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for Andr oid 2.3 and higher

This manual is for CPU Adjuster v2.7.5 (document revision 1.1)

CPU Adjuster is a advanced application that provides an interface to interact with the device
processor (CPU), and also with the Graphic Process Unit (GPU).
Users who has rooted their phone are capable to set the most relevant parameters of the
processor, like max/min speeds, governor, voltages and much more.

For root users this application provides the best
via to manually update the CPU parameters, that
is complemented by a mature profiles automation
Normal users (and also the root users) can be use
the application in order to view the CPU
configuration and get information about it, like
max/min speeds, governor, voltages, battery
consumption, etc.

The first time you start CPU Adjuster, the program
shows a disclaimer dialog (like the one showed in
screenshot number one) and you are required to
accept it (or exit).
After the disclaimer accept, the application tests if
device is rooted and, if is the case, it shows a
popup to request superuser permissions.
The app support profiles in order to automate the CPU parameters assignment, and if this the
case, it runs in background at startup. Due that, we suggest to you to allow superuser
permissions forever, not requesting permissions in each run.

The main goal of this application is that it's capable to show CPU/GPU information for all
users, even if your device isn't rooted, but the available information depends from the kernel.
Normally the stock kernels are providing only information about the max/min and current
speeds, but not about other relevant information like the CPU speeds history.

The program structures information using tabs: general, history, profiles and device info.
You can change from one tab to other drawing your finger from left to right or right to left or
simply clicking in the tab title.

It contains info about the CPU:

Current CPU





Number of processors,
State of multiprocessor interface (for dual and
quadcore systems),
Min speed (and min speed value supported by the
Max speed (and max speed value supported by
the kernel),
I/O Scheduler.
Also, it contains information about the GPU:
Current GPU





And another device information:

Up time
Sleep time (deep sleep state is a special device
state that consumes a very small power),
Screen on time,
Device RAM and free RAM,
Battery level.
You can click in the another device information items in order to show a more explained


If your kernel supports it, this tab shows information about the time time during which has
operated in each of the speeds supported.
Also, the application shows a list of the supported
speeds that are not used.
Normally the only speeds that aren't used are
those that aren't in the range defined by the min
and max speeds, but really it depends from the
Your device is working at low battery
compsumition range if the major time is running in
deep sleep mode or in lower processor
If your processor is running a considerable
percent of the time (much better than the time the
screen stays on) in the higher range of
frequencies is due to you have a service or
process that is running in background and using
many resources, and this isn't normal in most

This tab contains information about the ROM and

kernel, CPU (hardware and firmware) and battery.

If your device is rooted and you are allowing this application to execute commands with
superuser permissions, you can update certains parameters of the CPU/GPU.
The real number of parameters that are capable of update depends from the kernel.
Also, you can update CPU/GPU parameters on the fly, without creating a profile, clicking the
menu key in general, history, profiles and device info tabs and selecting set device state on
the fly option.

To create a profile you only need to go the profiles tab then click the menu button then select
Add option.

After that, the application will ask to profile type.

Supported profile types are based on:
Battery (less or higher to a value),
Device temperature (higher to a value),
Screen state (on or off),
Device connected to (wall charger or to another
device via USB cable),
Voice call in progress.
Also, you can select a special device type (default
profile) that was set when no other profile was
The profile type selector also includes the ability
to set the profile priority, that is used by the
profiles manager to select the active profile if two
or more profiles are activeable.
In addition to the profiles priority, you can select a
active application (or more than one).
If you select one or more apps, the profile only will be active if one of the selected apps are in
the front (this will be useful in order to apply a agressive profile to run games by example).


After select the profile type, or if you clic the profile item (in profiles list) or if you select to set
device state on the fly, a dialog containing all the updateable parameters was showed.
The available parameters depends from the kernel, and not all kernels supports all the
The updateable parameters are ordered in 5 tabs: CPU, voltages, GPU, charger and
advanced tweaks.

This tab allows you to select the governor, input/output scheduler and max/min processor
Also, if your device is a multicore (dualcore or quadcore processor) and your kernel supports

it, you can set the multicore state:

For dualcores you can set the state of the second core (auto, always on or always off).
For quadcores you can set the state of the second, third and four core (on, off or auto).

In this tab you can set the voltage that the processor receives for each availble speed step.
Clicking the menu key you can access to a contextual menu that allows to increase/decrease
all the voltages at the same time.
We recommend to update the voltages in small steps and test it before lower. If the phone
remains unresponsive after apply a lower voltage, or you suffer a spontaneous reboot, you
are provably using a non supported voltage.
A voltage that is supported by another user can be not supported by your device. This is due
to the voltage deppends from the hardware, and small differences are still present, even in
devices of the same series.


The GPU tab allows to update all the GPU parameters, and includes support for all GPU

steps included by the kernel developers (usually between two and five).
The configurable values (for each step) are:
Frequency: Like the CPU step but related to the Graphic Process Unit (GPU),
Voltage: The energy received by the GPU in a determinated state,
Minimum stay time: If supported, this is the minimum time that the GPU stays in a state
before up or down the frequency,
Up/Down threshold: If the average load that causes the speed to increase or decrease.

You can set the energy that is received by the battery when connected to a wall charger, dock
, etc.
Pay attention with the values that you set in this tab.


It contains other configurable parameters (governor parameters, other gpu parameters, etc),
and the configurable values depends from the
selected governor and from the real GPU model.
The values in this tab can be only updated if you
really know what you do.
Note that each tab (except CPU tab) contains a
switch at the top right that allows you to disable
the updates for the selected tab.
If you uncheck a switch the values in the
associated tab can't be applied to the system
when the device becomes active.
After update the profile data you will click into the
save profile icon (at the top right of the screen) in
order to save the profile (or apply if you had
selected to set a profile on the fly).
If you press the back button the system will show
a popup if the profile was updated.


When a profile is created, the automation system is not taking into account, for security
reasons, until you manually enable it.
When a profile is enabled, it will be activate automatically depending of the profile type.
You can forze the profile activation
click in the profile contextual menu
then select activate.


The main goal of this application is the profile automation.
In order to use it and automatically apply the profiles depending of the device state, you can
enable the service switching on the switch at the top right of the profiles tab.

If you switch off the service no more

automatic profiles activation until you turn it
to on, even if restart the device.

Application preferences are allowing you to configure some application functions.
Default active tab
Is the tab that becomes active when the application is executed.
Start service cancellation
After boot, the application starts the profile automation service, but prior to that, the
application shows a message in the statusbar.
If you enable this check you are able to cancel the
startup sequence if you delete the startup
Enable log
Check this if you had problems with the
application, in order to show application log
messages in the system log.
We need the logs in order to solve certain type of
issues (like FCs) and you can collect the logs
using some Play Store apps, like alogrec or
alogcat, or via adb utility.
Active app test time
If you include active apps in your profiles, this is
the time after which the application checks which
program is active.
If you decrease this time the profiles based on
active applications will be activated before at cost
of battery.

Select the mode used by the app to notify a profile activation: toast message, status bar
message or no messages.
You can select between dark and light themes.
Voltages application mode
You can select if the voltages are set before the
frequencies or viceversa.
We recommend to select voltage before
frequencies if you are overclocking the CPU and
frequencies before voltages if you are
undervolting the CPU.
Initialization scripts
If your kernel don't supports init.d scripts, you can
use this application to execute your scripts at
Delay after boot
When the device boot sequency ends all the apps
receives a notification.
After receive the related notification, this application starts the boot sequence, that's notified
in statusbar (read about start service cancellation few paragraphs above).
This parameter specifies the delay between the system boot sequence ends and the init.d
scripts execution and profiles automation service startup.
We recomend don't set to zero before you know if your profile settings are really compatible
with your device.

We agree to you if you buy the PRO version, clicking in the key button in main view, in order
to support the development of this and other applications at a really small price.
Differences between normal and PRO versions are:
PRO version don't show Ads,

PRO version has no limitations in the number of defined profiles,

PRO version includes a interface to backup/restore profiles.

Please, if the application fails, or if you need more
functionalities, you can contact to me at
Also, if you are a kernel or ROM developer, you can contact him in order to known how
integrate this application in your kernel or ROM.
If you're contacting to report a bug, please, include the version number, a textual description
of the error and, if possible, a logcat.

I'm happy to include your language translation, but we not have the money to translate it.
I agree to you If you translate the application using the interface provided at

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