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รวมเล่ม lab inspection

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Health Safety and Environmental (HSE)

Lab Inspection

Submitted by
Polymer Group
1. Ms. Pawitchaya Chomsiri No. 5972019063
2. Mr. Pongsatore Sriboonpeng No. 5972023063
3. Ms. Sithinan Saengdian No. 5972026063
4. Mr. Sittipong Khongtanachalotorn No. 5972027063
5. Ms. Vannaporn Klangcharoen No. 5972030063
6. Ms. Phimchanok Sakunpongpitiporn No. 5982001063
7. Ms. Kornkanok Rotjanaworapong No. 5982002063
8. Ms. Phanicha Wiwatsamphan No. 5982003063

Aj. Piya Ouraipryvan

The Petroleum and Petrochemical College

Chulalongkorn University
Title Page
Introduction 1
Objective 2
- Safety 3
- Hazard 4
- Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) 5
Lab Inspection
- Section 1 8
- Section 2 12
- Section 3 15
- Section 4 19
Safety Inspection Report 21
Conclusions and Suggestions 24

Safety, especially safety in laboratory, is very important and also
should be applied to every laboratory for both purposes of health and
environmental concerns. To improve and raise up the sense of safety, in
laboratory and working areas, can lead to not only a better safety aspect
to workers in order to prevent and avoid any accidents that might occur
during work time but also lead to more effective production. Health
Safety and Environmental (HSE) concerns are not only for the workers
who work in the area, but they are the things that everyone including
supervisors, managers and executives, who have an ability to issue the
safety concerns and complement these policies, should be concerned.
Issuing and inspecting laboratories in The Petroleum and
Petrochemical College is crucial and helpful since there are a lot of
students work in the laboratories, principally the 2 year master and
Ph.D. students. Also, all of these people as aforementioned have
different background in both academic and safety concerns. So that,
laboratory inspection would help raising up the safety concerns to
everyone, working in the PPC laboratories. By doing so, it will not only
make the laboratory safer for working, but also make the workers’ life
better in terms of safety and working strategies. From all of those
reasons and benefits getting from laboratory inspection in the PPC, we,
as students in Polymer Science program were assigned to inspect the
Catalytic laboratory of the room number 604. To find facts in safety
concerns of this laboratory and projected toward those people and
professor who are responsible for this laboratory. In case if we did
something wrong or impolite during the inspection, we apologize since
we aimed to find facts, not to find faults and we are appreciated on any
help from students and professor of the laboratory.

We reported the safety issues and concerns in the laboratory of
catalytic, room number 604, just on the purposes of
1. To issue the safety concerns in this catalytic laboratory
2. To project the improperly unorganized in the laboratory and
give some suggestions from our opinions toward students and professor,
whom the laboratory is belonged to, for further decision on the future
3. To apply the knowledge gained from the Project Management
course to the real situations and daily working behavior of the students
in this laboratory

Safety can be simply stated as being safe and steady from the
harms, dangerous conditions and unexpected situations that might occur
during work (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Safety). Nowadays, safety
concerns are very important and needed to be applied to every fields
since each field has its own risk to get injured and in the worst case that
might lead to death. Risk involved in each work could be low or high
depending on the nature of work. Among those kinds of work, working
with the chemicals in laboratory is recognized as one of the dangerous
and risky place and work to do. The accidents and unexpected situations
that might occur could be caused by many factors such as the
recklessness of the workers and uncontrollable parameters. These things
could lead to the loss and damage of equipment, money as well as the
students’ life. Accidents happened in laboratory could appear in many
form such as the explosion, chemical spill, chemical burning, etc. In
terms of safety, the accidents and expected situations prevention is not
only about trying to organize items properly, but it is about being
conscious, trained and ready to handle any kinds of unexpected
situations that could occur anytime. More than that, human beings are
also one of parameters that leads to the accidents as well since human
beings are categorized as a hazard also.

Hazards can be defined as the agents or things that cause to
harm, damage or incidents in final
(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hazard). The potential of hazards to lead
to the accidents or any damages depending on the risk exposed to the
hazards as shown in the equation below;
So that, if there is no exposure to the hazards, there is no risk of
damage or incident occurring. Also, identification of hazards is the first
step in performing a risk assessment.
Hazards, in normal, can be categorized into 3 categories which
are 1.) Biological hazard 2.) Physical hazard and 3.) Chemical hazard.
Biological hazards, as maybe known as biohazards, is typically referred
to any living organisms or any parts of living organisms that could
course diseases which might eventually lead to death in the end. Talking
about the biological hazards actually include viruses, parasites, bacteria,
food, fungi and any other foreign toxins. Chemical hazards mainly are
about the agents whose intrinsic properties of their own can cause harm
or damage to environment, properties and other living organisms, simply
implied to humans. Nevertheless, focusing on chemical agents, not every
chemicals can lead to harm even though it is toxic itself. The truth about
toxic chemicals is that the toxicity itself of the chemicals does not lead
to harm, but it is the matter of concentration of amount of that
chemicals. Physical hazards are about the naturally occurring processes
that cause or have potential leading to harm and damages such as
earthquakes, floods, tornadoes and etc. Physical hazards can be
originated from both natural phenomenon and man-created
phenomenon. To prevent any harm or damage that might be resulted

from these hazards many methods have been applied, included personal
protective equipment or PPE.

Figure1. Show biological, physical, and chemical hazards

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

Personal protective equipment, in normal, is all about protective
stuff included clothing, helmets, goggles and any other things and stuff
which are designed to be put on for the purpose of protecting the body of
wearers from getting injured or any kinds of harms that may be caused
by hazards in the system. By wearing PPE will help address the issues
from all of the biohazards, physical hazards and chemical hazards. In
worse case, if the accidents or any unexpected situations are intense, the

PPE will help reduce the severity keeping the wearer safe. However,
PPEs themselves cannot devastate accidents or harm that might occur
along the working period, so people who work in that field or area of
work should be careful and aware all time about safety.

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

Figure 2. Show personal protective equipment


Laboratory inspection: Room 604 Date: 6/07/2017


Section Picture OK Action Comment

There are stored

hazardous waste and

chemical properly.
(Chemical hazard)

1 

They communicated
to all users very
(Physical hazard)

There are clearly

telephone number
 posted. (Physical

There are good

management for
slippery floor
However, they
 should place the
bucket under the
table to prevent
(Physical hazard)

This room has

ventilation fan
which works
1 properly.
(Chemical hazard)

They should not

store hazardous
materials in the
hood, so they should

store in the chemical
shelf or under the
(Chemical hazard)

Emergency exit is

For prevention, they
should reallocate
1  equipment in order
to access the
emergency exit
more comfortably.
(Physical hazard)

Section Picture OK Comment

They wrapped and

packed before took
it on the cabinet.
(Physical hazard)

They should be
separate and
2 rearrange tools by
their application.
 (Physical hazard)

They have to set up

equipment in dry
area to prevent
 electrical short
(Physical hazard)

The cap of gas-
tank has to closed
if doesn’t use gas.
(Physical hazard)


They have to clear

wastes to the bin.

• If one still use,
should be store
them properly.
2  • If they don’t use,
should be put them
into the bin.
(Chemical hazard)

Section Picture OK Action Comment

 Eye washer and

safety shower in
the laboratory
which is good. But,
they do still have
to check and get
them ready to use.
(Chemical hazard)

 There are chains
tie up gas tanks
which is a good
example for proper
way to store gas
(Chemical hazard,
Physical hazard)

The PPE is store
According to the
storage location,
process needed to
do and change PPE
store procedure.
(Physical hazard)

3  Dirty workspace
that can cause an
accident; the bottle
can fall down and
break so it can cut
some part of body.
The way to get rid
of the accident are
clean up and keep
workplace in safe
(Physical hazard)

 The bottle have

some chemical
inside and
sometime the cap
cannot lock well
then the chemical
might be spill on
the computer so
put chemical
bottles on the
bench is better than
3 the computer table.
(Chemical hazard)
 Tools and

equipment are
improperly stored
so store them in the
safe place to avoid
the accident.
(Physical hazard)

 Improper stored
equipment. To
prevent the hazard
should store tools
in the cabinet or
the area not high
and chain the
empty gas tanks or
better remove them
from the
3 (Physical hazard)

 Lots of things on
the walkway that
can cause stumble
so clear out all
obstacles from the
aisle is the best
way to prevent the
(Physical hazard)

Section Picture OK Action Comment

 Chemical agents

are kept on the

(Chemical hazard)


Electrical cords are
circuit can occur. It
is very dangerous.
Then, the electrical
cords should be
(Physical hazard)

 Clean equipment
and work areas.
(Physical hazard)

Put glassware and
chemical sample
on suitable shelf.
(Physical and
Chemical hazard)

 Keep the
mechanical tools in
the box.
(Physical hazard)

Safety Inspection Report

O.K. Action Comment
A. Workers trained prior to new or
unfamiliar tasks. 
Material Handling:
A. Employees trained in proper lifting 
methods. 
B. Equipment provided for heavy or
awkward loads. 
C. Materials stored to prevent
A. Walkways clear of obstructions.  Clear out all obstacles
from the aisle.
B. Employees clean up as they go. 

A. Work areas and aisles kept clean 
and free of tripping hazards. 
B. Spilled materials cleaned up
immediately. 
C. Holes/damages in floor repaired or
Machinery and Equipment:
A. Moving parts guarded. 
B. Kept in safe operating condition. 

C. Operated and inspected per mfg.
Hand Tools:
A. Always inspected before using. 
B. Only used for intended purpose. 

C. Damaged tools repaired or replaced
A. Lighting adequate. 
B. Non-slip surface. 

C. Handrails secure.

A. Proper type for intended use. 
B. Maintained in good condition. 

C. Proper ladders used instead of
chairs, boxes, etc.
First Aid:
A. Fully stocked first aid kits. 
B. Emergency telephone numbers 
posted. 
C. At least one person trained in first
Emergency Action Plan:
A. Written; covers fire and other 
emergencies. 
B. Communicated to all employees.

C. Employees designated and trained to
implement plan.
Fire Protection:
A. Fire fighting equipment is serviced 
and accessible. 
B. Employees instructed in use of fire
fighting equipment. 
C. Employees instructed in fire
protection procedures.
A. Exits clearly marked. 
B. Exit accessible, free from  Exit clearly
obstructions. 
C. Exit doors unlocked.
A. All equipment either grounded or 
double insulated. 
B. Extension cords not used as a
substitute for permanent wiring.
C. Electrical cords are in good  Keep the electrical
conditions, not frayed/worn. cords organized.
Personal Protective Equipment:
A. Proper equipment in use where 
B. Properly maintained and stored.  Not stored chemical in

the hood
C. Employees trained in proper usage. 
Health Hazards:
A. Hazard Communication Program in 
B. Hazardous materials stored and used  Keep the materials in
properly.  suitable areas.
C. Warning and identification signs
clearly posted.

Conducted by: Petroleum group Date: 06/07/17

Reviewed by: Polymer group Date: 06/07/17

Conclusions and Suggestions

From the laboratory inspection and evaluation in term of safety and

laboratory hygiene, we can categorize them into 4 categories which are
health hazard, emergency action plan, housekeeping and electrical.
According to the inspection result, the petroleum and
petrochemical room number 604 is almost excellent in health-hazards
point of view. For instance, chemicals and wastes are clearly labeled and
appropriately stored. There are only some chemical bottles stored in the
fume hood, which can be placed under the hood. Furthermore, gas lines
are distinctly labeled and all operating gas tanks are tightened well. The
air circulation system in the room is sufficiently good with two
ventilation fans. The final point of this section, we sincerely recommend
every single individual to wear proper personal protective equipment
and always keep them well function.
In term of emergency action plan, this laboratory is also well
organized. As demonstrated in term of operating communication by
booking the operate date. If there was anything wrong, people would
know suddenly, whom they should contact with. Emergency telephone
numbers are also available on instruments, which is very good
illustration. Eye washer and safety shower are ready to use, which is
very rare to find since the college has been established for many years.
In case of fire, there is a carbon dioxide type fire extinguisher in front of
the room. This type of fire extinguisher is well suited to this laboratory
since most of facilities are electricity. Unfortunately, emergency exit is
obstructed. This might lead to an accident. So, it is better to clear
obstacles off the emergency way.

For housekeeping, the overall picture of the laboratory is in

adequate level. But there are some hindrance on the walkway that might
cause stumble and lead to severe injuries. More than 80% of all
accidents are caused by unsafe acts of personnel, which can imply that
students should clean up as they go.
Last but not least, electricity is an indispensable session to be
considered. Since this laboratory is petroleum and petrochemical based,
the majority of laboratory items are electronics. Thus, they require
tremendous electrical source. Normally, electrical sockets, which are the
main electrical source, are built in and limited in term of number.
Subsequently, many extension cords are used. Luckily, all of them are in
good condition (without frayed/worn). Nevertheless many of them are
located near the water source (i.e. tap and safety shower). This
considered as near miss, might lead to serious accident in the near future
more specifically electrocute. According to sense of safety,
aforementioned situation should be alter promptly.

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