Wildlife Conservation 1
Wildlife Conservation 1
Wildlife Conservation 1
Wildlife is a vital part of our ecosystem. Wildlife includes all animals and other
organisms. Many animals are in the danger of extinction and strongly need to be
saved. Animals add to the natural beauty of the earth. Humans activities become a
big threat to the animals. Hunting and fishing is a sport or recreation for some
people. Animals get killed indiscriminately. Some people kill animals for making
profits by selling their skins, meat etc. Poaching is done in some of the areas.
Elephants are killed for their ivory, alligators for their skin, birds for their feathers,
furs, hens for their meat. The list is non ending. Hunting of animals is not just a
cruelty done to the animals but also a shameful thing. By doing this, we make loss
of ourselves too. Deforestation is also one of the major causes of their extinction. As
the trees are cut for fuel, timber, wood, paper, thus the forest area is getting
diminished. Thus, the animals depending on the plants for their food also starve.
Due to the rapid urbanisation, trees and forests are being cut for the space to live
in. Hence, making a large number of animals homeless. Their natural habitat gets
destroyed. Animals are an important part of the food chain. Nature maintains a
delicate balance between plants and animals.Killing animals create an imbalance in
the ecosystem. We must promote wildlife awareness among each other through
posters or by educating them. As otherwise ultimately, the loss is ours only. There is
a strong need for wildlife conservation. The Indian government started various
natural projects and wildlife conservation programs such as Project Tiger, Nature
Camps and Jungle Lodges to promote the awareness of wildlife among the people.
These projects not only help to preserve and protect our natural heritage but also
encourage eco-tourism. The Indian government has been sucessful in protecting the
Tiger population. The Kaziranga National Park in Assam is also an effort to save the
endangered Rhinoceros. Other examples are: Gir National Park & Sanctuary in
Gujarat, Sunderbans National Park in West Bengal and Kanha National Park in
Madhya Pradesh. So, there is a need of habitat conservation , wildlife protection and
wildlife conservation . We can help by making non demanding of animalss meat,
skin or other materials obtained by them by killing them. Wildlife conservation is as
necessary as we ourselves are.So, conserve wildlife and save the life of the world.
The skin of snakes is in great demand for making fancy leather goods, so the snake skin sells at a
high price in the market. Now, to make some easy money, some people kill the snakes
indiscriminately in large numbers to obtain their skin.
This large scale killing of snakes disrupts the food chains in which snakes occur and creates an
imbalance in nature. For example, snake is a friend of the farmer in the sense that it eats vermin's
like rats and mice which are pests and damage the crops.
Now, when the snakes are killed in large numbers to obtain their skin, the population of snakes is
reduced greatly. Now, due to the lesser number of 'predator' snakes, the population of pests like
rats and mice in crop-fields increases. The increased number of rats and mice in the fields
damages the standing crops leading to loss in the production of food-grains.
It is very important to conserve wildlife to maintain the ecological balance in nature and to
preserve the gene pool. Some of the measures (or steps) to be taken for the conservation of
wildlife are given below:
1. Laws should be made to impose a total ban on poaching (killing) or capturing of any animal or
bird belonging to an endangered species. The poaching of an endangered species of animals and
birds should be made a punishable offence. Such laws should not remain on paper only, they
should be enforced strictly.
2. Even if some type of wild animals and birds are in abundance today, their indiscriminate
killing should not be allowed by the forest authorities.
3. The natural habitats of wild animals and birds should be preserved by establishing National
Parks and Sanctuaries throughout the country.
4. The Government Department connected with the conservation of wildlife should conduct a
periodic survey in all the forests, National Parks and Sanctuaries to have knowledge of the
population of all species of wild animals and birds, so that these animals can be helped in the
times of distress like floods and famines.
5. Special attention should be paid to the conservation of endangered species of wild animals and
birds to prevent their extinction altogether.
6. The unauthorised felling (cutting) of forest trees for timber trade and fuel-wood should be
curbed (stopped) immediately. This is because depletion of forests destroys the natural habitat of
wild animals and birds, and exposes them to the cruelty of man as well as nature.
7. In the case of Government authorised felling of forest trees, for every acre of forest cut down,
an equal area of land should be planted with saplings of trees to make up for the loss in the long