CDI Maria Kovacs
CDI Maria Kovacs
CDI Maria Kovacs
Diagnostic Considerations
The CDI measures symptom severity- it is NOT a diagnostic tool
Measures symptoms associated with depressive disorders
and distinguishes between depressive disorders
V Codes
What does depression in childhood look like?
"Measurement Bias Across Gender on the CDI"
"Depressive symptoms as measured by the CDI in a population of
Northern Italian Children"
Gender differences regarding depression has been explored
Gender differences on assessment measures has not
Purpose of the study was to confirm the accuracy of prevalence
rates determined by the CDI and confirm the psychometric
properties of the instrument
n= 779
five factors or CDI were measured and were consistent between
Andrews, L.Wasmer (2010). Quick Reference. In Encyclopedia of
Depression. Santa Barbara, CA: Greenwood. Retrieved from
Carle, A.C. Millsap, R.E. Cole, D.A. (2007). Measurement Bias Across
Gender on the Childrens Depression Inventory: Evidence for
Invariance from Two Latent Variable Models. Educational and
Psychological Measurement, 68 (281). Retrieved from
Childrens depression inventory. (2009). The international
encyclopedia of depression. Springer Publishing Company.
Bae, Y. (2012). Test Review: Childrens Depression Inventory 2 (CDI
2). Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment, 30 (304). Retrieved
Frigerio, A., Pesenti, S., Molteni, M., Snider, J., & Battaglia, M. (2001).
Depressive symptoms as measured by the CDI in a population of
northern italian children. European Psychiatry, 16(1), 33-37.
Kovacs, M. (2003). Childrens Depression Inventory: Technical
Manual Update.