Full Text 01
Full Text 01
Full Text 01
Bachelor Thesis
Zhouni LIN 880725-T189
Shiying YAN 890522-T043
Aihie Osarenkhoe
Aim: The purpose of the study is to do the research that under the e-commerce
business model, the impact factors of customer loyalty in an online shopping
environment, how to improve the customer loyalty and how to build a long lasting
customer relationship.
Findings: The studying on improving customer loyalty under the B2C e-commerce
model is significant for theory and practice. On the background of Amazon company
which is the biggest e-commerce company in America, according to the relevant
literature and field surveysthe paper brings forward the importance of customer
loyalty at the e-commerce business. It could come to the conclusion is how to
improve the customer loyalty and then how to build the long lasting customer
Contribution: The paper according to the characters of the online shopping and
combine with the literature about the e-commerce and customer loyalty research, Put
forward a certain hypothesis, through questionnaire survey on customers, and
statistical analysis of the relationship between customer loyalty and its influence
factors make an empirically evaluation. The paper gives contribution to the
e-commerce business, how to build the long lasting customer relationship.
1. Introduction ...........................................................................................1
6. Discussion...................................................................................... 34
6.1 The answers to the research questions ............................................................ 34
6.2 Sum up ............................................................................................................ 37
7. Conclusion..................................................................................... 39
7.1 Reflection and implication of research questions ........................................... 39
7.2 Recommendations and Contribution............................................................... 40
7.3 Pitfalls of the research ..................................................................................... 41
7.4 Suggestions for further research ..................................................................... 41
8. References ..................................................................................... 43
8.1 Articles ............................................................................................................ 43
8.2 Books .............................................................................................................. 45
8.3 Website ............................................................................................................ 46
9. Appendices .................................................................................... 48
1. Introduction
The first chapter is consisting of 5 parts. This chapter introduced the
background of Amazon and elaborated the importance of the customer
relationship and customer loyalty. And then clearly sated the motivation of
the paper. The last two parts are explained our research limitations and the
outline of our thesis.
know all the things about their customers all the time. It could do a perfect data
collection work and understand well what customers needs (Donaldson & OToole,
Building sound relationships with customers is the one of the keys to make business
successful. Humans build relationships all their lives, be it with their friends, family,
employers, colleagues or peers. As humans, we like to stick to what we know, and
this behavior reflects in the choices people make regarding which business
organizations to deal with. Building customer relationships is as important to business
as the price and quality of what are selling.
The enterprise goes through efforts to consolidate and further development with the
customers to establish a long-term and stable relationship. In fact, the customer is
willing to take this kind of feeling to tell their friends .The effects of this
"propaganda" is absolutely much more effective than the enterprise cost a huge
commercial shooting . Speaking of the enterprise, the customer retention can bring
lower cost than attract a new customer. According to statistics, attract a new customer
needs is the cost of maintaining an old customer required cost 5 ~ 10 times (Xi, 2009).
The loyalty is as primarily an attitude that sometimes leads to a relationship with the
brand to understand the customers spending behavior and satisfaction is very
important. And the critical result of the customer behavior and satisfaction is customer
loyalty (Nykamp, 2001).
Along with market competition aggravating, the customer loyalty has become the
determinant element that influences the enterprises long-term profits. As a sign of the
market share, customer loyalty is more meaningful than that to customer measured
market share. As a result, enterprises managers prefer to pay much more attention to
improving customer loyalty aspects, so that to make the enterprise gain critical
competitive advantage in the fierce competition.
Economists do some researches on the TOP500 enterprises and find that, the loyal
customers are not only doing repurchase enterprise products and services to save
expenses of advertising and publicity, but also recommend the products or services to
their relatives and friends. In another words, this kind of behavior becomes the
personnel sources of the firms. It is the main profits of the company (Li, 2004).
Customer loyalty is the important factor when the enterprise marketing working with
the customers the managers must pay more attention to. Customer loyalty will help
the enterprise have the long-term stable growth means of sales, lower marketing costs
and rising profits.
according to the increasing numbers of people using the Internet from their own
homes. Besides, the broadband and the changed way of customer consumption also
contributed to the growth. The main reason that people would like to shop online is
very convenient for them with a lower prices (Roper, 2004).
In the United States on line retail sales are estimated to have growth from $172 billion
in 2005 to $329 billion in 2010 (Johnson & Selnes, 2004). Online shopping exhibits
different characteristics from traditional shopping (Burke, 2002). Online shopping can
offer greater product selection, accessibility and convenience without the restrictions
of time and space (Brynjolfsson & Smith, 2000). There are also less tangible and
intangible transaction costs than traditional shopping in an online shopping process,
such as product searches, price comparisons and delivery, which results in higher
shopping convenience, values (Blake et al., 2005;. Childers et al., 2001; Grewal et al.,
Although the new business model developed very fast, there are some new problems
which different from traditional business model following. Such as the online
shopping safety, the online shopping lack of experiences, customers cant trust online
shopping easily etc. But to the sellers, the most important thing is how to sell more
products to customers to obtain more profits. And get more and more loyal customers
and build a long lasting relationship with them.
Furthermore, the customers are able to compare the advantages of e-commerce sites
and traditional stores easily. Just by clicking the mouse, e-commerce sites can be
switched to another site if you do not find anything you want; therefore setting up
customer loyalty especially for e-commerce is more difficult than traditional business.
However by considering current situation of e-commerce, if sellers want to be
succeeded they should attract more and more customers to shop online. In order to
achieve this goal, it is necessary for seller to build the relationship with customers to
strengthen customer loyalty. Thus the main purpose of this paper is to find out how to
exactly strengthen customer loyalty of Amazon, and further to build a long lasting
relationship with customers so that Amazon could keep going successfully.
2) How to improve customer loyalty and finally build long lasting customer
relationships under the e-commerce business scale?
3. Customer as friends. When the customers continue to create and achieve the value
with the firm in the exchange relationship, the firm should begin to collect specific
knowledge of the customers needs. The firm needs to build the relationship to
achieve the customer retention at this period.
4. Customers as partners. The creation of trust leads to the creation of commitmentand that is the condition necessary for customers to extend relationship
(Siredeshumkh et al., 2002).
Therefore, if the firm wants to build a partner relationship with the customers, the
firm must use customer knowledge and information systems to deliver highly
personalized and customized offerings.
themselves. FAQ lets the casually curious as well as the intent hunter-seeker come up
to speed as quickly as possible (Sterne, 2000).
Another way to offer a good customer service is to manage E-mail. E-mail is like glue
that cements the internet together. Everyone surfing on the internet would have an
e-mail account. E-mail is the common denominator and the most powerful tool
(Sterne, 2000). To manage well the e-mail of every customer will win the customers
satisfaction. The companies should let the customers know all of the new information
through e-mail. When the customer login on our website, it needs to have the record
of the customers.
2.6 Sum up
The purpose of the literature part is to introduce the important theories of the
relationship marketing, e-service quality, to classify the customer relationship from
strangers to partners. It aims to make clear the different of customer satisfaction and
customer loyalty and its relationship between them. To give the readers some
background knowledge about the customer loyalty.
This study is mainly focused on the different customer relationship, for instance some
would evolve to loyal customers. And the study is doing the research on the
e-commerce company, so there would involve many E-service elements. The
questionnaire and the analysis part below are all around thesis theories to research
how to build a long lasting relationship with customers.
Quantitative methods
Qualitative methods
Emphasis on understanding
Focus on facts
Focus on understanding
Controlled measurement
Generalization by comparison of
properties and contexts of individual
professional websites. Our secondary data collected from textbooks, magazines and
the Internet, we used secondary data to support the background of our Research
Company, literature review and case studies.
charts and percentage component bar charts can be used to explain the proportions of
customers agreeing or disagreeing with the statements which are presented in the
questionnaire. Subsequent analysis will involve describing your data and exploring
relationships using statistics (Saunders et al., 2003). Finally, it is essential to
re-emphasis the importance of using PC software programs during the process of data
analysis, such as SAS, APAK EXCEL etc. (Maxwell, 1992)
On the questionnaire, it used the simple random sampling method to do this research.
This method is completely depends on the random principle, it will be much more
easy and it is popular as well. There are two ways to distribute the questionnaire to
public, one is put it on the online, and the net friends can fill it in if they want. The
answer to questionnaire could be variety because of different ages, different education
background and different incomes, that is exactly could make the result became more
Figure 3
From figure 3, there are the data which gathered. On the questionnaire, it totally
gathered 150 questionnaires. The respond rate is 47%. There are 132 from the internet
and 18 from our relative and friends and strangers.
The data shows us that there are 35 persons have no experiences on shopping on
Amazon.com. The rest all have experiences on Amazon.com. It occupied 76 percent
of the whole persons. And it contains 80 males and 70 females. The biggest parts of
their age are 21-30.
Most of them have the bachelor or master education background. 46 percent of them
think that they will go to the online shopping website depends on when they want to
buy something. It is irregularly scheduled. And there are 82 Chinese and 68
4.1 Introduction
As far as concern, customer satisfaction and loyalty are the internal coupling and
long-term well-being of the firm's long-term growth. In other words, the firm's
success depends on the satisfaction and loyalty of customers. The loyal customers can
help company reduce procurement costs and improve profitability.
From the questionnaire have researched, a lot of data and information are come out.
The respond rate is 47%. On the questionnaire, it focused more on the customer
satisfaction, the quality of the products and the services of Amazon. In other words,
those three elements attributed to the success of Amazon.
that according to Amazon.com having a low price than other shops, so they choose
Figure 4
And at the same time, they are also 24 percentages of customers think that the
payment system on Amazon.com is very safe so that they choose Amazon.com rather
than others. On Amazons website, we have many different kinds ways of payment.
Customers can depend on their own situations to pick one of them.
After that, there are 14 percentages customers consider that convenient and fast using,
providing good services and free shipment are the reasons drive them to choose
shopping on Amazon.com. Amazons customers will feel delight when they are
purchasing on Amazons website.
Good service is also an important point of attracting customers to choose Amazon.
Because online shopping is different, they cannot see each other directly. And
customers cannot see the products before they purchased. So customers and sellers
need to build a good relationship, and they need to serve their customers well to let
them rest assured.
Moreover, shipment is an important part of online shopping. For instance, some
online shopping websites offer a high price shipment, this will increase the costs of
the customers, so no matter how much the customers like the products, and it will
influence customers to buy them or not. To Amazon.com, it always has a promotion
that to help its customers to save the high price shipment. It often offers free shipment
at regular intervals or giving some discount on the shipment. In order to delight the
customers and save their costs, Amazon needs to focus on the shipment since there
are 14 percentages customers consider that it is an important reason that they select
In the figure 1, it could be found out that except the most parts of reasons, there are
something rest. There are still 5 percentages customers think of choosing Amazon
because of its good website credit and its individuation. Even though they just take a
little part of them, they still exist. When the customers consider that its a reason,
Amazon cannot let it pass. Since Amaozn.com established a long time ago and it has
strong brand equity, so many customers will choose it. On the other hand, Amazon
also has a customers database to record our customers interests. This is also a way to
ingratiate with our customers. To know each customers favor and depends on
different favors to make some recommendation to our customers.
So that according to the questionnaire, the low price and the safe payment system
become the most strong points that the customers would like to choose Amaozn.com.
And there are still other points that customers would like to choose it. So Amazon
should keep its strengths and also need to improve the shortcomings.
safe payment
reliable information
quality of service
quality of products
Figure 5
According to our questionnaire, Q9, we refer that when the customers shopping on
Amazon.com, which elements they care about most? On the research, the data shows
that the purple pie, there are 38 percentages of customers consider of the quality of
products are their most concern thing. When they are shopping online, they usually
focus more on the quality of the products. Due to the different from the real shop,
customers cannot touch or see the products; customers will doubt that the quality of
the products, so they worry about the product quality.
In the meanwhile, the safe payment system also is the important point that customers
care about. In the pie, the blue part, it takes 31 percent. For online shopping,
customers think a lot of payment system; all of them hope to pay in a very safe
environment. No one is willing to buy something through a bad payment system.
Customers will worry of credit card theft. So to build a safe payment system, it is one
of the important things for online shopping website to attract more customers.
And the third important point is the quality of the services. Lets check it from the pie;
the yellow part occupied 15 percent of them. In other words, the quality of services
sometimes directly influences the customers. The customers mood would directly
decide that they buy or not buy products. If Amazon offering good services, the
customers delight, it will get it.
In addition to this, there is still some customers regard the reliable information as an
important part of what they care about. As we all know, shopping online, the credit
rating is very important. Amazon online website has to make the customers trust it.
Let them rest assured.
After sum up the results that we have found, we know what the customers care about,
so that Amazon can try the best to avoid the negative factors, and give the best to the
customers. To guarantee the quality of our products, to promise the customers never
sell the poor quality products on the website, every product selling on the website
have strictly check by the staffs. It needs to establish a safe payment system, to offer
different kinds of credit card payment methods. In order to keeps it being safe. To do
the best to serve the customers, give them what they want and make them feel
satisfied. Offering the best and true information to our customers, try to avoid all the
wrong information to the customers.
Figure 6
From the chart, we can see that for all respects, the answers of agree and so so from
customers take a big part. And the answers of completely disagree and disagree
almost occupies a little parts of them. But it still exists, so it means we still have the
problems that make the customers feel dissatisfied. After collecting these data, it is
quite clear to figure out what aspects Amazon should improve. And it also indicates
there is a lot of things can be improved. To finish these steps the strong relationship
between customers and company is possible to achieve.
4.3 Sum up
The questionnaire data is very useful to do the research of customer loyalty. It can be
used as a guide to improve the customer loyalty. It reminds our main questions and
main goals. After the research, it is significant to find out that customers mostly focus
on the payment safety, the price of the products, the quality of the products, the
services and the satisfaction of the customers.
5. Case analysis
The paper focused on customer loyalty, in this part, the paper is going to connect
the theory and empirical study together to analyze it. The main point is to analyze it
in the round.
5.2 How does the subject fit in with the theory and
There is a worldwide trend that all kinds of firms are now studying and implementing
how to improve customer loyalty. They aim at cultivating strong relationships with
their best customers (Duffy, 1998). Since everyone realize the importance of the
customer loyalty. What the paper has mentioned at the theory part, it refers to the
relationship marketing, the evolution of customer relationships, customer satisfaction
and customer loyalty, the relationship between satisfaction and loyalty and E-service
quality. In the subject, it all centers on the main pointcustomer loyalty. According to
the questionnaire has done before, to combine it with the theory to analyze it.
The subject fits in well with the theory and the empirical study. It all focuses on the
customer loyalty and how to improve the customer loyalty. In this way, it can find out
the methods to hold the existing loyal customers and get more and more loyal
Customer loyalty is a popular subject in nowadays business. For example, in the
traditional marketing, greater customer loyalty leads to higher customer profitability
(Gilbert et al, 2003). It is also important in e-marketing. So that to find out the way to
improve customer loyalty is essential to a firm. Especially like Amazon.com, a big
company, it needs to keep the loyal customers to enlarge the revenue.
Figure 7
Brent Leary
Based on the theory part in the previous, it has been clear to realize the importance of
the relationship marketing. We have referred to the evolution of customer relationship.
As Alan Wilson said, (Wilson et al, 2008) the relationships between firms and
customers usually have the potential to evolve from strangers to acquaintances and
from friends to partners. The relationship is evolving one by one.
The main idea of the Pyramid of Customer Loyalty is to build most profitable and
long lasting business relationships when it is able to devote more time to really
understand what customers value is. Following this pyramid model, the relationship
will go from vendor to customer, implying just a financial relationship open to outside
competitors, to the trusted partner/valued advisor. This is where customers view as
important to the business, and in fact become companys biggest supporters inside
and outside organizations, bringing company leads without asking them to do. This
is great stuff, but it can only happen if company can focus on how to deliver what's
important to them. And in order to do this, company must find ways to automate the
routine and time consuming processes of finding and catching new customers. Using
the latest tools like blogging, wikis and the like to extend company reach and provide
richer communications channels to showcase knowledge and expertise can be a great
low-cost, effective way to do.
As Amazon, they have already had a strong relationship with so many customers. In
order to stay at the partnership stage, it needs to organize and offer the information
about individual customers more effectively than competitors (Wilson et al, 2008).
The theory part has talked about the customer satisfaction and loyalty, they have a
strong relationship with each other. When customers are satisfied with the products,
and then they will purchase again and recommend to others. Finally the customer
loyalty comes out (Amazon, 2011).
5.4 Sum up
In this part, the aim is to combine the theory part and the empirical part, to analyze
that the evolution of customer relationships. To analyze the customer satisfaction and
customer loyalty, and to connect the questionnaire, find out some ways to improve
customer loyalty to Amazon.com.
6. Discussion
In this chapter, the research questions which referred before have been developed.
Collectively the researchers have been able to answer thesis research questions
combining with the data which have collected and the literatures and the analysis.
Amazon.com would care much about the payment system. whats more elements
when customers shopping on Amazon.com, they are lower price than other shops, the
free shipment service, convenient and fast using and good after-sales service.
RQ2: How to improve customer loyalty and finally build long lasting
customer relationships under the e-commerce business scale?
Customer classification has told before, and then, so some strategy to improve the
customer loyalty should be taken.
The customer loyalty could be defined as the strength of the relationship between an
individual's relative attitude and repeat patronage with a supplier. Customer loyalty
can bring a lot of benefits to a firm. Like the revenue will be larger and the brand will
become stronger and so on (Wilson et al., 2008).
The way of improve customer loyalty:
Changing customer neglect into customer satisfaction, then turn customer satisfaction
into customer loyalty is critical. It doesnt happen by magic. Improving customer
loyalty will shine as a marketing tool; at the same time improve delivery of your
service or products. Combining the theory part and the questionnaire results the paper
has found, what the customers really need is realized. There are 7 ways to improve
customer loyalty based on the theory and the questionnaire done before.
From the questionnaire result, there are 15% of the customers who care about
the good service when they are shopping online. So to provide a clear website
and good service to the customers is very important way to attract more
6.2 Sum up
After discuss, the authors think Amazon should change some strategies, all know that
the E-commerce is a high risk area; Amazon is the largest bookstore in the world. It is
in the growth steps. But there are some problems in Amazon as well, what can
Amazon do?
7. Conclusion
This chapter mainly consists of the results and the implication of the research
which is reflected to the research questions, next is the contribution of the paper,
and then comes to the pitfalls of the research and the suggestion and the further
1) Why do customers choose Amazon? What the element would be concerned with
when customers are shopping online?
Through the analysis of questionnaires, the authors made a conclusion that there are
main six factors caused the customers chose Amazon, they are low price, safety
payment, good services, free shipment, convenient and fast using. The three primary
elements which customers care most when they are shopping online are the quality
of products, the safety of payment and the quality of services.
2) How to improve customer loyalty and finally build long lasting customer
relationships under the e-commerce business scale?
According to the results of our survey on Amazons customers and combined with
what Amazon has been done right, it could come up with some suggestions about how
to improve customer loyalty under the e-commerce business scale. Firstly, set up a
comprehensive website and provide an integrated service: this is the basic strategy to
build customer loyalty. To get customer loyalty, company must first make customer
feel satisfied. The most basic is to make customers satisfy to the companys products
and services. Secondly, keep contacting with customers, no matter existing clients or
old clients. Thirdly, provide a safe payment system. According to our research, a large
number of customers concerned with the online payment system, if the online
shopping website could ensure its payment system is safety and in secrecy, the
customers will more trust them, and also become more loyalty. Fourthly, offer free
delivery goods to customers. The people prefer to shopping online because its
speedily and conveniently, a free and speed delivery system also is one factor which
customers thinking about when they shopping on the website. Finally, control the
products price and guarantee the products quality. Compared with shopping on the
hypostatic store, shopping online could not interact with the goods directly, so the
customers will more care about the goods quality and price. Make sure the described
goods are in accordance with the entities is very important. Otherwise, the brand
image building is also a key point to ensure customer loyalty.
through researching the customers response data that have shopping experiences on
Amazon website, find out the main elements which could make a big effect on
customer loyalty, combined with relevant theories and Amazon Companys good
measures which have been implemented, put forward some effective and feasible
suggestions for e-commerce companies to improve their customer loyalty. The results
of the research are not only can be useful for Amazon Company, but also could be
helpful for other enterprises in the same or similar environment, improve their market
the staff management strategy aspects. The employees service awareness and
professional skills those are deciding factors to remain customers, thus, the company
need to formulate a comprehensive staffing management system. Further research
could focus on those two aspects to make the research more meaningful and useful.
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9. Appendices
Here is our full text of the customer loyalty survey design. We are conducting
research the customer loyalty of Amazon.com. In order to find out that how can we
improve the customer loyalty to build a long lasting relationship.
Thank you for spending your precious time to finish the questionnaire. Thank you for
your cooperation. Please follow the prompts and depend on your individual
experiences to finish your answer.
1. Have you shopped on Amazon.com before, or ever search the products on
Amazon.com? ( )
A. Yes, continue the questionnaire
B. No, I never used Amazon.com. Thank and terminate
2. Sex ( )
A. Male
B. Female
3. Your age level? ( )
A. Under 20
B. 21-30
C. 31-40
D. 41-50
E. Over 51
4. Your nationality ________________
A. High school
B. Bachelor degree
C. Master degree
D. Doctor degree
E. Others ___________
6. Your monthly income is about ( )
A. Under 8000kr
B. 8000kr-20000kr
C. 20000kr-30000kr
D. Over 30000kr
7. How often do you shop on Amazon.com? ( )
A. More than once a week
B. More than once a month
C. More than once a half year
D. More than once a year
E. Depends on when you want to buy something
8. The reasons why you choose Amazon.com are? (
A. The lower price
B. Convenient and fast using
C. Provide good services
D. Have individuation
E. Membership rewards
F. Free shipment
G. Pay safety
) multiple choices
H. Website credit
I. The quality of the products
J. Others ______________
9. When you are shopping on Amazon.con, which elements you are worrying about?
) multiple choices
) multiple choices
A. Books
B. Clothing, shoes & jewelry
C. Movies, music & games
D. Electronics & computers
E. Home, garden & tools
F. Grocery, health &beauty
G. Toys, kids & baby
H. Sports & outdoors
I. Automotive & industrial
J. Others ______________
11. What drives you to come back to shop again on Amazon.com? (
A. Good quality of products
) multiple
) multiple choices
A. High prices
B. Not convenient to use
C. Bad services
D. Lack of individuation
E. Bad credit of the website
F. Less safety of payment
G. Others ______________
13. On the whole, the satisfaction of your consumption on Amazon.com is? ( )
A. Very satisfied
B. Satisfied
C. So so
D. Not too satisfied
E. very dissatisfied
14. Are you willing to come back to shop on Amazon.com since Amazon.com
offering a good service? ( )
A. Definitely will
B. Will
C. Maybe will
D. Not sure
E. No
A. Extremely agree
B. Agree
C. So so
D. Disagree
E. Completely disagree
18. Do you think the customer services are very friendly? ( )
A. Extremely agree
B. Agree
C. So so
D. Disagree
E. Completely disagree