Understanding Electromagnetic Fields
Understanding Electromagnetic Fields
Understanding Electromagnetic Fields
Understanding electromagnetic
fields and antenna radiation
takes (almost) no math
nderstanding antennas and electromagnet- fend laws without regard to the truth. Even without
ic fields is obviously important in RF engi- my device, the stray electromagnetic energy from the
neering, in which capturing and propagating power lines is radiated away and lost, so I might as
waves are primary objectives. An understanding of well use it. The lawyer stands his ground and says
RF fields is also important for dealing with the elec- that the engineer will still be stealing.
tromagnetic-compatibility (EMC) aspects of every
Who is right? The lawyer is correct, even though
electronic product, including digital systems. EMC he probably doesnt know the difference between redesign is concerned with preventing circuits from active and radiating electromagnetic fields. The field
producing inadvertent electromagnetic radiation surrounding the power lines is a reactive field, meanand stray electromagnetic fields. EMC also involves ing that it stores energy as opposed to radiating enpreventing circuits from misbehaving as a result of ergy, so the engineers device would in fact be stealambient radio waves and fields. With digital systems ing energy from the power lines. But why? Why do
ever-increasing frequencies and edge rates, EMC is some circuits produce fields that only store energy,
becoming harder to achieve and is no longer a top- whereas others produce fields that radiate it?
ic just for experts. The seemingly mystical processes by which circuits radiate energy are actually quite THE ENERGY GOES BACK AND FORTH
simple. To understand them, you dont even need
To further examine this situation, consider the cirto know Maxwells equations.
cuit of Figure 1a. It is a simple circuit consisting of
Consider the following fictitious disagreement. an ac power source driving an inductor. If the inAn electrical engineer is telling a lawyer friend about ductor is ideal, no energy is lost from the power supa new home-electronics project.
The engineer lives near some
high-voltage power lines
Figure 1
and is working on a device
for harnessing the power of the
60-Hz electromagnetic field that
permeates his property. The
lawyer immediately states that
what the engineer plans to do
would, in effect, be stealing from
the utility company.
This statement angers the en- An inductor creates a reactive field that stores energy (a). Adding a second inducgineer, who replies, Thats the tor harnesses the reactive field to transfer energy to a load without metallic controuble with you lawyers. You de- tact (b).
Shape of field
Wave impedance
Carrier of force
Figure 4
You can show the electric field of a static charge (a) or a dipole (b) as a vector plot, a streamline plot, and
a log-magnitude contour plot.
Figure 5
The electric field follows a particle moving to the right with constant velocity (a); the electric field follows a particle moving to
the right with constant acceleration (b); the electric field follows
a particle coming into motion from a resting condition (c). Particle locations and field lines at earlier times appear in gray.
Figure 6
Figure 7
In this depiction of the electric field surrounding a wire carrying a dc current, shades of gray
denote the relative voltage levels inside the
wire. Magenta arrows denote the current.
the length of the wire because both parameters increase the amount of moving
charge. The radiation power is also proportional to the frequency because the
charge experiences a greater acceleration
at higher frequencies. (Imagine yourself
on a spinning ride at an amusement
park. The faster it spins, the greater the
acceleration you and your lunch feel.)
Expressed algebraically, Radiated power~current3length3frequency.
This expression clearly shows why RF
signals radiate more readily than do lower frequency signals, such as those in the
audio range. In other words, a given circuit radiates more at higher frequencies.
Because wavelength is inversely proportional to frequency (?5c/f), an equiva-
Figure 9
Figure 8
The electric fields surrounding a wire carry a slowly varying ac current. Magenta arrows denote the current, and shades of gray denote the relative voltage
levels inside the wire at time t50 (a) and at time t5T/2, a half-cycle later (b).
Compare the wave impedance as a function of distance from a loop antenna (as in Figure 3a) with
that of a dipole (as in Figure 3b). In the near field, the loop antennas radiated energy is mostly
magnetic. At close range, the dipole antennas radiated energy is mostly electric. In the far field,
the division between electric and magnetic energy is the same for both antenna types.