PC Software Manual
PC Software Manual
PC Software Manual
Revision 1.0
Doc No. MPT-FM-UM-001
Matrix Power Technologies
Information in this document is subject to change without notice and does not represent a commitment
No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means — electronic
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Matrix Power Technologies-MPT
Table of Contents
1. Introduction ..........................................................................................................................................3
2. Main Window .......................................................................................................................................3
3. Home Window ......................................................................................................................................4
4. Access Window ....................................................................................................................................5
5. Setup Window ......................................................................................................................................5
6. AC Mains Window ...............................................................................................................................7
7. Rectifier Setup Window........................................................................................................................8
8. Rectifier Efficiency Setup Window ....................................................................................................10
9. DC Voltage Setting Window ............................................................................................................... 11
10. DC Setting – LVD Window ................................................................................................................12
11. DC Setting – Shunt Window ..............................................................................................................15
12. Battery – Configuration Window .......................................................................................................16
13. Battery – Report Window ...................................................................................................................19
14. DI Configuration Window ..................................................................................................................20
15. DO Configuration Window ................................................................................................................22
16. Alarm Configuration Window ............................................................................................................23
17. Temperature Setting Window .............................................................................................................23
18. Energy/Peak Shaving Window ...........................................................................................................25
19. Log Management Window .................................................................................................................27
ZHM19MD is the Graphical User Interface to allow the PC to communicate with the MPT.C 19
Controller either directly or remotely. The operation of the system can be supervised and control
using this software.
2. Main Window
This is the main login page. There are 3 connection modes that can be selected to establish the
connection, namely, offline, USB and Ethernet.
This home screen option displays the overall operating status of the system. The system
overview includes the input source, genset status, PV status, rectifier/solar modules output
voltage and current, load and battery current, as well as battery temperature, ambient
temperature, battery status and its mode of operation.
The alarm list will highlight the current three levels of alarms. The status of the arrow sign
indicates the energy flow of the system and the indicator besides the respective modules shows
the working status: green indicates normal operation; red indicates fault.
This access option allows the users to set the connection mode, re-select the login type as well as changing the
5. Setup Window
This setup option the allows the user to set system parameters. Users who have the respective access are able to
configure the relevant settings.
The parameters that are user-settable includes the set of system configuration, system
information, controller information, installation information, optional monitoring configuration
as well as time & date.
System Configuration
This section allows the user to set the system type, buzzer, screen orientation, backlight time,
address, language, temperature unit and baud rate.
Optional Monitoring Configuration
This section allows the user to select set of expansion modules installed, namely the DC
monitoring modules, AC monitoring module, I/O expansion module and battery monitoring
This section allows the user to set the date and time to synchronize with the PC or otherwise.
System Information
This section allows the user to update the customer name, serial number, Model and Site ID.
Controller Information
This section displays the software version, serial number and the controller model.
Installation Information
This section allows the user to update the installation date, service date, responsible person and remarks.
This section displays the individual phase input voltage and its respectvie phase current and frequency.
Alarm Setting
This section allows the user to set alarm limits of the AC input, including overvoltage, undervoltage, overcurrent,
over-frequency and under-frequency.
Mains Configuration
This section allows the user to set the input voltage configuration (1-phase/3-phase) as well as the CT ratio.
The rectifier information option displays the status of the individual rectifier modules, including
the serial numbers, output voltage, output current, output power ratio, max output power,
temperature, fault status and software version. Users can also control the remote startup and
shutdown of the individual rectifier module.
The diagram below shows the Rectifier Startup Walk-In function based on the Rectifier
Start Delay Time of 5s and a Slope ratio of 10%. The Rectifiers will wait for 5s before
increasing the output voltage from 0V to 40V. It will then take another 10s to increase
the output voltage from 40V to the default voltage of 54V.
It is advisable to test the Rectifier Walk-In function with the Batteries disconnected.
Ensure that the parameters are set correctly.
7.2.6 Rectifier Output Voltage Shutdown Limit: The output voltage that triggers a rectifier shutdown
7.2.7 No. of Rectifiers: To be configured as per system requirement
7.2.8 Slot Enable: To be able to set the respective slot to the specified rectifier module
7.2.9 Suppress Rectifier Fail during Mains Failure: When enabled, a mains failure will not cause
rectifier failure alarm
7.2.10 Solar Conv.Offset Volatge: To be able to set the solar converter output voltage offset to rectifiers to
let solar module takes the load at maximum.
The rectifier efficiency mode option allows the user to set the parameter relating to the sleep
mode operation of the system. The following are the key parameters that need to be considered:
The DC sensing voltage setting option allows user to set the DC voltage and alarm parameters
- Max System Voltage: The highest voltage that is allowed to be set. Max 58Vdc.
- Min System Voltage: The lowest voltage that is allowed to be set. Min. 40Vdc.
- Float Voltage: The output voltage value at float setting
- Boost Voltage: The output voltage value at boost setting
- DC Volt Low 1: The low voltage alarm triggers once the value reaches below this limit
- DC Volt Low 2: The low voltage alarm triggers once the value reaches below this limit
- Dc Volt High 1: The high voltage alarm triggers once the value reaches above this limit
- DC Volt High 2: The high voltage alarm triggers once the value reaches above this limit
The DC setting – LVD option allows the user to define the manage the low voltage disconnect function of the
system. The LVD can be activated via the following: (1) Low voltage disconnect; (2) AC delay disconnect;
Temperature disconnect; and (4) Alarm disconnect
AC delay disconnect
Set the “LVD control mode” to “auto” and enable the “LVD AC disconnection” and “LVD AC connection”. Set
the time for both the “LVD AC disconnection confirmed time” and “LVD AC connection confirmed time”. When
the AC failure time is greater than the “LVD AC disconnection confirmed time”, the LVD contactor will
disconnect. Similarly, when the AC operating time on recovery is greater than the “LVD AC connection
confirmed time”, the LVD contactor will connect.
Temperature disconnect
Alarm disconnect
The LVD1 and LVD2 can be checked in the alarm list. If either of the LVD1 or LVD2 is selected against an alarm
setting, then the respective LVD will disconnect once the set alarm is activated.
LVD control mode: There is option for manual connect, manual disconnect, automatic mode and disable. Manual
connection and disconnect operate as the name implies. Only in automatic mode can the above LVD
connect/disconnect functions be activated. In disable mode, the LVD function is disabled and the default position
of LVD contactor is in closed position.
Confirmed time: This refers to the time period of connection or disconnection when the set parameters are
Prohibition mode: When LVD control is “disabled”, the user can set the position of the LVD contactor via this
setting – “connect” or “disconnect”.
Automatic fault mode: If a fault occurs to the LVD function, this setting allows the user to set the default position
of the LVD contactor – remains at current position, connect or disconnect.
Fault self-recovery: Enabling this setting allows the LVD contactor to go back to its position prior to the
occurrence of the fault
Self mode: There are 4 selections “normally open with contact”, “normally open without contact”, “normally
close with contact” and “normally close without contact”.
The DC setting – shunt option allows user to set the settings of the current shunt that is implemented in the
system. There are altogether 8 channels for current sensing. The current sensing channel, if used, shall be
mapped according to the system design. This is to ensure correct calculation of the battery and
load currents.
The Window above shows the Battery Configuration Parameters setting page. It allows user to
set the battery running parameters, such as Nos of battery, battery capacity, battery type,
temperature compensation parameters, AVC, walk in and etc.
The Window above shows the Battery Test Parameters setting page. Battery Test Function is used to
test the Lead Acid battery performance during operation. The basic function is to set the rectifier output volt to
a lower value: let the battery to discharge, and stop charging when the volt reaches to preset value or the test
time is up. If the actual Test duration is shorter than the expected duration, the battery performance is not good.
And while there is some other test protection rules, such as SOC threshold, to reserve enough energy in battery
for enough backup time.
Test Total Capacity Ratio: During the test, the Battery remaining capacity should not be less than the set
parameter. For example, if the system has 200Ah battery in total, and the Test Total Capacity Ratio was set to
50%. When the Battery remaining capacity dropped to 100Ah, the test will stop.
The battery report option displays the battery test discharge data in a graphical representation, helping to provide
a visual analysis on the state of the battery condition.
Numerous battery test data may be collated over time to allow users to compare the state of health of the
The controller unit has 16 digital inputs, out of which the first 6 can be customized. The 7th to
14th digital inputs are dedicated to the battery fuse failure detection, whereas the 15th and 16th
digital inputs are for load fuse failure detection. I/O expansion modules can provide with
additional 6 customizable digital inputs.
Every digital input setting includes “DI identification”, “logical type”, “function definition” and
“function name”.
- DI identification: DI1 to DI6 are user-customizable digital inputs. DI7 to DI14 are set to
battery fuse 1 to battery fuse 8 respectively. DI15 is set to load fuse A and DI16 is set to
load fuse B.
- Logical Type: It provides a choice of “positive logic” or “negative logic”. E.g, if an alarm
is at low level and normal condition is at high level, selecting “negative logic” will “flip”
the state (i.e. alarm is at high level and normal condition is at low level).
The controller unit has 6 customizable digital outputs. I/O expansion modules can provide with
additional 6 customizable digital outputs.
Every digital output setting includes “DO identification”, “logical type”, and “function name”.
The controller unit has a list of 186 alarms, each of which can be configured for its severity and
map to the respective DO (digital outputs) in the main controller as well as I/O expansion
module. In addition, every alarm can be individual set to activate “buzzer”, “LVD1” and “LVD2”.
1) Energy Enable is useful function to reduce the Daily Operating Cost of the system by charging the
Battery when the electricity tariff is low and and discharging the Battery when the electricity tariff is high.
2) Set the Start Voltage and the Energy Saving mode will start when the System Output Voltage is higher
than the Start Voltage.
3) Set the Stop Voltage and the Energy Saving mode will stop when the System Output Voltage is less
than the Stop Voltage.
4) Set the Discharge Current Limit to limit the battery discharging current during the Energy Saving mode.
5) Set the Start Capacity Ratio which will allow the Energy Saving mode to start if the Battery SOC is
higher than the set value.
6) Set the Stop Capacity Ratio which will stop the Energy Saving mode if the Battery SOC is less than the
set value.
7) Under the Time Mode, user can select from a preset list or customise your own timing under the
8) Customize Mode. Below is an example of a set of customized timing:
1) MPT.C 19 controller provides Log Management functions, which can capture 12000 event logs/data logs,
it can show the data records in ZHM19MD and web page.
ata Log/Real time
2) A real time data log capturer to help user on trouble shooting or other analysis job. This a data log generate
by ZHM19MD when the function is running, it is not the data log in MPT.C 19, and it will not saved unless
export it.