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2.1 Groups and Subgroups . . .
2.1.1 Definition . . . . . .
2.1.2 Example . . . . . . .
2.1.3 Definition . . . . . .
2.1.4 Definition . . . . . .
2.1.5 Definition . . . . . .
2.1.6 Definition . . . . . .
2.1.7 Definition . . . . . .
2.1.8 Definition . . . . . .
2.1.9 Definition . . . . . .
2.1.10 Definition . . . . . .
2.1.11 Definition . . . . . .
2.2 Permutation Groups . . . .
2.2.1 definition . . . . . .
2.2.2 Definition . . . . . .
2.3 Cayleys Theorem . . . . . .
2.3.1 Theorem (Cayley) . .






















3.1 Group Action . . . . . . . . .
3.1.1 Definition . . . . . . .
3.1.2 Example . . . . . . . .
3.1.3 Theorem . . . . . . . .
3.1.4 Example . . . . . . . .
3.1.5 Example . . . . . . . .





















Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

4.1 Definition . . . . . . . . .
4.1.1 Example . . . . . .
4.1.2 Theorem . . . . . .
4.1.3 Definition . . . . .






















5.1 Theorem . . . .
5.2 Definition . . .
5.2.1 Theorem
5.2.2 Example






















. . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . .















6.1 Theorem (Burnsides Formula ) .
6.1.1 Example . . . . . . . . . .
6.1.2 Example . . . . . . . . . .
6.1.3 Example . . . . . . . . . .
6.1.4 Example . . . . . . . . . .
6.1.5 Example . . . . . . . . . .


7.1 Computation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
7.2 Concepts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
7.3 Theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


. . . . . . . . . . . 31
. . . . . . . . . . . 34
. . . . . . . . . . . 35





Chapter 1
In algebra and geometry a group action is a way of describing symmetries of objects using groups.The essential elements
of the objects are described by the symmetry group of this set
,which consists of bijective transformation of set.In this case,the
group is also called a permutation group (especially if set is finite or not a vector space) or transformation groups.A group
actions is an extention to the definition of a symmetry group in
which every element of the group acts like a bijective transformation (orsymmetry) of the set ,without being identified
with that transformation.This allows for more comprehensive
description of the symmetries of an object,such as a polyhedron
by allowing the same group to act on several different sets of
features such as the set of vetices ,the set of edges and the set
of faces of the polyhedron.
Historically,the first group action studied was the action of
the Galois group on roots of polynomial.However ,there are
numerous examples and applications of group action in many
branches of mathematics ,including algebra,topology geometry
,number theory and analysis as well as the science including

chemistry and physics.

The abstraction provided by Group action is powerful one

,because allows geometrical idea to the applied to more abstract
object .Many objects in mathematics have natural group action
defined on them .In particular ,group can act on other groups ,or
even on themselves .Despite this generality the theory of group
action contains wide reaching theorems ,which can to prove deep
result in several fields.And the set of group action on a set what
are the changes in the set.

Here the outline of sections .In section 1 we will discuss Fundamentals of Groups and definition of Sub groups ,section 2 discuss the Group Action on Set ,section 3 describes the isotropy
subgroups with some examples,section 4 describes Orbits and
an important theorem,section 5 describes Applications of Group
Action on a Set to Counting including the formula and some examples section 6 describes the application problems of related
Group Action and its application which may help you to see
the real beauty of group action on a set.

Chapter 2
This chapter define some fundamental idea about groups and
subgroups and also giving some examples of them


Groups and Subgroups


Let S be a non-empty set .Any function f : S S is called

binaray operation on S or equivalently ,an operation (?) on S
is called a binary operation on S (or S is closed under the
operation (?)).if a ? b S ,for all a, b S


The equation (+), ()and () all are binary operations on Z, Q, R

and C,where Z is the set of all integers ,Q is the set of all rational numbers,R is the set of all real numbers,and C is set of all
complex numbers



A non empty set S with one or more than one binary operations
is called a mathematical system or(algebraic system) and if (?)is
a binary operation on S,then we say that (S, ?) is a mathematical system


An element e of a mathematical system (?) is called an identityelement of S if a ? e = a = e ? a, f or all a S



Let(S, ?),be a mathematical system with an identity element e

.An element a S is said to have an inverse in S if there exists
b S such that a ? b = e = b ? a(Note that ,b is called inverse of
a and is denoted by a1 and we write a1 = b)


A Group is a non empty setG on which there is defined a binary

operation (a, b) ab satisfying the following properties
closure:If a and b belongs to G, then ab is also in G
Associativity : a(bc)=(ab)c ,for all a,b,c G;
Identity :There is an element 1 G such that a1=1a=a for all
a G;
Inverse:if a is in G,then there is an element aa1 = a1 a = 1
A group G is abelian if the binary operation is commutative
i.e, ab=ba for all a,b in G. In this case binary operation is often
written additively ((a, b) a + b),with the identity as 0 rather

than 1.
There are some very familiar examples of abelian groups under addition,namely the integers Z,rationals Q,the real numbers
R,the complex numbers C,and the integers Zm modulo m


A subgroup H is a non empty subset of G that forms a group under the binary operations of G ,Equivalently ,H is a non empty
subset of G such that if a and b belongs to H.so does ab1 .
If A is any subset of group G,the subgroup generated by A is the
smallest subgroup containing A,denoted by hAi.
It is obvious that hei and G are always subgroup of group G


Let (G, .)and(G0 , ) be groups.A map : G G0 , such that

(x.y) = (x) (y),for all x, y G is called homomorphism


The map : G G0 is called an isomorphism and G and G0

are said to be isomorphic if
is a homomorphism
is a bijection


A group G is Cyclic if G can be generated by a simple element

,i.e, there is some element aG such that G = {an : n G}(here

the operation is multiplication).A finite cyclic group generated

by 0 a0 is necessarily abelian


The order of an element a in G (|a|)is the least positive integer

n such that an = 1;if no such integer exists ,the order of X is
infinite .Thus |a| = n ,then the cyclic subgrouphai generated by
a has exactly n elements ,and ak = 1 if and only if k is a multiple
of n.
The order of the group G ,denoted by |G|, is simply the number
of elements in G


Permutation Groups

A permutation of a set S is a bijection on S,that is, a function

: S S that is one to one and on to.(If S is finite the
is one-to-one iff it is on-to)


There are several permutation groups that are of major interests.the set Sn of all the permutations of {1, 2, 3, .....n} is called
a symmetric group on n letters.The subgroup An of all even permutations {1, 2, 3, .....n} is called the aleternatimg groups on n letters


Cayleys Theorem
Theorem (Cayley)

Every finite group G can be embedded in a symmetric group.

To each g G ,define the left multiplication function Ig :
G G,where Ig (x) = gx for each x G.Each Ig is a permutation of G as a set with inverse Ig1 .So Ig belongs to Sym(G) .
Since Ig1 Ig2 = Ig1 g2 (i.e, g1 (g2 (x))=(g1 g2 )x for all x G) associating g to Ig give a homomorphism of groups ,G Sym(G).This
homomorphism is one to one since Ig determine g (after all
Ig (e) = g) . Therefore the corresponding g Ig is an embedding of G as a subgroup of Sym(G).

Chapter 3

Group Action

Definition 2.1.1 Defines a binary operation on a set S to be a

function mapping S S into S.The function gives us a rule
for multiplying an element s1 inS and an element s2 to yield
an element s1 s2 inS.
More generally ,for any sets A,B,and C,we can view a map,
: A B C as defining multiplication ,where any element
aonA times any element b of B has as value some element c of
C .Of course ,we write a b = c,or simply ab = c.In this section,
we will be concerned with the case where X us a set , G is a
group, and we have a map : G X X.we shall write (g, x)
as g x or gx


Let X be a set and G a group.An action of G on X is a map

: G X X such that
ex = x
f or
x X,
(g1 g2 )(x) = g1 (g2 x) for all x and all g1 , g2 G

Under conditions ,X is a G-set.



Let X be any set , and let H be a subgroup of the group Sx of

all permutations of X.Then X is an H-Set, where the action of
H on X is its action as an element of Sx , so thatx = (x)
for all x X. condition 2 is a consequence of definition of permutation multiplication as function composition ,and condition
1 is immediately from the definition of the identity permutation
as an identity function ,Note that ,in particular,{1, 2, 3, .....n} in
an Sn set
Our next theorem will show that for every G-set X and each
g G, the map g : X X defined by g (x) = gx is a permutation of X, that is a homomorphism : G SX such that
the action of G on X is essentially the example above action of
image subgroup H = [G]of SX on X .so actions of subgroups of
SX on X describe all possible group actions on X.when studying
the set X ,actions using subgroups of SX suffice.However ,sometimes a set X is used to study G via a group of G on X.Thus we
need the more general concept given by the definition.



Let X be a G-set for each g G,then function g : X X

defined by g (x) = gx for x X is a permutations of X .Also
,the map : G Sx defined by (g) = g is a homomorphism
with the property that (g)(x) = gx.


To show that g is permutation of X ,we must show that it
is a one to one map of X onto itself.
suppose that g (x1 ) = g (x2 )s for x1 , x2 X.
gx1 = gx2
g 1 (gx1 ) = g 1 (gx2 )
using condition 2 in definition ,we see that
(g 1 g)x1 = (g 1 g)x2 ,
so ex1 = ex2 .
condition 1 of the definition then yields
x1 = x2
so g is a one-to-one.
the two conditions of the definition shows that for x X
we have g (g 1 x) = g(g 1 )x = (gg 1 x)S = ex = x
so g maps X onto X ,thus g is indeed a permutation,
To show that : G SX defined by (g) = g is a homomorphism,we must show that
(g1 g2 ) = (g1 )(g2 ) for all g1 g2 G
we show the equality of these two permutations in SX by showing they both carry an x X into same element.using the two
conditions in definition and rule for function composition,We
(g1 g2 )(x) = g1 g2 (x)
= (g1 g2 )x

= g1 (g2 x)
= g1 g2 (x)
= g1 (g2 (x))
= (g1 g2 )(x)
= ((g1 )(g2 ))(x)
Thus is a homomorphism.The stated property follows at
once since by our definitions ,we have (g)(x) = g (x) = gx.
It follows from the preceding theorem that if X Gset, then the
subset of G leaving every element of X fixed is normal subgroup
N of G , and we can regard X as a G/N -set where the action of a
coset gN on X is given by(gN )x = gx for each x X,N = {e},
then the identity element of G is the only element that leaves
every x X fixed ; we say that G acts faithfully on X.A group
G is transitive on a Gset Xif for each x1 , x2 X, there exists
g G such that gx1 = gx2 .Note that G is transitive on X if and
only if the subgroup [G] ofSX is transitive on X , as defined in
coming examples .
we continue with more examples G sets.



Every group G is itself is a G set , where the action on g2 G

byg1 G is given by left multiplication .That is (g1 , g2) = g1 g2 .
If H is a subgroup of G , we can also regard G as an Hset,where
(h, g) = hg.




Let H be a subgroup of G .Then G in an H set under an conjugation where (h, g) = hgh1 for g G and h H .condition
1 is obvious , and condition 2 note that
(h1 h2 , g) = (h1 h2 )g(h1 h2 )1 = h1 (h2 gh1
2 )h1 = (h1 , (h2 , g))

We always write this action of HonG by conjugation as hgh1 .The

abbreviation hg described before the definition would cause terrible confusion with group operation of G.



For students who have studied vector spaces with real (or complex) scalars , We mention that the axioms (rs)V = r(sV)
and 1V=V for scalars r and s and a vector V shows
that the set of vectors is an R? set or(C ? set) for multiplicative group of nonzero scalars.



Let H be a subgroup of G , and let LH be the be the set of all

left cosets of H .Then LH is G set ,where the action of g G
on the left coset xH is given by g(xH) = (gx)H.Observe that
this action is well defined :if yH = xH,then y = xh for some
h H, and


g(yH) = (gy)H = (gxh)H = (gx)(hH) = (gx)H = g(xH).

A series of exercises shows that every G set is isomorphic
to one that may be formed using these left coset G set as
building blocks.



Let G be the group D4 ={0 , 1 , 3 , 3 , 1 , 2 , 1 , 2 } of symmetries of squares .In figure show the square with vertices 1,2,3,4
as in a square .we label the sides s1 , s2 , s3 , s4 , the diagonals
d1 and d2 , vertical and horizontal axes m1 , m2 ,the center
C,and mid point Pi of sides si .Recall that i corresponds to
rotating the square counterclockwise through i/2 radians ,i
corresponds to flipping on the axis mi , and i to flipping on the
diagonal di .we let
X = {1, 2, 3, 4, s1 , s2 , s3 , s4 , m1 , m2 , d1 , d2 , C, P1 , P2 , P3 , P4 }

Then X can be regarded as a D4 set in a natural way .Table describes completely the complete action of D4 on X and is
given to provide geometric illustrations of ideas to be introduced
We should be sure that we understand how this table is formed
before continuing.


Figure 3.1: FIGURE

Figure 3.2: TABLE


Chapter 4


Let X be a G set .Let x X and g G. It will be important

to know when gx = x
We let
Xg = {x X|gx = x}
GX = {g G|gx = x}


For the D4 setX in the example in the previous chapter,

we have,


X0 = X
X1 = {C}
= {s1 , s3 , m1 , m2 , C, P1 , P3 }

Also , with G = D4 ,


G1 = {0 , 2 }
Gs3 = {0 , 1 }
Gd1 = {0 , 2 , 1 , 2 }
We have the computation of the other X
lem section.

GX to in the prob-

Note that the subsets GX given in the preceding example were,in

each case , subgroups of G.This is true in general.


Let X be a G set . Then GX is a subgroup of G for each x X

Let x X and let g1 , g2 GX .
Then g1 x = x
g2 x = x.
consequently, (g1 g2 )x = g1 (g2 x) = g1 x = x, so g1 g2 GX , GX is
closed umder the induced operation of G .Ofcourse ex = x, so
e GX .
If g GX ,then gx = x,so x = ex = (g 1 g)x = g 1 (gx) =
g 1 x,and consequently g 1 GX is a subgroup of G.
Thus GX is subgroup of G


Let X be a G set and let x X.The subgroup GX is the

isotropy subgroup of x


Chapter 5
For the D4 set X in the example of group action on a set
with the action table ,the elements in the subset {1, 2, 3, 4} are
carried into elements of this same subset under action by D4
.Further more ,each element 1,2,3 and 4 is carried in to all the
other elements of the subset by the various elements of D4 .We
proceed to show that every G set X can be partitioned into
subsets of this types



Let X be a G set .For x1 , x2 X,let x1 x2 X,let

x1 x2 X if and only if there exists g G such that gx1 = x2
.Then is an equivalence relation on X.
For each x X ,we have ex = x, so x x and is reflexive.
suppose x1 x2 , so gx1 = x2 for some g G.
Then g 1 x2 = g 1 (gx1 ) = (g 1 g)x1 = ex1 = x1 ,so x1 x2 and
is symmetric.
Finally ,if x1 x2 and x2 x3 , then g1 x1 = x2 and g2 x2 = x3

for some g1 g2 G .
Then (g2 g1 )x1 = g2 (g1 x1 ) = g2 x2 = x3 ,so x1 x3 and is transitive



Let X be a Gset .Each cell in the partition of equivalence relation described in the above theorem is an orbit in X under G
if x X ,the cell containing x is the orbit of x .we let this cell
be GX .

The relationship between the orbits in X and the group structure of G lies at the heart applications that appear in coming
chapter .The following theorem gives this relationship .Recall
that for a set X,we use |X| for the number of elements , and
(G : H) is the index of a subgroup H in group G.



Let X be a G set and let x X.Then |GX | = (G : GX ). If

|G| is finite then |GX | is a divisor of |G|
We define a one-to-one map from GX onto the collection of
left cosets of GX in G .let x1 GX .Then there exists a g1 G
such that g1 x = x1 .
We define (x1 ) to be the left coset g1 GX .We must show that

this map is well defined,independent of the choice of g1 G such

that g1 x = x1 .
Suppose also that g10 x = x1 .
then g1 x = g10 x,so g11 (g1 x) = g11 (g10 x),from which we deduce
x = (g11 g10 )x.
therefore g11 g10 GX ,so g10 g1 GX ,and g1 GX = g10 GX .Thus we
map is well defined.

To show that the map is one to one ,suppose x1 , x2 GX ,

and (x1 ) = (x2 ).Then there exists g1 , g2 G.
Such that x1 = g1 x, x2 = g2 x, and g2 g1 GX .Theng2 = g1 g for
some g GX ,
so x2 = g2 x = g1 (gx) = g1 x = x1 .
Thus is one -to-one

Finally ,we show that each left cosets of GX in G is of the

form (x1 ),for some x1 GX .Let g1 GX be a left coset .Then if
g1 x = x1 ,we gave g1 GX = (x1 ).Thus maps GX one to one
onto collection of right cosets so |GX | = (G : GX ).

If |G| is finite ,then the equation |G| = |GX |(G : GX ) shows

that |GX | = (G : GX ) is a divisor of |G|.




LetX be the D4 set in the example given in the chapter group

action on a set with action table given bye Tables.With G = D4
,we have G1 = {1, 2, 3, 4} and G1 = {0 , 2 }. Since |G| =8, we
|G1| = (G : G1 )=4

We should remember not only the cardinality equation in the

above theorem but also that the elements of G carrying x into
g1 x are precisely the elements of the left coset g1 GX .Namely,if
g GX ,then (g1 g)x = g1 (gx) = g1 x.On the other hand ,if g2 x =
g1 x, then g11 (g2 x) = x so (g11 g2 ) GX so g2 g1 GX .


Chapter 6
This section present an application of our work with G set
to counting.suppose for example, ,we wish to count how many
distinguishable ways the six faces of a cube can be marked with
from one to six dots to form a die .The standard die is marked
so that when placed on a table with 1 on the bottom and the
2 toward front ,the 6 is on top ,the 3 on the left,4 on the right
,and the 5 on the back . of course , other ways of marking the
cube to give a distinguishably different die are possible.

Let us distinguish between the faces of the faces of the cube

for the moment and call them the bottom,top,left ,right,front
and back.Then the bottom can have any one of six marks from
one dot to six dots ,the top any one six marks from one dots to
six dots ,the top any one of the five remaining marks , and so
on .there are 6!=720 ways the cube faces can be marked in all
.Some markings yield the same die as others ,in some sense that
one marking can be carried into another by a rotation of the

marked cube.For example if the standard die is described above

is90 counterclockwise as we look down on it, then 3 will be on
the front face rather than 2,but it is the same die.

There are 24 possible position of cube on a table ,for any one

of six faces can be placed down , and then any one of four to
the front,giving 6.4=24 possible positions .any positions can be
achieved from any other by rotation of the die .these rotation
form a group G ,which is isomorphic to a subgroup of S8 .We
let X be the 720 possible ways of marking the cubes and let
G acts on X by rotation of the cube.We consider two marking
to give the same die if one can be carried into the other under
action by an element of G ,that is ,by rotating the cube .In the
other words , we consider each orbit in X under G to correspond
to single die and ,different orbits to give different dice .The determination of the number of distinguishable dice thus leads to
the question of determining the number of orbits under G in a
G set X

The following theorem gives a tool for determining the number of orbits in a G set X under G.Recall that for each
g G we let Xg be the set of elements of X left fixed by g ,so
thatXg = {x X|gx = x}.Recall also that for each x X,we
let GX = {g G|gx = x} , and GX is the orbit of x under G.s



Theorem (Burnsides Formula )

Let G be a finite group and X a finite G-set .if r is the number

of orbits in X under G ,then
r.|G| =

|Xg |



We consider all pairs (g, x) where gx = x , and let N be the
number of such pairs.For each g G, there are |Xg | pairs having g as first member .Thus,


|Xg |



On the other hand ,for each x X there are |Gx | pairs having
x as second member .thus also we have




|Gx |


Bye the theorem 5.2.1 we have |Gx | = (G : Gx ). But we know

that(G : Gx ) = |G|/|Gx |, So we obtain |Gx | = |G/|Gx |.Then


= |G|(
|Gx |
xX |Gx |


Now 1/|Gx has the same value for all x in the same orbit ,and
if we let % be any orbit, then
X 1
x% |%|
x% |Gx |


substituting (6.5)in (6.4),we obtain

N = |G|(number


orbits in X


G) = |G|.r

Comparison of Eq 6.3 and 6.6 gives Eq6.1


If G is finite group and X is a finite group G set, then

1 X
(number of orbits in X under G =
|Xg |
|G| gG


The proof of this corollary follows immediately from the preceding theorem
Let us continue our computation of the number of distinguishable dice as our first example



we let X be the set of 720 different markings of faces of a cube

using from one to six dots.Let G be the group of 24 rotation
of the cube as discussed above.We saw that the number of distinguishable dice is the number of orbits in X under G . now
|G|=24 . For g G where g 6= e,we have |Xg |=0.because any
rotation other than the identity element charges anyone of the
720 markings into a one.However |Xe | =720 ,since the identity
element leaves all 720 marking fixed .Then by corollary
(number of orbits )= 24
.720 = 30

so there are 30 dice.

Of course the number of dice could be counted without using
the machinery of the preceding corollary ,but by using elementary combinatorics as often taught in a freshman finite math
course.In marking a cube to make a die,we can, by rotation
if necessary, assume the face marked as 1 is down .There are
five choices for the top (opposite) face.By rotating the die as
we look on it , any one of the remaining four faces could be
brought to the front position ,so there are no different choices
involved for the front face.But with respect to the number on

the front face there are 3.2.1 possibilities for the remaining three
side faces.Thus there are possibilities in all.


How many distinguishable ways we can seven people be seated

at a round table where there is no distinguishable head to the

Of course 7! possible arguments .A rotation of people achieved

by asking each person to move one place to right results in the
same arrangement.Such a rotation generates a cyclic group G of
order 7,which consider to act on X in the obvious way .Again
,only the identity e leaves any arrangement fixed and it leaves
all 7!.arrangement fixed
s(number of orbits)= 71 .7!
= 71 .7.6!


How many distinguishable necklace (with no clasp)can be made

using seven differtent colored beads of the same size ?Unlike
the above example the necklace can be turned over as well as
rotated.Thus we consider the full dihedral group D7 of order
2.7=14 as acting on the set X of 7! as acting on the set X of 7!
possibilities .Then the number of distinguishable necklace is


(number of orbits)= 14
.7! = 360

in using the corollary we compute |G| and |Xg | for each g G

will pose no real problem .Let us give an example where |Xg | is
not as a trivial to compute as in the preceding example,We will
continue to assume knowledge of very elementary combinatorics



Let us find the number of distinguishable ways the edges of an

equilateral triangle can be painted if four different colors of paint
are available ,assuming only one color is used on each edge ,and
the same color ,may be used on different edges.

Of course there are 43 ways of painting edges in all ,since

each of the three edges may be any one of four colors .We can
consider X to be the set of these 64 possible painted triangle the
group G acting on X is the group of symmertries of the triangle
which is isomorphic to S3 we use the notation for elements in S3
Which we consider to be S3 .we use the notation fo the elements
inS3 .We need to compute |Xg |for each of the six elements g in S3
|X0 | = 64 Every painted triangle is left fixed 0
|X1 | = 4 To be invariant under 1 , all edges must be same
color and there 4 possible colors
|X2 | = 4 same reason for 1
|X1 | = 16 the edges that are interchanges must be the same
color (4 possibilities )and other edges also be any of the color

(time 4 possibilities)
|X2 | = |X1 | = 16 same reason as for 1

|Xg | = 64 + 4 + 4 + 16 + 16 + 16 = 120



Thus (number of orbits)= 61 .120 = 20

and there are 20 distinguishable painted triangle


We repeat the penultimate example with the assumption that a

different color is used on each edge.The number of each possible
ways of painting the edges is then 4.3.2=24 and let X be the
set of 24 possible painted triangles again the group acting on X
can be consider to be S3 .Since all edges are different color we
see |X0 |=24 while |Xg |=0 forg 6= 0 thus

(number of orbits )= 16 .24=4

so there are 4 distinguishable triangles.


Chapter 7


1. In this let
X = {1, 2, 3, 4, s1 , S2 , S3 , S4 , m1 , m2 d1 , d2 , C, P1 , P2 , P3 , P4 }
be the D4 set of example inthe sectiongroup action on set
with the action table .find the following were G = D4

a) The fixed set X for each D4 , i.e,

X0 , X1 , X2 , ........X2
b) The isotropy subgroupGx for each X X that is
G1 , G2 , G3 .......GP3 , GP4
a)the orbits in X under D4


X0 = X
X1 = {C}
X2 = {1 , 2 , d1 , d2 , C}
X3 = {C}
X1 = {1 , 2 , m1 , m2 , C, P1 , P3 }
X2 = {2 , 4 , m1 , m2 , C, P2 , P4 }
X1 = {2, 4, d1 , d2 , C}
X2 = {1, 3d1 , d2 , C}
G1 = G3 = {0 , 2 }
G2 = G4 = {0 , 1 }
Gs1 = Gs3 = {0 , 1 }
Gs2 = Gs4 = {0 , 2 }
Gm1 = Gm2 = {0 , 2 , 1 , 2 }
Gd1 = Gd2 = {0 , 2 , 1 , 2 }
GC = G, GP1 = GP3 = {0 , 1 }, GP2 = GP4 = {0 , 2 }
G1 = G2 = G3 = G4 = {1, 2, 3, 4}, Gs1 = Gs2 = Gs3 =
Gs4 1 = {s1 , s2 , s3 , s3 }, G1 = G2 = {m1 , m2 }, Gd1 = Gd2 =
{d1 , d2 }, GC = {C}, GP1 = GP2 =, GP3 = GP4 =
{P1 , P2 , P3 , P4 }
2. Find the number of orbits in {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8} under the
cyclic subgroup < (1, 3, 5, 6) > of S8 .

Let X = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8}
We have | X1 |= 8
| X(1,3,5,6) |=| {2, 4, 7, 8} |= 4 | X(1,6,5,3) |=| {2, 4, 7, 8} |= 4

Therefore we have

| Xg |= 8 + 4 + 4 + 4 = 20



Therefore (no.of orbits )= 14 .(20) = 5

3. Find the number of orbits in {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8} under the
subgroup of S8 generated by (1,3)and (2,4,7)
The group G generated by (1,3) and (2,4,7) has order 6.
Let X = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8

| X1 |= 8
| X1,3 |= 6
| X2,4,7 |= 5
| X2,7,4 |= 5
| X(1,3)(2,4,7) |= 3
| X1,3)(2,4,7) |= 3
T hen

| Xg |= 8 + 6 + 5 + 5 + 3 + 3 = 30



(no.of orbits)= 61 .30 = 5

4. Find the number of distinguishable tetrahedral dice that
can be made using one,two,three,and four dots on the face
of regular tetrahedron ,rather than a cube?
The group of rigid motion of the tetrahedron has 12 elements because anyone of four triangle can be on the bottom
and tetrahedron can be then be rotated through 3 positions

,keeping the sane face on the bottom.We see that | Xg |= 0

unless g is the identity i of this group G,and | X4 |=4!=24
Thus there are

12 (24)

= 2,distinguishable tetrahedral dice.

5. A wooden cubes of the same size are to be painted on different color on each face to make childrens blocks .How many
distinguishable blocks can be made eight colors of paint are
the total number of ways such a block can be painted with
different colors on each face is the group of rigid
motions of the cube has 24 elements .The only rigid motion leaving unchanged a block with different colors on all
faces the identity which leaves all such blocks fixed .Thus
the number of distinguishable block is 24
.( = = 40.2! = 840



1. Let X and Y be G set with the same group G .An isomorphism between G set X and Y is a map
: X Y ,that is one -one Y satisfies g((x))=(gx) for
all x X and g G The two Gset are isomorphic.If such
an isomorphism between them exists,Let x be D4 set
(a) Find two distinct orbits of X that are isomorphic
subset D4 -sets.
(b) Show that the orbits {1, 2, 3, 4} and {S1 , S2 , S3 , S4 }
are not isomorphic subD4 sets

[Hint:Find an element of G that essentially

different fashion on the two orbits]
(c) Are the orbits gave your answer to part (a) the only
two different isomorphic sub-D4 set of X?
(a) {P1 , P2 , P3 , P4 } and {S1 , S2 , S3 , S4 } are isomprphic SubD4 -sets.Note that if you change each P to an S in action
table.We get a duplication of four columns for S1 , S2 , S3 , S4
(b) 1 leaves two elements 2 and 4 of {1, 2, 3, 4} fixed but
1 leaves no elements of S1 , S2 , S3 , S4 fixed
(c) Yes for the part(b) the only other conveciable choice for
an isomorphism is {m1 , m2 } with {d1 , d2 }.However 1 leaves
the element of {m1 , m2 } fixed and moves both elements of
{d1 , d2 }.So they are not isomorphic.
2. Let X be the D4 set
(a) Does D4 act faithfully on X
(b) Find all orbits in X on which D4 act faithfully as a
sub-D4 -set
(a) Yes ,because identity is the only element that leaves all
elements fixed .Hence for 0 is the only element of G that
leaves every element of X fixed .
(b) {1, 2, 3, 4},{S1 , S2 , S3 , S4 },{P1 , P2 , P3 , P4



1. Let X be a G-set and YX .

Let Gy : {g G|gy = y f or all y Y }
show that Gy is a subgroup of G

Given that X is a G-set ,i.e G has an action on x x X
.G has the same actionon Y.
Therefore YX
Let y Y and g1 , g2 Gy
g1 y = y
g2 y = y
(g1 g2 )y = g1 (g2 y) =g1 y =y , y Y
Therefore g1 g2 Gy
Therefore Gy is closed under the operation we have e Y
since ey = y , y Y
Let g Gy ,then
gy = y
g (gy) = g 1 y
(g 1 g)y = g 1 y
ey = g 1 y
y = g 1 y y Y
y 1 Gy

Therefore Gy G
2. Let G be the additive group of real numbers .Let the action
G on the real plane R2 be given by rotating the plane
counter clockwise about the origin through radians .Let
P be a point other than the origin in the plane
(a) Show that R2 is G-s
(b) Describe geometrically the orbit containing p
(c) Find the group GP

(a) Because rotation through 0 radians leaves each point

of the plane fixed.The first requirement of the definition
satisfied ,the second requirement (1 + 2 )P = 1 (2 )P is
also valid ,because a rotation counterclockwise through 2
radians and then 1 radians .
(b) The orbit P is circle with center at the origin (0,0) and
the radius the distance from P to the origin .
(c) The group GP is the cyclic subgroup < 2 > of of G
3. Let {Xi |i I} be a disjoint collection of sets ,so Xi Xj =
for i 6= j .Let each Xi be a G-set for the same group G
(a) Show that iI Xi can be viewed in a natural way as a
G-set ,in the union of the G-set X
(b) Show that every G-set X is the union of the orbits
Let X = iI Xi and let x X
Then x Xi foe precisely one index .i I because the are
disjoint and we define gx for each g G to be value given by
the action of G of Xi ,conditions (1)and(2) in the definition
3.1.1 are satisfied because Xi is a G-set by assumption .
(b) We have see that each orbit in X is a sub-G-set .Then
G-set X can be regarded as the union of these sub-G-set
because the action gx of g G on x X coincides with
the sub-G-Set action gx of g G on the same element x
viewed as an element of its orbit


Chapter 8
In this project we have done a deep study of group-action on
a set with many examples and its application in G-set counting
and also some problem relating .
From the study of group-action onset we reach the following conclusions :one way of thinking of G acting on X is that
elements of group .G may be applied to elements of X to give
a new elements of X .And the goal to build automorphism of
sets(permutation) by using groups.Additionally we have studied the influences of G-set on counting.Group action on a set
is an advanced topic in abstract algebra. Group action on a
set and its application give another mode of finding solution ti
problems,mainly in coloring problems,it is more understandable
than the other methods.And in daily life we use group action on
a set without knowing ourselves.
Through this project we have understand what do we mean by
group action on a set , isotropy of group and orbits with some
examples, and also we have understood the application of G-set
on counting with examples and some problems.Over all through

this project we get an idea about group action on a set with its
application on counting.


Chapter 9
John B.Fraleigh -A First Course In Abstract Algebra(7th
Edition)-Pearson Education India (2008)
I.N Herstein - Topics in Algebra (2th Edition)-John Wiley and
sons (2006)
M.R Adhikari - Groups,Rings and Modules With
Applications-Universities press (India)Private Limited (2003)
P.B.Bhattacharaya,S.K.Jain,S.R.Nagapaul - Basic Abstract
Algebra(2th Edition)-Cambridge university press (1995)


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