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Sambar Vs Levi Strauss & Co

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G.R. No. 132604. March 6, 2002

1. Levi Strauss & Co., and Levi Strauss Phil, Inc., through a letter from their legal
officer, demanded that CVS Garment Enterprises (CVSGE) desist from using
their stitched arcuate design on the Europress jeans which CVSGE advertised
in the Manila Bulletin.
2. Defense: Atty. Benjamin Gruba, counsel of CVSGE: the arcuate design on the
back pockets of Europress jeans was different from the design on the back
pockets of Levis jeans.
a. He further asserted that his client had a copyright on the design it was
3. Private respondents filed a complaint against Sambar, doing business under
the name and style of CVSGE.
a. Private respondents also impleaded the Director of the National Library.
b. Alleged in their complaint that Levi Strauss and Co. (LS&Co.), an
internationally known clothing manufacturer, owns the arcuate design
trademark which was registered under U.S. Trademark Registration No.
404, 248 and in the Principal Register of trademarks with the Philippine
Patent Office under Certificate of Registration No. 20240
c. CVSGIC and Venancio Sambar, without the consent and authority of
private respondents and in infringement and unfair competition, sold
and advertised, and despite demands to cease and desist, continued to
manufacture, sell and advertise denim pants under the brand name
Europress with back pockets bearing a design similar to the arcuate
trademark of private respondents, thereby causing confusion on the
buying public, prejudicial to private respondents goodwill and property
4. Answer: CVSGIC admitted it manufactured, sold and advertised and was still
manufacturing and selling denim pants under the brand name of Europress,
bearing a back pocket design of two double arcs meeting in the middle.
a. However, it denied that there was infringement or unfair competition
because the display rooms of department stores where Levis and
Europress jeans were sold, were distinctively segregated by billboards
and other modes of advertisement.
b. CVSGIC avers that the public would not be confused on the ownership
of such known trademark as Levis, Jag, Europress, etc.. Also, CVSGIC
claimed that it had its own original arcuate design, as evidenced by
Copyright Registration No. 1-1998, which was very different and
distinct from Levis design.
5. TC: issued a writ of preliminary injunction enjoining CVSGIC and petitioner
from manufacturing, advertising and selling pants with the arcuate design on
their back pockets.
6. CA: affirmed
Issue: WON there was an infringement of respondents arcuate mark.
Held: YES. Europress use of the arcuate design was an infringement of the Levis


1. The backpocket design of Europress jeans, a double arc intersecting in the

middle was the same as Levis mark, also a double arc intersecting at the
a. Although the trial court found differences in the two designs,
these differences were not noticeable.
b. Further, private respondents said, infringement of trademark did not
require exact similarity.
c. Colorable imitation enough to cause confusion among the public, was
sufficient for a trademark to be infringed.
d. Private respondents explained that in a market research they
conducted with 600 respondents, the result showed that the public was
confused by Europress trademark vis the Levis trademark.
2. It must be stressed that it was immaterial whether or not petitioner was
connected with CVSGIC.
a. What is relevant is that petitioner had a copyright over the design and
that he allowed the use of the same by CVSGIC.
3. Private respondents assert that the lower courts found that there was
infringement and Levis was entitled to damages based on Sections 22 and
23 of RA No. 166 otherwise known as the Trade Mark Law, as amended, which
was the law then governing. Said sections define infringement and prescribe
the remedies therefor.
a. Further, private respondents aver it was misleading for petitioner to
claim that the trial court ruled that private respondents did not suffer
pecuniary loss, suggesting that the award of damages was improper.
b. According to the private respondents, the trial court did not make any
such ruling. It simply stated that there was no evidence that Levis had
suffered decline in its sales because of the use of the arcuate design
by Europress jeans.
c. They offer that while there may be no direct proof that they
suffered a decline in sales, damages may still be measured
based on a reasonable percentage of the gross sales of the
respondents, pursuant to Section 23 of the Trademark law.
4. The cancellation of petitioners copyright was justified because
petitioners copyright cannot prevail over respondents registration
in the Principal Register of Bureau of Patents, Trademarks, and
Technology Transfer.
a. According to private respondents, the essence of copyright registration
is originality and a copied design is inherently non-copyrightable.
b. They insist that registration does not confer originality upon a copycat
version of a prior design.
5. The award of damages and cancellation of petitioners copyright are
a. Award of damages is clearly provided in Section 23, while cancellation
of petitioners copyright finds basis on the fact that the design was a
mere copy of that of private respondents trademark.
b. To be entitled to copyright, the thing being copyrighted must
be original, created by the author through his own skill, labor

and judgment, without directly copying or evasively imitating

the work of another

Dispositive: WHEREFORE, the decision dated January 30, 1998, of the Court of
Appeals, in CA-G.R. CV No. 51553 AFFIRMING the judgment of the Regional Trial
Court of Makati, Branch 66, dated July 14, 1995, is hereby MODIFIED so that nominal
damages are deleted but the amount of P50,000 is hereby awarded only as
TEMPERATE DAMAGES. In all other respects, said judgment is hereby AFFIRMED.

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