Approximately 100 Go To Texts For Biblical Counselors
Approximately 100 Go To Texts For Biblical Counselors
Approximately 100 Go To Texts For Biblical Counselors
I. General principles
A. The Bible is infallible and sufficient for counseling. 2 Tim 3:16-17
B. Apply the gospel specifically to every problem. Phil 4:12
C. You and your counselee are totally dependent upon God for success. John 15:5
B. Anger
1. Anger is murder. Matt 5:21-22
2. The cause of conflict is sinful desire. Jas 4:1-6
3. An angry person is dangerous. Prov 25:28
C. Revenge
1. Don’t take your own revenge. Trust God to do what is right. Rom 12:19-21
2. Show love to your enemy. Matt 5:43-48
E. Communication
1. The tongue is a fire. Jas 3:6f
2. Use your words to build up, not tear down. Don’t always say whatever is on
your mind. Eph 4:29
3. Be slow to speak and quick to listen. Jas 1:19-20
4. Focus on understanding the other person rather than upon being
Phil 2:3-4
5. A gentle answer turns away wrath. Prov 15:1
F. Resisting temptation
1. God’s promise: you won’t be tempted beyond what you are able. 1 Cor
2. Joseph’s example. Gen 39:7-10
G. Lust
1. Lust in the heart is adultery. Matt 5:27-30
2. Flee lust. 2 Tim 2:22
3. You are responsible for what you think about. Phil 4:8-9 (also applies to
fear, worry, depression, etc.)
H. Fear
1. The fear of man brings a snare. Prov 29:25
2. Trusting in people is idolatry and will ruin you. Jer 17:5-8
I. Worry
1. Trust God to meet your needs. Matt 6:25-34
2. Pray with thanksgiving. Phil 4:6-7
J. Depression
1. Are you depressed because of your sin? Ps 32
2. The key to overcoming depression is not a change in your circumstances, but
an increase in your faith. Phil 4:11-13
K. Addictions
1. Addiction is seeking from some idol what God alone gives. Isa 55:1-2
2. The root problem is that some love pleasure more than they love God.
2 Tim 3:4
3. Substance abuse is sinful and destructive. Prov 23:29-35
4. “Co-dependents” make the addict their idol. Jer 17:5-8
M. Seeking forgiveness
1. From God. 1 John 1:8-10
2. From those you have wronged. Matt 5:23-24
N. Granting forgiveness
1. Forgive as you have been forgiven. Eph 4:32
2. The story of the unmerciful servant. Matt 18:21-35
O. Repentance
1. How can you tell if repentance is genuine? 2 Cor 7:9-11
2. An example of true repentance. Ps 51
Q. Assurance of salvation
1. If you truly believe in the Lord Jesus, you have been born of God. 1 John
2. If you are one of Christ’s sheep, He keeps you safe. John 10:28-29
3. If you have no regard for God’s commandments you are still lost. 1 John
4. If you have no love for the brethren, you have not been born of God.
1 John 4:8-9
R. Sanctification
1. The converted sinner is no longer to be labeled by his old deeds. 1 Cor 6:9-
2. Consider your old nature dead and your new nature alive in Christ. Rom 6:11
3. The believer is a new person with a new nature. 2 Cor 5:17
4. God will work to sanctify you. Phil 1:6
5. You are responsible to put forth effort in your sanctification. Phil 2:12-13
6. Learn and apply the put off and put on dynamic. Eph 4:22-24
7. Christ saved us that we might do good works. Titus 2:14
S. Church involvement
1. Regular attendance is mandatory. Heb 10:25
2. God wants you to commit (join), making yourself accountable to particular
church leaders. Heb 13:17
3. Each of us is to serve. 1 Pet 4:10-11
4. Each of us is to give as God has prospered us. 1 Cor 16:2
W. Integrity
1. Simply tell the truth. Matt 5:37
2. Lying destroys relationships. Eph 4:25
D. Sex
1. All sex outside of marriage is wrong. Heb 13:4 (also see Gen. 2:24)
2. God wants us to be fruitful (have kids). Gen 1:28
3. Your sexuality belongs to your spouse. Don’t deprive him/her. 1 Cor 7:3-5
4. God wants married people to enjoy sex. Prov 5:18-19 (also Song of Solomon)
E. Child training
1. The duties of children. Eph 6:1-3
2. The duties of parents. Eph 6:4
3. The necessity of discipline. Prov 19:18
F. Divorce
1. God hates divorce. Mal 2:16
2. What God has joined, let no man separate. Matt 19:5-6
3. Adultery is a ground for divorce (the other person broke the covenant). Matt 19:9
4. Abandonment by an unbeliever is a ground for divorce. 1 Cor 7:15
5. Don’t leave your unbelieving spouse or drive him/her away. 1 Cor 7:12