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Approximately 100 Go To Texts For Biblical Counselors

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(Approximately) 100 “Go to” Texts for Biblical Counseling

I. General principles
A. The Bible is infallible and sufficient for counseling. 2 Tim 3:16-17
B. Apply the gospel specifically to every problem. Phil 4:12
C. You and your counselee are totally dependent upon God for success. John 15:5

II. Addressing various counseling problems

A. Conflict resolution
1. Pursue peace. Matt 5:9
2. Listen carefully and listen to both sides. Prov 18:13,17
3. First address your own sin. Matt 7:3-5
4. Confront your erring brother in love. Gal 6:1-2
5. Be prepared to follow the steps of church discipline. Matt 18:15-20
6. Christians should not sue other Christians in secular courts. 1 Cor 6:1f
7. Even if you do all you can to seek resolution, you may not succeed. Rom

B. Anger
1. Anger is murder. Matt 5:21-22
2. The cause of conflict is sinful desire. Jas 4:1-6
3. An angry person is dangerous. Prov 25:28

C. Revenge
1. Don’t take your own revenge. Trust God to do what is right. Rom 12:19-21
2. Show love to your enemy. Matt 5:43-48

D. Helping people who have been hurt by others (abused)

1. Bitterness is destructive. Heb 12:15
2. Joseph trusted God and thereby forgave his abusers. Gen 50:19-20

E. Communication
1. The tongue is a fire. Jas 3:6f
2. Use your words to build up, not tear down. Don’t always say whatever is on
your mind. Eph 4:29
3. Be slow to speak and quick to listen. Jas 1:19-20
4. Focus on understanding the other person rather than upon being
Phil 2:3-4
5. A gentle answer turns away wrath. Prov 15:1

F. Resisting temptation
1. God’s promise: you won’t be tempted beyond what you are able. 1 Cor
2. Joseph’s example. Gen 39:7-10
G. Lust
1. Lust in the heart is adultery. Matt 5:27-30
2. Flee lust. 2 Tim 2:22
3. You are responsible for what you think about. Phil 4:8-9 (also applies to
fear, worry, depression, etc.)

H. Fear
1. The fear of man brings a snare. Prov 29:25
2. Trusting in people is idolatry and will ruin you. Jer 17:5-8

I. Worry
1. Trust God to meet your needs. Matt 6:25-34
2. Pray with thanksgiving. Phil 4:6-7

J. Depression
1. Are you depressed because of your sin? Ps 32
2. The key to overcoming depression is not a change in your circumstances, but
an increase in your faith. Phil 4:11-13

K. Addictions
1. Addiction is seeking from some idol what God alone gives. Isa 55:1-2
2. The root problem is that some love pleasure more than they love God.
2 Tim 3:4
3. Substance abuse is sinful and destructive. Prov 23:29-35
4. “Co-dependents” make the addict their idol. Jer 17:5-8

L. Facing trials and calamity

1. God sovereignly works all things together for good. Rom 8:28
2. God uses trials in your sanctification. Jas 1:2f
3. Nothing can separate you from God’s love in Christ. Rom 8:31-39

M. Seeking forgiveness
1. From God. 1 John 1:8-10
2. From those you have wronged. Matt 5:23-24

N. Granting forgiveness
1. Forgive as you have been forgiven. Eph 4:32
2. The story of the unmerciful servant. Matt 18:21-35

O. Repentance
1. How can you tell if repentance is genuine? 2 Cor 7:9-11
2. An example of true repentance. Ps 51

P. Presenting the gospel

1. We are saved not by keeping the law, but by Christ’s atoning death.
Rom 3:20-26
2. Confess your sins. 1 John 1:8-2:2
3. The substitution of the Lamb of God for sinners. Isa 53:4-6
4. The thief on the cross as an example of salvation by grace. Luke 23:39-43
5. We are saved by grace alone through faith alone. Eph 2:8-9

Q. Assurance of salvation
1. If you truly believe in the Lord Jesus, you have been born of God. 1 John
2. If you are one of Christ’s sheep, He keeps you safe. John 10:28-29
3. If you have no regard for God’s commandments you are still lost. 1 John
4. If you have no love for the brethren, you have not been born of God.
1 John 4:8-9

R. Sanctification
1. The converted sinner is no longer to be labeled by his old deeds. 1 Cor 6:9-
2. Consider your old nature dead and your new nature alive in Christ. Rom 6:11
3. The believer is a new person with a new nature. 2 Cor 5:17
4. God will work to sanctify you. Phil 1:6
5. You are responsible to put forth effort in your sanctification. Phil 2:12-13
6. Learn and apply the put off and put on dynamic. Eph 4:22-24
7. Christ saved us that we might do good works. Titus 2:14

S. Church involvement
1. Regular attendance is mandatory. Heb 10:25
2. God wants you to commit (join), making yourself accountable to particular
church leaders. Heb 13:17
3. Each of us is to serve. 1 Pet 4:10-11
4. Each of us is to give as God has prospered us. 1 Cor 16:2

T. Work and employment

1. God’s design is that you work six days a week. Exod 20:9
2. Don’t be a sluggard. Prov 6:6-11
3. If someone refuses to work, he should not eat. 2 Thess 3:10
4. Serve God through your vocation. Eph 6:5-9
U. Finances
1. Planning (budgeting) is wise. Prov 21:5
2. Acknowledge God’s sovereignty over your finances. Jas 4:13-17
3. God gives you the ability to earn. Deut 8:18
4. Avoid debt. Prov 22:7
5. Don’t make an idol of money, but store up treasure in heaven. Matt 6:19-21
6. The love of money leads to every other evil behavior. 1 Tim 6:10
7. Be generous with those in need. 1 Tim 6:17-19
8. Giving to the Lord’s work should be the first item in your budget. Prov 3:9
9. Pay your taxes. Matt 22:17-21

V. Decision Making/Knowing God’s will

1. Wholeheartedly seek wisdom from God. Jas 1:5 (also see Prov 1-9).
2. Search for God’s moral will in the Bible. 2 Tim 3:16-17
3. Seek godly counsel. Prov 15:22
4. You can’t know God’s secret will. Deut 29:29
5. Submit your plans to God’s sovereign will. Prov 16:9
6. Trust God, that His way is best. Prov 3:5-6

W. Integrity
1. Simply tell the truth. Matt 5:37
2. Lying destroys relationships. Eph 4:25

III. Family issues

A. Marriage is divinely instituted

1. God’s design for marriage. Gen 2:18-23
2. God’s directive for marriage. Gen 2:24

B. The role of the husband

1. Loving. Eph 5:25-30
2. Understanding. 1 Pet 3:7
3. Serving. John 13:1f

C. The role of the wife

1. Submission. Eph 5:22-24
2. Dealing with an unsaved husband. 1 Pet 3:1-6 (see context 2:21-25)

D. Sex
1. All sex outside of marriage is wrong. Heb 13:4 (also see Gen. 2:24)
2. God wants us to be fruitful (have kids). Gen 1:28
3. Your sexuality belongs to your spouse. Don’t deprive him/her. 1 Cor 7:3-5
4. God wants married people to enjoy sex. Prov 5:18-19 (also Song of Solomon)
E. Child training
1. The duties of children. Eph 6:1-3
2. The duties of parents. Eph 6:4
3. The necessity of discipline. Prov 19:18
F. Divorce
1. God hates divorce. Mal 2:16
2. What God has joined, let no man separate. Matt 19:5-6
3. Adultery is a ground for divorce (the other person broke the covenant). Matt 19:9
4. Abandonment by an unbeliever is a ground for divorce. 1 Cor 7:15
5. Don’t leave your unbelieving spouse or drive him/her away. 1 Cor 7:12

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