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CH 28 Sec 2 - Modernization in Japan

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Modernization in Japan



followed the model of Western
powers by industrializing and
expanding its foreign influence.

Japans continued development

of its own way of life has made
it a leading world power.


Treaty of
Meiji era

RussoJapanese War

SETTING THE STAGE In the early 17th century, Japan had shut itself off from

almost all contact with other nations. Under the rule of the Tokugawa shoguns,
Japanese society was very tightly ordered. The shogun parceled out land to the
daimyo, or lords. The peasants worked for and lived under the protection of their
daimyo and his small army of samurai, or warriors. This rigid feudal system
managed to keep the country free of civil war. Peace and relative prosperity
reigned in Japan for two centuries.
Analyzing Causes List
the steps that Japan
took toward
modernization and the
events that contributed
to its growth as an
imperialistic power.


Japan Ends Its Isolation

The Japanese had almost no contact with the industrialized world during this
time of isolation. They continued, however, to trade with China and with Dutch
merchants from Indonesia. They also had diplomatic contact with Korea.
However, trade was growing in importance, both inside and outside Japan.
The Demand for Foreign Trade Beginning in the early 19th century,

Westerners tried to convince the Japanese to open their ports to trade. British,
French, Russian, and American officials occasionally anchored off the Japanese
coast. Like China, however, Japan repeatedly refused to receive them. Then, in
1853, U.S. Commodore Matthew Perry took four ships into what is now Tokyo
Harbor. These massive black wooden ships powered by steam astounded the
Japanese. The ships cannons also shocked them. The Tokugawa shogun realized
he had no choice but to receive Perry and the letter Perry had brought from U.S.
president Millard Fillmore.
Fillmores letter politely asked the shogun to allow free trade between the
United States and Japan. Perry delivered it with a threat, however. He would
come back with a larger fleet in a year to receive Japans reply. That reply was
the Treaty of Kanagawa of 1854. Under its terms, Japan opened two ports at
which U.S. ships could take on supplies. After the United States had pushed open
the door, other Western powers soon followed. By 1860, Japan, like China, had
granted foreigners permission to trade at several treaty ports. It had also
extended extraterritorial rights to many foreign nations.
Meiji Reform and Modernization The Japanese were angry that the shogun had

given in to the foreigners demands. They turned to Japans young emperor,

Mutsuhito (mootsooHEEtoh), who seemed to symbolize the countrys sense of

810 Chapter 28

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pride and nationalism. In 1867, the Tokugawa shogun stepped down, ending the military dictatorships that had lasted since the 12th century. Mutsuhito took control of
the government. He chose the name Meiji for his reign, which means enlightened
rule. Mutsuhitos reign, which lasted 45 years, is known as the Meiji era.
The Meiji emperor realized that the best way to counter Western influence was
to modernize. He sent diplomats to Europe and North America to study Western
ways. The Japanese then chose what they believed to be the best that Western civilization had to offer and adapted it to their own country. They admired Germanys
strong centralized government, for example. And they used its constitution as a
model for their own. The Japanese also admired the discipline of the German army
and the skill of the British navy. They attempted to imitate these European powers
as they modernized their military. Japan adopted the American system of universal
public education and required that all Japanese children attend school. Their teachers often included foreign experts. Students could go abroad to study as well.
The emperor also energetically supported following the Western path of industrialization. By the early 20th century, the Japanese economy had become as modern as any in the world. The country built its first railroad line in 1872. The track
connected Tokyo, the nations capital, with the port of Yokohama, 20 miles to the
south. By 1914, Japan had more than 7,000 miles of railroad. Coal production grew
from half a million tons in 1875 to more than 21 million tons in 1913. Meanwhile,
large, state-supported companies built thousands of factories. Traditional Japanese
industries, such as tea processing and silk production, expanded to give the country unique products to trade. Developing modern industries, such as shipbuilding,
made Japan competitive with the West.

Imperial Japan
Japans race to modernize paid off. By 1890, the country had several dozen warships and 500,000 well-trained, well-armed soldiers. It had become the strongest
military power in Asia.
Japan had gained military, political, and economic strength. It then sought to
eliminate the extraterritorial rights of foreigners. The Japanese foreign minister
assured foreigners that they could rely on fair treatment in Japan. This was because
its constitution and legal codes were similar to those of European nations, he
explained. His reasoning was convincing, and in 1894, foreign powers accepted the

China and Japan Confront the West

Remains committed
to traditional values
Loses numerous
territorial conflicts
Grants other
nations spheres of
influence within
Finally accepts
necessity for reform
The Dowager
Empress Cixi

Have wellestablished
Initially resist
Oppose Western

modernization to be
Borrows and adapts
Western ways
Strengthens its
economic and
military power
Becomes an empire

SKILLBUILDER: Interpreting Charts

1. Contrasting According to the diagram, in what ways did China and Japan
deal differently with Western influence?
2. Comparing What similar responses did each country share despite the
different paths they followed?

The Meiji Emperor



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abolition of extraterritorial rights for their citizens living in Japan. Japans feeling
of strength and equality with the Western nations rose.
As Japans sense of power grew, the nation also became more imperialistic. As
in Europe, national pride played a large part in Japans imperial plans. The
Japanese were determined to show the world that they were a powerful nation.
Japan Attacks China The Japanese first turned their sights to their neighbor,

Korea. In 1876, Japan forced Korea to open three ports to Japanese trade. But
China also considered Korea to be important both as a trading partner and a military outpost. Recognizing their similar interests in Korea, Japan and China signed
a hands-off agreement. In 1885, both countries pledged that they would not send
their armies into Korea.
In June 1894, however, China broke that agreement. Rebellions had broken out
against Koreas king. He asked China for military help in putting them down.
Chinese troops marched into Korea. Japan protested and sent its troops to Korea to
fight the Chinese. This Sino-Japanese War lasted just a few months. In that time,
Japan drove the Chinese out of Korea, destroyed the Chinese navy, and gained a
foothold in Manchuria. In 1895, China and Japan signed a peace treaty. This treaty
gave Japan its first colonies, Taiwan and the neighboring Pescadores Islands. (See
the map on page 803.)
Russo-Japanese War Japans victory over China changed the worlds balance of

power. Russia and Japan emerged as the major powersand enemiesin East
Asia. The two countries soon went to war over Manchuria. In 1903, Japan offered
to recognize Russias rights in Manchuria if the Russians would agree to stay out
of Korea. But the Russians refused.
In February 1904, Japan launched a surprise attack on Russian ships anchored
off the coast of Manchuria. In the resulting Russo-Japanese War, Japan drove

Warlike Japan
Cartoonists often use symbols to identify the
countries, individuals, or even ideas featured in
their cartoons. Russia has long been symbolized
as a bear by cartoonists. Here, the cartoonist uses
a polar bear.
Prior to the Meiji era, cartoonists usually
pictured Japan as a fierce samurai. Later, however,
Japan often was symbolized by a caricature of
Emperor Mutsuhito. Here, the cartoonist has
exaggerated the emperors physical features to
make him look like a bird of prey.

Interpreting Political Cartoons
1. Clarifying How does the cartoonist signify
that Japan is warlike?
2. Making Inferences In their fight, Russia
and Japan appear to be crushing someone.
Who do you think this might be?

812 Chapter 28

Why did
Japan become


Sino: a prefix meaning Chinese

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Russian troops out of Korea and captured most of Russias

Pacific fleet. It also destroyed Russias Baltic fleet, which had
sailed all the way around Africa to participate in the war.
In 1905, Japan and Russia began peace negotiations. U.S.
president Theodore Roosevelt helped draft the treaty, which
the two nations signed on a ship off Portsmouth, New
Hampshire. This agreement, the Treaty of Portsmouth, gave
Japan the captured territories. It also forced Russia to withdraw from Manchuria and to stay out of Korea.

Western Views of the East

The Japanese victory over the
Russians in 1905 exploded a strong
Western myth. Many Westerners
believed that white people were a
superior race. The overwhelming
success of European colonialism and
imperialism in the Americas, Africa,
and Asia had reinforced this belief.
But the Japanese had shown
Europeans that people of other races
were their equals in modern warfare.
Unfortunately, Japans military
victory led to a different form of
Western racism. Influenced by the
ideas of Germanys Emperor Wilhelm
II, the West imagined the Japanese
uniting with the Chinese and
conquering Europe. The resulting
racist Western fear of what was called
the yellow peril influenced world
politics for many decades.

Japanese Occupation of Korea After defeating Russia,

Japan attacked Korea with a vengeance. In 1905, it made

Korea a protectorate. Japan sent in advisers, who grabbed
more and more power from the Korean government. The
Korean king was unable to rally international support for his
regime. In 1907, he gave up control of the country. Within
two years the Korean Imperial Army was disbanded. In
1910, Japan officially imposed annexation on Korea, or
brought that country under Japans control.
The Japanese were harsh rulers. They shut down Korean
newspapers and took over Korean schools. There they
replaced the study of Korean language and history with
Japanese subjects. They took land away from Korean farmers and gave it to Japanese settlers. They encouraged
Japanese businessmen to start industries in Korea, but forbade Koreans from going into business. Resentment of Japans repressive rule
grew, helping to create a strong Korean nationalist movement.
The rest of the world clearly saw the brutal results of Japans imperialism.
Nevertheless, the United States and other European countries largely ignored what
was happening in Korea. They were too busy with their own imperialistic aims, as
you will learn in Section 3.


protectorate: a
country under the
partial control and
protection of
another nation

How did Japan
treat the Koreans
after it annexed the



TERMS & NAMES 1. For each term or name, write a sentence explaining its significance.
Treaty of Kanagawa

Meiji era

Russo-Japanese War





2. Do you think that Japan could

3. How was the Treaty of

6. ANALYZING CAUSES What influences do you think were

have become an imperialistic

power if it had not modernized? Why or why not?


Kanagawa similar to the

treaties that China signed with
various European powers?
4. What steps did the Meiji

emperor take to modernize

5. How did Japan begin its quest

to build an empire?

most important in motivating Japan to build its empire?


Japans aggressive imperialism justified? Support your

answer with information from the text.
8. ANALYZING BIAS How did Japans victory in the Russo-

Japanese War both explode and create stereotypes?


Japanese official, write a letter to the government of a

Western power explaining why you think it is necessary
for your country to build an empire.


Conduct research to discover the name that Akihito, the present emperor of Japan, chose for
his reign. Then create a symbol that expresses the meaning of this name.

Transformations Around the Globe 813

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