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Differential Mobility Particle Sizer (Aerosol Measurements) : Institute For Atmospheric and Climate Science

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Institute for Atmospheric and Climate Science - IACETH

Atmospheric Physics Lab Work

Differential Mobility Particle Sizer

(Aerosol measurements)


A differential mobility particle sizer (DMPS) is a standard tool in atmospheric science to measure the
particle size distribution in the sub-micron size range. In this experiment, a DMPS is used to measure
the aerosol size distribution of two particle sources: A candle and urban air. Both size distributions are
analyzed and compared to each other.

Questions to be answered during the reading of the manual

(Will be discussed in a small tutorial ahead of the experiment)

Why is the particle size important for ambient air?

Why need the particles to be charged in order to be measured with this technique?

What happens if particles carry multiple charges?

Can you think of other techniques to measure particle sizes? For which sized may they be
best suited and why?

Please finish the following exercises before the day of the experiment:

Consider the formulas and calculate the min/max size range from the possible
voltages. (Hint: It is simplest to do this graphically. Plot the voltage as a function of
the particle diameter. Get the size range from this linear plot).

Divide the size range into size bins (e.g. 10 per decade).

Calculate the appropriate voltage for each size.

Differential Mobility Particle Sizer

Table of Contents
1. Introduction............................................................................................................4
2. Instruments............................................................................................................4
2.1. DMA and electrical mobility........................................................................................................................4
2.1.1. Neutralizer..................................................................................................................................................6

Condensation Particle Counter (CPC)........................................................................................................6


Differential Mobility Particle Sizer (DMPS)..............................................................................................6



3. Practical advice.....................................................................................................8

DMA flow calibration...................................................................................................................................8


Delay time......................................................................................................................................................8

4. Experiments...........................................................................................................9





Urban air........................................................................................................................................................9



5. References...........................................................................................................10

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Atmospheric Physics Lab Work

1. Introduction
Aerosols are liquid or solid particles suspended in a gas. Aerosols in the atmosphere can have
both natural and anthropogenic sources. Besides air pollution and health effects atmospheric
aerosols are an important factor in climate effects, especially with respect to the radiation
budget of the atmosphere. In addition to light scattering in the atmosphere, as in the case of
fog or smog, they can directly scatter solar radiation back to space and therefore cause
radiative cooling (direct aerosol effect). Furthermore, aerosols can act as cloud condensation
nuclei leading to cloud formation. The radiative properties of the clouds depend on the
number and type of aerosol (indirect aerosol effect).
The size range of atmospheric aerosols is from about 10 nm to 100 m. Thereby, particles in
the order of 0.1-1m are a matter of particular interest since they have the highest scattering
intensities, longest atmospheric lifetimes and are the majority of cloud condensation nuclei.
The size distribution of polydisperse aerosols can be determined with a DMPS System
(Differential Mobility Particle Sizer). A DMPS consists of a DMA (Differential Mobility
Analyzer) transmitting only particles with a certain size, and a CPC (Condensation Particle
Counter), counting these particles. In this lab experiment, the size distributions of different
types of aerosol particles will be determined with a DMPS system. The setup is shown in
Figure 1.

2. Instruments
2.1. DMA and electrical mobility
A DMA separates charged particles according to their electrical mobility. Electrically charged
particles move in the electrical field according to their electrical mobility. The DMA is a

Figure 1: Experimental setup

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Differential Mobility Particle Sizer

Figure 2: Differential Mobility Analyzer, Figure from TSI

cylindrical capacitor consisting of an inner electrode (HV-Rod) and an outer electrode,

(Figure 2). The incoming sample flow containing the polydisperse aerosol (Polydisperse
Aerosol In) is directed (together with laminar particle-free sheath) air parallel to the HV-Rod.
The horizontal particle velocity is:
v =Z p E


where v is the particle velocity, and Zp the electrical mobility and E is the field strength. The
electrical mobility of a particle is defined as the ratio of the constant limiting velocity a
charged particle will reach in a uniform electric field to the magnitude of this field [Willeke
and Baron]. The electrical mobility depends mainly on the particle size and electrical charge.
The smaller the particle and/or the higher the electrical charge the higher is the electrical
mobility. The electrical mobility is in general given in dependence of the particle diameter dp
Z p=

n e C c d p
3 d p


where Cc is the Cunningham slip correction which is a correction to the friction for particles
between the continuum and free molecular regime.
C c =1

0.999 d p
1.1420.558 exp


The electric mobility in a DMA for a certain deposition location can be described by the
following equation

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Atmospheric Physics Lab Work

Z p=

q cqm
4 V


where qc is the flow of sheath air at the DMA entry and qm the sheath air flow at the DMA exit
[Knutson and Whitby]. V is the voltage between inner and outer rod and is an instrument
constant given by


( )



where L is the DMA length, rinner the radius of the inner electrode from the DMA capacitor
and router the radius of the outer electrode from the DMA capacitor, i.e. the inner radius of the
DMA cover. Depending on their polarity the particles are accelerated either to the outer or the
inner electrode. The particles whose deposition place (at a certain voltage, i.e. electrical
mobility) matches the position of the gap at the outlet of the DMA (Figure 2) pass the DMA,
i.e. are size classified. The transmitted particles satisfy the following mobility-voltage
relationship which can be derived from equations (2) and (4):


3 qc


2 ne C c d p


By ramping the DMA voltage, the selected particle diameter can be changed. The DMA used
in this experiment has the following dimensions: L = 44.37 cm, rinner = 9.37 mm and router =
19.61 mm. Further, it can be assumed that for air at room temperature the mean free path is
=66.5 nm and the viscosity =1.8310 5 Nsm 2 .
2.1.1. Neutralizer
Before the particles enter the DMA they pass through a neutralizer. The neutralizer does not
neutralize charges, but rather brings the particles into a well-known charge distribution with a
radioactive polonium source. The result is a Boltzmann distribution of negative and positive
charged particles. In an electric field a particle with n charges experiences an electric force,
causing it to move through the gas in which it is suspended.

2.2. Condensation Particle Counter (CPC)

The CPC counts the aerosol particles that pass through the DMA. Inside a CPC, incoming
particles are enlarged due to vapor condensation so that they are big enough for later
detection. This is done in a heated saturator where alcohol vapor condenses onto the particles,
causing them to grow into droplets. These droplets are then detected with a laser beam (Figure
3). The working fluid in the CPC (TSI, Model 3010) used in this experiment is n-butanol. The
instrument detects particles between 10 nm and 3 m. Single particles are detected for
concentrations lower then 104 cm3. For higher concentrations the particle number is estimated
from the scattered laser light. The sample flow of the instrument is 1 l min1.

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Differential Mobility Particle Sizer

Figure 3: Condensation Particle Counter, Figure from TSI

2.3. Differential Mobility Particle Sizer (DMPS)

A DMPS consists of a DMA and a CPC. Particles are first size selected with the DMA and
then counted with the CPC.

2.4. Flowmeter
A flow meter is an instrument for measuring and calibrating volume flows of gases. The
Gilibrator instrument (Figure 4) we use in this experiment works with a soap bubble rising
with the flow. It measures air flows in both directions. i.e. in a sucking or blowing mode. It is
important that incoming air enters the lower hose connection and exits the upper connection.
At the base of the flow cell is a bubble generator. By pushing the button down, a ring lowers

Figure 4: Gilibrator flowmeter

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Atmospheric Physics Lab Work

itself into the soap solution, creating a film. Releasing the button lifts the film to the flow tube
and it rises with the air stream. Sensors measure the velocity of the bubble and the volume
flow rate is calculated. Note, that the Gilibrator measures volume flows. To compare these
flows e.g. to a Mass Flow Controller, volume flows have to be temperature- and pressurecompensated using the ideal gas law.

3. Practical advice
3.1. DMA flow checks
Disconnect the CPC before calibrating the DMA flows!
When changing tubing connected to the CPC always switch off the CPC pump before!
The sheath- and sample flows of the DMA used in the experiment need to be controlled prior
to the experiment as the selected particle diameter directly depends on the air flow. First of
all, the sheath air in the DMA system must be set to 5 l min 1 in the labview program. The
flow is then measured using the Gilibrator Flowmeter.
The DMA sheath flow system is a closed loop. Air is sucked by a blower from the lower exit
of the DMA (excess air out) and passes a filter. A mass flow controller upstream of the blower
regulates the flows and is controlled by a labview program. After passing the two 3-way
valves the particle free air enters the DMA again (sheath air in).
Before starting, disconnect the CPC!
First, block the DMA polydisperse aerosol in line as well as the monodisperse aerosol out
line. Turn both 3-way valves so that they point outwards. Start the labview program and set
the sheath flow to 5 l min1. The blower will now suck air from the 3-way valve V1, then
through the DMA and finally release it at V2. Measure with the Gilibrator Flowmeter if the
inlet flow at V1 equals the exhaust flow at V2. You should see only little differences.
Next, measure the flow of the CPC by starting its pump and connecting the flowmeter right at
its inlet.
Finally, in order to check if leaks or blockages are present in the system, measure the aerosol
flow upstream of the neutralizer. For that, unblock the DMA aerosol in and out lines and
connect the CPC to the aerosol out line. Switch on the CPC pump and measure the aerosol
flow with the flowmeter. You should not see a strong deviation from 1 l min1.

3.2. Delay time

Particles need some time to pass from the DMA entrance to the CPC. This delay time needs to
be determined so it can be added to all further measurements. To measure the delay time a
filter can be connected upstream of the DMA entrance. When the concentration at the CPC
has dropped to zero remove the filter. The time it takes now until incoming particles have
reached the CPC and its readout shows a concentration settled at a stable level is called the
time lag.

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Differential Mobility Particle Sizer

4. Experiments
4.1. Exercises
After the flows have been adjusted and the instrument has been brought to a working state the
size distributions of aerosol particles can be measured. In this experiment the size distribution
of the aerosols which a standard tea light candle produces shall be compared to the size
distribution of ambient urban aerosols. Perform all experiments twice to have two size
distributions for comparison.

4.2. Candle
The candle stands inside a glass volume so that the aerosols it produces are not diluted. The
ventilator is used to distribute the aerosols equally in the volume. Since the candle needs a lot
of oxygen add a flow of 10 l/min of filtered compressed air to the volume. Mount the tubes
into the volume and ensure that the sampling tube is fixed in the upper part. Wait until the
candle burns stable before you start sampling. Monitor the CPC concentration at one of your
smaller size bins to ensure a stable concentration has been reached. Measure the concentration
step by step for all of your size bins to obtain the full size distribution. Note that your
measurements should start only after the delay time.

4.3. Urban air

Do exactly as before for ambient air. Use appropriate tubing (conductive, i.e. black silicone or
metal tubing) to sample from outside the window.

4.4. Report
Your report should have the following structure:
Summary of the theory
calculation and table of voltage vs. diameter
Complete measurement report including graphics
Derivations and interpretations
Results and discussion
Calculation of errors

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Atmospheric Physics Lab Work

5. References

Instruction Manual: Model 3010 Condensation Particle Counter; 2002, TSI

Incorporated, St. Paul, MN, USA.

Operation and Service Manual: Series 3080 Electrostatic Classifiers; 2006, TSI
Incorporated, St. Paul, MN, USA.

E. O. Knutson and K. T. Whitby (1975). Aerosol classification by electric mobility:

Apparatus, theory, and applications. J. Aerosol Sci. 6: 443-451.

K. Willeke and P.A. Baron: Aerosol Measurement, Van Nostrand, 1993

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