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The New Perspective: Danyael Dedeles

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The New

What Makes Everything So Unreal

Danyael Dedeles

Reality is as wonderful as knowing the wonder of
life itself. We obviously experience our daily lives being
aware that we are conscious and our way of living
depends on our own individual perspectives. Have you
ever asked yourself "How do I know what I know?" That is
the point I want to silence in this piece. Let us bring
another kind of angle to this world, a completely new
perspective. This is a kind of piece where it requires
tolerance. There might be things in this work that might
feel uncomfortable and discouraging, but we need no
consolation for knowing what is real. Reality does not
depend on our feelings. It depends on facts, rationality,
and common sense. No doubt, this book is obviously
philosophical. This is my own perspective of seeing things
the way it should really be, though I am in no position to
say what must be yours.

Every little thing started with a simple question. When

I was in my early fourth-year high school experience, I
was at the school lobby playing Imagine by John Lennon
on the piano while speaking with my thoughts. While I
look over the ivory of the piano, I suddenly ask myself
"How can something be so real? How do I even know that
I am alive?" That was random, but it started bothering me
and it confuses me. The more I think of it, the less I feel
like human. Gladly, after several months, I came to a

certain kind of conclusion where I felt so great knowing

that this is it; this is the answer. Everything is an illusion.
So far, this is the most wonderful thing I have ever
known in the sense of nature. This is one of the deepest
mysteries of our existence. Now, I am here, and my
purpose is to share you a wonderful thing we should know
about this world. We have to open the curtain and see
what something really is; or for short, what everything
is. This thing may be complicated to understand for some
people out there and I will explain it as simple and clear
as possible. It is one of the most complicated thoughts
while it is the simplest one at the same time. Stop
opening an unlocked door with its key and let us start
turning its knob around. Open your eyes.

Chapter One

The Art of Knowing

We are in a world full of ideas, love, sorrow,

concepts, understanding, and questions. Imagine waking
up every day and able to know that another chapter in
life is about to come. Is not it just something so great to
encounter? Some of them thank their God or Gods when
they wake up for another day; and some of them might
not even be aware of what is happening for the moment.
You open your eyes, approach the nearest window, open
its curtains, and breathe in the morning breeze.
Afterwards, you would probably be doing your morning
routine before going to school or work and experience
another wonder in life. Most of us learn something new
every day or another like knowledge will never be limited
at all. We are all different, no doubt, that we have
executives, scientists, politicians, architects, engineers,
and other more professions that exist in this world. People
do understand their professions in different ways. Some
of them might agree that they are gifts from their God or
Gods, and some of them might think that they are all part
of our mental evolution. We are all unique and good in
our own ways. Your talents may be product of God's gift
to you or because you are just naturally opportunistic or
hardworking. With simple things in our daily experiences,
we can see how wonderful this world knowing that most
of the things can be understood.

Our world is literally spherical with sides in it. It often

happens that one opinion would be against another and
the other side would probably defend. So then, conflicts
started to exist. We have Christians, Atheists,
Pastafarians, Muslims, Satanists, and etc. They all believe
in different things that we would not even know which
one is on the right track. Christianity supports The Bible
while Atheists support the rationality of Philosophy and
Science more often. They had debates and had powerful
counter arguments for each other. Scientists inside the
world of skepticism do also have arguments for each
other in which theory should we believe by placing their
evidences on the table. Hypotheses, laws, and theories
are coming all the way to our lives, understanding that
we fall towards the ground because of gravity as Sir Isaac
Newton in his Laws of Motion stated it. Scientists make
models and if they happen to work, they do oppose
rejection and experiment on it. Theoretical scientists
focus more on creating models and experimental
scientists focus more on testing models. Did you see my
point? We are in a world full of things to know. We are in a
world full of questions. As we can see, by taking sides, we
can obviously create a better understanding for some
things and the worst-case scenario is it might cause war
as byproducts of disagreement.

We do see this world wonderful and meaningful, no

doubt. Even when you are sorrowful and alone, this world
still is meaningful for you because you care about it. You

can feel 'feelings'. You will never hate something you do

not even care about. Care is the main factor of love and
clearly, ignorance is the antonym of love. Every little
thing I discuss about is artistic. Hatred, love, and
ignorance are some arts of our emotions. They are
meanings that had an origin to explain in what way you
presently feel. They are products of our questioning.
Scientifically, heart has nothing to do with love; mind
does. Our hearts just pump blood to make it circulate our
bodies. There are chemicals in our minds that make us
feel love: dopamine, phenylethylamine, oxytocin,
norepinephrine, and serotonin. However, because we see
this world in a different way, in a more meaningful way,
we happen to do sweet things to someone because we
love them; and clearly, everything we feel makes it far
different than the scientific point of view. We have our
own understanding of what it really is and we have
different perspectives of what emotions can do.

I will avoid bringing you to a farther destination and let

us discuss about the point I want to introduce to you for
the next chapter. We have discussed about different
professions, beliefs, sides, and emotions that made us
feel the way we do right now. However, have you ever
questioned your purpose in this world? We are in a very
astonishing planet that we happen to understand that a
Great Architect made it for us or scientific discoveries
answer how it came into existence. Well, you might think
that God up there gave you purposes in life. I am in no

bias of atheism, but I simply disagree with that idea. In

the next chapter, we will talk about what purpose really
is. What is the purpose of purpose?

Chapter Two

Knowing My

In the previous chapter, we talked about different

professions and try to ask yourself "What is my purpose
in this world? What can I do for it?" Well, actually, in this
present chapter, we have required to have an open mind.
Let me bring you to a different world of understanding
what we are. This is more of a History than Science.

A star starts to form from a hydrogen fusion and soon

have deuterium and tritium to fuse and turn into helium.
The process goes on and on until the star reaches its end
of fusion and normally, it would have an iron and nickel
core before it explodes. Different elements are forming
inside those stars and it will be released into space after
the star's explosion as a supernova (and theoretically, if it
will not explode, it turns into a black hole). Some of those
chemicals are the genesis of our lives like hydrogen,
oxygen, carbon, and nitrogen. Above all other elements,
they are the most important ones to make life possible to
exist. When Earth started evolving around 4.5 - 3 billion
years ago, it came to a point where different natural
events occurred and made those elements exist on Earth
(which I would probably not discuss right now because
Science is just a minor point I want to make). Until the
perfect time came, the first prokaryotic (came from the
Greek word pro which means 'before' and karyon that

means 'nucleus') cells came into existence at the bottom

of the sea by some chemical reaction. Those cells do not
require oxygen to be able to exist. Until the time came,
where they stick on stromatolites and went higher on sea
to make photosynthesis happen. Two different cells then
united after this event occurred. The eukaryotic (came
from the Greek word eu that means 'well' and again,
karyon that means 'nucleus') cells came into existence.
These cells do have nucleus and need oxygen to exist
(unlike prokaryotes, they do not have nucleus and do not
need oxygen to survive). Oxygen started to exist when
the first photosynthesis took effect on Earth. From a
simple evolution of prokaryotic into eukaryotic cell, after
billions of years of evolution, that is what made us into
what we are now.

Evolution is a theory, but it is a fact at the same time.

We just happen not to observe the main event of the
whole evolution, because obviously, we are on the later
parts of it. People say silly things about evolution like "We
cannot see evolution happening." and "Why do we still
have monkeys today if they have evolved already?" First,
we are not from monkeys. We just came from the same
ancestors as monkeys do. Well, all species came from one
common ancestor, the prokaryotic cell. There is a certain
point in history where ancestral chimpanzees went to
separate ways.

Let us call this incoming explanation 'The MothIsland Rationale'. Imagine that there is an island
somewhere where majority of the tree trunks are dark
(dark enough close to being black). In that place, there
two kinds of moths: the black and the white moth. Of
course, in an island, there will be birds that feed on
insects. The two kinds of moths exist equally in the ratio
of 1:1. Eventually, the white moths will decrease its
population because it is less likely to reproduce. Why is
that? If the tree trunks are dark enough, the black moths
are more likely to hide and survive because they are less
likely to be seen and be eaten by birds. The white ones
will be more likely to be eaten by birds because they are
more visible on darker trees. Until it comes to a point
where the population of the white moths will come to zero
and only black moths are existing in that island by now.

Genetic mutation can happen to moths like how it

happens to humans. Have you ever heard of any news
where babies are born having eleven fingers or three
arms? That is a genetic mutation. It can be caused by two
possible reasons. First is by being exposed to some kinds
of chemicals and radiation that can cause DNA
breakdown, and second is by simply having an inaccuracy
of DNA copying. Let us get back to the moths. I know that
you clearly remember that only black moths dominate
the land. Imagine that a certain genetic mutation (not
only genetic mutation can be a factor of evolution just to
make things clearer) happened to that moth and one of

them gave birth to a dark-brown moth where its color has

exactly the same one as the tree trunks. If those darkbrown moths did reproduce even more, it will get to a
point where they will be the major dominator of the whole
island. Probably, it will be caused by the higher visibility
of the black moths compared to the dark-brown moths.
What is my point? Have you ever asked yourself "Can't
the moths leave the island?" They can, and the white
moths can leave and coincidentally be on an island with
lighter tree trunks and have higher chances of survival.
The black moths can also leave the island and find a
place where the tree trunks are darker enough, closer to
black, that they can get a higher chance of reproduction
and survival. That thing is what you call natural selection.
Nature selects which survives or which cannot. Soon
enough, the moths might have a genetic mutation and
have harder coverings on their backs so birds will find it
hard to eat them until it comes to a point where they get
shells (from a gradual process) and turn into beetles to
have the higher chance of survival.

From one island, we can clearly see that it is possible

for black moths to survive even more if they evacuate
into another island. For the moment, in three different
islands, the black, white, and dark-brown moths can
survive at the same time from going separate ways. That
is my main point. This is how ancestral chimpanzees
separate for the sake of survival; and that is how two
things came to existence from the same ancestor.

The last thing I want to clear up on evolution is that

we cannot observe the major changes of it within just a
short time. Will you just see a moth that gave birth to a
beetle? No. It is so gradual that we are not even aware of
their changes; like our hairs. If you look at the mirror
every day, you will not be aware of it getting longer; but
try not to look at any mirror for a week and be unaware of
your hair. Take a picture of your hair a week ago and
compare. Now, you see the difference. That is how
evolution works by minor changes into major ones
overtime. I think it is now clear for us how it works to

With all those things that I have discussed, from

hydrogen fusion into stars, stars into supernovae,
supernovae into life, and then evolution. Which part of
them shows any purpose of how we understand things
today? None of the above; none of those things meant
anything at all. Let us admit that our universe is (sorry for
the word) such a hopeless place for real. We are just
byproducts of those natural events from simplicity into
complexity. For short, we have no purposes in this world;
but because humans made different concepts from
various ideas at the birth of understanding, we happen to
think of what our purposes might be. Purposes do not
naturally exist, but they artificially do in our minds. On

the next chapter, I will discuss about the main point of

this whole book.

Have you ever asked, "How can I know that something

is real?" The way we understand reality depends on what
we sense. Richard Dawkins quoted in his enlightening
book The Magic of Reality "Reality is everything that
exists. Well, our five senses - sight, smell, touch, hearing,
and taste - do a pretty good job of convincing us that
many things are real. But are we only going to call
something 'real' if we can detect them directly with one
of our five senses?" Is everything really real or do we just
understand that they are? Ask yourself.

Chapter Three

Inside Your Closet

It is the time for us to bring a new perspective in this

world, how meaningless and meaningful really it is at the
same time. I will show you how people fool themselves
with their own understanding for this place. From
previous chapters, whether they are scientific or not, it is
self-explanatory whether the world is majestic or not.
Some of you might say that God made all those stars that
made us; and some of you might say that God is
irrelevant with those events and that they are just
byproducts of nature. I will actually choose no side. You
can believe whatever you want. I am actually openminded with different beliefs, flexible enough to accept
everyone. Later on, I will explain to every one of you my
own mindset for every side in this world. This kind of POV
will lessen the chances of war. The only thing we lack in
this world is 'acceptance'. Therefore, I will start discussing
about the core of this piece.

Let us start by giving a name to the explanation I am

going to utter. Let us call it 'The Room Perspective'. Let
me fire you with some questions. How will you know that
a room is a room? How can you explain that it is? Is it

because it has ceiling, floor, furniture, walls, doors, etc.

that can obviously be seen in every room? Are you even
sure that you can understand the presence of the room
itself or you just do understand the identity of a room
that was taught to you by those people around your life
while you grow up? Clearly, you just did know the identity
of the room because the concept of a room was made by
humans to understand what its purpose is out of concept.
Imagine yourself growing up in a forest and accidentally
went inside someone else's bedroom. Will you suddenly
know what it is? Will you suddenly be aware of its
purpose without anyone telling you what it actually is?
Obviously, you will not. The way you presently
understand the room is the aftermath of the presence of
human concept. Humans made the concept and
purpose of a room so we happen to understand how it
works. Let me ask you another question. Can you prove
that the room is real? I am expecting you to say yes
because you can see it, touch it, taste it (if relevant), and
smell its scent. Are you sure that senses describe reality?
Everything you sense describes your understanding for it,
not reality. You cannot prove that the room is real. You
just happen to understand the way it is from your life
experiences; and because people taught you its purpose,
you are using it the way our society normally does. If you
have never experienced being in a room for your life and
never knew what it is, then you might just poop all
around it.

That kind of view is compatible with everything we

understand. Make the room as substitution for everything
you understand in this whole-wide world. Even your life
itself; how do you even know that you are alive? It was
just taught to you that you are (because you breathe,
walk, etc.), but it doesn't make it true. For short, not
everything you understand makes them real; it makes
them understandable. Understanding is a product of
curiosity, and we will discuss it on our next chapter. In
conclusion, the point I want to make is that
understanding is the core of our lives. Everything is only
in our minds. Understanding is what makes us feel alive.

Chapter Four

The New

Understanding is the peak of my whole point. The

reason I wrote this book is to bring up that thing. It is the
most wonderful thing we have in this world. We will never
see the beauty of everything without it. I think you do
agree with me. The title of this chapter has the same one
as this book because this is the part where I will deliver
the whole point of this book. We will start connecting all
those three chapters to make one point of view out of

We are just byproducts of some chemical reaction

around 3 - 4 billion years ago and evolved into what we
are now. In some part of our history, our ancestors split
apart and one of their groups (ancestral chimpanzees
walk as groups because of higher availability of food and
to possess higher quality of territory) separated from
each other that make them more likely to survive through
adaptation individually.

Overtime, our kind came into existence and the birth

of curiosity started. The genesis of our understanding is
the first question ever asked in this world. We would not
know if it is a why, how, where, who, or what question
(more probably, it is a how or why question
hypothetically). It was a part of history where they only
communicate through body languages and pheromones.
By these modern times, how do scientists form a new
understanding out of curiosity? They construct models
and ideas for a new hypothesis that might turn into a law
or a theory. So probably, one of the oldest and most
important models ever made was the language for
communication (like the Sumerian Language for
example). Language is a model made to interpret our
thoughts clearly for others to understand. When this
concept entered our world, our understanding for
everything became more wonderful because everyone
can share his or her individual thoughts to each other.
Therefore, different ideas and opposition of opinions went
as its consequence.

There enters the stage where religions came. Different

beliefs were made when the first question of "Where did
everything come from?" started to be part of our world.
For example: Greek Mythology, Roman Mythology, Finnish
Paganism, Olmec Religion, Aztec Religion, Vedism,
Judaism, and so on. Before, they offer people, food, and

freshly killed animals to perform rituals and cast different

wishes from their Gods and Goddesses. However today,
Science is leading over that question of the origin of
everything through modern cosmology and physics with
this thing so-called string theory. Did you see how our
minds evolved overtime? Isn't it just so wonderful? From a
world that is so meaningless that our only way of thinking
is survive, survive, and survive into a world where
different ideas were brought up and concepts were made
to make us understand this world and how wonderful it is
by passing the knowledge that came from our ancestors.
Therefore, we are in a naturally meaningless world with
artificially meaningful concepts. Again, not everything we
understand makes it real; it only makes everything
understandable. Everything is an illusion.

With all of the things I have said, have you ever asked
yourself "If I am purposeless in a meaningless world, what
do I have to live for?" You might feel less like human but
let me ask you, will you know that you are human without
the concepts present? Obviously, you will never know
that you are; and that's what makes us humans,
meanings. The wonder that our minds construct makes
this world humanly. Who you are depends on your own
experiences in life. Genes have nothing to do with it. If
you do pray every day and feel your God guiding you,
then God is real for you, artificially. If you do not pray
every day and having a wonderful life with a great family
and job, then God does not simply exist for you,

artificially. If you live in the Philippines, you can freely eat

a cooked duck inside an egg called balut; but if you came
from United States, you would probably be disgusted of it.
Believers will see atheists immoral for not believing in
God and atheists will laugh at believers believing in
delusion. For short, what's real is relative to what we
understand but naturally, none of them is real. Every little
thing we understand is artificial because all of them are
manmade. It might seem that I am going around the
bush, but I will finish this explanation with the next

Chapter Five

Fixing a Hole

It does not mean that we have to go mess

something up because everything isn't even real after all.
That's just crazy! Understanding gave meaning in our
lives and that is what makes us humans. If you are
naturally purposeless, it is your own choice to make your
own purpose. You can be an engineer, cosmologist,
accountant, pilot, teacher, architect, internal designer,
botanist, pastor, priest, pope, theologian, chemist, and
anything you want. If you choose to be in the world of
science, then your purpose is to help improve the
scientific perspective of our world. If you choose to be a
priest or pastor, then your purpose is to be devoted to
your God/Gods and spread His great news. You are
wonderful. Everything is wonderful. Do not waste the
small chance of your existence. Richard Dawkins once

said, "An astronomically overwhelming majority of people

who could be born never will be. You are one of the tiny
minority whose number came up. Be thankful that you
have a life, and forsake your vain and presumptuous
desire for a second one." If your great great great great
great great grandfather did not survive his struggles in
living, you will probably not exist; same goes with your
great great great great great great grandmother. Be
thankful that you are here, that most of the people that
can be born never will be.

There are things that can make your life as meaningful

as what you expect: to live with and for others and to
choose your own path and purposes in life. That is how
wonderful you can be, anything you want. Everyone in
this world is wonderful. Even if the world inside us is
unreal, make it real. There is nothing to lose. Therefore,
we should live our lives to the fullest. Never feel less like
human knowing that everything you understand is an
artificial and manmade illusion. All of them are the main
factor of your whole being. Without them, you are just an
animal roaming around not knowing that he or she is
even alive for the moment. Understanding itself is
beautiful, and that is what makes the world inside and
outside us even more wonderful.

Chapter Six

Look at the Mirror

Think for yourself by now. What will be your purpose in

life? Go and enjoy your every day! Everyone deserves to
be happy. Respect other people's opinions like how you
respect yours. How do you feel over your opinions? It
feels so great that you have something to stand for, but
think about disproving something you are proud of. Yes,
something can be more logical than the other, but
everything isn't naturally real after all because truth is
relative. What's true depends on you. What you believe is
not real; it's a mere illusion. You just understand that
there is something more rational to believe. Why bother

fight over your opinion if yours make you artificially

happy and theirs make them feel the same way? Stand
up for what you believe, but not fight and be aggressive.
Having your own joys in lives make you feel worthy. We
should all be happy for ourselves, but never be
contented. No one is smart enough with what they want
to know. In addition, every little thing that humans made
changed our lives and how we see this world we stand on.
So why won't we just accept everyone's individual
perspectives? Even my point is not real by means of
nature. I am just unmasking the mask of this world by
using the mask itself, by explaining what kind of mask it
is. Even this book is an illusion. This book and everything
I say does not naturally exist. You just happen to
understand it because you have learned the language of
English (and other languages if translated). I am just
clearing up everything, what we truly are.

People today are fighting over what they believe and

obviously, opinions were caused by living in a different
tradition or culture. If you happen to be born in a
Christian family, you will probably be a Christian who
believes in Christ and the Triune God. If you happen to be
born in a Pastafarian family, you will probably be a
Pastafarian who believes in the Flying Spaghetti Monster.
If you happen to be born in an Atheist family, you will
probably be a non-believer who will probably be closer to
Science and Philosophy. If you happen to be born in
ancient Greece, you will probably believe in Zeus. If you

happen to be born in the time of Vikings, you would

probably believe in Wotan. Some of them transfer to
another religion if they see another belief more relevant
for their own understanding. Do not fight over what you
believe over another. If everything you understand is an
illusion, what is the point of argument? Is it to show them
that they are irrational and that you are smarter than
they are? That is a waste of time. Fine, I see the point of
arguments for different theories and hypotheses for
evidences, that is acceptable; but for the feeling of
superiority? Oh God, go do other things in advantage for
you and for others. Not everyone thinks like you. We are
all different in our own ways. What you believe depends
on your own experiences. You control your own
perspective. Your reality depends on you because mind is
over matter. Anything can be artificially real for us.

There are two kinds of reality: the personal reality

and the natural reality. The personal reality depends on
what you believe and on your own point of view. The
natural reality depends on the discoveries of science and
history (though we are getting focused on personal reality
in this book). However, perspective is a different subject.
Perspective can have the factors of both or one kind of
reality. You can just believe in God and not in Pure
Science and Philosophy. You can just believe in Pure
Science and Philosophy, but not God. You can believe in
both. You can also reject believing either. In the end, we
are just going to be chemicals and fossils under the soil or

if you are a believer, you might be in heaven, hell, or

purgatory. It is your choice to make a path for your life.
Everyone has the right to choose what he or she wants to
be. I call it the Natural Rights. We are all free!

There are things that I want to ask from all of you.

Never put a flag down for a war over an opinion and
please do not give up your life for it. You are the only one
who has the right for yourself. Religion, Science,
Philosophy, Astrology, Palmistry, Witchcraft, and other
more beliefs or opinions are in our minds after all. All of
them are illusions, including your bedroom, school, office,
life, food, and everything! Just everything! Quit fighting
for your religion, for your atheistic views, for your
countries, and for your beliefs. Why love your own nation
if you can love all of them? Fight for the Earth alone as
one. Passionately share your thoughts with each other
without criticizing. Everyone is wrong from the eyes of
others though. Everyone has the right to live his or her
own ways. I am not ignorant with fixing individual
rationality. I am just telling you guys how to stay neutral
even though you see the other side better. Respect. Yes,
you have the right to speak up, but you have no right to
tell someone what he or she should believe. There must
be no sides in this world; differences are enough. Believe,
be yourself, and know your limitations. Without you, you
will never be. Survival is still our top priority, and the best
key to it is unity and justice. Let us all be one. Construct
your own future with your own mind. Two hands working

are stronger than thousand hands praying. Spread the


Chapter Seven

The Man Behind

His Mask

It is quite awkward for me to introduce myself in the

middle of all the topics we have discussed. Just for the
sake of you knowing that man behind all of this, I just
want to share my experiences in life, how I came into this

kind of conclusion, what inspires me, and who am I.

Therefore, I will call this chapter an extra one.

My name is Danyael Dedeles and I am a sixteen-yearold college student in the Philippines that will pursue the
course Applied Physics. I am deeply interested in Science
and Philosophy. I choose no sides in this world. I am
neither an atheist nor a believer. I would rather call
myself as an agnostic non-believer. I can never tell that
there is a God or not. Richard Dawkins once said, "I
cannot disprove the existence of God like how I cannot
disprove the existence of other myths like Santa Claus,
Reindeers, Fairies, etc." (You might notice that I do
mention Professor Richard Dawkins many times. He
inspires me with his passion and logic for Science and for
the world. Let me discuss about that later.) With my own
opinion, I would rather be humble with what I know and
what I do not. If there is no evidence for God yet and He
is something we cannot measure, then how do people all
know who or what he is capable of? Even the existence
itself, how do they know? For the moment, I'll be neutral
by saying that I would rather not believe something not
factual enough. But if someday, he had the chance to be
proven not through faith or experience as something selfexplanatory, then I might be a believer again. (I was a
previous Roman Catholic.) Richard Feynman once said, "I
would rather have questions that cannot be answered
than answers that cannot be questioned." and Lawrence
Krauss once said, "The beauty of Science is that it does

not claim to know the answers before it asks the

questions. There is nothing wrong with not knowing. It
means there is more to learn." I never know if there really
is a God or not, but if there is, then there is more to learn.
I am open-minded with all of the opinions in this world. I
am not against any religion or belief; I am just rejecting to
believe what I think I should not or not yet.

Three people inspired me to write this book: Richard

Dawkins, Lawrence Krauss, and the girl that I love.
Richard Dawkins is a great Zoologist and Evolutionary
Biologist. I admire him. He is actually the one that
showed me how wonderful Science is. I see his thoughts
fascinating and deep. Lawrence Krauss is a theoretical
physicist and cosmologist. He was the one who showed
me how purposeless we are in this world and how
hopeless our universe naturally is. Well we have to make
our own purposes, he stated. The two of them are
actually friends and partners in Science.

The third one is the girl that I love. I'd better not
state her name for personal purposes. There was a point
in my life where the feeling of being human became
absent. I saw myself as nothing; that I just do understand
that I am something, that I am actually worthless. Then,
she told me that she was scared. What if I got bored with
my life and chose to give up? She told me how beautiful I

am and what are the things I can do for this world. She
showed me what love could do to us. She showed me
how meaningful our world really is.

Afterwards, I had a kind of conclusion that popped up

in the middle of my skepticism about the world. I brought
all of them together and formed one thought; that this
world is meaningful while it is meaningless at the same
time. It has been six months since I had that kind of idea,
and recently, I thought of writing a book about it. I want
to share my own idea to others. These ideas gave me
chills while I am experiencing my curiosity about them.

That is the kind of man that I am, just a simple

teenager who is skeptical. Every moment I see something
questionable, I try to ask myself how it happened and do
researches on it. I tried to ask why the sky is blue at day
and turns to orange in the afternoon. I did some reading
and knew that colors do have different wavelengths that
cause them to scatter that way. By questioning,
everything you see makes you interested in everything.
You will not only see what its mechanism is, but also how
wonderful a little thing is by saying "Oh, so that is how it
works!" Everything is a wonderful piece of art.

Chapter Eight

Painting Your Life

We are all masters of ourselves. You are the composer

of your own song. You are the author of your own novel.
You are the painter of your portrait. We should not only
know what good is. We should also know what makes us
good. Your reflection depends on how you create your
own mirror. Abraham Lincoln once said, "The best way to
predict your future is to create it." This chapter will be the
key to unlock your own cell. If I have discussed about how

unreal everything is and how we should act upon one

another, I should be more specific with the kind
perspective with should see and how we should act on it.

With the previous topic we have discussed, your views

might have already changed about the world, or might
not. Socrates quoted, "The only true wisdom in knowing is
that you know nothing." We really know nothing in this
world; our minds just happen to be compatible with the
laws in this universe. There is a thing that we call The
Anthropic Principle. There are different opinions
existing inside it. Some people think that the universe
was made for us and some of them thinks that there are
multiverses. It just happens to be that our universe is
compatible to us. Well, I have a different opinion about it.

It happens to be that our universe is compatible with

life. If another universe has different laws of Physics
existing compared to ours, we would not know if life is
even possible to them. We are in a very wonderful
coincidence (I'd rather say that it is a coincidence than an
accident). Think about it. Our planet has the exact
distance from the sun that gives the right temperature for
life. For short, our planet is in a Circumstellar Habitable
Zone (is defined as the region around a star where water
could exist on the surface of a planet. Water is believed to
have been vital in the formation of life on Earth due to its

function as a solvent in biochemistry; according to

astro.unl.edu.) of the Solar System. A CHZ will make a
goldilocks or habitable planet possible to exist. If we are
in a farther distance from the sun, Earth might be cold
enough for life. If we are in a closer distance from the
sun, Earth might be hot enough for life. I think we have
discussed about stars in chapter two. To make things
clear, the sun of our solar system is a yellow dwarf or Gdwarf star that releases energy caused by its nuclear
fusion. It is in one of the earliest forms of a star where
hydrogen turns into helium before having the nuclear
fusion that will make those reactions turn into more
complicated elements like: Beryllium, Carbon, Iron, or
Nickel (and soon will turn into a red giant and into a white
dwarf after millions or billions of years. An average star
will have a higher chance of having a white dwarf as its
final form and evaporate. A massive star will have a
higher chance of having a black hole or neutron star as its
final form.) Well, let us move closer to the point. We are
lucky enough to be able to exist today. That is how we
must value our lives. Exclude the understanding you have
for your life as a gift. Just include the scientific view itself.
We all are special with or without meaning at all. We have
a small probability of existing. The percentage might
even be zero point million zeros as a decimal. Every
understanding we have today is from the age of
discovery thousands of years ago. They are all great.
They are all seeds of the tree of knowing we have today.
Ask yourself, "What if amino acids (theoretically) did not
fall to the Earth along with the meteorites billions of years

ago? What if our planet has a farther distance from the

Sun? What if our great ancestors did not survive at all?
What if a different cell was fertilized after your parents'
intercourse?" Then maybe, you are not reading this book
right now. You are that special. Everyone is that special.

All of the ideas or concepts that people made years

ago deserve respect. They are all the roots of our
knowledge. They are the Darwinius Masillae of the Human
Evolution. Overtime, if new ideas or concepts are
discovered as something more rational than the other is,
people happen to evacuate to the next thought. Some of
them do not, but it does not make them wrong; it makes
them different. It is their choices in life. They have
different reasons why they believe the same old thing.

Actually, good and evil does not naturally exist too. We

just happen to understand that if we give consequences
to others, it is some form of punishment or sin. If evil
does naturally exist, then nature would be evil for killing
anything that cannot adapt to it right? Then, because
people fear death or pain from consequences, they
constructed the idea of rules, regulations, morals, and
ethics for unity and justice. None of them is actually
perfect. None of them is right or wrong. How about you,
do you like to feel pain? You would possibly not unless
you are a masochist. If you, yourself, do not agree on

feeling pain, then be one to help others not feel pain too.
Why do they matter? If you, yourself, matters, then each
one of us does too. We would not choose a Darwinian
society, which supports the fact of survival of the fittest.
Why choose survive if we can choose support? Richard
Dawkins mentioned in his book The Selfish Gene (which I
recommend you to read) that our genes are naturally
selfish. We are not the ones who are alive. Our genes
control us. We are just our gene's machines. That is the
part where we must fight against nature, selfishness and
greed. My favorite song is Imagine by John Lennon.
"Imagine no countries; it is not hard to do. There is
nothing to kill or die for and no religion too. Imagine no
possessions; I wonder if you can. No need for greed or
hunger, a brotherhood of man. Imagine there is no
heaven; it is easy if you try. There is no hell below us,
above us only sky. Imagine all the people living life in
peace. Imagine all the people living for today. Imagine all
the people sharing all the world. You may say I am a
dreamer, but I'm not the only one. I hope someday you
will join us, and the world will live as one." With all of my
life, he is my greatest inspiration because of this song.
Never ever forget how we must live for today. Never ever
forget how special you are. Never ever forget that you are
just like everyone with a different understanding in this
world; and because of that, everyone is as special as you

Chapter Nine

Like Attracts Like

The Law of Attraction has been a topic since then by

the world. It is known as something that was caused by
God or by the Universe. Religion says that God answers
our prayers by communicating with Him. Science says
that the Universe answers our wishes because there is
connection between our mind and the Universe. Well, I
have a different perspective on expectations and wishes.
As they say, optimists see a glass half-full and pessimists
see a glass half empty. As I have said before, our
perspectives depend on ourselves. If you are an optimist,
you see almost everything a purpose for yourself. If you
are a pessimist, you see almost everything negative, but
more realistic. For me, the world is inside you.

Imagine praying for a car and wanting to have it. If

you won lotto or were lucky from your job, maybe you will
get enough money for a new car. It is expected for you to
say that God or the Universe answered your wishes. If
your wish wasn't fulfilled and nothing happened, you will
obviously say that the Omnipotent knows that the car is
not for you. You are actually playing with words to see
every little thing that happens to you positive. That is
what you call optimism. Pessimists will actually know that
nothing will come to them and they are lucky enough if
something alike the car explanation happened to them.
When we have a certain expectation and it happens, you
bring it up for something miraculous. When we have a
kind of wish where nothing happened, we put it all away

and ignore them. That is what actually happens to the

world, their minds are fooling themselves.

Realistically, everything that happens to you depends

on you, not on your wishes. You can wish for the car and
can have the chance of having or not having it. You can
wish not to die tomorrow, but you can choose to jump off
a building and die. Whether you wish for them or not,
everything still depends on your decision. If you believe in
a magical force, then better think of it as a support, not
as your entire weapon. Do not put everything down just
because you trust Faith. Again, two hands working are
stronger than thousand hands praying. Your world
depends on you and you are the master of your own
mind. For short, your Universe or your God is inside you
and lift up yourself with your own construction of hope
whether it is Science or Faith. Nothing matters at all, as
long as we live the right way. That is all that matters.
There is no way that a magical force will fulfill your
wishes. You are in-control of your own decisions for your
wished-for expectations. Coincidences and accidences
are the only two forces that can drive you to your wishes
unexpectedly, not miracles. You are your own world. That
is how we choose our paths. You should start moving.

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