Research Proposal
Research Proposal
Research Proposal
1.0 Introduction
This research will try to show and prove supported by collected data in learning how to write
simple sentences through Kinesthetic Mnemonic approach. Writing is an activity with a purpose.
A person may write in order to gain information or verify existing knowledge, or in order to
critique a writers ideas or writing style. A person may also write for enjoyment, or to enhance
knowledge of the language. The purpose for writing is to guide the students on how to write
good simple sentences.
One of the most interesting results of this body research was that the learning strategies
with the use of Kinesthetic Mnemonic in learning verb to be for between students who used the
techniques with those students who did not use the verb to be possible because they are less
likely to create effective strategies on their own. In some studies, the students are less capable of
understanding the strategies are indistinguishable from those who cannot be taught with direct
strategy. This study will show that understanding to write simple sentences using Kinesthetic
Mnemonic techniques will make the students:
integrate information using two hands to find their own sentences based on the picture
Hopefully this research will assist teachers to look for ways in reducing the problem of
students writing strategies and propose other alternative in teaching writing with the use of
kinesthetic mnemonic in learning verb to be and at the same time could contribute to the lack of
research in this area.
However, writing simple sentences is a problem for the students whereas identifying
students' weaknesses can be detected through tests or examinations. For this purpose, the
researcher will carry out the research relating to the teaching of writing skills. Samples were
taken during the first Semester Examination which was held in May 2015, it was found that
some of the students were able to write simple sentences without guidance with the words given.
Still most of them could not write any sentences based on pictures cue, where they were simply
just copying down the words given to them with so many grammatical mistakes. Thus, it
showed that the students need to be exposed on how to write the simple sentences with verb to be
technique that could help them to write simple and proper sentences.
For this problem, studies from the grass roots needed to be implemented to ensure that
these problems can be prevented. Students who are in Level two should have mastered in writing
simple sentences but still there are some of them who are still lagging behind. They are not only
weak writing a simple sentences but also the used of verb to be.
By referring to the KBSR English Language Syllabus (2001), writing skills were
emphasized as early as preschool and continue to Year 1, the government efforts can be seen by
giving the pupils a solid foundation in English. The English subject itself has stated the skills that
emphasizes on writing simple sentences at the end of primary school later write a simple
sentences without guidance and express ideas in simple language can be mastered. This
component is also focused on developing writing skills in the beginning of a word, phrase, and
then to the development of writing sentences and paragraphs.
Students are also taught various measures available in the literature component, such as
planning, drafting and reference and editing. Attention is also given for instant writing in the
paper chain. At the end of the school year, students are also supposed to be able to write a list,
messages, letters, directives, instructions, poems and short stories, descriptions and brief reports.
Thus, writing has become an important aspect and to teach these skills should start at the earliest
stage that is Year 1. If left unchecked, problems such as copying down the words or writing
sentences with plenty of grammatical errors will still be visible even if the students have finished
primary school.
To analyze whether Kinesthetic Mnemonic can motivate students to learn and write
simple sentences.
5.0 Research Questions
The main objectives of this research intend to meet the following:
information and to seek out on how they go about their writing. Another set of questionnaire
were distributed to the same students to elicit information of the teaching technique used by their
teacher. This was done to find out the extent to which the technique to be used to them in
learning English.
The next instrument used in the research is tests. There were two tests comprised of pre test and post-test. The aim of the pre-test was to determine students vocabulary skills in relation
to the lesson design for this research. Later, an experiment was conducted whereby Kinesthetic
Mnemonic in learning verb to be will be used for the experimental group. Finally, post-test used
to obtain students progress after the experiment.
7.0 Reference
Brown, J.S., A Collins, and P. Duguid (1989). Situated Cognition and the Culture of
Total Quality Education Conference, Asheville, NC, March 30-31, 1994. (ED 376406)
Doss, R. R. 1992. The relationship between low achievement and bodily-kinesthetic
intelligence in fourth and fifth graders. Doctoral dissertation, University of North Texas.
Grant, Sister Marie. 1985. The kinesthetic approach to teaching: Building a foundation
King, K., & Gurian, M. 2006. Teaching to the minds of boys. Educational Leadership.
Kuala Lumpur.
Open University Malaysia (2007) HBEF4106 School Based Research: Kuala Lumpur.