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Voltage Regulation
SMCS - 4467
The parameters that are related to voltage regulation are listed below.
Voltage Setpoint
Generator Frequency
Knee Frequency
Integral Gain
Derivative Gain
Proportional Gain
Loop Gain
Once startup has been achieved and the generator output frequency is above the corner frequency, the
regulator will normally act to keep the generator output voltage constant. As changes in generator loading
cause the voltage to sag or rise, the regulator will automatically adjust generator excitation to maintain the
output voltage. If loading causes the generator frequency to drop below the knee frequency, the loading and
stopping profile as previously described will be followed. See System Operation, "Loading And Stopping
The CDVR can be connected to a "Manual Voltage Control". For a wiring diagram of "Manual Voltage
Control" see Testing and Adjusting, "Wiring diagrams".
A remote voltage adjust toggle switch may be used to fine tune the generator output voltage. When used, 17/3/2008
Pesquisa de Mídia - RENR7941 - Caterpillar Digital Voltage Regulator (CDVR) Página 2 de 2
1. The voltage can be changed at the "Settings" screen or the "Metering" screen in the CDVR.
2. The voltage can be changed at the "Voltage Regulator Control Parameters" screen with the use of Cat
Note: In order to change the new voltage set point, the "EEPROM" button must be pressed in the CDVR
PC software, or the "Enter" key must be pressed in Cat ET after the new set point is entered.
Direitos Autorais 1993 - 2008 Caterpillar Inc. Mon Mar 17 11:40:55 UTC-0300 2008
Todos os Direitos Reservados.
Rede Particular Para Licenciados SIS. 17/3/2008