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Vidarikand Paper.1

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Academic Sciences

International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences

ISSN- 0975-1491

Vol 6, Issue 1, 2014

Research Article


Department of Botany and Forestry, Vidyasagar University, Midnapore (W) 721 102, West Bengal, India. Email: debu33@gmail.com
Received: 30 Sep 2013, Revised and Accepted: 01 Oct 2013
Objective: The present study was designed to investigate the immunomodulatory potential of Pueraria tuberosa tuber extract and isoflavones
puerarin, daidzein and genistein in rats.
Methods: The immunomodulatory potential of standardized P. tuberosa tuber extract (100-200 mg/kg; p.o.) and isoflavones puerarin (25-50
mg/kg; p.o.), daidzein (25-50 mg/kg; p.o.) and genistein (25-50 mg/kg; p.o.) was evaluated in swiss albino rats. Immunomodulatory potential was
evaluated against sheep red blood cells (SRBCs) antigenic challenge using the models include total and differential leukocyte cell counts, nitrobluetetrazolium reduction test, haemagglutinin titre assay, neutrophil adhesion test, carbon clearance test and delayed type hypersensitivity reaction.
The study was also constituted the active marker based RP-HPLC standardization of PTTE.
Results: RP-HPLC analysis revealed those P. tuberosa tubers extract contains (w/w) puerarin (8.31% 0.06), daidzein (1.70% 0.04) and genistein
(1.37% 0.02). Oral administration of the P. tuberosa extract, puerarin and daidzein dose dependently increased total leukocyte cell count,
monocyte and lymphocyte counts, nitroblue-tetrazolium reduction, haemagglutinin titre and phagocytic index whereas suppressed delayed type
hypersensitivity response in their specified concentration range in SRBC immunized rats. The P. tuberosa extract was also enhanced the neutrophil
adhesion, while puerarin and daidzein had no effect on the neutrophil adhesion. Genistein dose dependently suppressed all the above parameters.
Results suggest that the P. tuberosa extract augmented some innate as well as humoral immune responses against SRBC challenged in rats.
Conclusion: P. tuberosa holds a promising therapeutic potential as an immunomodulator and the effects mostly due to the effects of isoflavones
puerarin, daidzein and genistein.
Keywords: P. tuberosa, RP-HPLC, puerarin, daidzein, genistein, immunomodulatory activity

The Indian traditional system of medicines, especially Ayurveda,
plays a significant role in disease prevention and promotion of
health towards longevity with better quality of life[1]. The concept
of rasayana drugs of Ayurveda complemented by various research
findings suggested that the rasayana drugs may influence the host
immunity and resistance against infections[2]. Many medicinal
plants enlisted as Rasayana drugs in Ayurveda are believed to
improve defense mechanisms of the body, promote physical and
mental health and enhance longevity[3]. Indian medicinal plants are
a potential source of bioactive compounds which are reported to
potentiate immune responses by modulating the functions of
lymphocytes, granulocytes, macrophages, natural killer cells,
complements etc[4]. There is a growing concern in herbal drug
research about the actions of bioactive constituents on
immunomodulation. Since the active components cannot always be
reliably quantified in a complex plant extract, the interpretation of
assay data must be critically addressed using multiple strategies.
Therefore, the standardization of a plant extract is essential to
maintain the quality as well as to get the most favourable
concentrations of known active constituents during biological and
toxicological studies[5].
Pueraria tuberosa DC. Family: Fabaceae, is a perennial herb,
commonly known as Vidarikand distributed throughout the
tropical parts of India[6]. It is a reputed herb in Rasayana drugs in
Ayurveda for its aphrodisiac, longevity and rejuvenation properties.
In Ayurveda and folk medicines, plant tubers are used as restorative
tonic, antiaging, energizer, vital energy booster, galactagogue,
spermatogenic and immune booster[2]. Traditionally, the tubers are
also used against sexual debility, pain, inflammations, burning
sensations and skin problems[2]. Phytochemical investigations
reported that plants tubers contain puerarin, daidzein, genistein,
genistein, puerarone, coumarin, anthocyanin, lupinoside, tuberosin,
pterocarpintuberosin, puetuberosanol and hydroxytuberosone[7,8].
Among the phytochemicals listed above, the isoflavones puerarin,
daidzein and genistein are most important in term of their
immunomodulatory functions[8]. Recently, in-vivo antibody

response and in-vitro phagocytic effect of the P. tuberosa tuber

extract (PTTE) has been evaluated[8]. However, the effects of PTTE
and its active isoflavones (puerarin, daidzein and genistein) on
haematopoietic system and on the functions of T cells and
neutrophils have not been studied extensively which can correlate
the immunomodulatory functions of PTTE. Based on the above
context, the present study was designed to explore the
immunomodulatory potential of standardized PTTE and its three
isoflavones, puerarin, daidzein and genistein in rats.
Chemicals and Reagents
Reference standards (purity 98%), puerarin (PR), daidzein (DZ)
and genistein (GS) were purchased from Sigma-aldrich, St. Louis,
MO, USA. The standard drug, levamisole (LEV) was purchased from
local medical store. The nitroblue tetrazolium (NBT) was purchased
from HiMedia laboratories Pvt. Ltd., Mumbai. All other analytical
grade solvents were purchased from Merck Ltd, Mumbai, India.
Collection and extraction of plant material
Tubers of P. tuberosa were procured from local vendor and the
sample was authenticated from the Department of Botany and
Forestry, Vidyasagar University, India. A voucher specimen
(VU/BOT/DB/17/12) has been deposited in the Department of
Botany and Forestry, Vidyasagar University, India, for future
The air dried (20-25C) plant material (500 g) was powdered in a
grinder and extracted with ethanol (70%) by cold maceration (25C
2) process for 15 days. The extract was filtered and dried using
rotary evaporation followed by lyophilization, yielding 11.52%
(w/w) crude extract. The extract was then analyzed to determine
the contents of PR, DZ and GS using RP-HPLC technique.
Instrumentation and HPLC standardization
The hydro-ethanolic PTTE was standardized against PR, DZ and GS
as reference standards using a RP-HPLC system (Waters

Banerjee et al.

Corporation, Milford, MA, USA) consisted of Luna C18 (2) 100 , 250
4.6 mm (Phenomenex, Torrance, CA, USA) column, a 600 controller
pump, a multiple-wavelength ultraviolet-visible detector, an in-line
AF 2489 series degasser, a rheodyne 7725i injector with a 20 l
sample loop. The HPLC analysis was performed according to the
method described by Vaishnav et al[9]. Stock solutions of reference
standards, PR (1 mg/ml), DZ (1 mg/ml) and GS (1 mg/ml) were
prepared in methanol. The appropriate amount of each standard
was mixed separately to prepare working standard solutions
containing six different concentrations (100, 200, 400, 600, 800 and
1000 g/ml) of each standard. The aliquot was analyzed to construct
calibration curves by plotting peak areas against concentrations
injected by means of linear regression. The quantification of PR, DZ
and GS in the extract was determined from the corresponding
calibration curves.
Experimental animal
Swiss albino rats (70-80 g) of both sexes were used in these
experiments. Animals were housed under standard conditions of
temperature (25C 2), relative humidity (55.6% 10) and 12 h
light/dark cycle with standard food and water ad libitum. The
experimental protocols were approved by the Institutional
Animal Ethics Committee of Vidyasagar University, Midnapore,
Selection of dose
Animals were randomly distributed in ten different groups and each
group consisted of six animals (n = 6). Effective experimental doses
were selected on the basis of previous studies i.e. PTTE 100 and 200
mg/kg[10]; PR 25 and 50 mg/kg; DZ 25 and 50 mg/kg[11] and GS 25
and 50 mg/kg[12]. Animals were grouped and orally treated in the
fashion as: Group I: control, normal saline; Group II: PTTE, 100
mg/kg; Group III: PTTE, 200 mg/kg; Group IV: PR, 25 mg/kg; Group
V: PR, 50 mg/kg; Group VI: DZ, 25 mg/kg; Group VII: DZ, 50 mg/kg;
Group VIII: GS, 25 mg/kg; Group IX: GS, 50 mg/kg; and Group X: LEV,
50 mg/kg.
Antigen (immunization)
Fresh sheep red blood cells (SRBCs) collected from the local
slaughterhouse were used to immunize the animals. SRBCs were
stored in a sterile Alsevers solution and washed thrice with pyrogen
free normal saline and cell numbers were adjusted to 0.5 109
cells/ml. Animals were immunized by intraperitoneal injection of 1
ml of 20% SRBCs suspension. The day of immunization was
considered as day 0. On the 5th day, blood samples were collected
from each animal through retro-orbital puncture to perform total
and differential leukocyte counts and NBT reduction test.
Total and differential leukocyte cell (TLC and DLC) counts
Collected blood samples were diluted with Turks fluid using
WBC pipette to lyses the red blood cells. The diluted blood
samples were subjected for total leukocyte counts using a
neubauers chamber. In DLC count, smears of each blood sample
were made on glass slides and stained with Leishmans stain.
The slides were examined under oil immersion microscopy and
the DLC counts were performed.
Nitroblue tetrazolium (NBT) reduction test
Smears of blood samples made on glass slides were treated with
0.4 ml of NBT medium and incubated at 37C for 30 min. After
washing with cold saline water, the slides were stained with
safranin solution. The slides were examined under microscope
and the percentages of cells with reduced NBT dye were
Haemagglutinating antibody (HA) titre
On day 7, the blood samples were collected from each animal
through the retro-orbital puncture. The blood samples were
centrifuged to collect serum samples. Antibody titres were
determined using the haemagglutination technique. Briefly, twofold

Int J Pharm Pharm Sci, Vol 6, Issue 1, 861-867

serial dilutions of serum samples were made in 25 l of normal

saline in microtitration plates and then 25 l of 1% SRBCs (0.025
109 cells) suspension made with normal saline was added. The
plates were incubated (37C) for 1 h and examined under the
microscope for haemagglutination. Reciprocal of the highest dilution
of test serum which gave positive haemagglutination reaction was
considered as the antibody titre[3].
Delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH) response
DTH response was performed according to the method described
by Maji et al[5]. On day 7 of drug treatment, animals were
challenged by the injection of 20 l of 0.5109 SRBCs suspension
in the right hind foot pad. On day 14, second challenged was
made with the same antigen in the left foot pad. Foot thickness
was measured after 24, 48 and 72 hrs of second challenge. The
difference between the pre and post challenge foot thickness
(mm) was taken as a measure of DTH.
Neutrophil adhesion test
On 14th day of drug treatment, blood samples of each animal
were collected by retro-orbital puncture and blood samples were
analyzed for TLC and DLC counts. After initial counts, blood
samples were incubated (37C) with nylon fibers for 15 min. The
incubated blood samples were again analyzed for TLC and DLC
counts. The product of TLC and percent neutrophil gives the
neutrophil index of blood sample[5]. The percent neutrophil
adhesion was calculated.
Phagocytic activity by carbon clearance test
The method was described by Maji et al[5]. On the 15th day of drug
treatment, all animals were received an intravenous injection (0.1
ml) of carbon suspension (Indian ink, Camel) through the tail vein.
Blood samples (50 l) were collected from each animal from the tip
of the tail vein at an interval of 2 and 10 min after the injection of
carbon suspension. Blood samples were added to 2 ml of 1% acetic
acid solution to lyse the erythrocytes. Absorbencies of the samples
were measured at 675 nm using a spectrophotometer. The rate of
carbon clearance (phagocytes index, K) was calculated.
Statistical analysis
All data are presented as mean SEM. The statistical analysis of the
experimental results was performed by one-way ANOVA followed by
Dunnetts test or Bonferronis multiple comparison tests wherever
applicable using Graph Pad Prism 5.0 statistical software.
HPLC standardization
The HPLC standardization of PTTE was performed prior to the
evaluation of its immunomodulatory potential. The HPLC
chromatogram of PTTE (Fig. 1) showed sharp peaks for PR, DZ and
GS at retention time of 13.08 0.12, 20.46 0.16 and 23.16 0.28
min, respectively. From the calibration curves, the contents (w/w, n
= 6) of PR, DZ and GS in hydro-ethanolic extract were found to be
8.31% 0.06, 1.70% 0.04 and 1.37% 0.02, respectively.
TLC and DLC count
The results of TLC and DLC counts are summarized in Table 1.
Administration of hydro-ethanolic PTTE (100 - 200 mg/kg), PR (25 50 mg/kg) and DZ (25 - 50 mg/kg) dose dependently increased TLC
count, while GS (25 - 50 mg/kg) decreased the TLC count in rats
when compared with the control group. In DLC count, DZ and GS
suppressed the neutrophil population, while PTTE and PR had no
effects on the neutrophil population. On the other hand, PTTE, PR
and DZ increased the populations of monocyte and lymphocyte
while GS suppressed the monocyte population without affecting the
lymphocyte population. The standard drug, LEV (50 mg/kg) was
significantly (P < 0.001) increased the neutrophil population with a
decreased pattern of eosinophil, basophil, monocyte and lymphocyte


Banerjee et al.

Int J Pharm Pharm Sci, Vol 6, Issue 1, 861-867

Fig. 1: RP-HPLC chromatogram of hydro-ethanolic P. tuberosa extract

Table 1: Total and differential leukocyte counts in PTTE, PR, DZ and GS treated rats (n = 6).
PTTE 100
PTTE 200
PR 25
PR 50
DZ 25
DZ 50
GS 25
GS 50
LEV 50

TLC count (103/mm3)

6.89 0.16
7.37 0.13
7.85 0.12**
7.30 0.15
7.61 0.14*
7.56 0.17
8.27 0.19***
6.66 0.15
5.68 0.20***
11.10 0.24***

DLC count (%)

39.01 1.67
38.87 1.42**
38.66 1.29***
38.30 1.38
38.74 1.30
35.91 1.33
32.72 1.46*
34.85 1.23
31.70 1.53**
55.10 1.39***

Phagocytic index (K)

2.02 0.09
1.27 0.07***
0.89 0.05***
0.80 0.04***
0.62 0.09***
2.12 0.07
2.18 0.04
1.47 0.07***
1.18 0.05***
0.35 0.08***

1.47 0.05
1.21 0.08*
1.05 0.09***
0.90 0.07***
0.75 0.06***
1.12 0.09**
0.83 0.03***
0.98 0.05***
0.71 0.02***
0.32 0.04***

1.19 0.06
1.56 0.04**
2.16 0.08***
1.11 0.05
1.20 0.07
1.87 0.06***
2.34 0.05***
1.10 0.09
0.72 0.04***
0.62 0.07***

54.15 1.14
57.55 1.54
59.94 1.29*
58.40 1.20
60.86 1.35*
59.15 1.46
62.39 1.54**
54.58 1.87
54.77 1.51
45.13 1.31***

0.019 0.001
0.026 0.002
0.034 0.003***
0.032 0.001***
0.041 0.002***
0.030 0.002**
0.037 0.003***
0.015 0.002
0.011 0.001
0.081 0.003***

Values are tabulated as mean SEM; one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) followed Dunnetts t-test, values are compared with control animals,
***P < 0.001; **P < 0.01 and *P < 0.05.
Nitroblue tetrazolium (NBT) reduction test
The dose dependent effects of PTTE (100 - 200 mg/kg), PR (25 - 50
mg/kg) and DZ (25 - 50 mg/kg) on the intracellular reduction of NBT

dye were illustrated in Fig. 2. In comparison to the control group, the

NBT dye reduction was increased in PTTE, PR and DZ treated groups as
like standard drug LEV (50 mg/kg; ) treated group (P < 0.001), whereas
NBT reduction was decreased in GS treated group.

Fig. 2: NBT reduction in PTTE, PR, DZ and GS treated rats (n = 6). The bars of the graph represent mean SEM of six observations.
Statistical analysis was done through One-way ANOVA followed by Dunnett's multiple comparison tests. Statistically significant
differences compared as: Control Vs PTTE, PR, DZ, GS and LEV treated groups (***P < 0.001; **P < 0.01 and *P < 0.001)


Haemagglutinating antibody (HA) titre

HA titre was determined to assess the effect of PTTE, PR, DZ and
GS on humoral immune response against the immunization with
SRBCs. In response to SRBCs, the serum HA titre was markedly

augmented in PTTE (100 - 200 mg/kg), PR (25 - 50 mg/kg), DZ

(25 - 50 mg/kg) and LEV (50 mg/kg) treated groups in
comparison to control group (Fig. 3). The HA titre was dose
dependently suppressed by GS (25 - 50 mg/kg) but the results
were non-significant.

Fig. 3: HA titres against SRBCs-challenged in PTTE, PR, DZ and GS treated rats (n = 6). HA titre was dose dependently increased in PTTE,
PR and DZ treated groups and decreased in GS treated group when compared to the control group. The bars of the graph represent mean
SEM of six observations. Statistical analysis was done through one-way ANOVA followed Dunnetts t-tests (***P < 0.001; **P < 0.01 and *P <
Delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH) response
The cell-mediated immune response of PTTE, PR, DZ and GS was
assessed by DTH reaction, i.e. foot pad reaction. A dose dependent

suppression of SRBC-induced DTH response at 24, 48 and 72 hrs

was observed in PTTE, PR, DZ and GS treated groups. A stimulatory
effect on DTH reaction was observed in LEV (50 mg/kg) treated
group (Fig. 4).

Fig. 4: DTH response in PTTE, PR, DZ and GS treated rats (n = 6). DTH response was dose dependently suppressed by PTTE, PR, DZ and GS
in compared with the control group. The bars of the graph represent mean SEM of six observations. Statistical analysis was done
through one-way ANOVA followed Dunnetts t-tests (***P < 0.001; **P < 0.01 and *P < 0.05)

Neutrophil adhesion test

Neutrophil adhesion to nylon fibers was enhanced by PTTE (100 200 mg/kg) and LEV (50 mg/kg), while the adhesion of neutrophils

was suppressed by GS (25 - 50 mg/kg) in compared to the control

group. The effects of PR (25 - 50 mg/kg) and DZ (25 - 50 mg/kg) on
neutrophil adhesion were ineffective at specified concentrations
(Table 2).

Table 2: Effect of PTTE, PR, DZ and GS on neutrophils adhesion (n = 6)

PTTE 100
PTTE 200
PR 25
PR 50
DZ 25
DZ 50
GS 25
GS 50

TLC count (103/mm3) [A]

6.73 0.22
6.31 0.26
7.42 0.14
6.94 0.23
7.93 0.15**
7.38 0.18**
7.32 0.18
6.75 0.20
7.71 0.20*
7.05 0.21
7.63 0.29*
7.04 0.26
8.34 0.27***
7.60 0.23
6.48 0.22
6.15 0.15
5.58 0.21**
5.31 0.10**

LEV 50



Neutrophils, % [B]
38.40 1.10
36.55 1.25
38.23 1.15
32.73 1.24
38.34 1.25
31.68 1.45
38.17 1.15
37.01 1.26
38.37 1.38
37.47 1.57
34.87 1.25
33.64 1.47
32.28 1.32*
31.52 1.31
34.04 1.43
32.81 1.68
37.69 1.58

Neutrophil index [A B]
259.19 14.93
231.72 15.84
284.47 13.78
228.28 15.56
304.99 15.80
234.57 15.24
280.38 15.40
250.62 15.11
296.79 17.57
264.82 16.53
267.50 19.23
237.98 17.63
270.59 19.10
240.75 16.51
221.60 15.29
202.24 13.07
170.02 12.95**
160.42 10.54*

Neutrophil adhesion
10.88 1.10
20.14 1.83***
23.34 1.32***
10.73 1.16
10.82 1.23
11.06 1.77
10.95 1.49
8.55 1.69
5.25 1.30*

566.29 32.11***

32.83 1.36***

380.07 21.34***

Values are tabulated as mean SEM; one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) followed Dunnetts t-test, values are compared with control animals,
***P < 0.001; **P < 0.01; *P < 0.05; UB = untreated blood and FTB = fibre treated blood.
Phagocytic activity by carbon clearance test
The effects of PTTE, PR, DZ and GS on the clearance of carbon
particles, expressed as phagocytic index (K) are shown in Table 1. In
comparison to the control group, PTTE, PR and DZ augmented the
rate of carbon clearance at their specified concentration range in
rats. The phagocytic index was also increased by LEV (P > 0.001). GS
showed a dose dependent suppressive effect on the clearance of
carbon particles from the circulatory system of rats.
Modulation of the immune functions either by stimulation or
suppression may help to maintain a disease-free state[3]. Medicinal
plants used in traditional medicines are demonstrated to modulate
either cellular or humoral or both arms of the immune responses of
the body[14]. Plants contain several chemical constituents, of which
some constituents may have immunosuppressive activity, whereas
others possess immunostimulatory action[15]. The biological
activity of a plant extract is greatly dependent on its chemical
nature, composition and structure of the major active
metabolites[16]. Therefore, the quantitative determination of
specific known bioactive compounds in herbal medicines is essential
for quality control and dose determination in the toxicological and
biological activity studies. Therefore, PTTE was standardized to
quantify the major active constituents present, prior to evaluation of
its immunomodulatory potential. The isoflavones, PR, DZ and GS are
the most important bioactive constituents of P. tuberosa tubers used
as chemical markers for standardization. Results of HPLC analysis
revealed the abundant presence (%, w/w; n = 3) of PR (8.31 0.06),
DZ (1.70 0.04) and GS (1.37 0.02) in hydro-ethanolic PTTE.
The leukocytes including neutrophils, lymphocytes, monocytes,
eosinophils and basophils are involved in the development of an
immune response. Of these cells, lymphocytes are the hallmark of an
immune response because of its diversity, specificity, memory and
self/non-self recognition characteristics. All the other cells play
accessory roles like activation lymphocytes, stimulation of antigen
clearance by phagocytosis, secretion of various immune effector
molecules[15]. The haematopoietic action of a plant extract is
demonstrated to be a direct action on the hematopoietic stem
cells[17]. In TLC and DLC counts, PTTE, PR and DZ showed a dose
dependent increase in TLC count and populations of monocyte and
lymphocyte in rats (Table 1). However, PTTE and PR had no effect
on neutrophil population, while DZ and GS decreased neutrophil
population. The possible immunostimulatory effect of PTTE was
evidenced by an increase in the TLC count with the increase in the
population of monocytes and lymphocytes. These effects can be
explained by the effects of PR and DZ. Interestingly, the suppressive

effect of DZ and GS on neutrophil population was not reflected in

effect of PTTE which indicated that some other molecules may be
present in PTTE which may balance the suppressive effects of DZ
and GS on neutrophil population, either by competitive inhibition or
by transient chemical interaction.
The NBT reduction test gives the information about the phagocytic
and intracellular killing potential of phagocytes. In this test, the NBT
dye is readily ingested by phagocytes and consequently reduced by
intracellular superoxide anion radicals (O2.) to form formazone
crystals. Higher amount of NBT reduction represented higher
activity of oxidase enzyme reflecting the stimulation of phagocytes
in proportion to intracellular killing[16]. The stimulation of the
intracellular killing potential of phagocytes by PTTE and its
isoflavones, PR and DZ was evidenced by an increase in the
intracellular reduction of the NBT dye (formazone crystal) (Fig. 2).
GS exhibited dose dependent suppressive effect on NBT reduction.
The resultant effect of PTTE in intracellular killing activity of
phagocytes may be predominantly attributed to the presence of PR
and DZ.
Antibody molecules, produced from B lymphocytes and plasma cells
play a central role in humoral immune response. In humoral
immunity, IgG and IgM are the major immunoglobulins involved in
the complement activation, opsonization, neutralization of toxins,
etc[3]. Previous study reported that, PTTE enhanced the serum IgG
and intestinal IgA levels[8]. The enhancement of humoral response
to antigenic stimuli upon the drug treatment is evidenced by the
increase in serum HA titre. However, the correlation between the
effects of PTTE and its isoflavones on humoral response has not
been evaluated previously. In this study, the serum HA titres were
markedly augmented by PTTE, PR and DZ, while the titres were
decreased by GS in response to SRBCs challenge in rats (Fig. 3).
Thus, the results of this study re-established the stimulatory effect of
PTTE on humoral immune response and this resultant effect may be
due to the stimulatory effect of isoflavones PR and DZ. Thus, the
elevation of serum HA titres indicated the stimulation of the
responsiveness of macrophages and lymphocytes which are
responsible for the antibody synthesis.
In DTH test, the PTTE and its isoflavones PR, DZ and GS produced
dose dependent reduction in DTH responses i.e. foot paw edema in
rats (Fig. 4). The inhibitory effects of PTTE and isoflavones on DTH
response were demonstrated to be more significant with the
increase of doses. The DTH test is performed to assess the antibody
independent cell mediated immune (CMI) responsiveness where
macrophages, T helper 1 (Th1) and cytotoxic T (Tc) cells play
important roles[17]. In CMI response, T lymphocytes are activated
and differentiated into effector T cells including Tc cells, Th1 and

Banerjee et al.

Int J Pharm Pharm Sci, Vol 6, Issue 1, 861-867

Th2 subsets which have subsequently released various cytokines

of which Th1 cytokines (e.g. IL-2, IFN-, TNF- etc.) activate
macrophages, Tc cells, NK cells and mediate DTH responses
while Th2 cytokines (e.g. IL-2, IL-4, IL-10 etc.) stimulate the
activation and proliferation of B cells[18]. These in turn increase
vascular permeability, induce vasodilation, macrophage
accumulation and activation to promote phagocytic activity visa-vis increase the concentration of lytic enzymes for more
effective killing[19]. Thus, the reduction of DTH response by
PTTE evidenced the suppressive effect on T cells and it may as
well possess anti-inflammatory activity as already reported[20].
Taken the effects of isoflavones (PR, DZ and GS) together, the
suppressive effect of PTTE on DTH response is mainly because of
the influences of the isoflavones, each in different aspects of the
immunomodulatory system in rats.

overcome. Additionally as discussed, the stimulatory effect of PTTE

on neutrophil adhesion was not evidenced to be caused by any of the
known isoflavones (PR, DZ AND GS), there is obviously some other
compounds present in PTTE which has caused this activity and
therefore is an important constituent that requires to be identified,
isolated and studied in the same context to fully understand the
mechanism of the complex immunomodulatory action of PTTE.

Neutrophil is one of the most important effector cells of the immune

system involved in chemotaxis, phagocytosis, exocytosis and both
intracellular and extracellular killing of invading pathogens[16]. At
the onset of an inflammation, neutrophils rapidly migrate and
recruit at the site of inflammation and firmly adhere to the vascular
endothelial surface through the interactions with -integrin
molecules present on the neutrophils[13, 5]. Results suggest that
oral administration of PR and DZ had no effect on the adhesion of
neutrophils, while GS dose dependently suppressed adhesion of
neutrophils to the nylon fibers (Table 2). Since, PTTE increased the
adhesion of neutrophils and this effect may be due to the upregulation of the expression of -integrin molecules. This
stimulatory effect of PTTE on integrin-mediated adhesion of
neutrophils is not correlated with the effects of the isoflavones (PR,
DZ and GS) and this effect may be mediated by other constituents
present in the PTTE.


Phagocytosis provides the bodys first-line defense mechanism by

eliminating microorganisms, inhaled carbon particles, malignant
cells, tissue debris and other non-biological foreign materials[21,22].
The process mainly involves specialized immune cells including
neutrophils, macrophages and dendritic cells collectively called
phagocytes[23]. The phagocytic activity of the reticuloendothelial
system (RES) has been correlated with the rate of the removal of
carbon particles[3]. An increase in the rate of carbon clearance
indicated the augmentation of the phagocytic activity and
competency of the granulopoetic system in the removal of foreign
particles[24]. The result of the study showed that PTTE (100 - 200
mg/kg) dose dependently increased the rate of clearance of carbon
particles from the blood circulation of rats, expressed as phagocytic
index (K) (Table 1). PTTE has a stimulatory action on the cells of
mononuclear phagocytic system and this is mainly because of the
presence of PR and DZ which may synergistically overcome the
suppressive effect of GS on phagocytic activity.


The present study, suggests that PTTE potentiate some innate
immune functions as well as humoral immunity in albino rats. Thus,
the extract augmented the host defense mechanisms by influencing
some immune cells functions and therefore it holds a promising
therapeutic potential as to modulate the host immune responses of
humans. In conclusion, the results of the present study preliminarily
validate the immunomodulatory function of P. tuberosa in animals
however clinical studies would mandate the validation of its
utilization in the herbal formulations for humans. Specific
observations lead to the conclusion that PR and DZ increase the TLC,
monocytes and lymphocyte populations, HA titre, phagocytic index,
NBT reduction and suppress the DTH response, while GS possess
suppressive effect on all the above parameters including neutrophil
adhesion. The net effect of PTTE is therefore immunostimulatory,
while it stimulates TLC, monocytes and lymphocyte populations, HA
titre, phagocytic index, NBT reduction, neutrophil adhesion and also
suppresses DTH response, the overall impact dose dependently dose
dependently stimulates the immune system. However, further
studies need to be designed and conducted with PR, DZ and GS in
various combinations taken two at a time and all three combined as
against PTTE with control groups to determine the specific
mechanism by which the GSs immunosuppressive action is








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