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How To Apply The Bible

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Some of the key takeaways from the passages are techniques for personal Bible study and application such as explanation, bridge and application. Additional techniques mentioned are role playing bible characters, intensifying needs, writing down applications and using categories like SPIES to find applications.

Some techniques mentioned are explanation, bridge and application, role playing bible characters, applying lessons to others, intensifying needs, writing down applications, using categories like SPIES and FFFFF to find applications, using analogy, giving yourself action assignments and more.

The formula used in writing the notes for the Life Application Bible is Explanation, which explains what the text says, Bridge, which shows how the biblical principle is relevant today, and Application, which challenges the reader to take action.


Appendix B
Application Techniques
Here are some simple techniques to use in personal Bible study and application.
Explanation, Bridge, Application. This is the formula used in writing the notes for the Life Application Bible.
Explanation explains what the text says. Bridge shows how the biblical principle is relevant today. Application
challenges the reader to take action. This is also a good structure for a short devotional.
Role-play Bible People. Put yourself in the shoes of each person in the Bible story to see what he or she must
have been feeling and thinking. Consider how you would react if you were him or her in that situation.
Apply to Others. Think of someone who really needs to learn the lesson of the passage you are studying. Then
consider how you are similar to that person.
Intensify the Need. Think of a need in your life and imagine it to be much worse than it is. Then think of Gods
timeless truths that apply to that need. Those truths probably apply to your less intense need as well. Many times we
dont make the connection because our needs arent serious; intensifying the need can help us see the application.
Put It in Writing. Whenever you make a personal application, write it down in a Bible study notebook, diary, or
journal. This will help you focus your thoughts, help hold you accountable, and give you a good indication when you
look back of how God has been working in your life. Even if you dont ordinarily keep or file away these diaries,
writing down your thoughts can help you spot applications.
S P I E S. Think through the problems, pressures, and deficits in your life using these categories: Social,
Physical, Intellectual, Emotional, Spiritual.
F F F F F. Use these categories when screening your life for places to apply Scripture: Family, Friends,
Future, Fears, Faith.
Use Analogy. Think of an example from another area of life that will illustrate the application point. For
example: Trying to live the Christian life without reading the Bible is like trying to shingle a roof without a hammer
and nails, trying to fish without a pole or a net, trying to play golf without clubs ... it wont work.
Watch me... To see if youve understood the lesson or sermon and to see if the application is relevant and
concrete, complete this sentence with what you think you should do: Hey, teacher (or preacher), watch me ______.
Look at the Other Side. Look at the lesson or application from the opposite perspective. Ask, How might this
not work?
Look from Gods Perspective. As you read, ask, Why did God put this in the Bible?
Make a Joke. When finding applications seems difficult, take a humor break. Imagine the people in the story
laughing; look for humor in the story; make a joke.
Action Lab. Give yourself an assignment that you will fulfill before the next study.
Zingers. Think of short punch lines in the passage that you could use in a conversation. Then use them on
Reverse. Read the teaching or story as if it had the opposite meaning. For example, Matthew 6:2 states: When
you give a gift to a beggar, dont shout about it as the hypocrites doblowing trumpets in the synagogues and
streets to call attention to their acts of charity! You could change this to read, When you give a gift to a beggar,
shout about it... Noting the practical or character problems that would result from this reverse teaching
can help you see more clearly what the Bible is saying.
How to Apply the Bible. practical or character problems that would result from this reverse teaching can help
you see more clearly what the Bible is saying.

Appendix C
Questions and Answers
Question: In a Bible study group, how can I, as the leader, get people into the text?
Answer: Use an icebreaker activity or several interesting and non-threatening discussion questions that
foreshadow the application (or touch on the topic you will discuss). These openers should start with real life
experiences, paralleling the application in a neutral area of your groups experience. We must start where people are
or they will never connect with the text. For example, you could have a quiz on current events, ask questions about
television shows, hold a mini scavenger hunt for items that people have with them, construct hypothetical moral
dilemmas and ask what the characters should do, etc. These openers should create interest in the text or the topic.
Question: Sometimes we get bogged down early in our Bible study and never get to application. What can I do to
keep the discussion focused and moving?
Answer: The easiest way is to appoint a timekeeper. The three main steps in Bible study are Observe, Interpret,
and Apply. Decide beforehand how much time to spend on each step. For example, if you decide to spend an equal
amount on each, in an hour study you would spend twenty minutes at each step. If you use the Pyramid, consider
taking 25 percent of your time on the first three steps as you climb the Pyramid (People, Place, Plot), 25 percent on
the next two steps (Point, Principles), and 50 percent on the last four steps as you descend (Present, Parallels,
Priorities, Plan). Have the timekeeper keep the group on track, and dont allow questions to move back to the
previous steps.
Another solution to this problem is to suggest applications at every step instead of saving them until the end
(when time is limited and everyone is thinking about the refreshments or leaving).
Question: As I lead a Bible study, how can I be concrete without being threatening?
Answer: The best way is to write and then read case studies, typical situations in which people who are similar to
your group members find themselves. You could describe a family situation where the parents are having a tough
time with their teenager, a potentially compromising situation at work, a struggle to make ends meet financially,
interpersonal conflicts, etc. Then ask what the featured person in the story should do; how he or she should respond.
You should ask, What biblical principles apply to this situation? And you could even ask, What would you do in
this situation?
Question: How do the Life Application Bible Studies follow the Pyramid?
Answer: The five sections in each lesson of a Life Application Bible Study are Reflect, Read, Realize, Respond,
and Resolve. Reflect is an opening question to get the individual or group thinking about the topic and preparing
them for application. Read looks at the text itself and would be parallel to the People, Place, and Plot steps in the
Pyramid. In Realize we look for the timeless truths in the passagePoint and Principles on the Pyramid. Respond
answers the question So what? and covers the Present, Parallels, and Priorities steps in the Pyramid. Finally,
Resolve answers Now what? as does Plan in the Pyramid.
Question: How can I motivate my Bible study group, and myself, to follow through on our applications?
Answer: Establish accountability links among the group. This can be the group as a wholewhen you meet, you
check with individuals about whether or not they followed through from the last meeting. But it is probably more
effective in pairs or partnerstwo people who covenant to pray for each other and keep each other on track in their
Bible study and applications.
Question: What are some other helpful resources for application-oriented Bible study?
Answer: As you might expect, I highly recommend any of the Bibles and books in the Life Application line from
Tyndale House Publishers. These include:
Life Application Bible. Currently available in the New International Version, The Living Bible, the King James
Version, and the New Revised Standard Version; the complete text of the Bible with more than ten thousand notes
and many other helpful features such as Megathemes, outlines, Personality Profiles, cross-references, maps, and an
index to application topics.

Life Application Commentary Series. A fresh, new commentary on the entire Bible (to be released in sixteen
volumes), focusing on application.
Life Application Bible Studies. Each study contains the complete text of the Life Application Bible for the book
of the Bible being studied and thirteen lessons for studying that book; the entire New Testament and several books of
the Old Testament are available in the New International Version; many books are available in The Living Bible.
Handbook of Bible Application. Notes from the Life Application Bible arranged by topic to help teachers,
speakers, and pastors.
Life Application Bible for Students. A terrific Bible for junior high and senior high young people; loaded with
helpful notes, including Moral Dilemma Notes, Heres What I Did notes, Ultimate Issue Notes, Application Notes,
a Life-Changer Index, a Bible Reading Plan, I Wonder notes, Personality Profiles, a Follow Through Course for
New Christians, highlighted Memory Verses, and much more.
Here are a few additional resources that are strong in application.
GroupBuilder Resources (Victor Books)new discussion books for adult small groups, focusing on relevant
topics and centered on Scripture.
Shaw Contemporary Issues Series (Harold Shaw Publishers)study guides for individual or group use; each
study addresses an important contemporary issue from a biblical perspective (for example, ambition, leadership,
priorities); eight studies in each book.
Small Group Study Series (Victor Books)each book has six sessions for youth and young adults; centered
around felt needs of youth (for example, identity, dating, sex, leadership).
Small Group Ministry with Youth by David R. Veerman (Victor Books)invaluable help on starting small
groups, understanding group dynamics, leading a discussion, and more; highlights several small group ministry
Effective Bible Teaching by James Wilhoit and Leland Ryken (Baker Book House)an excellent and practical
resource for Bible teachers; includes helpful information for personal Bible study as well.
The 50-Day Spiritual Adventure with Chapel of the Air Ministriesstudies, books, sermons, and other
materials for the whole church; loaded with application.
Taking the Guesswork Out of Applying the Bible by Jack Kuhatschek (InterVarsity Press)good summary of
the principles of application; helpful section of specific types of application.

How to Apply the Bible.

Appendix D
Apply Each Type of Bible Literature

Books: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers,



Civil Law: to help Israel organize, mobilize, and

survive as a nation.
Ceremonial Law: to govern Israels worship, with
specific instructions for the tabernacle, temple,
sacrifices, and offerings.

Moral Law: to give Gods rules for life. These rules
transcend culture and time.
WHAT TO LOOK FOR Principles behind the Laws
Example: If anyone makes a rash vow, whether the
vow is good or bad, when he realizes what a foolish
vow he has taken, he is guilty (Leviticus 5:4). The
principle is that we should be wise and selfcontrolled, not promising what we cannot do or what
would be wrong to do.
Personal Examples to Follow, or Avoid
Korah (see Numbers 16) is an example of someone
with many significant abilities, but whose ambition
caused him to lose everything.
Israels Development Paralleling Our Spiritual
We know from 1 Corinthians 10:1-11 that what
happened to Israel occurred as examples and
warnings for us.

The principles are timeless, so look for
contemporary and personal applications. Example of
an application (Leviticus 5:4): When someone asks if
I can do something, I shouldnt make a foolish
promise, exaggerating my ability to perform.
Personal Examples
Look for people or situations that you can identify
withparallels in your life. Example of an
application (Korah): I must guard against ambition
and greed.
Israels Development
Put yourself, your church, or your country in Israels
place in the story. Look for similar situations today.
Example of an application: During the wilderness
wanderings, the nation of Israel grumbled constantly,
failed to trust God, and slipped into idolatry. I
shouldnt repeat these mistakes when facing my own

wilderness experiences.
TYPE: History

Books: Joshua, Judges, Ruth, 1 Samuel, 2 Samuel, 1

Kings, 2 Kings, 1 Chronicles, 2 Chronicles, Ezra,
Nehemiah, Esther, Acts


To record facts about events and people, showing

how God has worked in history.

WHAT TO LOOK FOR Negative Examples

Example: Hophni and Phinehas (1 Samuel 2,4)
illustrate the results of greed and blatant
Positive Examples
Example: Nehemiah exemplifies godly and effective
Cycles of Sin and Obedience
Example: The book of Judges shows that during
prosperity, the people of Israel would grow
complacent and self-sufficient, eventually living
totally apart from God. Then God would punish
Israel by allowing them to be conquered by enemy
nations. The people would respond by repenting and
crying out to God for help. God would raise up a
godly judge who would deliver Israel from her
enemies. Then the people would remain loyal to God
under the leadership of that judge, and the nation
would prosper. But when the judge died, they would
slip back into sin, and the cycle would begin again.

Negative Examples
Avoid making the same mistakes.
Example of an application (Hophni and Phinehas):
God will punish deliberate sin. As a leader in my
church, I should be careful to obey God and be
sensitive to sin in my life.
Positive Examples
Copy the lifestyle of the godly person. Example of
an application (Nehemiah): In every phase of
Nehemiahs leadership, his first step was to pray. To

be an effective leader for Christ, first I must be a
person of prayer.
Cycles of Sin and Obedience
Look for evidence of these cycles in your life,
family, church, and nation. Example of an
application (Judges): God is blessing me with
prosperity and things are going well, so I must guard
against complacency, self-sufficiency, and pride.
TYPE: Poetry (Poems Books: Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of
and Wisdom

To express feelings to God and to give practical

guidelines for living.

WHAT TO LOOK FOR Practical Wisdom (especially Proverbs and

Example: Proverbs tells about people who have
wisdom and enjoy its benefits. A proverb is a short,
wise, easy-to-learn saying that calls a person to
action. It doesnt argue about basic spiritual and
moral beliefs, but assumes that we already hold
them. Proverbs are not laws, or moral absolutes.
Rather they are catchy statements that express
practical truisms. Proverbs 14:7 says, If you are
looking for advice, stay away from fools.
Worship (expressions of praise and adoration for
Example: O Lord our God, the majesty and glory of
your name fills all the earth and overflows the
heavens. You have taught the little children to praise
you perfectly. May their example shame and silence
your enemies! (Psalm 8:1-2).
Attributes of God (descriptions of what God is like)
Example: Job 38-41 gives a fresh and powerful
description of Gods majesty and might.

Practical wisdom
Take each statement as a personal, common-sense

Example of an application (Proverbs 14:7): I must
weigh carefully anything I hear from that neighbor
who is always acting and talking foolishly. His
advice will probably not be good.
Use the psalmists expressions as examples of how
to pray and worship, opening yourself up to God.
Example of an application (Psalm 8:1-2): Every day
I should thank God for his majesty, power, glory, and
Attributes of God
Look for Gods attributes and respond accordingly
with a new appreciation for who God is. Example of
an application (Job 38-41): I shouldnt doubt or
question God for what I am going through and what
he is doing in my life. Instead, I must humbly trust
myself to him, knowing that he knows and wants
what is best for me.
TYPE: Prophecy

Books: Isaiah, Jeremiah, Lamentations, Ezekiel,

Daniel, Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah,
Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah,


Prophets (along with priests) were Gods special

representatives. The purpose of their prophecies,
therefore, was to confront national leaders and the
people with Gods commands and promises. In doing
this, often they would also foretell the future.

WHAT TO LOOK FOR The Prophets Role (seeing how he lived)

Example: Ezekiel had to endure tremendous
hardships in order to faithfully present Gods
messages (Ezekiel 4, 12, 24).
The Character of God (seeing God in action as he
relates to the prophets and studying the prophets
Example: When Isaiah was commissioned, he had an
overwhelming sense of Gods holiness and his own

sinfulness (Isaiah 6).
Social Action (references to specific social
Example: I will not leave them unpunished any
more. For they have perverted justice by accepting
bribes and sold into slavery the poor who cant repay
their debts; they trade them for a pair of shoes. They
trample the poor in the dust and kick aside the meek
(Amos 2:6-7).

The Prophets Role

Put yourself in the prophets place and ask what
message God wants you to give.
Example of an application (Ezekiel): I must be
willing to do whatever it takes to tell others about
Christ, even if it means looking foolish in front of
my friends.
The Character of God
Look for what Gods actions and messages reveal
about his nature. Example of an application (Isaiah):
My sinfulness becomes very apparent in light of
Gods holiness; therefore, I must confess my sins and
submit myself to his leadership.
Social Action
Look for similar social conditions in our world.
Example of an application (Amos): I must oppose
politicians, business people, and others who oppress
the poor, and I should become involved in working
with the poor in my community.

TYPE: Gospels
(Biographies of

Books: Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John


To give an accurate record of Christs birth, lifestyle,

teachings, death, and resurrection

WHAT TO LOOK FOR Jesus Lifestyle

Example: Jesus often showed compassion on the sick
and dying, even touching lepers as he healed them

(Mark 1:40-45).
Ethical Teachings (specific statements about how
people, especially Jesus followers, were to live)
Example: In the upper room, Jesus said, And so I
am giving a new commandment to you nowlove
each other just as much as I love you. Your strong
love for each other will prove to the world that you
are my disciples (John 13:34-35).
Parables (stories with a message)
Example: Luke 8:4-15 presents the parable of the
four soils.
Figures of Speech (word pictures that Jesus used to
describe himself and his kingdom)
Example: Jesus described the kingdom of heaven as
a pearl of great value (Matthew 13:45-46).
(Note: the categories for History also apply here)

Jesus Lifestyle
Jesus said that if we want to know what God is like,
we can look at him (John 14:9), and Paul wrote that
the goal of the Christian life is to be like Christ
(Romans 8:29). Therefore, we should model our
lives after Christ.
Example of an application (Mark 1:40-45): Jesus
touched lepers, the AIDS victims of his day. I
should have compassion on those who are hurting
and do what I can to relieve their suffering.
Ethical Teachings
Jesus ethical statements are timeless, so look for
where they hit you. Example of an application (John
13:34-35): I must be loving to my Christian brothers
and sisters, even when I dont feel like it or when
they irritate me.
Consider Jesus interpretation of the parable and the
context to discover the timeless truth. Then bring
that principle into a current situation. Example of an

application (Luke 8:4-15): In which areas of my life
am I good soil (open to Gods Word)? In which areas
am I hard, rocky, or thorny? I must work to make all
the areas good soil.
Figures of Speech
Put yourself in the story. Ask: How is Christ bread
(or water, etc.) to me?
Example of an application (Matthew 13:45-46): The
kingdom of heaven is invaluablenothing else in
life compares. I must make it the number one
priority in my life.
TYPE: Epistles

Book: Romans, 1 Corinthians, 2 Corinthians,

Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, 1
Thessalonians, 2 Thessalonians, 1 Timothy, 2
Timothy, Titus, Philemon, Hebrews, James, 1 Peter,
2 Peter, 1 John, 2 John, 3 John, Jude


To give Christians and churches doctrine and

principles for living


Example: In Galatians 3, Paul explains the
relationship between law and faith.
Ethics (direct statements on how we should act)
Example: James 3:13-14 states that believers should
be humble and not be bitter, jealous, or selfish.
Church Conflicts (often the occasion for writing an
Example: In 1 Corinthians 6, Paul discusses the
problem of believers taking each other to court.

You should have a solid theological foundation,
knowing the facts of the faith. But then you should
allow those truths to permeate your life. Doctrines
will most often affect your attitudes first and then
your actions.
Example of an application (Galatians 3): Christs
death freed me from the law. So I shouldnt put

myself in bondage by trying to earn Gods favor
by doing all the right things. Instead, I should live by
faith, daily depending on God and allowing the Holy
Spirit to work through me.
These straightforward statements about life should
be brought into contemporary settings and obeyed.
Example of an application (James 3:13-14): I must
confess the bitterness I have over an incident in the
past, letting it go and letting God heal that
Church Conflicts
After understanding the culture and the conflict, look
for the relevant principle. Then you will be able to
apply that principle to similar situations in your
church. You can also learn from watching how Paul
and other church leaders resolved their conflicts.
Example of an application (1 Corinthians 6): If I
have a conflict with a fellow believer, I should try to
resolve the issue and not take it to court (even
though suing has become a way of life in this
TYPE: Apocalypse

Book: Revelation


To give believers assurance and hope through a Godgiven glimpse into the future


Example: In Revelation 2:4, Gods message to the
church at Ephesus says, Yet there is one thing
wrong; you dont love me as at first!
Example: In Revelation 22:12 we read, See, I am
coming soon, and my reward is with me, to repay
everyone according to the deeds he has done.
Example: Judgment and Victory
Example: I saw the dead, great and small, standing
before God; and The Books were opened, including
the Book of Life. And the dead were judged

according to the things written in The Books, each
according to the deeds he had done (Revelation

The Church
The first three chapters are messages to specific firstcentury churches in Asia, but they are typical of
churches and believers throughout the centuries.
Reading Gods messages to these churches can give
you insight and direction in your church setting.
Example of an application (Revelation 2:4): Our
church used to be on fire for God, but now we seem
complacent. I should talk with the pastor about my
concerns and see how I can be a catalyst for a
spiritual awakening.
The first readers of this book were oppressed
believers, many of whom were facing torture and
death because of their faith. How are you in a similar
situation? How can this book give you hope?
Example of an application (Revelation 22:12):
Although I feel almost overwhelmed by sorrow, I
know that this life is not all there is. Christ will
return and reunite me with Mom.
Judgment and Victory
Christ will be victorious, and all sins will be
punished and wrongs made fight. What implications
do the events described in Revelation have for you?
Example of an application (Revelation 20:12):
Although it often looks like evil is winning in this
world, I should remember that Christ will triumph.
This should motivate me to be faithful and to be
prepared for Christs return.

How to Apply the Bible.

Part One


Preparing for Applications

Chapter One
Why Apply?
Lets get going, everyone, or well be late! Bill calls up the stairs. Ill get the car, warmed up. After a
couple of impatient honks of the car horn, Joanne, Billy, Sarah, and Todd pile into the minivan. Quickly Bill backs
out of the drive and heads for church. He has to be there early this Sunday to interview new members ... and then
theres choir ... and worship ... and Sunday school (he and Joanne teach the junior high class). Bill and his family are
immersed in church activities. Bill is a leader thereconfident, capable, spiritual, and availableeverybody knows
they can count on him.
But Bills not so sure. Inside he carries self-doubts and worries about the future that he hasnt shared with
anyone, not even Joanne. The pressure has been building at the office, and Bill is afraid that hell be the next to be
let go. He may be a success at church, but he feels like a failure at work.
After hearing a dynamic tape on the importance of studying Gods Word, Sally was determined to have a daily
quiet time. So she sets her daily alarm at 6 A.M. and reads for a half hour before getting dressed. So far, shes only
missed two days in six weeks (she was sick). Gwen, her roommate, has really been impressed with Sallys discipline
and spirituality, and she has said so on several occasions.
Sally wonders, however, if shes doing something wrong. The daily readings are beginning to feel like
drudgery ... work. She just doesnt seem to connect with Scripture. And she sure doesnt feel very spiritual the rest of
the day.
Ruth is known for her contagious smile and warm words. She seems to be on a first-name basis with everyone
in the neighborhood and church. People often compliment Ruth on her gifts of hospitality and encouragement. How
can she always be so up? one friend commented.
While Ruth is succeeding out there, she really struggles at home. Constant bickering with a teenage daughter
and arguments with her husband leave her frustrated and discouraged.
An honor student and varsity basketball player, Tim is the picture of the all-American boy. He is also an active
member of the church youth group and a Christian club on campus, and he is very serious about his faith. Tim has
grown up in the church and knows all the Christian vocabulary.
But Tim wants to know how to bring what has been taught in church and what he believes about Christianity into
his everyday life. At school it seems as if he is bombarded by questions about popularity, sex, the future, and
morality. On Sundays, Tim sits in the back of the church and wonders.
Do you recognize any of those people? Although you may have never met Bill, Sally, Ruth, or Tim, you probably
know many just like them. Or maybe you recognize yourself in one of the descriptions. These men and women are
typical Christiansthey are what our churches are made ofneedy people, some desperate, looking for help.
Where can they find the truth about life? Where can they find guidance and direction for how to act at work,
home, and school? Where can they find comfort in time of need? For Christians, the answer is obvious, almost too
obviousit has been repeated from pulpits, in Sunday services and classes, and in evangelical literature for centuries
in the Bible.
After all, the Bible is Gods Word, and whatever God says to us is full of living power: it is sharper than the
sharpest dagger, cutting swift and deep into our innermost thoughts and desires with all their parts, exposing us for
what we really are (Hebrews 4:12).
God gave his Word to us through the Bible writers"For no prophecy recorded in Scripture was ever thought up
by the prophet himself. It was the Holy Spirit within these godly men who gave them true messages from God (2
Peter 1:20-21).
So, the whole Bible was given to us by inspiration from God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make
us realize what is wrong in our lives; it straightens us out and helps us do what is right. It is Gods way of making us
well prepared at every point, fully equipped to do good to everyone (2 Timothy 3:16-17).

Clearly, then, the Bible is the answer. Through the years, millions of people have realized that fact and have
made the Bible the best-selling book in history. And many people own several Bibles.
Unfortunately, the overwhelming number of people who own Bibles dont read them much. According to
research by the Barna Research Group , 93 percent of all the households in America own one or more Bibles. But of
this group, 57 percent do not read the Bible at all during a typical week. The number one reason given for not
reading the Bible is the perception of irrelevance. In other words, most people, even those who own Bibles, dont
believe that the Bible has anything to say about today, their society, and their lives. After all, they reason, the
Bible was written hundreds (some books, thousands) of years ago, to a land and culture thousands of miles away.
The Bible is an ancient book. What can it possibly have to say to me? So they dont even crack the covers.
Of course, reading is just the first, most basic, step. Next, the Bible must be understood. Lets say that someone
decides that the Bible does, in fact, have a message for today. Here we encounter another perceived barrier31
percent of all adults in America say that the Bible is too difficult to understand. Perhaps they remember seeing as a
child the huge, old, dusty family Bible on Grandmas coffee tableit was mysterious ... and heavy. They may
remember hearing a minister reading the King James Version from the pulpit, and they didnt know what many of
the words meant. Maybe they tried reading the Bible themselves and stumbled over the thees, thous, and wouldests
or got lost trying to find Obadiah. They may even have tried to understand Scripture by using Bible reference books,
but the tiny print just explained factswords such as wormwood, Septuagint, Pentateuch, and Ammoniteswhen
they wanted to know about worry, stress, peer pressure, and anger. Whatever the barrier, many obstacles keep these
motivated people from understanding.
Others, like Bill, Sally, Ruth, and Tim, read the Bible and understand much of what it is saying. But, as we have
seen, for these folks something still is missing. There's a gap between the Scripture they read and the lives they live.
I grew up in a very strong evangelical church. We believed in the inerrancy and infallibility of Scripture. In
Sunday school I sang, The B-I-B-L-E, yes, thats the book for me; I stand alone on the Word of God, the B-I-B-LE. Each summer I went to DVBS (Daily Vacation Bible School). Each spring, I memorized verses to earn my way
to church camp. I competed in Bible quizzes. And over the years, I heard a steady stream of sermons from Gods
Word. Certainly I was convinced of the inspiration of Scripture, and as much as possible, I was a student of the
Word. I knew a lot about the Bible and a lot in the Bible. I read and understood Gods Word. But something was
missing for me as well. I found it easy to relegate the Bible to the spiritual area of my lifemy Sunday and church
world. But rarely did the truth of the Bible touch the rest of my worldschool, friends, work, even family.
James wrote about this kind of problem: And remember, it is a message to obey, not just to listen to. So dont
fool yourselves. For if a person just listens and doesnt obey, he is like a man looking at his face in a mirror; as soon
as he walks away, he cant see himself anymore or remember what he looks like. But if anyone keeps looking
steadily into Gods law for free men, he will not only remember it but he will do what it says, and God will greatly
bless him in everything he does (James 1:22-25). According to James, then, we are to do what the Bible says, not
just read and understand it.
In commenting on the purpose of the Old Testament Scriptures, Paul wrote: All these things happened to them
as examplesas object lessons to usto warn us against doing the same things; they were written down so that we
could read about them and learn from them in these last days as the world nears its end (1 Corinthians 10:11). Paul
was saying that reading the Bible should affect the way we live.
And listen to what the prophet Isaiah told Gods people: Wont even one of you apply these lessons from the
past and see the ruin that awaits you up ahead? (Isaiah 42:23).
It is clear from James, Paul, and Isaiah that we are supposed to be doers of Gods Word and not just hearers of it.
But how can we tell how well we are applying the Bible? Consider the following five steps in the application


READopen the Bible and read a passage; get a general idea of the story
UNDERSTANDknow what all the words mean; learn the facts; see the concepts


COMPREHENDfind the biblical principles, the timeless truths that God wants to communicate
APPLYsee myself in the story and how the biblical principles relate to my life; make the timeless truths
timely; see what God wants me to do
5. DOdesign an action plan; obey God and put into practice now what he has taught me in his Word
These steps are necessary to bring the Bible to life. Each step is important; action that isnt based on Gods Word
may be misdirected, wasted, or even harmful. On the other hand, merely reading the Bible is of some profit, but it
misses the purpose for which it was written. Step 1, reading, is the bare minimum. Step 5, doing, is the goal.
Consider where you would place yourself on these steps. Which word most closely describes your relationship with
Scripture? Where do you tend to get stuck?
The key step between the Bible and life is apply. Thats where the truths of Scripture begin to move beyond
statements of fact or principles. Simply defined, apply means putting knowledge to practical and specific use. So
biblical application means allowing the truth of Scripture to penetrate our lives, to make a difference in how we live.
We need to apply Gods Word ...
Because of who God is: God knows us and he knows everything about us, our talents, potential, gifts, fears, and
foibles. No one knows us better than God. Not only that, God loves us and wants the very best for us. It only makes
sense to discover Gods willand we will settle for less than the best without it.
Because of who we are: We are finite and fallible ... and sinful. We cant see the future, we dont know ourselves
very well, and we easily forget the past. Left to our own devices, we stumble, fall, and fail. We need help. We need
direction. We need wisdom. We need encouragement. We need answers.
Because of the way the world is: Our world is fallen, filled with sin and sinful people and ruled by Satan. It is filled
with temptations, questions, pressures, and pitfalls. God doesnt want to remove us from the world; he wants to use
us to make a difference in the world (John 17:13-18). God wants to work in us and through us to reach others.
Simply put, we need to know what God wants us to do, and then we need to do it!
This book will help you understand Gods Word and then show you how you can apply it to your life. In the course
of our study, we will remove some barriers, explode some misconceptions, and explain clearly what Bible
application is. Then we will discover two Bible study methods. In one well climb a Pyramid, and in the other well
look through a Window. The ultimate goal is to give you the tools to dig into Gods Word, mine for applications, and
bring the treasure homein short, to help you bring the Bible to your life.
In the next chapter we will take a closer look at application.

Working It Through
Take a moment to assess your relationship with Gods Word. Circle the number that is most appropriate for each
1. READI can read a passage in the Bible and get a general idea of the story. In reading the Bible, I am:


3all right

I think I can improve my Bible reading skill by:


5very good


2. UNDERSTANDWhen I read the Bible, I can figure out what the words mean, learn the facts, and see the
concepts. In understanding the Bible, I am:


3all right


5very good

I can probably improve my Bible understanding by:

3. COMPREHENDAs I study the Bible, I can find biblical principles, the timeless truths that God is trying to
communicate. In comprehending the timeless truths of the Bible, my skill level is:


3all right


5very good

My Bible comprehension probably could be improved by:

4. APPLYWhen I read and study the Bible, I can see myself in the story; I can see how the biblical principles
relate to my life, and I can see what God wants me to do. My skill in applying Bible truths to my life is:


3all right

I think I can improve my application skills by:


5very good


5. DOBased on my study of the Bible, I can design an action plan to obey God and put into practice now what he
has taught me in his Word. In doing what I learn from Gods Word, I am:


3all right


5very good

Im pretty sure that I could improve my doing skills by:

6. I need to apply Gods Word to my life because ...

Chapter at a Glance
To bring the Bible to life I must:

Read Understand Comprehend Apply Do

I need to apply Gods Word:

Because of who God is

Because of who I am

Because of the way the world is

How to Apply the Bible.

Part One
Preparing for Applications
Chapter One
Why Apply?
Lets get going, everyone, or well be late! Bill calls up the stairs. Ill get the car, warmed up. After a
couple of impatient honks of the car horn, Joanne, Billy, Sarah, and Todd pile into the minivan. Quickly Bill backs
out of the drive and heads for church. He has to be there early this Sunday to interview new members ... and then
theres choir ... and worship ... and Sunday school (he and Joanne teach the junior high class). Bill and his family are

immersed in church activities. Bill is a leader thereconfident, capable, spiritual, and availableeverybody knows
they can count on him.
But Bills not so sure. Inside he carries self-doubts and worries about the future that he hasnt shared with
anyone, not even Joanne. The pressure has been building at the office, and Bill is afraid that hell be the next to be
let go. He may be a success at church, but he feels like a failure at work.
After hearing a dynamic tape on the importance of studying Gods Word, Sally was determined to have a daily
quiet time. So she sets her daily alarm at 6 A.M. and reads for a half hour before getting dressed. So far, shes only
missed two days in six weeks (she was sick). Gwen, her roommate, has really been impressed with Sallys discipline
and spirituality, and she has said so on several occasions.
Sally wonders, however, if shes doing something wrong. The daily readings are beginning to feel like
drudgery ... work. She just doesnt seem to connect with Scripture. And she sure doesnt feel very spiritual the rest of
the day.
Ruth is known for her contagious smile and warm words. She seems to be on a first-name basis with everyone
in the neighborhood and church. People often compliment Ruth on her gifts of hospitality and encouragement. How
can she always be so up? one friend commented.
While Ruth is succeeding out there, she really struggles at home. Constant bickering with a teenage daughter
and arguments with her husband leave her frustrated and discouraged.
An honor student and varsity basketball player, Tim is the picture of the all-American boy. He is also an active
member of the church youth group and a Christian club on campus, and he is very serious about his faith. Tim has
grown up in the church and knows all the Christian vocabulary.
But Tim wants to know how to bring what has been taught in church and what he believes about Christianity into
his everyday life. At school it seems as if he is bombarded by questions about popularity, sex, the future, and
morality. On Sundays, Tim sits in the back of the church and wonders.
Do you recognize any of those people? Although you may have never met Bill, Sally, Ruth, or Tim, you probably
know many just like them. Or maybe you recognize yourself in one of the descriptions. These men and women are
typical Christiansthey are what our churches are made ofneedy people, some desperate, looking for help.
Where can they find the truth about life? Where can they find guidance and direction for how to act at work,
home, and school? Where can they find comfort in time of need? For Christians, the answer is obvious, almost too
obviousit has been repeated from pulpits, in Sunday services and classes, and in evangelical literature for centuries
in the Bible.
After all, the Bible is Gods Word, and whatever God says to us is full of living power: it is sharper than the
sharpest dagger, cutting swift and deep into our innermost thoughts and desires with all their parts, exposing us for
what we really are (Hebrews 4:12).
God gave his Word to us through the Bible writers"For no prophecy recorded in Scripture was ever thought up
by the prophet himself. It was the Holy Spirit within these godly men who gave them true messages from God (2
Peter 1:20-21).
So, the whole Bible was given to us by inspiration from God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make
us realize what is wrong in our lives; it straightens us out and helps us do what is right. It is Gods way of making us
well prepared at every point, fully equipped to do good to everyone (2 Timothy 3:16-17).
Clearly, then, the Bible is the answer. Through the years, millions of people have realized that fact and have
made the Bible the best-selling book in history. And many people own several Bibles.
Unfortunately, the overwhelming number of people who own Bibles dont read them much. According to
research by the Barna Research Group , 93 percent of all the households in America own one or more Bibles. But of
this group, 57 percent do not read the Bible at all during a typical week. The number one reason given for not
reading the Bible is the perception of irrelevance. In other words, most people, even those who own Bibles, dont
believe that the Bible has anything to say about today, their society, and their lives. After all, they reason, the
Bible was written hundreds (some books, thousands) of years ago, to a land and culture thousands of miles away.
The Bible is an ancient book. What can it possibly have to say to me? So they dont even crack the covers.

Of course, reading is just the first, most basic, step. Next, the Bible must be understood. Lets say that someone
decides that the Bible does, in fact, have a message for today. Here we encounter another perceived barrier31
percent of all adults in America say that the Bible is too difficult to understand. Perhaps they remember seeing as a
child the huge, old, dusty family Bible on Grandmas coffee tableit was mysterious ... and heavy. They may
remember hearing a minister reading the King James Version from the pulpit, and they didnt know what many of
the words meant. Maybe they tried reading the Bible themselves and stumbled over the thees, thous, and wouldests
or got lost trying to find Obadiah. They may even have tried to understand Scripture by using Bible reference books,
but the tiny print just explained factswords such as wormwood, Septuagint, Pentateuch, and Ammoniteswhen
they wanted to know about worry, stress, peer pressure, and anger. Whatever the barrier, many obstacles keep these
motivated people from understanding.
Others, like Bill, Sally, Ruth, and Tim, read the Bible and understand much of what it is saying. But, as we have
seen, for these folks something still is missing. There's a gap between the Scripture they read and the lives they live.
I grew up in a very strong evangelical church. We believed in the inerrancy and infallibility of Scripture. In
Sunday school I sang, The B-I-B-L-E, yes, thats the book for me; I stand alone on the Word of God, the B-I-B-LE. Each summer I went to DVBS (Daily Vacation Bible School). Each spring, I memorized verses to earn my way
to church camp. I competed in Bible quizzes. And over the years, I heard a steady stream of sermons from Gods
Word. Certainly I was convinced of the inspiration of Scripture, and as much as possible, I was a student of the
Word. I knew a lot about the Bible and a lot in the Bible. I read and understood Gods Word. But something was
missing for me as well. I found it easy to relegate the Bible to the spiritual area of my lifemy Sunday and church
world. But rarely did the truth of the Bible touch the rest of my worldschool, friends, work, even family.
James wrote about this kind of problem: And remember, it is a message to obey, not just to listen to. So dont
fool yourselves. For if a person just listens and doesnt obey, he is like a man looking at his face in a mirror; as soon
as he walks away, he cant see himself anymore or remember what he looks like. But if anyone keeps looking
steadily into Gods law for free men, he will not only remember it but he will do what it says, and God will greatly
bless him in everything he does (James 1:22-25). According to James, then, we are to do what the Bible says, not
just read and understand it.
In commenting on the purpose of the Old Testament Scriptures, Paul wrote: All these things happened to them
as examplesas object lessons to usto warn us against doing the same things; they were written down so that we
could read about them and learn from them in these last days as the world nears its end (1 Corinthians 10:11). Paul
was saying that reading the Bible should affect the way we live.
And listen to what the prophet Isaiah told Gods people: Wont even one of you apply these lessons from the
past and see the ruin that awaits you up ahead? (Isaiah 42:23).
It is clear from James, Paul, and Isaiah that we are supposed to be doers of Gods Word and not just hearers of it.
But how can we tell how well we are applying the Bible? Consider the following five steps in the application


READopen the Bible and read a passage; get a general idea of the story
UNDERSTANDknow what all the words mean; learn the facts; see the concepts
COMPREHENDfind the biblical principles, the timeless truths that God wants to communicate
APPLYsee myself in the story and how the biblical principles relate to my life; make the timeless truths
timely; see what God wants me to do
5. DOdesign an action plan; obey God and put into practice now what he has taught me in his Word
These steps are necessary to bring the Bible to life. Each step is important; action that isnt based on Gods Word
may be misdirected, wasted, or even harmful. On the other hand, merely reading the Bible is of some profit, but it
misses the purpose for which it was written. Step 1, reading, is the bare minimum. Step 5, doing, is the goal.
Consider where you would place yourself on these steps. Which word most closely describes your relationship with
Scripture? Where do you tend to get stuck?

The key step between the Bible and life is apply. Thats where the truths of Scripture begin to move beyond
statements of fact or principles. Simply defined, apply means putting knowledge to practical and specific use. So
biblical application means allowing the truth of Scripture to penetrate our lives, to make a difference in how we live.
We need to apply Gods Word ...
Because of who God is: God knows us and he knows everything about us, our talents, potential, gifts, fears, and
foibles. No one knows us better than God. Not only that, God loves us and wants the very best for us. It only makes
sense to discover Gods willand we will settle for less than the best without it.
Because of who we are: We are finite and fallible ... and sinful. We cant see the future, we dont know ourselves
very well, and we easily forget the past. Left to our own devices, we stumble, fall, and fail. We need help. We need
direction. We need wisdom. We need encouragement. We need answers.
Because of the way the world is: Our world is fallen, filled with sin and sinful people and ruled by Satan. It is filled
with temptations, questions, pressures, and pitfalls. God doesnt want to remove us from the world; he wants to use
us to make a difference in the world (John 17:13-18). God wants to work in us and through us to reach others.
Simply put, we need to know what God wants us to do, and then we need to do it!
This book will help you understand Gods Word and then show you how you can apply it to your life. In the course
of our study, we will remove some barriers, explode some misconceptions, and explain clearly what Bible
application is. Then we will discover two Bible study methods. In one well climb a Pyramid, and in the other well
look through a Window. The ultimate goal is to give you the tools to dig into Gods Word, mine for applications, and
bring the treasure homein short, to help you bring the Bible to your life.
In the next chapter we will take a closer look at application.

Working It Through
Take a moment to assess your relationship with Gods Word. Circle the number that is most appropriate for each
1. READI can read a passage in the Bible and get a general idea of the story. In reading the Bible, I am:


3all right


5very good

I think I can improve my Bible reading skill by:

2. UNDERSTANDWhen I read the Bible, I can figure out what the words mean, learn the facts, and see the
concepts. In understanding the Bible, I am:


3all right


5very good

I can probably improve my Bible understanding by:

3. COMPREHENDAs I study the Bible, I can find biblical principles, the timeless truths that God is trying to
communicate. In comprehending the timeless truths of the Bible, my skill level is:



3all right


5very good

My Bible comprehension probably could be improved by:

4. APPLYWhen I read and study the Bible, I can see myself in the story; I can see how the biblical principles
relate to my life, and I can see what God wants me to do. My skill in applying Bible truths to my life is:


3all right


5very good

I think I can improve my application skills by:

5. DOBased on my study of the Bible, I can design an action plan to obey God and put into practice now what he
has taught me in his Word. In doing what I learn from Gods Word, I am:


3all right


5very good

Im pretty sure that I could improve my doing skills by:

6. I need to apply Gods Word to my life because ...

Chapter at a Glance
To bring the Bible to life I must:

Read Understand Comprehend Apply Do

I need to apply Gods Word:

Because of who God is

Because of who I am

Because of the way the world is

Chapter Two
What Is Application?
Little Johnny loved bicycles. He would search through magazines for the pictures of men and women riding their
ten-speeds on scenic bike paths, faces awash with sun. During the Olympics he sat transfixed, watching every
cycling race. As he grew older, Johnny began to read about bicycles: first in the B volume of his family encyclopedia
and then in books from the library. Soon he knew the history of the modern bicycle, all the different kinds, and how
they were made. Of course Johnny saved his money and eventually bought a wonderful bike. He put it in a special
place in the garage and made sure it was safe and shiny. Johnny loved bicycles ... and he never lost that love and
interest. Later, as an adult, John joined a bicycle clubat many of the meetings, men and women would share their
cycling experiences, about the thrill of riding and their various adventures.
One fresh, spring day, sitting in his office high above the city, John looked down at the bike path along the lake
and again saw cyclists riding slowly along the shore, weaving around the walkers and joggers. Turning from the

window, he picked up the model ten-speed from his desk and fingered it thoughtfully. I wonder, he mused, if Ill
ever learn to ride.
That apocryphal story may seem a bit farfetched. After all, how could anyone profess to love bicycles and not
ever ride one? That would be like a fisherman never fishing, a pilot never flying, or a cellist never playing.
But thats how many Christians treat the Bible. They profess to love Gods Word. They may even study it and
memorize it. In fact, they could pass a Bible literacy test with ease. And they have attended countless meetings
where others have testified about changed lives. But if these Bible students were honest, they would admit that they
seldom, if ever, have put what they have learned and what they have memorized into practice. Their Bible
knowledge has made very little difference in their lives.
This problem is not limited to individual believers. Consider the weekly Bible study group that ends with the
leader saying something like: Now dont forget to put what weve learned into practice. Then after closing prayer
and refreshments, the studiers file out and back into their daily routines.
Or what about Sundays biblical fare? My friend once explained that the best thing she could ever say about her
pastors sermons was, That was interesting, or I never knew that before. She longed for the Wow! factor, when
she would feel blessed, motivated, and challenged.
Its the missing ingredient in many Bible studies, sermons, and Christian lives: application.

What Application Is
Very simply stated, application is answering the question So what? Another, perhaps more gentle, way of
stating that would be: Why should I know these facts? How can I use this information? What am I going to do about
what I have just learned? What should I do about it?
I know a lot about bicycles.
So what?
I know how to tie a fly for trout fishing.
So what?
I know John 3:16 by heart.
So what?
Love is very patient and kind, never jealous or envious, never boastful or proud, never haughty or selfish or
rude (1 Corinthians 13:4-5).
So what?
Application focuses the truth of Gods Word to specific, life-related situations. It helps people understand what to
do or how to use what they have learned. Application persuades people to act.
Thats a short definition and summary. Before we get into this much further, however, we should look at what
some people substitute for application. These days the word application is used quite often in Christian publishing
check out the dustjackets of the most recent study Bibles on the market, the covers of the latest Bible study
materials, and the promotional material for church curricula. Almost everyone is for application. In fact, just about
every Bible study guide will have at least a line or two with that label. And every pastor and Bible teacher I know
will admit that application is extremely important. But as politicians have taught us, just saying so doesnt make it
so. And we know from interpersonal communication that words can have different meanings to different people.
Here are some Bible study steps and sermon points that often pass for application.

What Application Isnt

1. Information. This is simply getting the facts. Whether in detective work (a la Sgt. Friday: Just the facts, maam.")
or in Bible study, gathering facts is an important first step, but it is not enough. We still need to know how to use
those facts. It is good to know that Matthew was a tax-collector and to learn how tax-collectors worked for the
Roman government and usually became rich at the expense of their countrymen. This information helps put
Matthew in context and helps us understand the Bible. But it is just the first step.

2. Concepts. This is deeper than fact-collecting and is also an important step in studying the Bible. We need to know
what the Bible means, not just what it says. Understanding follows Reading in the Bible study process. Again,
however, this is not the same as application. Many people understand biblical truths without changing their lives.
You may understand that Jesus quoted Scripture to counter Satans attacks in the wilderness and that the Word of
God is powerful, but So what? What does that mean for you? James explains: Are there still some among you
who hold that only believing is enough? Believing in one God? Well, remember that the demons believe this too
so strongly that they tremble in terror! (James 2:19). Satan has a good understanding of the Bible.
3. Relevance. This step explains how what happened in Bible times can happen today. For example, when we learn
that Corinth was a lot like cities todaya wild city, filled with false religion and sexual immoralitywe will be
more open to application. When we see that what happened many centuries ago is similar to what is happening
today, we will understand that the truths from 1 Corinthians are, in fact timeless. They are for all people, including
us. But this step also falls short of applicationit doesnt tell us what we can do about those biblical principles.
4. Illustrations. This means seeing how someone else handled a similar situation. Illustrations can shed light on the
meaning of a passage and can show us how someone else applied a timeless truth to his or her life, as is the case
with personal testimonials. But it is still removed from the individual ... from you and me. When explaining
peacemakers in Matthew 5:9 (NIV), a story about an international peacemaker will enlighten our Bible study
group, but it will not show us where or how we can and should make peace.
If thats what application isnt, then what steps will lead a person to applying the Bible? We will cover these in
depth in Parts Two and Three (thats what this book is all about). But, in brief and in general, here are the steps.

Steps To Personal Application

1. The person (reader or listener) must receive the message. This step sounds easy, but often the process stops right
here because the receiver is not open to hearing Gods Word. Some people simply go through the motions with their
minds distracted as they sit in church or read the Bible. Remember when you wished the pastor would finish before
noon because you had dinner in the oven, or when your mind wandered to thoughts about sports, finances, or family
matters during the Bible class? At those times, we arent very receptive to Gods message.
Others have blocked communication with God through disobedience or secret sinthey may look as if they are
getting it, but they really dont want to hear what God is telling them. I worked with high school students for many
years. Usually I could spot when an individual was struggling in his or her Christian life (often in the area of sex and
dating). The student would avoid me on campus because he or she felt guilty. That person knew what he or she was
doing was wrong but wanted to do it anyway. Seeing me was a reminder of Gods disapproval, and the student really
didnt want to listen to God right then.
Reception can also be hindered through poor communication by writers, preachers, and teachers who twist the
message, get lost in minutiae, or make it boring. Of course, the speaker may be engaging and entertaining but not
really get to the point. That also may block communication. After hearing one such speech, I remember thinking,
That was great! But if someone had asked me, What did he say? What was the point? I wouldnt have had an
This first step to personal application of the Bible means being open to God as he speaks through his Word. It
means approaching Scripture (and sermons and lessons) with the prayer, Lord, speak to me, and eagerly
anticipating Gods direction, counsel, and personal communication.
2. The person should reflect on his or her life. This is simply putting the Bible truths and principles into a personal
context, asking, What does the message mean for me? In other words, it means looking at Bible study from a
personal perspective, going beyond the historical and cultural context, the words in the text, and the theology. It also
means taking a look, an honest look, at our lives, anticipating that there will be a lesson to learn and apply. For
example, as I read Ezekiel, I need to imagine myself in that story and put the prophet and Gods message into mine.

What am I going through that is similar to what I am reading? What would God say to me if Ezekiel came to my
house with Gods message?
This second step means taking it personally, consciously looking for application areas.
3. The person should identify what he or she needs to change. This step is really an extension of the previous one.
After asking, What area of my life does this speak to? we should ask, What should I do about it? This means
being action orientedready and willing to obey God in those areas where the Holy Spirit is convicting. Lets look
at each of the words in that important question:
WHATlooking for a specific action to take
SHOULDunderstanding that the message is to be obeyed
Irecognizing that the application is for me; not What should he (or she or they) do?
DOseeing that action, obedience, is involved
ABOUTknowing that the action is a response ...
IT... to a biblical teaching
The answer to What should I do about it? may be, Nothing at this point, but have you considered ... ? In
essence, this third step looks for an answer to So what?
4. The person should lay out a plan to make that change. The question to answer here is, What should I do right
away? This involves thinking through the application and laying out a plan of action. It means answering the
question Now what? Now that I know what God wants me to do, what am I going to do about it? Where am I
going to start? What will be my first step?
Suppose that in reading 1 Corinthians 13, I am convicted about my relationship with my wife, Gail. In answering
So what? I decide that I need to be more loving to Gail, especially when she has had a rough day. Thats good, but
its incomplete because I still need to answer Now what? In other words, how will I do that? What will be my first
step in putting that truth into practice in my life? I need a plan.
The fourth step means actually doing what God has told us to do. We will discuss this in depth in chapter 10.
So far, we have discussed why application is important, what application is not and what application is, taking a
broad look at the steps involved. Actually, it seems pretty simple, doesnt it? So why is application so difficult?
Thats our next consideration.

Working It Through
1. How has your idea of application changed through reading this chapter?

2. In one sentence, how would you explain what it means to apply the Bible?

3. In what areas of your life do you feel a pressing need to allow God to work?

4. What passage of Scripture has been most meaningful to you recently? Why?

5. How would you describe the difference between So what? and Now what?

Chapter at a Glance
Application asks, So what?

Why should I know these facts?

How can I use this information?

What am I going to do about what I have just learned?

Application Isnt:

Information Concepts Relevance Illustrations

Steps to personal application:

1. Receive the message
2. Reflect on your life
3. Identify what you need to change
4. Lay out a plan to make that change

Chapter Three
Why Is Application So Difficult?
Apply, apply, apply!
With this strong challenge echoing in her mind, Sharon picks up her Bible with renewed determination. At a
retreat two months ago, she trusted Christ as Savior. Filled with the excitement of her new-found faith, Sharon had
devoured all of the literature she was given. The booklets had been very helpful. Then she had tried to read the Bible
on her own, beginning at the beginning. Genesis was fascinating, and Exodus was pretty interesting. But she had

been stopped cold by all the laws, rules, and instructions in Leviticus. Switching to the New Testament, Sharon was
slowed down by the genealogies in Matthew. But this time she hopes things will be different.
Sharon wants to read, understand, and apply Scripture, but she cant figure out how.
All right, everyone, lets get started!
The small clusters of animated discussions settle to whispers and then die out as everyone turns toward the Bible
study leader. For the next several minutes, Robert explains the background of the passage and shares his insights
gleaned from selected commentaries. Then he asks the group what they have learned from their personal study in
preparation for the lesson. After a few comments, an eternal moment of embarrassing silence engulfs the room. Then
Robert concludes with a few thoughts on the importance of these verses and of obeying God.
Robert was trying to lead a Bible study, but he left feeling defeatedthe group just didnt connect with the text.
Desperate is an apt description for Marie. A twenty-five-year-old sales representative with three young
children, she is trying to juggle the incredible demands of work and single-parenting. Marie is a Christian and very
serious about her faith. She wants to do what God wants in every area of her life, especially with her children.
Church attendance and regular Bible reading are important parts of her schedule, but they dont seem to translate
into action plans.
How does obedience to Christ make a difference with these screaming kids?! she wonders.
Most Christians want to apply the Bible, and most Bible preachers and teachers want to preach and teach toward
application. Despite their desires, however, it doesnt seem to be happening. The spirit is willing, but the applications
are weak. In many cases, the bottom line is that we dont know what to do.

Reasons For Weak Applications

1. Hard work. Perhaps the main cause of weak applications (or no applications at all) is the fact that they are hard
work and take time. It can also be quite threatening to look honestly at our lives in light of Scripture because it may
require a change that we dont want to make.
I had the privilege of being a senior editor for the Life Application Bible. As the editorial team discussed this
enormous project, we decided that our goal was to help the reader ask the right questions and then motivate him or
her to action. That was our definition of application for the notes.
As I began my work, I thought that I would have little trouble writing application notes. After all, I had
ministered for two decades with young people, challenging them to follow Christ and teaching them how to grow in
their faith. But it turned out to be tough work. I did find it interesting and enjoyable to research and then explain
textual questions, cultural influences, and theological intricacies, but I couldnt make the bridge to real life. Even
now, after years of writing application notes for study Bibles and Bible studies, I find that seeing applications in the
text doesnt come easy. And its even more difficult to think through applications for myself. But it is vital!
2. Wrong assumptions. Another cause for the absence of application is that many preachers and teachers assume that
the congregation, class, or study group will make the connection between the lesson and their lives by themselves.
This is a common assumption. Not wishing to insult the intelligence of their listeners, they lay out the Bible story,
the theological insights, or the timeless truths and leave the rest to the audience to figure out (like the pastor I knew
who would end sermons with, And you?"). But most people cant make the mental jumpthey dont have that
innate ability. Believers dont have to be spoon-fed, but they do need to be led.
The same is true for personal Bible study. Many Christians treat the Bible as though it were a magic book. They
think that if they simply read a passage, the meaning and application will jump out at themGod will speak to them
each time they open his Word. Thats possible, of course; God can do anything he wants. But he has given us a mind
to use. Thats why he wants us to study the Bible (see 2 Timothy 2:15).
A few years ago, my pastor was preaching a series of sermons on Hebrews. The texts and titles for the messages
were listed in the bulletin so that the congregation could be prepared. Because I was helping plan the worship
services that month, I called Pastor Mike early in the week to talk over the next Sundays service. I wanted to know
what songs and readings to include.
What direction are you going with the sermon? I asked.

Well, you know from the bulletin insert that the topic is Jesus is greater than the angels, Mike answered.
I mean, what do you want us, the congregation, to do as a result of the sermon? How do you want us to
I went on to joke with Mike that if his objective was to convince us that Jesus is superior to angels, wed believe
him just because he told usthat in fact, because that statement was already in the bulletin, we wouldnt even have
to stay for his sermon!
I must interject that making applications is one of Mikes strengths. In our phone conversation, he quickly
admitted he had been working hard to make the passage relevant and hadnt thought of application yet.
3. Fear. Another reason for weak applications, by pastors and teachers especially, is the fear of being too simplistic.
They may think that they have to be deep or complex to properly proclaim the Word of God. Or maybe
subconsciously they are trying to prove that they learned something in seminary. Too often ministers preach to
themselves, splitting the finer points of theology, extrapolating the etymology, or considering the cultural context,
while the congregation waits for a life-changing challenge.
Ive worked hours crafting sermons that I delivered with confidence, only to have everyone stare back with a
collective ho hum. Its not that I wasnt prepared or pre-prayered, or that I stumbled or stuttered. In fact, the
congregation probably learned something, and after the sermon quite a few people would say, Thank you, That
was interesting, Good job. But nothing was said about changed lives. I had failed to move to application.
When moving out of state, I preached a farewell sermon in the church I attended in Louisiana. I was almost
embarrassed with the basic message and simple outline. But the response was overwhelming. As the people left
church that Sunday, one by one they told me what they were going to do as a result of God speaking to them.
Although the sermon was not complex, it was practical, touching people where they lived.
The same principle applies to personal Bible study. Sometimes people think they have to find the deep truths
or hidden meanings in the passage. But the timeless truths and personal applications are often quite simple.
4. Poor preparation. Many sermons and lessons are weak on application because the applications have not been
thought through ahead of time. The pastor or teacher may have extensive notes, yet just a word or two jotted down
for application. Perhaps the speaker is trusting the Holy Spirit to give him the right words when he gets to that point
in the message; or maybe he wants to be flexible and go the direction that seems right at the time. Whatever the
reason, the applications often seem tacked on or inappropriate.
For personal Bible study, this problem is merely a matter of not leaving enough time for taking the application
steps. Surrounded by study helps, we may do everything we can to understand the passage, investigating the cultural
and historical context and checking out all the unknowns. But it would be far better to take a smaller passage of
Scripture and have time for application.
5. No training. Another reason for weak applications is the lack of seminary training in Bible application. Ive
spoken to many pastors who bemoan this gap in their education. While being grateful for the intensive work in
biblical languages, theology, church history, and so forth, they express their need for a dose of reality. I wish I had
been taught how to relate the Word to the needs of real people, said one.
Pastors who havent been trained in how to apply the Bible will find it difficult to train others.
6. Wrong idea. Finally, applications can be weak because of a misunderstanding of what application is. We covered
those wrong ideas in chapter 2 under What Application Isnt. The person who is unsure of his or her goal will have
trouble hitting it.

Misconceptions About Application

Some people oppose all this talk about application. But I find that their opposition is based on one or more
misconceptions. These voices of opposition may he characterized by the following statements.
1. The Christian life cannot be reduced to a set of formulas. This statement assumes that application means giving
people an easy-to-use, easy-to-follow set of instructions to solve a problem, resolve a conflict, and so forth"How

to know Gods will, or Three steps to conquer stress. Although an important step in applying biblical principles to
life is a personal strategy or action plan, application is not a simplistic 1 ... 2 ... 3 ... approach to life.
2. Becoming a Christian and then living the Christian life is not a matter of works but of faith. That statement is
true, but application does not mean working ones way to heaven or depending on self instead of God. It does,
however, involve personal response to Gods Word, everything from believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, to go into
all the world and preach the gospel. In fact, as James reminds us, Faith that doesnt show itself by good works is
no faith at allit is dead and useless (James 2:17).
3. God is more interested in our being the right kind of people than in our doing things for him. Again, this
betrays a misconception of the word application, as though it refers to a narrow category of responses. But a
personal application might be to draw closer to Christ through worship, prayer, meditation, or study. An application
for someone else might involve yielding certain areas of life to Christs control. Application means obedience, and
the Bible is filled with that admonition.
4. What people really need is sound theology. This emphasis on action is shallow. Theologian R. C. Sproul says
that Western Christians are biblically illiterate and that there is no substitute for solid, biblical theology. I would
agree, and certainly actions that are not grounded in the Word of God will be shallow at best. But right thinking
should lead to right living. Unfortunately, however, the shift from thinking to acting is not automatic. Many people
know a lot about the Bible and may even get As in theology classes, but they dont allow Gods truth to penetrate
their hearts. Their head knowledge hasnt filtered down into the rest of their lives.
5. Only the Holy Spirit can apply the words of Scripture to a person's life. Whether written or spoken, Bible
applications can never take the place of the Holy Spirit. But there is a place for suggested courses of action,
illustrations of how others have put faith into practice, insights into Scriptures timeless truths, and personal
challenges. Consider the evangelist who calls people to give their lives to Christ. He is not taking the place of the
Holy Spirit; rather, he is presenting the gospel and then throwing out the challenge to act, to those whom the Holy
Spirit is convicting.

Am I Ready For Application?

Hopefully by this point you know what application is, are convinced that it is necessary, and understand why
making applications can be difficult. Now youre just about ready to dig in to the Word. To be prepared and to
overcome any application resistance, ask yourself the following questions.
1. Am I truly open to the Word of God? Suppose you were at a party and received word that the most interesting,
powerful, and influential person in the world was in the next room and wanted to talk to you. Would you go? Of
course you would. The truth is that God himself, the creator and ruler of the universe. wants to meet you in his Word.
But you must be willing to enter into open communication with him.
Will you lay aside your concerns, preoccupations, and pursuits to focus on him and his message to you? Will you
reset your will so that you can be ready to move? Can you be flexible and responsive? When you take out your
Bible, ask yourself, If I open it and understand it, will I do it? Do I really want to do what God wants? If you are
closed to God, reading his Word will be a waste of time.
Another way to be open is to use a reading program, perhaps even taking you through the entire Bible. Through
this the Holy Spirit will spotlight areas that you need to change. Too often Christians concentrate Bible reading in
familiar passages. But God may have messages for you in parts of the Bible that you havent read lately.
2. Do I have a translation that I understand? If your Bible translation uses language that you do not use in ordinary
conversation, you will have a difficult time seeing how it applies to your everyday life. It would be like trying to
understand a Russian Bible after having only a couple of years of Russian in school. You wont be able to understand
the meaning of a passage if youre struggling with the language.

In the King James Version, Acts 5:6 reads, The young men arose, wound him up, and carried him out, and
buried him. Even when you understand the context (him refers to Ananias, who had just died after lying to Peter
and the Holy Spirit), it sounds like no batteries required because they wound him up. By the way, the Authorized
King James Version was written in modern English ... for England in the 1600s.
I won't debate the pros and cons of various versionsmany outstanding ones are available. Try using two
translations: one a more or less word-for-word (such as the New American Standard Bible or the New King James,
New Revised Standard, or New International Version), and the other a thought-for-thought translation (such as The
Living Bible, Today's English Version, or the Contemporary English Version). Tyndale House Publishers has a
helpful NIV\Living Parallel Bible.
Skim the entire passage in modern, simplified English and then focus on it verse by verse, referring to both
3. Do I have the right tools? It is helpful to understand the historical and cultural context of a passage. But even in a
modern translation, you will encounter foreign words and concepts. Tools are available to help you dig out the
A good study Bible (of course I recommend the Life Application Bible) and a Bible dictionary should have what
you need. As you focus on the verse, the meaning will be more powerful if you see it in context.
4. Have I expressed my need to God? Because God knows all your needs and sorrows, you may wonder why you
should bother to tell him about them. God does know everything about us, and the Holy Spirit prays for us (Romans
8:26-27). God understands, and yet he wants us to engage our minds as we pray: I will pray with my spirit, but I
will also pray with my mind (1 Corinthians 14:15, NIV). You will be more ready to apply God's Word to your life if
you are sensitive to the areas that desperately need application. And as you pray, God will bring other needs to mind.
If you stop to take a simple spiritual diagnosis before opening the pages of Scripture, you will be more likely to find
help. Before you read, ask:
What conflicts am I facing at home, work, school, or church?
What resources do I lack (for example, time, energy, money, relationships)?
What difficult situations am I facing?
What personal shortcomings am I struggling to overcome?
By expressing your need to God, you will prepare your heart to receive his truth. Verses will seem to jump off
the page, and youll find more applications. Being alert and focusing your attention will help you respond to the
directions God gives in the Bible.
If you are open to Gods Word, use a translation that you can easily understand, use the right tools, and express
your needs to God, you will be ready to apply the Bible. Of course, getting ready is just the first step in reading,
understanding, and obeying Gods Word. In the next section we will see how to get the Bible off the shelf and into
the self!

Working It Through
1. What is the most difficult aspect of Bible application for you?

2. Which of the statements opposing application have you heard most often? How would you respond to someone
who thinks that application is unnecessary?

3. What would help you to be more open to Gods Word?

4. What Bible study tools do you need to help you understand and apply the Bible to your life? Where and when will
you get these tools?

5. What personal needs should you express to God right now?

Chapter at a Glance
People make weak application because:

Applying the Bible is hard work

They are afraid

They dont prepare

They dont know how

To overcome application resistance:

Be open to the Word of God

Use a translation of Scripture that you can easily


Use Bible study tools

Express your needs to God

Part Two
Finding Applications
Chapter Four
The Pyramid: Up One Side

The church business meeting was unusually tense. After two long discussions, the third agenda item was whether
or not to purchase a new chandelier. After the chairman introduced the topic, a man stood to his feet at the back of
the room.
Im against it! he declared, First of all, I cant spell it! Second, no one around here can play one! He paused
And what we really need around here is more light!
Sometimes when I speak about Bible application I feel like that church chairman, wondering if people really
understand the concept. In part one we discussed preparing for applications. We now know what Bible application is,
why its important, how it can be difficult, and how to get ready. Thats enough preparation ... now lets dig in!
Have you ever been gripped by an insight from your Bible study but felt confused about how to live it out?
Have you ever listened to a sermon and silently wondered how the speaker was able to see so many practical
applications in a passage that you had just studied?
Have you ever made a personal application that was truly helpful and exciting, and wondered why you didnt
have that experience more often?
Have you ever prepared extensively for a small group Bible study and yet found it difficult or nearly impossible
to show how the passage was relevant and practical?
Like me, you probably can answer yes to most of those questions. You want to apply the Bible more effectively
but arent sure how. As we have seen, application is the step between knowing what the Bible says and doing what it
says. But while the truths of the Bible never change, life situations do. I have noticed that as my life changes, the old
applications dont seem to work anymore. To keep growing in my relationship with Christ, I need to keep applying
the Bible to my new experiences, thoughts, and feelings.
For example, when I was working for Youth for Christ in the Campus Life ministry, right out of college, I found
it relatively easy to apply the passages and teachings in the Bible regarding money. After all, my income was low;
and because I was single, my life was simple and my expenses, basic. Then I got married and bought a house.
Suddenly my finances were complex, and I found it increasingly difficult and challenging to obey what I would read
in the Bible about money matters.
In those first few years of marriage, it was also fairly easy to apply the biblical teachings about the family. Today,
however, my two daughters are teenagers, so my need for biblical applications and the difficulty of making them
have grown immensely!
Application has become more difficult in both of those areas. Im less sure of what to do; and when I do know,
its a greater struggle to obey. Moreover, suggested applications that I hear in sermons and read in books dont seem
to relate to my life as easily as they used to. My life has become more complex and my problems, more specific and
personal. Instead of relying on the applications of others, I need to apply the Bible myself.
While I discovered no simple solution to this problem, I have begun to use a Bible study system that helps
immensely. Its called the Pyramid. My associates and I originally developed and used a similar system to generate
the application notes for the Life Application Bible. Using the nine sets of questions in the Pyramid, you will be able
to apply the Bible more practically and thoroughly to your personal life situations.

The Pyramid
All Bible study methods have the same three basic stages: Read, Comprehend, and Apply. At the Read stage we
answer the question What does this say? At Comprehend we answer What does this mean? And at Apply we
answer What should I do? If any of these stages is missing, we will not fully understand and obey what the Bible

At the Read stage, we read a specific passage and try to understand the story, what is happening. If this stage is
underemphasized, we will not get much out of the study. Our Bible reading will feel dry.
At the Comprehend stage, we look for the biblical principles that transcend time and are transferable. People who
neglect this stage run the risk of misinterpreting, and therefore misapplying, a passage.

At the Apply stage, we personalize the truths and think about how to live them out. Neglecting this stage leads to
plastic beliefs, with insights from Bible study making little or no difference in our lives.
Heres another way to look at the Pyramid.

You can see that when we study a passage in Scripture, we begin in a historical, real-life situation, where God
was working with and speaking to specific human beings. Then, as we let the text inform us (inductive study), we
move up and away from a specific moment in history to discover the principle, the timeless truth. And then we allow
that principle to inform us as we move down and back to real life, our daily experience, making timely applications
for specific, personal situations.
With a simple, straightforward passage, this may be all the structure we need. But what if we cant see the
biblical principles? What if we cant bring them down into our real-life situations?
Of course speaking or writing about the process of studying the Bible is easy; actually doing it takes a lot more
work. In fact, sometimes in-depth, application-oriented Bible study can seem impossible. Thats because usually we
try to climb the Pyramid in just two giant steps. Moving from Read to Comprehend takes a big jump, as does going
from Comprehend to Apply. Its no wonder that many Christians get tired and stop trying.
When a task seems too big or unmanageable, it is helpful to break the task down into smaller steps. When each
step is manageable, we can make better progress and feel a sense of real accomplishment.
Check out the Pyramid below, which includes additional, more manageable steps.

Using these smaller steps, we will be able to climb the Bible study Pyramid much more easily. Lets take them
one at a time.

1. People
One reason that People is the first step is because it is usually quite easy to identify the people in the passage
simply by reading the text, especially in historical narratives such as Genesis or Matthew. An old Chinese proverb
says, Every journey begins with the first step. Once we take that step, were on our way.
People is also an important step because we, the readers, are people too. And as we read, we discover that
because human nature hasnt changed over the centuries, neither have human struggles and problems.
The people include all the characters in the passage, those actively taking part and those mentioned. Sometimes
no specific individuals or groups will be named in a chapter or section of a book, such as in Proverbs or Romans.
But we shouldnt forget the author and the original audience. They are people tooalthough we may not read about
these individuals, we know they are there, watching and listening in. Also, God should be included in the People
category. Here are two examples of People in the Bible.
Exodus 13 records Moses speech to the children of Israel as they began to leave Egypt and head for the
Promised Land. The key characters are Moses (giving the speech and writing the book), the nation of Israel, and
Pharaoh. Also mentioned in the chapter are Canaanites, Hittites, Amorites, Hivites, Jebusites, Joseph, and Israels
sons. God also is involved.
Acts 3:1-11 tells about Peters healing the lame beggar by the temple gate. The people mentioned in the
narrative, actively involved in the incident, are Peter, John, the man lame from birth, the individuals who carried the
lame man to the temple gate, and those who saw the man healed. Jesus is also mentioned. Other people in the
passage include God and Luke (the writer of Acts).
We should identify the people and learn something about them. For example, if in a prophetic book the prophet
spends a full chapter condemning a nation weve never heard of, we should use a Bible dictionary or a study Bible to
find out more about what those people were like,
In addition to identifying the people in the passage, it is important to identify with the people. This will help us
with both interpretation and application. In fact, at every step in our climb up the Pyramid we should ask

identification questions. Here are questions to ask when identifying the people in a passage and identifying with
Who are all of the people in this passage?
How are these people like people in my world?
What characteristics in myself do I see represented in these people?

2. Place
This step helps put the passage in its original setting, the historical and cultural context. By taking this step, we
will be able to see, hear, and feel what we read in the text.
We can learn about Place in a study Bible or commentary, or by looking up the book in a Bible dictionary.
Knowing about the city of Corinth will illuminate a passage in 1 Corinthians. Learning about Israel, Judah, and the
political, economic, and religious status of Hoseas audience will help us understand his book. The more we know
about the culture, history, and problems of the people in the passage, the more we will be able to find parallels to our
lives today.
It is also helpful to skim the entire book of the Bible, familiarizing ourselves with the outline and key themes.
The book of Job is an example of how important this is. If we did not realize that the miserable comforters Bildad,
Eliphaz, and Zophar were bringing not Gods words but their own, we might agree that Jobs suffering was caused
by his own sin. (Note: skimming the entire book will also help us with Plot, the next step on our climb.)
Of course, we also should read the immediate context of any passage (the surrounding verses). Often this will
help us understand the meaning of unknown words and difficult concepts. Usually what the author said previously or
subsequently will shed light on the passage being studied.
Here, as with People, it is important to compare the setting of this passage with our own place in time and in the
world. We may discover that the Israelites who crossed the Red Sea were baby boomers, the products of a surge in
population ... or that Ephesus had many similarities with a major city near where we live.
For the Place step, we can ask:
What is the setting of this passage?
What are the significant details in the history, culture, and geography?
What are the similarities to my world?

3. Plot
The third step of our climb up the Bible study Pyramid is to consider the plot of the passage. Plot answers
Whats happening? In other words, we should be looking for what is going on among people or between God and
people. Usually we can discover this by the context of the passage and book. A study Bible or commentary will also
help us understand the plot.
The plot is easy to unravel in a Gospel or any historical book. But a story line may not be apparent in some
books of the Bible, as in 2 John or Philemon. But understanding the conflict that underlies a passage will help
unlock additional applications. Every book of the Bible either contains a conflict or speaks directly to one,
The questions to ask for Plot are:
What is happening in this passage?
What is the conflict or tension?
What would I have done in this situation?
How is this similar to what is happening in my life or in the world today?
Recently I used People, Place, and Plot to gain penetrating insights from Numbers 17, the story of Aarons staff
budding. The Lord wanted to stop the constant grumbling of the people against Moses and Aaron. After the twelve
leaders of Israel gave their staffs to Moses, he placed them before the Lord. Aarons staff not only budded, but it also
blossomed and produced almonds. Through this dramatic incident, everyone could plainly see that Aaron had been
appointed by God.

I understood what the passage said. Then I took a few minutes to formulate some of the connections between this
event from ancient times and my own life.
In terms of People, I saw that these were not just ordinary men, but the leaders of the twelve tribes of Israel. I
certainly am not a leader on this level myself, but I can identify some of the leaders in the Christian world today. I
would be upset if they were grumbling against God as these men in Numbers had done. Then I realized that I also
grumble against some of Gods appointed leaders in the world. In the story, I wouldnt have been one of the leaders,
but I might have supported one and grumbled right along with him.
At the Place step, besides reviewing what I knew about the exodus and the wilderness, I saw that this event
occurred shortly after two rebellions for which the people had been severely punished. These were no minor
grievances in Exodus 17the bitterness against Moses and Aaron was deeply rooted.
With Plot, I noticed that one of the twelve leaders, Aaron, was being selected from among the group for special
service. It is easy for tension to develop when a peer is promoted. I then realized that I, too, was feeling somewhat
resentful of a friend who had recently received a nice promotion and pay raise (and I thought he was less qualified
than I). Did the other tribal leaders think that Aaron was less qualified for the special responsibilities than they were?
Suddenly I was involved in the passage and was ready to interpret the meaning.
In essence, during these first three steps, we go back in time to understand the passage and to see ourselves in it.
Now, as we approach the top of the Pyramid, we stand above time, looking for the timeless truths. This is not a
subjective processthe Bible expresses objective truth. So we must determine what a passage means, not what we
wish it to mean. Perhaps you have heard a person in a Bible study say something like, Well, to me this verse
means ... Some individuals talk as if interpretation is a very subjective exercise. Interestingly, those people probably
would not approach an instruction manual for computer software in the same manner. Instead, they would work
diligently to determine the objective meaning of the words on the page. They would never consider making up a
meaning that suits them. They would dig deeper to understand the correct meaning of the manual. While we should
read the Bible with feeling, we should interpret it as a book that contains objective truth.
The three steps that get us over the top in interpretation are Point (understanding the original message),
Principles (determining the timeless truths), and Present (describing contemporary significance).

4. Point
Before we can determine what something in the Bible means for us today, we must first ascertain the meaning
for the original audience. The events recorded in the Bible happened to real people at specific times in history. Real
audiences heard the parables, and real churches received the epistles. Therefore, we should carefully consider the
cultural context (what we learned at the People, Place, and Plot steps) to find the particular lessons that God wanted
to teach those people. In effect, the Point was the application for the original audience.
To determine the Point, we can ask:
What was the intended message for the original audience?
What did the people in the passage learn?
What did God want them to do?
What was Gods solution to the problem?
Perhaps you have read about a religious zealot somewhere who actually tried to cut off a hand or gouge out an
eye as an application of Matthew 5:29-30. Did Jesus really mean that we should mutilate ourselves as a means of
holy living? Did Jesus expect his original listeners to apply his message that way and suddenly chop off their hands
or poke out their eyes? No! Jesus used an extreme example (hyperbole, or overstatement) to teach that avoiding sin
may demand painful sacrifices.
Or perhaps you have been confused when reading passages in the epistles about eating meat. For example, in 1
Corinthians 8:13, Paul wrote, Therefore, if what I eat causes my brother to fall into sin, I will never eat meat again,
so that I will not cause him to fall (NIV). Was Paul saying that Christians should be vegetarians? No (see 8:8-9).
Although meat was certainly involved in the controversy, Paul was making a point about being sensitive to the
tender consciences of new believers in Christ. The meat in question had previously been offered to idols.

A clear understanding of the Point can prevent damaging misapplications and is invaluable for determining the
timeless truths in the passage.

5. Principles
After finding the Point, the meaning for the original audience, our next step is to determine what transferable
principles are embedded in the passage. This step is stated in plural form because often more than one principle can
be found.
The distinction between Point and Principle can be easy to miss because they are closely related. The principles
usually connect with the original point of the passage and may even be identical to the point for the original
audience. For example, in the teaching about cutting off a hand (Matthew 5:29-30), the principle is the same as the
point: avoiding sin may involve painful sacrifices. The point of 1 John 3:11-24 to the original audience and the
principle for us are the same: love one another.
At times, of course, the principle and point differ. Lets look again at 1 Corinthians 8:13 where Paul wrote about
eating meat that had been offered to idols. As I mentioned earlier, Paul was teaching the Corinthian believers to be
sensitive to the feelings and tender faith of new followers of Christ. These men and women had come out of
paganism and were deeply offended by anything that reminded them of their former days and way of life. Pauls
point was that eating meat that had previously been offered to idols or blessed by pagan priests was wrong, even
though there was nothing wrong with the meat itself (in fact, usually that was the best meat available). It was wrong
because eating this meat would harm the tender faith of a Christian brother or sister.
Today, the meat in our supermarkets usually is not divided into idol blessed and regular, so meat is not the
issue for us. But there are other activities and actions that could be covered by this biblical principle. Young
believers can be hurt in other ways. The principle is universal and timeless: mature Christians must be very careful
about offending younger, immature believers. Even though we may be free to do something, at times it is better to
refrain. The point (application) differs greatly, from era to era and culture to culture.
There are also times when a biblical principle will relate indirectly to the passage. For example, we can glean
principles about evangelism by observing how Jesus and the disciples spread the gospel, even though how to
evangelize is not being taught directly in the passage. Consider the lessons learned from the lives of Jeremiah,
Hosea, Ezekiel, and other prophets who obeyed God despite tremendous inconvenience, persecution, suffering, and
cost. And think of what we can learn about Gods character by seeing his reactions to idolatry, greed, injustice, and
other sins and his unfailing love for his people.
To surface the Principles, we can ask:
What is the message for all of humankind?
What are the timeless truths?
What is the moral of the story?
In each Bible passage, you may find more than one transferable principle. These principles are the distilled
essence of a passage. Like standing at the top of a great Egyptian pyramid, we can see for miles around, and the
insights are exhilarating. It would be tempting to end our journey at the topto stay there and just take in the sights.
But to apply the Bible, we must go down the other side, back into real life.
While each passage will have one primary meaning, each passage will have a wide range of applications. The
path to the top of the Pyramid narrows to a single point and a few principles, but the paths on the way down are
diverse and varied.
In the next chapter, we travel down, back to where we live.

Working It Through
Turn to Acts 27:27-44 and climb the Bible study Pyramid, writing the information at each step. Limit each
answer here to one or two sentences or phrases.







Here are some possible answers for Acts 27:27-44 on the Bible study Pyramid.
People: Luke (the author, included in we in the passage), Paul, the sailors, other prisoners, soldiers guarding the
other prisoners, the centurion guarding Paul (Julius, see 27:1), God
Place: on ship, sailing across the Adriatic Sea (27:27), near the island of Malta (28:1), during a terrible storm, as
Paul and other Roman prisoners were being taken to Rome for trial; the journey was undertaken after the Fast
(27:9, NIV), so it was in October, a time when dangerous storms could arise suddenly
Plot: Paul had warned that the trip would be disastrous (27:9-10), but the pilot and centurion didn't listen and
determined to sail anyway. When the terrible storm arose, Paul encouraged everyone (27:22) and told them what to
do; this time the Roman crew listened (27:31-38). Paul also thanked God in front of everyone (27:35). When the
ship began to break up, the soldiers were about to kill their prisoners (so they wouldn't escape), but the centurion
guarding Paul stopped them from carrying out their plan (27:43).
Point: Paul was confident of God's protection and care, even during a life-threatening storm. This confidence freed
Paul to encourage others, even his captors, and to give a clear testimony of his faith in Christ.
Principles: God is present and in control in all of our storms; we can take courage and hope because we know that
God is with us and he cares for us. Even when we are going through difficult times, we should encourage and help
others and give clear evidence of our faith.

Chapter at a Glance

Who are all of the people in this passage?

How are these people like people in my world?

What characteristics in myself do I see represented in

these people?


What is the setting of this passage?

What are significant details in the history, culture, and


What are similarities to my world?


What is happening in this passage?

What is the conflict or tension?

What would I have done in this situation?

How is this similar to what is happening in my life or in
the world today?


What was the intended message for the original audience?

What did the people in the passage learn?

What did God want them to do?

What was Gods solution to the problem?


What is the message for all of humankind?

What are the timeless truths?

What is the moral of the story?

Chapter Five
The Pyramid: Down the Other Side
With cautious baby steps I inched toward the chair lift. I can do it, I almost whispered out loud as I tried to psych
myself up. The ski lessons had gone well. I was proud of my beginners prowess on the slippery, sloping bunny hill.
But it was time to move on and upward, and I was determined to try. Soon I was in line ... then I was next ... then
suddenly I was airborne, whisked up the side of the mountain. Buoyed with renewed confidence (having conquered
the dreaded chair lift), I relaxed and enjoyed the view. In a few minutes, the top came into viewthe end of the
beginning of my new adventure. As I carefully left the lift, wobbling a bit but without falling, a new terror struckI
had to descend, go down, actually ski! I stalled as long as possible: adjusting my goggles, taking in the majestic,
panoramic view, casually conversing with fellow skiers while leaning on my poles and looking cool. But I knew
that couldnt last. Eventually the moment of truth would come when I would have to push off and down. And it
did ... and I became a skier.
I wont share the details of my first descent (they probably have been long suppressed), but eventually I made it
down the mountain. But what if I had stayed at the base and had never made the climb? Or what if I had ended my
trip at the top and had hitched a ride home on the ski patrols snowmobile? Certainly I would have had an experience
in the Rockies, perhaps even an enjoyable experience ... but I wouldnt have skied.
In the same way, Bible study must be more than reading, and even more than interpretation. Climbing up the
Pyramid is only half the process. We must come down. We must come back to earth, to application and real life.

In the last chapter, we climbed the steps entitled People, Place, Plot, Point, and Principles. Now we begin our

6. Present

The first step on the downward side is Present. This step expands the areas of application for the Point and
Principles that we have extracted from the passage under study. In fact, a different kind of thinking is required,
because we are expanding possibilities and adding our lives to the principles. Here we describe the significant
implications of these timeless truths for life at home, school, place of work, church, and neighborhood.
To bring a biblical principle into the Present, we can ask:
What does this principle mean for my society and culture?
How is this relevant?
What back then is similar to today?
How can I make the timeless truth timely?
The Present step brings the truth into our context, into todays world, into the here and now. This is where we try
to determine what in our society and culture might be similar to washing feet or eating meat offered to idols. It is
also helpful to think of possible implications for various types of people (for example, parents, children, teachers,
supervisors, employees, business owners, church leaders, etc.).
In James 1:19 the point and principle are simple and straightforward: Christians should listen much, speak little,
and not become angry. To bring this truth into the present, take a moment to think about the possible implications
for home, school, work, church, neighborhood, and world.
Home: Parents should take time to listen to their children (and children to their parents) and avoid becoming
angry and abusing their kids.
School: Teachers should listen to their students; students should listen to teachers; classmates should listen to
each other.
Work: Supervisors should not fly into a rage with their employees, but instead they should listen to them;
workers should listen to supervisors and to each other.
Church: Members should not react emotionally to issues, and some should not dominate the fellowship time
after the worship service; leaders should listen to the congregation.
Neighborhood: We should not bicker with neighbors; instead we should listen when told of a problem or
concern; we should stay clear of neighborhood gossip.
World: We should not become easily angered by poor service in a store, restaurant, or other place of business; we
should not react angrily when cut off in traffic.
While the meaning for the original audience and the principles may be clear and evident in a verse such as this,
the implications for the present are rich and varied. This step is helpful because you will find more areas where a
principle will apply to your own life if you first take a few minutes to consider the implications in all areas of life.
This is general application.
Personal application is the next phase of the process. A Bible truth or insight will not make a difference in our
lives unless we take it personally. These final steps will help us do that. As we descend the Pyramid, we carry the
principles back to where we live. This phase helps us determine what kind of person we must become and what we
must do as a result of the truth we have encountered in the Bible. Gaining the insight is not enough; we must also
think, pray, and plan to put it into practice.

7. Parallels
The personalizing process begins with Parallelsidentifying personal application areas. I find that I
unintentionally divide my life into compartments, such as home, work, church, and so forth. Thus lessons I learn at
work may not be applied at home, and I may behave differently at church than I do at work. The Parallels step helps
us examine all areas of our lives to see how the truth applies in every one.
This step is similar to Present, except that it is very personal, addressing specific life situations, fears, hopes, and
relationships. This is the time to explore all the areas of life where the truth might apply. In this step, we may
discover one or many specific applications.
To find the Parallels, we can ask:

What does this truth mean for me?
Where are my areas of need, conviction, and opportunity?
Where in my life might this truth possibly apply?

Sometimes the parallels are not evident at first. Proverbs 12:15, for example, says that a wise man listens to
advice and a fool does not. At first, I thought that there was not much in this proverb for me to apply since I rarely
refuse to listen to advice.
I started looking for personal parallels for this verse by first noting that everyone acts foolishly once in a while,
including me. Next I thought about recent times when I had ignored good advice. As I considered the areas of my
life, my thoughts turned to home, work, and church. I began to remember times when I failed to heed the counsel of
others, especially my wife.
I thought of the time when Gail advised me not to make a pronouncement or speech to our daughter during a
mini-crisis at school, but instead to be quiet and listen to her side of the story. Because I have worked for many years
with teenagers, I thought I knew how to handle the one in our house. So ignoring my wifes wise counsel, I jumped
into the fray with both feet and immediately escalated the conflict.
Remembering that incident helped me understand that I dont consider advice as carefully as I thought I did,
especially in family matters. I began to realize that this proverb did apply to me and could help me be wiser at home.
After surfacing application areas, we may find one or more hot spots that need attention. These may be areas of
outright disobedience, dangerous temptations, potential problems, or attitudes or behavior needing correction. After
surfacing parallel areas, we should select one that we consider to be the most important and move down to the next
step on the Pyramid.

8. Priorities
This step involves looking at how we should change on the inside in order to change on the outside. It means
stopping to think about the work God wants to do in our lives before determining specific behaviors to change. At
times this will involve considerable reflection.
To help examine the implications of a biblical truth for our Priorities, we can ask:
How should I adjust my priorities?
What should I change about my values, beliefs, attitudes, or character?
What about my thoughts and motives should change?
What kind of person does God want me to become?
When studying the foot-washing passage (John 13:12-15) for example, I thought of my church and how we serve
each other. We meet in a school, so every Sunday we have to set up the auditorium for worship and the classrooms
for Sunday school. This task is rotated monthly among groups of families, called Growth Groups. Church setup is a
very important, and often difficult, service that gets very little recognition. I began to feel guilty because at the time I
wasnt involved in a Growth Group, so I was never asked to help with this necessary task. I decided that God wanted
me to learn how to serve others by volunteering to help with setup even though I didnt have to.
In the process, God also began to point out how I tend to avoid demeaning, dirty, and thankless tasks. Instead, I
enjoy serving in the limelight. I saw that God wanted me to be more other-centered instead of self-centered.
This is one of the more difficult steps with certain applications. The heart can be deceptive. We can become
experts at rationalizing and excusing the way we are. Fortunately, the Holy Spirit works in us, pointing out what is
displeasing to God in our lives. When we find something in ourselves that is lacking or that needs change, we are
personalizing the biblical principle at the highest level. Then, after pinpointing problem areas, we must act to see our
lives change.

9. Plan
This is the last step in the Bible study process: actually doing what God has told us to do. We put truth into
practice by determining to change and then making plans to live differently. The planning skills that we use in other

areas of life will prove useful here. (Note: we will look at this more closely in chapter 10.) Planning involves
selecting a goal, breaking it down into bite-size pieces, and getting going.
To help us Plan, we can ask:
What does God want me to do about what I have learned?
What steps will get me to that goal?
What should be my first step? How can I get started?
There are two types of plans: intentional and conditional. Intentional plans are step-by-step guides for taking
action. These are similar to strategies, plans, or lists that people use to accomplish specific tasks and goals. For
example, if someone was serious about trying to lose weight, he or she would probably design a weight-reduction
plan that would involve exercise and diet. The plan for someone who wanted to obtain a real estate license would
involve talking with a real estate broker, signing up for classes, and so forth.
Intentional plans contain action steps within the individuals control. An intentional plan might have the
statement I will followed by a To Do list in chronological order (a 1 ... 2 ... 3 ... format).
An intentional plan for me for applying John 13:12-15 might be:
I want to serve the church by helping set-up for services this month. To do this, I will:
Call the church office to find out which Growth Group is assigned for this month.
Call the Growth Group leader and tell him\her of my intentions.
Show up next Sunday morning at 8:00 to help set up.
Conditional plans are anticipated responses to situations that might arise. Usually they follow an if ..., then ...
format. We use conditional plans continually in our daily lives: If I see Chad, then Ill tell him hello for you; If I
cant find a parking place near the store, then Ill use the parking garage two blocks away; If this meeting ends
early, then Ill make that sales call on the way home; If the store has a sale, then I will buy that sweater. Jesus
said, if someone hits you, then turn the other cheek.
In applying the Bible, conditional plans are needed for avoiding specific temptations and responding to specific
opportunities. A teenager might say, If I am offered a drink, then I will say No. A businessman might write, If
Ed asks me about the Bible on my desk or about anything spiritual, then Ill share my faith with him. A conditional
plan for me for the passage on listening to advice (Proverbs 12:15) might be: If Gail makes a suggestion about how
to act toward our girls, then I will listen.
Sometimes the application for a passage will lead to both types of plans. For example, my plans for applying the
principle of love in 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 might be:
I will be more loving toward Gail by:

Not complaining when I come home from work

Clearing the table after dinner
Bringing her roses next week
And if she has had a bad day, then I will listen to her feelings and not argue with her.
When neither the If ..., then ... nor the 1 ... 2 ... 3 ..." formats seems to work for one of our applications, we
probably do not yet have our concrete actions clearly worked out and should go back to Present, Parallels, or
Priorities. Every practical application will be one of these two types.
The Bible study Pyramid is a step-by-step system for generating personal applications from the Bible. As we
climb up one side, on the Read steps, we dig into the Bible to see what it says and means. At the top, Comprehend,
we look for the objective truth so that we identify the timeless biblical principles and avoid reading something into
the text that is not there. Then, as we move back down the other side, on the Apply steps, we personalize our insights
and put them into practice. Although this system can be used anywhere in the Bible, certain steps work better in
certain types of passages than others. We will take a close look at the various types of biblical literature in chapters 8
and 9.
The Pyramid may seem complex at first because there are so many steps, but it will become easier as you use it.
You will quickly see how your natural application abilities fit into each of the steps. You will be able to pinpoint the

steps where you are naturally strong and those that need additional work. As your skills improve with practice, you
will be able to apply the Bible more completely, thoroughly, and effectively.

Working It Through
Continue the study of Acts 27:27-44 that you began last chapter and climb down the steps of the Pyramid.





Heres the way I might have answered at each step:

Present: Im not a prisoner of a foreign government, being taken to trial by boat in a terrible storm, but I do have
rough seas in my life. I have a problem with one of my companys clients, a conflict with my daughters basketball
coach, and other difficult situations.
Parallels: The main parallel to my life is Pauls attitude in the middle of the crisishe remained calm, gave
instructions, encouraged everyone, and was a positive example of a follower of Christ. In both the problem at work
and the one at school, I need to explain my case calmly and confidently. But in doing this, I should be positive and
helpful, not negative, hateful, or divisive.
Priorities: My natural tendency is to get angry and tell someone off when I think he or she is wrong, or to shout
orders without being sensitive to the feelings of others. I think that God wants me to be more patient and
understanding. Perhaps through the way I communicate, I can be a positive witness for Christ.
Plan: With the conflict at school, I need to speak with the athletic director and\or the coach directly (not write a
letter) and explain my position carefully, calmly, and with concern for the feelings of the coach. I will:
1. Call the athletic director and set up an appointment to see him.
2. Write out my points beforehand so I wont get off on a tangent and get upset.
3. Meet with the athletic director and carefully explain my position, letting him know that I still respect him and the
coach as people.
In the problem with a client, I need to be ready to respond when the situation arises. If I see the CEO or CFO,
then I need to encourage them and keep our discussions on a positive plane rather than point out problems and
friction in our working relationship.

Chapter at a Glance
What does this principle mean for my society and

How is this relevant?

What back then is similar to today?

How can I make the timeless truth timely?


What does this truth mean for me?

Where are my areas of need, conviction, and


Where in my life might this truth possibly apply?


How should I adjust my priorities?

What should I change about my values, beliefs, attitudes,
or character?

What about my thoughts and motives should change?

What kind of person does God want me to become?

What does God want me to do about what I have

What steps will get me to that goal?

What should be my first step? How can I get started?

Areas for application:

Home School Work Church

Neighborhood World

Types of application plans:

Intentional: I will reach my goal by taking the
following steps.

Conditional: If ..., then I will ...

Chapter Six
The Window Looking In
Oh thou clear guardian of light
Its rays you permit to pass,
A silent sentinel at night
Guarding with your eye of glass.
Even when the winds do race
You shelter us from storm,
And provide a watching place
To view the shadowy form.
This may not be great poetry, but the ode does highlight the value of windows in modern life. Because of
windows, we can look in, and we can look out. Remember pressing your face against the windowpane during a
spring rainstorm? You could almost feel the water running down the outside surface, yet you were dry. You could see
trees swaying from the winds and flowers bending from the downpour.
Or how about those weekend trips with your family to Grandma and Grandpas house? As you pulled into the
driveway, you could see their smiling faces through the window, awaiting your arrival.
This chapter and the next will explain another helpful window. It is a window into Scripture and into our lives
the Application Window. This study method is presented as another approach for studying the Scriptures and finding
applications. Many people find the Bible study Pyramid extremely helpful for individual study and for teaching the
Bible. The Application Window has proven to be quite helpful to ministers in their sermon preparation.

Application Window


The Application Window is divided into nine windowpanes. In this chapter, we will fill in the first two rows as
we look through this Window into Scripture. In the next chapter, we will fill in the third row as we look out from
Scripture, through the Window and into our lives. Whether our text is a verse, a paragraph, or a chapter, the
Application Window can help us move from reading Bible words and learning their meanings to discovering Gods
Word and his message for us, today.
In this chapter and the next, we will look at two short passages of Scripture to illustrate how the Application
Window works. These are Judges 2:10-15 and 1 Peter 1:3-9. I suggest you open your Bible and read these two
passages, and then refer to them as we fill in the Window.
Focusing on our text, lets fill in each pane in the Window, starting with the row marked Then. The purpose of
this row is to put the passage in its historical and cultural context. Then refers to the time when the incident or story
occurred, or when the passage was written. Commentaries and other resource materials will be very helpful here.

Our objective for the first pane (#1) is to determine People's Need or Problem back Then. Questions to ask for
this pane are:
Who needed help?
What was going on?
What was the problem?
In Judges 2:10-15, a passage about Israel and idol worship, it would be good to know what the people were like
and what God had already told them about worshiping idols. It would also help to know about the idolswhich ones
were involved, how they were worshiped, and why they caused the Jews such problems.
The problem may not be quite so clear or easy to discern. Thats where a study Bible or a commentary will be a
valuable resource. In 1 Peter 1:3-9, for example, the people needing help were the Jewish believers in Christ who
had been scattered throughout the Roman Empire and who were being persecuted unmercifully by Emperor Nero. In
fact, Peter was probably executed shortly after writing the second of his two letters (2 Peter). Peter did not include
all those details in his letter, but they are an important part of the context.
Whether or not the past problem or conflict is obvious, we need to take time to find it. We must know the
problem to understand the solution.
This leads to pane #2. Here the objective is to determine God's Action or Solution to the peoples need or
problem back Then. It is vital that we see Gods action and find his solutionwhatever God does is always right and
good. Important questions to ask include:
How did God react?
What did God do?
What did God want the people to do?
Looking again at Judges 2:10-15, our answers would describe Gods anger and include a description of Gods
punishment. God reacted to his peoples refusal to obey him by removing his protection from Israel, thus allowing
enemies to defeat and plunder the nation. Gods desire was that his people worship him alone and not the worthless
gods of the nations around them.
Please note that a Bible passage may not describe an immediate and specific reaction from God through
immediate blessings or sudden catastrophes. At times we find God promising a future reaction or solution. Also, in
most of the incidents recorded in the Bible, God did not appear visibly or speak audibly. Instead, God spoke through
chosen human beings such as prophets and apostles or simply through previous messages in his Word. So we may
have to look a little deeper to see Gods reaction.

In 1 Peter 1:3-9, God was telling the persecuted Christians, through Peter, that he was allowing them to
experience trials and grief in order to test their trust and commitment. Regardless of the circumstances, they were to
remain strong in their faith, confident, secure, and joyful, knowing that their salvation was sure.
After describing the peoples problem and Gods action, we come to pane #3, People's Response or Obedience
back Then. Our objective for this pane is to determine how the people who received Gods message responded to
their problem and to Gods solution. To help find this answer, we can ask:
How did the people receive Gods message?
How did the people respond to Gods solution? What did they do to obey or disobey him?
How did God want the people to respond?
In Judges 2, God wanted the people of Israel to forsake their idols and turn back and worship him alone. This
passage begins a description of an often-repeated cycle in Jewish history:
God would bless his people with peace and prosperity.
The people would become complacent and then turn away from God to idols and other sins.
God would warn his people about their sin and eventually punish them.
The people would repent and ask God for help.
God would deliver his people from their enemies and bring them prosperity and peace once again.
Then they would become complacent and sin again.
On and on the cycle would go. Here we find that because the people did not turn away from their idols, God
punished them (as we saw under #2). This punishment led to great distress (Judges 2:15, NIV). In the next verse we
read how God responded to his peoples distress by raising up judges to deliver them from their enemies.
Regarding the passage in 1 Peter, we dont know from Scripture how the recipients of Peters letter received
Gods messagethe text does not tell us their reactions. From church history, however, we do know that at this time
thousands of Christians went to martyrs deaths, praising God and steadfastly refusing to renounce their faith in
Christ. Undoubtedly many of them had been encouraged by Peters letters and his faithful example.
This row is entitled Then because the focus is on the pastthe historical, cultural, and social context of the text
under study. When we fill in these three panes in the Application Window, we have completed the Read and
Understand stages discussed in chapter 1. The next stage is to fill in the second row, moving from the past to the
present, seeing the relevance of the passage and discovering the biblical principles involved. This is the Comprehend
stage from chapter 1.

It is important to remember, however, that as we answer questions for a pane in the Now row, our answers must
be consistent with what we learned in the Then row, above. In other words, the lessons and biblical principles must
come out of the textwe must be careful not to read our ideas into it. Nowhere is this more important than in this
first Now pane. Here we should not merely describe our current needs and problems. Instead, we should try to see
ourselves in the story and see how the people back Then were like us today. Every passage of Scripture has possible
applications for us, but not every passage has an application for every one of our problems and needs. We must let
God speak to us through his Word.
As we look through windowpane #4, therefore, our objective is to determine how Peoples Needs and Problems
of today are similar to what the people in the text faced back then. We know there are tremendous differences, but in
what ways are our struggles, dreams, pressures, and society similar to those of the people back then? To help find
this answer, we can ask:
With whom in the passage do I identify?
What tension, problem, conflict, or need sounds familiar?
How are the people in the story like us, like me?
In answering those questions for Judges 2:10-15, we might describe how easy it is for us to take Gods love and
blessings for granted, to become complacent in our relationship with him. And although most people in our society

dont worship statues made of wood, stone, or metal, other idols compete for Gods place in our livesmoney,
relationships, and careers, to name just a few.
Considering 1 Peter 1:3-9, we can readily identify current, personal trials. Although not nearly as severe as those
suffered by first-century Christians, the persecutions that we suffer for our faith are just as real and can cause us to
struggle or to doubt. There is continual tension between making a public stand for Christ and staying silent to ensure
personal comfort and status within a peer group. Here it could be helpful to imagine how we might react during a
very tough test of faith. How would we come through the refining process?
At this point the Bible passage begins to come to life.
The second windowpane in the Now row (#5) is for seeing Gods Action or Solution to our need or problem
today. This is where we begin to discover the timeless truth. We should be looking for the biblical principle that
applied back then, applies here and now, and applies in the future. To correctly fill in this pane, we can ask:
What is Gods answer to this question today?
What is Gods solution to our problem?
What is God doing now?
When it comes to idols (Judges 2), the principle is clear: God wants people, especially his people, to love and
serve only him, and he will use drastic means to bring us back to him.
Regarding persecution (1 Peter 1), God continues to hold out hope for all who follow him: our inheritance is
sure; we will come through these trials; we will be saved; our faith and future hope should be a source of deep joy.
Notice how much easier it becomes to answer these questions as we progress through the Window. In fact, fight
now Im sure you could fill in pane #6 very quickly. In this last pane of the Now row, the focus is on action and
obedience, looking for how God wants people to respond to his Solution\Action described in #5. This pane focuses
on answering the question So what? To do this, we can ask:
How does God want people to receive his message?
How does God want us to react?
What should people do?
For our discussion of idols, the point is that God wants his people to resist all religious and cultural idols and to
love and worship him alone, rejecting anything that might take his place.
In the study of 1 Peter, the principle is that God wants his people to persevere through their trials and
persecutions. We are to stay strong in the faith, we are to focus on the reality of Gods love and our future hope, and
we are to see our present struggles as part of Gods refining process.
Having completed the Then and Now rows of the Window, we are right on the verge of application. This brings
us to filling in the last row, which well do in the next chapter.

Working It Through
Turn to Hebrews and look at chapter 7 through the Application Window, writing the information in each pane of
the Then and Now rows. You can take the whole chapter, a paragraph, or a short passage.

Here are some possible answers:

Chapter at a Glance
Peoples Need\ProblemThen

Who needed help?

What was going on?


What was the problem?

Gods Action\SolutionThen

How did God react?

What did God do?

What did God want the people to do?

Peoples Response\ObedienceThen

How did the people receive Gods message?

How did the people respond to (obey or disobey) Gods


How did God want the people to respond?

Peoples Need\ProblemNow

With whom in the passage do I identity?

What tension, problem, conflict, or need sounds


How are the people in the story like us, like me?

Gods Action\SolutionNow

What is Gods answer to this question today?

What is Gods solution to our problem?

What is God doing now?

Peoples Response\ObedienceNow

How does God want people to receive his message?

How does God want us to react?

What should people do?

Chapter Seven
The Window: Looking Out
Taking it from her hand, I looked again at the mysterious photograph. All I could see were blotches of black and
white with no discernible design or identifiable image. It makes no sense. I cant figure it out, I stated matter-offactly as I handed the picture back to Mrs. Piper, my sixth-grade Sunday school teacher.
Take a closer look ... and look here, she responded, tracing her finger around the large dark spot in the center.
Confident that this was a waste of timeI had already checked out the snapshot carefully and thoroughlywith
doubting sigh I took the photo and looked again. It was magic! This time I could see a face, and it looked like the
face of Jesus!
Isnt it amazing how our perspective can change when we focus on something else, look from a different angle,
or listen to others? As in my experience with the Sunday school photograph, suddenly our eyes are opened and we
see new images, or we have new insights.
Too often, however, we block the process because we think we see everything or know it all and are not open to
any advice or counsel. Consider the teenage daughter who rejects Moms advice on dating, the wife who is closed to
her husbands comments about her actions at the party, the salesman who only pretends to listen to customers
suggestions, the pastor who is sure that he knows better than the elders. But in the process of being cocky and
defensive, we ignore or completely miss life-changing information. We fail to see the picture in the blotches.

God wants to give us insight into his will and into our lives. He wants to tell us how to live in a way that is
pleasing to him. He wants us to see lifes picture from his perspective. But for this to happen, we must listen to
Gods Word. We must be open to his counsel and direction.
Thats why the third row in the Application Window is so important. Its where application takes place, where we
begin to see our lives from Gods perspective. In the last chapter, we looked through the Window into Scripture, to
understand what was happening and what God was doing back Then. We also used the Window to see the relevance
of the passage Now, to discover the timeless truths. To complete the process, however, we must look back and out
from Scripture into our lives, answering the questions for the Me panes. This is the Apply stage from chapter 1.
This is not an easy process. It is natural to overlook or excuse our faults. In fact, it is much easier to preach to
others what we learn from Scripture than to apply the principles to our own life. As we approach this third row,
therefore, we should ask God to make us open to his Word and vulnerable to the Holy Spirit. We should also ask
God for courage to actually carry out what we learn, to make the changes that he wants us to make.
Now lets look again at the Window and make the passage personal.

Application Window

The first pane in the Me row (#7) focuses on our specific problems or needs today. Again, I must emphasize that
we should be looking for problems and needs that are parallel to those faced by the people in the passage. It will be
helpful to think about all of our current pressures, temptations, struggles, and opportunities, but this particular
passage will not apply to everything that we are facing.
Lets look again at Judges 2:10-15. In pane #1, we saw the problem: the nation of Israel, Gods chosen people,
had forgotten God and what he had done for them and had begun worshiping the gods of the people around them
(Baal and the Ashtoreths).
Later, as we looked through pane #4, we saw that people today also take Gods love and blessings for granted.
They become complacent in their relationship with God. We also said that although these days people may not
worship statues of wood, stone, or metal, they have other idols that compete for Gods place in their lives. Their
idols include money, possessions, abilities, pleasures, relationships, and careers.
Now, as we took closely into our lives in pane #7, we must honestly consider whether we have forgotten God and
have replaced him with idols. We must take the passage very personally. I must look for myself in the story.
Lets also consider our second passage, 1 Peter 1:3-9. In answering the questions for pane #1, we found that
Peter was writing to Jewish Christians, scattered throughout the Roman Empire, who were undergoing terrible
persecution for their faith. Many were being killed, fed to lions because they refused to renounce Christ.
For pane #4, we discovered that Christians today also suffer because of their faith in Christ. While not nearly as
severe as those struggles in the first century, these pressures and persecutions can cause believers to doubt and to
struggle with their faith.
Understanding that persecution is a contemporary issue, our next step, pane #7, is to think about the pressures,
struggles, and doubts that we now face.
To fill in pane #7, we can ask:
How am I facing a similar problem in my life?
How are the people in the passage like me?
Where do I feel uneasy, a sense of conviction?
After this we move to pane #8, where we consider Gods Action or Solution to those current problems or needs in
our lives. This shouldnt be too difficult if we did a good job at pane #5. As we have seen, panes #5 and #6 describe
biblical principlestruths that apply in the past, present, and future. So determining the answers for pane #8 means
bringing Gods action into our personal life situation, applying his solution to the problems and needs that we
honestly discovered in pane #7.
To find the answers for pane #8, we can ask:

What does God want to do in my life?
How is God involved with me?
What kind of person does God want me to become?

For the passage in Judges, in pane #5 we decided that Gods solution to the problem of idols is that he wants
people, especially his people, to love and serve only him. We also saw that God will use drastic means to bring his
people back to him.
Clearly that principle is timeless, and it applies not just to all people but to us as well, and to me specifically.
God wants me to love and serve him alone.
The same specific application can be seen in our second sample passage, 1 Peter 1:3-9. The principle we
discovered in pane #5 is that God continues to hold out hope for all who follow him. Their eternal destiny is settled
and their inheritance is sure; they will come through the trials and will be saved; they can have joy because of their
faith and future hope. When I know and understand that principle, I can apply it to my specific situation of
persecution. I can see how God wants to be involved with me.
At this point in the Window, we most definitely have answered the question So what? and are moving quickly
to Now what? When we know the need\problem and Gods action\solution, we can see what we should do about
it. This last pane in the Window (#9) brings us to the action plan. This pane assumes that we know our specific need
or problem (#7), Gods timeless truth (panes #5 and #6), and how God wants us to respond (#8). Here we outline the
specific steps we will take to obey God, to do what we know he wants us to do. This is Doing from chapter 1, and it
is where we design an action plan. (We mentioned this in chapter 5 and will cover it thoroughly in chapter 10.)
To fill in this last pane in the Window, we can ask:
What can I do to obey God?
What can I do to become the kind of person God wants me to be?
What specific steps should I take?
Answers for the idol situation might include confessing my sin to God and changing the way I spend my time
and money. For the persecution problem, my first steps might include memorizing verses about the hope I have in
Christ, finding a Christian friend for prayer and mutual support, and sharing my struggles with my pastor.
Of course, just writing these steps wont make them happen. I still have to actually do them. But deciding on a
realistic and specific action plan will bring me very close to actually applying the Bible to my life.

Many pastors have found the Application Window to be a tremendous help in sermon preparation. To do this
most effectively, I suggest that you prepare much as you would in personal Bible study, by working from left to right
as I have explained and demonstrated in the last two chapters. But when you preach, you may want to move down
the columns vertically, one pane at a time, so that you pace your application points.
Lloyd Perry, my homiletics professor at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, recommends a sub-point of
application for every main point in the sermon. In other words, dont save all the applications until the end when
people are least likely to be listening because theyre tired or thinking about what they have to do next. And, if
youre running late, you will be tempted to condense, generalize, or skip the challenge to action. Instead, sprinkle
applications throughout.
Also, consider providing tangible ways for people to respond to what they have heard God say to them through
your message. This will help them actually carry out what you may suggest for panes #8 and #9. You could provide
paper and pens for writing action plans, or you could include preprinted response cards in the bulletin. If the topic is
compassion, in the foyer you could display two or three special projects for which members could volunteer time
and money.
Obeying God means personally responding to what he tells us to do, and that involves action, not just promises.
Help your listeners do what they know they should.

Studying And Doing

Some people study, study, study and do very little about it. That would be like a football player who knows the
game thoroughly and has memorized the playbook (hes tremendously knowledgeable) but who seldom practices
and has never been in a game.
Others do, do, do and spend little time in study. That would be like an athlete who runs, throws, and catches
footballs by the hour (hes in tremendous condition) but who spends no time learning techniques and understanding
the game.
True Bible application involves both studying and doing. It means discovering what the Bible is saying to Me
and then doing what it says. Use the Pyramid and the Application Window to help you study the Word of God and
then do what it says.

Working It Through
Turn to Hebrews 7 again and finish working through the Application Window with the whole chapter, paragraph,
or short passage that you used in chapter 6. Write the information in each pane of the Me row below.

Application Window

Here are some possible answers for the Me row (Ive reprinted the previous rows of the Window for your

Application Window

An Application Window to photocopy

Chapter at a Glance
Peoples Need\ProblemMe

How am I facing a similar problem in my life?

How are the people in the passage like me?

Where do I feel uneasy, a sense of conviction?

Gods Action\SolutionMe

What does God want to do in my life?

How is God involved with me?

What kind of person does God want me to become?

Peoples Response\ObedienceMe

What can I do to obey God?

What can I do to become the kind of person God wants

me to be?

What specific steps should I take?


How to Apply the Bible.

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