EET SafetyManual Ug2012
EET SafetyManual Ug2012
EET SafetyManual Ug2012
March 2012 Edition
All engineering students are required to have a basic knowledge of laboratory safety as it is
instrumental to engineering learning and part of the foundation of professional engineering
This manual introduces basic safe practices, and covers the Schools primary hazard, namely
electricity, in some detail. The aim of this manual is to acquaint students with some of the
safety requirements in the School, and in particular those of the Electronics laboratories on
Level 1 of the building.
Students must read and understand the material contained in it, and pass the associated test,
before being allowed to work in the electronics (or other) laboratories. It provides an
awareness of the potential hazards and risks that may be present in any laboratory work that
you undertake during your undergraduate course.
The School has an excellent safety record. We hope and expect you to play your part in
preserving this.
This new edition of the student safety manual contains material derived from various sources,
used in earlier documents produced within the School. Particular thanks are given to former
thesis students Lydia Aristuti & Jacinta Xiujun Goh and former members of staff Trevor
Blackburn & Kevan Daly.
June, 2011
Prof E. Ambikairajah,
Head of School
Dr Iain Skinner,
Chair, EE&T Level 3 Committee
1. Introduction: engineering & safety .................................................................................... 4
2. Principles of safety ............................................................................................................. 4
2.1 Hazard management
2.2 Hierarchy of hazard controls
2.3 Assessing risks
3. Safety in the electronics laboratories ................................................................................. 7
3.1 General laboratory precautions
3.2 Soldering
4. Electricity: hazards & precautions ................................................................................... 11
4.1 Physiological effects of electric current
4.2 Causes of electric shock
4.2.1 Electric currents & water
4.3 Building safety into circuits
4.4 Electricity and fire
4.5 Working on live equipment
5. In an emergency ............................................................................................................. 18
5.1 Evacuation
6. Reporting procedures ..................................................................................................... 20
6.1 Incidents & hazards
6.2 Improvements to safety
7. Students & UNSW - rights & duties .............................................................................. 21
8. A preview of some other hazards in EET ...................................................................... 22
9. Contacts, resources, references & training opportunities ..............................................
2. Principles of safety
The two fundamental components of safety are your knowledge and your attitude.
(i) First, know the dangers (or hazards) so that you can take precautions and know how to
take them. This may mean you need to do some research; it may mean a lot of research.
Military strategy will tell you that you can never know too much about your enemy.
Don't be amongst those who don't want to know something, believing (?) What they don't
know can't hurt them. Your knowledge of the hazard allows you to implement suitable
features in a systems design and to make suitable administrative arrangements.
(ii) Knowing is insufficient. Whether you choose to implement safety precautions or not
follows from your attitude to safety and is a demonstration of what you think is important.
Safety comes from your wanting to be safe and being concerned for the safety of others.
Returning to professional ethics, this is your duty of care. All knowledge of safety is
irrelevant if it makes no difference to the designs chosen. Note that others may include
people who have no direct involvement in the project but are still affected; note, too, that it is
a concern that endures beyond the initial implementation of a system.
Remember: Think first. Act carefully.
While nobody wants them, accidents do happen. Not wanting an accident means actively
seeking to prevent one. It does not mean failing to prepare for one should it happen. There
are several causes for accidents. Typically,
human error;
human ignorance;
the physical failure of hardware (e.g. metal fatigue); and/or
random external events.
As an engineer, you have a duty to minimise both the chance of the system failing and the
effects of a failure, if and when it occurs.
When it comes to fulfilling this responsibility for safety, there are some established, useful
processes available to follow.
Furthermore, a risk assessment can never determine whether a given risk should be taken.
That is a subjective decision and depends not only on the overall risk, but also on both the
possible benefits and who is bearing the risk. This shows why the person with the authority to
make to choice should consult with those affected.
Note that in all your courses, the risks of the assigned experiments have been assessed by the
staff. However, you will need to complete the risk assessment for any experiments you do as
part of your final year thesis.
Laboratory Regulations
School of Electrical Engineering &Telecommunications
Bench-tops should be clear of bags and any other clutter to provide more work-space and to
avoid unintended contact with electrical equipment, e.g. cables or wires, which, in turn, might
cause accidents. Aisles must also be kept clear to allow unimpeded passage and avoid
tripping hazards. This includes clear of electrical cables and CRO leads, too. (#9)
Many drugs, including alcohol and some medications, can impair your thinking (judgment)
and slow your reactions. Any student displaying such adverse effects, no matter what drugs,
will be excluded from laboratory classes until the effect ceases. If you are under prescribed
medication, discuss your circumstances with the lecturer (or Dr Eaton) to make alternative
Fatigue, too, is known to impair judgment. Do not work in a laboratory if you are too tired
to think clearly.
Electrical infrastructure and equipment
Two types of power outlets are used in the laboratories. Earthed ones are normally used.
Isolated, non-earthed outlets should be used only if your experiment specially requires them.
Equipment must be connected to the correct outlet, i.e. matching specifications. Please
consult laboratory staff or demonstrator if necessary. (#4)
Only legally authorised personnel are allowed to alter power connections (above 50 V) or
connect any equipment directly to mains power. Wiring of the 240 V plug or any internal
wiring of equipment must not be interfered with.
Under no circumstance is the 240 V, 50 Hz mains power to be used for any purpose other than
that approved by the School. Work not specifically associated with a School course may only
be carried out with the prior approval of the laboratory staff. Please consult laboratory staff if
working on other projects, especially if they require the use of any laboratory equipment. In
all cases, work may only be done under appropriate supervision. (#4)
Laboratory equipment, e.g. oscilloscopes, is designed to be safe if used in compliance with
the manufacturers operational guide. However, there is added risk if the equipment is
modified to accommodate a particular experiment, e.g. if the earth in an oscilloscope is
removed to prevent an earth loop during measurement. Tampering with any laboratory
equipment may cause the malfunction of equipment or personal injury. (#5)
Faulty laboratory equipment might pose danger to laboratory users if operated unknowingly.
It may result in personal injury or malfunction of other equipment. Faulty equipment should
be reported immediately to laboratory staff, who may not otherwise be aware of the problem.
Faulty equipment must be clearly tagged and taken out of service for repair. Do not remove
or ignore such tags. They are there for everyones protection, the next users as much as
your own. (#11)
Insulated tools
Insulated tools are standard hand tools with a covering of electrical insulation such that only a
minimum amount of metallic surface is exposed, e.g. a screwdriver with a plastic-coated
blade. They are used to prevent shock or arc when the user is in contact with or near an
energized conductor.
Generally, buy the best tools you can afford. You want them to last your professional lifetime.
3.2 Soldering
There will be times you need to solder. When you do, you need to solder safely. There are 3
associated hazards: electricity, heat, and fumes. When you solder, proceed as follows.
(i) Always leave the soldering iron in the guard when not in use;
never touch the irons tip; wait until the solder has cooled and set
before touching the components. When you are finished, turn it off.
(ii) Goggles or safety glasses must be worn, as a precaution against
hot solder flicking or splattering.
(iii) Windows must be open to keep the area ventilated, or use a
fume displacement unit.
(iv) Only solder within the designated spaces in the electronics
On the wall near the soldering stations, you will find a document, a safe work procedure,
entitled Soldering. It contains the relevant safety information. There are other such safe work
procedures on the walls of other laboratories, too. These describe the activities done therein.
The laboratory regulations are a safe work procedure.
Ventricular fibrillation: The last of the bodys muscles to be affected are the heart muscles.
If the heart is affected, ventricular fibrillation or irregular heartbeats can occur and result in
(i) There is very little difference between 'mild' and 'painful' sensations, 8 to 12 mA. The
threshold of perception is the minimum value of current that can be sensed when flowing
through a person. Some factors that affect the threshold of perception are contact area,
conditions of contact (dry, wet, pressure, temperature), and the physiological characteristics of
the individual. For AC, the accepted value is about 0.5 mA, independent of the duration of
flow; for DC, the nominal value of this threshold is 2 mA.
(ii) The so-called let-go current is a slightly higher value. The threshold of let-go is the
maximum value of current at which a person holding electrodes can voluntarily let go of
them. It depends on contact area, shape & size of electrodes, and physiological characteristics
of the individual concerned. For AC, this averages around 16 mA for men and 10 mA for
women. There is, though, no definable value for DC below 300 mA. Above 300 mA, let-go
is only possible after several seconds or minutes of shock duration. Only making and
breaking sensation is felt and it leads to painful muscle contraction.
(iii) Currents in excess of the let-go threshold, up to say 80 mA, will cause severe pain and
laboured breathing. If the casualty is still conscious, recovery is almost certain immediately
exposure is removed. If exposure is allowed to continue, however, collapse, unconsciousness,
or even death by asphyxia, may ensue. Recovery from the unconscious state, with symptoms
Direct contact (a) and indirect contact (b) with live wiring (from Greenwald)
Electric shocks can occur without the presence of a fault current. Some examples follow.
Direct contact by touching the line and neutral or two phases of an energized supply.
(This is a highly unlikely incident.)
Direct contact with a live conductor when any part of the body is connected to earth.
Indirect contact with an unearthed casing comprising an earth fault.
Improperly earthed equipment
The purpose of earthing equipment is to ensure that all exposed metal (i.e. conducting)
surfaces are maintained at substantially earth potential, even during a fault condition when
substantial current flows to earth. If the equipment is properly earthed, the circuits overcurrent protection device will trip in the case of a low-resistance internal fault to an exposed
metal surface. This will remove the hazard. In case of a fault with high internal resistance,
equipment earthing will keep the exposed metal surfaces at or near earth [safe] potential.
With improperly earthed equipment, both low- and high-resistance faults will energize the
exposed metal parts to significant voltage levels, thereby causing the potential for serious
electric shock if persons are in contact with the metal parts.
Double insulation: All live circuits must be insulated from earth and all earthed external
connections. The purpose of double insulation is to minimize the possibility of an earth fault
loop. It implies that there are two, physically separate insulations. The functional insulation
is necessary for the proper operation of equipment, whereas the protecting insulation protects
against electric shock when the functional insulation fails to work. Double-insulated
equipment is not earthed because of the two levels of protection provided by the insulation.
However, electrocutions may still occur with double insulation, especially if the equipment is
used near water or if there are plug or flexible cord faults.
Extra-Low Voltage Operation: Extra-low voltages are those under 50 V AC or 120 V
ripple-free DC (AS/NZS 3000: 2000). In general, extra-low voltages are considered relatively
safe for direct contact. However, if the condition of the room changes, such as high humidity
or a wet environment, contact resistance is decreased and this increases the probability of an
electric shock, even at extra-low voltages.
The standard precautions [AS/NZS2243.7: 1991] to take when working with live equipment
are these.
Never work alone on live equipment.
Use only tools and test probes with insulated handles.
Work one-handed, keeping the other hand in your pocket to prevent constructing a
hand-to-hand path (which would necessarily go through your heart!).
Use earth-leakage core-balance protection. This is mandatory.
Avoid contact with any earthed metal in the vicinity of the equipment.
Stand on an insulating mat, and wear insulated gloves.
Use prominent warning signs and barriers if equipment with exposed live terminals is
If components must be touched, e.g. when a motor is being checked for overheating,
use the back of the hand so that involuntary muscle contraction does not prevent
withdrawal should the casing be alive.
5. In an emergency
In the event of any emergency, including fire, ambulance and police requirements,
In the case of any ELECTRICAL emergency, e.g. electrocution or fire, disconnect the
power. Each of the electronics laboratories has a wall-mounted, red, emergency stop-button
that shuts down all electrical power.
Each of the electronics laboratories has a first aid box. Signs
throughout the building will direct you to the nearest first-aid
Ground Floor
First Floor
Second Floor
Third Floor
Fourth Floor
The following First Aid Officers are close to the electronics laboratories,
First Aider
Gladys Fong
Roy Zeng
Zhenyu Liu
Bamini Pratheepan
5.1 Evacuation
What should you do if the alarm sounds while you are in the Electrical Engineering Building?
If the alarm sounds as a constant beeep-beeep-beeep-beeep prepare to evacuate and follow
instructions from any public announcements or emergency team member. Save files, turn off
equipment and remain calm.
If the alarm sounds as a rising whooop-whooop-whooop-whooop evacuate the building
immediately. Leave the building via the nearest safe emergency exit. Do not use the lifts.
Proceed as directed to the official Evacuation Assembly Area, which is the Quadrangle Lawn
to the west of the building.
Remain in the assembly area until notified by the Emergency Team that it is safe to return to
the building.
Always remember:
Follow all instructions from the Wardens.
Leave the building by the nearest safe exit.
Do not delay to collect personal possessions.
Do not run, push, overtake, etc.
Do not use the lifts.
6. Reporting procedures
Safety can only improve if people are active about making it happen. For the safety of
oneself and that of others in the building, please report any accidents as soon as possible, to
the first aid officers or other responsible persons.
Notification of any new safety matters that arise in new activities and that have not
been dealt with before.
Regulations further require that the School takes steps to ensure that students are aware of any
potential hazards and that the laboratory regulations are followed, by both staff and students.
The School has a committee responsible for considering all safety concerns raised by anyone.
ELSOCs President (or nominee) is, ex-officio, a member to present the students voice. The
Committees Chair is also available for consultations.
Students, too, have legal obligations, as set by the NSW Workplace Health and Safety Act
(2011) which requires you to co-operate with the relevant safety directives of UNSW and not
to cause a hazard to others. If you fail to do this and there is a reportable incident typically
someone getting badly hurt then you may get prosecuted.
Thesis/project work in laboratories
In all laboratory activity that is not part of a scheduled class, for example experimental work
associated with a thesis, as a student, you must complete a risk assessment before starting
the experimental work. The relevant UNSW form (OHS017) should be used. This risk
assessment form must be given to your supervisor, or to the laboratory supervisor, for
approval prior to commencing the experimental work.
In summary, you are responsible to be safe, the Schools responsibility is to make this
Manual handling
Lifting heavy items is one of the major sources of injury in Australia. You will eventually in
life need to know the correct techniques for lifting.
High Voltage
High voltages pose the same risk of electrocution as described in 4, but are more likely to
cause arcing than those you will meet in the electronics labs.
RF electromagnetic radiation
Radiofrequency electromagnetic waves (including microwaves) are used in wireless
experiments. Exposure to these is known to cause deep burns at high intensities.
Physiological risks at low intensities are not yet definitively established.
The Photonics Laboratories use both visible and invisible lasers up to
class 4. These are housed in special rooms. Student projects may require
use of class 3B lasers. Such lasers are not eye-safe.
There is a machines labs housing motors and windmills (fans) and an automation lab
containing robotic arms. The major dangers are being caught in or bumped by a moving part.
Dangerous goods & hazardous substances
The research activities of the School involve many solvents & flammable liquids, some
compressed gases of which H2 is arguably the most dangerous, and some caustic substances.
The MSDS associated with each chemicals details its respective risks and required
precautions, including storage and PPE. Labelling requirements are critical.
The Centre for Quantum Computing makes nanostructures. It has its own, specialised
training and induction programs.
Web-based resources
The Schools WHS web-pages are the first place to look for EET related policies and
In particular, this provides detailed information about the Schools processes as well as some
guidance about working safely.
The UNSW OHS Unit provides a wealth of information on safety related topics, as well as
the legislative requirements.
This is also a gateway to all the UNSW policies, procedures, guidelines & forms that you will
ever need.
For more information about emergencies, see UNSW Security
The OHS Student Representative Network (OSRN) recommends that you review these.
Engineering OHS website, for general OHS information
UNSW Personal Safety Handbook:
Uni Life
UNSW Security Alert List
To subscribe, email with the following in the
email: subscribe sec-alert.
Standards Australia publishes many standards about safety - 1008 standards have safety
in the title. Three of relevance to this document are
AS/NZS2243 Safety in laboratories series
AS/NZS3000 Electrical installations
AS/NZS3859 Effects of current passing through the human body.
The quickest access to Australian standards is using the weblinks reached from the homepage
of the UNSW OHS Unit.
Reference books
J. Cadick (1994), Electrical Safety Handbook, McGraw-Hill, Inc., USA
T. Kletz (2001), An Engineer's View of Human Error, 3rd edn, Inst Chem Eng, Rugby (UK)
You might be interested in the following training courses.
Laboratory Safety Awareness. This introduces procedures for working with
nasties. You can enroll for this on-line, via myunsw. Click OHS Training at the
bottom left of your profile-tab.
Green Lab. This discusses waste disposal procedures. It is on-line. To enroll see
the Schools OHS Officer.
There are a number of training videos and DVDs available through the Electronics Workshop,
Room G15.
Additionally, you should give serious consideration to completing a First Aid course. Once
upon a time it was a requirement to graduate with a BE, illustrating the emphasis the
profession places on safety.