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Diphtheria: Questions and Answers: Information About The Disease and Vaccines

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Diphtheria: Questions and Answers

Information about the disease and vaccines

What causes diphtheria?

Is there a treatment for diphtheria?

How does diphtheria spread?

Diphtheria is treated with both antibiotics and with

diphtheria antitoxin. Diphtheria antitoxin is produced in horses and was first used in the United
States in 1891. Antitoxin does not get rid of toxin
that is already attached to the body's tissues, but will
neutralize any circulating poison and will prevent
the disease from getting worse. The patient should
be tested for sensitivity to this antitoxin before it is

Diphtheria is caused by a bacterium, Corynebacterium

diphtheriae. The actual disease is caused when the bacteria release a toxin, or poison, into a person's body.
Diphtheria bacteria live in the mouth, throat, and
nose of an infected person and can be passed to others by coughing or sneezing. Occasionally, transmission occurs from skin sores or through articles soiled
with oozing from sores of infected people.
How long does it take to show signs of diphtheria
after being exposed?

The incubation period is short: 25 days, with a

range of 110 days.
What are the symptoms of diphtheria?

Early symptoms of diphtheria may mimic a cold with

a sore throat, mild fever, and chills. Usually, the disease causes a thick coating at the back of the throat,
which can make it difficult to breathe or swallow.
Other body sites besides the throat can also be affected, including the nose, larynx, eye, vagina, and skin.
How serious is diphtheria?

Diphtheria is a serious disease: 5%10% of all people

with diphtheria die. Up to 20% of cases lead to death
in certain age groups of individuals (e.g., children
younger than age 5 years and adults older than age
40 years).
What are possible complications from diphtheria?

Most complications of diphtheria are due to the release of the toxin, or poison. The most common complications are inflammation of the heart leading to
abnormal heart rhythms, and inflammation of the
nerves which may cause temporary paralysis of some
muscles. If the paralysis affects the diaphragm (the
major muscle for breathing), the patient may develop
pneumonia or respiratory failure. The thick membrane coating at the back of the throat may cause
serious breathing problems, including suffocation.
How do I know if someone has diphtheria?

The diagnosis of diphtheria can only be confirmed

after a physician takes a small sample of infected material from the patient's throat (or other site) and has
the sample tested in a laboratory. But because this
disease progresses quickly, treatment usually should
begin based on the health professional's assessment
of the patient.
Technical content reviewed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

How common is diphtheria in the United States?

Diphtheria was once a greatly feared illness in the

United States. In the 1920s, there were between
100,000 and 200,000 cases of diphtheria each year
with 13,00015,000 deaths. Because of widespread
immunization and better living conditions, diphtheria is now rare in the United States (during 1998
2009, seven cases of respiratory diphtheria were
reported to CDC).
Recent surveys have found that immunity decreases
with age, and only 30% of U.S. adults age 6069
years are vaccinated against diphtheria. This is a concern because the disease continues to occur in other
parts of the world. For example, after the breakup of
the former Soviet Union, their vaccination rates fell,
and large outbreaks of diphtheria began in 1990 in
the Newly Independent States. From 1990 to 1998,
more than 150,000 people got sick from diphtheria
and more than 5,000 people died. This situation, and
other outbreaks around the world, illustrates what
can happen when vaccination levels fall. Outbreaks
in other countries also increase the risk of diphtheria
importation into the United States.
Can you get diphtheria more than once?

Yes. Even individuals recovering from diphtheria

should be immunized against the disease as soon
as possible.
When did vaccine first become available for diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis?

The first inactivated toxin, or toxoid, against diphtheria was developed around 1921, but it was not
widely used until the 1930s. In 1924, the first tetanus toxoid (inactivated toxin) was produced and was
used successfully to prevent tetanus in the armed
services during World War II. The first pertussis
vaccine was developed in the 1930s and was in
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widespread use by the mid-1940s, when pertussis
vaccine was combined with diphtheria and tetanus
toxoids to make the combination DTP vaccine. A
series of 4 doses of whole-cell DTP vaccine was quite
(7090%) effective in preventing serious pertussis
disease; however, up to half of the children who received the vaccine developed local reactions such as
redness, swelling, and pain at the injection site. In
1991, concerns about safety led to the development
of more purified (acellular) pertussis vaccines that
are associated with fewer side effects. These acellular pertussis vaccines have replaced the whole cell
DTP vaccines in the U.S.
In 2005, two new vaccine products were licensed for
use in adolescents and adults that combine the tetanus and diphtheria toxoids with acellular pertussis
(Tdap) vaccine. These vaccines are the first acellular
pertussis-containing vaccines that make it possible to
vaccinate adolescents and adults against pertussis.
How are vaccines made that prevent diphtheria,
tetanus and pertussis?

These vaccines are made by chemically treating the

diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis toxins to render
them nontoxic yet still capable of eliciting an immune response in the vaccinated person. They are
known as inactivated vaccines because they do
not contain live bacteria and cannot replicate themselves, which is why multiple doses are needed to
produce immunity.
Whats the difference between all the vaccines containing diphtheria and tetanus toxoids and pertussis

Its like alphabet soup! Here is a listing of the various products:

DTaP: Diphtheria and tetanus toxoids and acellular pertussis vaccine; given to infants and children
ages 6 weeks through 6 years. In addition, three
childhood combination vaccines include DTaP as
a component.
DT: Diphtheria and tetanus toxoids, without the
pertussis component; given to infants and children ages 6 weeks through 6 years who have a
contraindication to the pertussis component.
Tdap: Tetanus and diphtheria toxoids with acellular pertussis vaccine; given to adolescents and
adults, usually as a single dose; the exception is
pregnant women who should receive Tdap during
each pregnancy.
Td: Tetanus and diphtheria toxoids; given to children and adults ages 7 years and older. Note the
small d which indicates a much smaller quantity

of diphtheria toxoid than in the pediatric DTaP

How are these vaccines given?

The DTaP and DT preparations are all given as an injection in the anterolateral thigh muscle (for infants
and young toddlers) or in the deltoid muscle (for
older children and adults). Tdap and Td are given
in the deltoid muscle for children and adults age 7
years and older.
Who should get these vaccines?

All children, beginning at age 2 months, and adults

need protection against these three diseasesdiphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis (whooping cough).
Routine booster doses are also needed throughout
How many doses of vaccine are needed?

The usual schedule for infants is a series of four

doses of DTaP given at 2, 4, 6, and 1518 months of
age. A fifth shot, or booster dose, is recommended
between age 4 and 6 years, unless the fourth dose
was given late (after the fourth birthday).
For people who were never vaccinated or who may
have started but not completed a series of shots,
a 3-dose series of Td should be given with 1 to
2 months between dose #1 and #2, and 6 to 12
months between dose #2 and #3. One of the doses,
preferably the first, should also contain the pertussis
component in the form of Tdap.
Because immunity to diphtheria and tetanus wanes
with time, boosters of Td are needed every ten years.
When adolescents and adults are scheduled for their
routine tetanus and diphtheria booster, should they
get vaccinated with Td or Tdap?

Immunization experts recommend that the first dose

of Tdap be given to all adolescents at age 1112
years as a booster during the routine adolescent immunization visit if the adolescent has finished the
childhood DTaP schedule and has not already received a dose of Td or Tdap. If a child age 710
years did not complete a primary series in childhood,
a dose of Tdap may be given earlier as part of the
catch-up vaccinations.
All adults should receive a single dose of Tdap as
soon as feasible. Then, subsequent booster doses of
Td should be given every ten years. Pregnant teens
and women should receive Tdap during each pregnancy. Adolescents and adults who have recently
received Td vaccine can be given Tdap without any
waiting period.

Immunization Action Coalition St. Paul, MN 55104 (651) 647-9009 www.vaccineinformation.org www.immunize.org

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If someone experiences a deep or puncture wound,
or a wound contaminated with dirt, an additional
booster dose may be given if the last dose was more
than five years ago. This could be a dose of Td or
Tdap, depending on the persons vaccination history. It is important to keep an up-to-date record
of all immunizations so that repeat doses dont become necessary. Although it is vital to be adequately
protected, receiving more doses than recommended
can lead to increased local reactions, such as painful
swelling of the arm.
Who recommends the use of these vaccines?

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

(CDC), the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP),
the American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP),
and the American College of Physicians (ACP) all
recommend this vaccine.
What side effects have been reported with these

Local reactions, such as fever, redness and swelling

at the injection site, and soreness and tenderness
where the shot was given, are not uncommon in children and adults. These minor local and systemic adverse reactions are much less common with acellular
DTaP vaccine; however, a determination of more rare
adverse effects can only be made when additional
data are available following extended use of DTaP.
Side effects following Td or Tdap in older children
and adults include redness and swelling at the injection site (following Td) and generalized body aches,
and tiredness (following Tdap). Older children and
adults who received more than the recommended
doses of Td/Tdap vaccine can experience increased
local reactions, such as painful swelling of the arm.
This is due to the high levels of tetanus antibody in
their blood.
How effective are these vaccines?

After a properly spaced primary series of DTaP or Td/

Tdap, approximately 95% of people will have protective levels of diphtheria antitoxin and 100% will
have protective levels of tetanus antitoxin in their
blood. However, antitoxin levels decrease with time
so routine boosters with tetanus and diphtheria toxoids are recommended every 10 years. Estimates of
acellular pertussis vaccine efficacy range from 80%
to 85%a level believed to be far more efficacious
than the previously-used whole cell pertussis vaccine.

ing each pregnancy, preferably between 27 and 36

weeks gestation. Because infants are not adequately
protected against pertussis until they have received
at least 3 doses of DTaP, it is especially important that
all contacts (family members, caregivers) of infants
younger than age 12 months are vaccinated with
Tdap. If a new mother hasnt been vaccinated with
Tdap, she should receive it before hospital discharge,
even if she is breastfeeding.
Who should not receive these vaccines?

Generally, any person who has had a serious allergic

reaction to a vaccine component or a prior dose of
the vaccine should not receive another dose of the
same vaccine. People who had a serious allergic reaction to a previous dose of DTaP or Tdap vaccine
should not receive another dose.
Certain rare adverse events following pertussis vaccination usually serve as a precaution against receiving
further doses. Such events include a temperature of
105F or higher within two days, collapse or shocklike state within two days, persistent crying for more
than three hours within two days, or convulsions
within three days. Even if one of these precautions
exists, there may be occasions when the benefit
of immunization outweighs the risk (for example,
during a community-wide outbreak of pertussis). A
person who developed one of these adverse events
after pediatric DTaP vaccine may receive Tdap as an
adolescent or adult.
A person with a recognized, possible, or potential
neurologic condition should delay receiving DTaP
or Tdap vaccine until the condition is evaluated,
treated, and/or stabilized. Although DTaP vaccine
does not cause neurological disorders, receiving the
vaccine can cause an already-present underlying
condition to show itself.
Can the vaccine cause the disease?


Can a pregnant woman receive Tdap vaccine?

Yes. All pregnant women should receive Tdap dur-

Immunization Action Coalition St. Paul, MN 55104 (651) 647-9009 www.vaccineinformation.org www.immunize.org

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