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Aircraft Design

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Aircraft Desgin

Conceptual Design and preliminary sizing of an UAV




UAV History and applications..........................................................................................................7


The history of UAV.........................................................................................................................7


Applications of UAV.......................................................................................................................7


Define problem................................................................................................................................9


Problem statement and benchmarking.............................................................................................9


House of quality.............................................................................................................................11



House of quality 1......................................................................................................................12


House of Quality 2.....................................................................................................................17

Concept generation........................................................................................................................20
Physical decomposition.................................................................................................................20

Aircraft Design

UAV group: Patrolman project

Functional decomposition..............................................................................................................22
Evaluating and selecting concepts.....................................................................................................23


Concepts for the wing....................................................................................................................23


Concepts for the tail.......................................................................................................................26


Propulsion system..........................................................................................................................28


General concepts and final decision using Decision Matrix...........................................................28


Determining Maximum Take-off Weight, Fuel Weight bases on Mission Profile..........................31


Estimated flying distance and payload...........................................................................................31


Iterative Solver..............................................................................................................................32


Fuel Fractions and Fuel Weight.....................................................................................................34


Results of iterative solver..............................................................................................................37


Validation and engine selection......................................................................................................38


Sensitive analysis...........................................................................................................................42


Sensitive of Payload to Take-off Weight........................................................................................43


Sensitive of Range to Take-off weight...........................................................................................44


Sensitive of other values to Take-off weight..................................................................................45


Estimating Wing Area, Take-off Power and Maximum Lift Coefficient........................................48


Sizing to Stall Speed requirement..................................................................................................49


Sizing to Take-off distance.............................................................................................................50


Sizing to landing distance..............................................................................................................53


Sizing to climb rate........................................................................................................................54


Sizing to Cruise Speed...................................................................................................................57


Connecting valid zones..................................................................................................................58


Preliminary configuration design...................................................................................................61



Preliminary design sequence I...................................................................................................61


Preliminary Design Sequence II.................................................................................................62



Preliminary Design for Patrolman.................................................................................................62


Related UAV with the same configuration and their parameters................................................63


Patrolman parameters................................................................................................................65

Final words........................................................................................................................................72


Appendix A: Characteristics of some UAVs..................................................................................74


Aircraft Design

UAV group: Patrolman project


Shadow 200...................................................................................................................................74


Altus II...........................................................................................................................................74

List of Figures
Figure II-1: Pilotless Balloon is considered the first UAV...........................................................................7
Figure II-2: UAVs around the world............................................................................................................8
Figure III-1: Benchmarking table................................................................................................................9
Figure III-2: Benchmarking result.............................................................................................................10
Figure III-3: Process of engineering design...............................................................................................11
Figure III-4: A general description for HOQ..............................................................................................12
Figure III-5: Ranking requirements of customers......................................................................................13
Figure III-6: Customer requirements for our UAV....................................................................................13
Figure III-7: Engineering characteristics...................................................................................................15
Figure III-8: HOQ 1...................................................................................................................................16
Figure III-9: Relation between House 1 and House 2................................................................................17
Figure III-10: Engineering Characteristics in House 2...............................................................................18
Figure III-11: Part characteristics..............................................................................................................18
Figure III-12: House of Quality 2..............................................................................................................19
Figure IV-1................................................................................................................................................20
Figure IV-2: Physical decomposition........................................................................................................21
Figure IV-3: Functional decomposition.....................................................................................................22
Figure V-1: Different types of wing..........................................................................................................23
Figure V-2: Wings and their relative position with Fuselage.....................................................................24
Figure V-3: Pugh Matrix for Wing............................................................................................................24
Figure V-4: Pugh Matrix for Wing with different datum...........................................................................25

Aircraft Design

UAV group: Patrolman project

Figure V-5: Concepts for tail.....................................................................................................................26

Figure V-6: Pugh Matrix for tail................................................................................................................26
Figure V-7: Pugh Matrix for tail with different datum...............................................................................27
Figure V-8: An Boom mount UAV............................................................................................................27
Figure V-9: Pugh Matrix for engine..........................................................................................................28
Figure V-10: Scoring for different concepts..............................................................................................29
Figure V-11: Relative relation between criteria.........................................................................................30
Figure V-12: Decision matrix....................................................................................................................30
Figure VI-1: Flight path.............................................................................................................................31
Figure VI-2: Phases in mission profile......................................................................................................32
Figure VI-3: Some value for A and B........................................................................................................33
Figure VI-4: Flow chart for iterative solver...............................................................................................34
Figure VI-5: Fuel Fraction for each phase.................................................................................................35
Figure VI-6: Reference for Fuel Fraction..................................................................................................35
Figure VI-7: Reference for Cp and np.......................................................................................................36
Figure VI-8: Iterative Solver inputs...........................................................................................................37
Figure VI-9: Results..................................................................................................................................38
Figure VII-1: Sensitive analysis for Payload.............................................................................................43
Figure VII-2: Comparison between two methods......................................................................................44
Figure VII-3: Sensitive analysis for Range................................................................................................44
Figure VII-4: Comparison between two methods......................................................................................45
Figure VII-5: Equations for other sensitive analysis..................................................................................46
Figure VII-6: Results for Patrolman..........................................................................................................46
Figure VII-7: Comparison for Cp..............................................................................................................47
Figure VII-8: Comparison for np...............................................................................................................47
Figure VII-9: Comparison for L/D............................................................................................................47
Figure VIII-1: Requirements about operation altitude...............................................................................49
Figure VIII-2: Result for sizing to Stall Speed..........................................................................................50
Figure VIII-3.............................................................................................................................................50
Figure VIII-4: Calculation method............................................................................................................51
Figure VIII-5: Sizing to Take-off distance for various CL_maxTO...........................................................52
Figure VIII-6: Result for sizing to Take-off distance.................................................................................52
Figure VIII-7.............................................................................................................................................53
Figure VIII-8: Comparison between sizing to Stall Speed and Landing Distance.....................................54
Figure VIII-9.............................................................................................................................................55
Figure VIII-10: Estimating Drag coefficient CD........................................................................................56
Figure VIII-11: Sizing to Climb Rate........................................................................................................57
Figure VIII-12: Sizing to Cruise Speed.....................................................................................................58
Figure VIII-13: Summary of the above sizing...........................................................................................58
Figure VIII-14: List of mission requirements............................................................................................60
Figure VIII-15: Final results for Part I of Fixed Wing design....................................................................60
Figure IX-1: Integrator..............................................................................................................................64
Figure IX-2: Ma Thor................................................................................................................................64
Figure IX-3: Mugin 4450M.......................................................................................................................64

Aircraft Design

UAV group: Patrolman project

Figure IX-4: Reference values for "Boom mount" UAVs..........................................................................65

Figure IX-5: Parameters ratio for Patrolman.............................................................................................65
Figure IX-6: Simple drawing for Fuselage and relative positions of components.....................................66
Figure IX-7: Some parameters for the wing..............................................................................................67
Figure IX-8: Some suitable airfoil for the wing.........................................................................................67
Figure IX-9: NACA0018 characteristics...................................................................................................68
Figure IX-10..............................................................................................................................................69
Figure IX-11: Wing, Ailerons and their parameters...................................................................................70
Figure IX-12: Reference for tail................................................................................................................70
Figure IX-13: Parameters for tail and control surfaces..............................................................................71
Figure IX-14: Sizing for Horizontal tail....................................................................................................71
Figure IX-15: Sizing for vertical tail.........................................................................................................71
Figure IX-16: Parameters for Patrolman....................................................................................................72
Figure X-1: Final parameters for Fuselage, Wing, Tail and control surface...............................................73


Nowadays, along with the development of the aviation, UAVs and their related

technologies has been developed extremely fast in many countries around the world.
Unmanned Aerial Vehicle, with quite a few advantages comparing with other kinds of
aircraft, is now playing a very important role in many different types of mission, from
surveillance, military, patrol to research and mapping. One cannot deny the benefits of
this new kind of aircraft, and in fact, engineers and scientists around the world are trying
their best to not only improve the performances, but also the life cost as well as the
variety of the UAVs.
In this project, our group will try to design a new UAV. The one that not only
suitable to create, manufacture, operate in Viet Nam, but also has better performances in
some categories comparing with other UAVs which have some familiar things with our
UAVs. This project will emphasize in 2 points, which are the two main sections of this
report: The conceptual design of our UAV and some evaluation and calculation for the
real design model.

Aircraft Design

UAV group: Patrolman project

For the first section, we will point out several detail of our desired UAV, its ability,
its characteristics as well as the reason for choosing some concepts of our real model.
This section includes many steps that an engineering design should and must been
through: Define the problem, House of quality (HOQ) level 1, HOQ level 2,
benchmarking, etc.
In the second section, a closer look will be shown. Using real desired mission
profiles, we will generate the specifics of this UAV in real number, and then try to create
a first estimation of its wingspan, empty weight, length, etc. Clear and precise values at
the end of this section are very important, as it will be the input for the next step of the
process, which is mentioned neither in the project nor this report.
Finally, we will have a simple drawing for Patrolman, our special UAV, with some
parameters and the configurations we have chosen from section one and section two.

UAV History and applications


The history of UAV

According to some documents, the history of the UAVs was started in 1849 when
the Austrian used exploded balloons to attack the city of Venice. Although there are
differences between this device and a real UAV such as the control ability, the power
plant or even the concept, this bombing attack has shown the world the ability of the
small flying device and opened the minds of many people at that time.
After World War I, when the combat ability of aircraft had been fully
demonstrated, along with the development of aircraft, UAV has been developed rapidly as
a drone to train the pilot. Years after years, UAVs has shown the world that they could be
used in many different types of missions, saving not only the cost of a real aircraft but
also the life of its crews in case of a fail mission.

Aircraft Design

UAV group: Patrolman project

Figure II-1: Pilotless Balloon is considered the first UAV

Applications of UAV
Nowadays, with modern navigation system as well as transmitting system, UAV
has become a very important part of the defensive and attacking force of many countries.
UAVs also play a role in many research and rescue mission due to the ability to reach the
unreachable zone for real human low-operate cost comparing with other solutions.
The figures below indicate various missions which are done by different kind of
UAVs. From the top to the bottom, left to right, we have the surveillance, military,
transportation, research, rescue, firefight, mapping, patrol, etc.

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UAV group: Patrolman project

Figure II-2: UAVs around the world

Section 2: Conceptual Design


Define problem
Problem statement and benchmarking
Depending on the mission, each UAV above has its own specifications from the

outlook shape, wingspan to the endurance, range, celling service Therefore, defining a
clear mission profile is very important for our project. Our Patrolman will be a UAV
which can be used in two separated kind of missions: transportation and surveillance.
In order to get a clear view about the expectation performances of Patrolman and
other UAVs with the same missions, we have some benchmarking as shown in figure III1 and III-2. The categories have been sorted for the convenient of the viewer.

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UAV group: Patrolman project

Figure III-3: Benchmarking table

Aircraft Design

UAV group: Patrolman project


Shadow 200


Altus II








Figure III-4: Benchmarking result

The characteristics of the UAVs we chose to compare with Patrolman can be found in the
appendix A of this report.
As can be seen, our UAV has better performance in some categories, in
particularly, it would be easier to operate, easy to support and transport with its low
weight. The range and the Take-off distance is also its strength. We believe that each of
them is critical points with the kind of missions we have chosen. While easy to operate is
one of the most important criteria of any aircrafts including UAV, having a small Take-off
weight will give Patrolman other benefits from transportation to Take-off and landing


Aircraft Design

UAV group: Patrolman project

Now that we finally finish the first step of our conceptual design, we will continue
with our second step, which is create the House of Quality (level 1 and 2) from which we
will know which parts of our UAV need to be focus on.
House of quality
House of Quality, or HOQ for short, is a very useful tool for the design process. In
fact, it is one of the must do things of the first step of engineering design, as in [1].
Figure III-3 indicates the process that we might follow to design and create a new thing.

Figure III-5: Process of engineering design

HOQ combines several houses sticking together. Each of them is a matrix (or
several matrices) indicates the relation between various design phases and shows us what
to do in each phase. Fig III-4 presents a simple way to describe the HOQ. As can be
seen, the first house shows the relation between Customer Requirement and

Aircraft Design

UAV group: Patrolman project

Engineering Characteristics. As we known, these things sometimes can be opposite, or

maybe irrelevant with each other. The mission of the first house is somehow represents
the relation between these two, somehow describe the requirements of the customers by
the number of the engineers. The second house in the process will show the relation
between the characteristics decided by the engineer with the part characteristics of the
produce, and then we will move on to the next house.

Figure III-6: A general description for HOQ

In this report, we will only create and fulfill the first and the second house of
House of quality 1
Customer requirements for an UAV may be various. We created a table to decide
which category is more important than others.


Aircraft Design

UAV group: Patrolman project

Figure III-7: Ranking requirements of customers

Patrolman will be a surveillance UAV with moderate payload and long

endurance. Therefore, for the customer requirements, we will focus on those below
criteria, right next to them is the customer importance indicating how important the
criteria is for our Patrolman.

Figure III-8: Customer requirements for our UAV


Aircraft Design

UAV group: Patrolman project

The engineering characteristics will be a part base on the characteristics of our

UAV. For this project, and for the Patrolman, the characteristics for our UAV will be
Can be used in various situations and for different kinds of mission
+Have hi-quality camera (at least 2) and different sensors (at least 3 for
speed, attitude, temperature)
+Can stay up in the air for a long time (at least 12 hours)
+Have separated programs for different types of mission
Empty structure weight: <30 kg
Payload:7 kg
MTOW: maximum 60kg
Wingspan: 4-5.5m
Cruise speed (full loaded): 56 m/s (110 knot)
Stall speed (full loaded): 25m/s
Operation attitude: 3000-4000 m (12000 ft)
Rate of climb(full loaded): 150m/min
Live control radius: 2km
Error of GPS: <5%
Powerplants:1 engine, Pistol/Propeller
Cost: ~$90.000 (~$1.500/0.5 kg)


Aircraft Design

UAV group: Patrolman project

From these characteristics, we will have the engineering characteristics for our HOQ

Figure III-9: Engineering characteristics

For a HOQ, there are only three relation between two categories: 1,3 and 9

Depending on how relevant between two categories, we will give them the equivalent
For the first HOQ, our final scoring can be found in fig III-8


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UAV group: Patrolman project

Figure III-10: HOQ 1


Aircraft Design

UAV group: Patrolman project

After scoring and judging, the conclusion that we can have from the first HOQ is
that among the given engineering characteristics, Cruise Speed, or Speed in general, is
the most important category for our UAV. Besides, other categories that also essential and
will be brought to the next level of HOQ are Collision avoidance systems, Sensors, GPS,
operation Attitude, Maximum Take-off weight (MTOW), flight autonomy, etc.

House of Quality 2

Figure III-11: Relation between House 1 and House 2

After finishing the first House of Quality, we have got the essential criteria for
House of Quality 2. From the chosen categories as mentioned in the previous part, we
will have the engineering characteristics for this part as shown in fig III-10. Part
Characteristics will focus on the decomposition of the UAV (components, special
parameters, additional devices, etc.), and therefore, we will have those criteria as shown
in figure III-11. Fig gives us the final matrix for our second House of Quality.


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UAV group: Patrolman project

Figure III-12: Engineering Characteristics in House 2

Figure III-13: Part characteristics


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UAV group: Patrolman project

Figure III-14: House of Quality 2

From this House, we will see that among the components of the UAV, the Wing is
the most important component as the specific value related to the wing had a very high
relative score comparing with the rest. The general configuration, or the relative position
between parts, is also very important. Deciding the right configuration (or concept as in
part IV, V of this report) is very important, and need to be done carefully.


Aircraft Design


UAV group: Patrolman project

Concept generation

Figure IV-15

Concept generation is the third step of an engineering design process. After

finishing the first step (Problem statement, Benchmarking and HOQ) and the second step
(Gather information), we will continue with this. In this phase of design, we already
knew the problem we want to fix, the criteria we want to improve, the most important
criteria for our design. We also got the advantages and disadvantages of our product
comparing with others. The thing that we need to do now is:
- Decomposition of our product: Number of components, how it connect to the
- Functional decomposition: the function of the components, the parameters of the
Knowing the components of a product and their function will be very important for
choosing the right type of component and the most suitable concept for our product
Physical decomposition
In general, in spite of different configurations, an UAV or a fix wing aircraft is
made of following parts:
-Landing gear

Aircraft Design

UAV group: Patrolman project

-Propulsion system
-Control system
-Other control surfaces
Moreover, these components are made of other smaller parts. Fig IV-2 indicates the
decomposition of our UAV in detail

Figure IV-16: Physical decomposition


Aircraft Design

UAV group: Patrolman project

Functional decomposition
Each component has their own role in a product, depending on these function, we
will have different shape, outlook as well as size. For an UAV, the function of the above
component is

Figure IV-17: Functional decomposition


Aircraft Design

UAV group: Patrolman project

In fig IV-3, the components are separated by color. Moreover, besides their
function, on the right side of every component, we have some important values related to
that one. As we can see, along all components, Wing, Fuselage and Tail are the most
important of a UAV in general.


Evaluating and selecting concepts

For each component above, as mentioned, we can have various configurations.

Furthermore, even a pack of the same components may build up many different concepts.
Choosing the most suitable concept for different requirements is a hard work and need to
be done carefully. In this part of our report, we will focus on:
-Choosing the right type of component for our product using Pugh Matrix
-From the chosen components, creating various concepts to compare with each
other and choosing the most suitable one using the decision matrix.
Concepts for the wing
As we known, Wing is one of the most important components of an aircraft, and
depending on the inputs we may have different kind of wings.

Figure V-18: Different types of wing

The fig above presents some of the popular wings for aircraft in general. Moreover, for
the relative position of the wing, we also have 3 different kinds: Low wing, mid wing and
high wing.

Aircraft Design

UAV group: Patrolman project

Figure V-19: Wings and their relative position with Fuselage

Using Pugh Matrix, we can see the advantages and disadvantages of these
concepts for the requirements of our Patrolman.

Figure V-20: Pugh Matrix for Wing


Aircraft Design

UAV group: Patrolman project

The characteristics used to compare are:

+Lift: How much Lift the wing can generate with the same area
+ Drag: How much Drag the wing will generate with the same area
+Stability: The ability to be self-stabilizing.
+Durability: Hard to be damaged during operating, easy to maintenance.
+Control ability: Easy to control and change the attitude depending the controller
+Manufacturing ability: Easy to produce or available on the market.
After finishing the first table, we can see that straight wing with dihedral angle and
Low wing is the most suitable. However, Pugh Matrix requires a second evaluation
with those two become the datum, as shown in fig V-4

Figure V-21: Pugh Matrix for Wing with different datum


Aircraft Design

UAV group: Patrolman project

As can be seen, for our UAV, Straight wing with Dihedral angle is the most
suitable one. However, because High wing and Low wing has the same score, we
need to choose one of them base on other components as well as the final concepts.
for the

Concepts for the tail

Using the same technique above, we will have different concepts
tail of an UAV. Fig V-5 indicates some of these concepts

Figure V-22: Concepts for tail

The first Pugh Matrix for the tail

Figure V-23: Pugh Matrix for tail


Aircraft Design

UAV group: Patrolman project

And the second one

Figure V-24: Pugh Matrix for tail with different datum

As can be seen, for our UAV, Boom mount is the most suitable type of tail for our UAV.
Fig V-8 presents a boom mount UAV which is used very popular in the world.

Figure V-25: An Boom mount UAV


Aircraft Design

UAV group: Patrolman project

Propulsion system
For a small UAV as Patrolman, there are only 2 types of engine which can be used:
Piston engine using fuel such as JP-5 and electric engine. Once again, Pugh Matrix is
used to comparing between these two.

Figure V-26: Pugh Matrix for engine

It is clear that Gas Engine has the upper hand comparing with Electric Engine. In fact, if
we do not use the solar cell for the UAV, an Electric UAV can operate maximum thirty
minutes to an hours, and therefore, it is not suitable for or UAV (which requires operates
at least 12 hours).
General concepts and final decision using Decision Matrix
Summarizing the above components concepts, we finally have these three general
concepts for Patrolman

Concept 1: Straight-low wing with dihedral angle + Fuel in Wing+ engine

at tail


Aircraft Design

UAV group: Patrolman project

Concept 2: Straight-high wing dihedral angle +Fuel in Wing + engines in


Concept 3: Straight-high wing with dihedral angle + Fuel in wing + engine

at tail

In this part of our report, we will use Decision Matrix to comparing these configurations
and deciding the most suitable one base on our requirements.
Decision Matrix includes many small steps. The first step is scoring these concepts
base on estimating values of Material Cost, Manufacturing Cost, Reparability,
Durability, Reliability and Time to produce. The score is given in scale of ten, in which
10 is the ideal solution and 1 is the useless one.

Figure V-27: Scoring for different concepts

The second step of Decision Matrix is creating a Matrix describe the relative relation
between the above categories for our UAV. In short, it is the decision of which one is
more important than the others.


Aircraft Design

UAV group: Patrolman project

Figure V-28: Relative relation between criteria

Finally, we have the Decision Matrix

Figure V-29: Decision matrix

From Decision Matrix, we find out that Concept 3: Straight-high wing with dihedral
angle + Fuel in wing + engine at tail is the most suitable concept for our UAV.
Choosing the final general concept is the last step of Conceptual Design. Now we
already have the general idea about our product, we will move on to the next Section of
our Design process: Estimating Maximum Take-off Weight, Sensitive Analysis and
calculating the configurations bases on the mission profile of our UAV.

Aircraft Design

UAV group: Patrolman project

Section 3: Preliminary Sizing of Airplane

Configuration Design
This section is constructed following the documents of Dr. Jan Roskam called
Fixed Wing Design, mostly part I and part II. These documents describe an simple way
to estimate the size of an aircraft (Maximum Take-off weight, Wing span, Aspect ratio of
Wing, Lift coefficient in Part I: Preliminary Sizing of Airplane) and then later
determine other parameters of an airplane(length, Tail Area, etc. in Part II:
Configuration design and propulsion system) base on the mission profile of that

VI. Determining Maximum Take-off Weight, Fuel Weight bases on

Mission Profile
A mission profile indicates the task that the aircraft must be fulfill, or in short, the
operation of the aircraft. It includes the flight path of the aircraft, the purpose of the
flight, mission requirements (cruise speed, operation ceiling, estimating time, etc.).

Estimated flying distance and payload

The mission profile of our UAV,
Patrolman, would be a long range flight from
Saigon to Kontum to investigate the forest
area from Bun M Thut to Kontum. It can
also give the information about the smuggling
and surveillance the border area.
The flight path of Patrolman can be seen
fig above. The flight path, as can be seen, can
separated into two different phase:
-Phase 1: Saigon to Bun M Thut
(about 400 km in straight line)
-Phase 2: Bun M Thut to Kontum and
then reverse for a several time (estimating
about 1200 km).
Therefore, the total distance that Patrolman
has to fulfill is about 400+1200=1600 km.


Figure VI-30: Flight path


Aircraft Design

With a 10

UAV group: Patrolman project

distance, the estimated distance would be 1450-1800km.

However, the distance we guessing above is just the cruising distance. In a real
flight, there are more phases than just cruising phase. For our Patrolman, we can have
five different phases in our mission profile.

Figure VI-31: Phases in mission profile

Fig VI-2 shows the order of the phases of our flight. Determining these phases will be
really important as it will affect our calculation for the Fuel Weight later.
The desired payload of our UAV would be around 7kg (including extra space
for extra electric devices and stuff, or just simply put some extra weight to adjust the
balance of the UAV base on others such as weather).
Using these two inputs, using the iterative solver from Part I: Preliminary Sizing
of Airplane, we can estimated needed values, in particularly the Maximum Take-off
weight, Empty Weight and Fuel Weight of our UAV
Iterative Solver
The detail about this method can be found in [2]. In this report, we just mention
about the equations and calculating that related to our UAV.
In short, the process of this method can be described in steps:
-Give the desired payload of your mission requirements.
-Guess a value of Take-off weight WTOguess
-Determine the mission fuel weight basing on your mission profile.
-Calculate a tentative value for operating weight empty WOEtent


Aircraft Design

UAV group: Patrolman project



-Calculate a tentative value for empty weight WE basing on

WOEtent and unusable fuel and oil Wtfo

W E =W O E W tfo


For an UAV and almost all of airplanes, at this stage we

simplify this equation by neglect Wtfo. Therefore

W E =W O E


-Find WE basing only on WTO

W E=10 {(log W A )/ B }

A and B is the constant bases on types of aircraft, for our UAV, we chose the value
of Homebuilt aircraft from table 2.15 of [2]

Figure VI-32: Some value for A and B

-Compare between WE and WEtent. If the error between WE and WEtent is too big, make an
adjustment to the value of WTOguess (increase it or decrease it by a function of the error)
and do these steps again.
Fig VI-4 indicates the flow chart of this solver.

Aircraft Design

UAV group: Patrolman project



Fuel Weight (WF)





Output value
Figure VI-33: Flow chart for iterative solver

The iterative solver is easy to understand, and the loop will run over and over again until
we have a suitable result. From the flow chart and the process mentioned above, it can be
seen that we have got almost every value of the equations. At this step, determining the
Fuel Weight WF is the key of our calculation. In fact, as mentioned above, this value is
based on the mission profile itself, and has to be calculated precisely to gain a proper
result for the weights of the UAV.
Fuel Fractions and Fuel Weight
Fuel Fraction is the ratio between Fuel Weight and Maximum Take-off Weight
(MTOW). In order to find this value, we have to go back to the phases of our mission.

Aircraft Design

UAV group: Patrolman project

Table below shows us the phases, their order and also the Fuel Fraction of each phase.
Fuel Fraction of the phase i of a mission is defined by
W i+1

where Wi, Wi+1 are the weight of that aircraft at the beginning and the end of that phase

Take off




Land down







Fraction Value






Figure VI-34: Fuel Fraction for each phase

For Take-off, Climb, Descend and Land down, their Time-Fraction can be determined
from table 2.1 of [2]

Figure VI-35: Reference for Fuel Fraction

Although these values are just reference and with each flight, these values might be
different even with a same airplane, we can have an estimate and choose the values that
seem reasonable for your aircraft, as we did above for patrolman. The only thing left in
this part is the Fuel Fraction of the Cruise Phase, which strongly depends on your mission
profile. In [2], they have listed a several method to estimate this value, for patrolman, we
choose the method of estimating this ratio bases on the Cruise Range of our mission


Aircraft Design

Rcr =375


UAV group: Patrolman project

( )( )



ln (


with p is the propeller efficiency of the propeller

Cp is the specific fuel consumption of the engine.
L/D is the ratio between Lift and Drag of the aircraft, which depends on the airfoil
of the wing and the shape of the aircraft in general.
Once again, we have three values which cannot be determined properly with the
information we have at the moment. However, using the table 2.2 of [2], we can choose
the values that the most suitable with the aircraft.

Figure VI-36: Reference for Cp and np

Because in the list we do not have the value for an UAV, our group chose these values
bases a part on the reference and a part from the advices of our advisor, which are
p=0.7 ; C p =0.7 ;


Mechanical efficiency of the engine m=0.95

Even though these values might not be exact for our UAV, at this stage of design, we can
simply choose some of these values as we can have some adjustment later bases on the
sensitive analysis and other design phase. Using these values, with Cruise Range
Rcr=1600 km=863.93 nm
We have Fuel Fraction for cruise phase as

Aircraft Design

UAV group: Patrolman project

Fuel fraction for our mission is defined by

W 1 5 W i +1
M ff =

W i=1 W i

( )

With the reserved fuel about 25%, we can determine the Fuel Weight MF of our UAV
M F =( 1M ff ) W

M F =1.25 M F


Results of iterative solver
Figure VI-8 shows the inputs of our UAV and figure VI-9 presents final results of
the iterative solver for our UAV. The calculation is done by MATLAB.

Figure VI-37: Iterative Solver inputs


Aircraft Design

UAV group: Patrolman project

Figure VI-38: Results

In fig VI-9, the first value stands for empty weight, or structural weight of our UAV. The
second one indicates the fuel weight needed for this kind of mission and the last one is
the MTOW (all of these values are in kg). We can see that
W =W E +W F + Payload

Validation and engine selection
We used a second reference ([13]) to check if our results above are reasonable or
not. From this site, we have the figure below. In the figure, the black line indicates the
estimation basing on reference values from seven different UAVs including small UAV
(TM) and big one (Predator MQ-1), meanwhile, the red star represents our UAV. As can
be seen, even though our UAV is a bit lower than the reference curve of other UAVs, it is
not that far and can be acceptable.


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UAV group: Patrolman project

From Take-off Weight, the site also provides us with a tool to determine the maximum
Power required of the engine


Aircraft Design

UAV group: Patrolman project

Using this equation, we can see that for our UAV

Pen g =5.833 kW 7.82hp

Another way to find the power required for our UAV is creating a reference line of our

Fig shows our reference line with three different UAVs, and from that using the linear
function, we can see that
Prequired =0.1258 W +0.1863

with P is in horsepower (hp) and W is in kg.

In our case, we will have
Prequired =5.82 hp

Assuming that our engine just used 75% of each maximum power, we will have the
maximum power required for our UAV should be
Peng =7.76 hp


Aircraft Design

UAV group: Patrolman project

As can be see, the values from two different method is almost equal, therefore, we will
choose an engine for our UAV with power about 8 hp. However, any engine with power
higher than that can be acceptable since we can easily control the output power of an
UAV engine.


Aircraft Design

UAV group: Patrolman project

For our Patrolman, two engines above are some of the engine that can be used for our
UAV. The final decision for our engine will be made bases on several other criteria such
as weight, type of propeller, price However, knowing the acceptable range is also good
for other things, such as checking the input value for propulsive efficiency of the
propeller above or the estimate weight of engine in structure design, etc.


Sensitive analysis

From section VI, from mission requirements and chosen data below

Payload =7 kg
Range=1600 km
C P=0.7


Aircraft Design

UAV group: Patrolman project

we have estimated the following value for our UAV

W E =24.743 kg
W F =13.012 kg
W =44.77 kg

Although the chosen data is based on several references and they are our desired values,
we cannot assure that we can get to that value at the end of the design process or if we
want to change any number in the future depending on our mission profile and its
requirements. Sensitive analysis is one of the methods we could use to estimate the effect
of these chosen values into our prototype. The final value of this analysis will show us
how sensitive that value is to our weights, in particularly Take-off weight. In short, it
will describe how much these weights would increase or decrease if we change any of the
chosen data.

Sensitive of Payload to Take-off Weight

Airplane growth factor due to payload

W T 0

is the factor to describe the

sensitive of Payload to Take-off weight. It is defined as

W T 0
W PL [ DC ( 1B ) W T 0 ]

with B is the constant we had chosen in part VI.B;


C=(1( 1+M res ) ( 1Mff ) )

; Mres is the reserve fuel fraction expressed in terms of mission fuel fraction

(0.25 in our case). Replacing the variables above with our value, we can see that for our

Figure VII-39: Sensitive analysis for Payload

The result means that if we increase the 1 lb with the payload weight, the Take-off weight
of our UAV would increase that amount of weight.

Aircraft Design

UAV group: Patrolman project

Knowing the airplane growth factor due to payload, we can now estimate the Take-off
weight suitable for different amounts of payload. Fig VII-2 gives us some comparison
between the Take-off weight taken by iterative solver (red line) and the one got from
sensitive analysis (with 7kg of payload is our datum). The two of them are nearly the
same, nevertheless; the bigger the gap between the datum payload and our chosen
payload, the bigger the difference. This difference can be explained by the fact that our
Take-off weight is not linear with payload, as can be seen from part VI.B. Therefore, if
our chosen payload is too different from 7 kg, the result we have from sensitive analysis
cannot be used.

Figure VII-40: Comparison between two methods

Sensitive of Range to Take-off weight
This sensitive is defined by the following equation
(lbs /nm)

in which
C=(M ff ( 1+ M res )M res )

F=B W 2 { C W ( 1B )D } ( 1+ M res ) M ff
=C P 375 P


Aircraft Design

UAV group: Patrolman project

Applying for our case, the result would be

Figure VII-41: Sensitive analysis for Range

The value means that if we increase our cruise range by 1nm, the Take-off weight of our
UAV would increase that amount of weight and vice sera. Using the same method as we
did in the last part, we can have these values and curves

Figure VII-42: Comparison between two methods

Once again, even though these curves could be have a same trend and really close
together, there are some differences between them. The greater the gap compares with our
datum, the bigger the difference is. For our patrol man, we believe we only could use the
result of sensitive analysis if the range is from1450-1750 km.
Sensitive of other values to Take-off weight
Fig VII-5 below shows the equations that we could use to determine the sensitive
of various values to Take-off weight. When we use these equations, the results for our
Patrolman are shown in figure


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UAV group: Patrolman project

Figure VII-43: Equations for other sensitive analysis


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UAV group: Patrolman project

Figure VII-44: Results for Patrolman

With each sensitive analysis, we will compare with the result given by iterative solver.
From that, we will have the result figures VII-7, VII-8 , VII-9.

Figure VII-45: Comparison for Cp


Aircraft Design

UAV group: Patrolman project

Figure VII-46: Comparison for np

Figure VII-47: Comparison for L/D

From the above results, we have two important conclusions:

-Payload, Range, CP and Take-off weight share the same trend and they will go up
and down together. Nevertheless, if we increase propeller efficiency p or Lift over Drag
ratio L/D, Take-off weight would decrease.
-None of the relation above is linear, and in fact, as shown in the figures, we could
only use those sensitive values if the difference between our desired value and our datum
is not very big. A 5% error is acceptable in technique in general.

VIII. Estimating Wing Area, Take-off Power and Maximum Lift

In this part of our report, we will present our result for estimating the values
mention in the title. The detail of the calculation, as well as other methods and functions,


Aircraft Design

UAV group: Patrolman project

can be found in [2].

After finishing the last part, we already got the following data

W E =24.743 kg
W F =13.012 kg
W =44.77 kg
C P =0.7
P =0.7

Knowing these values is really important, in particularly Take-off weight WTO, as it is a

critical value in this part. Using the given data, combining with more requirements of our
mission and the technical criteria of the authorities (about the speed, attitude, Take-off
and landing distance), we can create a valid zone, a zone in which its values would
satisfy every requirements of our mission.
For a fixed wing, the technical criteria and requirements can be found in several
references. For this report, we have look at the FARs (Federal Aviation Requirements)
published by FAA (Federal Aviation Administration) of the USA. We have used mostly
the method in FAR 23 (Airworthiness Standards: Normal, Utility, Acrobatic and
Commuter Airplanes) with some adjustments, as we could not found any of these
reference for a UAV (FAR 333 is still under developing).
Sizing to Stall Speed requirement
In this sizing, we need to find the relation of Wing Loading versus Lift coefficient
max CLmax. The inputs of the calculation include Stall Speed and operation altitude.
Figure VIII-1 indicates the terrain in which our UAV would be operated


Aircraft Design

UAV group: Patrolman project

Highest mountain: Ngc Lnh

Height: ~2600m

Highest mountain: Bidoup

Height: ~2300m

Figure VIII-48: Requirements about operation altitude

From the figure, we can see that the operation attitude of our UAV would be above
3000m. For safety of our Patrolman, we decided that the operating attitude would be
4000m (13200ft). With that attitude, the density of the air would be 0.8223 kg/m3.
Moreover, the stall speed of our UAV would be 25 m/s (about 48.6 knots). We have the
following relation between Wing Loading and CLmax
V s=
C Lmax

( )



Aircraft Design

UAV group: Patrolman project

For an UAV, CLmax can be from 1 to 1.8 depending on various things, especially airfoil and
secondary control surfaces (flap, slat, etc.) [4] [5] [6]. We can see that

W V S C L V s C Lmax

=256.96 C Lmax

Fig indicates this relation. From the equation, the valid zone would be the zone under the
curve. For instance, if CLmax=1, Wing Loading W/S should be smaller than 256.96 N/m2.

Figure VIII-49: Result for sizing to Stall Speed

Sizing to Take-off distance
For an UAV, Take-off distance is not a very important criteria comparing with
other fixed wing. In fact for some purposes, we sometimes see the UAVs without landing
gear and using a launcher-catcher system to take off and land down. For Take-off
distance, FAR23 separates it into two different definitions, as shown in fig VIII-3

Figure VIII-50

For Patrolman, because of it flexibility, Take-off Ground distance must be short enough.
For instance, if we want it to take off from Ho Chi Minh University of Technology, a


Aircraft Design

UAV group: Patrolman project

maximum 30m of Take-off ground distance and 75m of Take-off distance would be just
enough. Therefore, we will put these values into our mission requirements.

Figure VIII-51: Calculation method

After deciding these two values, we need to compare them with each other to see which
is more critical. Fig indicates the process as well as the result we would get from each
result. With Patrolman, we see that
S TOG =30 S =1.66 S TOG=49.8 m

It means that calculating result is smaller than Take-off distance (75m), so we will have
S TOG =4.9 P23+ 0.009 P223

P23=19.397 lb s /f t hp

TOP23 is the Take-off parameter for FAR23 airplanes.

From Ho Chi Minh, our UAV would fly to Kontum, fly around there before land down
and waiting for it next mission. As a result, in some mission profile the Patrolman would,
it have to Take-off from Kontum, therefore, the density of the atmosphere must be
=0.9428 (~500 m from sea level).
From FAR23, we will have


Aircraft Design

= P23

( WS ) ( )

UAV group: Patrolman project


( ) ( WP ) <19.397


The equation indicates that with each CLmaxTO, we can determine a curve showing the
relation between Wing Loading W/S and Power Loading W/P.

Figure VIII-52: Sizing to Take-off distance for various CL_maxTO

Fig VIII-5 presents the calculating result with four different value of CLmaxTO, from 1 to
1.6. From these tables, we can have the following figure


Aircraft Design

UAV group: Patrolman project

Figure VIII-53: Result for sizing to Take-off distance

The valid zone, as can be seen from the equation, is the lower zone.
Sizing to landing distance
Landing distance can be used in the design phase as criteria for sizing. For fixed
wing, in FAR23 they have a lot of requirements for this distance. However, for an UAV,
we have to do these parameters base on our real facilities. Like Take-off distance, FAR23
divides landing distance into two separated distances.

Figure VIII-54


Aircraft Design

UAV group: Patrolman project

For Patrolman, a Landing distance about 150m and Landing Ground distance maximum
100m is a good choice. After choosing theses values, we have to determine the fraction
between Take-off and landing Weight. In the worst case, right after the climb phase, our
UAV must land down immediately, which will make this fraction maximum.

Take off




Land down







Fraction Value






In this case, we will have


Continuing with the calculation


S L =0.5136 V S

V S =

=25.27 kts=42.65 ft /s
0.3048 0.5136

W 12
V s=
=1.864 C Lmax
C L max

( )

( )

=1.8866 C L max
S 0.988032 L max

With the new relation between Wing Loading and CLmax, we can have a new curve and
then comparing it with the one given by stall speed


Aircraft Design

UAV group: Patrolman project

Figure VIII-55: Comparison between sizing to Stall Speed and Landing Distance

As can be seen, between two criteria, as lower zone is the valid one, anything that
suitable for Landing distance criteria is also valid for Stall speed. With this conclusion,
we can simplify the criteria of Stall speed in our next phase.
Sizing to climb rate
Climb rate, or climb gradient, are very important criteria for an UAV. Unlike other
fixed wing which required not only the safety but also the comfort for passengers, UAVs
can reach higher value of climb rate (or climb gradient). In fact, FAR23 includes a lot of
requirements for this design for a fixed wing, but with an UAV, you can choose the values
that suitable for you the most. In our case, we considered the below situation.

Figure VIII-56

At the end of our take off phase, there are some obstacles, such us buildings (from Ho
Chi Minh University of Technology), tree (from Kontum), which are about 15 meters in
height (50ft). In order to be successfully take off, our UAV must have the climb gradient

Aircraft Design

UAV group: Patrolman project

Takeoff distance: <100m=328.08 ft

Takeoff Ground distance <30m=98.43 ft
Climb gradient=12.283 degree=0.2143 rad
With the equation from [2], we can estimate Drag coefficient

where a, b, c, d are constant base on type of aircraft chosen from table 3.4 of [2].
Applying the equation for our parameters

Figure VIII-57: Estimating Drag coefficient CD

C D =0.024838+0.0388 C L

From that, we will have


Aircraft Design

UAV group: Patrolman project

CGRP=C lim b


( )

1/ 2

18.97 P


1 /2


( )( )

Considering one simple case

C L =C LClimb =1.6

( DL )







( )


1/ 2


1 /2

( )( )



Aircraft Design

UAV group: Patrolman project

Figure VIII-58: Sizing to Climb Rate

The blue curve describes the relation between Wing loading and Power Loading in case
CLmax=1.6. The valid zone, once again, is the lower zone in the figure VIII-11. For other
values, we can have different curve with difference valid zone.
Sizing to Cruise Speed
The last criteria we would want to use in this sizing phase is Cruise Speed. As
mentioned in Section 2: Conceptual Design of this report, the cruise speed of Patrolman
would be 110 knot (about 56.6 m/s).

[ ]

V Cr =77.3

( )
( )

1 /3


( P)

From Cruise speed, we can have a new connection between Wing Loading and Power
Loading. Following figure indicates this connection, with the suitable zone also the lower


Aircraft Design

UAV group: Patrolman project

Figure VIII-59: Sizing to Cruise Speed

Connecting valid zones
In other to connect the sizing we have done before, we have to put everything in a
figure, as we did in fig for 3 different values of CLmax: 1.4 (blue), 1.6 (red), 1.8(black).

Figure VIII-60: Summary of the above sizing


Aircraft Design

UAV group: Patrolman project

From the figure VIII-13, the valid zone for each CLmax is the one on the lower zone, to the
left of the vertical dot line. Fig VIII-14 indicates valid zone in case CLmax equals to 1.4
(blue zone) and 1.6 (red zone)

As can be seen, any point in the blue zone will also in the red zone, and of course will be
suitable for black zone. Knowing these areas, we can determine the design point of our
UAV. In general, we want to maximize Wing Loading and Power Loading as it will
reduce the area required for the wing and reduce the power required for the engine.
However, more Wing Loading means more pressure on the wing, and it will increase the
requirements for the structure. Moreover, from the figure, we have the limit for Power
Loading depends on Wing Loading. For Patrolman, we decided that CLmax for our UAV
should be 1.6, which is a general Maximum Lift coefficient for an UAV. From that value,
just to be make sure that everything will be still in valid zone even if our C Lmax cannot
reach 1.6, we choose Wing Loading about 130 N/m2 and Power Loading about 6 kg/kW.

Aircraft Design

UAV group: Patrolman project

To sum up, we will list every mission requirements we have done so far in this
report, and then the sizing results as well as power required for Patrolman

Figure VIII-61: List of mission requirements

Figure VIII-62: Final results for Part I of Fixed Wing design


Aircraft Design

UAV group: Patrolman project

From the results, it can be seen that we chose the Aspect Ratio for our wing about 8. This
Aspect Ratio is familiar with big Aspect Ratio wing aircraft, in particularly the
surveillance one, as it need to have a slow cruise speed to increase the quality of the
images. Moreover, bigger Aspect Ratio will increase the span of the wing and decrease
mean chord, which will increase the longitude stability of our UAV.


Preliminary configuration design

In this part of our report, we will do the preliminary configuration design for our
Patrolman. This phase of design will use every result that we have got so far (from both
conceptual design and preliminary design). The outputs of this phase will be various:
parameters of fuselage, control surfaces, engine selection, airfoil of the wings, parameters
of tails, etc. There are two different methods for doing this design: a short sequence with
sixteen steps and a long sequence about thirty steps. In the first half of this part, we will
have an overview about these two sequences, in particularly sequence I, and the final half
will concentrate on using the design sequence I for our Patrolman.


Preliminary design sequence I
The objective of this sequence is to help the designer making the decision and
parameters for the needed configuration with a minimum amount of work. These results
will not be in detail as the results given by the second sequence. However, they are
acceptable, at least for this phase of design process. Preliminary design sequence I
includes 16 steps:
Step 1: Carefully review the mission specification and prepare a list of those items
which have a major impact on the design.
Step 2: Perform a comparative study of airplanes with similar mission
Step 3: Select the type of configuration to be designed.
Step 4: Prepare a preliminary (scaled) drawing of the fuselage and cockpit layout
Step 5: Decide which type of propulsion system is to be used and how the
propulsion system will be arranged
Step 6: Design the control surface and decide the parameters of the wing
Step 7: Decide on the type, the size and the disposition of high lift devices
Step 8: Decide on the layout empennage; select the size and location of
longitudinal and directional controls
Step 9: Design the landing gear
Step 10: Prepare a scaled preliminary arrangement drawing of the proposed

Aircraft Design

UAV group: Patrolman project

configuration and perform class I weight and balance analysis.

Step 11: Perform a Class I stability and control analysis of the proposed
Step 12: Perform a Class I drag polar analysis
Step 13: Analyze the result of Steps 10 and 11
Step 14: From the drag polars from Step 12, compute those L/D values which
correspond to the mission phases and to the sizing requirements considered in the
preliminary sizing process in part VIII.
Step 15: Prepare a dimensioned threeview which reflects all the changes which
were made as a result of the iterations involved in Steps 10 through 14.
Step 16: Prepare a report which documents the results obtained during sequence I,
include recommendations for change, for further study or for research and development
work which needs to be carried out.
Preliminary Design Sequence II
The objective of this sequence is to give the designers a realistic look about the
product with reasonably detailed layout of an airplane configuration. In short, the results
of this sequence will determine whether or not the configuration indeed meets all
requirements laid down in its mission specifications. A more detail of this sequence can
be found at ref [3].
Preliminary Design for Patrolman
For our UAV, in this report, we will present the application of Preliminary Design
Sequence I. However, we will not do all the sixteen steps above but have some
adjustment for the following reasons:
-Some of the steps including 2, 3 and 5 have already done in the conceptual
design. For instance, in section 2, we have already determined the power required for our
engine and some example engines that we should choose.
-For a small UAV as Patrolman, high lift devices are not necessary as it will make
our model much more complicated.
The final goal of this section for our report would be determining the following
- Fuselage: Length, width and height, position of devices.
- Wing: Airfoil and related parameters.
- Tail: Related parameters.
- Control surfaces (aileron, rudder, elevator): related parameters.
Finally, we will try to have a simple drawing with every parameter we have had so far.


Aircraft Design

UAV group: Patrolman project

From the conceptual design, we have decided that our UAV should be Straighthigh wing with dihedral angle + Fuel in wing + engine at tail (Concept 3). Also from
this section, using the Pugh Matrix, we know that boom mount is the most suitable
configuration of tail for our UAV.
From the preliminary sizing in part VIII, we have had the following values:
-MTOW: 44.77 kg (98.7 lbs)
-Empty Weight: 24.743 kg (54.55 lbs)
-Fuel Weight: 13.012 kg (28.68 lbs)
4 US gallon|
-L/D=10; Cp=0.7; np=0.7; nm=0.95
Estimated Power: 9hp
- CLmax=1.6
- Wing loading: 130 N/m2
Aspect Ratio: 8
Wing Area: 3.375m2
Wing span: 5.2 m
Mean chord: 0.65m
- Power loading: 6 kg/kW
Maximum Power required: 9 hp
Related UAV with the same configuration and their
From ref [3], it can be seen that this design phase requires a lot of reference values
from the existing aircraft which has similar configuration with the under developing
aircraft. For an UAV, because we do not have values for UAV in ref [3], we have to create
a reference values from the existing UAVs. However, there are some values, such as nondimensional ratio, can be used from ref [3] for our Patrolman and we will mention about
them whenever they appear.
In fact, boom mount is a very popular configuration for UAVs as it has a lot of
benefits, in particularly saving the material needed for the conventional fuselage and tail.
This configuration also shortens the distance between the engine, which is one of the
heaviest parts of an UAV, and the central of gravity. This reduction means a lot as it will
eliminate the unwanted length of the fuselage just to balancing the weight of the engine.
Fig IX-1,IX-2 and IX-3 indicate some of the UAV that we will use to take the reference


Aircraft Design

UAV group: Patrolman project

Figure IX-63: Integrator

Figure IX-64: Ma Thor

Figure IX-65: Mugin 4450M


Aircraft Design

UAV group: Patrolman project

From various similar UAVs, we will have a table as shown in figure IX-4

Figure IX-66: Reference values for "Boom mount" UAVs

As can be seen from the table, although these UAVs have various MTOW and
Payload, the Area ratio between components seems to be in a specific range. For instance,
the ratio between the wing span and the length of the Fuselage for UAVs with MTOW
less than 500kg is about 0.4 to 0.5. The bigger the MTOW of the UAV, the smaller this
ratio as its wingspan would be increase remarkably (as well as its Aspect Ratio).
Moreover, High lift devices are optional, as can be seen, it depends on the designer if
they want their UAV to have these devices or not.
Patrolman parameters
Using these reference value, combined with our given parameters, we can decide
the below values for our UAV:

Figure IX-67: Parameters ratio for Patrolman


Aircraft Design

UAV group: Patrolman project

Fuselage sizing
From the table, we can see that our UAV will have the length of the fuselage about
2.4 m, and its width about 0.36 m. With these parameters, we can have a simple drawing
for our fuselage as in fig IX-6.

Figure IX-68: Simple drawing for Fuselage and relative positions of components

Wing and Aileron Sizing
Fig IX-7 indicates the parameters we have decided for our Wing and Ailerons.
However, airfoil of the wing and its dihedral angle has not been chosen yet.


Aircraft Design

UAV group: Patrolman project

Figure IX-69: Some parameters for the wing

There are multiple methods for choosing airfoil, from using equation to choosing
by experience. In this project, using the chosen values, we can have a list of suitable
airfoil for our UAV. From the calculation in part VIII, we have chosen that C Lmax=1.6 with
climb angle of 0.2143 rad (12.3 degree). At cruising, we also calculated that our C L
equals to 0.134. With the help of Profili, we can have the figure below

Figure IX-70: Some suitable airfoil for the wing


Aircraft Design

UAV group: Patrolman project

From the given values, we can see that

R e wing =

VD V c
1 800 000

Figure IX-8 indicates some airfoil which Lift Coefficient can reach 1.6 at attach angle of
12.5 degree. Among these airfoils, there is only NACA 0018-Mod 40-30 that has the
suitable CL at cruising for us (with CL at 0o to 3o less than 0.35). Figure IX-9 gives us
more information about this airfoil


Aircraft Design

UAV group: Patrolman project

Figure IX-71: NACA0018 characteristics

From calculation, we see that


3 Dwing

C L2 Dwing
C L 2 Dwing
A Rw

From the requirement at cruise with CL=0.134, we can decide that our incidence angle i w
about 2 degree. With maximum climb angle of 12.3 degree, we will have

Aircraft Design

UAV group: Patrolman project

C L =0.0034+0.112 ( 12.3+2 ) 1.605

With the decided airfoil, we will have

( ct ) =( ct )



Now, we can calculate Wing Fuel Volume


V WF =0.54

S t
b c



1+ w w2 + 2w w

( 1+ w )

in which =1 (taper ratio)

( ct )



Figure IX-72

Therefore, the Wing we choose has enough space for containing the fuel.
Aileron span can be determined from the aileron span ratio from table 8.3 of ref [3].
Despite the fact that these tables are made for bigger aircraft, these values are
dimensionless, so it still can be used for our UAV. From this table, we choose Aileron
Span location in/out: 0.6/0.9. With these ratio, we can have the span of our aileron is 0.78
m with its mean chord 0.13m, about 0.2 the chord of the wing, which is still acceptable
according to the tables.
With everything is decided, we can have a simple drawing for the wing as shown in
figure IX-11.

Aircraft Design

UAV group: Patrolman project

Figure IX-73: Wing, Ailerons and their parameters

Tail sizing
In order to simplify our design, the vertical and horizontal tail of Patrolman
would be a thin plate. From the reference UAV, we can have some reference values for
our tail and our control surfaces.

Figure IX-74: Reference for tail

From figure IX-12, we can see that 0.2-0.3 is the general ratio for the span of the tail and
wing span. Moreover, the ratios Elevator/Horizontal tail and Rudder/Vertical tail are
usually equal, about 0.25 to 0.4. For our Patrolman, we would use 0.3 and 0.35
respectively. From these fractions, we will have the following parameters

Figure IX-75: Parameters for tail and control surfaces

From the parameters, we can have the simple drawing for the tail and the control surfaces

Aircraft Design

UAV group: Patrolman project

Figure IX-76: Sizing for Horizontal tail

Figure IX-77: Sizing for vertical tail

With every values we have determined (for Fuselage, Wing, Tails, control surfaces),
we can have a general drawing for our Patrolman as shown in figure IX-16.


Aircraft Design

UAV group: Patrolman project

Figure IX-78: Parameters for Patrolman


Final words

Even though for design an UAV, our work is not finished, because of lacking of
time and experience, this will be the end of our project. We hope that this report will have
some benefits for related projects in the future. For the convenient of the viewer, we will
now summary our results so far.
From the conceptual design, we have decided that a boom mount tail with
Straight-high wing with dihedral angle + Fuel in wing + engine at tail, would be the
most suitable concept for our Patrolman.
From the sizing, basing on our mission profile and its requirements, we have
decided those values
-MTOW: 44.77 kg (98.7 lbs)
-Empty Weight: 24.743 kg (54.55 lbs)
-Fuel Weight: 13.012 kg (28.68 lbs)
4 US gallon|
-L/D=10; Cp=0.7; np=0.7; nm=0.95
Estimated Power: 9hp
- CLmax=1.6
- Wing loading: 130 N/m2
Aspect Ratio: 8
Wing Area: 3.375m2
Wing span: 5.2 m

Aircraft Design

UAV group: Patrolman project

Mean chord: 0.65m

- Power loading: 6 kg/kW
Maximum Power required: 9 hp
With the given values, we have determined the parameters for our UAV:

Figure X-79: Final parameters for Fuselage, Wing, Tail and control surface


Aircraft Design


UAV group: Patrolman project

Appendix A: Characteristics of some UAVs




Shadow 200


Altus II


Aircraft Design

UAV group: Patrolman project

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Aircraft Design

UAV group: Patrolman project

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