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An Insight To 4 Generation Wireless System

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Navya Eetaram B.Sravanthi

E-mail id: navya.eetaram24@gmail.com E-mail id:sravanthireddy_b15@yahoo.com

current race is ultimately to wrestle control from the
Mobile devices are getting smaller, lighter, and UMTS and CDMA2000 platforms,” Fuertes said.
more powerful; they have bigger screens and longer “Siemens carrying Flarion’s Flash-OFDM as
battery life, more features and more capabilities. announced is a large step forward for IP-based mobile
Things like watching the football game on your mobile wireless.”
device, watching movies, videoconferencing, paying Service Providers are considering new protocols in
your bills and downloading music to the palm of your search of a migration to an all IP network, a move
hand will become second nature in the near future expected to lower high-speed data costs and enable
Bandwidth will always be the limiting factor in the new services. Some of these solutions are considered
development of applications and devices, be it wired, 3.5G or even 4G.
or wireless. At the moment the wireless world doesn’t
have a large-cell, high bandwidth standard, that is Introduction
capable of delivering the much needed speeds to a
mobile device. 4G mobile technology is the name given to the next
The short fall of 3G networks is clear, it’s just not generation of mobile devices such as cell phones. It
fast enough, offering 384kbps doesn’t meet the became available from at least one provider in several
requirements of what the end user has come to expect parts of the US in 2009. There is not yet an agreed
these days. Some people see 3G as a stop-gap, until a industry standard for what constitutes 4G mobile, so
fully integrated IP network is created; some countries for now it is merely a marketing term.
have even chosen to bypass 3G and head straight to The use of G, standing for generation, in mobile
4G, a method which has its advantages, and its technology covers the major advances of the past 20-30
disadvantages. years. 1G technology involved the first widely
4G is set to be available around 2010, getting it available mobile phones. 2G technology, which began
right first time will make it a general winner with the in the early 1990s, switched to a digital format and
one billion mobile users around the world. The end introduced text messaging. 3G technology improved
user can expect low cost per data bit, as well as speed the efficiency of how data is carried, making it possible
and reliability, something which is greatly needed, and to carry enhanced information services such as
will become second nature in the future. websites in their original format. The latest iPhone is
Technology Companies with 4G networks are the best known example of 3G technology.
knocking on the door and mobile operators are 4G mobile is not yet established as an agreed set of
beginning to answer. 4G networks and Next standards, so its features are currently simply goals
Generation Networks (NGNs) are becoming fast and rather than requirements. As well as drastically
very cost-effective solutions for those wanting an IP increasing data transfer speeds, 4G mobile should use
built high-speed data capacities in the mobile network. enhanced security measures. Another goal is to reduce
IP is pushing its way into the mobile wireless blips in transmission when a device moves between
market,” said Visant Strategies Senior Analyst Andy areas covered by different networks. 4G mobile
Fuertes, author of “The Road to 4G and NGN: networks should also use a network based on the IP
Wireless IP Migration Paths.” address system used for the internet.
A handful of wirel ess technologies are set to join Within the United States, there are two major
existing 2.5G and 3G standards, , as 4G and NGN systems using 4G mobile technology. One is known as
vendors find a foothold in the mobile market. “The WiMax and is backed by Clearwire, a firm whose
majority owner is Sprint Nextel. It began testing 2. Pervasive networks: An amorphous and
services in Baltimore in 2008 and was set to expand presently entirely hypothetical
this into major new markets in 2009. Sprint intended to concept where the user can be simultaneously
have 80 cities covered by the end of 2010. connected to several wireless
The rival system, Long Term Evolution or LTE, is access technologies and can seamlessly move between
backed mainly by Verizon. It was expected to be ready them.
for testing in 2010 but not available for widespread use These access technologies can be Wi-Fi, UMTS,
until 2012. LTE's backers hoped to overcome this EDGE or any other future
disadvantage by offering faster speeds and producing access technology. Included in this concept is also
cheaper equipment. smart-radio technology to
Unlike previous generations of mobile technology, efficiently manage spectrum use and transmission
4G mobile will be widely used for internet access on power as well as the use of
computers as well as carrying cell phone mesh routing protocols to create a pervasive network.
communications. Customers in areas which have
strong 4G coverage will be able to use it for a home 3. Ideally, this would provide users with on demand
broadband connection which doesn't require any high quality video and
cabling to their household. It can also be used for audio. The killer application of 4G is not clear, but
accessing the internet on the move without having to video is one of the big
be in a wireless hotspot such as those offered by some differences between 4G and 3G. 4G uses OFDM
coffee shops, airports and libraries. (Orthogonal Frequency Division
Multiplexing), and also can implement OFDMA
WHAT IS 4G.? (Orthogonal Frequency Division
Multiple Access) to better allocate network resources
4G (or 4-G) is short for fourth-generation the to multiple users. 4G
successor of 3G and is a devices may use SDR (Software-defined_radio)
wireless access technology. receivers which allows for better
The 4G network environment is envisioned to be an use of available bandwidth as well as making use of
inter-working environment of heterogeneous networks multiple channels
of 2G, 3G, and 4G all interconnected through the simultaneously.
service provider IP backbone networks and the
Internet. The operations and management of such  Reasons to Have 4G
interconnected networks is expected much more
difficult than the current environment. - Support interactive multimedia services:
It describes two different but overlapping ideas. A teleconferencing, wireless
4G system is expected to provide a comprehensive and Internet, etc.
secure all-IP based solution where facilities such as IP - Wider bandwidths, higher bit rates.
telephony, ultra-broadband Internet access, gaming - Global mobility and service portability.
services and streamed multimedia may be provided to - Low cost.
users - Scalability of mobile networks.
1. 4G technology stands to be the future standard of
 What's New in 4G
wireless devices. A
leading wireless company NTT DoCoMo is testing 4G
communication at - Entirely packet-switched networks.
100Mbps while moving, and 1Gbps while still. NTT - All network elements are digital.
DoCoMo plans on releasing - Higher bandwidths to provide multimedia services at
the first commercial network in 2010. Despite current lower cost (up to
wireless devices seldom 100Mbps).
utilize full 3G capabilities, there is a basic attitude that Tight network security.
if you provide the pipeline
then services for it will follow.
For 1 and 2G standards, bandwidth maximum is 9.6
At the end of the 1940’s, the first radio telephone kbit/sec, This is approximately 6 times slower than an
service was introduced, and was designed to users in ISDN (Integrated services digital network). Rates did
cars to the public land-line based telephone network. increase by a factor of 3 with newer handsets to
Then, in the sixties, a system launched by Bell 28.8kbps. This is rarely the speed though, as in
Systems, called IMTS, or, “Improved Mobile crowded areas, when the network is busy, rates do drop
Telephone Service", brought quite a few improvements dramatically.
such as direct dialling and more bandwidth. The very Third generation mobile, data rates are 384 kbps
first analog systems were based upon IMTS and were (download) maximum, typically around 200kbps, and
created in the late 60s and early 70s. The systems were 64kbps upload. These are comparable to home
called "cellular" because large coverage areas were broadband connections.
split into smaller areas or "cells", each cell is served by Fourth generation mobile communications will have
a low power transmitter and receiver. higher data transmission rates than 3G. 4G mobile data
transmission rates are planned to be up to 100 megabits
per second on the move and 1000gigbits per second
The 1G, or First Generation: 1G was an analog
stationary, this is a phenomenal amount of bandwidth,
system, and was developed in the seventies,
only comparable to the bandwidth workstations get
1G analog system for mobile communications saw
connected directly to a LAN.
two key improvements during the 1970s: the invention
To understand 4G, we need to know about 3G. So
of the microprocessor and the digitization of the
how did 3G start? The idea didn’t come from network
control link between the mobilephone and the cell site.
operators, but from device manufactures. In 1996
Advance mobile phone system (AMPS) was first
Nippon Telephone & Telegraph (NTT) and Ericsson
launched by the US and is a 1G mobile system. Based
started development of 3G; then in 1997 in the USA
on FDMA, it allows users to make voice calls in 1
the TIA (Telecommunications Industry Association)
chose CDMA (Code Division Multiple Access) as a
technology for 3G; and then in 1998 the ETSI
2G, or Second Generation (European Telecommunications Standards Institute)
2G first appeared around the end of the 1980’s, the 2G also chose CDMA; in the end, in 1998 wideband
system digitized the voice signal, as well as the control CDMA or W-CDMA and cdma2000 were decided for
link. This new digital system gave a lot better quality the Universal Mobile Telecommunications System
and much more capacity (i.e. more people could use (UMTS).
there phones at the same time), all at a lower cost to the The two major radio standards used for 3G are W-
end consumer. Based on TDMA, the first commercial CDMA (wideband code division multiple access), and
network for use by the public was the Global system CDMA2000. W-CDMA is used in Europe, where
for mobile communication (GSM). CDMA2000 is used in the USA. In CDMA, one signal
carries the data, this is then multiplied with a signal
3G, or Third Generation with a faster rate, that his more bandwidth, it uses
3G systems promise faster communications services, TDM (Time Division Multiplexing). CDMA200 uses
entailing voice, fax and Internet data transfer CDM (common code division multiplexing).
capabilities, the aim of 3G is to provide these services Now we need to discuss the different access
any time, anywhere throughout the globe, with technologies, these are FDMA, TDMA and CDMA.
seamless roaming between standards. ITU’s IMT-2000 The most common analog system is FDMA, or,
is a global standard for 3G and has opened new doors Frequency Division Multiple Access. It is a method
to enabling innovative services and application for where the spectrum is cut up into different frequencies
instance, multimedia entertainment, and location-based and then this chunk given to the users. At one time
services, as well as a whole lot more. In 2001, Japan only one user is assigned to a frequency. Because of
saw the first 3G network launched. this the frequency is closed, until the call is ended, or it
3G technology supports around 144 Kbps, with high is passed on to another frequency. For a proper call to
speed movement, i.e. in a vehicle. 384 Kbps locally, take place, two frequencies are needed, one for sending
and up to 2Mbps for fixed stations, i.e. in a building. and one for receiving, FDMA has been used for first
generation analog systems only, this is due to the large
4G, or Forth Generation bandwidth wastage highlighted above.
TDMA, or Time Division Multiple Access Currently 3G networks still send there data digitally
makes use of the whole available spectrum, unlike over a single channel, OFDM is designed to send data
FDMA. Instead of splitting the slots by frequency, it over hundreds of parallel streams, thus increasing the
splits them by time, over all of the frequency. Each amount of information that can be sent at a time over
subscriber is given a time slot, as opposed to a traditional CDMA networks.
frequency. Therefore many uses can sit on one
frequency, and have different time slots, because the The 4G data rates will vary depending on the
time slots are switched so rapidly, it seems like the number of channels that are available, and can be used.
channel is permanently connected. TDMA is used for The channels that can be used will be cleaner thanks to
2G networks technologies like adaptive processing, which detects
interference on a channel and improves reception by
Code Division Multiple Access uses the actively switching channels to avoid interference.
spread spectrum method, the way it works means its 4G networks will also use smart antenna
highly encrypted, so its no surprise it was developed technology, which is used to aim the radio signal in the
and used by the military. Unlike FDMA, CDMA direction of the receiver in the terminal from the base
allows the user to sit on all of the available frequencies station. When teamed up with adaptive techniques,
at the same time, and hop between then. Each call is multiple antennas can cancel out more interference
identified by its unique code, hence the term Code while enhancing the signal.
Division. CDMA is very bandwidth efficient. It also
allows for soft hand off, meaning it can communicate  Smart Antennas:
with more than one base station at any one time, very
handy isn’t it? No wonder it was chosen for 3G. Multiple “smart antennas” can be employed to help
Onto 4G... find, tune, and turn up signal information. Since the
4G will provide unconceivable amounts of antennas can both “listen” and “talk,” a smart antenna
bandwidth to the palm of a user. Matching current can send signals back in the same direction that they
Local Area Network speeds, 4G networks will provide came from. This means that the antenna system cannot
100MBps on the move. This is enough for studio only hear many times louder, but can also respond more
quality video, multi channel surround sound and much loudly and directly as well
more. 4G will be based on OFDM – the next
generation in access technologies (read the technical There are two types of smart antennas:
section for more info on OFDM),
4G will change the way we work, live and play. Switched Beam Antennas have fixed beams of
Cheap end user costs, fast, always on, reliable transmission, and can switch from one predefined beam
connectivity, where ever you are, what ever your to another when the user with the phone moves
doing. Some people view 3G as a stop gap until the throughout the sector
real 4G network arrives, something which is due
around 2010, and will impact every one, every where.

Some possible standards for the 4G system are
802.20, WiMAX (802.16), HSDPA, TDD UMTS,
UMTS and future versions of UMTS and proprietary
networks from ArrayComm Inc., Navini Networks,
Flarion Technologies, and 4G efforts in India, China
and Japan. Fig: Switched Beam Antenna
The design is that 4G will be based on OFDM
(Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing), which
is the key enabler of 4G technology. Other Adaptive Array Antennas represent the most
technological aspects of 4G are adaptive processing advanced smart antenna approach to date using a
and smart antennas, both of which will be used in 3G variety of new signal processing algorithms to locate
networks and enhance rates when used in with OFDM. and track the user, minimize interference, and
maximize intended signal reception Shortly after an 5qualization algorithm was
implemented in order to help suppress both ISI and
fig: Adaptive Array Antenna
intersubcarrier interference, which is caused by the
channel impulse response and timing and frequency

Smart antennas can

thereby: Fig: Simple block diagram of OFDM
• Optimize
available power
• Increase base station range and coverage
• Reuse available spectrum
• Increase band width

• Lengthen battery life of wireless devices.

In OFDM the subcarrier pulse which is used for
transmission is rectangular. This is why the capability
of pulse forming and modulation can be performed by
 How OFDM works? an IDFT, which can be generated very efficiently as an
IFFT. Because of this, the receiver only needs a FFT to
First of all the FDM part – Frequency division reverse this process. Taking into account the theories
multiplexing is a technology that transmits several of the Fourier Transform the rectangular pulse shape
signals at the same time over a single transmission will end up as a sin(x)/x style of spectrum of the
path, in a medium such as a cable or wireless system. subcarriers. In traditional FDM the sub-channels aren’t
Each signal is transmitted inside its own unique orthogonal therefore need to be separated by guard
frequency range (the carrier frequency), which is then bands which obviously wastes much needed spectrum.
modulated by the data that is needing to be transmitted. Because an IIFT is used for modulation in OFDM,
this spacing of the subcarriers is done in such a way the
Orthogonal FDM’s spread spectrum technique frequency where we evaluate the received signal all
spreads the data over a lot of carriers that are spaced other signals are zero thus allowing the subchannels to
apart at precise frequencies. This spacing provides the overlap. But because of this, for an OFDM system to
“orthogonality” in this method which prevents the work using this method, the receiver and the
receivers/demodulators from seeing frequencies other transmitter must be in perfect synch, and there can’t be
than their own specific one. The main benefit of any multipath fading, which is unusual since finding a
OFDM is high spectral efficiency, but with OFDM you fix to this is one of the main goals of OFDM.
also get; high resiliency to RF interference, and the
multi-path distortion is lower. This is handy because in Luckily there is an easy way to solve this problem.
a standard terrestrial broadcasting situation there are If a guard interval is used, which is larger than the
high amounts of multipath-channels (e.g. the signal expected delay spread, which is done by artificially
that was sent arrives at the receiving end using multiple extending the symbol time and then removing this
paths of different lengths). Since the various versions extension at the receiver, the problem is solved but
of the signal interfere with each other, known as inter with only a minimal loss in bandwidth.
symbol interference (ISI) it becomes incredibly hard to
extract the original information.
When OFDM was first implemented, it was by  Packet switching:
using banks of sinusoidal generators, e.g. just placing Packet switching is more desirable to carriers and
up a whole lot of single carriers in parallel. The use of providers than circuit switching for a host of reasons.
the discrete Fourier transform (DFT) was originally One reason is capacity. It is inefficient to serve only a
proposed in 1971 by Weinstein and Ebert, which single subscriber per channel because the
greatly reduces the implementation complexity of
OFDM systems. This was further reduced by the
development of the fast Fourier transform (FFT).
full bandwidth of the channels is not being used at all Back compatible to Extend 3G capacity
times during a voice call. When a typical user makes a
call, there are lulls 2G by one order of
where neither party is talking. In circuit switching, that magnitude
lull is still being transmitted over the channel. The first
generation of wireless (cellular) technology used this
technique. Current wireless systems share channels in a General Services and Applications
packet environment to deliver voice communications.
In packet switching, Applications are defined as programs, software,
only actual voice content is packetized and sent to the or features that take advantage of (apply) the
system. Advances in technology and in multiple access services
techniques have made offered by the networks. Generally, four
this possible. Unfortunately, today’s wireless access categories of services or applications are
techniques do not support high-speed or high- being developed for use in the next
bandwidth transmissions. This limitation is the impetus generations of wireless communications.
for the evolution of wireless communications. They are
In today’s wireless marketplace, users demand value- • Localized/Personalized
added services. With
• Information
all the hype heralding third-generation (3G) services,
users have come to expect that the next generation of • Communications
wireless technology will be not only a voice • Organizational
communications medium but will have Internet-like • Entertainment.
functionality. Service providers and application Although localized/personalized
developers are on the path to realizing these user information services and applications are
expectations, but there is still a long road ahead. In geared to most users across all the user
reality, the dream of Internet-style functionality via segments previously mentioned, these
wireless communications may not be fully realized in services are more critical to the Internet
the 3G deployment. The multiple access techniques Usage, Income Brackets, and Mobile
planned for 3G will not support the bandwidth and data Professional segments. Localized/
transmission speeds personalized information services and
required for the advanced applications users expect. 3G applications will provide users with general
technologies will certainly have greater functionality news, financial news, location guides,
than today’s wireless systems; however, not until 4G mobile commerce, and travel services.
deployment will these so called “killer” applications be
These services will allow the user to
establish a single profile that will be
associated with the user whether in his/her
 Comparison of 3G and 4G: home coverage area or roaming on other
In some European countries (e.g.,
• 3G • 4G Scandinavia), there are applications that
track public transportation. This
Circuit and packet Entirely packet information allows users to time their arrival
to mass transportation stops with the arrival
switched networks switched networks of the bus or train. This type of
Combination of All network localized/personalized information service is
existing and elements are digital currently deployed on a limited basis in countries
evolved with enhanced 2.5G wireless
networks2. This service can be either pushbased
equipments or pull-based, depending on whether
Data rate (up to 2 Higher bandwidth the subscriber wants the mass transit
Mbps) ( up to 100 Mbps) information automatically sent to the
wireless device or if the subscriber wants the
mass transit information on an as-needed marked on the vending machine) and the
basis. Push and pull services are discussed item would be dispensed. In this scheme,
in detail later in this document. the vending machine would be connected to
the public switched telephone network
Communications services and (PSTN) via a modem or other gateway-type
applications involve messaging and other device.
means of staying connected. These services The wireless service provider would
and applications are important to all the user pass the information to the vending
segments, especially the Mobile company and the vending comspany would,
Professional segment. Communications in turn, pass the information to the vending
services include short messaging service machine to instruct it to dispense the item.
(SMS), e-mail, video conferencing, fax, and The user's wireless service account would be
bulletin boards. Although some of these billed for any items purchased, much like a
services are available in today’s wireless credit card. This type of M-commerce is
systems, in future generations these services currently being tested and implemented (on
will be greatly enhanced. (Speed and a very limited basis) in select countries in
reliability are the most notable Europe and Asia already having advanced,
enhancements planned for these services.) 2.5G wireless networks. M-commerce can
be considered an Information and/or an
Organizational services include Organization type of service.
personal digital assistant (PDA) capabilities,
currency exchange based on user location, Push, Pull, and Location-Based Services
and other personal management applications Push and pull services are services
(e.g., calendars, call management, and that rely on the network’s ability to locate
address books). Organizational services and subscribers. In 4G, it is envisioned that
applications are relevant to all the user networks will be able to pinpoint the exact
segments but are geared primarily to the location of subscribers, both indoors and
Income Brackets and Mobile Professional out. This ability will make it possible for
user segments. value-added functionality to be offered by
service providers.
Entertainment services are viewed by Both push and pull services are
service providers as having the greatest further enhanced by user profiles. User
potential for immediate return on profiles, established and updated by
investment. Entertainment services may subscribers, assure that information to each
include streaming audio, streaming video, user is truly customized. User profiles
chat, photo trading, and gaming. In the contain the subscriber’s preferences (e.g.,
Asian wireless market, where preliminary likes/dislikes, schedules, and formats) and
iterations of 3G are being deployed, permissions (i.e., who is allowed to know
entertainment services are generating who and where they are). The user’s profile
substantial revenue. The user segment would reside in a database maintained by the
targeted for entertainment services is the service provider.
Age segment. The user profile will be used by the
Another service generating much serving network to push services to
excitement in the industry is mobile subscribers. For example, if a user likes a
commerce (M-Commerce). M-commerce is particular type of food, the network will see
the ability for subscribers to purchase items the preference in the user’s profile and will
(e.g., gas, food from vending machines, etc.) push information regarding restaurants that
using a wireless device. For example, to serve that type of food in the general locale
purchase an item from a vending machine, of the user. Similarly, the user will be able
users would dial a phone number or access request this same information from the
code associated with the item (most likely network (pull) if he or she chooses not to
have this information pushed to the wireless usage mail, Video
The challenge with location-based
services is not in the applications but in the FAX
implementation. For location services to be Income Organization Personal
of any real value, the network must be able brackets digital
to determine the location of subscribers to a
high degree of accuracy—perhaps to within assistant,
a few feet. Current wireless networks do not tools
have this capability. In today’s networks, Mobile Entertainment Music,
location can be determined by looking at the professional Chat,
serving cells that are communicating with
the user’s handset. At best, this technique Gaming
can be accurate to within a few city blocks not
nearly the accuracy needed for 4G Advantages:
 Supports interactive services like video
Current plans for 4G involve using conferencing (with more than two sites
Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) to route
simultaneously), wireless internet, etc.
data packets to the handset. IPv6 has builtin
 The cost of data transfer would be
location tracking that will enhance the
comparatively very less and global mobility
network’s ability to pinpoint a subscriber’s
would be possible.
Some have proposed applying global  The antennas will be much smarter and
positioning system (GPS) capabilities in improved access technologies like OFDM
handsets to help locate subscribers. GPS, and MC-CDMA(multi carrier CDMA) will
however, would be helpful only to a minor be used.
extent. GPS relies on the ability its receiver  Higher Bandwidths would be available
to “see” multiple satellites orbiting the which would make cheap data transfer
Earth. If the receiver has no access to the possible.
sky (i.e., it is indoors), no location  The network security would be much
information can be provided. tighter.
Aside from location, the network  The other great advantage of 4G will be its
must be able to determine various other speed. while 3G networks provide 2Mbps,
statistics. The network must be “aware” of 4G can reach any where between 20 and 100
the users’ availability and capability. Mbps.
Privacy groups have already expressed  Due to 4G it is possible to use several
concerns regarding network awareness. It is applications like video conference or picture
critical that service providers and users playback simultaneously all through mobile
manage permissions closely in 4G networks. phone with maximum resolution. Some of
the standards which pave the way for 4G
User Service Services systems are
1.Wi Max
segments application and 2.Wi Bro
types application 3.3GPP.
Age Information News,
Location, 4G: The future look
Travel, M-
commerce E-mail: 4G wireless network are expected to
sweep the cellphone users off their
Internet Communication SMS, E-
feet, and make our lives less complicated. With according to the users intentions. 4G will deliver
abandon services and media not only
rich broadband that will be 20 times faster than enhanced multimedia and smooth streaming
DSL, 4G networks will make even video but also universal access aSnd
the common e-mail facility more interactive than it port ability across all types of devices.
already is. 4G will connect the entire globe and be operable
Sending e-mail could turn into a multi-media affair from practically anywhere on
in a 4G world. Mobile users the Earth. It would allow for more complex voice-
will have a multimedia inbox, and receive mail over-IP services, more media
attachments in the form of high rich messaging services and more native support
resolution images, audio and video clips. The user for local area networking on
can reply by recording an handsets.
audio message, snapping a photo or shooting a
video, and sending it right back Conclusions:
using just a mobile.
Health Monitoring: 4G could result in an This paper envisages how the fourth generation has
increase in remote health monitoring mended itself to over come the issues related to
of patients, as faster, real time communication previous system of wireless systems and evolved to be
enables better two way the most promising systems. The robustness against
transmission of vital medical data. frequency selective feeding is vital feature in OFDM. It
Personal Mobility and Presence: 4G will supports high speed data transmission. 4G technology
offer personalized communications to enables biometric security feature like thumb print
the mass market regardless of location, network readers and location centre(GPS and more) capabilities
and terminal used. High as well.
bandwidth and global capabilities of 4G could Applications and services for 4G are
bring some useful applications for still being defined. The possibilities are
consumer and businesses. Personal mobility limited only by the imaginations of the
concentrates on the movement of developers and the needs of the users. It is
users instead of user’s terminals, and involves certain that the first 4G applications
provision of personal deployed will be geared to the mass
communications and personalized operating consumer market. That does not mean that
environments. other entities will not immediately benefit
Tracking: The virtual presence system would from these applications. With a little
also be able to track the exact ingenuity, even the most commercially oriented service
whereabouts of individuals in case they need to can be adapted for
be contacted. This capability specialized use.
might be used for law enforcement (checking Such a development in the world of wireless
whether the prisoners are where technology would mean that compatibility with
they are supposed to be) and tracking of multiple radio systems could be achieved in software
packages and cargo shipments more alone, enabling the development of simple terminals
precisely. For example, a large company will get that can communicate from anywhere in the world.
to know not only that the
package has arrived but also exactly whose desk Reference
it is sitting on at any given time
using the network. 1. 3GPP, http://www.3gpp.org
Networking and Global roaming: 4G will 2. ITU-T, Focus Group on Next Generation Networks
allow any mobile device run different (FGNGN), http://www.itu.int/ITU-T/ngn/fgngn/.
wireless technologies automatically, and maintain 3. OMA, http://www.openmobilealliance.org
connections seamlessly, using 4. WWRF, http:// www.wireless-world-research.org
small software. The software will also be capable 5. Fourth-Generation Mobile Forum,
of choosing the best connection available http://www.4gmobile.com.
6. IEEE 802 standards, http:// www.ieee802.org
7. Stallings, William. SNMP, SNMPv2, and CMIP:
The Practical Guide to Network Management
Standards. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley, 1993.
8. ITU-T, “Recommendation M.3010, Principles for a
Telecommunications Management Network,” Geneva
9. IETF, Simple Network Management Protocol
(SNMP), RFC 1157, May 1990.
10. DMTF, Web-based Enterprise Management
(WBEM) Initiative,
11. IBM, Autonomic Computing,
12. IETF, Network Configuration (Netconf),
� ��
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