified, however,
additional models and options, turbulence specification methods, and boundary conditions are available,
depending on your simulation requirements. In the Physics Options panel, Turbulence model is on by
default and ANSYS AIM provides alternative selections of RANS models if needed. Alternatively, laminar flow
can be modeled by turning the Turbulence model off. Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) Turbulence Models
RANS models solve additional transport equations for turbulence and introduce an eddy viscosity (also known
as turbulent viscosity) to the simulation to mimic the effect of turbulence, a modeling approach that is suitable
for many engineering applications.

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RANS Models


k-omega SST

A model that allows more accurate resolution of boundary layer

behavior as the near wall resolution is refined. This model is
useful also for free-stream flows, in particular, flows with adverse
pressure gradients, flows around airfoils, etc. This model is
appropriate for most industrial flows. and is therefore the default
model. Where the near wall mesh resolution is coarse, the SST
model assumes the boundary layer is fully developed. This is
not always the case, especially under adverse pressure gradients
when flows decelerate. Under these conditions, the SST model
allows you to refine the near wall mesh and capture boundary
layer instabilities which lead to separation. If this occurs, then
you should switch to the k-omega BSL model.
k-omega (k-) models are typically better in predicting flow
separation, and this is one reason why the k- SST model is
among the most widely used models for aerodynamic flows.

k-epsilon Standard

A general industrial model that has historically been used heavily

in fluid flow simulations. The wall treatment for this model
assumes a fully developed boundary layer, which is not often
valid. The omega-based models offer a more consistent wall

k-omega BSL

A general industrial model that offers a reasonable compromise

of accuracy and robustness and is generally conservative on
separation prediction.

k-epsilon Realizable

A general industrial model that is a fair compromise between

accuracy and robustness for many industrial applications. The
k--based SST and BSL models are a better alternative and offer
a more consistent wall treatment.
Other, newer models, such as the k- SST model, offer various
improvements over the historic realizable k- model and are
normally favored. Should be used in combination with the y+
insensitive two layer wall treatment. For cases where the flow
separates under adverse pressure gradients from smooth
surfaces (airfoils, etc.), k- models are generally not
recommended as they can lead to overly optimistic design
evaluations. This is one reason why k- models are not widely
used in external aerodynamics.
For cases where the flow separates under adverse pressure
gradients from smooth surfaces (airfoils, etc.), k- models are
generally not recommended as they can lead to overly optimistic
design evaluations.
This property is available when the Show all properties
icon is active.

Spalart Allmaras

A computationally efficient one equation model designed for

aerodynamics/aerospace applications.
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This property is available when the Show all properties
icon is active.

EARSM Rumsey Gatski K Omega BSL A slightly less-robust extension of the k-omega BSL model for
or EARSM Wallin Johansson K Omega flows with secondary flow (corner flows, etc.), and can
demonstrate reduced robustness relative to the BSL model.
This property is available when the Show all properties
icon is active. Turbulence Model Options
Additional sub-options are available for each turbulence model.
Boundary Layer Transition Settings
Specify whether to model the laminar/turbulent transitional region of the boundary layer by selecting the
Intermittency re theta option. This option also enables the Kato Launder production setting option.
Applicable only for k- models.
Buoyancy Effects Settings
Specify whether to include buoyancy effects on the turbulent dissipation. Available for any of the k- or k-
models when buoyancy is enabled.


Production only

Include buoyancy effects only on the generation of

turbulent kinetic energy.


Also include buoyancy effects on turbulent dissipation.

Near Wall Treatment Settings

Specify options that allow you to control the sensitivity near the wall boundary, since turbulent flows are
significantly affected by the presence of walls and boundary layers.
These options are available when the Show all properties icon is active.


RANS model > Near wall treatment

y+ insensitive: Default near-wall treatment that

uses a single wall law for the entire y+-range.
Recommended when using any of the k- models or
the Spalart Allmaras model.
y+ insensitive Menter Lechner: Near-wall
treatment that uses a single wall law for the entire
y+-range. Recommended when using any of the k-

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y+ insensitive two layer: Blend of algebraic mixing
length and epsilon equation near wall. y-insensitive.
Limited robustness. Available for any of the k-

RANS model > Near wall treatment > Scalable Wall functions that avoid the deterioration of the
wall function
standard wall functions under mesh refinement.
Prevents resolution of the viscous sublayer. Available
for any of the k- models.
RANS model > Near wall treatment > Standard No longer recommended due to grid sensitivity and
wall function
robustness problems under grid refinement. Available
for any of the k- models.
Turbulence Production Settings
Specify options to control the production of turbulent kinetic energy for two-equation turbulence models.
These options are available when the Show all properties icon is active.


Production settings > Production

Useful in avoiding the build-up of turbulent kinetic

energy in stagnation areas, and limit the production
term in the standard two-equation turbulence models.
Standard does not affect the shear layer
performance of the model, but avoids the stagnation
point buildup in aerodynamic simulations. This is a
production term based on the strain-rate square, and
can lead to over-production of turbulence kinetic
energy in stagnation regions.
Production Limiter C pk lim limits the production
to a factor times dissipation. The factor has a default
value of 10. The production limiter is activated by
default for many models. It is less intrusive than Kato
Launder and is therefore recommended for all
two-equation models.
Kato Launder accounts for very high levels of shear
strain rate in the stagnation areas when the flow field
is nearly irrotational, with a very small vorticity rate.
This is a production term based on the product of the
strain-rate and the vorticity. This avoids
over-production of turbulent kinetic energy in
stagnation regions.
In addition to the Production settings, there are
also the following coefficients to consider:
C dok mu: Coefficient that avoids model singularities
for the ratio of epsilon and k. The default value should
not be changed. Values should be very small.

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C pk mu: Coefficient that helps the model recover
from zero or low values of eddy-viscosity levels. The
default value should not be changed. Values should
be very small.

Model Constant Settings

Several turbulence models in ANSYS AIM employ model constant settings meant for advanced numerical
modeling. Changing the default values is not recommended.
These options are available when the Show all properties icon is active.
Thermal Considerations for Turbulent Flows
For thermal fluid flow simulations, there may be viscous and thermal considerations to take into account for
turbulent flows.
These options are available when the Show all properties icon is active.


Energy model > Turbulence energy interaction Account for near-wall viscous and thermal effects.
> Near wall treatment thermal effects
In addition to enabling the Near wall treatment
thermal effects settings, there are also the following
coefficients to consider:
Turbulent Prandtl number: The ratio of the
momentum eddy diffusivity and the heat transfer
eddy diffusivity.
Wall Prandtl number: The ratio of the momentum
eddy diffusivity and the heat transfer eddy diffusivity
at the wall.
Energy model > Turbulence energy interaction Account for smooth walls in the turbulent boundary
> Energy near wall treatment
P function: A function using the Jayatilleke
formulation in the modeling of the conductive,
convective, and viscous heating derivation for the

4.3.3. Solid Physics Options

In a structural or coupled structural physics solution, the Solid modeling options enable you to set the
physics characteristics of your solid elements.
The available solid modeling option is Brick integration type, which determines how your 3D solid elements
are integrated. You can leave the default option, and let ANSYS AIM select the best integration method for
your simulation, or you can explicitly choose the reduced integration method or full integration method.

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Physics Solution Setting Solid Physics Options
Physics > Physics Options
To set the solid modeling options:
1. Select the location.
The location defaults to AllBodies().
2. Under Solid modeling options, for Brick integration type, select an option for how your 3D solid
brick elements are integrated. The default is Program Controlled, which allows ANSYS AIM to select
the best integration method for your simulation, or you can explicitly choose from the following:
Reduced: The reduced integration mode helps to prevent the undesirable locking of the volumetric
mesh locking in nearly incompressible cases. However, an undesired hourglass mode might propagate
in the model if there are not at least two layers of elements in each direction.
Full: The full integration method does not cause hourglass mode, but can cause volumetric locking
in nearly incompressible cases. This method is used primarily for linear analyses, or when the model
has only one layer of elements in each direction.

4.4. Boundary Conditions

Depending on the type of physics involved (fluid flow, structural, steady-state thermal, or electric conduction),
ANSYS AIM provides several means to control the solution of the physics simulation.
ANSYS AIM allows you to specify physical conditions at the boundaries of your model and apply them to
your simulation.

4.4.1. Fluid Boundary Conditions

Boundaries define the problem to be solved based on their shape and location, which is provided by the
geometry, as well as the conditions described at these boundaries. The boundary conditions should represent
sensible engineering assumptions of the true conditions and therefore should be considered carefully when
defining the analysis.
Given the important role of boundary conditions, you can define your problem using the following boundary
Table Boundary Types
Boundary Type



An open boundary where fluid is entering the physics



An open boundary where fluid is exiting the physics



An open boundary where fluid may enter and/or exit

the physics region.


A closed boundary across which fluid cannot flow into

or out of the physics region.


A closed boundary at a plane of symmetry across

which fluid is not expected to flow.
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When setting up boundary conditions, you will need to make selections and provide entries that best describe
your problem.



Assigns a boundary condition to a face of a physics

region or to a selection set containing continuous
faces that you have previously defined.

Reference Frame

Specifies the frame relative to which the boundary

condition is defined and expression variables are


Defines the influence of the boundary on the flow

(mass and momentum) equations.


Defines the influence of the boundary on the

turbulence equations.


Defines the influence of the boundary on the energy

equations. Inlets
Inlets define conditions where flow is expected to enter the solution domain.
To determine the type of inlet you should apply depends on the available flow information.
Upstream conditions
from the inlet

Flow specification

Additional information

A plenum or device
delivering flow.

Pressure inlet

Solves the velocity profile and mass flow. Gauge total

pressure is the absolute total pressure minus the
operating pressure.

A positive displacement Mass flow inlet

device delivering a certain
mass or volume flow rate.
Velocity inlet

Solves for pressure. Velocity is derived based on local

density. The expression cannot vary spatially. Local
direction can be specified.
Solves for pressure. Mass flow is derived based on
the local density. Local direction or velocity
components can be specified. Specifying Velocity Inlets

Physics > Boundary Conditions > Inlet
To specify velocity inlets:

Select the location in your geometry for which you want to specify the inlet boundary condition.
For Flow specification, select Velocity.
For the Magnitude, enter the velocity at which fluid is flowing into the domain.
Define the Direction of fluid flow. By default the direction is Normal to boundary, however, you
can specify the flow in Cartesian or Cylindrical coordinates. See Reference Frames on page 19 for
more information.
5. If your simulation includes a thermal analysis, make sure to specify the inlet Temperature.

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Physics Solution
6. Additionally, in the Inlet panel, you can make modifications to the following settings:
If you want to...

Then choose...

For more information:

Use a reference frame

other than Global
Reference Frame

Reference frame and See Reference Frames on page 19.

select or define the
reference frame.

Express the velocity by Define by and select

specifying its directional Directional
components. Specify
the Coordinate type
to be Cartesian or

See Reference Frames on page 19.

Modify turbulence levels Turbulence

at your inlet
specification and
select a method.

See Turbulence Specification Methods on page


Specify total
Total temperature
temperature (also
under Energy
known as the stagnation specification
temperature) rather
than the static

The total temperature represents the temperature

of the fluid in a plenum at rest upstream. The local
static temperature will be lower, depending on the
velocity of the fluid. Specifying Pressure Inlets

Physics > Boundary Conditions > Inlet
To specify pressure inlets:
1. Select the location in your geometry for which you want to specify the inlet boundary condition.
2. For Flow specification, select Pressure.
3. Enter the Gauge total pressure. This is the total pressure measured relative to the operating pressure
4. Define the Direction of flow. By default the direction is Normal to boundary, however, you can
specify the flow in Cartesian, Cylindrical, or Cylindrical with tangential velocity coordinates.
For cylindrical components, the radial velocity component points radially outward from the Z axis, the
axial velocity component is in the direction of the Z axis, and the tangential component is in the positive
circumferential direction; all three component magnitudes scale based on mass flow. If the Tangential
Velocity is specified, the tangential velocity component is given directly and only the radial and axial
components scale with mass flow. See Reference Frames on page 19 for more information. .
5. If your simulation includes a thermal analysis, make sure to specify the inlet Total temperature.
Also known as the stagnation temperature, it represents the temperature of the fluid in a plenum at
rest upstream.
6. Additionally, in the Inlet panel, you can make modifications to the following settings:
If you want to...

Then choose...

For more information:

Use a reference frame

other than Global
Reference Frame

Reference frame and See Reference Frames on page 19.

select or define the
reference frame.

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If you want to...

Then choose...

For more information:

Specify the tangential


Direction to be
Cylindrical with
Tangential Velocity.

See Reference Frames on page 19. If the

Tangential Velocity is specified, the tangential
velocity component is given directly and only the
radial and axial components scale with mass flow.

Account for reverse flow Yes under Allow

reverse flow. Select
Total pressure
for the Backflow
Modify turbulence levels Turbulence
at your inlet
specification and
select a method.

If the specified inlet pressure is less than the

pressure at the neighboring cell, it cannot push
fluid in. In such cases, the static pressure is held
constant at the same value as the specified total
pressure, allowing the fluid to flow out the inlet.
If the specified pressure can overcome the back
pressure, inflow will be restored.
See Turbulence Specification Methods on page
148. Specifying Mass Flow Inlets

Physics > Boundary Conditions > Inlet
To specify mass flow inlets:
1. Select the location in your geometry for which you want to specify the inlet boundary condition.
2. For Flow specification, select Mass flow.
3. Enter the Mass flow rate. This is where fluid is delivered by a positive displacement device upstream
and is capable of overcoming the back pressure of the system being modeled.
4. Define the Direction of flow. By default the direction is Normal to boundary, however, you can
specify the flow in Cartesian, Cylindrical, or Cylindrical with tangential velocity coordinates.
For cylindrical components, the radial velocity component points radially outward from the Z axis, the
axial velocity component is in the direction of the Z axis, and the tangential component is in the positive
circumferential direction; all three component magnitudes scale based on mass flow. If the Tangential
Velocity is specified, the tangential velocity component is given directly and only the radial and axial
components scale with mass flow. See Reference Frames on page 19 for more information. .
5. If your simulation includes a thermal analysis, make sure to specify the inlet Temperature.
6. Additionally, in the Inlet panel, you can make modifications to the following settings:
If you want to...

Then choose...

Use a reference frame

other than Global
Reference Frame

Reference frame and See Reference Frames on page 19.

select or define the
reference frame.

Specify the tangential


Direction to be
Cylindrical with
Tangential Velocity.

Modify turbulence levels Turbulence

at your inlet
specification and
select a method.

For more information:

See Reference Frames on page 19. If the

Tangential Velocity is specified, the tangential
velocity component is given directly and only the
radial and axial components scale with mass flow.
See Turbulence Specification Methods on page

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If you want to...

Then choose...

Specify total
Total temperature
temperature (also
under Energy
known as the stagnation specification
temperature) rather
than the static

For more information:

The total temperature represents the temperature
of the fluid in a plenum at rest upstream. The local
static temperature will be lower, depending on the
velocity of the fluid. Outlets
Outlets are boundary conditions that permit flow to exit the solution domain.
To determine the type of outlet you should apply depends on the available flow information.
Downstream conditions from
the outlet

Flow specification

Additional information

Fluid is exiting the domain into a

large volume where the static
pressure is known.

Pressure outlet: Static pressure

A constant static pressure will be

applied over the entire face. The
velocity and mass flow are
functions of the solution.

The pressure profile is known

downstream of the outlet.

Pressure outlet: Static pressure

(Constant value)

(Varying spatially)

An expression can be provided as

a function of position to describe
how the pressure varies.

The real geometry extends beyond Pressure outlet: Static pressure

the outlet location, but is not
(Pressure averaging)

The solver allows the pressure to

vary naturally over the face, while
maintaining a constant area
averaged pressure.

If the velocity profile is known at

the outlet or a target velocity
profile is desired (usually used in
conjunction with pressure inlet)

The velocity is constrained over the

face according to the expression
provided. Pressure at the outlet will
be a function of the solution,
however the upstream velocity and
pressure profiles will be strongly
influenced by the downstream

Velocity outlet

When the mass flow through the Mass flow outlet

location is known or expected and
at least one pressure boundary has
been specified.

The Mass flow update is defined

Scale mass flow: the pressure and
velocity are allowed to vary
naturally, while maintaining a net
mass flow.
Uniform flux: forces a constant
mass flux over the face, the
velocity will also be constant over
the face.

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Physics Solution Specifying Velocity Outlets
Physics > Boundary Conditions > Outlet
To specify velocity outlets:

Select the location in your geometry for which you want to specify the outlet boundary condition.
For Flow specification, select Velocity.
For the Magnitude, enter the velocity at which fluid is flowing out of the domain.
Define the Direction of fluid flow. By default the direction is Normal to boundary, however, you
can specify the flow in Cartesian or Cylindrical coordinates. See Reference Frames on page 19 for
more information.
5. Additionally, in the Outlet panel, you can make modifications to the following settings:

If you want to...

Then choose...

Use a reference frame

other than Global
Reference Frame

Reference frame and See Reference Frames on page 19.

select or define the
reference frame.

Express the velocity by Define by and select

specifying its directional Directional
components. Specify
the Coordinate type
to be Cartesian or

For more information:

See Reference Frames on page 19. Specifying Pressure Outlets

Physics > Boundary Conditions > Outlet
To specify pressure outlets:
1. Select the location in your geometry for which you want to specify the outlet boundary condition.
2. For Flow specification, select Pressure.
3. Enter the Gauge static pressure. This is the pressure that is maintained at a fixed specified value
over the outlet boundary.
4. Additionally, in the Outlet panel, you can make modifications to the following settings:
If you want to...

Then choose...

For more information:

Use a reference frame

other than Global
Reference Frame

Reference frame and See Reference Frames on page 19.

select or define the
reference frame.

Allow the pressure at

the boundary to vary
radially consistent with
swirling flow, as in
turbomachinery or
swirling flow in a pipe

Radial equilibrium
and enter the Guage
static pressure at
minimum radius.
Under Number of
Bands, a default of 40
is applied as the
maximum number.

The specified gauge pressure applies only to the

position of minimum cylindrical radius at the
boundary (about the z axis of the boundary
reference frame).
The averaged static pressure is constrained within
radial circumferential bands defined by either a
local rotation axis or the domain rotation axis. The

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If you want to...

Then choose...

For more information:

Selecting Automatic
produces a solver
generated number of
circumferential bands.

band-averaged pressure satisfies radial equilibrium

between the radial pressure gradient and the
centrifugal force calculated using the
band-averaged density and circumferential

Allow the pressure to

vary naturally over the
face, while maintaining
a constant area
averaged pressure

Pressure averaging
and select Average.
Apply a Pressure
profile blend.

A blend factor of 0 gives the natural pressure

profile (zero shear). A value of 1 results in a
constant pressure applied over the face. If the
solution is unstable (due to reverse flow), a value
0.05 will generally suffice.

Allow backflow at the


Yes under Allow

reverse flow. Select

If the pressure at a localized area at the outlet is

less than the specified outlet pressure, fluid will
enter through the boundary face at this location.
Total Pressure By default, artificial walls will be placed at these
locations to prevent reverse flow. If reverse flow
for the Backflow
is allowed, a pressure will be applied at these
specification. Specify locations.
the Backflow
Applying Total pressure (default) will allow the
direction as being
static pressure to drop as the inflow velocity
From neighboring
increases, maintaining a constant total pressure.
cell, Normal to
The Entrainment pressure applies a similar
boundary, Cartesian, condition, however, only the normal component
or Cylindrical.
of the inflow velocity is taken into consideration.
If reverse flow is permitted, a portion of the outlet
is effectively acting as an inlet and additional
boundary condition information may be required,
such as the temperature or turbulence.

Specify total
Total temperature
temperature (also
under Energy
known as the stagnation specification
temperature) rather
than the static

The total temperature represents the temperature

of the fluid in a plenum at rest upstream. The local
static temperature will be lower, depending on the
velocity of the fluid. Specifying Mass Flow Outlets

Physics > Boundary Conditions > Outlet
To specify mass flow outlets:

Select the location in your geometry for which you want to specify the outlet boundary condition.
For Flow specification, select Mass flow.
Enter the Mass flow rate if you know the mass flow rate through your system.
Additionally, in the Outlet panel, you can make modifications to the following settings:

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Physics Solution
If you want to...

Then choose...

For more information:

Use a reference frame

other than Global
Reference Frame

Reference frame and See Reference Frames on page 19.

select or define the
reference frame.

Define the mass flow


Mass flow update and Scale mass flow: the pressure and velocity are
select Scale mass
allowed to vary naturally, while maintaining a net
flows or Uniform flux. mass flow.
Uniform flux: forces a constant mass flux over
the face. Openings
An opening is used where the flow may enter and/or exit through a boundary.
To determine the type of opening you should apply depends on the available flow information.
Upstream conditions
from the inlet

Flow specification

Velocity profile and

Velocity opening
boundary shape result in
flow in and out of the
boundary in different
An open window where
flow is entering and/or

Additional information
Solves for pressure. Mass flow is derived based on
the local density. Local direction or velocity
components can be specified.

Pressure opening: Gauge The specified pressure will be applied over the entire
entrainment pressure
face. The velocity is a function of the solution. The
direction is derived from neighboring cells.
(Constant value)
Pressure opening: Gauge The specified pressure is applied by evaluating the
entrainment pressure
expression at each position.
(Varying spatially) Specifying Velocity Openings

Physics > Boundary Conditions > Opening
To specify velocity openings:

Select the location in your geometry for which you want to specify the opening boundary condition.
For Flow specification, select Velocity.
For the Magnitude, enter the velocity at which fluid is flowing through the domain.
Define the Direction of fluid flow. You can specify the flow in Cartesian or Cylindrical coordinates.
See Reference Frames on page 19 for more information.
5. If your simulation includes a thermal analysis, make sure to specify the Temperature at the opening.
6. Additionally, in the Opening panel, you can make modifications to the following settings:

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If you want to...

Then choose...

For more information:

Use a reference frame

other than Global
Reference Frame

Reference frame and See Reference Frames on page 19.

select or define the
reference frame.

Express the velocity by

specifying a magnitude
and defining the
direction of flow

Define by and select

Magnitude and
direction. Specify
Direction to be
Cartesian or

See Reference Frames on page 19.

Express the velocity by Define by and select

specifying its directional Directional
components. Specify
the Coordinate type
to be Cartesian or

See Reference Frames on page 19.

Modify turbulence levels Turbulence

at the opening
specification and
select a method.

See Turbulence Specification Methods on page


Specify total
Total temperature
temperature (also
under Energy
known as the stagnation specification.
temperature) rather
than the static

The total temperature represents the temperature

of the fluid in a plenum at rest upstream. The local
static temperature will be lower, depending on the
velocity of the fluid. Specifying Pressure Openings

Physics > Boundary Conditions > Opening
To specify pressure openings:
1. Select the location in your geometry for which you want to specify the opening boundary condition.
2. For Flow specification, select Pressure.
3. Enter the Gauge entrainment pressure. When used in external flow where the boundary is open
to the air and the velocity is nearly tangent, you will apply a gauge atmospheric pressure.
4. If your simulation includes a thermal analysis, make sure to specify the opening Entrainment
temperature. When used in external flow where the boundary is open to the air and the velocity is
nearly tangent, you will apply an atmospheric temperature.
5. Additionally, in the Opening panel, you can make modifications to the following settings:
If you want to...

Then choose...

For more information:

Use a reference frame

other than Global
Reference Frame

Reference frame and See Reference Frames on page 19.

select or define the
reference frame.

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Physics Solution
If you want to...

Then choose...

Modify turbulence levels Turbulence

at the opening
specification and
select a method.

For more information:

See Turbulence Specification Methods on page
148. Walls
Wall boundary conditions assigned to surfaces of a fluid region prevent flow through those surfaces.
When a new wall boundary condition is created without a location selected, the location will be assigned to
a function, DefaultWalls(), which returns the unused bounding faces for the physics region. The
DefaultWalls() function is dynamically re-evaluated as new boundary conditions are added elsewhere
to the model; the locations used for these boundaries will be removed from those returned by
Note that every wall boundary starts with its location assigned to DefaultWalls(). If more than one
boundary uses DefaultWalls(), only the first will get a location assignment, while the function will return
an empty location for the others and an error will be reported.
The conditions that best describe the forces applied to a wall are summarized below.
Condition at the wall


Additional information

The fluid sticks to the wall. If the No Slip

wall is moving, the fluid moves with
the same velocity as the wall.

Specify the Wall velocity to be

stationary or moving. The motion
is specified relative to the
boundary's reference frame.

A frictionless wall or streamline.

Components of velocity normal to

free slip wall are zero.

Free Slip

For symmetry or free stream
conditions, consider using a
symmetry or an opening boundary
The shear stress is known along a
surface but velocity is unknown.

Specified Shear

Components of the shear stress

may be specified as values or an
expression. This assumes the fluid
is moving at the wall and the
velocity is a result of the solution. Specifying No Slip Walls

Physics > Boundary Conditions > Wall
To specify no slip walls:
1. Select the location in your geometry for which you want to specify the wall boundary condition.
2. For Flow specification, select No slip.
3. Additionally, in the Wall panel, you can make modifications to the following settings:

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Physics Solution
If you want to...

Then choose...

For more information:

Use a reference frame

other than Global
Reference Frame

Reference frame and See Reference Frames on page 19.

select or define the
reference frame.

Model a non-stationary Wall velocity and

select Moving.
Express the wall velocity
by specifying a
magnitude and defining
the direction

The Moving Wall

See Reference Frames on page 19.
option of Magnitude
and direction. Enter
the speed of the moving
wall and the direction in
Cartesian coordinates.

Express the wall velocity The Moving Wall

by specifying its
option of Components.
directional components Specify the coordinates
to be Cartesian or
Model a rotating wall

The Moving Wall

option of Rotating and
enter the Angular
speed of the rotating

Include any thermal

Energy specification See Energy Specification for Walls on page 147.
conditions that may be and select the option
pertinent to your setup that best describes the
system. Specifying Free Slip Walls
Physics > Boundary Conditions > Wall
To specify free slip walls:
1. Select the location in your geometry for which you want to specify the wall boundary condition.
2. For Flow specification, select Free slip for frictionless walls.
3. Additionally, in the Wall panel, you can make modifications to the following settings:
a) For Reference frame, if you want to use a reference frame other than Global Reference Frame,
select or define the reference frame.
b) For Energy specification, if your simulation includes a thermal analysis, select one of the energy
specification options that best describes the system. Specifying Shear Walls
Physics > Boundary Conditions > Wall

This setting is available if you turn Filtering off.

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Physics Solution
To specify shear conditions at a wall:
1. Select the location in your geometry for which you want to specify the wall boundary condition.
2. For Flow specification, select Specified shear if it is known along a surface but velocity is unknown.
3. In the Wall panel, under Shear stress, specify the X, Y, and Z components as constant values or
4. Additionally, in the Wall panel, you can make modifications to the following settings:
a) For Reference frame, if you want to use a reference frame other than Global Reference Frame,
select or define the reference frame.
b) For Energy specification, if your simulation includes a thermal analysis, select one of the energy
specification options that best describes the system. Energy Specification for Walls
Table Energy Specifications for Internal Wall (touching the fluid) and External Wall (opposite
side of the fluid)
Energy specification



The wall is perfectly insulated


Heat flux

The heat flux (energy transfer rate

per unit area [W/m^2 or
equivalent]) is specified. Entering
a value of 0 is equivalent to a
perfectly insulated boundary.

Heat flow

The heat flow (energy transfer rate

[W or equivalent]) is specified.

Heat flux at the wall

calculated from the boundary

is the specified heat flow

is the area

The wall temperature is specified. The solver discretizes

based on
the local temperature gradient
adjacent to the wall.


Heat transfer through the wall

occurs through external convection.
The heat transfer coefficient and
is the specified heat transfer
external convection temperature coefficient
are specified.
is the specified
convection temperature
is the wall temperature as
computed by the solver


Heat transfer through the wall

occurs through external radiation
exchange with a blackbody having

is the wall emissivity

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Physics Solution
Energy specification


Heat flux at the wall

calculated from the boundary

a specified Radiation

Convection and Radiation

is the Stefan-Boltzmann constant

is the specified radiation

Heat transfer through the wall

boundary occurs through both
external convection and radiation. Symmetry
The symmetry boundary condition imposes constraints that mirrors the expected pattern of the flow or
thermal solution on either side of it. At a symmetry boundary, all gradients normal to the face are zero. Thus,
the normal velocity component at the boundary is set to zero:
and the scalar variable gradients normal to the boundary are also set to zero:
( Specifying Symmetry
Physics > Boundary Conditions > Symmetry
To specify symmetry boundary conditions:

Select the location in your geometry for which you want to specify Symmetry conditions. Note that
the location of a valid symmetry condition should be planar. Turbulence Specification Methods
Table Turbulence Specification Methods


Low intensity and viscosity ratio

For mildly turbulent flow

Intensity is 1%
Eddy Viscosity Ratio is 1

Medium intensity and viscosity ratio

For moderately turbulent flow

Intensity is 5%
Eddy Viscosity Ratio is 10

High intensity and viscosity ratio

For highly turbulent flow

Intensity is 10%
Eddy Viscosity Ratio is 100

Intensity and viscosity ratio

For turbulent flow that does not necessarily fall into

one of the low, medium, or high range for the

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Transport variables

intensity and Eddy viscosity ratio. Values that best

describe turbulent flow should be specified.

Intensity and length scale

Intensity and hydraulic diameter

4.4.2. Structural Boundary Conditions

Boundary conditions for structural physics include:

Externally applied forces, pressures, and moments

Steady-state inertial forces
Zero and nonzero displacements
Temperature Conditions (for thermal strain) Displacement
A displacement boundary condition specifies that a portion of the model displaces relative to its original
You have several options for defining displacement. You can define displacement as normal to a boundary,
or you can apply displacement directly to the geometric in a given model through a vector. When you apply
a displacement to a selection of geometric entities, that selection determines the portion of the model that
is displaced. You can specify the displacement in any of the component directions of the reference frame,
or you can specify displacement on a vector using magnitude and direction. Defining Displacement by Directional Components
Physics > Boundary Conditions > Displacement
To specify a displacement boundary condition on a vector defined by directional components:
1. Select the location for this boundary condition.
You can apply this type of displacement to bodies, vertices, edges, or faces of a 3D geometry.
2. For Define by, select Directional components.
3. Specify the magnitude on one or more directions of the coordinate system in the X, Y, and Z fields.
Enter a constant or expression directly into the field; any expression must resolve to a constant. Note
that the Coordinate type shown is based on the reference frame.
4. Additionally, you can select or define a frame of reference under Reference frame if you want to
use a reference frame other than Global reference frame. Defining Displacement Normal to a Face
Physics > Boundary Conditions > Displacement
To set a displacement applied in the normal direction to a face:
1. Select the location for this boundary condition.
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You can apply this boundary condition to faces.
2. For Define by, select Normal to boundary.
3. For Displacement, enter a constant into the field.
You can also enter an expression that resolves to a constant. Defining a Displacement by Magnitude and Direction
Physics > Boundary Conditions > Displacement
To specify a displacement boundary condition on a vector using magnitude and direction:
1. Select the location for this boundary condition.
You can apply this type of displacement to bodies, vertices, edges, or faces of a 3D geometry.
2. For Define by, select Magnitude and direction.
3. For Magnitude, enter a constant or expression directly into the field; any expression must resolve
to a constant.
4. For Direction based on geometry selection, select a face or edge to determine the vector direction.
The direction geometry assignment defaults to the first location selected, but you can replace this
If you want the direction to be opposite the vector for the selected location, click Reverse direction. Inertia Load
An Inertia load is experienced by a body or a collection of bodies when it is in an accelerated reference
frame. A reference frame is "accelerated" if you specify a linear acceleration or an angular velocity or angular
acceleration to the frame.
Inertia itself is not a load, but it causes loads (forces) to be developed in the bodies opposite in direction to
the specified accelerations. The bodies must also have mass specified for the developed inertial loads to be
Inertia loads are used to model gravity effects (weight) or rotational effects in spinning equipment. Setting Inertia Load
Physics > Boundary Conditions > Inertia Load
To set an Inertia Load boundary condition:
1. Select the location for this boundary condition.
An inertia load boundary condition is initially applied by default to all bodies of a model that have
mass. However, you can change the location to apply an inertia load to a specific body or bodies.
2. For Inertia source, select the type of inertia load.
3. Specify the magnitude on one or more directions of the coordinate system in the X, Y, and Z fields.
Enter a constant or expression directly into the field; any expression must resolve to a constant. Note
that the Coordinate type shown is based on the reference frame.

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Physics Solution Force
You can apply the force boundary condition either by defining a magnitude and direction or by defining the
components of that vector in a given coordinate system. This boundary condition is defined in units such as
pounds or Newtons. Defining Force by Directional Components
Physics > Boundary Conditions > Force
To set a force boundary condition:
1. Select the location for this boundary condition.
You can apply a force to vertices, edges, or faces of 3D geometry.
Unlike applying a force to edges or faces, which will averagely distribute the force load; applying to
vertices will actually apply the given force value to each of the vertices. For example, if you apply 5N
force to five vertices, it will cause a 5Nx5=25N force in total.
2. For Define by, select Directional components.
3. Specify the magnitude on one or more directions of the coordinate system in the X, Y, and Z fields.
Enter a constant or expression directly into the field; any expression must resolve to a constant. Note
that the Coordinate type shown is based on the reference frame.
4. Additionally, you can select or define a frame of reference under Reference frame if you want to
use a reference frame other than Global reference frame. Defining Force by Magnitude and Direction
Physics > Boundary Conditions > Force
To set a force boundary condition:
1. Select the location for this boundary condition.
You can apply a force to vertices, edges, or faces of 3D geometry.
Unlike applying a force to edges or faces, which will averagely distribute the force load; applying to
vertices will actually apply the given force value to each of the vertices. For example, if you apply 5N
force to five vertices, it will cause a 5Nx5=25N force in total.
2. For Define by, select Magnitude and direction.
3. For Magnitude, enter a constant or expression directly into the field; any expression must resolve
to a constant.
4. For Direction based on geometry selection, select a face or edge to determine the vector direction.
The direction geometry assignment defaults to the first location selected, but you can replace this
If you want the direction to be opposite the vector for the selected location, click Reverse direction.

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Physics Solution Moment
This vector-based boundary condition distributes a moment "about" (the vector of) an axis across one or
more flat or curved faces, or about one or more edges or vertices. Use the right-hand rule to determine the
sense of the moment. This boundary condition has a moment or torque (Newton meter) unit.
You can apply the moment boundary condition either by defining a magnitude and direction or by defining
the components of that vector in a given coordinate system. Defining a Moment by Directional Components
Physics > Boundary Conditions > Moment
To define a moment boundary condition by directional components:
1. Select the location for this boundary condition.
You can apply a moment to vertices, edges, or faces.
2. For Define by, select Directional components.
3. Specify the magnitude on one or more directions of the coordinate system in the X, Y, and Z fields.
Enter a constant or expression directly into the field; any expression must resolve to a constant. Note
that the Coordinate type shown is based on the reference frame.
4. Additionally, you can select or define a frame of reference under Reference frame if you want to
use a reference frame other than Global reference frame. Defining a Moment by Magnitude and Direction
Physics > Boundary Conditions > Moment
To define a moment boundary condition by magnitude and direction:
1. Select the location for this boundary condition.
You can apply a moment to vertices, edges, or faces.
2. For Define by, select Magnitude and direction.
3. For Magnitude, enter a constant or expression directly into the field; any expression must resolve
to a constant.
4. For Direction based on geometry selection, select a face or edge to determine the vector direction.
The direction geometry assignment defaults to the first location selected, but you can replace this
If you want the direction to be opposite the vector for the selected location, click Reverse direction. Pressure
A pressure load applies a constant pressure on one or more flat or curved faces. A positive value for pressure
acts into the face, tending to compress the solid body.
Pressure is a scalar boundary condition and can only be applied normal to a face. Setting a Pressure
Physics > Boundary Conditions > Pressure
To set a pressure boundary condition:
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1. Select the location for this boundary condition.
You can apply a pressure to 3D geometric faces.
2. For Pressure, enter the magnitude as a constant or expression directly into the field; any expression
must resolve to a constant. Support
A support is a constraint that you create by fixing or freeing the available degrees of freedom at the location
in the model where you apply it. Available degrees of freedom are automatically detected once the location
is specified; they are fixed by default. Setting a Support
Physics > Boundary Conditions > Support
To set a support boundary condition:
1. Select the location for this boundary condition.
You can apply a support directly to vertices, edges, bodies, or faces of 3D geometry.
2. For the Degrees of freedom fields, Translation X, Translation Y, and Translation Z, specify the
degree of freedom for each as fixed or free. Temperature Condition
You can use a Temperature Condition boundary condition to apply a temperature over the selected geometry.
Temperature Conditions are used to calculate temperature-dependent material properties and thermal strains
(if Structural physics is also activated). Setting a Temperature Condition
Physics > Boundary Conditions > Temperature Condition
To set a temperature boundary condition:
1. Select the location for this boundary condition.
You can apply a temperature to one or more bodies.
2. For Temperature, enter a constant or expression directly into the field; any expression must resolve
to a constant.

4.4.3. Thermal Boundary Conditions

Boundary conditions for thermal physics include:

Heat Flux
Heat Flow
Heat Generation
Temperature Constraint
Insulated (applicable to conjugate heat transfer simulations)

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Physics Solution Convection
The Convection boundary condition causes convective heat transfer to occur through one or more flat or
curved faces (in contact with a fluid).
The bulk fluid temperature is measured at a distance from the face outside of the thermal boundary layer.
The face temperature refers to the temperature at the face of the simulation model.
Convective Heat Transfer
Convection is related to heat flux by use of Newton's law of cooling:
q/A = h(ts - tf)
q/A is heat flux out of the face (calculated within the application)
h is the heat transfer coefficient (you provide)
ts is the temperature on the face (calculated by ANSYS AIM)
tf is the bulk fluid temperature that you specify
When the fluid temperature exceeds face temperature, energy flows into a part. When the face temperature
exceeds the fluid temperature, a part loses energy.
If you select multiple faces when defining convection, the same bulk fluid temperature and heat transfer
coefficient are applied to all selected faces. Setting Convection
Physics > Boundary Conditions > Convection
To set a Convection boundary condition:
1. Select the location for this boundary condition.
You can apply convection to faces of 3D geometry. If you select multiple faces when defining convection,
the same bulk fluid temperature and heat transfer coefficient are applied to all selected faces.
2. For Heat transfer coefficient, enter a constant value greater than zero.
The heat transfer coefficient (also called the film coefficient or unit thermal conductance) is based on
the composition of the fluid in contact with the face, the geometry of the face, and the hydrodynamics
of the fluid flow past the face. Refer to heat transfer handbooks or other references to obtain appropriate
values for film coefficient.
3. For Convection temperature, enter as a constant the temperature of the surrounding fluid.
4. For conjugate heat transfer simulations, you can select or define a frame of reference under Reference
frame if you want to use a reference frame other than Global reference frame.
5. Additionally, in the Convection panel, you can select whether to use a diagonal film coefficient matrix
or a consistent matrix for the film coefficient from Heat transfer coefficient matrix (not applicable
for conjugate heat transfer simulations).
With the default setting, Program Controlled, the solver determines whether to use a diagonal or
consistent film coefficient matrix.

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Physics Solution Heat Flow
Heat flow simulates the transmission across flat or curved surfaces of a specified amount of heat energy per
unit time. As a result, heat flow adds energy to or from a body over time. Setting Heat Flow
Physics > Boundary Conditions > Heat Flow
To set a Heat Flow boundary condition:
1. Select the location for this boundary condition.
In a 3D simulation, you can apply a heat flow to a face. If you select multiple faces when defining the
heat flow rate, the magnitude is apportioned across all selected faces.
2. For Heat flow, enter a constant or expression directly into the field; any expression must resolve to
a constant. The magnitude represents heat energy per time. Positive heat flow adds energy to the
3. For conjugate heat transfer simulations, you can select or define a frame of reference under Reference
frame if you want to use a reference frame other than Global reference frame. Heat Flux
Heat flux simulates the transmission across flat or curved surfaces of a specified amount of heat energy per
unit area per unit time. As a result, heat flux adds energy to or from a body over time. Setting Heat Flux
Physics > Boundary Conditions > Heat Flux
To set a Heat Flux boundary condition:
1. Select the location for this boundary condition.
You can apply a heat flux to faces of 3D geometry. If you select multiple faces when defining the heat
flow rate, the magnitude is applied to all selected faces.
2. For Heat flux, enter a constant or expression directly into the field; any expression must resolve to
a constant. The magnitude represents heat energy per unit area per time. Positive heat flux adds
energy to the body.
3. For conjugate heat transfer simulations, you can select or define a frame of reference under Reference
frame if you want to use a reference frame other than Global reference frame. Heat Generation
This boundary condition applies a uniform generation rate internal to a body. A positive heat generation acts
into a body, adding energy to it. The heat generation rate is defined as energy per unit time per unit volume.
The input value for this heat generation is expected to be in watts. The input value is divided by the volume
of the body to get the heat generation rate. This heat generation rate is then written in the input file for the
If you select multiple bodies when defining the heat generation, the input value is divided by the total volume
of the bodies to get the heat generation rate. Setting Heat Generation
Physics > Boundary Conditions > Heat Generation
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To set a Heat Generation boundary condition:
1. Select the location for this boundary condition.
You can apply heat generation to bodies.
2. For Heat generation, enter a constant or expression directly into the field; any expression must
resolve to a constant. The magnitude represents heat energy per time. Positive heat generation adds
energy to the body. Radiation
This boundary condition simulates thermal radiation from a face of a 3D model to its surroundings at an
ambient temperature. That is, the Form Factor is assumed to be 1.0. Surface-to-surface radiation is not
If radiation is applied to the same location more than once, both radiation conditions independently contribute
to the final solution (accumulation effect). Setting Radiation
Physics > Boundary Conditions > Radiation
To set a Radiation boundary condition:
1. Select the location for this boundary condition.
You can apply radiation to one or more faces of a 3D model.
2. For Emissivity, enter the ratio of the radiation emitted by a surface to the radiation emitted by a
black body at the same temperature.
Specify as a value or expression greater than 0 but less than or equal to 1.
3. For Radiation temperature, enter the temperature of the surrounding space.
4. For conjugate heat transfer simulations, you can select or define a frame of reference under Reference
frame if you want to use a reference frame other than Global reference frame. Temperature
The Temperature boundary condition simulates a uniform temperature over the selected geometry. Setting Temperature
Physics > Boundary Conditions > Temperature
To set a Temperature boundary condition:
1. Select the location for this boundary condition.
You can apply a temperature to vertices, edges, or faces of a 3D geometry.
2. For Temperature, enter the temperature value. The Temperature property can be defined as a
constant or an expression that resolves to a constant.
3. For conjugate heat transfer simulations, you can select or define a frame of reference under Reference
frame if you want to use a reference frame other than Global reference frame.

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An insulated (or adiabatic) boundary condition for a solid region is where the heat flux across the boundary
is zero. Setting an Insulated Solid Region
Physics > Boundary Conditions > Insulated
Setting an insulated boundary condition for a solid region is only applicable to conjugate heat transfer
simulations. For structural thermal boundary conditions, the insulated condition is set internally on any
bounding faces of a solid region and therefore no setup is required.

Select the location for this boundary condition.

4.4.4. Steady-State Electric Conduction Boundary Conditions

Boundary conditions for steady-state electric conduction physics include:

temperature condition Current
A current load simulates the application of an electric current to the system. Setting Current
Physics > Boundary Conditions > Current
To set a Current boundary condition:
1. Select the location for this boundary condition.
You can apply current to faces of 3D geometry.
2. For Current, enter the current magnitude as a constant or expression; any expression must resolve
to a constant. Equipotential
You can use the Equipotential boundary condition to apply a constant voltage condition to one or more
equipotential surfaces of a model.
Any geometry assigned to an equipotential boundary condition cannot be used in any other boundary
condition, including another Equipotential boundary condition, with the exception of a Voltage boundary
condition. Setting Equipotential
To set equipotential:

Select the location for this boundary condition.

You can apply equipotential to one or more faces, edges, or vertices of 3D geometry.
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Any geometry assigned to an equipotential boundary condition cannot be used in any other boundary
condition, including another Equipotential boundary condition, with the exception of a Voltage boundary
condition. Temperature Condition

You can use a Temperature Condition boundary condition to apply a temperature over the selected geometry.
Temperature Conditions are used to calculate temperature-dependent material properties and thermal strains
(if Structural physics is also activated). Setting a Temperature Condition
Physics > Boundary Conditions > Temperature Condition
To set a temperature boundary condition:
1. Select the location for this boundary condition.
You can apply a temperature to one or more bodies.
2. For Temperature, enter a constant or expression directly into the field; any expression must resolve
to a constant. Voltage
A voltage load simulates the application of an electric potential to the system. Setting Voltage
Physics > Boundary Conditions > Voltage
To set a Voltage boundary condition:
1. Select the location for this boundary condition.
You can apply voltage to faces, edges, bodies, or vertices of 3D geometry.
2. For Voltage, enter the voltage magnitude as a constant or expression; any expression must resolve
to a constant.

4.5. Initial Conditions for Fluid Flow Simulations

Physics > Initial Conditions
Before performing a CFD simulation, you must provide an initial guess for the solution. For a steady-state
simulation, the initial conditions will generally not affect the converged solution, but may affect the path to
convergence. In some cases, a poor initial guess may lead to divergence during startup.
In a few situations, the initial guess may affect the converged solution when there are multiple physical
solutions possible. For example, if you are simulating a supersonic wind tunnel and want to find the supersonic
solution, you should choose supersonic initial conditions.
Hybrid initialization is the default initialization option and is appropriate most of the time.

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Hybrid initialization

Interpolates from boundary condition information to

the interior either by solving a Laplace equation (for
velocity and pressure) or by averaging the boundary
information (for other variables). The Number of
iterations controls how many iterations are used to
solve the Laplace equation.
Set Tune for external aero to improve the
convergence rates of the Laplace equations if you
have a region with many cells but only a small set of
wall boundaries.
Turbulence Hybrid Settings provide additional
control over the turbulence initial conditions. Use
averaged quantities means that the initial
turbulence fields are obtained by averaging values
from the inlets; otherwise they are set using the
specified Turbulence intensity and Turbulence
viscosity ratio.

User specified

Allows you to explicitly specify the initial condition for

each solution variable.

4.6. Interface Conditions

In ANSYS AIM, interface conditions allow you to set up the available interfaces in AIM: contacts, joints, region
interface conditions, or physics coupling interfaces.
A contact is a type of connection between two solid, surface, or line bodies. Contacts can be generated
manually, by directly setting up a contact, or automatically, through the interface generator.
To define a contact, you specify a set of options specific to that contact, then define a set of behaviors for
that contact. When you create a contact, a default set of behaviors is created by default, which you can then
modify. You can apply a set of contact behaviors to more than one contact.
A joint typically serves as a junction where bodies are joined together. Joint types are characterized by their
rotational and translational degrees of freedom as being fixed or free.
To define a joint, you specify a set of options specific to that connection, then define a set of behaviors for
that joint. When you create a joint, a default set of behaviors is created by default, which you can then
modify. You can apply a set of joint behaviors to more than one joint.
Region Interface Conditions
Fluid flow simulations may require region interface conditions to be defined in order to manage various types
of discontinuities between different physics regions or within a single physics region.

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Physics Coupling
The physics coupling interface transfers data from a solved Physics Solution task into another Physics Solution
task. On each physics coupling interface, you can either:
transfer fluid force data from surfaces in a fluid simulation onto surfaces in a structural simulation, or
transfer temperature data from solid bodies that are part of a conjugate heat transfer simulation into bodies
in a structural simulation.

4.6.1. Specifying Contacts

A contact is a type of connection between two solid, surface, or line bodies. Contacts can be generated
manually, by setting up a contact, or automatically, through the interface generator.
Through an interface generator, ANSYS AIM automatically generates contacts for the whole model or for a
group of bodies within the model using a provided tolerance. ANSYS AIM also automatically generates an
associated contact behavior. These contacts and contact behaviors are associated with the interface generator;
thus, if the interface generator is deleted, all associated contacts and contact behaviors are also deleted.
Note: If you started your simulation with a template and chose the Detect contact automatically option,
ANSYS AIM automatically created an interface generator and generated the contact objects and their associated
contact behavior using the default tolerance value for the whole model.
A newly created contact and contact behavior come with intelligent default settings, but you may want to
review them. When you re-generate automatic contacts, ANSYS AIM retains any existing contact that use
the same source and target faces, as well as the associated contact behavior(s). However, if a retained
contact does not have an associated contact behavior, a new one is not assigned.
If you want to modify an automatically generated contact, you can convert it to manual, which disassociates
the contact and its contact behavior from the interface generator.
To create a contact manually, set up a contact, which can then be associated with a contact behavior. The
behavior defines all of the behavioral properties for the contact. Once you have defined a contact behavior,
any number of contacts can refer to it. Automatically Generating Contacts
Physics > Interface Conditions > Interface Generator
You can use the interface generator tool to generate contacts.
Note: When you re-generate automatic contacts, ANSYS AIM retains any existing contact that use the
same source and target faces, as well as the associated contact behavior(s). However, if a retained contact
does not have an associated contact behavior, a new one is not assigned.
To automatically generate contacts:
1. Define the location for the contacts.
Body is the only valid geometry type for contact locations. This property can be specified directly
through geometry entity selection or can be specified indirectly through a selection set that references
one or more bodies. The default Location is the Physics Region.
2. For Tolerance specification, select if you want ANSYS AIM to find contact pairs that fall within a
suggested tolerance, or if you want to manually specify the tolerance value.
3. For Contact behavior creation, select if you want the interface generator to create one set of
behavioral properties (contact behavior) that will be used by all generated contacts, or create a set
of behavioral properties for each generated contact.
4. Click Generate Interfaces.
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When you generate the interfaces, ANSYS AIM automatically creates both the contacts for any located
contact pairs and the associated contact behavior, which defines the behavioral properties for the contacts.
Depending on your settings, either all generated contact will use the same set of behavioral properties,
or each will have its own associated contact behavior. If the contact behavior is shared by all generated
contact, you can modify the behavioral properties for all generated contact by modifying that one contact
behavior. If you want one or more of your generated contacts to have different behavioral properties,
you can add a new contact behavior for that contact. Converting an Auto-Generated Contact to Manual
Physics > Interface Conditions > Contact
Contacts and contact behaviors generated by an interface generator are automatically associated with
interface generator that created them. You can dissociate a contact and the contact behavior it references
from its interface generator by converting the auto-generated contact to a manual one. Thus, when the
interface generator is deleted or another interface generation is performed, the remaining auto-generated
contacts are deleted but not the converted contact and the contact behavior it references.
Re-scoping an auto-generated contact automatically converts it to a manual contact and disassociates it
from the interface generator object.
Caution: An auto-generated contact converted to manual cannot be converted back to auto-generated.
To convert an automatically generated contact to manual:
1. Navigate to the contact you want to convert.
2. For Location definition method, select Manual. Modifying the Contact Behavior for a Generated Contact
Physics > Interface Conditions > Contact
Contacts and contact behaviors generated by an interface generator are automatically associated with
interface generator that created them. Every contact generated by an interface generator is assigned the
same contact behavior if the "one shared by all contact" method is used to generate the contacts. Thus,
if you modify the properties for this contact behavior, you modify the properties attached to all contact
pairs generated with that contact pair.
If you don't want the changes to a contact behavior to apply to all generated contact, you can create a
new contact behavior for a contact; this new contact behavior applies only to the contact from which you
created it. You can then apply this new behavior to other contact.
To modify the contact behavior on a contact:

Navigate to the contact you want to modify.

Select Contact behavior > Create New.
Modify the contact behavior properties.
Navigate to any other contact you want to use this contact behavior, and select the contact behavior
from the Contact behavior option. Manually Setting Up a Contact

Physics > Interface Conditions > Contact
To set up a contact and assign a contact behavior:
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1. For Location 1, define the location of the contact's first location.
You can select geometry or a Named Selection.
For contacts, select the geometries (faces, edges, or vertices) that are considered as the source for
the contact. You can also choose a selection set. For a Face/Edge contact, the edge must be designated
as the first location. If a contact pair is applied to flexible and rigid bodies, the flexible body must be
the Location 1 side. If the Location 1 side of the contact pair is applied to multiple bodies, all of the
bodies must have the same Stiffness Behavior, either Rigid or Flexible.
2. For Location 2, define the location of the contact's second location.
You can select geometry or a Named Selection.
For contacts, select the geometries (faces or edges) that are considered the target for the contact.
For Face/Edge contact, the face must be designated as the second location. If the Location 1 side of
the contact pair has a flexible Stiffness Behavior then the Location 2 side can be rigid. The selection
of multiple rigid bodies for the Location 2 invalidates the Contact object and an error message is
generated following the solution process.
3. For Contact behavior, create or select a Contact Behavior.
A contact behavior defines the behavioral properties of a contact. You can create a contact behavior,
then assign it to one or more contacts, or you can create a contact behavior directly from a Contact
object. Contact behaviors are designed to be independent of a specific contact, so that they may be
applied to multiple contacts as needed for your physics solution.
When adding a contact manually, you cannot choose a contact behavior created for auto-generated
The contact behavior is shown below.
4. For Trim optimization, select if you want to speed up the solution time by reducing the number of
elements sent to the solver for consideration.
Program Controlled: This is the default setting. The application chooses the appropriate setting.
Typically, the program sets Trim Contact to On. However, if the contacts are created manually,
no trimming is performed by default.
On: During the process of creating the solver input file, checking is performed to determine the
proximity between the location 1 and location 2 elements. Elements which are not in close proximity
(determined by a tolerance) are not written to the file and therefore ignored in the physics solution.
If you select this option, enter a tolerance value greater than zero in the Tolerance field.
Off: No contact trimming is performed.
The checking process is performed to identify if there is overlap between the bounding boxes of the
elements involved. If the bounding box of an element does not overlap the bounding box of an opposing
face or element set, that element is excluded from the solution. Before the elements are checked, the
bounding boxes are expanded using the Tolerance property so that overlapping can be detected.
5. For Apply symmetry, select whether to use the symmetric contact in the analysis. Defining Contact Behavior Properties
Physics > Interface Conditions > Contact
Physics > Contact Behaviors

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You can create or modify a contact behavior under Contact Behavior on the Contact panel. A contact
behavior defines the behavioral properties of a contact. Contact behaviors are designed to be independent
of a specific contact, so that they may be applied to multiple contacts as needed for your physics solution.
ANSYS AIM automatically creates associated contact behaviors using default properties when you use
the template workflow with the Detect structural contact automatically option set, or when you use
an interface generator to create contacts. You can modify the properties for one or more of these generated
contacts on the Contact Behavior panel.
By default, automatically generated contacts use the same behavior unless you modified the Contact
behavior creation property, so any changes to the behavior for one contact will affect all other contacts.
If you want to modify the properties for only one of your generated contact pairs, create a new behavior
for that contact, rather than modifying the existing contact behavior.
When adding a new contact manually, you can either create a new contact behavior or use an existing
contact behavior created manually from the Contact panel. If you create a new contact behavior from
the Contact panel, it is automatically assigned to that contact. You can then use that contact behavior
for subsequent new manual contacts or other existing contacts, including contacts that are auto-generated.
To set contact behavior properties:
1. Select the contact behavior you want to modify.
Or, to create a new contact behavior, select Contact behavior > Create new on the Contact panel.
2. For Contact type, select a contact type.
3. For frictional contacts, set the dynamic friction coefficient under Friction coefficient.
Specify this value as a non-negative coefficient.
4. Specify the additional contact behavior settings as determined by your Contact Type, Formulation,
and Physics Type setting.
If you want to...

then set...

More information:

Set the physics type(s) for this

contact behavior.

Physics to transfer

When set to the default, All

relevant, the application
respects the physics type
selected in the Physics region.
You can also choose Specified,
then set the physics type(s) for
this contact behavior under
Transferred physics. The
selected physics type(s) will
always apply to this contact
behavior, even if the physics type
for a physics solution is set to
another value.

Select the algorithm the software Formulation

uses for a particular contact pair

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The default setting is Program

controlled. For Bonded and No
Separation contacts, ANSYS AIM
selects the Multi-Point Constraint
formulation. For nonlinear solid
body contact of faces, the
application selects Pure Penalty
for contact between two rigid

Physics Solution
If you want to...

then set...

More information:
bodies and Augmented Lagrange
for all other contact situations.
For information on formulation
options, see Contact Formulation
Algorithms on page 167.
Note: Cases involving large
gaps and faces bonded together
can result in fictitious moments
being transmitted across a

Select the location of the contact Detection method

detection used in the physics
solution in order to obtain a good

This option is applicable to 3D

face-face contacts. When set to
the default, Program
controlled, ANSYS AIM
determines the detection method
based on the formulation
MPC: Nodal point (Detect
Nodal Normal to Target)
Pure Penalty: Gauss integration
points (On Gauss Point)
Augmented Lagrange: Gauss
integration points (On Gauss
Normal Lagrange: Nodal point
(Detect Nodal Normal to
Note: For additional MAPDL
specific information, see
Selecting Location of Contact
Detection in the section on
"Surface-to-Surface Contact" in
the Contact Technology Guide.

Specify whether ANSYS AIM

Detect asymmetry
detects asymmetry automatically. automatically

This option is available if the

Apply symmetry property of
any contacts that reference this
contact behavior is set to Yes.

Define the contact search area, Pinball

or pinball region, as a physical
value or factor.

With the default option,

Program controlled, the
program calculates the pinball
region. You can also set the
pinball region detection to a
factor or physical value, or, for
auto-generated contacts, you can
set the pinball region equal to
the tolerance value used when
generating the contacts.

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If you want to...

then set...

Control the thermal or electric

Thermal Conductance or
contact conductance value used Electric Conductance
in a contact simulation.

More information:
With the default setting,
Program controlled, the
program calculates the value for
thermal or electric contact
conductance. The value will be
set to a sufficiently high enough
value (based on the thermal or
electric conductivities and the
model size) to model perfect
contact with minimal thermal or
electric resistance.
You can also manually specify
the thermal or electric contact
conductance value.
Thermal and electric contact
conductance are not available for
the MPC formulation.

Control the friction heat and heat Heat Generation

distribution factors.

In order to model heat

generation due to frictional
dissipated energy,you need to
model the transient effects. For
more information, see Heat
Generation on page 171.

Control the stiffness settings for Stiffness

the contact.

You can set the normal and

tangential stiffness values and
the stiffness update frequency.
For more information, see
Stiffness on page 169.

Specify initial interface gap

adjustment properties.

The Initial interface

treatment property defines how
the contact interface for the pair
is treated. It becomes active
when contact Type is set to
Frictionless, Rough, or
Frictional (nonlinear contact).

Interface Gap Adjustment

For more information, see

Interface Gap Adjustment on
page 172.
Set the allowable elastic slip
value for a contact.

Elastic Slip Tolerance

Available for penalty-based

formulations. Not applicable to
Frictionless or No Separation
contact types.
You can specify the tolerance as
a physical value or factor, or you
can have the tolerance calculated
by the application.
For more information, see Elastic
Slip Tolerance on page 171.

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If you want to...

then set...

More information:

Set the penetration tolerance

value for penalty-based

Penetration Tolerance

Available for the Pure Penalty or

Augmented Lagrange
You can specify the tolerance as
a physical value or factor, or you
can have the tolerance calculated
by the application.
For more information, see
Penetration Tolerance on page

Set damping, including the

normal and tangential
stabilization damping factors.

Numerical Damping

You can specify a normal and

tangential damping factor, and a
value of 1 is usually appropriate.
If this factor is 0 (default), the
damping is activated only in the
first load step. If its value is
greater than 0, the damping is
activated for all load steps.

You can now assign this contact behavior to one or more contacts defined on the Contact panel. For
more information, see Manually Setting Up a Contact on page 161. If you defined the contact behavior as
part of a setting up a contact, note that you can now assign this contact behavior to other contacts as
well. Contact Types
Choosing the appropriate contact type depends on the type of problem you are trying to solve. If modeling
the ability of bodies to separate or open slightly is important and/or obtaining the stresses very near a contact
interface is important, consider using one of the nonlinear contact types (Frictionless, Rough, Frictional),
which can model gaps and more accurately model the true area of contact. However, using these contact
types usually results in longer solution times and can have possible convergence problems due to the contact
nonlinearity. If convergence problems arise or if determining the exact area of contact is critical, consider
using a finer mesh (using the Sizing control) on the contact faces or edges.
The available contact types are listed below. Most of the types apply to Contact Regions made up of faces
Bonded: This is the default configuration and applies to all contact regions (surfaces, solids, lines, faces,
edges). If contact regions are bonded, then no sliding or separation between faces or edges is allowed.
Think of the region as glued. This type of contact allows for a linear solution since the contact length/area
will not change during the application of the load. If contact is determined on the mathematical model,
any gaps will be closed and any initial penetration will be ignored.
No separation: This contact setting is similar to the Bonded case. It only applies to regions of faces (for
3D solids) or edges (for 2D plates). Separation of the geometries in contact is not allowed, but small
amounts of frictionless sliding can occur along contact geometries.
Frictionless: This setting models standard unilateral contact; that is, normal pressure equals zero if
separation occurs. Thus gaps can form in the model between bodies depending on the loading. This solution
is nonlinear because the area of contact may change as the load is applied. A zero coefficient of friction is
assumed, thus allowing free sliding. The model should be well constrained when using this contact setting.

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Rough: Similar to the frictionless setting, this setting models perfectly rough frictional contact where there
is no sliding. It only applies to regions of faces (for 3D solids) or edges (for 2D plates). By default, no
automatic closing of gaps is performed. This case corresponds to an infinite friction coefficient between
the contacting bodies.
Frictional: In this setting, the two contacting geometries can carry shear stresses up to a certain magnitude
across their interface before they start sliding relative to each other. This state is known as "sticking." The
model defines an equivalent shear stress at which sliding on the geometry begins as a fraction of the
contact pressure. Once the shear stress is exceeded, the two geometries will slide relative to each other.
The coefficient of friction can be any nonnegative value. Contact Formulation Algorithms
Formulation options allow you to specify which algorithm the software uses for a particular Contact pair
Property options include:
Program controlled: This is the default setting. For Bonded and No Separation contacts, the application
selects the Multi-Point Constraint. For nonlinear solid body contact of faces, the application selects Pure
Penalty for contact between two rigid bodies and Augmented Lagrange for all other contact situations.
Augmented Lagrange: Also a penalty-based method. Compared to the Pure Penalty method, this method
usually leads to better conditioning and is less sensitive to the magnitude of the contact stiffness coefficient.
However, in some analyses, the Augmented Lagrange method may require additional iterations, especially
if the deformed mesh becomes too distorted.
Pure penalty: Basic contact formulation based on Penalty method.
Multi-point constraint: Available for Bonded contact type and No Separation contact types. Multipoint
Constraint equations are created internally during the Mechanical APDL application solve to tie the bodies
together. This can be helpful if truly linear contact is desired or to handle the nonzero mode issue for free
vibration that can occur if a penalty function is used. Note that contact based results (such as pressure)
will be zero.
Normal Lagrange: Enforces zero penetration when contact is closed making use of a Lagrange multiplier
on the normal direction and a penalty method in the tangential direction. Normal Stiffness is not applicable
for this setting. Normal Lagrange adds contact traction to the model as additional degrees of freedom and
requires additional iterations to stabilize contact conditions. It often increases the computational cost
compared to the Augmented Lagrange setting. The Iterative solver type setting (under the Solver Settings)
cannot be used with this method.
For additional MAPDL specific information, see in the Contact Technology Guide.
Caution: Cases involving large gaps and faces bonded together can result in fictitious moments being
transmitted across a boundary. Detection Method
Detection Method allows you to choose the location of contact detection used in the physics solution in order
to obtain a good convergence. It is applicable to 3D face-face contacts.
Property options include:
Program Controlled: This is the default setting. The application uses Gauss integration points (On Gauss
Point) when the formulation is set to Pure Penalty and Augmented Lagrange. It uses nodal point (Detect
Nodal Normal to Target) for the MPC formulation and Normal Lagrange formulations.
Detect on Gauss Point: The contact detection location is at the Gauss integration points. This option is
not applicable to contacts with MPC or Normal Lagrange formulation.
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Detect Nodal Normal from Contact: The contact detection location is on a nodal point where the
contact normal is perpendicular to the contact surface.
Detect Nodal Normal to Target: The contact detection location is on a nodal point where the contact
normal is perpendicular to the target surface.
Detect Nodal Projected Normal from Contact: The contact detection location is at contact nodal
points in an overlapping region of the contact and target surfaces (projection-based method).
For additional MAPDL specific information, see in the Contact Technology Guide . Pinball
This option allows you to specify a contact search area commonly referred to as a pinball region.
Setting a pinball region can be useful in cases where initially, bodies are far enough away from one another
that, by default, the program will not detect that they are in contact. You could then increase the pinball
region as needed. Consider an example of a surface body that was generated by offsetting a face of a solid
body, possibly leaving a large gap, depending on the thickness. Another example is a large deflection problem
where a considerable pinball region is required due to possible large amounts of over penetration. In general
though, if you want two regions to be bonded together that may be far apart, you should specify a pinball
region that is large enough to ensure that contact indeed occurs.
For the bonded contact type, be cautious when specifying a large pinball region, as any regions found within
the pinball region will be considered to be in contact. For other types of contacts, this issue is not as critical
because additional calculations are performed to determine if the two bodies are truly in contact. The pinball
region defines the searching range where these calculations will occur. Further, a large gap can transmit
fictitious moments across the boundary.
When setting up the pinball region, you can leave the default option, Program Controlled, where the
program calculates the pinball region, or you can set the pinball region detection to a factor or a physical
value greater than 0.
If this contact behavior applies to contacts automatically generated by the Interface Generator, then the
Auto Detection Value property is also available for pinball. With this option, the pinball region is equal to
the tolerance value used in generating the contacts. The value is displayed as read-only in the Auto Detection
Value field. Auto Detection Value is the recommended option for cases where the automatic contact detection
region is larger than a Program Controlled region. In such cases, some contact pairs that were detected
automatically may not be considered in contact for a solution. Thermal and Electric Conductance
This section discusses Thermal Conductance and Electrical Conductance, which are available for penalty-based
contact formulations.
For additional MAPDL specific information, see , specifically the section of the Contact Technology Guide
(Multiphysics Contact).
Thermal Conductance
To take into account the conductive heat transfer between contact and target surfaces, specify the thermal
contact conductance (real constant thermal contact conductance) for a thermal contact simulation. Thermal
contact conduction transfers heat between two contacting surfaces. If contact occurs, a small value of thermal
contact conductance yields a measured amount of imperfect contact and a temperature discontinuity across
the interface. For large values of thermal contact conductance, the resulting temperature discontinuity tends
to vanish and perfect thermal contact is approached. When not in contact, however, the solver assumes that
no heat is transferred across the interface.
To model contact conduction between two surfaces where a small gap exists, define either the bonded
contact or no-separation contact options.
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Property options include:
Program Controlled: This is the default setting. The program will calculate the value for the thermal
contact conductance. The value will be set to a sufficiently high value (based on the thermal conductivities
and the model size) to model perfect contact with minimal thermal resistance.
Manual: You specify the thermal contact conductance as a value greater than 0. The units for this value
are based on the types of contact involved. For 3D faces and 2D edges, the units are HEAT/(TIME *
TEMPERATURE* AREA). For contact between 3D edges and vertices, the units are HEAT/(TIME *
TEMPERATURE). For more information about the units used for thermal contact conductance coefficient,
see and in the section of the Mechanical User's Guide.
Electrical Conductance
To take into account the surface interaction for electric contact in an electric conduction physics solution,
you need to specify the electric contact conductance (the real constant electric contact conductance).
Electric contact conductance is used to model current conduction between two contacting surfaces. To model
contact interaction between two surfaces where a small gap exists, define either the bonded contact or
no-separation contact options.
Property options include:
Program Controlled: This is the default setting. The program will calculate the value for the electric
contact conductance. The value will be set to a sufficiently high enough value (based on the electric
conductivities and the model size) to model perfect contact with minimal electric resistance.
Manual: You specify the electric contact conductance as a value greater than 0.
The Electric Analysis result, Joule Heat, is not supported when generated by nonzero contact resistance. Stiffness
This section discusses the stiffness controls for contact behavior properties, including Stiffness update
frequency, Normal stiffness and Tangential stiffness.
For additional MAPDL specific information, see the following sections within in the Mechanical APDL Contact
Technology Guide:



Stiffness update

Allows you to specify if the program should update (change) the contact stiffness
during the solution.
If you choose any of these stiffness update settings, the program will modify the
stiffness (raise/lower/leave unchanged) based on the physics of the model (that is,
the underlying element stress and penetration). This choice is displayed only if you
set the Formulation to Augmented Lagrange or Pure Penalty, the two formulations
where contact stiffness is applicable.
An advantage of choosing either of the program stiffness update settings is that
stiffness is automatically determined that allows both convergence and minimal
penetration. Also, if this setting is used, problems may converge in a Newton-Raphson
sense, that would not otherwise.
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Property options include:
Program controlled: (This is the default setting). This setting defaults to Never
for contacts between two rigid bodies and to Each iteration (default range) for
Each iteration (default range): Sets the program to update stiffness at the end
of each equilibrium iteration. This choice is recommended if you are not sure what
stiffness value to use in order to obtain good results.
Each iteration (nominal refinement): Sets the program to update stiffness at
the end of each equilibrium iteration, with nominal changing of the value range.
Each iteration (aggressive refinement): Sets the program to update the stiffness
at the end of each equilibrium iteration, but compared to the other Each iteration
options, this one allows for the most aggressive changing of the value range.
Never: Turns off the program's automatic Stiffness Update feature.

Normal Stiffness

The amount of penetration between contact and target surfaces depends on the normal
stiffness. Higher normal stiffness values decrease the amount of penetration, but can
lead to ill-conditioning of the global stiffness matrix and to convergence difficulties.
Lower normal stiffness values can lead to a certain amount of penetration and produce
an inaccurate solution. Ideally, you want a high enough normal stiffness that the
penetration is acceptably small, but a low enough normal stiffness that the problem
will be well-behaved in terms of convergence.
This property is displayed only if you set the Formulation to Augmented Lagrange or
Pure Penalty, the two formulations where contact stiffness is applicable. You can either
let the program determines the contact normal stiffness or define its value yourself.
Program controlled: This is the default setting. The program allows the solver
determine the appropriate normal stiffness value.
Physical value: Enter the Normal Stiffness as a positive value. This entry is in force
per unit volume.
Factor: Enter the Normal Stiffness factor. The usual factor range is from 0.01-1.0
with a default of 1.0. The default value is appropriate for bulk deformation. If bending
deformation dominates, use a smaller value (0.1). A smaller value provides for easier
convergence but with more penetration.

Tangential Stiffness The amount of slip in sticking contact depends on the tangential stiffness. Higher
tangential stiffness values decrease the amount of slip, but can lead to ill-conditioning
of the global stiffness matrix and convergence difficulties. Lower tangential stiffness
values can lead to a certain amount of slip and produce an inaccurate solution. Ideally,
you want a high enough tangential stiffness that the slip is acceptably small, but a
low enough stiffness that the problem will be well-behaved in terms of convergence.
This choice is displayed only if you set the Formulation to Augmented Lagrange or
Pure Penalty, the two formulations where contact stiffness is applicable.
Program Controlled: This is the default setting. The Tangential Stiffness Factor
is calculated by the program.
Physical Value: Enter the Tangential Stiffness as a positive value . This entry is in
force per unit volume.
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Physics Solution

Factor: Enter the Tangential Stiffness factor. The usual factor range is from 0.01-1.0
with a default of 1.0. The default value is appropriate for bulk deformation. If bending
deformation dominates, use a smaller value (0.1). A smaller value provides for easier
convergence but with more slip. Heat Generation

In order to model heat generation due to frictional dissipated energy, you need to model the transient effects.
Heat generation applies to frictional contacts in a thermal simulation, and can be accessed under the Heat
Generation heading in the Contact Behavior panel.


Friction heat

Sets the fraction for frictional dissipated energy converted into heat. Specify a value
between 0 and 1 inclusive.

Heat distribution Sets a weight factor for the distribution of heat between contact and target surfaces.
Specify a value between 0 and 1 inclusive. Elastic Slip Tolerance
The Elastic Slip Tolerance property allows you to set the allowable elastic slip value for a contact when the
Formulation is set to Pure Penalty, Normal Lagrange, and Augmented Lagrange.
Note: Elastic Slip Tolerance is not applicable when the contact Type is set to Frictionless or No Separation.
The following options can be selected from the Define by property:
Program controlled: This is the default setting. The Elastic Slip Tolerance Value is calculated by the
Physical value: Enter the Elastic Slip Tolerance Value directly in the Value field. This entry is a length
measurement (foot, meter, etc.).
Factor: Enter the Elastic Slip Tolerance Factor directly in the Value field. The default value for Factor is
1.0. This entry is unitless.
Value: The Value field is shared by Factor and Physical Value. A Physical Value value is multiplied by
-1 when it is written out into the input file, and Factor value is written out as is. As a result, negative
Physical Value will be interpreted as a factor by the solver and a negative Factor value will be interpreted
as an absolute value in solver units. This behavior is inline with the MAPDL solver in which positive value
is considered as a factor whereas a negative value is considered as an absolute value.
For additional information, see , specifically the section of the Contact Technology Guide. Penetration Tolerance
The Penetration Tolerance property allows you to set the penetration tolerance value for a contact when the
formulation is set to Program Controlled (for Frictionless, Rough, and Frictional contacts) or to Augmented
Lagrange, or if the formulation is set to Pure Penalty and the Stiffness update frequency is set to one of
the Each iteration options.
Property options include:
Program controlled: This is the default setting. The Penetration Tolerance is calculated by the program.
Physical value: Enter the Penetration Tolerance Value directly in the Value field. This entry is a length
measurement (foot, meter, etc.). You can input any value (positive, zero or negative).

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Physics Solution
Factor: Enter the Penetration Tolerance Factor directly in the Value field. Note that the "Value" property
appears when the "Define by" property is set to "Physical value" or "Factor".
Value: The Value field is shared by Factor and Physical Value. A Physical Value value is multiplied by
-1 when it is written out into the input file, and Factor value is written out as is. As a result, negative
Physical Value will be interpreted as a factor by the solver and a negative Factor value will be interpreted
as an absolute value in solver units. This behavior is inline with the MAPDL solver in which positive value
is considered as a factor whereas a negative value is considered as an absolute value.
For additional information, see , specifically the section of the Contact Technology Guide (Surface-to-Surface
Contact). Numerical Damping
A contact you define may initially have a near open status due to small gaps between the element meshes
or between the integration points of the contact and target elements. The contact will not get detected
during the physics solution and can cause a rigid body motion of the bodies defined in the contact. The
stabilization damping factor provides a certain resistance to damp the relative motion between the contacting
surfaces and prevents rigid body motion. This contact damping factor is applied in the contact normal direction
and it is valid only for frictionless, rough and frictional contacts. The damping is applied to each load step
where the contact status is open. The value of the stabilization damping factor should be large enough to
prevent rigid body motion but small enough to ensure a solution.
You can specify a normal and tangential damping factor, and a value of 1 is usually appropriate. If this factor
is 0 (default), the damping is activated only in the first load step (KEYOPT(15) = 0, the default). If its
value is greater than 0, the damping is activated for all load steps.
For more information, see in the Contact Technology Guide. Interface Gap Adjustment
The Initial interface treatment property, available under Interface Gap Adjustment, defines how the
contact interface for the pair is treated. It becomes active when contact Type is set to Frictionless, Rough,
or Frictional (nonlinear contact).
When active, the Initial Interface Treatment option provides the following controls.
Adjust to touch: Any initial gaps are closed and any initial penetration is ignored creating an initial stress
free state. Contact pairs are "just touching".
This setting is useful to make sure initial contact occurs even if any gaps are present (as long as they are
within the pinball region). Without using this setting, the bodies may fly apart if any initial gaps exist.
Although any initial gaps are ignored, gaps can still form during loading for the nonlinear contact types.
Offset with ramping: Models the true contact gap/penetration plus the offset value you specify. A positive
value moves the contact closer together (increase penetration/reduce gap) and a negative value moves
the contact further apart.
This setting is the closest to the default contact setting used in the Mechanical APDL application except
that the loading is ramped. Using this setting will not close gaps. Even a slight gap may cause bodies to
fly apart. Should this occur, use a small contact offset to bring the bodies into initial contact.
Offset without ramping: This is the default setting. This option models the true contact gap/penetration
plus the offset value you specify. However, in this case loading is not ramped. A positive value moves the
contact closer together (increase penetration/reduce gap) and a negative value moves the contact further
You can access the sub-stepping method through the command window. Sub-stepping allows you to specify
if changes in contact behavior should control automatic time stepping. For more information, see in the
Workbench User's Guide.
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Physics Solution

4.6.2. Setting Up a Joint

Physics > Interface Conditions > Joint
A joint typically serves as a junction where bodies are joined together. Joint types are characterized by
their rotational and translational degrees of freedom as being fixed or free.
Joints can be defined as body-to-body or body-to-ground. If you select only one piece of geometry, ANSYS
AIM creates a body-to-ground joint by default. For body-to-body joints, you assign a base and mobile
To set up a joint and assign a joint behavior:
1. For Base location, define the location.
When defining body-to-body joints, you can select a face, vertex, or edge for the base location of the
joint. You can also choose a selection set.
2. For Mobile location, define the location.
You can select a face, vertex, or edge for the mobile side of the joint. You can also choose a selection
3. For Joint behavior, create or select a joint behavior.
A joint behavior defines the behavioral properties of the joint. You can create a joint behavior, then
assign it to one or more joints, or you can create a joint behavior directly from the joint. Joint behaviors
are designed to be independent of a specific joint, so that they may be applied to multiple joints as
needed for your physics solution.
The selected joint behavior is shown at the bottom of the pane.
4. Optionally, select reference frames for orienting the reference and mobile sides of the joint under
Initial Reference Frames.
By default, ANSYS AIM creates one reference frame oriented to the defined Base location, which is
then used to orient both the Base and Mobile sides of the joint. If desired, you can instead choose
different reference frames for orienting the joint. Specifying Joint Behaviors
Physics > Interface Conditions > Joint
You can create or modify a joint behavior under Joint Behavior on the Joint panel. A joint behavior
defines the behavioral properties of a joint. Joint behaviors are designed to be independent of a specific
joint, so that they may be applied to multiple joints as needed for your physics solution.
When adding a new joint, you can either create a new joint behavior or use an existing joint behavior. If
you create a new joint behavior from the Joint panel, it is automatically assigned to that joint. You can
then use that joint behavior for other joints.
To set joint behavior properties:
1. To create a new joint behavior, select Joint behavior > Create new on the Joint panel.
Or, select the joint behavior you want to assign or modify.
2. Select a Joint type or accept the default value of Fixed.
See Joint Types on page 174 for more information.
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3. For the General joint type, specify the degrees of freedom for translation and rotation under Degrees
of freedom.
All the degrees of freedom are fixed by default. You can set the Translation options to fixed or free,
and the Rotation option to fixed, all free, or free about the X, Y, or Z axis.
4. Optionally, for fixed joints, specify the Formulation.
You can leave the formulation to be controlled by ANSYS AIM, or you can select a weld joint, rigid
beam, or rigid link formulation. If the formulation is set to a rigid link or beam, you can then specify
the reduction method.
For more information, see Fixed Joint Formulation on page 174. Fixed Joint Formulation
You can leave the formulation to be controlled by ANSYS AIM, or you can select a weld joint, rigid beam, or
rigid link formulation. If the formulation is set to a rigid link or beam, you can then specify the reduction
The reduction methods are:
The Direct elimination method, wherein the kinematic constraints are imposed by internally generated
constraint equations. The degrees of freedom of a dependent node in the equations are eliminated in favor
of an independent node.
In general, you should use the direct elimination method when it is available since the degrees of freedom
at the dependent nodes are eliminated, thereby reducing the problem size and solution time.
The Lagrange multiplier method, wherein the kinematic constraints are imposed using Lagrange
multipliers. In this case, all the participating degrees of freedom are retained.
Use the Lagrange multiplier method when the direct elimination method is not available or not suitable for
the analysis.
The disadvantage of the Lagrange multiplier method is that the Lagrange multipliers are additional solution
variables and, hence, the problem size and solution time become larger when compared with the direct
elimination method. Joint Types
You can create the following types of joints:


Fixed Joint
Fixed Joints support all degrees of freedom.
Hinge Joint
Constrained degrees of freedom: UX, UY, UZ, ROTX, ROTY
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Cylindrical Joint
Constrained degrees of freedom: UX, UY, ROTX, ROTY


Translational Joint
Constrained degrees of freedom: UY, UZ, ROTX, ROTY, ROTZ
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Slot Joint
Constrained degrees of freedom: UY, UZ


Universal Joint
Constrained degrees of freedom: UX, UY, UZ, ROTY
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Spherical Joint
Constrained degrees of freedom: UX, UY, UZ


Planar Joint
Constrained degrees of freedom: UZ, ROTX, ROTY

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With the General joint, you can set the constrained degrees of freedom and the rotation.
All the degrees of freedom are fixed by default. You can set the Translation options to fixed or free, and the
Rotation option to fixed, all free, or free about the X, Y, or Z axis.

4.6.3. Region Interface Conditions

Region interface conditions can be defined within a single physics region where there is a mesh discontinuity,
or when the topology is not connected; or between two physics regions (for example, between a fluid and
a solid in a conjugate heat transfer problem). These interface conditions are defined by the specific physics
regions and their locations on either side of the interface, and any particular behavior you want to assign to
them. These region interfaces are tightly coupled between physics regions within the same Physics task,
and provide a way to handle various types of discontinuities between different physics regions or within a
single physics region.
When creating a region interface condition, the physics regions on the two sides of the interface (the parent
regions) must be provided. The interface between the physics region is actually connecting the physics
regions at the mesh level. If the mesh for each physics region at the interface is identical, then the interface
is conformal; if they differ, it is nonconformal, and ANSYS AIM intersects the meshes on the two sides to
connect them.
It is possible that some faces on one physics region do not have any face on the other side with which to
intersect (either because there are no faces, or because the candidate faces are too far away or too twisted).
These leftover, or nonoverlap, faces are assigned a default non-overlap boundary condition of a no-slip
insulated wall.

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Overlap Faces
Non Overlap Faces

The following figure illustrates an example of nonoverlap.The enhanced figure shows the two 'parent' surface
meshes on the region interface. The red mesh that does not intersect with the green faces are the nonoverlap
faces for the red side. There are no nonoverlap faces for the green side in this example. Adding Region Interface Conditions

Interface Conditions > Add > Region Interface
Before creating a region interface condition, you must have defined one or more physics regions. If you
want to specify locations by using selection sets, the selection sets must already be defined.
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Region interfaces provide a means to manage different types of discontinuities between one or more
different physics regions within the same Physics task.
To add a new physics region interface:
1. In the Physics task, select Interface Conditions > Add > Region Interface to open the Region
Interface panel.
2. In the Region Interface panel, select a physics region for the first side of the region interface.
a) Select the topological locations (using either graphical selection or through the use of selection
sets) for the first side of the region interface.
Regions of interest can be more exposed, while other regions are hidden from view, when you enable
the Automate Region Hiding option in the graphics window context menu. When enabled, the view
in the graphics window changes based on the selected physics region.
3. Select a physics region for the second side of the region interface.
a) Select the topological locations (using either graphical selection or through the use of selection
sets) for the second side of the region interface.
4. (optional) To change the Reference Frame, use the drop-down list to select an existing reference
frame or to create a new one.
To change how intersecting faces are handled, use the options under Intersection
Control. For instance:
Interface geometries match: Enable this option if the geometries on the two sides of the interface
match, to prevent the possibility of non-overlapping faces being generated during intersection.
Smallest area tolerance factor: Specify a threshold value, defined as the parent region area
magnitude, that dictates whether intersected faces should be ignored if their area falls below the
specified value.
Bound extension factor: A bounding box is used to search for and identify possible face
intersections. Since the box has a finite size, use this parameter to control the amount by which the
bounding box should be made larger (as a fraction of the original span). Note that a larger bounding
box impacts the time required to identify face intersections.
Normal tolerance factor: Specify a threshold value that dictates whether parent regions that are
separated by a distance should be ignored for intersection if that distance is above the specified
Angular tolerance: Specify a threshold angle that dictates whether parent region faces whose
normals deviate from each other should be ignored for intersection if that deviation is above the
specified threshold. Region Interface Statistics
To view region interface statistics, your simulation should contain region interfaces conditions.
You can view a summary of the region interface statistics when solving the physics. This will provide
information about non-conformal interfaces in the mesh. To access this information, go to the Transcript
tab, as shown below.

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4.6.4. Physics Coupling Interface

The physics coupling interface transfers data from a solved Physics Solution task into another Physics Solution
task. On each physics coupling interface, you can either:
transfer fluid force data from surfaces in a fluid simulation onto surfaces in a structural simulation, or
transfer temperature data from solid bodies that are part of a fluid-solid heat transfer simulation into bodies
in a structural simulation.
When you update the Physics Solution task, the physics coupling interface is applied, and data from the
source mesh is mapped to the target mesh. The resulting data is applied to the selected location, and used
in the physics solution.
The physics coupling transcript has information about this interface. Once the Physics Solution task with the
physics coupling interface is updated, the transcript will have diagnostic information about the mapping and
data transfer. Transfer Force Data using the Physics Coupling Interface
Transfer force data from surfaces in a fluid simulation onto surfaces in a structural simulation using the
physics coupling interface.
Before setting up the physics coupling interface, you must:
1. Set up the Physics Solution task for the fluid simulation from which you want to transfer forces. Ensure
the fluid region's physics type includes Fluid flow, and walls or region interfaces are defined.
2. Set up the Physics Solution task that is receiving the force data. Make sure that the physics region's
physics type includes Structural.
Physics Solution > Interface Conditions > Physics Coupling
To set up the physics coupling interface in the structural Physics Solution task:
1. Select faces in the model for Location (target). The faces you select will receive the fluid force data.
2. For the Physics region on source, use the drop-down to select the fluid physics region from which
you want to transfer fluid force data.

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In the Workflow tab, the selected source region's Physics Solution task automatically connects to the
structural Physics Solution task. This connector has to exist between the two Physics Solution tasks
for the physics coupling interface to work.

3. In the physics coupling panel, under Location (source), the expression AllCouplingSourceFaces()
automatically selects all of the source regions walls and any region interfaces.
You can refine the source locations by selecting walls or selection sets from the location drop-down.
Selection sets with faces that are part of walls are the only ones available in the drop-down.
When you update the Physics Solution task, the physics coupling interface is applied, and data from the
source mesh is mapped to the structural mesh. The physics coupling transcript has diagnostic information
about the mapping and data transfer. Transfer Temperature Data using the Physics Coupling Interface
Transfer temperature data from a solid region that is part of a fluid-solid heat transfer simulation into
bodies in a structural simulation using the physics coupling interface.
Before setting up the physics coupling interface, you must:
1. Set up the Physics Solution task for the fluid-solid heat transfer simulation from which you want to
transfer temperatures. Ensure the solid region's physics type is set to Thermal.
2. Set up the Physics Solution task that is receiving the temperature data. Make sure that the physics
region's physics type is set to Structural. This physics region cannot include the Thermal physics
type. If it does, the physics coupling interface will not transfer temperature data.
Physics Solution > Interface Conditions > Physics Coupling
To set up the physics coupling interface in the structural Physics Solution task:
1. Select bodies in the model for Location (target). The bodies you select will receive the temperature
2. For the Physics region on source, use the drop-down to select the physics region from which you
want to transfer data. Select a solid region that is part of a fluid-solid heat transfer simulation.
In the Workflow tab, the selected source region's Physics Solution task automatically connects to the
structural Physics Solution task. This connector has to exist between the two Physics Solution tasks
for the physics coupling interface to work.

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Physics Solution
3. In the physics coupling panel, under Location (source), the expression AllCouplingSourceBodies()
automatically selects all of the source region's bodies.
You can refine the source locations by selecting selection sets. Selections sets with bodies that are
part of the source region are the only ones available in the drop-down.
When you update the Physics Solution task, the physics coupling interface is applied, and data from the
source mesh is mapped to the structural mesh. The physics coupling transcript has diagnostic information
about the mapping and data transfer. Physics Coupling Transcript
The physics coupling transcript is available in the Transcript tab on the view panel at the bottom of your
For each physics solution that has one or more physics coupling interfaces, one physics coupling transcript
is automatically created. The physics coupling transcript keeps information from each update of the Physics
Solution task. Information from the most recent update is at the bottom of the transcript file.
Once the physics solution has solved, the transcript has the following information for each physics coupling
The Interface Definition table with a summary of the participants that the interface connects and the
variable transferred.
The Interface Mapping Diagnostics table with diagnostic information about the mapping on the interface.
Use this information to assess:
the accuracy of the force transfer, or
the accuracy of the temperature transfer.
Error messages if an error with physics coupling occurred. Assessing the Accuracy of the Force Transfer

Once the physics solution is solved, use the Interface Mapping Diagnostics table to assess the accuracy
of the conservative mapping that is used to transfer force on the physics coupling interface. The table from
the most recent solution process is at the bottom of the physics coupling transcript.
An example of the Interface Mapping Diagnostics table:
PhysicsCoupling 1
Interface Mapping Diagnostics
| Source
Percent Overlap Area :
100.0 |
Force.x Sum [N] :
4.205216E-02 |
Force.y Sum [N] :
-8.647712E-06 |
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Force.z Sum [N] :
-4.431034E-02 |
| Target
Percent Overlap Area :
100.0 |
Force.x Sum [N] :
4.205215E-02 |
Force.y Sum [N] :
-8.586374E-06 |
Force.z Sum [N] :
-4.431029E-02 |
The Source mesh and the Target mesh have the following diagnostic information:
The Percent Overlap Area of the source and target meshes. Data is transferred from only the overlapping
areas of the source mesh. Ideally, the percentage overlap for both meshes will be close to 100.
The sum of the components of the data, for example Sum Force.x [N], is used to assess the accuracy
of a conservative data transfer.
The sum of the components on the source mesh is the sum of the data on the entire source mesh,
including overlapping and non-overlapping areas of the mesh.
The sum of the components on the target mesh is the sum of the data on only the overlapping areas of
the target mesh. For conservative data transfers, a value of zero is applied on the non-overlapping areas
of the target mesh.
Assess the accuracy of the conservative data transfer on the physics coupling interface:
A significant difference between the sum on the source and target means that the data is not being
transferred accurately. A difference of 1 or 2 percent may be significant, but this range will depend on
your specific case, especially if there are areas on your source mesh that do not overlap with the target
If the source's percentage overlap area is 100, then all of the source data is mapped onto the target mesh.
This decreases the likelihood of a significant difference between the sum on the source and target.
If the source's percentage overlap area is less than 100, then only part of the source data is mapped onto
the target mesh. This increases the likelihood of a significant difference between the sum on the source
and target.
To improve the accuracy of the data transfer:
Ensure that the source and target meshes overlap for the areas where you want data transferred.
Refine the meshes on the source and target surfaces. Coarse meshes on curved surfaces can create gaps
between the two meshes, which affects the mapping between the meshes.
Ensure the meshes on the source and target of the physics coupling interface are as identical as possible. Assessing the Accuracy of the Temperature Transfer
Once the physics solution is solved, use the Interface Mapping Diagnostics table to assess the accuracy of
the profile-preserving mapping that is used to transfer temperature on each physics coupling interface.
Information from the most recent solution process is at the bottom of the physics coupling transcript.
An example of the Interface Mapping Diagnostics table:
PhysicsCoupling 1
Interface Mapping Diagnostics
| Source
Temperature Average [K] :
6.300000E+01 |
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Physics Solution
| Target
Temperature Average [K] :
6.300000E+01 |
The Source mesh and the Target mesh have the following diagnostic information:
The average of the data, for example Temperature Average [K], is used to assess the accuracy of the
data transfer.
The average of the temperature on the source mesh is the average of the data on the entire source
mesh, including volumes that dont overlap the target mesh.
The average of the temperature on the target mesh is the average of the data on the entire volume of
the target mesh, as the entire mesh receives data.
Assess the accuracy of the profile-preserving data transfer on the physics coupling interface:
A significant difference between the average on the source and target means that the data is not being
transferred accurately. A difference of 1 or 2 percent may be significant, but this range will depend on
your specific case, especially if there are areas on your source mesh that do not overlap with the target
To improve the accuracy of the data transfer:
Ensure that the source and target meshes overlap for the volumes where you want data transferred.
Ensure the meshes on the source and target of the physics coupling interface are as identical as possible. Mapping
Mapping is the process of using data on a source mesh to calculate data on a target mesh. Mapping takes
place on each physics coupling interface during the Physics Solution tasks solution process.
There are two types of mapping:
Conservative mapping for conservative variables such as force. The goal of the conservative algorithm is
to minimize the difference between the summation of the data (locally and globally) on the source and
target meshes.
Profile-preserving mapping for non-conservative variables such as temperature. The goal of this algorithm
is to minimize the difference between the profile, or distribution of data, on the source and target meshes.
Mapping is handled differently on the overlapping and non-overlapping areas of the source and target
After the mapping takes place, use the mapping diagnostics to assess the accuracy of the force transfer or
the accuracy of the temperature transfer. Mapping on Overlapping Source and Target Geometries
Conservative Data Transfers (Force)
For conservative mapping, data is scattered from the source side and collected to the target side of the
interface. Mapping weights used to interpolate the data are derived from the area fractions of the source
projected on the target mesh elements.

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In the image above, the data on the source mesh (blue) is scattered using the mapping weights and transferred
to the target mesh (red). In this example, the sum on both the source and target meshes is 30.
Profile-Preserving Data Transfers (Temperature)
For profile-preserving mapping, data profiles on the source side are used as bases to calculate data on the
target side of the interface. The target data is calculated from the nearest source elements and mapping
weights. The mapping weights are derived from the shape functions used to define the source data profiles.

In the image above, each node on the target mesh (red) is first matched to the nearest element on the
source mesh (blue). The data profile on the source mesh is then used to calculate the data on the target
mesh. In this example, the average on the source side is 25 and the average on the target side is 23.5. Mapping with Non-Overlapping Source and Target Geometries
Geometries that do not overlap perfectly can be used for the physics coupling interface. Data transfers on
the non-overlapping areas of the geometry will be handled differently than on the overlapping areas.
Conservative Data Transfers (Force)
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For conservative mapping, two conditions of non-overlapping source and target geometries must be
Wherever the target side of the interface does not overlap with the geometry of the source side of the
interface, target data is assigned values of zero.
Wherever the source side of the interface does not overlap with the geometry of the target side of the
interface, source data is not applied to the target.

In the example above, the non-overlapping elements on the top of the source mesh (a) do not transfer data
to the target mesh. The non-overlapping elements on the bottom of the target mesh (c) receive a value of
Use the mapping diagnostics to assess the accuracy of the force transfer.
Profile-Preserving Data Transfers (Temperature)
For profile-preserving mapping, two conditions of non-overlapping source and target geometries must be
Wherever the target side of the interface does not overlap with the geometry of the source side of the
interface, target data is assigned the value from the nearest source-side element.
Wherever the source side of the interface does not overlap with the geometry of the target side of the
interface, source data is not applied to the target.

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In the example above, the non-overlapping elements on the top of the source mesh (a) do not transfer data
to the target mesh. The non-overlapping elements on the bottom of the target mesh (c) receive data from
the nearest element on the source mesh. Notice that all of the elements on the target mesh are matched to
an element on the source mesh.
Use the mapping diagnostics to assess the accuracy of the temperature transfer.

4.7. Solver and Solution Settings

Depending on the type of physics involved (fluid flow, static structural, modal structural, steady-state thermal,
steady-state electric conduction), ANSYS AIM provides several means to control the solution of the physics

4.7.1. Fluids Solver Options

The solver settings control various details of the discretization and solution control. The default settings have
been selected to provide good accuracy and robustness for most problems. However, it may sometimes be
appropriate to fine-tune the following settings:
Discretization details (affect the converged solution):
Gradient method
Advection scheme
Pressure scheme
Solution controls (affect convergence behavior but not the converged solution):
Coupling control (e.g. pressure-velocity coupling)
Advancement control (relaxations applied prior to linear solution; e.g. implicit relaxation and
pseudo-transient details)
Explicit relaxation (relaxations applied after linear solution)

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Physics Solution Launching the Solver on Multiple Processes
Physics > Solver Options > Solver Settings > Launch Controls
Launch controls allow you to control the computational resources used by a simulation when running in
parallel. The launch controls for the solver are populated with default settings and values.
To change the default launch control settings:
Increase the Number of processes if you want to run on more than 2 processes.
Solver files directory displays the path and the organization of files and subdirectories beneath
the application directory. Choosing a Gradient Method
Physics > Solver Options > Numerical Controls > Discretization Control > Gradient method
Gradients are needed for constructing values of a scalar at the cell faces, as well as for computing
secondary diffusion terms and velocity derivatives.
1. In the Numerical Controls panel, expand Discretization Control and select a Gradient method.
2. Use the guidelines below to select the most appropriate gradient method for your case. Note that any
gradient method can be applied to all mesh types, but accuracy and computational expense may be


Least squares cell based

Recommended for hexahedral and polyhedral meshes.

Computation expense: Medium

Green gauss node based

Recommended for tetrahedral/wedge meshes and

meshes with highly skewed and distorted cells.
Computation expense: High

Green gauss cell based

Not recommended for industrial problems.

Computation expense: Low


Selects Green gauss node based for mesh regions

having tetrahedra and/or wedges, and Least squares
cell based otherwise. Choosing an Advection Scheme

Physics > Solver Options > Numerical Controls > Discretization Control > Advection
The advection scheme controls the details of how the solver interpolates solution values to faces when
discretizing the advection operator.
1. In the Numerical Controls panel, expand Discretization Control > Advection to expose the
advection scheme settings.
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2. If you choose to change the advection scheme, you can make the change either at the global level or

Advection Equation.

The default advection scheme is Second order upwind for all equations except turbulence, which
uses First order upwind. These settings are usually appropriate. In some cases, accuracy can be
further improved by changing the turbulence equations to Second order upwind, although this may
also make convergence more difficult to achieve. (The advection scheme tends to be less important
for turbulence than other equations, because turbulence tends to be source-dominated.)
First to higher order blending can be enabled if you want to blend between the first and
second order upwind schemes. The degree of blending is controlled by the Blend factor, where the
value of 0 recovers first order upwind and 1 recovers second order upwind. Using a value less than 1
will reduce accuracy, but in some cases may lead to improved convergence. Choosing a Pressure Scheme
Physics > Solver Options > Numerical Controls > Discretization Control > Pressure Scheme
The pressure scheme controls how the solver interpolates pressure to faces when discretizing the pressure
gradient term in momentum. The default setting of Automatic chooses the best available scheme based
on the flow physics and displays this as the Current pressure scheme.
1. In the Numerical Controls panel, expand Discretization Control > Pressure Scheme to expose
the settings.
2. To change from the default setting of Automatic, use the following guidelines when selecting a


First order

Interpolates the face pressure using a first order

central differencing scheme and
momentum-weighting. In general it has first order
accuracy, particularly adjacent to boundaries.

Second order

Interpolates the face pressure using a second

order central differencing scheme. It is the default
because it provides good accuracy and
convergence behavior for a wide range of flow


An alternative second order scheme, which is often

useful when there are strong body forces present
such as high swirl or high-Rayleigh-number natural

Body force weighted

An alternative second order scheme useful for

flows with large body forces. Choosing a Pressure-Velocity Coupling Scheme

Physics > Solver Options > Numerical Controls > Solution Control > Coupling Control

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The choice for pressure velocity coupling controls how the pressure and velocity fields are advanced in
order to achieve a converged solution.
1. In the Numerical Controls panel, expand Solution Control > Coupling Control and select a
Pressure velocity coupling method.
2. The default setting of Coupled is usually the most robust and efficient algorithm for steady-state
flows. However, you can select one of the segregated schemes. The table below can help guide you
in making a choice:



Very robust and recommended for steady-state simulations.


Convergence rate can be sensitive to pressure and velocity

relaxation factors.


Allows a more aggressive relaxation factor to be used for

pressure. A Skewness correction of 1 is typically applied
to improve convergence on skewed meshes.


Allows a more aggressive relaxation factor to be used for

pressure. For transient flows, PISO can maintain a stable
calculation with a larger timestep and under-relaxations of
1 for both momentum and pressure. A Neighbor correction
of 1 is usual, and a Skewness correction of 1 is typically
applied to improve convergence on skewed meshes.

Controlling Advancement on page 191 describes additional controls that affect convergence behavior. Controlling Advancement
Physics > Solver Options > Numerical Controls > Solution Control > Advancement Control
You can fine-tune the solution advancement process by choosing the type and magnitude of
under-relaxation applied to the discretized equations.
1. In the Numerical Controls panel, under Solution Control > Coupling Control, if you are using
the default Coupled pressure-velocity coupling scheme, under Advancement Control you can
under-relax the flow equations either using the Pseudo transient method or a Courant number.
The pseudo transient method applies a form of under-relaxation which is similar to the transient term
discretization for a time-dependent calculation, using a global timescale for all cells. It therefore
approximates the physical transient behavior of the flow. The Courant number uses a local timescale,
which potentially differs in each cell.
By default, the choice of under-relaxation for energy and turbulence equations is the same as that for
flow. Other choices can be made for energy and turbulence by turning filtering off
. The available
choices are Pseudo transient, Courant number, and Relaxation factor. Courant number and
Relaxation factor are alternative methods of expressing implicit relaxation and are related by the
Relaxation factor=1/(1+1/Courant number)

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Pseudo transient

This method generally gives the best convergence behavior. The

solver requires a pseudo-transient timescale. A timescale on the
order of 1/10th of the residence time (time for fluid to pass
through the system) will usually provide a good balance between
speed and robustness. Increasing the timescale may accelerate
convergence and more rapidly reduce large global imbalances,
while a smaller timescales may stabilize localized numerical
instabilities. A very small timestep is not recommended as it will
effectively "freeze" the solution.
The timescale can be specified directly or estimated by the solver.
See the Pseudo-Transient Settings table below for more details
and guidance.

Courant number

In some situations this method may give better convergence than

the pseudo-transient approach, particularly if there is a wide
range of timescales active at the same time. On the other hand,
convergence with the Courant number approach may be adversely
affected if there are large aspect ratios in the mesh or significant
nonlinear source terms.

2. Use the table below for guidance on applying the pseudo transient options.
If using the pseudo-transient method, the solver requires a global time scale to apply the
under-relaxation. The global timescale can often be estimated by taking a relevant physical length
scale divided by a velocity scale.
Table Pseudo-Transient Settings


Automatic vs. User specified

Choose User specified if you know what relevant

global timescale can be applied. The Automatic
option will compute a global timescale by dividing
a characteristic length scale by a characteristic
velocity, derived from a combination of boundary
conditions and average velocity over the physics

Timestep scaling factor

The automatic pseudo timestep can sometimes

be conservative. It is often possible to accelerate
convergence by choosing a scaling factor larger
than 1, particularly if the convergence plots show
smooth behavior. Alternatively, if the convergence
plots show rapid oscillations, decreasing the
scaling factor may improve convergence.


Set this to 1 to display the pseudo timestep

calculated by the solver. You can only enter an
integer value of 0 or 1.

Length scale calculation method

The automatic pseudo timestep calculation

requires a length scale. The default Conservative
approach sets the length scale to the cube root
of the geometry volume. This works well for many

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situations, particularly internal flows. In some
cases (such as a 2D geometry modeled as a thin
3D geometry) this estimate can give slow
convergence, and the Aggressive approach
(which sets the length scale to the maximum
extent) may be better. Alternatively, if you know
a relevant length scale (e.g., chord length for an
external aerodynamic calculation), use the User
specified length scale calculation.

3. If you are using one of the segregated pressure-velocity coupling schemes (SIMPLE, SIMPLEC, or
PISO), the default value for the implicit relaxation factor is acceptable for most problems. If you
encounter convergence difficulties, you can try lowering either the Implicit relax factor under
Advancement Control > Flow Control, or the explicit relaxation factor for pressure. Setting Explicit Relaxation Factors
Physics > Solver Options > Numerical Controls > Solution Control > Explicit Relaxation
After the linear system of equations is solved, the solution fields are corrected. The corrections may be
under-relaxed using explicit relaxation. The default under-relaxations depend on the pressure velocity
coupling scheme and have been chosen to give robust and rapid convergence for a wide range of cases.
When using the coupled solver, altering these relaxation factors is generally not recommended; the
pseudo-timescale or Courant number should be changed instead, as described in Controlling Advancement
on page 191.
When using the segregated solver, if your solution is unstable or diverging, it may be helpful to reduce
the under-relaxation factors. In some situations it may also be helpful to reduce the under-relaxation
factor for temperature or density (e.g., flows with strong density variations). Applying High Order Term Relaxation
Physics > Solver Options > Numerical Controls > Solution Control > High Order Term Relaxation

This setting is available if you turn Filtering off.

High Order Term Relaxation is a form of relaxation which often improves robustness and convergence
rates when using second order spatial discretization schemes. The default under-relaxation of 0.25 is
generally appropriate for steady simulations.
Additionally, high order term relaxation can be controlled per equation. Using the Linear Solver
Physics > Solver Options > Numerical Controls > Solution Control > Linear Solver

This setting is available if you turn Filtering off.

The linear equation solver uses an algebraic multigrid (AMG) method to iteratively solve the linear
system of equations. To understand the idea behind AMG, we note that a simple iterative solver can
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effectively reduce high wavelength errors only. But the remaining low wavelength errors can be made
to appear as high wavelength errors by agglomerating the original equations to form a coarse level
equation set. Doing this to a hierarchy of coarse levels, together with a strategy to cycle between the
levels, ensures that all error modes are effectively reduced. The details of the multigrid solver are
controlled by a number of settings as described below, but there will usually be no need to modify



Controls the amount of information that is printed out by

the linear solver. For example, setting the verbosity to 1
prints the equation name, tolerance, and residuals, while
setting it to 2 will print even more information.

Cycle type

Controls how the solver cycles between the different multigrid

levels. The choices are Flexible Cycle, V-Cycle, W-Cycle, and

Termination Value

Multigrid cycles are performed until the linear solver residuals

are reduced by this factor.

Restriction Value

Residual reduction criterion controls when to visit a coarser

level when using the Flexible cycle.


Activates a Krylov linear solver preconditioned by AMG.

Available when the Cycle type is V, W, or F.

Fixed cycle smoother

Gauss seidel is a fast, simple smoother while ILU is more

powerful, especially for block-coupled systems.


Sets the relaxation factor for ILU smoothing sweeps.

Pre sweeps

Sets the number of sweeps to perform on a particular level

before moving to a coarser level when using V, W, or F

Post sweeps

Sets the number of sweeps to perform after coarser level

corrections have been applied to this finer level when using
V, W, or F cycles.


Sets the number of sweeps performed when using the

Flexible cycle.

Maximum coarse levels

The maximum number of coarse levels that will be built by

the multigrid solver. Setting this to 0 turns off the multigrid

Maximum cycles

Sets the maximum number of multigrid cycles to be

performed. The linear solver will continue to solve the set
of equations until either the maximum number of cycles has
been performed, or the Termination value is reached.

Coarsening rate

Target coarsening rate when forming each coarse level from

its finer level.

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Physics > Solver Options > Numerical Controls > Solution Control > Solution Limits

This setting is available if you turn Filtering off.

In some difficult situations, the solver may predict solution fields which are physically unrealistic, particularly
prior to convergence. If this occurs, you can apply limits to the solution fields. This should not be necessary
for most simulations.
1. In the Numerical Controls panel, expand Solution Control > Solution Limits to expose the
default settings.
2. Set the Minimum/Maximum temperature.
These are used if the analysis includes thermal effects.
3. Set the Minimum/Maximum absolute pressure, if the simulation involves compressible flow.
4. Set the Maximum turbulence viscosity ratio, Minimum turbulence kinetic energy, and
Minimum turbulence eddy frequency.
These are used for turbulent flow simulations. The turbulence viscosity is not permitted to exceed the
molecular viscosity multiplied by the Maximum turbulence viscosity ratio. Controlling Residuals
Physics > Solver Options > Solution Controls > Residual Control

This setting is available if you turn Filtering off.

Residuals are an indication of how well the solution satisfies the discrete governing equations. As the
solution converges to the correct discrete solution on the current mesh, the residuals will drop accordingly.
Residuals can be scaled and/or normalized. The default setting of local scaling and no normalization is
1. In the Solution Controls panel, under Residual Control, set Residual scaling to choose how the
residuals are nondimensionalized.


Local scaling

This is the recommended approach for judging

convergence. The residual in each cell is scaled
based on the local central coefficient and global
solution range, and the display value takes the
RMS average over the solution domain. It is also
possible to display and base convergence on the
maximum rather than RMS average. Typically the
maximum residual is one or two orders of
magnitude larger than the RMS average.

Global scaling

The residuals are scaled based on a global central

coefficient and solution scale. The continuity
residual is also normalized, leading to a residual
which depends on the initial guess.
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Allows you to monitor raw residuals rather than

scaled residuals, which may be useful for some

2. Select whether or not you want to apply residual Normalization.




Will not apply residual normalization and therefore

the residual drop will not start at a value of 1 at


Normalizes the residuals to have a value of 1 at

startup (based on the maximum residual during
the first N iterations, where N=5 by default). This
is a useful option if you would like to see your
residuals drop from a value of 1, but has the
disadvantage that the normalized residuals depend
on the initial guess, so the convergence criteria
may need to be adjusted accordingly.

3. Under Monitor frequency, if you chose to monitor the residuals, enter the Iteration frequency
at which you want the residual reporting to happen. Solving the Physics
Physics > Solver Options > Solution Controls > Calculation Control > Iteration Control
During the solution process you can monitor convergence by checking residuals. The default settings are
a good start and are generally acceptable in most cases.
In the Solution Controls panel
1. Under Calculation Control adjust the Solution advancement exponent towards conservative (a
negative value) or aggressive (a positive value) to control the rate at which the solver converges
toward the solution.
2. Under Iteration Control, enter the Maximum number of iterations you would like the solver to
run through. A default value is set as a starting point. If your solution does not converge, choose a
larger number of iterations or modify the convergence criteria.
You can also force the solver to perform a Minimum number of iterations.
Note: Should your solution require an increased number of iterations to run through in order to reach
convergence, the solver will start the solution from the beginning and will not pick up where your
previous solution stopped.
3. Under Convergence Criteria you can change the residual tolerance. You can also change it per
equation under
Equation class tolerance. Increasing the tolerance will lead to a smaller
number of iterations, but the solution may not be sufficiently converged. Decreasing the tolerance will

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require a larger number of iterations. Judging Convergence on page 199 provides tips and guidance
on how to obtain better solution convergence.
4. In the Physics panel, click Solve Physics to update the Physics Solution task and generate a solution.

Note: After you run your solution, you may notice that tetrahedral and prism cells in the mesh have
been converted to polyhedral cells, which leads to improved solver convergence. Monitoring Solution Quality
You can monitor convergence of your solution graphically, while it is progressing, using the Solution
Quality tab in the View panel. The automatically generated Solution Quality chart tracks the value of
residuals throughout the solution iterations. A list of the residuals can be viewed in the Monitors grid table
that is accessible under Output in the Physics data panel. The residuals that are available depend on the
physics options that you have chosen. You can view numerical details about your solution quality in the
Transcript tab. For information on evaluating and changing the convergence criteria, see Judging
Convergence on page 199.
1. Click on the Solution Quality tab to see a chart showing the residuals that are available for your analysis.

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2. Hover over a plot on the chart to see the value of the residual at a particular iteration.

3. Click on a residual name above the chart to hide or show it in the chart.

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You can hide all but one of the residuals. If you try to hide all, then all will be shown. If you double
click on a residual name, it will hide all but that one. Judging Convergence
The nonlinear equations governing fluid flow are solved using an iterative solution method. Convergence
refers to the point at which further iterations are no longer necessary. An important part of determining
whether your solution is appropriate is to judge whether the solution has converged to an acceptable level.
The primary tool for judging convergence is the solution quality monitor which is displayed in the Solution
Quality tab in the view panel. The monitor tracks the values of residuals during the solution iterations.
Residuals measure the amount by which a particular solution does not satisfy the discretized equations. If
all goes well, the residuals will drop toward zero as more iterations are performed. Iterations are terminated
when the residual convergence target has been reached for relevant equations or when the maximum number
of iterations have been performed. A solution that has converged is illustrated in the Figure below, in which
all relevant equations have dropped below the default residual target of 1.e-5 in 78 iterations.
Note: The turbulence equations (tke and tef) are excluded from the convergence check by default.

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Figure Solution Quality Monitor Displaying Residuals for a Converged Solution
You can also judge convergence using the Transcript tab, which shows the residual values in numerical
format. The transcript will indicate whether or not a solution is converged.

Figure Transcript Displaying Residuals for a Converged Solution

In some cases, convergence is not achieved within the specified number of iterations. If this occurs, follow
the recommendations in the following table based on the behavior you observe.

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Non-Converged Residual


Residuals are decreasing but do not

reach target

Start by increasing the maximum number of iterations under

Iteration Control in the Solution Controls panel. You can also
adjust the Solution advancement exponent towards conservative
(a negative value) or aggressive (a positive value) to control the rate
at which the solver converges toward the solution. Then, solve the
flow physics task again and the solution will be re-calculated with
the new settings. Repeat these steps until the solution has converged.

Residuals are stalled or oscillating

Residuals that are stalled or oscillating indicate that a solution cannot

be obtained with current settings in some areas. There may be
physical and/or numerical reasons for the lack of convergence. It is
not always easy to isolate the cause, but the nature of the
convergence plot may give some hints. For example, sawtooth
oscillations or stalled residuals such as in Figure 74: Residuals Stalled
or Oscillating Due to Insufficient Relaxation on page 203 tend to
indicate a convergence issue or transient behavior localized to a
small number of cells. Larger oscillations, such as those displayed in
Figure 75: Residuals Stalled or Oscillating Due to Physical
Unsteadiness on page 203, often indicate a larger-scale transient
effect, such as an unsteady recirculation zone.
If the lack of convergence is numerical in origin, adjust the Solution
advancement exponent in the Solution Controls panel towards
conservative (a negative value, such as -0.5 or -1.0). If the lack of
convergence is because the flow is physically unsteady, then it will
not be possible to achieve a converged steady state solution.
Additionally, it is helpful to evaluate the solution and mesh in the
area where the maximum residuals are located. The centroid location
of each maximum residual is printed to the transcript at the end of
the iterations. In the figure for Figure 77: Transcript Displaying
Maximum Residuals on page 204, the maximum residual of 1.6e-02
is for the equation pbns-cpld/velocity-0 at the location [-2.162e-02,
-1.828e-03, -1.029e-02]. Inspect the mesh and solution in the vicinity
of these points to check for potential issues. For example:
A steady solution may not be achievable. If a transient flow
phenomenon (such as vortex shedding past a circular cylinder or
unsteady separation) is modeled as a steady-state simulation, the
solution will not converge.
Incorrect physical models or boundary conditions.
Poor mesh quality, particularly high skewness, can make
convergence difficult or impossible.
Nonoptimal advancement settings or explicit relaxation factors.
The default values have been found to work well for a wide range
of problems, but in some cases they may need to be fine-tuned,
particularly if the physics model is numerically stiff (hard to solve).
Poor initial guess. The default Hybrid initialization scheme works
well in general, but in some special cases, User Specified
initialization may be required.

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Non-Converged Residual


Residuals are increasing or diverging Divergence is indicated by strongly oscillating or increasing residuals.
Residuals which suddenly drop toward zero in a single iteration can
also indicate divergence. This is because residuals are scaled by the
solution range, which grows rapidly during divergence. If this occurs,
adjust the Solution advancement exponent towards conservative
(a negative value, such as -0.5 or -1.0).
Additionally, it is helpful to evaluate the solution and mesh in the
area where the maximum residuals are located, as described above.

Figure Residuals Decreasing But Not Reaching Target

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Figure Residuals Stalled or Oscillating Due to Insufficient Relaxation

Figure Residuals Stalled or Oscillating Due to Physical Unsteadiness

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Figure Residuals Increasing or Diverging

Figure Transcript Displaying Maximum Residuals

4.7.2. Static Structural Solver Options

Physics > Solver Options
When you create your physics solution using a template, a number of solver options are set up using standard
defaults. You can modify the default values for a given physics solution on the Solver Settings, Launch
Controls, Output Controls, and Solution Progression panels.

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Setting General Solver Options
On the Solver Settings panel, the settings available define the solver, such as the solver unit system and
solver type. For a nonlinear simulation, you can set the global nonlinear options for all solution steps.
Specifying Launch Controls
On the Launch Controls panel, you can control how the solver is launched and how the solver data is
managed. Properties include solver file locations, file names, and distributed solve controls.
Defining Output Specifications
In the Output Controls panel, you can control how the solution data is written to the output file by defining
one or more output specifications, which set the solution location, output type, and frequency. These output
specifications are processed sequentially based on the order they are listed in the Output Controls panel.
By default, three output specifications are created for a static structural physics solution:
Nodal DOF Solution
Nodal Reaction Loads
Element Nodal Stresses
If you want to add Strain or other output types to the result file, you can create additional Output Controls
objects for the same location.
Setting Nonlinear Options
You can apply global nonlinear controls for all solution steps, such as the Newton-Raphson setting, on the
Solver Settings panel. On the Solution Progression panel, you can apply nonlinear settings that are
applied per solution step. Configuring the Solver for Static Structural
Physics > Solver Options > Solver Settings
Default solver settings are generated when you set up your physics regions, however you may want to
modify some of the settings.
To change the default solver settings:
1. For Equation solver type, select the solver type.
The default is Program controlled, which lets the program choose the type of solver appropriate
for your model. However, you can explicitly select one of the following:
Direct: More effective with thin flexible models.
Iterative: Best for bulky models.
2. For Newton Raphson method, select the method you want to use.
Full: The solver uses the full Newton-Raphson procedure, in which the stiffness matrix is updated
at every equilibrium iteration.
Modified: The solver uses the modified Newton-Raphson technique, in which the tangent stiffness
matrix is updated at each substep. The matrix is not changed during equilibrium iterations at a
substep. This option is not applicable to large-deformation analyses. Adaptive descent is not available.
Initial stiffness: The solver uses the initial stiffness matrix in every equilibrium iteration. This
option can be less likely to diverge than the full option, but it often requires more iterations to achieve
convergence. It is not applicable to large-deformation analyses. Adaptive descent is not available.
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Unsymmetrical: The program uses the full Newton-Raphson procedure, in which the stiffness
matrix is updated at every equilibrium iteration. In addition, it generates and uses unsymmetric
matrices that you can use for any of the following:
If you are defining an unsymmetric material model, you would need this method to fully use the
property you defined.
If you are running a contact physics solution, an unsymmetric contact stiffness matrix would fully
couple the sliding and the normal stiffnesses. You should first try the Full method, then try this
method only if you experience convergence difficulties. (Using an unsymmetric solver requires
more computational time to obtain a solution than if using a symmetric solver.)
For more information, see and in the .
3. Additionally, you can modify the following settings:
If you want to... then set...

More information:

Select a unit
system for the

The selection of a consistent unit system guarantees that all

quantities, inputs and outputs to the solver can be interpreted
correctly in terms of the units in the system.

Solver unit

You can leave the default setting, Active Unit System, or choose
one of the standard unit systems defined in the Unit Systems
window. When you leave the default, Active Unit System, the
active unit system chosen in the Unit Systems window is used.
Select File icon > Units to confirm that the units displayed are
what you expect.
If you do not specify a unit system, in either the Unit Systems
window or here in the solver settings, ANSYS AIM selects one of
six possible standard unit systems and converts all quantities into
that system. The standard unit systems include Metric and the
Consistent systems (CGC, NMM, uMKS, BIN, BFT); see the Unit
Systems window for a listing.
Use large


Select if you want Inertia relief

the solver to
accelerations to
counterbalance the
applied loads.

This option determines whether the solver should take into

account large deformation effects such as large deflection, large
rotation, and large strain. With the default setting, ANSYS AIM
sets large deflection on when it finds nonlinearities (such as
nonlinear contacts) in the solution but otherwise leaves it off.
You can set it to On if you expect large deflections (as in the
case of a long, slender bar under bending) or large strains (as in
a metal-forming problem). When using hyperelastic material
models, you must set it to On.
Select whether you want inertia relief on or off. When inertia
relief is on, the solver calculates accelerations to counterbalance
the applied loads. Displacement constraints on the structure
should only be those necessary to prevent rigid-body motions
(six for a 3-D structure). The sum of the reaction forces at the
constraint points will be zero. Accelerations are calculated from
the element mass matrices and the applied forces. Data needed
to calculate the mass (such as density) must be input. Both
translational and rotational accelerations may be calculated. This
option applies only to the linear static structural analyses.

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If you want to... then set...

More information:
Nonlinearities, elements that operate in the nodal coordinate
system, and axisymmetric or generalized plane strain elements
are not allowed. Models with both 2-D and 3-D element types or
with symmetry boundary constraints are not recommended. Loads
may be input as usual. Displacements and stresses are calculated
as usual. Symmetry models are not valid for inertia relief. Setting Solver Launch Options for Static Structural

Physics > Solver Options > Launch Controls
Launch controls allow you to control the computational resources used by a simulation. The launch controls
for the solver are populated with default settings, file names, and values. Review these settings and
ensure that the default entries are acceptable for your model.
To change the default launch control settings:
1. For Number of processors, enter the desired number of processors.
2. Additionally, you can modify the following settings:
If you want to...

then set...

More information:

Run the solver live or in batch


Solver mode

With Live, the solver runs in RPC

mode. It is run as a server and
clients may communicate to the
solver while it is running. The
solver can also run in Batch
mode, which is typical of running
from a command line, where the
input file goes in, and the output
file goes out.

Use a distributed solver.

Distributed solve

Remove stale files from a

Delete work files before
previous solve at the next solve. solve
Modify a default file name.

The file name for any of the


Enter the name of file you want

to use instead of the default.

Input data file

Mesh data file
Component data file
Connection elements data
Load elements data file
Output data file
Change the name of the job.

Job name

Output the contact pair

information to a file other than
the default output file.

Output contact pairs to


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Physics > Solver Options > Output Controls
The output specification set in the Output Controls panel determines how the solution data is written
to the output file. By default, three output specifications are created in the Output Controls object for
Static Structural physics solution. The three default output types are set to:
Output Type

Which Stores

Nodal DOF Solution


Nodal Reaction Loads

Force Reaction

Element Nodal Stresses


The Frequency is set by default to All Time Points. However, if you want to add other output types
to the result file, you can modify these output specification or create additional Output Controls for the
same location.
1. Define the location within the model for which you want the solution information written in the output
The default is Everywhere(). You can also specify the AllBodies() expression for all the bodies
defined in the Physics Region, or select one or more bodies from the model.
2. For Output type, select a solution type.
The options available are based on the physics and calculation types.
3. For Frequency, select how often the solver should write the solutions results to the output file.
Available options are:
All Time Points: Writes the solution information for every sub step. This is the default option.
Last Time Point: Writes the solution information only for the last sub step.
Equally Spaced Time Points: Writes the solution information for up to a specified number of
equally spaced solutions. This option only applies to Static or Transient analyses when the Automatic
Time Stepping is enabled. For this option, specify a nonzero positive number for the equally spaced
time points.
Specified Recurrence Rate: Writes the solution information at every specified interval and at the
last sub step of each load step. For this option, specify a nonzero positive number for the recurrence
Never: Suppresses writing of the specified solution type for all sub steps.
4. Repeat the previous steps for additional output specifications. Solution Progression for Nonlinear Controls in a Static Structural Simulation
When solving nonlinear simulations, ANSYS AIM carries out an iterative procedure (equilibrium iterations)
at each substep, successfully solving the simulation only when the out-of-balance loads are less than the
specified convergence criteria. On the Solution Progression panel, you can define the number of substeps
in a solution step. You can then define the convergence controls and other solution progression properties.
For Substepping, you can define a range or a fixed number, or you can leave it up to the solver.
ANSYS AIM displays the convergence criteria appropriate for each physics type. For a static structural physics
solution, the convergence criteria consist of Force convergence, Moment convergence, Displacement
convergence, and Rotation convergence. You can set the convergence controls for each of these criteria.

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Under Additional Convergence Controls, you can also specify the number of equilibrium iterations at
each substep, activate a predictor on the degree-of-freedom solution for the first equilibrium iteration of
each substep, and control the line search program.
For Stabilization, you can specify the key for controlling nonlinear stabilization. Convergence difficulty due
to an unstable problem is usually the result of a large displacement for small load increments. Nonlinear
stabilization technique can help achieve convergence. Nonlinear stabilization can be thought of as adding
artificial dampers to all of the nodes in the system. Any degree of freedom that tends to be unstable has a
large displacement causing a large damping/stabilization force. This force reduces displacements at the
degree of freedom so stabilization can be achieved. Specifying Solution Progression for Static Structural
Physics > Solver Options > Solution Progression
To set the controls for complete criteria:
1. From Substepping, set time stepping to a range or a fixed number, or leave it to be controlled by
the solver.
If substepping is controlled by the solver, a check is performed on non-convergent patterns, and the
physics of the simulation is also taken into account. In case of specified range, the solver marches
through the solution based on the initial, minimum, and maximum number of substeps.
If you choose Specified range, specify the initial, minimum, and maximum number of substeps.
If you choose Fixed number, specify the substep count.
2. For each convergence type under Convergence Controls, specify how you want convergence
The recommended setting, Program controlled, automatically calculates the value based on
external forces, including reactions.
If set to On, you can input convergence values in the fields that appear.
If set to Off, convergence is not checked.
3. If a convergence type is set to On, do the following:
a) For Tolerance (%), specify the tolerance value as a percentage.
Tolerance times Value determines the convergence criterion.
b) For Reference value specification, select if you want the solver to use a Reference value
when establishing convergence, or have the solver control the convergence based on a Minimum
reference value.
The Minimum reference value option is useful for analyses where the external forces tend to
zero. This can happen, for example, with free thermal expansion where rigid body motion is
4. Specify any additional desired criteria.
If you want to...

then set...

More information:

Activate a predictor in a
Predictor-corrector You can set this to:
nonlinear analysis on the
Program controlled
degree-of-freedom solution for
the first equilibrium iteration of
On after the first substep
each substep
On for all substeps

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Physics Solution
If you want to...

then set...

More information:

Specify the number of

equilibrium iterations at each


You can specify whether the number of

equilibrium iterations carried out at each
substep is:
Automatically set by the solver
Set to a value of 1
Set to a number to be specified by you in
the Number equilibrium iterations field

Control the line search program. Line search

Line search can be useful for enhancing

convergence, but it can be expensive
(especially with plasticity). For more
information, see Specifying Line Search for
Static Structural on page 210.

Control nonlinear stabilization.

Nonlinear stabilization technique can help

achieve convergence. For more information,
see Activating Stabilization for Static
Structural on page 210.

Stabilization >
Stabilization key Specifying Line Search for Static Structural

Physics > Solver Options > Solution Progression
Line search can be useful for enhancing convergence, but it can be expensive (especially with plasticity).
You might consider setting line search on for the following cases:
When your structure is force-loaded (as opposed to displacement-controlled).
If you are analyzing a "flimsy" structure which exhibits increasing stiffness (such as a fishing pole).
If you notice (from the program output messages) oscillatory convergence patterns.
You can set Line Search to:
Program controlled
Off Activating Stabilization for Static Structural

Physics > Solver Options > Solution Progression > Stabilization
For Stabilization, you can specify the key for controlling nonlinear stabilization. Convergence difficulty
due to an unstable problem is usually the result of a large displacement for small load increments. Nonlinear
stabilization technique can help achieve convergence. Nonlinear stabilization can be thought of as adding
artificial dampers to all of the nodes in the system. Any degree of freedom that tends to be unstable has
a large displacement causing a large damping/stabilization force. This force reduces displacements at the
degree of freedom so stabilization can be achieved.
By default, stabilization is deactivated. To activate stabilization and set stabilization options:
1. Under Stabilization, select the Stabilization key.

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Physics Solution


Constant energy

Activate stabilization and use the energy dissipation ratio as the control.

Reduced energy

Activate stabilization and reduce the energy dissipation ratio linearly from the
specified or calculated value to zero at the end of the load step.

Then specify in the Energy dissipation ratio field the ratio of work done
by stabilization forces to element potential energy. This value is usually a
number between 0 and 1. The default value is 1.0e-4.

Then specify in the Energy dissipation ratio field the ratio of work done
by stabilization forces to element potential energy. This value is usually a
number between 0 and 1. The default value is 1.0e-4.
Constant damping Activate stabilization and use the damping factor as the control.
Then specify in the Damping factor field the value that the solver uses to
calculate stabilization forces for all subsequent substeps. This value is usually
a value greater than 0.
The Damping factor value is dependent on the active unit system and may
influence the results if unit systems are changed.
Reduced damping

Activate stabilization and reduce the damping factor linearly from the specified
or calculated value to zero at the end of the load step.
Then specify in the Damping factor field the value that the solver uses to
calculate stabilization forces for all subsequent substeps. This value is usually
a value greater than 0.
The Damping factor value is dependent on the active unit system and may
influence the results if unit systems are changed.

2. For Substep option, select an option for when stabilization is activated.

No - Stabilization is not activated for the first substep even when it does not converge after the
minimal allowed time increment is reached (default setting).
Yes - Stabilization is activated for the first substep. Use this option if stabilization was active for the
previous load step.
If not converged - Stabilization is activated for the first substep if it still does not converge after
the minimal allowed time increment is reached. Use this option for the first load step only.
3. For Force limit, specify the stabilization force check as a number between 0 and 1. The default value
is 0.2. To omit a stabilization force check, set this value to 0.

4.7.3. Modal Structural Solver Options

Physics > Solver Options
When you create your physics solution using a template, a number of solver options are set up using standard
defaults. You can modify the default values for a given physics solution on the Solver Settings, Launch
Controls, and Output Controls panels.
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Physics Solution
Solver Settings
On the Solver Settings panel, the settings available define the solver and the options available to allow
you to run a physics solution. You also define the number of modes to extract. The default is to extract the
first six natural modes. Launch controls control how the solver is launched and how the solver data is
managed. Properties include solver file locations, file names, and distributed solve controls.
Specifying Launch Controls
On the Launch Controls panel, you can control how the solver is launched and how the solver data is
managed. Properties include solver file locations, file names, and distributed solve controls.
Output Controls
In the Output Controls panel, you can control how the solution data is written to the output file by defining
one or more output specifications, which set the solution location, output type, and frequency. These output
specifications are processed sequentially based on the order they are listed in the Output Controls panel.
By default, one output specification is created for a modal structural physics solution, with the output type
set to Nodal DOF Solution, which only stores mode shape in the result file. However, if you want to add
other output types such as Stress or Strain to the result file, you can modify these output specification or
create additional Output Controls for the same location.
In a modal structural physics solution, the solution consists of a deformed shape scaled by an arbitrary factor.
The actual magnitudes of the deformations and any derived quantities, such as strains and stresses, are
therefore meaningless. Only the relative values of such quantities throughout the model should be considered
meaningful. The arbitrary scaling factor is numerically sensitive to slight perturbations in the analysis; choosing
a different unit system, for example, can cause a significantly different scaling factor to be calculated. Configuring the Solver for Modal Structural
Physics > Solver Options > Solver Settings
Default solver settings are generated when you set up your physics regions. You can modify these values
on the Solver Settings panel. These options are set for a given calculation run of a solver and not tied
to a topology.
To change the default solver settings:
1. Select the Show all properties toolbar button.
2. Under General solution controls, for Solver unit system, select a unit system for the solver. You
can leave the default setting, Active Unit System, or choose one of the standard unit systems defined
in the Unit Systems window.
When you leave the default, Active Unit System, the active unit system chosen in the Unit Systems
window is used. If you have not specifically chosen a unit system in the Unit Systems window, ANSYS
AIM selects one of six possible standard unit systems and converts all quantities into that system. The
selection of a consistent unit system guarantees that all quantities, inputs and outputs to the solver
can be interpreted correctly in terms of the units in the system. The standard unit systems include
Metric and the Consistent systems (CGC, NMM, uMKS, BIN, BFT); see the Unit Systems window for
a listing.
3. For Equation solver type, select the solver type. The default is Program Controlled, which lets
the program choose the type of solver appropriate for your model. However, you can explicitly select
one of the following:
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Direct: More effective with thin flexible models.

Iterative: Best for bulky models.
Supernode: Recommended for extracting a large number of modes.
Subspace: Reasonably accurate but relatively faster than the Direct solver. In addition, the Subspace
solver allows you to take advantage of a distributed architecture to perform faster computations.

For more information, see Choosing a Modal Solver Type on page 213.
4. For Max modes to find, specify the number of natural frequencies to solve for in a modal physics
solution. The default is to extract the first six natural frequencies.
The number of modes can be specified in two ways:
First N modes(N > 0)
First N modes in a selected range of frequencies
5. For Limit search to range, select whether you want to specify a frequency range within which to
find the natural frequencies. By default, this option is set to Yes for the Supernode equation solver
and No for other solvers.
If this option is set to Yes, enter minimum and maximum frequency range values in the Range
minimum and Range maximum fields. Within that range, the solver will strive to extract as many
frequencies as possible subject to a maximum specified in the Max modes to find field.
If this option is set to No, the solver will find all of the possible modes without any restrictions on the
frequency range. Choosing a Modal Solver Type
By default, ANSYS AIM selects the optimal solver for your modal physics solution. However, you can also
explicitly select the Direct, Iterative, Subspace, or Supernode solver type.
All four solver types Direct, Iterative, Subspace, and Supernode are used to solve a modal system that
does not include any damping effects.
These solver types are intended to solve Eigen solutions with symmetric mass and stiffness. For a large
model, the Iterative solver is preferred over the Direct solver for its efficiency in terms of solution time and
memory usage.
The Supernode solver is recommended for extracting a large number of modes. Selecting Supernode as
the Equation Solver type automatically sets the Limit search to range property to Yes. This selection
also displays the Range minimum and Range maximum properties and requires a range maximum
frequency entry. Alternatively, you may reset the Limit search to range property to No to find all of the
possible modes without any restrictions on the frequency range.
The Subspace solver is relatively faster than Direct solver and also has reasonable accuracy. Setting Solver Launch Options for Modal Structural
Physics > Solver Options > Launch Controls
Launch controls allow you to control the computational resources used by a simulation. The launch controls
for the solver are populated with default settings, file names, and values. Review these settings and
ensure that the default entries are acceptable for your model.
To change the default launch control settings:
1. For Number of processors, enter the desired number of processors.
2. Additionally, you can modify the following settings:
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Published: 2015-07-17T08:14:20.17-04:00


Physics Solution
If you want to...

then set...

More information:

Run the solver live or in batch


Solver mode

With Live, the solver runs in RPC

mode. It is run as a server and
clients may communicate to the
solver while it is running. The
solver can also run in Batch
mode, which is typical of running
from a command line, where the
input file goes in, and the output
file goes out.

Use a distributed solver.

Distributed solve

Remove stale files from a

Delete work files before
previous solve at the next solve. solve
Modify a default file name.

The file name for any of the


Enter the name of file you want

to use instead of the default.

Input data file

Mesh data file
Component data file
Connection elements data
Load elements data file
Output data file
Change the name of the job.

Job name

Output the contact pair

information to a file other than
the default output file.

Output contact pairs to

Jobname.cnm Controlling Output Data for Modal Structural

Physics > Solver Options > Output Controls
The output specification set in the Output Controls panel determines how the solution data is written
to the output file. By default, one output specification is created for a modal physics solution, with the
output type set to Nodal DOF Solution, which stores the mode shape, and the frequency set to All Time
Points. However, you can modify this output specification or create additional Output Controls objects
for the same location if you want to add other output types to the result file.
To set up an output specification:
1. Define the location within the model for which you want the solution information written in the output
The default is Everywhere(). You can also specify the AllBodies() expression for all the bodies
defined in the Physics Region, or select one or more bodies from the model.
2. For Output type, select a solution type.
The options available are based on the physics and calculation types.

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Physics Solution
3. For Frequency, select how often the solver should write the solutions results to the output file.
Available options are:
All Time Points: Writes the solution information for every sub step. This is the default option.
Never: Suppresses writing of the specified solution type for all sub steps. Eigenvalues for a Modal Solution
Once you have solved your physics, the eigenvalues for your solution are listed under Output > Eigenvalues
in the Physics Solution panel. You can parameterize results based on the eigenvalues selected for a given
In a Modal physics solution, the solution consists of a deformed shape scaled by an arbitrary factor. The
actual magnitudes of the deformations and any derived quantities, such as strains and stresses, are therefore
meaningless. Only the relative values of such quantities throughout the model should be considered
meaningful. The arbitrary scaling factor is numerically sensitive to slight perturbations in the analysis; choosing
a different unit system, for example, can cause a significantly different scaling factor to be calculated.

4.7.4. Steady-State Thermal Solver Settings

Physics > Solver Options
When you create your physics solution using a template, a number of solver options are set up using standard
defaults. You can modify the default values for a given physics solution on the Solver Settings, Launch
Controls, Output Controls, and Solution Progression panels.
Setting General Solver Options
On the Solver Settings panel, the settings available define the solver, such as the solver unit system and
solver type. For a nonlinear simulation, you can set the global nonlinear options for all solution steps.
Specifying Launch Controls
On the Launch Controls panel, you can control how the solver is launched and how the solver data is
managed. Properties include solver file locations, file names, and distributed solve controls.
Output Controls
In the Output Controls panel, you can control how the solution data is written to the output file by defining
one or more output specifications, which set the solution location, output type, and frequency. These output
specifications are processed sequentially based on the order they are listed in the Output Controls panel.
By default, two output specifications are created in the Output Controls, with the output types set to Nodal
DOF Solution and Nodal Reaction Loads, which respectively store Temperature and Heat Reactions in the
result file. If you want to add other output types to the result file, you can modify these output specification
or create additional Output Controls for the same location.
Setting Nonlinear Options
You can apply global nonlinear controls for all solution steps, such as the Newton-Raphson setting, on the
Solver Settings panel. On the Solution Progression panel, you can apply nonlinear settings that are
applied per solution step. Configuring the Solver for Steady-State Thermal
Physics > Solver Options > Solver Settings
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Physics Solution
Default solver settings are generated when you set up your physics regions, however you may want to
modify some of the settings.
To change the default solver settings:
1. For Equation solver type, select the solver type.
The default is Program controlled, which lets the program choose the type of solver appropriate
for your model. However, you can explicitly select one of the following:
Direct: More effective with thin flexible models.
Iterative: Best for bulky models.
2. For Newton Raphson method, select the method you want to use.
Full: The solver uses the full Newton-Raphson procedure, in which the stiffness matrix is updated
at every equilibrium iteration.
Modified: The solver uses the modified Newton-Raphson technique, in which the tangent stiffness
matrix is updated at each substep. The matrix is not changed during equilibrium iterations at a
substep. This option is not applicable to large-deformation analyses. Adaptive descent is not available.
Initial stiffness: The solver uses the initial stiffness matrix in every equilibrium iteration. This
option can be less likely to diverge than the full option, but it often requires more iterations to achieve
convergence. It is not applicable to large-deformation analyses. Adaptive descent is not available.
Unsymmetrical: The program uses the full Newton-Raphson procedure, in which the stiffness
matrix is updated at every equilibrium iteration. In addition, it generates and uses unsymmetric
matrices that you can use for any of the following:
If you are defining an unsymmetric material model, you would need this method to fully use the
property you defined.
If you are running a contact physics solution, an unsymmetric contact stiffness matrix would fully
couple the sliding and the normal stiffnesses. You should first try the Full method, then try this
method only if you experience convergence difficulties. (Using an unsymmetric solver requires
more computational time to obtain a solution than if using a symmetric solver.)
For more information, see and in the .
3. Additionally, you can select a unit system for the solver from Solver unit system.
The selection of a consistent unit system guarantees that all quantities, inputs and outputs to the
solver can be interpreted correctly in terms of the units in the system.
You can leave the default setting, Active Unit System, or choose one of the standard unit systems
defined in the Unit Systems window. When you leave the default, Active Unit System, the active
unit system chosen in the Unit Systems window is used. Select File icon > Units to confirm that
the units displayed are what you expect.
If you do not specify a unit system, in either the Unit Systems window or here in the solver settings,
ANSYS AIM selects one of six possible standard unit systems and converts all quantities into that
system. The standard unit systems include Metric and the Consistent systems (CGC, NMM, uMKS, BIN,
BFT); see the Unit Systems window for a listing. Setting Solver Launch Options for Steady-State Thermal
Physics > Solver Options > Launch Controls

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Physics Solution
Launch controls allow you to control the computational resources used by a simulation. The launch controls
for the solver are populated with default settings, file names, and values. Review these settings and
ensure that the default entries are acceptable for your model.
To change the default launch control settings:
1. For Number of processors, enter the desired number of processors.
2. Additionally, you can modify the following settings:
If you want to...

then set...

More information:

Run the solver live or in batch


Solver mode

With Live, the solver runs in RPC

mode. It is run as a server and
clients may communicate to the
solver while it is running. The
solver can also run in Batch
mode, which is typical of running
from a command line, where the
input file goes in, and the output
file goes out.

Use a distributed solver.

Distributed solve

Remove stale files from a

Delete work files before
previous solve at the next solve. solve
Modify a default file name.

The file name for any of the


Enter the name of file you want

to use instead of the default.

Input data file

Mesh data file
Component data file
Connection elements data
Load elements data file
Output data file
Change the name of the job.

Job name

Output the contact pair

information to a file other than
the default output file.

Output contact pairs to

Jobname.cnm Controlling Output Data for Steady-State Thermal

Physics > Solver Options > Output Controls
The output specification set in the Output Controls panel determines how the solution data written is
to the output file. By default, two output specifications are created in the Output Controls object. The
output types for these two output specifications are set to:
Output Type

Which Stores

Nodal DOF Solution


Nodal Reaction Loads

Heat Reactions

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Physics Solution
If you want to add other output types to the result file, you can modify these output specification or
create additional Output Controls for the same location.
To set up an output specification:
1. Define the location within the model for which you want the solution information written in the output
The default is Everywhere(). You can also specify the AllBodies() expression for all the bodies
defined in the Physics Region, or select one or more bodies from the model.
2. For Output type, select a solution type.
The options available are based on the physics and calculation types.
3. For Frequency, select how often the solver should write the solutions results to the output file.
Available options are:
All Time Points: Writes the solution information for every sub step. This is the default option.
Last Time Points: Writes the solution information only for the last sub step.
Equally Spaced Time Points: Writes the solution information for up to a specified number of
equally spaced solutions. This option only applies to Static or Transient analyses when the Automatic
Time Stepping is enabled. For this option, specify a nonzero positive number for the equally spaced
time points.
Specified Recurrence Rate: Writes the solution information at every specified interval and at the
last sub step of each load step. For this option, specify a nonzero positive number for the recurrence
Never: Suppresses writing of the specified solution type for all sub steps. Solution Progression for Nonlinear Controls in a Steady-State Thermal Simulation
When solving nonlinear simulations, ANSYS AIM carries out an iterative procedure (equilibrium iterations)
at each substep, successfully solving the simulation only when the out-of-balance loads are less than the
specified convergence criteria. On the Solution Progression panel, you can define the number of substeps
in a solution step. You can then define the convergence controls and other solution progression properties.
For Substepping, you can define a range or a fixed number, or you can leave it up to the solver.
ANSYS AIM displays the convergence criteria appropriate for each physics type. For a steady-state thermal
physics solution, the convergence criteria consist of Temperature and Heat convergence. You can set the
convergence controls for each of these criteria.
Under Additional Convergence Controls, you can also specify the number of equilibrium iterations at
each substep, activate a predictor on the degree-of-freedom solution for the first equilibrium iteration of
each substep, and control the line search program.
For Stabilization, you can specify the key for controlling nonlinear stabilization. Convergence difficulty due
to an unstable problem is usually the result of a large displacement for small load increments. Nonlinear
stabilization technique can help achieve convergence. Nonlinear stabilization can be thought of as adding
artificial dampers to all of the nodes in the system. Any degree of freedom that tends to be unstable has a
large displacement causing a large damping/stabilization force. This force reduces displacements at the
degree of freedom so stabilization can be achieved. Specifying Solution Progression for Steady-State Thermal
Physics > Solver Options > Solution Progression
To set the controls for complete criteria:
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Physics Solution
1. From Substepping, set time stepping to a range or a fixed number, or leave it to be controlled by
the solver.
If substepping is controlled by the solver, a check is performed on non-convergent patterns, and the
physics of the simulation is also taken into account. In case of specified range, the solver marches
through the solution based on the initial, minimum, and maximum number of substeps.
If you choose Specified range, specify the initial, minimum, and maximum number of substeps.
If you choose Fixed number, specify the substep count.
2. For each convergence type under Convergence Controls, specify how you want convergence
The recommended setting, Program controlled, automatically calculates the value based on
external forces, including reactions.
If set to On, you can input convergence values in the fields that appear.
If set to Off, convergence is not checked.
3. If a convergence type is set to On, do the following:
a) For Tolerance (%), specify the tolerance value as a percentage.
Tolerance times Value determines the convergence criterion.
b) For Reference value specification, select if you want the solver to use a Reference value
when establishing convergence, or have the solver control the convergence based on a Minimum
reference value.
The Minimum reference value option is useful for analyses where the external forces tend to
zero. This can happen, for example, with free thermal expansion where rigid body motion is
4. Specify any additional desired criteria.
If you want to...

then set...

More information:

Activate a predictor in a
Predictor-corrector You can set this to:
nonlinear analysis on the
Program controlled
degree-of-freedom solution for
the first equilibrium iteration of
On after the first substep
each substep
On for all substeps
Specify the number of
equilibrium iterations at each


You can specify whether the number of

equilibrium iterations carried out at each
substep is:
Automatically set by the solver
Set to a value of 1
Set to a number to be specified by you in
the Number equilibrium iterations field

Control the line search program. Line search

Line search can be useful for enhancing

convergence, but it can be expensive
(especially with plasticity). For more
information, see Specifying Line Search for
Steady-State Thermal on page 221.

Control nonlinear stabilization.

Nonlinear stabilization technique can help

achieve convergence. For more information,
see Specifying Nonlinear Stabilization

Stabilization >
Stabilization key

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Physics Solution
If you want to...

then set...

More information:
Controls for Steady-State Thermal on page
220. Specifying Nonlinear Stabilization Controls for Steady-State Thermal

Physics > Solver Options > Solution Progression > Stabilization
For Stabilization, you can specify the key for controlling nonlinear stabilization. Convergence difficulty
due to an unstable problem is usually the result of a large displacement for small load increments. Nonlinear
stabilization technique can help achieve convergence. Nonlinear stabilization can be thought of as adding
artificial dampers to all of the nodes in the system. Any degree of freedom that tends to be unstable has
a large displacement causing a large damping/stabilization force. This force reduces displacements at the
degree of freedom so stabilization can be achieved.
By default, stabilization is deactivated. To activate stabilization and set stabilization options:
1. Under Stabilization, select the Stabilization key.
Constant energy

Activate stabilization and use the energy dissipation ratio as the control.

Reduced energy

Activate stabilization and reduce the energy dissipation ratio linearly from the
specified or calculated value to zero at the end of the load step.

Then specify in the Energy dissipation ratio field the ratio of work done
by stabilization forces to element potential energy. This value is usually a
number between 0 and 1. The default value is 1.0e-4.

Then specify in the Energy dissipation ratio field the ratio of work done
by stabilization forces to element potential energy. This value is usually a
number between 0 and 1. The default value is 1.0e-4.
Constant damping Activate stabilization and use the damping factor as the control.
Then specify in the Damping factor field the value that the solver uses to
calculate stabilization forces for all subsequent substeps. This value is usually
a value greater than 0.
The Damping factor value is dependent on the active unit system and may
influence the results if unit systems are changed.
Reduced damping

Activate stabilization and reduce the damping factor linearly from the specified
or calculated value to zero at the end of the load step.
Then specify in the Damping factor field the value that the solver uses to
calculate stabilization forces for all subsequent substeps. This value is usually
a value greater than 0.
The Damping factor value is dependent on the active unit system and may
influence the results if unit systems are changed.

2. For Substep option, select an option for when stabilization is activated.

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Physics Solution
No - Stabilization is not activated for the first substep even when it does not converge after the
minimal allowed time increment is reached (default setting).
Yes - Stabilization is activated for the first substep. Use this option if stabilization was active for the
previous load step.
If not converged - Stabilization is activated for the first substep if it still does not converge after
the minimal allowed time increment is reached. Use this option for the first load step only.
3. For Force limit, specify the stabilization force check as a number between 0 and 1. The default value
is 0.2. To omit a stabilization force check, set this value to 0. Specifying Line Search for Steady-State Thermal

Physics > Solver Options > Solution Progression
Line search can be useful for enhancing convergence, but it can be expensive (especially with plasticity).
You might consider setting line search on for the following cases:
When your structure is force-loaded (as opposed to displacement-controlled).
If you are analyzing a "flimsy" structure which exhibits increasing stiffness (such as a fishing pole).
If you notice (from the program output messages) oscillatory convergence patterns.
You can set Line Search to:
Program controlled

4.7.5. Steady-State Electric Conduction Solver Options

Physics > Solver Options
When you create your physics solution using a template, a number of solver options are set up using standard
defaults. You can modify the default values for a given physics solution on the Solver Settings, Launch
Controls, Output Controls, and Solution Progression panels.
Setting General Solver Options
On the Solver Settings panel, the settings available define the solver, such as the solver unit system and
solver type. For a nonlinear simulation, you can set the global nonlinear options for all solution steps.
Specifying Launch Controls
On the Launch Controls panel, you can control how the solver is launched and how the solver data is
managed. Properties include solver file locations, file names, and distributed solve controls.
Output Controls
In the Output Controls panel, you can control how the solution data is written to the output file by defining
one or more output specifications, which set the solution location, output type, and frequency. These output
specifications are processed sequentially based on the order they are listed in the Output Controls panel.
By default, three output specifications are created for an electric conduction physics solution:
Nodal DOF Solution (which stores Voltage)
Nodal Reaction Loads (which stores Current Reaction)
Nodal Element Solution (which stores Current Density, Electric Field, and Joule Heat Generation)
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Physics Solution
If you want to add other output types to the result file, you can modify these output specification or create
additional Output Controls for the same location.
Setting Nonlinear Options
You can apply global nonlinear controls for all solution steps, such as the Newton-Raphson setting, on the
Solver Settings panel. On the Solution Progression panel, you can apply nonlinear settings that are
applied per solution step. Configuring the Solver for Steady-State Electric Conduction
Physics > Solver Options > Solver Settings
Default solver settings are generated when you set up your physics regions, however you may want to
modify some of the settings.
To change the default solver settings:
1. For Equation solver type, select the solver type.
The default is Program controlled, which lets the program choose the type of solver appropriate
for your model. However, you can explicitly select one of the following:
Direct: More effective with thin flexible models.
Iterative: Best for bulky models.
2. For Newton Raphson method, select the method you want to use.
Full: The solver uses the full Newton-Raphson procedure, in which the stiffness matrix is updated
at every equilibrium iteration.
Modified: The solver uses the modified Newton-Raphson technique, in which the tangent stiffness
matrix is updated at each substep. The matrix is not changed during equilibrium iterations at a
substep. This option is not applicable to large-deformation analyses. Adaptive descent is not available.
Initial stiffness: The solver uses the initial stiffness matrix in every equilibrium iteration. This
option can be less likely to diverge than the full option, but it often requires more iterations to achieve
convergence. It is not applicable to large-deformation analyses. Adaptive descent is not available.
Unsymmetrical: The program uses the full Newton-Raphson procedure, in which the stiffness
matrix is updated at every equilibrium iteration. In addition, it generates and uses unsymmetric
matrices that you can use for any of the following:
If you are defining an unsymmetric material model, you would need this method to fully use the
property you defined.
If you are running a contact physics solution, an unsymmetric contact stiffness matrix would fully
couple the sliding and the normal stiffnesses. You should first try the Full method, then try this
method only if you experience convergence difficulties. (Using an unsymmetric solver requires
more computational time to obtain a solution than if using a symmetric solver.)
For more information, see and in the . Setting Solver Launch Options for Electric Conduction
Physics > Solver Options > Launch Controls

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Physics Solution
Launch controls allow you to control the computational resources used by a simulation. The launch controls
for the solver are populated with default settings, file names, and values. Review these settings and
ensure that the default entries are acceptable for your model.
To change the default launch control settings:
1. For Number of processors, enter the desired number of processors.
2. Additionally, you can modify the following settings:
If you want to...

then set...

More information:

Run the solver live or in batch


Solver mode

With Live, the solver runs in RPC

mode. It is run as a server and
clients may communicate to the
solver while it is running. The
solver can also run in Batch
mode, which is typical of running
from a command line, where the
input file goes in, and the output
file goes out.

Use a distributed solver.

Distributed solve

Remove stale files from a

Delete work files before
previous solve at the next solve. solve
Modify a default file name.

The file name for any of the


Enter the name of file you want

to use instead of the default.

Input data file

Mesh data file
Component data file
Connection elements data
Load elements data file
Output data file
Change the name of the job.

Job name

Output the contact pair

information to a file other than
the default output file.

Output contact pairs to

Jobname.cnm Controlling Output Data for Steady-State Electric Conduction

Physics > Solver Options > Output Controls
The output specification set in the Output Controls panel determines how the solution data written is
to the output file. By default, three output specifications are created for a steady-state electric conduction
solution, with the frequency is set to All Time Points and the output types set as follows:
Output Type

Which Stores

Nodal DOF Solution


Nodal Reaction Loads

Current Reaction

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Physics Solution
Output Type

Which Stores

Element Solution

Current Density, Electric Field, and Joule Heat


However, you can modify these output specification or create additional Output Controls objects for the
same location if you want to add other output types to the result file.
To set up an output specification:
1. Define the location within the model for which you want the solution information written in the output
The default is Everywhere(). You can also specify the AllBodies() expression for all the bodies
defined in the Physics Region, or select one or more bodies from the model.
2. For Output type, select a solution type.
The options available are based on the physics and calculation types.
3. For Frequency, select how often the solver should write the solutions results to the output file.
Available options are:
All Time Points: Writes the solution information for every sub step. This is the default option.
Last Time Points: Writes the solution information only for the last sub step.
Equally Spaced Time Points: Writes the solution information for up to a specified number of
equally spaced solutions. This option only applies to Static or Transient analyses when the Automatic
Time Stepping is enabled. For this option, specify a nonzero positive number for the equally spaced
time points.
Specified Recurrence Rate: Writes the solution information at every specified interval and at the
last sub step of each load step. For this option, specify a nonzero positive number for the recurrence
Never: Suppresses writing of the specified solution type for all sub steps. Solution Progression for Nonlinear Controls in a Steady-State Electric Conduction
When solving nonlinear simulations, ANSYS AIM carries out an iterative procedure (equilibrium iterations)
at each substep, successfully solving the simulation only when the out-of-balance loads are less than the
specified convergence criteria. On the Solution Progression panel, you can define the number of substeps
in a solution step. You can then define the convergence controls and other solution progression properties.
For Substepping, you can define a range or a fixed number, or you can leave it up to the solver.
ANSYS AIM displays the convergence criteria appropriate for each physics type. For a steady-state thermal
physics solution, the convergence criteria consist of Current and Voltage convergence. You can set the
convergence controls for each of these criteria.
Under Additional Convergence Controls, you can also specify the number of equilibrium iterations at
each substep, activate a predictor on the degree-of-freedom solution for the first equilibrium iteration of
each substep, and control the line search program.
For Stabilization, you can specify the key for controlling nonlinear stabilization. Convergence difficulty due
to an unstable problem is usually the result of a large displacement for small load increments. Nonlinear
stabilization technique can help achieve convergence. Nonlinear stabilization can be thought of as adding
artificial dampers to all of the nodes in the system. Any degree of freedom that tends to be unstable has a
large displacement causing a large damping/stabilization force. This force reduces displacements at the
degree of freedom so stabilization can be achieved.
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Physics Solution Specifying Solution Progression for Steady-State Electric Conduction
Physics > Solver Options > Solution Progression
To set the controls for complete criteria:
1. From Substepping, set time stepping to a range or a fixed number, or leave it to be controlled by
the solver.
If substepping is controlled by the solver, a check is performed on non-convergent patterns, and the
physics of the simulation is also taken into account. In case of specified range, the solver marches
through the solution based on the initial, minimum, and maximum number of substeps.
If you choose Specified range, specify the initial, minimum, and maximum number of substeps.
If you choose Fixed number, specify the substep count.
2. For each convergence type under Convergence Controls, specify how you want convergence
The recommended setting, Program controlled, automatically calculates the value based on
external forces, including reactions.
If set to On, you can input convergence values in the fields that appear.
If set to Off, convergence is not checked.
3. If a convergence type is set to On, do the following:
a) For Tolerance (%), specify the tolerance value as a percentage.
Tolerance times Value determines the convergence criterion.
b) For Reference value specification, select if you want the solver to use a Reference value
when establishing convergence, or have the solver control the convergence based on a Minimum
reference value.
The Minimum reference value option is useful for analyses where the external forces tend to
zero. This can happen, for example, with free thermal expansion where rigid body motion is
4. Specify any additional desired criteria.
If you want to...

then set...

More information:

Activate a predictor in a
Predictor-corrector You can set this to:
nonlinear analysis on the
Program controlled
degree-of-freedom solution for
the first equilibrium iteration of
On after the first substep
each substep
On for all substeps
Specify the number of
equilibrium iterations at each


You can specify whether the number of

equilibrium iterations carried out at each
substep is:
Automatically set by the solver
Set to a value of 1
Set to a number to be specified by you in
the Number equilibrium iterations field

Control the line search program. Line search

Line search can be useful for enhancing

convergence, but it can be expensive
(especially with plasticity). For more

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Physics Solution
If you want to...

then set...

More information:
information, see Specifying Line Search for
Steady-State Electric Conduction on page

Control nonlinear stabilization.

Stabilization >
Stabilization key

Nonlinear stabilization technique can help

achieve convergence. For more information,
see Specifying Nonlinear Stabilization
Controls for Steady-State Electric Conduction
on page 226. Specifying Nonlinear Stabilization Controls for Steady-State Electric Conduction

Physics > Solver Options > Solution Progression > Stabilization
For Stabilization, you can specify the key for controlling nonlinear stabilization. Convergence difficulty
due to an unstable problem is usually the result of a large displacement for small load increments. Nonlinear
stabilization technique can help achieve convergence. Nonlinear stabilization can be thought of as adding
artificial dampers to all of the nodes in the system. Any degree of freedom that tends to be unstable has
a large displacement causing a large damping/stabilization force. This force reduces displacements at the
degree of freedom so stabilization can be achieved.
By default, stabilization is deactivated. To activate stabilization and set stabilization options:
1. Under Stabilization, select the Stabilization key.
Constant energy

Activate stabilization and use the energy dissipation ratio as the control.

Reduced energy

Activate stabilization and reduce the energy dissipation ratio linearly from the
specified or calculated value to zero at the end of the load step.

Then specify in the Energy dissipation ratio field the ratio of work done
by stabilization forces to element potential energy. This value is usually a
number between 0 and 1. The default value is 1.0e-4.

Then specify in the Energy dissipation ratio field the ratio of work done
by stabilization forces to element potential energy. This value is usually a
number between 0 and 1. The default value is 1.0e-4.
Constant damping Activate stabilization and use the damping factor as the control.
Then specify in the Damping factor field the value that the solver uses to
calculate stabilization forces for all subsequent substeps. This value is usually
a value greater than 0.
The Damping factor value is dependent on the active unit system and may
influence the results if unit systems are changed.
Reduced damping

Activate stabilization and reduce the damping factor linearly from the specified
or calculated value to zero at the end of the load step.
Then specify in the Damping factor field the value that the solver uses to
calculate stabilization forces for all subsequent substeps. This value is usually
a value greater than 0.
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Physics Solution

The Damping factor value is dependent on the active unit system and may
influence the results if unit systems are changed.

2. For Substep option, select an option for when stabilization is activated.

No - Stabilization is not activated for the first substep even when it does not converge after the
minimal allowed time increment is reached (default setting).
Yes - Stabilization is activated for the first substep. Use this option if stabilization was active for the
previous load step.
If not converged - Stabilization is activated for the first substep if it still does not converge after
the minimal allowed time increment is reached. Use this option for the first load step only.
3. For Force limit, specify the stabilization force check as a number between 0 and 1. The default value
is 0.2. To omit a stabilization force check, set this value to 0. Specifying Line Search for Steady-State Electric Conduction

Physics > Solver Options > Solution Progression
Line search can be useful for enhancing convergence, but it can be expensive (especially with plasticity).
You might consider setting line search on for the following cases:
When your structure is force-loaded (as opposed to displacement-controlled).
If you are analyzing a "flimsy" structure which exhibits increasing stiffness (such as a fishing pole).
If you notice (from the program output messages) oscillatory convergence patterns.
You can set Line Search to:
Program controlled

4.7.6. User Commands for the MAPDL Solver

You can use the User Command feature to write user-defined commands to the Solver Settings file
Any command that you enter must be included in the proper section in order to execute properly. To make
sure that the application does not overwrite your command entries, the application writes your entries to
the solver file at the very end of the section (also called a module).
The solver runs all input file commands, including the ones that may have existed as a part of the regular
solution process. Some commands require variables and/or parameters to be active for execution or to
produce correct results.
Refer to the Mechanical APDL Command Reference for more specific information about command usage and
specification. Specifying User Commands Options
To enter a User Command:

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Physics Solution
1. On the Physics panel, for Solvers Options, select Add > User Commands.
2. Select one of the following sections under Solver Command Sections:

/SOLU Start
Just Before Solve

3. Enter commands in the right panel.

No right-click options are available in the entry field, but you can use keyboard shortcut options to
copy (CTRL + C) and paste (CTRL + V) command content into the fields.
Command text cannot contain characters outside of the standard US ASCII character set because the
text must follow the rules for the Mechanical APDL application commands and input files. Use of
languages other than English for the command text may cause erratic behavior.
The application automatically updates the panel. It is always Up-To-Date.
4. Once your entries are complete, continue your physics solution. The Solver Options panel now
contains a User Commands link.
Caution: The application does not perform any validation checks on your command entries. User Commands Settings



These commands are prior to the preprocessing commands. It is often used to perform some
type of initialization, such as defining the unit system.


These commands are used to create and set up the model. They are written prior to solution
commands. These section often includes commands to change inputs such as element key
options, nodal rotations, or coordinate systems.


These commands are written at the beginning of solution section and are used to load and
solve the model.

Just Before

These commands are written immediately before the solution process. It is a section where
you may wish to make changes such as modifying a boundary condition value, or a solver
setting, or an output control, or change a time step option.


These commands are used to postprocess the results with the database processor.

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5: Results

Once you have a solution, you can use Results to process numerical and graphical visualizations of your
simulation physics. You can use the data from the Results task to verify your solution, and, if required, refine
parameters to improve your simulation physics.

Physics Solution

Results Evaluation

Quantitative Results
You can perform a range of quantitative calculations to obtain single-value results using the Calculated Value
on page 242 object. Quantities are values at particular location in the physics domain; you can use them to
refer to:
Solved and derived variables such as velocity, stress, total temperature etc.
User-defined values based on expressions
Location values such as coordinate values or mesh information
Qualitative Results
You can graphically analyze the distribution of solution variables on a surface or volume using Vectors on
page 233, Contours on page 229, and Isosurface on page 236 objects. In a fluid simulation, you can also use
the Streamlines on page 239 object to visualize the lines travelled by massless particles that are released
from one or more surfaces.
Fatigue Results
From the Results task, you can also add S-N curve data for all materials, modify fatigue settings, and view
fatigue results such as Fatigue Life, Fatigue Damage, and Safety Factor. For more information on computing
fatigue results, see Fatigue Analysis on page 248.

5.1. Contours
You can use a Contour to visualize and assess gradients for variables displayed on a surface or volume.
Contour lines are lines of constant magnitude for a selected variable. The regions between the contour lines
are filled with a color that denotes the value of the variable in that region.
On a given surface or volume, adjacent contour lines are:
Widely spaced in regions where the variable is slowly changing.
Closely spaced together in regions where the variable is rapidly changing.
The contour plot below indicates the variation of total pressure across a dual exhaust system.

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5.1.1. Specifying a Contour

Results > Object > Results > Contour
To create objects that display the results of your simulation, generate a physics solution.
Contours display regions containing a defined range of values of a given variable. To specify a contour
1. Open a Contour panel under the Results task by either:
Selecting an existing Contour object.
Adding a New Contour on page 231.
2. Under Location, you can specify a location by either:
Selecting a location from the drop down list.
Selecting a location in the graphics viewer.
Specifying an expression.

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You can also create new reference geometry or Results to be used as locations using the Create
For details, see Defining Locations on page 12.
3. Specify the variable you want to display under Variable by either:
Entering a valid variable name.
Selecting an existing variable from the drop down menu.
Entering an expression for the variable you want to plot. For details, see Expressions.
4. For a modal structural simulation, you can display results for a particular natural frequency by using
the Mode slider. You can review the frequency for the specified mode under Summary > Global >
5. For a structural simulation containing sub-steps, you can use the Result set slider to control at which
sub-step the result will be evaluated and plotted in graphics.
6. For structural simulations, where you can visualize results on multiple frames of reference, specify the
reference frame under Relative to by either:
Selecting an existing reference frame from the drop down menu.
Creating Reference Frames on page 19.
For Joint results, frame-dependent variables are calculated relative to the selected Joint's local
reference frame. When post-processing multiple joints, it can be useful to use the Solution
Reference Frame option which will use each Joint's respective local reference frame to calculate
the results.
7. For structural simulations, you can set Use nodal averaging to display averaged contours for
elemental quantities such as stresses and strains. Contours for fluids simulations always use averaging.
To display gradients across adjacent elements, disable Use nodal averaging. For this option,
contours are evaluated by linear interpolation within each element, and the influence of the adjacent
elements is ignored. The resulting un-averaged contours are discontinuous across element boundaries.
To display continuous contours across elemental discontinuities such as element boundaries, enable
Use nodal averaging.
8. To generate the resulting contours, click Evaluate.
In addition to the qualitative results in your graphics viewer, you can view quantitative data under Summary
on page 247 information.

5.1.2. Adding a New Contour

Results > Object > Results > Contour
To create objects that display the results of your simulation, generate a physics solution.
To create a new contour object:
1. In the graphics viewer, right-click and select Add > Results > Contour.
For certain simulation types, you can also choose a pre-defined contour plots from the list to display:
For structural simulations, Displacement Magnitude or Equivalent Stress. And, if you selected
fatigue analysis when setting up your simulation, Fatigue Life.
For electric simulations, Current Potential or Electric Potential.
For thermal simulations, Heat Flow Reaction or Temperature.
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Alternatively, you can create a new contour from the Results task page by selecting Contour from
the drop-down list under Objects > Results>Add.
2. On the Contour panel specify the required variable and location information for the contour results.
For details, see Specifying a Contour on page 230.
3. To display the contours, right-click in the graphics viewer and select Evaluate Results.

5.1.3. Contact Results

If your simulation process contains Contact Interface Conditions, you can view the Contact Results by first
Specifying a Contour on page 230 and then choosing one of the following variables to display.
Contact > [Variable]



The pressure created on the contact face.


Status codes include:

-3 - MPC bonded contact

-2 - MPC no-separation contact
0 - open and not near contact
1 - open but near contact
2 - closed and sliding
3 - closed and sticking

The labels Over Constrained, Far, Near,

Sliding, and Sticking are included in the
legend for Status.

Frictional Stress

Stress created due to friction between the

two sides of a contact.


The distance between the two sides of a



The amount of overlap that exists between

the two sides of a contact.

Sliding Distance

The amplitude of the accumulated slip

increments when the contact status is
Sticking or Sliding.

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Reaction > [Variable]


Contact Reaction Magnitude

Reaction force experienced by the Contact

either in a specific direction or in

Contact Reaction X
Contact Reaction Y
Contact Reaction Z

5.2. Vectors
For both structural and fluids simulations, you can use vector results to display vector variables, showing
the direction and magnitude, on a collection of seed points defined on a surface or volume.
The figure below shows velocity vectors plotted in the physics region of a dual exhaust system. The vectors
help you visualize the velocity of particles in the different parts of the exhaust. The vectors in the figure
below also help visualize recirculation zones near the walls of the pipes.

5.2.1. Specifying a Vector

Results > Object > Results > Vector
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To create objects that display the results of your simulation, generate a physics solution.
Vectors display the direction and magnitude of a vector variable on a collection of points. To specify a
1. Open a Vector panel under the Results task by either:
Selecting an existing Vector object.
Adding a New Vector on page 234.
2. Under Location, you can specify a location by either:

Selecting a location from the drop down list.

Selecting a location in the graphics viewer.
Specifying an expression.
You can also create new reference geometry or Results to be used as locations using the Create

For details, see Defining Locations on page 12.

3. Specify the variable you want to display under Variable by either:
Entering a valid variable name.
Selecting an existing variable from the drop down menu.
Entering an expression for the variable you want to plot. For details, see Expressions.
4. For a modal structural simulation, you can display results for a particular natural frequency by using
the Mode slider. You can review the frequency for the specified mode under Summary > Global >
5. For a structural simulation containing sub-steps, you can use the Result set slider to control at which
sub-step the result will be evaluated and plotted in graphics.
6. For a fluid simulation, under Symbol distribution, set the type as either:
Uniformly distributed
Volumetric grid sampling
Based on mesh
For details, see Choosing a Vector Distribution Type on page 235
7. To generate the resulting vectors, click Evaluate.
In addition to the qualitative results in your graphics viewer, you can view quantitative data under Summary
on page 247 information.

5.2.2. Adding a New Vector

Results > Object > Results > Vector
To create objects that display the results of your simulation, generate a physics solution.
To create a new vector:
1. In the graphics viewer, right-click and select Add > Results > Vector.
For certain simulation types, you can also choose a pre-defined vector plots from the list to display:
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For structural simulations, Force Reaction.
For electric simulations, Current Density.
Alternatively, you can create a new vector from the Results task page by selecting Vector from the
drop-down list under Objects > Results>Add.
2. On the Vector panel specify the required variable, location, and distribution information for the vector
For details, see Specifying a Vector on page 233.
3. To display the vectors, right-click in the graphics viewer and select Evaluate Results.

5.2.3. Choosing a Vector Distribution Type

In a fluid simulation, the primary goal of distributing sampling points is to capture flow patterns near critical
regions in the flow field with the fewest number of points. You also want to make sure that there is sufficient
coverage in non-critical regions and that you avoid sharp discontinuities across several sample points. You
can control the distribution of sample points for vectors by modifying:
Symbol distribution for vectors


Create uniformly distributed sample

points on a surface independent of
mesh density.



Control the number of sample points

on the surface by specifying an
Approximate Number of Points.
Note: You can specify this option only
for surfaces such as planes, topological
regions, and isosurfaces.

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Distribute sample points along a

uniform rectangular grid within the
volume extents.

Grid Sampling


Specify Grid Spacing to modify the

spacing of sample points the physics

Create sample points based on mesh Based on

density. You can specify sample points Mesh
on elements or vertices of the mesh
by choosing either At every Nth
element or At every Nth vertex
under Limit total number of
You can set a reduction factor to
reduce the number of elements or
vertices to be used as a sample point
by specifying sample points At every
nth item.

5.3. Isosurface
You can use an Isosurface to display a surface of constant value for a specified variable.

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5.3.1. Specifying an Isosurface

Results > Object > Results > Isosurface
To create objects that display the results of your simulation, generate a physics solution.
To specify an isosurface:
1. Open a Isosurfaces panel under the Results task by either:
Selecting an existing Isosurface object.
Adding a New Isosurface on page 238.
2. Under Location, you can specify a location by either:
Selecting a location from the drop down list.
Selecting a location in the graphics viewer.
Specifying an expression.

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You can also create new reference geometry or Results to be used as locations using the Create
For details, see Defining Locations on page 12.
3. Specify the variable you want to display under Variable by either:
Entering a valid variable name.
Selecting an existing variable from the drop down menu.
Entering an expression for the variable you want to plot. For details, see Expressions.
4. For a modal structural simulation, you can display results for a particular natural frequency by using
the Mode slider. You can review the frequency for the specified mode under Summary > Global >
5. For a structural simulation containing sub-steps, you can use the Result set slider to control at which
sub-step the result will be evaluated and plotted in graphics.
6. You can specify the type of isosurface under Isovalues > Isovalue specification as either:
Set Values
For details, see Choosing an Isovalue Specification on page 238.
7. To generate the resulting isosurface, click Evaluate.
In addition to the qualitative results in your graphics viewer, you can view quantitative data under Summary
on page 247 information.

5.3.2. Adding a New Isosurface

Results > Object > Results > Isosurface
To create objects that display the results of your simulation, generate a physics solution.
To create a new isosurface:
1. In the graphics viewer, right-click and select Add > Results > Isosurface.
Alternatively, you can create a new isosurface from the Results task page by selecting Isosurface
from the drop-down list under Objects > Results>Add.
2. On the Isosurface panel specify the required variable, location, and distribution information for the
For details, see Specifying an Isosurface on page 237.
3. To display the isosurfaces, right-click in the graphics viewer and select Evaluate Results.

5.3.3. Choosing an Isovalue Specification

You can control the isosurfaces by modifying the Isolvalue specification under Isovalues.


Specify numerical values to plot for the given variable.

Set Values

Specify automatic generation of isosurfaces by requesting a

particular Number of isovalues evenly spaced between the
minimum and maximum values for the specified variable.


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Note: The minimum and maximum variable values will not be

included in the plotted isosurfaces.

5.4. Streamlines
In a fluid flow simulation, you can use streamlines to visualize the lines travelled by massless particles that
are released from one or more surfaces in the physics region. You can also use streamlines to identify the
source of a particle for which you know the final destination.
The streamline below displays the path of air particles as they travel through a dual exhaust system. The
streamlines help you visualize how the velocity of a particle changes as it passes through various stages of
the exhaust.

5.4.1. Specifying a Streamline

Results > Object > Results > Streamline
To create objects that display the results of your simulation, generate a physics solution.

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Streamlines display the path that a particle of zero mass would take through the fluid domain. To specify
a streamline:
1. Open a Streamline panel under the Results task by either:
Selecting an existing Streamline object.
Adding a New Streamline on page 240.
2. Specify the starting point for the streamlines under Seed points > Seed location by either:

Selecting a location from the drop down list.

Selecting a location in the graphics viewer.
Specifying an expression.
You can also create new reference geometry or Results to be used as locations using the Create

For details, see Defining Locations on page 12.

3. Modify the spacing and density of the seed points; set Seed points > Distribution by choosing
Uniformly distributed
Volumetric grid sampling
Based on mesh
For details, see Choosing a Streamline Distribution Type on page 241
4. To determine the source of a particle for which you know the final destination:
a) Set Seed location as the final destination for the particle.
b) Set Direction as Backward.
Backward streamlines are created with the velocity direction reversed at every point in the mesh. For
these streamlines, animations and symbols will be generated based on the reversed velocity direction.
5. Optionally modify the Appearance of the Streamline.
6. To create shorter streamlines, you can use Evaluation Limits > Maximum number of steps to
limit the calculation of the streamline, therefore shortening it.
7. You can animate streamlines to show the movement of particles in time. To modify the speed and
length of the animation, you can specify:
Duration: Specify the time taken by the animation to complete all the animations loops specified
by the End time factor. This setting enables you to speed up the animation by specifying a lower
value or slow it down by specifying a higher value.
End time factor: Scales the maximum physical time to reduce or extend the length of the animation
loop. When the value is less than one the animation loops back before reaching the maximum time.
When the value is greater than one the animation extends beyond the maximum time. This enables
you to create longer animations with streamline segments. A value of 0.5 will animate up to half the
total streamline time. A value of two will make the streamline animate twice before restarting.
8. To generate the streamlines, click Evaluate.
In addition to the qualitative results in your graphics viewer, you can view quantitative data under Summary
on page 247 information.

5.4.2. Adding a New Streamline

Results > Object > Results > Streamline

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To create objects that display the results of your simulation, generate a physics solution.
To create a new streamline:
1. In the graphics viewer, right-click and select Add > Results > Streamline.
Alternatively, you can create a new streamline from the Results task page by selecting Streamline
from the drop-down list under Objects > Results>Add.
2. On the streamline panel specify the required variable, seed location, and distribution information for
the streamlines.
For details, see Specifying a Streamline on page 239.
3. To display the streamlines, right-click in the graphics viewer and select Evaluate Results.

5.4.3. Choosing a Streamline Distribution Type

In a fluid simulation, the primary goal of distributing sampling points is to capture flow patterns near critical
regions in the flow field with the fewest number of points. You also want to make sure that there is sufficient
coverage in non-critical regions and that you avoid sharp discontinuities across several sample points. You
can control the distribution of sample points for streamlines by modifying:
Seed points > Distribution for streamlines


Create uniformly distributed sample

points on a surface independent of
mesh density.



Control the number of sample points

on the surface by specifying an
Approximate Number of Points.
Note: You can specify this option only
for surfaces such as planes, topological
regions, and isosurfaces.

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Distribute sample points along a

uniform rectangular grid within the
volume extents.

Grid Sampling


Specify Grid Spacing to modify the

spacing of sample points the physics

Create sample points based on mesh Based on

density. You can specify sample points Mesh
on elements by choosing At every
Nth element under Limit total
number of symbols.
You can set a reduction factor to
reduce the number of elements to be
used as a sample point by specifying
sample points At every nth item.

5.5. Calculated Value

A Calculated Value result enables you to perform a wide range of quantitative calculations on your results.
You can use the single value quantities, along with other results objects, to evaluate your design in more

5.5.1. Specifying a Calculated Value

Results > Object > Results > Calculated Value

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To create objects that display the results of your simulation, generate a physics solution.
Calculated Value is used to evaluate single-value results for the physics. To create a single-value result:
1. Open a Calculated Value panel under the Results task by either:
Selecting an existing Calculated Value object.
Adding a New Calculated Value on page 243.
2. Under Method, set the type as either:
Function calculator
User-defined expression
For details, see Choosing a Calculated Value Method on page 244.
3. For a modal structural simulation, you can calculate a value for a particular natural frequency by using
the Mode slider.
4. For a structural simulation containing sub-steps, you can use the Result set slider to control at which
sub-step the result will be evaluated and plotted in graphics.
5. For structural simulations, where you can visualize results on multiple frames of reference, specify the
reference frame under Relative to by either:
Selecting an existing reference frame from the drop down menu.
Creating Reference Frames on page 19.
For Joint results, frame-dependent variables are calculated relative to the selected Joint's local
reference frame. When post-processing multiple joints, it can be useful to use the Solution
Reference Frame option which will use each Joint's respective local reference frame to calculate
the results.
6. To generate the resulting single-value results, click Evaluate.
The calculated value result, whether generated by the Function calculator or a User-defined
expression, is displayed on the panel under Value. For details, see Expressions.

5.5.2. Adding a New Calculated Value

Results > Object > Results > Calculated Value
To create objects that display the results of your simulation, generate a physics solution.
To create a new single-value result:
1. In the graphics viewer, right-click and select Add > Results > Calculated Value.
For certain simulation types, you can also choose a pre-defined calculated value objects from the list
to display:
For electric simulations, Current Reaction.
For thermal simulations, Heat Flow Reaction.
Alternatively, you can create a new single-value result from the Results task page by selecting
Calculated Value from the drop-down list under Objects > Results>Add.
2. On the Calculated Value panel specify the required Method.
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For details, see Specifying a Calculated Value on page 242.
3. To display the single value results, click Evaluate on the Calculated Value panel.

5.5.3. Choosing a Calculated Value Method

Calculated Value is used to evaluate single-value results for the physics. You can control your calculation
type by modifying the Method in the Calculated Value panel.


Function calculator

You need to specify:

Location on which to evaluate the function.
Function you want to evaluate. For details on the available functions, see
Quantity Functions.
Variable. For a list of available variables, see Variables.

User-defined expression You can manually enter an expression using this method. For details on the
expression syntax, see Expressions.

5.6. Appearance
Each results object has appearance options that enable you to control how the object displays in the graphics
viewer. Depending on which results object you are configuring, you may be able to set.

Banded coloring so that you can control the number of colors used to display distinct variable ranges.
Smooth coloring to display a variable without color bands.
A user-specified variable range.
A linear or logarithmic color distribution.

5.6.1. Specifying a Variable Range

Results > Object > Object #
To specify a variable range, you must create a supported results object such as a contour, vector, or
When viewing results objects, you can specify the range across which a variable will be displayed. Some
cases where this is useful are:
To view a narrower subset of the data in order to remove any outliers that skew the color ranges.
To create plots with the same range in order to compare them more easily.
To specify a variable range:
1. Under Appearance>Variable range, select User-specified.
2. Enter the Minimum value for the range you want to display.
3. Enter the Maximum value for the range you want to display.
By default, Clip to range is selected. This hides any data that is outside of the specified range. If
deselected, data that lies outside of the specified range will turn light red or light blue, depending on
whether the variable is higher than the maximum or lower than the minimum (light red is higher, light

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blue is lower). The image below shows a user specified variable range with Clip to range selected
(left) and deselected (right).

5.6.2. Specifying a Color Distribution

Results > Contour > Contour #
To specify a colour distribution, you must create a contour results object.
Under Appearance>Colour Distribution choose either Linear or Logarithmic. The following table
provides a description of the two options.


Useful for...

Linear (default)

The range of each contour band Contours where the data varies
is constant. The range is
evenly across the variable range.
determined by Max-Min = K*N,
where Max and Min are the
maximum and minimum values
calculated in the current contour,
N is the number of contour bands,
and K is the range of each contour


The ratio between adjacent

Contours where the data is heavily
contour bands is constant. The
skewed towards the lower end of
ratio is determined by Max/Min = the variable range.
K^N, where Max and Min are the
maximum and minimum values
calculated in the current contour,
N is the number of contour bands,
and K is the ratio between
adjacent contour bands.

The figure below shows the same contour with the colors distributed linearly (left) and logarithmically
(right). You can see in the legend that the overall contour range is unchanged, while the individual contour
band ranges are different.

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5.7. Graphics Control

In addition to creating result objects for structural simulations, you can modify the rendering of these objects
using Graphics control. For structural results with deformation, you can specify Deformation scaling to
better visualize the magnitude of the deformation in your physics region. You can enable Show surface mesh
to display and verify the surface mesh elements for your physics region.

5.7.1. Specifying Deformation Scaling

Results > Graphics Control > Deformation scaling
To create objects that display the results of your simulation, generate a physics solution.
For a structural simulation with deformed regions, you can use Deformation scaling to display either
the true or an exaggerated deformation of your model. This enables you to visualize the deflection more
The Auto Scale gives you the best scaling where the true deformation cannot be easily visualized. You
can use Custom, 0.5x Auto, 2x Auto and 5x Auto to change the magnitude of the scaling.
To display the true deformation of a physics region, set this option to Actual.
When you have Show faces enabled in the graphics toolbar, the model will remain undeformed even
when the results are deformed. Choose None to align the model and the results.

5.7.2. Specifying a Surface Mesh

Results > Graphics Control > Show surface mesh
To create objects that display the results of your simulation, generate a physics solution.
The quality of mesh affects the accuracy of results for your simulation. For a structural simulation result,
you can enable Show surface mesh to display mesh elements on surfaces. Element edges are
superimposed on the results, which helps you visualize the effect of the mesh on the result.
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For details on mesh diagnostics, see Evaluating Mesh Quality on page 105.

5.8. Summary
Summary displays quantitative values for the global range and averages on Results objects. On selected
locations, Summary displays:
Calculated minimum and Calculated maximum:
For a structural simulation, these values are calculated as the nodal or elemental data for the lowest and
highest value, depending on the selected variable.
For a fluid simulation, these values are calculated as the nodal data for the lowest value and highest
value for the selected variable.
For a structural simulation with radiation boundary conditions, an extra node is created to account for
ambient temperature. When you evaluate the result for this case, the minimum and maximum value of
the result may include the value from this extra node.
Calculated average:
For a structural simulation, the average is calculated as the arithmetic average of the nodal or elemental
value, depending on the selected variable.
For a fluid simulation, the average is calculated as the geometric average for the variable value:
Location Type

Averaging Type


Nodal data interpolated to the point location


Area-weighted average of face data


Volume-weighted average of element data


Length-weighted average of nodal data interpolated to line segment centers

Plane, Isosurface

Area-weighted average of nodal data interpolated to face centers

For details on Averaging Type, see Quantity Functions.

Calculated sum:
For force reaction vectors in a structural simulation, Calculated sum:x, Calculated sum:y and Calculated
sum:z are the components of the resultant vector. They are the arithmetic summation of the x, y, and z
components of the vector variable for each node.
The magnitude of the resultant vector, Calculated sum, is calculated as the square root of the sum of
the squares of sum:x, sum:y, and sum:z.
For a modal structural simulation, you can display results for a particular natural frequency by specifying
the mode associated with that frequency. You can review the frequency for the specified mode under
Global > Frequency.

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5.9. Fatigue Analysis

Fatigue in structural physics is defined as the weakening of a material subjected to repeated application of
loads. Fatigue results in structures failing even before their ultimate tensile stress limit or yield stress limit
is reached.
In structural simulations, you can use fatigue analysis in conjunction with typical stress analysis to decide
the fatigue life of a structure when it is subjected to cycles of loads. For simple stress life based analysis, it
is typically characterized by an S-N curve (cyclic stress (s) against the logarithmic scale of cycles to failure
(n) ) as part of material definition of their structure.
Fatigue analysis provides life, damage, and factor of safety information and uses a stress-life approach, with
several options for handling mean stress and specifying loading conditions. ANSYS AIM also provides equivalent
alternating stress and biaxiality indication information.
Fatigue life has a large variation and is therefore represented on a logarithmic scale. However, you can turn
logarithmic scale on or off in the Appearance settings for a fatigue Contour result.
To perform a fatigue analysis, you need the S-N curve data (alternating stress vs. number of cycles to failure).
In the absence of S-N curve data, you can specify an ultimate strength value. Then ANSYS AIM internally
constructs a simplified S-N curve using just the ultimate strength, as illustrated below:

The default workflow for fatigue analysis is to direct ANSYS AIM to compute the fatigue results as part of
using a structural template. Fatigue life is then calculated based on the S-N curve values defined for the
default materials and using default fatigue settings. If you want to use fatigue settings other than the defaults,
you can then modify the fatigue settings before viewing the fatigue contours.
If you want to assign other materials to your model, you can specify the S-N curve and ultimate strength
values when defining the materials in your model. You can then add fatigue life from the results and direct
ANSYS AIM to use the values from your materials. If you want to use fatigue settings other than the defaults,
you can modify the options before viewing the fatigue contours.
You can also add fatigue life from the results and set your S-N curve values or ultimate strength value there;
these values will apply to all materials in the model. You can then view the fatigue contours after modifying
any other desired fatigue settings.

5.9.1. Computing Fatigue Results Using a Template

Results > Fatigue Settings
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When you are using a default material such as Structural Steel or Aluminum, you can compute the fatigue
results by setting an option in the template. ANSYS AIM then uses the S-N curve data defined on these
materials to calculate the fatigue results for your model. These results are available on the Results panel
after you solve and evaluate your results. A Fatigue Life contour result is created by default, but you can
also add contour results for Fatigue Damage, Safety Factor, and other fatigue variables.
Note: If you want to define other materials for your model, you can add the S-N curve or ultimate
strength values on the materials and assign them to your model, then add fatigue results, modifying the
fatigue settings as desired. You can also add fatigue results and define fatigue settings that apply to all
materials in a model.
To compute fatigue results as part of a template:

On the Structural template, select Compute fatigue results.

Define the rest of your mesh and physics solution tasks as you normally would, and then solve.
Modify any of the fatigue settings, such as the loading type or design life.
Evaluate your Results task and view the Fatigue Life contour. You can also add contour results for
Fatigue Damage, Safety Factor, and other fatigue variables.

5.9.2. Defining S-N Curve Values on Materials

Results > Fatigue Settings
If you are not using one of the default materials (Structural Steel, Aluminum), you can define S-N Curve
and Ultimate Strength values as you define each material used in your model. When you then add a
Fatigue contour result, your fatigue settings are fully defined, and you need only to modify the default
values as desired. ANSYS AIM automatically uses S-N curve values if they are defined. If S-N curve values
are not defined but ultimate strength is, then ANSYS AIM internally constructs a simplified S-N curve
using just the ultimate strength.
If you want to define S-N Curve and Ultimate Strength values that are used for all materials, you can do
so in the Fatigue Settings on page 252.
To analyze fatigue results using values defined on the materials:
1. In the Physics task, select Material Assignments to define your materials.
2. When defining the materials you want to use in this simulation, specify the S-N curve data as a table
of alternating stresses vs. cycles in the Alternating Stress, S property.

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Important: Currently, ANSYS AIM only supports single S-N Curves at zero mean stress.
a) If you want to use Goodman or Gerber for your Mean stress theory, also define the Tensile
Ultimate Strength, S property.
b) If you want to use Soderberg for your Mean stress theory, also define the Tensile Yield Strength,
S property.
3. Define the rest of your mesh and physics solution tasks as you normally would.
4. On the Results panel, select Add > Fatigue Life.
5. Expand or click on the Fatigue Settings for the result.

6. For S-N curve data source, ensure you have selected Assigned materials.
7. Modify any of the fatigue settings, such as the loading type or design life.

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8. Evaluate your Results task and view the Fatigue Life contour. You can also add contour results for
Fatigue Damage, Safety Factor, and other fatigue variables.

5.9.3. Defining S-N Curve Values for All Materials

Results > Fatigue Settings
From the Fatigue Settings, you can define S-N Curve values that are used for all materials in your model.
If you don't have S-N curve values, you can instead define an ultimate strength value, and ANSYS AIM
internally constructs a simplified S-N curve using just the ultimate strength and uses it when computing
fatigue life.
You can also define S-N Curve and Ultimate Strength values as you define each material used in your
model; see Defining S-N Curve Values on Materials on page 249 for more information.
To compute fatigue results using specified values:

In the Physics task, select Material Assignments to define your materials.

Define the rest of your mesh and physics solution tasks as you normally would and solve the physics.
On the Results panel, select Add > Fatigue Life.
Expand or click on the Fatigue Settings for the result.

5. For S-N curve data source, select S-N curve values, and then specify the S-N curve data as a
table of alternating stresses vs. cycles in the Alternating Stress, S property.
This S-N Curve data is then used for all materials. You can also define different S-N Curve values for
each material used in the model.
Important: Currently, ANSYS AIM only supports single S-N Curves at zero mean stress.
If you don't have S-N curve values, you can instead define an Ultimate strength, and ANSYS AIM
internally constructs a simplified S-N curve using just the ultimate strength and uses it when computing
fatigue life.
a) If you want to use Goodman or Gerber for your Mean stress theory, also define the Tensile
Ultimate Strength, S property.
b) If you want to use Soderberg for your Mean stress theory, also define the Tensile Yield Strength,
S property.
6. Modify any of the fatigue settings, such as the loading type or design life.
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7. Evaluate your Results task and view the Fatigue Life contour. You can also add contour results for
Fatigue Damage, Safety Factor, and other fatigue variables.

5.9.4. Fatigue Settings

The Fatigue Settings allow you to modify the default settings used to compute fatigue results.
If you want to...

then set... More information:

Select the type of

applied constant
amplitude loading
based on the
loading ratio.


Select the loading type.

Choose from the following:
Full Reversed (r=-1)
Zero (r=0)
If you select Ratio, specify the ratio in the Loading ratio field. For
example, a loading ratio of -0.5 means the minimum stress (lower bound)
is -0.5 times the stress in the body while the maximum stress (upper
bound) remains 1 times the stress in the body.

Specify design life

for damage and
safety factor


Enter the life that the system is being designed for, using the units defined
in Life units. This option is only useful for damage and safety factor
calculations and can be ignored while calculating Fatigue Life.

Scale the load



This setting scales the load magnitude by the specified value. This includes
both alternating and mean stresses.
For example, if you set this to 3, the amplitude (and mean) of a zero-based
loading will be 1.5 times the stress in the body.
This option is useful for seeing the effects of different finite element loading
magnitudes without having to run the complete structural analysis
This scale factor is applied after the stresses have been collapsed from a
tensor into a scalar. Thus any multiaxial stress collapse methods that are
sensitive to the sign (Von-Mises, Maximum Shear, Maximum Principal)
may not give the same answer had the scale factor been applied to the
environment load itself.

Specify the stress

component type.

Because stresses are multiaxial but experimental fatigue data is usually
component uniaxial, the stress must be converted from a multiaxial stress state to a
uniaxial one.
You can choose from several types, including component stresses, von
Mises, and a signed von Mises, which takes the sign of the absolute
maximum principal stress. The signed von Mises is useful for accounting
for any compressive mean stresses. In the case of Maximum Shear Stress,
ANSYS AIM uses a value of two times the maximum shear stress for

Change the life

units used to
display fatigue life

Life units You can change the units used to display the fatigue life results. By default,
fatigue results are shown in cycles.
If you choose Blocks, specify the number of blocks per cycle.
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If you want to...

then set... More information:

If you choose a unit of time, then specify the amount of time per cycle.

5.9.5. Fatigue Variables for Contour Results

The following variables are available for viewing the results of fatigue analysis:
Fatigue Variable


Fatigue Life

Fatigue Life represents the number of cycles of repeated loading until the part
will fail due to fatigue.

Fatigue Damage

Fatigue Damage is defined as the design life divided by the fatigue life.

Fatigue Safety Factor

Fatigue Safety Factor is defined as the ratio of alternating stress at design life
to the equivalent alternating stress at a given point. The maximum safety factor
reported is 15.

Biaxiality Indication

Biaxiality indication is defined as the principal stress smaller in magnitude divided

by the larger principal stress with the principal stress nearest zero ignored. A
biaxiality of zero corresponds to uniaxial stress, a value of 1 corresponds to
pure shear, and a value of 1 corresponds to a pure biaxial state.

Equivalent Alternating

In a Stress Life fatigue analysis, you must query an S-N curve to relate the
fatigue life to the stress state. Thus the equivalent alternating stress is the
stress used to query the fatigue S-N curve after accounting for fatigue loading
type, mean stress effects, multiaxial effects, and any other factors in the fatigue

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6: Parameters and Design Points

Parameters and Design Points

Parameters and design points are native features of ANSYS AIM.

For information on using parameters and design points, see Working with Parameters and Design Points in
the ANSYS Workbench Documentation User's Guide.

6.1. Parameters
A parameter is a characteristic of a model or a simulation process that can be quantified and varied to
determine its effect on the results of the simulation.
A simulation process can have input parameters and output parameters:
Input parameters include, for instance, CAD dimensions (length, radius, sheet thickness, and so on) and
analysis parameters (pressure, material properties, and so on).
Output parameters are the response outputs from the analysis. These include, for instance, volume, mass,
frequency, stress, velocities, pressures, forces, heat flux, and so forth. The value of an output parameter
is set by the application, based on the current results or state.
For more information on using parameters, see Working with Parameters and Design Points in the ANSYS
Workbench Documentation User's Guide.

6.1.1. Defining Parameters

To parameterize a property:
1. Open the flyout menu by clicking on the right arrow to the right of the property field.
2. Click the Parameterize icon.

The field displays that it is now an output parameter. Because in this example the property is an
output, the resulting parameter is an output parameter.

If the property is an input, the resulting parameter will be an input parameter, except when the
property is defined by an expression that makes it dependent on other properties.

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Parameters and Design Points

6.2. Design Points

A design point is a set of input parameter values and corresponding output parameter values associated
with an individual parameterized project definition. Each design point is a single set of parameter values
representing one design alternative. Basically, you can think of a design point as a snapshot of your design
given a set of parameter values, where output parameter values are calculated by an update of the project.
Design points allow you to perform What-If studies or design exploration studies.
For information on using design points, see Working with Parameters and Design Points in the ANSYS
Workbench Documentation User's Guide.

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7: Expressions and Other Operations

Expressions and Other Operations

ANSYS AIM includes the ability to utilize expressions and other operations in your simulation processes.

7.1. Expressions
In its basic form, an expression is a string of characters used to define some quantity of interest that could
be used for some purpose in an analysis. These quantities can be constants, expressions that evaluate to
constants, expressions that evaluate to single values, or expressions that evaluate to fields that vary over
physics regions.
You can define expressions using:

Dimensional constants
Scalar field variables
Intrinsic mathematical functions
Integrated quantity functions
Any dimensionally consistent mathematical combination of the above

Expressions can be used to define many real properties in ANSYS AIM, including:
Boundary and Initial Conditions for Fluids Physics
Post Processing quantities for Fluids and Structural Results

7.1.1. Basic Expressions

The ANSYS Workbench expression parser supports standard math functions and operators, as well as units
for quantities. Dimensional quantities are defined in units which are a combination of one or more base units.
ANSYS Workbench expression and mathematical function evaluation is based on the Python programming
language (www.python.org)
Standard arithmetic operators are available. This includes constants and trigonometric functions, among
others. A complete list of available arithmetic operators can be found in Mathematical Operators and Functions
on page 276.
An expression should be entered in the form of an operand followed optionally by operators and additional
operands. For example, you can set a property field to Pressure1 + 3 * Pressure2, given that Pressure1 and
Pressure2 are properties of existing objects in the simulation. Names used in expressions (variable names,
function names, and so on) are case sensitive.
When entering expressions, you must use the list and decimal separators defined in your locale settings. For
example, if a comma is defined as a decimal separator and a semi-colon defined as a list separator, use
these when you type in an expression.
A simple expression takes the following form:
Examples of functions in expressions:
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Expressions and Other Operations

Examples of conditional statements in expressions:
500 [N] if P1 == 15 [mm] else 250 [N]
2 if P1 >= 8 else 2.25 if P1 == 7 else 2.5 if P1 == 6 else 3

7.1.2. Constants
Some commonly used engineering and scientific constants are available for use in ANSYS expressions. A
complete list of the available constants can be found in Mathematical Constants on page 276.
An example of an expression using a constant is:

7.1.3. Variables
The real power of expressions is to be able to perform operations with calculated data from a solver or other
service in the system. Typical examples include performing quantitative calculations on solved field data or
using a value from a solution as an input to some physics setup (this could include non-solver services where
data from a solver may be used in mesh generation, or mesh information might be used to control physics
ANSYS variables provide a way to reference calculated data in a consistent manner across all services, with
the flexibility to access a wide range of variables in different contexts. Variable Tensor Types
Variables can be defined as one of three tensor types:
Scalar - the variable is defined as a scalar (magnitude); for example, Temperature
Vector - the variable is defined as a vector (magnitude and direction); for example, Velocity
Tensor - the variable is defined as a tensor (symmetric or non-symmetric); for example, Reynolds Stress
Access to scalar variables for use in expressions only requires you to know the name of the variable. However,
for vectors and tensors, the tensor type is important because you need to know how to access the directional
components of the variable. Expressions can contain scalars, and components of vectors and tensors. Vector Variables
To access the vector components of a variable, enter the variable name followed by a '.' (dot/period) and
the vector component name.
To refer to the Cartesian components of the vector field variable Velocity:
Velocity.z Tensor Variables
To access the tensor components of a variable, enter the variable name followed by a '.' (dot/period) and
the tensor component name.
To refer to the Cartesian components of the tensor field variable Stress:
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Expressions and Other Operations

Stress.zx The Position Vector
The position vector Position is provided to allow the referencing of coordinates in space:
Position = Position(x,y,z)
In the same way as for other field vectors, the components can be accessed as:

7.1.4. Units
Units for numerical quantities are declared within square brackets after any number (with or without a space
between the brackets and the number). Expressions that contain field variables will also have implied units
dependent on the variable(s) being used and the unit system employed. Units can be specified after any
number in an expression, but cannot be specified after a character (since any character string entered should
have implied units).
Units can be specified in any valid unit system.
Table Example Quantities and Units


Example Units


Length Time^-2

m s^-2
ft s^-2
in s^-2
um ms^-2





Mass Length^-3

kg m^-3
g cm^-3
lb ft^-3
slug in^-3
slinch in^-3

Electric Charge

Current Time


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Expressions and Other Operations



Example Units
pA s


Mass Length^2 Time^-2

lbf ft
slug in^2 s^-2


Mass Length Time^-2

slug in s^-2





Mass Length^-1 Time^-2

N m^-2
mm Hg
dyne cm^-2


Mass Length^2 Time^-3

BTU s^-1
erg s^-1
lbf ft s^-1

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Expressions and Other Operations



Example Units




Temperature Difference



Temperature Variance



Expressions that involve quantities must be dimensionally consistent. The + and - operators require that the
two operands have compatible units. For example, you cannot add an Area parameter to a Length parameter;
both units must be Length or both units must be Area. However, you can add or subtract two dissimilar units
that are of the same dimensionality: 1 [m] + 1 [ft] is a valid expression since both units are Length.
The * and / operators do not have this limitation. They allow one operand to be a quantity with a unit and
the other operand to be a dimensionless factor. Or, they allow both operands to be quantities with units
where the result is a different quantity type. For example, Length/Time results in a quantity with a Velocity
The resulting units for arguments to a trigonometric function may be dimensionless or resolve to an angle.
If the argument is a number or dimensionless, the value is interpreted as radians (in other words, 1 [] =
1 [rad]; a radian is a dimensionless quantity equal to unity (as defined by ISO 80000-1:2009, Quantities
and units -- Part 1: General).
If the argument is a quantity, the units must resolve to type Angle (in other words, 1 [rev] = 360 [deg]
= pi * 2 [rad])
You can include units, assuming the unit makes sense in context of the expression. For example, P2+3[mm]*P3
is valid if mm is a valid unit expression for P2 and P3 (for example, if P2 has units of torque and P3 has units
of force, or if P2 is in units of area and P3 is in units of length).
The project unit system is used to evaluate the expressions. For temperatures, absolute temperature values
are used in expression evaluation. All quantity values in an expression are converted to the project unit
The general units syntax in ANSYS Workbench is defined as [multiplier|unit|^power], where multiplier is a
multiplying quantity or its abbreviation (for example, mega (M), pico (p), and so on), unit is the unit string
or abbreviation (for example, gram (g), pound (lb) foot (ft), meter (m), and so on), and power is the power
to which the unit is raised.
Table Unit Multipliers
Multiplier Name

Multiplier Value


Multiplier Abbreviation

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Expressions and Other Operations

Multiplier Name

Multiplier Value








































Multiplier Abbreviation



When typing units in an expression, the units must be enclosed by square braces [...]. You will usually not
see the braces when numbers are shown in a property field or when selecting units from a list of commonly
used units. In general, units declarations must obey the following rules:
A units string consists of one or more units quantities, each with an optional multiplier and optional power.
Each separate units quantity is separated by one or more spaces.
Abbreviations for multipliers and unit names are typically used, but full names are also supported.
Powers are denoted by the ^ (caret) symbol. A power of 1 is assumed if no power is given. A negative
power is typically used for unit division (in other words, [kg m^-3] corresponds to kilograms per cubic
If you enter units that are inconsistent with the physical quantity being described, then an expression error
will result.
Units do not have to be given in terms of the fundamental units (mass, length, time, temperature, angle,
and solid angle). For instance, Pa (Pascals) and J (Joules) are both acceptable as parts of unit strings.
Units strings are case sensitive; for example, Kg and KG are both invalid as parts of units strings; kg is
When the specified project unit system uses the relative temperature units (C or F), the evaluation of
expressions involving temperature, temperature differences, or temperature variances is a special case.
For the unit conversion of a specific temperature value, 1 degC = 274.15 K. However, the unit conversion
for a temperature interval (delta T) is 1 degC = 1 K. The expression evaluator will take any temperature
value and treat it as a specific temperature (not a temperature interval) by converting it to the absolute unit
of the project unit system (either K or R). If the intent is to perform the evaluation in terms of temperature
intervals, you need to start with temperatures in absolute units.

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Expressions and Other Operations

Similarly, any expressions to be evaluated in terms of temperatures or temperature differences will be
converted to absolute units for calculation. In an expression with a temperature unit raised to a power other
than 1 or a unit involving both temperatures and other units (e.g. a temperature gradient [C/m]), the
temperature will be assumed to be a temperature difference.
Table Scenarios in which temperature-related units are converted before and during expression


Temperature unit conversion

10[C] * 2 = 566.3[K] = 293.15[C]

Temperatures appearing as part of a mixed unit are 10[C/m] * 50 [m] = 500[K]

converted as temperature intervals
Temperatures raised to a power other than 1 are
converted as temperature intervals

10[C^3] * 10[C] = 2831.5[K^4]

If you create an expression that fits any of these scenarios, AIM will display an informational message
indicating how the temperature units will be handled.
Examples of valid unit specifications are:
a * 2 [m s^-1] (where a is previously defined and has units of [m])
3 [m/s]
Note that in the above, the first expression has implied dimensions of [Length^2 Time^-1] and SI units
of [m^2 s^-1] because a has the implied units of [m].
The following is not valid:
a = 5*Velocity [m/s]

7.1.5. Single-Valued Expressions and Variables

The result of an expression can be a single value or an entire field of values. While many settings in a study
could be set using a multi-valued expression (i.e., one that changes over the specified location), some settings
require that at a particular time/timestep or loadstep only a single-valued expression can be entered. Examples
of this are the Mass Flow type boundary condition, Angular Velocity/Rotation Speed for rotating domains,
and Iteration values.
These quantities could be set using expressions that:
do not contain multi-valued field variables
are the results of Quantity Functions
are functions of single valued variables (see below)
are combinations of the above
Some variables available for use in expressions only return a single value at each point in the calculation,
and are not mesh or location dependent. An example of this type of variable is Iteration.
Other single valued variables may also be available depending on the physics of the case.

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Expressions and Other Operations

7.1.6. Quantity Functions

Quantity functions are a means of returning values with units from the solver at specific locations using
predefined mathematical equations. An example of this type of evaluation might be the average value of a
variable on a specific boundary.
These functions could be used to define boundary conditions, model parameters, sources, monitor points,
and other aspects of the overall simulation, as well as being used for post-processing purposes. The functions
allow quantities evaluated on non-local regions to be applied elsewhere in the model.
Quantity Functions are called using the syntax <function_name>(<argument1>, <argument2>, ...) where
the arguments can be variables, locations, and other options depending on the specific function. Quantity
functions return single values.
A complete list of quantity functions is provided in Quantity Functions on page 279:
myExpr = Average(Pressure,GetBoundary("@Inlet1"),"Area")
sets the named expression myExpr to be the area weighted average of Pressure on the location defined
by Inlet1.

7.1.7. Location References

There are numerous scenarios where a location needs to be specified in an expression. Often a location is
needed as input to a function that is calculating a quantity based on the value of a variable at a particular
location. A location could take the form of any object that can resolve to a location in space. This could be
a Boundary, a Physics Region, a selection of geometric/topological entities in the graphical view (named or
unnamed), or it could be an analytic or results-based object, such as a point, line, or isosurface. Referencing Locations of Objects
You can provide location information where needed in an expression by using a function to retrieve an object
whose location you want to use. These functions will return a reference to the specified object. Note that
you must enclose the name of the object in quotation marks, and the form of the object name can be either:
the unique name (and type, for the GetItem function) of the object, which can be found by hovering over
the icon to the left of the object's display name in its data panel
the display name of the object, either provided by default or entered by you, preceded by the @ symbol

The function names all begin with Get and include the type of object you are retrieving (for example, a plane,
a point, and so on). A complete list of the function names can be found in Object Retrieval Functions on
page 281.
The following are examples of using object location references as function arguments.
Area(GetBoundary("@out")) - returns the area at a 2D location with display name "out".
Sum(MassFlow,GetBoundary("@in1"), "Simple") - returns the massflow at a 2D location.
Lists of locations are referenced in expressions by enclosing a comma separated list in square brackets.
For example:
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Expressions and Other Operations

Average(Pressure,[GetBoundary("@inlet1"),GetIsosurface("@Iso1")],"Area") Using Selection Sets as Location References

Selection sets are named groups of entities that can be created from your model. You can use these selection
sets to specify a location in an expression. You must use the function GetSelectionSet in order to get the
location for the selection set. The syntax of the function is:
GetSelectionSet("<internal_name>" | "@<display_name>")
The selection set name must be enclosed in double quotes.
The following shows using a selection set as the location in a function.
Average(Pressure, GetSelectionSet("@AllInlets"), "Area")
where AllInlets is a named selection set that exists either at the analysis level or the model level. About Location Functions
You can use location functions in expressions to set the Location property of an object such as a boundary
condition or a selection set. These functions return lists of entities that can used as input to other functions.
There are several different types of selection criteria functions. Basic functions simply retrieve geometric
entities from your model. Set functions can add or remove entities from location lists. Criteria functions
change the contents of an entity list based on entity criteria.
If an expression in the Variable field of a Contour or Vector result contains a location, the location within the
expression is ignored and the whole expression is evaluated on the location specified in the result's Location
property. Location Basic Functions
Basic functions return one particular type of entity. These functions can be used in other location functions
as an input entity list.
Table Basic Functions
Function Name


Geometric Entity

AllBodies ()

Returns a list of all geometric body bodies


AllFaces ()

Returns a list of all geometric

surface entities

AllEdges ()

Returns a list of all geometric edge edges


AllVertices ()

Returns a list of all geometric

vertex entities

AllBodiesIn (<Location>)

Return a list of all bodies to which bodies

Location is scoped

Everywhere ()

Returns all internally generated

nodes and elements participating
in the Physics Solution for finite
element based solvers




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Expressions and Other Operations

Function Name


Geometric Entity

DefaultWalls ()

Returns all of the unassigned faces faces

of the model in a fluid flow. This
function, assigned as the default
location for a Wall boundary
condition, is evaluated at run time.

AllBodies() returns a list of all bodies based on the current task's input model. Location Set Operation Functions
The table below lists location functions that perform set operations on the input location lists.
Table Set Operation Functions
Function Name


Add (<LocationA>,<LocationB>)

Combines the entities from LocationA and LocationB

into a single unique entity list. Items that are in both
LocationA and LocationB will be listed only once in
the final result.

Intersect (<LocationA>,<LocationB>)

Returns the entities that are in both LocationA and


Invert (<LocationA>)

Returns all of the entities except for the entities

contained in LocationA. This function respects the
type(s) of entities contained in LocationA. For
example, if LocationA is a list of a portion of vertices,
the inverted list will contain only vertices that are not
in LocationA. If LocationA is a list of vertices and
edges, it will return all the vertices and edges not
contained in LocationA.

Subtract (<LocationA>,<LocationB>)

Returns the entities in LocationA that are not also in


To create a single list of all faces and edges:
To find all entities that are not in the selection set "SelectionSet 1":
Invert(GetSelectionSet("@SelectionSet 1")) Location Criteria Functions
Each of the basic entity types (bodies, faces, edges, and vertices) from the functions mentioned above have
attributes that are available for use within location criteria functions.
Below is a list of attributes that are available for each entity type. When using these attributes and values
in functions, case does not matter. See Units on page 259 for more information on how to write different
quantity types.

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Expressions and Other Operations

Entity Type




























Circle will return edges that make a complete circle.

Arc will return partial circles.











The following location criteria functions return lists of entities based on the criteria applied to the input entity
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Expressions and Other Operations

Table Criteria Functions
Function Definition


Convert (<Location>,

Returns all the entities of the entity type

ConvertToType based on the selection found in
Location. The ConvertOption parameter can be "all"
or "any" where "all" will return only the entities that
are part of the entities in Location.
ConvertToType can be any of the following:
"bodies", "faces", "edges", "vertices"
See Convert Options "All" and "Any" on page 268 for
more information.

Largest (<Location>,"<Attribute>")

Returns all of the entities contained in Location that

have Attribute with the largest value.

Match (<Location>,"<Attribute>","<Value>")

Returns all of the entities contained in the Location

that have Attribute equal to Value.

NotMatch (<Location>,"<Attribute>","<Value>")

Returns all of the entities contained in the Location

that have Attribute not equal to Value.

Range (<Location>,"<Attribute>",

Returns all of the entities contained in the Location

that have Attribute equal to or within the range from
Lower to Upper.

Smallest (<Location>,"<Attribute>")

Returns all of the entities contained in the Location

that have Attribute with the smallest value.

Returns all of the entities contained in the Location
(<Location>,"<Attribute>","<Operator>","<Value>") that have Attribute with a value that satisfies the
Operator can be any of the following:
" >", "<", ">=", "<="
Find all bodies where x is less than or equal to 1.25 cm:
Threshold(AllBodies(), "x", "<=", "1.25 [cm]")
Find all faces with the smallest area:
Smallest(AllFaces(),"area") Convert Options "All" and "Any"
The Convert location criteria function allows you to specify if you want to convert "all" or "any" of the supplied
entities to the ConvertTo entity type. To illustrate this, assume you have a rectangular body and you want
to select all the vertices with the largest X coordinate and convert them to edges. The set of vertices that
will be used during the conversion are shown below.

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Expressions and Other Operations

Figure Largest(AllVertices(),"x")

When performing a conversion to edges, all of the edges of the model will be examined, noting the vertices
that are associated with each edge. If "all" is the selected option, the only edges included in the converted
set are those for which all of the edges' vertices are included in the set of vertices input as the location. If
an edge has only one or no vertex that is included in the input set of vertices, it will not be included.

Figure Convert(Largest(AllVertices(),"x"),"edges","all")

If "any" is the selected option, all edges that contain any vertex that is part of the set input as the location
will be included.
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Expressions and Other Operations

Figure Convert(Largest(AllVertices(),"x"),"edges","any")

7.1.8. Expression Composition

Expressions can be entered into any property field that requires direct user input. After you finish editing
the property and press the Enter key, the expression is committed, and evaluated. The evaluated expression
value is then displayed in the property box. If the expression cannot be evaluated, the expression text is
shown instead. Where these properties are quantities, the units form part of the expression; for example,
"10 [m s^-1]". These units are therefore used in the evaluation of the expression and are represented in
the expression value.
The expression property boxes provide auto-completion of the expression components as they are entered.
Auto-Completion of Parentheses
Parentheses are automatically added to the expression in order to assist in evaluation order when using
binary operators (+-*/). When you enter a binary operator, under circumstances where there is a left operand
and it is appropriate to do so, parentheses will be added to the expression text. The added parentheses are
initially ghosted, to signify a temporary state; you can decide to disregard these. Pressing the Delete key
removes the parentheses from the expression text. Any other key entry or movement of the cursor will accept
the parentheses and remove the ghosted effect.
Auto-Completion of Units
Units are automatically added to the expression when entering a new expression. When you enter an
expression that requires a quantity, there must be appropriate units declared at the end of the expression
text. If you overwrite the entire expression text, then ghosted units are automatically appended to the end,
in the form of " [m s^-1] ", or " * 1 [m s^-1] " if the value is not a numeric literal.
The ghosted units that are appended to the end of the expression text are the default user units for the
particular property. You may change the units manually. The ghosted highlight of the auto complete units
signify that it is in a temporary state. You can accept these units by committing the expression in its current

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Expressions and Other Operations

state. If you press the Delete key while the cursor is to the left of the ghosted units, you remove the auto
completed units and must enter them manually.
If you enter a unit string character ("["), then the ghosted completion disappears. A drop down list will appear
with an alphabetical list of units appropriate for this quantity type. Additionally if you enter a letter after the
unit start, then not only will the units for this quantity type be suggested, but all units beginning with the
partially entered string will be suggested.
The drop down list will be scrollable if there are many suggestions available in the list. You can use the
mouse to scroll through the list. Pressing the Esc key closes the drop down list.
As you move your cursor down the list, the entry under the cursor is highlighted and becomes active. To
select the active entry, click on it. This will update the current expression input with the active suggestion,
and close the drop down list.
Auto-Suggestion of Expression Components
As you enter a string in an expression, if you pause typing for a short time, a drop down list is displayed
containing a list of suggestions appropriate for any partial string prior to the current cursor position. The list
of suggestions will be populated with those symbols available for the property being edited, including
constants, variables, functions, parameters, named expressions, field variables, and field functions. Note
that names of the expression components (variables, functions, and so on) are case sensitive.
The drop down list will be scrollable if there are many suggestions available in the list. You can use the
mouse to scroll through the list. Pressing the Esc key closes the drop down list.
As you move your cursor down the list, the entry under the cursor is highlighted and becomes active. To
select the active entry, click on it or press the Enter key. This will update the current expression input with
the active suggestion, and close the drop down list. If the active suggestion selected is a function, then the
cursor position is placed within the parentheses of the function ready for input again.
The suggestions listed in drop down list and the expression properties have syntax highlighting applied to
them as described in the following table:
Expression Component

Text Color

Numerals and mathematical operators




Named Expressions






Parameters and Named Values


Suggested names appear in italic text if the item is scoped to the current analysis, or non-italic text if they
have a general scope.

7.1.9. Reuse of Expressions and Values

You can reuse either an expression that you've entered into a property field or the value of the expression
by giving it a name. You can then reference the expression or value by name when defining another

Using Named Expressions and Named Values

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Expressions and Other Operations

Named Expression
A name is assigned to an expression. The named expression becomes an independent data panel object
containing the current expression. The expression can then be referenced by name in the definition of another
expression. For example:
When entering the velocity at inlet1 you can enter: v_in1 = Position.x/5 [s]
This will create a named expression titled v_in1. This named expression can be used in another expression.
For example, when entering the velocity at inlet2 you can enter:
To change v_in1, visit the Named Expressions/Values panel.
Named Value
A name is assigned to a property of an existing data panel object. The property value can then be referenced
by name in the definition of an expression. For example:
When entering the velocity at inlet1 you can enter: 5 [m/s]
Using the fly-out menu you can create a named value (for example v_in1). This named value can be used
in another expression. For example, when entering the velocity at inlet2 you can enter:
To change v_in1, visit the inlet1 panel and edit the velocity property directly.
Named Expressions cannot be parameterized.
Properties can be parameterized using the P icon found in the fly-out menu.
If the property is an input of the data model and is assigned a constant expression like 12[mm] or 2*12[mm],
then it parameterizes as an input parameter.
If the property is an output of the data model, or is defined by an expression with dependencies on named
expressions or named values, then it parameterizes as an output parameter. Named Expressions and Values
You can view named expression and named values in panels, their associated grid views, or at the property
Named Expressions and Named Values in Panels
From the Study panel, you can view all of the named expressions and named values defined (though not
necessarily used) in the study.
From the Simulation Process, task, or object panels, you can view all the named expressions and named
values used in that part of the study.
If both named expressions and named values exist, the bottom of the panel shows the total number defined.
If you expand Named Expressions/Values, you can see a breakdown of how many have been defined
of each.
You can click on the links to navigate to the associated grid.
Named Expressions and Named Values Grids
You can view a grid containing named expressions, named values, or both. These grids can be accessed at
the panel level, by clicking the associated links at the bottom.
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Expressions and Other Operations

If accessed from the Study panel, the grid shows all named expressions and/or named valued defined
(though not necessarily used) in the study.
If accessed from the Simulation Process, task, or object panel, the grid shows all the named expressions
and/or named values defined and in use for that part of the study.
The Named Values grid can also be accessed at the property level by clicking the icon next to a property
that has been assigned a name.
The grids provide the following details and actions:
For each named expression, you can view the Name, the current Expression, and the Value of the expression.
You can click on Name to open the named expression object. When one or more named expressions are
selected, toolbar icons enable you to duplicate or delete the selected expressions.
For each named value, you can view the Name, the Property with which the named value is associated,
and the current Value of the property. You can click on Property to navigate to the property being
referenced. When one or more named values are selected, a toolbar icon enables you to delete the selected
In the Named Expressions/Values grid, both named expressions and named values are shown. A drop-down
menu enables you to display the named expressions and named expressions grouped separately, or all in
a single list.
Named Values at the Property Level
At the property level, a named values icon to the right of a property indicates that the property has been
assigned a name. When you mouse over the named values icon, a tooltip shows the names assigned to the
property. Navigation to Named Expressions and Named Values
You can navigate to named expressions and named properties via the links on the associated grids.
From a named property, you can navigate to its named value. Navigating to a Named Expressions Object
To navigate to a named expressions object:
1. Open the Named Expressions/Named Values grid or the Named Expressions grid.
2. Click the Name for the named expression. Navigating to a Named Property
To navigate to a named property:
1. Open the Named Expressions/Named Values grid or the Named Values grid.
2. Click the Property for the named property. Navigating to a Named Value
To navigate to a named property:
1. Navigate to the named property.
2. Click the named value icon to the right of the property. Creation of Named Expressions and Named Values
Named values can be created at the property level via the flyout menu to the right of the field.
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Expressions and Other Operations

Named expressions can be defined:
At the property level either via the flyout menu or by typing inline
Via the Add and Add Named Expressions drop-down menus
Via the + or Duplicate icon of a named expression object Creating a Named Expression or Named Value via Menu at the Property Level
To create a named expression or named value via menu at the property level:

Open the propertys flyout menu by clicking on the right arrow to the right of the field.
Click the Create named expression/value icon.
Select Expression or Calculated Value.
Enter the expression or value name.
Click Create. Creating a Named Expression Inline at the Property Level

To create a named expression inline at the property level:
1. In a property field, enter the expression in the format MyExpression=<expression>. For example:
MyExpression= 10[C^3] * 10[C]
2. Press Enter. Creating a Named Expression via Add Menus
The Add and Add Named Expression menus allow you to create a named expression either by adding
a new named expression or duplicating an existing one.
The Add menu displays next to the Named Expressions link at the bottom of panels and in the Named
Expressions/Values grid when entries are organized by type.
The Add Named Expression menu displays in the Named Expressions grid and the Named Expressions
Values grid.
To add a new named expression via either menu:
1. Click the arrow on the menu.
2. Specify whether you want to create a new expression or duplicate an existing one.
To create new: Select + Named Expression.
To duplicate existing: First select Duplicate of, and then select the named expression to be
3. In the expression object that opens, you can double-click the name to edit it.
4. In the Expression field, enter the expression.
5. Click Create. Naming Rules for Named Expressions and Named Values
The following rules apply to naming expressions and values:
They must start with a letter (A-Z, or, a-z), or an underscore (_), followed by zero or more letters,
underscores, and digits (0-9).
They cannot be the same as reserved keywords in Python.

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Expressions and Other Operations

They cannot be the same as system variable names, system function names, or the names of solver
They cannot contain spaces.
They are case-sensitive.
You will receive a warning if the name you enter is invalid. Editing a Named Expression Object
To edit a named expression object:
1. Navigate to the named expression object via its Name link in the Named Expressions/Values grid or
the Named Expressions grid.
2. Double-click the name to enable editing.
3. Type changes into the Expression and Description fields.
4. The Evaluated Value field is non-editable. If evaluation is possible, it displays the current value of the
expression. Copying a Named Expression or its Value
To copy a named expression or its value at the property level:
1. Navigate to the property via its Property link in the Named Expressions/Values grid or the Named
Values grid.
2. Open the flyout menu by clicking on the right arrow to the right of the property field.
3. Click the Copy button.
4. Specify whether you want to copy a named expression or the current value of the expression.

The name of the expression or the value of the expressions is now on the clipboard. You can use Ctrl+v
to paste the name (and thus the expression) or the value into another data field,or into any Windows
application. Duplication of Named Expressions
You can duplicate a named expression from its object, from Named Expressions/Values or the Named
Expressions grid, or the Study panel.
The new named expression will have the default name Copyof<namedexpression>. Duplicating a Named Expression from its Object
To duplicate a named expression from its object:
1. Open the Named Expressions object.
2. Click the Duplicate icon in the object toolbar.
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Expressions and Other Operations Duplicating a Named Expression from a Grid
To duplicate a named expression from a grid:
1. Open the Named Expressions/Values grid or the Named Expressions grid.
2. Select one or more named expressions.
3. Click the Duplicate icon in the toolbar. Duplicating a Named Expression from the Study Panel
To duplicate a named expression from the Study panel:

Open the Study panel.

Click the Add button to the right of Named Expressions.
Select Duplicate of.
Select the named expression to be duplicated.
Click Create. Deleting a Named Expression or Named Value

To delete a named expression or named value:
1. Open the Named Expressions/Values, the Named Expressions or the Named Values grid.
2. Select one or more named expressions or named values to be deleted.
3. Click the Delete icon in the toolbar. Named Expressions and Named Values in the Construction of New Expressions
Once a named expression or named value has been created, you can use it to construct other expressions.
As you type in a new expression into a property field, existing named expressions and named values become
available as auto-completion options.
Prior to selection, auto-complete options for named expressions are displayed in purple text; auto-complete
options named values are displayed in pink text.
For more information, see Expression Composition on page 270.

7.1.10. Mathematical Constants

The tables below list the mathematical constants that can be used in expressions.
Table Constants






Base of natural logarithm


7.1.11. Mathematical Operators and Functions

Built-In Mathematical Operators and Functions
The tables below list the mathematical operators and functions that can be used in expressions. Some of
the functions may not be available depending on the task (Physics, Results, and so on), and physics region
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Expressions and Other Operations

(Structural, Fluid Flow, and so on) in which they (or the location they reference) are being used. The syntax
shown in the tables uses x and y to indicate operands, and [a] and [b] to indicate units for the operands.
Availability of the operators and functions is indicated in the tables using the following notation:

Not physics-specific, available for all expressions


Available for expressions relating to regions of fluid flow physics


Available for expressions relating to regions of structural, thermal or electric conduction



Available for expressions used when calculating results involving fluid flow physics


Available for expressions used when calculating results involving structural, thermal or
electric conduction physics

Table Basic Mathematical Operators






X Units

Y Units






x[a] + y[b]




x[a] - y[b]




x[a] * y[b]




x[a] / y[b]




x[a] ** y



Table Mathematical Functions






X Units

Y Units






Floor Divide

x[a] // y






Nearest Integer






Absolute Value



Absolute Value











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Expressions and Other Operations






X Units

Y Units


Base 10




pow(x[a], y)


Square root



Arc cosine



Arc sine



Arc tangent



Arc tangent
with quadrant















Hyperbolic sine







min(x[a], y[a]) any



max(x[a], y[a]) any



x[a] if
else y[b]





Table Boolean Operators






X Units

Y Units



not x

Less Than or
Equal to

x[a] <= y[b]



Less Than

x[a] < y[b]



Greater than or
equal to

x[a] >= y[b]



Greater than

x[a] > y[b]



Not equal to

x[a] != y[b]



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Expressions and Other Operations






X Units

Y Units


Equal to

x[a] == y[b]


x and y


x or y



7.1.12. Quantity Functions

The table below lists the various quantitative functions that can be used in expressions, and the syntax for
each function. Some of the functions may not be available depending on the task (Physics, Results, and so
on), and physics region (Structural, Fluid Flow, and so on) in which they (or the location they reference) are
being used.
Functions that have a weighting as an argument allow the other arguments to be weighted by another
quantity. This is often required to get physically meaningful results from functions which operate across
non-uniform grids and/or fields which vary in density, temperature, and so on.
The weight values have the following meaning. Note that for functions used in the context of structural
analyses, the only weighting type allowed is Simple.
Table Function Weighting Values
Weighting Value



Arithmetic weighting (i.e. a weighting factor of 1).


Weight by the local length (for 1D objects).


Weight by the local face area (for 2D objects).


Weight by the local volume (for 3D objects).


Weight by the local mass (for 3D objects).

Availability of the functions is indicated in the table using the following notation:

Not physics specific, available for all expressions


Available for expressions relating to regions of fluid flow physics


Available for expressions relating to regions of structural, thermal or electric conduction



Available for expressions used when calculating results involving fluid flow physics


Available for expressions used when calculating results involving structural, thermal or
electric conduction physics

Table Quantity Functions








Length(<locations>) Returns the length
of <locations>

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Expressions and Other Operations









Area(<locations>) Returns area of



Volume(<locations>) Returns volume of



Mass(<locations>) Returns mass of



Sum(<expr>,<locations>, Returns weighted

"Simple" |
sum of <expr>
"Length" | "Area" over <locations>
| "Volume" |


"Simple" |
"Length" | "Area"
| "Volume" |

Returns weighted
average of
<expr> over

Root Mean Square

"Simple" |
"Length" | "Area"
| "Volume" |

Returns weighted
root mean square
of <expr> over


Count(<locations>, Returns number of

"Node" | "Edge" | mesh entities on
"Face" |


"Node" | "Edge" |
"Face" |

Returns number of
mesh entities on
<locations> if
<logical_expr> is


"Simple" |
"Length" | "Area"
| "Volume" |

Returns weighted
sum of <expr>
over <locations>
if <logical_expr>
is true


i um(<expr>,<o
l cato
i ns>) Returns maximum
value of <expr>
on <locations>


Minimum(<expr>,<locations>) Returns minimum

value of <expr>
on <locations>

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Expressions and Other Operations









Probe(<expr>,<locations>) Returns value of

<expr> at

7.1.13. Object Retrieval Functions

The following functions are available to retrieve certain objects from the analysis. Some of the functions may
not be available depending on the task (Physics, Results, and so on), and physics region (Structural, Fluid
Flow, and so on) in which they (or the location they reference) are being used. Availability of the operators
and functions is indicated in the tables using the following notation:

Not physics specific, available for all expressions


Available for expressions relating to regions of fluid flow physics


Available for expressions relating to regions of structural, thermal or electric conduction



Available for expressions used when calculating results involving fluid flow physics


Available for expressions used when calculating results involving structural, thermal or
electric conduction physics

Table Object Retrieval Functions







| "@<display_name>")

Return the specified

boundary condition

| "@<display_name>")

Return the location of

the specified isosurface

"<unique_name>" |

Return the specified

item of the specified

| "@<display_name>")

Return the specified


| "@<display_name>")

Return the specified


| "@<display_name>")

Return the specified

physics region

| "@<display_name>")

Return the specified

Selection Set

7.1.14. Fluid Variables

The tables below lists the variable that can be accessed from the Fluid solver. These variables can be entered
into data fields as part of an expression wherever access to the Fluid solver data is permitted. The variable
names shown in the tables are the versions that are used in expressions. You may see more "user friendly"
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Expressions and Other Operations

versions of the variable names used as labels or in drop-down lists (for example, Absolute Pressure vs.
AbsolutePressure, or X Velocity vs. Velocity.x)
Variable availability can be model and model option dependent (for example, TurbulenceEddyFrequency is
only available when using omega based models).
Table Fluid Pressure Variables
Variable Name

Variable Type







Table Fluid Material Property Variables

Variable Name

Variable Type









Table Fluid Velocity Variables

Variable Name

Variable Type






Vector Component


Vector Component


Vector Component


Vector Magnitude




Vector Component


Vector Component


Vector Component


Vector Magnitude

Table Fluid Thermal Variables

Variable Name

Variable Type



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Expressions and Other Operations

Variable Name

Variable Type



Table Fluid Turbulence Variables

Variable Name

Variable Type




















Tensor Components


Tensor Components


Tensor Components


Tensor Components


Tensor Components


Tensor Components



Table Fluid Wall Flux Variables

Variable Name

Variable Type




Vector Component


Vector Component


Vector Component





Table Fluid Force Variables

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Expressions and Other Operations

Variable Name

Variable Type




Vector Component


Vector Component


Vector Component


Vector Magnitude

Table Fluid Pressure Force Variables

Variable Name

Variable Type




Vector Component


Vector Component


Vector Component


Vector Magnitude

Table Fluid Viscous Force Variables

Variable Name

Variable Type




Vector Component


Vector Component


Vector Component


Vector Magnitude

Table Fluid Position Variables

Variable Name

Variable Type




Vector Component


Vector Component


Vector Component


Vector Magnitude

Table Fluid Mesh Metrics Variables

Variable Name

Variable Type


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Expressions and Other Operations

Variable Name

Variable Type




Vector Component


Vector Component


Vector Component









Table Fluid Time and Iteration Variables

Variable Name

Variable Type


Single Valued

Table Fluid Residual Variables

Variable Name

Variable Type


Mass Flow


Mass Imbalance

7.1.15. Structural Variables

The table below lists the variables that can be accessed from the Structural solver. These variables can be
entered into data fields as part of an expression wherever access to the Structural solver data is permitted.
The variable names shown in the tables are the versions that are used in expressions. You may see more
user-friendly versions of the variable names used as labels or in drop-down lists (for example, Absolute
Pressure vs. AbsolutePressure, or Velocity X vs. Velocity.x).
Table Structural Strain Variables
Variable Name

Variable Type

ElasticStrain.xx (.x)

Tensor Component

ElasticStrain.yy (.y)

Tensor Component

ElasticStrain.zz (.z)

Tensor Component

ElasticStrain.xy (.yx)

Tensor Component

ElasticStrain.zy (.yz)

Tensor Component

ElasticStrain.zx (.xz)

Tensor Component




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Expressions and Other Operations

Variable Name

Variable Type









ThermalStrain.xx (.x)

Tensor Component

ThermalStrain.yy (.y)

Tensor Component

ThermalStrain.zz (.z)

Tensor Component

ThermalStrain.xy (.yx)

Tensor Component

ThermalStrain.zy (.yz)

Tensor Component

ThermalStrain.zx (.xz)

Tensor Component











Table Structural Stress Variables

Variable Name

Variable Type

Stress.xx (.x)

Tensor Component

Stress.yy (.y)

Tensor Component

Stress.zz (.z)

Tensor Component

Stress.xy (.yx)

Tensor Component

Stress.zy (.yz)

Tensor Component

Stress.zx (.xz)

Tensor Component













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Expressions and Other Operations

Table Structural Displacement Variables
Variable Name

Variable Type




Vector Component


Vector Component


Vector Component


Vector Magnitude

Table Structural Force/Reaction Variables

Variable Name

Variable Type




Vector Component


Vector Component


Vector Component


Vector Magnitude

Table Structural Nodal Load Variables

Variable Name

Variable Type




Vector Component


Vector Component


Vector Component


Vector Magnitude

Table Structural Contact Variables

Variable Name

Variable Type











Table Structural Contact/Reaction Variables

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Expressions and Other Operations

Variable Name

Variable Type




Vector Component


Vector Component


Vector Component



Table Structural Joint Variables

Variable Name

Variable Type




Vector Component


Vector Component


Vector Component






Vector Component


Vector Component


Vector Component






Vector Component


Vector Component


Vector Component






Vector Component


Vector Component


Vector Component






Vector Component


Vector Component
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Expressions and Other Operations

Variable Name

Variable Type


Vector Component






Vector Component


Vector Component


Vector Component






Vector Component


Vector Component


Vector Component






Vector Component


Vector Component


Vector Component



Table Fatigue Variables

Variable Name

Variable Type











Table Miscellaneous Mechanical Variables

Variable Name

Variable Type



7.1.16. Electric Conduction Variables

The table below lists the electric conduction variables that can be accessed from the Structural solver. These
variables can be entered into data fields as part of an expression wherever access to the electric conduction
data is permitted. The variable names shown in the tables are the versions that are used in expressions. You
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Expressions and Other Operations

may see more user-friendly versions of the variable names used as labels or in drop-down lists (for example,
Absolute Pressure vs. AbsolutePressure, or X Velocity vs. Velocity.x).
Table Electric Potential Variables
Variable Name

Variable Type



Table Electric Field Variables

Variable Name

Variable Type




Vector Component


Vector Component


Vector Component


Vector Magnitude

Table Current Density Variables

Variable Name

Variable Type




Vector Component


Vector Component


Vector Component


Vector Magnitude

Table Current Reaction Variables

Variable Name

Variable Type



Table Joule Heat Generation Variables

Variable Name

Variable Type



Table Contact Variables

Variable Name

Variable Type



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Expressions and Other Operations

7.1.17. Thermal Variables

The table below lists the thermal variables that can be accessed from the Structural solver. These variables
can be entered into data fields as part of an expression wherever access to the thermal data is permitted.
The variable names shown in the tables are the versions that are used in expressions. You may see more
user-friendly versions of the variable names used as labels or in drop-down lists (for example, Absolute
Pressure vs. AbsolutePressure, or X Velocity vs. Velocity.x).
Table Structural Thermal Variables
Variable Name

Variable Type






Vector Component


Vector Component


Vector Component


Vector Magnitude




Vector Component


Vector Component


Vector Component


Vector Magnitude

Table Thermal Nodal Load Variables

Variable Name

Variable Type



Table Structural Heat Flow/Reaction Variables

Variable Name

Variable Type



Table Contact Variables

Variable Name

Variable Type



Table Miscellaneous Thermal Variables

Variable Name

Variable Type



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Expressions and Other Operations

7.2. ANSYS AIM Journaling and Scripting Overview

ANSYS AIM is fully integrated in to the journaling and scripting capabilities of Workbench. It allows you to
create a repeatable scripted process using the Python programming language or to replay a previously
recorded journal (journals are recorded by default).
ANSYS AIM extends the Workbench project and data model concepts with the following additions:
Project Elements

Task Group

Scripting Interface Concepts



Simulation Process Template

Detailed descriptions of the entire project and data model concepts, including these ANSYS AIM-specific
ones, can be found in in the Workbench Scripting Guide.
ANSYS AIM uses the same concepts as described in the Workbench Scripting Guide, with the following
Most input is an expression which must evalute to a quantity type, and thus it is required to include the
units; therefore none of the examples in the section apply.
The methods that are available are detailed in the data containers section of the Workbench Scripting Guide.
The study-based commands that can be executed are described in the namespaced commands section of
the Workbench Scripting Guide.

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adaptive size function ....................................................35

additional settings for Volume Creation ............................55

material property, density .............................................124

mesh options .................................................................91
local mesh sizing control ..........................................91
mesh resolution .............................................................45
mesh sizing controls ...........................................45, 9091
body sizing .............................................................90
edge sizing .............................................................91
face sizing ..............................................................90
mesh resolution ......................................................45

Behavior .......................................................................93
Size Function and ....................................................93
body sizing control .........................................................90

contours ......................................................................229
curvature size function ...................................................34

density ........................................................................124

Element Size .................................................................93
Size Function and ....................................................93
engineering topology .....................................................94
Extracted Volume ...........................................................95
properties ...............................................................95

face sizing control ..........................................................90
fixed size function ....................................................34, 55

Geometry Simplification .................................................96
properties ...............................................................96

isosurfaces ..................................................................236

local mesh sizing control options .....................................91
local mesh sizing controls ...............................................88

overview ...............................................229, 233, 236, 239
contours ...............................................................229
isosurfaces ............................................................236
results ..................................................................229
streamlines ...........................................................239
vectors .................................................................233

properties for Volume Creation tasks .........................9596
proximity size function ...................................................33

results ..................................................229, 233, 236, 239
contours ...............................................................229
isosurfaces ............................................................236
streamlines ...........................................................239
vectors .................................................................233

size function ..................................................................31
Size Function .................................................................93
Behavior and ..........................................................93
Element Size and ....................................................93
size function options ..........46, 5051, 55, 67, 7273, 7778
size functions ...........................................................3335
adaptive .................................................................35
curvature ................................................................34
fixed ......................................................................34
proximity ................................................................33
streamlines ..................................................................239

thermal conductivity, constant ......................................126

vectors ........................................................................233
Volume Creation task ..........................................55, 9596
additional settings ...................................................55
Extracted Volume ....................................................95

Volume Creation task (continued)

Geometry Simplification ...........................................96
local properties ..................................................9596
volume definitions .............................................9596
volume definitions ....................................................9495
defining ..................................................................95

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