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PT Ground Anchors

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Table of contents


1. Securing of slopes
1.1. General
1.2. Consolidation of the rock
projection of Baji-Krachen,
1.3. Securing of abutment at Libby
Dam, Montana, USA
1.4. Securing the slope at the south
portal of the Schallberg Tunnel,
1.5. Securing of portal of Engiberg
Tunnel, Arth-Goldau,
1.6. Anchorage of scour prevention
wall at Tarbela Dam, Pakistan
2. Anchoring of retaining walls
2.1. General
2.2. Upper retaining wall at Delli and
slope stabilisation at Hauetli,
Alpnachstad, Switzerland
2.3. Anchored wall at Flachau,
2.4. Retaining wall on the N2,
Eptingen, Switzerland
2.5. Retaining walls on the N5 on
Lake Biel, Switzerland
2.6. Pile wall at the south portal of
the Naxberg tunnel, Switzerland
3. Securing of excavations
3.1. General
3.2. Centre Beaubourg, Paris,
3.3. Underground railway station
Lok Fu, Hong Kong
3.4. Underground railway station,
Stockholm, Sweden
3.5. Building for Swedish Credit
Bank, Stockholm, Sweden
3.6. Children's Clinic of the , Insel
Hospital, Berne, Switzerland



Printed in Switzerland

4.1. General
4.2. Rainwater overflow tank,
Ellwangen, Federal Republic of
4.3. Stilling basin No. 3 at Tarbela
Dam, Pakistan





Copyright 1978 by
VSL INTERNATIONAL LTD, Berne / Switzerland
All rights reserved

4. Anchoring against hydrostatic uplift

5. Securing of caverns
5.1. General
5.2. Cavern Waldeck II, Federal
Republic of Germany
5.3. Ventilating station at Huttegg
for the Seelisberg tunnel,
Bauen, Switzerland
5.4. Review of various other



6. Anchoring of concentrated forces


6.1. General
6.2. Rock fall gallery on the
Axenstrasse, Switzerland
6.3. Spherical valve anchoring,
underground power station
Waldeck II, Federal Republic of
6.4. Cable crane anchorage at Jiroft
Dam, Iran


7. Stability against overturning

7.1. General
7.2. Lighthouse at Kullagrund,
7.3. Lalla Takerkoust Dam, Morocco
7.4. Milton Lake Dam, Ohio, USA
7.5. Laing Dam, South Africa
7.6. Center Hill Dam, Tennessee,
8. References and bibliography
8.1. References
8.2. Bibliography





In the recent past there has been a considerable

The aim of these examples is to show what has

this specialised field. This experience extends to

upsurge in the use of soil and rock anchors and in

already been achieved in the field of soil and rock

all types of anchors, whether for temporary or

many countries they have now established a

anchors and also to provide an overall picture

permanent purposes, of large or small bearing

permanent place in civil engineering practice.



capacity and whether installed in simple or difficult

Nevertheless, there are many clients, contractors

examples are described in detail and some of

ground conditions. The VSL Organisations are

and engineers who are still not or only little

them contain theoretical considerations. They may

therefore in a position to advise and assist you at

familiar with modern anchoring technology. It is

be of help to the reader in the solving of his own

any time. The local VSL Representative or VSL

hoped that the present publication will prove

soil mechanics problems. At the end of the booklet

INTERNATIONAL LTD, Berne, will be glad to

useful in providing information on this subject.

there is also a bibliography which provides a guide

receive your enquiry and to send you on request

This booklet contains a collection of descriptions

for further study.

the special prospectus giving detailed information

of works, in which soil and rock anchors have

The projects described here are naturally associated

about the VSL strand anchors and the types and

been used. It is divided into seven chapters,

with the use of VSL anchors since the VSL

units which are avaible.

each of which covers a typical of application

Organisations have a wide range of experience in

and contains several examples. The aim of

1. Securing of slopes
1.1. General
Slopes, rock faces and embankments frequently

thus enabling the volume of excavation to be

lose their stability as a result of natural

considerably reduced. In loose rock and soil, on

phenomena such as penetration of water, icing

the other hand, it is generally necessary to build

and thawing or erosion; in most cases, the cause

supporting structures on the surface (see Section

however is to be found in a modification to the

2), which can also with advantage be anchored

form of the ground or the loading condition by

back. In both cases, the anchors enable the

human intervention. It is therefore not surprising

excavation work to be carried out in successive

that equilibrium disturbances of this kind occur

steps and eliminate the risk of rock falls and earth

predominantly in conjunction with excavated


slopes in the construction of new roads and

Securing of slopes often needs to be carried out in

railways or extensions to existing systems. Such

conjunction with hydroelectric power plants, for

excavated slopes are frequently of considerable

example to secure the abutments of dams. The

extent and in certain circumstances can even

affect the stability of adjacent zones and in
particular of slopes and rock faces situated above
The use of prestressed soil and rock anchors
today provides an economical and suitable means
for securing slopes or rock faces where the
stability is not guaranteed. The actual amount of
material used is only quite small but it enables the
equilibrium to be re-established or maintained in
accordance with simple basic rules and to the
desired safety criteria.
In the case of fractured rock, the method consists


Consolidation of the rock

projection of Baji-Krachen,
Public Works Department,
Canton Valais
Engineer Dr. G. Lombardi, Locarno
Contractor 0. Caldart, Naters, in the name of the
SIF-Groutbor SA, Renens
(formerly Precontrainte SA, Lausanne)
Rock investigations
Terrexpert AG, Berne
Years of construction

principle of securing slopes with prestressed

anchors can also be successfully applied in
open-cast mining. Normally, the inclination of the
slope is chosen to avoid slips, in other words it is
equal to the angle of friction of the soil or rock. If
anchors are used to secure the sides, however,
these can be made much steeper and the useful
volume thereby increased.
The prestressing force is usually transmitted to the
underlying ground through foundations, against
which the stressing anchorages of the ground
anchors bear. The form and dimensions of these

The consolidation of the rock projection of
Baji-Krachen near Gondo on the southern slope of
the Simplon Pass was carried out in conjunction
with the widening of this highway to three lanes.
The rock face rose almost vertically for 40 to 50 m
and then continued its ascent at about 45. This
meant that large cuts into the rock were

foundations depend predominantly upon the type

necessary. For obvious reasons, the excavation

layers at the surface by means of the anchors, so

and nature of the soil, but also upon the

and securing work had to be carried out without

that the friction in the fracture planes is increased

distribution of the anchors and the magnitude of

interrupting the traffic on the existin road, with the

and slip is prevented. In this way the upper layers

theforcesto beapplied. The foundation may consist

exception of a few short closures.

are secured in the deeper, sound mass of rock,

of isolated concrete blocks or, where the rock face

the load-bearing capacity of which has remained

is fractured or steep, of vertical and horizontal


concrete beams. Where the ground is excavated

Brief description of the problem

For excavated slopes the same procedure can

by stages, prefabricated or insitu concrete

The geogical report showed that the report

be used for securing relatively steep rock faces,

tie-beams may also be used.

showed that the rock consisted of very hard

of applying a prestressing force onto the unstable

Fig. 1: Fracture systems of the rock projection

gneisses, which however were divided by

various fracture systems into blocks. The
position and orientation of some of these
systems would jeopardise the stability of the
rock mass. The investigation had revealed
three main fracture systems, which are
shown in fig. 1:
-A first system, sloping down towards the
valley at 35 to 45 (I); this could clearly be
the origin of slips.
-An almost vertical system (II), which was
particularly pronounced in one area of the
rearward slope. There the lower half of the
rock projection had indeed separated from
the remaining mass.
-An almost horizontal system (III), with a
noticeable downward incline of 0 to 10
towards the mountain; this did not represent
any direct risk, but mightlead to some
overbreak along the slope.
The inclination of the entire first fracture
system was, as already mentioned, from 35
to 45 (towards the valley). This situation is
shown diagrammatically on the right side of
fig. 1 for a specific fracture, the slope of
which varied from 38 to 45 If the entirety of
the upper block of the rock mass is
considered, it becomes clear that the slope
of 38wascritical for its stability.
The steeper part of the fracture, which had
an inclination of 45, had a tendency to
open if movement occurred towards the
valley. In fact, many open cracks exhibiting
this tendency could be observed, while the
less steeply inclined parts of the fracturing
were closed and provided the entire support
for the weight of the rock. It therefore had to
be assumed that, when excavating along
the rock face, there would be some blocks
that would rest upon the more steeply
inclined part of the fracture and therefore
Fig. 2: Results of a shear test

Fig. 3: Anchor arrangement and stability calculations

quite clearly be in unstable conditions (see

fig. 1, bottom right).
The problem was thus established: the
stability of the rock face had to be
guaranteed during and after the removal
work. Various possible ways of carrying out
the work could now be investigated. The
first solution provided for a working
procedure in four steps, as follows:
Step 1
Anchoring of the upper part of
the , rock mass,
Step 2
Removal of a fairly large zone of
the rock, in order to reduce the
height of the sheer face
adjacent to the road,
Step 3
Anchoring of the lower part,
Step 4
Removal of the lower part of the
This solution was rejected, on account of
the considerable volume of rock that would
have had to be removed, the difficulty of
finding a dump for the spoil, the
considerable occupation of the road during
blasting work and the fairly long time
required for successive operations of
different types.
The second solution, which was finally
adopted provided for two main operations,
Step 1
Anchoring of the entire rock
by prestressed anchors,
Step 2
Removal of the rock face and

Fig. 4: Position of rock anchors in plan

consolidation of same. This variant

permitted a clear separation between
removal and anchoring work, at least in
regard to the main anchors in the upper part
of the rock mass.

Rock investigations
In order to carry out a stability computation,
it was necessary to obtain sufficient
information about the angles of friction in
the main fractures. From a study of the
natural conditions and the fact that the rock
face in spite of everything was in
equilibrium, it was certainly possible to
conclude that the angle of friction in fracture
system I must be of the order of 40;
nevertheless, direct verification by tests was
imperative. The firm Terrexpert AG, of
Berne, was therefore entrusted with the task
of carrying out a number of shear tests on
specimens, which had been core drilled
transversely to the natural fractures, as they
then existed. Fig. 2 shows the results of one
such test. This was a multiple shear test,
which was carried out on the same
specimen in both directions, but with
different axial forces. The diagram indicates
the shear force and the corresponding
stress as a function of the axial force and
axial stress.
From the curves for the various movements,
it is possible to recognise a thresh-

old corresponding to a very pronounced

angle of friction of about 32; this occurs in
both directions of movement. After this
threshold has been passed, an increase in
the frictional resistance up to an angle of
44 in the one direction and 36 in the other
occurs. This indicates the presence of a
phenomenon which could be termed
hardening. This means that the high
angles of friction are not reached until a
displacement of a certain magnitude has
occurred between the blocks. A deformation
of the solid rock was therefore necessary in
order to mobilise this additional resistance.
This fact was confirmed by surveillance of
the rock mass. Observations indicated that
the rock mass was in equilibrium, but only
after fairly large deformations had occurred
and it was these deformations which had
caused the fractures with the steepest
inclination to open.
In the present case, therefore, it was
possible to confirm a very interesting and
observations made on the spot and the
experiments carried out on the samples.
As might have been expected for a rock of
this type with such pronounced fracturing,
no cohesion was observed in the slip plane
during the shear test.

Stability calculations
On this basis, simple calculations of the
stability against sliding were carried out. Fig.
3 shows the results of a series of
calculations. An optimisation study had
previously shown that the most favourable
angle for the rock anchors was 27 to the
horizontal. This inclination was therefore
adopted for all the main anchors. By
investigating the various fracture planes, it
was possible to determine the anchor
length. It was also possible to eliminate a
deep slip joint, which would have passed
beneath the existing road. The small table in
Fig. 3 gives the results of the calculations
for prestressing forces of 0, 1000, 2000 and
2800 kN per metre of rock face, forfracture
inclinations of 35 and 40and forangles of
friction of 32, 36, 40 and 44. It was first of
all confirmed that without prestressing
equilibrium was evidently only possible if
the angles of friction were at least as large
as the slopes of the fractures.
Fig. 6: Anchorage blocks of 1400 kN-anchors

Fig. 5: Phases of rock removal

As the prestressing force increased, the

factor of safety increased, but it can be seen
that even for a force of 2800 kN /m, the
factor of safety for a slope of 35 and a
friction angle of 32 is only 1.16. From this it
could be concluded that such a force was
an absolute necessity, in order to prevent
even small movements of the rock spur. If
this is compared with a failure state, which
movements, the factor of safety would have
increased, for example to the order of 1.3,
since it would be expected that larger
angles of friction would come into play.
This conclusion therefore led, forthis type of
rock, to a distinction between a first safety
limiting value for small movements and a
second, higher safety factor against failure,
i. e. for larger movements. In this
connection it should also be pointed out that
in the calculations no hydraulic uplift was
allowed for, since the permeability of the
quite severely displaced rock could be
expected to provide sufficient drainage
For the consolidated rock mass, therefore, a
larger safety coefficient had to be obtained
than existed for the natural state before the
works were carried out. If it had been
necessary to increase it appreciably, then
very large anchor forces would immediately
have become necessary. In actual fact, the
use of a force of 2800 kN per metre of road
in this case increased the safety coefficient
only by 0.3. If it is assumed, that the rock
mass in the natural state was in a condition
of limiting equilibrium, then the safety factor
after anchoring is therefore about 1.3.

The left portion of Fig. 3 shows the normal

arrangement of the anchors, for example for
profile III, while the right portion shows the
arrangement for profile V. In addition to the
main anchors, in this case it was also
necessary to provide anchors oriented
almost perpendicularly to the first ones; the
function of these is to retain blocks in the
anchored zone which even in the natural
state threatened to slip.
Fig. 4 shows the layout of the anchoring
system in plan, the black squares
orthogonally to the main system. The
anchors denoted by a black circle were
placed in site investigation boreholes.

The site works

On account of the difficulty of access, it was
necessary to erect a cableway crane for
servicing the site. In the Spring of 1971
placing of the anchors was commenced.
The rock removal work was carried out in
steps from September 1971 to the end of
1972, with a break during Winter. Fig. 5
shows the sub-divisions of the removal
work. Six stages of blasting were carried out
at successive terraces with a height of
about 6 m and eight blastings with a height
of only about 3 m.
All the prestressed rock anchors are VSL
anchors. The series in the upper part of the
rock slope comprise 69 anchors of 1400kN
and 6anchorsof 800kN working force,
placed in the investigation boreholes.
During the excavation operations, it was
also necessary to secure the front of the
rock wall with 6 anchors of 800 kN, 3 of 1
100 kN and 1 anchor of 1400 kN; in
addition, the already mentioned 8 anchors
of 1 100 kN each were installed for
anchoring the rock blocks in the
consolidated zone. The stressing anchor
head of the rock anchors were mounted on
isolated foundation blocks of concrete (Fig.
6) and subsequently enclosed in concrete.
Wheres the anchor work proceeded without
difficulty, the removal of rock was a
difficult and dangerous task, since the
blasting operations had to proceed
cyclically with the erection of scaffolding,
positioning of the anchors, the bolting and
the guniting of the exposed surface. The
final state of the slope is shown in Fig. 7.

Fig. 7: The consolidated slope


Securing of abutment at Libby

Dam, Montana, USA
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers,
Seattle, Washington
Engineer U.S. Army Corps of Engineers,
Seattle, Washington
Joint Venture Libby
Builders, Libby, Montana
Anchors VSL Corporation, Los
Gatos, California
Year of construction

The Libby Dam is a gravity concrete dam,

128 m high and 885 m long. During
construction, in January 1971, a
wedgeshaped piece of the rock slope at the
left abutment failed, 300,000 m3 of material
coming loose.
Detailed rock mechanics investigations
showed that stabilising of the rock slope
could be achieved with a prestressing force
of about 160 MN. For this purpose, 90 VSL
rock anchors type 5-16 with a working force
of 1,800 kN (= 60% of ultimate strength)
each and lengths ranging from 20to 45 m
were installed in the boreholes of diameter
127 mm. The bond length is 6 m in all
cases. Each anchor was tested with a load
of 2,400 kN. Each anchorage bears on the
rock face with a 600 X 600 mm reinforced
concrete foundation


Securing the slope at the south

portal of the Schallberg Tunnel,
Highways Construction
Department, Canton Valais
Engineer Ingenieurburo Walder AG,
Contractor 0. Caldart, Naters
Drilling SIF-Groutbor SA, Renens
(formerly Precontrainte SA,
Stability investigations
Terrexpert AG, Berne
Year of construction
The new line of National Highway N 9 over the
Simplon pass meant that the south

Fig. 8: The site in Autumn 1972 after a slip

The stability of the slope was continually

monitored with 5 measuring anchors. These
differ from the standard cementgrouted
anchors in that the strands are greased and
sheathed by plastic sleeves in the free

portion and the movable anchorage is

equipped with a VSL load cell type G 200.
Since the measuring anchors cannot be
reached in winter, the load cells are
connected up to a central reading station.

portal of the Schallberg Tunnel had to be

protected against snowdrifts, rock falls, soil
slips and rock slips by means of a gallery
and that a safe passage for the road had to
be found across the slope. To judge from a
preliminary investigationthe foundation
conditions for the gallerywere not, however,
favourable, since a geologically difficult
measurements indicated that even in fairly
deep strata the conditions were no better,
and they indicated that a continuous loose
cohesion could be expected. The safety of
the structure and the road therefore could
only be guaranteed if the slope was
thoroughly stabilised.

The rock tends to disintegrate, especially if

disturbed on face, leading to slips, the
material breaking down into very small
particles and tending to flow. Slips of this
type occurred frequently right from the start
of the work (fig. 8). They not only made
construction difficult but posed considerable
risk for the workforce.
After a new large slip in November 1972,
the following measures were therefore
proposed and carried out:
A concentrated, temporary
anchorage above the main zone
of incipient cracks, perpendicular
the slope;
A check of the stability of the rock
Determination of the geotechnical
The setting up of a monitoring
system, to obtain a better unders
tanding of the behaviour of the

Nature of rock
The Schallberg region is located in an area
of highly stratified, mica-rich calcareous
schistswitha strong tendancyto mobility.

Fig. 9: General plan

The temporary anchorage was intended to

reduce the danger in the working area and
enable work to continue. It proved to be
successful, since no further slips occurred in
this zone.
The following mean values which were the
result of extensive laboratory tests were
used as a basis for further, theoretical
stability investigations:
g =2.7 t/m3
F = 28
co =0.07 N/mm2

Stability investigation
The stability investigation was carried out by
the method of Fellenius, using a computer
programme prepared by Terrexpert AG, of
Berne. In view of the length/ height ratio of
about 3 for the portion of the slope above
the road and the low shear transmission
capacity, no allowance was made for lateral
support of the individual segments. Since
the material when in the slip condition is
practically cohesionless and behaves more
like a kind of soil, soil mechanics slip
concepts were adopted for the computer
The five computed cross-sections are
shown in fig. 9. From the pattern of the
contours the position of a number of furrows
can be seen, giving an indication of the
disturbed zones.
The result of the stability computation for
the part of the slope above the road is given
in fig. 10 for the cross-section 12/ 13. The
calculation was made for circular segments,
which passed through the corner of the
foundation on the uphill side.To determine
the least favourable profile, the radii of the
circles were varied in the usual way.
This gave a minimum safety factor of
F=1.42,for the case where full allowance
was made for cohesion. If, however, such
cohesion were to become ineffective for any
reason, for example due to disintegration
phenomena, then adequate stability would
no longer exist. Measures therefore were
necessary to ensure maintenance of
cohesion and to prevent disintegration
phenomena from occurring. In the present
case rock anchoring was chosen for this
After the investigation of the slope stability
the question of the stability of the entire
slope was studied. It was pointless to

Fig. 10: Slip circle with minimum safety

(upper part of slope)

Fig. 11: Stability of entire slope at

crosssection 12/13

construct structure with improved safety

upon a foundation which did not possess
equivalent safety.
For the entire slope, a similar investigation
was carried out to that for the upper part of
the slope using the same criteria and the
same method. In this investigation, the
circular arc profiles were determined by a
lower tangent limit. Fig. 11 shows the result,
again for the crosssection 12/ 13. The
circular profile shown represents in this
cross-section the most unfavourable case
taking full account of cohesion. Under the
same assumptions, it became apparent that
the stability of the entire slope was lower
than that for the upper portion of the slope
alone. It is however to be expected that the
cohesion at considerable depths in the rock
would be less subject to deterioration and
therefore would be higher. Moreover, with
the present dimensional relationships, a
partial lateral support for the entire slope
could be assumed.

bond lengths (all 5 m long) were located in

those zones where, without allowing for
cohesion, there was still a factor of safety
against slip of F= 1.0.
The factor of safety against slip of the most
unfavourable circle through the base point
of the upper portion of the slope after the
remedial work and without allowing for
cohesion is now at least 1.2. The effect of
applying the anchor forces is, however, to
counteract the loss of cohesion, so that the
effective factors of safety should lie between
the limiting values determined on the basis
of cohesion and no cohesion.
Below the road 50 rock anchors of 900 and
1300 kN working force providing about 50 M
N total force secure the slope. The lengths
of the anchors in this part (24 to 30 m) were
determined by the same considerations as
for the upper part of the slope.
All the anchors were stressed in at least 2
steps. By carefully staged application of the
forces, it was possible for the reaction of the
slope to be anticipated and controlled.

The rock anchors used

The evaluation of the stability investigations
led to the following conceptual design:
In order to secure the portion of the slope
above the road, a total of 174 prestressed
rock anchors of 650, 900, 1300 and 1600
kN working force was necessary, providing
a total force of 220 MN. The rock anchors
used were of the system SIFTMD with VSL
anchorages of types 5-6, 5-8, 5-11 and 6-10
with ultimate strengths of 985, 1313, 2029
and 2577 kN respectively. The anchor
lengths vary between 17 and 26.5 m. The

Fig. 12: Overall view of the slope during drilling operations in

the middle section

Surveillance system and results of

In order to monitor the slope and control the
stabilisation work carried out, a number of
further arrangements were provided:
Individual rock anchors were
designed with a free tendon
remaining elastic
during working life to enable the
behaviour in regard to applied
force to be monitored,
Two extensometers of 25 and
34 m
length respectively were installed

Fig. 13: View of the site at a later stage

Fig. 15: Movement of rock surface plotted against time

Fig. 14: Movement curves for the two

extensometers L9 above and L12 below
the road

above (L9) and below (L12) the

road, in order to detect
movements of the slope and to
check the reactions of the rock
slope to construction
procedures, For two test
anchors with
extremely short bond lengths,
the effective bond stresses were
ascertained by a pull-out test.
The boreholes were drilled as rotary core
boreholes (0 116 to 125 mm) which enabled
conclusions to be drawn about thequalityof
rock throughout the monitored region.
The results of the movement measurements
from the extensometers were plotted both
as movement curves and as time curves.
Fig. 14 shows the movement curves for the
two measuring positions. The anchor
lengths in the region of the measuring
positions are shown diagrammatically at the
left. The movements are referred to the
extensometers, which was assumed as
stationary for the evaluation. The
movements in the axial direction of the
borehole are plotted perpendicularly to the
relevant measuring point and these points
are then connected together. With a curve
of this type in the arrangement shown, the
parts of the curve inclined downwards and
to the left indicate an expansion.
The full line represents the movement from
the start of the measurements as a kind of
summation line. The broken line, however,
indicates the change of movement which
occurred between the last two readings.
Fig. 15 shows the movement of the rock
surface referred to the assumed stationary
points within the extensometers for the two
measuring positions, plotted against time on
the horizontal axis, from the start of the
measurements in December 1972.
downwards and contraction movements
upwards. The movement curve for the rock
surface at the lower measuring point (full
line) shows the initial, uniform expansion
movement until the application of the
prestressing in the vicinity of this
extensometer (point 1). The application of
these forces resulted in a considerable

was almost completely retained until the

penultimate reading. The slight expansion,
detected at the last measurement at the end
of March 1975, might be associated with the
preceeding heavy falls of snow and the
resultant saturation (point 4).
The behaviour of the upper measuring point
was somewhat different, as is shown by the
broken line. The initially stable pattern could
be the result of the temporary stabilisation
of the slip in the vicinity of the measuring
point. The superimposed expansion
developed in parallel with the progress of
the construction operations and accelerated
notably as a

consequence of the blasting for the

foundation excavation on the uphill side
(points 2 and 3). After 530 days, it was
possible to observe an increased
stabilisation of the movements, which can
be explained by the new equilibrium
introduced by the anchoring.
It can be concluded from the results of these
readings that the stabilisation of the slope
which was the objective of the anchoring
operations was achieved. From the fact that
the movements, although they did die away
slowly, had not completely stopped at the
end of the measurement period, it can be
concluded also that the project was not


The bypassing of Arth by National Highway

N4, which connects Zurich and Altdorf, was
made possible by the construction of two
parallel tunnels beneath the Engiberg. The
north portals of the tunnels are situated in
an almost vertical slope, which necessitated
securing of the rock at the portal nearest to
the mountain. Before the tunnel was driven,
the rock slope was anchored to the
limestone by 25 VSL rock anchors
distributed in five layers. 7 rock anchors are
of type 5-15 with a working force of 2,000
kN, the others are of type 5-18with a
working force of 2,4000. All the anchors are
25 m long, including a bond length of 6 m.


Securing of portal of Engiberg

Tunnel, Arth-Goldau, Switzerland

Construction Department of
Canton Schwyz
Engineer Th. Ulm, Schwyz
Contractor Joint Venture
Losinger AG, Lucerne
Locher & Co. AG, Zurich
Woest AG, Lucerne
Injectobohr AG, Zurich
(formerly Spannbeton AG)
Year ofconstruction


Anchorage of scour prevention

walls at Tarbela Dam, Pakistan


Pakistan Water and Power

Development Authority
(WAPDA), Lahore

Engineer Tippetts-Abbett-McCarthy-Stratton,
New York
Tarbela Joint Venture
contractor Johann Keller GmbH,



bad and consequently there was a risk of

heavy erosion of the ground due to water
turbulence, which actually took place after a
few years, it was necessary to take
measures to prevent scour beneath the
spillway channels. The measures consisted
in the construction of a concrete wall
descending from the flip bucket at 45 slope
deep into the rock, thus preventing erosion
at this point. This wall was secured by
rockanchors, firstlyto prevent sliding and
secondly to counteract increased water
pressure behind the wall (Fig. 16).
The wall is 1.50 m thick, is of unreinforced
mass concrete of 21 N/mm2 strength and

Years of construction

was constructed below ground in layers of

2.40 m depth.
The engineer specified rock anchors of 740
kN ultimate strength, arranged in
chequerboard pattern atvertical and
horizontal spacings of 2.40 m and anchored
in the drainage galleries (fig. 17). VSL rock
anchors of ultimate strength 738 kN
comprising 4 strands 0 0.5" were chosen.
The bond length of 4.27 m is situated partly
in the wall and partly in the rock. The free
length of the anchor is housed in a plastic
sheath and thus remains elastic during
working life. The average length of the
2,OOO anchors required in total is
17 m (fig. 18).


The Tarbela Dam, about 100 km northwest

of Rawalpindi and with a height of 148 m
and a crest length of 2743 m the largest
earth dam in the world, serves
predominantly for regulating the water flow
of the Indus and for irrigating the Lower
Indus Valley. An important part of the plant
consists of the two spillways on the left side
of the valley, over which enormous
quantities of water must pass during the
rainy season. Since the rock at the lower
end of both the structures is very

Fig. 16: Situation after erosion

Fig. 18: VSL rock anchor

Fig. 17: Drainage tunnel with anchorage blocks

2 Anchoring of
retaining owalls
2.1. General
The cutting into a steep slope in soil or highly
fractured rock normally results in a
correspondingly large excavation of material
in order to prevent slips. This excess
removal can be considerably reduced with
advantage by building an anchored retaining
wall. A structure of this type can either be
formed as a continuous wall, a procedure
required particularly with soil, or it can be
broken up into slabs, a method which can be
used if local instabilities do not occur.
In general, retaining walls are constructed
more or less vertical. The procedure usually
adopted is to underpin in horizontal strips of
1.5 to 3 m height, depending on the stability
of the material. Since the stability of the wall
is assured by the stressed

anchors and the function of the wall is

mainly to act as a cover and to distribute
forces, its thickness can be less than that of
an unanchored wall and in addition no
footing is required.
Where a retaining wall is constructed by
underpinning, a different method from that
of horizontal strips is frequently employed;
this consists of progressively concreting and
anchoring vertical ribs or columns and
securing the rock between them by gunned
filter concrete. A cladding orfacing isthen
applied, which has both an aesthetic and a
structural function. The height of the
sections is usually 3 m. Each step ensures
the safety of the next by stressing of the
anchors before the excavation of

the next step Prefabricated elements can

also be used for the columns.
An anchored retaining wall can also be a
rational solution for a generally stable rock
face, since it provides an effective
protection against loosening and crumbling
of the rock due to weathering by rain, snow
or frost.
One interesting variant of a retaining wall is
the piled wall. The main advantage of this is
that the boring and construction of the piles
can be carried out along the entire length of
the face before the excavation. The piled
wall is a permanent structure, and requires
no further work during the excavation
except for the drilling of the boreholesand
installation of the anchors.

Upper-retaining wall at Delli
slope stabilisation at
Alpnachstad, Switzerland
Public Works Department,
Canton Obwalden
Engineer Werffeli & Winkler, Samen
Drilling DellI:SIF-GroutborSA,
Hauetli: Fehlmann Grundwasserbauten AG, Berne
(formerly Spannbeton AG)
Years of construction
Hauetli: 1974-1976

means of boreholes, extensometers,

piezometers and geodetic systems.
The geological conditions can be seen in
section in fig. 19. The slip surface lies in the
transition zone between weathered and
sound rock (marl shale) at a depth of up to
12 m below the rock surface. It is 200 to 400
mm thick and consists of clayey silt with
sand and gravel. The stability conditions of
the slope are dependent almost entirely
upon the shear strengths of this soil
stratum. The slip could not, however, be
explained solely in terms of the ascertained
residual shear strengths. It only appeared in
conjunction with pore water pressures,
which had built up as a consequence of the
damming of the hill water.

The building of Swiss National High-way N8
along the central section of Lake Alpnach
(Lake Lucerne) raised the question of how
to provide sufficient area for the three traffic
routes, namely the N8, the railway and a
secondary highway. Of
the many possible variants, a combination
of placing fill in the lake and cutting into the
rock face was chosen. This required
extensive slope stabilisation work, including
the slope stabilisation at Hauetli and the
upper retaining wall at Delli.

Slope stabilisation at Hauetli

In view of the endangered stability of the
slope, stabilisation with rock anchors was
carried out, 17 anchors of type VSL 5-12
(ultimate strength 2097 kN) being installed
in a first phase (1974), followed by 277 of
the same type of anchor. Their stressing
anchorages were mounted on pad
foundations, between which planting of
grass was possible. The anchors were
tested to 75% of the ultimate load and
locked off at 65%, i.e., at 1363 kN. It was
specified that the anchors should be
capable of being checked for load at any
time and, if required, restressed or
detensioned; their length was 17 to 36 m,
including 5 m bond length.
An important question in this connection
was the optimum inclination of the anchors,
for which the specified stabilising action
could be obtained for minimum installation
costs. The optimum angle for the anchors
was determined on the following
- the slip surface is plane in the region
where the anchors pass through it;
- the shear strength in the slip surface is
t = s tan F , (c=0);
- the anchors in any one profile are
arranged parallel, for simplicity in the
drilling operations.
For an average anchor, with its anchor head
situated at point X, the free anchor length Lf
from fig. 20 is:

The problem
A description of the upper retaining wall of
Delli should start with that of the
stabilisation of the slope at Hauetli (a few
hundred metres from Delli), since results of
extensive investigations exist about the
conditions at the latter and these also
applytothe Delli zone. The rockface in the
region of Hauetli was excavated in 1970/ 71
to slopes of 2:3 in the soil and of 1:1 in the
rock, without any movement being
observed. Shortly after completion of the
work, however, cracks began to appear in
the grass turf above the excavated slope.
Ayearand a half later, in November 1972,
the portion of the slope bounded by one of
these cracks slipped and further cracks
appeared, providing evidence of an
extensive movement of the ground and the
possibility of a deep slip surface. The slope
was then further monitored by

Fig. 20: Geometry of a profile (diagrammatic)

Fig. 21: Braking force B on slip surface

where t is the distance from point X to the

plane defining the upper limit of the
anchorage region, and rY is the angle
between the axis of the anchor and the slip
braking force B exerted by the anchors on
the slip surface is assumed constant. From
fig. 21 the anchor force A is given by:
A=B(cos d + sin d tan F )-1


Fig. 19: Geological profile of slope

Fig. 22: Construction costs plotted against

angle d


strength, which can progressively decrease still

further when fairly large shear deformations occur.
When air and water gain access, these shales
very rapidly soften. At the valley floor, silty sands
to organically contaminated silty clays of very high
compressibility are found.

The cutting of the slope

Because of these unfavourable ground conditions,
the already existing constructions in the valley

Fig. 23: Permanent soil anchor TMD-VSL 5-9

floor and on account of the desire to retain the line

of the road unchanged, a cutting of the slope of
several hundred metres length and almost 40 m

The total construction cost K is thus given by:

Forth is function the solution dopt is to be found, for
which K is a minimum. The ascertained values d1
and d2 represent the upper and lower limits for
dopt; they are independent of the geometry and
unit costs and provide useful starting points in a
very simple manner. The solution 6opt, on the
other hand is dependent upon the geometry, the
type of anchor and the unit costs. Fig. 22 shows
the results of a cost comparison for one of the
profiles; this gives dopt=53.

The retaining wall at Delli

The upper retaining wall at Delli with a total length
of about 300 m is divided into three sections:
Section A I= 86 m
Section B I= 31 m
Section C I=185 m

anchorage in the rock

natural slope
without anchorage
anchorage in soil
(large rock debris)

The height of cutting varies from 7 to 10 m. The

retaining wall, at an inclination of 60, is broken up,
i. e., it consists of 5.OOX 6.50 m concrete slabs at
a centre spacing of 9 m, each anchored by 5 TM D

Fig. 24: View of divided retaining wall

VSL-anchors (fig. 23). This dividing up of the

retaining wall proved to be an economical solution
and was also aesthetically very satisfactory.
The rock anchors in Section A (58 No.) are of type
5-12 (ultimate strength 2097 kN, working force
1225 kN, test force 1529 kN) and are 20to 42 m
long including a bond length of 5 m. The soil
anchors, all of 18 m length (bond length 6 m),
comprise 9 or 7 strands. The ultimate strength of
the 45anchors 5-9isthus 1573kN,the working force
885 kN and the test force 1238 kN. For the 60 No.
of type 5-7, the corresponding values are 1223,
705 and 1028 kN. The requirement for all 163
anchors, as for the slope stabilisation at Hauetli,
was that it must be possible to check the load at
any time and to restress or detension them. This
required a high standard for the durability of the
anchors, both in regard to the quality of the bond
length and also of the corrosion protection for the
entire length of the anchor. The selected anchor
type and the materials used fully satisfied these


Anchored wall at Flachau,

Tauernautobahn AG
(Tauern Motorway Ltd)
Engineer Dr. Heinz Brandl, Dr. Hermann Brandecker and
Consulting Civil Engineers
Contractor Joint venture Flachau
(Lang & Menhofer/ Fischer)
Drilling and Anchor contractor
Sonderbau GesmbH,
Years of construction

The Tauern Motorway runs generally north-south
from Salzburg to Villach in Carinthia, traversing the
alps. The main part of this connection which is kept
open during winter comprises the 75 km long top
section including the Tauern tunnel. In the region of
Flachau in the Ennsvalley, the motorway crosses a
pronounced geological faultzone. The outcropping
rock is a deeply weathered graywacke zone, in
which the cohesive shale decomposition products
in particular have a low shear

high was necessary in the section described here.

In its central portion, the building of a rigid gravity
retaining wall was too risky, since the slope was in
an unstable condition of equilibrium. In addition,
the scatter of the soil and rock properties was so
great, even within a short distance, that to design
the supporting structure simply by calculation
would have been completely inadequate.
Therefore, an elastic, anchored retaining wall was
chosen for securing the slope. This permitted
stage-by-stage removal of the rock, and moreover,
due to the flexibility of the structure varying
deformations would be more easily accepted than
with a rigid wall. In addition, this method afforded
the possibility of adapting by stages and in the
optimum engineering and economic mannerto
local differences in rock pressure, slope
movements and foundation conditions, using as a
basis extensive and accurate readings taken
during the entire construction period. By
continuously monitoring the deformations of the
wall and the slope and also the anchor forces, an
effective substantiation of safety was obtained
in situ, to an extent that would never have been
possible by theory alone.

Bases of design
With steep slopes of such great height and the
presence of hill water, soil mechanics calculations
can, of course, give only broad guidelines; they
are useful predominantly for deciding upon
theoretical or hypothetical limiting values.
Socalled refined computation procedures usually
provide a deceptively high degree of accuracy,
To examine the possibilities of slope failure, both
non-laminar and laminar methods (the Swedish
method according to Fellenius) were used and
comparative calculations were carried out by earth
pressure theory. All the investigations were based
upon highly idealised assumptions, due to the
wide scatter of the soil parameters.
The extraordinarily large influence of the soil
parameters upon the result of the stability
calculations can be seen from the following:
By changing the angle of internal friction by only
1, the anchor force necessary for obtaining a
calculated safety coefficient

Fig. 25: Construction procedure

of F=1 changes by about 1 MN/m. For a

variation in cohesion of 1 N /mm2, values
differing by 1 to 1.5 MN/m were also
obtained for the required anchor forces, and
for F= 1. A recheck of the soil parameters
after completion of the anchored wall
showed that the angle of friction differed
byonly 1 to 1.5'from the original
assumptions; this small difference however
had led to an increase of the necessary
anchor forces by a factor of almost 2.
Construction of the anchored wall
The removal of soil and construction of the
anchored wall was carried out by steps
diagrammatically in fig. 25. The material in
the uppermost excavation step I was
removed in a single run along the entire
length; the filter concrete was then placed,
the anchor holes drilled, the anchors
placed, the reinforced concrete slabs
constructed and


Retaining wall on the N2, Eptingen,

Construction Department of
Canton Baselland
(formerly Spannbeton AG)

Fig. 26: General view of wall during consiruction

finally the anchors were stressed after 7

days. In the excavation steps I I to V below,
the procedure was as follows: the
excavation was carried out along the entire
length sufficiently far for a natural angle of
repose to remain up to the already
anchored slabs of the row next above. The
remaining excavation for the slabs could
then be carried out in a chequerboard
pattern. It was only after each alternate slab
had been completed beneath an upper row
of slabs that the intervening material was
removed. In order to assess the
outcropping types of soil and the lengths of
anchor necessary, about 5% of the
boreholes were rotary drilled with core
recovery. All the other boreholeswhich had a
diameter of 90mm were formed by a more
rapid and economical drilling procedure
conjunction with a casing.In a first
construction stage, the wall

Year of construction 1970

A three-part retaining wall without footings,

anchored with 175 VSL soil anchors of type
5-7, each of 700 kN working force.

was brought to completion with an

acceptable minimum of anchor forces. It
was still possible at anytime to provide for
additional forces, if the surveillance
measurements indicated the need for this.
This did indeed prove necessary, since as a
result of catastrophically high precipitation
during winter and spring, movements of the
slope had commenced. It was therefore
necessary to place additional anchors, the
lengths and capacities of which were
designed according to the results of the
continuing surveillance measurements.
The entire wall required the installation of
800 anchors in total. Of these 402 were
VSL-anchors, because due to the tight
construction schedule the project had been
divided into two parts. 291 VSLanchors
were of type 5-6 (ultimate strength 1059
kN), had a working force of 600 kN and
lengths of 20 to 40 m, while 1 1 1 anchors
were of type 5-10 (ultimate strength 1765
kN), of 1,000 kN capacity and 40to 70m
long. The bond length in all cases was 10 m.
The retaining wall was constructed during
the period November 1974 to February
To provide continuing surveillance of the
stability of the slope and of the supporting
structure and also to assist in detailed
dimensioning, load cells were used and
checks carried out on the stressing forces
during and after construction, in addition to
measurements already mentioned.


Retaining walls on the N5 on

Biel, Switzerland
Highway Construction
Department, Canton Berne
Engineer Engineering joint venture
Suiselectra AG, Basle
Schaffner & Dr Mathys AG,
Steiner & Grimm AG, Berne
Walo Bertschinger AG,
P Andrey & Cie / H. R.
Schmalz SA
Drilling Fehlmann Grundwasserbauten AG, Berne
(formerly Spannbeton AG)
Years of construction


Fig. 27: Anchored concrete tie-beams

The widening of the left Lake Biel highway

necessitated the removal of portions of
rockof 10to 20m height, especially in the
sections Vingelz and Wingreis. At both
locations, the excavated surfaces were
consolidated in the same manner. In the
upper part of the face, individual
prestressed rock anchors were installed and
anchored in concrete foundations, while for
the lower part of the face anchored retaining
walls along the new road were chosen. In
principle, the retaining walls at the two
locations are almost identical, but the
methods by which they were constructed
At Vingelz, where the rock was relatively
stable at the surface, the supporting
elements of the wall consist of vertical
concrete tie-beams of 3 to 4 m height,
anchored with 2, occasionally 3 rock
anchors (Fig. 27). These tie-beams were
constructed of in-situ concrete, to enable
thebearing face to be adapted to the
excavated profile. They were connected
with a concrete cladding (Fig. 28), which not
only serves for ensuring thestabilityof the
rock wall, but was also intended to prevent
destruction and weathering of the rock due
to the action of ice and melted snow. At
places where the cut
Fig. 28: Cladded wall

Fig. 29: Construction of staggered wall

Fig. 31: The wall at Wingreis

tings were very high, two staggered walls,

one above another, were built, the upper
Fig. 30: Section through the wall

wall being set back about 2 m (Fig. 29). In

total, 496 VSL rock anchors type 5-3 to 5-8
of 300 to 960 kN working force, 493 to 1314
kN ultimate strength and 8 to 40 m long
were placed for the retaining wall at Vingelz.
At Wingreis, where the rock surface was
less firm, the excavation steps were limited
to 1.50 m. The tie-beams, spaced at 4 m
centres, were made from prefabricated
elements also of 1.50 m height. Each
element was anchored with one rock
anchor. The tie-beams thus consist of
disconnected components, which could
move freely when the anchors were
stressed and therefore did not induce
secondary forces due to deformations.
Between the tie-beams, a drainage layer in
the form of filter concrete was placed and
finally the whole assembly was covered with
concrete cladding (Figs. 30 and 31). The
securing of this section required 200 VSL
rock anchors type 5-4 to 5-18 of 500to 2500
kN working force, 738 to 3320 kN
ultimate strength and 15 to 40 m long and
also 60 VSL soil anchors type 7-1 of 250 kN
working force and 28 m long.



Pile wall at the south portal of the

Naxberg Tunnel, Switzerland
Construction Department of

Canton Uri
Engineer Cantonal Construction
Department of Uri and
Ingenieurbro Th. Klin,
Goschenen and Schwyz
Contractor Joint venture Naxberg
Ed. Zblin & Cie AG
LVG Bauunternehmung AG
Bonetti AG
Injectobohr AG, Zurich
(formerly Spannbeton AG)
Years of construction

In the region of the Naxberg tunnel on the north

ramp of the Gotthard, the valley of the Reuss
forms a ravine with very steep, sometimes
undercut sides. There are therefore compelling
reasons for conducting national highway N2
through a tunnel, net only on account of the
limited space but also because of the danger of
Il was already known from general geological
investigations that about half the length of the
tunnel would lead through loose material, which
would prove extraordinarily time-consuming te
penetrate. Additional trial bores enabled the
boundary between the loose material and the rock
te be more accurately determined. Il was intended
te construct a short length behind the south tunnel
portal in open cul and the rest by tunneling
through the loose material. Experience showed,
however, that work of this kind must be expected
te give rise te unpleasant surprises and relatively
high risks. In addition, il is becoming increasingly
difficult te find the necessary skilled and
semi-skilled labour for the tedious manual work.
Rational working and the meeting of the contract
dates could be jeopardised, quite apart from the
high costs which would result from these difficult
For the above reasons, the joint venture decided
te offer a special proposal. This proved
satisfactory not only from the engineering but
also from the cost aspects. It is described in more
detail below. From the geological investigations it

Fig. 33: View of the anchored pile wall


Fig. 32: Site plan

could be deduced that in the south tunnel region,
where the two tunnel tubes pass through the loose
material, the cliff face descends relatively steeply

of about 20 m. The wall, which was adapted te the

shape of the rock, was just 170 m long and
contained a total of 83 piles.

and is net very far back from the tunnel profile.

There was therefore a possibility of excavating the
slopefora length of about 130m in the protection of
a pile wall, te be constructed and anchored in the

The detailed design of the pile wall required

extensive structural calculations, on account of the
numerous construction states, the differing
inclinations of the face and the differing bearing

rock and extending down te the level of the future

road; the tunnel tubes would then be constructed

conditions for the pile bases (some fixed, some

freely supported and some cantilevered). The

without hindrance in the open trench (Fig. 32). The

entire trench could subsequently be backfilled with
the excavated material, so thatfinallythe original

piles, which in the majority of cases rest on the

rock, were connected together at the level of the
anchorages by concrete tie-beams. The holes for

condition would be reinstated. This procedure did

require a very large amount of earth moving, but il

the anchors were dri lled through the piles and

through the loose material behind them into the

is clear that il could be highly mechanised,

permitting economical operations te be carried

rock. The following VSL rock anchors were placed:

84 No. of

(Working force 734 kN,

This work was carried out in steps; first of all a

level work surface was prepared, from which the

type 5-6

ultimate strength 1048 kN) of lengths

10 to

piles, 900mm in diameter and at 2 m spacing,

could be bored te the desired depth. The slope
was then excavated te a depth of 4to 6 m,

95 No. of
type 5-9

lengths of
13 te 21 m whereof 5 m

exposing the piles on the valley side.

Simultaneously, the space between the piles
wasfilled with filter concrete and thus a closed wall
was completed. The filter concrete prevented
water from building up behind the wall. From this

26 m, including 4 m for bond

(Working force 1100 kN,
ultimate strength 1572 kN) with

22 No. of
type 5-11

bond length
(Working force 1345 kN,
ultimate strength 1922 kN) with

formation level, the first row of anchorswasthen

installed, anchoring the piles back into the rock.

lengths of
13 te 21 m, including

The entire operation - removal of slope and

exposure of piles, concreting of intervening
spaces between piles and construction of the

6 m bond length

anchors - was repeated until the motorway level

had been reached. A maximum of 5 rows of
anchors was required for the greatest wall height

On completion, the pile wall was back-filled

together with the tunnel tubes, but it still retained
its function subsequently as a retaining wall until
the filled material had properly settled.

Fig. 34: View of the wall near the tunnel entrance


Securing of

zones. The owners of such adjacent plots and also

Choice of support system at the Rue du







demanding the removal of the entire anchor

At a first glance, it appeared that a large part of the

including the bond length after use. In order to


3.1. General

satisfy these requirements, a VSL anchor suitable

excavations without supports. This idea had

Excavations are now seldom constructed with

for such cases has been developed.

however to be abandoned for the following







battered sides, since their size and depth makes


this almost impossible particularly in towns, where

-The extent of the slopes along the Rue du Renard

would have become too great, as sufficient space

there is little or no distance between the buildings.

Vertical excavation walls are therefore constructed

3.2. Centre Beaubourg, Paris, France

had to be provided for the construction plant such

and anchored simply and economically by


Etablissement Public du

as cranes, excavators etc.

Centre Beaubourg, Paris

-The construction of the substructure had to be

prestressed anchors. It thus becomes possible

even to construct very high walls and to avoid cour


Contractor Joint venture H. Coutant/

These requirements necessitated the construction

E.T.F./Intrafor-Cofor, Paris

anchors, an obstruction-free excavation, suitable

for the use of mechanical equipment, is obtained.

platform as possible for the erection of the main


plicated struts and cross-bracing, which form a

considerable obstruction to work. By the use of

capable of rapidly providing as large a working

Engineer Ove Arup and Partners,

of a vertical, temporary retaining wall through the

Drilling and Anchor contractor

entire depth of the excavation, without any internat

Intrafor-Cofor, Paris

Various methods are available for the construction

of the excavation walls; each of these is by its

Years of

nature suitable for the requirements of a particular



A sheet pile wall is particularly suitable where
groundwater is present in sandy soil or gravel,
containing no rock fragments. If little or no water


The retaining wall

ingress is to be prevented, a more economical

In 1970 the French government held an

Several methods of building this wall were

method, the Berlin Wall may be used. In this

international competition, with the aim of receiving


system steel sections are driven into the ground

designs from architects and engineers for creating

-Construction by sections in strutted trenches.

ait 1.5 to 3 m intervals and timber planks or

the Centre Culturel Beaubourg, which was to be

This method is very labour intensive and was too

concrete are incorporated between them as the

constructed in the heartof Paris in the vicinity of

slow for the project.


Les Halles. The design put forward by the

-Diaphragm wall: This is in essence a very

prestressed anchors are installed. Their stressing



suitable method for this type of work and it would

anchorages are mounted on horizontal walings (of

co-operation of Ove Arup & Partners was

have been possible te, incorporate it into the

steel or concrete) or on steel seatings, fixed to the

successful and was adopted for construction. The

substructure of the building. In the case of the

soldier beams.

Centre combines under a single roof a large

excavation for the Centre Beaubourg, however,

Ever-increasing use is also being made of the

information centre with library, a cinema and a

there was far too much preparatory work in the

anchored diaphragm wall. In this method, before

museum of modern art; it is also known today by

removing of the walls and foundations of the old

the main excavation is carried out, a trench is

the name Culture Centre Georges Pompidou.

buildings demolished on this site, se, that this

excavated to the desired depth and to a width

The baisements of this Centre, which are as much

method also could not be considered.

corresponding to the wall thickness. During its

as 20.50 m below street level, have plan

-Berlin Wall construction: This method was

excavation, this trench is filled with a thixotropic

dimensions of 122x 154 m. The main building, a

adopted. It was constructed here by placing steel

liquid to prevent it from collapsing. The wall is then

steel structure, covers approximately one half of

soldier beams (Ibeams) at regular intervals in

concreted in sections of 3 to 6 m length and

the ground area and is carried below the first

prebored holes and casting concrete around their

throughout the full height and the liquid is pumped

basement storey by reinforced concrete panels

bases. During the excavation, horizontal timber

out. The advantage of the diaphragm wall is that it

(Fig. 35).

planks were progressively laid between the

forms a final load-bearing element of the

In view of the depth of the excavation, difficult

sections. The stability of the wall was ensured by

structure, can accept appreciable vertical loads

problems were encountered, in particular along

anchoring each steel section individually with soil

and can be constructed to very large heights.

the Rue du Renard, since Metro line no. 1 1 also


Depending upon its height, the wall may be

passes along there.











anchored by one or several rows of anchors.

Instead of concreting it in-situ, it can also be
prefabricated; this has the advantage that the
surfaces are smooth and clean and thus do not

Fig. 35: Section through the structure

normally require any additional finishing.

The capacity of the anchors required for securing
the sides of excavations is generally relatively
small. Depending upon the distance between the
anchors, it ranges from 200 to 1000 kN. It is
possible at any time during the excavation work to
adapt the arrangement of the anchors and to
obtain a balanced application of force, so that
normally no wall movements or settlements of
adjacent buildings occur.
In most cases the anchors are required and are in
use only for a limited period. If they extend into
neighbouring plots of ground and remain in the






obstructions to later building operations in these


between the reinforced concrete wall and the inner

face of the Berlin wall.
The vault of the underground railway tunnel was
considered to be stiff and the horizontal force at
the springing of the arch was calculated as 389 kN
/m. It was distributed on the wall as shown in fig.
38. The I-beams were located at intervals of 2.5 m
and anchored with three layers of VSL anchors.

Fig. 36: Section through the wall

The Soil Conditions

The geological conditions are shown in Fig. 36. In
th rgion of th retaining wall, th ground
consists of three diffrent formations. The upper
layer of fill was produced in th dmolition of th
old building and is a mixture of rubble and sand.
Its lower level is between 28 and 32 m NGF (NGF
= Niveau Gnral de France = Rfrence datum).
The layer below this, extending down to +24 m
NGF, consists of old and new river deposits;
itcomprises in particular dense gritty sands.
Belowtheseriverdepositsaretobe found pure and
siliceous marls, in which th anchors are bonded.
The thickness of this stratum ranges from 5 to 17
m. The upper part consists of marly chalk of firm to
hard consistency, which is highly disturbed by
leaching and weathering. The lower part is laminar
and is composed alternately of layers of mud
limes and highly fractured limestone with open

The inclination of the anchors was chosen to avoid

the underground rail tunnel. More information
about the anchors is given in table I.
The main excavation, starting in Summer 1972,
was taken down from the level + 36 m NGF to +26
min one operation, with the exception of a working
platform along the Rue du Renard, which was
used for the drilling and installing of the vertical
steel members of the Berlin wall. Only two weeks

Fig. 38: Distribution of the horizontal force at

the springing of the arch

after the pile boring machine entered the site, half

of these members had already been positioned.
The platform was then taken down in steps of 2 to
3 m depth. As soon as it had reached the
appropriate level, the holes for the anchors were
drilled, the anchors were positioned and their bond

The permanent wall

The method of construction chosen for the
permanent wall consisted of casting a reinforced

lengths grouted. The level 19.5 m NGF was

reached in February 1973. During stressing, each
anchor was subjected to a test load and then
released to the working force. Some anchors were
fitted with a measuring system. The changes in
force read once a month proved insignificant
however. Fig. 40 shows the horizontal movements
of the tops of the steel members. They ranged
from -6 to +20 mm and on average were +5.8 mm.

joints. The hardness of th limestone increases

with its depth. Below th maris is th so-called
coarse limestone, a fossiliferous limestone of
medium hardness.
The groundwater level is at about + 18 m NGF,

Fig. 40: Horizontal movements of the tops of

the steel members

that is 18 m below th natural ground surface. For

th design of th Centre Beaubourg, th maximum
groundwater level was assumed to be + 32 m
NGF, which is th level that can be reached by

Design and method of construction

The earth pressure diagrams used for th design
of th excavation wall are given in fig. 37. They are
based upon th conventional Coulomb theory. It
was assumed that th wall moves sufficiently for
th entire active earth pressure and one half of th
passive earth pressure to come into action, and
that no friction occurs at th wall. This, because
th wall in th constructed state had a tendency to
move down under th vertical components of the
anchorforcesand because, in thefinal state, a
bitumen layer would be located

Fig. 37: Earth pressure diagrams


concrete wall against the Berlin wall. As soon as

the reinforced concrete wall had reached the level
of the anchors, these were destressed.

Fig. 39: View of the wall

Concluding comment
The use of the Berlin wall construction method
proved to be a rapid and economical solution. It
enabled the excavation to be kept clear of
obstructions so that the works could be carried out
without interference.

Fig. 41: Anchor work


Underground railway station Lok

Fu, Hong Kong
Hong Kong Mass Transit

Railway Corporation
Engineer Freeman Fox & Partners
(Far East), Hong Kong
Contractor Metro Joint Venture
(MJV) consisting of:
Hochtief AG (FR Germany), Dragages (France),
Gammon Ltd. (Hong
Kong), Sentab (Sweden)
Drilling and Anchor contractor
VSL Engineers (HK) Ltd.,
Hong Kong
Years of construction
I n view of the enormous increase in traffic
resulting from the high population density, the
government of the British Crown Colony of Hong
Kong decided in 1972 after extensive studies to
construct an underground railway network. When
completed, this will comprise four independent
lines with a total of 53 km of track, 48 stations and
two underwater tunnels (see fig. 42).
The first section to be constructed is the line
between the stations of Chater on Hong Kong

Fig. 43: Longitudinal section and plan view of the station

230x26 m and at the access points is about 26 m
below the ground surface. The station is equipped
at each end with air inlet and discharge shafts

open excavation was completely surrounded with

a Berlin wall, tied back by VSL soil anchors
(fig. 44).

(fig. 43).
Construction was carried out partly in a 130 m
long open excavation and partly, for the remaining
100 m, by tunnelling. Since the ground water level

The Berlin Wall, which was designed conceptually

by Hochtief in Germanyand developed to the last
detail in Hong Kong, consisted of steel sections
placed at intervals of 2 m and of concrete lining

is considerably above the lowest excavated level,

well points were sunk around the excavation to

between them. The steel sections were placed in

previously excavated, cased holes and were

draw down the water table. The

driven to the sound rock. The

Fig. 44: View of the excavation

island and Kwun Tong in Kowloon, which has a

length of 15.6 km (including 12.8 km underground)
and includes one of the two underwater
tunnels(1.4km long). Workwascommenced on this
length, known as ((Modified initial system in
August 1975; the commissioning date is 1980.
The basic network was divided into a number of
construction sections, for which international
tenders were invited. One of the first sections to
be awarded was No. 201, which comprises the
railway station at Lok Fu and the tunnel tubes
between the stations of Lok Fu and Wong Tai Sin
and also between Wong Tai Sin and Diamond Hill.
Building of station at Lok Fu
The station at Lok Fu lies right in the middle of the
densely populated urban area. It has plan
dimensions of about

Fig. 42: Underground railway system, Hong Kong (when completed)

Fig. 45: Construction of Berlin wall


200 mm thick concrete intermediate wall was

constructed in vertical sections of 1.5 to 2 m

the 322 kN anchors 7.60 m and and for the 430 kN

anchors 10.00 m. The stressing of the anchors,
the strands of which were individually sheathed in


polyethylene and greased in the stressing length,

wascarried outasfollows: theanchorwas first
stressed sufficiently far to produce the working
force when it was locked off. Then it was subjected
to a test force, equal to 1.33 times the working


The VSL soil anchors

The detailed design of the soil anchors and the
drilling of the anchor holes and the anchor work
itself were carried out by VSL Engineers (HK) Ltd.
The anchors used consisted of VSL types 5-2, 5-3
and 5-4 with working forces of 215, 322 and 430
kN respectively (equal to 58% of ultimate
strength). The drilling of the 89 mm diameter holes
was carried out in the soft material by wash-boring
and the holes were cased. In the harder ground

force (or 80% of ultimate load). Finally, it was

released again to the working force. The anchors
were designed for a maximum life of three years.
Extensive test and monitoring systems were used
for measuring the wall deformations and the
anchor forces.

Drilling contractor
Stabilator AB, Stockholm
Anchors Internordisk Spannarmering AB,
Years of construction

and in the rock, the percussion boring method was

used. Where casings were necessary, the anchors
were installed in them and the casings then

Concluding comment
The successful use of soil anchors in the

I n the construction of the new building for the

Credit Bank in the centre of Stockholm, a

excavation for the railway station at Lok Fu has

ledtoan increasing useofthisform of construction in
Hong Kong, and VSL soil anchors havealso been
employed in a fairly large number of other sections
of the first underground railway line.

diaphragm wall was used for the first time in

Sweden for retaining the excavation. This wall
made it possible to construct the three to five
basement storeys, extending down to 22 m depth,
without pumping. In earlier projects, the work had
seldom descended to below groundwater level,

withdrawn during the grouting of the bond length.

The grout, with a water-cement ratio of 0.45, was
injected through a tube passing along the centre of
the anchor and kept under pressure until it set. For
the 215 kN anchors, the bond length was 5.20 m,

Building for Swedish Credit

Bank, Stockholm, Sweden

Swedish Credit Bank,

Engineer Hans Hansson & Co. AB,
Contractor Samuelsson & Bonnier AB, Stockholm

since on account of the high permeability of the

soil considerable difficulty was encountered in
lowering the groundwater. The Credit Bank
wished, however, to construct at least two

I-sections were driven at intervals of 7 m down to

the rock (granitic gneiss). Sheet piles were then

basement storeys below the groundwater level. A

sheet pile wall could not be considered, because

Stockholms Gatukontor
Engineer AB Skanska Cement-gjuteriet,

driven behind them to from a sheet pile wall. Due

to the variation in the rock formation, the depth of
penetration of the I-beams and piles varied

of the difficulty of driving sheet piles into the blocky

gravel and the problem of sealing, so a diaphragm
wall remained the only solution.

Contractor AB Skanska Cement-gjuteriet,


considerably. The driving of the sheet pile wall was

carried out to suit the progress of the excavation,

The wall surrounded the entire excavation along

the site perimeter and was sealed at the

Stabilator AB, Stockholm

Drilling contractor
Stabilator AB, Stockholm

as this enabled friction to be reduced. As soon as

a certain excavation depth had been reached, a
continuous transverse tie-beam of reinforced

contactjoint between wall and rock. In addition, a

grout curtain was formed below the base of the
wall. This complete sealing also relieved the


concrete was constructed, supported by the Isections.

bottom slab of the building from uplift. During the

construction state, the diaphragm wall served as

Yea r of construction
The rock formation underlying Stockholm is

On each side of the I-beams, steel tubes were

incorporated in the tie-beams, to serve later as
guide tubes when drilling the anchor holes. The

an excavation retainment, and in the final state it

is the load-bearing external wall. To ensure that it
would resist the horizontal pressure when the

always posing new problems for contractors, since

it is very unevenly undulating, sometimes

anchor holes were driven through the sheet pile

wall at least 8 m into the rock. Every 2 to 3 m

excavation was open, it was temporarily anchored

with rock anchors. In the final state, after the

outcropping at the surface and sometimes

descending abruptly to great depth. These
difficulties were frequently encountered in the

further down, a further horizontal tie-beam had to

be concreted, until the entire excavated depth of
20to 25 m was reached. 619 VS L rock anchors of

anchors had been destressed and removed and

the holes in the diaphragm wall plugged, the
basement slabs resist

construction of sections of the underground

railway in open excavations. At one of the sites,
the problem was solved in the following way:

types 5-3 to 5-12 (ultimate strength 627 to 2, 506

kN) were used for anchoring the wall.


Underground railway station,

Stockholm, Sweden

Internordisk Spannarmering AB,


Fig. 46: Geological conditions

Fig. 47: View of the excavation

Fig. 48: Execution of the anchor works

the forces due to earth and water pressure. A total

area of 5,500 mz diaphragm wall of 0.80 m

45 and their total length up to 45 m, the bond

length being 5to 7 m. In each rowof anchors, a line

occasion on which an anchored diaphragm wall

had been constructed in Sweden and there were

thickness, divided into 59 panels, was built. The

total volume of material removed during the

load of up to 1200 kN /m had to be supported. The

drilling of the holes proved very troublesome, on

not yet any standards relating to this type of

structure, detailed measurements were taken

excavation was 125,000 m3.

The VSL rock anchors used for anchoring the
diaphragm wall were of type 5-12, 519 and 5-21

account of the blocks and the groundwater.

Special precautions had to be adopted to seal
them and many holes had to be grouted after

during construction at the diaphragm wall itself, on

the neighbouring buildings and on the individual
soil layers, in order to keep a proper control on the

and had a working force of 1,000 to 2,400 kN.

Their inclination was

Since, as already mentioned, this was the first

movements. The anchor forces also were



Children's Clinic of the Inseb

Hospital, Berne, Switzerland

Excavation retainment in the

prefabricated diaphragm wall,

form of a
which was

wall was necessary, since the strata to be

cutthrough (claytofinesand)werewaterbearing and


Construction Directorate for

Canton Berne

anchored in two layers by 86 temporary

regroutable VSL soil anchors type 5-4 (working

since the excavation was situated a few metres

behind the 16storey main building of the hospital,

Engineer Dr. Staudacher &

Siegenthaler AG, Berne
Contractor Losinger AG, Berne

force 341 kN, test force 492 kN, ultimate strength

657 kN) of 13 to 25 m length (including 6 m bond
length). The 600mm thick and 104m long

which meant that any reduction in stability must be


(Diaphragm wall)
(Prefabrication: lgeco
AG, Lyssach)
Fehlmann Grundwasser-bauten AG,
(formerly Spannbeton AG)

Fig. 50: View of the wall

Years of construction
Fig. 49: Section


4. Anchoring against
hydrostatic uplift

4.1. General
In the vicinity of bodies of water such as
rivers, lakes, or the sea, where the
groundwater level is in general relatively
near to the surface, buildings must often be
secured against uplift. One solution to the
problem is to give the building sufficient
weight; this is, however, not always possible
and in many cases it is also not economical.
The anchoring of the structure into the
deeper, load-bearing ground by prestressed
anchors results however in considerable
savings, both in the quantity of the spoil to
be excavated and the materials to be used.
A provision for resisting uplift may be of a
temporary nature, for example for the
foundation slabs of buildings, in that it only
needs to remain effective up to the time at
which the structure possesses sufficient
weight, or it may fulfil a permanent
function,forexampleinthetanks of sewage
treatment plants, swimming pools, dry
docks etc., which are not sufficiently heavy
when empty to resist uplift. The anchors
used for uplift prevention may therefore be
formed as eithertemporary or permanent
Another way of using prestressed anchors
is in conjunction with piles. If buoyancy or
horizontal forces act in addition to the
vertical loads, the piles must also be
capable of accepting a tensile load.
Generally such piles are therefore
prestressed. If, however, it is not possible to
drive them sufficiently into the ground, they
cannot transmit the tensile forces by surface
friction. They then are provided with
anchors which pass through them and
anchor them in the deeper strata.


Rainwater overflow tank,

Ellwangen, Federal Republic of
The town of Ellwangen
(J agst)
Engineer Ingenieurburo M. Brandolini, Ulm
Drilling Klee KG, Ellwangen
Dr. Ing. Kurt Waschek,
Anchors VSL GmbH, Langenfeld
Year of construction

The rainwater overflow tank is a circular

structure with an internal diameter of 60 m.
At the maximum water level, the depth is
2.63 to 4.02 m (the tank floor sloping down
towards the centre). Since the groundwater
level can rise to 0.62 m below the rim of the
tank, uplift prevention must be provided for
the empty state. The tank bottom was
therefore anchored with a total of 111 VSL
permanent rock anchors. These anchors
were arranged in three concentric rings. The
innermost ring (diameter 15 m) contains 20,
and the central ring


Fig. 51 Section through the anchored tank

Fig. 52. View of the site with installer anchors

central ring (diameter 27 m) 36 VSL rock

anchors of type 5-6, each 13 m long and of
500 kN working force (= 1 /2 ultimate load).
The 55 anchors of the outermost ring
(diameter 47 m) are of type 5-7 (working
force 583 kN) and also 13 m long. All
anchors are vertical and provided with
permanent corrosion protection and a 4 m
bond length.
The actual anchor work, which was carried
out in late Autumn 1976, was preceded by a
suitability test on 3 anchors. At the time
these tests were carried out, the excavation
had reached the foundation level. At this
level, hard sandstone outcropped. In the
anchorage bond zones trial bores indicated
the presence of fractured, broken siltstone.
Three anchors of the outer ring were
chosen for the suitability test. Holes of
diameter 101 and 102 mm were drilled with
core drills and rotary percussion drills, the
anchors were placed, the bond length
grouted and the test carried out one week
after grouting. The test arrangement is
indicated diagrammatically in Fig. 53. The
tests were based upon DIN standard 4125,
Part 2 and the draft of the authorisation
guidelines for cement mortar-grouted rock
anchors. Force-displacement curves were
recorded and the elastic and permanent
deformations, friction loss and creep
determined. All the tensile tests satisfied the
requirements of the standards.

The remaining anchors were then

executed within four weeks.
Fig. 53: Test device (diagrammatic)

4.3. Stilling basin No. 3 at Tarbela Dam,

Pakistan Water and Power
Development Authority
(WAPDA), Lahore
Engineer Tippetts-Abbett-McCarthy-Stratton,
New York
Contractor Tarbela Joint Venture
contractor Rodio S.p.A., Milan
Years of construction

trial bores which were driven, a high sulphate

content was observed.
Design of the anchors
The design of the rock anchors was based upon
the following uplift forces;
- a hydrostatic pressure a1 from the difference
between the mean tail water level and the bot
tom of the basin, which gave the value 2.96
bars for sections 8 to 1 1;
- a hydrodynamic uplifta2of 1.02barsat
slabs 3 to 9.
The maximum uplift was therefore 3.98 bars. The
anchor force and anchor length were determined

The Tarbela Dam, which has already been
referred to in Section 1.6,comprisesapart from the
main dam and various auxiliary plant four bypass
tunnels, two of which are equipped with stilling
In August 1974, that is two years before the
planned commissioning of the installation, the lake
had to be drained as an emergency measure
through tunnels no. Sand 4, due to damage in
tunnels nos. 1 and 2. Due to the asymmetrical
outflow, stones and broken rock and concrete
were washed from downstream into the stilling
basins, and erosion and cavitation damage
occurred to the bottom slabs of these basins.
Since both tunnels had nevertheless to be kept in
use for irrigation purposes, the erosion increased,
especially in stilling basin no. 3, to a dangerous
extent. In the winter of 1975/ 76, the damage was
repaired with underwater concrete. In April 1976,
the basins were again brought into use
butafteronly a few hours stilling basin no. 3 again
had to be taken out of use, since large areas of the
concrete base had been carried away. This new
setback made comprehensive remedial work
essential. The main part of the new work consisted
in the anchoring of the bottom slab by rock
anchors, and making good the slab and
strengthening it. The main objective of anchoring
the bottom slab was to secure it against static and
dynamic uplift forces (vibrations) and also to make
the underlying rock participate in the actions in the
Stilling basin No. 3is 186m long, 36.60m wide and
is sub-divided into 12 sections (see Fig. 54). The
rock conditions in the vicinity of the bottom slab
are very heterogeneous. Chlorite shales,
carbonate shales, limestone and gypsum outcrop.
The thickness and depth of the individual strata
vary considerably, and so does the quality of the
rock. Moreover, in the 80 trial bores which were


of anchor (=60% of ultimate strength).
A=the uplift force associated with the
anchor, calculated from a=a1+a2

- G'=VGS1

G'=the average weight of underlying

soil co-operating with the anchor

S1 =safety factor= 1.25

The free anchor length was determined from G',
the participating rock being assumed to be a
pyramid shape from the centre of the bond length
of the anchor and having a submerged weight of
1.6 t/ m3.
When choosing the size of anchor, the governing
factor was the possible arrangement between the
existing drainage system and the upper limiting
value of 2,500 kN per anchor for VG, which was
adopted as a maximum in view of the difficult

Fig. 55: VSL Rock anchor

ground conditions. The anchors chosen were VSL

rock anchors 6-14 and 6-16 and also 6-7 and 6-8

twice the working load. These anchors therefore

(Fig. 55). VG was 155.6 kN per strand, that is

required 22 strands, to prevent the yield point of

2490 kN total for the largest anchors. The strands

the steel from being exceeded.

used were individually coated with corrosion

Four test anchors were given a 9 m bond length,

protective grease and sheathed with polyethylene

and the others a 6 m bond length. The test

at works. The grease and sheathing of course had

anchorswere distributed overthe bottom slab in

to be removed for the bond length and at the

zones of good, average and bad underlying soil.

stressing anchorage. The bond length was 6 m for

For carrying out the test programme, Losinger

the production anchors throughout.

extensometers and electrical VSL load cells were

used (Fig. 56).

Test Anchors
Ten anchors were constructed as test anchors, in
order to test the anchor itself, the installation

Fig. 56: Device for testing the test anchors

methods and the transmission of force to the

underlying rock and thus the design bases for the
anchor and its components. For equivalent
boreholeand bond length dimensions, the test
anchors must be capable of transmitting

Fig. 54: Longitudinal section


Readings were taken of the anchor force,

cable extension, deformations in the bond
region and settlementatthe bearing plate.
The tests showed that the anchors were
capable of fulfilling the requirements
specified; a further result obtained was that
a bond length of 6 m was sufficient, since no
advantages were obtained by using 9 m.

Execution of the work

Only six and a half months were available
for the work on the 576 anchors from the
date of awarding the contract to its
completion. Day and night working was
therefore necessary, using several sets of
drilling equipment simultaneously.
Some of the holes were rotary drilled, but
the majority percussion drilled using
down-the-hole-hammers. The hole diameter
was 152 to 171 mm. After drilling, the holes
had to be grouted to stabilise them and then
re-drilled. A hydraulic pressure test was
then carried out.
The anchors were assembled and stored
until required on the left side of stilling basin
no. 4. Two tower cranes lifted the anchors
from the storage area and fed them directly
into the boreholes. These cranes were just
high enough for placing the 16.80 to 38.10
m long anchors. A ulphate-resisting cement
grout with a w/c ratio of 0.42 was used for
grouting. Seven days after grouting, the
stressing operations in accordance with the
FIP recommendations on ground anchors
were carried out. After the anchor force had
been successfully tested, the protruding
strands were cut off two to five days later,
the anchors then being completed.
Fig. 57: The stilling basin during anchor work

5. Securing of caverns
5.1. General
The excavation of underground chambers
in rock for tunnels, galleries and caverns
inevitably leads to a change in the state of
stress, which is reflected in strains and
deformations and in the worst case can lead
to a collapse. To prevent such an event, the
cavity must be secured. This can be done
by the installation of supports followed by
the concreting of a rigid lining. The principal
disadvantage of this method consists in the
considerable reduction of the space
available for carrying out the work by
mechanical means.
Present-day knowledge of rock mechanics
and modern rock anchor technology makes
the securing of large caverns by
prestressed anchors and gunned concrete
possible. With this method, which was
introduced in the sixties, the anchors have
the function of creating in the rock mass
around the cavity a loadbearing ring, which
is intended to prevent destressing and
appreciable displacement of the rock during
the excavation. The method has proved
very successful both as a permanent
support system itself and also in
relation to the execution of the rock removal

It leads to improved efficiency of working as

a result of the continuous working sequence
and to a more accurate excavated profile
with improved safety. As a result, shorter
construction times and reduction of the
tunnelling costs are achieved.
The supporting system using anchors can
be adapted and corrected at any time during
excavation. Fluctuations in the state of
stress are monitored by measuring anchors,
which areinstalled just like normal anchors
immediately after excavation but differ from
them in incorporating measuring equipment.
They enable a permanent check to be
carried out until completion of the stabilising
phase, that is, if necessary, for several

5.2. Cavern Waldeck II, Federal

Republic of Germany
Preussenelektra, Hanover
Engineer Siemens AG, Erlangen
Joint venture Cavern Waldeck II
Beton- and Monier-

bau AG, Frankfurt

Baugesellschaft H. Rella &
Co., Vienna
Allg. Bauges. A. Porr AG,
Dyckerhoff & Widmann KG,
Drilling contractor
Terrasond Grundbau GmbH,
Years of construction
The region of Waldeck in Northern Hesse
has long been recognised as particularly
suitable for the construction of a pumped
storage scheme. After the building of the
Edertal dam (a river power station) between
1910 and 1914, the pumped storage
scheme at Waldeck I was built in its
immediate vicinity from 1929 to 1931. Forty
years later, namely between 1968 and
1975, the Waldeck I I plant was constructed.
Whereas at Waldeck I all the equipment
was above ground, at Waldeck I I only
the upper


Fig. 58: Dimensions of cavern

upper basin and the distribution plant is

above ground; the pressure shaft, power
house, surge chamber and tail race tunnels
were built into the rock. In the erection of the
pumped storage work at Waldeck II,
provision was also made for the
requirements of a third extension stage. The
Waldeck II plant has an output of 440 MW
and utilises an average gross head of 329 m
between the upper basin on the Ermerod (of
4.3 million m3 capacity) and the lower basin
situated in the Eder valley (effective
capacity 5.4 million m3).
The cavern for the underground power
house at Waldeck I I is 106 m long, 54 m
deep and 33.5 m wide and required the
excavation of 106,000 m3 of rock (Fig. 58).
In view of these dimensions, the only
feasible way of securing the cavern was the
production of a self-supporting vault by
means of prestressed rock anchors, since
concrete lining would have been far too
costly. The stress conditions around the
cavity were determined by computer
calculations and photoelastic analyses and
on this basis the necessary anchor forces
and lengths were determined.
Before excavation was commenced, five
different anchor systems were tested in a
trial tunnel and on the basis of the results
obtained it was decided that 85% of the
rockanchors in thecavern would beofthe
VSL system. In total, 716 VSL anchors of
1300 kN working force (=0.5 x ultimate
strength) and 68 VSL anchors of 940 kN
working force were used.

used. The actual securing of the cavern was

carried out by means of the larger anchors,
which were 20 to 28 m long (including 4.50
m bond length) and were inclined between
40 downwards and vertically upwards,
while the smaller anchors were used for
securing the crane girders. These anchors
have lengths of 13 to 18 m (bond length
3 m) and inclinations from 45 to 75
The anchors, which have a free length that
remains elastic during working life, were
made up on site and installed progressively
to suit the rate of excavation. Anchor holes
of 116 m diameter were drilled into the rock,
which consisted of graywacke (grey
sandstone) and clay shale; after a water
test, these holes were grouted if
necessary and re-drilled. The anchors and
prefabricated foundation blocks of concrete
were then positioned. A few days after
grouting the bond length, the anchors were
tested with 1.3 times the working force and
anchored at the working force. One week
later, a check on the stressing force was
carried out; the secondary grouting was
then completed and 1'/z to 3 months
afterwards the stressing force again
Ninety anchors were constructed as
monitoring, the stressing lengths being
injected with grease instead of grout and the
anchors being fitted with VSL 2000 kN load
cells, which could be read at any time from
a central measuring station.

Ventilating station at Huttegg

the Seelisberg tunnel,
Highways Construction
Department of Canton Uri
Engineer Elektrowatt Ingenieurunternehmung AG, Zurich
Joint venture Huttegg
MurerAG, Erstfeld
Losinger AG, Berne
Emil Baumann AG, Altdorf
Drilling InjectobohrAG,Zurich
(formerly Spannbeton AG)
Years of construction

Apart from the Gotthard tunnel, the
Seelisberg tunnel is the most important
underground work on Swiss National
Highway N2, which forms the main
motorway connection in the North South
direction between Basle and Chiasso and
crosses the Alps. The tunnel is situated on
the left bank of Lake Lucerne, between
Beckenried and Seedorf. It consists of two
parallel tubes, each 9.25 km long (Fig. 60).
For the contract, the tunnel was divided into
three sections, the limits being defined by
the geological conditions. The north and
south section together with the two portals
lead partly through very hard limestone
formations. Its horseshoeshaped crosssection was driven using conventional
blasting procedures. The central section, on
the other hand, i. e. the Huttegg section, is
located throughout its entire length of about
2 km in the Valanginien marl, which
experience has shown to possess a
tendency to compression phenomena under
high overburden, its loadbearing strength
then lasting only a few hours to a few days.
It was therefore decided to adopt a circular
tunnel section and to use shield driving with
tubbings to line the tunnel.

Fig. 60: Site plan and line of Seelisberg


Fig. 59: The secured cavern


Fig. 61: Longitudinal section of the Seelisberg tunnel

The access tunnel
Since the Huttegg tunnel section is situated about
400 m inside the mountain, several pilot tunnels
and a 640 m long access and ventilation tunnel,
terminating in the underground ventilating station,
had to be driven first (Fig. 62). The

addition, when driving the pilot tunnel appreciable

quantities of meth ane gas were encountered,
which could well give rise to dangerous explosive
mixtures. To eliminate,this risk, suitable
precautions had to betaken for ventilation during the
tunnel construction.
The ventilation station
The underground ventilation station at Huttegg
consists of two widened out portions of the tunnel
tubes in the form of caverns each 52.7 m long and
18.2 m wide, connected together by a transverse
tunnel of 14 m width and 16 m height (Fig. 63).
The entire volume of excavation for this central
station was almost 49,000 m3. The caverns house
the feed and extract blowers, while the electrical

Fig. 62: Pilot tunnel layout for Huttegg section

behaviour of the marl, which is overlain by 200to
900 m of cover, was not particularly well-known,
since only a few tunnels had been driven through
this type of rock under the same conditions. On
account of the very deep cover, high rock
pressures must be expected, leading immediately
after excavation to rapid breakdown of stability of
the rock surface and to considerable
In laboratory investigations, this type of marl

equipment such as transformers, switchgear etc.

are situated in the transverse tunnel.
The method of working chosen for excavating the
station (Fig. 64) is distinguished by its adaptability.
After the roof tunnel has been broken out and
widened on both sides to almost the entire width of
the cavern, the profile was completed in a number
of vertical steps of 3 to 4 m depth. In order to
stabilise the rock surface during the work, a
support system was constructed continuously and
immediately after the excavation in the form of a
150 mm thick, reinforced gunite lining and rock
bolts (one per 1.25 ml) and rock anchors (one per

proved to be very heterogenous and exhibited

20 mz). The rock anchors produced around the

cavern an aactive support arch, which made the

highly variable geomechanical properties. In

vault and side walls self-supporting. The lining

Fig. 63: Plan of Station

Fig. 64: Method of excavation

system was designed for a supporting force of 300
kN/mz. This force was determined by
extensive geomechanical calculations based upon
the results of readings which had been
carried out previously in the pilot tunnel.
Nevertheless, there was considerable uncertainty
due to the highly variable rock mechanics
properties. Control measurements were therefore
carried out during the entire construction period to
check the validity of the assumptions and to
achieve the necessary safety. In cases where
strengthening was necessary, the excavation work
cou Id be interrupted.

The prestressed rock anchors

The entire ventilating station was secured with
VSL rock anchors type 6-9, each of 2365 kN
ultimate strength, arranged in a 4.5 m lattice. In
the longitudinal tunnels, each anchored crosssection contains 16 anchors, and in the transverse
tunnel there are 14 in each (fig. 65). The anchor
lengthsare 16to 18m. Foralltheanchors, the bond
length ist 4.5 m, this figure being
Fig. 65: Cross-section with anchors


Fig. 66: VSL rock anchor 6-9 (diagrammatic)

based upon tests carried out in the pilot tunnel.

whether the support system was adequate or not.

In addition, the anchors have the following

Readings were taken for this purpose at three


points as follows:

- the strands are plastic sheathed and greased in

-A measuring cross-section at the

the free length, to enable the anchors to be

centre of the transverse tunnel contained 3

restressed and the force to be checked at any

extensometers (2 horizontally in the walls and 1


vertically in the roof) and 6 measuring anchors

- a smooth polyethylene tube surrounds the

equipped with hydraulic VSL load cells (fig. 68).

bundled strands along the entire length as an

-At the measuring points attheintersections of the

additional corrosion protection and as a protection

axes of the transverse and

against mechanical damage during installation;

longitudinal tunnels of the ventilating station, there

- the stressing head of each anchor is threaded, to

were one vertical extensometer and 2 measuring

enable a movable load cell to be attached for

anchors at each point.

measuring the anchor force;

In the central region of the transverse tunnel, very

- the primary and secondary grouting were carried


out in one single operation; the bond length can,

downward movement of the rock amounted in total

when required, be regrouted;

to almost 80 mm, the principal deformation

- the bearing plate was of sufficient size to keep

occurring during excavation phases 2 and 3 (fig.

the bearing pressure on the rock behind the plate

64). The reason for this was a locally weakened

during the test load to 13.0 N/mm2.

zone between the two longitudinal tunnels.










Movements as large as this are naturally

transported to the site. Seven days after

undesirable, so at this point two additional rows of

installation and grouting, theywere stressed to the

anchors had to be installed in the roof, to enable

test force of 1650 kN (70% of ultimate strength)

the movements to be kept under control. About

and then anchored at 800 kN, i.e., 34% of

80% of the vertical movement occurred during the

ultimate strength. This low initial force was chosen

removal of the roof material. It was also

in view of the rock deformations expected to

established during the measurements that ther

occur. A total of 634 VSL rock anchors were

esilientrockwaslimitedto the first two metres

installed in the central ventilation station;

behind the face. Fig. 69 shows clearly the

approximately 40% of them are ascending, the

difference in the deformations at depths of 2 and 6

remainder descending.

m at extensometer 2.

Fig. 67: Stressing operation

loadcell (fig. 70). Someanchorsdid indeed show
increases of force, but these remained below the
limiting values and therefore no special measures
were required.
After the tunnel floor had been concreted, the
deformations again decreased.
Concluding comment
The choice of a flexible method of construction for
the excavation and securing of the tunnels, in
conjunction with a method of systematically
monitoring the rock deformations, enabled the
underground ventilating station at Huttegg to be
constructed economically and safely. It may be
pointed out here that, in spite of conditions that
were at times extremely trying, the work was
brought to full completion without a single

At the point of intersection of the tunnel soffitts, the

force determined by the load cells at the anchors
increased from 800to 1000 kN; this could however
be accepted, sincethe anchors had been designed

Surveillance instrumentation






for a working force of 1500 kN.

deformations of the rock at the excavated face


and within the rock mass were continually

measurements were also carried out at the





monitored, in order to ascertain

standard anchors, using a travellling

Fig. 70: VSL load cell type G 200

Fig. 68: Measuring cross-section at centre of transverse tunnel

Fig. 69: Deformations at extensometer 2


5.4. Review of various other caverns

Underground powerhouse, Sackingen, Federal Republic of Germany

Cavern of the pumped storage scheme at Vianden, Luxemburg


Years of construction

Societe Electrique de LOur,

Elektrizitats AG, formerly W.
Lahmeyer & Co., Frankfurt a/Main
Consortium Centrale de Vianden
Hochtief AG, Koblenz/Wayss & Freytag AG,
Cologne/Alfred Kunz & Co.,
Beige de Chemins de Fer et
d'Entreprise SA, Brussels/Entreprise
E. Nerming, Luxembourg /Conrad
Zschokke SA, Geneva/Losinger SA,

Dimensions of cavern
Height 29.3 m, Breadth 17.0 m, Length
330.0 m Excavation 150,000 m'
Type of rock



Years of construction
Dimensions of cavern

Coarse-bedded reddish clay shale

Type of rock

Schluchsee Werk AG, Freiburg /Breisgau

Elektrizitats AG (formerly W. Lahmeyer & Co.),
Joint Ventrue , Maschinenkaverne Sackingen
Hochtief AG/Dyckerhoff & Widmann KG/A. Kunz &
Co/Sanger & Lanninger KG


Height 29.55 m, Breadth 23.00 m, Length
161.60 m
Excavation 100,000 m'
Paragneiss fractured in 2 directions

Securing of crane track:

Obtained by means of 164 VSL rock anchors of 1250 kN working force and
10.40 to 13.40 m length. Spacing: 4.0 m
Securing of the vertical tie beams:
Each tie beam was secured with two or three rock anchors. 270 VSL rock anchors of 900
kN working force and with lengths between 9.40 and 13.70 m were used for this purpose.

Securing of vault abutment:

145 VSL rock anchors of 1500 kN working fore and lengths between 12.0 and 15.0 m.
Spacing 1.0 to 2.0 m.
Securing of crane track:
Obtained by means of 156 VSL rock anchors of 800 kN working force and 10 m length.

Underground power station, Veytaux, Switzerland

Underground power station, Roncovalgrande, Italy


Forces Motrices de I'Hongrin SA, Lausanne

Compagnie d'Etudes de Travaux Publics SA, Lausanne
Consortium Centrale de Veytaux
Losinger SA, Lausanne /Deneriaz SA, Lausanne,
Sateg SA, Lausanne/Oyex Chessex & Cie SA, Lausanne
VSL INTERNATIONAL SA (formerly Precontrainte SA)


ENEL, Ente Nazionale per I'Energia Elettrica, Rome

ENEL, Progettazioni a Costruzioni idrauliche elettriche
e civili, Department of Milan
Consorzio Caldart a Astrid, Maccagno

Height 23.0-26.5 m, Breadth 30.5 m, Length 137.5 m

Excavation 90,000 m3
Almost horizontally stratified limestone and marl,
highly fractured in several directions

Years of construction
Dimensions of cavern

VSL INTERNATIONAL SA (formerly Precompresso SA)

Height 61.0 m, Breadth 21.0 m, Length 195.0 m

Years of construction
Dimensions of cavern
Type of rock

Securing of crane track:

35 VSL
rock anchors type 5-5
(working force 542 kN)
70 VSL
rock anchors type 5-7
(working force 758 kN)
Length: 21.0-27.0 m

Securing of roof:
366 VSL rock anchors of 1350 kN working force; Length: 11.4-18.4 m. Plus 132 VSL
rock anchors of 1150 kN working force; Length: 11.4-18.4 m 1150 kN or 1350 kN rock
anchors were used depending upon the local conditions.
Spacing in longitudinal direction: 4.3 m Spacing in transverse direction: 3.0 to 4.0 m On
average, there was one rock anchor to 14 m2 of developed vault surface.
Securing of walls and face sides:
155 VSL rock anchors of 1150 kN working force; Length: 1 1.4-18.4 m
Additional securing between the large anchors:
1,729 VSL rock anchors type 6-1; length; 4.0 m. These rock anchors were anchored with
synthetic mortar. The synthetic mortar enabled the rock anchors to be stressed after 7 to
24 hours.


Securing of walls:
The high cavern required considerable securing of its walls.
This was done with:
270 VSL
rock anchors type 5-2
(working force 217 kN)
270 VSL
rock anchors type 5-3
(working force 325 kN)
185 VSL rock anchors type 5-4
(working force 433 kN)
11 VSL rock anchors type 5-5
(working force 542 kN)
260 VSL rock anchors type 5-7
(working force 758 kN)
45 VSL rock anchors type 5-9
(working force 975 kN)

Length: 16.0-17.0 m
The spacings between anchors both horizontally and vertically were 3 m.
In addition, 2,400 VSL mono rock anchors type 5-1 with a length of 5.0 m
were installed at regular spacings. The mono rock anchors were anchored in
synthetic mortar.

Underground power station, El Toro, Chile

Cavern for pumped storage scheme, Taloro, Italy

Consulting Engineer
Years of construction
Dimensions of cavern


Type of rock

Empresa Nacional de Electricidad SA, Santiago, Chile

Empresa Nacional de Electricidad SA, Santiago, Chile
Elektro-Watt AG, Zurich
Empresa Nacional de Electricidad SA, Santiago, Chile
Height 39.5 m, Breadth 24.5 m, Length 103.0 m
Excavation 92,000 m'
Granodiorite, fractured in 3 directions

Rock anchors installed:

1 70 VSL rock anchors of 1200 kN working force Length: 15.0-17.0 m Spacing in
longitudinal direction: 6.0 m Spacing in transverse direction: 3.0 to 5.0 m 660 VSL
rock anchors type 6-1 Length: 4.0 m These rock anchors were installed to
provide local stabilisation between the large anchors.

6. Anchoring of
concentrated forces
The use of prestressed anchors for the
represents a very suitable method of solving
problems of this type. The function of the
anchors is to anchor parts of a structure or
entire structures to the ground.Theclassical
use of anchoring concentrated forces is
found in foundation blocks which are
subjected to large tensile forces. Examples
are the anchoring of cables for cable
railways, cable cranes, suspension bridges
and tension structures, of penstocks, crane
beam brackets, galleries etc.


Rock fall gallery on the

Axenstrasse, Switzerland
Construction Department,
Canton Schwyz
Engineer Franz Pfister, Ingenieurburo,
Leimbacher, Lachen
Drilling Injectoboh rSA, Locarno

Years of construction
Dimensions of cavern

ENEL, Ente Nazionale per I'Energia Elettrica, Venice

ENEL, Ente Nazionale per I'Energia Elettrica, Venice
Dr. G. Lombardi, Locarno
Caldart S.p.A., Belluno
VSL Italia s.rl., Milan
Height 40.5 m, Breadth 21 .0 m, Length 121.9 m

Type of rock


Securing of vault abutment:

46 VSL rock anchors of 1000 kN working force and lengths between 28 and 37 m. Spacing
3 m.
Securing of crane track:
92 VSL rock anchors of 1000 kN working force and 22 to 25 m length.
Securing of walls:
Approx. 360 VSL rock anchors of 1000 kN and 1500 kN working force and lengths between
6.5 and 34 m. Spacings: horizontally 3 m, vertically 2 m.

Anchors VSL
(formerly Spannbeton AG)
Years of

The Axenstrasse, which leads from
Brunnen along Lake Lucerne towards
Altdorf, is subjected to heavy rock falls. The
effects of erosion are particularly
unpleasant here and the mechanical
destruction of the rock due to snow, ice,
wind, rain and vegetable growth leads to a
risk of rock falls onto the main road. Rock
cleaning teams check the critical rock faces
every spring and if necessary at other times
of the year and use crowbars or explosives
to remove the looser parts of the material.
Rock falls still occur, promoted by warm
winds in the spring, and it is impossible to
prevent them completely on the 500,000 m2
rock face.The Axenstrasse is situated
throughout at about 435 m above sea level.
It is bounded on the lake side by almost
vertical rock faces. The highly fractured

limestone rock walls continue upwards into

wooded and overgrown slopes and finally,
at about 800 m above sea level, change to

The problem
Observations overa numberofyears have
shown that in general the falling stones are
not larger than a man's head, i. e., 2050 kg
in weight. Occasionally, blocks of larger
weight do occur. The most suitable way of
counteracting the rock falls effectively was
to construct a rock fall gallery. Apart from
the size and frequency of the falling stones,
the distance of drop was of great
importance for the design of this protective
gallery. The maximum difference in levels
between the Axenstrasse and the
uppermost band of rock is about 350 m.
However, since the steep parts of the face
alternate with larger and smaller steep
slopes, the actual heights of free fall are
considerably less. The probability of stones
dropping from heights exceeding 50 m
directly onto the road is extremely small.
The free fall is interrupted by impacts


Fig. 71: Partial view of the finished rock fall gallery

Fig 72: Upper anchorage for gallery

pacts on the way, and some of the disturbed

stones plunge directly into the lake.
The Axenstrasse has been repeatedly widened

rock falls, a problem which had already arisen.

Apartfrom the erection work itself, it was only
necessary to occupy the road when constructing

and, for the upper foundations, was pressed

directly against the rock face by prestressed VSL
rock anchors 5-12 of stressing force 1500 kN (see

and extended in recent decades, both towards the

lake and towards the rock face. On the hill side
there is the outcropping rock face, mostly
artificially excavated, while on the lake side there

the rock foundations on the hill side. For this

purpose, the Axenstrasse had to be temporarily
closed. Importance was attached from the start to
keeping the design as light as possible.

figs. 72, 73). The lower foundations were

connected to the rock by dowels constructed from
reinforcing steel.
After the rock foundations had been built, virtually

is a fill embankment of broken rock material. On

the lake side, the rock surface is encountered

Reinforced concrete was chosen for the main

supporting structure. It was decided to carry out

all the remaining work consisted of erecting

prefabricated elements.

between 3 and 10 m below the mean water level.

It falls steeply down to the lake. A foundation for
the rock fall gallery on the lake side could there

full-scale fall tests with the cooperation of the

Swiss Federal Materials Testing Institute to obtain
the necessary design data. A suitable test

The length of the rock fall gallery is more than

1300 m and the costs were of the order of 8 million

fore only have been found at great depth and at

enormous expense. The existing walls of the

installation with a 45 m free drop could be

constructed at Brunnen. The rock material for the

shore were not capable of being used as

foundations. For these reasons, a solution had to
be found, by which the conventional system of

fall tests came from the same region, so that fairly

good agreement with the actual conditions could
be attained.

rock fall galleries with supports on the lake side

could be abandoned. This of necessity implied a

The main supporting structure is cantilevered out

from the rock face and consists of upper main

less expensive and aesthetically better solution.

girders and lower struts (see fig. 71). The covering

of this main support structure is of concrete panels
with corrugated steel sheets on the lower side


Choice of the type of structure

(lower reinforcement) and an upper layer of

bitumen concrete. The theoretical spacing of the

Preussenelektra, Hanover
Engineer Siemens AG, Erlangen

Two basic solutions were proposed:

-a gallery with a sloping roof and protective
covering: the rocks would fall into the lake,

girders is 5.00 m.
The rock foundations are the only parts of the
works which had to be constructed on site. The

Contractor Joint venture Cavern

Waldeck I I
Beton- and Monierbau AG,

-a gallery with an approximately horizontal roof

and protective covering in the form of an earth
blanket: the fallen rocks would remain on the roof.
These two basic types were investigated
thoroughly in regard to their structural design,
construction aspects and costs. Since the pile
foundations made up a considerable part of the

concrete was applied directly to the cleaned rock

Spherical valve anchoring, under

ground power station Waldeck II,
Federal Republic of Germany

Baugesellschaft H. Rella &
Co., Vienna
Allg. Bauges. A. PorrAG,
Dyckerhoff & Widmann KG,

Fig. 73 Anchor work on an upper foundation

total cost, solutions without pile foundations were

also included in the study. The design studies
carried out therefore have a fairly general

contractor Terrasond Grundbau GmbH,

character and can serve as a basis for other

projects of this type. The variant which was
developed (fig. 71) proved to be the most suitable
on the basis of the studies carried out here.



Year of construction

Description of the design

Since the Axenstrasse must always be kept open
to traffic, a design solution utilising prefabrication

As explained in Chaper 5.2, the cavern for the

was essential. This would enable the work in the

actual road region to be kept to a minimum.
Moreover, it makes for easy replacement of any
elements damaged by excessive rock falls, a

pumped storage scheme at Waldeck II was

secured by rock anchors. This meant, however,
that it was not possible to anchor the high thrust
forces from the supply water line directly to the


Fig. 74: Section through cavern

Fig. 76: Detailed section

- from friction of spherical

valve on its seating
0.4 MN
- from stuffing box friction
0.6 MN
A 50% addition for dynamic forces had to


Cable crane anchorage at Jiroft

Dam, Iran
Kerman Water and Power
Engineer Office of Prof. Stucky,
Contractor Partnership Lozan-PorrLosinger, Tehran
contractor Solperse, Tehran
Year of construction

Fig. 75: Elevation

be made, so the total force to be anchored was

17.4 MN (Fig. 74).

drilled out again. The programme of drilling and

anchoring work lasted about six weeks without

Each anchoragewas composed of 20VSL rock

anchors of 960 kN working force for each

interruption to the continuing erection of plant.

The anchors were stressed to 0.65 x ultimate load

spherical valve. (Fig. 75). These anchors are

12.5to 15m long (including a bond length of 3 m)
and press the pipe collar against the rock face (fig.

and after ten minutes were released to the

permanent load of 0.5 x ultimate load. In the free
length, the anchors were filled with a corrosion

When fixing the position of the bores, account had

preventative grease, so that itwill be possible to

adjust the stressing force at any time. Four

to be taken of the pattern of thejoint planes in the

rock and the already existing anchors for securing
the cavern. After the pipe and collar had been

anchors of each anchorage were equipped with a

VSL load cell for later monitoring by the power
station staff. These measurements can be

installed, the 116 mm diameter bores were

marked out and rotary drilled. All the holes were

obtained by hydraulic actuation from an

instrument cabinet situated adjacent to each

pressurised with water, but had to be grouted

because the permeability was too high and then

turbine discharge.

valley was the track on which the cranes could be

moved horizontally.

rock with 8 VS L rock anchors type 5-12 of 17 to

22 m length (including 5 m bond length). The

The fixed point, a concrete structure, in which the

two pivot assemblies were installed, had to be
capable of withstanding a total tensile force of
6,400 kN. This force was anchored back to the

anchors, which had upward and downward

inclinations respectively of 10%, had a working
force of 1265 kN (60% of ultimate load).

In the building of the 133.5 m high arch dam at

Jiroft (approx. 200 km north-east of Bandar
Abbas), which has a crest length of 210 m and is
situated in a deep narrow gorge, two cable cranes
each of 200 kN capacity and 520 m length were
used. The suspension cables were secured on the
left side of the valley in a fixed point anchored in
the limestone,while on the opposite side of the

7.Stability against
7.1. General
The problem of preventing overturning
arises in a great variety of structures, the
common factor of all being that they are
subjected to horizontal forces such as wind,
water pressure, earth pressure, waves, ice
pressure, earthquake forces and the like of
sufficient intensity for their stability against
overturning to be jeopardised unless special
additional measures are taken. One
possible way of solving this problem is to
increase the weight and dimensions of the
structure. This procedure is, however,
frequently impossible or undesirable and
moreover is not often the most economical.
The stability can be provided at less cost by
means of anchors, enabling material and
construction time to be saved.
The structures where this type of problem
arises include in particular slender, light
structures such as towers, masts, pylons
and also quay walls, which in many cases
are vertically anchored, instead of being
provided with broad and heavy footings. On
the other hand, a large number of old dams
or spillway structures, which were built in
the first decades of this century, need to be
strengthened. Most of them are indeed still
in a generally satisfactory state, but they no
longer satisfy modern safety requirements
in regard to stability at exceptionally high
water levels and earthquake movements.
An ideal means of strengthening such
structures is the prestressed anchor. It
requires little space, is adaptable, can be
installed at short notice and rapidly, and no
complicated site equipment is required.
Moreover, the number of anchors required
can be kept small because of the large
forces which can be applied. In earthquake
regions, the anchors increase the
resistance to shearing, sliding and

7.2. Lighthouse at Kullagrund,Sweden


Swedish Navigation
Engineer Vattenbyggnadbyran
(VBB), Stockholm
Stabilator AB, Bromma
Anchors Internordisk Spannarmering
AB, Stockholm
Year of construction

At the end of the fifties the Swedish
Navigation Authorities drew up a
comprehensive programme for the
replacement of the majority of the lightships
and buoys situated alwig the east coast of
Sweden by stationary equipment. Since the
weather conditions in this region are often
bad, it was more economical to carry out the
building and installation workasfaras
possible on land and then to tow out the
completed structure to the appointed

Fig. 77: The lighthouse at Kullagrund

Fig. 78: Section through the lighthouse

The stability of the structure during use can

be assured either by a suitably large and
heavy foundation slab or by anchoring by
means of soil or rock anchors. The method
using anchors enables the design to be
simplified and material to be saved by the
reduction in size of the foundation slab. This
will be illustrated below by the example of
the lighthouse at Kullagrund. This
lighthouse of medium size was built in
winter in a protected bay in north Sweden
and then towed for a distance of almost 800
nautical miles to its intended location about
10 km south-west of Trelleborg in the south
of the country.
Asshown in Fig. 78, the structure consists of
a circular foundation slab of 15 m diameter,
on which a concrete cylinder of 2.40 m
internal diameter stands. A cylindrical steel
tower, 12 min height, is built on this concrete
cylinder. A wall, erected around the
perimeter of the foundation, was temporarily
constructed to provide buoyancy during
towing. At its permanent site, the tower
stands in 11 m of water on a flat ballast bed
grouted with cement mortar, which had
been laid on the hard moraine of the sea

extreme conditions an additional safety

would be provided bysoil ancho--s. As will
be seen below, this method resulted in
considerable savings in the building costs
and also complied extremelywell with the
requirements laid down. In this case, the
increase in tilting safety achieved with the
anchors was relatively small by comparison
with that which would have been possible
using gravity (approximately equal to 3.0),
but was quite sufficient, since a safety factor
of 1.55 was obtained. By contrast, the
anchors play a decisive role in stability
against sliding, as can be seen from the
Coefficient of friction between concrete and
ballast (estimated) m=0.45
Sliding stability without anchors:

The Stability of the Structure

The equilibrium of the lighthouse is a
function of thetilting and sliding stability. In
the case of the Kullagrund Tower, the critical
force is that produced by the waves; for a
wave height of 9 to 10 m, the horizontal
force reaches 3,600 kN, and the lifting force
800 kN. The design was based upon the
principle that the selfweight of the
lighthouse (830 tonnes) affords stability with
a safety factor of about 1.0 in the normal
state, while

N = 8300 - 800
Sliding stability with anchors:
Prestressing force after all losses > 4000 kN


8300-800+ 4000


This value would have been difficult to

achieve by gravity alone and without a
considerable increase in the weight of the
As a result of the use of anchors, the
lighthouse is also capable of withstanding a
force of 550 kN /m from ice pressure at the
water surface, which is twice the value
which in general would be expected.
The anchors
The lighthouse is anchored with 6 VSL
permanent soil anchors. These are vertical
and are uniformly distributed in the concrete
cylinder wall. Each anchor has an ultimate
strength of 1463 kN and consists of 7
strands of 0.5" dyform. To protect

7.3. Lalla Takerkoust Dam, Morocco

Ministry for Public Works
and Communications of the
Kingdom of Morocco
Engineer Elektro-Watt AG, Zurich/
Contractor Joint venture Societe
(incl. drilling and anchors)
Generale des Travaux
du Maroc/Intrafor-Cofor
Rock investigations
Terrexpert AG, Berne

Fig. 79: Comparison of dimensions

against corrosion, the strands are greased and

individually sheathed in a polyethylene duct. In the
bond length, the grease and duct were removed
and the strands were encased instead with epoxy
resin, a corrugated polyethylene tube being used
as formwork and as an additional protection.

Cost comparison
The construction costs for the lighthouse of
Kullagrund amounted to 2.0 million Swedish
crowns, of which 600,000.crowns were for the
electrical equipment (including the connecting
cable to the mainland). A cost comparison showed
that a gravity structure to give a factor of safety of

Years of construction

The Lalla Takerkoust Dam, situated 35 km

south-west from Marrakesh, was built in the years
1929 to 1935. It is a gravity dam of concrete,
originally 52 m high and 357 m long along the
crest. Due to heavy silting of the reservoir, the
stored volume decreased over the years from 53
to 34 million m3. In order to increase the capacity
of the lake, therefore, it was decided to raise the
dam by 9 m and to prestress and anchor the
central region of the structure by means of rock
anchors (Figs. 80, 81). The 54 vertical anchors
required are of VSL types 6-40 to 6-48 with
lengths varying between 63 and 114m, including
10to 12 m bond length. They have ultimate

Fig. 81: Section through the raised dam

forces of 5.65 to 6.78 MN, i. e. the anchors used

here are amongst the largest ever employed for
such a task. The spacing between anchors
variesfrom 2to 4 m, and is usually 3 m. To permit
surveillance of the behaviour of the anchors over
a fairly long period, 5 of them are equipped with
VSL load cells type G 850.

capacities of 10.59 to 12.71 MN and working

1.3 against sliding under the action of 10 m high

waves would have required a thicker foundation
slab with its diameter increased to 19.50 m (Fig.
79), resulting in additional costs of approx.
Swedish crowns 200,000.-.
By comparison with the as-built construction costs,
which without equipment amounted to 1.4 million
SKr, this would have meant a 14% addition.

A structure, for which the stability is attained by
gravity alone, exerts a lower pressure on the soil
and the resulting settlements are smaller. In
addition, the stability when floating is better due to
the larger diameter of foundation, and therefore
higher towers could be built. The following points,
however, are against the foregoing and in favour
of anchoring:
the size of the forces acting upon the
structure depends to a great extent upon its
geometry, so that if the dimensions are
increased in orderto increase the weight, the
force due to the waves also increases. The
increase in weight then leads to larger
loadings and these in turn lead to an increase

Fig. 80: Arrangement of rock anchors

7.4. Milton Lake Dam, Ohio, USA
The town of Youngstown,
Engineer E. D'Appolonia, Consulting Engineers,
Contractor Mergentime Corporation,
Flemington, New Jersey
Anchors VSL Corporation, Springfield, Viriginia
Year of construction

in the dimensions.
the overall stability of a lighthouse is
determined predominantly by the friction of
the foundation slab on the ground. Even if it is
accepted that prestressing does not provide
as high a factor of safety against overturning
as gravity, nevertheless a structure secured
by anchors has a considerably increased
factor of safety against sliding.

Milton Lake Dam is a 15.2 m high earth dam,
which dams the Mahning River, Ohio; it was built
in 1913 to 1917. Like many other small and
medium-sized dams, which were constructed at
the beginning of the twentieth century, it was
rapidly approaching the end of its

useful life after more than fifty years service. This

became clearly apparent when inspectors from
the state of Ohio and the Federal Administration
discovered near the West abutment a depression
on the upstream side of the earth dam and
settlement of the fill behind the wing walls.
Shortly after this discovery, the lake was lowered
by 4.6 m, and the town of You ngstown
commissioned E. D'Appolonia Consulting
Engineers of Pennsylvania to carry out a careful
investigation of the safety of the dam and to make
proposals to the town for improvement works.
D'Appolonia established that the spillway was just
stable in the best case at the normal height of the
lake, but would be in an almost critical condition if
1 m of water flowed over the discharge. It was
therefore a vital matter to repair the spillway
without delay.


The repair measures

Due to financial restrictions, the work was divided
into four stages (one per year). The most critical

pressure of 0.345 bar. The effect of this very

stringent condition was that all 59 holes had to be
grouted and then redrilled. For 11 holes indeed,

operatives guided the anchor into the hole while

the helicopter descended (fig. 83). While the
helicopter continued to hover, the choker was

part of the repair was considered to be the

stabilising of the spillway. D'Appolonia
recommended for this purpose the use of large
rock anchors, which would be anchored in the
sound rock 12.20 m below the foot of the dam

this operation had to be repeated, in order to meet

the specified conditions. After the boreholes had
been drilled, holes had to be drilled at the top of
the spillway as recesses for the anchorages.
During the last week of drilling, the 59 VSL rock

unhitched by the team. Four minutes later, the

helicopter returned with the second anchor. In
spite of a bad thunderstorm lasting two hours and
causing a corresponding period of interruption to
the work, all the rock anchors had been positioned

(Fig. 82).

assembled in the vicinity of the spillway. Each
anchor (ultimate strength 4783 kN) contains 26
strands of 13 mm dia, with lengths of 29.30 to
34.80 m and was fabricated to the exact borehole
length as ascertained by plumbing and was

by 14.30 hours; the operation was therefore

completed 5% hours after arrival of the helicopter.
If a derrick or a crane in the stilling basin had been
used, the work would have taken a month or more.
After all the rock anchors had been installed, grout
was introduced from the lower end of the

marked to identify it. One week afterwards, all the

anchors were transported by the helicopter from
the place of assembly to the dam and lowered into

borehole through a tube inserted down the centre

of the anchor and injected to a height of 8.80 m.
The specification required that this grout should

the holes.
At the day of installing the anchors, the helicopter
hovered at 09.00 hours above the assembly area
in order to hook on the first rock anchor. A choker
was attached to the lead line of the suspension
cable on the underside of the helicopter and a

reach a cube strength of 27.6 N/ mm z after 28

days. By using a suitable mix and a high-speed
mixer, the 28 day strength was reached after only
4 to 5 days.
One week after the grouting of the bond length,
each anchor was stressed to an initial force of

short time afterwards the first rock anchor was in

3273 kN, i. e. to 70% of the ultimate strength. Two

the air and commenced its 300 m travel to the

team waiting on the dam. Two

weeks afterwards, a lift-off test was carried out. If

the difference between this force and the initial
force was less than 5% (neglecting relaxation
losses), the anchor was secondary grouted with
mortar within 48 hours. Six anchors exhibited a

Fig. 83: Positioning of the anchors

Fig. 82: Section through the spillway

loss of force in excess of 5%. These were

restressed to the initial force, again tested after
two weeks and then also grouted.
Five months after the award of the contract by the
City of Youngstown, the last anchor was installed,

Although in earlier years large rock anchors had

i.e., three months earlier than planned.

frequently been installed, difficult and unusual

problems arose with the Milton Dam.
Whereas the state of the dam had gradually
deteriorated over many years, only a very short
period was available for the installing of the
anchors, on account of the climatic conditions. In
addition, the access facilities for the spillway were
limited and the crest of the dam, only 2.42.7 m
wide, made the erection of drilling and installation
equipment on the dam impossible. Howthen
should the 59 holes of diameter 165 mm be drilled
through theconcreteofthespillwayintothesound
grey sandstone below the dam? The contractor
decided to erect the drilling equipment on a
pontoon, while various possibilities for the
installation and stressing of the anchors were
investigated. After all possible alternatives had
been considered, it was decided to use a narrow
gauge rail track running the entire length of the
spillway for handling the stressing equipment. A
helicopter was chosen for bringing up the rock
anchors from the adjacent assembly area and
lowering them into the boreholes in the spillway.
The execution of the anchor work
AT-shaped barge, equipped with a downthe-hole
drilling unit, was brought to the positions where
the holes had to be bored. The drilling work was
carried out almost continuously, working day and
night in two 12-hour shifts. 6 holes were drilled on
average per shift. All the holes had to be subjected
to a water pressure test in the anchorage zone.
The maximum permissible water loss was
specified as 0.005 I / min per 10mm diameter and
perm depth, in a period of 10 minutes at a


7.5. Laing Dam, South Africa

East London Municipality,
Department of Water Affairs
Engineer Ninham Shand and Partners Inc.,
Cape Town
Contractor LTA Construction
(E. Cape) Ltd., Port
Drilling and Anchor contractor
Ground Engineering Ltd.,
Years of construction
The Laing Dam is situated on the Buffalo River
approximately 40 km west of East London and 15
km south-east of King Williams Town and is used
to supply the King Williams Town region with
water. In August 1970, over a period of six days,
more rain fell in the King Williams Town area than
the annual average, turning the Buffalo River into
a torrent. At the Laing Dam, the water flowed over
the spillway to a height of 5,18 metres (exceeding
the original design discharge by 80%). There was
some fear forthestructure's stability, and it was felt
that after the flood had subsided, the structure

might not be completely safe.

Thedam isa mass concrete gravity dam of slender
section, designed before, and built just after, the

- The efficiency of the drilling

- Grouting and stressing techniques
- The bond length

Second World War using current parameters and

design criteria for the probable maximum flood of
3,6 m (1750 cumecs) over the spillway. Afterthe
1970flood, extensive investigations of the
hydrology of the Buffalo River catchment area with

- Prestressing losses
Pull-out tests were carried out on two of these
anchors using bond lengths of 2.8 m and 3.3
metres. Based on these results it was decided to
use an 8 m bond length on all anchors in order to

respect to the Laing Dam were carried out using

the present day flood assessment techniques and
these indicated that the Probable Maximum Flood
(PMF) was of the order of 8200 cumecs (6,6 m
over the spillway). While the Standard Project
Flood was 4100 cumecs. Clearly the dam had to

achieve a minimum factor of safety of at least 2.5.

The remaining three anchors were used to
monitor the relaxation loss in the steel and the
creep of the bedrock. From this data the long-term
losses of the prestressing were found to be
approximately 12% (normal relaxation strand) for

be modified.

a cable stressed to 70% of its ultimate capacity.


Design concept
Taking into account such factors as overturning
stability, resistance to sliding etc. for the revised
PMF the Engineers conducted feasibility studies
on various alternative proposals. Taking into

For drilling the 175 mm diameter boreholes, two

custom built drill rigs of small size required to fit on
the dam wall and sufficient power to reach the
depths were constructed. The drills using
down-thehole hammers were compact and set up
on bogies to run on track fixed in position on the

account the problems and costs associated with

wall (fig. 84).

each alternative it was decided that the vertical

post-stressing technique would be most suitable.
This involved inserting poststressed anchors

The tolerance on verticality of holes specified was

1:150. Over 131 holes, the average verticality
measured was 1:500 from plumb, and three holes

vertically through the wall into the foundation rock.

A total number of 131 anchors were required,

were found to be absolutely vertical. To obtain this

accuracy, very great care was exercised when

which varied in initial working capacity from 4800

to 6000 kN. The anchors were located 1 m from
the upstream face and at centres ranging from 1,0

starting holes, especially over the top 6 metres.

After drillholes had been pressuregrouted they
were redrilled and then scrubbed using a rotary

m to 5,4 m depending on the height of the dam

wall. The depth of the anchors varied from 14to 63

brush, after which they were

watertightness. Test criteria were:

m and had to penetrate at least 12 m into the

underlying dolerite bedrock. In order to ensure
satisfactory spacing of the anchors, accurate

With an applied pressure of 5 bars the hole should

allow outflow of not more than 0,05 litres/metre of
hole/minute. (This specification was tightened up

drilling was specified.

The top anchorages were to be placed on a newly

from the original allowable of 0,1 litre/m/ minute.)

If a hole failed, it was regrouted, redrilled and

constructed reinforced concrete distribution beam.

rebrushed until it passed. Passed holes were then

flushed three times with a solution of caustic soda
and water and blown out to remove dirt and oil

The criteria for the anchors which governed the

successful tender's thinking were:
Maximum initial working force of

down the entire length to improve the

efficiency of grouting.
With this in mind it was decided that to cater for
the above an anchor consisting of 36 0 15.2 mm
strands (ultimate strength 9000 kN) was required.
For the top anchorage the VSL system was
chosen, with a specially designed anchor head to
cater for the geometry and also the hollow core
through which flushjointed fluted pipes could be
inserted for grouting.


traces, then left full of water.

Drilling operations continued for 3 months working
24 hours per day, 7 days per week.

Anchor assembly and installation

The anchors were assembled in a weatherproof
enclosure using a system of hollow ferrule spacers
and steel binders. Over the lower 8 m bond length
the anchor was seized at 1,5 m centres and a
special steel shoe was fixed to the end of the
anchor. Just prior to the installation of the anchor
into the borehole the lower portion, which formed
the bond length, was thoroughly scrubbed with

Anchor design

6000 kN
A multi-pull single jacking operation
Size of drill-hole limited
Reasonable amount of flexibility for
installation purposes
A large hollow central core to be left


Fig. 85: Anchor installation

Fig. 84: Drilling operation

detergent to remove the soluble oil applied as a

temporary corrosion protection to ensure that
proper bond would be developed between the
anchor and the anchorage grout.
The anchors were removed from the assembly
shed by means of an overhead blondin and
inserted directly into the boreholes (Fig. 85). After
allowing the anchor to hang freely for 24 hours a
25 mm grout pipe was lowered through the
ferrules down to the bottom of the hole. The
anchors were then bonded to the bedrock by
injecting grout under water. On completion of this
grouting operation the grout pipe was withdrawn
using a vibrator.
Extensive tests were carried out in order to design
grouts which had optimum strength, density,
shrinkage and bleed properties. An anchorage
grout with a minimum 9-day strength of 25 N /mmz
and a maximum bleed of 1 % was used in the

Initial work
The specification called for five test anchors to be
installed close to the dam wall in order to assess:

bond length of the holes while a second stage

protection grout with a minimum 28-day strength
of 20 N /mm' and virtually no bleed was used to
grout the remainder of the anchor once the
stressing operations had been completed.


Fig. 87: View of anchor tops

After the bond grout had attained the
required strength the anchors were

type stressed to 70% of ultimate load (Fig.

86). The initial stressing operation was
carried out in three phases in order to
determine the friction losses down the hole,
the wedge draw-ins, and to confirm the
lock off loads. On completion of the initial
post-tensioning, the residual load in each
anchor was checked at 24 hours in order to
posttensioning was within the margins
specified and whether the anchorages were
acceptable. The post-tensioning loads were
then adjusted to give a final stress of 60% of
ultimate under working loads. A further
check was carried out 3 days later when the
residual loads had to be within 2% of the
corresponding value on the master
relaxation curve. Allowance had been made
for additional residual checks to be carried
out at 6, 9 and 12 days in the event of the
earlier readings falling outside the specified
limits. All the anchors installed satisfied the
3-day acceptance criteria

and the final stage grouting operations were

normally undertaken 4 days after initially
stressing. Before the final stage grouting
was undertaken the boreholes were flushed
with detergent to remove the soluble oil
from the free length portion of the cables.
After the anchors had been successfully
stressed and grouted, the anchor blocks
and distribution beam were incorporated
into the reconstructed profile of the spillway
and the non-overflow sections.
The installation of the prestressed rock
anchors was carried out over a period of 7
In terms of raising and strengthening of
dams, the Laing Dam contract was by no
means unique by way of theories and
techniques used. What was unusual was
the loading used in the stressing and thus
the size of anchors required and the
difficulties of handling such large material
and equipment in the limited space

type 5-23 (working force 2960 kN, ultimate

strength 4228 kN) with an average anchor

length of 16.76 m were used for this


Fig. 86: Stressing operation


Center Hill Dam, Tennessee,

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
U.S. Army Corps of
Anchors VSL Corporation, Springfield,
Year of construction

The Center Hill Dam is situated on the

Caney Fork River in the vicinity of Nash
ville, Tennessee. It is a combination o earth
dam and concrete gravity dam and has a
total length of 660m. The maximum height is
73 m. The reservoir has a capaci ty of 2. 58
x 109 m 3 .
The problem which had arisen at the Center
Hill Dam was not that of the stability against
overturning, but a con structional one.
During construction o the concrete portion,
a number of horizontal concrete joints had
been neces sary. One of these joints had
been the cause of leakage problems right
from the start. To rectify this, the Corps, of
En gineers decided to install VSLanchors,
by which the open joint would be closed by
compression. Twelve rock anchors of


8. References and Bibliography

8.1. References
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Sons, New York, 1943.
TerzaghiK. &Beck,R.B. Soil mechanicsinengineering
practice John Wiley & Sons, New York 1967.

VSL Inter national Ltd.

PO. Box 7124, 3001 Berne/Switzerland, Tel 41-31-66 42 22, Telex 911755 vsl ch, Fax 41-31-66 42 50


VSL Prestressing (Aust.)
Pty. Ltd.
6 Pioneer Avenue
Thornleigh, NSW 2120
Tel 61-2-484 5944
Fax 61-2-481 0160


Hong Kong
VSL North East Asia
Regional Office
Bank of America Tower,
Suite 1407
12 Harcourt Road
Central, Hong Kong
Tel 852-537 9390
Fax 852-537 9593

Corporate Office
VSL Corporation
1671 Dell Avenue
Campbell, CA 95008
Tel 1-408-866 6777
Fax 1-408-374 4113


VSL (Switzerland) Ltd.
Bernstrasse 9
3421 Lyssach
Tel 41-34-47 99 11
Fax 41-34-45 43 22

Killick Prestressing Ltd.
Killick House/Killick Estate
Baji Pasalkar Marg, Chandivli
Bombay 400072
Tel 91-22-578 44 81
Fax 91-22-578 47 19

VSL Prestressing (Aust.)

Pty. Ltd.
81 Granite St.
Geebung, OLD 4034
Tel 61-7-265 6400
Fax 61-7-265 7534

VSL Systems (B) Sdn. Bhd.
P.O. Box 33
Bandar Seri Begawan 2600
Tel 673-2-229 153
Fax 673-2-221 954

VSL Engineers (M) Sdn.
Bhd., 39 B Jalan Alor
50200 Kuala Lumpur
Tel 60-3-242 4711

VSL Singapore Pte. Ltd.
151 Chin Swee Road
# 11-01/10 Manhattan House
Singapore 0316
Tel 65-235-7077/9

VSL Prestressing (Aust.)

Pty. Ltd.
2, Summit Road
Noble Park, VIC 3174
Tel 61-3-795 0366
Fax 61-3-795 0547

PT VSL Indonesia
Jalan Bendungan Hilir Raya
Kav. 36A Blok B No. 3
Tromol Pos 3609/JKT
Jakarta 10210
Tel 62-21-571 1882
Fax 62-21-581 217

New Zealand
Precision Precasting
(Wgtn.) Ltd.
Main Road South
Private Bag, Otaki
Tel 64-694 8126

VSL (Thailand) Co., Ltd.
7th Fl., Sarasin Building
14 Surasak Road
Silom, Bangrak Bangkok
Tel 66-2-237 3288

Hong Kong
VSL Engineers (HK) Ltd.
20/F., East Town Building
41 Lockhart Road
Wanchai, Hong Kong
Tel 852-520 1600
Fax 852-865 6290

VSL Korea Co., Ltd.
5/F., Yang Jae Building
261, Yangjae-Dong,
Tel 82-2-574 8200
Fax 82-2-577 0098

VSL Redland Concrete
Products Ltd.
18 B Fragrant Court
Ocean Gardens
Tel 853-81 00 77

VSL Systems (Taiwan) Ltd.
1 Fl., No 20-1, Lane 107
Hoping East Road, Sec. 2
Taipei, R.O.C.
Tel 886-2-707 7253

VSL Corporation
P.O. Box 1228
11925 12th Avenue South
Burnsville, MN 55337
Tel 1-612-894 6350
Fax 1-612-894 5708

VSL Corporation
370 Middletown Blvd. # 500
Langhorne, PA 19047
Tel 1-215-750 6609

VSL Corporation
4208 198th Street, SW
Lynnwood, WA 98036
Tel 1-206-771 3088

VSL Corporation
VSL Corporation
5555 Oakbrook Parkway, # 530 1414 Post&Paddock
Norcross, GA 30093
Grand Prairie, TX 75050
Tel 1-404-446 3000
Tel 1-214-647 0200
Fax 1-404-242 7493
Fax 1-214-641 1192

USA West
VSL Western
1077 Dell Avenue
Campbell, CA 95008
Tel 1-408-866 5000

VSL Corporation
91-313 Kauhi Street
Ewa Beach, HI 96707
Tel 1-808-682 2811

VSL Corporation
7223 N.W. 46th Street
Miami, FL 33166-6490
Tel 1-305-592 5075
Fax 1-305-592 5629

VSL Corporation
608 Garrison Street # V
Lakewood, CO 80215
Tel 1-303-239 6655
Fax 1-303-239 6623

VSL Corporation
10810 Talbert
Fountain Valley, CA 92708
Tel 1-714-964 6330

Canadian BBR (1980) Inc.
P.O. Box 37
Agincourt, ONT M1S 3134
Tel 1-416-291 1618

Sonderbau GesmbH
Sechshauser Str. 83
1150 Wien
Tel 43-222-892 02 80
Fax 43-222-892 02 80 33

VSL Systems S.A.
18, Valaoritou Str.
Athens 10671
Tel 30-1-36 38 453
Fax 30-1-36 09 543

VSL Norge A/S
P.O. Box 173
4001 Stavanger
Tel 47-4-56 37 01

VSL Iberica S.A.
Paseo de la Castellana,
11772 D
28046 Madrid
Tel 34-1-556 18 18

VSL France S.a.r.l.
154, rue du Vieux-Pont-duSevres
92100 Boulogne-Billancourt
Tel 33-1-462 149 42
Fax 33-1-476 105 58

Preco S.r.l.
Via Olona 12
20123 Milano
Tel 39-2-48 18 031
Fax 39-2-28 10 2111

VSL Prequipe SA
Internordisk Spannarmering
Av. da Republica, 47-2. Esq. AB (ISAB)
1000 Lisboa
Vendevagen 89
Tel 351-1-793 85 30
18225 Danderyd
Tel 46-8-753 0250

SUSPA Spannbeton GmbH
Max-Planck-Ring 1
4018 Langenfeld/Rhld.
Tel 49-2173 79020
Fax 49-2173 790 220

Civielco BY.
Rhijnhofweg 9
2300 At Leiden
Tel 31-71-768 900
Fax 31-71-720 886

South Africa
United Kingdom
Steeledale Systems (Pty.) Ltd. Balvac Whitley Moran Ltd.
8 Nansen Place
Ashcroft Road, P.O. Box 4
Tulisa Park 2197
Kirkby, Liverpool L33 7ZS
Johannesburg 2000
Tel 44-51-549 2121
Tel 27-11-613 7741

VSL Japan Corporation
Tachibana Shinjuku Bldg. 4F
2-26, 3-chome Nishi-Shinjuku
Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 160
Tel 81-33-346 8913
Fax 81-33-345 9153

USA East
VSL Eastern
8006 Haute Court
Springfield, VA 22150
Tel 1-703-451 4300
Fax 1-703-451 0862


Rudloff-VSL Industrial Ltda.
Prestress VSL of Bolivia
Rua Dr. E. Th. Santana, 158
Jauregui Ltd.
Barra Funda
Calle Fernando Guachala
2do, Pasaje No 715-B, La Paz Sao Paulo/CEP 01140
Tel 55-11-826 0455
Tel 591-2-321 874
Fax 55-11-826 6266
Fax 591-2-371 493

Sistemas Especiales de
Construccion SA
Josue Smith Solar 434
Santiago 9
Tel 56-2-233 1057

Pretensado VSL del Peru SA
Avenida Principal 190
Santa Catalina
Lima 13
Tel 51-14-760 423

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