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Esp Cle5 Week 1 q3

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Notre Dame of Kidapawan College

Integrated Basic Education Department

Edukasyon sa Pagpapakatao /
Christian Living Education 5
(Quarter 3 – Week 1)

Gemma P. Belgira

“To educate children, you

must love them and love Monthly Theme:
them all equally.” Gratitude and Thanksgiving
- St. Marcellin Champagnat
Notre Dame of Kidapawan College
Integrated Basic Education Department

Sacrament of Marriage
Notre Dame of Kidapawan College
Integrated Basic Education Department

Learning Objectives
Define the sacrament of Marriage.

Discuss the sacrament of Marriage.

Draw a situation that shows respect on the sacrament of

Notre Dame of Kidapawan College
Integrated Basic Education Department

Marriage is defined as follows:

1. A covenant of love.

2. Between man and a


3. Intended for their common good and for the

procreation and education of children.
Notre Dame of Kidapawan College
Integrated Basic Education Department

Christian marriage has three (3) fundamental

1. Unity. We Christians are monogamous, as God said: “A man leaves his father
and mother and joins himself to his wife, and they become one body” (Genesis

2. Indissolubility. It means that divorce is not allowed.

3. Openness to Life. The spouses should accept the children that the Lord gives
them, and bring them up in the Christian faith; as the Lord said: “Be fruitful
and multiply” (Genesis 1: 28).
Notre Dame of Kidapawan College
Integrated Basic Education Department

What are the graces of Marriage?

1. Perpetual and Exclusive Bond

 The bond between husband and wife lasts until death, and cannot be
broken by any human being.
 It is also exclusive, because the spouse pledge to have a special and
unique love for each other.

2. The Sacramental Grace

 The grace of the Marriage strengthens the human love between the
spouses and helps them endure the difficulties of daily life.
Notre Dame of Kidapawan College
Integrated Basic Education Department

What are the requirements for Marriage?

1. Every Christian Catholic, who has no impediments, can

contract to Marriage.

2. Marriage should take place in the parish where one of the

two contracting parties resides.
Notre Dame of Kidapawan College
Integrated Basic Education Department

What are the requirements for Marriage?

3. They must present to the parish office of the church the
following documents:
 Baptism and Confirmation Certificates
 Certificate of Birth and Marriage License

4. There cannot exist a valid marriage between Christian

Catholic persons without being a sacrament.
Notre Dame of Kidapawan College
Integrated Basic Education Department

What are the impediments for Marriage?

1. Abduction, Force or Grave Fear

2. Affinity

3. Age

4. Consanguinity
Notre Dame of Kidapawan College
Integrated Basic Education Department

What are the impediments for Marriage?

5. Crime

6. Deceit

7. Disparity of Cult

8. Error

9. Impotence
Notre Dame of Kidapawan College
Integrated Basic Education Department

What are the impediments for Marriage?

10. Lacking Sufficient Use of Reason

11. Previous Religious Marriage

12. Public Propriety

13. Sacred Orders and Perpetual Vow of Chastity

Notre Dame of Kidapawan College
Integrated Basic Education Department

The Minister

 The ministers of Marriage are the

two (2) spouses.

 The priest is only the witness on the side of the Church.

Notre Dame of Kidapawan College
Integrated Basic Education Department

The Matter
 The matter of the sacrament of Marriage is the exchange of consent.

 The consent is the act through which a man and a woman profess to
unite themselves in marriage for the whole life.

 The consent must be complete, free, and conscious.

Notre Dame of Kidapawan College
Integrated Basic Education Department

The Form
 The form of Marriage is the exchange of consent.

 It can be in the form of question-and-answer (“Yes, I do”).

 “I (name) take you (name) here present, as your lawful spouse, to

have and to hold, from this day forward, for better and for worse,
for richer and poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us
Notre Dame of Kidapawan College
Integrated Basic Education Department

Activity( Please answer in ½ sheet sheet of paper.)

1. Who are the ministers in the sacrament of

2. What is the form in the sacrament of Marriage?

3. Based on our discussion, what are the definitions

of Marriage?

4. One impediment for Marriage is age. What does

it mean?
Notre Dame of Kidapawan College
Integrated Basic Education Department

Graded Activity
 Draw a situation that shows Criteria:
respect on the sacrament of Content - 10pts.
Marriage. Creativity- !0 pts.
Spelling - 5 pts.
 Then, write one sentence that Total - 25 pts.
tells about your drawing.

 Do the activity using long bond


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