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Parameter Viewing and Configuration (Caterpillar PC Software)

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Caterpillar Digital Voltage Regulator (CDVR)
Número de Mídia -RENR7941-03 Data de Publicação -01/01/2008 Data de Atualização -31/01/2008


Parameter Viewing and Configuration (Caterpillar PC Software)

SMCS - 4467-NQ

In order to view and configure the parameters of the digital voltage regulator, a PC with the Caterpillar PC
software is required.

Note: Before performing this procedure, study the list of parameters in order to determine the desired
parameter and the corresponding range of values. The value of some parameters are only for viewing by the
user and may not be configurable.

Note: It will be convenient to have the entire list of parameters available while performing this procedure. See
System Operation, "Parameters".

The Caterpillar PC software provides the communication link between the voltage regulator and the user. All
voltage regulator settings are entered and read through this software. Within this software, voltage regulator
settings can be saved in a computer file and used later in order to configure other units with the same settings.

Caterpillar PC Software operates with an IBM compatible personnel computer using a Microsoft Windows 95
or later operating system. The minimum recommended operating requirements are listed below:

 IBM compatible PC, 486DX2 or faster (100 MHz or higher microprocessor is recommended)

 CD-ROM drive

 One available serial port

Installing the Caterpillar PC Software

Caterpillar PC software contains a setup utility that installs the program on the PC. An uninstall utility is
loaded with the program that can be used to remove the application from the PC. Use the following procedure
to install the PC software.

1. Insert the CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive of the PC.

2. Click the Windows Start button and then select "Run". In the "Open:" field, enter "D:/Setup.exe",
where "D" is the designator letter for your PC CD-ROM drive. Then click "OK".

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When Caterpillar PC software is installed, a folder with the name Caterpillar is added to the Windows
program menu. This folder is accessed by clicking the "Start" button and pointing to "Programs".

Starting Caterpillar PC Software

Illustration 1 g01393986

The PC software is started by clicking the Windows "Start" button, pointing to "Programs", the "Caterpillar"
folder, and then clicking the voltage regulator icon. At startup, a dialog box with the program title and version
number is displayed briefly. After this dialog box is displayed, the "System Configuration" screen is
displayed. See Illustration 1.

Establishing Communication

Communication between the voltage regulator and the PC must be established before any settings can be
viewed or changed. For more information on establishing communications, see Systems Operation, "Remote

Changing Settings

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The settings are arranged into the following five groups:

 System configuration

 Setting Adjustments

 Control Gain Settings

 Protections Settings

 Metering/Operation and Alarms

Illustration 2 g01393989

Systems Configuration screen

(1) System Configuration button

(2) Setting Adjustment button

(3) Control Gain Button

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(4) Protection Setting button

(5) Metering/Operation button

(6) Get From Unit button

(7) EEPROM button

Each setting group has a corresponding button that can be selected to access that group of settings. See
Illustration 2. The five setting groups can also be accessed by clicking "Screens" on the menu bar and then
selecting the desired setting group from the list. Once a setting group is accessed, the individuals settings of
the group can be viewed and changed.

A setting is changed by clicking within the setting field and typing the setting. The minimum, maximum and
increments (steps) for a setting are displayed on the status bar when the cursor is placed within that setting
field. A changed setting is sent to the voltage regulator when the "Enter" key on the PC is pressed. A setting
in a field with the pull down menu is sent to the voltage regulator when the setting is selected from the pull
down menu.

Sending and Receiving Settings

When communication is enabled, voltage regulator settings can be sent or received through the PC software.

Sending Settings

Settings changes are sent to the voltage regulator by two methods:

1. Type a value in the setting screen field, then press the "Enter" key.

Note: Just typing a value in the setting screen field WILL NOT send that value to the CDVR. When a
value is typed in the setting screen field, the "Enter" key must also be pressed.

2. Select a value from the setting screen pull down menu.

Note: When a selection is made from the pull down menu, the selected setting that is displayed on the
setting screen will automatically be sent to the CDVR and will become the voltage regulator setting.
There is NO need to press the "Enter" key.

Receiving Settings

Voltage regulator settings are retrieved by clicking the "Get From Unit" button (6). This causes the current
settings of the voltage regulator to be displayed on the "settings" screen.

Saving Settings to the Memory of the Voltage Regulator

Settings are saved in nonvolatile memory (EEPROM). In the event of a power loss, these are the settings that
will be active at start up. If the settings are changed and sent to the voltage regulator, but the settings are not
sent to the EEPROM, the changed settings will be lost if the operating power to the voltage regulator is lost.
When exiting an application or closing communication, the software will prompt the user to save the settings
to the EEPROM. This question is asked even if no changes were made to the settings. When communication
is enabled, setting changes are saved to the EEPROM by clicking the "EEPROM" button (7). The opportunity
to save the settings to the EEPROM is also given through a dialog box when the application is exited or

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communication is closed.

Setting Definitions
Each of the five setting groups have a corresponding screen in the PC software. The setting of each screen are
categorized by one or more tabs. In the following paragraphs, setting are arranged and defined according to
the organization of the PC application screens and tabs.

System Configuration

The "System Configuration" screen consists of one tab labeled "Configuration". Click the "Configure" button
(1) in order to access the "System Configuration" screen or click "Screens" on the menu bar and click
"System Configuration".

Configuration Tab

Illustration 3 g01393995

Rated Voltage (V) - The rated AC generator voltage is entered in this field. Voltages within the range of 90

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to 15000 VAC may be entered in 1 VAC increments.

Rated Current (A) - The maximum rated AC generator current is entered in this setting field. Current values
that are up to 9999 amperes may be entered in 1 ampere increments.

Rated kVAR - This field is a read-only field that displays the rated, calculated reactive power, based on the
values that are entered in the Rated Voltage and Rated current fields.

Frequency - This setting is used to select a nominal system operating frequency of 50 Hz or 60Hz.

PT Primary (V) - The primary AC voltage rating of the potential transformer (PT) is entered in this field.
Voltages within the range of 90 and 15000 VAC may be entered in 1 VAC increments.

PT Secondary (V) - The secondary AC voltage rating of the PT is entered in this field. Voltages within the
range of 90 and 600 VAC may be entered in 1 VAC increments. Note: A PT is required if the generator is
rated at more than 600 VAC. If no PT is installed, set the PT primary and PT secondary to the expected
sensed voltage.

CT Primary - The AC current rating of the primary winding of the CT is entered in this field. Current values
that are up to 9999 amperes may be entered in 1 ampere increments.

CT Secondary - This field is a read-only field that displays the rated value of the current that is present at the
secondary winding of the CT. This regulator is designed for a 5 ampere secondary winding only.

Power Input Frequency (Hz) - The frequency value of the operating power applied to the voltage regulator
is entered in this field. This would be the frequency of the permanent magnet generator or the frequency of
the generator in the case of self-excited generator. Frequencies within the range of 50 to 400 Hz may be
entered in 1 Hz increments. Refer to table 1 for the correct frequency values.

Table 1

Operating Frequency 50HZ 60HZ

Self Excited Generators 50HZ 60HZ
Permanent Magnet Generators
200HZ 240HZ
Low and Medium Voltage
6 Pole Generators 133HZ 160HZ
High Voltage 2600 Frame Generators 200HZ 240HZ
High Voltage 2400 and 2800 Frame Generators 150HZ 180Hz

Sensing Mode - This setting is used to configure the voltage regulator for the single-phase or three-phase
voltage sensing. Note: For single phase sensing, ensure the "C" phase sensing input is connected to pins P12-
10 and P12-11 with the "A" phase sensing input connected to pin P12-12.

PC Software Part Number - This is a read-only field that displays the version of the PC software part

Embedded Software Part Number - This is a read-only field that displays the version of the embedded
software part number.

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Hardware Part Number - This is a read-only field that displays the version of the Hardware part number.

Serial Number - This is a read-only field that displays the serial number of the voltage regulator connected to
the PC. Communication between the voltage regulator and the PC must be enabled in order to read the
firmware version.

Setting Adjustments

The "Setting Adjustments" screen consists of two tabs labeled "Setpoint" and "Startup". Click the "Settings"
button (2) in order to access the "Setting Adjustments" screen or click "Screens" on the menu bar and click
"Setting Adjustments".

Setpoint Tab

Illustration 4 g01009341
Set point tab as seen without AVR Voltage Control and VAR/PF Control Desired Input Configuration (for original firmware).

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Illustration 5 g01418840
Setpoint tab with AVR Voltage Control and VAR/PF Control Desired Input Configuration

AVR Voltage (V) - This setting field is used to enter the desired generator output terminal voltage. The range
of voltages is dependent on the value in the "Voltage Adjustment Band (percent of rated)" field. Values may
be entered in increments of 0.1 VAC.

VAR (percent of rated) - The VAR set point determines the level of generator VARs that are maintained by
the voltage regulator when the digital voltage regulator is in the VAR mode. Percentage values within the
range of -100 to 100 percent may be entered in increments of 0.1 percent. A setting in the overexcited
direction will have a positive value and a setting in the under excited direction will have a negative value.

Power Factor - The Power Factor set point determines the level of generator power factor that is maintained
by the voltage regulator when the voltage regulator is in the power factor mode. Settings within the range of
0.600 lagging to 0.600 leading may be entered in increments of 0.001. A setting in the lagging direction will
have a positive value and a setting in the leading direction will have a negative value. Before setting a
leading power factor, consult the reactive capability curve for the generator being used.

AVR Voltage Control: Desired Input Configuration - "CAN Input" and "Switch" are the two settings that
can be selected from the drop down menu for this configuration. Selecting "CAN Input" configures the
voltage regulator to accept changes to the AVR voltage set point only from the "CANbus". If an attempt is
made to change the AVR set point with this configuration, from the "Settings" screen, with the use of the

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"Raise" or "Lower" buttons while at the "Metering" screen and with the "Raise" or "Lower" contacts, then the
adjustment will have no effect. Selecting "Switch" configures the voltage regulator to accept changes to the
AVR voltage set point from the "Settings" screen, the "Raise" or "Lower" buttons in the "Metering" screen, or
by the use of the "Raise" or "Lower" contacts. The CANbus will have no effect. If "CAN Input" is selected
and the CANbus communication is not available, the voltage regulator will not automatically change to the
"Switch" setting. The user must use software to manually change this setting to "Switch" in order to have
AVR voltage set point control. However, changing the AVR set point from the "Settings" screen or using the
"Raise" or "Lower" buttons in the "Metering" screen will allow for changes to the AVR set point.

VAR/PF Control: Desired Input Configuration - "CAN Input" and "Switch" are the two settings that can
be selected from the drop down menu for this configuration. Selecting "CAN Input" configures the voltage
regulator to accept changes to the VAR/PF voltage set point only from the "CANbus". If an attempt is made
to change the VAR/PF set point with this configuration, from the "Settings" screen, with the use of the
"Raise" or "Lower" buttons while at the "Metering" screen and with the "Raise" or "Lower" contacts, then the
adjustment will have no effect. Selecting "Switch" configures the voltage regulator to accept changes to the
VAR/PF voltage set point from the "Settings" screen, with the use of the "Raise" or "Lower" buttons while at
the "Metering" screen and with the "Raise" or "Lower" contacts. The CANbus will have no effect. If "CAN
Input" is selected and the CANbus communication is not available, the voltage regulator will not
automatically change to the "Switch" setting. The user must use software to manually change this setting to
"Switch" in order to have VAR/PF voltage set point control. However, changing the VAR/PF set point from
the "Settings" screen or using the "Raise" or "Lower" buttons in the "Metering" screen will allow for changes
to the VAR/PF set point.

Load Compensation Mode: Mode - Three settings may be selected from the drop down menu for this
operating mode: "Off", "Droop", or "Line Drop" (Line Loss). Selecting "Off" disables all load compensation.
Selecting "Droop" enables the reactive droop compensation feature of the voltage regulator. Selecting "Line
Drop" enables the voltage regulator to compensate for a line drop by increasing the generator output voltage
as the generator load increases.

When operating in parallel operations, make sure Droop mode is selected.

"Reactive Droop Compensation" and "Line Drop Compensation" are briefly described below:

Reactive Droop Compensation - The voltage regulator provides a "Reactive Droop Compensation" feature
for three phase generators in order to assist in the sharing of reactive load during parallel generator operation.
The voltage regulator calculates the reactive portion of the generator load using the sensed generator output
voltage and current quantities. The voltage regulator then modifies the voltage regulation set point

 A unity power factor generator load results in almost no change in generator output voltage.

 A lagging power factor generator load (inductive) results in a reduction of generator output voltage.

 A leading power factor generator load (capacitive) results in an increase of generator output voltage.

Droop is adjustable up to 10 percent with rated "B phase" line currents and 0.8 power factor. The "B phase"
line currents are 5 amperes applied through terminals P12-1 and P12-2. The droop is adjustable with the use
of the communication port(s).

"Reactive Droop Compensation" is mutually exclusive to line drop compensation. These two functions work
opposite of one another and, therefore, cannot be used at the same time.

In addition, the "Reactive Droop Compensation" feature allows paralleling of three phase generators when

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connected for "Cross Current Compensation" (CCC). The CCC method of connection allows reactive load
shared between generators with very little voltage droop. The droop level adjustment acts as the sensitivity
adjustment when connected for CCC.

Verify that the system works in reactive droop mode before connecting in CCC mode.

Note: When in CCC mode, kW and/or kVAR may indicate negative values in the "Metering" screen.

Line Drop Compensation - The voltage regulator provides a "Line Drop Compensation" feature for three
phase generators in order to assist in compensating for voltage drops in the lines between the generator and
the load. The voltage regulator calculates the magnitude of generator output current and modifies the voltage
set point accordingly. An increase in generator output current results in an increase in generator output
voltage. "Line Drop Compensation" is adjustable up to 10 percent with rated "B phase" line currents and 0.8
power factor. The "B phase" line currents are 5 amperes applied through terminals P12-1 and P12-2. The
droop is adjustable with the use of the communication port(s). "Line Drop Compensation" is mutually
exclusive to "Droop". "Line Drop Compensation" and "Droop" work opposite of one another and, therefore,
cannot be used at the same time.

Load Compensation Mode: Setpoint (percent) - The "Load Compensation Mode" setting field is enabled
only when "Droop" or "Line Drop" is selected as the "Load Compensation" mode. A percentage of zero to
10.00 percent may be entered in increments of 0.01.

Voltage Adjustment Band (percent of rated) - The "Voltage Adjustment Band" setting is entered as a
percentage of the rated generator voltage. "Voltage Adjustment Band" is used to limit the range of the AVR
set point. A percentage value of zero to 15.00 percent may be entered in increments of 0.01.

Note: Adjusting the voltage using the DC bias input or the "Fine Adjustment" buttons in the CDVR PC
software will only change the voltage set point. Adjusting the voltage using the DC bias input or the "Fine
Adjustment" buttons will not change the voltage adjustment band.

Startup Tab

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Illustration 6 g01393997

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Illustration 7 g01012488

Soft Start Bias (percent) - The Soft Start Bias setting determines the generator voltage offset during start up
as a percentage of the generator rated voltage. The CDVR will raise output voltage to this percentage as
quickly as possible. A percentage value of 0.00 to 90.00 may be entered in increments of 0.01 percent.

Soft Start Time (sec.) - The Soft Start Time establishes the length of time for the generator terminal voltage
to increase to the generator rated voltage level from the "Soft Start Bias" percent. A value of 0.00 to 120.00
seconds may be entered in increments of 0.01 seconds. If the "Under Frequency Point" is reached before the
CDVR reaches the "Soft Start Bias" percent, voltage will build from the "Soft Start Bias" percent, in a linear
manner, for the duration of the "Soft Start Time". If the "Under Frequency Point" is reached after the CDVR
reaches the "Soft Start Bias" percent, voltage will build from the "Soft Start Bias" percent, in a linear manner,
until the "Under Frequency Point" is reached. From there, voltage will build following a "volts-per-hertz"
profile. Refer to Illustration 7.

Knee Frequency (Hz) - The "Knee Frequency" setting defines the value of frequency that causes the voltage
regulator to adjust the voltage set point so that the generator terminal voltage follows the selected volts per
hertz slope. A value of 45.00 to 65.00 hertz may be entered in increments of 0.01 hertz. "Knee Frequency"
should typically be set from 0.2 to 2 Hz less than the generator operating frequency. The knee frequency
should be adjusted closer to the nominal frequency in applications where the generator engine and governor is
slow in recovering frequency during a transient load event.

Frequency Deviation from Corner Frequency (Hz) - This field is a "read-only" field. The fixed value is
subtracted from the "Corner Frequency" value in order to determine when the generator under frequency
operation changes from slope 1 to slope 2.

Slope 1 (V/Hz) - When the generator frequency is between the corner frequency and the corner frequency
minus 5 hertz, the voltage set point is automatically adjusted so that the generator voltage follows volts per

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hertz slope 1. Slope 1 is adjusted by this setting field. A setting of zero to 10.00 may be entered in increments
of 0.01.

Slope 2 (V/Hz) - When the generator frequency is between the corner frequency minus 5 hertz and the
"Minimum Frequency" setting, the voltage set point is automatically adjusted so that the generator voltage
follows volts per hertz slope 2. Slope 2 is adjusted by this setting field. A setting of zero to 10.00 may be
entered in increments of 0.01.

Note: Volts per Hz slope value can be used to improve transient response time.

Minimum Voltage (percent of rated) - The "Minimum Voltage" setting defines the voltage level where the
voltage regulator transitions from the under frequency characteristic to a constant voltage characteristic. The
"Minimum Voltage" setting is expressed as a percentage of nominal generator voltage. A value of 50.00 to
100.00 percent may be entered in increments of 0.01.

Minimum Frequency (Hz) - The "Minimum Frequency" setting defines the value of the generator frequency
where the excitation is removed. A frequency value of 20.00 to 40.00 hertz may be entered in increments of
0.01 hertz.

Control Gain

The "Control Gain" screen consists of a single tab labeled "Control Gain". Click the "Gain" button (3) in
order to access the "Control Gain" screen or click "Screens" on the menu bar and click "Control Gain".

Control Gain Tab

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Illustration 8 g01009752

Proportional Gain Kp - This setting selects the proportional constant stability parameter. The voltage
regulator supplies a value that is equivalent to Kp multiplied by the error between the voltage set point and
the actual generator output voltage. Kp values of 0 to 1,000 may be entered in increments of 0.01.

If the transient response has too much overshoot, then Kp may be decreased. If the transient response is too
slow, then Kp may be increased.

Integral Gain Ki - This setting selects the integral constant stability parameter. The voltage regulator
supplies a value that is equivalent to Ki multiplied by the integral of the error between the voltage set point
and the actual generator output voltage. Ki values of 0 to 1,000 may be entered in increments of 0.01.

Increasing the value of Ki decreases the time required to reach steady state.

Derivative Gain Kd - This setting selects the derivative constant stability parameter. The voltage regulator
provides an output value that is equivalent to Kd multiplied by the derivative of the error between the voltage

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set point and the actual generator output voltage. Kd values of 0 to 1,000 may be entered in increments of

Increasing the value of Kd reduces transient response ringing.

Noise Filter Time Constant Td - This setting selects the noise filter time constant and is used in order to
reduce high frequency noise. Values of 0.00 to 1.00 may be entered in increments of 0.01.

Loop Gain Kg - This setting adjusts the loop-gain level of the PID algorithm. Loop gain values of 0 to 1,000
may be entered in increments of 0.01. Loop gain Kg is an overall gain multiplier affecting all gain parameters,
and should be used as a first gain adjustment. Increasing loop gain may be used to increase transient response
and reduce time to steady state. Decreasing loop gain will reduce overshoot but will lengthen time to steady
state. For self excited machines, a low value may be required for stability. This value may be as low as 5.
Refer to the "Poor Voltage Regulation - Troubleshoot" section.

VAR Integral Gain Ki - This setting adjusts the integral gain and determines the characteristic of the voltage
regulator dynamic response to a changed VAR setting. Ki values of 0 to 1,000 may be entered in increments
of 0.01.

VAR Loop Gain Kg - This setting adjusts the loop gain level of the PI algorithm for VAR control. Values of
0 to 1,000 may be entered in increments of 0.01.

PF Integral Gain Ki - This setting adjusts the integral gain and determines the characteristic of the voltage
regulator dynamic response to a changed power factor setting. Values of 0 to 1,000 may be entered in
increments of 0.01.

PF Loop Gain Kg - This setting adjusts the loop gain level of the PI algorithm for power factor control.
Values of 0 to 1,000 may be entered in increments of 0.01.

PID Pre-Settings - One of 20 preset stability ranges within the voltage regulator can be selected from this
pull down menu. Selection of one of the 20 preset stability ranges disables the "Proportional Gain" (Kp),
"Integral Gain" (Ki), and "Derivative Gain" (Kd) settings of the "Control Gain" tab. Selecting "Custom PID
Settings" from the "PID Pre-Settings" menu enables the Kp, Ki, and Kd settings. Caterpillar does not
recommend using the current "PID Pre-Settings" in the list except the "Custom PID Settings". The default
settings from the "Custom PID Settings" will work well for most SR4 and SR4B generator applications. If an
adjustment is to be made, the "Loop Gain Kg" should be used as a first adjustment approach.

"PID" Button - Press the PID button in order to open the PID "Calculator" screen. See illustration 9. The
PID "Calculat

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