'A Study To Assess The Effectiveness of Music Therapy On The Level of Depression Among Elderly in Volontariat Home, Oupalam, Puducherry''
'A Study To Assess The Effectiveness of Music Therapy On The Level of Depression Among Elderly in Volontariat Home, Oupalam, Puducherry''
'A Study To Assess The Effectiveness of Music Therapy On The Level of Depression Among Elderly in Volontariat Home, Oupalam, Puducherry''
e-ISSN: 23201959.p- ISSN: 23201940 Volume 4, Issue 5 Ver. III (Sep. - Oct. 2015), PP 31-33
Msc Nursing II year, Dept. of Mental Health Nursing, Kasturba Gandhi Nursing College, Puducherry
HOD, Dept of Mental Health Nursing, Kasturba Gandhi Nursing College,Puducherry
Principal&HOD, Dept. of Medical Surgical Nursing, Kasturba Gandhi Nursing College, Puducherry
Background:Ageing in humans refers to a multidimensional process of physical, psychological and social
change. For older adults, depression can come from chronic illness, disability, loss of spouse, worries for being
dependent and due to institutionalization. Some studies report that perhaps as many as 25% of women and 15%
of men have experienced a depressive disorder of some sort at some time in their lives (Michigan Depression
Centre, The University of Michigan Health System)
Aim: The main aim of the present study was toassess the effectiveness of Music Therapy on level of depression
among elderly in VolontariatHome, Oupalam, Puducherry.
Materials and Methods:A Quantitative Quasi Experimental study (Pre-experimental- one group pre and
posttest design) done among 40 elderly in Volontariat Home, Oupalam, Puducherry with Depression. Data were
collected using Hamilton Depression Scale. Data analysis was done using inferential and descriptive statistics.
Results: Totally 40 Elderly were participated in the study. It was observed that Majority of subjects resided for
3-5 years at the old-age home. Majority of the samples had Normal and Mild level of Depression. The mean
pretest values of Depression score had significant difference during posttest measurement of mean Depression
score which proved that there was significant reduction in the level of Depression among Elderly due to Music
therapy. The obtainedt value 7.5287 was highly statistically significant (0.0001) at p< 0.001 level.
Conclusion: Depression being one of the causes of a variety of diseases and disorders in the world today,
especially in Elderly population, through this study it was proven that Music therapy reduces the level of
Depression among Elderly suffering from Depression. Therefore it is suggested that Music therapy can be done
in all types of groups in long term basis as well for reducing Depression
Keywords:Assess, Depression, Elderly, Music therapy, Old Age Home
I. Introduction
Ageing is the accumulation of changes in a person over time. Ageing in humans refers to a
multidimensional process of physical, psychological and social change. Some dimensions of ageing grow and
expand over time, while others decline. Reaction time, for example, may slow with age, while knowledge of
world events and wisdom may expand. Research shows that even late in life, potential exists for physical,
mental, and social growth and development. Ageing is an important part of all human societies reflecting the
biological changes that occur, but also reflecting cultural and societal conventions. Ageing is among the largest
known risk factors for most human diseases. Roughly 100,000 people worldwide die each day of age-related
causes. For older adults, depression can come from chronic illness, disability, loss of spouse, worries for being
dependent and due to institutionalization. These types of depression are long term and can be difficult to deal
usic therapy can have a powerful impact on anyone, but it releases a tripwire of powerful
memories for the elderly. This is why music therapy is one of the most effective treatments for senior
citizens. Learn more about how music can affect our senior loved ones (danalarsen, april16,
2012).Music therapy provides opportunities for memory recall which contributes to reminiscence and
satisfaction with life. It brings positive changes in mood and emotional states.it also brings awareness of self and
the environment which accompanies increased attention to music.
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A Study To Assess The Effectiveness Of music Therapy On The Level Of Depression Among
III. Materials And Methods
Quantitative research approach was used for this study. The study design adopted was one group pretest post-test experimental design.The target population was old- aged people over the age of 60 years in
Puducherry and the accessible population was all elderly in VolontariatHome, Oupalam, Puducherry.The study
was conducted atVolontariat Home, Oupalam, Puducherry, a home for the aged.
The sample size was 40. Purposive sampling technique was used to select the samples. The data was collected
from 40 samples by using interview technique, to assess the demographic variables and level of Depression. As
done earlier in pilot study, the demographic variables were assessed using a structured questionnaire in
interview method. The level of Depression was assessed using Hamilton Depression Scale. Music therapy was
administered for duration of 1hour for 21 days. Followed by this post-test level of Depression was done using
the same Hamilton Depression Scale.
The data was analyzed using descriptive statistics(Frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation).The
association between level of Depression and selected demographic variables were analyzed by using inferential
statistics (Chi square test).
Major Findings ofThe Study
The study shows the distribution of level of Depression among elderly at Volontariat Home, Oupalam,
Puducherry. It depicts that, out of the 40 subjects. 26 (65%) had mild depression, and 14(35%) had moderate
depression after the introduction of music therapy 22 (55%) had normal depression, 13 (32.5%) had mild
depression, and 5 (12.5%) had Moderate depression respectively. This shows that with music therapy there is a
significant reduction in depression levels from moderate to normal.
Table I: Comparison of the pre and post-test mean depression score.
Pre test
Post test
t value
p value
Figure I and Table I show the mean value of subjects with level of depression during pre-test and post-test.
The obtainedt value 7.5287 was highly statistically significant (0.0001) at p< 0.001 level. This data
concludes that there was significant difference between mean scores of pre test and post test level of
depression. It was inferred that music therapy was effective in reduction of depression among elderly
Figure I: Mean value of subjects with level of stress during pre-test and post-test.
IV. Conclusion
The main aim of the present study wasto assess the effectiveness of music therapy on level of
depression among elderly at Volontariat Home, Oupalam, Puducherry. This study revealed that the prevalence
of depression is high among elderly in old age home and the post test mean level of depression score was lower
than the pre test score after administration of music therapy. Thus this study proves that music therapy was
DOI: 10.9790/1959-04533133
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A Study To Assess The Effectiveness Of music Therapy On The Level Of Depression Among
effective in reduction of depression among elderly. Music therapy can be given to elderly on regular basis in
order to reduce their depression and their caregivers can also practice it whenever possible
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Jarvik LF et.al (2000). Geriatric Psychiatry; Introduction Comprehensive Text Book of Psychiatry.7 th edition, Lippincott.
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DOI: 10.9790/1959-04533133
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